Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1890, Part One, Image 1

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t * '
L *
Discovery of a Devilish Plot to Entrap
General Brooke and His Soldiers.
Ho Stops Over Night with a Band of Sup
posed Friendly Indians.
The Troops to Bo Shot Down Like Dogs
in a Narrow Defile.
General Brooke Tolp rnplis to Oinah n
or Moro Companies Both of In-
fkntry nnd 'Cavalry Trouble
Kxpcctcel Monday.
I'INK Rinon AOESCY , S. I ) . , Nov. 23.
( Special Telegram to THE BEB.-TUO Hrst
knowledge thnt the ghost dancers had com
menced plotting to entrap the soldiers was
brought to Indian Agent Roycr tonight by
William D. McGaa , foimorly nn Indian scout
ami now nwcalthv ranchman living to the
vicinity of Buffalo Gap.
McGunwas tracling overland on horse
back and nlono. Ho cnjoyo u w Ido friendship
among the Indians generally , nnd last night
staid nt one of the lodges about midway be
tween this point and Buffalo Gap. Ilo had
placed very little dependence In the reported
scare and thcrofoio felt no fear In lying
down nnd going to sleep In n tepee full
of bronzo-fticcd follows , notwithstanding ho
noticed that they were all fully armed , A
little curiosity , however , prompted him to
feign sleep and keep his cars open during tbo
early pait of the nlghU
The result was that ho se
cured Infoimntlon as startling as
It wns valuable nntt that removes
ceiy vestige of cjoubtns to the bloodthirsty
. villainy w hlch has taken possession of tlio
ghost dancers.
After ho hnd been In bed some little tlmo
a couple of hours or moro ono of the red
skins bent over him to discover whether ho
wns asleep. To nil appearances ho was.
Then ho hoard them got up and begin a
whispered consultation. Foi the ilrst tlmo In
his life , McGaa says , ho almost doubted his
own ears. The Indians with Whom he had
laid down to sleep with n feeling of the ut
most sccuilty wcro deliberately plotting to
lead General Brooke and bis soldiers Into an
ambush and shoot them down. >
v Their plan , as McGaa heard fiom tbclrown
lips , Is to continue tlio ghost dance until the
troWi try to stop It. The place selected to
cany out their muidorous design Is n point
sixteen nnd ono-half mites noith of
heie , nnd a moio advantageous locality for
so dovlllsh a deed probably docs not exist
an } where else on the face of the entire con
tinent. It Is where the White Horse creek
empties into the Wounded Knee nnd lies In
something of nn nmphlthcitcr shnpo The
only practical way of leading to the spot Is
by a road that follows along the bank of
White Horse cicck. Upon cither side of this
road and creek nrc dense clumps of trees , so
jnnny as to almost form a wall upon cither
side of the approach. The plot is to have n
ghost dance in the center of this amphi
theater and ha\o the woods on cither side
of the road full of Indians. When thomllltary
comes up to stop the dance they would be
easily shot down by the Indians in ambush
on either side. By lining the road with thch
Winchesters for the distance of a mile and
letting the troops got well into the ninplu
theater , they wcro calculating they coule
wipe out every soldier that came , and the cal
culatlon is n perfect one.
\ As McGau Imparted the information te
A pen ttto > cr , the latter could only exclaim
"That settles ill That settles It I My God
how thuiiKful wo-bhould bo fortlil ? iuforma
tion. "
"The situation Is now graver than over,1
exclaimed General Brooke , "I now can fern
no Idea whatover'ns to when wo shall bo able
to leave this locality. "
McGaa's report Is being kept as secret nc
possible by those in command , as , Indeed
nro all other repot ts that con to In nny news.
Big Crow , ono of the frletully chiefs nov
hero at the agency , gave mo to understand
through nn Interpreter , thnt ho thought a bam
of the dancers would como hi tomorrow on i
spying trip. Well , If they do they wll
rue It. Big Cro\v Is on very friendly term :
wlU' many of the fanatics and what ho siiy ;
is generally relied on.
Colonel W. B. Hughes of Orraha am
Colonel M. I. Ludlngton of Washington
both qunrtmastcr department men , arrlvci
today , butwhethcrtbclrcomlngls sigultlcan
of anything Interesting or not U not known
I have Indulged In the novelty of pay Ing 2 ,
cents for a copy of TUB Biu every day slncv
my arrival , that being the present war-tlin
It Is estimated tonight that between fiv
mid six thousand of the friendly IndiansImv
responded to Agent Uojer's order and or
now qunitcred within tno agency nnd upo
the neiir-nt-hand Hills which surround ui
This U nearly all of the friendly ones , an
the woik of dealing with the rebellious wll
it Is thought , certainly begin on Monday.
Another galling gun will be hero tonight
mul mtuo morning will como 100 extra gun
for the agency pollco force , which has bee
Increased from thlrty-lho to live hutidre
men by nn older received today froriVasl
No Water's bind has followed thooxnmpl
set by Little Wound's people , and tonlgl
notllled Agent Hoycr that they had done w it
bin. and the agency , and if the soldiers Intci
fpred with them they would light to th
Thus the Bcldlcrj know thc.v will hn\e t
fnco and fight nt leist seven hundred armed
Indian wntilow , providing the latter keep up
their nci\c , nnd the host calculations seem to
point to Monday or Tuesday as the probable
tlmohcn this facing and fighting will bo
Two hundred vnrrlors from Kosobud have
Joined the dancers , nnd n seout found them
moving this way this morning as fast as their
horses could carrj them.
iNo more soldiers lime arrived , though re
ports hae it that they nro expected hourly ,
especially cavalry. *
General IHooko told mo tonight that ho
hadXX ( ) men within forty-eight hours of
here , though ho declined to talk nt any
length whatever on the subject.
Jack Heel ( Jloud , son of the old chief , and
u ho has been considered as ono of the bad
men among the ghost danceH , surprised
those \\lio knew him at the agency by ap
pearing hero tonight. I talked with
him through nn Intel pietor nnd ho
made n surpilslng assertion that all
the dancers uould como in tomorrow as the
good Indians nro doing.
But. lit tic or no dependence ran bo placed
In such a statement , which to those who
know him sounds uttcily ilctlculous. If the
dancoisdo coinolnjit will undoubtedly bo
strictly for a fight nnd nothing else.
None of the officials to whom I have spoken
rcgai cling Jack's assertion know \vhat to
A llttlo after Jack had appeared Standing
Klk , chief of the Choyenncs , came In nnd
told Agent 1'ojcrthat ho had decided to
call oft his braves and order them not to
dance any more.
Agent Hoycr savs ho Relieves both these
men tobo heic slmplv as suics , nnd ho fears
their corning means a fight sooner than was
This has been the qnartcily pry day hero
forofllccrs nnd cmplojes at the agency. It
was for the quarter ending September 30 ,
being the llnnl ono of ex-Agent Gallughei's
administration. Neatly $50,000 was paid out ,
being principally In silver dollars to the In
dian In consequence of its
being pay dayj the post tinders ,
stores limo done a mammoth business
for the hullcns who can afford to
ll\o high mid buy so long as they Imvo n
penny left. The better class of Indians who
are hcio diets vciy tastefully , but the
bquaus , tnnny \\homstlil live in tepees ,
" " the ladies by going
appear "killing , ns sny ,
about with a bustle under a blanket. Thn
appendage U ns frequently v orn on the side
or front as it fs behind , gh iug nn effect that
\vould make our Omnha ladles fairly scream
with laughter. It would pay the club men
of Omaha to take a um out hero to sco the
squaw imildens. They Mould bo agreeably
surpilsed nt the prottlncss of anumocr 01
them , but they arc as shy as deer and estranger
stranger can get only about as close to them
as deer. - As a rule these Pine KIdgc
ngcnoy people are very sociable , but only n
few of them can talk English. As a result
the newspaper men have found It necessary
to put in e\cry moment spare time learning
Indian phiases' .
As a last uoid tonight concerning the sltir
ation , it Is almost perfectly described hy
MajorBuike , Code's manager. The majoi
sums It up thus :
"It 1ms como to the point of being a greal
bluff between the two sides the tioopsanc
the ghost dancers. The side that can vow
this bluff to the most successful finish wll
win. "
Later General Brooho has just tele
graphed for two moro companlei
of Infantry from. Omnha to come
at once and guard supplies a
Kush\lllo. lie has also ordered a company
of canlry to como at once and ono on Mon
day. This will Inform the public more thai
anything of tlio Roilousncss of the sltuutloi
tonight , and completely piwes that TIM
llii'f > dlbpatchcs from this point during th <
past tluco days have exaggerated nothlnf
regarding the true state of affairs.
Two of the best , wisest and most re
liable scouts In the government's employ re
ported to General Brooke nt 0 o'clock las
night that 150 lodges of the Wounded Knee
fanatics , Including some of the most dcspcr
ate and treacherous redskins In this part o
the countly , had moved to Whlto River
twenty nillos north of here , nnd had ngalr
begun the ghost dance in a wilder mannc
than has been known thus far. The scout :
said they talked with several of the leaders
and the latter oil declared that the ;
and their associates had fully deter
mined that they would shoot an ;
government oftlciuls or soldiers who at
tempted to suppress the danco.
This Is considered by far the most sense
tioniil news that has como to General Brooki
since his arrival. Upon no previous occasloi
during the present scare have any such dec
larntlons or any approaching thorn been mad
by the dancers. A fact that adds to the grca
seriousness In this cose Is that all the Indian
in these 150 lodges are armed with Winchesters
tors , navy revolvers nnd knives , and the (
luuo largo quantities of ammunition and pro
visions nud also are receiving heavy rein
forcoinents hourly.
General Brooke received n telegram froi
General Miles last night giving him power t
call Just ns many more troops to this point the
ho deemed expedient.
Some few of the scouts and Indian polk
who were sent out Thursday to notify th
non-dancing faction to move into tho-agenc
precincts until the present trouble la scttlci
returned last night and reported that the Ii
diana to whom they wcro sent signified a po
feet w IlllnBiiess to do as requested , A riun
her of these immediately put 01
their flres , folded their tepees and U (
companlcd the scouts and police Into tl
ngcnoy. It is expected that nil of the ;
friendly Indians can be gotten In by Hunilu
night. If thU can bo accomplished the inoi
sensational and dangerous work of the crls
that of bringing the disturbers to time-
will begin Monday moining.
I have it on good authority that Genor. .
Biooko has received intimation that the wi
department will certainly Insist upon tl
suppression of the ghost dance at all bazar
This Is substantiated by the fa
that additional troops are now on tl
\ny here , ns I slated in n previous
Isp.itch , nnd that more have been ordered
icld under marching orders.
Uoth the commandant and agent were
greatly chagrined nnd nettled nt learning
ast evening that another lot of some
hreo hundred Itosobud warriors had put in
nn npj > caraiico , as If they had risen out of the
earth , only twelve miles northeast of hero.
nnd wcro preparing to establish a ghost dance
icnnco. These all have Winchesters and nro
ladud down with ammunition. C. H. 0.
Indian Agent Hoycr Kceclvcs an In-
tcrrntlnic Communication.
PI\E Hindi : Anuvcv , S. D. , via Ilueimnr ,
Nob. , Nov. 2.J. [ Special Telegram to Tur.
UFK.J Census Knumerator Leo arrived hero
his morning from a trip through the moro
llstnnt portion of the reservation. Ho says
hat not n doubt exists but the dances will
iroclpltato a light within a very few dajs.
The settlers on the border of tbo reservation ,
10 sua , nro 11hip out nnd nro fairly wild
, Uth terror.
General llrooko was receiving scouts nnd
; lvlng orders nearly the entire night. Ho
s\cr > non-comniitnl , but it is plain thnt ho
s thoroughly worked up and much troubled
oxer the crisis which heeayuls only a few
days ahead of us.
Lono.Bull , ono of the ghost dancers , has
list shown hhmclf at camp nnd Is antlous to
ulk with General Brooke. Ilo Is the Hrst of
.ho fanatics who has the boldness to enter the
agency. The general said ho would hear
vhat Bull had to say Inter In the day. numbers of friendly Indians are con
stantly arriving at the agency.
Indian Agent Hoyer received the following
\ory sensational communication from Little
Wound , tbc high priest of the ghost dancers ,
this morning :
Llttlo Wound H.IJS bo understands the
soldiers arc coming nn the jesun utlon. What
aio they cumins for ? \Vo ba\e clone nothing.
) nr dance Is a religious il nice , so u o are going
odiinco until the spring. Ifo find then thnt
Christ does not appeal wo will stop , but not In
ho meantime. Troops or uo troops ,
\o shall start a dance on this
clock ( Medicine Root creek , fifty miles
101 tb of Pine Hld o aKcncy cimp )
n tlio morning. I ha\u also understood that I
was not tobo recognl/ed .is a chief nny longer.
Ul that lluoo to say Is that you nor the
wlilto people made mo chief and you uunnot
blow me aw.iy us you plcii'-c. Hut let me
ellen , Dr. Hoycr , that by them I will 1)0reo-
ognlzed as long us I live. I lia\o also been
told thut you Intended to stop our rations
ind annuities. Well , for my pint I don't care.
The llttlo rations wo get do not amount to
nnytjilng , but , Dr. Itoyor , If such is the case ,
plcn'o send me woid , so ino and my pco-
> lelll bo s.i\oil thu trouhlo of going to the
agency. Wii do not Intend stop dnnolng.
When asked what , reply ho Intended mak-
ng , Dr. Uoycr snld ho had not decided.
C. H. C.
I'resoiice of the Troops There Worries
tlio Indians.
Roinnui ) AOKNOV , S. D. , ( via Valentino ,
Nob. ) Nov. liJ. [ Special Telegram to THO
tlr.F.J The arrival of the troops hero took
the Indians completely by surprise. Tow arc
nt present at the agency. Tboso who are
here have an Injured air , as if their rights
were being trampled upon. At no time dur-
ng the fall hnvo they been ugly or defiant ,
but the agent with the native pollco force
lias not been able to break up the "ghost"
dunces. tTho teaching of Short Bull
lias been known for over a jcai
hoio and only a few have
taken any stock In It. Hations wcro .short
for several weeks , crops n complete failure
and while waiting for new supplies , the lull ;
of nn outbreak was circulated by some of the
school teachers.
There is also some discontent among those
living along White river nnd Pass creek be
cause the secretary of the interior has ordeiod
them to move east of Black Pipe creek , as
the land on which they nro living belongs tc
tha Pine Hidgo Indians. Tbo abseuco of
Agent Wright gave them a grand
chance to got up an excitement ,
Theio Is always moro dancing
In winter than at nny other time. This jear
the dancing commenced earlier nndin a largo
camp near the agency.
THE BEE correspondent has seen several
men today. They taht quietly nnd seem hurt
to think they must bo watched.
Hushes Forward said : I am sad. These
soldiers are hero to scare us. I aid not joh
the danco. I don't want to light. Ilwotoc
many children to feed to spend any time
fighting. My hcait is sad.1' Ho was on his
way to Valentino with a load of bones wblct
ho was hauling one hundred miles.
Five companies tv/o of cavuliy and three
of infantry aio camped at the commissary
building. The Indians are quiet and nc
trouble is anticipated. The day schools an
all closed and the teachers are at the agency
Tlio Wnr Department Authorizes tin
Addition ol'Fivo Hundred.
WASUINOTOV , Nov. 23. The war depart
mcnt has authorized the number of Indlai
scouts in the division of Dakota to bo iu
creased by five hundred men. They will b (
selected from among the Indian pollco am
other disciplined Indians in the division.
Major General Schoflcld this aftcrnoot
said that every hour that passed without nt
outbieak brightened the prospects of i
peaceful settlement 6f the pending disturb
Secretaries Proctor nnd Noble were in con
sultationiespccting the situation this after
noon with the president , who has manifesto ;
much interest in the subject , and It was decided
cided that two regiment of cavalry should bi
sent to Pine Hldge agency from Arizona am
Now Mexico.
Dlsnatchps received from General Mile
state that trie separation of the friendly an <
turbulent Indians is proceeding rapidly n
Pine Ridge. General Brooke anticipates in
immediate trouble and thinks the soparatloi
will make cosier the task of restraining tin
tuibulcnt Indians from overt acts.
Telegrams were also received couflrmntor ;
of tbo reports that the Messiah craze i
rapidly extending In the north and across th
Canadian line under the operation of Slttln ,
Bull's emissaries.
The Situation at Crow Crook.
WASHINGTON-Nov. 20. Acting Commis
slonor Bolt has received tbo following tele
gram from Agent Dlxon : The Indians u
Crow Creek and Lower Brule are under cor
trol. Have had three leaders from other res
onations under control at Crow Creek nn
have discharged them under promises c
good behavior. The Indian pollco nro sufl
llclent protection under the present Indie.i
cations. * Thcro are no Indians away fro.
the reservation so far as the pollco cun ascei
tain. |
A Humored MUKHIK.MO ,
MiNNF.Ai'oi is , Minn. , Nov. SW. The Join
nnl's Pierre , B. D , special mays } A tolcgr.u
from Gettysburg , Potter county , states the
severt persons wcro killed by Indians nen
Lebenu. Protection Is asked for. A tele
gram was received from Hermoso , m th
Black Hills , asking for 2100 rillcj. No on
hero credits the report of the massacre.
Organized n Homo Guard.
, Neb , Nov. 2Special [ Tcl (
to TUB Btn. ] The citizens of Husl
vlllo and vicinity have organized a hoin
guard of 100 men and have asked Govcrnc
Thuycr for arms and ammunition. Tlics
nro simply precautioniirj > ; easurc3 nnd looks
o the protection of the tatvn lu the event the
roopi are removed before spring , as It Is
tcnerally believed thaP trouble- will arise
hen If over. i t
No additional troops hays arrived hero j ct ,
nnd It Is now asserted' thnt no moro will be
ent except in cnse jf wklv In thnt event the
orco nt Vine Uldga U' . entirely Inadequate to
cope with the savages. . M
AT HT.tXlHXf ]
ARCH ! MoljaUKhllrt Pajrn a Visit to
Hitting HII'H | | Cnnip.
i'oup , Mlnn , , NoV , 22. A Standing
lock Agency , N. D. , special to the Tribune
says ! Major McLau Uln's visit to Bitting
lull's camp had tha t/Tcct of stopping for
i time ut least tbo ghqji't dances. McLaugh-
In received a lettcwj-'froin Sitting Bull
esterday , who say J bo has taken a
rlend's advice nnd intppued the dances.
lull's child Is very stclf r no would como to
ho agency today to dr W rations. It Is ro-
lortcd hero that Bull' ' Vf following Is growing
ess because the Messiah has not appeared.
and thnt discourages the chief. The agent
thinks there Is no pv'ouablllty of trouble
at present and rmxy not bo this
vlnter or spring. Ho Ifrtworktnghard on the
ndians with n corps otv dblo assistants and
nukes strong nrgutncnw ngainst the crazo.
I'ho Dcopkion the casttdOof the river nro
leelng for tholr lives , \\ith no ono In pursuit.
1'ho excitement in all unwarranted. Honor t.s
if n massacre forty milMnouth are believed
.o bo unfounded , U
ST. PAUI , Minn. , N8y . 22. Ono company
of infantry was sent ( rim Fort Snelllng this
afternoon to Mandau. u ko people are still
alarmed. L
ItuniihiR I'rctyi Nothing.
Mtnn./Nor. , 23 Tlio Trib-
ino's Aberdeen , S. D. , special sa > s : Reports
udtcate that the Indlaitjscaia Is general all
along the east side < tt the Missouri river
north of I'iorro to Man ft en. The settlers are
) ocomlng very much nmrmcd and nro fleeing
, o towns , leax'lng mosL < of their possessions
johlnd them. At Gettysburg there seems tex
x > the most exoltomout and Governor Mel-
otto has gene there w night with a largo
supply of arim aud aratjmnltlon. Telegrams
wcro received by hlnK this afternoon from
several points nsking jfoi1 assistance. Dis
patches from the commnader ntFoitYatcs
ind Sully say everything. Is quiet. It la evi
dent thnt mosl of the nmrrn is groundless.
Settlers Ilaelly Beared.
Miv.vrAroi.i3 , MmnJLKov. 22. A special
i the Tiibuno from ManOan , N. D. , says :
Settlers have been coming in o Simm , forty
miles west of here , nil fdy. Roving binds of
Sioux scared them. Move guns were shipped
xnilght. A dispatch ffyn ; Fort Kcoglr stntos
ihat the TwentysccilrraInfantry leaves
[ vcogh Monday morning11 for Fort Lincoln. It
is reported nt Kcoch thit troops from Ellis
nnd Mlssoula received slnMlnr orders to bo
ready for active work 1 Nortn Dakota. The
action of the Indians Bntiifics cberybody thnt
gra\ danger exists of au outbreak In the
spring if not before. Forties in today from
Mojer county report the insolent behavior of
the Indians. _ t
The State aillftia pklercd to I'rcpnro
'to Take thV Field.
BnATmcr , Nob. , No . 22. [ Special Tele-
cram to Tun Buc.1 Geieral ) Colby last even
ing issued the following order :
BEATIUCE , Neb. , Nerv , 21. Colonel J. P.
Pratt , Bonnet , Nob. } r | You will report at
once to brigade hcadcnjriors ) the number of
oftlcers and men hi oaeb' rapanv oJJAhej. 'irst '
regiment , Nebraska JNJ&oiial guard , ' "ready
f or ImmcdhUo ser lct jCaad. have your com
mand in readiness for .marching orders at a
day's notice. KcspecVfAlly ,
- L. W. COT.UT ,
General Commanding F lrst Brigade , N. N. G.
Eager to Got to tlio Front.
Neb. , No ? . 22. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Bnn.l-pCompany D of the
Second regiment received orders at 4:30 : this
afternoon to hold themselves in read !
ness to move at * twenty-four hours'
notice to the northwest part of the state to
assist in quelling the Tjiilian outbieak that is
now pending. The compauy asbcmblcd at
headquarters at 7:30 : tonight and arranged
picliininarios for marchinir on short notice.
Colonel Bills , commanding ttio Second , is
hero nud will have his regiment in leadincbs.
The Doys are all eager to try alittlocampllfc.
York's Mllltiu Company.
, Neb , Nqv.22.- ( Special Telegram to
Tur BPE. ] Lieutenant Osborno of Company
A , rirstiegimont , Nebraska National Guard ,
of this city , received U. Dispatch this after
noon from Colonel Pratt , asking how many
men could be got reqcly In a day's notice to
go to the scat of the Indian trou olo. Here-
ported forty men In his company read ) for
service , _ . .
Came In After Fire AVnter.
VALBNTINF , Neb. , NjW. 22. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BnE.1 The Snly Indian In town
yesterday came in on.tno run , and , exciting
some suspicion that jjo might boa runner
from the hostile camp , was soon put under
surveillance. Ho had ] not bcv n hero Jong
when his errand became/ apparent , as ho
entcied the back yard of Strickland's saloon
and shortly after canW out , but did not Boom
in nny hurry to leaVe town. Pretty soon
ono Jim Irwin went oiii the back way with
nn Innocent looking sack over his shoulder.
He took a circuitous route , but finally stnited
out of town on the Rosebud road , being fol
lowed b > Hon. A. J. Burn bam nnd Dcputv
Sheriff Johnson. Irwin was seen by them to
put the sactc In the brush and i oturniug beckon
to the Indian in the distance where ho found
the sack They , howejvcr , went nnd got the
sack and found inside two gallons of whisky
and at once arrested ilrwin , who has since
been kept under close guard. United States
Marshal Slaughter was wired and will bo
hero this evening unc } fake bis prisoner In
custody , f < y
Great Excitement at Gordon.
QOHDON , Neb. , Novto [ Special Telegram
to Tun BFE. ] Tbo "situation hero is still
alarming. XUK Ben correspondent has just
seen a settler living n ajf the reservation line ,
on Wounded Kuco civick ; who sajs that ho
was on the rcsorvatio < wolvo miles from his
place , this morning , tin it In his opinion there
wcro 0,000 bucks , squiw * nnd children ; that
the ghost dance wax going on , and thnt they
were only waiting foe the appearance of five
cow buffaloes , wlilch were to furnish the
Indians with moat ns long as they wanted it
in other warden second edition of the
loaves and fishes , Tills town is wild with
excitement. A company has been organized
for home protectionAVord has been re
ceived by scouts th&t Agent Rojer at Pine
Hldgo has sent w6Vel to settlers along the
. reservation line to Congregate for self-pro
tection , nnd thoaettjms are moving to town.
Unrounded Humors.
BiMUncK , N. Dak.j Nov. 23. The Indian
scare In this soctUinIs subsiding , A ells'
pitch from GovornorMellotte , South Dakota ,
to the officials In Blsiharck says ] there 1s nt
foundation to the rumors of Indians crossing
the i her in to Campbell county , anil ull miners
of nn outbreak in South Dakota are ground
less. t
to the Band Hills.
Conr , Neb. , Npv. J. [ Special Tclcgrarr
to THE BEE. ] Tno jvcoplo hero nro still ex ,
cltexl about the Iadlj& ) . They are organized
forself-dofenso > audT have telegraphed the
governor for fifty guns. Over half of the
people have loft tholf homos. Most of them
wout south nnd aru crumping In thobuud hills ,
The Ulc Four \Vhlpxuwed llicm.
Cnicieio , Nov. 2i.U was stated hero :
Emperor William Bestows the Grand Cross
of the Bed Eagle.
It SiiBtnlns the DUewvcrcr , but Public
Ulssnppolittmciit Growing Dully
Over the Itmnrelinto He-stills
of tlio Aliened Cure.
1FMtin tticXav roth AuoclattA Prrti.
BFIUIN , Nov. 22. Tlio bestowal by Km-
poror William of tbo grand cross of tlio
Order of tlio Ucd Englo upon Prof. Koch was
gazetted tonight This is tbc first tlmo this
distinction bus bcca bestowed uou [ nny ono
who did not possess tbo preceding classes of
the order.
Though confidence In the ultimatanlac of
Koch's ' discovery does not nbato , public dis
appointment over tbo Immediate results of
: ho treatment grows dally. Prof. Koch's as
sistants and others cstlmnto that 17,000 cases
javc'ilrcady been treated , tbo greater num
ber of whom \\cro suffering from exterior
tubciculosls. Comparatively fo\v of the
cases arc of tubercles on the lungs. Kxpeits
are beginning to concur in the opinion that
tbo euro of tills disease Is uncertain. ,
Prof. Koch blames the press for raising
exaggerated hopes of Instant benefit In every
form of the tuberculosis.
Prof , Vlrchow , spcaldng In the Mcdl-
clncscho Qesellschaft , referred to the sub
sidence of the enthusiasm , but defended
I'rof. Koch against thochurgo of prematurely
publishing his discovery. Prof. Koch , ho
said , only consented to the disclosures
already mndo ut the request of Minister Von
Gosslcr and several of his medical colleagues
Drs. Vlrchow , Levy and Bergman. Everyone
ono In Prof , Koch's coiUUlcnco supports bis
protest against the sensational nutlclp.itIon
lognrdlng the results of the remedy.
Prof. Stollwag of the Vienna university ,
addressing the students , advised them to bo
cautious In expectance , believing only what
Prof. Koch has directly stated. "So far , "
added Prof. Stcllwag , "tho possibility of tbo
cure of lupus alone has been proved , while It
lias not been sclcntillcally estab
lished that the lupus arises from
the same baccllus that Is associated
with lung tubercles.
JVn eminent authority on bacteria , Dr. Ull-
matin , writes : "It w 111 take fully a year of
frequent Injections , besides treatment under
the right sanitary conditions , to enable one
to fonn a ichnble opinion as to the curability
of consumption , either In advanced or In
early stages. " Dr. Ullmann worked for sev
eral months In I'rof. Koch's laboratory. Ho
believes the remedy promises good i-esults hi
coses of external tubciculosis , although ho
says relapses must bo guarded against.
Dr. Surycki , reporting to tbo medical so
ciety of Cracow , which sent him Hero to In
vestigate , declares that cvon the euro of ox-
tcrpal tuberculosis by the now pioecss is un
certain , while ho sees no grounds for believ
ing that it will euro consumption in any
IDn Kraus of Vienna uftlrms the ScnSfll of"
the remedy for tuberculosis of the bones ,
shin and Joints" , but' does not bcllcva that It
will over heal lung tubercles. Dr. Kraus
was In attendance hero for several weeks
testing the experiments.
Profs. Frnentzci and Duukurlt ? In their
latest report confirm the opinion that
the Injections do not materially chock ad
vanced phthisis. They do , however , check
early phthisis , but the bacclll may rex Ivc
and relnfcct the tissues.
The opinions of a number of other experts
German , Austrian and English , nil of the
same tenor are becoming known and tone
down to excited nubile expectation.
Not many English or Americans have come
for treatment. A number of patients have
already left under the urgent advice of the
physicians not to risk the severities of a Ber
lin winter , but to await the use of tbo remedy
under better cllmatlo conditions. Patients
who are ciowcllng the hospitils Justly com
plain of the suspension of their tieatment
owing to the alleged wont of lymph. Ta-
vored doctors having private clinics have got
supplies and charge from 23 to 100 marks for
a single inoculation , while poor patients on
whom experiments are tried nro lying In the
chatlty hospital. Their treatment has been
interrupted and their disease threatens to be
come aggravated.
Profs. Leiden , Lenetor and Gerhardt urge
upon Prof. Koch the speediest abandonment
of the sccresy regarding the nature of the
The Vosslcho Zeltung states that out ol
nine cases treated with the remedy by Prof ,
Trcndolcnburg of Bonn university jestcrdaj
a few had a fevered temperature teaching
degrees B. In other cases , though undoubt
cdly affected with tuberculosis , there was nt
reaction whatever.
President Darnmann of the veterinary col
.ego of Hanover predicts the application o ,
the Koch remedy to caltlo and swine , thus
protecting farmers from heavy losses.
Prof. Koch will prosecute a series of ex
perlmcnts with a view of discovering remedies
dies for scarlet fever , measles , typhus am
other epidemics. Ho is in capital physical
condition and rides out dally.
A crisis lu the eastern question has bcei
sprung upon the tiiplo alliance by the sud
den adhesion of the king of Greece to tlu
project to foment openly and assist in crotc
simultaneous with the risings iri Epirus am
Chancellor Von Caprhl and Count Kulnolc :
sent a Joint note to Atnens , warning the gov
ernment that In the event of measures belnj
taken tending toward war with Turkey tin
drcibund's squadron would blockade thi
coasts of Grccco and leave the Hoi
Icnlo army to take Isolated action 01
land against the Turks of a dcclslvi
character. This stopped the blaze ofva
over Europe.
Details regarding the railway murder a
Kutnos show that when the train left Loinlc :
station all the passengers save the murderer
and the victims bad quitted the apartment
The murderers throw < a quantity of lasec
powder in the eyes of the victims and dls
patched ono with a knife and the other wltl
n bludgeon. The bodies were thrown out o
thocutrlagoand the murderers sprung ol
the train as It was slowing up.
Minister Miguel's exposition in tbo landtu
of the income and legacy duty bills made
favorable Impression on all sides. The con
servntho opposition is limited t
details. Herr Bauchaupt , conserve
the , declared that his party recognized tti
grit of the proposals , thousrh it believed the ,
lovulrcd modllicatlon. Herr Uelchcnpcrgei
centrist , admitted the necessity for rcfori
in taxation on the line suggested by JIci
Miguel and prox ] > scs a reference to a con
mlttco. Ucrr Ulckort declared that the 1e
forma wcro urgent , but the bills did not sul
flic to meet the ) approval of the frclslnnlt ;
party. Herr Hlcntor adversely criticised th
bills. Herr Miguel today replied to tbo con
tnents ou the bills la an animated speech. II
contended that the RO\ eminent strove tfl bur
den nnd unburden nil persons oqunllA . \o \
present time , ho said , was most opp\ \ " * ' > )
for Increasing the taxation on movable * C ? >
tal. The bills had 110 party to objocu *
\\eic armed at such n rcadjuitmcnt as \ \ r
strengthen the rosourvos of the country \ & .
out burdening any rhvw. If ho did not h " * .
the coopcintloti of thing people , ho nld\ '
would not continue to hold bis pY
of minister of ilnnnco. Ills rom.u\
wore , greeted with applause. \
A. conference of Hoilln socialists , at which
many \\onicn wcro present , approved the ad
mission of fcnmlomombois Into the socialist
associations. The conference Instuicted the
strike committee to tnlto manures to suppoit
tbo strikers nt Erf irt and other places.
Director Hnusenmn of the olskonto Gcs-
scllschift will go to London to attend the
Argentine Jlnnnclnl conference.
The North Gorman Uarcttosnjn Unit the
German and French governments have come
to nn agreement rcgaullng Africa. In letuin
for n German recognition of the French pro-
toctornto o\er Madagascar Franco acknowl
edges the German rights on the const coded
by the sultan of Xanzibar.
Chancellor von CapiIvilllvislt the king
of Saxony In Dresden.
It is settled that Senor Nnjubo will become
the accredited minister of Bnull at Uctllu.
r.iif j.s f.'o.ssii'
The Week'B Topmost foplcs In tlio
Fronuli Capital.
LCo | > | / > Wit IRMbu JiiniM ( 'onion llcinifll 1
PAIII , Nov.W. fNow Yoik Ikr.ild Cable
Speclil to Tun IJiu : 1 The weather this
week bos been treacherous nnd warm In the
beginning , but nt the end cold nnd dampbcico )
many uavu started south anil thcgroiitcst ac
tivity prouills on the southern roads wheio
Lho tr.illlo Is already laigo. The trains deluxe
luxe aio ciowdcd. Tbo Uusslans , as usual ,
Imvo formed the advance guird. At Itlvier.i
and Cannes has already arrived the Grand
Duchess of Mechleuberg and Nuba Pasha ;
at Nice have arrived the Cornto and Comtesso
do GlouicoIT , Pilnco Ouroiuon off , Princess
Tioubetzlty and n host of others , while Men-
tone has been shulteilng Mine. Pnttl , tbo
Comtesso d'Oultiomcnt ' and the 1'rlnccss do
Paris is In full swing , the opening being
the meet of the hounds on Wednesday , which
bad been delujod two weeks owing to sick
ness among the bounds. The meet took place
in the dalles do Masters , The scent was
good and the place a cracltcr. After a spank
ing minutes' gallop there was a
chock , after which the hounds got onto a
wild fox , which lan them clean out. Among
the ieprcscntntl\o people were Sir Vivor
Brooltc , Baron Dosto , J. N. Potter and Miss
Potter and Soincrs Cooks. Tbo master of
the hounds , II. Boit. brought down a good
load on nls tantivy coach , including Lady
Herschel on tlio box , Mrs Motrls Post and
Miss Lilllo Kane Ono of the features was
\V. A. Laurence with Ms swift , pony tuulom
The featuio of the week In Pails has been
the assassination of General Slhershoff , the
first ropoit on tbo boulovauls being
that there was n woman in the case. Thcio
is now little doubt that the uiuider was a
premeditated scheme adioltly mmagod by
the nihilists. The French arc clamoring for
the strongest repressive laws nealnst the ni
hilists. . it is said thatMvfJulilot , tlio magis
trate in charge of the casiis of the opinion
that Jadolwlskl , In shooting the general ,
only carried out a mandate Imposed on him
It is supposed that the recent sentence of
death passed on Mile. Ivinsbouig was the
primary motive for the ciimo. After the
Paris tiials of tbo tcnorists , this gill , who
was an intimate friend of Mile. Bombu'g ,
loft Palis and rctuined to St. Petusbuig ,
taking with her botnbi of the same pattern
found herd She was arrested and sentenced
to death. Among the tenorlsts this was at
tributed to the denunciation of Solivcrskoff.
At last It looks as If the long vacant scat In
the rionoh academy would bo lllled. M. do
Frcjciuet , minister of war , will bo elected to
M. Emllo Anglo's seat.
In sporting circles the talk of the % \eek has
been M. Epiissi's attack on M. Tilllo. A
dispute arose on the race course and words
led to blows , with the result of Eprissl's
being badly pinked. M. Epiitsilias the gen
eral sym pat hy.
An attempt at suicide off the summit of the
Are do Trlutnpho was made yesterday by
Louise Fomeyrol , a teacher , and Just as she
was getting o\or the parapet and was
stopped by the guardian , she said :
"You nro vry cruel ; I wished to
put nn end to my sufferings ; I
shall do so still. " She is the daughter of
respectable trades people and is suffering
from an incurable malady.
Mailo Courncau will bo remembered as
Prado's aninnto. Soon after the famous trial
she received on offer of man iage from a Bor
deaux merchant , which she accepted. Ow
ing , however , to the merchant icf using to ac
cept Prado's child , the union was unhappy.
She now brings an action for divorce in the
Bordeaux court.
There Is club gossip to the effect that
Bnron Hlrsch will decline to renew the lease
of the famous Cerclo Ko.valo looking on the
Place do la Concorde. It Is said that ho so
notified the commission , who are preparing to
remove in December of next jcar.
It Is nn open secret that there has
been friction between the baron and the club.
His recent purchase of the premises is said to
have been made with the Intention of bring
ing the club to terms. Tbo club , on the other
hand , say they propose to build a now house
on the most apptovca English system of com
fort. However , ground in a good position Is
difficult to pi-ocuro lu Paris ,
Jumped From tlio Sixth Story.
Nuv Youif , Nov. 22-Mrs. Charles A.
Coombs of Biooklyn , daughter-in-law of the
newly elected cougressman for the Third dis
trict , committed sulcido in a horrible manner
this afternoon. She went to the Piorrepont
hotel and asked for a room on the ton floor ,
saving that she was troubled with palpita
tion of the heart and wanted to be away
from all excitement. The manager conducted
her to a room on the sixth floor. She sent
for a bottle of wine , and later rang for n
chambermaid. When the latter entered the
room the lady was standing In the centre
with a wine glass in her hand. AVlthout n
word she dashed the glass to the floor , and ,
rushing to the window , which was wide open ,
Jumped out. Stio turned over and over , anO
struck with tcrrlllo force on an extension ,
then bounded off and landed on a largo llowoi
urn .standing In front of the hotel , roll in * tc
the sidewalk. She was dead when picked
up. Her mother is In a critical condition
from the shock , The suicide had boon mar
ried seven years , Lately she has suffered
from ill health and was undoubtedly do-
mailed ,
* m-
Committed for Trial ) n December.
IH'iuiv , Nov. U2. [ Special Cablegram tt
Tiiii BK& ] Mr. Harrison , member of tin
house tif commons for the middle dlv ision ol
Tlppornry , and the other defendants who art
charged v < Jth assaulting the pollen ut lh
time of tbo trial of Mcssvp , Dillon urn :
O'lUien ' and several other poisons on chnrgos
of coiispiiauy , wits opened ut Tlpperarv , were
today again arraigned at Cionm-jl and were
committed for trial at the Mciiati nsslzci ir
December. All the defendant * wcro udmlt
ted to hall.
Pflmoll's ' Eolation to the Irish Oauso n Sub
ject for Endless Discussion.
4 :
TnryiiiR Attitude * of TrcBH , Cliurch
nnd l eopJo-SIr. lUcttht * * Kits *
slnu i\perlonco : A .
Savoy Hall ,
lC < ) | > | / fiM ISMbyJ'nm't ( TiuiMii Utiinctt. ]
Iio.vmiv , Nor. W. [ Now Yoik Herald
Cablo-Special to TUB Bui > .1 The position
of the Parnelllto party mid ItH leader con
tinues to occupy tha attention of the publta
utmost to the exclusion of the Hating- trou
bles , which aio believed to bo ended. Of
the Panioll dlftlculty thoio is not likely to bean
an end { or the proseilt. The hlsh section of
the party appears determined to stand by
Pni neil , whllo the English home-tillers nro
resolved either that ho shall go or they will
have nothing more to do with the movement ,
The grout body of the non-rotifonnUt min
isters and the press take a Him attitude ,
One of the most Impoitnnt Methodist organs
snjs : "Even CJhulstono's unique authbrlty
would bo powerless if ho were guilty of the
Impossible folly of trj Ing to identify the re
ligious section of ttio liberal piuty with the
kind of man which Pnmoll has confessed
lilmsolfto ho This opinion is entertained
by the entire dissenting body , which forms
so Inigo and powerful an clement lu
Gladstone's forces. Should It bo set nt doll-
anco , Parnellandhlu cause will bo denounced
fiom every non-confoimlst pulpit in the hind.
H Is hllo to suppose that the Cladstonlnns
can survive this tromcndqus loss. Yon may
rely upon my information that Gladstone ,
though holding no direct communication with
Mr. Parnoll , has slgnllW through thlid
p utios tlio stiongtoslio holds on the sub
ject. It Is that homo lulu \\lll bo Indefinitely
postponed bj Pnincll remaining tbo loader.
The conservatives nro more and moro
nnxlous that Pnrncll should not retire. They
see with what deadly olTect they will ho able
to use Hie whole story at the next election
the nlhses , the llio escape , the denials of
guilt mid the adulterous Inttlguo can led on
in the presence of the children. It is not the
conservathcs who demand 1'arncll's retire
ment. Onoliboial member of pnillainent or
another Is protesting against Parnull lotnuln-
iug tholcndei. The Irlshmeiisny it is n matter
that roncerni them alono. If ttioj peislst in
that attitude tliojvilllmo to goonslnglo
banded , and In that case It becomes hopeless. '
Thcio is the gicatest cuiioslty to know
whether Pnrnoll will appear in his plaeo In
the house next Tuesday. I ha\o reason to
believe ho will not. Ho will sco if the scan-
dil blows over. Some bitterness has been
caused in tbo Irish nintn by Mlchnol Uavltt's
summon to him to step down and out , bull
Uivittlios many sympithizcN , and the pi o-
babillty Is that very shortly Parncll will
\ Irtunlly disappear from tbo scene , though
continuing to exert tutlncnce tu tbo
counsel of hla pirty. Of late joarshohas
not been much in the foreground } b
will now bo less so. That is the
immediate icsult anticipated by some of
his hnsl friends. If any allusion Is made to
the trial In the house thcio will bo some uu- ,
pleasant scenes. The Itisli nro determined
to make it hot for an ) body who ciltlclt > 03
their leader's morals.
Mr. iligglns of Iligglns & , Mulch no , grata
dealers of Indianapolis , baa just reached
London fiom llussin. lie had u lovely ex
perience thcie. Ho went from Stochham to
St. Petersburg1. Ilo mis promptly nircstcd
by the police , was in piison live days ami
then liberated , but ordered to rectify tha
omission. Ho bent all his energies to this
and was unsuccessful. The hotel propilotors
looked at him askance and would not keep
him inoi o than a day. Ho stoppad at moro of
the hotels until ho got tlicd of moving nnd
was finally advised to try Moscow. Ho did
so with similar experience. Finally bis solo
deshowas to leave Hussln , but ho couldn't ;
his passport was not ship sluipo. Then Higgins -
gins uworo because ho had no right to goer
or to stay. After thiec ivoehs ho sored at
this sort of thing. He bought u HuHslan offi
cial for 50 roubles and the official smuggled
him out of the country. Iligglns hardly
breathed freely till ho reached England , and
has no further use for Hussla.
Ttio ball at the Savoy Tuesday evening deserves -
serves mention. The hotel advertises Itself
as the hotel do luxe of the world , Two hun
dred and fifty Invitations were Issued , Tha
ball was given by a female frequenter of the
Counthlan club and tbo bill was paid by her
later victim , a joung follow with money and
Just of age. Women outside tbo pnlo were
willing to sit up two consocutliio nights for
an invitation. They roamed through the
hulls until tbo oaily hour the next morning-
and made things hum. The bachelors had no
objection , but ono guest said if lie had a wlfo
ho would have wished her somewhere else.
The duke of Norfolk has subscribed 1,000
Newman memorial fund. Among the distin
guished piotestant contributor * * are Loid Col
eridge' , the dean of St Paul's ' , the dean of
Durham and the historian , Lccky.
Lawyers say it Is a nice legal question who
owns the play "Lady Oliuljs. " Mrs. Lang-
try is obliged to pny for It , but does Mr. JJu-
chanan take ploy , damages and costs !
The greatest stamp collector In England
Bays ho bus at last got u used Mrattloboro
stamp ( American ) of 181(5. ( Ho thinks it Is
the only specimen in existence and is worth
Doctors Loguo , O'Donncll and Dougherty ,
the Human Catholic prlmato of Ireland and
the bishops of ilappoo and Londonderry have
been summoned to Hoaio by a special older
of the pope. While these pielatcs are In per *
sonnl communication with the bond of the
chuich , ills just powiblo ho may want to
know their opinion of Parnoll's moral qualifi
cations to act as loader of the party with
which so many Roman Catholic bishops and
priests lu Ireland have hitherto been identi
necrbolm Tree says he has not been en
gaged for an Ameilcan tour nextcar and
has no Intention of going thoro.
Dartnic Attempt to Itnb n Hunk.
Mmiiov , O , Nov. 22 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bn : ] A daring hut unsuccess
ful attempt was mnJo to rob the German
Deposit bank in broad daj light. President
P. 0. Albright wiw alone , and stepped
ouUldo to convene with an affable )
stranger who doslicd to sell him now
stone steps. A confcdciato ontciect by a
rear door and gathered up KOIIIO ft.OOOlu
bills , when Mr. Albrluht ran in and grappled
with him Both the men escaped empty
handed and the police and citizens Imvo slnco
failed to iliul them.
The Wunthar
Foi Omaha and Vicinity - Pair ; slightly
vvnimer ,
Per Nebraska and Jown-Pulr till .Monday
night ; warmer vvmdi , becoming soulheily ,
For South Daliotn Fair ; no bimg ia
temperature ; southulyIiids ,