Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE . OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ISiATlTflDAY , NOVE1VIBER 22 , 1890.
After a ncntthy Bull Day Wheat Closes
With Substantial Gains ,
Onts Follow Corn run ! Clone Higher
1'roilsloiiR Strong and Hl } > lior
LUo Stock : and Fl-
iinnolnl ,
OnicAOo , Nov. 2l.-SDcdal ( Telesrain to
TIIK Il/.K.l-Thcro was n Krcat bis hull mar
ket In wheat most of the session. This was n
mrpilso to no one except the parties "lio In-
dusttloiiily circulated the rumor on the curl :
last nl ht and thin morning that a prominent
Chlcatro lioilso was In trouble. When trade
assembled on the floor It wns found that the
trouble was only In tno minds of the boirs
who wished to fiirthorunsi.ltlo confidence and
pound the wheat market , The opening was
j firm attlmclosliiK figures of ycstenlay and
| Kcouir where s lies wore undo on the curb or
false stoi lot. The advance sot In at once. II
was not on the strength of ordinary news till1
' ivni hearlsh. Liverpool cables were ! Sd lower
there ucreTI'Jc irs at.Mtnnc ipolla and DiiHith
receipts hero vcro 02 cars over the estimate in
102 c-ars , and Now York cleared .TJ.OOO bushel'
of whriit , but 11 iltlmorc cleared no wheat am
no flour. It was simply a strons settled fiol
Ing glowing out of the heller outlook In 11 nun
olal trntcrs , better action In stooks at Now
York and iu eneral fecllnn that with no fur
ther minors or falluru price * bhouli
lm\a a imitcihl rcco\ory. Loea
traders boRnn buying early and kept at 1
most of the dny. After prices had moved ui
! - the lirst half hour shorn became a factor Ii
the nilMinco and another cent added t <
the price bufoio noon. Then came the storv
thntit panlu was on In Itjilln and In two inln-
utis ) > ilcs dropped back c. The llcrlh
story was qiileKly ( killed and the maikct a :
( juluKly ictpoiulud. The sliongth was hclpec
nlso by the report of seven boat-loads takci
t "forexpTitat No'v Voik. It was wired tha
60,000 bushels of No. 1 northern had boon sole
nt Mlnno.ioolUat Io advance over yesterday
The csllnnto foi S.tlnrdiy wits 110 O'xrs. Tin
nctlon of the nniUct was as follows. Deccm
bcr opoiiod atOJe , sold to Ole , to 9iVc , to OJo , t
OlJJc , toflio ; May opened at 07c , sold at 91Sc ?
toOS'gf , toOOc , toOSUc , to flic. A half hour bo-
foio the close the advanuo was juat 2o eve
last nlffht and the market \vell suppoitcd
Iluylns Invlic it Ijceimo more general after
o'chiolf. Many shorts who stool out expect
Ing the advance to pi ly out before the end o
the sc slon ga\oup und coveting. Kx
ccllcnt Inylng by ft lends of the nur
Kct continued and the two force
brought about a Rood bulKo nt th
lust moment to 03c for December and $1 to
May. Allttlohasty roalblns at tlicso URIHO
caused a closing ntfl2Ue and OT'iC. Novcmbo
was quoted at833io and 01\ie. closing nomluu
atOle. On thoeutbat : ) p. m. May wheat wa
quoted uttn.'ie ; puts , 031ic ; calls , $ l.0lic.
No good e\planatlon was offered for th
way In whloh the coin market opened. Wall
who it started stoaily and with no ( lurry , eor
was all unsettled , and the drst prices for Ma
ranged from "I'jo ' to r > l3o. ( Many who ha
bu > Ins orders to execute could got no cor
tindei Ol c , ami thosu who wildly sold undt
Bl4e ! the first Instant ueio veiy sorry for It I
less than a minute. The prlco advanced froi
the openlni ; until It reached 51'ic , or to nt
rmico over the close yosteuliy. Liter tl
market boeamo very quiet and prices settle
baoU to."i.jc. TliiMOeio no fresh dovcloj
nients In corn the last hour. The marKi
Blmply htltl Him and clojol at the top pilct
tor the day , 1th the final bnlgo In vlic.t
Thoadvaneo In November was l o tj filjii
1 December , 1'tc to TiO'se ' , and May Just le 1
WUe. P'lvlleges on Jlny corn nt li'M p. n
were quoted at Ki"if and 6iUo.
OitH bad no Independent action toda
Biulnesswns modciate and vlth some COMM
Inc the nun kct follow od lorn and closed Jin
le lilphci for May at443Ue. rarly futures wor
nomlnnllv Mionser. with November e. >
oliaiiKed for May ntSJiodirteioiice. Decembi
Ivan quoted \\lth No\ ember nt the close.
KicrvtliliiR helped prices In provisions. Th
-t first mlnntn the maikct for IIOR products wi
' good Kcnernllr nt better prices. The fli <
fitronvrtbasshown fn mess pot k , which at.
vnnri'd on cuilr trailing to $11.00 for Januat
nndill.MforMay. Then the imitkot bccam
vnclllatlue with sales for Januuiy botwco
10 1)0 ) and * ! I m and closed stioni ; at about tt
flgiucs , } ll.t)2 ) for January and $11.75 for Ma
lend Mid i His had good support and a mode
AtoadMinuu and cadi closed 10 up for tbo da
atlU7'jfoi ( January lard and'i for May
J5..Y ) foi Januaiy ribs and to. 03 for May.
Mo. Open. High. Low. Oloso. Ycst.
Dec. . . t 1HM4 J ( l $ 1K5 ) ' J iijy
May . . . . 11714 yj' < 7'i liu'i
CIUOAOO , Nov. 21-lSpeclal Teloiram to Tr
IlKi-.l OATTr.K-lluslnoss only fair , nnil tl
big falling oil hi tbo inn seems nottolia-
tbeelTectantltlp.itcd of an iiiUanooiu v.vlue
as scarcely anything Is soiling higher tha
last week , c.\ccpt hcio and there a load or
of something nrlnio or fancy , Coirse , con
fcion and unJoslr.iblo htcer Htoelc ehni
ao evlilcnca of Improvement , whi
canning and cow stock icmalna
tbo remarkably low prices that bavo pr
vailed Klltluough the year of 1890. The n
of Toxuos and rangers Is drawing to n clo
anil pcrlupft In a few \ > eclcs Ibl3 may help
advance pi Ices on cow stock , There was
fair tr.ulo In stoeUcrs and feeders , but prlc
remain remarkably low on light little stco
and thlu stookors. Top prices today , ? 4.7. >
6 13 for good to fancy steers : others , Jl.234.r
commoiiI.OOl.oOTexuns.Y)0 ; ) < 3i ! : 00 ; rnugci
t3.0j'J73 ; eow stock , $1.00 ® ' , ' 03 | stookors , $ - .
lions Doinantl netlvo and prices strong tc
hudo hlKhorou good to choleo heavy , n hi
ll lit and .light niKed shoued llltlo or :
change. Kango and common MUi at J.Xl.r > i23. !
( nlrtocooil p.iekois , * , ) > ai b."i ; rcgtilntlou a
toiled ilxhtfUiX336U. ( There nils a bit' bin
t , idling at $ J,1 3J 43. 1'JgSbold
Vonre. Nov. SI.-SpocIal [ Tolodrain
THE IlEE.l STOCKS There was iirepltltlon
ycstordny In the opening of tbo stock mnrk <
It seemed llKo the return of confidence so n
tlccaulo yesterday until disturbed byt
llg Phlladelplilu fullure. Karly trading w
innrUcd by eoiislder.iblo Invoatment huyli
uy small parties taking stocks out of t !
etroot. Xho notion of Northern I'aolllo pr
ferrod In rocovnrlii ) ; so quickly and
trangvly after boliis dragged1 down to 55 1
North American raiding last week , points
Biipportby Standard Oil or other poworl
parties for eontrol. The first prices \voro i
likhor , tbo advances oxer lust night's llgui
1)oln ) gonor.illy fiom U to 'i per cent , b
Cugar Uollnerles was up 'i anil Louisville a :
Naslnlllo 1 percent. The only marked foa
uro do\ eloped In the early trading was t
rcuowalof weakness In Hock Island , whl
was so pronounced yesterday , and whllo
opened up % per oeiit with ( ho remainder
the list ut 54 ! [ , It was quickly retliod toOlii
largo dealings. ThogeiioralllstsympnthUod
a very limited extent lu the ( lucllno , me
ctooks yielding only smtill fractious from Hi
prices , but when the ilownward movomciit
KooU Island oamo to an end , the natural te
dcncyof thomiirliot to rlso was shown , u
material calnscro seoieil all along the Mi
Missouri Puclflo at 02i ! was up Hi , and Korl
era I'aolQo profoircd at C3 was 1 ! tiljjlier , b
Improvement In others was conllncd tofrt
tlons. The rally In Hook Island before no
was usfrt'lft us the decline , anil the prlco
midday was nt G3'f , or. ! ( over last night. Ol
case Unsro oS points ; hiignrweut up sevoi
points on light buying , and Loulsvlllo rose
73. Nortliorn 1'uelflo preferred ro > oto03l
fo'e ' 1 o'clock ! Hurjlngton to 6S | Nortlnve :
cm to IDS ; Missouri I'acIOo to 03 ; Laokawan
to 132) ) { , und Heading to WU. Tbo marl
acted healthful and stroBf , Money vru ui
\ ,
icr cent. Not n failure nor ngly rumor clls-
urbcil the upward mo\omrnt In tboprlopt of
lock * Into in the ilny. Three ihliiK * tlmt
ho itrcot belloxos ! That Ooitlil N now ti
nil for nil there Is In It ; tint Armour
nil otliurt uf St. 1'iinl nro under tlmt nml
thcrostoin stocks ) that tlierj Is nnollior
'Otitest ulicad ( or the control of Northern I'u-
Ifle , No class of stoskiTM noKlcctwl , ni the
ollowlntr gain" ) for the tiny dhowl Gas. Z'i uj >
itlKlUl SiiRnr , 44 | ititittWj I.uko Shore , ' - " { at
07 ; Northern I'nclflo iirofonoil. tirnrly 4
oltmntf.iU ! AlchUon. 2 points at ' 'S'i ; Itur-
tiRton , 2U ntfc'i ! Northwestern , 2 nt 103U :
itooklfilaml , 2 itput C. " . ' ( : St , 1'ntil , ly mi at
SH ! Missouri I'.iclllp.Ii'intOl ! Union I'nclflc ,
i5 , HtJSMVVstprn I'liloti , 2' at 78M ! 1'iicku-
iviuina , L' < i lit l.lklU ; Heading , u iit ni'i. Money
vus3 norcuit atthocloso. Sales wcro oCG.OOO .
The following wcrolho closing quotations :
' . 8.4s regular 1.W'- ' Northern 1'ncina. .
' . H li coupons 12 i. do prefcrrotl. <
' H. 44s renulnr 101 C. AN. W
l. S 4'n ' roiuions.101 do preferred . . . . i
nclllcn of'115. 11 ] Now \ ork Centrnl. . Wl
ciitrnl I'nclllc SI p. , i ) > t i : . . UH
lilcnKO A. Alton..123 lluck Island
lilcnKii , llurllngton C , . M. & bt Piiul. .
A. ynlnrr 83 dn preferred , ,
) . . i , , i\v nji BU I'nnl XOinnlin ,
Illnnlircntrul W4 do proforrcil . . .
, , II.A\V Union 1'ninic
< iinsni A/loxna. , . , 10T \V. , St. 1 * * P
.nkpHinre 107 do preferred , . , .
llclilimn Central , , , . 89 Western Union , , . .
Ilmonrl 1'nclllc Ml
MOM-JV Kusy at 2Q5 per oonti last loan 3
irr cent.
I'niMK MmcNTIM ; I'Ai'Fit GifliSi ! ! per cent.
bTHti.iMl nxriUNUE Firm ! shty day bills ,
4.801 cluiiiaud. US" .
Mining Share * .
Nrw YOIIK , Nov. SI ( Special Telegram to
TUB HEI , , ] The /allowing uro the mining
took quotations : _
Alka . 133 Con Cnl , A. Vtt VO
Knrcki Con . A'O Could A. Curry \ < O
'Iain * Noriros . IN ) lloin Hllvcr : * )
" Saiago 1 ( . < )
SierrnNov . , . .l o Mutter Crick 1UO
Union Oun . Wl
Tlio CofToc Market.
NEW YOHK , Nov. 21. [ Special ToleRram to
TiiEllEK.I-CotFEE-OpttoiHoiJonotl steady anil
uncliiinnoil to5points upj closedb.vrcly Btciuly
und unchaiiRpil to 10 iiolnts down. Snlcs :
Sl.TRO bugs , indiicllni ; No\cinlor ) , $17.20 ; lo-
cinbtr. HO ivai7.0H .liiiiiinry , $ ir > 10 < U10.n ;
. cbiimry , lriOir > rKMurcli : , jruosai&W ) ;
Muy , ShOOailU'ii boptcnibur Itlo. qulut ,
steiulj : fulr cnrgous , Jll . 'J3j No7 , $17G2 ( BI7.7.r .
. Nov. 21-1 p. m. close. Wheat
rirnii c.iHli , il'/io ' ; Uucuiubui , OJ'ioj fllny ,
Coin rirtn ; cash , SlVJoi Deceiiilcr , 60'ao ;
Slay , Oi'ic ,
Oals Frin ; casli , 42 0 , December , 42jto ;
Iuy,4Pc. (
Aless I'oi k ririn ; cash. J3.7.VH9 00 ; Junuary ,
$ ll.0.4 ' ! ; Miy , 11I.7.V
Laril K.rin ! cash. W.OOj January. 50.15 ®
G.17'5 ; iMty , JtlGi'SCtO ' 05.
Itje Quint nt U3c.
HIIIleyblo.ulv ut7C78c.
in ix I'lrin nt tl.W !
Tlinolliy j.ny : ut 11.22551 23.
I'loui Uncli inccilsprliiRpatents : J4 " > ort * ' > !
winter pnlents , $4 COSl , , W ; b.ikcrs' , Jl2r > < 3lr > 0.
lliillc Moiits-yhoulilcrs , $4 87"i'.00 ( ; short
clcnl , lf.MjV7l5 tki | shoit rllis , W-SW- l ) .
lluttor-Kiibiei ; ctonincry , 2 ® 23oj Oalry.
- .
( Jliieso riint ; full cream cbeilclnrs ,
tints H'Wiic ; Voting Americas , COOiic.
- . c.
llIlcs ( UncliaiiKCl | lioavy giecn silted , 5U ®
i'Se ; llKlil RK'cn halted , r suited ; bull hides.
4 icj Kii-pii siltoil calf , 7 iBSc : dry salted
hides 7o : diy Hint , SttUo ; dry c/ilf , 3'Jcj ' Uoa-
coii9 oatb. 2 * < c.
Tallow -Unclmngoil ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4(3 (
ci No. ' . ' . Ilijc ; cake , 4U < fJ4'3c.
Itucolpts. Shipments ,
Kloiu. bills . 45,010 7.00' ' .
Wheat , bu . KI.003 M.OW
Corn , UU . 7:1,001) : 18J.OOC
Oats , bu . . . . " . 137,000 215,001
Jlrw YOHK , Nov. 21. llecelpti
40,100 liiisholsj exports. in.OjOj siiot , 2i ! < S-J i
lilRhoi ; No 2 rod , Wio In clevulor , * I.01M
nl'oil. $10\lU'io ( ) ( f. o. b. Options closiMl
ttKns mid i'B(2 ' ( lie lilKhci. More favorable
ii'liorls fioin centers pioiuntod tin
rlso nnd lis cousldornblo acth Ity to t r.idliiK ,
wyii Hhoils corlnglretily. . No. 2 red , No\eni-
boi closing utlll'sc.
Corn nteolnt * , 45flOO liushels ! cvpoits. 4.40C
bushels ! spot hlclicr ; No. 'J , 57'iiJ. ( > 7JiO In
oloMitoi ; riT flMUo nllont ; miKindul mixed ,
5714r S1ie ; oiitlons 3v@l'jC higher , closliiji
- ' Xovomlicr closed ut R7i"
Oits-Keceliits , 101,000 bushels : exports , r,2 (
bushuls : siiot'ifiil'io ' higher. No. 2 white , 50j }
Ofllc : mixed wistuni , /iii5'c ( ) : whlto western
WXSWo : options btrongur ; December oloslni
SiiKiir Raw. steady but dull ; rcflucd , o.ulet ;
C. fi l-luOia-lO ; extra C , SUOOo o.
I'etiolcum United closed for December til
( iO'io
KKKS runcy , firm ; western , 2.V32CC.
1'orlc Onlet and nominal ; mess , tlO.50@12.00
Ji ud Illuhci ; n citorn stpain , $ < i.J. ! !
Blluttor-Hurely steady ; western dairy , 112
20e : mniieiy , Utt'- : KlRln. 2c. ! )
( Jheeso-Stcady ; light skims , 4Ji7o.
ST. IiOUlf , Nov. 21. Wheat Higher ; cash
Deconiber , 00'ic ; May , OS1 * ; July
Corn I'll mrr ; oush , Wo ; November 50c ;
coinbur , 400 ; Muy , 50'ic.
Oats Higher ; cash , 45cs May 43io.
rorU-llim ; 111.00.
Lard Heady ; $ .1.75.
llutter liulct and unchanged.
, Nov. 21. Demand for casl
wheat , stum , ' . Itocolpts , 47J cars ; shipments
lOl. OIO-.IIIK : No. llmid , November and Do
ccniber , ! )7u ) ; on track. Die ; No. 1 northern , No
vcnibei. and December , B7c ; Maj , 1'5'ic ; 01
tratlc , SC'Si1 ' : No. 2 northern , November an (
Decembci , 6J ; on tr.ielc ,
KNS < 3 CITV , Nov. 21 Whcat Steady ; No
2 haul , cash , 77o bid , November 7SJ4c ; No
: ; bids nor olTorlnjs.
Corn stead ) ; No 2 , cash , DJliCi Novenibci
02' ' io bid.
Oatb I/owci ; No. 2 cash , 4lc ; Novemuei
445c. ! _
MH.WMIKKE , Nov. 21. Whcit HlKhor ; No.
sluing , cash , KiQMju ; December , bj , ' j No.
norlhcrn , S.
Coin I'll mi No. U , cash.53J5c.
OitH Sto.idv : No. 2 white , cash , lo'JOIOe. '
I'lovlsloiib riimer ; pork , January , J1D.03.
PIVCINNATI , Nov. 21. Wheat Stongcr ; Nc
2rdliJ < aie5ie.
Coin In good demand : No. S niKcd , 52 < J
52 'Je. '
Oits [ u peed demand : No.2mlNcd , 47JiISc
\\hlsky-S1.14. ; _ .
I.lVKuroor , , Nov. 21. Wheat Quiet ; do
miiiid pom ; red estjpin , hprlng , 7sOiil7d }
led \\cslern , wlntor , 7s4iKa7b4'id.
Coin bteady ; deinniul improving ; inlxci
western , Is Id yor cent il , ,
Citicvno. Nov. 51-Cattlo-Hecolpt-
steady with fair demand ; steers M 005J5.11
IJ.aOfl > .l.OO ; ranjers , H oya3.73 ; cow ;
, . .
lloga Hooolptfl. ai.OOO : market steady ; un
changed to shade stronser ; rough an
eonimoii , $ .l.r < ® : i V ) ; fall to good > and inl\i >
pacKoia , $ . ) ( i"iM.70 ( ; prime heavy and butchc
weU'htH. JJ.7 a3.S5i llsht , W50Q.I.COJ pig !
$2.511 ® ' ! , 10.
fcheep IJecclpt' ' , 7,000 : market steady
n.ithes M OOOI.80 ; western' , I4.rjai.50 : fc
TexansH.OO < a4.35 ; lambs , 84.5031.00.
Pr , LotiH. Nov. SI. Oattlo-nccolpts , l.coc
shlpmtnts , IOH ) : market strong ; fall to fanu
nalUostcuis.I.l > JSJ.10i stoekcR. and fccdei :
Hogs Itecelpts , 4,000shipments. . 800 ; mirkc
hlKhoi : hi-u\y , JIOOfflJ80 ; mixed , JJSOa.7J (
llglit , jJ'.j'S 'l t ) . _
KANSAS Cnv. ! Nov. Jl. Cattlo-TJccclpt'
2,500 : shipments , y.JOO ; stiong for best ; othei
wcaU ; steers , $ .100 ® . ' ) 41 ; cows , $ J.003i2.U.
Mockers and fccden. $ J.OO-I20.
IloKS-ltecollits , 11,400 ; shipments , l.OCC
stiong ; hlglai. AllRiades { .tOO JW.
O.U.1 Jl.t JI.4 JKKKTS.
Trldny. NOT. SI.
OVTrr.K I > tlmatod receipts of cattlo. 1.201
as compared ultli 1,715 yesterday and 2.J42 t'r ]
duy of lust \M > cl ; . The market wits nctl\o un
KtioiiRprou the best grades of beo\cs und flu
on others. Ilutchcr stocu was netlvo an
stronR , I'eodDrs nro dull and unchanged.
Hotis Kstlmnttul receipts of hogs. 0,100. n
compared with 7.MS vesteiday and 9.4bl ) Ifrl
day of last week. The market as aotU
and 5o hUUor. The ian e of the price
x\as * kOOd.l W. tbo bulk selllnf at W :
< a.lT ( . A win , ill biincti of iirhno hou\
Jiogs broiulit JJ.85 : light. M 00 1 Mi
heavy , tJ.Xi.L85 | mixed , JJ.40ia.lWI. Th
a outgo of tlio prices paia was WSJ as con oil with W48 jest rday and J 60 Friday t
lust week.
biiUH'-Kbltmatca reeelptsof bheop , 1,084 n
compuml with 1,0/J yesterday and 1,4:11 : Kr !
'li11 ? , ot 'TKS0,1'1 ' Tl > 8 market Is stead ;
Natives , ii.3134."l | westerns , tJ.Oi
DUpojitlun of Htook ,
Bhowlne the number of head of stock pin
clmscd on this market n reported by Hi
welshniastor of the Stockyards compiiny fc
November 21 ;
Swift&oo . a
flcorKoII. llanuiiond packing company. , , I.1
The Armour-Uuilahy packing company. , 1 !
Nels Morris . II
bhlppvrs und feeders . , . 71
BwIft Ou . . |
Ocorgo II , Hammond packing company , , I
The Armour-Oudnhy packing company , 2.C'
OuiuhuimoUng company . , . , 1,2 :
flwltt ii Uo. . . , „ . „ „ . . . . , . , , . . ! IL. . , . , ; . . , 1,8 :
Ocor o U. Hammond packing company. . ! W
. 1' . Hiiulios &t'o , . , . . 407
hllHiois and feeders . . , , . . . . 12
llcprcscntatlvo Sales.
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. | 'r
1. . CM 211 S..10M 20 20. .1171 flXJ
s. . en 2:1) ) 1..UD : io ) in..noj ; MJ
S. . 76J 23J ' 2 .1470 310 28 .UIS 270
J ! ) 2M 40. . 1007 : i MAM 4J5
I..12JO 275 20. .1171 U30
" 7. . 690 120 0..lP > 0 ICO 21 . ( C > 7 200
1 , 10TO 1 2. " . H..I07J 170 8 .1010 201
4. . K : . 12 , ' . 2. .WO 1 7i ) 5. . 1112 310
2. . ( no 1B.1 10. . ! ( . - > 170 1.1140 210
" 0. . 1(107 ( 12"i 1..1IKKJ 1 7 % L.lOS't ' U10
S . m HO 1..1270 1 M 2. IDfiO 215
1..10JO 16J 18. . B)0 16.3 4. . 737 215
0. . 401 200 4. . O')0 210 85. . WS 2M
2. . 7V ) 200 4. . 70" 2 .JO 1. 1208 200
7. . Wb 200 1..1U20 235
2. . HID 105 5. .1.42 17. % 1.1200 210
1..1193 11J ! 1..1VJO t 85
Mlt.KCHS AND srUINflF.ltS.
1 RprliiKtr . < r 000
1 springer . , 2ii 00
1. . 880 250
OAL.VF. < > .
1. 470 201 2. . 175 a 25 G. . 210 375
1. , 250 250
. . m 2 co
83 139 240 1 70 DO 103 230
- . . . . 1.18 83 1 10 70 . . . .iil : 240
109 70 1 05 1 170 250
25 . . . .108 - - 2 lr 70 l'J7 275
80. . . . . . 00 2 15 0 -01 275
54 100 2 SO 4 2a ) 40 2M >
5J 1W 2 S3 U 1M ) 280
No. Av. Pr.
ft" > westerns , wethers 105 $ J 85
05 westerns , wethers 105 383
AMMUNITION Hlflo powder , per UOK , $550
por4 Keg , 12i ! Ibs , } J.OO ; rltle , per U kvg , 6' .
Ibs , $ ! . & ) ! bliiBtlni ; , A , ] ici Itog , jX'.Wii blustlnc
D , per ketf. 8.M5. bhot Diop , per bag , $1.7(1 (
buck , 91 9" ; chilled , S1.05. Oaps-L&awso per HI
llAKi.Ml I'OWDLH , dime cans , pirdo ?
OSc' > i Ib cans , $1.45 ; V Ib uuns , HS.Ui ; 1 ib units
$ , " ) .0) ) : 1'rlco's. ( llnioenns , OOo ; 'i Ib t.nib ,
W 11) cans , 42 50 ; 1 Ib cans , $4.75 ; other UlnilB ,
ib cnns , per ( loz , $1 CO-S.I K > .
JlAi'i.K SudAli J'or Ib flo cakes , ,10-lb bo\ea
lllc ; lee cnkcs , IW-lb boxes , UJSo ; Mb bilcks
HO Ibs In box , nine , lie .
UWINIS , CouuAaE , ETC.-Cotton twine
"lllbb. " very fine , U-lb b.ilos , 2-Jc
cotton twlno , XX brund , ! i-lb bales
18e ; hemp twlno , } i-lb bulos , 180 ; sal
twlno , 20o ; ciiiKllo wick , 2-'c ; 40-foot cottoi
olothos line , tl. 40 ; 60-foot cotton clothes line
Sl.Ur > ; CO-foot his il lines , $ l.5 ; (10-foot ( Into
$1.00 ; wool twlnus , 8c. ; Jlunllla rope Al
Ble3 from 7-1(1 ( to 1 In , He ; sls.ilropo , all size
from 7-10 to 1 In , 034u ; "new piocchsus , " ul
slzea from 7-10 to 1 lu. 8c ; cotton rope , y lu ,
ICc.lliiooMS 5-tle. parlor , f3.00 ; 4-tlc , $2.75 ; 3-tIc
$225 ; : i-tlc , plain , 11.81 ; warehouse , tJ.00 ; toy
J1.55 ! lilsk. I.OOU 5.
SoAi1 Castllo , mottled , per Ib , 10e ; cli
wbltp , per 11) ) , 14c ; hinndry soap , per 100 bars
$ .t.lj500 ; shuvliipsoap , 5075e pordozj tolle
soup , U cakes per bo\ , per ( loz , 5Uc2 25.
Oiniii-l'orbbl , rollncil , tn/iO : half bbl , n.50
liunl older , pure , per bbl , SOW ; oranso clilei
Imlt bbl , $0.50 ; puurcldcr. hulf hbl , di.50 ,
NUTS Per Ib. , Almonds , 19oj Itrazils , 2Io
lllliorts , 14a ; pccuns. 15c ; walnuts , I5c ; pea
nuts , fancy whlto , 0) ) c ; roasted. l-MJe1.
Oi.ivis Quarts , per dor , $4 110 ; pints , pcrdoz
J.MO ; bulk porKnl,05e. Olheoll , y pluts ,
doz per case , $ I.WXS5.'J5.
11AOS Am. , per 1UO , 117.TO.
SAi.T-DiiIrv. 280 Ibs In bbl , bulk , $2.10 ; hcs
Krade , 0)5s , J..tO ; bust Rrado 100 Us , IJ.40 ; bes
Bride 2S IDs. JJ.U5 ; rook snlt , crushed , fl.fct
MOI.ASES llbls , N. O. fancy , per , 5K455e
oholeo. 4517c ; good , liOiWioi Uuba , bukln , 2
@ . ) o : blackstrap , 20@--'c.
SODA I'lcgi , Co Ibs to bo5s4'c ; kezs. 4Uc.
HAi.soiA--Ko s , Uioperlb ; bbla , lj ecrunu
luted , 100-lb boxes 2o.
CANM o VKOBTAHLES Tomntocs-3-lb , fl.iw
1 15. Corn Yory line , tl.25Ql.JA ; 2-lb su ai
Slr > ; 2-lb BtanOaicl western brands. fl.K
Alushrooins 1-lb Trench , extra tine , 2225o
1-lb Kiciioh. flno , lS22ol-lb ; 'rench , ordinary
KVIIilbc. Peas , 2-lb early June , * l.2l ! 2-lbinni
low , btandiirJ br.uids , U.10 ; 2-lb eoakcil , 7Ui
I'renob peas , per eao of 100. J15.uXii22.0C (
hti Ins bonus2lb high grade , $1.00 ; 2-lb \ > a
beam , ( Wo : 2-lb btrlnbeans. . f o. Ilniabcan
2-lb to.ikod,85o. lloston baked beans ; i-H
$1 J.VJJ l M. b eot potatoes J-lb Now Jeiioj
tl.CO ; : Mb olcrn , and tomatoes tl.0.lU-ll ; ) oki.i
(1C1) ; iisparnRus , J-lb , S.85J.75 ; rbuburb.3-lL
JI 40 ; eiu-cot.ish , Jl. xai.55.
WIIAITINO I'Ai'Lit 1'trlb. , best straw , 15x1
toJ2\44 ; IVicsdry t-oodH , 43ic ; extra ( jimlit
iniuillln , iliic ; nuinlllii tea , 1-xlB , Do ; dark rut
luidwure'Jc. .
OIIIE E 1O. . , twin Huts , per Ib. lOiic ; P. O
VouiiK Auiutlcn , IHle ; domestlo Hwlss , 15Uu
brick , ! < < > : iaam. : In foil , each , fl.OO.
rAiiiM CEOim GOODS llarloy , 4'o ' ; furlni
Kegs , 8300 ; split peas. 3o ; creon peas. 2c ; out
meal , bbl , W.25UU.50nt ; \ \ bbls , JI.23O.J.EO
macaroni , l.'corinlcolll ; , r.'c ; t-aj-'o and tapl
oca , GitOliu : Lima beans , BJ o ; curcalluu , W.2 ;
hominy , nO-lo sucUs , $1.75.
Diiui ) Kiitiixs Turkish prunes , lest thni
hlidH , 18-9 , Su ; apples , evaporated , now rln
choice , 14He ; apilcots , fancy , In sacks , lOliu
bluckberrlcH , now , 10e ; raspberries , 251bs t
box , U4u ; ourmnts , nitw , SJic , Votlzza currants
extra. In boxes , uvs ; peaohea , pared , cliolct
I'Jlio ; California dried grapes , In bags. Go ; seed
less Hullans , backs. Do ; inuscatols. HJc } ; not
Valencia , 8'ic ' ; Ondura luver , 7Uo ; flg" , layers
l. < Jlfco ; dales , I'crslun , UJ-lb box , 7u ; cltroi :
I.eKhorn.-"o | lemon peel , 15o ,
UOI-KIK are'cu-Hio , 2.1'4 < ( l24Moi Java , S8c
MoohJ.2to. ) Uonstvd Arloila.5io } ; llunoli
M'Joi ' Oerman , ffimoi Dllworth'a. 25ei Lloi
J c ; Mallpouch , Kilic j Oordovn. 25)io ) ; Moohn
32o ; O , Q. Javu , 30o. Collco Kssenco-U gr
boxes , ll.a5QI.50 ; Ohleorv. 7 > 5Oii o.
ViNiaAii Apple elder , lOcj double older , ISc
whlto , wine , 12c ; triple strength , ICc.
On,8-150 prime white. OHoj 150 water flhlt (
lllio ; headlight. IJu ; 74 Rasohnn , llu. Oilcan
-1 cut , ( J.lXXtiJ.23 ; 2 BUlU75 < 3I.SO5gaI ; , U'J.W
15.00 ,
TouACCOS-Pluo cut , per Ib , 25 < 370o ! pluc ,
4J"bc ; smoking- ; < 2ljJc ! fiuicy brauda , uoc <
TKAS-Japan , bntket flrcd.CfxnAV ; sunilrlei
20 4101 Krien. SuQSOot itnnpowder. SiX&Mc
insllah breakfast , U.Vit75o ; Young Hyson , 204
Uo ; Oolong. 254t 5o | 1-lb puokacn ilust , 13c.
UANUV ilUcd , ; iO-lb pulls , 8HQfll o ! Ettcl
SJioj twist stick , 0e | l-'reacumlicu , 13J4 | lioui
h mini stick , 8'r ' { ? ! 1gr unilca o randies , Bbb
b > n 1 / ' "luirrtrilno : KO s. ! ( > V' ,
.iAxt'5 annwli'I'-Vr Btoss 1'irslors Inrgo
tlui , .JO.OIj nii'dlptn tlnx. I.T.liU ! Miiiall , ( l.VAi ;
otlicr makes , voou , isbXtHM.
HtAtKiNii iiluzinbox , 30OO.VI Inillcs' shoo
'rl'-nr < 5c ® " > ( V'i ' "lovo polish , per Kros ,
' M
illAKtNbMqul. ( . < 0r , 3 doz In box , 00 < T&
11.70:8 : 07. . , Iitlatln UOT , Si.'i ( i2.73 | dry , siimll ,
2.V ! larKO , 45c.
TScQll.opt icriib iirn hcs cflttttSfO. '
. > 0tcicretttn,6c ! ! { !
ginger snain , 8'n' ' .
CAN.NCU hums California AprlooK J2.10
CtlfiO ! peeled aprliiotB , tl.25 ; nencbc" . J.MOA
It.Olj pears , $ . ' .41 ; llnitlott pours , J2. < M | Krapci ,
Jl.twi cherries while. B BO2.7Bj chorrlct ,
blnok , $22ViJ2.50j ntdnccs , J..toi blackberries ,
J22.Mraspberries , u i strawberries. $ ilKciir- ;
rnnts. 8i ! : Roe i'lJcrrles , 12.851 plum" , cgp ,
Jl.noai.wi ! plums , Rieeii itiigcs , Sl.ROai.W. T.Mra
flnoifoodv-Aprleots , t.iO ) ; yellow Ciawford
l > enchosIOO ; siloed peaches for rrohin , $125 :
llnitlutt ppir ! .J.lM | opt ? plums , $ .1.51 ! Kreon
BaRi" . J3'0. I.asteincanned fiulls reaches ,
seconds , Jl.loa 0) ) : apples , : i-lb,11.2r ; pall. ! !
doz In CUPO. } I5J ; gooseberries , llaltlmoro strawberries. J1..IO ; rasp
berries , 11.40 ; lud raspberries , * 1.50 ! blno-
licrrlcs , $1,00 ; blackberries , l.l' > ; cherrlus , Jl.M )
® l.n.i ; pineapples , sliced , JI/iVJt240. *
UilocotATK. KTC. 1Mb bo\ex , 2i(3 > Vm ; Ger-
Jtuiiulca Kluxer , 4 07. , . .
MATCilts-l'iulor , 200 to 300. per box , $1.0 ; ®
1.70 per cross : sulphur. Jl.03 1.40.
I'liKMM-Mcdluiii , bbls. iKOOs ; tnall , $950 ;
gherkins. } ll.oo ; Hoslon nilxod , $12.00.
Klco Java , Cc ; choice , ocs fancv , oUe ; lie id ,
CJo !
spiio , 10-lb boxes , 25o.
Dnv SALT MrH-rs-Lcnn backs , Oc ; cxtr.i
short clears , GO ; Itelllos. 10 to 20 Ib avg , ( j'io ;
short ribs , fi > ci short clears , to ; long uluars ,
ri.Se ; shoulders , fie.
buoKfcii MKATS nest Sugar Cured Hams.
extra light , I ) to 10 Ib ftVR. lo'io ; hams , llKht , 12
to 14 Ib a\p , 10c ; hnnis , incdliiin , 15 to lOlb nvg
O c ; hea\y , 20 to 22 Ibavg , U'iocxtr.i \ heavy ,
21 to25 ibave , O'ic ; sklnnul Hllelnc. 18 to 20
Ib IUR , lee ; Ualuornia liams , UMc ; M , 'Y ,
shoulders , ( ic ; lloston slmnlJors , 0 to 8 Ib nvir.
0'4c : honolosslinni , lot brcikfast bnconclcar ( > T : breakfast bacon , ( rib ) , 7'ic } ;
dried neef hams ( sins ) , 7'5c ; regular , Co : clods ,
5yc ; faney lein back" . 7o ; hams , sjieclal. U to
15 Ibavg , lie ; breakfast lucou , snoolnl , 104c. !
faMOiCEl ) M BATH Dry Halt Uurcd Ilacon.fonK
clears , ( , 'ju ' : Miort cleais , OJjc ; extra Minit
olenib. C > i > ; bellies , cle-ai strips , To : short ribs ,
G'/ic : hhouldors r > 34'c ; leuii baeks , OHc.
rncsiiMKvrs-Kioslihnms , 20 Ib avp , 7 ic ;
10 Ihs n\g , be ; li 11)9 ( ivg , b'ii1 ' ! hhoulders , 5Uc ;
iioik loins , 7Me ; work tendei loins , Uo ; leaf
liird , notroiKicicd , ? c ; spare ilbs , 5c.
1'uun l.PAiliAUti - hot tie Kendered-Tlcrccs ,
CJ'c ; bnirols. C'.i ; Inlf-barrcls , 7o.
I'ouic AND in HIIn Uarrels Mess pork ,
new , J12.W ) ; elear pork b.ickH , heavy , HI 15 ;
incdliiin , 111.75 ; ghnrt eut clear pork. 91050 ;
f.unlly pork , UMII , 110.50 ; pig nork , $ U5'J ; now
extra moss buef. $0.2o ; new extra plain bcof.
$ b.25 ; now plate beef , $7.00 ; now rolled boneless
beef , 18.50 ; new boneless rumps , $3.50 ; now
blioulder olods , $ i 50.
' 1 liti-r.-Itancls. 200 Ibs , JJ 25 : nuni ter bbls , 40
Ibs. $1.0Jklts ; , nibs. Me.
I'lCKi.H ) I'ins KfFT llarrols. 200 Ibs , $7.25 ;
qiliutcr bbls , 40 Ills , tl.OO ; Kits , 1 > Ibs , 75c.
UfLFTONauB-SiigirOiircd Uarrels , 200 Ibs ,
Sl"'iO ; hoof tongues MiioKed.iJcrlb , lU'ic.
IMMII TONOIILS Uncooked , mild cure Half
bbls 100 Ibs. $7 00 ; qtilirtci bbls. TO Ibs. $4.00.
SIMUF.D Pins' ToNnuus-Cookcd Half bbls ,
80 Ihs , $ UM\lts. ; 1ft Ibs , IJBO.
M'icr.n IA Mils' Toxaui s-Cookcd Half bbls.
SO Ibs. * U50 ; eighth bbls , 20 Ibs , JJ.OO ; kits , 15
1 bs JJ.50.
Oit.s I'nio nc.itsfoot oil. bbls , per gal , 50c ;
A 1 tallow , ft'ic ; stoiulnc , CUc.
TONOUIS Half bbls , 100 Ibs , $7 50 ; quarter
bbls. 50 Ibs , $100. t
SAUI-AOI : HoloKtia. 4c ; < furts. 7c ; blood ,
4'jc ; tongue , 7ic. | Ihor , 4Jc [ ; hc.idubceso , 4' ' c
I'oll&U , 7c ; poik sivusisc. HiiKB , bo ; porkbau-
meat , In tin piills , oc ,
Country I'roeluuo.
PoUJT.Titv The situation Is a little more fav
orable , the weather being somewhat cooler
and the lecolpts jllchter. fcomo chickens ,
poor stock , sola foi almost nothing , but the
bulk of the sales weio at 5o for Kood stock.
An ocoaMonal snirfll lot of choice stock
biouRhtCe. Ll\c chlokens sold at $ l.75-,25 ;
turkeys , chnlec , Uui ; others not uuntod.
llUTTCH The market Is a little slow and
quotat Ions are eonsldei ably lower than a week
a o Good country rolls , IKai'c : choice. 175 ! )
lOc ; Inferior , 701Dy ; good eountiy solid packed.
ICQl'c : choice , volld picked , J710e ; good
ereiiinery. 21G,2lloi fancy 2."ic.
KdOR lliero ro it good many selllnK at 21c ,
butstrlctly fresh stock Is being held largely
' " ' .
ut - - ( -
GAME 1'ralrlo chickens , per dozen , $100 ;
mallard ducks , SJ.7555-1.00 ; ducks , tl 50 ®
1.7" > ; mixed ducks , $1 50 ; ouall , 11.00 ; jack rab
bits , $2,7503 00 ; small rabbits. 75c < a1.00 : deer
und antelope c.ircusses , 7scj saddles , ll@12c.
l'iaio > s There is no demand.
Flour , Bran , Etc.
Davis' high p-itent No. 1 and Cream ,
f2.70 ; Illiio 1) . full patent , $ ; .f > 0 ; Hawk-
oyc , half patent , $2.10 ; Davis' special
Kovul patent No. 10 , $2.83 : Jllnnosota patent ,
J2.ft ; Kansas bard wheat patent , $2.55 ; Ne
braska spring wheat patent. $ ! > .
S. Gllmun's gold medal. S ' .M : Snow 'NVhlte ,
$240 ; Snow Fluke , U.10 ; low Kradc , $ l.bO.
Ilroken How Holler Mills' dream. . ' .65 ; Myr
tle , $2.40 ; Claim , $ .2.20 ; Fidelity , $ .00 ; Minne-
Beta ( Jhlof. 9J.4r > ; I'ateut , . ' ,70.
Oikamp's ready to raise buckwheat flour.
$4 Viper easeof 5u21b packages ; buckwheat In
bbls , N. Y. , WOO ; Kxeelslor brand , 350Blap ;
Jack meal , $4 00 pnr case of 50 2-lb packages.
Hran , sacked , per ton , $18.00 ; chopped feed ,
921 00. % * *
HAY On track at Omaha Upland , No. 1 ,
$ s.oo per ton ; co.uso blue stem , $7.00 ; oats
straw , M 00 per ton.
roTATOr.1 ? Car lols of potatoes are quoted
at8.vacOe with cholco stock soiling In a small
way from stoio at Ojc. Colorado stock. $1 n.
OviONs-Ued , $ I.Xi pcrbu. : yelloUanvors ,
ll.3.vai..V ) ; Spanish , $1 75 per box.
SWEET I'OTATOES-Oood stock , $4 OOS4.50 per
bbl ,
UFANS Supply not laro and tho' feeling
stronK atf2.l. ! > C ,7' ) .
CEMBV ytfMQc per doz.
CAuiiAan 1'cr Ib , ii'Jc.
TuuNii-s llutubagas , choice , C5o per bush. ;
white , chole-c. We.
LETTUCE 1'er doz , 35c.
Fresh Fruits.
OnA ! > .nF < ; Florida stock , $4.iVS1.50.
Al'l'r.l-s Per bbl. $ ) .25l 50 , according to the
quality and \arioty.
UHAMIMIIIIES I"uncy ) Capo Cod , $10.00 ; bell
and cherry , $ S 50.
OiiArEs Concord , per basket , Hoc ; Oatawbas ,
CAMFOnNiA TituiTS Pears , per box. J2.75 ;
Muscat grapes , $1.50 per 20lb cs ; gulnecs ,
$1 732.23.
BANANAS Yellow. t2.SF > ft.1.0Q per bunch.
LEMO.NS Choice stock , $7.50 8.00' ' .
rnnsii Per lb Porch , Be ; buffalo , dressed.
7c ; pickerel , Oo ; plli\.lo ) ; white , Iflc ; croople ,
lie ; cattish. He ; cod steak , 12o ; flounders , ;
Oregon salmon , 15ci Hack bass , 18o ; lobsters ,
18o ; blue llsh. Tic.
bait anil pickled Codfish , extra Georges ,
now. ClJc ; grand bink , now , 4io ! ; silver , 2-lb
blocks , 5&o ; snow white. 2-lb bricks , now , 71Jo ;
turkey cod , largo mlclillo bricks , Oc ; Know
whites , orates , 12-3 lb boxes , 7Jfc ; medium
scaled herring , 25o ; No. 1 scaled hcirlng , 20c ;
domestic Holland herring , 40e ; Hamburger
spiced herring , OJc ; Kusslan sardines , bplced.
doc ; Husslan sardines , plain. 50c ; Imported
Holland berrliiK , Crown brand , bOc ; do fancy
milkers , $1.00 ; niacKorul , No. 1 shore , half bbl
SUM ; bloaters , half bbls , $18 00 ; whlto fish ,
half bbl , $0.75 ; tioiit. half bbls , $550 ; family
whlto llsh , 8J 10 ; salmon , $8.50 per half bbl ;
2-lb broiled mackerel , * 2 80 ; : i-lb In mustaid ,
J.'CO ; $ J-lb In tomato sauce , $ . ' .00 ; 5-lb JIayo
mess mackerel , jaw ; 1-lb oiook trout , tl 2" ;
: i-lb brook trout , T2.2. > ; 1-lb salmon , $1.25 ; 2-lb
white ( Ish , $2.21lb ; whlto Ilsli , il.r : > i 2-lblob-
Hters. * - ' JO ; 2-lb oysters , lioz. t-.M ; 2-lb oys
ters , 10 01 , f ja.jV \ oybtora. 5 or , tl.25 ; 2ilb
Huiatarlu , 10 oz. fllO ; 1-lb Itaratarln , 5 oz ,
* 1.10 ; 1-lb olams. Httlo nocks , tl.15 ; 2-lb alams.
little rteeks. $1.75 ; ll-lb clam chowder , t2.00 ;
1-lb crabs , $2.23 ; ii-b ) cralis , $ , ' .5a
WAl.NUTS-Por Ilushol , 75tI.OO.
HirKoitv NuiSrrLarge , Per bushel , tl.25 ;
small , ( I.7.V33 00. I
I'OP C'oiiN Cholcd last season's stock , SffliJJo
per lb.
OocoAMjTS-Per hundred , saoUod , fi.OO.
Dry G nod n.
OlNfliiAMS Amoitteas. 7e ; Arnoslcas dress ,
8'e ; Hales , Ofo ; Warwick dress , 8e : Lancaster ,
05o ; Glcnalrc'.OiicrWlilttondondress. 8c.
llr.KCIIKD COTTONS Ilorkcloy Oanibrjo No ,
SJ , UioIlest ) ;'ic ; Ilutturolotli XX , 4He ;
Cabot , 7 > u ; First Cull , Olio : I'rultof tbo Loom ,
Oo ; Illllbempor Idem , 80 ; Housekeeper. bVic :
King I'hllllpcambric , ICe ; LnngdonO H.iilio ;
l.onhdalo. Oo ; IonsiliUo cambric , lOJio ; Now
York .Mills , lie ; Oak Lavrnv. 7o.
WIOANS Net Thistle , OJio ; Red Cross 7e.
CIIASH Sto > ens'H , 10-ln , 5 o ; Stovens' n ,
18-ln. O'io : Stevens' A. lfl-ln. 7no ; Stevens' 1' ,
JS-lu. 8c ; Htou'MK'M. IS.lii , Uc ; Stevens' N. 20-
ln,0o ; Stevens' NN,22-ln , 10c ; Stevens' bTB ,
20-ln , 12c ; bleached , Io oxtrn ,
I'UIMH 1'nnoy Eddystone , 6Uo ; Steel
Illvcr , 60 : Hnmapo , 4'o ; St. Ledger , 6 o.
Shirting Martha WuBbhiRton , 4io ! ; Mcrrl-
inao , 4 c. Turkey Kod-rountaln , 0io ; Uur-
ner. 7o ; Crenllelil.6'ic ' : Ilurlln.Gtic.
Net I'eppercll , 45-ln , 10 e : Vopporell , 8-4.18e ;
Peppercll , U-l , 20c : I'oppcroll , 10-4 , 22io } ; Utlou ,
48-n ! , 15c ; Utlca. f-ln , 17)Jo ) ; Utleu. 22-ln , 2lo ;
Utlcn.ln.LIJo : Utlca , OO-in , I'b c. Hlcached
Not-1'opperell . 10'iO ! | l'aiiporoll. < C-ln ,
ll'ie ' ; 1'ciipcroll , fl-4 , 15o ; l'cppere-11. 8-4. SOcj
1'epporull , 0-4,22Joi } I'epporell. 10-4. 5o ; Utlun ,
8-4:2401 Utlca , 0-4,2Uo ; Utlca. fo-4i8c. :
1'uiNTs Inillgo bluo-Net-Martha Wash
ington , diio ; American , 6Uo : Arnold , CUe ; Ar-
mild U , long clotli , 10o ; btillo A , HJio ; Merrl-
C < inoNAtrs ) York , nankin. lOUo ; K\orclt ,
07,180 ; l.owlbtou , 10 o22Sc ! ; Workliixmnn ,
On Hoard Cars nt Omaha Anthracite
Cheslntit. raiiReand egg. $8.V5 per Ion ; grate ,
Moo. t-oft\Valntit. block , tJ 73 ; Iowa
lump , $ J.50j IOXMI nut. Uoo.
I'nlntH and Oils.
LiunWuiTB iv Oio-Curtcr , In 500-lb lol ,
1 1 , . * ; In lOW-lb lots , per cwt. $720 ; HoiillMun
Co . M. Louis , In 5oo-Ib lols , $7.50 ; In 1,000-lb
lots. HIT cwt , $7 20 ; Ked Seal , St. l.onK In 500-lb
lot s , $7.50 ; In 1,000-lb lots , pel ew t. J7.,0.
WIIITB Ditr Olldei's Whiting , per lb. l ( c ;
Poniiiii-rolnl Whlt'.inr. per Ib , le ; higllsh U , ri.
Paris While , per lb. 1'jc.
Km UiirAinorlcnu Venetian red , 1'Sc :
Oliattiinooaii , 2c ; Kncllsh Venetian , barrel .11) )
bs,25c ! ; Indian , No. 1 , 12c : Tuscan , l.ngllsh ,
Yni LOWS Chrome jellow. 0 to lOe : oclior ,
Hoehclli' , 2 > ic : ocher , washed Dutch , 4c , oehcr ,
washed rioncli.S'ic ,
1MMTV I'u re , In barrels , kegs and tubs , 2140 ;
In bladders. 2SJc ; In M-lb tins , 2'Sc. '
Vi ai.TAiu.K OILS Linseed , domestlo raw , lu
barrels , per gallon , e 2c ; linseed , domestic
boiled , In barrels , perKiillon , 050.
AMMAII AND 1'J'ii On.s Whale , blcai-hed
winter , nor gallon , r > 5c ; w half ) , extra blcaehed
winter , UOejspei in. bleached winter , $1.00.
iMUNK OILS Diamond descent engine oil ,
per gallon , 40ej perfection engine oil , Me ; stei-
linu ciiKlnc oil , 45u ; Hercules engine oil , 50c.
VAIINISIILS rurnlturo. No. 1. HOC : fuinlUiip ,
oxtia , $1.00 ; coach , No. 1. $1.10 ; coach , extra ,
$1.20 ; hard oil llnlsh , light. $1.20.
Hldcc , TnllnuH , ! Cto.
HIDPS AM ) Pi'LTS Oreon malted hldo , No. 1.
( Hip ; No. 2 , 4 > iu ; dry Hint hides , 7 , ® ; ealf
hides , 81l8c ; ( latnaged hides , IHo loss ; sheep
pelts , green , caeh , a5ttl.23 ; sheep poll * tin ,
per lb , lOQIIc ,
TAM.OW-A No 1 , 4"c ; No. 1 , .VB.T'.e ; grcaso
white , IlVJQlu ; yellow , JS5 < alc ; steal Inc. G'Je. '
UONI-S Yuotatlous nro for dcll\oiy In Chicago
cage Dry bulTalo. per ton , $1000180fl ; diy
country , blenched , fie 001JOO ; country , dan u
and meaty , $ .0010.W. (
PiniNO-1 ! , $2200 ; II , J2J.50 ; 0 , $1003 : T ) . m.01 ;
riooniNd Whlto pine A and 1) . $ . ' 'OU ; 1) ) .
$2I.(0 ; O , JJ7.00 ; II , tlf.W.
( Jlilt.iNn No. 1 white , 'i In , J31.50 ; No 1 haul
pine , H In. * n.50 ; No. 1 hard pine , H la , WI.UOj
No. l hard pine , ' In , JJ'.fiO.
STOCK UOAHUS A and U , 12 In , $42.00 ; D , 12
in. $ i7.00.
Oiioovfn IJoouNn No. 1 common white
pine , 12 , Hand 1(1 ( ft , $1000 ; No. 1 common Y
pine , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $18 OU.
12 ft 14 ft 1(5 ( ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4 , t5 ! 00 $15 00 $15 00 $10 00 $10 00 $17 M $18 ( W
2X0. . 1500 1500 1500 1000 1(1 00 1800 18 BO
28 H 00 15 UO 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 IS 50
2x10. 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 30
2X12. 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 10 00 10 00
4x4 to
8x8 10 00 10 03 10 00 17 00 1R 00 10 CO EO CO
UOAIIUS No 1 com $1000 ; No. 2 com , $17.00 ;
No. .1 com. tl'i ( X ) ; No 4 com , $12.50.
SimIjAi - No. 1 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , $1800 ;
No2plnln.8 and 10 Ineb , $1(500 ( : No. 3 plain , H
and ID Inch , $1500 ; O. ( ) . , 8 inch , l10e. (
li ATTUNP'i 1 1. TiiniNO , PICKETS O. 0. bats ,
21'-ln , 7.r c ; i\i : bIS , X.c ; 3-ln well tubing. 1) . .t
SI. mid Hov. . $ . ' .100 ; plekets.1) . & H. llat , $2SOO ;
i ) . & n. sq , $ -'i.oo.
I'opbAit-Clear , 1-ln , all widths , $ J3.50 ; clear ,
H-ln. all wklthb , $ Jtt50.
Y. PINK ri.ooid.NO-Cloar , 4 and 0 Inch$23.rO ;
star , 4 and 0 Inch , $ .21 00 ; rift sawed , $0 00 cxtn.
KINISHINO Yl-i t.ow PiNn-Uloar.l Inch.KO 00 ;
1'4. Hi and 2 Inch , $2700 ; star , 1 Inch , $24 00.
biHNCii.i < , LATH i\lraXAX. : $2.75 ; standard
AX. J..CO:0-ln. : $2.20 : b-in. $ . ' 00 : No. 1. $1.20 ;
cedar , XAX , $2.75 : lath , $3.25.
POSTS Whlto CVdnr 0-ln , HS , 12'c : 0-ln ,
scji , 12c ; 515-ln. 'iS , lie ; 8-In , Uo ; 4 to D In.iound ,
laiio ; oak , spilt , Oo : red ecdar , 13c.
Sash , 55 per cent : doors. 45 per cent : blinds ,
45 per cent ; mouldings. 43 per cent ; straw
board , tl.n ; larboard , $1.00 ; tar foil , $ . ' 40.
STOCK HOAHDM No. 1 common , 12 and 14 ft ,
$20 00 : 10 ft , $10.00 ; No. 2 common. 12 and 14 ft ,
Jisoo : 10 ft. $1700.
FivisiiiNO WHITE Pixn 1st and 2d clear , 1
In , , $50.00 ; Hi , iy and 2 in , J50 00 ; Jd clear. 1 In ,
$4500 ; I'i.HJanda In , )000 ; A select , 1 in ,
$4J.OO ; I'i , l'/i and 2 in , $4200 ; II select , 1 in ,
| MOOi Ui , 1 and 2 in , $ JOCO ; O select , 1 in ,
FFNCING Whlto Pine No. I , 4 and 0 in , l !
and 14 ft , tlO.50 ; No. 4 and li in , 12 and 14 ft.
f 14 00 ; No. 2 , 4 and ( l in , 15 ft , $ lo 50 ; No. 3 , 4 and
0 lii , In all lengths , 319 00.
Lime , Cement , Etc.
On Jonrd cars at Omaha Per bbl Ash
Oro\o lime. OOo ; Champion lime , 85c ; Qulney
white , 80 ; LoulsMllo cement. $1 5U : Milwaukee
cement , tl.45 ; Utlca cement , $1.40 ; English
Portland cement. $ .145 : New York pliihtci ,
$2.23 ; Michigan plaster , Si 00 ; Kort Dodge plas
ter , $1.75 ; whlto sand , J..OO ; P. P. hair per ,
bale , $1.00. _
Oulnlnoporoz. , 1 * . A.V. . . 44c ; Gorman , lllc ;
Indigo , per lb , 75o ; Insect powder , 21c ; opium ,
$ .1.10 ; morphine , pcro ? , $2.83 ; hops , peril ) , .10c ;
glycerine , 18e ; dextrine , lOo ; cuillouonc , , tfc :
cream tartar , pure , : i2o : commercial , 18c ; cam
phor , 50c ; am carb , He ; blue vltrol. 7'ic ! car-
lolloacld,31iJOc ( ; citric , 45 < iI4B ; tartarlc , Jh ®
aoc ; sulphuric , per lb. 2c. Sperm oil , $1 10 ;
turpentine , 4Si" Tonka beans , 81 8V32 QO ; bal
sam ton to. 41@45c ; calomel , ! > Q. ! > 7e ; canlha-
rldcs , SI IOSl.,1' ' ) ; eassla buds. 20a2''o : ehloro-
forin 57illiO ( ; ergot. 474J52 ; gum arable , Me ©
$1.05 ; Ivcopodliim. 40 4 Io ; mercury . 92o ; MII-
phur , 2'/ic ; iiluni , 23BO ; copperas , IJSc ; epsoni
sultliC ; glaubor bait , lgc. !
Mot a Is.
STF.n , Wine NAILS Hnso $2.0 , " ) : steel nails ,
base. $2.13
TIN PLATE-I. C , 10x24 , $7.50 ; I. X. , 10\U ,
$0 25 ; coke , 4x1,10 , 112 , J0.73.
Sui.tT ZINC so.
The enormous amount of funds Invested by the
citizens of Helena In mlnlntrcntcriu1i > os Induced by
the abnormally Inico profits nrlMng therefrom
leaven open for ia ; tern capital exiepdonal oppor
tunities In real estate aiut building Investment * ,
which , whllo absolutely xafo , Tluld Incomesrnnuliiif
from fifteen to nfty per tent , iininmlly. itenl Kntiuu
Is constantly on the advance In valna us the result
of an outuut of weultli unequalled lu the history of
Uio worlu.
EnMern Incomes basert upon u nna o per cent. In-
vestiiuintBiiiny l lurKely uuumentcd without rink.
by ehUttnK tliu prlncljial to a locality otrortoe wider
Avtelt to Hilenawtlltlcmomtratcttictnithof thla
statement aiul convert the moat fncmluloua.
For full Information , address ,
L Q. PHELPS , Sec'y Citizens Committee ,
Helena , Montana.
Dr. F. C. Werner's
Are highly recommended after seven
years of successful oxuoricnco by the
solo manufacturora ,
Dreibus& Co.
Kopp , . ,
1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold everywhere , 60 per package.
Send for Biiinnloa.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $40OOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - B7BOO
Offlcerund Dlrecton-Henrr W. Tktei , PreiUtntt
r wltS. Be < ) , Tlca-Preildant ) Jamn W. Btraue , W.
v7MomeJohn8. Coillni , U O. Cuihlag , 1. X. ft
Pkttlok , W. il. B. HuiiUei , osihltr.
Corner 12th and Turnam Sti.
t Qenoral Hanking Du lne Tran aotei1.
H , Hardy & Oo.i The Oinalia Typo
Toji , dolli , albums , funey Foundry.
goods , bouao f urnUhlng 1'rtntcrt' Supplloi.
' Now and ccond-hand
goodB , children's car- machinery ,
Ilageo. 1319 Farnam it 1118 llonurd itrccU
The Brunswick-TJalko John L , Wilklc ,
Oollemler Oo.
Milliard incrclinnill Oi Omnlmpnpor box factory ,
' 'iloon fixtures. 131M310 DoiiRlm.
407. m H loth street ,
Onmha Orders proniptly fllloJ.
Omaha Republican Printing Oo. (
Law briefs , Intilc supplies , niul everything In the
printing lino.
10th nml Doutilfis streets.
Aokormnnn Bros. & Hcintzc ,
Printer ? , binders , eloctrolypcr < , blank book manu
facturers ,
UK , Iloirnr.l street , Omihn.
Louh Ilollor ,
nml I'ncVorV
Tools . V biipiillui Hoof ,
hnu&Miccp ( n InK' .
llli-U13 ; Jnokinn Ht.
s , parts aulkloi ,
0 I ) Kilwnnli , Mnnigcr.
3I.1-JI5 youth HHh.
Omaha Oarpet Co. , Gilraoro & Kuhl.
Carpets , oil cloths , mat- Mniiufactiirers \Vliolo- -
tliiKs , curtain Kood-.ctc. sale Clothiers ,
1511 Doiislv street. H09IInrnojr St.
West & Pritsolier , Dean , Armstrong &
Vaniifaclnrers ( Inoclitirs Oo , ,
Eagle Oornico Works , P , Euemping
Manufacturers of Oalvuu- GnlT nlieil Iron cornlcrs ,
Izeil Iron Coi nice. Dnriucr wlmlonrs , floor
Wltuloivrniis.nict.-illcjky- cnpj , flululs , etc. Tin
lleliti etc. 1110 and 1112 Ironunil sluto roofer.
811 1'nrnam St.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrick-Kooh Dry
Dry nooils , furnishing Goods Oo , .
00(19 , notions. Dry Kooiln , notions , Konti'
Cor Ilth and lion nrcl sts. Corner lltli nna H rnor
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illustrated Catalogue
1G14 Cnplto Avenue.
Parlin , Orendorff & T. 0. Horthwall ,
Martin Oo. , ( jcncral western accnt
Corner lonca and Oth sta. Skinulla 1'low Co ,
Oiuaba , Nob. 1341-lVit Slicrmnn avo.
Broken Bow Eollor E. T , Davh Mill Oo. ,
Milling Go. . Ml nt St , Joacpb.
Ollleo nnd wnrcboiisc , Oinab-x House ,
1012 N. Ibth street , for 6th unit Jackson st .
S. F , Oilman , Clemens Oskamp ,
Jl'f'K of roaily to rnl o
1014 N. IBth stroot. Slnp Jnck Monl. finest
cakoH In the norlil.
C. 13. Black , - Manager. 1.-07-U15 a JOtli street.
Dewey & Stone Pur- Ohas. Shiverick & Oo ,
nituro Oo ,
, .
Furniture nnd Carpets.
Turnlturo nnd rnrpets ,
lllu-1119 rurnnm street , 12W-1210 F rnnm St.
Schneider & Loomis , J. T , Bobinson Notion
Co. ,
Jobber ! nml Importers of
GcntV furnishing Roods ,
notions nnd furnishing m'f'e pulolirnU'il brnnil
goods , "UuckHkln" overalls ,
imnlM , slilrti coits , oto.
1111 ftownnl street. Cor l.'lhuna Howard sti.
Kennard Qla&S and J. A , Puller & 0o. ,
Paint Oo.
, '
HO.'Doui'lns Street ,
HOS-H12 Unrnuy street.
Omiilia , Nob. Oiuiiln. ,
William Oummiuga , Blake , Bruce & Co. ,
C17nndC13 South ICth St. , 'JOO-003 I.c.iTcnwortli st ,
Oruiilm , Neb. Oinnlin , Neb
Hugh Q , Olark ,
Dupont'H ( Junpondor ,
lln ) tlnK caps , fuio , etc.
12U Hurnoy mrtet.
Reotor&WilhelmyOo Loe-Olark - Andreesen
Hardware Oo ,
its ,
Cor , 10th and Jacksou
1108-1110 llarney itreot ,
OmaUk. I
L. KSr6cut& Oo.i A. Triok & Co , ,
Wholesale MquorDonlcri \ \ lolesalo I.tijuorDealcr *
407 nml4008,10th St. BOt-SOS S 10th br.
0. A. Stonohill , I. Oberfelder & Oo , ,
Millinery , Notions Importer * nml Jobber ! 13
Cloaks , lito Millinery
203,210anil , 212 suuth llttj
110-1188 ICthSt , Onialm BtlCCt
Max Meyer &Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. ,
M'f'Kjowolcrs , dealers In I'lanoj , OrKniK , Artlsta *
musical Instruments ,
etc , Material , Klc ,
Knrnaiu and loth. 1513 DoiiKlns btreet ,
Consolidated Tnuk
Line Oo ,
Ileflnod nml lubrlcntln ;
oils , nxlo Kreiso , etc
A H. lllsho | > ,
Oaipenter Paper Oo , , Western Plating W'ka '
Carry n full stock of ( told , sllrcr anil nlckoj
nml iilatlni ! on all imtnlf ,
Inline , wrniiplnB
IM lalilcworo , etc .replnteet
writing paper , card pa I'ollxhlnitlirax A clntn >
per , etc. ilcllorwork. UU
Bibbel & Smith , Schroecler & Oo , ,
Dealers In country prodCaMi buyers butter and
uce , fruits , vegetables , , nn1 Konernl com *
etc iiilH < lon morrhnnts ,
1207 Howard street. I.'J Hoiitli Ilth street.
Bates & Oo. ,
Country produce , fruit' ,
veuctnbloj , Krooors *
spCLlnltlci. tuas , apices ,
etc. 41T-I1U H lltli tit.
Omaha Eubber Oo. ,
Manufacturing nnd jo'j- '
bcraull klnils rubber
linoil < .
1003 riiriiaiii stroot.
A. L , Deano & Go , , Emerson Seed Oo , ,
General uKcnti for Hall's Seed Krowora , doilers li )
. Kurden urus , Kialaaad
Eil nntl niiyoutli 10th St. , true ced4 ,
Om ilia. 4 1-4 1 boutli 15th.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sash & Door Oo ,
Mftiufnctuiors nf sash , Manufnclurom of inould-
door ! , b 11 n d n and Inga , bllnih , doors ,
Moulding llruncliut- *
Uco , I'Jtli und Iinril ts. 10th nnd Olark strcrtC
Parrell & Oompiny , Dufly-Trowbritlgo
Wlioleanlo mnnrnctnrcra Stovj Minutio'g ' ( Jo , ,
| , molnsses and
yriii9 Manuraitiir'K stovoiaad
tovo pipe .
- : ! ' , ) SoutU Sill stroot. 12H-121S I.oavenwiirth it.
Oon&olidated Ooffca
Company ,
HllnndKlO llarnoy t.
Omaha. Ncl ) .