THE ; OMAHA DAILY BEEFIUJDAY ! ! , NOVEMBER 21 , isuo. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , \7heat Opets "Well , But Is Unmercifully Raided and Drops Out of Bight , CORN CLOSES AT THE BOTTOM FIGURES , OntH Open Wild nnd Clone nt n A Decline In Provisions Llvo Htock nnil ! ' ! niinelnl. CnirAOo. Nov. M. ( Rncclnl Tclofiram to Tun lli.n.lVhcatstarted out as n settled day , and the otronz market for wheat turned outtobo n > cry nervous session , with tlio tniirket lldRcty nnd foot-hall for bis boar mnnlimlntoM , who. fora tlme.ltook the role ut BcalpercVhcn trudo awomlilert on the curb It found Hrltlth cables lilRher , London quiet on American share' . Wall street more solid nnd prices nf stocks advancing , nnd ctlll bettor Liverpool tip 'id ' on spot whcnt and futuirs. With this outlook the nmrktt opened i ( < * np from the rery top yostordny at OJUc forDoccinboranrtlU'icfor May. A little bnlKO took prices to02'e ' { and Oii'ic , This nd- vnnce'.tii > teil I'anlrlclpo andOntlahy to sell- Ini ! and many others hastened totakoproflti or cell for u reaction , ns these prices wcro3'c up from the low points Wnlncstinv. The mar ket went olt to OHaC fnr ncccmhcr nnd 09 ; o forMnv. Ona siennil hnlso December went toWc nnd Mny to We. and then there was nn- oilier dip In prices With bl benri solllns on n thlnl liulRO prices were wrll up , vlicn the rumor of a I'hliadel- xihla fnlluio stalled sellln ? . which took prices off to Ol'ic for Dorcnibnr and 08'io ' furMtiy , There was n rally of ' 5c from this bleak' , when tlio nun-kot was Jumped on the fourth time , and bufoio 1 o'clock prices touched Olc fur December ando c for May. lly this time the Idea of a hull market was pretty well dNpellid ntul many sold out their hold- Inns In dlsiiimt nnd prleos wcnton down to CO'ic forOcminber and OT cfor Jlay , niaklnif n break of 2e from top figures. Tlilsdld not end It , With but twenty minutes of the ses- slon leiiinlnln ? , Felling conttnncd nnd at 1 o'clock prices \\cic down to'JOo ' and 07c. Sell- IIIR w.ns helped aloni ; by nil sorts of rumors nnd the nation of a New York bank , which' wassaidohave ! closed Its doors to stop a 'run" which has been coins on fortwodays. During the first few minutes corn had every appearance of u fctrong market. May was opened around , " ! e , or about ? ( c over the close last nlfiht. This was on the remarkably small rccolptsof Gticars. Tlilb was but little more than half of the very light estimate of Wednesday , The prlco moved up to "kl'io nt once , or lo over last night. This was the end of tlio nd- taiicc , The crowd pioccedcd to break the nir.rket lie by selling against calls. When this TT'so\cr everything on the floor was unset tled ngaln nnd the tcncloncy of prices was downward the rest of the day. At 1 o'clock Way com sold at 51'iic , a break of 19jo from the morning price , Corn closed nt the lowest prices of the day. May ihmlly declined to tPic anil closed seller ut Unit figure , l5o ! olT from the morning and 'So off from last night. The cash position was relatively stronger , November wns quoted nt . " < ! 'So early and oil to" 50'c ' ( , ! 5c loss for the dav ; December. G9 ? o to I9ie ! , or Uo olt for the day. The depression In May was In keeping with the wheat market , which was raided by bears , ami fatult was old out on fears. A Chicago honso hud ndvlccs that cash corn sold In Kansas Olty yesterday at the price of May licie , yet It was said that St. Louis was bear ish on coi n. May corn prl vllcgps sold at flOljo to.'il'ic to Me for puts , ttlth calls around .12 0. Thooats tiado started In wild , May oats opened all the way fiom 44'/io ' to4"o nnd biiy- IIIR wont on till the prlco reached 45Jjc. or l > io over thoclosliiK iinco Wednesday. It was at tills point that Hutchlnson stopped the ud- tnnce , and when ho turned against the innr- ket prices qulcldy dropped baekio to 44J c. Lntor there was solllnx on ecnoial weakness shown by the lending markets and the prlco of May went off to 4io ; at the close , or c under lust night. November and December held together and were largely nominal at < 2 c to 42so to 4lc at the close. Provisions opened at slight gains from Wednesday , Mess pork was quite buoyant and sold ntonco at $10.00 and up to $11.00 , and May uttll.70toSII.62K. Lard showed 2)ic ) to5o gain , short ribs 5c. These were the best prices of the day. The early strength was partly ex plained by light offerings of products. On the advance Armour & Co. and Cinlahy sold botli lard and pork and a paoklni ; company sold rllis : Packers really broke the market. Them was decline , more or loss , to the close. I'ork closed lOo to lie under last night at tlt.7"i ) for January and 111.45 for May. I.ard elosed at bottom prices and Solo 7'io lower at $ d.07'4 for January autl l0.r > 2iQ.C.5j ! for May. Hlbs , 8Jio lower. CHICAGO J.Il'Ji STOCK. CHIOAOO , Nov. 20. ( .Special Telegram to THE DEB. ! OATTMJ As compared with yesterday there was Iltllo or no change either In demander or prices. Good steeis sold qulcic nnd at steady prices as compared with yesterday. Common and undesirable stock continues to rule slow und at extremely low prices and no Impiovcnicnt Is anticipated. The pens wore again ( nil of this cluss and salesmen had to "peddlo" all day before they could get a buyer. Stockcrs nnd feeders are soiling about llkn last week. Ilest export nnd fancy steers IJ65 < Turi,12a ! ! others. * 4.2.Vft4.75 ; common , $3.7Jft 4.10 ; Tcxans t2.1.V&2.Ki ; ransers , W.7.V34.00. lions Demand fair and prices steady A few early sales of light mixed wcro at an 'ad- vaneo of Co to lOc , hut later that was lost , the . . , . . . . nuiKiiia. ; j.'u * ! j i-uitiiLtiuu US'iUrieU ul. 5o < aa.OO ; light-light , ? 2.Ma.40i pigs , .7U ® 8.00 * NETT VOIIK. Nov. 20 , [ Special Tolosram to Tun UKK.I-STOCKS The hklcs wcro brighter for Wall street this morn In ? . The bettor feel ing which returned to the street the last hour yesterday was not dispelled by uiiy bad rumors In local circles or from across the water. The Hank of England , as promised , made no change In Its rate from 0 per cent. Consols were higher. Everything Insight was of a. reassurlngolmraeter , except , pcrhniH , a 11111 oua c ouplo of local savings hanks by small depositors. The first prices bowed advances over the final figures of last ovcnlngof from Ute > i per cent generally , ithllo Missouri Vuclllo was np m and Now England I'lpor cent. A few Mocks made further slight gains In curly trading , but a tmturnl reaction sot In In a short tlmoand before - fore thoendof the halt hour Missouri I'aclUc , Durllngton , and Sugar were down 1 per cent from the opening prices , whllo Wheeling nnd Lake Trio profoiredlilchlind shown unus- tial strength , wcro ly per cent higher. The reaction halted at this point and the market became quite dull with no feature or material movement nnd rumnlned without change for the remainder of tbo hour. Iho bour to 12 o'clock chnngcd the tendency of prices again nnd a second general Improveniunt took place. Louisville moved up toTu , Northern 1'aelllo preferred toMV.llurllnigton rosoto87 , Atchl- 1.011 to iUaiulMlssouu Puclilo recovered from ffS'i toCOi , the opening tlgures. Oo.d stocks did not rally , ( las nnd sugar were heavy. .The stock market was full of Irregularities the last hour. Sonic stocks were np on goo < l import ; othfi-s wore raided savagely , whllo others dropped down without apparent i > au > .o , Jersey C'cntral closed , off three points ; r.ouls- vllle , after a climb to 7IS. dropped to ( W'j , closing utTO.'i. The regular llurllngton divi dend wiin declaied , and that stock olosod at i\ decline nt HI , utter helling at Lbi'J and hA > i In the half hour. Koclc Island > \as raided to * JH. 3'i ' per ci'tit from the early prlco. MIs- touil niolllo closed us It opened , lsi iii , Head ing lost ' ( , Money was fairly citby , but n I'lillatloliihln fiillurn disturbed the confldenco again. Total sales \\ero 2 ; ? . > o shares. The following Hero the closing quotations : MONBV Kasy at MJ6 pur contl lust loan U icr cunt. I'UIMK .MKIirANTILRl'Al'Kll-fiHOSVl I)0f ) CCIlt. BTKIIUNU KXCIIAMUK Quiet , itcud/i ulxty 31 A It KKTS. CnicAfio. Nov. n 1 p. rn. o1o c. Wlient- \Tnukicnaii ) SSHWS.Hci December , 60. 0 ! Mny. ffijdO. t'orn-wrnks ciwh , 53Xo | December , 4Ho ( | Mny. MVP I'IC. Onla-Wt-nkj cnsli , 41 > ( December , 410 ! May , Mom I'cirK Dull : cnslt , J3.75 ! January , JIJ"4 ! Mny , Jll.47',4. I.arcl-lMill ! cash , tj.Soj Jnnuary. W.071JO 0.10J Mnjr , ao3. Uyp-Qulctrit Mo. llnrlcy nt'Se. riax-Hiisvnt II.SV Tlniiiiliy-Kniyat 8l.5rdl.25. - - . . I'loiir-Qiilpt : Rlirlni ; iintont , winter patents tl.coWi.OO ; bnUcrs' . lltllK MnnN-iilioiiltlcrs , H. 7.CO ! ( | sliort clour. ) : Miort rlb.i , Ki.20tfM.nn. lint ter UiicliniiRod ! crontncrya a28c ! dairy , 1M12IC. Ch coin Slrndj'i full'lOOci ' Voitni ; Americas OQ9Jc. ! -rn i' i. . PncliniiKPil ; lipnvyRrcpn united. r > U ® fie ! ( ! llitht rcon suited. TiJiP ! fwtteil bull lilclos. 4'lc ' : Bit-on suited i-alf. 71i lSc ! dry salted hlilosTc ! lry Hint , Sate ; dry oilf : , 8ac ! clt-a- CIIIIM. rneli. i" f ! . Tallow Unolinneodi No. 1 , solid tiickcd , < ® 4\'tu \ ; No. S. asjoj cake , VA < iU > lc. Kccolpti. Shlpnicntt. I'loiir , bliN . 17.000 8,000 \\lirat , bii . CS.OOO IR.ono Corn , bit . 107,000 117.000 O.lts , lill . S14.0W 245.WIO Xr.w Voitu , Nov. 20. V'lioat" liooolpt i 67.WIO buslioN ! oxportfi , nniiPt split , un ct tied und IOWIM | No. a rod. 7tOt : nulovmor , Wo aloat. nsijji ( % o f. o.b. : iptloni adviinccd rally Wo , lit-'camu wrak nnd soldoin ? O ! oi No. U ri'il. NivcnibiTclnsliiKat)7ri ( ! ) e. Corn Uocclpts 170.7SO bnsliols ; ovports 7J.- $00 bil'liPls ; sjtot close < l weak ; No. 2 , 575o ! In olox'iitori ! i'ttil' < So nlloatj uiiKintlcd iiit.xod , fiT'ifWS'iO ' ! optloiiH aihuuu'd ? tOlo. reacted ti Mo. closliii , ' steady ; November closing ut SB'ie. ' Oats-Uocelpts. 31.000 bnsliclR' exports. 40 Imslii'h ; spot lJOIe lilelior , elo lllR ca y ; No. 2 whltp , 4WN14 ; mixed woslorn , 4KtJr ! > ( lc ! wldtn wettorn , noSTiOu ; options llrtucr ; Uccuinber rKaw , caslor ; ucntrlfusnls , M trst , iC , nsuscovatlo , fc ! ) test. 4Ho ; rullnud , qtilut , 1'otiolcum United closed at C8Jo ? for De cember. i : Bs-r.incy , ( Inn : wpstorn. S.vjJGc. I'ork Wt'iilc ; mess , } 10.WK ll2 00. Lard-Opened linn and closed weak ; western fctetiin. W.i.'i. ItntterICniy ; western dairy , llfflSOuj cream- cry , isast-i-i inKln.Llk- . Uhocsu Stciulyt ll litsklins , 45537o. ST. I.OUMS , Nov. 20. Wheat Casli. hlglier. fse ; fiittiros lower ; December , 87ic ? ; May , Wi ® IHJ'ii' ' : July. K'l'ic. Coi-n-lllKlior : cnsli,50 ® . ' > 'J ej options lower ; er 4le ; May. 4. Outs Lower ; cash , May 45u. 1'ork-Stuaily at S10.73. liinll''liin at ( > .75. Wlihky-flctidyat JI.I4. lluttuiIot so ( Inn ; quotably unchanged , Mi.vSKArot.t8 , Nov. 20. Spot wlieatsold well , ufturcood closes taken , poor went very well. Closing : No. I linrd , Nriveinbcr. December and on trni'k , SSc ; No. 1 norllitirn , November , nnd Decoinber , S'l ) c ; May , C.l , ' u ; on tr.ick.81o : No. 2 northern. November anil December on tr.iolf , 80c. liecolpts 40J cars ; slilpmcnts. HO. K.ns OITV. Nov. 20. Wheat-Quiet ; NT. 2 bard , caili , 8)c ) asked , November 77 bill ; Wo. a red , cash , no bids nor ofTerla s. Oorn Klnnur ; lilizhcr ; No. " , eusli , sa'.JiJS'JJio ; Nnvotnbiir. SiJiic bid. Otits-llliliur ; ; No. 'Juish , 44.iobld ; ; Novem ber. 41c bid. _ Mir.w.uiKKn , Nov. \Vlioat-Soft ; No. 2 sprlitKiCrmh , 8lj3e ; No. 1 northern , 83. ( Joni Klrnij No. II , cash. 5le. OatH-Qnlel : No. B white , cash , 4o'/i < 3lo. ( ! Provisions Quiet ; pork , January , ' * 10,85. CINCINNATI , Nov. 20. Wbeal flrtner ; No. 2 red. tr.V. Oorit-r.owcr : No. 2 cnsli. M' 5to. Outs KtiMlvr : No. U ml.\ed , 474JI6C. Wlilsky tl.14. _ I.IVKHPOOI. , Nov. 20. Wheat I'lriu 'ind de mand poor ; holders ofTor sparingly. Corn I'lrm ; demand poor. LIVE .STOCK. CitiCAflo , Nov. 2) . Cattle Hccolpt' ? , 15,000 ; steady ; tecrt3.T3QS.12ii : Texan- . , ? ! is ® . ' . ' . j ; rangers lKI,7Vii4,00. lloffi-Kocelpt 4 , 31.000) ) market steady , rough and common. M.r > < Si.f : > 0 ; prliiio packers nnd ial.\od $ .J.riVH.7Uj : ! prlmo liOAvy and butcher wplKhls. t..75 ) < a3.f."ij light , SJ.50tMJ.CO ; ilgs ) , ( : > .7i.oo. ( ! Sheep Itecelpts , 0,000 ; market aethe , firm ; natives , $4.tHXit4,80 ; westeins. J3.00O4.50 ; fud Te.\ans$4.10 ; lambs , JI.7oS5.GO. ST. I/OUI3. Nov. 20. Uattlo TlecelpH 2,300 ; shipments , 1,200 ; market strong ; ( air to fancy imtlvoRtceis , $ J.W3.10 ) ; stocUeis and focdcis , . Ho s Kccrlpts , O.IOOi shipments. 400 ! shade hither ; heavy , 1.0003.75 ; mixed , $ Ji'03.00 ; KANSAS UITV , Nov. 20-Cattlo Receipts , S.TOO : slilpnientH , 3,800 ; weak ; steers , $ .l.oo < a4.05 ; vows , $ , ' .UCKa'.00 ; stockers andfcedeis. S2.tO ® 3M. ! HoM-Uooolpts , 15 , 00 ; shipments , 1,800 ; steady. All mules J2.WS > 2.90. Sioux CITV. Nov. SO. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HKK.I lloRs Kccclpts , 2,050 ; market higher and active ; j oed mixed and medium puukcrs runged (10111 ij.rxx&J GO , O 31 AHA MAltKETS. Cattle. Thursday. Nov. 20. Kstttnatcil receipts of cattle. l.'OO. as com- , paiedwltli3,2ITi yesterday and 1.10J Tbur.iiluy of last week. The tinrket on prlmo beeves wis : aetivo and higher , Rood fair beeves ac- tlvo and .stroiiKer and common grades active and llrin. Ilnlebers1 stock was active and slion ; . Kfcclurs shoivud home life without ImproNomcnt In prices. Estimated receipts of boss. 7,800. as compared - pared \vltli8,0. \ > t yostuiday und IOiKTlmrsdiiy : of last week. Tno market opened actlvo anil steady , clowns stronu to 5o hlshor , with all bold. The nuiKoof the pnccs was $ JOOS'I.7U , tbo bulk sollliiLat W.SWil.tiO. Llalit , $30il ® a.70 ; heavy , J'l.40aSJ.7U ) mixed. } 1.25.l 5 > . Tlio uveraso of the prices paid was JJ.5J , und JJ.57 Thursday of last week. Shcup. Estimated receipts of sheep. 2,000. as piirLMl with Il.l.Vi ypstoiday and 1,431 Thurs day of last week. Tlio market is unchanged. Nutlu's , i'.30ain ; westerns , J..OJtai.OO. Disposttion of Stoolc , Showing the number of bead of stock pur chased on this market as reported by tbo wiilKliiniiater of the Stockyards company for November IS : . CATTLK. Swift & Co . UO ( irouoll. Hammond packing company. . . 21U The Armoiir-Uiidahy packing company. , ffil ) llatnlltonXBtuplicii . . . . . 72 Nols MorrN . 8 Shippers and feeders . ft.5 HOGS. Thn Arnioiir-Cuilahy packing company . 3,003 Omalia packing company . 2.C70 hwlft&Co . 1,584 tloorKu II. tlannnond pacMny company. . & 8i : bhlppots and feeders . ; ra swin&oo . 101 M. &M . . . 100 The Coffee 'Market. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram to THIS Hin.l-connK-Optlonsoponed steady and unchanged to 5 polnt tip ; closing steady , un changed to 1.1 points up. bettor cables. Sales : JO.OCO ba s , Inelndlnz November , S17.1.Vftl7.20 : December , * IU.UV8 17.00 ; January , * 10.054510. IS ; Pobruary. ll.VrxTdl3.50 : March , S15.10Soii25 ; Mayir > 00 ; sjiot UIo , quiet , steady ; fair car goes , tl'J.-'J ' ; No717.75. SharcH , Nr.w YoitK , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram to TIIK IlBK.l Tlib following uro thu mining stock quotations : Alice 'JOG Horn Sllter SIM Con. Oil. A Vn xa N. Hello Isle ISO ( iouM.t Curry 1W Standard lee Halo A Norcroii IK ) butter Crick iinj llomoitaku SUO Koprosontativo Sales. STP.KUS. ii'J 1..1160 1 30 1..I3IO 1 M YKAIIUNdJ. 1. . 410 S 00 OAt.vns. 8. . 375 1 M No. A v. Pr. 0 steers , strays 11M 12 2l ! 2 steers inoo 21M 21 steers. tnlllnKs 074 1 SO Sand Crcok cnttlocompany 2 ulcers . . . . . . . . . .1113 273 Middlesex U.S. O. company CO sleets . . . . . . . . .1103 2 10 ! ' . 1'rncgcr 31 steers 8131 215 Mnrsli cfcCconor 1 steer . , KM 26.1 W steers 1039 203 Itrcf .S : Ntickols R2 stcoM 1001 250 2 Hteers 12.V ) 28) 7 steers 1275 2 M ) 72 sltor.s 1220 2 10 II , M. Uiilluek- 4 cows nso i si 2 cows flfiO 123 I bull 1J170 1 S3 I'l steers 1221 1 80 00 steers 1023 2 13 Adaiiison ft Corlotl 1 cow FOO 1 00 1 cow , , . I'M 110 4 cows . . .RIO 105 1 row 1170 1 05 a buns IIKI i : u 1 Htai , ' . . . . ' , 1240 1 0) ) 1 steer , 1MX ) 1 00 1 steer. 1'WO 1 00 1 steer 1210 IK ) 2 stems lies 1 ( 1 steer 1440 825 llnli > y live stock cointinn 4 bulls 13SO 1 " 0 1 bull 13,10 1 fn 1 stajf 12X ! ) 1 M XI stcors , tulllim 1201 1 73 10t strora. tailing ) 121' ' ) 2 J ) 1 steer , tallliiK 810 200 5 cows [ KM tX ( ) C8 feeders 1123 240 14 feeders 1130 240 28 btcors in.Vi 2 65 10 steers 12.11 2 0 83 steers 1178 2 CO No. Av. Fr. 101 westerns , wotliors. . . ( W $370 100 western * , wethers 07 370 nons. No. Av. Ph. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. IK ) 17l ! 2IU.IOO Kl 2.V1 200 ft ! iV ) Wl 172 240 300 fi'l ' 2 < 1 200 350 117 27.1 N ) 300 GO 200 200 ilfiO U7 17(1 ( 160 303 74 2.5 ! 'M : iflO M i4o : ioo to 272 so aso 7 , " ) 170 40 air , ra 2,11 &o 350 01 IMS 40 325 72 20" 100 350 0,1 222 S20 325 67 2 (1 ( ICO 3535 $ 03 227 2M ) 225 (11 ( 230 2UO 5155 29 124 * 323 70 277 80 363 83 180 200 325 M 271 40 365 75 1'Jt 325 34 302 120 351 111 170 80 32.1 74. . . .21) ) ! 100 355 114 11)1 ) ICO 88714 M. . .312 100 355 09 17.1 80 330 TO . . . 874 120 353 8 2:10 : 40 a : n 7 283 so a r > 7 ! { 81 211 'Ml 33.1 01 310 KiO 3 GO 65 220 33.1 C"i 2i1 ! 80 3CO 89 20S 40 335 04 2 ! 2UO a CO 53 Sir. 120 335 BO 318 120 aCO 85 170 ICO 335 03 30(5 ( 2ifl 3GO M 230 200 335 Kl 311 ICO 3CO 07 llil 40 335 M 327 120 360 70 240 200 340 112 304 400 3CO 04 2411 80 340 0.1 310 3CO 71 240 100 840 Dl Xto 200 300 G8..SKJ 120 340 CO 20 W 300 C9 2.17 280 340 07 110 ! ) 80 3C3 fil 243 80 340 C9 2T > 0 320 3CO 72 Kll 40 340 0 342 300 50 222 80 340 60. . . .312 120 300 ( SI 282 280 34.1 0 . . . .311 - 3CO 70 2GO 200 845 (19 285 3 CO 74 2TO 40 845 73 201 ICO 3 CO (12 ( KtO 80 345 40 r.03 - 3 ( fl 75 Ktt 280 345 50 322 80 3CO H 221 80 345 07 2.VJ 40 300 03 2.VI 120 34.1 60 IH.'I 80 3C2JJ Kl 21(1 ( 80 345 63 311 120 3G5 59 18 ICO 34.1 40 314 80 3C5 01 210 180 34.1 ( VI 341 80 365 71 25U 120 350 110 218 120 3.l ( 71 272 120 350 CO 377 40 30. ) CT 838 ICO 360 Gl 310 40 363 K ! 2i > 8 ! 40 350 49 31.1 80 3(15 ( Kl ftlO 80 350 M 324 320 370 b2 2112 320 350 5(1 ( WH 370 75 2.15 100 350 43 378 80 370 61 241 J80 350 CO Sl 300 370 72 2.18 200 350 Kl 351 - 370 Kl 270 2hO 350 60 323 60 370 72 849 tO 360 1'KIS AND 8X113. 217 GO 150 77 13.1 120 2CO 10 11H 150 1 200 2C.1 148 71 175 25 151 2(15 ( 37 1117 40 lh.1 11 101 270 83 0.1 21,1 5 180 27.1 30 120 225 70 107 120 273 112 110 40 22.1 42 105 60 275 34 107 22.1 33 1KI 280 112 123 250 33 101 320 2fcO 10 124 250 ; OMAHA AVHOLiKSALE MAKKETS. Groceries. DATES Pcrslun , 0-lb hex , OJ4o. SlAPi.K PunAll-l'ur lb 5u cukes , 30-lh boxc- < . l.'le ; lOc cnKos. 30-lh boxes , 12Jcj ! 1-lb bricks , 30 Ibs In bot. pure , 14o. TwiNlJS-Cotton twine , "lllhb. " very tine , ' ! - 11) ) halos , 22e ; cotton twine , XX brand , M-lb bulei , 18ui hum ] ) twine. ! i'-lb hulos , 180 ; sail twlno , UOc ; cuiullo wick. Slot 40-foot cotton clothe * line , $1.40 ; CO-foot cotton clothes line H.U5 ; CO-foot sisal Hues , S1.75 ; CO-foot jute ll.OOj wool twines , HHc. Hltoo.MS-5-tlc. parlor. ? 100 ; 4-tle , $2.75 ; O-tlo , Ci.iUj Il-tle. plalnfl.tll ; warehouse , tJ.OO ; toy , tl.2.Whisk. ; . J1.00iai.2J. Oitvis-giiarts. per doz , W.OO ; pints , per doz , $2.50 ; bulk per gul , Me. SOAP C'n > tne , mottled , per lb , OQlOc ; do white , pcrlb , lie. OIIIKH Pur bbl , rofinert.Jd.M : half bbl , $ .1.50 ; hnril elder , pure , per bbl , { li.X ( ) ; orunco elder , half bill , M.50 : pear elder , half bbl , J4 ,30. , NUM Almonds , 19c ; llrn/lN , 21o ; tllbcrts , 14u ; pecans , 16c ; walnuts , Ifiu ; pciinnt cocks , 8e ; lOiiHted , 10c ; Tennessee peanuts , 8c. UANNUU VKCICTAIILKS Tomatoes 3-lb extra. $1.1001 l. > ; 3-lbhtaiuliid ! western brands. $1.10 ; Kallons. Archer's standard , IJ.OO. Corn Finest crown , SI.CO ; Oato City Mitfnr corn , very line , JI.W1 ! Oilman , 2-lb siiRiir , $1.20 ; Jlbextra , lleeiuer. $1.10 ; 2-lb standurd western brands. $1.10. .Mushrooms 1-lb Ficnch. extra line,22 ® 25c ; 1-lb Trench. line , l 322e ; 1-lb French , or dinary. lCl8c. I'OIIH , Tres , line , per can , 2" * : nunil-llne , per ean , ICe ; 2-lh sifted , 81.75 ; 2-lb parly June. tl.M > : 2-11) marrow , standiira brands. JI.S5 ; 2-lb soaked , 75o. String beans 2-lb hlRh Rrndc. ItcfiiKee , 91.00'J-lb ; Ooldon wax beans , OOc : 2-lb strhu beans. 60c. Lima , beans 1Mb sonkpd , 85c. llostonbaked bonus 2-lbl.owls , Jl.Wj Grown brntidfl , ? 1.X > . Sweet potatoes 3-lb ow Jersey , ? l.fiO. I'linipklnv- 2-lb , JI.OO. UKr.i nnd tomatoes S1.85 ; okra , tl.tWj succotash , , OOIIDAOE Mnnllluropo-All sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , 14c ; sisal rope , all sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , U'io ; "now ptocosses , " all sizes fiom 7-10 to 1 In. be. V.'iiAiM'iso ' PAPRR-Stravr , per lb , l il'Vo : rair.i5c ; ! ; inunllla It. 4B5o ; No. l,7e. , MptASSBS Ithls , N.O. funoy , porRnl,62ffl o ; nholco. 45-47e ; Rood , M&Set Cuba , baking , 28 ® ' ) C ! blnckstrnn , 20(322o. ( SOIIA I'kKs. CO Ibs to box , 6'j'c ; kost. 4io. [ KTOVB I'oi.iHit-lJ.OOTd.oo per cross. Rrnilc , srado . _ - common , bbl , $1.25. UIIKKSK Premium P. 0 , , twin flats , per lb. lOlid prcinluniR li' . , YOUIIR America , HHcs domestic Swiss HOITc ; KUiun , In foil , each , Oio ; UniuuiRcr , 125Jc. PlCKi.Kg-Mculuiu , per bM , J8.SO ; small , I10.CO ; limi : > I aims Turkish prunes , less tlmn hhds 18S9 ! 8corllnul : | lihiK ' ( o loss : llnsnlu prunes , ( Hb boxes. 100 to 110 , Oc : apples , ovnno- ruted , newrliiKubolce , 15c : evaporated , now rliiK prime , l Ic : apricots , fancy , In wicks. 0Jc ! ; blnckbi > rrl05 > , new , lOo : raspberries , 2.1 Urn to box , 34ijt.l.c ; ciirrimtii , now , SK'Wlio ' , original casks , Mo lessj Votlz n currants , ' extra , lu bo\ca , G/jo. ! COTTON Hoi-K-H Inch , 17c. UAISINS London layers , Onllfornla.porbox. f2.lOO2.70j looiomusiciitoK Cnllfornla , 42.0IXB 8.4U ; secdlcjM , Cnllfornla. } , ' .iVB2.35 ; Uallfornln , seedless siiltuns. In sucks , per lb , Hot Oallfor- nln muscatels , in sacks. 8 0 ; now Valontlas , bo : ( inilura laycis , now , Oo. 32o : i . . . . . ViNKnAu-w Kr. N.Y. npplo elder. lOc ; P. 8. Older , 12oi wliito , wine , 16e : funcy , fruit. ISe. .011.8 1Mprlmo ; white. Oo : 160 writer whlto , IP'tCi henillliilit. 13 joi 74 Rasoline , lliic. HAtsoiu-lIbls , l.Vo : Brunulatocl , 2o : In bbls , extra O. royiil.Oo ; central 0 , S.Sc ; t'oldeu o ! i darkC , 4 c. Provisions. Dnv SALT MKATa-Loan backs. Cc ; extra hhort oleais. fioj Itolltos. 16to 20 lb avtf. 6'4e ; shoit ribs , 54ie ; sliort cleans , Oc ; lung 0'o hlioulilui-s. ' . SMOKV.II > IE\TS llcst Sugar Cured . oxtrii llKht , I ) to 10 lb ftVR , 10'io ' ; hams. llRht , VJ to II lb avtr , 10c ; hams , inodiiiin , intolOlbavR li'ie ! heavy.JO to . - , ' Ib avu , n'/o ; extra heavy. 21 to2ft Ibavc , 0'40 ! skinned sllelnc. 18 to 20 lb avf , 100 ; Oalliornia Hams , O'ic ; , Y , Nhouldors.Uo ; lloston shnulJuni , C to U lb ave. l > Uo ; ; breakfast baconclcarii ( r > toTlh hlrlps , Sc ; bieiikfast bacon , ( rlh ) , 7 ( o ; dried beef hums ( sets ) , 70 : regular , dot clods , n < ie ; fancy lean Imckf. 7u ; hams , spochil , U to 15 lb av , llu ; breakfast Imcon , gpuclal , 10 ! , c. SMOKKII.MKUSDry Salt fined -lUcon.fotiR eluurs , ( jio ; bliort uluuiK , Su : extra bhort oloarn. O'ic ; belllos , clear t rips , 7 < ; ; nhorlilbs , ti' Qi shoulder * . 51401 lean haoUs , iHjc. FitEaii MKAiH-Kraih hams , VO lb avR,7Vc ; lOlbiuvg.bu ; Ulbaave , 6Uc ; bhoulJors , pork lolu ,7Mpt rmrle tenderloins , 13oj leaf lar l , not rciuii < roili7 > t span1 ribs , 5c. ruiiM.mrljAiin uVttluKomlcrca Tierces , Cici ? barrels. nvj YidJf.bnrrcX 7o VOIIK AMI IIKIK-H ! ( HarrolMoM pork , iiiiw.JI2.OOj clear pofk backs , heavy , tiz.ffilj medium , 111.75 j shoH , cut clear pork , $10.50 : family pork , loan , } lji.30 ! nig nork , m53j now e\tiame tshei'f.Mnow ! ) ! oxtrn ulnln beef. JS.2.1 j tiew pinto lecf. 17.001 IIPW rolltMl uonelcM brof , ' .r > 0 | now lionfclcss rumps , JS.Mi now flinnliler clods , | .Vi. , , Tim-E lliim-K 200 Ihs , M.y. qtiat tor bbls , 40 Ills. J1.03 ! kits , Hllm. 5ee. I'lCKt.ui ) PHIS I'liBr Hnrrcl" . 200 lb , $7.23 | ( jiuutc'ibbls , 40 lli , fiGO : kilo , l.'iIhs'So. . , ll'.rl'.T ; < "tJK l'lBnfOnrcil | Illinois , 800 lb , fli.SOi beef toiiKiiest. Miiukudiiicrlls 10'lc. LAMM To.Nt'isI'liccokeu. : . mild euro Hnlf bbls , 100 Ibs , } 7.oOj qtiiirtor bbls. 50 llw. J4.00. SiMCKt. I'ins ; ToNrd'nx-Cookcd-Half bbls , 80 Ibs , 111.60 : IdK is Ibs. W.50. SiMCKi ) iMMiis' ToNniiKH-Cooked-Half bbls. $ . [ . | elRhtli bbls. 20 Ibs , M.OOi kltp , 15 .o'l/ / ' oil. bbls , per etil , COoi Afil tnllo\v , Blc : stotitliip , 6 < ic. . SAU8Aor.-ltologtm , 4cj friinkftirts. 7c ; blood , I'lo ; tongue , 7Wet liver. 4 iej hondchceso , 4io ! rollsh , 7c ; pork sausage , links , Cc ; pork sau sage , meat , In tin palls , Oc. Country I roducr. IIUTTGit-Tlie market Is n llttlo slow and quotations nro consldetably lower than a week auo. ( lood country lolls. lt17o ! choice. 17 < ! Jl.Lllforlori ! 'tfiWiM gnod country solid pncked. Iflffil.ct choice , solid jiaeked , 17ltic ; good creamery , 2152:101 : fancy 2.-c. rotii.Tiiv The sit nation Is about na bad as could well bo Imagined. The weather con tinues very warm and dealers belnir nnubleto hold stocks have been forced to sell at ridicu lously low prices , Chickens havu sold mostly per Ib. the last mimed price buying good stock. An occasional stiinll lot of choice slock brought fie. Mut chickens sold at Sl.Ti ® 2.25. I , vrn nl thc o pilees It was Impossible to ofToct a clearance nnd the commission houses parked full of stock. K ns tliero nro u good many selling at 2lc , butstrlotly fresh stock Is being held largely nt 2.'c , HAY-On track at Omaha Upland , No. 1 , $ * .ou per ton ; course blue stem , $7.00 ; oats straw , f 0.00 per ton. OAME I'ralrio chickens , per dozen , $ .1.00 ; mallard dueks , J.ft3.oO ! ; teal ducks , Jl.CO ® l.W : mixed ducks , II.MJ qunll , 81.00 ; Jack rab bits , $ ! ! .7 ; > aiOO ; ; small rabbits. 75c MI.OO : deer and antulopn catuiihies. 7'e ; saddles , ll12e. 1'1QKO.N8--T hero la no demand. Flour , llran , Etc. Davis' high patent No. 1 nnd Cream , $2.70 ; Blue D. full patent. $ J.W > ; Huwk- I'vo , half patent , } ' . ' . : io ; Davis' special lo ( val patent ho. 10 , KM ; Minnesota patent , W.M ; Kansas hard wheat patent , JSJuj Ko- braska sptlng wheat patent , $2.01. B. ! ' . ailmansgoKl iiicrtiil.K.bO ; Snow White , t.UO : Snow Pliike. KMO : low grade , $1.80. llroken How Holler > lllls'0n'am. * 2.85 ; Jlyr- tle , J2.40 ; Claim , t-V.-Oj Klclellty , $2.00 ; Minnesota seta Chief , ti. l. > ; Patent , JJ.70. Oskamp's ready to ralso buckwheat flour. J4.)0 ! per case , of 5J 2 Ib packages ! buckwheat in buK N. Y. , M.UOI Kxcelslor brand , $ T.50 ; Slap Jnck meal , Sl.dO per case of 50 2-11) packages. Bran , sacked , per ton , $18.00 ; chopped feed , & .1.00 * Vegetables. roTATons-Cnr lots of potatoes are quoted at 8.VIMOC with cliolcu stock hulling In a small way fiom store at D.'ic. Colorado stock. 81.15. ONioNS-itod , JI.I15 pcrbu , ! yellow Danvers , Jl.a.Vill.ri ( : Spanish , $1.75 per box. SWEET 1'OTATOKS Uood stock , $4.004.W ) per bbl. bbl.BEANS BEANS Supply not largo nnd thclfcellug strong at J2.i.vii2.5. : UCLKKY 3.VrA40o per doz. OAHHA < 1K I'crlb , 2'ic. ' TuiiNii'S-Hutabagns , choice , C5o per bush. ; white , choice. fiOc. t.ETiUCE-1'cr doz , a.1c. Fresh KrtiltH. OitAN-nr.s-Florlda stock , JI.2.V3I.W ) . Ai'Pi.KS 1'or bbl. $ J.'iV3 > .00 , according to the quality nnd variety. UiiANimiiiiKS-l'iinvy Capo Cod , $10.00 ; bell and cherry , $3.50. aiiAi-ES-Concoid , per basket , 35e ; Catawbas , 40c. 40c.CAuronsiA CAuronsiA 1'itt'iTS1 1'ears per box. $ , ' .75 ; Muscat grapes , 11.50 pur 20-lb crates ; quinces , tl.T.ViI2.25. HANAKAS Yellow. il.S.vna.oo per bunch. LEMONS Choice stock , I7.50&S.OO. Plsi ! : FKESH Per Ib-I'crch , 8c ! buffalo , dressed. 7c ; pickerel , Ocj pike , He ; white , lOcj cronplo , lie ; cattish , lie ! eod steak , 12o ; flounders , le ! ; Oregon salmon. Ijo ; ilack buss , ISo ; lobsters , 18c ; blue fish. l.r > e. Salt and pickled Oodllsh. extra Georges , now. CJJC ! grand bank , now , 4Vic ; silver , 2-lb blocks , SJSc ; snow white. 2-lb bricks , now , 7Jo ! ; turkey col , larco middle brleks , Oc ; snow whites , crates , 12-5 Hi Tjoxqs , 73io ; mndlum scaled herring , 2. < c ; No. 1 scaled hoi ring , 20o ; domestic Holland horrliiR , 40fl ! Hamburger spiced herring. COo ; Kusslan saidlnes , spiced. Cue : Husslan sardines , nlnlti. Me : Imported Holland herring , Crown brand , 80c ; do fancy milkers. $1.00 ; mucuorol. No. 1 shore , half bbl $12.50 ; bloaters , half bbls , $ ! R.OO : whlto llsh , half bbl , $ C.7"i ; trout , half bbl , $ . " ' .GO ; family whlto fish , ( .1.00 ; salmon , } J.f.O . per half bbl ; 2-lb broiled mackerel , $2.00 ; U-lb In mustaid , $2.jfl ; W-lb In tomato sauce , $2.00 ; 5-lb Mayo mess mackerel , J9.00 ; 1-lb Brook trout. 81 W ; I-lb ) brook trout , $2.2. ) ; 1-llisalnion. tl.25 ; 2-lb whlto llsh , M. ' > ; 1-lb whlto fish. JI.IB ; 2-lb lol- stors , W.IIO ! 2-lb oysters , 12 oz. J..SO ; 2-lb ovs- tcrs , 10 o(2.25 ; 1-lb oysteis , 5 07 , $1.23 ; L'llb Ilatatiirln , 10 or. $2.10 ; 1-lb Ilnratarla , 5 07 , $1.10 ; 1-lb clams , llttlo noeks. 8I. ' ; 2-lb olams. llttlo necks. 81.75 ; : i-lb clam chowder , $2.00 ; 1-lb crabs , t2.25 ; 2-lb crabs , $ ' . ' .50. Miscellaneous. UUCK WAr.NUTS 1'or Hushol , 7fil.oo. HICKOHV NUTS Large , per bushel , ? 1.2r ; small , Jl.75tt2.0l ) . I'ofC'oitN Choice last season's stock , 22o ! per Ib , GOCOANUTS Per hundred , sacked , $5.00. Dry Goods. OINOIIAMS Amnsltcag. 7c ; Atnoskeag dress. 8Jc ( ! Hates , GiicVnuvlckdiess : , 8e : Lancaster , 6i'o ; Olenalie , flJe ! ; Whitleiulon dress , Se. liUHGHKli CoTTONS-llerkeloyOntnbrlc No. 6' ) , ! jc ; Host Yet.d'ici Itiittercloth XX. 4'ic ; Cabot , 7 ? c ; First Call , ( iUo ! 1 < rult of the Loom , Oc ; Hill bempcr Idem , ho ; Housekeeper. S'Jc ' : King I'hllllp cambric , ICe ; I.ungdon O 11 , flSo ! ; Lonsdnlo , Do ; l.onsdnlo cambric , 104o ! : New Vork Jjllls , lie ; Oak Lawn7o. . WinANS-Not-Thlstle , fi o : Kcd Cross 7c. Stevens' It , 10-ln , We ; Slovens' D. 18-ln. C'iesStovons'A , IC-ln. 7Mc : Htovous' I > , IS-In. 80 ; .Slovens' M. 18 In , Dos Slovens' N. 20- In. Dos Steyons * NN , 22-ln , lOo ; Stevens' STK , 20-ln , 12o ; blenched , lo extra. I'uiNTS I'liney Eddystone , CKcj Ptccl Hlvcr , Oo : Ifiiinnpn , 4VJoi St. LetlKor. S. . . SblrtliiK .Martha Wasblnitoii ; , 44e ! : Mcrrl- inuc. 4Jic. Turkey Jfcd ifountnln , Clio ; Oar- nor , 7o : Crenllold. KVo : llerlln , C'Jc. ' AND 1'H.LOW OAhlSOS IlrOWn Not-l'oppcroll.43-111 , lO'/Jc : 1'cppoioll , 8-4 , Itc ; l > oppcrell,0-4. 20c ; Pepporull.lo-4 , 22J'.o ; Utlca. 48-ln , 15o ; Utlcn , r.8-ln , 17'Jc ; Utlca. 22-ln , 2ic : Utlca , 84-ln. 20o ; Utlca , IK-ln , 2S'Jc. llleachcd Net 1'oppuroll , 4Mn. : 10io ! ; I'ciiperell. 4Hu. llSJo ; l'epperoll.U-4 , 15c ; 1'eppeiell. 8-4. 20o ; I'opperell.O-I , 23 } jo : I'lMijirrell. 10-1. 25c ; Utlca , 8-4. 24c ; Utlca , 9-4 , 20c ; Utlen , 10-4 , 28c. I'uiNTS-Indlgo blue Net Martha WaMi- Ington , BJjc ; American , C'le : Arnold , CUe ; Ar nold It , long cloth. lOc : i-tlllo A , HUc ; Jleirl- miio , 7-8. lOe ; Oold Leaf , 8He ; Hamilton. fl'e ; Allen Pinks. O'ic ; Allen Chambr.iy , Ou ; Glou- chestor. fljc } ; Hartoln > ic. Coi.oiint ) OAMIIUICS Urown , aSo ! : Hod Star , 4io ; llollcd Clover , 5c ; Slater , 6Uc ; high col ors. lo extra. l HCAVV HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantlo 7ie { ; Atlantic ! II , 7c ; Atlantlo 1) ) , 09 cs Atlantlo 1' . Oo ; Aurora 0 , 4 ? e ; llnck'shead , 7'io ; Cabot W , ( ! $ ; Darlington ; O a ; Kurinors' ' No. 1 , 4 ? , ® 4tjc ; Hoosler. U/.V/ii' ! Indian head ; 7'ju ; Law- roncoLL , fl c ; Henrietta LL , .r'i < - ' . KINB HHOWN COTTONS Atlantic LTj , Co ; Au rora 11 , GUo : Aurora 11 , ONc : Atlas o N II , 71'ic ; cliocso oloth , le ; Clinton l < Tl5UcPcppcrullK ; , OP , I.aiiRdon 0 II , 7c. ' DENIMS-NOI Anioskong , 0 oz , in { c ; York camlet , ISo ; Everett , " btandaril , 12V'tc ; Hay maker's , 7'ie ; Old York , XX , 10Sc ! ; Lawrence , 220. ISiio ; Lawrence. Dor , I5jo ! ; fancy stripes nndcheckiIHjc. . CniTONADUH-VorU. , ' nank'ii. 10'Jc ; nverctt , 8oz,18o : Lowlston , Wet , 2S > Soj Working man , 14c. . _ 'Coat. On Board Cars .at Omaha-Anthracite CheBtnut. range nndi > gg , | H.2. ncr ton ; grate , , fS.OO. Soft roal-Wulmit. block , * J75 ; Iowa lump , ! 3.50 | loua nut. J.I. 00 , 'niul ' Oils. I.EAn WIIITK IN ( iiJd-Carter , In BOO-lb lotB , J7.60 : In lOTO-lb lOtCpor owt. J7.20 : 1-outheni Co. bt. Uitls. In COO-Ili lotH. $7..V ) : In 1,000-lb ' , $7.20'IUt : ( foal , Si. Louis , In MO-lb . Ainorlcaii Yfln , 2o ; Kncllsh Venetian , barrel KM Ibs , ! ! lie ; Indian , No. 1 , 12o ; Tuscan , Kngllsh , VRrj.owc Chrome yellow , n to 10e ; ocher , Ilooholle , SUc ; oehor , w ashed Dutch , 4c ; ocher , washed 1'reneh , 21ie , PUTTV I'ure , In tmircH kegs and tubs , 8Uo ; In bladders. 2'c ; In M-lb tins. 2ic. ! Vr.iiETAiu.i : OILS Linseed , domestlo raw. In barrels , per Ballon , C2e ; Unseed , domestic. boiled , InbarrolH. per gallon. < W. ANIUAII AND 1'im Ous-Wlialo , blenched winter , per gallon , .Vtohalo ; , extra bleached winter , ( We : sperm , bleached winter , JI.OO. IJNniNKOii.sDlniuorid oreocent eiiKinooll , per gallon , 4Uo ; porfcrtlon englno oil , ) o : ster- IIIIK engine oil , Lie ; Hercules engine oil. Me. VAUNISIIKH 1'uriiltnro , No. l.Wo ; furniture , extra , * 1.00 ; c-oauh. No. I. ( l.lfl ; coach , extra , $1.20 ; hard oil IliiUh , light , .2U. Hides , Tallows , Kto. lIliiKS AMI 1'Ki.TH-Orcpn salted hides , No. 1. f > ,0N.5iSl'4Vl | Afy lllllt llllllis' T'idtfu ; calf hides , SfitSu ; damaged hides , lie ! li'si ; sheep polls , green , each , UUSLUi sheep pelts dry , per ID , lCUI4c , TAU.OW-A No. 1 , 4Jo } ; No. 1 , aa-TJc ; grease white. : ii { f4o ; TUllow,2KOaoj steurlno.OKo. IJoNEs-Vuotatloua uro for delivery lu Ohl- ctjRo-Dry bulTiito. per ton , $ IG.005MR.OO ; dry country , hleneheil. $10.00013.00 ; country , datrp and inetity , HooillO.tW , fjtinibcr. II , ja.OOl II , 3).M0 | , JIO.OO : D. ( I3.00 ! ri.ootilNfl-White nine A and 11. J.W.OO ; 1) . 121.10)1 ) ' , Jtf.OO ) K. * l.50. CKIMNO-NO. 1 while. V In , * 3I.M | No. 1 hard lilnc. fr In. 14.1.WI No. 1 hard pine , ? i In , J2I.OOJ No. 1 hard plno. 'i In , | . " . ( )0. ) . STOCK lUHiu > s-A and 11,12 In , WJ.OOl U , 12 Uiio'nvini Iloonxo No , 1 cntntnon whlto pine , 1' ' , Hand 1(1 ( ft , JI9.00 ! No. 1 common Y plno. 12,14 and 10 ft , ? l,00. Ul.MKNSKI.Nd 12 ft 14 ft in ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft St4. . | | 5 00 115 00 J15 ( K ) 110 00 J10 ( t ) $17 M $18 00 2xl ! . . 1.1 00 1500 IS ( K ) 101)0 ) 1000 1800 18 f > 0 2\8..13X ( ) 1500 15 00 1(100 ( 1000 1800 IS 50 2x10.1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 18 60 2.12. . 16 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 19 00 19 00 4x4 to * \H 16 00 10 03 16 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 10 00 HoAIUis No. t i-oni J10.00 : No. 200111,117,00 ! No. : t com , f 15.00 : N" . < coin , H3.fto. SHIP IjAt' No. 1 plain , R and 10 Incli , J18.00J No 2 plain , S and lo Inch , f 10.00 : No. 3 uliilii.-8 and 10 Inch , ft.l.K ( ) | O. ( ) , . H Inch , ll&lPi. . 1IATTKM9 , Wr.t.f , TlimNd.l'ICKr.TS O. 0. bills , 2 i-ln , 75c3 | ' } SIS , Xo : 8-ln well tublnp. 1) ) . k J . nnd Hov. . t2l.00 | pickets , ! ) . A : II. Hal , f.2.00 : roi'LAii-CU-'ar , 1-1 ii , all widths , CKLDOi clcnr , ! i-ln.iill widths JaifiO. Y. I'INI : I'l.oout.Nd-l'lcar , 4 and 0 Inchi23.r.3i star , 4 and 6 Inch.if.' : rift saved. fO.OO extra. I'lNlsiti.NO : ; I'l.NK-Ulunr.l lnch.J2fi.Wi ) 1MHi and 8lnch. J27.00 : star. 1 Inch , J2I.TO. biiiNni.KsLATii-ixtr.-iXAX.J.75 : : standard AX. $ ' . ) ! fl-ln. t.'O : 5in..00 ; No. 1 , $1.0 ; edar. XAX , $2.75 : lath , $ : i.23. POSTS Whlto Cedar 0-ln , UC , 12ic ! ; 0-ln , qr , U'c ; Bii-ln. ! iH , lies 8-ln. Oc ; 4 to r > In , round , itic ; } ; oak. split , We : led cedar , l.'c , Sash , 55 per cent ; doors , 45 percent : blinds , 45 per cent ; nioiildlnps , 45 per cent ; straw boiud , $ ! . : ; tar board , $1.00 ; tar felt , $ . ' .40. STOCK llo tuns No. 1 common , 12 nnd 14ft , f20.00s 10 ft , JlH.dO ; No. 2 common. 13 and 14 ft , HP.OO ; 1(1 ( ft. $17.00. . FtMHitiNa WIIITI : Pisu 1st nnd 2d clour , 1 In. , $50.011 j iu , 14 nnd 2 In , J50.CO ! : id cloar. 1 In , 845.00 ; l > 4li ! anils In , $10.00 ; A select. 1 In. $ I.OOj l' ' < , 1H and 2 In , $42.00 ; 11 select , 1 In , J.U.OO ; 1.U , li ( and Sin , $ ,1'J.W ) ; 0 Bcloct , 1 In , . . FiJNCiNO-Whlto Pine-No. 1. 4 and ( I In. 12 and 14 ft , $10.50 ; No. 4 nnil ( i In , IS and 14 ft. KI4.00 ; No. 2. 4 nnd 0 In , 1C ft , $10.501 No , il , 4 and Gin , In all lengths , $ .18.00. Ijlinc , Cement , ICto. On board ears at Omaha Per bbl Ash drove lime , OOc ; Champion lime , Mot Qulncy whlto , M > ; Loulsvlllo cement. $ I.5U ! Milwaukee cement. $1.45 ; Utlca cement , $1.40 ; Kngllsh Portland cement. $ .l.n : New Vork planter , J2.25 ; Michigan plaster , $2.00 ; Foil Dodge plas ter , $1.7.r ; whlto sand , $2.00 ; P. P. hair per , bale , JI.OO , _ Driisrs , Qulnlnppor or. , P. & W. . 44c ; Gorman , .lie ; Indigo , peril ) , We ; Insect powder , Slu ; opium , $ .1.10 ; morphine , pero/ . , $2b"i ; hops , per Ib , 'Me ; Klycerlne. 18c ; dextrine. lOc ; oiilllobime , : nu : cream tartar , jiure , : i2c : commercial , IHC ; cam phor , Wo : am. carb , lie ; blue vltiol. 7e ! ! car bolic acid , : iiai9e ; citric , -l.va48 ; tnrtarle , : xa 39c ; sulphuric , per Ib. 2e. Sperm oil. $1.10 ; turpentine , 48i- ; Tonka beans , $ | .S5Q2 01 : bal sam toulo. 4145c : calomel , lW.07c ; catitha- rldc ? , Jl.jOttl.U3 : ; cassia buds. 2oa22c ; chloro form fi7@X ( ) ; orot. 47 52 ; gum arable. Me ® $1. 05 ; Ivcopodlum , 40 < B4e ; ! ; mercury , y.'c ; sul phur. 2'/Jc ; nliim , 23dc ; copperas , iyc ; epsom salt , lj o ; gluubcrsnlt , lc. ! Metnls. ETr.Fi. , WIIIK NAir.s-Hnso $2.01 : steel nails , base. $2.15. TIN PI.ATI : T. 0. . 10x24 , $7.50 ; I. X. , 10\14 , $9.25 ; coke , 4x1110 , 112 , 10.73. HllKKT XlNC SC. UoFKlNG-Chaicoal , I. O , , 14x20 , 112 , $0.00 ; I. X. , $7.5U. SHKET Inoo No , SO , M.RO ; No. 27 , $1.00. SOMJKH Strictly half and half , KlHc. Coi'i'ini I'lanlaiied holler sizes. ( K\e \ per lb ; cold rolled , Me per lb ; sheeting , 23c per lb ; pit and Hats , IWc peril ) . WntK-Jap , barb. $ : i.2 , ' . ; eal. . $3.M. BLOCK Tm Smiill pig , UOo per lb. , bar , 30o per lb. GAtvANl7Ei > PIIKKT Tiio.N Discount 50-10 per cent ; pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 21 and 27 A , I0ic ! ; It , Currents of Commerce. Leather dealers note an advance on Trench calf. calf.Tho The total amount of anthracite conl mined thus far In the year 1MK ) was 1)0,000.901 ) ton" , compared with : w,0t.0,07. , Ions for the same period last year , a dcciease of 325.17B tons. Hucksters were the authority for the state ment that chickens woio sold by peddlers yes terday as low as fie each. The Thanksgiving onultry glut has put In un appearance \\eok ahead of time. O. I ) . Edwards , mail n per of the Columbus Ilnggy company's Omaha house , nnd E. S. Firestone , with the same company , loft last evening for Chicago whoio they will meet some of the members of tbo firm. The Globe Loan & Trust Company Savings bank Is making nriangomonts to move from tlich'ptcseiit location atji7 ; South Sixteenth street Into more commodious quartets at Six teenth and Dodpe stieets. Into the building at present occupied by Leslie Si Leslie. As the close of the season Is approaching , says the Now Voik Bulletin , the hl.or seien largo anthracite coal pioduclng nnd carrjlng companies arc hurrying forward from the eol- Icrles to market all the coal they can conve niently mine , with a vlow to IncioaMnu their respective tonnages ns much us possible be fore December 1. This Is belns done to enable them to base their respective claims for a largo percentage of the output no.vt year. On the lith Instant the rate of tolls on nnthraclto via all-rail routes fiom lliitralo to the nest will be advanced 25 cents per ton bv all lines , excepting , perhaps , the Pennsylvania rail road , which may kcou Its rate to Chicago at the existing turllT. This advance Is ninths In anticipation of the close of navigation on the great lakes by that date. I'litll then the shlppeis of nnthraclto will continue hurrying forward all the coal possible , and after navi gation has censed It will become necessary to curtail tliopioductlou of ami. WANTED ' Total Issues of CITIES. COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , ST. R.R.COMPANIEScto. CorrcFpomUnco solicited , N.W.HARRIS &COMPAHYBai1ners , 103-165 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. IS Wall Straet , NEW VORK. 70 State St. . BOSTON. NEBRASKA National Bank IT. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - - $400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - 87,8OO Offlccri and Dlrectort-Henrr W. Tales , President ; U > "U3. B d , Vlce-Proildcnt ; Jam i W. Sarage , W. VTMorse , John 8. Collins , It. C. Cuihlmr , J. ti. X. PaUlok , W. 11. B. iliiKbea , cuibler. THE ! IRON BANK. Corner 12th and Farnnra SI * . A Ornoral Hanklns Business Transacted. FOR SEVERE COUGHS OR COLDS Dr. F. C. Werner's COUGH DROPS Are highly recommended after seven years of successful experience by the solo manufacturers , Dreibus& Co Kopp , , , STEAM CONFECTIONERS , 1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Sold everywhere , 60 per paoktigo. Send for satnoloa. FOR MEN ONLY Unflf riini ? KorLOST or FAIUNQ MAN- JUAlilu tUHu HOOD : Ucnural nml NUK- VOUB DEHIIjITV. woiikiiuis of llody and Mind ; KlfcetHof Krrow or oxcossojlii Old or Yountr. Holnut. Nolilu MANHOOD fully ro- Rtnicil Wo BUiirunteo every case or nionoy rcfuiulotl. Suniplo course , ll\o dnys1 treut- niont. ill full course , A bi-ouroly soalort from liser vntlon. Cook Ituinoily Co. . Omnlm , Neb St. OlulrOfllcc. Hotel , Cor. l'Mund \ DodsoS JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. DR. GJ-UCK , Eye and Ear. llnrkcrll ock 1Mb and ( 'arram. ToleotionoMO . TOYS. | TYPE. H , Hardy & Oo , , The Omaha Typo TOJI , doll ) , albuui , fiincr Foundry , od , bouiufurnUlilntt I'rtnltri' B New uml nt'ouiiil KOOdi , children's car- luoclilucrjr. Ilnjci. 1010 t'uruamiU 1118 llowiird itr U OMAHA Manufacturers' Jolliers' DIRECTORY. Wolf Electrical Oo , Illustrated CutaluKuo fiuo. ICU Cnplto Avcnup. FARM MACHINERY , ETO. Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall , Martin Oo. , General western Corner Jones and 9tli sta , Bknnilla 1'loiv Co , Unialin , Neb. 13.i-iCil : Hbcrmnn nvo. FLOUR. Broken Bow Eoller E.T. Davis Mill Co. , Milling Oo. . Ml at St. Joseph. Onioo nnrt warehouse , Omnlin House , 1012 N. lull street. Cor. Stli nnil .Inckton f ts. S. F. Oilman- , Clemens Oskamp , Sl'f'K of ronily to rnl o' 1011 .V. ICth street. Blip Jnck lle-il , tlnost cnkus In the worhl. C. K. Black , - U-UT-12I5S. SJtli street. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Fur Glms. Shiverick & Oo. niture Oo , , . Kiirnlturo nnd Cnrpcts. Furniture niul cnrpot ) , 1115-1110 Knrnnm street , 120IJ-12IO Knrnnm Bt. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Bcbneidor & Loomis , J , T. Eobinson Notion Oo , , Jobbers nnd Importers of Grntn' furnishing gooil.i. notions anil furnhblng in'f'K celotirited brand good : ) , "llnckikln" ovornllH , pnntH , fihtrtit , coats , utc. 1111 Howard ttrcot. Cur. U'thanit llowuril sfs. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Kennard Glass and J , A. Puller & Co. , Paint Oo. , 1IOJ Douiihn btroct , 1103-H12 Hnrneyttroct. Omnha , Neb. Onialn. William Oummings , Blake , Bruco&Oo. , C17 nnd C19 South ICtll St. , WW-IOS Lcavcnworth sU Omalm , Neb. Omnlm. Noti. lni ; . Printing nmt llhnk llookM. lllli nnd Itovr.irdSt' . LIQUORS. Her & Oo , , William Darst , Liquor \YlneK , l.liiuor * niul Cl- 1IU llnrnoy street. , ' ' Knn Mnniirnrlur'tB KiMtnudr'a Mini 1 mllu llltlors. 1313 Fnmntii Et Omnlm W , B , Grotto , Prank Dollouo & Co. , .lolibcr of Importer niul . I.lqnoMniul CpnulncXo' Wlr.M niul I.lquor * Dili nnd Lcau'iinurlb St. ' . PtIco IMs on niM'H ' Street. L , Kirsoht&Oo. , A. . Prick & Oo. , WliolcsnloUquorDonlers Wliolciile r.tquorDcalcri < 07 nnil va S . 10th 81. Mil-MS S. 10th St. LUMBER. G.W , Douglass & Oo.i John A. Wakefiold , Import oil Ainprlrnn.l'ort' llnnlooil Lumber , iHtidCiMiiuut.Mllnnukcl llyilinulln iViniMit mid 1310 North 10th Street. U'lillu l.lmo. Olmrles R. Lee , Wyatt-Bullard Lumber - Itnrdnood lumber , wood l nnil im bor Oo. Mom i UK' . nnil 20th unit Iznnl Streets , Fred W. Gray , Louis Bradford , fJino , foment , lUo , Kto. Lumber , llinc cementctO Cor Htli niul DouitlBi MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , BTO. OILS. Consolidated Tank Liuo Oo. llrflnpil tincl lubricating oiln , nxle Kre.iso , etc. A. II. Ill-hop , Manager. OYSTERS. A. Booth Packing Co. , Platt & Oo. , Oy-lor ? , Il-li ntul canned rand , . fresh . goods. Omuliii lirnnrh , 1103 tauvcnworth. 815 inn ) b7 ! llim.inl. PAPBB. | PLA.TINQ. Carpenter Paper Co. , Western Plating W'ka Curry a full ftock of flolcl , iillvor niul printHIT ! , winpplnit nnil pliitlnx < ni nil ini'tnlg , tnblonuio , etc ii'plHtod * rltliiK I"H > LT , card fa.- PollsliliiL : hrnis A Chun * iwr , etc. ilflliM-noik. 1114 Duilk'U. PRODUCE , COMMISSION" . libbel & Smith , Soliroeiler & Oo , , Dealer * In country iirod- Cnsli buyers Imttcr and nco , fiultsegutublo , Win , nnil ci'iioral com * etc , mNilim iiicrilmiiK 1.1)7 ) llownnl street. 42.J South Illli bluet , Phelps Bros. , E. B. Branch & Co. , Country produce , fruits , Produce , frultx nf nil etc. klniN , ufntor * , 1215 Howard street. 1211 llownnl street. 0. Rosso & Oo. , Kobjrt Purvis , 1217 Howard stievt. Foiclk'n , Cnllfornln nnil . \Vrlto for price * on bub- fruits , tor , eggs , poultry autl 1213 llownnl street. KIIIIIO. Porter Bros. Oo. , Clark & Co. , California , HoiliU nnil tropical fruits. nuttor , chccio , ftei , MI-HI 1 Julius Mrup.t , poultry nnil K.unc , O.V. . Hulls , - llunniior. Iff.I South 13th street. Kmchbraun & Sons , Williams & Onra , Iluttor , CMS nnil poultry. Produce iiiul frulti , 1209 I Ion-aril street. 1214 llnrncy utii'oU Bates & Oo. , Country 1101111100 , frulti , , XPOl'lllltlOI. tU1 , K | > | CI > 1 , etc. 417-irJH. llth St. RUBBER GOODS , BTO. Omaha Rubber Oo , , MninifiirturlMS nnil job- bcriull kinds rubber KUDd-4. 1003 Farrmni street. SAFES. SEEDS. A. L , Beano & Co , , Emerson Seoil Oo. , General nEimH for Hall's Scwl Krowon , do ilors In t-nfes. K.irdcn , tr.m , Krulnnna 021 ana S2.1 S-oiith I0th fct. , tree Bioilt , Oinntiu. 4'JI-UI Hoiltli Utli. SASH , DOOBS , BLINDS , E TO. M. A. Dishrow & Co. , Bohu Swh & Door Oo. Mnnufiicturori of nnsh , Manufacturer ! of liKiillO- iliiiirH. Ull nils a ml , doors , Mo.lldliik'i. llrnncliuf- tkl' , I''tll unit Iznnl tli. Ifitli unit Clark troi't . SYRUPS. | STOVES. Farrell & Oompiny , Dufiy-Trowbridga Wliolo iilo mnnfncturcrs Stove Manuuio'g Oo. ( yru | , muliiHioi and ' Ktovoianl XI vlnc'Kiirs , nufntur'K HtllVO | ll | > O. 217-219 South 8th street. I213-121S I jnienworlh st. TEA. , COFFEE , SPIOE9 , CIGARS. Consolidated Ooffes Company , UH nnil Hie llnrnoy it. Omnlm. Neb. STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U. S. Wind Engine & A , L , Strang & Sons , Pump Oo , , 1012-1001 Knrniuu ttrcoC Unllldny windmill".US iiiul VCO Jonunrt. < > K. Omnlin , Nub. ItU9H , UCtlllK IIIIUIIIKHr. Oraue Oompany , lima belting , parklnir , Btram iiunuiM , ( ilumblnK Kuoili , V3J-2I Farnum street. S OUTH OMA. H A. UNION STOCK YARDS LIVE STOCK COMMISSION.