Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    TTTTC OMATTA T > ATTjV TVICR. ! l < ? mAV. "NrnVTCl\rmrT ? 91
Unltsd Btatoa Circuit Court Judge * Differ
on Material Points.
AVIUcrford , the Young Negro
KJitvp , Abandoned by His Muster
nnd Will Hereafter Ho
side In Onmlia.
JudgoCalducll Is giving the attorneys in
Ibis Judicial district plenty of food for
thought and is rapidly up-setting old-estab
lished rules of practice in the circuit court.
A prominent attorney icmnrked jestcrdny
that if the new circuit Judge kept on much
longer ho would hiwo half the cases on the
docket appealed to the supreme court.
Ills latest move was a decision to tno effect
. that in suits hi forjclosuio upon a mortgage ,
where the amount ot the mortgage itself wis
, less than -,000 , the interest coupons which
might bo overdue could not bo added to the
amount ot the mortgage In order to bring the
amount sued for above the ? 3,000 limit. This
is In direct opposition to thorulingof the Into
Justk-o Miller on this point and also
to the pi.ictico of Judge Dundy in'similar
ThopolnUwas brought up by an attorney
from out of town In a case where the mort-
cage \\as forlfe)0 ( ) , but the coupons overdue
made the total amount claimed ? J,200.
Judge Cnldwoll , without any hesltanry.nnd
without consulting his associate , ruled that
the couit had no jurisdiction in the case
Judge Dundy interposed ou objection and
quoted the opinion of .lustico Miller on this
point , stating also that , it had been his cus
tom to hold that the court bad jurisdiction.
Judge Oaldwoll , however , declined to re
cede from his position , and Judge Dundy also
held his ground. The latter told the attoinoy
'in ' the case that ho could have n cer
tificate to the effect that the court was
divided In order to cnriy the case to
the supreme court and have it advanced on
the docket for hearing.
In an informal talk after court had ad
journed both Judges adhered to their posi
tions on the question.
Xlll , the AVIIlcrroiil Boy , Kinds a
Homo in the City.
The negro boy Till , who has born detained
In the family of Milton Wilier-ford of Tobias
as a slave , was brought to the city Wednes
day by General L. W. Colby of Beatrice , who
appealed as the attorney for Willerford.
It will bo remembered that the slorv of the
wretched tieatment tlio boy had been com
pelled to undergo was minted In Tnr Ben
exclusively several weeks ago and caused
irreat excitement among the colored cltbeus
ot the st.ito as well as among the xvbito pco-
plo who hud thought slavery was abolished
ucveral years ago.
Dr. M. O. Uickcts nnd Attorney rtobbins
took the case in hand , backed by the wealth
iest and moat influential citi/ens of the city
nnd state , anil sccuit'd a writ of habeas
corpus commanding Willerford to produce
the boy In court.
When Till was produced In court nnd his
owner virtually acknowledged Ids guilt by
agreeing to glvo the boy upif thocnsc against
htm was not pushed. Alter consultation this
was agreed to by both sides , each agieciug to
pay one-half the costs.
A stipulation to this effect was placed on
fllo in the United States court and the boy
was tuined over to Messrs. Uicketts nud llob-
bins. Ho will bo given a homo In this city
nnd allowed to look around him for a few
weeks , and will then bo given tin opportunity
to chose where ho will make his homo.
An examination of the boy's body fully
substantiates the charges of cruelty nindc
against Willerford. His back and legs are
literally covered with senra. Seine of them
nro huge welts raised by a whip ,
and in his back are plainly to
bo seen the marks of the prongs of a pitch
fork. The boy hns a hunted look In his eyes
and shows a strong disinclination to talk
about his late master. In reply to questions
as to where ho prefers to live , he says
doggedly that ho wants to go homo. Ills
manner nnd conversation show that ho lias
been carefully taught to profess a liking for
oppressors , but it is the intention of his
deliverers to keep him in this city until ho
gains at least n sonibhuico of independence
and then allow him to make a choice for him
My physician said I could not live , my
liver out of order , frequently vomited gieen-
ish mucous , skin yellow , small dry humors
on face , stomach would not retain food.
Burdock Blood Billets cured mo. Mrs.
Adelaide O'Brien , UTJ Exchange SI. , But-
ffalo , N. Y. _
It.lLFOVll AT HOVilirOItT.
He Pays Ills Kospeets to Gladstone
and tlio Irish Fugitives.
LONDON , Nov. 20. [ Special Cablogiain to
Tuu Bni : . ] Mr. Balfour addressed an en-
thusinstlo meeting at Southport last evening
nnd received a cordial welcome. Ho said that
ho was getting tired of the dreary and mel
ancholy task of tracing the calumnies and
wlsstnlcmcnts of his opponents. S.inco ho
loft Iioland it had been his painful duty to
plow through a Midlothian rhetorical cam
paign. Ho found In Mitihollstown some
now and other ancient ngures more de
crepit and wrinkled nnd with moro false
teeth than over , but they still had the old
recognizable shapes. Ho would not make
nny fmthor rofoionco to Mltchellstoun , but
wo'uld lot Mr. Gladstone go on remarking as
long as ho pleased nn incident which
had boon argued and rcaigued oven
to nausea. Coming to Mr. Gladstone's ,
few novelties ; , Mr. Bnlfoursuld ho repietted
to find him oven moio careless of accuracy
than ho was two years ugo. Ho character
ized Mr. Gladstone's reference to the police ,
land cultivation and Inndloidlsm in Ireland
nsextrooidlnary fallacies and amazing ilc-
tlon , anil while Gladstone was pursuing his
wild career of improvisation here , Dillon nnd
O'Brien were following a no less wild career
in misstatements in America. Mr. O'Brien
declared that 50,000 persons had been im-
under the crimes act and that a man
ad been sent to Jail for merely touching his
* hat to him. These short stories
were concocted for the American
market nnd they were not excluded by the
McKlnloy inrlff. Their purpose was lo extract -
tract dollars from credulous audiences , and'
in this they succeeded. The course of events
In Ireland , could the American pcoplo but
know , afforded a most sulking commentary
ou the travelers' tales with which these two
distinguished fugitives from justice were 10-
gallng them. Mr. O'Brica had called him
on unmitigated liar , but ho must reiic.a nil 1
the play-acting on thoyachton which O'Brien
lied was unnecessary. Ho might , have sailed
nwav in comfoit , because the crown was
absolutely powerless to nirest the man until I
he had bi'okon his ball by not appearing in
court , Mr. Bnlfour concluded with n gencial
denunciation of the tactics of the national
league and a Justification of the policy of the
Ask for Van Houtcn's Cocoa. Take no
Thn MnrlbornitKli
LONDONNov. . 20. [ Special Cablegram to
Tnu Bru.l An explanation is published re
garding the icport that judgment for n largo
sum had been obtained in thuAmerican couit
against the Duchess of Marlborough. It ap
pears that the duchess possesses a life interest
In property In America from which the sum
of AUO.UOO Is realized annually. The Amer
ican courts do not allow n charge to bo made
upon n life Interest , and the duchess there
fore raised a largo sum in England to spend
on Blendhelm palace nud In the purchase of
n London munition. In order to complete the
lender's security the duchess insured her
llfo for a heavy * amount and allowed judg
ment to bo taken m the American courts for
the advances made. This legal operation
does not affect the financial position of the
duchess. _
The only railroad tram out of Omnha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omnhn , Council Bluffs , DOS Molnos und
Ghlcngo business is thu Hock iBlnml vos-
tlluiled limited , leaving Omaha nt 4:15 :
p. in. daily. Ticket oftloo , 1002 Sixteenth
nnd Furntuu sta. , Omaha
The llullpt Wan I'nUoncil nnit General
Sllvcrflkofr In Dciul.
[ Cnpi/rffrfit / 1300 by Juinu Oonhn Jlennr&t
I'.uu , Nov. 20.-Now [ YorkHornld Cable
Special to TIIR nKR. ] Gencrnl StlvcnkofT
Is dead. Ills wound , correctly described as
slight , piovcd fatal , for small as It was and
comparatively harmless to look upon , ItM
Indicted by a poisoned bullet nnd such pro
jectiles show no mercy. Nihilism Is stamped
on the face of the crime.
The facts nro as follows : At noon Tuesday
theconclcrgo of the Hotel Dado was nccosted
by n man attired In the typical costuino of a
Russian , or rather a Polish , emigrant. "I
liavo a letter for General Silver-shod whore
are hli rooms ! " Being told where to find the
apartments , the iiinu continued , "Hownrotho
rooms situated ! " HuwistoR "Whichnum
ber was the lieiV-room nnd which the parlor ,
or court yard , or front. This information
also was given and the man went up-stalrs ,
ri'ho concierge's suspicion , strangely enough ,
wis not aroused by the close Interrogatory of
the foreigner. The Polo went to General
SllverskoH's room , was admitted after ex
plaining his errand and the valet withdrew.
Ho handed the general a letter and presuma
bly stiot htm wlillo raiding It , as the docu
mentan Invitation to a service at the Franco-
Uussum club , was found on the Iloor. The
man WIM seen descending the stairs In great
Imste by the general's ' servant , who shortly
afterwmds knocked at his master's ' door and
received no answer. Ho returned a swond
time nnd opened the door , when ho found the
general seated at his desk , pen in hand and
dripping with blood , The alarm was nt once
gi\en nnd Dr , Poiteriicrwasquickly on hand.
In splto of all cffoits General Sllverskoff
never regained consciousness. Ho died yes
terday. .
The letter brought by the assassin quickly
led tohlsidentllleatlon , but , unfortuuatclyho
is not arrested. Information gained nt
the Franco-Hussion bank shows that ho is
u I'ollsli Hebrew imircd 1'ndlowlsky , who
was employed by the club ns u messenger.
.An investigation of his lodgings , Immediately
carried out , discovered documents that con
clusively moved Padlowlsky to bo u nihilist.
The most Important of all , however , was the
illscoverv of a number oE bullets of tbo same
callbro us that found in the wound , nnd a
hasty nnnlj ttcal examination proved them to
be poisoned.
1'adlewisky , our Informant tells us , has un
doubtedly escaped to Knglnnd and the police
nuthoiltles have communicated with their
colleagues in London. It is feared , however ,
owing to the largo number of nihilists
who inhabit the worst nnd most
intricate slums in London , the criminal will
llnd an impenetrable hiding place.
Gcneial Sllvorikoff had betrayed great
fear ns to his personal safety nnd allowed no
one to approach him beloro his servant hud
ascertained the visitor's business , and ho
kept a loaded revolver constantly at hand on
his desk. Tlio deceased insisted on his ser
vant sleeping outside the bedroom door so
that no admission could bo obtained except
over his bodv , and frequently the general
would start up fiom his bed , scio his re-
\ olvcr and make a close inspection of the
nnartlnent. No wonder ho uiis nervous , for
( jeneial Sllverskoff , who , at one thno was
chief of the dreaded third section or politician
police of Hussia. wielded all the terrible
power known as the administrative process-
otherwise , Siberia for life without trial. Ho
was removed from this impoitnnt post in
older to taho chage of the force surrounding
the pciaon of the czar and was held abso
lutely icsponsiblo for the safety of his
How to save money is a problem that Inter
ests cverj body. Ono way to do It is to in
vigorate the system with Ayer's Sarsapaiilln.
Being a highly concentrated blood medicine it
is the most powerlul and economical. It is
sold for a dollar a bottle , but worth live.
I .in n do a
[ Cojri07it > | / lS90bilJa"ico ( Jonlan llennetl. ]
LONDON , Nov. 20. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tui : Bei.1 Michael
Davltt , Justin McCarthy and Harry
Campbell , private sectctary to Parnell , are
the only three prominent membeis of the
Iiish party in London Just now. Au inter
viewer has been persistently onthotiack of
these gentlemen , who , with ono accord , re
fused to suy a word about the O'Shea case.
Decision Is reserved In ft curious case be
fore the Dublin courts , said to bo without a
parallel in ancient or modern legislation. An
infant , through her next of kin , her mother ,
sued the Great Northern railroad company
of Ireland for VOUO damages for injuries re
ceived in the lerriblo Armagh railway acci
dent in June , 18S9. At lhat time the plain
tiff was not yet horn. It was argued that
the case was ridiculous ; that the defendants
had entered Inlo no conlract with the plain
tiff and therefore were not liable. ' 'Sho cer
tainly could not have bought a tickot. " For
Iho plaluliff , counsel conleuded that Ihero
was a contiact , oven If it were an implied
one ( subject to correction ) , as far as the
plaintiff was concerned. The plaintiff had
been born ciippled in'consequence of tlio ac
cident and u as entitled to substantial dam
Disease lies in ambush for the weak , n fce-
blo constitution is ill adapted to encounter n
malaiious atmosphere or sudden changes of
tempeiaturo , and Iho least robust are usually
the easiest victims. Dr. J. H. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial nnd Blood Purifier
will give tone and vitality and strength to
your entire body. _
How Koch's Jjymph Is Made.
BEUNE , JSTov. 20. [ Special Cablcgiam to
Tun Bni : . ] The Frankfort Courier states
that tno lymph used by Prof. Koch for the
cure of tuberculosis is prepared in nn incu
bating steve within a space that is hermeti
cally sealed and steiilizcct and thereby ion-
deted fiee fiom fungus. The interior of an
air-tight space is divideiTby an unglazed porcelain
celain diaphragm into upper and lower sec
tions. In the upper section is placed salted
meat broth in a gelatinous state , containing
colonies of tubercle germs. Tills mass
gradually liquilics and the gelatine liquid
drops slowly through the porcelain plato into
the lower section. The liquid then contains
all the secretory products , out Is free from
all living or de-id germs or reproductive
spores and la the lymph as used.
Weather .Probabilities.
For November Indications point to
cold , frosty weather. That , however ,
will make no difference to thobo who'
travel in the steam-heated nnd electric-
.lighted . , limited vestibule trains which
nro run only by the Chicago , Milwaukee
faSt. . Paul Ity. between Oiualm and
Chicago. City ticket offlco , 1601 Far-
rmm ft. , Onmha. F. A. NAMI ,
J. E. Piiusrox , General Agent.
City Passenger Agent.
Troup < in Stanley.
LONDON , Nov. 20. [ Special Cablegram to
Tim Buii.J-Lieutenant Troup , who u as a
passenger from Now York on the steamer
Sanlo , has landed at Southampton. In an in
terview regarding the scandal connected
with the roar guard of the StanloyEmln
Pasha relief expedition , Troup says Stanley
had only retailed ttio gossip of the mess-
room ana hearsay talcs about the dead man.
He also said ho would avoid further personal
discussion of the mattur unless ho was
forced to continue.
Fcrvirt'H Foreign Relations.
BBI on IDC , Nov. a ) . [ Special Cablegram to
TUB BMI.J The shupisehlua opened jester-
day. The speech from the throne declared
that in consequence of the moderate policy
that had been adopted Servia now enjoyed
the confidence of the powers , while her inter
course with the neighboring monarchy of
Austria had assumed a fricnaly character.
Why Stanley Appointed Unrttnlot.
UUCSSEW , Nov. 20. [ Special Cablegram to
TUK BKE. ] The Independence Uolgo sajs
that the pressure brought to bear by General
Sir G&rnot Wolsoloy compelled Stanley to
give Major Buittelot command of the rear
Hunting GolU in Ireland.
DUIU.IN , Nov. SO. [ Special Cablegram to
THE BEE ] A French syndicate has pur
chased for 20,000 a copper mine nt Golecn
OJuniy Cork , in the iiopa that gold \\ill bo
sound therein.
Prospects for Oonsldorablo Oratorical Pyrotechnics
technics Over Sprakershlp.
Slhct * llrjlmiliig to Itccover from the
Hcuont Slump Tito Trouble Came
from London A Youthful
Clitcf Justice.
U'xsmxoTOV BunnvuTitB 0\t\iu Bez , 1
513 FoonTHBJCtii STKEBT : , } -
WASUIXOTOV , D. C. , Nov . 20. )
If the proposition tniulo by some northern
democratic newspapers nnd democratic rep
resentatives to elect only a northern man to
the spoakcrshlp of the fifty-second congress
is seriously entertained there promises to bo
some very loud nnd prolonged muslo in this
latitude about December 1,1301. Southern
members now hero are not at all reticent in
expressing their views on such a proceeding.
In brief , they avow that such a proposition
will , when the time comes , bo vigorously re
sented by the entlro southern delegation as
an Insult to the democracy of that section.
"Tho soutli , " said a well known democratic
member from Texas today , "Is prepared to
take a back seat whcro the choice of n presi
dential cnndldato is involved , and wo are
willing to grant to the north the vlco presi
dential candidate also , but wo will not con
sent to bo hewers of wood and drapers
of water for the northern democracy
beyond these lines. If wo are to
bodobarrcd on account of sectional prejudices
from naming our best men , considered in
connection with the prcslucncy and \lco
presidency , it Is clearly our right to demand
the speakcrshlp nnd when the time comes
sothcrn members of congress propose to en
force that demand by appealing' to the con
science of northern democratic members and
their sense of fairness and lustlco. I may as
well say now and I speak , I think , for every
southern democratic member of the Fifty-
second congicss , that wo will not bo pacified
with the cleikship of the next house and the
proposition made to us that wo shall do so is
looked upon as a double Insult. "
Among these who have announced their
candidacy lor the speakershlp of the rifty-
sccond congicbs up to the present aio Chip-
man of Michigan , Byuum of Indiana ,
Spiingcr of Illinois , Outhwaito of Oliio ,
Crisp of Georgia , 13 reckon ridiro of Kentucky ,
Hatch of Missouri , Lockwood nt Now York ,
\Vllsonof West Tlrginla and Mills of Tcxus ,
who has Just been returned for the thlru
time by the enormous majority of 0,000 over
his lepnhllcan opponent , Hibbard 0. Baker.
Judtro Chipman was twenty-nine years ago
an cdltoiial writer on the Detiolt Tree Ptess
wlit-n it was owned and managed by the Into
AVilunr 1Story. . When the latter founded
the Chicago Daily Times Judge Chipman held
nu editorial position on that paper for se\orai
yeniN. Mr. Chlpimu will doubtless have the
support of the entire Michigan delegation of
eight membois in the next congit'ss for the
lioprcsentatlves Springer nnd Bynum have
both got their booms for the spcakership well
under way with Springer's boom a tritlo the
largest Just nt piesent owinj ; to his presence
at the recent Thunnan banquet and his re
cent uttctauces .since his arrival m Washing
ton. HcproscntatHo Byuum Is expected to
arrive on Saturday and will endeavor to
catch up with Springer.
Hepresentatlvo Outhwaito of Columbus ,
Ohio , is taking time by the forelock and is
working Ills boom in a quiet klnrt of a way.
Representative Ciisp of Georgia , who is
represented as the ablest representative from
the south is antagonized in his canvass by
Blount. With the single exception of the
latter. Crisp will have the Georgia delega
tion at his back.
C. P. Breckenridge , the silver tongued
Kentuckv oiator will bo antagonized by Me-
Cicarylio wants to bo the next speaker
very badly.
Hatch of Missouri is very active in his can
didacy ana so is lan Corkwood ot Buffalo ,
N. Y. The only cnndldato who is not ac
tively bestirnng himself is "Wilson of West
Viiglnia. Hcls apparently a passive candi
date , but if the south is to bo favored wltn
the speakershlp again , Wilson will loom up
llko a stack of hay in a lonelv meadow. Mills
of Texas seems to want the oftlco of speaker
moro than anv other candidate except it bo
Springer. Mills intimates that ho is so con
sumed with ambition lor the place that ho Is
suffering from nervous prostration in cense
quence. In splto of Mills' labors in the last
and previous campaigns in the east r.ud west ,
ho is not popular \vith the northern demo
cratic members of congress. Springer is , on
the otncr hand , exceedingly popular ,
especially in Michigun , and until Judge Chip
man vaulted Into the arena was the favorite
of the Michigan delegation. Ho has popu-
laiizcd himself with the Michigan democracy
by having stumped the state in the recent
campaign. It is moro than probable that if
Chipman should fail in his aspirations that
the Michigan delegation would goto Springer
in a solid block.
"Silver bullion wont UD to $1 an ounce to
day , " said Mint Director Leech to your cor
respondent this evening , "and I expect to see
it partially recover from the slump it got
during the flurry on Wall street. Tno decline
in bullion was duo solely to the tact that the
heavy holders wcro largo borrowers and
when the bankers demanded sottlPinent an
enormous amount of bullion was thrown upon
the market. The incipient influence nhtch
brought about the slump was located in Lou-
don , where our financial troubles arose. As
soon as the present crisis is over bullion will
appreciate steadily till it reaches the point it
found some time ago , nnd may co higher.
The depression in the market was in no de
cree due to nn overproduction in fact it had
nothing to do with mining or production in
nnyiespcct. The holders wcio simply forced
to sell nnd the selling began In London. As
an evidence of the truth of what i tell jou , "
continued Mr. Leech , "wo have within the
past thirty days or so impoitod several mil
lions moio of bullion than wo have exnoited.
Wo have not sent a dollar's worth of bullion
to China ninco last May , whereas we expelled -
polled to the Celestial empire during the
same period of last year about $ WOOD,000.
Wo have not had a sulllclont domestic supply
to have any perceptible effect upon the mar
ket in tills , country or to cut much of a llguro
In fixing prices. The time when the bullion
market will entirely recover or materially lin-
provo depends upon the way things go
financially in London , which at present con
trols ulfalrs in Wall street , and throughout
the cntho country. Wo have now so much
money employed in moving various
products and pushing numerous enter
prises that the banks are u li
able to meet the daily demands. The re
turns are slower comincr In than usual and
the peilod of financial stringency usual at
this time of the year will bo longer than
common , and It began earlier than has been
the custom. Bullion appears to have suf
fered moro than other pioducts , because
more was in the hands of borrowers than of
any other product. "
In accordance with the articles of the Beif-
lln , Germany , conference , King Oscar ol
Swceden and Norway , appointed us chlei
Justice of Samoa , C. IJeCectorkrantz , of the
court of appeals at Stockholm , and ho is now
in this city cnroute to tian Francisco nud the
scene of his futui-6 duties. Ho Is n
young looking man 'fbr ' uch nu Important
iiost since ho will bo Judijo of the court be
fore \vhlch nil civil auju between Samoiina
and foreigners will bd tried , nnd between the
Samonus thonnelvcs utln nil land suits nnd
criminal cases InvoUlnp foreigners with the
natives or with each other. Thcro n 111 ho no
appeal from Ids dcclslrffi cither , so that ho
will virtually bo ruler of the Samoan Islands
nnd Malletoa , or who ever the chief Justice
names ns king , will bo merely a figurehead.
"It Is a difficult task1 Ural I am about toun-
ctertake , " remained tho-chlof Justice , "but I
shall endeavor to cxoivUo the nuthniity
vested In mo for the best Interests of all con-
corned. IJy the terms of the Berlin confer
ence the natives of Hnmo.i aio guaranteed
sclf-govummcnt. Thpy uie to huvo n king
ns In former time , but It will ho left tome
to decide who is the rightful sovereign.
Malletoa Is the ruler , dcfacto , though Tnma-
see , who was \Ico king when the fonucr was
deposed by the Gcuuuns , Is nu aspirant to
the throno. "
Still n third contestant for the cov
eted position h Mutnfa and the
contentions of this trio formed the
basis of the recent civil strife In the Islands
which the United States and Its people will
over remember for the recent disaster to its
navy In their principal harbor. There nro
fourteen Islands in the group , the three larg
est being Savolc , Upolu and Tutuila , nnd in
one , the last named , the United States gov
ernment has the right to the harbor of Pngo-
page , the best m the kingdom and which Is n
coaling station for vessels of the United
States navy. Mallotoa lives at Apia , which
is on Opolu Island , the second in size , but
first in population , there being about fifty
thousand inhabitants. Cocoanuts , coilco ,
cotton nnd sugar are the principal produc
tions of the kingdom , and It is closely allied
to this country by recent developments.
Chief Justice Cedcrkrantz will leave for Chicago
cage and other western cities tomorrow.
anoFF's ' DECISIONsusTAixcn ,
Assistant Secretary Chandler today dis
missed the appeal of Jacob Schlarb from the
decision of Commissioner Groff , as Schlarb
has relinquished nil right , title and liitciust
to the tract of land involved , which is the
southeast quaiter of section 3 , township 115 ,
range 7U , Huron , S. D The entry was con
tested by John Lendcry.
AUMI oiiDnu * .
Captain John Pitman is relieved from duty
as chief ordnance ottlecr , depaitmeut of
Dakota , mid of the command of the Tort
Snelling ordnance depot , to take effect upon
an officer of the line bcluir designated for
that purpose by the commanding general of
the department of Dakoti , and is assigned to
duty as inspector at West Point foundry ,
Cold Spring , N. Y.
Ordnance Sergeant Fremont A. Wootten
( appointed November 13,1890 , from sergeant
troop B , Hightk cavalry ; , now at Fort Meade ,
S. D , will proceed to Fort Leavenworth. re
porting upon his arrival to the commanding
ofliccr for duty.
The superintendent of the recruiting ser
vice will cause twenty recruits to bo assigned
to the Fust cavalry and forwarded under
proper charge to such pointer points in the
dopirtment of Dakota as the commanding
general of the department shall designate.
Ou the recommendation of the icgimental
commander the following tiansfera In the
Sexenth Infantry nio made : Second Licu-
Lcnant Charles If. Cochian from company A
tcrcompany D ; Second Lieutenant William S.
Gfia\cs from company I ) to company A.
Lieutenant Graves will Join the company to
which hois trausforicd.
T W. BYorxtch of Omaha has been appointed
cadet at West Point military academy.
The entire Nebraska congressional delega
tion Is expected hero by the latter pait of
Pcitur S. HEVTII.
" ' Choice. "
"Albright's .
Mrs. Hetty U. Green Opens n llenl
listato Oflluo In Chlo.ico.
Cutcuao , Nov. 20. . [ Special Vilogram to
THE BKE. ] Mrs. Hetty II. Green of New
York , commonly known ns tno richest
woman In the world , has opened a real estate
office in the city. AU the business will bo
under the management of her son Ned , who
is her only child mid fdr whoso benefit sbo is
said to have made all her investments.
Formerly nil business with Mrs. Green had
to bo done through her agents and commis
sions had to bo divided , but now these who
have business wich her can transact it direct ,
and everyone will bo on an equal footing.
This move on the part of Mrs. Green moans a
great deal to the city of Chicago. Slo is
said to possess $ -10,000,000 of available funds
of her own , Ayhilo she has a. largo number of
friends who intrust their money to her for in
In nn interview she said : "I paid one firm
of brokers in Chicago as high ns $18,000 n
year fora number of yeari in commissions for
woik done for me. I was glad to do it , for
they flid , seed work , but they didn't do
exactly right by uio in this Section "I deal ,
which they sold for the site of the Giant
locomotive works , and I decided to represent
myself hereafter. I received a petition this
moinlng , signed by fifty prominent citizens
of Chicago , asking mo to begin proceedings
for a rehearing of the caso. ; 1 am going to do
it , too , and will keep it In the courts
for seven years If it is necessary.
After that is decided I will begin suits for
damages in the United States courts in New
York against those people who have wronged
mo. It Is just this way : My attorney was
also a director of the Northern Pacific rail
road , and ho thought ho had achniico to make
some money , so , being attorney for mo ana
the railroad , ho sold ttio land without going
out of his office. My trustees consented to
the sale but did not consult mo and never re
ceived my pel mission to selL
Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Bee bldg
\Vlthdravm the Reduction.
CimtnLiu.Aix , S. D. , Nov. 20. [ Special
Telegram to THE Br.ii. ] The railroads of
Dukota have heretofore delivered feed and
fuel at points in the two states at half rates
for the benefit of farmers who have suffered
from crop failures. ThoChicago , Milwaukee 1
& St. Paul road today gave notlco that it
does not feel warranted in making the re
duction this winter. Other roads will un
doubtedly do likewise.
" ' Choice. "
"Albright's .
Cciisurcil the War OHlco.
Los-nov , Nov. 20. [ Special Cablegram to
THE BKE.J The investigation into the ro-
ccnt flro In the Wellington barracks was con
cluded yesterday. The Jury found that the
inability of the fire department to control the
flames was duo to a lack of water , and it
seveiely censured the war office for not
having provided sufficient facilities to meet
such an emergency.
"Albright's Choice , "
French DrnmutlBtA Sock Protection.
PAIIIS , Nov. 20-Speclal Cablegram to
TJIB BEE. ] M. Hlb&t , minister of foreign
affairs , yesterday received a delegation of
dramatic authors. In response to their ap
peal ho promised to . In his power to pro
tect French works abroad.
"Albright's Choice/ "
M. E. Smith , the wholesale dry goods man ,
loft last night for Ogdtil.
Have you used
A few clays ago about the big- purchase of Overcoats our resident buyer in New York made.
There are more of these overcoats than we thought. They keep on coining : and we open
case after case every day. There arc all kinds ordinary grades , medium grades and goods
fine enough for the best dressed man in Omaha. Overcoats for small men , for big men , for
slim men , for fat men , for short men , for tall men every shape and style is here your si/.c too
and you never will have an opportunity to buy your overcoat as cheap as you can do now
\Ve call your attention lo a few styles they are corkers
An Elegant All Wool A Splendid All Wool As Pinc a
Mnclo with lap sonms , Farmer With handsome lienvy serge A.S nny mnn wnnts , colors a
satin lining , satin sleeve lining , handsome drnb. seams double
lining , fine slllc sleeve lining
fine velvet collar , they como in very s1 itched , silk velvet collar , lining
gray , tan and brown mixtures , ing , corcled edge binding. Worth of nn extra qualityInncy plalct
and arc worth twelves dollars of in any clothing house in America , serge. A. beautiful garment nnd
any man's money. fully $1F3.OO. as good as an y $2O cout.
ENGLISH BOX COATS. Here's where we catch the "tony" folks. Wvo got them in
all sorts of goods , and all sorts of shades , as handsome a line as any house in the country car
ries. Prices $11.50 , $14.50 , $16 , $17.75 , $18.60. $21.50 , $22-50 and a guaranty to save you from
five to ten big Americandollars goes with each coat.
Boys' Overcoats ? Ohj Yes ; hundreds of 'em , and cheaper than ever.
Corner 14th. and Douglas Streets.
Open until 8 o'clock p. in. Snturday's 10 p. m.
If-Jtie old proverb"bebme (
' > APOLI0 ; is greater Hnd.n
royalty it-self ; 'Tryfrinyour nexb :
house-clekning : Grocers ke ep ih
As a true patriot and citizen you should naturalize yourself
by using the best inventions of the day for removing such a charge.
To live in Grease is utterly unnecessary when SAPOLIO is sold
in all the stores , and abolishes grease and dirt.
Practice Limited to
Rooms 316 to 320 Bee Bldg\ \
O. L. Erlnkson , Local Agt,20G N.lOth St
. 'p Opera
America'/ ! Artistic Comoillan , Mr Henry E
liN merry company of plnyorii , under tlio direc
llrst proclurtloa hero of Mr IMxey's
- - "ucceas. till )
Greatest BUCCCMS of the centurr. MaKnlticeat scenla
pioiluctlons. Company of 55 people.
Prices : 25a toll 50. bale of eoats vrlllliulnVcfl \
no luy morn In j
TIJKMIAY. MONDAY , NOV. 24 , 25 , and 26.
Glorious llollet Spectacle , the
, - -
With 100 ppoplo. Tbo ( Irund Il.-Ukti. Tlio llc-
wltchlurflUnccrs. Tim Ixjrely 1'rcmiern TlieWon-
dcrdil M > fcliiltlea. Tlio Novelty of tlio Scnson
Tlilrtr-Hvo 111 tlio Bil'et TLo SlnsHlvo Scenery.
i'ouff Costuniej. The Charming Sluslo. The
of hpeUnclts Halo of iciits opens next
at regular in Ices.
KorTliroo Ul
ComiiienctHff I'rtttan X < nemlier 'Jt , u-iWi Sat-
- Mrs. Vrnncls llodji-on lliirnott'n '
Jloautlful Iirumotlo Idyl
Little Lord FaUntlBroy
Presented ny tlio
Rl'tOMI. DUCKS for their onitnuoiucnt nro lower
than the ctnuiiaujr over pluyecl to before , and wma
cemented to bj tli nmmixenient on nccimnt of the
tlio * ory larnu leuUiu'caiucHy of the llicator :
110X SKATS , S II 00 and T5 cents
< ? . . ! < 011IKII UALCUNV br ATM , - - .UcviiM
( iAl.l.KIlV , . . . . . . . iicc'Uts
llox Sheet DIIOII Thurtdnjr morning
\VIUj IMWLKH. Mnnngpr. Corner llUi and Urnam
Blri-ots Oriuihi.Vr6k ( if Nov. UtU.
BlrrnnthencluraucouudskllL A IIINO ( ] f K1IVH or
TUK iionu
A burlenqiiu f rce cnmudr IntoMperfOilitltli brUht ,
brccjf , ijnirkllrm Bonus nml uuy , Julljr , rolllcklnx
lUneen. A Inutlinbln , r < imlu , nitty , noiitenilottl
aamoilr , mltiuleil nlili mirth nnil Uuvbtur. tHAH.
AMI ANNlli WIIITNKV , ocnliUau
Solo Agent In Omabu lor Gorhuni Man
ufacturing Co's
Our Stock of Pine Goods is the
Largest and Our Piices the
Come nml sec us.
Cor. Douglas & 15th St
13O2 Farnatn Strsi1 ; .
City FaBsSncror and Ticket Agent
lid id Singled Institute
Coruar Oth and Haruey fitroats , Omaucu
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , Prosidoat.
Founded by Dr. J. W. MoMenamjr.
It can be fflf f" In a eap f culfre or tra. or In ur *
title. rfo < > U , withouv tba knowledto ol the imllent ,
1 [ ntoautry. It I * ub olutely liarmloa untf will eneot
p.rraainut and p edy our , . wb tb r the patliat u
modoratoUrlmer onualoo&olionreok. If.SKI Kit
FAtL t. II opirato. no quietly and % lth 0uoh eer
umty tb t ttm patlenl uudcrioe. no Inoonveiueno * ,
aud are bo t. aware , bta complet. r.Iormatton I.
ffMt < l. 4t ] p ff0 book of parttoularirre * To behadof
KUIIN & CO. . 1Mb 4tDougliia. i Utb A CuralniHui.
CTTrada ( upplled bv IILAKE. UHUUE It CO , and
O&ua CO.Ouaha.
Morn tlmn 15 > cnrV oxporlcncoln the trpntiuontol
A euro Kinrnntcctl In3lo llfo days without tliolu i
oJ > nhour tliuo
I'onnancnllv rural without rnln or Itntrumptiti ; na
ruttlnx. noilllntliiit. Iho most rcnmrkiiljio rumuily
known to modern nelenrc.rltu lur clrculurj.
Dr McreW ! trentmcnt for tliU Icrrlblo blooiUIM-
PIIHQ hut lici'ti iironuiincpd the iiuiHt potvorfulnnd
piiccLRsful rcmeily o cr discovered for tljfl nhnohitil
cuiuof tlil illivn u. HlH niHL"i with thin illioasu
lins ncvorleuit eaimlhJ A cutupleta CUIIE ( lUAii-
.l \Vrltpforrlnnlnri \
ntlclM ! wi'iikncif of tlio roTiinl ornnm , iu > rvoii n9n ,
: tnlllty ( unit cltupomloney nbolut ly cured Thorn *
llof Is ImmcillntunnU complete' .
Cntarrli , ilieumntUm , nnit nil dlnoa-w of thnblool
liver , kidneys nml bladder inrniuncntly cured.
and nonrilffii , nrrvoilBnpiN nnddUftiia nf tlio utom-
ich curud The Doctor'n ' Homo Troiitnient' foi
Indlpu la proitounccil hy nil who Imvu used 11. to ha
thomuHt eonip oto mill convmlont runuMf uvorot-
furpil for tlio treatment of fumnlo ilUi'uitM It U
trul ; n wonderful rcmuilr No Initrumunti , uu
lloius ion L.AWI.H IIIOM 2T04 IIM.V
marvelous SMOCMI Iim won fur him n raputntlon
which IH trulynntloml t.i cliirnrter , nnd III * Brunt
nrmror patients rc'iuliM from the Atluitlo to tlm
radio , 'llio Doctor H a ( jrniliinto nt "lll'OUl All"
lut'dlclnc nnd lia.1 hncl lonirnnil raroful experience In
honpllnl prnctlcenml U clnsnoi ! nmonK thu leading
npaclallsM In modern nclonre Trcitmuiit by lorro-
Bponitvnce Wilta for circulars uuout cncli o [ tlia
Bbove dlscnipa , HIKK.
Office , 14th and Farnarn Sta
liutrnnco on either street.
We guarantee to
cure any case of Syph
ilis ao matter of liow
long standing , And
we have the only rem
edy that will cure the
disease. You have
tried everything else
and wasted your
money , why not now
try us. "We guarantee
to cure or refund every
dollar. When it is nec
essary for patient to
come here -we agree to
pay railroad fare both
ways , all hotel bills
and refund your mon
ey ifwe do not cure
you , 'Write for partic
ulars ; do not "be hum
bugged any longer.
"We are financially re
sponsible with $300-
000 capital. COOK
BEMEDY Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. , Booms 39 & 40 ,
13th and Dodge Sts.
Ptwclfle for Myet.'rta , PliilnoM.Kitl.I.'uurilelu , WtiK
tulniu. W nl | Mpr lnn. llr ] ii if *
In Icunnllr i.ul loailink' to inUory ilerar uf J
duiihrf mature Old Aice , liurunaeu , Liat of run 31
ineltnor roz. Involuntary ea , anrt fipermotn
cntiiol br ovtr ivrtioA or ttio brain. iilr-t-Iiuo ol
ovwr4an1jonc luul ) box eonialni onu mont b'i Iruat.
pionL fi a IMJI , or > l < fur Ii. tunt iijr inulimiuld.
VVItli onrh ordir ( Iir > lx liuira. win M.TUI | , unli i <
initmutuo to iffuiiil uu.nvy l ( the ( ruattueiit fult Ul
Mr * . 4Ju THnt iiiuv4 | uiiu KMUulne volUuuly by
moi'urauin Btruat , - - Omaha Net * ,