Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , JM'foAY ' , NOVEMBER 21 , 1890 ,
rtllvcrcil by Currier ID unj uurtof the City.
fluslnfss Office. No. 41
Night Editor , No 83.
N. Y. P. Co.
Cotmcll Bluffs Lumber Co. coal.
Special communication of Bluff City lodge ,
No. 71 , A. I1 ge , A M . this evening for work
In the first degree , All Masons nro invited.
There wlllbe n meeting this cvcnlnRof the
Scottish Kite , United States Jurisdiction , at
ttio hull on IVurl street. Work as a Ledge
of Perfection ,
A three-j oar-old child "of L. C. Thomasson
died jesteiaay of diphtheria. The funeral
will occur this afternoon from thu residence ,
1HM Tenth street.
I'itrlne Marlo.lotinsou , daughtcrof Andrew
Johnson , died of diphtheria yesterday at tlio
residence , 017 Avenue I. The funeral will
occur atI o'llock this afternoon.
W. F. Homlrv , the nine-year old son ot
Merrill Hcndry , died jcstciday of diphtheria
nt the ! fathti's residence , ( iUICnst Bloadwny.
Mho funeral will occur this afteinoon ,
Deputy Marshal L-'runk Fowler returned
from Uleiivvood jestcrdny morning with J.
J ) , King , the thief wlio stele a horse from
I'uul liouquct. He uas taken to the county
Jail pending his hearing before JustlcSchurz
on buturdny.
A. Dcreshclm and Miss Clara Teal wcro hap
pily -wedded Wednesday evening by Itov. 11.
\V. Crofts. The happy couple have many
friends here , ho having 11 veil hcio since boy-
need and she being 0110 of the most skillful
artists In the city.
Oniccr Jlurphy mndo n raid last night upon
nsaloon near Green's barn on Upper Hroid-
vvay , kept bv .r. 0. Henry , nud arrested the
proprietor. 0. AandJohn Ileilty nnd John
1)111111 ) and slated them with gambling und
keeping n gambling house. They vvi-re all
locked up.
Thocasoof Kccllne , charged with abusing
Ills wife' , vas called before Justice Darnctt
jcstcrday motnlng. The defcndnnt made
, nfllduvlt that hoth Justices Harnett and
fichun were prejudiced aKalnst him , so the
, case was sent to Justice Hcnd ricks , who sot
J' the case foi tienniigon theSTth. An attempt
will then bo innilo tohavehl'ii glvo bonds to
keep the peace.
Mi 0. D.lotdan of Cedir Itaplds will ad-
dioss the railroad men nt the Young Men's
Christian association Sunday ntS p. m. Mr.
Jordan has been general sccictaiy of tlie
CcdnrRapiils assocntion for sown years.
Ho gives up the woik theio to go toVo -
mlngto engage In work among railroad men.
All railroad men uro invited to hear .Mr.
Jordan ,
The Young Men's ' Christian association
have for " " bo
arranged u "military meeting" to
nddiesscduy Hcv. Dr. Stephen 1'helps. The
Grand Auny of the Republic , Veteran Le
gion and company A , National Guards , will
attend in a body. The meeting will bo held
at the Young Men's ' Christian association
looms Sunday at 4 p in.
An alarm or lire was turned In jestcrday
noon , calling the department to "David
Hradloy &C'o's big warehouse , wheio a pile
of lumber had caught lire. The lumber was
used for malting coses for packing agri
cultural implements and was piled along the
mill-end tracks Mnith of the old building. No.
1 company suppressed the llaincs without
permitting them to do any moro thim scorch
itHinaU portion of the lumber. It , is thought
the lire was started by some bojs.
A Jury of six men acquitted John Lindsay
* - Of the charge of stciiing sand from the land
of J.V. . Paul utter the case was tried in Justice
ticeDarnell's court jesiciday afternoon , It
was the lint tlmo Llndsaj was ovei In court
for nny purpose , nnd it was a trying oideal
to him. The sand lot cases nro becoming to
bo a chestnut in the justice courts , hut it is
probable that there will bo several more of
them tried yot. There are many prominent
contractors guilty of thu same offense , if
offcnso itcnii bo calledand these peeler
teamsters nro wondering why they should bo
selected nnd the wealthy men overlooked ,
Although Major Macrae announced in Iho
council Irst night that l ranlc Kane the leader
of the young toughs who have been terroilz-
Ing n portion of the southern part of the city ,
the police claim to know nothing of an arrest
having been inado. The facts h.ivo been
brought out that young Kane and his gang
have been making their hcid-
qunrtcrs at a house of prostitution
hopt by n woman known as Mother
I'iho on South Ninth street , nnd that they
bavo been maintaining a honde voiis there
that Is simply a disguico to the city and a ro-
prouch upon Chiistian civilization. It Is cer
tain , since so much publicity has been given
to the matter , thnt tlio gang nud their head
quarters will bo broken up.
Jack McNenl enino down from hU homo in
Mononn county 'Wednebilay afternoon and
during the evening got into a row in a saloon
on Lower Broadway , Some fellow hit him
with a billiard cue or a loaded cane , lie ts not
euro which , nnd indicted an ugl > looking
wound over his left eyo. He went to u phy
sician nnd had it dicsscd and then
assuaged his pain in frequent draughts
of whisky. About 10 o'clock ho
flailed to the Northwestern depot to look
for n tula for homo. Ilo wandered off
on AvenuoU nnd Ts'lnth street , and growing
vveuiy laid down and waited for the train to
como. Ilo had a comfoitablu bed onthc side
walk In nont of the residence of Aldciman
ICnephur when the nldciinaii ictuincd fiom
the council meeting at 1150 : ! o'clock. The
patrol wagon took him to the central station ,
tnuljesteulay lie \vas llncd1070.
An IClcKimt Homo.
The now resldenio t hat County Treasurer
Plumor U building for himself oil Glen avo-
nuols receiving tlio llnishing touches , anil
will soon bo ready for ocounancy. IMoinnlly
It isa hnndsomo and imposingcditlio in mod
ern style of architecture , the extoiior ia
treated in cresoto stains. Tlio comfort ,
beauty and elegance of the new homo , how
ever , is revealed moro fully as jou step
across thothieshold , From nsmnllvestlbulo
eunrded inside and out with masslvo oikon
uoow and plate Kl'iss you cuter thu luccntion
room , from which the stalnuiy , and
wlildi is connected by lartjo slidlns doors
With the parlor and dining rooms. The doors
are oak , waxed and polished. Tlio stairway
is also o ik llnlshcd in the same manner. All
the other woodwoik Is gr.dnvdiii Imitation of
oak , nnd so skillfully is the work dona that
only the closest inspection reveals the teal
oak and the imitation. Tlio decorations nrc
now and beautiful and h.irmoni/o perfectly.
The vestibule and reception room walls
mid celliiiK'i ate co\ered with the
now lustro papers ( hat liavo Just
been brought out In the east and biought to
Council ItlulTs for the llrst time for this
tvatlc. ' 1 ho colors In these rooms , and also
the halls and upner ( .numbers , are done in
this material In rich oli\o prceulta frie/es
to imitch. The dining loom and parlor uro
decorated in Ingrains in handsome but sub
dued combinations with filczcs to match.
The upstairs front chamber Is done In rose
tints with woodwoik palat.ed m parti-colors
to match , In the Mttingiopmis an old fash
ioned llrcpliue , with tlio burfaces of the
bricks showing , suggesting comfort and
stability ,
Allthowoikof ili'coiiitlng nnd dostgnlnt ;
lias bccndonoby Mr. Cieoi'KOV , Losey , II
Pearl street , and that \\o\l \ Known chef in
original decoutivowoik , Mr , Freeman , who
Is now devoting all his time to Mr , Losoy's
woik. WlillotboRMs nothing Riiudy , iwfect
hniinoiivnruMiils lu c\erythinpr , and every
touch of tuo urtisthas Kit soinothlii ] > eiina-
iicntly attractive , that will not weary with
yc-un * of dully toutact. A Inrgo pirt of the
> cimiuu'nt beauty of the homo mustbocred
! ted to the decorators , wlio have received
caito blaucho from lr. Pluinor , and l.s n
Bulrndid indication of the ability of Mr
Losey and his corps of docoiators.
Colonel Snpp Oruilually Sink Ing- .
'Iho filends mid phymclansof ColonelSupp
liikMi abiadoned all houo of his rccotory
Ills plijsloluns uiinouncoil lust niglit that i
wns only n question of a few days when the
end would come. Ho Is gradually but surelj
elukliiK. ud waricly recoguUes tlio mciuoon
Of his family.
Scott HouiO. a.1ct. meals , J5o.
'Iho Kieat blow about boaters our would-be
competitors ; ire making , I line jou scon ft
biHtor stock of beaters and lower mricw tuai
kt M. A IC.'s , a-.H ) Hrondway.
The Mauhattau iporuuK head uartcn , 413
Tbo Omaba Police Discover a Jail Pull of
Dangerous Orooks in Council Huffs ,
Dm Unite ncljiln Hojr Hurt hy Tire-
men iV Hiiloonlcccpor Tlilnks
Frnnlc Kiitio Tried to r > Iur-
< Icr Ului .Allnor atciitloii-
Police Judge Ilolsloy , Chief of Detectives
lluzcfind Savage , nnd Ofliccr Ellis of the
Omaha polleo department , were in the city
icsteulay , The police ofllccrs wcro hero
iftcr the man Pay ton , who robbed Dr , Mo
Manlgul , an Omaha pbjsicinn , of about $ bO
worth of doctor's ' tools , nnd the police magis
trate acco npanlcd the bojs for ttio pleasure
of the trip nnd to 1111 up a little leisure that
accidentally occurred in his ofllclal life.
At noon they visited the city
all and had n talk v\lth \ Faton.
3fllccr Wyatt's gmg of street work
ers had Just been brought In , and when the
ion door of the corridor was thrown open to
call out Pavton , Detectives llnto and Savage
stepped to the door and pooped in , A smile
htled up noth. faces instantly and each
aecnmo deeply intctcstod in scanning the
: ough looking mass of humanity that
thronged thu corridor , engaged in eating its
dinner , Iho ofllcers recognbed several faces
in the thiont" , and individuals gave
unmistakable evidence that thoy.had rccog-
nl/ed thoOmnha pcico pieservors.
A tr.ompiit later Detective Haze turned
awnvwitli the remark to Deputy Marshal
\Vhlto , "You've got u ciowd of the worst
croolis in there In thli country , and we want
some of them pretty badly. There Is "Hcddy"'unaccomplished burglar , whom wo
want for a recent buighuy in Oinahu. Eel-
ward Hall Is another crook tint \\o can Hud
n pluco for now. He linlslicd a tcimoffour
mdahalf vean'in the penitentiary a short
tlmoago. Ilo vv a * in Jail In Sioui City dur
ing the corn pilaco. and when ho got out ho
came to Omaha and got a thirty day Jail sen
tence , and when ho had llnishcd he was given
a few minutes to gctout of town. Ttioy are
all-iouud crooks and have seen as much sor-
vicoas most piofcsslonals. "
Thrcp of the men are tramps who weio ar-
lestcdby Ofllccr Dojle several days ago , and
when slated at the central station gave the
names of E. U. Carpenter , Thomas Murphy
andllurn WlllettMm. They wore sentenced
to seven days each on the stieets by .ludco
McGce. Their terms expire today , and If it
iiad not been for the accidental discovery of
the Omaha ofllccrs they would ha\o been dis
charged , Now it is likely that two of them
at least will bo taken across the river. Wil-
lettson is "Ileddy" Mor.ui und Carpenter Is
Hall lie has bccu held to AW alt thu coining
of an ofllccr from I'omoroy , la.where it Is
supposed ho burglaruoda baibershop.
\Vhcii Detective Hiue was told thnt the
fellow-shad been wotkcd on the street with
out belnir chnlned he could scarcely believe
It oricalizo why Itwaa that they had not
skipped out. The detective had a long talk
with ' Kcddy , " who told him ho would never
got him ncrosstho river without a ic < uilsl-
tion ' "Ihcy all know Pajton , " remarked
thoofllcer , ' and It Is coitaln that ho has seen
homo service in his time. It Is also certain
that Paj ton Is not his name. "
All o'clockUr. McManignl came over nnd
looked at his tools again. Pay ton wns undo-
eiued whether to nccoiiipiny the ofllccrs
without a requisition , but llnully agreed to
leave it to the Judgment of his attorney Em
met Tinley. Later in the dnj ho concluded
to exhaust all of his privileges under the law
and announced bis Intention of icinnli.iug in
Council Illutlsns long as possible. He was
taken to the county Jail to await the nirlval
of the requisition papers , A requisition will
niso bo obtained for the icinoval of "Ueddy. "
AVhllo the oflicets were at the central
station Chief of Police Carey took them
through the new patrol house and showed
them the new arrangements that have been
completed for the comfoit of the ofllcors and
. " ' the best
patiolmen. "Why , you've got
arranged police quarters I have seen around
lioio , andtbobestl know of in the west , "
remarked Judge Hclslcy , All the other oftlccrs
ngtecd with him und -were very much sur
prised at the tletrant qtitu tors Council Bluffs
lias provided for her policemen , nnd the line
police sjstom that Chief Carey has de
Oicat bargains in bedroom suits at Mandcl
L Kluin , aJO Broadway.
Last few days of the great clearing sale at
ends Satuday night , the object of this sale
being to make room for our- Immense stock of
holiday goods that are arriving dally , Koto
a few of the birgnins offered In ojr coat and
black goods depai tmont.
English cashmeres , special bargains at lOe ,
jit-inch English Henrietta , good value at
BOoi sale price ! l'c. (
Wo call special attention to our now as
sortment of iWc black goods. Including India
twills , German hcnriotta , riencn c.ishmero
nnd serges , which sold for 53c , WJ c , O'Jc ;
during sale nt r > 0o a yard.
All eel Ficnchdyed drap do alma , sold
forTFic ; ale price 5bc.
Our $1 line of black goods , consisting of
French , Geimnn and Austrian lienriettas ,
India twills and Trench serge , sold from
Sl.l'J to $1.119' , during saleat H.
Special piicos for tbis week : Examine
the following baipains ut Soc , JJc , USe , -15c ,
50o , 5Sc , IAc ) , T5c , flic and Sl.2" > .
ciiu.uiiiiVg coirs.
4 0 8 10 13
Bargains marked * 1.00 $1.25 fl.60 $1.75 $ JOO
U , K. stripe coat
with capo 1.T5 2.CO 2.25 2.50 2.75
D. 1C. stripe , full
Gretchen mndo. 2.23 2.50 2.73 3.00 325
D. 1C. stripe with
larirocnpo 2.75 3.00 a.25 0.50 3.75
n. 1C. and light
plaids , double
breasted 8.751.25 -1.75 5.25 5,75
Elegant beaver
coats in Scotch
plaids , f nil U ret-
choiimade 4.fiO 5.00 5.50 0.00 050
1) . 1C. biown Brocade -
cado Denver. . . . 4r > 0 5.00 5.50 O.IX ) 650
A large assortment of Misses' Oarmcnts at
equally low prices , besides nurabeilcss bar
gains in every department.
FoTiiKiusomsi , 'Wnrrri.vw k Co. ,
Leaders and Promoters of Low Pilces.
101 to 405 Broadway ,
A fresh involco of line chovlot suits for
young men , Just iccolved at lodcl ClothIng -
Ing Co.
Our line of cook stoves and ranges , from
$7.50 tof45 gives jou the preatcst variety to
.select from , at MaudeUt Klein's , ! KO Broad
way. _
Wan ants have been out for some tl inefor
tlio arrest of Frank Kane , the leader of the
gang of toughs who attempted to hreau up
the meeting nt the fifth avenue Methodist
church lust i Sunday night. The warrants
have been lu the hands of special constables
\\hoaropractlciugforjinoro active business
hereafter , and they have not been very
successful , and Kane is still at
liut'o. Qu Monday a warrant was issued
for Kane upon complaint , Hied by a young
man named Stunton , who had been assaulted
by ICane , but before Ofllccr Fowler could
.servo It the joung man canio back and stated
that his mother wanted the case dropped ,
that slio nad promised ICauo's mother that ho
should not bo pvwocutcd. Kane wns then in
sight of t no city Jail.
The church people , however , nrc anxious to
prosecute him , nud they will now bo Joined
by a saloon man named Jack Strack , who
keeps a saloon on South Ninth street , where
this young gang of toughs have
been terrorizing the pooplo. Strack bo
llovcs that young Knno attempted to
murder him. Ho has taken a little mtcres' '
in trying to quell the joung desperadoes , and
has earned the enmity of their leader. On
Wednesday evening after Struck had loft his
saloon to go to his homo ho was 11 red upon b >
some persou In biding. 'llio bullet missed
ts mnrlt If it was Intended for Strnolf , hut It
IJH had tlio effect of arousing him into n do-
ree of activity that augurs 111 for the toughs ,
it Is probntilo that Kane nnd his gang will
> o broken up nt once for the cntlro commu
nity seems to hiuo Joined the church p.coplo
'n demanding their suppression.
See our new fall patterns of carpets , rugs ,
ihades at all prices. AtM.&IC.'t , aM : Broad-
vay. _
Scott Home. Host tl.OO per day house In
tlio city. _
Connuil 31 ittorn.
The city council met ngaln last evening In
pedal adjournocl session.
Alderman \Vood \ fwm the committee on
streets and alleys reported favorably to the
> roposcd vacation of an alley In Morning
Sldo addition nnd the acceptance ot a deed
'rota property owners for another alloy. The
report was concurred in and the necessary
ordinance was passed ,
Aldciman Wood reported that he investi
gated the matter of a slight change in the
hatinel of Indian creek requested by Mrs.
Mjnster and approved the icquest , And had
directed the city engineer to set the tctiuiiud
s tikes.
Speclid assessment resolutions nnd cstl-
mates of Contractors M , A , JNIooro , P.
Sweeny , C. K. Mitchell , nml T. O'lloarn for
wing and grading done wcro ordered ccrtl-
led to the county auditor for taxation , with
-ho exception of the estimate ofO'Hc.irn nnd
Mitchell , which wcro ordered referred to tlio
hhinco committee. On account of notices of
> rotes ts.
The city clerk wns Instructed to advertise
Tor bids for the construction of n plunk side
walk on Twelfth and tavcul adjoining
The clerk was Instructed to advcillso for
forlllllnir ) a number of allots.
Aldciman iCncpher moved that an extra
jond ho required from contractors thit ihov
would piy the workmen. Aldcunnu Wood
ixpluincd that the who'o ' trouble was caused
jy sub letting contracts by a number of con-
.motors who would take a plere of grading
Ul'J'-j cents , for instance , and then sublet It
.0 some other follows poorer than themselves
it 10 cents , and then get the pny for It all ,
\\hlle the men who worked lor starvation
\\aues failed to get anything , Knophcr's
motion was adopted.
An ordinnnco was passed ordering the con
struction of a huge number of brick c.sklo-
walks. Including Union avenue , Fifth avenue ,
cast side of Bcutoti street from Harmony
slice t ,
An ordinance was passed oiderlng Hn/el
sticet nnd cross streets llllcd to grade. A
similar ordinance was passed ordering to
crule a portion of Oak street , Washington
uvcnuonnd Hunter avenue.
The Iowa power and fuel company , the
new gas company , gnvo notice of its accept
ance of the chaiter granted a short time a o.
The repoit os the appraisers appointed to
condcin a narrow strip of land on Pcirln avenue -
nuo for the purpose of straightening the
street was received , announcing award of
% )00. Iteferiod to finance committee.
Mrs. Noimnn , whoso property was dam
aged by grading on Stutsman stieet , pre
sented another petition tlnougli her attorney ,
Colonel Dallv , asking pay for the damage
sustained. The matter was referred to the
city attorney.
Mrs , Craw ford asked for the pajmcnt of
' ( X ) awarded hy the council for damages
caused by the overflow of Indian cicek. He-
fci red to tlnuneo committee.
Tom O'lleam ga\o notice of a claim for
> \\hiehho pioposed to urge against the
city for nullifying his contract to grade Com
mercial street.
Alderman Everett asked if the mayor had
any information concerning the outrages re
ported by the press In tlio southern pail of
the city , wicro a gang of toughs broken
up a mooting in the Fifth Avenue church ,
nnd suggested that the city offer a reward for
their apprehension. The major stated that ,
the police were tailing care of the young
toughs , thnt ICauo was under arrest and the
others were hi Omaha.
John Burke was announced as anew ap
pointed policeman and his bond was np-
After the reference ofalnigo number of
petitions to the proper committees the coun
cil adjourned. _
A Special Opportunity to Oot a Fine
Imported Garment at Halt' Import
er's Cost Only I'or fills Week1.
Every lady who Is posted In the styles nnd
values of cloaks knows that Etseman's is the
place to look for them. They nro also avvaro
that if theio is anything now and stylish to
bo seen they have to eoino to Eisoinan's to
Iind It. .
Ladies come from a distance of hundreds
of miles to see our styles nnd wo always
please them , and send them away happy.
This week wo uro in bettor shape than eyor
to sell yon cloaks , wraps , Jackets cheaper
than ever befoio , "Wo have closed out from
the Manhattan cloak nnd suit company , and
the \vell known firm of A. lYiendlaudur &
Co. , of Bcilln , aud Dliuticnthall Brothers of
i'.irls , their entire Importation of stylish
simple garments , oulv one garment of a kind.
Over500 styles at njdlscount of one-halt from
importer's cost , and in order to make things
livelv wo purpose to give our customers the
benefit of our purchases. This Is the grand
est opportunity for you to get the latest im
ported illicit garments for less than the price
of ordinary maJo cloaks.
Don't miss this opportunity.
Plush cloaks for Sl.50 worth S20.
Plush cloaks for $15 , worth $25.
Plush clo-iks for § 11 ! 50 , woith ? J3.
\Vosavoyou fully one-linlf on plush cloaks
or Jackets.
Circat sale of misses' nnd children's ' cloaks ,
Jackets and ncvvmaikets. Prices way down ,
and n line doll given away with ovcrv child's
cloak sold during this \veoknt Ilcury KIsc-
man It Go's , gieatest cloak house In the west.
Corner Bioadvv.iy and Pearl sis , Council
Bluffs , In.
Mall orders receive careful and prompt at
Special FCCH.
County Attorney Orgm has filed with
Auditor Hondtlcus an opinion thnt members
of the marshal's nnd polleo force , if under
salary , nrc not entitled to feesns special con
stables in criminal cases , thus icjccting claims
for fees of certain ofllccrs Hied before the
county board. Officer Charles White , who
Is interested to the extent ot $113.33 , will im
mediately Institute proceedings against the
county to iccover the amount.
The Injustice that is done to the deputies
In the maistml's ofllco Is indicated by the
case of J. It. King , the horse thief who
brought up fiom ( ilcnwooil yesterday by
Deputy Fowler. All the expenses of arrest
ing the man and going after him have been
paid by the mnishnl , and If ho is not reim
bursed , ho ts just out thnt much , and in effect
punished for his activity in arresting the
A. ClirlNtmiiH Puzzle.
What shall \vo buy for the holidays ! If
this puzzles you como in and sco our holiday
attractions ; brilliant diamonds ; gold nnd
sliver watches and chains ; quaint , novel , now
patterned jewelry , lings , bracelets , necklaces ,
lockets ; pold-headcd c.iue.s ; solid silver nnd
plated ware : too many novelties to nnmoj
you must see them to appreciate them , they
nro so artistic und beautiful ; visitors wol-
co mo to see our display. C. I ) . Jacnucmln &
Co. , No. 27 Main st.
Thu Old Fr.iliioy Cnite.
Another chapter of the Prniriby case Is
being written In thcdistrict court , It being a
suit against Trainoy and his wife to recover
the amount which Tralncy is s.Ud to have un
lawfully retained from his father's estate.
About the only property In sight is the home
stead , which Is in Mrs. rruiney's name , An
attempt Is being made to foice the pajment
from this property. A motion Is mndo to
dismiss the case so far ns frnlnoy Is concerned -
corned , nnd other preliminary measures for
clearing the deck for action occupied most of
the tlmojestcrdav ,
Money to loan nt straight 5 per cent t > cr
annum. H. H. Dninett , agent.
J.C. nixDy , steam heating , sanitary en
gineer , 013 Llfd bulldiiijf , Oraahas 204 Mer
rinia block , Council Bluffs.
The llmto
The man llclgln , who was caucht In nn
outbuilding of the Bloomer school , yesterday
waived examination , and was bound over to
the grand Jury , Not being able to furnish
bonds ho went to jail , The chnrgo against
Del pin 1s of u nature which arouses the great'
eat. Indignation among nil respectable people , '
and Uclgla seems to reullzo that U is pirhups
as well for him to l > ui jlll A > riiUmo nt least ,
as to bo on the streets. U Is moro than prob
able thus If opportunity presented Itself notno
Irnto parent who has ilnuijhters attending
thnt school might give him the thumping ,
Thechnrge ngnlnsthlm Js Uintof ilrculnting
obscene papers , but there1 is vcrv slim evi
dence to substantiate this. A filthy note wns
/omul / , but thm far there seems n dlftlculty
In connecting him with ll ( or the leaving of ft
In the outbuilding , where ho vvas found
hidden. Ho scorns to bo Indifferent to the
affair , and 1ms nothing to , sny ,
Gents' undorwcnr In prent variety at prices
o suit all nt Model Clothing Co. , L. H ,
dossier Mgr. _
Dr , Scjbcit Jte. Ogden houso. Tel , HO.
Silver Wedding.
Last evening at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs.
' . .ovcland there nssciublcd a host of friends
vho cnmo there to celebrate their silver
veddlng. After a merry round of music , nn
original poem wiw tend by Mrs. Alexander
audatory to tha happy hfo of this estimable
couple during the past quarter of n century
nnd ofvcll wishes for the quarter of n con-
ury to come. After this Kov , Alexander
nndo a few remarks and asked n blessing
over the elaborate ropistof refreshments
vhlch had been prepared nnd was then
Kirtnken of nud highly relished
> y these piesent. Among the many
iftsHO noticed wcro a set of
cnlvcs , forks and spoons fiom the ladles of
the Trinity Methodist Episcopal church ,
lickle castor from Ladies' relief corps , butter
tnlfo fiom Mr. and Mrs. C. H , Glltnoro ,
) ickle castor from Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Sncthcn ,
: rcam pitcher from Charles and Alexander
. .ovelnnd , butter dish from Mrs. John
Sncthcn , plcklo castor from Mit. Young ,
ooth pick holilor from the Misses Itopcr , nut
irncker and picks from Mrs. Anderson ,
Jmahn ; nut cracker and picks ftoin the
dlsscs IJcitscc , Indues nnd Strntton , a sugar
spoon from Mr. and Mrs Kalton , n hand
minted banner from Mrs. Cady , a bimutltul
silver castor from Mr. Uobcuthnl of Omaha.
For boys' and children's suits durably
made nnd at lowest prices , call at the Model
Clothing Co.
An elegant line of Melton overcoats at ro
diucd ratcsat Model Clothing Co.
Tlio OoUl.-n IJOIILCUO Tonight.
The Golden League will give nn ontoitain-
neut this evening at tlioSecondPresbjtcrlun
church. Following la the programme :
Solo MM Gret7cr
( cc'tatlon ' Itcllo Clanser
MIo Iulu Hiiyden
{ fcllntlon Dottle Wallace
> uct Clara Ilufcoin and Nina SHimson
Solo Wllllo Martin
uct Nellie Kollcrnnd Mlllo Dnvls
'olo John Klrkland
Solo l'ipd Marian
tocitntlon Kil Wltirke
Instrumental inuslo Miss Morton
nstniiiH'iitut nuislo. . . . Itosslo A'aiiduboKart
tiHltntlon Gcii"lvlvo 1'resoott
Instrumentalmuslo llliincli Hufcorn
{ ocltatlon I.PO I'lnguo
iistriinuiital iiiusle Mis MorchoiKo
( ueltiitlon Ducky Schliullrr
nst rumen tnl muslo Mr. 1'oxloy
Kocltatlon Lulu Otto
Buy your coal nnd wood of C. D. Fuel Co. ,
530Uroadway. Telephone 1JO.
A Stolen AVncoii Found.
H. .T. Vance , who lives at the coiner of
Slghth street and Twelfth avenue , missed
: iis wagon on Octocer 29. Ho has been on
the hunt for It sioco then , and was yesterday
rewarded by finding it In the possession of a
young man named Ueed , who claimed to have
.rnded for it with some grade 13 who were
apparently going through tlio city , nnd who
weio evidently working on railways. When
Vance produced the necessary evidence to
[ > rove that it was his wagon it was given up
without further contest , although the young
man is out about WO by the trade with the
strangers. _
This week will bo a memorable one In the
ticatine stove trado.e Justrcceived another
car load of the Peninsular stoves and will
luote bottom figures to purchasers. At M. &
IC.'s , 8.20 Broadway. ,
Thanking Tlictr PrlondH.
At a recent meeting of the Women's Chris
tian association the following resolution was
passed :
Resolved , That we , the ofilcers and mem
bers of this association , tender our sincere
thanks to lion. L. W. Uoss for his legal
scivices at nil times when wo needed them ,
and for his KCnerous nssistnncc In the purchase -
chase of buildings nnd grounds for our hos
At the same time nnd place a vote of thanks
was given toV. \ . S Mavne , csq. . for his kind
nnd generous gilt of a lot for th(5 ( use of thu
hospital of this association.
Tor stout men's clothing call nt Model
Clothing Co , L. II. Mossier , Mgr.
Tlio Bazar Next Week.
The bazar to bo given next week by the
Indies of St. Francis Xi.vler ( church opens
Monday. There nro numerous useful and
ornamental articles which will bo disposed
of , some of thorn very valuable. The attrac
tions nro numerous unit varied , and the ladies
should bo liberally p.itionUcd. In connection
with the bnar there \vlll bo dramatic enter
tainments at the ope 1,1 house Monday ana
Tuesday evenings.
A. IIoy'H Hun to the Fire.
A boy J , Jnsoph , son of M. Jascph ,
living at No. 803 Williams street , met with
quite n serious accident yesterday afternoon.
Boy like , the tap of the Uro boll called him
out for a run , and while following up the cn-
gino down Fourth street ho was knocked
down by a horse attached to a delivery wngon
belonging to Kreldlor's grocery. One of the
fiont shoes of the horse toro away n part of
Iho little fellow's check , and ho received some
braises besides.
A Bronoh-of-PrumlBo Case Which
Grow Out or the Combination.
LIMA , O. , N"ov , 20.-Spccial [ Telegram to
THU BEE. ] A peculiarbreachofpromise
case has just been decided In the circuit court
hero by a verdict for the plaintiff of $1,000.
The case originated at Pauldlng two years
ago Just uftcr the presidential campaign.
Miss Mnry Shullvas engaged to
marry a prominent young man named Adol-
bert Lehman , who was an ardent republican.
Ho was helping his party ralso a polo in the
town , which was witnessed by Miss Shull ,
who was a strong democrat. During the
pole-raising she " 'hurrahed for Cleveland
several times.'This so angered Lehman
that ho refused to jnorry the gill. She
brought suit against him. and after several
trials of the case It resulted as above stated.
Recalls the Interdiction.
ICopyrfoU ISSObu JUI/IM / Oartlnn Dennett. ]
ROME , Nov. 20 , [ NewYork HoraldCablo
Spccinl to Tm : Diil-l-Tho Vatican , fearing
the partial participation of catholics in the
election , the OssorvntoreJJomann recalls sol
emnly the papal inteidl tlfln of such partici
lleorgnnlzcd the 'IVniiHoontlnoiitnl.
CHICAGO , Nov , 20. " 'poclal Telegram to
THE BEK.J The Trahslontinental associa
tion practically reorganized today. The old
agreement was strengthened and each line
tonic a solemn pledge nut ) to cut rates. This
action has como to bo 'regarded ns a Joke
among railroad men , but 1ho Transcontinen
tal people say they meiin business.
Demand a lliuhcr Scale.
IXPUXAIOUH , Ind. , Nov , 20. Conductors ,
brakemen , engineers , firemen nnd switchmen
of the Lake Erie < Ss Western , through a com
mittee representing their several branches of
the servlco.mudo . a demand today for a higher
scale of wages.
A Child Drowned In a Bucket.
DKS MOINES , la. , Nov. 20. [ Tele
gram to Tim BEE. ] The one-year-old child
of Chambers Fcaso , while left alone a few
moments this evening fell into a bucket of
water and was diowucd.
To 1)0 KecoiiitriicUMl.
L.ONPOV , Xov , 20.-lt is reported the house
of BarhiR Brothers k Co. is about to be re
constructed as a Joint stock company with
several large capitalists lu , Including Gun-
ness and others.
Judge Hrvvnco Sinking.
The condition of Judge Snvngo remains un
changed. Ilo is resting , apparently , qulto
free from pnl.t , but is undoubtedly approach
ing the Hnal dissolution , which the doctors
think111 como \\lthln a couple of days ,
Seventh AVnrcl Hoptihllonti" .
There were three republican meetings In
the Seventh ward last night. Two of the
meetings wcro held by llooder men und ono
by Chnffco admirers. The latter was held on
1'nrk avenue , nnd although It was supposed
to be conducted under the auspices of the
ward club , a fair representation was not
present. Charles C. Thomas presided. A
resolution carried to the effect that the chair
appoint six members to Investigate Chaffedrs
rciord since ho had been n councilman , nnd
have their report printed in pamphlet form
for circulation. The following wore ap
pointed ! a , C. Mctculf , 0.1 > . White , P. J.
Qunloy , John O rant , Ocorgo Snblno nnd A.
L. Frnnk. It seemed ns though thorn was no
otto present who was in favor of cither
Clhnffco or lioertcr , but llnnlly Mr. Piper suc
ceeded In having a motion can led which gnvo
the endorsement of the meeting to ChnfCco.
Some lively debates' took place between I'd
Walsh and J , W. Ellor , but astdo from their
sarcasm theio was no excitement. L'llcr Is a
red-hot Ulmffoo man , although he admitted
that ho believed that ho was in the council
combine. Ills excuse for supporting him In
pieforenco toHocdorvns that ho had been
told that Koeder had gone Into u combine of
some sort with democrats. Walsh sat down
severely on Klier for talking about u man
\\hownsnol present , and the language of
both men was positive.
At Forty-third nud Lonvenworth nnd
Kitty-iltth and Lcavenworth streets the
voters nnd propeity owners held meetings ,
\vhero enthusiastic- speeches were inado en-
doislngMr. Kocctcr.
SivtM Wnril Republicans.
The republicans of the Sixth ward mot last
night nt the club headquarters nt the corner
of Lake and Twenty-sixth streets. The ob
ject of the meeting wns to decide whether or
lot to held n caucus at which a candidate for
jouiicllinnn m' at bo chosen. There vero
nbout sixty voters present , and among them
there were several candidates for nldermnnio
Early in the meeting a resolution was
jiassed which decided thnt no caucus nomina
tions would ho nnulo , but the matter will bo
decided at the prlmniics.
The lending candidates who hnvo been
mentioned ami who \\lll enter the primary
stiugglo fornotnlnatlon-ato : D. B. Houch ,
T. P. ilay , W. T. U. Woods , W. L. Irish nnd
- W. Fitch.
Mr. Houch , Mr , Fitch , Air. Bay and Mr.
Woods weio each called out nnd mndo short
speeches , pledging that they would l.iy tisido
all pcisonnlprcfcionces when the piimnries
nro over and work for the man who gets the
Application Tor nn Injimutltm Denied
in thn Federal Court.
The NcbuisUa City distillery case , which
has engaged the attention of the United
States court in this city moio or less for the
past few months , was terminated jcstciday
in a victory lor the distillery.
The hostility of the trust to any manufac
turer who proposed to enter into competition
with it cut tied the president of the trust to
Washington , where the case was Brought before -
fore the commissioner of Intcinal revenue
npo.i the question of the title to tlio pioperty.
Notwithstanding the decision of the supreme
court ot this state , locating the title in the
parties who owned it before , nnd deciding
that It hud been unlawfully convoyed to the
trust , the Litter was nblo to delay the accept
ance of the distillery pipers for ten days or
more , aud until Hon. John C. Watson , coun
sel for the distillery people , appeared before
the commissioner at Washington and pio-
scntcd the other side of the cabo.
The trust people then transferred the fight
to the federal court In this city , and on Sat
urday last obtained a rcstininlng order fiom
JudgeDundy until Tuesday , when the ques
tion of a permanent Injunction was argued
before Judges C.ildwcll und Dundy.
The argument was continued until last
evening , when the court piomptly set aside
the restraining older , refused the injunction
asked for , and rather broadly Intimated
the court would enter into no scheme with
the whisky trust to suppiess an industry
which ventured to operate in competition
with it.
The distillery will nt ones bo put in opera
tion , tlio necessary permission having been
obtained through Collector Peters.
Henry Dlxoy and his magnificent compiny
appeared ntBojd's last night in Walburton's
kaleidoscopic entertainment , in two acts
and eight tableaux , entitled "Tho Seven
Ages. "
In no piece In which the celebrated star
has appealed in this city has ho been able to
so display his versatility as in this produc
While it abounds In dancing , sintrlng and
situations that are by no means now , tlio
story Is in some respects original and the do-
vclonmont of each epoch is aitistlc nnd of-
feotlvo in the extreme.
The scenery Is elaborate , the costuming
rich and appropriate nnd the \omen are
beautiful. Indeed , nothing scorns to have
been omitted which would tend to afford an
evening of unalloyed enjoyment.
Tlio Y. > f. O. A. Kliinncrs.
Mr. C. K. Ober of Now York City , secre
tary of the Young Men's Christian nssocia-
tlon , Is in the city nnd will remain for the
time necessary to complete the special can
vass of the Omnna association for the funds
necessary to carry on tholr work for the
young men of our city. There has been a
greatly exaggerated notion on the part of
some , who hnvo not , fully understood the
facts , in regard to the llnanclal standing of
the association In this city. Mr Obor says
that the cost of carrjing on the work hero
compares favorably with other cities of the
size and importance of Omnkn , nnd the finan
cial dlfllculty of tlio Oinahn association Is no
moio than should bo expected , where a part
of the money for the yearly current expenses
of this woik is not raised at the beginning of
each llscal year by popular subscription.
The association is not intended to run on a
self-supporting basis , but alms to pluco Its
advantages for mutual improvement within
the reach of nil self-icspecting young men ,
by placing its membership fcoata sum which
Is considerably below the actual cost of main
taining the association. Moro than $1,000,000
Is annually given for the support of the asso
ciation In ttila country , above the income
from membership dues , by tlioso who bellovo
In the importance of this work for the wel
fare of young men. Mr. Ober has been
nearly all of the moio thun two hundred asso
ciation buildings in this country and says
that ho can thlnK of no Important city \vhoro
a bettor location has bcon secured for this
work. The board of directors of the Omaha
association have shown gient wisdom In the
purchase of'such a dcslrablo property and the
regular work of the association deserves the
most hearty support.
Mr. Nash , the state secretary of the Nebraska
braska association , will co-operate with Mr
Ober in tbis financial canvass , and state
nieutt will bo made of the condition of the
association llnances and of the progress o
the work.
BIuMuhon nnd tlio .lap.
An agreement was entered into yesterday
by which Matsiulti Soraldchl , the Jnp , nm
Thomas McMahon will como together in n
Grtcco-Komnn wrestling match nt the Gram
opcia house next Tuesday night for f50 (
as Ido. The rules governing the mutch wil
bo , all holds go , best two in three falls. The
winner will take nil of the stake money and
75 per cent of the gross gate monoy. If th
pintles fall to appear , or if cither party fall
to score two falls during the contest , th
gnto money will bo refunded nnd the stake
donated to some chiultublo institution. Th
parties have each put up $100 and the balnnc
will bo put up'next inondny .night. P. B
Murphy bos bccu selected us stake holder.
Thomas S. Pontoo , patentee of n no\
centrifugal olectrlo motor , Is In the cltj
for the purpose of malting arrangement
for building a factory to muuufautur
his machines la Omuha.
Tiit : cjiKitontis o ir.v
A Suit Aggregating MlllloiiH to Ilo
Urouglit Against ttio Government ,
KASSVS OITV , Mo. , Nov. 20. Secretary
Illnlr of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock niso-
clallon is in the city and tells n startling
story of ruin anil desolation now in order In
the strip. Ho expressed the opinion that
within ten days from the time the strip Is
vacated by the ranchmen all Improvements
made there will bo possessed by thieves
from Oklahoma nnd Kansas , unless thn
government orders out troops to pro
tect the proiwrty. The teims of the
lenso provide that nil pciiuntient
improvements shall rev < rt to the use nnd
ownership of the Chcrokces when the cattle
men vacate. The value of the ontlto 1m-
movements nro placed nt half u million del
In the suit of the association against .r. K.
Stoller , one of tlio tenants today for non
payment of rent , the Judge instructed the
lury to Ilii'l for tlio plaintiff , declining tlio
association's lease \\lth the Indians valid and
dcclnrcd the Indians owners of thostiip.
Tbo association will now sue the United
States government for dnmngcs In n sum
aggregating millions of dollars.
Important Meet Ing of Western ItondH.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 20--fKieclal ) Teleijram to
Tim Uii : : . ] What may turn out to bo the
most Impoitant meeting western lines have
held in years is called for December 2 by
Chnliinan Midgloy , it Is called under a
resolution passed by the Western Trolght
association reciting tiuItT had never been
better , that no previous shoitugo of cars
equalled the piesent In duration and that
never before hnd net earnings cut n peeler
llgure. The resolution continued that this
condition wns owing to thn low basis of rates
in existence nnd that theio should be a gen
eral advance. Chairman Fluloy has had
mnny sssurnnccs of co-operation from west
ern loads nnd ho docs not doubt the success
of the meeting. Alillucslti the entire \vest
will send executive olllceis and repiescnta-
ol Oddfellows.
St'iiixcuiri.n. Nov 20Tho Oddfellows
oil ay reduced the minimum dues from
0 cents per week to 7 cents for ben
llcial mombcis and 5 cents for non-ben
tlclnl , when a proviso upon mi assessment Is
undo with less than * 100 in the lodge
ly nn assessment of f > 0 cents per member Is
o bo mnilo. Ucprcsentntivos to the sever
ilgn grand ledge wcio instructed to ask thn
icily to puiiiiit the us oinbllng of the mitiona
oiiventlou of the Daughters of iiobekah
vhich they prohibited last summer. The
) nu < rhtcrs of Uobckiih elected Mis. J. J
loreland of Pontlnc president.
Blood ! Ill i Hty IJ.IWJOI-M.
SruiTRMiuiifl , S. C. . Nov. 20 A bloody
ow took place hero this morning between
wo lending young lawyers over a game of
lokcr. They Imbibed fieel.v of wlno duilug
ho niirht and became very boisteious.
finally they quarrelled. James Pnttcet In a
fienzy attacked CnptJlii Edwin Kcr-
ison , mistaking him for Matt ITlojd. Ho
lushed iferrison , actunllv ilUemtiowcllng
ihn. Floyd then stabbed I'attcet in the hack ,
ho knl to bhido penetrating the left lung.
loth will probably die
First race Autocrat , ( llnry.
Second race -Dictum , Xennbla.
Third race Salllo Harper , Falson.
Fourth rocs ' - idgo , Al Farrow.
Fifth race Cheney , Gendarme.
Sixth ruco I'r. James , Text.
Fiist race Coiinno Kinncy , Little Midget.
Second race Jubilee , Atticus.
Third race Hnnlcrupt. Ihmlnla.
Fourth race ( Juldo , Cashier.
Fifth race Miss Francis , Eolcm.
Mi s Ella A'atll of Beatrice , is In the city ,
ho truest of her brother , W F. Vnlll , city
ickct ugunt of the Burlington.
w ANTHH Olrl for conoral housowork.
Mis. 1) ) . W. Arolier , WiSurond avenue.
MEN WANTr.D 200 laborers and tcam > < tcrs
for H. H work In Wyoming ; free tr.inspor-
atlon. 0. T. Itray , heott St. . Couneil HIiills.
WANTIID A carocntcr to hullil a small
house In thu umntry wlio will take a
lorso In payinont for bis work. Apply to
Leonaid n\ciett.
IIHADof lioiHestomchiiriRO forclcarland
oreltyluojiorty. Johnston.1 Van fatten ,
Everett hloou .
A Al'AHMS In southwestern Iowa for
Ttvtorins easy. ANn small fai ms and a . . .
land around Council Illufls. Johnston & Van
I'utten. Kverett bloclr.
PAIH of mules , Imriipss and waiton for sain
on n vein's time. Johnston & Van I'atten ,
r.Nciott block.
M US. AMHIilA NMF.LSON. M.I ) . , Micclulmid
wife. 1f.'li-a nvc , Council Hln ITs , In. '
PnOfAlT'nAIiaAINH In homo * for sale 01
rent ; also two fajumlois strict lots , N
Omaha. J. It. Davidson. liiVfith avc.
w ; iAN. Marcus hloolt.
Notary I'uhllc.oolleetlons , typewriting.
FOR lirNT A dcslr.ihlo brick mldonci' of
II rooms , pious intly sltn itcd on lilsli
ground. IiiirKO yaid and oreli.ud. Oouvenlent
to motor. Anpfy to N. 1' . Dodge & Co.
V\7ANTI3n I3norectloyoiiii7 lady or Rent.
V Will pay tl * > per wuiik to right piirty. l'\ '
0 , S , 007 Willow live , Council 'Hulls.
TJIOKlTvLK-riPii'.o and furniture of Seott
JJ lloiihe , Council llliills , ' . ' 5 looms , Che.ip ; , i
bargain. Address J. H. Jordan , Couneil DliilVs.
OK UP.NT 'llio MnMahan thrco-slory
lirluk block , No. .13 S. .Main st , with ole valor
J. W.
FOR HUNT A choice ploco of Burden land
near Council Illulls , n 1th good now liultd-
ItiK. linmedlatp posaesslou If dosliod. J. W ,
FOR SAhfi Complcto set of tliinoi-s tools ,
nndsniiill stock ot at a bargain.
Iiiqulro at room Mia Muirlani bluek , _
pro sto\es ut cost to close out. IIeadiimrtors
- ' for hard m.iplu house iiHiUiiK rollor.i and
Jauks. U. D. Amy A , Uo. 6JO Main streot.
MWOSO-ncro farma for sale nonr the city at
JL n bargain. W. A. Wood A. Co. , WO Main st.
FOR SYliE or Roat Harden land , with
houses , by J. It. Hlco. 1U ( Main tt. , Counull
la nn Important factor In hcoyilnft
Rood health ; if It docs not net In tlie/ /
way Intended by nature , It * functions
nro performed by other organo , <
Uio Klilnpys nnd the Tiling * ; nml the
ostilt is a breakdown of general
Swift's Specific
Is the remedy of nature to ntlmulnto
tlio skin to proper action. It no\cr
falls In this and always accomplishes
tlio purpose.
Send for our trcatUo on the IHood
ixnd Skin Diseases.
SWIFT Srr.cinc Co. , Atlanta , Oa.
" \Vliul > li ill I do on Clirlstnms ilny.
If inv ttinygoivia should run away ? "
Wodon'U'Vpoi't our BIMV geese torim .man
but no HI ! ill niton the following togotawnd
on Christmas iluy :
1 luiri'l jiiiinuliitul Hiiitnr.
fiO IKlnci : nml .luvn ooflVo.
SUO II s It T. Iliivls1 No. 10 Hour.
1(1 ( biislu Is of pointings.
r > His. best U-a
Tin- above Roods will Ri't tiw.iy , nml If you
onii capture uny of Ilium you arc urluoinu to
them. If jou wnnt to kmm further purtlcu-
liiMiisk luij of our titli'smcii , ni.d uttliosiino
tlinu nao > oiuoulf .11 | ior cent.
\Vi > buy for c.ish and sell Jor cash , nml nro
iililo ( o , i\o niireustoinor * ; r > per c'cnt
unitr is WHAT YOU CAN no rim OASIIJ
l.Mlw. Kr.umintu I sugar fur. . . "I 00
Hillx \truCsiicn i . 1 00
17 Hit I' sitgni . . 1 00
8 b us of RI KM I laundry t-o.ip . . r > o
liiireuhottli' liluli\K . . 5o
California hums i > t < r pound . . Do
Hondo's hums pur liiuind . . . Ho
I'riMin ( . 'lii'OM' pi't' pound . . . ISO
Potatoes per liushol . lot
( loud Itinum . , ir > o
.lolly per | omul . r > o
Navy limns pcrpoiind . 5o
Cr.ickorsper pound . f > o
Thrpo loiM'sof lire ill for . 10a
Mustard Snidliiox , pei can . 10a
Oil Sudliii'H , peri'ini . 7o
I'ottrcl li un , | iur c-nii . 5o
lolied liiiui. PIT c in . r > o
Two or. liottlu Ic'inim cslrnpt . . So
Twoof. bottlu vanllu oxlr.iut . r o
Vlniunr , pi'r 'ulloii . . I.'KJ
Cn.lloll , per Kidlon . 10n
I'lvo''iillnns u.tsollno . . . . lud
Wo mo IIiMidiinnrli'rs on Flour.
It T Davis' No. 10 , per sack II 00
It. T Din Is1 , Illuo 1) , porsauk . 1 : U
( old intulnl. poi suck . . . . 1 t > Q
Ilngi1 , Nurloii A CWH Hull.ilo Flour . . 1 4C
A. UUt ler , try It , per suck . 1 00
All Roods w.iri.uitod ns lopresontod and la
ounce ) tolho pound , MolKh vour goods and
don't IMS di'c'islved liv vom high priced Hincor-
nian Any grocer wishing to null out , onll on
C. O. D.
Fourth Street nml Hrondvvay. Council
Bluffs. lown.
I'roplo who IIHVO liivcitlgutod llio heating
pioblcm the mini HID these who eoino thu
noan'st M > ! \ Ins It. Lhlsls the URU of Inven
tion and dlscinoiy Appliances for 'Mil-rat
ing and distributing todiiy consume lesi
than half thofuol iisod l > j thunld extravagant
iiiutliiidH M.inufncturcrs of chut u'tei , lllio
tlioiiiulicrs of the AIM' OAKLAND stoves ,
wliohnvo vast sums Invested In tliulr man-
iifuctoiy , imtnotliluK upon tlio mat Not until
thoprlialplu moUed h isre.icliLMl tlio hUhost
KliiKoof iluvolopi'iiiunt. TlicntliuyKiiiiriinlcu
thoeoodtto l ) Ju > ! \ \ hul Is cl.ilnieil forthuin ,
rc.dfzo tliu hlu'lii'st pot foot Ion In the sto\o
niaki'r'sait , and genoiato nnd distribute the
KriMti'st iinioiint of licit for thu fuel eon-
sinned ofiiin steve In the wet Id. 'this H
obtained by tlio no svsluin of hot nlr duc-tl
nml ruMih liu lliopot thnt pioMMits the
aciuinnl itton of aslios lictwecu the thu and
thelioatliiR hiirf.uO' > . Oonio and * -oo cnu of
tin ia In upuatlon at my liardunio Ntoro ,
fiot Itio.iihvay. ln\ostlsatlon will convlnca
you that 11 Is the best \\ollas the liunilsoia-
est stmoovor niiidc.
TlioMINV ( lUA > 'lOIMIiATnilS ) : uro Jusl
the thine for hoitliu hod cliainhois and
looms svldoin uscili ( ) inek ami or
namental. I' . O. InVOh. )
501 llrondwny , Council lIlnlT-i.
Of Council Bluffs.
IliiKrTOii' . A Miller , K. 0. Glcason , 13. It.
Shucart , 13. 13. Hart , J. I ) . I3 < lmundsnii , I'liarlui
O. llantun. b.inkliu bu I-
nes < < . l/.tr ust uidtil | and siirphH of uny
bank in Sontliwostern Iowa.
D. M. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' and Packers' Supplies ,
Marks ! Fixtures , Casings ,
Pnloi's .mil Sausiuo MnknrV Macliluoiy RM-
8'JMiilnst. ; . . Cnnndl UlulTs , la. Also dc.ilon
In Hides and I'IIM.
V Cn1iif7 | .Tustlcoof the I'eico. Ofllioovei
lli Oblllllt Anioilean Hxpross , No. 4J1
llroadway , Couneil ItlulT-i , Iowa.
tyinic Xr 'I'lliniirirc ' Attorneys nt l/iw
Ollllb billllUlUS tto | , „ Jtho state nnd
federal courts' . Knnms : i , 4 and 5 faliugarl
llinu block , Council Iltiills. Io\vu. \
rornor Main arid llroadway ,
DoiilorH In forelKn and dnniostlo oxclKum
Collection made and Interuat iiuld on tlraa
( JcposlK , .
Wholesale and R.elall Oealors In.
The ntaovo cut shows our new solf-dumplng retail
wngon , by which three tons of coal can bo unlbadetl in a minuta
and carried Into the cellar OP coal house if it is 20 foot awny. No
coal left In the wogon , None scattered on the ground. Used ex
clusively by us.
OFFICE , 1O PEARL ST. Ynrd , lOth Ave & Fourth St.
J. I-I. m. OLxAHIC. Manager , OOUNOILx BLxUE FS , la.
Telephones : 0111 co , 800. Yard , 840.