Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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E i _
A nVKUTISKM KSTS for tlTev > colums % lll
/V ho tnktti until 12-30 p. in. , for theeronlni
editionnml imlll 8.30 p.m. , fur the roornlnz
edition and Uimiur lint
rilCIlMS Cash In advance. >
T > ATI'-S Artrcrtl'omcntson thlpane will b
JVohnnrcd for at Ilio rule of IM cent per word
lor the first Insertion and 1 cent per word for
each subsequent limcrtlon. and 11.50 per Una
imr montli. No advertisement taken fur
klo llinn 21 cents for tl.u Ilrsi Insertion ,
f NITI.M.H , figures , symbols , etc. , count each
I an ODD word.
rpllKHB ndvcrtlwnonts mint run conseeii-
.JL lively nnd under no clrcutnfttnncca will
llicy b taken or discontinued by telephone.
IJAUTII'S ndvcrtliini ? In tlipsn columns nnd
JL hnvlnit their answers nddressed to n "nutn-
liewl loltnr"In cure of TIIH Ilnnwlll receive
H numbered check to enable them to get their
Jcttcra. Answer * will ho delivered only on
presentation of this chock. Kncloso nnswers
In onvi'luijos properly nddrcwd ,
ALL ailvcrll oinnnU under the head of
" .special Notlcfi" nro publish ) d In Imtli the
inoritlntf und evening editions of THE lint : , tlio
circulation nf which tiBKrcsates mnro thiui
0.000 pipers dully , nnd phcs the ndvertnor
tlio br nellt not only of the largo circulation of
'fur. Ib'i : In Uiniilni , ImtulHoln Council IIlulTs ,
Lincoln nnd other cities anil towns In tlio west
Advertising for thesoeolumns will bo taken
on the above condition" , utthe followlr ? bind-
arss hoiiKi'H who are nuthorl/od tlitnki'tpeelil
notlccn. at the name niton us can had ut the
< joTrTTi 7)MAHA intAN'oiiomoIP-'So !
IJ 2UTIN Ktroot , Lister Hlnolc.
JOHN . 11ELL , I'hurniuelst , 830South Tenth
fi KDDV , Btntlonors nnd Printers ,
v/lil South 10thatrc t.
SI1 PAlfxsWOKTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Oum-
_ IngHtieet.
"j IIUQUKd , Pharmacist , 04 ! North 10th
* BlrcL't'
OICo'w I'ARRf Pliarmnctat , 1718 Lonvcn-
M or Hi hlrect ,
YrL'OIIES' PHAHMAOV , 31th and Farnnin.
lJ MAM5 II KM' .
/orioles , < c. , t fop oiut foliimti outfit * jm
> I'lIlST class P. Ohllnir , 2G.I Sew-
) ard HI , M ia-ai )
WANTKp-A steam litter. M. K. I'roe. 1G20
C.ipltol | avo. M-1'.tl-ao
. ' Wo want a nmn In every lo
cality to nut ns prlvntu deledUo iinikir
Inslructions. Send for particularVasli ) -
Sur Detect Ivu Ajrenei , box 787nslilng \ -
1oii , I on a. Kxpcricuio not ncccssnry.
_ _ ! _ 118 IMS'
w ANTED ( icnllomen or lady salesmen.
Call or address \\in.lliunk \ , MIS N. ITllist.
120 aTi *
"I \ r ANTED A llr-t cln s exjitrleucod
' goods salesman at Tlio Fiilr , J. L.
\ < ( llH 121
WANTED A first clnss experienced shoo
salesman ntTlioI'nlr. Nona other need
apply. .1. It , Ijnuidels&Jjons. 121
l/ANTIID Af hotel clerk or olnrk In shoo
n Htoro. huve hud oxpeilenco. best ri'fcr- '
: es , will do anything. Address W 17 Ileo.
rANTI.D At one , practical watchmaker ,
fV good WIIKCS. Mcadv employment. Ad
dress. A. Iliihn. Albion. Neb. 11521'
A(11'.NT9 wanted to hell ono of thn best
specialties In the market. Address , for
terms and territory , II. K. Uecd.60 Hlgb ht. . Co
lumbus , O. W5 ! *
\\7ANT1'0 5 ( list class galvanized iron cor-
nlco workers. K Huomplns , 811 I'armuu
Bt. 1)71) ) ) Ml *
WANTii : ) Ten eornlco milkers nt Kaglo
cornice \uirks , mo uud 1112 Dodge st.
ANTni ) A roRlstercd pharmacist. Ad-
' II , bbepherd , bterllng , Nub.
ftVi M'
YVrANTlM ) Jloti anil women of ability In
TI every elty , town and vIlliiRO to act as
' ORCiils for thu Lnillcs' Homo Journal. Wo
want Ilio best attainable clnss of imuiils , and
to Miicb unusual terms will bu olTercd. The
Journal Islho hnndsomest for la
flips nnd the family a\ov Issuedand ncirly
half a million subscribers. It will ho adver
tised ( be coming autumn and winter on a
larger scale than over before , cicatlus a de
mand Hint iiicHtH slionld bo leady to Ull.
C'uitla Publishing Co. . I'lillndelphhi. Matl B7 *
\\1 ANTKD 1'lrst-class tinner for Kawllns ,
\Vyo. ; steady lob and good wages. Apply
to Iteclor \Vlllieliu ) Co. , olty. lui 'JO
Al'UW tiiioklnyersand sho\olers wanted.
Ajiply ut thu licKirdliiK cars nnnr tbo now
AVhlle lend works , Kubt Omaha , Woml &HIIU-
oroft. M 0'J.I-ai '
WANTii : > SOO luboreis for stone and grade
work. Apply to I * . II. Johnson , ITnlon
passenger ilepot , Om.ilia. aii
\ \ ' . Von tatrsnol for our t'uuiullnn
iiurserles.&toiie&WulllnKtonMadison. Wls
. ! M >
Ml'.N or women wanting work , or persona
needing help of any kind , clly or country ,
enn IIWU > B ho supplied at Kellh's olllce , ISJJ
S. 15th bt. SatUfaetlou Kunrauleed.
OANVAbSKItS Wanted- -L'ortnspondonco so-
llcltod with competent ( canvassers to sell
paper clothing. Uood wages can ho earned.
Write I'npor Clothing Co. , I'ort Huron. Mleh.
17ANTEII 5on ! with good reference ut
T Metioiiolltun Mtg. Co. . 1UO ! ) Howard ht.
211-n'j ;
\\7ANTEU Agents wanted thiouglioul NeT -
T T hiaska. bend ulnmp for reply. Jos. 1' .
M egca t h , O m ahi. 77J
" \\7ANTED-A live , onergotlo partv In every
T place to Intrnducu our goods. We have : i
now line that will soil at every IIOIISQ anil
ncenls can reap u harvest between now ami
the holidays. Will pay iv salary of 875 poi
month If preferred and furnish n team free
Addiess nt onco. btandard Silverware Co.
lio-itun Mass. H 632-1) 15 *
- - - -
\\7ANTED-Two young inen ; ono lady u
TT roculx o Instructions , and Uuou hooks. OK
N. Y. Llfo building. M.K1Q-20 *
\\TANTEI > In fnmllvof three a compcteni
T T second ghl who will assist In care of In
f ant , Irish or ( Ionium. Call between iiandl
n. \\ednosday or Thursday. iitlilON. sSiu
M , city. tJoodrefeicnces required , M 1)99-20 )
) A firstolasteookand lauiuiresi
Irish protoned.'UXi Douglas st. two 'JO
TANTED Person to transcribe set of ro
. . coids. Must bu aenr.ite , ( inlek , and wrlli
a goixl plain buslncbs hand. Address U
I tee. 01K-li ) ! *
V7ANTED An oxporlonccd housemaid
' cull at W05 Ht. Mary's live. M MM
HL wanted for general house noiknt rj
.Illst ao. . ull li ) '
AV TAM'EO A flrit-clusq girl for genera
O work , small family , CO. ) S.Nth st.
girl for geneia
Itouwwnrkj bMS.jUthj ftVI 10 *
A OIHL for second woik In small fumllv.lS3
U Irl M. , Kountro Place. uiii ll > *
7ANTEU-Glrl for gcuoial liousowork. 80
b. 1Mb. U 10 *
7 ANTED At once , wiveral ooJ clly cau
1 viihscrs. 1110 Douglas at. b'5n21
" \ \ 7ANl'Kn A eompetent girl for pcnura
IT hoiisoHiirk In Miiall family. t/'allTliura
da y,2 p , m. to S l > . in. , fill S. 2bth at. b'.U
" \ \ L7ANTKD-Oood cook and second clrl
Kood wage . CiiliaJO N. 18th. bll--'l *
\\rANTTo-A : girl for housework , Mr
> ' Diiniout , IWU Lafayette a\c , formcil
I'liill st. 770
X * * " 1115111111' yoiniB indy wanted to get sut I
JJ Bt rlhers for Ilio Oninha I'\eehlor ; W pc
cent commission. Apply 1KI h lUtb ht. Mlw
" \ \ 7ANTKlOIil for klteheu nnd laiinar
> t \\oik , IKUSiUth.St. Ml
/of rul , etc. , ue top of flrtt > Iumiio will ixiyi
HOUSES taken for the winter with ono fu
feed of gr.ilu per day and plenty uf lmyl
per montli. Conucarn will lie taken of then
J.ou\u Iiorso with N. K , Dlllrnneo , stables 41
bouth 17th Ht , Telephone 801. 3U21
HOUSES wintered. Wo have tlio beat nc
commooatlouiln the st&to for wlntorln
liorses. Hex or tlngle stalls , with paddocl
Apply to Windsor , Kemp i Uo. , 20J Now Vor
Xlfo filUg. , or to Chris ovlll9 , ut iho stnhlei
InliiKtou. Nob.
HOUSES wlntortd No better place to win
tortiot-si'3 than thoMlllwuter stock farn aS
ft. Oalhoun. I'rlees low. best care. 11. S
Kendall , propr. , room 300 , llrown bldK.Omuhi
f.7t dU
HORSES wintered nt Omnlia fMr Kround
Icnn wlnterSU ) horses , oaoh horse has
Inrico warm boxslnll , feed ull the unlu Hi
uer wants , large yai\U for Oiorolsolu On
jn lhcr. A.TUomsou. M'.Ul .N'"J
Tor ratt * , tte. , tet ( op nf flrtl column on tht pigc ,
S Q , IlENNKTT. moving express office with
Ncal & Conrad. HI3 Uodgost. Tel. I27 ;
QB13 ' 'np. ' nvc , S-room cottaRO , nndwc tlmlf
i- > Soil Iu\'pt. ' st. , U room ) . Inijulro 2T.H Cap.
ttVU. M 1000-21 *
iriOH UKNT 7-room hou o on IBth st. near
U Vlnton. All conveniences ; $ JO.OO. Moncl
Invt. Co. . llco llldg.
Homo for Kent I'ntl Sent.
Istno.xt my residence , furnished , 11 rooms
eat , eower. hath room , furnace , stable for
four liorsei and carriage room , Vim. Proton ,
21st nnd Howard 8ts , il.atf--'O'
FOI ! KENT Nlco furnlslicd house of six
room * for the winter ) ono block from
motor. 1CJ Uorby Bt. M PC2-20 *
iriOH KENT Ono flvo rojm cottngeou North
J-1 20th at , , No , im t5 per month.
SI 0.9-51
1J1OH IlKNT furnished six room collage
-L. for winter , Sli'iCO a montli. lldforencei.
( leg M , Cooper. Bill N , V. Llfo. 31 wa-'M"
IlKNT A lint of 4 rooms In building.
\V.cotnorlGtliandLcu\oiiworlh His.
Dll 19 *
FOH ItKNT fl-rnom houses , 110 nor montli
only. K. ! ' . t'ook , N. Y. Life bulling. 817-11) )
TilOlt KKNT-Ari-rcxitn house , SOJ3 Charles st
JllilllioatSUII ( | Cli.irli > sst. UI021 *
FOH IlKNT T loom furnished oittngoj all
modern conxcnlcncfd. Apply al room J ,
L'hiunbui of Commerce. W--J
ITIOIt W.NT-'Miiall house oa Kmmet st. ,
JLwi'sl of "Illi , $8 permonlh. AlsoT-rooni
lini e , cllv wiili-r. b.ilh , on Caldwell , between
Srtth mid -Till. ? . ! " > per month. O. L. Oreon ,
Hooin ,1'J. ' llurker bloi'k. ai7ii7
1T10U ItK.NT 4-room house. 5011 Center st ; 3
J-1 imiiiisOS ( N , lllthst. 7f-l'l ; *
KKN'T l-rouia house , 1917 California st.
FOIMtI'.NT-222tMapie ; st , ' , block east 21th
st motor. 0 rooms nnd unllnlslied 'iMoiy
alxiM- , full lot , woll. I'litern and cellar , coed
nclKliborliDod , { 17.M per month. U. li. Wal
lace , Hi own block. IClh and Douglas. IVy }
KKNT My flllno lulek dwellliiRs. some
llnlsben , others to bo flnlshid Insldolt ilnjs.
Each house 7 looms btsldes pantry , bath
room , Iniindrv , fiunaco and all modern con
veniences. 'J'liey ' aio worth J.'iO.OO each , but I
waul to tent them nnd It Is late In the season.
They will bo n-ntud for } i' .W ) . Thcso elegant
houses are situated on Stub nnd I/nnl , ono
block frota thu Walnut HIU motor. 20 nilnules
walk to I1. O. Thoo. Olson , 201 N. Y. Life.
Y rolliiRp. molnr S blocks. Innulio
Ml cor. Jackson and Tlh' 091-1'J *
T710U UHN'T-l nnt. (1 ( rooms. In Lluton block ,
Jon the coiner of lath and Mason sis. : Muim :
heat' In Hood repair ! IKB per montli. Imiulio
of John llamlln. 1117 , In tlio block. Mfi'W
FLAT * of llvo rooms to rent In new brlclt
block. No. 1.1iiHut ; 1st. Klmball. Champ
ft liyun , 120 : > 1'arniim it. MM-20 ( )
II' YOU wish to rent n liotiso or store see
E. Cole , Continental block. 2M
FOR ItHNT To responsible parties only ,
those line new brick and stone houses nn
Georgia uvemie ; fifteen roonm nnd nleovcs ;
morn consenlencus and better tlnlshed than
liny house for rent In the olty. II. II. Homier
son , 400 l'a\lon block , cilv. 274
- house with barn : nominal rent. 0.
r , Harrison , 011 N , . . . . -
Foil Hl.NT Thoheaullfiil ? room cottiiRos ,
Just llnlshod. Hath and modern Improvo-
ments. Only 2 left. 0. S. Khjuttcr , 407 I'lrst
Nat'i b-ink. 458
FOK lir.NT S room house , all modern Im
provements. S3SlOhlcago ) St. , $11.07. King-
wait llros. . llarker block , Rll
FOK UHNT 7-room cottaKO , convenient to
wholesale district und business. Apuly
1113 y. 10th st. 1IJ5
T710K KENT 8-room modern house wllh nlco
J- : barn , 1701 N 21st ; also 8-room house and
nlco barn , 2200 Miami , by Urtim & lllshop , H 51 ,
Hoard of Trado. 120
TJIOK KENT-Soven-room cottage , cor. 28th
- Iavo. . and ( Jap. avc.lniiilro2')18 ' ) IOIRO ) | , M-fiC6
Forrntft , etc. , KC top of fiist cnliimnou ttiti yatn
f ) I'l'UNISIIKD front rooms with ana , hot
' and cold water In the rooms , prlco $10. 19K1
DoUKlns , U7C-24 *
EOU IlEM'-Asnltof two looms. Heat uud
gas. $18 u monlh. 2215 U.ipltol avc.
071-10 *
HANDSOMELY furnished fiont rooinistcani
boat , gas , butli. 711 S. loll ) . 2d lloor.
077 2t !
IjWUN'I. HRt ) or unfurnished looms for rent ,
Jhtiltnblo to small families , ono block nnd a
half from Karnnin. 143 S. 2Hh ao. . 0iJ : 2a *
T7OU KENT Ono furnished front
U room , 2nd lloor with steam bath. c s
and all modern conveniences , only $10 : must
IniMs reforcntes. Mis , 11. U. Moses , No. 22M
Knniiiin st. UJ3 21 *
TjlOU ItKNT-FuruIshcd looms , 1003 C'apltol
- avc , OH 2a *
"ClOU HUNT Larjro pleasantly furnished
-U fiont room , 101.1 Oodgo Ht. 8'U-SO ' *
TI1OK KENT I'urnlshid looms , with pas and
J- ' bath ; llist-class tnblo board. 200 M. 18th st.
84V-21 *
"II1OK ItHNT Nicely furnished larsn front
-L room , all convcnlunccs. Apply ISKlCI.Icago.
TmUKNlSIIiDrooms : , steam heat , 231S POIIKUS.
-U 691 20"
_ _
T \nbIKAIIjR ! room , modern conveniences
J1701 L'apllolavo. 775
NEWLY furnished front rooms , steam heat ,
KUS , bath , 711 S. lUth , 2d lloor , 40J-1U *
3KUUMS light housokcoulng. 1228 NSOtU.
_ _ _
, TTIOR KENT Very pleasant f urnlshea front.
-L1 room with all modern conveniences. 11)15 )
Chicago St. Mf,3S
TjlOnUENT rurnlshcd roomsj gas.bath and
JL1 gleam. 1510 Ilomird. 270
TT1OU 15ENT Furnished rooms , 1009 UoiiRlus.
J- '
o - 2SO
TjTIOK KENT Two nlcoly furnished front
-U looms. 2U10 Davenport St. 207
lor rota , etc. , tee ftp nt flrst coiuniii ni
TADY nlone ovcnlnis ; would rent ono or two
unfurnished rooms to lady for coinpaiiloa-
hldp , 2 ; VI Leiivenworth , 122 ID *
r1\VO unfurnished south rooms , C7J1H. lOlh st.
M105-21 *
IjlOKIlKYf Suit of4 unfuinlsliod rooms to
J-1 family without children. Prlco tlG.-0. 1T01
Webster st. M757
ITTl/ITi IK N T : i iinfurnlsbcd nxiiiis for houso-
X' keeping to family wll bout children ; uUo2
basement looms , at 11 ! N. 17th st. M TfU
ll 171 ( JU luyNTTuTiTuFiiTsiicdloonis , L'lON. Mtli
-L1 at. M 7JQ
For I airs , etc. , fee lop ofnt column on ihlr iuac.
VTICTLY fiirnUhed room , oust front , with
-L > Kood board , modern couvcnlenco : terms
ic&sonuble , 7lto N. liHh st. bdjl-i.- "
WASTKU Two young gciillomcn to room
nnd board at 17u7 lodgo. Modern conven
iences UiU-iiO'
Y furnished front parlor with good
board ; ull modern conveniences. MO N 17th
DnsillAHTiE Uoomsvrlthsiilctly ilrst class
tnulo board ut the MerrlatnM.b and
DodRcstreels. Jl'Itl--V
POIl IlKNT Nicely furnished rooiis , stonrn ,
Rii9 and bath , with or without board , IT J
ST. OLA III European hotel.with dlnlm ? loom
or ntoiiiu heat In all rooms , 13ili and Dodyo
Special ratci by week or month. UM
IJfOH good board , iilco rooms , modern ton-
- ' venlences , rales and location , the 1'ullmun
liouse , 1U1D Uoilgo bt. , cuiiuot bo exeollnd.
NT.WLY furnished rooms , slnglo or en suite ,
with board , heat , gas nnd b.ilhaS ) nnd''U
N , 17th , opposite new postolllcu situ IC'i - : '
ANDsOMi ; Itoonil with board , 18J-J Obi-
cage bt. M 7W-S1 *
Ftirrnttf , ete tte top of Mrsl c * > t n on thlt pajs
BlIl'OUEbuying a piano examine the MOM
bcalo Klmball plano.A.llospe , nu Douslus.
GEO. V. OELLENHEOK.teacher of the bnnjc
with Iloapc. 1513 Djiiglas. 21i )
a- PUOF. Olios. IVtoricn. pmno. organ , violin ,
: xltuer , vocal instructions. Mj Shody blk.
17l-u2a4 )
H.a For'ratetett. ' , * ee tup of firelcolu
m ITiNQAOKMKNTi * tododroxsiroaklnz in faint-
10 J llcurcltcltud. Mu Sturdy , 2010 llurner at.
Ftirrutt * , ere , , it * top offiitt colii nion t/iU
JL or without power , formerly occupied by tlio
Hco ruhlUhlng Co. , 010 1'arnam st. Thobulld-
Ing hat a lira proof cement basomcnt.coiuplcto
ntuam heating fixtures , water on all the floors
gas , otc. Apply at the ofllco of Tlio lice. U133
T\rEAT market , cheap to responsible party ,
luiUHlNlHtllM. 12i 2:1 :
OOUNEU store and basement , together or
separate. In brick biilltllnif cornnrof N nnd
S7th st , South Omaha. Jlrs. llrcKa , Utm J' I' ' .
TOKE to rent In new lirlolc blork , Nn. 1M1
Hurt st. Klmball , Ohiimp & Hvan. l'J03
rnrnam st. aiCH'.i-20
STOHF.Sut7OTS10th,20\ra each , lureo show
windows , ( team furulslion. Thoi. F.
Hail. ; iu I'.ixion blk. au
IOOK IIEUE Winter is coming , there nro a
Jfow good offices for rent in the Hamge
MdV. with Mrst cluss heating uud be1 ? ! of ele
vator service * . Inquire Trunk J , Hatnge.
U'ANTHD ' 10 11KN1' .
For rate > , etc , tee fop nflr t colum.i on this
\\7ANTED Twoorthtoo unfurnished looms
' for housekeeping. Address W ! l. Ileo
olllco. .at MPCB-20 *
l-'OR ItlONTVA.Rl2iHiKSRS. .
For tvltn , elf. , tte ! / > ] > of flrtt colttlmon tht *
TpOH IlKNT Itilolc wnrrhotioc , two htorles
-L1 high , buseincnt. hydraiillo elevator , truclc-
IIKC ; best locution In tlio ulty , A. O. 1'o ell ,
1/OK HKN11 llrlek wnroliouto. t\io storlo *
JL' nnd biisenieiit. 27,000 snimro rcot , with 100
fcetof doublu truck on U. P. Itnllwny , South
SOth und 1'li'iuo strcots. Addicsa O. OsUnnip ,
Oiniiha , Nb. . 2 1
h'l OllAUK.
t'orratti. etc. . rrr ( up < > / ] ut culiifnii oil Hit *
STOUAOn The best In oily , rlean.tliy. safe ,
anil privately sti < red nt ruiismmblo ternis ,
Uniaha Sto\o Uup.ilr Works , IU07 Douglas. Tel.
ft * Kfi
lowest latcs. W. SI.
Iliishinan , Kill I.umunuorth. 2 i
( JTOHAOK null Truckago-Uavld Oole. 615-
OS17 Howard at. 713
Vorratti , ttc. , fnli > t > of flixtculumntm thtnaae.
Ei\VAKD-I : will RVO | Uvuiity-llvo dollars
for the reooxery of tlio following articles
'no quest Ions risked ) ' :
10"i Ibs. wlplnc bolder.
78 Ibs , lead plpo 'i-lneh. XX strong.
17 Ibs.liioli slop-cooks for lead plpo.
17 Ibs. couplings for W. U. . and somu scrap
The almvo articles wore stolen from the
( ) ( | K street school house on the nlRht of
Nov. U. Call on or address Robert I ) . Duncan ,
Davenport bt. , city , or telephone IKI.
121 S0
tiTUAVED-Mondny. Nov. 17 , a llclit brown
'coldliiK a yo.irs old. l"i bunds high , black
nniio und lull , left car split 1 Inch , speck of
.vhltoon . back. Any Information suitably n--
ivaideil. OPO. I' , llrynnt. ! . " , i blooKs hoiith of
Vlnton on LVtli , yd house from Cash gnu'ei V.
110 20 *
I OUNI ) .
ferrates , etc. , tec top nf first < y > Jmmi oiittit *
'pAKEN up On No\omhcr 18 , brown heifer.
X Owner can haxosamoby calllno at III' ' N.
Itli st , nnd pajliiK costs. Al 128-20 *
For mlfjt , ett. , fieinji nf ftnl column on tliU vane.
3TAII Land .V Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
IJ und Insurance rental agency , U'.Vd
T 1ST your houses with the Heal nstatolu-
JLJformatloa burnuu , 17 Hoard Trado.
: tll n SO
ll.IUEV & Uro.rontnl nBonts.aW N.V.LIfo
HI ! . Cole , rental agoiit.Coutlnontal bile.
house to soil or rout with 0. F ,
N. Y. Life. : WJ
i : iwitNrrimE ETC.
Fortatft , ( It , , ttttnp nf fitft rniiimii nn IMi pig.
Foil SAI.n 1 Art Garland bnso liurnor
Htovo , nearly no ; l cherry mantle fold-
In ? bed : 1 square piano ; 2 small parlor
stoves , good heaters. 83J Park Avenue.
Jl.100-21 *
POK SALH A now Emerson piano , first class
In even-particular , urleoerylov. . Host
of reasons for selling. Address W 0 , Hoc.
019-2T *
NKW furnlturo andsto\u3 of a nine room
liougo for 'i.Vd ) ; a b.irguln. House rents for
2100 Tnrnum. 7C011C
THOU SALK A largo pulor steve and 2
small stoves. J.V. . Harris , J9th and Oass.
1 or rales , elf. , net lojt nf fiitl roJtimn on thii pant-
inoitSALiCheap. : . Elegant lady's driving
Jhorse , llvo jouisold ; souuu , ccntle. safe
and Imndiomo. A. W. Scrlbner , U. 1' . h < iicl- :
ijunrtvrs. JIUC83J *
FOU SAIn DclUery WUBOII. lof.7 N. inih st.
M800-1)1J" )
WORK horse } (10. ( two horse wason S20. dou
ble wet ! c harness $15. Or will tiado for a
Rood llftht side bar Dng y , 11 , E. Cole , Conti
nental UM ]
prOKSEb * JO and up. II. E. Colo.
"ITlOHSAhK Seood woilt teams. Inquire at
J ? 0181'nxloti bile. 28 ! )
Farrate * . etc. , tec top of f.rst , column on WitJ jxigt
FOIl SALK chcnp A 10 Iiorso power Now
York safely steam enslnu la first class
condition. Fostnor 1'rlntlng Co. , U07 Howard
st. JI1.T
FOlt SALK 3 milk cons , price $35 nnd 10
Apply foreman , Fanning & Co. , 2 th and
Corby . 1)723 ) *
NL\V \ callgrajih , price ruiibouublo. U 05 , Ileo
ofllco. 77-
For rate * , fte. , HC 'op ' nf firtt roliniiTi on tM * jvroi
\\7ANTni ) to Iluy A peed piano as nart
iVnajniont on choice lot at Tldrly-sl.\lli
and l.ea\enworth. 1'rlco lower than any ad
joining piopurty , Address \ \ 15 , Ileo.
JI.IO.1-B ) *
WE HAVE a cash buyer for n , lot , or homo
and lot In coed residence locality , Co
Operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. 16th st.
041) ) 20
FUUNITPUK. household poodi. etc. Hlehcst
cash price. Wells. 1311 Fin num. ! B
SKCON1) hand typewriters. J. 1' . JIoKoath ,
I COT rainnniHt. , Omaha. 77J
" \\7ANTIID Horaca , wagoiiB , etc. , to soil nl
auction o\ery Tncsduv and I'rlday , 10 a.
m. 1'loncer xtubles , 13th , between llarney and
Howard. arr-ni
WANTCn-Hor o and busgy.V J.I'aul ,
1009 rarnnm. 43
Forratts , rtc. , t't top uf Jlnt roinmn OH ( hljt nans.
LriL CLAYTOJ , Clalrvoyant Can by her
will power grant any roinmst. 010 N. 10th
stieet. 101-21 *
AllUIVED-Olalrvoyant. naturally Rlftou ,
toll ) past and future , IOVB troubles , ab
sent friends , change * , travelsbusiness. Satis
faction clvun. Mrs. Wiilluco , ifOd ; rnrnam bt.
703-24 *
MItS. SrEVEH13Rlvlnsbest NUOCCSS of any
unv fortune teller In the city , tilio docs
not deal In any fraud. Her terms arc thn low
est. 400 N.'Kith , lidlloor. M PCO-2U *
U3 NANNIIJ V. WAUUKX. clairvoyant
trance , speaklnu , wrlllus and rullablu bus
iness medium , 4 years In Omaha. 119 N. IGtli.
MASSAGE. Madam Uelzlor , over CIO S 13th.
4C2 dy
bllOllTliAM ) AND 'JL'Y1'U\V1UTING.
For rate * . ( If. , ete top of frit column on l/iu / peas ,
\\rANTEI ) -Two ladles and one Rentlcmnn
T 1 to learn shorthand , Uooa jioiltloiis when
competent. Uull 1515 I'anmni st. Al 110-20 *
r1YPUWltlTEK3.Bll tnnko3.bouzht.
-LclmnKvd rontea. J , I' .
- , Alesoath , 1037 Fur-
naiu street. 315
BO. WHEnLEnKoncraJ stcnozrapher and
notary. Depositions und court work u
specialty. Tel. 1W1 , room llxi ; , N , Y. Llfo llldg
Fcnatd.tlc. . tee in\i offittl column ntiCiU
" 1DKST Line hair goods la vresti hulr dressing
JJwIzs , switches , bangs , balr chains , eta , u
specialty , Duvles , hair euoda and milliner
opposite poitottlcu , HI S IStli st Oiatiha. 13d
For rat f * , rtc , , tet foilinfnifolvmii on ttiti txtg
OMAHA rcnulnit Af/ineiny-N. / Y. I.lf
Imlldlnff , badiiioniroom " 0. " Health
nnd pleasure combined , 't\erelso : advHcd bf
the medical fraternIt "Now N ( ho tlmo to
iirrnngo for IPHSOIK , shitsly or In pairs ,
rusclnatliitfsport. I'rotTCiigel. SllOl-28
1T10H UEXT-Oood uah. ono box nnd t\f
JL1 com moil stnlls. Appm ISlOChlcano st.
WO 21 *
MASSAOr.t re iitiiiotitQinctiotlicrmtil blithe ,
scalp and hair trealiueut , nuinleurn and
chiropodist. Mrs. I'ost. if CO-21 , Wlthncll blk.
_ . . . _ Ml
T .ADITS A. Rents tobii tllo Plutncr reclining
JL/chnlri / unsurpassed forijoinfort , i'21 ' N. 15th ,
_ , ; _ H18 1)13
rpYl'n\VIUTiil8 : for rfilt 01 ale. SU-nog-
-L raphcrs supplier J.I . . * li3cathlC07 ! I'lirniun.
, _ . . _ MIS
DON'TforpetJos. T. Meceath. 1607 I'lirnnm
st. . when jou vntit to buy , runt or soil a
typewriter. 772
" _ _
Pllbl.9"Tr.HtNO and mattresses reno.-ntcd
' N 1st li , i : . 1'utcraoii. 71'J-dl
AfcSAOI' , Madum Uelzlur , over 010 S nth !
4K US *
1'or tatt , etc. , Me too of column on Mi * wie
TV I ONLY to loan on linpnned cltv ptoiiotly
1'Int current uttcs : ( unuHon burnt ; nodulny.
Ot'O. I'1 lllust . * > Co. , 203 Kanige bld | { . UOI'dl.'i
STAH hand k Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
and Insurance rental ancnoy , ti3-dl ?
1'ILDINO Loans
made on choice city property nt lowest
r.itcs. bums of J.'i.OOO : i"d upwards pciforicd.
Klmball. Chainp Ityan ,
12Q' rnrnam street. 800-1)13
MOX11Y loaned at low rates on furniture ,
horses , fta , without publicity. Hawkeye
InvcstnicutCo , .U Douglas blU.lGlh and Dodga.
, " \7ANTKD-fl per emit real estate loans. U.
> > 1' . Harrison , 01. N. V. Life. air
[ M1 ( INKY to loan on second mortgage.V.S
" " n , lloom U2I Omaha Nat. Ilk. lll'dir.
M 7''I
V7ANTElI''lrstelii s Inside lo.ins , Lowest
> > rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invcat-
lent Co. . 1. > OI Karnam. 1)0,1 )
MONEY to loan by H. I' . Masters on chattel
.mil collateral securities for any time fiom
me to H\ | months In any amount to suit bor
on er.
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or-
.IIIH. hoises , mules , houses , leases , wuiehouso
ecelplH , etc. , nt the lowest possible rates ,
ivllliout publicity or removalof property.
My lo.ins uiu M > arranged that you can mnko
payment of any amount at any tlmo and ro-
uco bolli prlnelpln aud Interest.
If you owe u balance on your propeity or
uno u loan Jim wish uhinecd.l will pay It oft
mil carry It for you. Ityon find It more con-
. nlent.calliip tclephono No. ItiU and your
Jiislness will bo arranged at home.
Money always on hand , No dolay. No nub-
Icily. Lowest rates.
11.1. Masters.
Hooin 4Wlllmell blk. , 15th and llarneysta.
CHEAP eastern money
I'blladelphla MortguRo and Trust Co. , and pav promptly first
mortgages wanted. George \V \ , 1' . Coates , icp-
escntullvc , room 7 , board of tiado. 209
QTAULand 4 Loan Co. Itenl estate. loins
> O and Insuiance rental agcnuy , 07a-dl
KEYSTONE Mortpngo Co. Loans of 810 to
$1,000 ; colour Lite ; before bonowlns nnd
: no money ; loans on horses , furnlturoor any
ipprovcd ht'curliy wllliout publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loans , renewal of old and lo\v- \
> st U. 203 , Shcoly blk.,15th & Howard.
"IDHILDINO loans , flto-Tiior cent ; no addl-
J Jllonal cluirpes for commhsionor attorney's
"ees. W. li. Jlolkle , First National bank blug.
T.OWEST rates on eholbfe city loans of $1.000
JUo | J.VI.OOO. Central Loan it Trust Co. . 1203
Karimni st.'n 070 10
] \IONKY ' . ! 0GOorOOdaysoiifiiriilturcpIanos ,
1'lhorscs , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson. 013
nxtonblk. - yofl
"IjEAL Estate Loans Cash on hand. Olobo
-IVLoan < t Trust Oo. . 307 S. 10th st. No delay ,
10 ex tra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
OE. & O. M. ANTHONY , 31S N. V. Llto bulld-
Ing , lend money on farms In choice coun
ties of Nebraska and Imvt : also on good
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
'erms ; no dul'iy : money ready , Titles and
rallies passed on hero. " 'Ml
MONLY to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal Jiinporty.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com-
piny , room 400.1'axton blk. 297
/"IHATTELbank , Ill'JS. nth St. , loam money
V onchattelsortollateral at reasonable rates
EIKST& second ninrtmixc ? on vacant fc Im-
protodclty prop. County wnrrants bought.
Money on hand , r , SI. Ichardsou,818 | N.Y. Llfo.
EASTiilN : money to loan on city pioponv ;
morlBago paper bought. It.lllroyNY.LIfc.
CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. ltcmo > cd
totG4 N. V. Life bldg. J. U. Einnilnuer.
: : t)5 )
MONEY to loan on city and farm property.
W. 41. Harris. U 20,1'ronzur Hlk , opp. P. O
MONEY to loan. Cone pondonts of Lom
bard Investment company. Shrlver &
Hums. Trcnzur block. bJl
T71AKM Loins Ilest rates and option In tno
-L1 west. Interest annually. Horrowerscan pay
part or all of principle at end of any ynnr. am.
stop Interest. K , K. Stowe , 810 N. Y. Llfo bldg.
Xn21 ) *
/'or rain , etc , , see top of first column on tlitg jxiie ;
B1LLIAKD hall for sale , cost J1.400 , forKlOO
JlOOcasn , balance on monthly payments
rent 910 iier month. Hall consists of 1 llruns
\vlck billiard table. S IlrunswlckO-pockot pee
tables , 1 March billiard and pool combination
table , together with all cues , cue rncK.t , bills
clialrH , sto\e , pictures , icfilgcrator , clga
case , lamps , clocic. and all otherurtlcles usual
to a first-class billiard hall. 1'nrty took prop
eity lueanecllatlon of a chattel loan and will
sell nt this prlco ( $100) ) If sold utonco. A gtoat
binruln : ln\ostlgutolt. Addifss lock bo\G70 ,
York , Nuu. , for particulars. Not p trades.
117 a *
T71OK SALK llarbcr bhop at Central I'lty ,
JL1 Neb. , 1' . 0. box f.50. 110 21
T71OK KENT Aftunlshed hotel , or will buy
-L fnrnlturo by Installments. Address W 12 ,
Ileo olllco. U70-2J *
"VTewspupcr men doslrons of scllliiR out
J > .i should coiuniunlcato with M. O. Veiltlns ,
American 1'russ Association , Omaha.M .
M 018-20 *
InoK KENT Hotel and boarding hoUse ! 20
sleeping rooms completely furnished for
only } 4J per month to reliable parlies. H. E.
Cole. Continental blk. 020-19
EAT MAKKET for sale , ntted up flrstl
class In every particular. Uood business.
Will bear the strictest Investigation. Addiesa
lock box 400.Council llluffs , la. lOI-il a
FOH SALE I'lrst-class bar nnd restaurant ;
long lease. Addrossjl. llornbercer , Kt21
Douglas btrcut , Omaha. i , j , M UW-24
SALE 33 barro.1 .atenm roller mill ,
Tlios , Crouch , Tokamatu Nebraska ,
, , .7 7JJ dll *
FOUSALE At a bargain ) 60x120 on Daven
port , near I'tli , ouo mock from nuw post-
olliee , very cheap , tJJ.OM ; iOxlJ2 corner 20th
and I'ariKini , ( Jo.OOO. 0. iL. Urecn , room 39 ,
Ilarlicr block , , C8J
WANTED A compotMt newspaper man
with llvo or Hl.x tlioir.and dollars in cusli
or security , to take charjto of the Democrat ,
as 1 have Important bnslutvss that will require
my tlmo cast and south for : the comlnRyoar ,
Wo w ill pay the right kfnjl of a man a nice
salary. HPnomiuendntlp.ns required. Address -
dress W. It , Vnughnn , Omaha. Nob. MUI2N IW (
FOH SALE Ono steara'riower ' eraln olcvatoi
hnlldliiit with brlokruddltlon and olllct
hulldlnB. roinplBto , und nil' ' personal property
therein , Bltuatcd at HaSMfiRs , Nebraska ; one
frame hoiso power Rraln > ! ulo\ator building
complete , und nil iicrsohil propurtv thcioln
ana four corn cribs , sitfiAlcdut Inland , Nebraska -
braska ; ono fratno horse power elevator lailld'
InR with frame oftlce , complele , with nil per
sunnl pioperty therein , and four corn crib'
and the land on which tlio aauio are situated
being about ononare. moioor less , situated al
llrlcton. Nebraska ; this properly Is sold undci
order of the court ; bids to bomadn for cusi
nnd may be made for one , two or nil of sali rj :
elevators ; must lie addressed to Hobcrt E
1'oot , receiver , Denver , Colorado , box 2209 ; all
bids to boonened December 8 , und to bo Hub.
Ject to the approval of the court. Kobert E
root , roccltur. Dated , Denver. November 8
1600. 612D4
Oil SALE The furniture , fixtures and t
years' lease of a 35-room hotel , with bai
nnd billiard rooms connected , nil in Rood
order ; price , $3.500. Address V60 , Ileo olllco.
M788-JO *
5l5,000 spot cash and $10,000 in clear wcsterr
Plunds toexclmiiRofora first olasi stock o
dry co < xuor general todse. Address w'
particulars , Henry Chamberlain , Wood Illvb ,
Hub. . . 776 ai
J KSTAUHANT for rent or sale. T. Murray
nu8iNiss :
For rate * , tie * ire top of flrtt fo < iimii on ( A to
iribu SALEnwbcr sliopr ono of the bcTt
JL locations In Umnbat good furnltiirot will
cell I'lienp to good party , Address V 00. llco
Ulllcc. 600-20
AVAHTY with IOtOO cmi buy a controlling
Interest In n bank paying - " > to M per rent ,
In ono of tlio bctl towns In the state. Pur
chaser to (111 ( tboolllcoof caililor. Addifs V
70 lice. W9-31
IllOlt SALE Ono oftomwtrdorralile hoto
JL' properties Inthostate.sltiiutcd In llancroft ,
timing count y.Nob. 1 ho house has a good payIng -
Ing patronaco und has an excellent livery
lock and feed stable In connection. The
lownls the end of u pissoiuordlx Islon of the
Chicago , 8t. 1'nul , Minneapolis k Oinahii rail
way. It Is n centering point for hunters from
ill over tlio slttc , ns she Is surrounded by
lakes , marshes nnd vast pialrlos.whcro ducks.
gee e , pralro chickens and other Ramo birds
abound In Rrcnt numbers during thnlr
reason , 1'or further reference iipnly to U
Dohscv. llancroft. Neb. MW-N27
Form/f. / . etc. , srclnp nt frtt rolnmit on ( hfi
TITO EXCHANGE -I'mm In Harrison couniy ,
JL IOHU , for lioiu In Omaliat vlll ns umo
UOOO mortgaRO. C. 1' . Hurrlbon.Ol''N. Y. Llfo.
OtiKAH farm near Clarlnda , la. , worth $12.-
IKX ) , for good vacant lots or hmi o nnd lot
In Omahu. U. 1' . Harrison , U12N. Y. Life.
EXC11ANOE-100 ncrcs good clear land
foreijultles In encumbered Omaha prop
erty. Wallace it lllyney , llrown block , 10th
and Douglas. Ua7'-'l
nXOHANOE-Lols for brick. 0. O.
Wallace , llnmn block , Iblh and Doticlas.
U37 21
ri Oc\ehano lmpro\od pt opcityni-arSlier-
1 man a\c. , for land or lots. Muiwao& Sheely
hlk. 074
OI\TN larco lots near business center ,
\J Hastings. i\eb. . clears evolniiiKo for Omahu
property. Alex. Jlooic , iWl bhucly block.
OSOncio firm near O'Neill totrado for city
Onninurty , This Is u desirable larm , and
O'Neill is rapidly fi-pw.m ? Into a elty. CoOper -
Opor nt Ie Land and Lot Co. , 203 N. 161 h st.
! M'.I ' 19
/"lOUNEll buslne-slot , I.eavcnuorth St. , ox-
\J clniiKo for rental proiicity In Omahu.
Alox. Moore , II01 shecly block. U72-1U *
WANTED A stock of merchandise ,
for'i to M cash , balance property. Ad
dress V ISlteo. 819-21
"VnOK lot In Ames 1'laec , clears will take
JL > horMinnil bugcy in p.ut payment. Alox.
Moore , twi frhoely block. irrs-10 *
JOMn line homos In Omaha ; exchange for
J clear lots. Alox. Mooio. tlOl Shcely block.
FOlt iXCIIANOE : 0(10 acre ranehc , with
sloolf , for ccnornl msdc , Kroccrles or hard-
vare. Addiest V. 40. lice. 713-27 *
For mlrfi , etc. , rtc lop of tint tulninn nntlitt
' Cholco.
X room house , lotu\S2 ; , tl.700.
J fi-room house , stable , lot HI'ixS ' ! , $2.000.
llr'ok ' house , and Anii'ilean house , lotCTiY
E. comer lOtb aud Douglas. Emiulio 2U1 S
lltli , 111
SATi : Atii great sacrifice , the fine. 2-
story fttiino house , with all modem 1m-
] HO\i'incntK , > o. 18IS Douglas 8t. Enimlioof
A. J , llaiisooin , 1500 I'.mmm bt. , 2(1 floor.
1U2S *
STAH Land A. Loan Co. real estate. , loans
and Instiranco rental agency. U7.dl7
$ [ 7OJ : for cornnr Kid and Cuss bts. 0. I' , liar-
j IMIII. 012 N. Y. Llfo.
T710II HALE-Cllfton lllll lot . on the military
JL ? road , nt the tormlniisof the extension of
Walnut Hill motor line. The boom Is In this
property. ( < et prices. Wallace & lllaynoy ,
llrown block , 10th and Douil.iM. 1)37 21
" 1710U SALK General store , bargain ! J cns > h ,
JU y real estate. Lock bo17 , Henry.
BUSINESS rropcrty I have concluded to
offer tlio build lug nud lot biilwoon the N.
Y. Llfo nnd AIorsu'B forsalo at the low prlco
of $50,000 , now paying o\cr I ) per cent on this
IlKiiro with front halt of : ird lloor vacant.
ThH propet ty Is Morth 100,000. David 0. 1'at-
tuison. l.l'.l 1-arnaiii. 1U2 20
FOR SALK Hostsouth front on , In
JlrlsgV place , $ , ' ,000 , ensy terms. O. G.
Wallace , llrown block , 10th aud Douglas.
OS ? 21
ALIllUGHT'S Choice.
FOK SALE Lot It. I'clham jilaco , * 1C05 ,
worth $2,000. Wallace. & lllnynoy , Hiown
block , ICth nnd Douglas. l 721
G0x127 on Saunders st. . 2cottages routine for
Wioach , J11.000. . 0. Harrison , OH N. Y.
Llfo. l ) > 113
$75iO for corner 2M and California sts > . O. I' .
Harrison , 912 X. Y. Life. Ml 19
HIE best lot on Ilainlllou and Lowe avenue.
. Kiiqulre uUOJd llainllton st. 080 (19 *
GUEATnnrgaln A fl.OOO losldeneo and lot
on Chicago and42nd fur Halo for the Inuiim-
uranro. 14,000. For terms , otc. , see W. W , Sla-
baugh , attorney , 010 N. V. Llfo. ( VII 20
$7,000 for 8-room house 28th Ht. near 1'opplo-
ton. will take part in trade , nlaco Is clear ,
0' F. Harrison , 012 N. Y. Life. b54 It )
S HOLES to the front , f have six elegant
houses on 44th and 1'urinun , with every
modern con vcnloneo. Including gas nnd gas
ll.Nlurea , now nearly readv foroccupaney. bee
them and maUo your clioloo , I'rlco , f.l.7.0 to
$ l,2. > 0. 9W to JJOJ cush , balunco to suit ut 7 per
cent Interest
O.irilngu always ready to snow customers ,
rarnnm street motor \\Hliln four blocks.
Iluy a house quick , and take n hand In tlio
Fraud Kliulllo. This Is straight goods. I ) . V.
Sliolt'B. 21.11'ir.t Natloiml bank. M OS- .
A ILUHIGHT'S Choice. M103
- \ 20 acres fine farm land adjoining good Nc-
X hrnska town ; nearly clear.
1U ) acres llnoly improved land 2tf mlles from
county scat In Nobiaskii : llglillycncumbered.
1JO acres iiooa land InNebiaska.Siullcsfrom
county seat ; 2,500 Inhabitants.
House and lot in town in Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town ,
4 room house and lot , barn , well and cistern ,
Ifitli Htrcct. Omaha ; slightly Inuumhcrcd : will
trade for Omaha property : uut assume Inuuni-
branccs. H. E. Cole , Continental block. 000
ajO.WO buys tlio Dr. Cliambora residence and
P voterlnary barn on IGth and llurdetto ets.
Tills Is Kl. ' 00 loss than cost. 1 > . V. Sholos. tolo
agent , -1.1 First Nat. bank. M UU
" \\7AUGII & Wcstorlieldreal cstate.S.Oniaha.
rr KOOM cottage , full lot , llansoom I'laco ,
I cast front and a great bargain for a few
days , binall cash payment and balance on
long tlmo , 1' . K. Darling. llarker block. SOI
LnillOHT'S Choice.
ASNA1' 52,750 will buy u nlooS-room house
and lot. with collar. cMcrn , city watur
hp or and barn , centrally located ; terms
easy. J. D. iilttle , Oli N. V.Llfo. 8U3dlJ
ELEGANT rosldonco In K'ounlzo I'laco : 0
rooms finely finished and all modern con-
> enlonco3 ; Wlrt st. , near 20th. Can null on
ona-nmirturcnsh payment and balance tlmo
to right party. This In no cheap nlfalr of a
house , but a comforablo home In every sen"O
nnd u big snap bargain. I' . K , Uarllng. Harkor
Illoclc. M.7U !
TJIOH SALE Trade orrentoheap , flnu housn.
J42d and Cabs Bt. Inquire at houso. M.'u2 20 *
A LllHIGHI'S Choice.
IOU SALE- Lot 28. block 5. I'nddock Place.
J-1 and lot r > , block HI. bonth Omaha. Wll !
( ell cheap. Add rest ) L. 1C. bi.uooiilobcr.Coresco ,
Keb. 7JO'j *
V YOU have anything to soil or oxohnngo ,
call ut 018 1'axlon block.
$ n.OOO for homo on Chicago at. iieur 2jlh. G.F.
Harrison.UliiX Y. Llfo. D37
< M,500 Only * 0M3 Ir. Chambers' residence
P ou ICtli and llurdctta St. , owner going to
leave city. Host bargain In Omaha. Ll. V.
Siioles. solo uguut.'ta First Nat , bank. M 030
"filOH SALK 103 acres , city limits. O. 81
-U Power , solo agent , room U * Uhumhor of
Comniorco. 7 ! IK *
TTlOn BALK or rent -Xl feet front with build-
J-'lagofVO rooms. Apply at tbo premises
318 S. lth Ht.
Alsoil feet on cor of Chicago and 13th. Apply -
ply ataiSaouthlZth bt. 'I0-n27
> KLKOANT homes In Kouutze place from
> } \000 to 500 ; 000 cash , balnnco 4 years , Hi
per month , o per cent Iriloreat. Other good
Homes la same addition to oxoliangn for city
proi > orty. b-room modern house. iiJ ) blocks
west of 24th , on Unldwrll st. , for f.l0 : t : > W
cmh , balance $ .10 per month , G nor cent Inter
est. J , J. Qlbsou , solo asout , Kount e place.
well satisfied
BEST LAUNDRYSOAP irjtlje World " > - - -
and I use it in. &J | my vVksfjirK' 2xlid cleTxrjin , -
THE D3S G51.00T
ii somethlnB tbsoluttly new In raodlclne , n perfect little wonder , performing cures In the most
obstinate cases of Lost or 1'nlllni ; I'imar , Mcriom Ufblllty , Atrophy of tlio imrtn , itc. .
without trouble or nttcntlon on tbo part of tlio person using It. It i to plain nnd simple In Its
construction that anyone- can apply ll. Its effects are Almostluitantnucuui , uud th goud result !
B °
liBLArsKS AUK yor I'OSSIBI.K bcrauio It retains Its nnwer for yc r , nnd anyone
fcollng the slightest wcnVnrM can nt once apply it and quickly cut tliort any uill teudtncy and
restore the pntti to full htaltu and ttrongth ,
IN LOST OR 1'orracn , who feel thi t their virile strength la decreasing , this olrctrl-
calmnrvcl is . it dons the fountain of
r-nil Iftlf * nrtUIITD uncqualcd. Renchlng , us , very
rHIUIIMui rUWHn nmnly Tlfor , It soon restores the locnl nerve * nnd niuscUs to full
ponfr. No matter how many tlraei jou may have failed heretofore , you may employ this llttlo
Instrument wllh the certainty of aucccss.
IN EXHAUSTION Tll ° constant current of galvanism flowing directly through the
MCDUnTlC ncoil ITVirre ncrrca nflccted , itlmulntcs nnd Btrcngthcns them , aud by re-
IMtnVUUO UE.DILI I T C.storlnt ; contractllo power to the neininnl vctlclcs and ducU ,
procnts the constant drain nnd flow of vital tluld which so wcnkem and destroys.
IH Dl * r\nCD HKCACtC rcrsons having Inflammation of tlm Dlnddcr , Painful Urlna-
m DLnUULIx UIOCHOLO tlon , Gravel , Enlarged I'rostato Gland , nnd Hko Disorders ,
should ne\erglro up hope until they ha\o tested the Itnenncrutor. Its action In such com
plaints li rncnulous , UK tbo icnny testimonials la our possession very plainly show.
VARICOCELC cured easily and painlessly by our now method.
fnrtlnng , tile gentls current which flows from the Ucnenerntor (9 ( truly n natural rumcdy.
It Is easily applied to nny atlectcd part , nud Its result * are almost Instautancoua.
THE REGENERATOR RECOMMENDS ITSELFI Wo depend for the extemion of our bmtnesi
upon the recommendations ol grateful nnd pleased patients who liavo used the Kcgnnorntiir
nnd are willing to acknowledge Its merits. SENI > S'f nnd get one of Ibeso little Medical Marvels ,
nnd If His not cxnclly ns roprescnlcd , voti can Imvo your money back , for wo can always llnd
plenty ol customers. MEN OTHERWISE SOUND who find their power lost or declining , will
tlnd in this appliance a most useful and worthy llttlo Instrument , nnd It will prove of the greatest
value to all who are weak , nervous or debllltalcd. flurWo number nmonj ; mir pntroiiiiniid
patients Dncton , Lawvori. .TudceH , C'oncreasm n , Clnnryninn. lmil irn and Her.
Iescriitlvo | Clrculnr FIIIJ1 ! on uiipllcntlnn.
for tatri , etc. , tcetupof firil column on t/jfs ) vuie.
A LIltaCHT'S Choice.
FOU HALE or trade. a nlco lot 40xit2. : south
front , on grade , city water , 1'J ' blocks
southeast of 20th and Viulon sts. , for halo or
tradu fora good hoiso und phaoton. 1'ilco ,
$1250.00i oncumbiauco $100.00. Addnna , W 1 ,
llco. 003-22 *
TJ1OUSALE riipuji , flue fl-room eottiiKe.wlth
C barn , on Spaiildfiig st. , Druid Hill ; full lot.
I'rloo J. 200 ! cahh two , lialnncu monthly pay
ments , G. T. HuttsS20S. lOtlist 821 *
Tor ralcf , etc. , ece top of first ( nlumti oni
. bath ntMndam Smlth'B parlors.
MASSAOT. f > t. , next llarker hotel , 175 2i ; *
Madam Uelzlor. over 010 S nth.
Jfii lU *
Tor rafra , etc , eee top offml rolumn on t/if / jxioe.
lawyew k solicitors , O. W. Sues V
PATENT building , Omaha , lltanch olllco ut
Washlnctoii , I > , 0. Consultation free. IHS
For ralo , etc. , tei tnp at / , tt column on f/i / < i age.
" ) MOllLEloans money on diamonds and
watoliesJowclryctc.S.E.cor. rarnam\llth.
For rain , tic , , teetnpuf column onthtmnot.
PRNHIONS The Cllncman Tension Agency ,
21 Fieuzcr block. Information fico 'H7
SYPHILIS.cue : '
We guarantee to
ciire any case of Syph
ilis no matter of liow
long standing. And
we have the only rem
edy that will cure the
disease. Yon have
tried everything else
and wasted your
money , why not now
try us. We guarantee
to cure or refund every
dollar. When it is nec
essary for patient to
come here we agree to
pay railroad fare both
ways , all hotel bills
and refund your mon
ey if we do not cure
you. Write for partic
ulars ; do not be hum
bugged any longer ,
We are financially re
sponsible with $300-
000 capital. COOK
BEMEDY Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. , Booms 39 & 40 ,
13th and Dodge Sts.
Charming Winter Resort in ibe Highlands
lIUDtsvlilcIIotcl.SulJStanllal.Eleganl.Kew . . ,
HAUVKr H. UKN1SON , Mtnicur ,
11VHO.N F , UKNtBOtf , AltllUot.
Wediicsday and Thursday , Nov. 10 and 20.
Under tbe inniiUKCment of Ituymond and
O'Conticll , iu the entliely now furco
comedy ,
Suppoiting the Original Swidls-b Dialectician ,
Tliowliolclnlersperspdwltli Specaltlcs. Clcci ,
Medleys. Choruses Ac.
1'opuliir 1'rlcos. oBheot opens Tuesday
Op era
AmcrlcVn Artistic Conieillan , Sir llonrjr H.
MN merry romjany of plnrers , imdor tliorttrco-
I'list proitiicllou hero of Mr llxey'
I.ll03t < 1ICCCSS tllO
Greatest auccois of the ronturr. MncnlllrcQt scent a
production * Company uf uSponpln.
rrirco : 25otofI.OO Bulo of eonta will bojjlnTcd
newdny morning
Onlji ,
Commcnctiio rit'lav Kwemlicr 11 , uff/i Snt-
tinldMatinee. ) .
Mrs. I'rancls llodtson Ilurnclt'n
lleuutlful Drainatlo Idyl -
Little Lord FaUntlBroy
Presented oy the -
Sl'KciAl. I'aiCKS fur lliclr onunuonicnt nro lower
tlinn tlio coiniiuy | over plnyod lo lioloro , iintl wcra
( on unlcl ( toby the inunnKimicnt on account of tlm
Ilio very largo nciillng cop icltjr uf tliothcntor :
11OX BHATH. I 1100 unit 75 oenla
AM , OHClll'.STllASHAT.S , - - - - 7iU < : uti
JIAI.CONV. lIllbl'TmiBK HOWS , - Wccntu
AL1 , OTIIHIt 1IAI.CONV UUATb , - 'Boi'iitii
UAI.I.1UIV. - - - - 2i ! lllil
llox Slii'ot open Ilinrsday mornlnir.
WILL LAWI.KIl , M nngcr. Corner Illli and furnnm
dt roots Umalm. Wuck nf Nor. Kill.
MATSAIIA SOIIAICACHI. ' 1I1K .IA1' , 111 feals of
ntrptiiitlionduraiicouadiiklll. A. 1U.NO ( il'KUVdur
TII15 HOl'KI , .
A burlcsiiun fnrco comedy InlcmpcmcMtwltli lirlitht ,
lircozy , ii.irklliiK < > nm and K y. l Hy , rolllcklriK
OnncHi. A IniiKlial'ltt , ronilc , willy , ndiisiMislniil
rniuoiljr. uilniEli'il Hltli uilrlli mill lauulitcr , CIIA8 ,
AN'IJ ANN1K WIUTNKV , Vocnllslsniul Inntruuieut-
Olty Pacaonijor and Tlokot Agout
Wnlors and Olla a SpoolalLy