Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1890, Image 6

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foreign Influences Again Depress Wbea
and Make a Bad Day.
Tlio HrllhiK-Out Mniiln Continued li
I'roviHlons Cntlli ) HtronKcr
nml Ilojs Weaker The
Day on 'O '
Cine-Ann. Nov. 10. [ Pncclal Telegram t
TUB Ili.e.1) ) Wlicnl Imcl tinolher day , wit
n further depression In prices , duo Inrcoiy t
foiolt-'iiliillni'iiccs ' , Tlio Hi-tat break of tli
d y iicpurrul the llrtt flflcun iiilniitcH nn
ntnotniloil tojnit 5'iC from tin- closing jirlci
) -Mi > nhiy. Tlint pr'.rps recovered uhout ' .
before 1 o'clock was not ilnu to any hronil an
tron rcnc'tlon , but to moderate covering b
Miuits nftcr tliu Hurry WIIH ever , to some It
vestment buying l > y fi few lioust'innil to UK )
jirospoctlvorrrrliits mill , omo export lins
IIMS. Tlio source of all the weakness vti
London. Tlmt cuntot- shows n Rrout tllstrus
ofltsmvn Institutions anil Indicated a luck (
confidence by hemllriR tirintlicr jjrciit Imlcli (
Bclllim orders In Amnrlciin socnrltlc > < . Tli
caused stocks to rattle down at Now Yorl
Quick as the wlrrauimlil liilng the MOWS tli
trade liurc leeume ncrvoiiHund honrlsh. Oi
cctubvr wlicatt wblch closed at lil'i' ' ' , could nf
1)0 ) sold until H4u ) WIIM ri'tu'licd this nmrnlni
Mny closed at W.jc and tlio flist snlcs wei
reported around ( Hiyc. Tlio Hurry curried tli
Iirlt' ( > H to & ) ? { e for December und ( tic 'or Ma ;
Tlicro wns a nilly of ! So In n few moment
tlion tlio rnurkct < nili'teil down und trndi
were checked. Then followed pretty ROU
buying by shorts , headed by I'ardrldK
Hloorn , who openly says ho is ready to lo
( iKinuy bulling whout , wns also a fieo biiyc
LOKIIII k Co. , Unnlinni .V Co. , H. V.Vlilto It d
and oilier commission houses picked upvlie :
inostof the way up on the slow recover ;
There was also tome fcublo support from the ;
Who hoped the bottom had been ronchei
There was nothing like a good bull market :
nny tlino. IsowYorlc rrpmleil live to elirl
loads taken for export ; the llradstrci-t It
tioaso In available stocks was not onormot
t IV.'a'.OOO ljusliels ; the estimated rccolp
wcro but 100 cars. Under these oomlltloi
prices ellmcd u to 00iO ? for December an
17'icforMny , but these prices did not boli
Tlio surprise of the day In wheat oecured tl
last ten minutes. There was bu :
liiK on New York orders , bnyln
by short" , buyliis by Cudahy an
DlliorMronK parties and the market move
up with the best Indications of the day. Tl
reaction from the bulco bcforo 1 o'clock pi
December back to OO'io and May to 07
1'roin thebe ilKUres there was ti steady a (
vance to 02o for December nnd ( mo for Ma ;
Tluj close was practically at the top flRtin
and ije to ? 4'o up for the day after being SM
oT ( early. > ovember sold at. Mo to 87e to ( < lj
at the close. Oa the curb privileges on wliei
for tomorrow sold as follows : December put
: calls Ole- , May puts IWiO.OTi'ic ' ; call
Even the corn market did not escape the m
iisiinl and unnatural solllni ; pressure the fin
few minutes. Tlio result was a break oflj
In iv very few minutes v.ith slow recover
during the iciiialnder of the Mission , No salt
rould bo niado at better 'ban .Vlo . ) for Ma
from acloslng atfi'Uoyestcrdiiy. The bottoi
nas icaehed ul MVic. lleforo 1 o'clock thei
wa1" n rally to 51 'ic , or wit iln ? 8o of last nigh
May corn puts sold at SI-J ' , calls at K7io.
HiislnesM In oats was all In May u.xcopla fo
trades In December. The selling was Jnrirol
hy eommlssloii houses an 1 reemvers nml tli
early break was very sharp from 43o to W
nKiifnst thoelosliiK prleo yesterday of < 43Bi
A recovery late In the day put Slay nut
fUSe and elosed 44'BC. November and'Dceeir
bcr were quoted togethi-rall day nt41e , o
loIIOlic , uptoW/ie , and closing at 123ic.
The Rieatist market on the Hour the fir ;
lialf hour was la provisions. It wan acontlni
ntloiuif thesollliiK out processor ycsterda'
It was penenilly concoucd that much Ion
Kiiir which came out was for country at
fount. The siilllnir was led by coinmlfslo
houses , Including JlcCormlck li Co. , Kennel
AIIoiikliiB , Coiinsuliaaii it Day. I-ogan .t Cc
nnd many others. A rumor bald that ulotc
stntrwas sold out for Hlooni. There was n
reliable opening prices ; all was confnuloi
cveryono wanted to sell and buyoi
were scarce , Jnniuiry pork dronped to ill ) . !
befoio the Hist sales and sales range
early from J10.M to $10.05. May sold at * I1.-
nad tll.UO. January lard sold nndortli.OO an
Jiinimry ribs at * 5.t"i. : ! A rally was started b
buying by Armour & Co. ami other packer
1'ork recovered to ( III 82JJ for .Innuurv an
lll.57i ( for May ; lard to $ < ! . ! : . ' ! $ ami $ ! . > for tli
cnw.nso t : STOCK.
OIIICAOO , Xoir.IO. IHpeelal TolcRram toTn
Ilur..l-OATTi.v-UKlit : i-cwlpts and u hoa\
Tilling olT hi the run M > far this week hi
IroiiKlit aliout a stionuer inarkot , althoni ;
buyers uro not yet KuraiublliiK over euch otln
or tourhiRtliHlr clothes tORot what they wan
nml low Britdos , especially cow scock , reniali
inniitnslow as ever. The only Improvcniui
Is In llrst-clnss stcors that nro really scan
ntul nt present uro wanted. Hnyers for tl
dressed boot trade xhowcil no nnxlely on a
rount of the Unlit run and claimed that trac
had all the bcof needed in refrigerators an
on the load. The storA-cr nnd feed' '
Irndo Is hi hetter sliapo than last wee
ulthotiKli prices show no puitluiilar elians
The run of To.ums nnd raiiKcra Is nbotit ov :
[ or the season , Smorul loads of iirlino
tholeo export and fancy btoors sold atr > .00
d.25 ; others , J1.00SI.75 ; coiuinoii , $2.SJ3i.8
Texans , JIlHKas. .
lions For u tlino tliero ivns a mlnlatn
) ianlelntho market todny and prices woi
down with a rush , the iloellno rencliliiK lot
bofoio u cheek was Directed , and the chc <
wns only temporary , as nt the eloso valu
were about as hnv as ut any tlino ilurliiK tl
( lay. Viiliicslmvo ( IcullnoiiSJo toiHo slnco
week a o today and lOo to iflo would hard
rover the ileollno on common and llcht nll.\e
Koimh nnil common sold nt } .1.2.Vffu : > 0 : fall-
peed inUcd , Jll. : > .Vf'I.O.prlino ! heavy in
uutchor welKht.s , f.l.i.V ( $ : > , ; o ; lOKiilutlon lit ; )
3.45QJ.K > ! IlKht IlKht , f.O'JOIUpi pigs , J2.002. '
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 19. [ Special Telegram
THE IlKK.l STOCKS-Coiilldeneo returns vo
lloxvly In llnanulal elrules abroad , l.ondi
itlll furnishes the nervousness wlilcii nnsc
ties the stock market. Tlint ccnlro sent
batch of selling orders In American becnrltl
tgnm this morning. 1'rohahly 40,000 hhar
were sold for London account the first ti
minutes. There Is a probability of a 7 p
font rate liuing ll.ved hy tlin llnnk of Knslai
loiuormwlf uulieanlof com plications do n
Irlso. The foreign innrKct showed a panic !
Condition ( or American stouks thoio , and th
In a r lie t at tlio opening followed with loss *
from liibt night's prluosot fiom 1 to 'JJ ! p
tent In the active stocks , Jot-spy Central boli
Cownliy , Now York Central Sllt Northern 1'i
tlllo proforrcd 2 , Now KiiBltiml and Unli
Puelllu cnch ? , and others sniiUlur amount
Concessions , howovcr , hronglit In buying
luniclent volume to cheek the downwn
tondcnoy.nnd whlloNurtlior I'neltlo pro fern
retired 1 percent further and Sugar Iteflnurl
l4i tlio gteat majority of the list failed to i
below opcnliiR prlecs , and a pompariitlvo
iharp iiiiwiuil turn In the tlrst half hour r
MI lit cl inbrliiKlng l.nokuwunna up 1'i , Ni
VoikContrul UJ , Atchlson 1 , und ethers fia
UOIIF , whllo Jersey Ontnil , after a fiirth
losHofltoW , rallleilloKliiaiulSusurUcllnerl
regained Its loss from the opening figures Tl
rxeltoment In the mill-lift soon subsided in
the business done subsided Into very niedcra
volume , whllo the Iliiotuntlonn becumo unia
ttioinh the best prices were well held. Tl
fntlro inoriilngpahhi'ilwlthoutnionpybrlngli
moro than tl per eeut , In the liourtol o'oux
Hooka displayed a tlrm front on a vo
nioOerato biulnoss ami brought prices i
ubovo the best UK u res of the inornliiK over 1 !
entire list. Thuro was no tiiculul feutu
tho\\u , liut iirlccB flteudlly ; auxauccd uui
mnny stocks had recovered all the lo from
last nlirjit , Jersey Ccntrnl touching I ) . " , . The
fuet Unit no fnllnro golowed ! the early break
In stocks caused a much bolter fooling the lasl
hour. A few standard stocks Joined nt tin-
URiml rates. The annotinioiiiciit of tlio Hnnli
of KiiKllind tli'it It will not call In loan'
hHpcU tlio bnylnc. Shorts were eai ! r buyers
all tbroiiRh the list. Homo retnnrkiihla Rnlns
woiomado : llurllnitton rose 5 points from the
npenlni ? to&7. Jersey Conlrnl lese 10 point !
froin thn low prlco early to 100 , Illinois ton-
Irul iiuuloa net iraln of 4 per cent , Atehlson
Norlhern I'aclflc preferred nnd Union I'ticlflc
each acted strong with net gains of 1U to HI
per cent , nnd Chicago Gas was up 2 points
Salon wornU'l OOOshnres.
The following wcro the closing quotations
II S , Is reuulnr 120 Nortlicrn I'neltloWl
U. H4 Pouinii | I'M do proferrcil IM
If. H.l ! < ii riwulnr 10.1 C. VN. W IfWil
U. H. 4H' cuiiiioiu 101 ilo preferred 139
1'nclllcC.s of 'IB ' Ill New YorK Central. . . . t > 0
Conlrnl 1'nclflo n I1. , I ) . AK 14
Chlcniro A Alton 12J Itnek I lnnil ( X < i
Chlcnco , Burlington ( ' . , .M. A ft. 1'nul HVJi
ilo luefurrcil 1U2 ! (
1) . . I * A W St , I'nnl A Omalm. . . . " 1 ! ,
iln iirefrrrcd i'i '
' ' ' ' '
1 , . , IIX W . . , . . 1'nlcin I'nclllr 4M <
Kiin tn .V Tuxm 11 W. , * t. } * & I' Hi
i.iikc Shore . lt)4' ) ' { ilo iircferroil . 17j !
Cpntrnl _ PH4 Western Union . U
MOXKV Easier nt 'W18 per cent ! closed , of
foretl aticr : | cent.
I'lll.Mi : Miiiu-ANTlf.K I'APKll flJ ! < ftS'/ ' , nor cnnt ,
STKin.iNd Kxt-iiANOK I'lrini sixty day bills
{ 1.711 ; demand. * 4.b7.
J 'It OltVCi : Jf.l JfK K TS.
CiiiCAflo , Nov. 19. 1 D , tn. oloso. Wliont-
Steaily ; cnsh , b9e ; December , Oi'o ; .May
( Oo.
Corn l-'lrtnj cash , OOJioj Dccemucr , 49yc
Mny , WXo.
OatnSteadier ; cash , 43'e , December , 41'ie '
Mny , 14o. !
Afi'ss I'oric Strnilyi cn li. (8.73 } Juntinry
IIO.M ! May , $ n,5ri. !
I.tiril Sli--Hly : cash , W.feO ; January. f0.12i !
May , ! fr.r,7"i < ar.fio. ,
Kyi > Kasv nt fiCc.
Hurloy Nominal at78c.
l-'lnx I'lrni nt J1.'J7.
Timothy Kitslorat il.l" > 5itISfl
I'lour l.V3,33o lower thtin Instriuotoil. Xom-
Innlly unclinnccd ; winter tuitrnts , Jt.TOfl.VOO
siirlni ? patents iM.NX-.1jIOi hakors' , Sil.OOQ l.t'O
llulK Mi > nts InnililiTs 34.s7i.5O.VW ) ; nhon
clear , J" > .5.VJiri.COj short rllis , } : > , ! ! .1 > ® ' ! ) .
Ilutter Kiislur ; crentnory , 2L'Jo ; dairy
104 ( ; .
I'lieesp l'"lrin ' ; full cream elipflilnr *
8 > iTsyc ( ( ; llntnh'irlc ( ) ; Yonii } ; Aincrlciis.WS'JiiC
IX-Ks-l'Iriiij fresh. ' 'i'Jk' : .
Hides Unchanged ; heavy prcon salted , B'fiQ
" 'aPi llshlKrcen salted , . 'i'4e ; salted hull hlilt-s
4 < iiirreon ! salted calf , 7-V'THSt ! : di-y saltei
hlilcs , 7c ; dry Mint , bUc ; dry cilf : , K2/'Jc ' ; ilett'
cons. i > aeh. ttic.
Tallow Unrhanitodi No. 1 , solid lr cked,4Ji
4 < iei No.L' . a',5c ; cake , 4'.ifi.It/ ' ' ; .
Heeclpts. Shipments
I'Monr ' , hhl i'1,000 Ill.OOi
Wheat , ! m 10S.OUO 6'JflOI
Corn , nil 117,000 1K > , ( X. . (
Oats , bu 170,000 107,001
Nivr : YOIIK , Nov. llL Corn-Recelpt ? , 113,4.V
hii lielsi exports. l.StiO bnshi'ls ; spot closei
llriner ; No. 2 , ncst' lie In elevator ; 6 < Vi % * > Tii !
allont ; ungraded mixed , .VPiKWiu ; option !
deellm-d curly l9 ( TAI"iooii llnanclnl situatlot
and loeovered I'BQI'I ' on hotter tone ; Noveiii' '
borcloslint : it5i' ( ' c. '
Outs Kecolls | , : > : i,000 bushels ; exports , fi.NX
bushels ; spot lower ; No. 2 while , 48Viift4i )
ml.\ed western. 444So ; whlto western , 49r > 0u
options Irregular , November closing at4. ) c
Sugar Kiiw , dull and nom mil ; rcilned
stfndy and cut lot.
I'ctrolcu in United closed at Gflo ! foi
Kxgi Stoatly ; western , 2. > 'SOc. .
1'iirk Weak ; mess , $10. ! > 0@12.CH ) .
Lard Opened lower but recovered ; weston
stenm , Jfi.10.
llnttor r1 toady ; western ilalryHQ20cereanv ;
cry , 2tK2:8Kc ; r.lgln. 2Uo.
Clieobo Haiely steady ; light skims , 4/J7c !
ST. Lotliy , Nov. 10. Wheat Cash , lower
SriSSt'Mic ' ; options , firm ; December , fc'Jc ; May
07 c.
Corn Higher ; cash , 494'li ? > ; May , 49JiC.
Onts I'lrnij dish , -Ho bid ; May , 14. .
Pork Lower at $10.7r .
I.anl Steady at } . " , .7. > .
AVhlsUy Steady ntJI.14.
lluttei Unchanged : creamery , S24c !
Klgln fancy , 2'JiUo ' ; dairy , 22&24e.
KANSAS CmNov. . 19. Wlioat Lower ; No
2 hard , cash , 7lo ( hid : November , 7GJjO bid
No. 2 led , cash. b2u hid.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 , cash , 52c ; November
l > l ? e.
Oats Lower ; No. 2 casii , 4lo ; November
, Nov. 10. Wheat Keeelpts , 38 !
curs ; shipments , 115 curs. Market active
Closing : No. 1 hard , November. December and
on track , 87c ; No. 1 northern , November. Hlo ;
May , oi ; ? o ; on track , Klo ; No. 2 northern. No
vember and December 77c ; on truck , 777bc
MILWAUKEE , Nov. 10 , Wheat Firm ; No. !
spring cnsh , MSOc ; No. 1 northern , b8c.
CiCorn Klrmj No. 'J , Me.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , iVtMGc.
1'rovlslons Quiet ; pork , January , $10.075 ! ,
LivKtiroor. , Nov. 10. Wheat Flat and de
mand poor ; holders offer moderately ; rei
western spring , 7s 7d ; red western , 7s 4'-jd.
Corn Steady ; demand fair ; mixed west
ern , 4s 0id ? percental.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 19. Wheat lower ; No. ' .
rod. 1KKS920.
Corn Onieti No.Smlxcil. Slo.
Oats 1'irm ; No. 2 mixed , 48u.
Whisky * 1.14. _
CiiiCAno , Nov. 10. CatUo-Hecolpts. 11,000
market stronger ; steers , $2.75D.2f ; Texans
J1.1K ) 0.2.45.
Hogs KocelpU , 45,000 ; inarkot panicky am
lower ; rough and common , $ : i.25O.'l. . " > 0 ; fair U
peed mixed Ki.Kiiitil.fn ! prlmo liu.ivy am
butcher weights , J3.GjQa.70 ; light , JJ.45&a.r ( > !
Sheep Uorolpts , 0,000 ; market steady ; na
lives , J.1.7.Vii4.N ) ; westerns. $ .1.00(31.15 ( ; Texans
$ ; ) .554.45 ; lambs , f.l.DOQJ. 10.
KANSAS UITV. Nov. 19. Cattle Receipts
r > ,100 : shipments , H.700 ; market strong ti
hlKhor ; Bti-PVM , CLOUaLrA ; cows , $2.00(2.2.00 (
stnckors and feeders , { JrxXi'l. . > l.i > .
Hogs Itecelpts , 18X 0 ; shlpnients , 200 ; mar
kct lower ; all grades , M.50.80. !
ST. Louis , Nov. 19. Uattlo Kecolpts , 3,000
shipments , 7 JO : market higher ; fair ti
fancy natives steers , $ l,00o,10 ; stockers am
feeders , $2. UXiilUO. _
Sioux OITV. Nov. 10. [ Spcolal Tolocram ti
TUB 1IK.K. ] Hogs Hecolpts , : J,810 ; marko
slow and flu lower ! belling at ; bulk
Tlio Coffee .Market.
Nf.W YOIIK , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram t
TUB Hr.K.l Cofrms Options opened stoadj
anil unchanged to 0 points down , and closc <
steady at 5 to 10 points up. Sales : 20,000 bags
Including November , $ l ( > . ! ) .VfM7.IO : Itocombui
Jlli.sOf&llUK ) ; .laiiuary. $15.l.vaiH.O. ) > ; February
Jl.- > .40T'l. ( ) ' > .4.r > : March , ! fir > .o.vai ; > .13 : April , S14.UJ
Mny , $14.SVicl.-.l.r : spot Ulo. dull but steady
fair cargoes , JlUT ! > j No 7 , $17C2Ji ,
NEW VOIIK , Nov. 01. [ Special Telegram ti
Tut : IiBi : . [ The following are the mlnln
stock quotations :
I'on. Cnl. A , Va S3) N. Hello l lo 105
ICurekn Con KM Ontario 'AIM
llnlp ANorcross I'.HJ tlplilr ! IW
llamvulnko tOO Sutler Creek 100
JH. Dliiblo . . . .200 Vollow Jnetet 200
OJl. 1 11 'A M.lllKETS.
_ Wednosdny , Nov. 19.
Estimated receipts of cattle. 1,600 , as com
l > aiedwllh2'JlGyostorday and : iS49 Weilnesda
of last week , Beeves were aotlvo and 5o t
ISo hlgbor ; butober steak active and 5o to 10
hlBhorfor tlio best grades and others stead
und feeders dull and unchanged ,
Estimated rpeclpts of hogs , P.POO , as com
pared with ( W.V7 yesterday and lO.Mil Wcdnes
day of last week. The market was 5 to IS
lower and slow. The range of the prices wa
KJ.OOf't : > .70 , the bulk soiling at KLSOsfcuiO. Th
market olosod slow and weak , with 2.0001
first hands. Light , SOJ.iiO ) : ; heavy , W.40C
! M7,0 ; mixed , ti.iliW.l)0. : : ( The avoruRn of th
prices paid was $1.41. as compared with & 1..1
yesterday and H. 8 Wednesday of lust wed
j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kstlmatcd receipts of shcop. 2,103 , as corn
pared with 2Wi ! yesterday. The inarkot rt
mains unchanged. Natives , { 2.UO&4.15 : west
urns. $ ' . ' .00 < ai,00.
iloprcsoutatlvo Sales.
No. Av , 1'r , No. Av , I'r. No. Av , Pr
1..1KIO ! M . . . OSS Ki 00 10..t8 | (3.10
13 , . UV ) 2 6S 4 , l)4'J ) ' IIOO 10. . 1110 IICO
14. . 824 2 GO 1. .111)0 ) II 00 B. . 1IIW CA
IH. . ! ! 2 KS so..ia-n ; i M as 1:172 : : i70
1..1270 275 8. . MO II 25 20. . 1213 425
14 , . Dill 280 11. .1140 ; I3I ) 13..1W4 440
.1..10IO 1 15 17. .1024 1 05 7. . 057 210
70. . MS 1 15 ! l..lOifl ( 200 24. .10(12 ( 210
ti . WS. 1 20 37. . Oil 2 00 24. . KM 210
. . Ittl 125 2. . 8SO 200 1..1170 215
20 , . 703 1 III 5. . ( Ill ) 200 17. .1115 225
11. , l 1 IK 20. . bid 2 UO 22. .1024 215
6..102S. 140 . . M3 20(1 1..JMO 225
io..iivt ) i &a c..ioii 205 1:1. : . ins 2:10 :
3. . WO 1 fiQ O.,101iy 2 10 6. .1180 230
" S" W < " 10 - ' 10U5 285
l"lllO 185
MILKERS AND sriu.vutitg.
1 cow nnil calf . . JJO.C
Icow and calf . , , . ss.i
1 cow and calf . , , . . . . . . , . : .C
1 milker. . . , , , , . , , . . w.c
41. . 033 3 U
. .
3 , 607 1 CO 6. . 1C4 2 00 3. 103 250
2..15.V , 100 1..1SOO 1 Xi 4 UV 210
1.1320 1 ( JO 1..12110 1 BO 1..1B70 210
2..1IW 12.1 2. . WIS 1 f,1 1..1510 215
3..13.V1 1 T
1. . fSO 200 12. . 0:10 : 2I 1..12TO 240
4. . 407 210 C..II.M 2H ! ) , ' ! . . B57 240
8. . r > 05 210 1..1020 Hill 17. . K17 240
ST.M1S ,
1..1270 2 00
No. Av. IT.
Ibllll 1480 Jl 25
locoHs S4ii i no
IflHtcers , 1074 2 40
1 steer , . . . . . .IIWO 240
OllchrW & Slocking
Istng in.10 ISO
: iOstcer- 001 270
O. I1. Smith
IHsteers 100H 2M
COsleei'.s 1177 r,0
1 steer rxo 2 CO
I2steers till 2 IM
4cows mo 1 7.1
3fi-i-lers ( U'H 200
Ulinrlci Hut-hu
ms feeders lO'l 220
US feeders 553 22.1
C. Sehafer
2 steers 10'0 ! 2 M
\ ( < 3 eows 1144 260
I ) . T. U. Co.
4.1 steers IIM 2 BO
42 steers 11IJO 2 M
O. I' . Smith
1 steer , tailing 1210 10.1
2 steers , tailings liii ( ) 1 ft !
U steeia. tallliiiss IS&S 1 1)5 )
21 steers loll 200
I * . Truvers
1 steer , lulling 12JO 225
5 steers , tailings IIIB 2 7.1
n steers , taillnifs n.vj 2 75
1,1 steers , tailings l'.w > 3 00
ll ) steers , tailings 11 : i 00
94 steers. tallliiKS 12tO 300
Ilaloy It. H. Co.
12 stng-i ISO 1 0
2 hteers. tiillliiKS 070 200
01 steers , tailings 11M 220
101 cows (1T5 ( 200
12 eows t-l ) ( 200
8 feeders 1172 22.1
4 feeder , 12J5 22.1
11) ) feeders 1231 225
1 heifer us ) 2 30
101 steers 117 > 2 ( W
23 steers 11,15 205
DATES I'orslun , 0-lb box , 0io. !
MAi'i.r. SUOAII Per lb 5u cnkcs , ; ifl-lb lioxe
I3c : We o.'ikcs , 30-lb boxes , 12 ! o ; 1-lb bricks
30 Ibs In bov. iinre , 14o.
TwiNKS-C'otton twlno , "Illbli. " very ( Inc. ! (
lb lulc , Kc : cotton twlno , XX brand , > 4-l
liiilus , ISoi hump twlnu , U-lb bales , \Vti \ ; sa
twine , 20cj uiimllo wick , 22c ; 40-foot cot to
olothcs line , il.40 ; 00-foot cotton clothes lliu
ll.tBi bO-fnot silsal Hues , tl..j . ; GO-Coot juti
II.UO ; wool twines. Sie. !
HnooMS 3-tle. parlor , } 3.00jltle. . V-.T5 ; 3-th
J2.25 ; 'l-tle , plain , S1.81 ; , $3.00 ; toj
J1.25 ; whlslc. JI.CKKjJI.a- > .
Oi.ivi.s-Quuits , per do ? , S4.00 ; pints , iierdo ,
82.50 ! bullc porsul.ltjc.
SoAV-l'sistilc , mottled , per 11) , 910c ; tl
white , per lb , I4e.
OIDKII 1'er 1)1)1 ) ) , refined , R50 : halt bill , J3.5C
hard elder , pure , per bbl , $0.iU : oranjo eldui
half 1)1)1,1)11.50 ) ) ) ; pour elder , hiilMibl. t-i.,0.
NUTS Ahnonils , ll > e ; llrazlls , 2Io ; tllborts
He ; pecans , 15a ; walnuts , 15c ! puannt cock !
80 ; roasted. lOui Tunnessco pennuts , 8c.
CANNKU VKOBTAIII.FS Toinaloos-a-lbextn
$1.10i31 13 ; 3-Ib htiiiidiu-il western brands. II. 1C
Kiillotis. Archer's standard , ii.OO. Corn Fines
urown , $1.60 ; Uatu City sugar corn , very lln <
$1.50 ; Gllinnii , 2-lb BiiKiir , tl.20 ; 2-11) extr ;
Heeiiier. ( I. It ) ; 2-Ib standard western brand ;
$1.10. Mushrooms 1-11) Kroneli , extra line , 1
30 ; 1-lb French , flno , 18'3,22ol-lb ! rrunch , i
dliinry , KilSe. 1'eas , Tres line , per can. S3c
deml-flne , pur enn , ICe ; 2-lb sifted , $1.7,1 ! 2-1
early June. $1.50 : 2-lb marrow , stamlar. .
brands , $1.25 ; 2-lb soaked , 75o. String beans-
2-lb hlRli Rraile. HofiiRco , fl.OO ; 2-lb Golde
waxboum , OJos 2-lb btrln beans , 80e. him
boan8---lb soaked , 85o. Iloston baked beans-
2-lb l.owls , $1.05 : Grown branils , Ji.i5. ; Swec
potatoes 3-ll > Now Jersey , JI.CH ) . I'ninpklns-
2-ll > , $1.00. Okra and toinutoos $1.05 ; okn
11.00 ; snccotasli , J1.II5.
COIIDAOK Manilla rope All sbcs from 7-1
to 1 In , 14o ; sisal rope , all sl/es from 7-1U to
In , O'.fo. ; "now inocosus , " all sizes from 7-10 t
1 In. 8c.
V.'itAi-i'lsn I'Al'Kit-Straw , per IB , lJ < 3iyc
ratr , 3 ! > o ; inanllla 11. 45o ; No. l,7o.
MOLASBHS lllils , N. o. fancy , porKal,5255 (
choice , 45-470 ! Rood , 30S32o ; Cuba , unking , ' .
© 'Wo ! blackstrap. 2 < xa22c.
HOUA 1'kgs , m Ibs to box , .r J'C ! kegs. 4Jc. !
STOVIJ I'nt.isil J2.0C < ao.iO ( per cross.
HAGS Am. , per 100 , 117.75 ; lo\vislon , per 10i
$17.75 ; Union ijiiure , 40 per cent olt list.
SALT Dalrv , 280 His In bbl. bulk , if-.MO ! be ;
El-ado , 005s , J'.aO ! best firado 100 IN , $2.40 ; bo >
Knulo 23 Ids. f',25 ! rock salt , crushed , $1.N
voinmon , bbl , tl.25.
OIIKKSK 1'iemlum P. 0. , twin ( lilts , nor 11
lO' ui premium K. IYUIIIIK Amerleii , ll'ii
domcstlo Swiss 145tl7cj Kdam , in foil , eacl
050 ! Uinuurirer , ISVjc.
ViCKi.KS Modluin , per bbl , $8. 50 ; small , $10.C (
gherkins , $11.SO ,
KAUiNAcEOliSOooDS Ilurley,4lo ; farln.i , 5 <
peas. : ? . ( ; oatmeal , libls , tO.5tr3tl.75 ; half bbl :
* 'l.2.i.M : : macaroni , lojr iac ; vcrmlcolll , 10
13c ! rice , choice , 534H'io ! fancy , 0J ! < 37os hon (
7c ; satxo and tapioca , ttS > 7c ! Lima beans , Ot
bpllt peas , lie ; suacliottl , 13c.
DIIIKII KKIJITS Turkish prunes , less tha
hluls , IfWU ! Ses ordinal libels , Uo less ; Ilosnl
prunes , 0-lb boxen. 100 to 110 , [ to ! apples , nvapc
rated , new rlnu choice , l.V : ; ovapuratod , no
rliiK prime , Ho ! apricots , fancy , In Hacks , 0'/ (
blackberries , new , lOo ; raslerrles ) ) , 25 Ibs t
box , 34513'io ; oiirrnnts now , ftiiflA n , orlglni
casks , Uo less ; Votlzza currants , extra , 1
boves , G D ,
COTTON Horn lj Inch , 17e.
UAIKISS London layers , California , per bo'
J2.tu < iJ2.70 ! loose musoatcls , California , J2.WK
2.40 ! seedless , California. $2.2.V32.a5 ! Uallfornli
seedless sult am , in sacks , per lb , Uo ; Unllfoi
nlti innscutuls , In sucks. 6io ! ; now Valentin
80 ; ondura layers , now , Oc.
COFKEE Hoasted-Arloaln. SSVio ; Ilunoli
25Vjo ; ( lerninn , 25' < o ; DHworth's. 25 0 ! Moi
S5Jo ; Mullpoueh. 2Jlios Cordova , 25 > ioj Mocln
a2 < ij O. ( ) , Jiivii , 30e.
ViNKCiAu 30 gr , N , V. apple elder. 10c | D. 1
cider , 12os wldto , wine. l.Vv fancy , fruit , 18o.
OILS 1.V ) prlino white. Oo ; l.V ) water whit
ll'ic : heudlliilit. 12IJo ; 74 fasolinc. njje ,
SAI.SOUA lllils , l.Hu ; granulated , 2o ; In bbl
l ? o.
o.SuaAUPor lb Cut loaf. 7sos cubes. 07 (
standard powdered , 0jO ! XXXX , powdcret
l\c ; Rrnnulated , stanuard , O'.o ' : confeutloi
ers' A. O'io ; wlilto itxtra 0 , brilliant , GK <
oxtraO. royal. Co ; contra ! 0 , 6 , ' oj goldcu (
6Vio ; dark U , I.He.
1'rovinloii * .
DIIY SALT MEATS Leun baok < . Co ; oxtl
short clears , Oo ; Uolllos. 10 to 20 lb uvu , OKn
abort ribs , 5V'o ; biiort clears , Co ; IOUB clont
5Ve ; Mumldori. 5o.
BMOKKU MKAW Hcst Sugar Ciired-Iluin
extra Unlit , U to 10 lb nvg , luUoi hums , light ,
to li lb UVK' , lOc ! biuiiH , iiieduitn , 15 to 10 1 u UT
Oiii1 ! heavy , 20 to lb avK , ttiioi extra hcav
aj to 25 lb a vf , 0 > io | vklnucil illcloKi 19 to
Hi rjVR. I0o | Cnllltlrrfia Hams ii-j N.
Bhnillder9.0o | llostvn iir > ultprs. ) t H lb nvi
OUcl l > onole hatn , i'c ' ; Woitkfitit Imcoiuclenr
ft to lb strips , Set lirnrtifast biicon , trlb ) , 7liO
dried beef hams its ; , . fuc : regular , clodi
syri fancy lean baeko. 7ci hams , special. IS t
1. ) b nvp , lie ; breakfast bacon , special , 10'ic.
S.MOKKIJ MiUT8-Iry ) jinlt Cin'eA-llacOn.fon
clears , ti'ic ' : ( jhort clears. tc ! ! extra shoi
clears. C'i" ' ! bellies , clear strip * * , 7c | Rhorlrlb !
O'.ii' ! shoulder * . 5'4ct lean bucks fi'iu. '
rilltl ! LKAK lMiiiK ( > itlo Kcndere.l Tlcrcc1
OVct barnils.o' , ! lialr-barrcl * . 7e ,
IliEsilMiUTHrrrsli hams , W ) lb avR.T-VC
1C. Ibs nvir. 8e ! 12 tbs fnij , fiUci shoulders , fi'u'
pork loins T'lc ' : pOrftf tenderloins , 13c ; len
Iiird , not i-eiidered , 7cKtiaro ilhs V.
1 " " . 'f0-NI ' > , llIK > ' -In llnrrels Mess uorl
now.llS.OO ! olctir pork backs , heavy , I2.2.1
medluiii,1 ! ! , ! short , cut clear pork tlO.W
fumlly pork , lean. tlo.KOj pig pork , } it5l : ! ne\
e.Mra moss beef. Jilr > ; new extra uliitn bee !
? S.2. > ! new ] ) latu heef , two ; new rolled boncles
beef. ifi.r ( > 0 ; now boneless rumps , srs.50j noi
hhouhlerolod.s , H..W.
' ' ' " .Vir.11"1.1 ! " ' -wl'i ' < , W-2SI n ai ter bhls , J
Ibs tl.OJj klt.s , 15 ibs , rc
l'irKui ' : > I'KH rKi-.T-llarreN. 2flfl Ibs , $7.2,1
quattor bbls , 40 Ibs , Jl.fiOj nits , 15 His , 75e.
( ) - -
. s.i.bj2.M.
I.AJIIIS' ToxnijKS-Cooked-HaUbbl'
' ° ! ulKhtlllul' solbs' HW ! klt" ' '
S -i'iiro neatsfoot oil. hbls per gal , 50o
A I tallow , r > 'U's stoarlno. OMc ,
a , 4c | frankfnrts 7e ! blooi'
4"C ! toiiRiie , 7'iC ! llu-r. 4e ! ! lioadoheeM' . 4ic !
I'ollsh , 7u ! jioru satisaze , IliiKs , ( lei polk ban
hagc , meat , In tin palls , Uc.
Country I'roditcr.
llUTTKH-Tlio market Is n little slow nn
quotations | nro eonsldoiably lowcrthan a wee
iiso. ( lood country rolls , lIStTo : choice. ITU
warm went her of the past week , poultry hn
had to sell very low. While 11 good man
chickens have sold at 5flOc. dealeis liuve bee
compelled totakoas low ns.'loor let the stoe
spoil on their bunds.Vlth dressed poultry s
low live chickens are verv slow sale , filv
tiirleys7l8eaii ( ? < l dtessed bfc ! for choice , nn
riil'ii1 for thin anil light wohrlits. Uvo dut'n >
fc-1Xaj.Oi ! ( : iltcssed ( lucks , 7Sc. Gco&o d'ressci
75lo. !
Knos There nro a send many selling nt 2I (
biithtrlctly fiesh stock H being held liirsel
nt 2.'c.
n.ouii , HIIA.V. F.TC. Davis' hlgli patent No.
nnd rream. J2.70 ; Itluc D. full patent , $2.50
llawkeye , half patent , $2.31) ) ! Davis' specln
Koval patent No. 10 , $2.85 ; Minnesota , patcnl
$2.75 ! Kansas hard wheat patent , $2.55 ! Xc
brnskii spring wheat putent$2.W. (
S. V. Oilman's gold medal. $ ' . ' . ) , Snow WlilU
J2.41 ! Snow Vlake. ? 2.1d ! low Riadc , fl.SO.
llroken How Holler Mills' Cream. $2.Mj Myr
tie , $2.40 ! Claim , $2.20 ! Kldellly , $2.00 ; Mlnnu
sola Uhlef. $ , > .45 ! I'iiUmt , $2.70.
Oikamp's ready lo raise buckwheat flout
M.'iO per ease of 5 ) 2 lb paiikugcs ; btiekwlieat li
bbls , N. V. , iflUK ) ; i\-colsior : brand , $5.5' ' ) ! SIr :
Jack meal , J4.MO per easu of 50 2-lb packages.
llran , sacked , per ton , J1S.OO ; chopped feed
HAV On track at Oinnba Vplantl , N'o. 1
SiOJ per ton ; coarse blue item , $ r.OO ; oat
straw , $0.00 per ton ,
H AMI : I'ralrh' chickens , pcrdo/.en , K1.00ffa50
proii'.e ' , $3.0 v 'l.2.1 : mallanl ducks , $2,7vai.0l (
teal ducks , $ l.Mtil. 75 ; mixed ducks. $1.50) ) quail
$ I.COf61.2.- i jack rabbits , W.OO ; iinull rabbits. 73
© tl.OO ; deer and antclopo carcasses , S9c
saddles , ll@iac.
I'KiEONS There Is no demand.
OitAsons Florida stock , * I.OO.
Ai-Pi.Ks 1'er bhl. $3.2.vai,25 , according to 111
quality and variety. ,
I'liAMiKiniiKS I'anuy Capo Cod , J9.50 ; be ]
nnd cherry , ? S.50.
OiiAi'KS Concotd , per basket , -iocs Catawbai
50c. Knt ITS 1'eartier box. $ ' ) .00
Muscat urapcs , Sl.r.O . per'-'O-lb cralos ; ( iiilnccf
4l.75iB > 2.00. '
BANANAS Yellow. $2.5'r7.oo : ) per bunch.
IjU.MOXS Choice stock , ir.50tjJ-.CIO.
I'oTATOES-Car lots of jiotiitoes arc quote *
tit 8.VRMo ) with choli-o stock soiling In a smal
way fiom stoiu at OJc.
DNiONK-Hed , $1.35 per bu. ! yellow Danvcr-
$1.3.Xiil.5 ( ) ! Spanish , J1.75 pcrbox.
SWIET I'OTATOKS Uood stock , $ ( .00 < 34.50 pc
bhl.IlKANfi Supply not 'largo and the feelln
strong at $2. a.ViW.75.
( JKMiltv U3440e per doz.
OAHIIAOR I'er lb , 2iic.
Tuitrii's Kntiibagas , choice , Kic per bush.
white , choice. 50c.
UCU 1'or dot , me. r
Kisli : Per lb 1'crcli , Sc ; bnffnlo , dressed
7c ; pickerel , Oc ; pike , 90 ! white , lOc ; crouple
He. ; catllsh , lie ; cod .strait. 12c ; lloundcrs , iic :
Oregon salmon , 15o ; tlaok buss , ISoj lobsters
18u ; blue flsli. 15c.
Salt and pickled Codfish , extra Georges
now , O'Se ' ; grand bank , now , 44os silver , 2-11
blocks , 5"je ; snow white , 2-lb bricks , new , 7ic !
turkey co.l , larso mlildlo bricks , Oc ; Kt\m \
whites , crates , 12-5 lb boxes , 73ic ; medluii
Rcalril herring. 23c ! No. 1 sealed herring , 20c
doinestlo Holland herring , 40c [ llaiiiburge
spiced herring , O'Jc ! Uusslan sardines , spiced
( Hie ; ltuslaii sardines , plain. 50c : importci
Holland herring , Crown brand. 80cj do fane
milkers , Ji.ou ; mackerel. No. I shore , half bl ;
$12.50 ; bloaters , half bbls , i'S.CK ) ! white flsli
half bbl , i < ! .75 ; trout , half bids * 5.50j famll' '
white llsh , $1.10 ; salmon , * d.V ) per halt bbl'
2-lb broiled mackerel , f2.00 ; 3-lb lu mustard
J2.CO ; J.1-ll ) In tomato sauce , $2.00 ; 5-lb Slay
mess mackerel , $ ! i.OO ; 1-lb nrook trout. $1.2 , ' )
Il-ll ) brook trout , J2.S5 ; 1-11) salmnn , S1.23 ; 2-1
white nsh , $2.25 ! 1-lb white 1Kb. tl.i3 : ; 2-lb lobsters
stors , J-.30 ; 2-lb oysters , 12 oz , $2.50 ! 2-lb oys
ters , lOoz. $2,25 ; i-lb oysters , 5 nr , fl.S5 ; 21 |
llaratarla , 10 oz. $2.10 ! 1-lb Ilnratarln , r 01
* 1.IO ; 1-lb clams , llttlu necks , 8I. : ; 2-lb cliun >
little necks. $1.75 ! 3-lb clam chowder , $2.W
1-lb crabs J-V-5 ; 2-lb er.ius.50. .
llr.Anc WALNUTS I'er Itusliol , ® } ] . " .
llK-Kintr NHTS l argo , per bushel , JI.M
small , $ l.752.00.
I'oi'CoiiN Cliolco last season's stock , 22J ! >
per lb.
COCOANUTS Per hundred , sacked , $5.03.
Qiilnlno lioroz. , IW. . , 4le ; Oornuin , 3lc
Indigo , porlb , 15c ; insect powder , 21oi ojiliin
$3.10 ; morphine , poro7. , $2.85 ! hops , per lu , 30c
glycerine , ISes dextrine , IOC ! euttlobono , : i5c
eioam tartar , pure , 32c ; commercial , ISe ; cam
iilior , f'Oo ; am. earb , 14c ; blue vltrol. 7tic ! car
hello acld,3l5t9o ! citric , 45 48 ; tarlarlc , 805
3lo ! ; sulphuric , per Ih , 2c. Sperm oil , $1.10
tiirpontlno. 4Se ; TonUa bonus , $1.85(32.03 ( ; bal
sain tonlo. 4lTr.45c ( ! calpmel , IM irTc ; cantha
rldos. $1.3xai. : ! cassia buds. 2022c ! chloro
form 57(200 ( ! ergot. 47tl5" ; gum arublc , fvieS
$ l.05j Ivcopodlnm. 4VT4ic ( : ; morcnry , OJo ; snl
phur. 2'to ; alum , 2ici copperas , IHoi epson
salt , IP o ; gluuborsalt , I've.
Dry G nids.
OINOIIAMS Amoskcag. 7c ; Amoskeng dress
8'5c ' ! Hates , (1\C ( ! WarwIckdress.Sc ; Lancastei
04'c ? ; fllenalre , 0 > iu ; Whlttcndon dress , 8c.
lli.KACiir.t ) COTTONS llerkcloy Cambric Xc
0' ) , O'.ic ; Host Yut.O'ic ; Huttercloth XX , 4Jc !
Cabot , 74C ! First Call.B'jC ! I1 mil of the Loon
C ! Hill Semper Idem , Bo ! Housekeeper. S'Jc '
King I'hllllpcatnlirlc , ICc : l.angdon (1 11 , O'io
I/onsdiile , 'Jo ; l.onsdnlo enmbric , lOiioi e
York Mills , Uo ; Oak l.awns. 7c.
WIOANS Not Thistle , Uo ; Hed Cross 7c.
CHAHII Stevens' U , Kl-In , 5a4'0i Htovens' T
ia-ln. ( IHc : Stevens' A. ID-ln. 7 > 4c ; Stevens' 1
IS-ln. 8ci Stovons' M. IS In , Ocj Slovens' N. 2f.
In , Ocj Stevens' NN , 22-ln , lOc" Slovens , ' STI1
201 n , ICe ; bleachud , lo extra.
I'HINTS I'anoy IMilystoud , flSei Slec
Illver , Oo ; Hamapo , 4'os St. I.uuvur. > " <
Shirting Martha Wushlimton , 4'ic : "Jlerrl
mac. 4ic. ? Turkey Itcil Kuiiiitiiln , OSJcj ( Jnt
ner. 7e ; Crenllold. B'p ; Uerlln , O'ic. '
Sur.K.TiNns AND 1'ii.l.ow CASINOS llrown- l
Net-rcpperell , 45-lnr lOiic ; Vopjinrull , 8-1. Ibc
1'epporell , 0-4 , 20c ! 1'eppcroll , 10-4 , 22Ho ; Utlci !
43-ln , 15o ; Utlca , 58-tn , ITiio ; Ptlcu. 22-ln , 24c
Utlca,84-ln.aioUtlOitlW-ln ; { , 28'io. lllenclie
Not-1'opporoll , 43-ln. 10Joj ! l'eiporell,4C-li
H'/io ' ; I'epiieroll.O-J. | 5o ; I'epperell. h-4. 20c
I'opperell , (1-4 ( , SSSio : IVpiiereli , 10-4 , 23o ; Utlcn
8-4 , 2lo ; I3tlca. 0-4 , 20o : Utlea , 10-4 , 28c.
" ' - - ' ' -
_ ' sijc
Alton 1'lnks , Olio ; Alien Olia'inhray , Co ; GIou
Chester , fiSjpj llnrtol , SUe.
COI.OHBII ( JAMiwics-fOrown , 35o ! : Rod Stai
4'/iu ' ; Itollcd Clover , CM Sinter , 54o ? ; high col
ora. lo extra. ' '
Atlnntlu II , 7c ; Atluntlo I ) , ( P.ic ; Atlantlo 1
Co ; Aurora C , 44c : Ilnvk'shcud , 7jc ( ; Cabot M
C'o ; DarllnKton ; OUw Kannors' No. 1 , 4u (
4io ! ; llnosler , LL.SVjijiilndliiii lioad ; 7ic ! ; Ltiw
1)KNIMS ) Not Amoskoag , 0 oz , Ifiijc ; Yor
camlet , 12o ; Kvcrott. standard , 12'icj Hay
maker's , 7Sc ! ; Old York , XX , IfliSo ! I.awronci
220.12iio ; Ijtiwroncc , Ooz , 15ic ! ; fauoy Btrlpc
und checks , IHic.
COTTO.VADEW York , nankin. 10'Je ; Evcrot
RoItc ; l.owlstoii , 10 oz , 22ic ! ; workingnuu
COIll ,
On Hoard Cars nt Omaha Anthraolto-
Chestnut , range und egg , | H.2. > per ton ; grut
IS.oo. Soft coal-Walnut , block , M.ttj low
lump , KJ.&Oj lowu nut.
Paints anil Oils
; IN OirCnrtor , lu 600-lb lot
17.50 : In I.OW-lb lots , per cwt. 17.20 ; Souther
Co. St. Louis. In noo-lb lole , I7..W ; In 1,000-1
lots , nor owt , * 7.20i lied Seal , 8t , l.oula , lu MO-1
lots , (7.0 ; In lOUOlb lots , per owt , * 7..U
WHITE DIIY tillder'a Whiting , tier lb , li ! (
Commerolal WhIUiu. . per ] b , lo | KngllshO , I
I'urln While , pcrlb , l 4c.
UKD DJIV Atuorlcau Venetian red , lUi
Ohuttanoogu , 2a | KnglUh Ycoettau , barrel &
Indian ! No. 1 , IScl Tusenn , English
Ytt.tovCliromc yellow. 0 lo lOct oehci
Itoeliello , 2Hc ! oolior , washed Dutch , 4c ! ochci
washed I'rencli.S'Se ' ,
I'l'TTV Pure , In btitri'K kef. * ami tubs , 2fo !
In bladder * . 2'ici In fin-Ill tins , 2'u- ' .
YcnETAlil.K Oll.s Unseed , doinestlo raw , li
barrels , per cnllon , O'-'o ; Unseed , dotnestl
boiled , In barrels , per Ballon. ( > 5o ,
ANI.MAI , AND Tim Uti.s-Whtilc , hloachn
winter , per Ballon , r > 5o | whale , extra lilpuclici
wintertwo ! spi'rin. ble.iohed winter , $1.00.
KNdlNi : OILS-Diamond erOM'ent , ctntntooll
perKalloii , 40c ; perfection enclnuoll.SUo ! stor
line engine oil , 45c ; Hercules engine oil , Mo.
VAIINISIIKS I'lirnltnto , No. l.Wes fninltnrc
extra. M.OJ ; eoai'h , No. 1. II.Kli coach , oxtrn
$1.20 ; hnril oil llnHi. light. $1,20.
fjiimbor ,
Pmixn it , J.'x'.co ; U , fcw.Mi C. Jia.00 ; 1) ) . $13.00
ri.oimiNn White nine A and II. Ki.001) \ )
JUI.'O ; C' , ; K , ? t7.riO.
t'mi.iNo No. 1 white. 'U In , JIH.ROi No. 1 hnri
nine , ? i In. 115.50 ! No. 1 hard pine , In , J2I.OO
No. 1 hard plno. ' . In , tJ,0. (
STOCK HoAittiS-A and II , 12 in , J42.00 ; I ) , 1
In. $27.00.
OmmvKi ) HOOKINO No , 1 coninionvhlli
pine , 1' . ' , It and lllft , ? lli.OO ; No. 1 common
pine , 1' ' , 14 and 10 ft , Jls.OD.
IS ft 14 ft 10 ft IS fl 20 ft 22 ft 24 f
2\4. .Jl , " > 00 115 OJ { 15 (10 ( } | ( ! ( K ) JKI Ml $17 50 $18 0
SMI. . IS DO 1300 15(10 HIM ) 1(1 ( 00 1800 186
Siiti1 l < Ai > No. 1 plain , and 10 Incli. JIB.OO
No 2 plain. Sand 10 Inch , $111.00 ; No. ; i plain ,
anil 10 Inch , $15.00 ; O. 0. . H Inch , nx&lic. !
IlATTKNS , Wlll.t. Tl'lll.Nd.l'lCKIlTS O. G. liat
2'i-ln , TSoi Hxl ! SIP , : rn-i ; i-ln wi-ll tuliliiK. I ) . , '
M. uiid Itov. . KII.OOJ itlekots , 1) . & II. llal , i'JJ.OO
1) ) . Jb II. MJ-J1.W. |
POPI.AU Uluar. 1-ln , nil wliltlis , Jt3.Mj : clear
' ,5-ln , nil widths , aUM.
Y. I'lNtj I't.ooniNO t'lcnr , 4 and 0 lncli.St,50
stnr , 4 and 0 Ini'b.JJI.OO ; rlfl iuved , JB.OO t-\trn
' Vii.r.o\v : 1'ixr. CU'ar.l Ineli.Wl.oo
1'4 > 1'i nnd 2 Inch. $27.0 : ) ; stnr , 1 Inch , tx'4.00.
SiiiNflMiti , LATH Kxtra * . " > : stanilnn
AN.f..OOMl-lii , N.2UIln ! , J2.00 : No. 1 , Jl.SO
cedar , XAX , $2,73 ! lath , W.8S.
1'osM White Cedai 0-ln , ' / { ? , 12'p ' ; 0-ln
sqr , l-.V ; r'i-ln , 'ji ' ? , Hoi R-ln. Ik.4 ; to Dinround
ii"tO : ! oak- , split , Of. red cedar , 15e.
Hash , 55 jieieent ; doors. 45 jicr cent : blinds
45 per eent ; mouldings , IS per cent ; Miav
bouiil , $ l.30i tar board , $1.00 ! tar felt , $ . ' .40.
STOCK lloAims-No.lcommon , 12 anil lift
$20.00 ! 10 ft , $ lli.flOi No. 2 common. 12 and 14 ft
JIH.OOi 1(1 ( ft , $17.00.
I' WIIITI : IMxi : 1st and 2d clear ,
In , , $50.00 ; l > t , IH nnd 2 In , $50.00 : 3d clour. 1 In
f45.00 ; Us. I'iundS ' In , 14(1.00 ( ; A helecl. I In
$42.00 ; l > i , Hi and 2 In , $12.00 ; II solett , 1 In
Kll.oo : Ui , Hi and 2 in , $3UK ( ) ; 0 select , 1 in
$ ; io.oo.
I'r.NClNn-Whllo Pine No. 1. 4 and G In , 1
and 14 ft , tlli.M ) ; No. 4 and 0 In , 12 nnd 14 fl
J14.00 ! No. 2.4 and (1 ( In , 10 ft , $10.50 ; Nu. 3 , 4 am
0 in , In all lengths , tin.OO.
Llnif , CeniRiit , 10(1- ( .
On board cats nt Oinabii I'oibbl As ]
Cirovelline. OOei I'hnniplon lime , 65eQuint"
white , 60 ; I.onlsvtllo cenienl. $ I.M ) : MIlwauKei
eeinent , $1.45 ; I'tlca cement , JI.4U ; Kn
I'ortland ecnicnt. $3,43 ; New York plaster
$2.23 ; .Mlehlmm plnster-.MW ; Kott IJodxo phis
ter. $1.75 ; whlto sand , $2.00 ; 1' . I' , hair per
bale , $1.00.
polls , Rrocn.
per llj , 10@14c ,
TAI.I.OW A No. 1 , 4"ie ; No. 1 , IKS.T/jc ; uroasi
wilteiHn.4e : ( ; yellow , V'it&'k1 ; slearlne , fi'ie.
llOM'.H Ynotallons arc for dellvciy In Chi
cnir.0 Dry bntl'nlo , per ton , ilG.OOiQlK.on : dr
ccuntry , Wenched.tlO.OOSia.UO ; country , dumj
and nioaty , '
STKKItun NAti.s-llaso t2.M : stocl uall
lia-ic , K.15.
TIN PLATE T. P. , 10x24 , f7.W ; I. X. , 10.\H > i cou-o. 4xiio : , na , 10.75.
HoKi'l.NO-t'lnircoul , I. 0. , 14x20 , 112 , JG.OO ; I
X. , If 7.5(1. (
SIIKKT IllOO No ; 20 , $11.50 ; No , 27 , f.CO.
tjouiKit-Strlutly half and half , KiHe.
rori'Kii I'liuilsncd holler sizes. : t.'te per 11)
cold rolled , . ' ! 0u per Ih ; sheeting , 2So per Ih ; pi
and Hals , 'i'lo per Hi.
WIHIJ Jap , liarli. W.25 ; cil. : , M.M.
HI.OUK. TIN Small pig , DUo per lb. , bar , 33
per lb.
cent ; pat. plan , lion , NUM. 21 and 27 A , 10 ! Jc ; ] )
'J'raUo Topics.
The receipts of hay from the rountry ar <
llsht and prices are Ulu'h as will bo nuttcei
from the quotations.
Dealers In ( lour report the market qnlol
The weather Is too vraim for buckwheat t
niovo freely and the demand Is not so good a
It was last month ,
Theio Isa hotter feeling In fln.inelnl circle
ever the condition of tlio nionev nmrket at tli
great centers. The ontloolt at Nu\v York am
London was jniich hrlRhtcr at the clobe o
business hours yesterday.
All ever North Dakota we Have veins of sof
coal from tn ri-o to ten feet In thickness , crop
phiB out at tlio surface. If the beet crop. 1
what It promises to ho , nrrangonu'iitsto trans
form It Into surur will ho niado on
scale , tins coal supply lii'hic un ImiK.rtant fae
tor. North Dakota may furnish tno countr'
with susar and Alabama will probably far
nlsh It with Iron. This will bis rather cliaiiK
tlilnss about , as the popular Idea has bcei
that the south furnished .sugar and the nortl
Iron.News , Savannah , Oa.
District Court.
The German American bunlc ol Knnsa
City yesterday brought suit in the distric
court to recover from tlio Kansas City varnisl
company , Robert K. Bcnton , O. H. Brown
William 1'oot and D. G. Howcy , the sum o
$15,012.50. The note wis executed by tli
Kansas City varnish company of Kansai
City and endorsed by the other defendant
who are residents of this city.
Tlio Rochester loan and banking oomnan ;
of Now York lias brought suit In foreelosur
against Michael McGniro , Kdwnrd Kane
Thonms Jeffries nnd O.V. . Ilervoy.
The divorce case of Julia Kinsley ngains
Prank Kinsley was heard by Jndpo Clnrksoi
last cyeninp and a ilocreo prantod. Tin
couple were married in IhST and a few vcok
after the performance of the ceremony tin
husband deserted his wife and has ubandouei
her over since.
lUiotiniatlHiii of Gout ?
Go to Excelsior Snrinp , Mo.
Victimized Laborers.
A dozen laborers from Sioux City nrrlvct
in Omaha yesterday en route for Newcastle
Wyo. They had paid Gibbons & Son $ : > eacl
for the privilege- goini , ' out there to worl
for Kilpatriclt Bros. & Collins , but when tb
men reached Omaha they wcro Informed Urn
Kilpatrick Bros. & Collins had quit doini
business \vith Gibbons & Son , The niei
were for a time in a quandary as to wlm
they had better do. They had paid the !
own faro from Sioux City , besides payinj
Gibbons & Son $2 each , and then found Urn
the promises made by the employment agon
wcro unreliable. Ltiekily they met one o
the sub-contractors at Newcastle , who wa
poinifout there , and ho niado arrangement
. o take the men with him.
OMAHA , Neb. , Nov. 10. To the Editor o
Tar.Bni : ; If there is anybody entitled to i
leather medal for conspicuous idiocy it Is th
man who put down or caused to bo put dowi
on two defective places on the Sixtccnt !
street viaduct two blocks of wood rnisei
throe Inches above the level of the wnlli
There would seem to bo enough stumblmi
blocks for the citizens of this town , withou
the authorities putting any on thosidewnlli
Respectfully , I'UHKSTJIUN.
Tlio now offices of the Great Rocl
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth nnd Fin-nan
streets , Omaha , are tlio llnost in the city
Call and BOO thoin. Tickets to till point
oust nt lowest rates.
Oai-Hinen's Arrival.
Professional Oarsmen John Lorgcn , th
Irish champion , and 'George D. Leo , two c
the contestants in the land regatta to bo hcl
at the Coliseum next week , arrived in this cit
yesterday morning. Fred PlntstoJ , AVallnc
Hess nnd H , D. Wise nro still in Chlcagc
where they are practicing dally.
For boquet. purity nnd hcaltbfuhies !
Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Clmmpagno liu
no rival. It is splcudid with a dinner.
London , England.
Amsterdam , Holland.
Ilujr nd sell Amerlran iccurltlei on commltiloi
in'I mlon anil on nil L'outliieutul murkcu ,
NejollaUoDi at pgwlojmi t ypcl lt/t
I'AlKf '
lUUllllC'lS ' ( UIU (
Omaha Republican Priutiug Oo. ,
Iaw brlufsi , bunk snpiillcM. nml everything In tl
frlntltiK lino.
lOthnml IhniKl.n street" .
Ackcrmanu Bros. & Hoiutzo ,
l'rlnter. , binders , eledrotypors , blank book
lllitllownrl xtroot. Omnhn.
Oharlcs A. Ooo & Oo.t KirkondallJonos&0 , (
Wholeialo .Mnntifnctiir' !
Manufncturcrs uiul Jub-
Ak-ents for lloston Kill
bor . berShofCo. , llui , 110
IKttllownrit ftreet. nntl IlUt ) lliirner St.
Williams , Van Aor- "wT V. Mono & Oo'
Shoo Knclnrjr , Corner lit
r & Harto
nam , anil Douitlai t < . .Uimi
1212 llnrney i-trect , bn. Morcbantn Invite
Omnlin , Neb. to call nml etnnilne.
Louis Hcllor ,
IlutcherV nml 1'nckcn
Tools A Kiiiillo | | . lloe
hoi ; \ sheep riislnus.
1IKI-1II8 Jnckson St.
Columbus Bugiry Oo. ,
CurrloKCs , rnrts
0. II. lMwnnl ! . Mann
3l,1-iKi Sontli Kith.
Omaha Carpet Oo , , Gilmore & Euhl.
Carpets , ol ! cloth' , mat MnnufncturenVholi
tings , curtain Kooil > , ctc. sale Clothiers ,
1511 Donuhis street. HWltiirtiey St.
West & Fritsoher , Dean , Armstrong <
Mnnufncturcrs HncclKnrn Oo , ,
jobbers of leaf tobaccos. 402 N. IBth Struct.
1011 Knrnani street. "Hello ! " 1439.
Omaha Goal , Ooko and Ooutant & Squires ,
Li mo Oo. II U nr.d Boft conl hlf
TInrit nni ) sottconl. Per. " ,
S. K. Cor. ICth nnd Doug- 1303 fa muni reet ,
Ins atrocti. Oinnha
Hulbert & Blum , Harmon & Weeth ,
Ohio lurnp.ltock Sprlnits , Acmolump , Kimlnlumi
Kxt'i'lfdor , Walnut block , Wnlnnt tilock unit An-
rcrcenud nut , nntbinclto , thrncltceonl ,
( inllhlnc. sti-nin.
Ofllco 119 .
. N. ICtli street
OfflcoSUa. 15th st.
American Fuel Oo. P. H. Mahoney & Oo ,
Shippers nnd dpiilers in Ilnnl-Conl Soft.
antnrnelto nnd bltn-
uilnuus conl. Offices SM N. ICtli nnd 001
215 S. 15th htreot. 10th nnd Douglas sta.
Nebraska Fuel Co. , Howcll & Oo , ,
213 S. 13th street , 21TS. 14th street ,
Oninhn , Neb. Omalm , Nob.
J. J , Johnson & Oo , , Johnson Bros , ,
218 S. 1.1th street , 0141'lirnnm street ,
Omnhn. Neb. Omnhn , Neb.
Mount & Griffin , 0. B , Havens & Co. ,
213 S. lUh street , 1S02 Fnrnnm street ,
Orunhn , Neb. Orunhn.
Eagle Cornice Works , F. Ruemping" "
MnmifncturersofCJnlvim- Onlvnnl/ed Iron cornlcoi
Ized Iron Cornice. Hornier Vflndows , < lee
\ \ In , enps , tlnlnls , etc. Tl
etc. 1110 nnd 1112 Iron anil Hlntn roofer.
JJodKeSt. bll r'urnani St.
M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatrick-Kooli Drj
Dry goocN , furnishing Goods Oo , ,
KooUs , notions. Dry Rooila , mitlon.x , Kent !
f urnMtlni ; Koodi ,
Cor. llth nnd Hownnl sis. Corner llth nmt llnrnej
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illuslrntoil Cntnloguo
1CU Cnplto 'Avenue.
Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Nortkwnll ,
Martin Oo. , Ocnornl western nucn
Corner Jones and Vtli tin. Sknmlln I'low Co ,
Uninliu. Nub. Ml-1 ! Ml Sherman uvo.
Broken Bo.w Holler E. T , Davis Mill Oo.
Milling Oo , , SII nt St. Joseph.
Ofllcn ami warehouse , Omnhn House , *
1012 N. lUth street. Cor. Etli nil JnoUson xtn
S. F , Oilman , Clemens Osknmp ,
M'f'g of romly to rnlsi
1014 N. IGth 'Iroet. rllnh Jitek Monl , lines
rnkuH III thu worlil ,
C. K. Hlack , - InnnK liOT-lSff , S. 2Jth street.
Dewey & Stone Pur- Ohas , Shiverick & Oo
niture Oo ,
Fumltiiro nnj Carpet e
Kurnltnro ami cnrpeti ,
111.1-1119 Farnnm utreet , 120i-lS10 Karnam St.
Schneider & Loorais , J , T. Eobinson Notioi
Co. ,
Jobbers nml Importer1) of
( lontn1 furnlthliiK nooila
notions nml furnlslilni ; m'f'i ; celotir.itoil brani
KOOllS , "lluckskln" ovcriilla
I > nnt9. Hhlrt * . onatH. etc
1111 Howard street. Cor. 12111 iinil llowiml nts
Kennard Glass and J. A. Puller & Oo , ,
Paint Oo.
, 1402 Douglas Street ,
U03-I412 Hiirncy street ,
a , Neb , Oinnha.
"William Ouinrniugs , Blako. Bruce & Oo , ,
017 nnil Cl'J South ILth St. , UOtMKM T aTOnwortb t.
Omnhn , Not > . Omnhn , Neb.
Allen Bros , , MoCord , Brady & Oo
1114 Hnrncy street , ISthnnil Lcuvcnwortli ,
Oiunlm , .S'eb. Omiihu , Nvbrnikn.
Hugli G. Olark ,
AK < Mlt
nupont'n ( imipowdor ,
lilnitlnv rap , fine , utc.
J'18 llarner etreot.
Hector & Wil bel my Oo LoQ-Olark-Andreesoi
Hardware Oo.
ta , ,
Cor , 10th and Jacknou
llOa-1110 llurnor street ,
Ouiubt. Umuba.Na b.
* Y
Works ,
William Darst.
niu ut , uo , |
i nml Genuine S'o-
bor Oo.
Louis Bradford ,
f.lino , Coincnt. Kto , lOte. Lumber , lime , cementeta
Cor. Pth nail Donglm. BU Dunelni street.
0. A , Stonohill , I. Oborfoldor & Oo , ,
Jlllllncry , Notions Importers nml Jobbers In
Clunks , itc : Millinery
SOS.JIOnml 212 South llth
11C-1I8S. ICthSt. , Omnlin Mrci't.
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo , A. Hospo , Jr. ,
> t'f'Bjc clor ! , ilonlcrs In I'lunos , Orinin. ! ArtlstJ *
muDlcnl Instruments ,
etc. , MntiTlnli , itc. : ,
Fnnmm nnd IGth. 1MI : DuiiKt'iN ' Mroct.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo ,
llellncil nnd lulirlcntlnu
oils , nxlo cronso , etc.
A. II. lllshup , MniiUKer.
A , Booth Packing Co. , Platt & Co. ,
Oysters , flsh nnd cnnnod Tiger brnml , " fresh ojJ-
li-rt ,
ROOllS. flmiilinlirnmli.
ISOS Loftvcnvrorlli. 815 niul 617
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'lta ' _
Carry n full xtook of ( , oM , nllrer nml nlokel
nnd plating on nil niutali ,
, wrnpplMK
printing tnliieiMue , oto .rt'plntoil.
\\rltlnK paper , cnril pa rillslillik'liriv < i .1 fluin *
per , etc. ( lollcr utk. UK Duileu.
Ribbel & Smith , Schroecler & Oo. ,
DeiiltT.i In country ( iroil- Cnsh buyers Initter nnil
uco , fruits , TCKctnblus , UXM , nn 1 coin *
etc. mission nu'rclinnt * ,
etc.I2U7 Hownnl street. SonllilltlintrccU
Phelps Bros , , E. B. Branch & Co , ,
Country product , fruits , I'roiliicp , fruits of nil
etc. kinds , oystcrx ,
1216 Howard street. 1211 Howard Btrcct.
0. Eosso & Oo. , Eobart Purvis ,
1S17 Iluwnnl ctrc'Ct.
Korclun , California nnd
\Vrllo for prlcoi on butter -
trnplenl fruits ,
ter , CKK , poultry and
1213 Hownrd street.
Porter Bros. Oo , , Olark & Oj. ,
California , Florida nnd
Hutler , oliui'ic ,
. OH
pnnltry and Kiiinn ,
- Jones struct.
O.V. . Units , - MnniKor. nr.iBoiithl3tlirtiecL
Kirschbraiin & Sons , Williams & Cross ,
Ilutter , CKKS and poultry. I'roduco nml frulti ,
1209 Hownrd street. 1214 Ilnrnoy street.
Bates & Oo , ,
Country produce , fruit' ,
vi'notable * , urocurs1
iliucl.iltlci. tu'i" , spleos ,
etc. 417-41' ! S. lltli St.
Omaha Rubber Oo , ,
Manufacturing nnd Job-
liemull klniM ruljlHT
KOO | 4.
100S rniiuini street.
A. L. Deano & Co. , Emerson.Seoil Co , ,
Gonernl iittcnts for Hull's Seed ( rrowors. rtoiler.s In
Hafes. Knnlen. ur.iss , Kmlnanj
321 nnil Si' ' Suutli 10th St. , treuneo K ,
Omnhn. 4 1-421 South l.'itli.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Smb. & Door Co.
.Slunufnottirera nf unsh , i of iiiouU *
doom , till nit H nnil InjJS ItllniH , Uour t
MonldltiKH. llriinchof- rlo.
tlce , 12tli "ml I/.nr I ts. KUhnml CLirkxlrecU
Parrcll & Oompiny , DafTy-Trowbridgo
Wholesnlo mnnfact'irora Steve Minufao'g Oo-f
, molnisui unit
eyrups '
- -
217-219 South 8th street. Lonvcnwortli 9
Consolidated Ooffeo
( lonipany ,
1114 ami 1410 llnrnoy t.
Omnhn. Nub.
H. Hardy & Oo. , The Omalia Typo
Toyn , ilolls , nll > inn , fnncr .
Printer1 Biii > i > no *
poods , house f n rnhliliU Now iinil -i''l'l ' ' li na
Kooils , chlMron's cnr- inrirhliicry.
1118 llmviinUtreot.