THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THFESDAY , NOVEMBER 20 , 1890. HELD UP BY HIGHWAYMEN , County Olcrk O'Malley ' Has a Thrilling Mid night Experience with Bobbers. RELIEVED HIM OF ALL HIS VALUABLES , A During nobbcrjr Under ( tin Shadow [ or tlio JIIKh School A Dry Goodi I'nlitco Scoured Other News. County Clerk O'Mitllcy lind a thrilling ox- pcrlcnco with footpads Tuesday night. HU experience cost him $ COln cash and a Bold wiitch nnd chain worth $125. Thu county clerk lives at Twenty-sixth and Chlrngo streets , nnd in going homo usually walk * west on Furmitn to Twentieth , on Twentieth to Dodge nntl westonDodgo to Twenty-fifth , following the route of the Jlnrnoy nnd West Dodge motor line to take ndvntitn o of tlio electric lights that lllumln- Htc Itio wny. Iln was goIriK homo Tuesday nlelit n llttlo Inter thiin usual nnd was passing alotiR the UoiiRp sticut sldo of the high school grounds When ho met with thu experience ho will not teen forget. Wlien Ju it In front of the stone steps that Jcnd ii ) ) to the high school from Dodge street two won with rrmslc-covcrcd faces and revolvers vers In hand Hprnng from the shadow of the Will mid commanded Mr. O'Malloy to throw lip his hitiida , n command that the surprised uflk'lal lott no tlmo In oboyinp. The highwaymen uvidentlv understood their business nnd went to work In a inntmav that fonvlncca Mr. O'Alalloy that ho was in the Imnds of exports In their lino. Olio of the men placed a revolver at Mr , O'Mnlloy's temple nnd admonished him in language convincing if not elegant that any attempted resistance or outcry would ho taken as an excuse for some pistol practice with the county clerk's hraln-holdcr ns u tar- got.Mr Mr O'Malley didn't say a word. The purtuor of the gentleman with the pistol tel with deft lingers went through Mr. O'Mnlloy's pockets , relieving them of their vnltmblu contents. lie was apparently satis- lied with results , ns he drew out ? CO in cash nntl n line gold watch and chain. These ho transferred to his own pocket nnd then has tily lieat u retreat down a neighboring street. As tlio sound of this villlau's footsteps died away the robber who was making the gun ) ilay faced Mr. O'Malley toward homo and told him to skip , threatening to shoot him if ho Inokt'd hack , Mr. O'Malloy reinomliered the story of Lot'A wlfo with n shudder , nnd kept , his ores in front of him until ho was safe in his home. The matter was reported to the detective force , nnd nn cITort is being made to locate 1 ho robbers from descriptions furnished by Mr. O'Malley. A DltY GOODS 1'AtiACIS. It Is to Ho ICrootcil on the N.V. . Cor. of Kltlt and Doucliui Streets. One of the most valuable sites In Oinahn , the northwest corner of Sixteenth and Doug las streets , has been secured by eastern cap italists ana will Inside of n few months bo occupied by one of the fluest business pnlncos of the west. The building will bo of tluss ; mid Iron , have a douhlo front- u o on both Sixteenth and Dou las streets , ho six stories in height mid supplied with nil the latest mod era Improvements , In this Inilldlng , by Omnhti parties , will bo established ono of the largest wholesale and retail dry good stores In the west. It will bo conducted on n most liberal scale such ns the opportunity and the location affords anil will in every manner bo worthy of Omaha. . Doimghuo the florist , who has occupied the site for many years , is retiring from the corner nnd work upon the now structure will bo commenced early in January. The jilans are now being inailo and will bo ready by that lime. Tlio building will bo opened in time for the fall trade. "Albright's Cliolco. " Hoys' Soliool Ifosc. " \Vo olTor at our hosiery counter HOYS' HEAVY COTTON RI1JUED SCHOOL HOSE , solid ftibt , non-crock ing black. Sizes 0 } , 7 , 71 , 9 , 01 , 19c ; 19c ; 19o ; 19o ; 1'Jc ' ; Voi'th " M and H5o u imir. Tht\y will bo appreciated by every inotbor. inotbor.MISSES' MISSES' RIBRED HOSE. Si'/.os 0 , 0 } , 7 , 7 } , 8 , ! ! oo ; Hoc ; H5u3c ; ! ! ; 35c ; tvorth f > 0c to 76c a pair. Those ai-o gon- \ilno reductions. DR. JAEGER'S Indies' , mifisos' and children's union Bulls , bleeping BiiitB , night gowns , hos- lory , ole. Solo Omaha agency. Road lidv. on Istjmpo. T1IE MOUSE DRY GOODS CO. Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Boo bldg. UNION VS imOTHBKIIOOl ) . l Icmlers of tlio Ijiitior nro Objecting to Heliiir Kxpclleil. Ever slnco the organization of the brother hood of machine moulders of North America Which was effected In 18SJ , in Detroit , Mich , tlio National Iron moulders1 union of North America Gas waged an implacable vrq against It. At least this Is what John A Teuton , the president and secretary of th Brotherhood , asserted to a Ben representative Mr. J'cnton further stated that about three weeks ago the aggressive action o the Iron moulders' union beeatn unbearable , and ivhllo the brotherhooi was disposed to suttlo thodltTcrcnras oxlstinL bottvcou the two organizations , the unloi would not entertain thu idea of any kind o compromise , but , on the contrary took stop to expel any member of the organization wu b.api > oiiod tobolong to the brotheihood. This brought things to an issue anil , as a consequence , Mr. 1'cnton was sent out hereto to obtain legal redress. Ho has employed an attorney for the brotherhood , nnd this attor toy has Hied a petition in Judge \Vnfco _ 6y's ' court praying that n restraining order bo issued by tlio court , which will prc vent the National Iron Moulders1 union from expelling members of the brotherhood slmplj on the ground that they are members of th brothcihood. Mr. Ponton asset ts that th' ' brotheihood will fight the matter to the em nnd , the organisation is amply supplier , with funds , to carry on the struggle , ho expressed pressed himself as continent of u suecessfu termination of the contest so far as th Lrothcrbood Is concerned. After muling- the potltlonnnd hearing th Statement of the attorneys , Judge \Vakolo , printed an Injunction lestralnlng the defend' tints from expelling any of the members from the union itt a meeting to bo held Friday plght. The case Is set for hearing Saturday morning. f "Albright's Choice. " Rend Morso's adv. on Sth pago. Tin 1 ted States Court. In the United States court yesterday morning 3udgo Cnldwoll occupied a sent bcaldo Judge jJundy in the lnro court room. 1'no case of John P. Lally against the Omaha and Grant smelting nnd roilulng com pany was remanded to the district court of ' Dou'sli" county. This Is nn action for $3,000 dnmngcs for injuries received by the plain tiff on September 28 , 18S9 , while in the era- ploy of the smelting company , caused by a ' water Jacket" fulling on him. The case was nppemcd to the United States court on the ground thnt the plaintiff was a "cltl/cn" of thOBtntoof Nebraska while the defendant was n "citizen" of Colorado. The plaintiff movivl to remand on the ground that the ixHltlon for removal did not over that the defendant wasa "non-resident" Df Ncbra.sku the motion wai sustained. "Tlmo is money : " If you have a bad cola don't mo | > o around and half do your work. Clot a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ; take n dose at night and g tup the next morning- cured. You need not dcspalrl Salvation oil will JjeM your burnt arm without a tear. SScenU. THE nivOISTUAUS. They Will Moot Tills Week to Correct tlio Voting lasts. The suporvlsors of registration will sit In the various polling districts of the city on Friday and Saturday of this week and on Saturday of next wools to rovlso the registra tion for the city election on Tuesday Decem ber P. The following changes In tbo board of supervisors have been undo by tbo council to Jill vacancies ! Fifth ward , second district , Cnarles Wnt- Idns , vice D. H. Knight ; Sixth ward , fourm district , William P. Thomas , vice Vf. T. P. Wood ; Third wnrd , second district , George B. Fleming and Frank AV. Meyer , vice William McCuno nnd D. J. Burgess ; Second ward , tnird district , William I arquahnr vice Stephen Schrald. Ono matter in connection with the registra tion Is not generally understood. When n voter removes from a precinct In which ho is registered ho Is required to get n certificate of removal from thu board of ruglstratlon in his former district heforoho can bo registered lu another ward or district. This is necessa ry to avoid double registration. "Albright's Choice. " Read Morse's ndv. on 8th pago. Dr. Birncy cures catarrh , Boo bldg. A Dltetiod Train. A thrilling nccldont occurred on tbo Twentieth street crossing of the Union Pa cific Tuesday night. The switching crew in charge of Foreman James Kyan , with Engi neer Jerry Fitztnoms , left Soutli Oninha at 8:40 with n train of meat for Council Bluffs. The train came to a stop nt Twenty- fourth , the foreman turned the switch to con tinue on the cast-hound track as usual and plunged Into the now brldgo over Twen tieth street , from which this track hnd been removed during the day. The engine , tender foremost , plowed over the ralllcss bridge nud half [ juried itself In the mud oa the cast sldo. Foreman Kyan was thrown from the foot board of the tender , but sustained no injury. The ilremnn was thrown out of the cab window , while Engineer Fitz- morris was pitched against the llrcmau's seat , striking on his bcud , nnd receiving be sides slight injuries on tbo body. Ho was unconscious when taken from the cub , but soon revived and was removed to tbo rcsl- dcnco of bis brother , 013 South Seventeenth. The cause of the acci dent was tbo failure of the proper onlclals to notify tlio crew of the removal of the track over tbo bridge. The swltcbtendur also failed to notify the crew or spike the switch. The escape of the crew from serious injury was miraculous , _ "Albrights Choice. " Read Morse's adv. on Sth pago. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo Bldg. Tbo l > njy nnd Poultry Slinw. RS323 It is evident enough at this early day to predict that the coming stiow to bo given by ttio Nebraska State Poultry and Pet Stock association will bo the largest display of dogs , poultry and pots over bold west of Chicago. Fanciers from Nebraska , Kansas , Iowa , Missouri and tbo Dukotas will attend. The premiums nro most liberal. In poultry nlone the total amount of prizes sums up $4G.i ; pigeons and otber pet stock , such ns cage birds , etc. , Sfi , and , it mav ho added , that children are especially invited to enter their cugo birds free and obtain the gold prizes. The dogs have some fifty-five ] classes in the following order : Mastiffs , St. Ilornards , Newfoundland , greyhounds , pointers , English setters , Gor don setters , Irish setters , spaniels , fox hounds , bcat'lcs , fox terriers , bull dogs , bull terriers , collies ( orsbopard dogs ) , pugs , Ital ian greyhounds , nnd a miscellaneous class not provided lor above. Now , Omalm contains n grcnt number of thoroughbred dogs , but owing to laclc of In ducements their owners have not heretofore exhibited them. Hero is an opportunity to have them Judged by competent bauds and receive most liberal prizes. The manage ment promise every cent taken In shall bo paid out to the winners and expenses of the affair. The names of the Judges will bo given In TUB SUNDAY Ben of Novem ber 23. The fanciers of Omaha sboald turn out and do something this time , nnd not allow the prize money to bo carried out of town. The Lady Godivn must have had exception ally long hair slnco it completely concealed her lovely person , Slnco JVyer's Hair Vigor came into use 'such examples are not so rare ns formerly. It not only promotes the growth of the hair , but gives it a rich , silken texture. Marrlngo J/iconsos. The following marriage licenses were is sued by Judge Shields yesterday ; Namonua nddross. Ago. j Sncnccr Jackson , Omaha . 2 ! ) 1 l.uur.i llrmlluy , Omaha . -J I Josupli nveisnn.Omahn. . ,13 ICarollnu ftl. Nyborg , Omalm . S3 j Murray M.Dawson , Omaha . Ill I MtiuiluVllioii , Omaha . 23 j John Suablon. Cass county . 3 ( Ji'sMuM. Diivln , Caos county . .7 ( Joseph HiKgliison , Omuhu . 27 I l.uulh Msutlii. Omaha JOrrlnV. llurr , Chlcaiso . M ( Siadiollrockwiiy , Chicago . -a J John Meyer , South Omaha . 21 ( Mary blunni , Houtli Omaha . 21 j A. Ij. Iill.litirrt'1) , Oninlia . 23 I Ida Jl. Ciiilsou , Oinulia . 27 J Andrew T. ? chout > e , Oinnha . SI ( MurluJ. Klludt , Omaha . 2U _ _ i ii - 1 1G02. Sixteenth nnd Farnam streets Is the now Rook Island ticket odlco. Tick ets to all points cast at lowest rates. Tlio Secretary on Ilnnd. John R.Mcagbansccrotary of the Nebraska state poultry nnd pet stock association , arrived la the city yesterday. Mr. Mcgahan may bo found at tlio Merchants ready to ro- celvo entries for the coming poultry and dog show whlcli opens up Monday , November 21 , " ' Choice. " "Albright's . Through coaches Pullman palace sleepers , dlnlngcars , free reclining chair cara to Chicago and intervening points via the great llock Island routo. Ticket olllco 1002 , Sixteenth nml Furnatu. As a Rule , Ills best not to attempt to remedycottlro * ness | j ; the use of saline or drastic purgv tires. When a cr.tliartlc medicine Is needed , the most pf jipt nnd beneficial U Aycr's I'llls. Th9r effect h to restore the regular action of till ! bowels , without weakening them , llclngsugar-coatedthese 1'lllsict.ila tlielr medicinal virtues for n long time , and are easy to take. " I can recommend Ayer's rills nbovo nil others , having long prorcil tlielr value ns cathartic for mrscllnnil family. " J.T.Hcss. LcttbsTllle , I'a. "In 1853 , liy the advice of a friend , I began tno use of .Ajer's Tills as a remedy for bil iousness , constipation , high fevers , nnd colils. They sorted mo better than any thing I had previously tried , nnd I hare used , them In nttaeka ot thnt sort crcr since. " II. W. Hersli , Judjonla , Ark. Ayer's Pills , rncrxnED nr DR. J. C. AYEB & CO , , Lowell , Kasa. Sold by all Dealers In atcdlclucs. * * * - - . . . , . , I took Cold , I toolr Sick , ! I TOOK SCOTT'S ' RESULT : I talio My Monls , I take My Host , AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON J felting ftit Ion. FOR Scott's mulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil andHvpophosphitesofLimoand SedaN ° r ONLY CURED MY Ilicip- iciit CoiiNinni > lloii HUT IIUILT ME UP , AND IS NOW WITTING FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE RATE OF A FOUND A DAY. I TAKE I r JUST AS EASILY AS I DO MILK. " SUCH TESTIMONY IS NOTHING NEW. SCOTT'S KMUI.SION is DOINOWONDERS DAILY. TAKE NO OTHHR. TRADEMARK Tin OHEAirRADE MARK KNOLliMI ItKM- EDY * Anunfall * Jnff euro for Sum * I rial Weakness , SiicrnmtcrrUooa , Inipotrncy nnd nil discuses Hint follow us n no- qucnco of Self- tibUBO , as Lens of Memory , Unlver- BEFQRE TAKIMO. > ai J.HBBIUKIO AFTER TAKING , I'nln In the Duck , Dlinno ! " ) of Vision , 1'rcmaturo Olil AKO , nnilinnnyothprdUcnics Unit lenil tu tnianlty orcniiMiniptlonnml npiomatiiro imwo. IVL'ullpni tlculnrs In our immphlot , which we tlo- alro to HOIK ! I too by mall to every ono. tf'l'lio Spo- clllo Mctllclnu ls unit ! nt f 1 per ] > ackng , or nix puck- ngci for l' > , or irlll bo sent free by mail on roculpt of tbo money , by mlilresslnif THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 FAUXA3I STUEKT , OMAHA , NEU. On noconnt of eountcrfclti wo have adopted the yellow wrapper , tuu only ijunulno , If You Have No nppolKo , luiIlKCfttlon , 1'lnttilciice , Hlclt Ilcatlucho , all mu Uonii/'lo * iuu Hcali , you will flud the remedy yon need. Tlior loiionri flio wouk Htomnch nnd iMillcl uptliu flitKRliiNT oiicrKlc" . HiifTci'tTH from nioiittilorpliyHiculovernooltwlllflud relief rrouilligiii. Mlcolyaugur coutotl , SOLD EVERYWHERE 0. L. ErioksonLocal Agt,200 N.lGth St DRINK EXCELSIOR SPRINGS " " . -"WATERS "Sifts Nilure't Tonic , Diuretic and Uric Solvent. fOLIJ ONLY IN BOTTLES BT C. B. MOORE & CO. , Agli. 1515 Dodge St. DB. MCG-REW THp SPECIALIST. Mnro tliim UJFIPA'ciporloncotn ( ho Irontmrntof PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro irunrnntcotl in3 to flto tlajs without tlioloji hour's time. STRICTURE Pormnnentlr cured without pain or Instruments ! no cutting : nudllMlnK. Ttt ? tno t romnrkablo reiuodjr knoim tu modern nolcneo.Vrito ( or clrculnri. SYPHILIS CURED IN 3O TO OO DA.YS. Dr. Mcdrew's trcntrncnt fortliHI rrltilo blood dls. ensfl Inn been pronounced thu vmit powerful anil Micccs fiil remedy over discovered for tlio nlxulutu cuteof thli Ulscano. Ills success with thin dhenis liasnovorbpon enunllcd. A complete 11'iiuuUA.ii * ANIECD.Vrlt rur rlrrnlnrs. LOST MANHOOD nmlnll weakness of tlioaexual orennv nervomnpsj , timidity urn ! doiponilencjr ntnolutolr cured. Tlioro- Hells Immediate and complete. SKIN DISEASES , Cntnrrli , rlicumatl'm , and all illwoiot tlioblool liver , kidneys nml bludilcr | > crmnni'ntly cured , FEMALE DISEASES nnd neuralgia , nervousness and Oln'n'os of the stom. ncli cured. U'he Doctor's "Homo Trontinont" lot Indies Is pronounced bj nil who have u < it It , to bo tliomont coiup'oto nnd ooiiTcntciit remedy over of fered fur the Irnntmcnt of foninlo cllseiuci. It Is truljr n wonderful remedjr , No Instruments ; no pain , iiotms run l.ADtr.H riioM JTO 4 , DR. McGREW'S marvelous MICCOS * lias won for him n reputation vriitcli Is truly nntlonnl In clmrnotur , nnd his grout nrmr of patients reaches Irom the Atlantic tn tlio I'ncltle. The Doctor Is n grmlunto of "iu : < > Ul < AU" medicine and hMlind lonenml careful experience In ho pltnl prnctlcc , nml Is olnssoil among the IcniUru specialists In moilorn iclonco Treatment by corro- Kponilunco. IVrlto for circulars about eachof tbe nbovo diseases , HIKE. Office , 14th and Farnam Sts Entrance on cither street. DFt. TlbllNivr . BUT AND SUSPIHSORlf crKKHMIii'Zfcfc ' . llSKt , Uti\t \ for IhlitpitiCe pur. roie , Curpol < 1tntratlT ttftfc ft . giving Frvtl ; * Mild , Kooth * \ny \ , rnntlauoa * ( yrrrnli of KlfMrleltr throavh 11 U'KAK rARTH.mtorlDKthcmtollKALTIlMnilflMMtUIHKTIlK.iKnil Itltctrlc ( nrrnl Ktlt Inilnn1lr c > r we forfeit ti.l UO la enih V11LT nd Hacpraivrj CompIt'll1 f S * and up * Mor i ciuei Per * ntavailf larftl in thrct monthi. Hulpa ptnplilet Kree , RUlDis E1EOTR10CO. . KD L s.u. Hi. , tHICAOO. ILL G,8 , , WATCHES. DIAMCDNDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agontin Omalm lorGorham Man ufacturing' Co'u Sterling' Silverware MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH CUT GLASS and CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the Largest and Our Prices the Lowest Come nml sec us. Cor. Douglas & 15th St THE STANDARD COCOA OF THE WORLD. UNLIKE TEA & COFFEE-GOOD FOR THE NERVES. The claims of cocoa as a useful article of diet are steadily winning recognition. Unlike tea and coffee , it is not only a stimulant but a nourisher ; and it has the great advantage of leavingno narcotic effects. Hence it is adapted to general use. The strong may take it with pleasure , and the weak with impunity. VAN HoiniN's COCOA "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " t tW HouTES'a Oooox ( "onco tried , nlvijra med" ) leaves no Injurious effect * on tin nerioulatom. . It'ino wonder , therefore , that In ll puti of the world , this tnmlor't Coooa U recommended by medical men liuteud of tea ( Hid GuflTee ot * oilier coconinr cliiicolutem far < lnlly u by children cirnilulU , linle und tickrich nn < I iinar. "I-irgrst ale In thoiiorU , " AsVlor VJIK ItoCTEN'fland laitnoaktr. w WOONSOCKET & RHODE ISLAND J We carry the BIG STOCK of the west , quote Eastern prices and are BOO miles nearer you than any other market. Correspondence solicited. American Hand S wed Snoe Co. , OMAHA - Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots. BCdTIlNTAL CLOTHING t Express anct Mail Orders- We send Goods to any address C. O. D. with privilege of examina tion , and if they are not satisfactory , may be returned at our expense. In every case where goods are paid for by money ardor and are not found satisfactory , money will be promptly refunded and all express charges paid by us. This method of doing business is very satisfactory to our out-of-to-wn. customers. Be careful to state definitely what you want and \ve will spare no pains in filling your order. Special Bargain Lines from which your orders will be filled until they are closed. Don't wait two or three days and then order. Oi'doi. ' iio-w. These lots are special values and will not last long. MPM > ( TiPPT SPECIAL BARGAIN LINES T S HT 1 < Q 00 1Y1JL1M O JUJL1 1.OF MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS at $8LUI 1 , pO.UU We will sell this week 1BO Men's Sack and Frock Suits , made from a neat brown checked cassiinere thoroughly reliable neat in appear ance , perfect-fitting , at $8.OO per suit , We know their value as an ad vertising medium. They will make friends for the Continental wher ever they are sent. We advertised them on Sunday and the orders for out of town are coming in every mail. These goods can only be sold at this price for the reason that we manufacture them in large quantities. The usual retail price for this suit is $12 to SIB. Remember , sacks and frocks at $ S.OO. If not as represented , return to us and have the price promptly returned. Sizes 34 to 42. Samples of the cloth -will be sent before you order if you prefer. ] $10.50. Lot No. 2 , Black Cheviot Frock Suits , Price $10.50. We will sell this weelc 150 Men's Black Cheviot Frock Suits at $1O.8O. This style of goods has been-worn , this season almost exclu sively. We guarantee ! this lotto be strictly all-wool and fast color , and properly made and trimmed. "We will not sell clothing at any price which is not properly made. We do not sell shoddy. This is a suit of clothes which cannot be owned by the average dealer at $1O.BO. It is the quantity that makes the price. Samples of the cloth will be sent to any address , but you can tell very little about it unless you see the complete suit ind examine it in every particular. "We are , satisfied what the verdict will be when you see it. We don't have one package in , twenty returned and with care in sending measurements , we have no trouble about fitting. The sizes on this line run from 34 to 42. Measurement blanks will be sent on application. ffiS.75. Ls.OT NO. S. Men's All Wool Pantaloons. Price Cheviot . $2.75. Men's strictly all wool Cheviot Pants , full winter weight , made well and to fit at $2.75 per pair cannot be bought every day , "We will fill orders for $2.75 $ from this lot just as described , but if you prefer , send for samplesof the cloth. We ma"kc them up to 42 waist. The style of the goods is a neat check , looks just like a Scotch Cheviot and wears better than any other domestic goods in the market This style was made for the Continental and not a yard of this goods is owned by any other firm in the country , Remember the price , $2.75 , sizes 32 to 42 waist , Children's Dept. Lot No.4 , Children's Knee Pant Suits , $3.50 We will place on sale beginning : Wednesday morning , 250 pure all wool cheviot knee pant suits , size 6 to 12 , at S3.50 per suit , made without belts , small sizes plaited and large sizes plain. You can't ' du plicate this Ihic outside of our store for less than $5 : Remember they are knee pant suits for a Ci from 6 to 12 years , strictly all wool , Send money order and goods will be promptly shipped with the understanding that you need not keep them if they are not satisfactory. Boy's Long Pant Suits , Price $7. Lot No , 5 is a special line of high cost long pant suits , strictly all wool , to fit boys'Ia cs 13 to 17 , at $7. Many suits in this lot sold for $10 $ and $12 , but the sizes are broken and we have made one bargain lot at $7. Boy's Cape Overcoats. Lot No. 6. Special Bargain Lines , at $3.OO , $3.5O and $4.OO. Nobby styles and neat fitting garments at this price are scarce. "We take the same care in manufacturing this priced goods aswe dowith tliefiner'grades. The sizes-sire " from 4 to 12 , with full length capes. Prices from $3 to $4.5O. At $4-.8O we will send you as good a garment as is needed for service. We have never offered a better line of Child ren's Overcoats than we have this season. FREELAND , LOOMIS & CO , OMAHA. BOSTON , NEW YORK , DES MOINES. To live up to all that you make is an error. Not to carefully consider where to buy and why you should buy is an error. To pay a big price for clothing because the store advertises heavily and charges big rates in order to maintain big expenses is worse than an error. To suppose that you can do better than you can at the Misfit Parlors is an error. To pay $35.00 for a ready-made suit when the Misfit Parlors will sell you a $45 custom-made suit for $20.00 is an error. To pay $6 and $8 for poorer pants than the Misfit Parlors will sell you $3 and $4 is an error that costs. ALL ALTERATIONS DONE FREEDFCHA.RG 1:1 O 1NSURUA PERFECT FIT. WHA/T YOU CAN SAVE. SUITS. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS , PANTS. $70 custom inmlc suit for $32.50 $05 custom nmilo ovorcuut , fur $ l2.00 ! 91(5 ( custom nmilo punts for $8.25 $ ( tO custom inmlc suit tor $ ! 10.00 $ ( ! 0 custom made fur $28.50 $15 custom made pants for $7..r > 0 $55 custom inmlo suit Tor $27.50 $50 custom made orcrcont for $ 21.50 $1. } custom nuiilo pant * fur $ ( ! . " > ( ) $50 custom nimlo suit for $ 2.OU $ -15 custom iimdo fur $20.00 $12 custom uuulo pants for $ ( ! . ( ) [ ) $15 custom niiulo milt for $20.Of ) $10 ciislom nmilo overcoat for S17..50 $10 cihtom inmlo pants for $5.00 $ 10 custom inmlo sull for $18.50 $ ! iu custom made overcoat for $11.00 $ 8 custom inmlc pnnts for $1.M ) $ U5 custom inmlo suit for $15.00 $28 custom imulo overcoat fur $12.25 $ 7 custom inmle pants for. . . $ ; { . ? & FULL DRESS SUITS FOR SALE OR HIRE. ORIGINAL PARLORS , Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock. 1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309 NO OUREl ! NO FAY. DrDOW 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Berenices ! T pars' eiperlcnco. A roaulsr arsluatoln modlolne , am dlplomu sUow. 11 ulllleittrlnj wlfi ho erc'ateu iucce > allN'arrous.Chranlaanil I'rlrutoiUnoaioi. A porintnnnlcuroiiiiariintuadfur UiUrrli pvrmatorrhn-n , I/ ) t Manhood , Beralimt Weaknan. Mjht lomei , luipotuuoj , HjpliUI Utrloluru , nalitll etie * otine Illaad , bkln mil Urlnar/Orituni. N. U. 1 umranteo tiOJJur arery caio I unilnrUkti nnl ( ill cum. ( toniul'AUoa Irtu. llaokUr ( ) V rlo4 otLlfo ) outIfua. Otllctbouci 9k. ui. 19 d p , w. Buuilaf , m. to 1) in. NERVE AND BRAIN TREiiTr/iENr. / ( redflo far 'Iritcrli , niltlnet .rti.l'l.uriiu ! ] | . Wnlift- lulnMi , M nt l lMpi lo , HnlUnliiunt tlio luUInz In Iniililty s : > d Ivullni lo inlwrr ilw r anU iltAtti , I'runi turo OIJ An * , liarriinnitu. Law of Pow r tQDlttier n i , Involuntar/I'OftRf uii'l HvMjrinilorrt.aa ; cauau < l by orvr-oxtrtlun of the tirtln , eclNliutour oror-lndiiltrcnro. hach IM eonl > ln ( me rndnll'n trciv- pient. Habox. oritztor 8i. runt IT innJliirut liL VUtU oncli iirJvr ittr U lioxrn , will mnil iiurcliunr ( niaruDtno la rufund rev y if Ibo treatment ralUtu tgru. UuarutovnInauU > nUctniung toldvulrby GOODMAN DRUG CO. , UlOl'aruuu Street , Umaha