THE OMAHA DAILY I3BE , i 'IMIUESDAY ' , NOVEMBER 20 , 1890 , THE 33 AIL Y BEE. E. UOSBWATEH li-Tiion. I'L'DLISIIED MOHNING TKRMS OP 6UIIPOIUPTION. Dally and Htuulay , Ono Year . tlfl W ) HlMiioiilhi . . . . . ftOO Tlirro nionllit . . . . . . . . 2ft ) Riindny Hce.OnoYoar . 100 Weekly lice , One Venn . 100 OFI'ICKS ! Oinnlin. Tim Tire Itulldlnz. HniitliOtrtntm , Corner N mid Wth Btrccti ( ( iiincll HIiiITB , 12 Pearl BtrenU ch Icn KoCJIlleo , illTCIinmlicrnf Commprco. Now Vork.ltooms 13,11 nnd IS , Trlhuno llulldlns n , Cil'J 1'ourtut'iitli BtrcvU COUUKSl'ONDKNOB All communication1 ! reliitlni ; to IIPWS and rdltoilnl matter dhoiild bo addressed to the Kdltorlal Dcpnrtment. 1UJS1NICS3 LKTTEI19. All business lottcrs ami remlttuncrs should 1 > uililii-s < , cdUTboII ( > n I'uhllshlmt Company , Utniilin. Draf In , cbccUs nnd nostottico orders lo bo made payablu to tlio order of the com liany. The Bcc Pabllshing Company , Proprietors , The Ilco It'ld'Ki ' I'arnarn and tfcrcntcenth Hts 6WOHN bTATKMENT Of CIllOUI-ATlON Blnlnnf Nebraska. I Coiintvof DomrlM. f ss Onirso II.'JVschuck. secrutnry of The Itco J'nbll liln2 comminv. noei solemnly swpur thnl the nctunl circulation of Tim DAILY UKR for the wceit ending Nov. 15 , 1SW ! , was as fol lows : Hiindav. Xov.f ) 'j.i'.l Blonday. Nov. 10. ' . -.Slit ' Tursriny.Nov II 0.iC : , WcdncHilny. Nov. la 3J.WH Tlmrsdav. Nov. 13 20.W' ' Krldiiv. Nor. 14 l .9 b'uturduy , Nov. 13 ttUlrt Avcrago a 1,1 no Gronnr. H. T7ScntcK. Fworn to Vipfnro mo nnrt suhsortbcd In rny jnef-rnro tnislJthdar of Novcinuer. A. D..ISOO , IPKAI..I N. P. FKIL , dietary 1'ubllo. fc'talf r Nobratkn , l. _ County of DoiiRlan , Is OrotRo II. Tzsnliiiclf. bolus duly sworn , ilo- ' nnd nny Hint lie is sccrolary of Tlio Ileo 'nlillHliliic Coinpanv. that tbn uctnal nvcnico 'Inlly circulation of TUP. DAILY HKI : for tin1 month of November. I'M , was 19ilOcopies : ; for Di'd'inbcr , 18S-0. 80,018 cnnlcf ; for January , IKK ) , 1P.KK copies ! for IVIirnary. 1EW ) , 10- 'M t-npirm for JInrch , 1HX ) , ifl.813 coplPH ; for Apt II. 18PO , SOCn4 copl < - ; for May , 1RPO , SOISO rnplpH ; for June , IWH1 , JJO.I.OI conlps : for .Inly , jaoso.rracopies : forAneust , iMio.'jp.Tr.ocopies : for September , 1SCO,20.STO cojiles : for October , isnp'JO.'n'J copies , GrniifiK II. T/snnuci : . { norii lo before inc. n nil Hiilisurlbcd In inr presence , tills l tauy of Noveinbor. A. 1) . . 1SOJ. N P. Notary i'ublle. Tun imirch of the war correspondents to the frontier presents a tfrand histori cal picture. LOOK out for n now crop of dlmo nov els ns ono of tlio results of the aborig inal revival. IT is barely possible that economy was introduced in city nlTalrs by tlio combinu , but the acquaintance wns Hhorl-lived. IT is gratifying to hnvo Secretary Window explain that Uncle Sam still has a comfortable supply of money In his insldo pocket. Tin ? murmurs of revolt heard in every ward represented by combine councilmen - men foretells the coining storm. The bosses must go. LAiioit ngitatlon will continue to bo a profitable profession. Mr. Powdorlyhas boon re-olcctcd nt n salary of something moro than ton dollars a day. SHOUM > Sitting Bull accidentally or otherwise run up against federal rillc.i in motion , it Is safe to predict ho will not have Htilllcicnt breath left to untold bis tale of woe. GoviiliNOlt TlUYKit hw : fired a proc lamation right Into the midst of tlio In dian camp. If poor Lo Insists on keep ing up the disturbance now it is because ho Is an Incorrigible tough. WHIM ? the corporations uro vigorously wilt-ring among themselves , the interstate - state commerce commission is actively preparing to place a few managers bo- yoml tlio roar of the Btrifo and turmoil. CHKYKXNI ? and Uolona are in position to exchange congratulations. Both cnpturoil two senators. The opinion of the rest of Wyoming ami Montana is somewhat equatorial in temperature and Btiggcstlveness. Tin : great public who road the only correct election returns in Tin ; BKK are liaving the same experience in the matter - tor of the Indian uprising. Tin : OKI ? never allows its readers to got loft in matters of news. GixiitAi : : , PATjMiiii has encountered an unexpected obstacle in Illinois. Tlu-oo alliance farmers" hold the balance of power in the legislature , and to each ot thorn the strange idea hits occurred that the senatorial toga would look ex ceedingly well on himself. GOVKUNOU GonnoN surprised his onomles nnd friends by getting elected senator from Gcorcia on tlio first ballot. 15y the aid of railroad Influence he 1ms won aft or a very hitter light and Jay Gould secures another reliable represen tative on ttio floor of the American bouse of lords. FJIANCIS E. WAUHKN has boon elected no the colleague of J. M. Carey In tlio United States senate from Wyoming. This gives our western neighbor pot- Imps the strongest representation of tiny of thb now states , Congressman-elect Clark being also a very able and promis ing man. Governor Warren is a man of moro than ordinary ability and is thor oughly familiar with the interests of bis Btato. JIo lias for years been identified , with the homo Interests of Wyoming' , ns Carey has with its Interests at Washing ton. Together tlioy will make a strong team. SlNCK the demise of the btar routers , no gnntr has afllictoil the government niul the country with gn-cator per sistency und grocil than the jwiislon sharks quartered in Washington. Created and festered by the bounty of the government toward tlio veterans , llio rapacity anil abnormal ehcok of pen sion attorneys has bccomo a national scandal. Every precaution taken by congress to prevent imposition on soldiers entitled to pensions made the sharks all tlio moro ravenous and des perate , and to their unconscionable greed is duo the unceasing ngitatiou for more pension legislation. They are the real slmon pure patriots for revenue only , and their zeal for the old fiddlers is gauged by the size of tlio fco. The pension of- flco owes it to itself and the country to curb the pension grabbers and rigidly limit the privileges they have shame- losslv abused. Tin : AMIY O.Y Tita anouxo , The dispatches printed exclusively in THK Biu : , which announced the Impend ing gathering of troopsaround the great Indian reservations of Dakota , have been fully verified by the results. Although they were promptly denied at head quarters , within twenty-four hours tlio orders issued bore out in every respect the predictions of our Washington cor respondent. At the present writing Da kota IB encircled by a cordon of regu lars making their way to the dlsaflnctcd regions , with General Brooke hi com mand of the troops. The movement Is in many respects Identical with thai of nearly two years ago , when murmur.of discontent among the southern Chcycnnus in Indian terri tory called for a demonstration of force under orders of General Shot-Ulan. Whllo the few companies of troops in the vicinity of the Indian agency were not sufllcloiit to strike awe to the hearts of a few hundred threatening bucks , a muHSlngln force of all the garrisons of the department promptly showed the restless Indians the futility of n hostile demonstration. Practically the Hitmo condition of affairs now exists through out the entire northwest , where the Sioux , tlio northern Chcyonnos , the Crows , the SliQihoncsand the Uannocks , under the stimulus of religious fervor , are threatening1 their agents and defyIng - Ing the authorities on the agencies. While there is no good reason to be lieve that with the approach of winter , and its heavy snows , the thirty odd thousand Indians of the plains are likely to go on a raid , yet the evidences of insubordination ao such as to make it highly proper that the war department should evince the power of tlio army , anil prevent by u show of force the first semblance of nn outbreak. It Is duo lo this fooling on the part of the authorities that the present movement of troops has been ordered , and that all the army of the United States , now In garrison in the department of the Platte , lias been placed under arms. General Uroolco is now on the ground with a force ample to suppvoss the be ginnings of an insurrection. The garri sons of Forts Xlobrara and Robinson in this department , and of Fort Mcado in the department of Dakota , which sur round the Sioux reservation , nro ready to move , and most of thorn nro now at the scene of the disturbances , Wo do not buliovo that thcro will bo trouble , because the best possible method for preventing trouble has been so promptly taken. It is a matter for congratulation that the war department has acted so quickly under the advice of experienced men like General Miles , General Merrill and General Brooke , and that they have not waited for nn actual foray before sending troops to an ticipate and capture , alter long and painful delays , the Indians who have been the cause of the disturbances. A aiOAxrw K.t/r.uvir r/msr. II is now plainly evident that the out come of the recent commotion in Wall street Is to bo the formation of a gigan tic railroad trust. . Jay Gould , the Van- durbilts , and other heavy capitalists are apparently behind this movement which contemplates the control of all the trans continental lines nnd all other impor tant western roads under ono manage ment. The Union Pacific , the Atchlson , Topokn and Snnlu Fo nnd the Richmond Terminal have largely changed hands during the recent excitement and gone in the direction of the men who already control the other important links in the chain which binds the interstate com merce of the country from ocean to ocean. There can bo but one object of such an imperial trust as this the crushing of all competition. There can bo but ono legitimate result the raising of rates to the utmost limit that "tho tratllc will bear. ' ' The increased earnings must bo paid by the people , whom these railway lines servo as arteries of com merce. But what will bo the ultimate results of this aggressive move on the part of the railway magnates ? It cannot fail to add fuel to a fire that is already slowly burning awny the sup ports of corporate monopoly in this country. There is a deep-seated aver sion among Americans to paternal schemes of government and to any at tempt to obscure the line between the legitimate business of the public and the natural and proper business of indi viduals. This sentiment , oneo the safe guard of capital and enterprise , has rapidly bccomo in recent years the bulwark of monopoly. Pre suming upon this national instinct of business independence nnd aversion to anything bordering upon socialism , capital has by syndicates , combinations and trusts deprived the people of the heartfelt influence of competition. Thus a myriad of private enterprises have boon merged into a few monopolies of astounding proportions , and thus the tlmo has como when a few men 1mvo money and ncrvo sulllclont to gather into their hands all the important lines of railway that bolt the continent. It is distinctly a move directed against the business interests of the country and es pecially of the west. The sentiment of the times is strongly opposed to every species of combine or trust. The tendency of public thought is in the direction of legislation of the most aggressive character to arrest a threatening and expanding evil. The inevitable outcome of this latest move ment will bo to strengthen the demand that already cries aloud for government ownership , or control , of all the rail ways. The sound Americanism that has hitherto oppo.-cd this demand must plvo way before the necessities that those arrogant aggressions of monopoly have forced into view. TUB i JVAMiVCES. The statement nuido by the secretary of the treasury at n cabinet meeting , that the position of the treasury is por- fcctly secure and Ball-factory , cannotbut have a reassuring effect upon the coun try. This does not follow by reason of any general impression that the national finances were In an unsatisfactory shape , or that the treasury was llkoly to en counter any dltllculty in meeting its ob ligations , though these things have been suggested , but because the largo depend ence which tlio money market 1ms learned to rest upon the public treasury gives to such an avowal at this time pe culiar force as nn aid to the restoration of confidence. The secretary docs not promise tiny special nsuls tanco lo the money market , and it Is not clear that ho Is In n position lo render any were ho called upon to do so , but the knowledge that he Is abundantly able to take cave of nil demands upon the financial de partment of the government from Its regular resources , when the possibility thnt such might not bo the case had been hlnled , nud doubtless to a limited extent foareu , will certainly bring asonso ofa relief that will bo beneficial. The fact that tlio secretary proposes to keep on the safe stdo of the financial question , by spending only such money as is neces sary , will cause no "distrust of his hith erto avowed intention to go as far ns the law and prudential considerations will permit him In protecting the finan cial interests of the country. IIo could not do in a similar case , what has just boon dotio by the Bank of England to up hold the great banking house of the Baring Brothers , but BO long as the treasury hns money on hand beyond the immediate demands upon it , it taay bo rolled upon to use all authority under the law to avert a monetary crisis. As appears from the statement ot Sec retary Wlndom to the cabinet , the treasury now has over thirty-two million dollars to meet any emergency that may arise , and as receipts are unusually largo the surplus Is certain to increase In the absence of some extraordinary demand. There seems to bo no immediate danger of tills , or at any rate the treasury olllciiila do not appear to bo at all appre hensive. As to the general financial situation it seems to bo steadily regain ing the normal stage. There is still re ported tin unsettled tooling abroad , but unless something wholly unexpected should arise the worst has evidently boon passed , nnd while our own market is yet in a somewhat sensitive condition It is hardly possible that anything which might occur would again subject it to so severe a strain na that through which it has just passed. The fact ap pears to bo that wo wore in a financial condition exceptionally favorable for meeting the "shock that came rather suddenly and fiercely from London , nnd while a number of wrecks attest its se verity , the situation is doubtless moro se cure for the elimination of those weak vessels. At any rate it is a great deal to bo authoritatively assured that so far as the financial department of the gov ernment Is concerned its position is entirely sound and safe. TUKT AUK ALL Z(75KV SS The official organ of the combine has at last come to the rescue of the tax-eat- ors und boodlors. In this delightful task it treats the citizens nnd taxpayers of Omaha as chumps and idiots. Wo are assured that the present city council has been n business body nnd has boon controlled by business men , who have managed the city's affairs in a businpss-liko way. If by tnis it is meant that the leaders of the com bine have managed the city's affairs with a businoss-liko tact that has put money into their own pookots , wo will cheerfully concede the statement to be true. It has been business with them from the word go. Mr. Wheeler , the great chairman of the finance com mittee , is all business. As nn insurance agent * ho has mndo his position count for a great deal in his business. Ho hns been very thrifty in getting insurance from everybody , who had any business with his council commit tees. Ho has plastered insurance pol icies on the street railroad company's power houses and motor buildings , and demonstrated to the city hall contractor that it was to his interest to transfer his insurance policies to the companies ho represents. ChaiTeo has also run things from a business standpoint. IIo is not in the council for his health. A prominent lumber dealer declared loss than three days ago that ho proposed to spend throe thousand dollars lars to ro-clect Chnffee. How docs this man expect to got his money back ? And why is the superintendent of the waterworks company so deeply inter ested in ChafTco , who certainly is not a lucrative patron of the company as a water consumer ? Councilman Davis is also a business man who docs things in a busi ness way. IIo has been do ing a rushing business for the electric-lighting contractors , the gas company , the street railway com pany and the waterworks company. Ho is business in a minute , like hia partner , McLeary , chairman of the fire and water committee , who took the water works company's bookkeeper in as part ner within n month after his election to the council , and is running his foundry chiefly upon castings for the water company. And O'Connor Is also a very prudent business man , you know. And if ho doesn't keep all ho gets it Is his own faultWith With such business men in charge of our city's affairs , ' things are run in a business way , of course. TllK COJfJfrSSICW .VOTES. The interstate commerce commission hns at last made n practical move , agree ably to its lawful authority , for the pun ishment of western railroads that maybe bo shown to bo guilty of manipulating rates. Documentary evidence hns been presented to the grand jury of the United States circuit court at Chicago against a number of the western roads , relating chiefly to the manipulation of grain rates. It would Boom that the work of preparing this evidence has boon care fully done , and there Is reason to expect that the roads against which charges are made will bo indicted , and some of them suffer the penalties proscribed by law. law.It It is certainly time that the commis sion should take action of this kind , alike in defense of the law , in vindica tion of Its own authority mid in the pub lic Interest. The fact that the law hns been persistently violated , not alone in -tho mnttor upon which the commission has obtained evidence , but in other di rections , has boon a matter of common understanding , and the failure of the commUslon either to correct or punM ; these unlawful practices hns had the ef fect to very greatly weaken public con fidence In thiAlvJuy. The fault Is not In the law. In vmktavor other respect the Interstate commerce not may bo wantIng - Ing , It id sttnii ) uy | | clear and explicit In the authority gives tlio commission to ' " proceed ngaln'tf 1030 who violate It , and If vigorously and firmly enforced the penalties are ample to prevent violations. The rnllt'oitds hao persisted in their dis regard of tholawuecauso they have boon led to believe they could do so with im punity. It appears that the evidence on which the commission is now proceeding ngalnst the roads was obtained previous to tlio order ot some months ago reducing the rates on grain from the Missouri river and interior points of Kansas end Ne braska to the Mississippi river and Chi cago. It Is not to bo doubted that later evidence of tlio manipulation of grain rates could bo obtained if desired , but the public will bo very well satisfied If the commission shall bo successful in making a case with what evidence it is In possession of.Vhnt is wanted is such an enforcement of the law nnd its penal ties ns will convince the corporations , or moro properly their reckless managers , thnt persistent disregard of the national will and authority is n dangerous and un profitable proceeding. The interstate commerce commission Is In need of vindi cation. It has fallen under the suspicion of being indifferent , If not with bolng moro concerned for the protection of the corporations than the public , and It has consequently lost In popular confidence. It may still bo able to show that in this tin injustice has been done It , and In doing this also contribute in a very important degree toward removing some of the dif ficulties m the way of a solution ot the railroad problem. I/OH * THEY IIEDUCK TAXES. The most bare faced statement that wo have oycr seen in print is the nssor- tion of the olllcial organ of the council combine that taxes have been reduced by the very buslncss-liko methods of Wheeler , Davis and Chnffco. It takes a great deal of brass to make such nn as sertion In the face of the facts that are within the reach ot every taxyayor. Where , when nnd how has the com bine reduced city taxes ? The present council was organized by corrupt bar gains with city contractors and n shameless bargain to allow a forty-livo thousand dollar claim to the gas com pany which was In dispute in tlio courts , and which should nave been loft to the ad judication of the. court. It was common report in the city , and members of the combine wcro charged right in their faces that several thousand dollars had been paid to hold ' , them together in the organization of tlio council. No sooner had this council beoa organized than they began creating a now sot of offices for dead-beats and ward heelers who wore pensioned upon the city and have been living upon the taxpayers ever since. Those parasites nro quartered In nearly every department and the result is nn enormous increase on tlio city pay roll. roll.In In the first six months of 1889 the amount drawn by parties on the city pay roll , whoso'appointinoht Is not expressly provided for by the charter , aggregated $30,171.01. For the first six months of the present year the .amount . paid employes not expressly provided for by the charter - tor nggregated 310,250.50. Hero is nn increase of over ton thousand dollars in the first six months of this year on the extra salary lists alone. Thcro has not been ns much done in the matter of pub lic works this year as lust year and the extra payroll does not include employes of the park commission , or of the police and fire departments. Reducing taxes , indeed ! But this is only a trifling exhibit of the raid upon the taxpayers to which the comliino has given its active sanc tion. It is a matter of .record . that they re pealed the ordinance that required the street railways to pay for paving between - tweon their outside rails and refunded $16,000 to the street car company after It had been paid into the treasury under a convenient protest. This tax was loaded upon tlio property owners when the franchises which the people have voted to this company with out price nro worth millions. A few months , later they voted the right of way over the now Tenth street viaduct for which the company would have been glad to pay at least ten thousand dollars into the city treasury. What conclusion can wo reach except that the combine had to bo lubricated before they wont on record for such job bery ? Reducing taxes , indoedl IF IT were practicable to investigate the conspiracies that have existed , and still exist , under the prohibition law of Iowa by which justices of the ponce and their mercenaries have mercilessly plundered the people , the result would undoubtedly bo alarming. For years these officers of the law justices , constables and In formers hnvo been banded together to carry on the most unscrupulous espion age , and not only have thousands of In nocent persons slilTercd , but the whole peonlo hnvo been compelled to contribute to the iU-gott4n .lgnins of thcso free booters. It is reported from DCS Moines that the fee transcripts in liquor cases during the pasty | ar in that county alone have amounted , lo over ono hundred thousand dollars innd there nro other portions of the ai ito where In till proba bility the people have been nearly as badly plundered. Governor Larrabco in his final message called tlio attention of the legislature tpjjlus grave abuse and recommended remedial legislation , but nothing was donpby the last legislature. The people , h'oVevor ' , have provided their own remedy , mid after the present year the gang of marauders will find their occupation gono. Among the de moralizing effects of prohibition In Iowa none has worked much greater injury than this abuse , which oven a governor friendly to prohibition felt compelled to condemn. WITH honest , ronutablo candidates , tho.ropubllenns cnn maintain their as cendancy in the city council. To nomi nate , notorious boodlors nnd jobbers is to court defeat. AMON'a the outrageous acts of the combine , the Increase of tax exemptions stands foremost. Despite the explicit diroctioaj of the constitution that prop erty must bo used "exclusively for agricultural nhd horticultural societies , school , religious , cemetery nnd chnrlt- able purposes , " to entitle such property to exemption , the combine has placed properly worth millions of dollars on the fruo list , thus Increasing the bur dens of tnxpnyors und overriding the plain ' .otter of the law nhtl the opinion of thb city attorney. THE now constitution of Mississippi Indicates a disposition among the natives to accept existing conditions nnd make the best of them. The now organic law benevolently wipes out slavery and re pudiates secession , two notable symp toms of progress among the shotgun brigade. It forbids duelling and lot teries , grants to women equal rights with men In acquiring nnd holdIng - Ing property , establishes a commis sion to supervise railroads , express , telegraph nnd telephone companies and adopts the Australian election system for fi vo years. The chief object of the constitu tional convention lo regulate the col ored vote wns accomplished by levying u two dollar poll tax , und Imposing an educational test on and after 1SU2. This clause will affect both white and colored voters , but wns the only practical plan to insure democratic supremacy and white ascendancy. The constitution , on the whole , marks a decided advance In the shotgun politics of the state. THK republicans of the Fifth ward nro confronted with a splendid oppor tunity to elect a representative ) man to the council. O'Connor is doomed , but those who seek his place on the demo cratic ticket are not a whit bettor. The people of the ward are decidedly weary of brainless political upstarts , nnd If the republicans bring out a strong , brainy man they the active support of hundreds of disgusted democrats. The gentlemanly train raiders of Texas were foiled in their latest attempt to harvest a crop of express money by the vigilance of railroad inannsorn in provid ing armed guards for trains. Travelers by the southern routes are thus given reasonable security for their lives and belongings , with the added attraction of periodical fusihules en route , to break the monotony and give refreshing zest to fleeting scenery. As the combine bus secured the aid nnd comfort of an organ , it is to bo hoped they will favor the public with nn ex planation of the reduction of half n mil lion dollars in the total assessed valua tion , compared with the previous year , in the face of the fact , certified by the building Inspector , that four nnd a half millions were invested in buildings in Omaha during 188D. THE Business Men's union of Minne apolis hits raised a purse of ono million dollars , to bo paid out in aid of now jobbing and manufacturing enterprises located there during the next three years. The example may bo trans planted with beneficial results by every live city In the west. TrtESK are times ot strange , startling sensations. "A war about water" is raging in a leading Missouri town , whore the fluid is respected mainly for its usefulness as an adjunct to naviga tion. JUST now the exactions of the cam paign are such that Mr. Wheeler cannot stop to enquire where citizens' , seeking favors from the city , place their Insur ance. OF THE x The Uaadllln waterworks are nearly com pleted. Ponder has purchased a fire engine at a cost of $715. The meat markets at Superior have agreed to close on Sunday , A grand wolf hunt will bo a Thanksgiving attraction in Otoc county. Thn Ulysses Oddfellows will ffivo a ball and banquet -Thanksgiving day. The clcetrio light plant at O'Neill Is almost ready for operation nnd the city expects to have waterworks in the spring. Thn Custcr county Jail now contains but ono Inmate and lie Is n prisoner from Box Butte county Held for safe keeping. Juugo S. W. Burrows of Ord wns stricken with paralysis last week. Ho may recover , hut his age , scvcnty-llvo years , is against him. him.The The village of Eagle Is Infested with sneak thieves , ono of whom was Riven n dose of bird shot by a citizen whoso henroost lie was i ohblng. There was a tie In the vote for county supervisor in Enterprise township , Vulloy county , between the independent and demo cratic nominees. They drew cuts nnd tlio democrat won. The wlfo of Charles Peterson , agricultural Implement dealer at Oakland , became violently Insane ) n few days ny o from religious excitement and will bo taken to the Insnno asylum. She Is thirty-live years old and tlio mother of four small children , who hail to bo removed from her presence for fear of her do ing them violence. lown. Muscatlno wants n beet sugar factory. Glcnwood's artesian well Is now' down 1,800 feet. Adah- county has voted to build a now court house. An electric street railway for Burlington Is now assured. There were 2,500 barrels of apples packed nt t ; Ion wood this season. The Iowa sheriffs will meet in annual con vention at DCS Molucs December 17 and 18 , A girl baby weighing ono pound and seven ounces was bom In Page county the other day. day.Tho The Dubuque conntv poor farm consists of 2.)0 acres of land and the poor house contains tlfty-two Inmates. Wens Machacek. a brutal wife beater , as fined $100 for indulglni * in his fnvorito pnst- tiaio , by Judge Stoncimm , ut Cedar Knpiils. The new Winonn Si Southwestern road will ho completed to Osage by January 1. It runs from there to Mason City , where It ex pects to absorb the Mason City & Fort Dodge road and extend southwest to Omaha and Kansas City , The fifth annual meeting of the Iowa Draft Horse association will bo held in De Molues January 1H , IS'Jl , the day preceding the annual meeting of the state hoard of agricul ture. C. F. Curtis of Nevada is secretary of the association. _ Tlio Two Dukotna. Fuullc county's debt will not So refunded. Hill City will veto oa Incorporation on the Mth. Mth.A A Grafton little boy foil upon o barrow and a tooth toro lila scaln while another entered thu check and shoved nut the eyeball. I'liysi- cluns were Immediately called und the child is slowly recovering. It Is alleged tb&t at nno of the election pro ducts In the Black Hills the clerks wore both under age , and that the judgen wuro some of the tlmo cngngcd in u KIIIIU of curds ut ono tiltlo. the voters depositing their own bulloU iu the box. PREPARING FOR CONTESTS , Powers niul Deoh cm One Point Pall to Sea Ejo to Eye. DIFFERENCES REPORTED COMPROMISED , A Mncoln I i inly Mourns the Jlystorl- oun Disappearance of Her Din- inondH Vagaries of ailukcy'a ailtul New Kcimbllonn Club. LixcotNob. . , Nov. IP. [ Special to Tun Bun. 1 Powers mid Doch arc said to still disagree over the matter of contesting nil the stnto executive olHecs. Powers will ho sat isfied If ho can bo seated , and la willing to lot tlio other gentlemen oil thonlllnnco tl-kctro- irmln in prlvnto Ufa Powers' reasons for tills ns expressed to bis friends nro us fol lows : 1. That with tlio povcrnor and legislature nt their command , the nllluico ; Ciin tnnnngo the state. It the stnto board of trans portation docs not coma up to tlio demands ot the nllltmcc , the party cnn pass a Inw taking the power out of tnc hands of tl.o stnto board of transportation and hnvo regular railroad commissioners appointed by the governor. 2. The difference between tlio votes for Boyd and Powers may bo very easily over come , ho thinks. by throwing out n few precincts through the nftldnvlts alleging fraud. It will bo much easier therefore , us 1'owew reasons , to overcome the plurality oflloyd of 1,141 than to over- coino the plurality of the republicans elected on the face of the returns for the other executive ofllccrs , those pluinlltlcs being from 2,500 to1,000. . 3. Powers believes that the seizure of nil the executive odlccs will redound to the ills- credit of tlio nlllunco party and crcuto n prejudice against that organization for nbus- Inc the power it had in the legislature of passing on the returns. The more conservative , nlllnnco men ngreo with Powers on these points ; but Joch , who Is determined to bo lieutenant governor , will not ho'ir to them , nncl other candidates on the nlllunco ticket sldo with him. Dictator Ihtrrows Is said to bo oiiooftlm loaders who Is in favor of grabbing overv- thing In sipht , and it Is believed that Powers will yield his own judgment to the command of the dictator. Many of the alliance people express the fear that tlioy cannot provo fraud enough to throw out any of the republican candidates elected In the fuco of the returns. On ono point only do all the alliance lend ers seem to ogrco and that is in condemning and sneering nt Omaha. I atcr It is reported that Burrows has succeeded In having his own way about the proposed contest and that Powers has given in to him. This afternoon the notices of con test to the republican state ofllccrs elect were printed. WHO sroi.r. TIIH DIAMONDS ) That Is the query which is agitating the family of Mrs. A. D. Marshall , who lives at 1234 U street. There is considerable of an air of mystery about the robberv , for such it appears to be. The motive for this cannot bo divined , but nevertheless the few police oftl- ccrs who were nrndo cognisant of the affair and hnvo aided hi the search are apparently bound not to divulge iiuy of the particulars. Mr. Marshall and two of his friends wcro at the police station for sonio tirao this morning and were overheard enjoining the ofticers to say nothing to the newspaper men about the affair. Mrs. Marshall is. or rather was , the owner of a hamlsomo diamond pin , several rings and other diamond studded ornaments , out yesterday afternoon when she went to her Jewel case she discovered the sparklers were all gone. She did not have the bureau drawers locked. Several police ofllccrs wore called to in vestigate the mutter , and it it said ono per son was arrested and taken to the station. The rooms occupied by the suspect were searched , but as the prisoner was released it is supposed nothing was found. The party suspected was n visitor at the Mai-shall rosf- dcuco yesterday , it is said. rou nusu uirmsoNMnxT. John "W. Ilafor , through his attornovs , filed suit In the district court ngalnst John W. llowmnii , claiming damages in the hum of SUV-M-i for false Imprisonment. Ilafor is tlio young man from Sncnamloah , In. , who was iirrested about a month slnco on com plaint of IIr. Bowman , who charged that Hnfer falsely Impersonated ono .1. L. Lain- bertson and secured 3-2" from Bowman by moan : of a chattel mortgage on property which ho did not own. Ilnfcr was boun'd over by Judpo Houston , hut when the case came up In district court Hafer's attorneys brought out suftlcicnt cvidonco to establish n strong alibi and the Jury promptly dis charged him. The petition sets forth that Hater was ar rested on October 11,1800 , and imprisoned in ] ail for the space of thirty days. That the jail was very damp , and , as a consequence plaintiff became sick nand was confined to his bed for the space of four days , and his health was irreparably injured. Ho also in curred great cxpcnso in defending himself , lost the employment for which ho was re ceiving ยง . ' ) per day : has suffered great mental anguish nud bodily pain and has been brought Into publiu scandal mid disgrace to his dam age In the sum of $10,202. MICKIJY'8 MIXD. Theodore Kaar nworo out n warrant In the district clerk's otlico this afternoon chaiX'iiiK James I ) . Mickey , a farmer residing lour miles south of the city , with bolnginsane and that his being at largo is a danger to the com munity. Mickey is well-to-do , and this Is the second time that helms been up before tha insanity hoard. About four years ago ho was kicked on the head by a horse and ren dered insensible. Ho lay out in the cold about three hours before her was found , half fro/en to death. Since then ho has acted queerly at times , mid in the early opart of 18S7 was on a Jury In tli < > district court ns n talesman. The case was a long and compli cated one and the Jury were out three duys. It didn't lake Mickey that long to make up his verdict , however , and ho astonished the court by walking in and telling thojudgetliat ho had agreed on the verdict , lint the other fellows hadn't. Years ago ho was an attend ant nt the asylum , and when ho was sent there by the commissioners on May 27.1837 , the sheriff was able to get tiim thcro only by pretending that ho was going to place Mickey In charge. Mickey remained in the asylum two years , when ho was discharged as'linrtnlcss. Ills recent attack appears to have started from lost , week , when ho at tended the HUlo of A. 0. Hcddlsh's YanUco Hill farm , when ho bought six head of hogs , Ho drove homo so fast Unit ho Jolted nil the hogs out , inid raised n great rumpus when ho got homo and found ho had no porkers. The hearing was set lor Saturday. Till : STJIIKI : OFF. The difficulties existing between .Tames II. O'Neill , the North Ninth street plumber , mid his men have been scttlcu and the boys have gone back to worlc. A member of the union stated that the strike was caused by Mr. O'Neill Ignoring certain rules of tlio union. KulofX reads : "No Journeymen will bo al lowed to work In n shop where n Jobber Is employed In preference to a Journeyman. A shop employing a Journeyman will bo entitled to ono Jobber , and for ovorv four men so em ployed nno additional Jobber. " Mr. O'Neill , who omploved three Journoy- mcn and tuo Jobbers , complied with the de mands of the union by discharging- Charles Stetson , ono of the Jobbers. A MiTTEIl OP I'Ol.ICK KEE9. Judge Field and a Jury wcro busy yester day afternoon with the old case of Chambers B. Ilcuch vs A. F. Parsons. Tuo suit was to recover MX ) us fees for arrest of prisoners and court attendance wbllo Pait.on * was police Judge and before ho was removed from otlico formlsaomeanors. At thattlmo police men pot but fMi a month , and in addition a fco or $3 was given for each arrest modu when tlio prisoner paid. J. C. fllcBriclo and J. II. McCluy , bondsmen of Parsons , wcro party defendants. Beach figured up from the record of tha police court that the above named sum was duo him. 'i'nu dcfensu was that the claim had been settled nnd a receipt dated October 1 , 1887 , was Introduced la evidence , Ileach. however , claimed that the Date should bo 1830. The bondsmen also de nied any responsibility , inasmuch as under tht > orltfiinlo law of the city , notwithstanding the ordlndiico relative to fees , policemen could roroivo nothing boyoud their salaries , and wcro net entitled to uny foos. The case was given w the Jury at tlio close of court , nnd a scaled verdict returned. This verdict was found to bo for defendant when opened In court this morning. IOUNO MEN'S iir.rf ci.on. A nioctliiir of young republican * of tlio city - \ . wns hold lust cvoiiliiff nt the ofllco of Hcpls- tcrcr Clnrlc In the government building for the purpose of organizing a club to bo known ns the young men's republic-mi club. U'ho followingofi leers were elected : President , AV. II. Clark ; secretary , George A. Ale- Arthur ; treasurer , .f. I , Klrhy ; c'luilrinan of j executive committee. C. K. Alexander. The s other incinbora of the executive conmiltteo f will IKS adoi'tnl from the various wards nt / the next meeting , with two to each ward. C. W , IIoxio , Frank Kaufman , Chris Crimp , H. H. Gllllsplo nud K , B. Stoplieiison wrro appointed n committee to frame a constitu tion and bv-lnws. Other routlno business WM transacted , nnd an adjournment taken tn tomorrow nltht. ( The club promises to be nu important factor In politics. nnortniT TO TIMK. \V. O. Norton presented today nn applica tion to the supreme court for n peremptory writ of mandamus requiring the cleric ofth4 district court of llutler county to approve 4 suporscdena bond In the ciiso wherein Mr. Norton was required to pny Into court tlm Bum of $ ' 2,5:10 : , within ten ( lays or stnntl com- mlttcd for contempt , from which order hi ) prosecuted error to the supreme court. Th < i writ was granted. Afothcr writ was granted by the auprumn court In which , It. B. Clrnhnin , mayor of tint city of Lincoln , was required to execute and deliver to John A. Huckstiiir.WO.OiK ) worth of sewer bonds and fiJ UOO worth of paving bonds. PITRKMU COUKT. Cannon vs Wilbur. Krror from Douclns county. Afllrmed , Opinion by Mr. Justice Norvnl. 1. In order that n landlord mnv avail him self of nn option contained in his lease , tn terminate the same for a failure to nay thu rent , ho must give the tenant notice of his In tcntion to declare a forfeiture. S. Ordinarily where a tenant Is wrongfully evicted by his landlord , the measure of tin1 tenant's damages Is the rental value of tlio property for the uncxpiral term , less the ninoutitof rent reserved by his lease , Kvldcnco considered and held to sustain tlio verdict. lioot vs Stnto bank of Nebraska. Error from Snllno county. Dismissed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Maxwell. 1. An order overruling n motion to dU- nn attachment In not a Him ! order and cannot bo reviewed prior to thu rendition ol llmil judgment. - . Proceedings In error held to bo prcma- ( til rely brought and are dismissed. "T City of Sownrd v Klcnck. Urror from Reward county. Afllrmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Maxwell. 1. Where a bill of exceptions which con tained nil the testimony wns not presented to the attorneys of the adverse party for correc tion und amendment for a considerable tinm after thnt tl.xcd by law and was then signed by the judge against the protest of the attor neys of thrt defendant in error. Held : That whllo errors which occurred during the trial could not ho reviewed , yet the evidence will ho considered for the solo purpose of deter mining whether or not there was sufficient to sustain the verdict. L' . Evidence examined and held to support the verdict. IMctllandcr vs Hydcr. Appeal from Doug las county. Anlrmod. Opinion by Mr. Jus tice Norvnl. 1 , A tenant in possession under n Ica-io whluh does not provide Unit ho may remove his llxtures nnd improvements , cannot after ho has surrendered possession to his landlord ro-entcrnnd remove his llxtiiros. 'J. A creditor by the levy of nn execution upon n tenant's llxturcs acquires no greater rights therein or to remove thu saino than the tenant hud. 3. When a tenant is In actual possession of real estate nt the time it is sold by the land lord , the purchaser is chargeable with aotlro j ? ' of the rights of thu tenant. 4. Unless there is a stipulation In the Icasu to the contrary a tenant ran only reniovo such Improvements erected by lilmj the re moval of which will not materially injure tlm premises or put them In a worse condition than they were In when ho took posses.slon. Lamphero ct nl. vs Uov.'o , 3 Nebraska 1111. Lynch vs State ex rel Ecltles. Error from Grunt county. AlUrnicd. Opinion by Chief Justice Cobb. 1. Under the provisions ot the statute section 57 , chanter 19 of C. S. a Judge of the district court sitting at chambers nt any Umo and place within his judicial dlstriot has tlio power and jurisdiction to hear and duterinlno UH application for n writ of mandamus and such power and Jurisdiction Include the al lowance of a porcmlor.v writ of mnndamui. 2. All material allegations well pleaded In a petition and not denied or answered unto In the answer will bo deemed and taken na true. true.Dracrot National hank of Salt Lake City vs Nuckolls. Appeal from Kichnrdson county. IJoverscd , nnd counter-claim nnd cross-peti- . tlon dismissed. Opinion by Chief Justin * Cobb. Money recovered nnd paid on legal process upon a judgment of n court of competent jur isdiction rendered in n suit or proceeding in which the court had Jurisdiction of the sub ject and the parties thereto , or voluntarily paid in satisfaction of the Judgment or pro ceeds , cannot bo recovered back , in a subse quent action , while buch judgment romalns in force unreverseit and unmodified , John H. Thompson and It. C. Glnnvillo of Hall county , nnd Charles Klioy were ad mitted to practice. The following cnsos wcro argued and sub- milted : County of Lancaster vs Trltnple ; Grand Island Banking Co. vs First National Bank : Dulls vs Hunter ; Dhilno vs Willson ; Howell vs ( Jilt Kdgo Mfg. Co. ; Pomoroy vs Will to Lalio Lumber Co. : State Kx. Kel. Morton vs Hall ; Forbes vs McIIaflle ; Forbes vs Urlngo ; Itcino vs Stmcfllng , Pli'Milx Insurance Company vs Swantkow- skii. Objection to jurisdiction unstained. Btohr vs Haben. Appellee to lllo brief in ten ( lays. The following causes worn continued : HaiiBcom vs liiirtnood ; Jordan vs ICraft ; Goodrich vs Cushiniin ; Phillips VH Illshop. Palmer vs Courtney , defendants ordered to lllo brief in six days. Hunter vs Boll plain tiffs ordered to fllo brief in soveh days. Janss va Wilson , plaintiff ordered to illo brief by November : iS. Court adjourned to Tuesday morning , No vember ii" ) , when the causes from the Tenth district will bo c.tiled. Causes from the Eleventh district will bo called Wednesday , November 20 , nnd causes from the Twelfth district will ho called Friday , November . ' ' 3. BTATI : nousi : NOTES. The Masonic Aid association of Vankton , S. D. , bus complied with the laws of this stnto in regard to secret societies and in thereby authorized Jto do business in Ne braska. " Governor Thnycr Issued notarial appoint ments today to I ho following gentlemen ! A. E. Hnwood , LincolnII. ; AV. Pcnnock. Oinahu ; J. E. Dahiisen , Mansa ; II. II. Ulodgott , Lin coln. John W. Getchel of Burnett complains that George Davis , the sheriff of Madison county , has unlawfully seized u stock of groceries and other merchandise belonging to him and asks for $1,000 , damugos. The ciiso was appealed to the supreme court today. ODDS AND ENDS. Ground was broken yesterday afternoon for the power house of the Lincoln electric railway. The plant Is located at Klghthnnd 1C street * , and will have ample mom for the largo amount of machinery necessary to run the system. It Is expected thnt the house will bo completed within the next six weeks , and electricity will bo used us thu motive power by April Ifi , next. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Subscribed and Guarantied Capital..8.'X .OCO Paid lu Capital 850.000 Huys and holU stocks and bonds ; nexotlntei commercial papori rocolvcs nnU uxccutes trusts ! acts as transfer uKCiit and trustee of corporations , takus churgo of property , col lects taxes. Omaha Loan&TrustCo "N , SAVINGS BANK. S. E. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. 1'nld In Capital .8 51.C03 BubHcrlbcd mill Guaranteed Capital , . . . 100,00) ) Mabllltyof Stnclcboldors UJO.COO 51'or Cent Intomt I'aUl on Deposits. KHAN 1C J , hA.NGi : , UuHhlor. Offlcers ; A. U. Wyrnan , prenldcnt. J. J. llrown , vtco-iircsldcnt , T. Wynion. treasurer. , Wyinuii.J. II , illllurd. J. J. llrown , Ouy 0. Uarton , C. W. Nush , Tliouiuj L. Kltab-11 , Qtor.o II. Lako.