8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , 'NOVEMBER 19 , 1800 , THECITY , _ The tcmpornturo yesterday as reported by tlio local nlcnal oflloo WHS ns follows : At 8 n. lit , 42 * ; nt 10 a. in. , 47 ° knml at 1 p. m. C8 ° . The niomborfl of tlio Fifth ward ropub- llcnn club will hold tin important incut- Ing at Krlling's hull , 1812 Sherman avcnuo , tonight. The corner Btono of tlio now St. Joseph's liOHpltul , now In course of con- Btruotlon at the corner of South Tenth nnd CiiHtollur BtrcotH , will bo laid at 3 p. m. on Sunday next. The mayor and city council Imvo been invited. Merit wins , ns the mnrvclous succc of Hood's SnrmiparlHii shows. It possesses true medicinal merit. Sold by all druggists. BIjUU COATS OF THE STATE. They Will Orennlxo for a Concerted Wnrniro on CrlmlnulH. Chlof of Police Scavoy Is urging n plan for the organlratlon of the chlofs of pollco , > nd marshals of tlio Incorporated cities imd towns of the state for the better protection against criminals aim to dovlso means of malting a concerted effort to detect and ap prehend the ( tangs of thieves and burglars who periodically visit tliostutc. SixMitcing of this plan , Chief Scavoy said ! "Tho towns of Nebraska have Buffered severely during tlio past year from thodcpra- datlons of nil sorts ol tblcves and criminals , who nmlco raids Into the state from their headqnnrtcrs In Iowa towns , whcro they are not seriously uiolcitcd. They run into some Nebraska town , rob n store or two and get out of the state before they can bo uppro- hcndcd. Wo liavo had them hero In Omnhn nnd have had a jrcnt deal of difllculty In breaking up the gancs. 1 think much more cfTeetlvo work coulil be done by n united ef fort of the pollco oillclnls of the stale nnd to thntendlbavo asUcil every pollco ofljclal in the stat to express his opinion on tbo sub ject. " Tlio chief has sent out the following clr- culnr to the police ofllclals of the state : "I desire to get your opinion as to th.o ad visability of the chlff of nollco and city mar- ehals or all the Incorporated cities and vil lages of this state orKiinblng and forming n a permanent assooittilon for the purposes of giving better nrolcctlon to our citizens , cre ating bettor methods for the prosecution of classes of criminals and fugitives sromjus- tico who infest our state ; a moro effective system of nppieheiidlng criminals : an organ ized . and moro effective pollco system throughout the state , etc. "For the protection and advancement of such an organization some legislation might bo necessary , which coulcl probably bo secured during the coming session of the leg islature. "I have written to the chiefs of pollco and city marshals In every county scat in the state , nnd would bo pleased If you would communicate with all other city marshals In your county concerning this mutter ana in form mo of the results of your correspond ence. " 1'loaso consider this matter and let mo know at your convenience what you think about It , nnd If you would attend a meeting at Lincoln , having for Its object such an or ganization as I have Intimated. If this matter - tor Is favorably considered by a majority of the pollco of the state , I shall use my best ef forts to assist In effecting nn organization which I think will bo extremely useful , nn honor to the state nnd one of which I bellovo wo uoulcl nil bo proud. Hoping to hear fiom you soon , I am , Vcryrcspectfully yours , W. S. ScxvKv.fcbM of Pollco. How to save money is n problem that Inter ests everybody. One way to dolt Is to In- Vlgorato the system with Aycr'sSnrsaparilln. Being a highly concentrated blood medicine It Is the most powerful nnd cconoinic.il. Ills sold for a dollar a bottle , hut worth live. Tlio Army. Corporal Hayes , ordnnnco detachment , on duty at the ordnnnco depot In this city ; Pri vate Penulet , Company G , Eighth Infantry , and FirstScrnennt Wlllc , Company E. Eighth infantry , have been placed on the retired list , after thirty years' service In the army. Fiist Lieutenant 0. A. Williams , Twenty- first infantry , bus been ordered to report for examination , with a view to his promotion to captain. Lieutenant Stcrdman , Sixteenth Infantry , stntlonod at Fort Du Chcsne , is a son of Ad miral Stecdman , who died in Washington last Thursday. Lieutenant Stccdmuu is at pres ent on leave of absence. IlccrultsC. M. Worlr , Second mfnntrynnd Patrick Hanlon , Sixteenth Infantry , have been assigned as mivntes nnd ordered to their regiments from Columbus barracks , Oliio. Lieutenant Broolte , Twenty-first infantry , stationed at Fort Sidney , has had his leave of absence extended ono month. Cnplnln Hughes , Niutn cavalry , has been transferred from Troop I to Troop M , and Cnptnln Tavlor from Troop M to Troop I. Furrier John Taylor , ftitith cavalry , has been ordered discharged from the army by purchase of dUclmrgo. All JUuslo at Half Price. 0,000 pieces only lOc n copy nt Moin borg's ' , ICth st. hot. Capital uvo & Dodgo. H. A. 'Orchard. Cnrpot , furniture and drapery. "Albright's Choice. " THE WAGES OP SIN. Paid liyJmlco llclslcy to Ills Unin vited CucstH. It was a motley crowd that faced Judge Holsley In pollco court yesterday. There were drunks and vngs In largo groups with a sprinkling of wife beaters , thieves and sus picious characters. Jim Bunks , a husky colored lad , was sus peeled of knowing something of n pilgrim and stranger's loss of 133. Ho was held for trial , Joe Cnrton was assessed fo nnd costs for wife beating. G. W. Coleman had a bap full of wateh- cascs and was arrested as n suspicious char acter. Ho proved his ownership of the prop erty and was released , Kd Morrison were a Cleveland plug lint mid an air of confidence. Ho claimed to have been a school teacher nnd wanted n position on the pollco force. His case will bo passed upon by the commissioners of insanity. Charles Trice and William Con faro wcro arrested Monday whllo trying to clean out the town , Trice had an ugly looking slung- shotund Confnro carried n horse pistol of monster size. Confaro's wlfo was in police court nnd said that whllo her hus band was engaged In a mad effort to dopopu- Jnto the city of Omaha , burglars visited her homo in South Omaha nnd robbed her of (35 in gold , which amount represented Confnro's summer savings. Couture aud Trice were botn hold for further hearings , Charles KaudeUer and Willie Willlams.two. twelve-year-olds , wcro up for beating a borso which tuoy were driving. They were re leased. _ The now ofllcos of the Great Rook Island route , 1G02 Sixteenth nnd Pa rnam Btreots , Omaha , nro the finest in the city. Call nnd see thoin. Tickets to all points east at lowest rates. 'Albright's ' Oholco. " A Card. From this dnto Omaha's growth will be unprecedented. Capital will sock Investment In real estate from nil parts of the country. Omaha Is the only city that wont through a real estate depres sion without n crash and property wlilch hud a commercial value at the and of the boom thrco years ngo has steadily enhanced. "Wo doom It advisable nt this tlrno to caution the public against mushroom In vestments. Secure good property with in your means from reliable ilrius aud unquestionable titlo. Fooliug satisfied that prohibition would bo defeated when voted upon , wo purchased a largo amount ot property at Albright and are now pro'parcd to offer a limited number of choice bargains in " ' Cholco" addition "Albright's on easy terms. ArimioiiT LAND AND LOT COSIPANT , 621 , 622 , 6S3 N , V. Llfo Bldg. BlOnSE'8. New Department * Sliocn and House FurnlHliliiff Goo-la. Wo want nt least a visit from every housekeeper in Omnhn. It Is moro than probnblo that you novcr have BCCU BO complete , BO grand a display Of dishes of nil kinds. Of tlnwnro of all kinds. Of carthcnwaro of all kinds. Of kitchen utensils of all hinds. Of pniiH , pnils , buckets , tuljs , etc , Of clothes wringers of all hinds. * Of bird cages of all kinds. Of ten sots , of dinner sets. Of Hitvilniitl china , common china , Of vases , jardinieres , line pottery. Everything in BUUSI1ES , kTEP LADDERS , \VASII BENCHES , wash boards in fact you cannot ask for any thing that will not bo eunpllcd you in our now HOUSE FURNISHING DEP'T. ' Entire basement salesroom , 00x110 feet , lighted by electricity high und dry , devoted to this department. SHOES ! SIIOESII A specialty of ladles' shoes , children's shoes , and boys' ' school shoes , nil now ; see our $5 LADIES' SHOE Cloth top , handworked eyelets , Picca dilly last regular price , $0.00. IJables' shoes from "Oc up. Ladles' shoes from $1.38 up. Hoys' ' shoes from $1.48 up. Wo Imvo a complete now stock. Till : MOUSE DRY GOODS CO. BOYS' ' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Tills department is growing very rap idly and wo are giving the people great bargains. Hoys'pantB , C9c , 89c. Hoys' prints , $1 , $1.25 , $1.50. Hoys'suits , $2.00 , 81 , $5,80.50. Hoys' overcoats. UOc , $2.50 , $4.00. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , Men's and boys' furnishings. ART DEPARTMENT. In this now department wo nro prepared - pared to show the finest line of art ( roods of any ftoro in the west. Our stool : 'consists of scrim , canvas , bolton cloth , stumped and embroidered linen scarfs , tray cloths , splasherstidies , , doylies , etc. , etc. EMBROIDERY SILKS AND LINENS. Plush and silk balls bangleschonillo and sillc cords , glove aud Imnkorchicf cases , hand painted blotters , letter holders nnd card cases- . SPECIAL. All kinds of embroidering nnd stamp ing done to order..YARNS. .YARNS. Our yarn stock is complete in all col ors of.ophyrs , Gerrnantown , Saxony and knitting yarns. FANCY BASKETS. Wo place on sale an assortment of fine baskets. Second floor , ' art do- purUnent.HEAD HEAD RESTS $1.39. 60 silk covered and embroidered head rests at llio fepecinlly low price of $1.39 ; actually worth $1.75. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. "Albright's Choice. " The only railroad tram out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation of Omnhn , Council Bluffs , Dos Moines and Chicago business is the Rock Island ves- tibuled limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 : p. m. daily. Ticket olllco , 1G02 Sixteenth aud Furnaiu sty. , Omaha. I.VCIIEASE CITY VALUATION . Otherwise ! Omnlia Will Not Bo Able to Hell Afore Hands. On tlio subject of amending the present city charter by the next legislature , City TrcasurerKush advanced the following views to a reporter for Tun Bin : : "llio less tinkering done with the city charter tbo better. Aly observations lead mete to the conclusion that it is particularly hazardous to tamper with the revenue law. "There are two defects In the charter , lowover , which demand prpmpt attention. The city council oiiuht to bo empowered to appoint Us own assessor for municipal tuxes nloue , entirely distinct from the county assessor. The city assessor should boa man or unquestioned ability , and should bo in structed to raise the valuation for city taxes to at least $60,000,000. This will not in crease the taxes , whllo it will plnco Oinahn on the standard of other progressive cities , and will Immeasurably incre.iso our credit In the money market. If this bo not done , Omaha cannot sell any moro bonds. "Again , under our present laws , wo ninko .ho levy upon thoprovlous year's assessment. This Is demoralizing in its effects , nnd en ables the tax-shirkor to 'fold his tent1 and skip' long before the treasurer can reach : iim. Under our present law , the city coun cil cannot make the levy until the February following the assessment. The tax does not become duo until the May subsequent , nordo- incjuent until July. That Is fifteen months : iavo elapsed before the treasurer is empow ered to collect personal taxes by distress. Tills means a loss to the city and , of course , to the prompt taxpayers , of thousands of dollars lars annually. "Wo should go back to the old regime ( which Illustrates the fact that wo should not often change onrrovejiuo lawand make tlio levy In July , which should become delinquent thereafter as soon as possible. " FINE HOYS' HOMUS. Bids Are Askcil for Six of Tliem In Several Districts. The committee of the council and'flro nnd police , comprising Councilnicn Wheeler O'Connor nnd Davis and Commissioners 'Ilnrtman , Gilbert and Hcnnctt , together with Chief Galllgan , have called for bids for the proposed 11 vo engine houses which are to bo erected la lids city. The sites of thesestructurcsnroas follows : % Eighth and Pierce streets , Kd. Crclghton and Park uvcnuos ; Twentieth south of Vin- ton ; Thirty-sixth and Jackson ; Thirtieth nnd Spaulding and Hamilton and L.OWU ave nues. These buildings are to be In the tnaia of brick wltn stone front and two stories In height. They nro to bo suppUcd wltU nil modern Improvements. The house on Twenty-fifth street near "Vluton Is to bo a double ono , accommodating u hook und lad der and a hose company. This house will bo 4 IxSO feet In size , while the single ones will bo only 'JSxTS foot. It is Intended to commence work upon the houses immediately after the contracts nro lot and have thorn ready for occupancoy by the middle of January of next year. For Colds , Croup , Asthma. Bronchitis nnd Sore Throat use Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil , uud got the genuine. A $75OOO Deal. Mulr & Gnylord yesterday"so'd the south east corner of Farnam and Seventeenth street , COxlM , for $7fi,000. The sale was inado for W. L. McCaguc , who represents the eastern owners. "Albright's Choice. " "That Swede" will arrive nt the Grand this evening and will plvo a very pleasmc entertainment. Charles II , Hull in the title role Is Swedish dialectician without a peer on the singe , and the supporting company Is said to bo strong , 'JCho euga&omont is at popular prices. _ _ _ The attraction at the Urand on Friday , Saturday , and Sunday and Saturday mati nee , will bo a play that has made for Its author and mnnngors moro money than any other of modern times. It Is one out of the usual order of dramatic conceptions and Is exempt from the stiffness nnd-stngy effect that usually characterizes dramatic produc tions , everything Is acted out as naturally oa If the observer wcro witnessing an occur- once in real Hfo. It Is the Justly celebrated "Llttlo Lord Fauntloroy , " than which no play of recent years has made a more pro nounced or lasting success. Mr , J. II. Dcclter , agent of the Twelve Temptation1 company , which will bo at the Boyd on November .M , 25 and 0 , is In the city. Tha plcco is a spectacular extrava ganza and is one of the beat ( but will bo hero this season. 6OUIII < lAJf < l. . Special Council Moctlnic- A special meeting of the council was held Monday night to act on the dtphthcrctlc , opl- omlo. Ordinance No. ! M3 was passed crcat- ng a board of health and authorizing the ap- ointment of a city physician for one month or longer if deemed necessary by the mayor , nt a salary not exceeding 175 per month. The board ofhealth will consist of T. B. Intchor , Councilman John J. O'Kourko and Dr. T. A. Honwlck. The ordinance was or dered published In Tun UKE , and 1,000 , copies will bo printed , Alnrrlnuo AnnoiinucinrntH. The announcement of the marriage of city reasurer , Thomas Hector nnd Miss Pauline 'aulsou , both ot this city , has been made. 1no marriage will bo celebrated next week. Doth Mr. Hector und Miss Paulson nro among the popular and appreciated members f South Omaha society. Than Mr. Hector tiero is no moro.popnlnr nor deserving youmr man in the city nor a moro accomplished nd amiable young woman than Miss I'nulson , 'hoy nro receiving In advance tbo congrntu- atlons of the citizens. Mr. Thomas Fleming , ono of the esteemed inployes nt the Arrnour-Cudnby packing ouso and Miss ICatlo O'Donncll , both of this Ity , and Mr. John Duffy of this city mid illss Maria McShnno of Oinnhn , have mndo mbllo engagements. I'onnl of'ICdiicntlon Meeting , All members of the board of education wcro > rcscnt nt the special meeting Monday. The ollowlng approved bills were ordered paid ! American Book compnny , ? 59.17 ; Drovers' ournnl , t30.CC ; John McMillcn , $112.25 ; H. V. Carpenter , flOS ; W. A. Olmstcau , $04.74 , The request of Hon. John McMillcn to bo per- littcd to make connections wi'.h the water lain running to the Third ward school house vns referred to Messrs. Sinter nnd Funston vlth power to net. MlssMnry Garrahan was llowcd her claim for a week's ' salary. The Money Is All Up. The backers of Prof. Michael J. Mooney nd Harry Allen , both of St. Louis , Imvo nch put up the 1500 bet to wlilch tbo Ath- ctic club adds a $ .VK ) purse , making n $1,500 mrso to bo fought for by these men In iluimn's opera house ou Tuesday evening , ho 25th. Notes About tlio City. John Cahill is building a rcsldcnco at ' and 1' . 'wcnty-fourth streets. Danish citizens have organized a Dannc- brog association and will tiavo it incorpor- ted. Superintendent Jnincs V'llcs , Jr. , of the ) mnua packing company has returned from Chicago. Cattle Uuycr W. H. McCreary of Swift & . 's packing houses , who has been in Chicago cage with his family , has returned. It Is rumored that Lieutenant H. B. Mul- ord , formerly of the stockyards bank , will erect a building 100x1 DO and start a box man ufactory. Misses Mabel L. Silver nnd Lmrona Jones vill entertain friends Saturday evening , the "d , at their homo Mo.509 N street , in honor of their friend Miss Gilbert. The Hov. C. N. Dawson will go to Maple- villo Thursday to deliver his celebrated It-c ure , "How to Munnco a Wife" for the ben efit of the Jlaplovillo Methodist Episcopal church. Residents in the southwestern part of the city complain that Chicago parties are ar ranging to erect pigsties nnd feeding pens icnr the George Obernet company's reader- ngs works. Washington Parnoll , who has been 111 .wo weeks with typhoid fever , died Monday evening. The deceased leaves a widow Julia nnu two sons aged 8 and 0 re spectively , The funeral services will bo icld at 2 o'clock today at tho-family resi dence , Seventeenth street , near Missouri avenue. James Holpln. nped three years and three nonths , son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carroll , died at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon of heart troubles. The funeral services wcro held it the homo of the bereaved parents , No. 723 Twenty-fourth street , at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The body was Interred la St. Mary's cemetery. "Albright's Choice. " An Alleged Real Estate Swindle. An information has been filed In police court charging A. Hoppo , a real estate agent , vith having swindled A.V. . Warway out of $110 on a bogus real estate contest. The complaint recites that Hoppo sold AVnrway a lot representing himself -ns an agent for Ainscow , nnd gave a receipt purporting to mvo been signed by Ainscow , Wnrwny claims that the contract and re ceipt were forgeries and has accordingly asked for Hoppo's arrest. Baking Used In Ullllona ot Homes n Yo.ira the Rtandnrd. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs , Hog ? , J AND POtJLTHY. 000 Pnuo Book n Trout tnont of Anlmala cmtE3lfcTornConiiC8tloiiHInlliininintlon A.A.JHplnnl nii.'nTnultls , Jlllk 1'evcr. ] I.U.--Mriiln , linmoui'HN , Itlieuinutlsra. ( : . ( ! . --Dlnteiiipor , NiianI Dlnclmrifca. ] ) , l ) . HOIH or < JrubViirniH. . K.K. CnnaliB , Heaven , I'licuiiionln. V.I' . < ! ollo or ( Jrlppf , llellynche. } . < ) . lIlHcnrrlaao , IIciuarrhnnOH. Il.ll. tlrlnnry nnd lililncy Dlxfascs. J.I. KrnptlTO JKCII | CH , DlnnHC. J.K. IllncnBCM of DlBfiitlou , I'arnlfBU * Blnglo Bottle ( over 50doses ) , - - .GO atUHJ0Bu Sr 0hDMfllS fcLntoff1'8r.O < > Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil , - l.UU Sold by Drn tl ti | or Sent Prepaid anywhere and In any quantity on Receipt of Price- HUMPHREYS' MBDIOIHn CO. . Corner William and John Bit. , New York. HOMEOPATHIC f * f % [ SPECIFIC NofiO la ueo 30 jrein. The only ncoewful remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness- nd I'rottratloD , from o r-work or other canww. 1 per \i l. or t vtali and Uwa Till powder , for * 5. BOLD ft Diiuaaum , or sent po < tpald on receipt Ofprlco.-UUMPHR YS' MEDICINE CO. , Cor , William and John ! . , IT , Y. Asia Rule , Ills belt not to attempt to remedy eoMlvc- ncss by the u o of nalliio or tlrnstlc IIIIIB.I. lives. When aaailiartlc medicine Is needed , tlio most prompt and beneficial Is Aycr's lllls. Their effect Is to restore the reenlnr action of the bowels , without weakening them. Ilclnsiuicar-coutoil , these 1'llls retain their medicinal Wjtucs for a long time , nnd are cosy to take. . " I can roeommwid Aycr's Tills above all others , having JOHK pro\e l their value as a cathartic formyjcUand Jamlly.-J. T. Hess , Lclths\llle , 1'a. , " In 18M , liy themlvlffe of a friend , I If can tno usoof Ajcr's. ' 1'llls M n remedy for bil iousness , constipation , Irish focrs , ami colds. They scrwd me better than any thing I had previously tried , and I have used them In attacks of that soil ever slriic. " 11. W. HcrsMudsonla.Atk. Ayer's Pills , ut DK. J. 0. AYEH & CO. , Lowell , Moos. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. 14O9 DOUGLxAS STH.EH3.T OMAHA , Themoit widely nna favorably known spoo- lallstiln the United States. Their long ox- perlonoo , remnrkiiblo Hklll nnd unlTornnl suc cess ) lu th treatment nnd euro of Nervous , Chronic nnd Knrnloal Disease * ) , entitle thcio eminent physicians to vtho full confidence of the aflllcioil ovcrywherp. They Runrnnteo : A OKUTAIN AND POSITIVE OUHB for the awful olToets of early vleo nnd the numer ous evils that follow In Its train , 1'KIVATE , 1ILOOD AND SKIN DISEASES speedily , completely nnd permanently cured. NKKVOUB flKIJII.ITV AND BEXUAMJIH- OUUGUB yield ruadlly totuolr skillful treat- incnt. I'lLHS , FISTULA AND UEOTAL ULOEKS guaranteed cured without pain or detention from Imslneqt. HYUIIOOELE AND VAKICOOELE permanently - nontly and successfully cured In pvory case. SYPHILIS. OONOimilEA , OLKET , Spur- matorrhoa , Heir.lunl Wenkneis , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions , Uecnycd Faculties , Fcmalo Wuaknou and all delicate disorder ! peculiar to either aox positively cured , as wall iui nil functional disorders tnut result from youth ful follies or the excess of mature yean. TPirTIIll < Uuirantecd permanently ol IXlUl U i\Li cured , removal complete , without cutting , aaiistto or dilatation. Cures mrcctcd at homo by patient without a tuo- metit'8 pnln or aimoyaru-o. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A IIPTJ rilPT ? The awful effects of a. OU1\L V Ur\L < early vice which brings prpanto weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded ills , poriaunonty cured. m ? TWTT Address these who have 1m- m\O. UL.1 1O pttroa | themselves by Im proper lndulfi nee and solitary h-\bit , which ruin both mind and body , uuuttlng them for business , study or marriage. MAUUIEU 1IKN or those entorln ? on that hnppy llfe.avfaroot physical debility , quloklj assisted. OUH. SUCCESS Is biued upon facti. First Praotlo&l eipcrl- ence. Second Every casa Is specially studied , thus starting right. Thlrd-Medlolncs are prepared la our laboratory exactly to suit eachca e , thus effecting euros without Injury. Drs , Betts & Betts , U09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. ( 'Good things soon find a \pwchaser" \ Therefore \ve need only call your attention to our assortment of 'S SUITS In Black Cheviots and Fine Cassimeres. Fabrics speak for them selves and the excellence of the workmanship justifies our unqualified recommen dation of the garments for style and finish and fair prices , from $15 to $30 ; "There is little to sew ivho'e taihrsare true" FOR PAIN CUHES AND PREVENTS Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Inflammation of tlio Limits , Kidneys and H6eU , Sciatica , Chllblalni , Kroit lilies , Toothache , Headache , 1'alui In tuo llaci , CUctt and Uiubi , aud all the usual CONSEQUENCES OF TAKING GOLD. The application of lUr > WAY8 IlKADY IIRMKF , to the parts affected , will InaUntly relloTO and eon cure the nutleror Internally Indoiea of froiutblrty tu sUty Urop , InhnUa tuwbl ro ( water. It will euro In a few moment * . Crampi , Hpaim . Hour Btoranch , Colic. Flatuloneu , Heartburn , Diarrlioea , Blck Headache , Names. Vomltlnif , ColdClitlli , Neriou neMiileepleune s , and all Internal pain * . W ceoti B bottle , xat UADWAY A CO. , \Yariea bU , Express arid Mail Orders- "We send Goods to any address C. O. D. with privilege of examine . tion , and If they are not satisfactory , may be returned at our expense In every case where goods are paid for by money order and are nofc found satisfactory , money will be promptly refunded and all expres charges paid by us. This method of doing business is very satisfactory" to our out-of-town customers. Be careful to state definitely what you want and we will spare no pains in filling your order. Special Bargain Lines from which your orders will be filled untl } , they are closed. Don't-wait two or three days and then order , now. These lots are special values and will not last long. C rVPPT SPECIAL.BARGAIN LINES TOT 1 0 JUJL1 1 .OF MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS at $8LU1 1 , will sell this week 180 Men's Sack and Frock Suits , made front a neat brown checked cassimere thoroughly reliable neat in appear-r ance , perfect-fitting , at $ S.OO per suit , "We know their value as an advertising - * vertising medium. They vVill make friends for the Continental wherever - * ever they are sent. We advertised them on Sunday and the orders fotf out of town are coming in every mail. These goods can only be sold a $ this price for the reason that we manufacture them in large quantities/ The usual retail price for this suit is $12 to $18. Remember , sacks a net frocks at $ S.OO. If not as represented , return to us and have the price promptly returned. Sizes 34 to 42. Samples of the cloth 'will be seni before you order if you prefer. $10.50 , Lot No : 2 , % Black Cheviot Frock Suits , Price $10.50. We will sell this week ISO Men's Black Cheviot Frock Suits a | $1O.BO. This style of goods has been worn this season almost excluw sively. We guarantee ! this lot to be strictly all-wool and fast color , and properly made and trimmed. We will not sell clothing at any pried which js not properly made. "We do not sell shoddy. This is a suit of clothes which cannot be owned by the average dealer * at $10.SO. It is the quantity that makes the price. Samples of the cloth will be sent to any address , but-you can tell very little about it unless you see the complete suit and examine it in every particular. We are satisfied what the verdict will be when you see it. We don't have one package in twenty returned and with care in sending measurements , we have no trouble about fitting. The sizes on this line run from 34 td 42. Measurement blanks will be sent on application. LOT NO. 3' Men's All Wool Cheviot Pantaloons. Price $2.75. Men's strictly all wool Cheviot Pants , full winter weight , made well and to fit at $2.75 per pair cannot be bought'every day. AYe will fill orders for $2.75. from this lot just as described , but if you prefer , send for samples of the cloth. We make them up to ' 12 waist. The style of the gools is a neat check , looks just like a Scotch Cheviot and wears better than any other domestic goods in the market , This style was made for the Continental and not a yard of this goods is owned by any other firm I the country , Remember the price , $2.75 , sixes 32 to 42 waist , Children's Dept. Lot No.4 , Children's Knee Pant Suits , $3.50 \Yewill place on sale beginning Wednesday morning , 250 pure all wool cheviot knee pant suits > . size 6 to 12 , at $3.50 per suit , made without belts , small sizes plaited and large sizes plain. You can't du plicate this line outside of our store for less than $5 : Remember they are knee pant suits for ages from 6 to 12 years , strictly all wool , Send money order and goods will be promptly shipped with tha understanding that you need not keep them if they are not satisfactory. Boy's ' Long Pant Suits , Price $7. Lot No , 5 is a special line of high cost long pant suits , strictly all wool , to fit boys'Jages 13 to 17 ; at $7. Many suits in this lot sold "for $10 and $12 , but the sizes are broken and we have made ono bargain lot at $7. Boy's Oape Overcoats. Lot No. 6. Special Bargain Lines , at $3.00 , $3.5O and $4.00. Nobby styles and neat fitting garments at this price are scarce. We take the same care in manufacturing this priced goods as we do with the finer grades. The sizes are from 4 to 12 , with full length capes , Prices from $3 to $4.SO. At $4.SO we will send you as good a garment as is needed for service. We have never offered a better line of Child- * ren's Overcoats than we have this season. FREELAND , LOOMIS & CO , OMAHA. BOSTON , NEW YORK. DES MOINES , NO CURE , ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. BCTontccn joat ' orporlenco. A ranilnr ern < lii to In raodlclno , m cllplomii hoir. Is ntlllojttrltK wlt'i nn.l . ITlvnlo ilHo-nm , A itorininont citro Kimrnnfjad for . he creates ; lucceis nil Nervous. Chronic OUirrlf. ncrmMoVrhon.L ! < istM nliOKi. HonilnVWoikno-iii lalit tosioi , iiiipntencr. HyphllU Stricture nl- f . N. H. I IWJ for CAM I un.lortafcj'inl . fill i.cttscj ot no II ood. Skin ami Urlnnrr Organs. icunrantoo ovcrr cura Cousul'IaUon roS llooi ( Myi'.erloi of Llio ) sent froo. Oaloo Uoun- a. ni. to a p. in. SunJ.r , bm. to 12 m. QOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1073. Yf. BAKEK & CO.'S Ji atiitliitelu jmre and it I * tolttliltf No Cflicmlcalsi ire ui l In Iti prtpiratlon. It Li * * ? 11 n ( lr limn l > < ifroiyiA ot Coco * mliej with SUrch , Arrowroot orBugtr , mil li therefore fir moro economical , tolling ! ' Mori pn. rent a < uj > . It II ilftllcUnii , nourlihlnf , itrtngthenlnR. KA. flLT inacBTiD , anil ajinlrably idiptid for InTilldi ii ll i r"un i In health. Sold byOroreri cterynliere. W. BAKER & CO. . Dorchester. Masa DR. B A1LEY GRADUATE DENTIST A Vult Hot of Tooth on Kulibor , fur A perfect flt cunrantccd. Teeth oxtraotoa without jmlii or dnnirnr. anil vrluout nnnos- thetlcs. OoUl ftn < l "liver { 111 ng lit lowest rates. Brldpo nnd Crown Worlc. Teuth wlth- outplatns. All work warranted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrance , 10th street elevator Openovon' nKa until 8 o'clock. FACIAL BLEMISHES . lh l&rgMt Kitibllihmentln th IWorM fur llio treatment of Unit S "MI U be air , CZ ID , ilolen , ortF , ISuterltucui lltlr. Hirthinirti , JiMiitb.rmkler.Urioklti.RcilNoi * I HcdVelui Oily Skin , Acnf.rimplti 'lllackli il . il Utr'iltcli. Bc r , . > / .lttlDj .I'o il r Hurki , FacUl l ) . r Ttiopm ntSuDk nfh * ki , etc , Con. iulntlon fr at omc or hyletter. I an pace took en all ikln anil cilp aSfCtljct and their trr > tmtnutnti" < > lt < ltOnr ddr nfor locu. JOHN II. IVdOltlllJHV , llrrmut.iludl.U ISrtV t 3il Kt. . .Nf w York 'ltr. IWOOJMIUltl'M / I CO mtL , To euro Hlllou ncs8. Blck IloniUcho. Constipation , Malaria , Liver CoroplnlnU , .tnko the aafo and certain rcmeUy , SMITH'S BILE BEANS UiothoBMAT.TiBI7.R(40 ( llttla txan to Clio bot. tlo ) . Tlioy nro the most convenient : cult ullages , i'rlcoof either rlio , 'J5 conU per bottle. ITISQINf * nt 7. " 70.Pboto-KraTiiro. : RkBOOIIVVa panelBlioottlfia picture for 4 cenu ( coppers or stamps ) . J. F. HMtTH A CO. . Makonof ' 'llllo Heuns. St. 1/juls. Mo. X.IQUOH. HA.BIT. IN ALL THE WOKLU THERE IS BUT ONE CURE DR , HAINES * GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It can bo given In n rup of lfee or tra. or In at , at fuoH , without tha knowledge ) of tlie pitlenl , noe.narr. It I b olutoly harml.ca ana will edcct a permanent and ipeedy cure , whether tbopatlunt ! a modiratedrinker oraaalooholloMreok. I r/vr.KU rAll.t. It operit 10 quietlr ud with aueh o.r- UlatytUat tha pitlial uadenoe * na Inooaveol.uc. , and are ho Is aware , bla coiupUt. retormatlon li G. A. Linclquest IS AGAIN IN TUB Merchant : - : Tailoring lm ! nf .9i . nillnvltoihln oltl frlondi nntt patrons - rons , as vYiill us the Rononil imlilltq call unil Inspect his now Block of Imported cd iloiaestlo woolt'tis. EvurytliliiB Oratcla s.un ESTABLISH ED 1871. 316 S 15TH ST SYPHILISH.CURED We giiarantee to cure any case of Syph ilis no matter of liow V long standing. And we have the only rem edy that will cure th disease. You have tried everything else and wasted your money , why not now try ITS. We guarantee to cure or refund every dollar. When it is nec essary for patient to come here we agree to pay railroad fare both , ways , all hotel bills and refund your mon ey if we do not cure you. Write for partic ulars ; do not be humbugged - bugged any longer. We are financially re sponsible with $300- 000 capital. COOK REMEDY Co. , Omaha , Web. , Rooms 39 & 40 , niROUlbearknowln1c 4 leading remnly lor all lli unnatural illacliarKea and prlvatetllKuietof mtu. A certain curr for Iliv < Ubl | tatlnr Htikum . peculi to wompn. Irrficriheitnndfetliaf * In rvrnmmvudtui . : It t * ull auTer.rn. ( A J. STONED , MODrc ru , tu ; Mold l > y I