Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1890, Image 7

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A nVEltTIBEMENTfl for these colnrni will
4Xb taken until 13 10 p.m.for tht evonlnf
edition and until 8:30 : p m. , for tht Boomlnl
rdltlon nnd fiUKUAr lice
rpEHMS-Caih In ndrnnco. i
r > ATFS-AflTertlocmcnliOn thl p r will bj
JLXchartrcd for at Ilia rate of K cent per word
for the first Insertion nnd 1 A nt j > er word fo
each nubwiuent Insertion , and tlM per lint
or month. No advertisement Inkon for
. s than 21 cents for thu Urflt Insertion.
TN1TIAL8 , figures , symbols , eto. , count ench
JLniuno word ,
milESE advertisements rntut ran consccn-
JLtlvoly nnd under no circumstances 1111
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
. ndrerthlng In tliMo columns ana
having tholr answers mldrrmod to n "num-
bend li-tlnr" In cnro of TUB HUB will rccrlTt
p. numbered chock to nnnhle thom to get their
letters. Answers will bo delivered only on
prcsnntatlon of thU check. Kncloso answers
In envelopes properly addressed.
ndrcrH'omrntu under thu head of
ALL NotlfeV1 urn published tn both the
tnoriilnit and evening editions of TUB Her. the
circulation of which ngRreRatti more thai
SO.OCO paprr dally , and gives the advertiser
the bom fit not only of the Inrzo circulation of
' .Till ! ItfcF In Omaha , but alao In Council Illuffs ,
Lincoln and other cltli-i and towns In the witt _
Advprtlilne for thcso columns will ha taken
mi the jibovo conditions , at the followIr ? liiitl-
Bess bouses who nro authorized tot ke peclM
notlnes. at the sarno rates at can had at the
main olflcn.
SOUTH Street , LUtor Illock.
JOHN IV. UELL , riiarmaolst , 820 Bouth Tenth
ASF fc EDDY , OtRtlonera and FrlnUrt ,
OH Bouth 16th street.
" lf. PAKNBWOUTU , I'harmaolit , 2115 Ou -
> lag street.
J.HUOHES , I'harmaolit , C24 North th
/ 1EO. W. I'AUH. riiarinaclst , 1718 Le&ven-
\3 worth street.
TTUailCS' I'HAIIMAOV. 21th and Farnnm
jjfrtotrf , tte , , tee top of fist r/ihiiniio'i "i
"f ATANTEn-Poslllon by n ynunit graduated
V > Swedish phnrmnclHt with 8 years' ex-
TK-rloneo In Hwrdlsh and B months In this
country. Good references. Address W 14 , lleo
olllec. M107-10 *
"IX/ANTED-lly younK wnmnn , throe small
W tinfurnlMicd rooms \\llh oldprly couple ,
where thcro nta no nt IK r boarders , Ilftr-cn mln-
\itPS\vnlU from hwslmss center , Jlofernncps.
Addit'ssW 1(1 ( , Itooolllcu BIB1- ! ! ! ! *
LADY who understands dre'ssinaklnir
wishes tn goont bv the day orwiok : $ .1
pcrwouk. Address WO , lleo ofllce. MOGI-lft *
" \\rAM"ED 1'osltlon ns housekeeper for
T > widower ! none but flrst-elass nccepted.
1342 S. 27th st. 0V ) IH
Fcriattt , etc , tee fop of frft fomnm nnlhtxpage
AGENTS ll toll ) per day collecting small
pictures for in to cony and cnlnrirn. Satis
faction gnnrnntniMl nnd a M oiitllttreo. A.
Dunne .V Co , 00 Iteado St. , Now ork. MIOU-IO *
WANTED A liov from n to 17 , lirlght. nc-
thoanilnot afraid of work Such a boy-
can got good wages. A , bchroter , s. o. cor. 10th
nnd Kainam. M 102-19
AGENTS wanted to hell one of the best
specialties In the niarknt. Address , for
torniHund territory , U. 1' . Kced.MHIghst , Co-
lumhiis. O. 035 20 *
' 'A TEI-6 first class gilvanned Iron cor
nice workers. F. Uuomplng , 811 Karnam
nt. 070 20 *
S . _ JIX and salesladies wanted Stono-
lilll. MUC5-1J
WANTI'D Ton cornice makers at Eagle
cornice works , 1110 and 1112 UoUgo st.
1)43 ) 20
ANTED A registered pharmacist , Ail-
dress J. H. Shepherd , Sterling , Nob.
IfiJ 20'
\\rANTnn-JIon and women of ability In
fi o\ery city , town and vlllnno to act as
tjgpnts for the TmdlcV Homo Journal.Vo
want the best attnlnanlo class ot agents , and
to Riich unusual terms will bo oflcrcd. The
Journal Is the hnndsouu'Ht porloillenl Cor la
dles nnd the family a\fr Issued , nnd has nearly
linlf n million snhscrlborH. It will boiuhor-
tlflcd the coining autumn and winter on a
Inrser scale than over before , creating a de
mand that nientx nhoulil ho ready to (111. (
CurtlH 1'ubllsjilng Co . 1'hllndolpliln , MKCI 27 *
7 ANTHD rirst-class tinner for Hi\\llns ,
\\o.stonlj : and Rood Apply
) ' _ _ Job ' ' WUBOU
to HciUr' & > \ ilhViiiiy Co''city.
\\7 ANTE1) ) A llrst-clnss experienced salesman -
> ' man In prints' furnishing goods dopt. J ,
' ! < . nriimlola A. Bon. MJ to rilO 8. lltli. 717
ANTED 1'our boys , IIRO in , to distribute
bills. Call at Hotel Darker , T a. m.
traoklayorsnnd shoclorsanted. .
I1 Apply at the ho.aidlni ; cars near the now
V hlto lead works , East Omaha. Wood A. Han-
croft. M GOa-20
WANTED 20Ql.ihorors for stone and crado
work. Apply to 1 * . H. Johnson , Union
pussoiiKOr epot. Omaha.
\\f ANTED Men to travel for our t'
TT nurseries btonoMNolllugtonMadisonWls
2(0 (
MEN or women wanting work , or persons
needing help of any kind , olty or country ,
can always bu mippllod at Koltb'H ofllcio , 01SH
B , 15th st. Satlsfautlon guaranteed.
ar.ais KTQ
ANVASSnilS Wuntcd-Cnrnnpomloiica so-
llclted with competent canvassers to sell
paper olothlng. Oood WIIKOS can bo earned
Write 1'apor UlothliiK Co , I'ort Huron , Jlloh.
"V\7ANTKD Men with Rood reference at
TT Metropolitan MtB Oo , 1009Howard st.
| 211-1127
WANTED ARontswantod throiiRliont No-
bi.isUa. Bend atiunp for ruply , Jos. 1'
Mrgo ith. Omaha 773
WANTED Alive.oncrRotloparty in every
ill lion to Introdiicu our goods.Vo ha\e n
now line that will sell nt every house und
HRonthcnn reap a hnricst between now and
the holidays. Will pay a salary of K73 poi
month If preferred nnd furnish a team free
Address at once , btamliml Bllvorwnro Co
lloston Mass. M 6J3-I ) 15 *
For ruled etc , tee top of flrtt column onthtt
bccond glrh , sl\ first class ulrlf
WANTLD , nurse ulrl. girl for west , l.'l.OO
nlRO eook , $10 00. liniiulre-s for hotul , Nov
* Dnil ) . ag'cy , bank bldg , IGth and Uodee.
M 008-10 *
WANTl'.D Infiunllvnf tlireo acompetoni
second girl who \v 111 assist in care of In
faut , Irish cir ( Icriuun. Oall between Onndl
u. m. Wednesday or Thursday , at 310 N , 22m
r ; 8t , olty. Hood references ixqulieil , M uW-'jo
ANTI D A llrstolasscooknudltiunaress
Irlsli profaned. 210bDoiiKlas st , 0 )20
TANTED Person to transcribe sot of re
cords. Must be ueurate , quick , and wrlti
n good plain business hand. Address U
boo. tiuo-ltt *
ANTED An experienced hoiisomaid
call ; at 200.1 t. Mary'tfa\o. M IHU
lltli wanted for Euuoial house work at 12
S.31st n\o. IMI ID"
IT'ANTKD A flrst-olnsi girl for genera
T house v > ork , small family , 003 H. 2-ith st.
WANTKD Compo tout Rlrl for urnero
housework , 60i ) 8 , 23th % onuo ftVl 10 *
for second work In small famlly.185
Wlrt at. , Kount o 1'luco. U40 | 6
' _
ANTKD-OIrl for general housework ,
S. ISth. U451D *
WANTIU ) At once , several good city can
Tivasurs. 1510 Douglua at. b7."mi
"lA7ANTLD nrlght , IntolllOTiit lady , wor
V > light and In the olty. Thirteen week
111 ? . Address with stamp und roforcnco.K. M
lloo oOle-eN Omaha M KC-1U
. . . . rr.I ) Experienced saleslady fc
crockery dcpiirtmont , glassware department
mont , toy dopartminit : good salary | state rel
erenoes. Addro 8. V7J. Ue-e. W7-U
"WANTED A competent girl for genorn
TT housework In small family. OallThur :
day,3 p. in. to B p. m. . 61' ' b. 2sth st. bOl
\\7ANTIH-Nurso ) gl rl about li ye'ars c
V > ago. D01S.20tlibt. b&i
WANTED-Oood cook and second glr
good wages. Call 200 N. 18th. h4l-21
-A. girl for hounowork. Mr
IHinioiit , litua Lafuyetto uvu , formorl
_ _
TDlllOlIT younK lady wanted to set sell
JL * icribvn for tne Onmha Kicelilor ; W in
centcommlsalon. Apply lin HliHu su tll inra
WAN for kitchen und luuncir
> work , 11JO S 20th it. Ut
for nofM , ete , ttt loj nf Jlrtt colimin on thUpapt ,
TTlOlt UKNT Adclaohcd eight-room house ,
J almost noW | with i vcry modern convcn-
Icnro nnd \valkltiKulstincn , at aihcap
rental , ijinonton & Allen , 1C071'aruam st ,
M vn-rt
OOiaCat ) , ftx-o , S-rooni cottnpc , nnd wr t half
VT > ll liav'pt. ' t. , U rooms. Inqulm STilB Cnp.
ttvo. M 1000-a
inOK HUNT 7-room hotiso on ICtli st. near
JL' Mnlon. All convenience * : * -f.OO Mi-ad
Invt.t'u , lloo llldg. Jili'O \ _
TnnilNtSlliinTon o for Kent I'ntlT Sept.
J1st next my residence , furnished , llroonn ,
Kan , § oucr. batli room , fiirnuco , stnnlo fur
four horses nnd carrlagu room , Wni. 1'roston ,
21st nnd Howard su. M.UJ7-20 *
ItHXT-Nleo furnished linuso of sit
- rooms for the wluur ; ono Mock from
motor , ira. C'orhy st. M ioj-io *
TNT : Ono llvo rojrn cottnco on Norlh
SOth st. , No IJIU. 115 pur month.
T71OU lirNT-r irnlshca sit room cotfuo
JU for winter , < ? - ' " > ! > a month , H fcr nci3.
Coo. M. Cooper , 81UN. Y Mto. M OoO''O *
nrNT-A flitofl rooms In bulldinj.
onS. \ \ . corner ICth and Lca\oiu > orth sti.
Oil 1'J' '
1J1OH IIFNT C-rooni houses , S10 pcrinonlh
i ? only. f. 1' . Cook , N. \ . Mfe InillliiK 647-11)
1710H KP.NT-A C-rootn house , 2UUI ! > irloist
JL Imjulro ntjl : ) ! Charlei st. 019 Sl
ITIOK 1U.NT-7 room fiimWii-d tottaue ; nil
A ? modern conveniences. Apply at room3 ,
Chamber of ( 'onnncrco. WJ-S !
SO. Ill N'NDl'T. nun Ins eipresiolllcollh
. : * eul & Conrad , 1112 Dodpe Bt. Tol. 127.
M82S-J14 *
17KH lir.NT Smnll house on Kmtnnt si. ,
JU wist of 21th , B per month , Also7-room
house , oil ) \ \ iter. bith.on Oaldvrell , between
Srtth and 27th , T per month. U. L ( Jrccu ,
Room 'M , llurkor lilook. J17S7
ITIOIt lU'NT-4-room house , 2011 Center st | 3
J3 rooiiis , M)8 ) N. 1 1th su 7.B-1U *
FOR UINT-t-ioom houso,19170ullfornlast.
FOIt KrN'T-32.1 Mapio Bt. 'J block cist 2JIU
st inotiir. 0 rooms nncl nnllnMiedll story
aboto. full lot , well , clslei n nnd cellar , coed
nulRhborhood , S17.W ptr month -
lacc , llrown block , Hith and DougliiB. l-8 )
TjlOIt UKNT-My CIIne hi Ickd\\clllns" . some
JL ; llnlshtii , othorsto lo finished InsldoII dijs.
Each house 7 rooms uesltlei pintry , bith
roopi , laundry , furnace nnd nil modirn 1011-
vonlenccs. They aio worth KO.oo unch. but I
want to rent thorn nnd It Is late In the sonson.
They w 111 bo rontoil for $ - " > 00. 1 heso clugant
hntisct uro xltiiatcd on 20th nnd lnrcl , nnu
blork fiom the Walnut 11111 motor. 0mlnutos
walk to 1' O. Thco Olscn , 201 N. V. Llfo.
> Hm'TV cottaRc , motor 2 blocks. Inquire
Wlcor. Jncksonnnd titlr 901-10'
ion HENT-1 lint. (1 ( rooms in Union block ,
on tlio fornor of 1. till nnd Mason sts : steiu
In cooil ropulr ; J.i"HT ] iiHinth. Tnnulro
of John llanilln. 1)17 ) , in the block. MdL'S '
of ( ho rooms to rent In new brick
JL. ' block , fso nnilmtst. Klmbnll , Olntiij.
.t Itynn , 12a'i I'arnam bt. SlCdO-a )
1 VOU wish to rent a homo or store see II
P. Cole , Continental block. 27J
TT10IC KENT To responsible parties only
Je ? these line now brlek and stone house' ) on
Ocorgl.i axumo ; fifteen rooms and alcoves
morn e'omonlcncoi nnd better finished thai
nnyhotiso for rent In the elty. II. II. Hender
son , 400I1 iNtem block : , city. 274
rr-ltOOM homo with barn ; nominal rent. O.
t r. Harrison , 1)11 N. V. hlfo. 273
" 1710R Hl.NT Thn beautiful 7 room cottaroi
JD JUKI llnlshDd. Hath and modern lmiiro\o-
incntH. Only 8 left. 0. b. Elgultur,407 1 Irs'
Nat1 ! b ink. 433
TTOK UHNT 8 room house , nil modernlm- ,
JD nroMiiients. 22MChlcnBO St. , Ul.07 Ulng-
w.ilt llrtH. . llarkcr block. SU
T710R IIKNT 7-room cottige , convenient tc
JLJ wholesale district and business Apnly
1112 S. lOlh st. 1J3
"IjlOK ItHN r 8-room modern honso with nlco
-Chirn , 17M ( N 21st ; aluo 8-room house and
nkoliaiii. 2201) ) Miami , by Urutii &Ulshop. U54 ,
Howl of Trndo. 120
FOIl 1ICNT Seven-room cottieo , cor. 28th
a\o. andOap. ave.lnitilro2l)13Doilo. | ) ( ! M-OU3
Ferrate * , etc , , tec lop of Jlrnt column on thta WQ * _
ft ruilMSIIHD front rooms with gashot
i ami cold water In the rooms , prlco 110. l')13 )
Douglas 07(5-21 ( *
T710K HEIST A suit of two rooms. Heat ami
JL ? gus. 118 a month.15 Ujpltol a\e.
HANDSOMELY furnished front roomstcam ;
heat , gas , batli. 711 S. ICth. 2d lloor.
ITlUKNIblir ! ) orunfunilsliod roomsforrcnt ,
JL ? Miltnlilo tosmiill families , ono block nnd a
half fiom rnm.iin. 44'iH. 24th ac. 2a
FOR KENT Ono elegant furnished front
room , 2nd lloor with steam bent , li.atli , gns
nnd nil modern conveniences , only 110 ; must
have references. Sirs II. 0. } Ios > es No. 2238
I'ariiniiist. U18 - ' ! '
nmou KENT Furnished rooms , 1003 Capitol
JL1 uvc , 04biJ *
TJ10H IlENT Largo pleasantly furnished
JE front room , ion Podge i.t. . 8U-gQ *
TR10H KENT Neatly furnished front room ,
JUglQii Douglas st. 895-18 *
FOU If EM' furnished rooms , with Kns and
b.ith ) llrst-elnss table board. 200 NvlSth at.
FOIl UKNT Nicely furnished larso front
roomtil 1 conveniences. Apply ISlHCKlcago.
TTIUIlMSIinDrooins , steam
JL1 fUl 20'
. TIl UKNISlir.U moms , near two > notor lines ,
JL1 splendid location. 110 a 25tliBt. 810 IB *
Dr room , modern conveniences
17 01 Capitol a\o. 773
V furnished front rooms , steam heat ,
- A.I gas , bath. 711 B. Ibth , 2d lloor. 4CJ-10 *
AHM loom , private family , BH 9. 25th
a > o. M 754-11) ) '
O UOOMb light housekeeping. 1223 Nf2fllh.
T7IOII KENT Very plonsnnt furiilshea trout
JL' room with all modern conieulencos. 11)15 )
, Chicago st. Mli8 <
" 17OH KENT riirnlsliad rooms ; giisbath and
JL1 steam. 1519 Howard. 273
"T7KU KENT rumlshed rooms , 1COO Douxlas
T71OH KENT TWO nicely furnlsbc < l front
JL ; rooms. 2010 Davenport at. 207 ,
lur rattt , rte , tc * top ofrut column n t/iiapa < j .
rfi\VO unftiinlsliod south room ) , C2 S. 10th st.
M105-J1 *
T71IK&T lloor , private residence. Newly pa-
JL1 perod and n tinted , Oood location U13
builtll IGtll , 6JO-U *
riWO uufuinlshcd rooms , 1U041'tirnam.
J. 708 la *
TOK KENT bult of 4 untarnished rooms tc
J ? family without children. 1'rlco ' tlU.JO 1701
ollster - .
l OH KENT .1 unfurnished rooms for houso-
JL'keeping to family without children : also'
basenunt rtxims , at 111 ! N , 17th st. M 7VJ
lilOU UKNl' JunfurnUhid rooms'll ( N , l.ltl
Jst. SI 7M
) UNI U UN IfailMJ rooms luli I'liniiun st ,
J W5-18 *
al rUHMSHKD 110O31.S AM ) IIO\KD.
I'or latrt , < te , , rte top of first column on thlr
NIU1.LY furnished rixim , oust front , wltl
good boird , modern oou\oulonce : torni
rcr.soiiahlc. 7QSN. lUth at. HiJ-j ! *
WANTni ) Two young gentlemen toroon
and board at 1707 Dodge. Modern com on
lonces ; 1 > U-JO *
rk NICELY furnished front parlor v. Ith go x
board ; all modern conveniences. 010 N I7tl
ESIKAIlLE-Uooms vMlli strictly llrstclns
'or table board at the Merrlum , 'J3th fa'
rt. Dodge streets. M7W-20 *
En rooms with gas , bath and fur
Jmieo heat. Hoard If desired. 8. K. cot
\ 25th luo. nnd llarnoy. M750-1U *
> 1J1O11 HEM' Nicely furnished rxxnis , steam
JL gut nnd bath , with or without board. 172
"of Davenport. 2H _
ST. CLA 111 European hotul.nlth dining room
steam heat In nil rooms , 13th and Dodge '
rh bpcolalrjiUa by week or month. M
ollgoixl board , nldo roonu , modern con
rs vonVoiHMM. rules and location , tha I'lilltna :
rly house' , 1J10 Dodge St. , cuunot bo cxeellnl
fii 258 N * D *
NEWLY ( urntshod rooms , slnglnor entulu
with board , lioat , gas and bath'JUS nnd 'Jl
N , 17th , opposite now postoltloeslto 02J ts
11 ANDSOME Itoouii with board Chi
JJ. cage it
ron nn.vT-STOR.ia : AND OMMCKS.
Ir ntft , trc. , ire tufi of frtt tolitmnnn tMi WOt
TTIOIl K EN Ttolltxiry brick buld n K.
jl or without power , formerly occupied hy the
lloo rubllnhliiKCo.OlO rnrnnmst. Thcbulld-
ln ( ? lm n lire proof comentbawnent , complete
dtenm heiitlnirDxtiires. water on all the HOOM
gqg.otc. Apply ut the olllcuot Thu lleo.
store and iKispine-nt , together or
Wsepnrale , In brick bnlldlnit corner of fi nnd
nth lit , South Omaha. Jlrs. UreRa,314'i KJMh.
TOItE to rent In now brlclt blook , No. 1M1
Hurt it , Klmball , Uhatup & Kym. 13U
I'amiun at , ' '
S TOKESat 709 S ICth. 20x00 each , luntf show
windows , fiteiitu heat furnlshel. 'Ilioi. 1 .
Hall , .111 I'.Klon ' blk , 2M
T OOIC IIEIIE Winter is co-ninR , them area
J'few peed oniccs for rent in the
blrt'c , with llrst closs heating nnd best of ele
vator services. Inquire1 1'raiilc J , llnniKo ,
2K-n23 : )
For rat tf. tte , tre top of frit column ouf/il / jxii ; .
" ANTKD-A fin-rnslIcdTooni.wltirotMfllh-
ont bonrd , for a Kentleiniin. 1'ihato
family preferred. Address , statins loe-ntlon
and terms , W 11 , lice. M HW5-10'
WANTKD Two or three unfurnished roimm
for hou'cUceplnp. Address V > X lloo
oHIco. JIOOO-20 *
t'nrrntet , etc. , tee tap of fiiet column nn f'i's ' ) xij
POR ifrNT IJrlck warehouse , two stories
lilzli. b isciiiont. li > dr.iiillo elevator , tinck-
ngu ! beet location la tha city , A.U. 1'ourll ,
POU UKNT-llrlcIc warohouso. two stories
and b isoiucnt. i7,000 ! sqniiro feet , with 100
fpotof iloiiblo track on U. r. Hallniiy. South
Mill nnd 1'lorco strcots Address O. Ottlou
Oniahii , ob. 284
t'orratct , rte. , Kf top of frsl rommn on thti
STOHAOE The host In olty , clean , dry , safe ,
and privately stored at reasonable terms.
Umiiliii btovo Uopalr Mork9,1207 Uouglas/lul.
rjlllAOKAOr/storaBO at lowest rates AV. M.
3L HuHlinmii , l.ill Lon uilworth. 2 . " >
STOKAQE anet Trackage-Duild Cole , 813-
817 Howurdst. 7H
For rates , etc , tee top of fi-nt rr/liimn on I/if / * vn < i .
T OST-A Patriarchs Militant Odd I-VIlows
JLJeliurin. Howard for return to E. C. Cooper
4031'ii-Kton block. ' US1 18 *
T OST I'nlrof onorn Rlnssps between Shor-
JLJiiiiin uvc. and l.iinain nnd lllh sf. ycstor-
( liiyiHKin. Huwardnlllbo pild for return to S.
Jouasen's Jouelry store , Furuaui und lltli sts.
( I'll H
"I ObT Aiallso containing apalrof black
JLJp nits , niantcd on watch pocket 9. It. Her
sey. Ituturn to 1JS2 Farnnui aud get renard
.1)78 ) 18'
A.GENO * .
Fnrratt * . etc. , rtc lop of first column on l/ifi / n < i(7 ( .
STAHLnnd.t Loan Co. Heal catatc , loans
und limitraiicc rental aseney , 075-cll"
1ST your houses vrlth the Kcal Tstntoln
J formation bunuu , 17 Doird Tniclii.
ail n 29
rpo HKNT-20 farina ; to soil In Iowa. TO duo
JL farms ; write for particulars. L Water
man , OJO 1'nxtoii blk. OSJ IS *
1UUEY& lro.rcntal agouH.203 N.Y.Llfo
"TT E. Cole , rental ngcnt.Contluautal blk.
1ST your housc to sell or rout with 0. F ,
Jllarrlson. Bit N. Y. Llfo 001
etc , , ree top < > / first cuiumn < m i/if < p i < j
"TjlOn SALE 1 Art Qarland base burner
JUsto o , nearly now ; 1 choiry mantle fold
Inx bed ; 1 nqiiaro piano ; 2 small parlo
btu\es , fiood heaters. 8IU Park Avenue.
M.100-21 *
T710H SALE Cheap for cash or its emitva
JD lent. Kurnlturo ( all now ) of n slx-rooii
lint centrally located ! rooms all occupied by
Rood tenants Address W10 , Uco olllci' .
M Uflt-10 *
TTlOlt 8A LE-A now Fniei-son piano , first class
JtJ In o\ cry particular , nrlcoerylow. . lies'
of reasons for selling . Address W 0 , lice.
010-25 *
"CWU SAM > -flno now furniture of 8 rootr
JL ; house , such ns uptight pliino. parlor uncl
l > rd room suits , dlnlnk'loom furniture , sllvor
w.ire , dishes vobotcaiputs , rniiKe , etc. Wll
soil pirtur all. 11. U. Irey & llro. . 200 N. Y ,
l.lfo. 911-13
TplTllMTUKE ot 10-room house , com en
J lontlv located for taking roomers , cheap
loase. Omicr has position tlmt takes fiiinlly
out of. the city , llutchlnsou i Wead , 1524
Douglas. 878-18
" \rEWfurnltnroandsto\os of a nine room
JLihouno forJooO ; aliargnla. House rents for
S2A 21011 rurnani. 71X1 111 *
T71OK SALi ; A largo parlor sto\o and 2
JL : amull utovcs. J.V. . Harris , JOth , md Ca s.
FOU hAiji : HOKSI38 WAGONS irc.
t or rnl , etc , see top nf fli it utlitmn on lha yoge.
TpOll SALE Clieap. Elcuant lady's ( IrliliiR
JL1 liorio , ll\o years old ; sound , irentlo. bafe
and liaiulHomo. A.V. . Serlbner , U. P. hond-
quarton. M OCa2J
TjlOK 8AiaDellery ; wagon. 1507 N. 10th st.
X1 Jl800-1)1J ) *
\\7"OIIC ! liorso SCO. two horse wagon $20. dou-
i > bio work ) inrnos3ir . Or will trade for a
peed Unlit side bar Ouggy. U.K. Cole , Conti
nental block. 273
-rrOUSES * 30 and up. II. E. Colo.
V 271
TIOKSALK 2 coed work teams. Inrjulro ut
lk 2 0
forratei , etc , see top of Jlret column on I'll' I ao9
TTioirS A'LF 2 "mlTu : ee i wsT price"s" and $ JO
JL Apply foronmu , lannlng & Co. , 27th nud
Uorbj. U7J-23 *
17IOH SALI' Two cash registers In coed ro-
JL' pair , ut 111 S. 14th St. M700-10 *
, prlco reasonable , H tA lloo
ollkc. 77J
IV AM K I ) ' 10
For rat ( , etc. , fee. top of find column on ffi page.
WANTED to Buy A peed plann as wart
payment on cliolco lot at Thirty-sixth
nnd ieuenwortb. . I'rleo lower than any ad
. joining property , Address W 15 , lloo.
\T7ANTED-To l > uy finest rosldenco In
TT Hnirbcom I'laco. L. Watormun. OJO I'ax-
ton blk. 1135 13 *
ANTED At once , 2 or 3 ncrcs of
trackage property , close to center of olty.
State price. Amos Heal Kstatu n coney , ISO"
I'arnain. M.ftV-JQ
WE HAVE n cash buyer for a lot , orliousn
nnd lot In Rood residence locality. Co
Operative Lund and Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st.
: niUJKN'ITllIlEhousehold goods otc. Hhrhost
JU cash prlco.cillj \ \ , 1111 litniqi . SK
SECOND hand typewriters. J. I1. Slegeath ,
10071'arimni St. , Omaha. TO
TTANTED Horses , wjiRona , oto , to sell nt
T V auction every Tuosdav nnd 1'rldny , 10 n.
in. I'loiioerftabloa , Uth , between llurni'j'n '
Howard. U)7-1U
: WANTED-Horso and beiBgy. W J.l'.iul ,
1000 Furnam. 3m
For rates , tte , ttt lop iif Jlrtt column. o thti vigt.
EIL C AYTO , Clairvoyant Can by her
will power grant any request. 610 N. loth
street. 101-il *
' A ItlUVEl ) Cl lr\oyant , naturally Rlftoa ,
/V. te-lls past anil future , love troiiblbs. lib-
cent friends , changes travels.btiblncss. Bath-
faction glic'a. Mrs. Wallace , 1JOS larnam t ( ,
"ArilS. STEVElt 13 Klvlns ? best success of any
, JIL nny fortune teller In the olty , She does
JI not deal liinny friiud. Her terms are. thu low-
cst. 400 N . Kith. Jd lloor. _ SI OCU-IU *
TVr118NANNIE Y , WAllllEN , clairvoyant
Ltranco , ipoakltiK , writing and rellublo bus
Incas medium , 4 years In Oiiiaiio. ill ) N. ioth7
M.ASSAQrJ , Madam Delzlur , ever 010 H
M. 40Jdi *
lorrata , tte. , $ tt top ifInt column on tAtip ton
il- Tjil SsioKS TJiVblTnKVniiiVi vrot'r'AKenor
J. 211'reuzer bloolc. Information free 317
Forratet , tte. , ree top of frit cuiiimn nit thti pott.
JIAHA rcnclnn ffi omy-N. " Y. Llfo
building , bnscmonti' room ' 0. " Health
nnd ploanuro combined ijixerolsc ndvlscd by
the medical frnternltt/J Now Is the tlmo to
arranijo for lessons Jtiittly or In pairs.
ratclnntlnggport. t'rot. Engol.
F OUHKNT-Oood bafn , ono box nnd tw
com mini stalls. AvplV. 1S10 Chlcnco st.
' , mt at *
MAS AOEtrontment.nJpctto-thormalbaths ,
sculp and hair trealnient , niiintourn nnd
chiropodist. Mrs. I'ostJiJSW-SI , WIthuell bile.
nOISSi ; to let for llcht driving to good party
for Us feed. U. Ii J.PtoHL'ontIiicntnl bhlg.
' , . mv-is _
LADIIS & Rents to buy the 1'lumor reclining
chair ! unsurpassed for comfort. ! < 21 N. nth.
818 DM
rpYPEWniTEUS for rent otsale. . Stonoir-
XrauhcrssuppllM. J.r.JIcgcath.ltW Tarnniu.
ON'T forpet Jos. t' . Mcscath. 1007 rarnam
et.when you want to buy , rent or "oil u
typewriter. 772
Ul'HOI.STlUMNO nnd mnltre'sses renovated
ll.iON 18th. li. retctHon , 712-dl
MAbSAUE , Mudum lol/nr , o\cr eilO H nth.
4M d2 *
For ratu , etc , ret . .
" \rONLYtolonn on lipproiod city property
J-'lat current rates : fuiulHon limm ; no delay.
Goo Vlllnst . Co , 20J Itanigc bldg. U01-dl3
Land & . Lo estate. loans
STAU Insurance-rental nconcy. U7.ill7
mudo on choice elty tiroporty nt lowest
rates. Sums of M.OOO n d upwards pcrferrcd
KlnibiilM linnili V Itynn ,
l.TO KariiiLin stteot. 80013
MON1JY loaned at low r ties on furniture ,
horses , Ao , without publicity , lliwkeyo
InvcstmcutCo , : t > Douglas blk.lOth and DoiUo.
"WANTED-Oper cent real est lie loins. 0.
VV R llnrriion , OU N. Y. Life. 3j7
TirONEY to loan on second mortgnze. W. S
J.Yl\Vynn , Itoom i'4 Oiu.iha Nat. Ilk. lll'dct.
. M 721
"WANTED First-class liisltta loans Lowest
V rules. Call and set ) us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. 1501 rarnani. 0.1
TVIONPA' to lo in by ll , l' . M 'isters ' on ch ittol
J-'J-aiul eoll iteral securities for any tlmo f ram
one to six months In tiny amount to suit bor
Loans mndo on household KooiK pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , lenses , warehouse
recolptB , etc. at the lowoit possible rates ,
without publlolty or ron al of property.
} Iy loans are so arranged tlmt you can IIIIKO
n payment ot any amount at any time and ro
il IKU botli prlnciplo and interest.
If you OHO a balaneoon your propoity or
lia\o n loan ) on wish tliitigcd.I will pay It o IT
nnd curry H for you. If you Iliul It inoro con
venient , call up telephone No. 10l ! and jour
business will bo arranged .it homo.
Money always on hand. > o delay. Nopub-
llcltv. Lowest rutod.
_ , II Masters ,
Itoom 4 , 11110011 blk , 15th and Harney sd.
OtlHAl' eastern money
I'hlladelphla SlortKURO nnd Trust Co. ,
always ready to nnd p iv promptly : first
Ooor W. 1' . C'oates
inortsasps wanted e , rep
resentative , room 7 , bo ml of trade. 2'JU '
QTAll Land & Loan Co Ttcnl estate. Inins
k.3 and Insurance rcutui nRoncy. 1173-dl"
SIortKaRO < 'o Loans of $10 to
J-Vjl.000 ; KCtonrriites before borrowIIIK and
sau > inoney ; loans on torses , f uriiltiiro or any
iippn\td Htcurlty wlthoyt Duhllclty : notes
bought ; for now loans , renewal of old ind low
est ratescalllt. 208 , Shooly ulk.,13th & Howard.
iJO *
BUTLniNQ loanH. Cto7porcont ; no addi
tional diarizes forcommlssionor attorney's
fees. W. B. Mollclc , rirst'National ' bunk Lldg.
T OWI ST rates on choice elty loans ot $1,000
JUte 9TiO,0/0. ( Central Louu Si Irust Co , 1J05
Farnnra st. ' 070 19
MONEY ,10,00or00days.on furniturepianos ,
horses , houses , etc. v , J , J. Wilkinson , 018
L'ajctoubllc. 'M
Ixians Cash on hand Olobo
JLlLonn & , Trust Co , J07 S. 10th st. No delay ,
no extra charges llouscstfor rent , go jd list.
- , 3X ( )
CU k O. M. ANTHONY , 118 N. Y.Life build-
ing , lend money on furius In choice coun
ties of Nebraska ftnd'loWa ; also on Rood
Onmliuresidence propertj'i lowest rates ; best
tirms ; no del ly ; money roady. Tltlos and
values p issed on here. 301
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates. I/owcst rates
on personal property.
The Henderson MortRajro Investment Comp -
p my , room 400,1'lixton blk. 1
, IllOS. l th st.lo ins moaoy
V on chattelsorcollator.ilat rcisonnblo atos
" | jintST& second mort < ii03 on vacant & . Im-
JU pio\edclty prop. County wuiriinU boueht.
Bloiioyonhand. P.M. Ulchardson,818N.Y. Life ,
TTIASTnilN money to loan on city propeiiy :
JLymortg.igop.ipirlJouBlit. ! II.II Iroy.N.Y.Lffo.
CllATTKLlo.ins nt lowest rates. Uomo\cd
toK4 ! N. Y. Ilfo bldK. J. B. Uinmlnser.
rONHY to loin on city and farm pro ]
L\V. M. Harris , 11 23,1'ronzor lllk , opp. } ' . O
MONEY to loan. Correspondents of Lom
bard Investment company. ShrUcr A.
Burns. I'rcn/or hlock. bOl
TTlAIlM Loans Host rates and option In tno
JL' west. Interest iinminlly. Itorroweraoan pay
part or all of principle at end of any year , and
stop Interest , 11. K. blow C , 810 N.Y.LI fo bids.
890n21 *
Tor rates , etc. , n lop nfflfntcuhimn an ttits
T71O11 IIKNT A furnished hotel , or Mill buy
JU furniture by Installments. Address W 12 ,
lieu olllec. D70-23 *
TTIOIl SALE--'i ! liitprcst In ll\erys driving
-A ; horse and line pony. CJO 1'uxtonlilk.
Newspaper men desirous of sellliiK out
should communicate with M. O. I'crklns ,
American Press Association , Omaha.
FOll SALH A Rood stockof haidw.ire.dolns
a. Rood huslnoss. \\tlltlcot. \ . Neb. ; onlv
narnnnre In tonn. Tor partloulnis address
1' . M. . Wellllcot. Neb. OH 18 *
WANTKD Lady partner In well
lonc-establlshcd tetall business in
Omaha ; object , to on largo business. K\col-
lent opportunity. Addicss , W8 , Uco. W7 18
OH RENT lintel anil ho irdlnR house. 20
HleppliiR rooms completely furnished for
only $40 per month to rolUblo parties. U.K.
Cole. Continental blk. O.'O-IO
TlfEAT MAHKET for sale , fitted up first-
O.U. class hi ovtry particular. Oood business
\\111 bear tlto strictest hucstlsntlon. Addrcbs
lock box 400.Ooiinoll llluffi. In. lOI-il a
FOltbALn rirst-clasahar and restaurant :
long lease. Address H. llornberge-r , l.fJi
Douglas btrcot , Oiniiha.t M biC-g *
Foil SALE .13 barreLstonm roller mill
Thes. Grouch , Tekanih | | , Nebraska.
.1 lr. 70 dlf
WANTL1) A competent newspaper man
with llvo or nix thittiMind dollars In cusli
or security , to take clittritu ,
as I have Important business that will require
my tlmo cast nnd houtli.for the coming year ,
Wo will p iv the right land of a man n nice
salary Uocominondatllins required. Ad- Vitughun. Ofaitha. Neh. Mi43Nao : *
T7)OK ) SALE Ouobte.imuowerBrntn oleuitor
JL1 building with hrlcl , addition and olllco
building , complcto , jnoT'SIl personal property
therein , bltuuted nt MrfMlngs , Nebraska ! one
frame hoisu power k'rali e'louitor liullillnx ,
comvloto , and all pcrhoicnl property tliurttln ,
nno lour e-ornerlfis , sittlktecl nt Inland , Ne
braska ; one frame borsU powuroloMitorbuild-
Ing with frumo Olllec , qnmphtn , with all per
sonal property theroju , Jiicl four cornerlbs
and the land on whlth Jlie 8:11110 : nro situated ,
being about one acre , iitorn or less , sltiintcd at
llrlcton. obrnska ; thlrt > f i * > purty Insolil under
orilerof the court ; hldii-to lie made for CIIHI |
and may bo made for one , two or nil ot said
elevators ; must bo addressed to Hobcrt K.
lootrocelvor , Domor , Colorado , box 2200 ; all
bids to boonencd Decembers , and to bo sub.
Joct to the approval of the court. Uobert K.
root , rocclveir , Dated , Denver , Notombor 8 ,
ItW. 8121U
FOIt SALE Tbo furniture , fixtures and 4
vi irs' lonso of a tt.lrooin hotel , with bar
and billiard rooms connected , nil In good
crel or J prloo , W.500. Address V 50 , line oftlco.
" " " " "
FOI18ALE Alnrgo dry goods and carpet
cstubllslniicnU established tlilrty-llvo
years In u flourishing western city , can nee
lfl.000 , .15oOaort.SO , )0 ) capltol doing uulu -
able business. Address VWJleo oflloo , Omaha
( JJ5.000spot oash " 'Jnd $10,000 In clear western
'Piiinds to exchange for a llrst olass stock ol
dry goods or general rodse. Address wltli
particulars , Henry t'liamborlaln , Wood River ,
Sob. 770ga
ir OU BALE A good hotel lease with com.
pleto furniture , etc. Will Boll choun. Ad <
IX1 sO5.IJee , \ ' "
Forratct , tte. , netopof Jlnt column on thU
Foil PAIiE llnrbnr shopi ono of the host
locations In Omahni good furniture ) will
neil cheap to good party. Address V CO. lloo
Ofllco. 60C-2J
A 1'AUTY with $10,000 ciinhuy n controlling
-cxintcrfU In bank paying S.t to 30 per cent ,
In ono of the best towns In the state. 1'itr *
dinner toflll tliooflloo of onshlor. Address V
70 lice. HU-St
for rent or f&le. T. JliirrnV 077
171011 SAM : Uno of tlio moit doslrable hotel
JJ propertiesInthestntc.Mtiintcdlii Huncroft ,
Cnmlngcoiinty.Noh The house hmagoodpiiy.
Ins pill-imago and lias tin excellent llvory
stock nnd feed jtubln In connection , The
town Is thncndof npisiensordlvlilcm of the
Chicago , Ht. Paul. Minneapolis & Om ilia rail
way , It N u centering point for hunters from
all ( Uor the Unto , ns she li surrounded by
lakes , marshland vimtpiulrliMiwIiFro ducks ,
goe-so , prilroehluKcns and other K.UIIO birds
abound In itront numbers during tholr
fonson. 1 or further reference apply to 1) ,
Doluoy , llnncroft. Neb. J1186-N27
Forttiff * . ttr , , trc tripnf * fr t riiumn nn f/il txru .
CliKAlt fiirinnonf rinrliulu , In.wortli SIJ-
Ouu , for Riioil vueiint lots or hoiiso nnd lot
In OnmlKi ( J. Harrison , 012 N. Y. Mftf.
"ITIOll KXOHANOK too ncrc good clear land
Jv for qiiltlci In rnciunbcii'd Unmlin prtiii-
prtr. wnlltieo & llli ncy. Drovrn blucU. luih
nnd DouitlitH. U il
FOU KXoTiANUl-lof for brlok. O. 0.
\\allaoe. \ \ llro\\ block , ICtli andUuiiElns.
Till ) oxchaiiRO Iinpro\cd prnporty noirSher-
-i. man ruo. , for l.uul or lots ftliaw , j08Slu > cly
blk. U74
OllVI-N lurgo lots notr bitslnvst c6ntpr ,
Ollnstlngx. . Ncl ) , clcui nvchiingo forUinnha
pronurt } , Alex , Muorc , Ml tjhucly block ,
07MD *
320nprofiirm noarO'Nolll to trndo for city
pronorty. This la a do lriblo farm , nnd
O'Neill Is rapidly R .iWiiK Into a oily. Co-
Upcrutho l inil nnd Lot CoS05 N. Will HU
. uai i'i '
/10KNI K business lot , Louxenworth st. , ox-
V-'thnnBO for iciitsil Property in Umnha.
Alex , ftlooro , 101 slicoly hlook or.-lU *
WANTKU-A clean stool , of merchandise ,
foi ' ( to } j cush , balance property. Ad
dress V 18 Hoc. 8ID-21
lot In Amos Place , clears will take
) and bii > ? ( 'y in part payment. Alex.
Sloorc. UOl Shooly blooK in.-lU *
GOOD , clear. Insldo csldcnco lots to ox-
cluinco for cnuiiinhered < Ielliiblo : 1m-
pro\ol liusliiBSS or resilience property. Also
Htock farm tooxolniiKu fordcHirabloiesluonco
or Ijinlucis property. AddicssV , " hex Ct > 5
Oniiilm. M761-1U1-
OJIE flno homos in Uniaha ; exchange for
3 lots , Ale * . Mootc. J01 fehcely block.
072-10 *
T7 01l KXOIIANOt : OdO ncro rinohe , with
IJ stock , for Rcneriil msdo , groceries orhurd-
Hnro. Addicss V. 40. lleo. 715-27 *
Forrat't , etc. , rce tup of Hist column on il\i \
± \ . MIOO
H It. IUKY & UHO.-bDLi.Ul Hargnlus.
D modern 10-room liouso and tnrn , f
In luird wood , finest % low In the ol
pa\cJ st . .llstnuir llnnscnni I'uik.
7-room house , Illst ntarPopploton. $1,100.
8-room house , lot fntts 18thandl'Jtli.,1 bloc
court house , pivcd htri.pls.
0(1 ( ft on bummers , onp Hamilton , verychci.
Kino 2-story 7-room house , all modern Im-
protoimnt-s , CeorgKi unear 1'nclHe , $ .V > 00.
0-r cottngo and barn , Hi Istol ncar2 < th , $ -,000.
Sonth front lots 2Uth and Hamilton nud 2Gth
nnd llurdotte , both clear. No cash required
If imrcliisiT will liulld. tjcing time nhcn.
boAnrnl N. Oninh i add lots , trnckngo. choip.
141 ft frontage , 21st nud llarnoy.
Heautlful e front lot. Kd , near fopploton ,
IlirRalns In all parts of the city. 20(1 ( N. Y.
Life. nil-18
A LltUIGlll'B Choice.
SI'All Land ft Loan Co. real estate ) , lo-iln
nnd Insurance rental agency. B75-dl7
$7r > 00 for corner 2M and Cass sU O. I1 , liar.
rlson.Olg N. Y.Llto. 03410
T710H feALll-A lot In Tiiclory I'laco J125 , In
JL ! bolby's IM ) . Kllny 1'lnio$1,000. I'lahiNlow
81,150 , Clifton Hill tNXJ. bJO I'axton blk. 84 18 *
THOU PALE-OIlfloii Hill lots , on the military
JL'ro.ul , lit the terminus of tlio extension of
Walnut Hill motor Hue. The boom Is In this
propuily. Get prices Wallace & lllayney ,
llrown block , Kith and DOUR ! is. 0371
BUSINnSHI'roncrty-I have concluded to
olTcr the hullcllnz nud lot lotweon the N.
Y. Llfo and Morse's for sale at the low prlco
of J.W.OOO , now piijlng o\or I ) per cent on this
tlgulu with front hull of Ird floor vacant.
This propoity IB worth 100,000. David 0. 1'at-
teison , nil ) Iaruam. 04.2 20
FOR SALE Host south front on Farnam , In
llrlgRs' place , $ .1,000 , easy terms. G , 0.
Wallace , Brown block , 10th and Douglas.
TjlOU SAlji : Well hnllt , pleasantly
JL1 located 8-rooin hou o nnd Dim , good
\alno , faces faontli , on llurdutte st ,
for $ 4,000
Onbonnrd st A very dcslriblo 7-room
hoii e , uxcillnnt older , for 4,250
On 14th sti col , neat Center 2 house.4 on
ii lot ; will tnko \ lotlu part
piyinent ; prlro 4,000
Lowe n\a. and , Harnllton Bt 5-rouni ,
niodoui houso. for 4,000
OnEld St. , north of I.eivenworth A J-
room house , lot 40x1211 ; j > rlco 20,000
On 1'aik A\Lnuo.
North of Loavenworlh st J-story , 8-
room frame , In perfect order , modern ,
( .heap at 6,500
Corner Sfith and Half-Howard 7-roonj
IIOIIMI , modern ; prlco onlv 12,300
On 20111 st , between Woolworth and
lllelcor > Ono of the plo.isintosi resi
dence locations In Om ilia 7-room
modern house , for 7,000
On B th bt. and Alarcy J-t.tory frumo , vnd
bun 5,500
rarnan , near 41st st A poi feet ly modern
well built residence , with all elcoLrlo
appliances Includlngc.ill to him , all
In perfect order and Miry clio'co . . . 10,000
1'lno brick residence , modern , ulth barn ,
In KountzoI'luoc ; prlco 11/iOO
On Ilurnci si. , near 21th pt A9-room
house , Imth , otc , barn , for 11,000
Will inako ensy terms If debited.
LaUo st , neni : : oth 1'lnu lot w 1th onoB-
roomhoubo and ono J-room hoime , a
bargain , at 5,000
11-room house on llanicy st , , near 24lh ,
for 11000
Ames Estate AKcncy.
1507 l-iirnam.
Odlco-opcn o\cnlngs. fcolo Aitonts.
A1 Choice.
TTIOIl SALlI Lot .1. I'elham plncc , SI.'OO.
JL1 worth J2000. Wullaeo & Illajney. Iliown
block. Kith and Douglas. OS7 21
00x127 on Saundois fit. 2 cottages renting for
IJT. each. $11,000 O. T. Harrison , 012 N. V.
Llfo. 1 > 54 10
$7510 for oornnrKkl and California , sts. 0. T.
llnrrl30iiOI2N. Y. Life. OH 11) )
mil K best lot on Hamilton und Lowe a vcnuo.
JL Enquire at 4038 Hamilton st. OSO do *
KEAT Ilnrgaln A W.UOU residence and lot
on Chicago nnd42nd forsnloforthe Incuni-
brani o , J4.000. rortomiH oto. , see W. W. Sla-
bangh , attorney , 010 N. Y. Life. 041 ! itt
$7,000 for 8 room house 2Sth HUnoiir 1'opplo-
lon. will take part In tndo , pUcols nloar.
0F. . Harrison. OU X. Y. Llfo. 851 1'J '
S HOLES to tlio front. C hit\o sir elegant
houses on 44th and F.irnain , with every
inodornconvenlcuco/Including gas and pas
llxtiires. now nearly reailv for oooupanny. oeo
thom nnd nuiko your choice. I'rlce , H.710 to
$ I,2AO , MOO to SoOO cash , balance to suit at 7 per
Oarrlago always ready to show customers ,
rnrnnm street motor within four blocks.
lluyahoiiko quick , and take a hand In tlio
grand stiulllo. This Is straight goods D V ,
bholps.213 first National bank. M Oi. .
120 acres flno fann land adjoining good No-
JL bruskii town ; nearly cleir.
100 acres flnoly Improved land 2'i ' miles from
count ) Boat In Nebraska ; lightly encumbered
120 acres good land In Nebraska , 5 miles from
county boat ; 2,5(0 ( Inhabitants.
House nnd lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town.
4 room house and lot , b.irn , well and ot.stcrn
ICth street. Omaha ; slightly Incumbcred ; wll
trade for Omulm property and assume Incum-
brunoes. H. Ii Colojoiiilnental block. 001
CjO.fiOObiiyiithoDr. Chambers residence ant
1 > voterlnury barn on 10th nnd llunlottosts
ThU h $ Jl , > loss than cost. D , Y. tiholoH. salt
agent,21J first Nut. banU. M OJO
rr HOOM cottage , full lot , llansoom I'laoo
I east front and a Rreat bargain tor n fev
days , bmall cash payment nnd balance Wm
long tlmu. 1' . K. Uurllng. llurker bloek. UOt
Choc ! .
roit H.VIji ; IlHiVIi HSTATE.
r i-ntti , elt , , teetopof flitt tnluinn oil thlt I
Liiuia UTS ciioico.
TTIon 8AIK-E t front on 4tht. bc-
JL trroeti rnrnnm nnd Iod < ; r , nn finer
residence slli' In this city , chrnp nt , . $ 3000
Lot on lath st. near Locust , u busi
ness location 41170 for . , 4,530
This \\olluortli linostlmitlim ,
On 41st st. lietHcen Douglas and 1'armm
deslnlilo for n rcsldonco at . , . 3,300
Corner lltmlctto one ) 28tlmts. lot ,
good busliiiws locution or for duelling
110110 or Mats nt . 0,000
McstOmaha , frontlnscnst on aniliKt. nn
excellent location forllnehiU < < c < , price 13,000
East front on 201 lint , bet , Wuolworlh
ami Hickory. W ) foot lot for . 2aX )
On MIIROII st. hot. 31st and ; iM Hts. onei of
the spots for residence In Uniithil > 0\llti
or 120x148 per font . , . PO
Tenth st north of Nicholas , good track'
atlolotfor .
On siith ave Olnrk's ndd lotOIx 1 IS for .
On SaumloM st. Ml\i \ st. ) near Odd Pel
lows hall , business 10122x80 prlco . . 0000
Bnlendld lot for hou i's to rent or fur
tints , near motor , p l\ed slrteti Ac. ( Mr
l.U corner o ( Jones nnd "ith st.illl sell
low. nsonner wishes to lisa inunc. " } In
business . . . . 0,000
Very choice.
Onlist st. bet. Da\cnport and Dodcc ,
lot ! > 0 < el2 . 2000
( 'onirr I'n riniiii nnil 40lli yt . 4 000
Insldo lots on 4lth ( st . II.IKX )
'I wo lots pimt front on not h st.lclwei'u .
DodRo nun rariium. each i . . 3,5'0
Corner I'arnam and 'Isth t. facing on t
Rticits vltli south north nudvcst
f routs , per lot . . 4500
1 or iiluislnoss
lot , wo olTor the host In Omaha , with
fitl ft. frontairo I rj f t. depth to an alley.
situated on Dodge st between 1Mb nnd
Kith sts , facing south , pays a KOIH !
rental now with present frame build-
Inns , price , . . . . 70,000
lor trac-kiiue , seocornor of 9th ami .Tones
foitmrly use by the Consolidated
T.ilik Ijfiio Co price . . . . .1(1,000 (
On iny tirms , Ames Heal Eitnte > Age noyi
1VT7 1 arnambt.solo agents , OnieoopennMn-
Inga. IW.I-K1
IHOll fiALR or trndc-a nlco lot 49\IT2. south
JL' front , on grade , eltyMitcr , I'i blocks
southcistof 20th and Ylnlnii ftts , for Mloor
trade fora good liorse nnd phanton I'rleo ,
Il2. > 0.00i eiicumbrancu $10000. Acldiiss.V 1 ,
lleo. _ mfi-sa *
O ELI'CIANT homos In Kountzo place from
) } " , ,000to J6.500 : WJ nsh , bilanco 4 unrMtn :
per month , 0 per cent Interest. Otlit > r Rood
homes In same addition to exchange for oily
property. 8-room inodnrn houso. lj ! ; blocks
west of 24th , on Caldwell St. , for $ .l'0 : > 00
c.ish , balnnco0 ! per month. 0 per cent Inter
est. J , J. dlbson , solo UKont , Kuuutzo pliioe.
T71O11 SALE Cheap , nno 0-roomeottnee , with
L' tiarn , onbpauldliiKst. , Druid Hill ; full lot.
I'rleo. $ . ' ,2Xl ( ! cash $100 , balance monthly payments -
ments , O. F. Units , jgQ S. 15th Bt. 8Vi-21 *
FOK AIiI'or KvcnanRO-roralotMlllisomo
cash , a nlco dwelling pni'jorty near motor
line hi north part of iltv. A bargain for some
one. W. A.bpeucor , W.7 , Chanilior Commerce.
_ _
ASNAl1 } J,7. > Owlll buy n nlcoS-room house
mill lot. with collar , cittern , olty water
setter and burn , centrally located ; terms
easy. J. I ) . Zlttle , 014 N. Y.Llfo 80 111
EI < I OANT residence In IConntra I'lnco ; 9
rooms finely llnlshcd anil till modi rn con
veniences ; Wlrt St. , near L'Dtli ( Jnn sell on
one-qii irtcrcush jinymcnt and balance time
to rlRlit party. This Is no uhcap ullilr of a
house , but a comfotahle honip In every sc n o
nnil a big snap bargain. K , 1C. Darling Kiiikcr
Illock. M.7DI
TJAOllSALn Trade or rent , oho ip , tlno houso.
JL1 4Jd and Ca s st. Inquire nt house M53J JO *
LIIlUGlll'S Choice.
L Mtoa
FOK SALE Lot 23 , block ft. Paddock 1'laec ,
nnd lot 1\ block 111. bouth Omaha , \\lli \
Bell cheap Address L. K. bchoeuloberCer"soo ,
Neb. riO -J.V
IK YOU hnvo anything to bull or oxehunge ,
cull ut 018 1'uxloii bloolf. Jl.l
$ n OCO for homo on ChlenBO st. near 25th. O.l\
Harrison. U13N. Y. Lite. KI7
$0r)00 Only JO WO Dr. ChimbnrV residence
on ICthund llurdctto St. , owner goliu to
Iea\eolty. Host bnrgiiln In Oniah i. I ) V.
Hhoto. solo agent , 2111'lrst Nut , b ink M OTO
FOll SALE 100 acres , city limits O. M
I'oucr , solo agent , loom SH Ohambui of
Commeice. til 10'
FOll SALE or rcnt-J3 foot front with bulhl-
Ingof20 rooms. Apply ut the promises
Also2J feet on cor of Chicago nnd lltli. Ap
ply at 318 bouth l.'th bt. 210-n27
OUSALC At a bargain , OfixIM on Uiuon-
port , ne ir 17th , one liloolc from now post-
olllce , very cheap , JM.OOO ; 50xlC corner 2Jth
nnd Turnim , $ JO,000 O. L. Uroon. room J9 ,
Darker block G8t
LIIIliailT'S Oholco.
IIOHS13SViNri5HI2I > .
tor tales , etc. , see top of Jliet column on Uilinge
HOUSES taken for the winter with ono full
feed of grain per day and plenty of hay,8"
per month Good earn will be t ikon of them.
Leave hoiso v ith NE , Dlllrnniu , utatili's 414
faouth 17th st. Telephone 8J4.
H OUSES wintered. Wo ha\o the best ac-
coinmountlons In the state for wlntcrhiK
. Hex or Blnplo stills , with paddock.
Apply to Windsor , Kemp Co , JO J uw York
Llfo uldK , or toOhrls Novlns , at chest nhlos ,
lrliiglon , Nob. MC'll
H OHHESwInterod-Nohi'ttci place towln-
.ttrhoibcs than the btlllivntur stock farm ,
Tt. C.ilhoun. 1'rlccs low , best , eiuo. II J ,
Kendall , propr , room JOO , Iliown bldg Omaha.
f > 74 dl (
HOllbl.H wlntoiccl ! it Omaha fair grounds.
lean winter200 horses , each liona has n.
largo warm hoxstall , feed all the griln the
owner wants , large yards for cxurclio In line
weather. A , Thomson. Mail NJ )
Korinff , etc see top otfitnt colmn onttil *
Bill Oljn buying a plnno examine the now
scale Klmball pl.ino.A Hospu , 111.1 Douglas.
_ 2L _
HO. R Gnr.LnNlinOK.toachcr of the banjo
with Hospc. ISl'l DoiiKl is. 249
r > HOK. Chas. Potorscin. piano , or-cnn , violin
zither , vocal instructions. 503 Sliooly bile.
' *
biiOltTllANU ANU TYi'lJ\VlU'J.'I\Q.
I'ot late * , tte. , ttctopoflist column on Ihiapage ,
WANTED Two ladloiandono Rcntlemaii
to learn shorthand , ( ioixl posltlonH when
coniputent. Call 1515 I'liriiiiui st. M110-IH1 *
rpVl'UWUlTEIlS , all males.boiiht. ( sold ox-
JL chuiiKod , rented. J. 1' , Mun'oath , 10J7 Par-
nainstreot _ _ 315
BO. AVHEKLnit , general BtcnoKraphcr ant
notary. Depositions and couit work :
specialty. Tel. 10U1 , room lWi ( N , Y. Llfo
top nf tint < .r > htmntmthlWQ&
AoE nsn i
d07 i3.lJthst _ _ , iio\t " Harkpr liotol. 175 2.1
MASSAOK , Madam"IJolzlor , over OloHlltli
401 ! d2 *
rnriatrctc. . tteiojioftlril column imtlils imgt
BEST Line hair xoods In west ; liulr dre ilin
\ > It's , switches , lungs , hulr chains , ( tc. ,
specialty. Dalles , hair ( roods nnd mllllnu
opposite iiostolllco , 111 S nth st. Omaha. 290
Vor ratet.cte. , me top of fii t coin on thtx jwc
In fumi
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2G10 llamoy st
J nrratet , etc. , in top of j.rit column on thltjvjt
MOIILH loans money on diamonds an
4 ? watchcsjowclryvtc.B U.cnr , rurnani.Mltl
for ratti , etc , lie top ofril rolumti on tli It ivii/i
. PATENT lawyer * & solicitors. OW. 8nr > a ,
Co. , lleo building , Omaha , llranch ofllcu a
WashliiRlon. I ) . U. Consultation free , 318
To the Stockholders ot the Ocahlln Lnn
and Cuttle Oo : Notice Is hereby given tin
the annual mectliiz of the stockliolilenof tl
Ocalallii Land and U.ittlu Cornimny Till I
hold at the company' * otlleo. Mo. 1U South 141
Htrcet , In the olty ot Omaha. Ntb.on Wednei
day , December lire ) , 1S1M , nt U o'olook p. m. , f <
the election ot directors for the ensuing yea
nnd the transaction of such other business u
may como l > ofor the meeting
Novemuer 17 , 1890
nlhdjt } ( Joacni rniriK. Seoretary.
Tickets at lowest rates nnd BU pork
accommodations vln the grout Hoc
Island route Ticket olllco , 1002-Sl :
teonth and Farnatn streota Omaha.
I - T I I Ulllt Alill. lUlill.lM ) I'OV A e ! I ArtitPS
Omnhii ' Poixii Idlli nnl Mxnm olrcets | Omaha.
I.U p ni ( hloneo Ktprosi . . 800a tn
( > 45 n ml ( lilcnito Kiprrii 0 a p ra
P 10 p ra tblcnio IT n v ) m
B.tOp m llilcn o l4CAt 80Ja m
IliUUU.S'illON A. Me ) III V Kit. ) Attlrus"
. I lieixil lOlli nihl Maion t [ oH I UmaliA.
10 11 A m 4 OJ p ra
10 IS a m . . Pvnvrr Kiprun * 6.11 p in
(10 p in .Denver .Nlnlit Sinrcii. . . U.U a m
F r. a 111 . . Lincoln I/ICAI V > ( JO p nj
I oarei T
Omilia. J DupollDUi I ) nnil.Maioii _ ntro tt Om hn. _
CM Ainl . KnniiuCIl ; I > IIT ICinrvi . . . . | ulO p m
! 16 li m' ' K C. Mtlit Kii | vln U. 1 * rram | I. 41 A 14
1'MONl'AtlHC |
Uinnh * . I P pot Mill ant Mnrcy "troats |
ifOpm . . . Ormlnnt ! Klror. , obTp m
TSUpm . . . . I'nclilnKiTMi ( 11. U n m
10 At am ) , . . .PenTfr K > | imi < < , .H M r m
ClUaui , . . .htmiiulltr Ktprun 12 OS K m
10 15 m . hnlrtlcM Km. ( cirt < i > t Sun ) . 4 U p m
lxm t > I'inCAllO.U l.Al'AOIt'H ! . lArrlton"
Oinnhv IU I l _ il pot. lOlh nnl MarcyJSti Oniihn.
(10 pni .NUht Kt | < ru ID ( U a m
H0 , > nm Atlantic K | ir i * ( US ) p m
Umltttd ilDtlRtu
lAinrei I t < li.Ut CITV * 1'Ai iMu | ArrTvoT
Omnha IU I' , ilcjiit , Mli juil Mnror SU I Unuli >
7 16 B ml . Slour lltr rauenirr . ; I "
10 rn
UiuorT-8IOii\ .O'ACiMt. j "
jjiiiBta J I > oiHitI6tl An < MUbstt > r8l . I
COO pin1 st I'mil Llmlloil . , , II S ) AI11 _
I t > i m jTFiTe AiieT .v. Sdlt'I ' TTU leal' Is U N i
OnmliA IU I' UepoU 10th nnl Atarcy Sti I Omttf\ *
VIS A ml ( hlcntn Uipruii , , . . . . R 3 > p ra
410pm1 U'Jtlliulo Unilttil . , P SO a ra
6 1& p mi lown Accomiumlntlnn ( ICxc Sun ) 705 p m
VlOpml Knulorn H r 2 41 p m
II 15 A in | _ liK t KA lorp Hiprt-M . 805JI ll )
riTTcAiiu , Aliu , A Hi1. I'AUU Arrlf uV
OniAhn u I * . depot , mihi i mi Marcy aii _ OinaliAw
BruTpml . . Lhlcniro Kiprmn , , , 9 IS a ra
n .VI m L _ . , ' ' ini Kiurpxi . h 39 p la
"jxaT i j ONlAlTA' * I"ui > ljiS [ Arrives
OnubA. 11) I * , dvpot , IlKli nnJ MnreySti Omli * .
I TO p ml. . , , , bt Unii I iiiinini ] ! ll . . rt Jui _ m
FT"R A'Nro V\O ty'
Omnhii I lf pot litti anil
p DO lit . . .Illack lllllJ Eiprnii.
BDOam UrvntlnKS Kip ( Ki Sunlnr )
6 10 p m uhooVl.tncoln I'A * (1-- (
_ \ork INorfolk ( JCi
, I' , , al V . M A elK Arrlrui
Oniah " | j lK > potl5th nnil \ \ b < torSti Om&hn.
HUiiil Cltj AccoujiniHlMliin I OOSp la
Slum Oty KiiiroiKKi 81111) ) 12 HI p in
. . . St. 1'nul Umltoil . . '
Hancort l'imieiiirir ( Kx Sun ) )
Depot IMIi nnilUI > U rmi
St.Touts AlC. GlcVirins. | .
15 p ml 8t. Ixinjsjt K.C K pro n. .
lIlluAliti. 11 1. V I'.ATTtfU
Trnnifor | Union Pupot l oiuui , IttulTi
S pTnI. . . . .Nlutt Kiprc *
9 SO A m I AtlnnllQ Kiprosi
600 pm \inUI'Ulu Ilinlloil
TrBii for | Union lumt , t'oiinrll Ulufli
VvKllbule llnilUM
. , . Knntorn Hjrnr
. , . .AtlanllolAll . . . . .
[ own Armimmnilnttnn ( Kic. Hun )
C A 8T I'AUL |
< 'onncll Ulurn | Tr n fer
Kipntis I 15 n in
'J9 ' P
IXIATM 1 K ( T , f JOB A ( Xll. TArrlroi"
Tran < ror | Union Duimt , Council 111ug | Tr n f r
leToTiim , Knniai LUr Dor Kipraax .1 All p a
\03&jfjn \ _ kaiiiMi Cllj ; Nl lit Kijirom [ (150 a in
, o A irA * 8f iroum : T Arr err
r | Union Doi'OL. Counnll llluCTa | Trnn fur
" 600 p i j | . . .si"I / nl l HIIUII lull . . . . | I3 15 p in
Trnniforl Union Dcput , Council Illurli llrinifor
940 ml , ChlTnuo ICipren I 02U p ra
10IX ) pin I . . . . Chlcnua Kiprosi 040 a nl
7. 03 p nil . . . . . . .Omiton lxcal . . . , ' 11 20 a m
"ix > are 810UX Oil V A 1'AUHO TArrTrm
Trnniferl Unlnn Depot , Ckiuncll IIUltTi I a rani for
T.t&a'ml . .Sloui CltT Accommodation . .I ' ' 40 am
u ol p ml. . . . . . .j3t. raul Kipreii , . . . [ lOOOu m
TNaTUUHENTS pUood on rooord Novom-
JL bor ia
Albright land and lot compan to O T
J.ucc , lots : i , , ' , . 0 nud companbl 3J , Al-
lirlcht'i Choice t I..KJ
II A Collins anil wife to W T ( Inilianj , lot
lUillcV , " blilnn's third nilil . . 8,803
Dennis C'uniiliiKliiim anilvltu toM A , hll(1 ( , Auburn II111 . . . 700
W 1) ) Dennett ti > i ; ] ; Oration , lot 2 anil .1 ,
Dcnuutt'H Hill ) In Oiolinnl Hill 1.P09
. Arthur 1'ist tn I'lillllp nnil AniluWiiK- |
ncr , loll , llk2. AllirlRlit . . . . . 400
Miles Si llioiiinsnn to U O Itlttenlioiiue ,
lotlT. lillcio , Wnliuit Hill 8.4
MrtttMiek V O'Kcofo tn O UOhrUtlun-
, on. lot U , 1)1 It 1 , Mi ( hiiouk&O'Koofo'a
adil toboulliOniilin ' > )
nyion Hoed ( t til to Trinlc l.ililulHl ( | ,
H > ' } of ii i Iot.ll , blk 4. C.iiniiliell'fl add . ir >
ISyron Hoeil Pt ul iio Oustiu I' < < ter4on ,
n'i of eli lot II , 1)11. 4 , ( 'iUiiplnH'Hiill ) .K5
Sonnon'.choliuV Vnlcntlnu toK K KluUo ,
loll , blk 0. 'IliiirnhuiKl'luiD l.-OI
TJ bchiOil ( < ; rtriistiie. to Aug Miller , lot
y , lillcl. ' , Hrnwn I'ark Ijflj
Jj bellinulur. trustee , to lluxh BIcAllls-
tcr , lotSI. liik 10 , llrown I'nrk S.T )
Zinnia famltli unit liiislnnel lu 11 T Max
- well , 1014 , JlllXWull's Hill ) . , . i'l
A. Ii button toV J Temple , n'/ lot 13 ,
bile I'- ' , houtli Onuliii . 1,200
Ir.i Yane/nninand wlfotn noor e Lilly ,
lots , bile 7 , Van Camp's ad . . 400
J rnoyfl ( sheriff ) to Juno I'lckard.lotS ,
lilk ' - - - ' , and Int20.lilk 10 WMI Alhrlslil 410
J 1' Hovel ( slmrllf , Hjiet'lal iiuisUr ) to
Jane I'lokiird ' , lots U tolu , hllc 1(1. ( nnd
n' } nolof Mlusorve.est Albright
n LDlerliower ( spcclul muster ) toltou-
hi n Hess , loin 2 1 , 21 nnd 25 , blk 4. each ,
$1,001 , IntH 11,2. ) nnd11 , bll < 1 , and lots I
uncl 4. blk 4euuht4.2lll . 0,003
Edw Daniels ( kpoelal inist : r ) to Lllrud- "
foid , lot 2 , blk 113 , HOIISOU'M udd . IU
Total amount of transfer * . $22,751
Trliililncl's KliiK or Conl.
ThocllUons of Trinidad , Col. , navoliltupon
a novel exhibit of tliulrprontcst Industry for
the Colorado Mineral I'ulnea. HeoiBlstsof
a statue of altitiKin.vdo of coal , seated on n
pedestal ot toke , elegantly in coil
und tdlt , fourteen foot in holglit. It is a
maivulous conception and Introduce ? every
rcsourcoof southern Colorado all located In
and about Trlnk'ad. The principal display *
rnndo In the pedestal nit ? ooul , col < o , iron ,
silica , TrinldaiJ cement , copper , bulldlii ( {
btono , silver , polel , nnd other picclous min
erals. The exhibit is in thu hands of ( in
idh. artist \\lio Is n veritable fjcnlus. "IClng
h. Coal" will nlono bo vorlh atrlptosco. At
night , the statue will ho lightened brilliantly
\\lth 110 olootrlo llBhts. The exhibit will'
represent a cost of several thousand dollars.
"For full information aclelrais the Trinidad
Land & Improvement Co. , Trinidad , Col.
It The iTnp'H Uiallonifo.
0 tAII , Nov. 17 , To the Sporting Editor
of Tn is DEB : I hereby challenge any mleldlo
nd weight wrestler In Lho world towrestlo mou
nit rnatcli ( Irucco-Rouian , beit three In llvo
ho fulls , for$500aslilo , winner to take all. I
Ith he liavo this elrvy deposited $100 in ttio haucia of
\Vlll Ltiwler , innnagerof tlio Eclon MUHOO , to
for bind tlio match. can bo found at thu
ar , Musca with tha iioocs&ary funds to buck ui >
tny chullongo , MiTrtin Mtunci ,
My physician said I could not Uvc , mjr
liver out of order , frequently vomited green
ish mucous , skin yellow , small dry humor *
or on face , .stomach would not retain food.
uk.x Ilurdock Blood. lilttei * cured mo. Mrs.
.x- Aueluldu O'Drlcu , 1)7J ) Kxchuueo St , IluN
Halo , N. Y.