THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 19 , 1890. PALACE OFFICE BUILDING , i iW ? V It will ba Erected in Omana and -will Oost a Million Dollars , THE EQUITABLE'S WESTERN HOME , Judge Urewcr's Successor Federal Grand Jury Work Kicking tlio Assessment Other IJocnl News. Another great nnd costly ofTlco bulldln g of the palatial sort Is under consideration for Omaha. The matter Is being kept strictly sub rosa , Imtwhon it came to the oar of a representa tive pf TUB BKB it proved nil too big a piece news to bo kept. ' The structure will bo reared bythoEqulta- blo Llfo Assurance society of tbo United States , ono of the strongest nnd best known insurance Institutions in the world , with as sets amounting to over $107,000,000 , and a sur plus of nearly $ .2.1,000,001) ) . It Is the idea of the company that the build ing in contemplation for this city shall fully rqunl ItH famous business palace at 120 Broadway , Now York , which is cloven stories bleb. The building will involve an expenditure of moro than f 1,000,000 nnd in every possible re- epcctwlll equal uny ofllco building in America or Kurono. Messrs. Ilnlo & Necly , the Equitable' ' * mummers for Nebraska , go to Chicago on De cember 1 to moot the general manner and Henry IJ. Hyde , the president , nt which time nrratigpfhcnts will bo completed and plans or- derca for the now building. BllUWtilVS bUCCESSOH. He CrcntCH n Diversion lit tlio Adinln- listrntlun of Justice. Judge Caldwell occupied n sent besldo Judge Dundy in the Unltod Stutcs court yesterday torday morning. Ho U the circuit Judge -who succeeded Judge Brewer on tbo bench of the circuit court of this territory , nnd yesterday < " " was his Jlrst nppcaranco upon the bench in ? / thtaclty. Before appearing In tlio court room Judge Caldwell held an Informal reception in ttio room of Marshal Slaughter , where ho was introduced to members of the bar. Judge Caldwell Is a largo mnn , and at first glance presents the nppcaranco ol a sym phony in gray. lie is about six foot in height , with n full beard of grayish cast , n thick growth of hnirof tbo sumo color , gray eyes and a rnthor sallow complexion , lu . delivering nn opinion his eyes glare and snap ntr the purty ho Is addressing , and his utter ance nro sharp [ mil to the point. AVliou court opened Judge Caldwell an nounced that ho was ready to takoup any ens03 which might bo brought before him , but stilted thntbo did not desire to toke ui anything which would run over into ncxi week , as ho lutondcd to hoar'the case o I the Koolc Island against tbo Rio Cirnndo Western on Tuesday next , which will bo brought hero from Denver. Judge Dundy announced that Judge Cald well would bear cases on the equity docket nnd ho himself would taUo up tbo law doclwt. Tlio morning session was consumed In hearing motions , nnd Judge Caldwell rnthor surprised sonic of the attorneys who have _ / been accustomed to very lenient treatment at V. the hands of tbo court. When a matter was presented to him ho grasped the salient points at once and in a most emphatic innnuor kept the iittornoy making the presentment to the line of nrgumcnt. Ills decisions were given in n clear and forcible manner and without nny hesitancy. No motions of Interest to th * public were presented and Judge Cnldwcll announced thnt ho would call the equity docket at 2 O'clock. At the afternoon session Judge Caldwell threw n bomb Into the camp of the attorneys by reversing tbo usual practice in the court rcganl ing tno allowance of attorneys' fees in foreclosure cases. An attorney secured n decree of foreclosure , nnd In placing the documents In the bunds of the court made a remark about "an allow ance. " "What do you mean by 'an allowance' , " asked Judge Caldwell , shortly. " ' fees if the court " "Attorneys' , please , re plica tbo attorney. "Do you expect the plaintiff or the defend ant to pay tlicnil" , "Tho defendant. " 'Have you a state law to tbat effcctj" "No , your honor , but It has been the prac tice of this court. " "Well , It won't ho the practice ns long as I have anything to say about It , " remarked Judge Caldwell , emphatically. IIo then quoted several authorities to en dorse his views on this point , nnu announced that ho should adhcro to this ruling until It was reversed by tlio supreme court. It bos been the practice in foreclosure cases to compel the defendant not only to part with bis land but to pay tbo fees of the attorney Who prosecuted tbo case against him. This decision caused great comment among tlio attorneys present. Judge Untidy proceeded to call the law docket and jruvo notice thnt ho proposed to dismiss tbo jury unless some case was ready for trial. Tbo case of the -whisky trust against the Nebraska City distillery will bo beard In court this morning , Tho' cose cornea up on an applica tion for an Injunction restraining tbo dlstllllug company from operating Its plant. An order of tbo court for n tem porary Injunction was Issued Saturday , but no Intimation of this is allowed to oscapo. The argument on the motion to make the In junction permanent was set for today. "UNJUST AND KXOllDITANT. " \Vlmt Wealthy 1'rojiorty Owners Think of Their AsHCSHiiiont. Some of the protests now being filed wltb the city clerk against the assessment of gen eral taxes for the year 1891 , contain state ments thnt.aro llttlo less than remarkable. Notice tbls from BIr , George Warren Bmith , nn eastern capitalist : "My brick block , 1200-S-10 Farnnm street bi occupied by Shlverlck as a furniture store is nsscssed at $ . ' 3,200. This Is nn outrageous valuation for taxable purposes. This prop erty has depreciated in vnluo 83 per cent In In the last two years , nud I have reduced my rents $1,000 per year within tbo past twelve mouths , after expending largo amounts on Improvements. I respectfully ask you to reduce ' - duce the assessment to Jl.NJO to put it on an approximate basis with other city propcity. "My two-story brick store - SxTO , U03 Douglas street , Is assessed at $3,200 much too high. I respect .tt fully nsk you to reduce this to $ ,1,500 , the same as Ueard's store , 1410 Douglas street , adjoining mine , which la S'JxlifJ , two stories , being nearly double the elzo of my store. " A member of the hoard In speaking of thla letter said : "These statements , particularly the 83 per cent depreciation , Is wild , nnd most unwar ranted , A fair , bed-rock estimate of the * . * * * * . value of the prouml Is sultl to bo (1,000 10a front foot. There nro 00 front feet. The fculldlug Is a good four-story brick , wortl h nearer $75,000 than anything clso. This gives a total actual value of $111,000. Assessed al a fifth nnd wo have $23 , 00. It is considered that Smith is getting off very easy at $23WO. i John Kennedy says that his property , the half of the west two-thirds of lot 4 , bloc sk skU 177 is assessed nt $1,410 , while the north hall of the same lot , being the corner of TenU ; ami Johnson streets Is assessed only $1,390. Meyer Hellman talk * to tbe board of egunlizatlou thus ; " 1 lltul 1 nm assessed on lots 1 nnd 2 , John eon's addition , $11,000. W. J. Council owns nU i much larger tract of land with Improvement ! us valuable as inlno nnd extending frotr Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth street am irom St. Mary's avenue to th Btrcot , nnd on this entire ploco of land ho Is ; assessed less than the levy against inluo Upon n Just and cqultnblo basis I should hoi to assessed Jor one-half of the amount levied > and I ask that said assessment bo rovlowoc and corrected as shall appear to bo Just. " Uyrou Uecd Informs the board tbat Instead 01 . V ! ? . . 8tr'P ' ° ' ground around Pros vcct Hill cemetery , in section 0 and 10.15,13 , total ; assessed at fc.OOO it should bo for bu1 CJeorso Glaconiial says that lot t , block 41 Omaha. h nssosied nt 11.000 this yetxr , . Last rear the flturo was $3,400 , Uo s&ys , ntiU uo improvements hnvo been irmdo. The Union 1'acldo anil U. St M. railroads hare very largo typo-written Idcks In com- plftlnlnir , In substance , that their assessment U "unjust find exorbltnut. " The 13. & M. wnnttholr headquarters * building nt Tenth 6nU Fornam cut down from t J3.GOO to 113,000. "Albright's Choic'o. " Men's Underwear. Fine underwear , Vicuna wool , Scotch Inmfo's wool , Dr. Jnopor'a gray , blnck wool that will not rub off. silk striped , etc. , UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. This department Is now fixed up In the best style and wo have a COM PLETE NBW" STOCK. Men's BOX , suspenders , tics , smoking nnd lounging coata , Mackintosh cents , etc. , nil on the main floor in the Faruam street front. The largest nnd handsomest men's ' furnishing department In the west. Solo Omnhu agents for Dr. Jnegor's undorBhirtst drawers , bandages , BOX , suspenders , night shirts nt exactly Now York prices. THE MORSE DRY GOODri Co. , Men's ' furnishing dop't. "Albright's Choice. " BOOSTING TUB DOOM. I'lio llonl Eslnto i.xclmiifo ; Resumes Active Iltisliips.H Operations. The Initial meeting of tlio real estate ex change , under its reorganization , was held yes terday mornlnc nnd was attended by fifty en thusiastic dealers in dirt , nil of whom cnmo In with glowing reports of the business dona nnd In prospect , nnd all of them took nn active part in the business of the day. It was something like the meetings of a year ago , only moro so. The active members came In hurriedly , flleJ their properly listIngs - Ings and waited to 11/id out what their neigh bors had done. A number of business men and several strangers were among the visitors. President Ilnrtirmn , In calling the mob ting to order , expressed his gratification at seeing so many of the members present , nnd urged them to attend each meeting , promising them at the satno tlmo that matters would bo pre sented shortly that would provo Interesting and profitable to nil of them If they would take nn active part In the work of the ex change. The president stated as ono encouraRlhR feature of the present activity in the city was a fact that rentable houses have ba- como very scurco within the past ten days. His firm dlu not have a house on Its list having rented twenty witbln the pnsi week. Other members made similar encouraging ro- ports. The following property was listed for sale : . Crescent Park , lots 5 , 0. 7 and 8,100 feet on * Thirty-uinth street , $10,000. Orclinrd Hill , lots 20 and 27 , block 11 , lOOx- 130. $2,000. . City , one-third lot 7 , block 117 , 1013 Far- nam street , three-story brick , $ otf,000. Kountzc's fourth supplementary , 23 feet of lot 0 , , ' - ' < > Ambler Place , lot 4 , block 35. $700. South Omaha , part of lot 5 , block 81,30x73 , two-story building , $4,000. City , 50 feet on Hnrnoy , near Twenty-fifth , two brick houses. $15,000. Johnson's addition , lot 0 , 155 } xlCS , 10- room house , $40,000. Walnut Hill , lots 2 and 8 , block 20,100x120 , * 3.C50. Brown park , South Omaha , lots IS and 14 , block 4 , 100x150 , four G-room houses , bride , with stone trimmings , 3.750. West End , lot 2 , block 0 , nnd lot 24 , block 8.10'xWO , Dodge and Thirty-second street , fcj.500. Preston k Williams , lot S , OOxUO , | 0,500. Plalnvlow. Iot2 , block 5 , 50x124 , $1,200. Morsmnn Pork , lota 4 , 5 and 0 , $10,000. Isaac & Scldon's , 57x120 , 9-room house , t8r 00. Orchard Hill , lot 1 , block 0 , 4.1 x130 , 1 house , $2,500. Sales were reported : By M. A. Upton , lot 13 , block 3 Summit place , $7,000. By Benson & Carmlchaol. lot 0 , block 07 , Denson place , fCOO ; also lot 17 , block 27 , Ben son , 150 ; also lot 3 , block 07 , Benson , $ COO ; also lots 18 and 19 , block 9 , Brlggs place , fl.OOO. The next meeting will bo hold on Thursday. An auction sale will bo hold on Saturday , CriiHornliip of the I'rons. Under the lottery law framed by congress nnd the instructions given by the postmaster general to his subordinates throughout the country , there is serious danger of cncroiich- mcnts on the liberty of the press that should bo rebuked and opposed by the newspapers of the country without regard to party Hues. These postmasters nro Instructed to act as censors and inspect all second-class mutter , and whenever the postmaster finds , what ho considers unlawful matter , or oven suspects that articles nro of that character , he Is au thorized to suppress the publication and refuse fuse It passage through the mails. This dangerous innovation is claimed under the specious pretext of suppressing lottery advertisements and so .far the public seems to ncqulcso without a protest against tills now assumption of power. If this step mrcts with popular favor then the next move wll" bo tocxamlno first class matter , breaking tlu seal of letcrs in search of contraband publica tions or writings. .If that bo accomplished tnen wo will rapidly forgot the Louisiana State Lottery in the multitude of grounds upon which those postmasters can act as censors of the press and people. Lexington ( ICy. ) Press , November 5. ' WITH THE WKESTLERS. Tlio Chrlstol-MoMnlion Match and the Jap's Doll. The much talked of wrestling contest between tween Chrlstol nnd McMahon , which wll tnko place nt the Exposition hall , corner Fourteenth nnd Capitol avenue , to night , has aroused an unusual nmouut of in terest in athletic circles in this city. The re vival of the ancient Roman pastlmo sport will bo appreciated by nil lovers of true ath letics. The contest will bo strictly on its merits , and promises to bo ono of the most exciting struggles over witnessed in this city. ( Jhristol Is ono ot the best known nth- lotos in America and needs no Introduction through thcso columns. Ho was the light weight champion of the world , but now has outgrown that class nnd is fast becoming the Hercules of the middle-weight class. Mc- Mahon's . proposition to down the wily Frenchman flvo times in ono hour lias caused him to grow very excited at times while ills playing to bis many admirers the holds and styles ho intends to down his robust antago nist. Vi'o predict a very exciting contest and ono never to bo forgotten by those fortunate enough to see it. LONG ON 1NDICTMKNTS. Tlio Federal Griwd Jury After A.I- Violators of tlio Law. The present federal grand Jury has broken the record of It * predecessors In the number of Indictments found against violators of tbo law. law.Tbo Tbo Jury bns been in session eight days and has found twenty-seven Indictments , a larger number than any previous graud Jury bat found in tbo snmo length of time. An indictment has been found against Cot - ton & Honzlngor , proprietors of the Vanity Fair , a Lincoln publication. The indictmoat a charges them with scnalug objectionable mat rr ter through tbo malls. The matter specially : referred to is a lonjrthy poem of questionable character which appeared in the paper some time ago. Jt , An indictment has been returned against Louisiana Saucho. the Mexican who was brought to the city from the Pine Hldgo agency Saturday evening , charged with soiling - ing liquor to Indians nnd "bootlegging" h union p the white settlers. Yesterday the Jury was considering the case of Quasli-Pali-Mo , an Indian from the Sac-Fox reservation near Falls City , - who is charged with perjury. Quash , etc. , a testitled before a Unltca States commissioner about a year ago , in a coso concerning the division of land among the Indians. It is charged that ho testified on both sides of tbo question as to whether or not ono Murphy bad Indian blood in his veins , and thereby . committed perjury. It is probable an Indict ment will bo found against Quash. "Albright's Choice. " The Art Inhibition. The banging ot the pictures in the impro vised gallery la tbeStoolo building is rapidly being pushed In order that everything will bo PUBLIC SPEAKING AS AN ART Why It Is Dinictilt.Vhnt Its Dangers Are. Sir Morrell Mackenzie , tlio Imperial doctor nnd highest known authority on the Throat nnd Lungs , linn Just published a phntnphlot In \ihlcli ho Rlros udvlco to public speakers. " tnlstnkc " ' -to think "Itlsaproat , ho saysto that speaking requires no special training nnd cxcrclso. l > cn In ordinary convorsatlonr epoaklng Is an nrt and n dfllcult ono , the su- prorno development of which l oratory. A man who knows how to speak in public nnd to spare his volco , makes hlnnolf Itcard with little - tlo or no effort , wlilio an untrained era to wears himself out quite rapidly. " Wo have all experienced the honrsness. duo ( o too much speaking , but the hoarseness which has its origin In a cough , cold or throat affections , or tbo loss of volco from asthma , bronchitis or pulmonary trouble , is the most frequent nnd molt annoying , In such cases Sir Morrell Mackenzie recommends the use of Sodon Mineral rnstlllci , troche ? . Ho says ; "Tboyato specially beneficial In catarrhal diseases of the nlr passage * , which Include sore throat , coughs , bronchitis and lung trou bles and I have found them of great service In the cuso of singer * nnd public speakers. " The treatmontof throat and lung diseases In Europe had advanced far beyond anything known In America , nnd when the highest known European authority speaks In such de cided tones In regard to tbcso wonderful So- don Troches , it should bo a valuable suggest ion , not only public speakers and singers , butte to the vast army of sufferers from cOMghs colds , throat and lung diseases , which nro BO dangerous and so constantly fatal. Obtain the genuine Imported article , which must have the t ( a nature and testimonial of Morroll Mackenzie with each box , Nouo other Is goiiulno. In readiness for the opening next Saturday. Friday evening the press of the state will bo permitted to view the collection and later a banquet will bo given to them to fittingly inaugurate the exhibition. In many respects tno collection will bo a revelation to lovers of art. It is certainly the largest and finest over seen in the west , em bracing many of tbo world's famous masters. It has been selected with studious care and deserves to bo liberally patronized , for in no single collection In the United States arc so many wonderful pictures to bo found. Vis itors to the Louvre and the celebrated gal leries In the old world have seen , of course , a greater collection of the old masters , but how many pcoplom Omaha have seen the Louvroi The exhibition will open Saturday morning to tbo public. "Albright's Choice. " " \Vcntlicr Probabilities. For November Indications point to cold , frosty woathor. That , however , will make no difference to those who travel hi the stoam-hontod and plectrlo- Hghtcd , limited vestibule trains which nro run only by the Chicago , Milwaukee < fc St. Paul lly. between Omaha and Chicago. City ticket olllco , 1501 Far nam f > t. , Omaha. P. A. NASII , J. E. PULSTON , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. "Albright's Choice. " District Court. In Judge Clarkson's court the case of the state against John S. O'Ncll , who Is charged with disposing of mortgaged property , will bo called today. The case of A. R. Kinkald against Arvllla 0. Guild , which has been on trial for several days In Judge Doano's court , was decided yes terday , the Jury returning a verdict for the defendant. Kinkald occupied a bouso tbat wnspccupicd by Mrs. Guild , and because his wife bccamo sick ho charged the fault to a broken water pipe and sued for $4,300 dam ages. Court room No. 4 was occupied yesterday , Judge Tiffany of Boone county holding court. The old shop-worn case of W. J. Conncll against Theodore Gallagher was an trial. The case Involves the title to a tract of land west of Hanscorn park and was commenced nearly ten years ugo. _ When In want of a good Hnlmont buy Sal vation Oil , which costs only ! i5 cents , at all dealers. \Vhat is the difference between a duck with ono wing nnd ono with two ? Only the difference of n pinion. "Wo want every ono to pass nn opinion on Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. It needs but ono trial. _ County Court. In the county court the Aultman , Miller company has brought suit to recover $301.76 from Daniel Burr and Churchill Parker duo on a promissory note. The Glebe loan and trust company has sued J , H. Pleasant and T. II. Taylor to re cover $ -100 duo on a promissory note. Physicians can always find the most recent parmncouticals nt Sherman & McConnells , 1513 Dodgo. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses were Is sued by Judge Shields yesterday t Name and address. Ago I William J Temple , South Omaha 23 ] Myrtle K. Klmball , WestMclloury , 111. . . . 81 JA.H. Campbell. Waterloo 2 t Adu B , Nlol , Waterloo 18 The Lady Godlvn musthavohad exception ally longhair since it completely concealei her lovely person. Slnco Ayer's Hair "Vigor came I ntouso such examples are not so rare as formerly. It not only promotes the growth of the bair , but gives it a rich , silken toxturo. i.'ormit9. The following permits were issued by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : \V. I ) . Mead , 2-story briok dotiblo dwell ing , Thirtieth and 1'uclllo streets $10,000 Thrco minor permits O7.r > Total 8 10G73 Through coaches Pullman ualaco Bloopers , dining cars , free reclining chair cars to Chicago and Intervening points via the great Rock Island route. Ticket ofllco 1C02 , Sixteenth ana Farnam. The remains of John R. Barnaelo , for merly of this citv , who died at Kearney , Nob. , Monday afternoon , tire expected to arrive here this morning. Funeral no tice In the evening papers. Advertising It la said \rlll soil anything , this is true In a monsaro ; but for staying qualities- merit is the test. Extensive advertising may soil anything whcro it is now or unknown , hut after it' comes into general use , It la judged' ' according to its worth. The continued nnd steady growth of Swift's Specific sss li the beat ovldcnco of its excellence. It it most popular where It Is best' . known. Every hottlo sold , sells teat others. Everyone that takes it he- comes its friend , and recommends It to their acquaintances. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free , SWIFT SPKCIFIO Co. , Atlanta , Qa. PIANOS finely Hade , [ Lilly ; Warranted , Marvellous in Tone ' CATALOGUE FROM BOSTON OFFJCE , R. A r ni tr-rvnki CT * O. L. Erickson , Local Agt , 00 N.lGth St ir t E -want you ot " ' bear 'this fact in nj.ifrdwhen . your' ' eye lights on this announcement : Any man with brains , can "write a " 'catchy ad- vertisemen / but to beef of any value to you it must be true ; the goods n-iustbethereiiot alone smpty words. We in vite you to put all and any of our assertions to he most severe test and you will not find hem wanting. n the line of Clothing hat has ever been hewn conies any where near equaling lie display of fall and winter goods that is Deing shown at M. rlellman & Go's. , Cor. ,3th and Farnam. . Our jonsignmerits for the past few days have Deenvery largeand we an safely say that no matter how hard you are to please or fit , we ; an satisfy you , as our ine n catching tlie most fastidious. 'In order to do a large biisiness and. sell goods in a clothing store in Omaha as low as sold in the same lass storein New- York , -we found it nec- ssary to establisn a purchasing a'gent there and now we have the result of that experi ment upon us. We would LIKE to have you favor us with a call , if only to gratify your curiosity. We will accord you as much attention as if you came in to make a purchase. If we can do you no good wewill will guarantee to at least post you in prices , and. show you honest made clothing at the lowest prices in the city. The great we have had so far this fall and which we shall labor to retain , is due to the old , well found ed maxim , "Well Bought is Half Sold. " We have the largest line of $3 , $3.60 and $4 dress pants in the city , all wool goods and the la ejst styles. Our new lines of Aus tralian Lamb's Wool "Winter TJ'nderwear ' regular $1.&O values , now only ZSc. If we owned this paper we would give you a com plete bill oft'fare , but we don't. Buy or no buy , come and see us , and we wilP' ' uarantee to interest you and treat you courteously. At the old stand of WE TOLD YOU , A few days ago about the big purchase of Overcoats our resident buyer in New York made , There are mere of these overcoats than we thought. They keep on coining and we open case after case every clay , There arc all kinds ordinary grades , medium grades , and goods fine enough for the best dressed man in Omaha. Overcoats for small men , for big men , for slim men , for fat men , for short men , for tall men every shape and style' is here your size too and you never will ha'vc an opportunity to buy your overcoat as cheap as you can do now. \Ve call your attention to a few styles they arc corkers $8-00 An lilegant All Wool -KERSEY- Made with lap seams , Farmer satin lining , satin sleeve lining , fine vqlvet collar , they como in gray , tan and brown mixtures , and are worth twelve dollars of any man's money. ENGLISH BOX COATS. Here's where we catch the "tony" folks. We've got them in all sorts of goods , and all sorts of shades , as handsome a line as any house in the country car ries. Prices $11.50 , $14.50 , $16 , $17.75 , $ i8.5o. $21.50 , $22'5o and a guaranty to save you from five to ten big Americandollars goes with each coat. Boys'Overcoats ? Ohj-Yes ; hundreds of'em , and cheaper than ever. Nebraska Clothing Co. , Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. Open until 8 o'clock p. ra. Saturday's 10 p. m. WOONSOCKET & RHODE ISLAND 3 We carry the BIG STOCK of the west , quote Eastern prices and are 50O miles nearer you than any other market. Correspondence solicited. American Hand Sewed Shoe Co , OMAHA - NBJB , Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots. BS. WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agent In Omaha lor Gorham Man ufacturing Co'a Sterling Silverware MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH OUTCLASS and CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the Largest and Our Prices the Lowest t'onio nnd sec ns. Cor. Douglas & 15th , St DR. RICHARDS , Practice Limited to DISEASESniLUNGS AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. Rooms 316 to 320 Bee Bldg Omaha. \\j AVrTTT'n .AEontstoBOll tlio Pitiless ofotlies Line ; the only line over Invented that holds the clothes with out pins ; 11 perfect success ! patent recently Issued ! solo only by iiKcut.s , to whom tlio ex clusive right Js Klvon. On receipt of Mconts wo will send it sample line by inulli also circu lars ; iirloo lint urn ! terms to uxunt. Secure your territory nt once. Address T1IK 1'IN- tnSS OLOTUKS LINE 00 , , 17 Ilormoii St. , Worcester Mass , GET WEIL-STAY WELL It can be ( fane. J f you , MAX , young nr old , hava any Weakness , MMrormmlonIJchlllty.Our Kz- - JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PEHS , FouUlDiis ONI.T Dr. IxMuo'i Periodical I'llli ttieKrencb remedy , net on the memtrual ijtltim and cure mpprenlon from whutoior cause. 1'rumoto menittuutloii. Tbcto ullli ibould nut ba Ukon dur- , . . 1M11 Co. . ' . . B ( pregoancj. Am. Hojaltr 1'ropi. Hpon- r. Clar Co , la. Uonulnebr Bharnian * McOonnell. Dodge it- , near I * . 0 , Omaha : 0. A. Melolier. Souttl Omaliai U. 1 * . Kiln , Couacll Uluffi. K , or 1 for U. $10,50 A Splendid All Wool Chinchilla With handsome heavy serge lining , very fine silk sleeve lin ing , corded edge binding. Worth In any clothing house In America fully $18.OO. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST WEST . , , NORTH and SOUTH 1303 Parnata HARRY P. DEUEL , Olty Passenger and Tlokot Agent MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " the "XVoiulerfii ISpnnleh Jtometij , carts all Nervous UlgrnBcg , eucb a * Weak Mem ory , Loea of Brain Power , llcidncho. WftkcfulnnM , Lot ! Manhood , Nenoiis- TIC6t < T. eeltn < lc , all drains anil loai ol power of the Generative Orcnim , In either BCI , cuined byovcr-exprtlon , youthful lndl > crutlonoi the executive me of tobacco .opium , or Btitmila.its , wblch ultlmnttljr lead to Infirmity , Consumption and Insanity. I'ut'uDln convenient form to c rri in tbe vctt pocket. 1'rlco { 1 a nickage , or 6 for g { Sent by wail to any address. Circular free. Men tlon thin paper. Aridrt § HiBBlDCUiHIUI.CO.l iDeftrtioroBt.Cbe ! > coUL KOlt HALE IN OMAHA , NK1I , 11Y Kutm A Co , Cor , isth & DouglMfitrceli. J. A. Fuller A Co. . Cor. llth < t l > oucl 3 StrcctJ. A.I ) Foster & Co. . Council Illufli. Iowa. DR.E.C.WEsrs . . . NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , Rpoclfta for HyiterUDI ilnM , Flti , Kvuralgta , Wul fulness. Mental Depr * itioaJ > r rtninfrof tht liralnu vultlnff In Insanity anil leading to inlierj * dway unj deli. ) Prtmaturo O1U Afe , liuircnnesx. Low of Iow r Inutthor ftOi , Involuntary l.oipei.aiid Hptrmitorrttea ' lir overxertlo. . - \ or Ilio drain , * OTflr itidulifenco. | Lach box contain * ono montL1 * tro&u ment 91 a box , or ilx for S3 * lent by mrJli > ropAld. truarantce to rtfnnd no nay If I ho treatment fatU to ear * , uuuantoei IwuvU anJBeuulauevJUuuUuy GOODMAN DRUG CO. , lUOFarnumBtroot , Omaha Neb , FOR MEN ONLY MAGIC CURE VOU9 PEIMUTy , Weakiios-j ol Itody and Mlntli Klfootiof Errofa or oxcossosln Old of Youtia. Kobust. Nolilo MANIIOPO fully ro- HtoroilVo eunrntitco every ease or niunoy rutunded. Sample course , II vo day.V treat ment. ft ! full cotirso. il. Kr ouroly uuiilod from bicrvatlon. Cook llumoily Co. . Omaha , Neb St.Ulalr Office. Hotel , Cor , Utl. and DodnoS OTTI3 I I CQ IN THE WORLD WILL iX U" O OBI-TAIN A.KUPTURC or Rive relief llko'Mir. Marco's Aljjnctlc Klaitlu TruaB. " HlmsrurrJtliouiian. ! ! If jiiuwanttlm IUM'r. cn < Mclntanum ( orfrpcr.iinilitH.\c | > . I. Mujnctlo Klaillo 'J'rui * t'o. , bin Kraucltru , Cat WEAK MANHOOD I4irly Decay anil A blue , > Inpotiacr , Hit Vlfor , ait fcialth fiiurr tor > d. TarlcoctU tir > 4. r > rti ilail < 4 , atrtitli > 4. Hiw B m * TriatlM itnl fro aa < italtd. Bwr.oj. IB , ITt * 'uU B t.r. r , $12.50 As Fine a -KERSEY- As any mnn wnnts , colors a handsome drnb , scams double siltched , silk velvet collar , linlna of an exti'n. quollty--roiicy plaid sorgo. A beautiful garment and us good as any $2O cont. DR. MCGREW THE SPECIALIST. Mnretlinn IS yrnrs' eiporlencoln tlio troatuiontaf PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro miarnntpod la S to live days without tbo Ion otlanliuur'a tlmo. STRICTURE IVrmanontly ourod nlttiout pain or Instruments ; na cutting ; noilllntlnit. Tlio niott rcmnrkablo romodr knonu to modern iclonco. Wrlto for circulars. SYPHILIS CUftED IN 3O TO BO DAYS. Dr. McOrow' * treatment for this terrible blood illi. ctino bus bocn pronounced the most powerful nnd lucccsaf nl rftnodjf over dl.icovnroit for tlio abaoluta euro ot lull dUeuio. Ilia BUCCOSS wltli tliU dlnoaia tins noror broil cqunlluil. A complete ctTiiu UUAH- KKII. Wrlto for rlrrulnM. LOST MANHOOD And nil wenkncsKof tlioioTimt orenrn , norvonnnoit , tlmldltr nndiluipomlcncr ntioluulr curoO. TUo re lief Is Itmmillnto imcl complete. . SKIN DISEASES , Cntnrrb , rliputnntlsm , and all < llcn o of the blool liver , khtncys nnd bladder piTinnncntljr cured. FEMALE DISEASES and neuralgia , nervousness nnd dlioaionof tlio n torn. tell . Doctor' "Homo " cured. Tlio * Treatment" for Incllcili pronounced by all who linvo used It , to bit tbo moit comp oto nnd convenient remedy oor of fered for the treatment of fomnlo dlnomui. Itli truly a vrondnrful rein t dr. No InitriimunU ; na pain. IKiiiUH roil IMIUKH ruou ITU 4 oNi.v. DR. McGRE-W'S mnrvploun nucceu liivi won for him n reputation whlcli U truly national In character , and liU Brunt arnir of patient ! readies from thci Atlnntlo to th 1'acldc. Tlie Doctor li n graduate of "IIKUULAII" medlctno nnd lim hud lonifnnd curuf til oxporlonco In hOHjMUl practice , and U rlanod among the loading ipcclnllnU In modern iclento. Treatment , br curro- tponilenco. Wrlto for circular ] about cacuot tbn above dlaoaios , HIEB. Office , 1 4th and Farnam Sts HiHr.ia.i3 on olthor Btrcot. JU Corner Oth and Harney Streets , Omahi. FOR THE TREATMENT OF All Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , Proaldont. Founded by Dr. J. W , MoMonaray.