1 THE DAILY OMAHA BEE ; flDDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 19 , 1890. GOVERNOR BY 1,144 , VOTES , that Is Boyd'a Plurality According to the Official Returns. * THE CORRECTED VOTE BY COUNTIES , fill oT the 1'ropoqcd Amendment * to the Hlnto Constitution Dnfontcd by flip ; Majorities The Cor rect ri The total vote of the state on governor , ) > y cotintlei , according to official returns now pn illo In tbo oillco of the secretary of stnto fa Lincoln , la as follows. Doyd's plurality ever Powers Is 1114. Rich- 1'ow- ' 'onnllo" ) . urds. lloyd. or * . AdmiiH U'll HOI l.V'7 Antrloiio OW 2 jr. 1SSI ( Humor 224 88 88 Jlliilnn lil 44 lU- lloonn , KCI 137 llnx lluttc 01.1 GIB li HI Ilrnwn. . . . . . . . . . . ' ! ! ) " > 25fl ItOfl JliirTiilo 120H sun flutler KK 700 Sum iron 428 1070 I'llHS . ISfVt 2114 lO.I1 ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' roilur' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 wn 172 USfK ( tlieymmu. . M7 410 , K ! i 'hurry , . fxVf flay . 1107 bin 1701 Oolfux . 420 107H naming . BIO 1CT 21 ( Huston . 1.V13 JGK iniknta . 4rl 752 & Jhnvc * . RHll 4M f > 2 ( ) nvmon . . . . . * ( > * > iini ) euol . 2--"J 177 ll.xon . (171 ( MO > < > < ] o 2127 R4 ! 18 : ! < l3 117 ; . . 12 lllir.oio . HIM 072 Jfil 77 ( 'nmllur . 4R'2 nyj 1001 100 1IXV Oupo 2.775 2002 air , rurllnl < i i : l 27 Onspor. 1(13 ( 27M Gu I ! rani..a < M 4 : ( Irroloy 118 207 711 Jiall. . . . mm 1KB 1211 IlllllltllOII ( ftl KM 141 141m J Turin n nso 140 141OT Ilnyps 200 227 Jlitclicock 1112 83 OT J loll NOT nee Howard , 50(1 ( in 1 looker 8 ii ) & { TulToreon 1200 1010 741 Johnson , H8I 7 ICournoy 705 . ' (83 ( 04to Koya 1'aliu XS 120 to Kcllli 170 120C4 Xlmlmll iitWl : C4 ( Wl cat iimciiHtcr 47"-'S U2t2 Incoln 747 4-a 102 .oznn T-- CO 10 .oiip 1111 2t lii'ltsnn ' 7711 1075 ire " ' " " ' " " " 7 iroBO Alrrrlc ! ? . . . . . ! , . ! . . . . . ! ! nl7 420 BO S ; iu-o 4UJ 74 01(1 ( 100 Siuckuiis ! " ! ! " . ' ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . COT 01(1wo HI ! Otno 1180 212.M ) it : ! Vmvncc 1214 M 41. . J'crlclns I. ! : ) 180 5'lciuo 270 007 i'liclps 407 J'lutto ; 40:1 : isa 1111 J'olk HBO 248 141 141H Hod Willow 714 141m Klclmrdsoii 1444 m 3lock * 4 W 2f Hnlino KWt IK 1i)0 Harpy 41)7 ) III Haunclrrs r. 1093 128(1 ( 2411I HrollH llluir 2SS 87 I , Kuwanl. . . 1S.IS 1478 KK Hliorlduii ; CM ) 4C1 K Hliprnuin VM 254 71 Hloux 100 133 15If Stimton 313 If Thuyor 1001 10X1 01 'rhoiii 9.s no 87 01'i TlinrHton 4'J/l 215 'iN Vnlloy 419 N WnnliltiBtoii.1. 701 1245 7C \Vuyne 448 500 \Vnbatur 821 271 12 Whcolor 141 40 21 York 1001 753 137 Totals . GS818 71331 701 ! L AJIEA'MJIEXTS DEFEATED. Fall to Receive a Majority of th Votes Cast. The official figures on the various nmonc incuts have been received at the ofllco of th Hccrctury of state at Lincoln. Thoyshov that nil of the proposed amendments wet defeated hy largo majorities. Prohlhltlo lulled to carry by a majority of 49,038 , thoug on the direct vote for nnd ngnlnst , the nmoi Sty was only 29,053. The following is th vote hy counties for nnd ngninst the pn hlbltory nnd license amendments , togothc with the total vote cast : On tbo nmondmcnU to Inci-oiuotho nutnlx pf Judges and Increase tliolr salaries tlio tot Vote ( or and against was us follows : Vor Inoroaso inirabor Judges 81,1 ! Against Incrouso nunUior Jiulijcs. . . . . . . W , " ) ror Inoroaso salary JadKO 04,4 < \tulust Incruuio salary Judge * 37,7 Ttila defeats the amendment to Increase tl ( lumber of judges by 4-1,003 majority , wM tbo amfn Jruont to Increase the salaries talk ( f passage by 63,83 , majority. NOW FOR TlffiCllOST DANCE , fcONTlVt'KI ) FIIOM IMOB 1 , ] were In some manner emulated by the larger mortal * , ( jlvini ? to the occasion thu nppear- once of n festival of rejoicing. At length the time of parting arrived , nnrt amid a rousing cheer the train pulled out tor thoftccnoof trouble. General Hrookound Lieutenant Trultt loft for Kushvlllo on n special train n few hours later. Fort Omaha has witnessed a number 01 such scenes and , Impplly , but few of the events which thcv preceded resulted dlsns- nstrously to the bravo boys who Ilgurcd In them. The most noted of these in re cent years were the departures In 1870 , when these jiimo Indians were being fought ; In 1S 0 , when the Milk river troubles nrose , und when Major Thornburg was put in command : in the same year , nnd put a few vccks Inter , when a rescuing party was sent ml to tlio relief of the eointnund , which had jcen nlmoat nnnitillatcd ; in the same year , ivhcn the Indians' made their celebrated narch across the country nnd were Imprls- mud in Fort Uoblnson , frsm which they ntcr escaped onlv to bo shot down in their racks in the cold nnd snow ; in 1831 , when lie Klghth was sent to Oklahoma and ro- . .urncd without llrlng n shot ; again , when It , vas called out hv the dump strlko/andfinally on this Important occasion. The Second Infantry has been on the frontier before , and mapy of its ildor ofllcei-s hnvo stood before Indian bullets , .n 1877 it was stntloncdnt Atlantand received six hours' notice preparatory to taking the 'leldin Idaho ngnlnst the hostlles , and keep- .tig It continuously for the next ten years , Such men ns Mnjor Butler , Captains Mills , Dcmpsoy and Miller nnd Lieutenant Klnzlc nro old-timers In the ranks , and the experi ence of yesterday and the next week will not savor of novelty to them. . Messrs. Wilson , Bookmlllcr and Chris man , however , nro now iiuout to receive their baptism of lire nud arc .11 . every wny prepared for the solemnization of the martini Micrntncnt. Major Butler is going against an hereditary foo. Ho was with Miles in 1S77 when that doughty warrior drove Sitting Bull IntoCaua da , nnd was with him when tU country allowed the arch Head to turn ncross the border. Ho now ex poets to meet the old fee and as well as his old commundi'i- , who signally compllmentec him for his magnificent capture of Well mountain , n moat successful move whlcl : turned the tide of battle. In the charge ut the declivity the major's horse was Ulllcc under him , but the point was gained , not withstanding. With such men , the younger ones of th < rank and Hie will have no dllllculty in osccr tabling how the redskins are to bo van finished. Cnimcsoftho Trouble. Cmcioo , Nov. IS. On the receipt of dls patches tonight announcing the movement of troops In the department of the Plntti toward the Pine Itidgo agency the Asso elated press reporter called on General Miles Ho said the newspapers really ought not ti publish this sort of thing for It will bo In thi Indian camps in less than twenty four hours There Is nothing In it except that the troop nro being1 sent to the vicinity of.tho reser vatiou to prevent , if possible , any outbroal and to encourage the loyal elemcn among the Indians also to protec the agencies , which report the In dlans as turbulent nnd post control It was hoped this excitement might pas tvlthout serious trouble , and up to this tlm no Indians have left the reservations. Th causes of this1 trouble are the failure'of thci crops , the delay of congress In making apprc priations far their support ami subsequen delay In getting supplies to them , rcsultlni In their being brought to the verge of starvn tlon and worked Into frenzy. They are get ting their rations now nnd possibly the dll flculty may be bridged over , The nwunion of the troops is simply piecautlbnary , out nt the same time , they may have sorlou work. The reporter asked if It would not b unusual for the Indians to go on the warputl at the beginning of winter. The general re piled , "not at all. Those northern Indian art tougher than leather. " The Citizens nro Armed. , Minn , , Nov. IS. A Mandar N..D. , special says that every house in tow- Is full with refugees from the country di ; trlcts. The most Intense excitement prevail In the country. Settlers nre prepared to b < Hove any thing nbout the Indians. In tow somewhat less tension exists owing to the cclpt of 1500 arms today from the state go\ eminent and the fact that a company of so dlors will be hero tomorrow from Fort Toi ton. Tonight ttiero are 200 Indians i town armed , but the citizens are armec too , and patrols will bo out an the people will sleep with their clothes on. j date will bo llxcd by a committee of citizen ! nnd the Indian agents will bo notified th.i after that duto nuy Indian found within th county without a pass from the agent will I killed on sight. The population is excltci ana although conservative men are doln their best to quiet the nngry ones , there I every reason to believe that unless the go\ eminent tqucs immediate ) steps to Incrcas the force of soldiers here and ntFortLlncoh every Indian coming Into the county will b killed. Bismarck Was Alarmed. BuMAiiCic , N. D. , Nov. 18. Late last nlgt the city was startled by an alarm of an Ii dlnn outbreak. The report came from Mai dan that the Indians at Standing Hoc agency had loft the agency and wera advam Ing on Fort Lincoln. Tim government wr called on for aid nnd this morning the oxclti mont Is intense. Reductions of M forces nt Forts Lincoln and Yatt has made the settlers approhcnslv for there nro six thousand Indians at Stum Ing Rock nlono. It was learned this nfto noon , however , that the alarm was uunecoi sary. Everything is qulot at Fort Yntt and no trouble is opcctcd thero. Very fo' ' soldiers are now kept in the forts'in thl neighborhood and the settlers nro casll alarmed. The Indians could sweep the coin try west of the Missouri before nsslstanc could bo had and n demand for enlarging tl ; garrison nt Ports Yatcs and Lincoln will I renewed , * Excited nt Port Tottcn. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. 18. A special froi Jamestown , N. 1) . , says the Messiah era : has struck tlio Indians at Fort Totten an they are Inclined to bo ugly. Ono hundrc armed bucks were soon crossing the rallron track nt Mlnnowauknn en route f rom Turt ! mountains to loin the Sioux nt Stnndln Kook , They said they were going huntlnj A Kumor from Olindron. MiN'Xiurou ? , Minn , , Nov. 13. A Chadrc special says : It i reported hero that tl Indians nt the Pine Rldgo agency have gotlt entirely beyond the control of the agent an already have begun depredations in the wn of stealing cattle nnd other property. Thrt hundred soldier * from Fort Robinson passe through hero today. On the Qul Vivo. SiLT LUCK , Utah , Nov. 18. All the trooj nt Fort Douglas except ono company have r calved orders to hold thonisolvos ready i march to the sccno of the Indian troubles , , 's Choice. THE x'.ir STOCK snon : Premiums Awarded to lie Varlon Siii'CCHHfnl Breeders , CHICAGO , liov. 13 The fat stock slio' was crowded today from morning till nigh Slaughtering begins tomorrow. All tl awards have been made In the stock depat mcnt. Ilenn & Son , Rodmont , III , ) secure first premium for the bast herd of shot horns ; Fowler & Bassett , Long Point , II 111. , for best herd of Herefords. Tlio gran sweepstakes herd was that of Milk F. Jones & Bra , Willlauurillo , 111 nnd the grand swcenstako utoor w : owned byV. . II. Renlck , AusterllU , ICy. ; II. Potts ! t Son , Jacksonville , 111 , , get tl grand sweepstakes prize on the best wotho n southdown. Tlio awarding of premiums the dairy t > howvls ulso concluded. Exhibits butter and cheese came from ton dlffcro states. Illinois was awarded the grand swco atakcs on butter. 'AlbriehtVj ' Choloe , " ITV4S \ INTERNAL REVENUE , Source From Which the Government derives Its Remarkable Assets. INCREASED ORDINARY EXPENDITURES , The Iteport of the Treasury Shows That tlio Government In Handling CoiiHldcrnblu Money Demand1 * of the Pensioner * . WASHINGTON- . 18. The annual report of United States. Treasurer Huston Shows that the not ordinary revenue * amounted to ? in,0s0l03'3 ; ) , a sum hut twice exceeded In the history of the government. The Increase over the year before was $10,030Ci3 , of which 11,7 " > ,101 came from Internal rovonuo. The rJlnnry expenditures wera $207,730.1.10 , nn ncrcasoof ? lfi,7)3,87I : ) over the year before. This Increase Is principally duo to the in- rettso In pensions. Surplus revenues were 103,311,490 , , oC which 120,301,221 was paid out n premiums In bonds purchased. The cceipts of the postonico depart ment were $0,100.041 , nnd cxpendl- ures $0r,011,20,1 , un Increase ot between Ivo nud six millions on both sides. The ag gregate amount for which the treasurer was iccountablo during thoflscal ycarwns $1,321- " 4,4 72. Of this ho disbursed $ < y0,247,073 ! on varrants. Deducting the amounts on deposit vlth the states nnd various sums , the amount cmnlnlng for \vtiluh ho was accountable was 7r > 7,9l5,078. The amount of- gold In the treasury was In creased during the year from $303.387,719 to J.'OjOJ Vl , " ] ami sliver from $315,100,779 to J4 ( , S21,000. Kxcluslvo of nmounts on do- josltthoro was iu the treasury , belonging to .ho Bovernmont on Juno 30 , 18 9 , SUO.OJS.Oii mid on Juno 80 , 1890 , $ -2WJ,884,315 , the imount of cold hnvlng Increased ibout $1,000,000. whllo silver de creased nearly $0,000,000. The liabilities decreased during the year from $187,1)31,830 ) , to § 107,12-1,718 , and tho'reserve being In ex cess of assets over liabilities , ran down from $193,097,047 to $17(1,200,097. ( The total obligations of the treasury on ac counts was $1,810.)78,475 ( ) on Juno 80,1880 , nnd ( l.rJ-J.Q-IO.ie ) on Juno 30,1800. not counting jcrtltlcatcs of deposit. The debt proper on bonds and circulating notes was reduced from $1,250,013,190 , to $ ll145,400,0b < 5. This was effected at a total cost of SU21.U : > 3,3I3 , for principal and premiums. Nearly 74,01X1,000 of 4 per cent bonds and , upwards of 30,000,000 of 4& per cents were purchased. Important changes took place in the circulating medium , but ot a raoru nvorablo character than the year before. There was n gain of $15,000.000 in the stock of gold , nn Increase of $ it,000,003 : In silver and a contraction of $20,000,000 In the volume of bank notes , resulting in a not increase of 432,000,000 In the aggregate supply of money. In round numbers the circulation on Juno 80 , 1890 , consisted of $ J03,000,000 of gold and gold certificates , $114,000,000 of silver and silver cmtiflcates and $523,000,000 United States and nntlonal'bank notus. Not much change has taken place in tbo movement United States notes. There was a decline of activity In issue nnd redemption of gold certificates. The absorption of legal tender silver Into circulation in the form of certificates of de posit has been fully up to the means of the treasury for supplying it. There was also an outflow of between $2,000,000 and S',000,000 ) in fractional sliver' dollar coins , which encourages - couragos the hope that with good manage ment the treasury In the course of a few years more may bo relieved of the redundant stock of these coins for some time on hand. Soventy-threo banks were discontinued as depositories during the year and eight now ones were designated. The redemption nf bank , notes amounted to nearly $70,000,000 , a decrease of upwards of Si8,000,000 compared wlththoycar before , owing chiefly to the lower prices rul ing for bonds. Thodeposlts for the retirement of national bunk notes amouutslo only * $11- 000,000. , Continued embarrassment has attended the work of supplying the country with paper cur rency from delays and failures In filling the treasurer's requisitions for new notes. Ho suggests that greater flexibility might bo given to the currency if gold certificates of the denominations of $5 und $10 were issued , Ho urged the necessity of nn appropria tion for the transportation of United States paper currency to Washington for redemption. With a trifling addition In outlay , the people conld bo kept supplied with clean aud fresh cvrroncy , thus greatly lessening tbo danger ot counterfeit ing. " The treasurer claims the salaries paid to ofticor * of the treasury are inadequate com pensation for the duties performed , being loss than those paid In any well managed prlvato institutions ana less oven than tbosc paid In the sub-treasury iu New York. A. Sensational Suit. CHICAGO , Nov. 18. There was begua In Judge Baker's court this afternoon a suit foi libel which , if tbo opening address of the counsel shall bo proven , will merge into one of the most sensational overheard In Chicago. It Is the tfO.UOO suit of Mary M. Ryan against -tho Inter-Ocean for char actcrlzing her as a blackmailer and adventuress and stating that she pursued with the relentlessness of a tiger some of the wealthiest and most prominent of Chicago citizens , bleeding them of lartio sums ol monoy. Over sixty witnesses have boon summoned by the Inter-Ocean , among th'om some of the most prominent of the supposed sufferers , Others are suid to have loft the state to avoid the publicity their testimony would glvo. Noitn : River Hunk Troubles. NKW YOIIK , Nov. 18. An order has boon Issued by Judge O'Brien requiring cause tc bo shown forthwith why a receiver should not be appointed pending the suit which the attorney general has brought to dissolve the North Ulvcr bank. .A temporary Injunction lias been secured restraining the bank-oft ! ' clals from interfering with Its affairs. The case will bo argued during the day. At tha conclusion of the arguments the Judge announced that ho would reserve his decision , Statement of Condition. NEW YOHK , Nov. 18. BankSupcrintonclonl Preston today made nn affidavit relative tc the amount of assets and liabilities of the North' Klvor bank. It showed assets , $3,493 , ' 532 ; liabilities , Ei,693,637 , ; deficiency , $99,801 , Will Assist All Hanks. PniLADEi.riiu , Nov. 18. At a meeting ol bank presidents this * afternoon it was resolved solved to follow the action of the Now Yorli banks und arrange for "ml isiuo of clearing house certificates to any bank that might need them in case of a money pinch. This I ; the first time thh has been done hero since the Jay Cooke patiio in 1873. Two Killed and Five Hurt. LOCKHA.VES , Pa. , Nov. 18. Lost night n work train descending on the Fcrnoy moun < tarn gravity road broke from control and eel < lidcil with a locomotive near tba mountain's foot , causing a bad smosbup. John Davis and Henri Ksingo were killed unit 11 vo others were wounded , all woodchqppors. i-mnlliiox In Spain , ma Gordon Itennctt.1 Nov. . 18 INow York Herald Cable Special to THE Ben. ] Smallpox is obtaining a strong foothold hero. The nv < craga slnco September 1 is 700 cases a weak , It 1s now spreading rapidly lu the provinces , Restoration or the Allinmbra. [ CopvrtoM 1S30 lu Janus Gordon llrnnttl. } MADUII > , Nov. 18. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEE , ] The rostora. tion of the Alhambra Is progressing rapid ! ) nnd few visible traces of the flronow remain , Killed UorKivo Children. Dr.ia.iK , Nov. 18. A woman at Tbnnn , Abarc , fearing she and nor family would starve to death , cut the throats of her live children und then killed herself. ' . ftclirnaka. and IOWA Patent * . WASHINGTON' , Nov. 13. ( Special Telegram toTuK BUB. ] Patents were granted today as follows : Ulnnldo A. Hallo , Norfolk , Neb. , n window shadj ) ftncV curtain polo ; William nnd T. E. IrlttonU\Vollinan ! , In. , OntO { CM- per DovilbUs , ShtiHsburg , la. , keyboard at tachments for mUMihl Instruments ; John A. Oulnn , Perry. In.yllro extinguisher j John 1) . Mots , Dubutnio , IW.'tnutbmntlo car brake ; tlustavtis Plch , Sftrni Luke , In. , well drilling machine ; Clmrlo j { . Price , Cherokee , la. , fence ) Henry C. lUn-Vor , IlucoUi , Neb , , n.vn- ing slide or runnar.i Addlson C. Smith , Al- gona , In. , wash bcrtltn'i ' Daniel Wlldo , "Wash ington , la. , thrcinUujjmnchlno. JOJI'.l'tf IHHHHjl ! JH > iJIKttlt\'H , Slops Taken K jUia l Off Their Whole sale IlitldH Jin tlio TrenHiiry. DES Moixno , Ia..JN ( > v. 17. [ Special Tclo- grnm to Tun BnK.J Tjhcro Is trouble In store for the Dos Molncs boodle Justices nnd their mcrccnnries. For the past year their enor mous fee transcripts hive been loading down the county records nnd depleting the treas ury to tun amount of overilOO.OJO. The news papers have teemed from time to time with long nrrays of facts suniclcnt to establish a conspiracy of the Justices nnd constables to rob the treasury through fees In liquor cases , and there has been considerable of n sensa tion all nround , The .board of supervisors has ntlost tiecomo tired of auditing these II- legal transcripts , and today ordered an unus ually heavy batch of them sent back for cor rection , nnd also passed n resolution Instruct ing the county attorney to lay the matter be fore the grand Jury , with a view of having the Justices indicted for conspiracy to dofrnud the people. Tlie particular transcrpts which led to this action toil a v Is ono from a democratic justice , whichthowod that twelve separate Informations had been filed and twelve separate warrants issued against ono person in one day , nnd the full costs taxed In each case. It Is n notorious fact that the justices nnd conptables of DCS Molnos have drawn fees In liquor cases in thn past year to give each of them nn Income of from SJ.OOO to $5,000 a year , to say nothing of the ho.-do of professional searchers nnd.witnesses who have tnndo n comfortable living in the same line. The late election swept the entire cang out of oillco nnd a now deal will bo had nil around after January 1. Tlio OHlclal IletnriiB. DES Moixns , la. , Nov. IS. [ Special to Tun Bnn. ] The official returns from the election In this state have all been received at the of- llco of secretary of state , but will not bo can vassed by the state executive council until December 4. A careful footlncc of the returns , however , on thn ou'tsldoof the envelopes , shows that Captain Luko's majority for rail way commissioner over Colonel Doy , his dem ocratic opponent und present inou rnbont , will bo 423. The union labor vote will reach about nine thousand , an Increase of nbout thrco thousand , duo to the farmers'alliance. And not to the labor organizations. The prohibi tion vote will reach about one thousand , seven hundred and fifty , a gain of about four hundred , over last year. Itnubcd of SOOO. DES Moisus , la. , Nov. 18. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. j-rAt Altoona , fifteen miles sast , last night , as William Corey was going homo , ho was attacked by n footpad Just in front of his residencX'/1 knocked down and re lieved of his poclnit ibook , 'which contained over $000 In bills nnd n couple of promissory notes. Ho was uimblo to identify his as sailant , and as yet no clue has boon found to trace the robber. > , Corey has but ono arm and could make but llttlo effectual resistance. Tlio AVInonnt& Southwestern. MASOX CITT , Ia.-Nov. 18. [ Special to THE Bin. ] Secretary [ Simpson is not yet positive that the Wlnona & Southwestern will build through to Mason City. Ho writes that they are making survey * in this county to deter mine the lav of tuo land , hut may diverge " nnd parallel" the Mason City & Fort Dodge and Chicago , St. P.iul & * Kansas City , run ning their old midway between these two lines on through to Omnha. Cattle ThfcVcs at lied Oak. " HEU OAK , In. , .Npy. 18. [ Spaclal to Tun BuE.l Seventeen iead of fat cattle belong ing to J. W. King wore/stolon from his feed lot , on the edge of , .town , last night and shipped to South Omaha. A mcssaco from there says the cattle had been sold and that the man to whom the money was paid can not bo found. Close ol'tlio JCenlcnk Cnnnl. KEOKCK , la , , Nov. 18. Major Melgs , in charge of river Improvements on the upper Mississippi announces that the canal here will be closed tomorrow for the winter be cause of necessary improvement work. School House Cnrneil. HA.MHUKO , la. , Nov. 18. J Special Telegram to TUB Bun ] The school house at this place was burned today nt oicht o'clock p.-in. The lire caught from the furnace. Loss , $20,000 ; insurance , $12,500/ , The AVoul Market. BOSTOX , Nov. IS. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE. ] There has boon a steady market and fair demand for wool and sales have been made to a fair extent , . but mostly lu small lots. Ohio X sold at 2i@U3o : , XX and abov < nt 34@35c and No. 1 at 3S@39ct. Michigan X fleeces have been selling at 30@31c. All kind ; of staple wools are selling freely , including No. 1 combing nt 40f-42c ( , Ohio line delaine at 30@37c and Michigan line delaine nt33a35- ( Unwashed combing wools are iu demand nt U7@3Sc for one-quarter blood nnd nt 2'J@32c for thrco eighths. Territory wools are Hrm on n scoured basis of 50@t53o for fine , 5S@(50c ( for line medium and 53g55o ( for medium , Texas , California and Oregon wools arc steady nnd quiet. In pulled wools there has been a steady trade and prices uro sustained : 40@45o for best super , ! lr > @ 3Sc for fair to good super and 23@a8c for extras. Foreign wools are linn but quiet. Thuy Are Doubtful. VinxsA , Nov. IS. The doctors , returned from Berlin , express doubts ns to the radical euro of lupus by Koch's ' treatment. Leading Austrian specialists .yarn the t acuity ngalnsl overestimating the ofllcacy of Koch's method , They say no perfectly established cures have yet been mndo nnd thlnklt possiblothostrong reaction of the remedy may prove dangerous to weak lungs. Three deaths attributed to this cause ore already reported. Wild West In Quarantine. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 18. The ! French stearnoi La Normnndio , on which is thn Wild Wcsl Indian show of which Colonel Cody is owner , arrived yesterday and Is still held at quarnn tine us there are a number of cases of small pox on board among the 430 ( migrants. A County ' t ( insurer Short. MILWAUKEE , NovjJ' $ . A special to th ( Evening Wisconsin. Ifrom Cblppowa Falls says that Sovo Serhjji treasurer of Chlppewr county , is short from (3,000 to $10.000 In hi : accounts and has transferred all his property to his bondsmen. ( jj jo Bliss Wii.irl lie t tor. ATLANTA , On. , Novyi 18. The last day's session of the Worr/ari's / Christian Temper nnco Union was devoted mostly to routlni business. Miss 'WftftrHl.is hotter today anc wua able to bo in thdMll for a short tlmo. Fatal Fight pvyr n 1'ronolior. VIENNA , Nov. IS.-MDtrlng a fight Suudaj at Brlstlz , Traiisylril j otwccu the ovposlng members of ono of the churches there ovci the newly appointed Itomnaiilun pastor , sli persons were killed * and sixteen injured. . Kooh IH OliUKrniod. * Unni.iN , Nov. 18. Prof. Koch Is chagrined ever the reappearance of lupus In a patient reported cured. This Is tbo only Instance ol the return of disease after supposed cure. "Albright's Choice. " Two Wore Ulllqd. LIMA , O. , Nov. 18. A building holnij con structed at the Solar refinery collapsed with out warning. Two workmen weroJcllled am a doicu slightly injured. Plnnta Beatrice preparations Shor- mun & McCounolPa , 2d door west P. 0 , "Albright's Choice. " IIIGHTOra BLACK PEARLIZED A Gatno But Very Brief Tight at South Omaha Lost Night. IT WAS THREE ROUNDS AND OUT , OcminnIn Ilnlltlio Sot-no of the Battle A Lnruo unit Representative Cruwil of tlio Short Haired , Gcrmmila liatl , South Omaha , was the theatre of n very exciting and highly scien tific knock-out last night. As curly asSsilO the , classic walls ol this urstwlillu ikcsptim tcmplov.is a sweating , fuming join of the sportive genus homo , \vlio had congregated thither nt tl per head for the express pur pose of seeing Joscphus lllghtoiver , a colored goutlcmnti of pugilistic ambition , and HI Mortlns , the famous Black Pearl of Minne apolis , uo huttlo for shekels and glory. Con sidering the texture nnd complexion of the concourse , It was ono of the most orderly and well managed seen within this nock of woods for many moons. After the Jostling throng had tilled the hnll with cheap tobacco smoke thick onouKh to paato up show b Us , the two gladiators miulo their appearance In the ring. High- tower , the local man , Is a coffco colored youth , about live feet eleven , nnd tipping the scales at ICO , while the Ulack Pearl was at least two Inches shorter , blaclf nt pitch with a torso lilfo a gorlha and ahead like an ebony cocoanut. Ha tilted the beam at 151. Jim. inoy Lindsay was -behind llighlowcr , whllo 12d Kuans performed a llko service for the Minneapolis ournng outang. After the inovltablo half hour's wranpln Johnny Carlow was agreed upon as referee , and Uhiu-lio Sabins and Ed Hothcry OH tlmert , and exactly at 10:10 : the inou were ordered to shako hands. Hlghtowcr looked determined but palo , whllo the Pearl was grim nnd lowering as a thumlor cloud. Alter a llttlo preliminary mnneuverini * the Peart led anil.landed lightly on the saddle colored man's chest , the lattur getting back with seemingly Rood effect upon the Pearl's barrel like neck. Hlghtowcr followed up with celerity and lauded two or thrco light blows In quick succession , receiving In return , Just as tlmo was called , received a smash In the neck , just below the ponum Adam ! , that would have mnOo a loss plucky man Ho down. ' The second round was hammer and tongs from the outset. Hlghtown getting In a semi- knock down and otherwise familiarizing him self with the MInncapolltun's glistening an atomy that led his friends to hope that ho might emerge from the battle first bust. Uut the fates and the Pearl willed dlftor- ently. Early In the third round , subsequent to a Ittlo harmless slugging , the Pearl handed Mr. Hlghtowcr a clein knock down. Ho steadied himself upon his hands .and knees a moment , gulping In great cobs of re freshing tobacco smoke , nnd gazing Into space with that vacant , far-off look supposed to bo assumed by a man who has just ; btcn kicked by u mule , nnd then , just as the rofcro had counted nine , was up llko a flash and frantic ally essaying to convince the Pearl that ho was yet In ft. Delusive oiTort. Inch by Inch the Minneapolis coon backed him up to the ropes , Ins black eyes corrus- cntlng llko a cobra's , and watching for a chance to get In his honoy-montgoinery. Ker-plugl It was the Pearl's knotty fist colliding with Mr. Hightower's jugular , and Mr. Hlghtower knew no moreof the things transpiring upon this mundane sphere , ilo went back prostrate - trato Hko a log , lying outstretched without the quiver of u muscle. Ho was out. "Albright's Choice , " PHIZES fOIt ttiCEEDEttS , Various lilve Stock Associations Take Action Ibr the World1 * Fair. CHICAGO , Nov. IS , 'Jho annual meeting of a number of national llvo stock associations , the members of which were brought together by the American fat stock show were hold today. The American Perchoroa Horse as sociation appointed a committee to take steps toward preparing a world's fair exhibit , and also on exhibit' ' at the fat stock show of 18' ) I , At the mooting of the American Shropshire Sheep associatinn a communication was re ceived from B. A. Manson offering a prize of 100 for the best Shropshire sheep exhibited at the' world's fair. At the meeting of the National Swlno Brooders' association , Dr. Salmon of the federal bureau of animal Industries , read an interesting paper , dwelling upon the neces sity of action against the unjust discrimina tion against American pork by Germany and Franco. Several other associations held meetings. Nearly all discussed the question of exhibits at the world's ' fair. The Illinois Short-Horn Breeders' association - recom mended to the national commission that liberal - oral prizes in money Instead of the cus tomary modnls bo offered for excellence in the breeding of cattle. Quinsy troubled mo for twenty years. Since I started using Dr. Thomas' Ecloc'trlo Oil have not had an attack. The Oil cures sere throat at onco. Airs. Letta Conrad , Standish - ish , Mich. , Oct. 24 , 'S3. LTanr Was Suppressed. PAW ? , Nov. 18. In the chamber ' depu ties today Laur tried to interrupt the dcbato on the budget to the question of the govern ment ns to the measures it proposed to adopt in order to prevent a drain of gold from Franco for the benefit of foreign markets. Finance Minister Ilouvler said ho offered yesterday to reply to such an interpellation , but as.Laur did not press it the government would not accod now. Laur then made a violent lent attack upon Kouvicr , accusing him of taking advantage of his official position to speculate for a rise in government stocks. A , tremendous uproar followed , but Lour \VM llually suppressed. Hall's Hair Ilenowcr is free from alcohol and dyes that injure the skin , It is pcicntift- cally prepared and will restore gray hair to Its original color and vigor. * .Will Test the Law. NAsnvitLE , Nay. 18. H. M. King , a Seventh Day Advontlat in Oblon county , was some time ago convicted of violating the Sabbath by plowing on Sunday. The atnto suprctno court sustained the sentence and an appeal was taken to the federal circuit court. Judge Hammond has granted a writ of habeas corpus returnable November 24. The National Society of Advbntlsts has retained ox-Postmaster General Dickinson as counsel to tesc the right nf the Adventists to work or amuse themselves on the Christian Sabbath as they chose. _ _ of DK.NVBB , Colo. , Nov. 18. In the Knight * of Labor assembly today the committee on good of the order reported recommending the fed eration' of all labor organizations ; the ap pointment of a cpmmlttoo to attend the next convention of the farmers' alliance ; sup ported the recommendation of the general master workman for the prevention of strikes and strongly recommended the appointment of a committee to bring about the forfeiture of the charter of the Now York Central road to the stuto. Irolnml'H Distress , DuniiN , Nov. 18. The board room of Schull union , County Cork , was bcslcgod to day with a croat crowd of small farmers and laborers who came to Implore the guardians for either food or employment , The appli cants , some of whom cdrrled blaok banners. numbered fully 1,000 , Father Forest ol Qoloea Bald thirty families were starving In hit parish and he was obliged to assist them out of his own scanty moans. Smallpox li ST. PRTimsncno , Nov. 18. Smallpox Is spreading throughout the city and the hos- pltals nr crowdcd. Ten per cent of these strloif.ua uro dying. Will Not Ooiitrnot a New Pornlfgii f ST. PKTSRSUUHO , Nov. 18. [ Special Cable gram to THE Uin.-It ] U ofllclnllr an- nouiiced that the government does not Intend - tend to contract u fresh foreign loan for the present. Tiir.y mtvr itwii'itoctTV. Spccolio * nt the Annual Dnmiuot oftlio Now York Uluunbcr of Commorco. NKW YOHK , Nov. 18. The one hundred ind twenty-second annual bann.nct of the Now York chnmborof commerce was held tonight. President Smith , in liU address , said ho was profoundly convinced that reci procity is the hey which will open wldo the door of. commercial Intercourse nnd give tons a natural outlet for surplus products. Clmuncoy Dopow spoke nt length on recent events in the financial world. lu the course of bis speech ho said that within the past few weeks wo have stood the strain of the re purchase of nil our bonds and stocks which Kurop'o desired to sell. Jt wns a fearful test , hut it has superbly demonstrated the strength of our finnndal situation , the soundness nf our credit and the pcrmti' nancy of prosperity , The brcaklnir of the dnm of this Kuropenn reservoir may pour upon us a stream of securities which will reduce - duce values SJ5 to 00 per cent. Such contrac tion would nt certain tii.ios . suspend the busi ness ol the country and bring nbout bank ruptcy nnd rulu. These possibilities will bo averted us wo grow rich enough to absorb our own securities. Hut to increase our available resources wo must enlarge the scope of the market for our surplus products. The solution of this dangerous problem nnd of our future prosperity lies largely In the di rection of commercial reciprocity among the nations of all America. Carl Schuiv made n brief address colling for such revision of the tnrlff as will deliver our manufacturing industries of the artificial burdens which increase the coil of these things they have to use in production nnd give them a fair chance for export trade. Kx-Prosldent Cleveland was called on to say something. Dopowlmd mentioned that Congressman Springer had nominated Cleve land for the next democratic presidential committee nnd said he Iropcd the republicans would nominate that champion of reciprocity , James 0. Blnlno. Mr. Cleveland was not on the programme to speak nnd , arising , made n few-remarks. Ho said ho had heard a good deal tonight iVbout reciprocity with the Spanish speaking pooplo. "Now , If It is good for them why Isn't it a good thing to have reciprocity with our own people ! Wo have heard nbout France helping England and the United States financially. Why cannot they dose so commercially ? I'm sorry my friend Dopow , mentioned what Mr. Springer said , for It docs not seem to mo of much import- tnneo nnd of no interest to you , gentlemen. " Mr. Cleveland Jocularly referred to the banquet at Albany four years ago , when Denow had nominated him for the presidency and hoped the republican party would nom inate "That grandest of statesmen nnd plumed knight , the name which rises to your lips but not to nilno. " Cleveland added ho hud reason to bcllovo It was put that way owing to Depow's extreme modesty. Ilo hail said at the tlmo , ho would , when he got a good chance , put in a good word for Mr. Do- pew's candidacy , nnd asked if this evened up Springer's remarks. Uninhn "Medical Soulntv. The Omaha Medical society met last night nt the Pnxton hotel. The attendance was very good and the discussion which followed the reading of the paper of the evening was exceptionally Interesting. Dr. Neville read n paper upon certain methods to bo applied In the practice of ob stetrics. Ills treatment of the subject was considered very nbio by the physicians pres ent , and a dozen or movu joined in the dis cussion nt the conclusion of the reading of the paper. The committee appointed to prepare a fee hill reported n llt of fees to be followed by the members of the association in making charges hereafter. "With some alterations the list of fees was adopted us the standard for the association. Captain A. U. Yoctun. Captain A. D. Yocumof Hey tings , special inspector of the revenue ofllce , who has been stationed ut Montreal , Canada , for several months , was in Omaha yesterday on his \\ay. homo. Ho has been assigned to duty in Idaho and Montana and will proceed there in n few days. "Tho feeling is very bitter In Canada just now , " said Mr. Yoenin to a Br.r. re porter , "against the United States on ac count of the McKlnley bill. The Canadian government nas doubled the force of Insnect- ors nil alone the border. They are deter mined to Iteep every American hog and every pound of American beef out of Canada. " Mho Examinations Completed. The civil service examination , which was held in the council chamber , was completed yesterday. At this session there were some fifty .voang men in attendance who wore anx ious to go into the employ of the government as railway mall clerks. The examination was in orthography , geography , arithmetic , history nnd penmanship. The examination " papers will "be forwarded to Washington , where they will bo examined. These who pass will bo notified In duo tlmo , and as va cancies occur they will bo appointed. An Organist Shot , NEW Yomc , Nov. 18 , Miss Gladys Price , organist of the Mariners' temple , was shot nad seriously wounded this morning by John Davis , who claims to bo her husband , al ttough she says she docs not know him. He is thought to be crazy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething rests the child and comforts the mother. 25c a bottle. * A barge Sum. BOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 18 , The Methodist missionary conference today adopted n reso lution calling on the church to give the com mittee $ l.S.rU,000 as the least sum with which it can meet the demands of the year 1801. < To allay pains , subdue Inflammation , heal foul sores and uicors the most prompt and satisfactory results are obtained by usiiifi that old reliable remedy , Dr. J. II. JVIcLoau's Volcaulo Oil Liniment. Itounrt for Nnpjcs. [ ComirluMlKMliM Jumta Oordnn'JIenneU. ' } . Pont MAIIOX , Nov. 18. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB Br.B.l The cruiser Baltimore has sailed from hsro for Naples. Absolutely Pure. A croamof tartar baking powder. Highest ot leavening BtronRtb-U. H. Government Uo- port Aug. 17 , 1HU _ kieMg B'onipanij's ' EXTRACT OF J3EEF I'or Improved nnd cooiiomlo cook- fry , lisa It for ftointn , NIIIICCM nm ] Jl < ntnJlntu-K. , In flavor-dimm pnrabk , nnd dls.tnlvus perfectly clour In water. Make * dullolon lleut Tim and ltttp (11 a'l ' climate * foi nny k'li tli of tlmo. 1 It ) equal tr 40 Ibs of Ivan kcof. Only borl Riuirimtood gcimlno byJuituB von Mi-big and t > enr Ills ilgiw tura In blue , tbuit fKIIHOXA I , J'A . tilt A 1'lta , E. O , Bellow loft yesterday for Chicago. C. II. Klmoroof llcntrloo Is at the Cnsoy. GeorgoP. Smith of Denver is nt the Mur ray. ray.It. It. E. r.mor.wn of Dtirango , Cole , , la at the Cusoy. * Jainc * Cannon , ] r. , of Denver Is at the Paxton. K. A. Miller of Newark , N , J. , Is at the Mlllnrd. , . . Ocoivo 13. Wright of Now Yorlt is at the Mlllnrd. K. O. Mnrsli of Chicago win nt the Mlllard lost night. A. A. Bpolto of Ilolyoko Colo. , Is at the Merchants. Councilman Bcchcl is able to attend to Uii duties iiKnln. U. G. Wallace of Chicago is iu tlio city nt the Murray. John Nofo of Lnrninlp , Wyo. , is In thocttv. nt the Mlllard. M , M. Snider of DCS Molnos , Was nt the Casey last night. J. A. Hartinan ot Beatrice was nt the Mer chants last night , s Sylvester S. St. John of Kearney is In thu city , at the Casey. ( } . C. Smith of Kansas City was at thu Paxton last night. ( joorgo N. Holmes of Boston was ut tbo Murray last night. GcorgoB. Toasdalo of St. Louis Is in the city , at the Paxton. J. B. Mortlnr. und son of Uiirango , Colo. , nro at thn Merchants. John 0 , Hlgglns of Unmd Island Is In the city , ut the Merchants. K. C. TookcroC Now York is In the city , registered nt the I'uxton , 0. P. Wixon of St. Louis was in the city last night , at the Murray. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hodgson. Jr. , have leased their house mid are now living at the Mur ray. ray.Mr. Mr. K. 13 ? Murrltt. editor of the Hastings Dally Nebraskan wiled upon Tin : BEB yes- tcrdiiy. 1 ! . S. Belcher , secretary of the National liuildlnganilLonn association , has gone to Texas on a business trip. H. A. Fylor , a loading drv goods merchant of Halt Lnko city , p.usod through Omuhu yesterday on Ids way to Chicago. CiulctTaylor loft yesterday for Chicago , where ho moots n company of Vermont capi talists who will probably visit Omaha. 0. N. Carter , formerly chief clerk of the land cojiiinUsionor's oillco at Lincoln passed through Omaha yesterday on his way to Ohio , where he now resides , Mr. John C. Eckel , advance mnhof Dlxoy's "Seven Ages , " nnd n veteran newspaper man , called upon Tun UEK yesterday in com pany with his brother , Mr. Ooorgo Eckel of this city. " Never noglcut n constipated condition of the bowels , or sot-ions results follow , such as plies , Impure blood and many chronic com plaints. Burdock Blood Hitters Is the rem edy. A. General Assignment. . KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Nov. 18. N. AV. In gram , president of the Argentine ( Mo. ) waterworks and electric light company , pro prietor of n boot nnd shoo store In Kansas City. Kan.j and n general atoro In South Kan sas City , Kan. , made a general assignment today. Assets , ? T5,000 ; liabilities , f "Albright's Choice. " TlioVlllnnce Gets the Attorney. ToruKt , Kan. , Nov. 18. Complcto un- ofllclul returns from Kansas show the clue- tlon-of the ropuhllcan ticket with the ox. ccption of the nttornoy gcnernlslilp uy nm- Jorltlcs of from aQO ( ) to 8,000. The farmers' all 1 anco candidate gets the uttorney general , ship hy a plurality ot 42,000. , n Makes the lives of many Koplo miserable , CAii.sIng distress after eating , sour stomach , sick licndaclio. heartburn , luss ot appetite , a faint , "all Bono" feeling , lad taste , coated tongue , and Irregulailty ot PlStrOSS tlio bowels. Dyspepsia doc < After not ct wel1 0 ( ttself > u P . . requires careful attention , tuting aluj a rcmody llko lloed's Sarsnp.irllla , which acta gently , yctvfllclcntly. It tones the stomach , regulates the diges tion , creates a good npfijck ' petite , banishes headache , . . , and refreshes tlio mind. HoadaChO "I liavo been tionblcd with dyspepsia. I had tut llttlo appetite , ami what I did cat distressed me , or tlld me would have a faint or tired , all-gone feeling , as though I had not eaten anything. My tronblo was aggravated hy my business , painting. Last Sour spring I took Hood's Sar- _ ouur saparllla , which did mo an Stomach Immense ninouut of good. It gave mo an appetite , and my food relished and satisfied the craving 1 had previously experienced. " GEcmui ! A. I'AOF. , Watcrtown , Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold lj nil druggtits. gl ; tli for 03. Prepared enl ; by G. I. HOOD & CO. , Aiwthocarlos , Lowell , Malt IOO Doses Ono Dollar AMUSISMENTS. TWO NIGHTS THE ONLY. Wednesday and Thursday , Nov. 19 and 20. "HA BANE PURTY'GUDE FELLAli. " HALL'S PARCH COMEDY CO. Under the iimnaKoinotit of lEaymoml nnd O'C'onnoll , In Ilin entirely now furco coinrdy. SWEDE OilKlnnl Rwcdlsli Dhilectlelan , MR. CHARLES H , HALL. Tlio wliolo InturBpcrnPil with Spocaltles , Glee % Mrdluys. ( Jliiirusua .Su. 1'nnular I'rioerf. llox sliuut opuni Tuosilay inorinnz. inorinnz.'p ' Opera Amerlc.Vi Artlftlo Comocllnn , Mr. Hour ; B. DIXE1Y aid Ills merry oouiiniijr of ulnyvra , under tin , a tlon of iflt. 1IAIIUJMV 11. WAU1IUKTON , l AliEWiaut TOUIi. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY , NOV. 20TH AND2IST Flint prod nrtlou linro of Mr. DUoy'a J ntost Hiicf nn llio SE1VEXNAGRS SATURDAY , SUNDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE ADONIS t IHICCOH of the ccnturr , .MnunlilRDOt icoula I'roitictloni. ( "oinpnny of 55 1'ooptr. ' MatoH.W. Hulo of reals will butluVciI rnliii ; . KorTliroo Nlol'tw OullJ. ComliiciiHnu FrMau Ifnremlier SI , uith Sat- wilHU Manure. Mrs. I'rnncls HodKNon llnrnolt'i lloaiillful Drnrantlo Ur | Little Lord PaUntlerou I'rcsontod oy the ORIGINAL NEW YORK COMPANY , Rl'rriAli I'liiPKS for tliolr onuftitnmont i\ro lower than tliovuinvauy uvcr pUrod to Uuluro. unit cr run unluil toby tlio iimiiiutMuinit on ncrount of the tha very lurito icntlnir cnpnolty of tliulliontori IIOX HI5AT- ) , Z II 00 nnd 75 conl AIIllllCllKRTItA rtKATB. - - - 75c nt § IIAI.COXY , HKBTTIIHKB HOW8. - Ult-vnU AM. OTI1UH IIAWONV BKAT8 , - - U t-rnti UAI.I.DIIV. . U ccnti llux Bliuot open Tliurxlny roornlnn. WIMIAVIKH. . MftnnKi < r , Corner lltliun-l k'nrnsa xtrvou Omilm. WcekiifNor.ntli. MAT3APA BOIIAICACIII. Till : .IA1 > , tnfanttot i > trin ihotulur rice iia klll. A 11IM1 QV KHVSor TIIK IIUTKU A burlv iiio | fnrctcomoly Inleripcriodwltlilirlalit , | .rciii > - | imrklliii ! tnnei niia wr. lolljr. rollluklni dgiicei , A IniiRhiblu , cniulo , wllljr , nonirnilral coincclT , Tilnjlwl wlili tiilrth and lauxhtor , UIIAS. AND ANNIE \V1IITNKV. Vu.all.U onj Imtrumcul- llll.t. . ONi : 111 MU AJJMlTH 10 A1.U