Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Prllvcrol by Cnirlcr inuiijr pnrtof tlioClty.
Hn lnef Ollli'p. No. 4i. :
Night Editor , No.23.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council HltifT ? Lumber Co. . coal.
A little child of Ulmrlr * Wnlts , ono of tlic
firemen ul No. 4 liosu Is suffering from at ;
attack of scarlet lover.
M the rcsldcni-cof C. .T. McNltton Sundnv
Gcorco K. Clnttcruuck mul Allss Myrtle C ,
CnrciUiun wcro married liy Hov. Dr. Coolcy ,
The fiincrnl of diaries Palmer will bo hold
this afternoon at 2 o'clock ' from Hie Inmllj
residence. Interment will bo nt Walnut
Hill ,
Uepulnr communication of the Hluff Clt.\
loelKO No. 71 , Ancient Free nnd Accepted
MIHOMS this evening All Master Masons ln <
Lnurn Nehon. residing at 1510 Soutl
Eighth strp t , hm been reported to tin
health authorities us suffering fiotn an nt
tnek of diphtheria.
Henry Leo , who was wanted at Pomcroj
j for stealing some barber tools , has been enp
lured hero. Ho says ho sold some tools 01
that kind In DPS Mollies , but that they wur <
bis own property.
The of Charles L. Palmer will take
place this afternoon at , 3 o'clock from the res
lilrnco of his brother , Ii. J. I'alincr , K
WnshhiRtoii avenue. Interment will bo It
Walnut Hill cemetery.
Hen Austin denies most emphatically thai
ho has resigned , or uns thought of rcslgninr
the oflkc of constable. lie was surprised t <
read Hiich an announcement , and c.mno
Imagine how such a report started ,
The concert Blvcn last evcnlnp at RIasonii
tcmplo by the Methodist Mutual Aid nssocin
tlon was well attended nnd enjoyed , Tin
entertainments given by the yotinp people o
thoBoclety uro becoming very popular.
Another applicant for the position o
Bunerlntendent of the city schools was hen
yesterday Interviewing the members of tin
board. It was I'rnf. Snylcrof Pennsylvania
whoso brother Is an attorney In tills city.
Mr. Campbell , the newly elected count ;
clerk , has taken the position of deputy to tin
outgoing clerk , In order to heconio pcifeutl ;
familiar with the details before taklni
charge. Mr. Chambers Is courteously show
Ing him the mysteries , which will prove ( jult
helpful to the now oflicial.
There Is talk of a combination among th
new Justices of the peace by which they nr
tj to secure offices near to each other , posslbl ;
? j In the Mttrinm block , where oinny attorney
now ofllte. It is urged that this will bo mop
convenient for all concerned than to have th <
courts scattered all about the cliy.
Complaint is niado that boys In the viclnlt ;
of the now 1'ierco street school amuse theiii
aolvcs ovenlngs , by the aid of the olcctn
light , in setting up a target of an oyster cur
or something of that sort , and shooting at I
with a recklessness which is not enjoyed b'
those who have occasion to nso the street
lor legitimate purposes.
Quito liberal contributions are being mad
for the relief of Mrs. Casey , who was lef
destitute of oven clothing by the burning o
her homo. Her brother from Nebraska wa
hero yesterday nnd rented a house for her 01
Fourth street , ami gave nor such relief as h
could , ho being a poor man himself. Mrs
Casey and her live children will soon be coin
fortably situated , and she will then bo nbl
tocaro for herself , nssho Is a hard workc
nd In reasonable homlth.
Miss Kemp , daughter of Ofllccr Kemp , i
Winning golden opinions ns an artist. Slu
hns recently painted a number of picture ;
and placed them on exhibition. One wa
placed In Elsoinan's show window and at
traded a great deal 01 attention. Another
Indicating a grdut deal of thoughtful work
has been presented to the x > ollco departmen
Biid occupies a prominent position over he
father's locker in the patrol room. It 1
ureatly admired by nil who sco it.
In the district court Judge Carson is hcai
Ing the rather worn controversy over a roai
liearNeoln , to which Mr. and Mrs. Elllthron
have been for months objecting. The matte
has been before the board of supervisor
time and again , nnd finally got Into the court
en an injunction suit. Ono of the chief point
In dispute Is as to whether there was a ROWI
crop growing on the Kllithropo land whci
Iho attempt was made to open the road , o
Whether It was it ' 'volunteer'1 ' crop. A subtl
query Is whether a , "volunteer" crop is "
trowing crop" in the meaning of the law.
A man named Cartnoy appealed to Ofilce
O'Brien last evening for assistance in gettin
his son. a young boy , from the grocery stor
of William Bohnlng , on Broadway. II
claimed that a son of Bohnlng was In th
habit of gottlng the hey In the store nn
making him work and keeping him awa
from home. The boy was being detninc
there last night , and when the elder Cartno
Went to the place to get him to cotno horn
ho says ho was dented admittance and wii
threatened with violence If ho did not K
Rwny. The patrol wapon was summoned nn
the boy was taken to the station , where hi
father ccurc < ! him and took him homo. 'H
lays ho will prosecute the case today.
Mr. Dolmny denies the truthfulness of tli
report concerning the numbers and netloi :
Df some men in the rear of the stage at tli
opera house Saturday night while a nho' '
was being given. Ho says that when tli
manager ot the company called his iiUentlo
to the fact that there were several on tl ;
stage and In the llys who did not belon
there ho went personally to look after it , tin
found but two men who did not belong then
These wore ejected. There was no beer b
Ing drunk by them , nnd in ( act none ther
The item was based on the complain ! of t )
manager of the snow , who informed M
Dohnny that tlicro wcro twenty , nnd tin
lacy were "rushing the growler" in the Hy
The firemen of No. . ' ) hose house had son
experience in their own quarters with tl
enemy they are BO well equipped to light ye
terday morning. The soot In ono of the cliii
noys caught tire and an old and defective Hi
permitted the blaze to como in contact \vil
the woodwork of the building. Thetlmb
caught near the roof on the east side and
fair start was being made for a good-slzi
bla/o when it was discovered nnd extl
guished. The chairman of the fire coninil
ten In the council was called to examine tl
unsafe chimney and nt onca ordciod it to I
torn down and n now one built in its plat
Q'lio work -was commenced yesterday.
Bud Pratt , n resident of Crescent City , hi
n narrow escape from a serious accident yc
tcrdny afternoon , Ho was In the olty drlvii
n spirited team of young horses. On Fit
avenue the animals were frightened by tl
Buddcn attack of a ( log and ran away. Tl
driver held thorn until bo reached Wash In
ton nvenueTwhon ono of the lines broke , ai
n few minutes Inter the buggy was upsi
Pratt was caught by the wreck and the iln
nnd was dragged underneath the vehicle f
a block. At the point where the accident e
current there was no paving and Pratt w
dragged thiough the mud.lien ho g
clear of the vehicle ho was almost suffocnt
by the mud and nearly drowned by beli
dragged through numerous puddles. .Only
few bruises and an entirely ruined suit
clothes wore the causualtics.
An eastern chemist has discovered a pi
cess of limiting soap from corn that bids fi
to revolutionize soap making. It Is claim
that 400 pounds of soap can ho made from o
bushel of corn , nt an expense that w
scarcely equal the cost of the corn nt t
present murKct prices. There are a numb
of gentlemen in tills city who uro invcsttg :
Ing the process , and if It proves to do what
claimed for It they are contemplating t
erection of an extensive ) soap factory. Spe
, incus of the soup n.ado in the city by the pi
cess a few days ago are on exhibition at o
of the real estate ofllccs. It Is * da
colored and soft , and looks like t
old fashioned homo made soap of o
grandmothers. Not a particle of grease
oil except the small quantity contained In t
corn Is used in the process. The claim
111 ado for the now soap that when it is retln
it is-supcrlor to the llnost toilet articles ma
by the old processes and Is absolutely pu
' /ho process will ho investigated fully and
it proves to bo anything UUo what is claim
for it an Important manufacturing cntcrpr !
will spring up hero backed by local capital
Scott-House. Best tl.OO per day house
the city , _
QTho great blow about heaters our would-
competitors uro making. Have you seen
better stock of beaters and lower prices tn
atM. & K.'s , itto Broadway.
A Gang of Toughs Attempt to Break Up a
Fifth Avenno Ohurch Mcetlug ,
Mynstei-'H Knllwny Will He IlulH-Tho
Suwcr Dlttili Again. A Scoun
drel Ciumlit nt the liloomor
Hnlionl llulIilltiR.
Thciewnsa most disgraceful proceeding
nt the Fifth avcnuo Methodist church Sun
day night , caused by llvo young roughs who
wcro well loaded with "whisky. The gang
took scats In the rcaV purl of the church ,
mid after talking so loudly as to disturb tlic
congregation they became so bold that one ol
them moved up to the front , and raising o
hymn book above his bead said to the
minister , Hev. Mr. Drawer , ' 'Hold on there ,
you're wrong. " Several gentlemen started
for him , and quickly escorted the follow to
the outside. His four companions followed ,
nnd attacked the church folks. The row
caused the meeting to bo broken up , the
ladles being panio stricken , and the men Lev
ing busy In trying to rout the gang ol
roughs. Messrs. Howard , Clifton , Barker
nnd Louie of the congregation wcro some
what rouwhly handled. The rougns will
pro utibly bo hunted upand brought to Justice ,
It Is said that ono of thorn was Frank ivano ,
who was arrested n year ago for carving t
mnn nt Mnimwii. It Is to bo hoped that UK
whole Bang may bo sought out , and made tc
suffer severely for the dastardly conduct.
After the gang had created all the trouble
they e-oulel at the church , they left , mid fort
tlmo tcrrorlrcd all that portion of the city ,
They attacked a young named Will Fitz
gerald and phased him into the house of n
neighbor named Stanton , nt 1802 Suutli
Seventh street. Ho was melon the porch bj
roiing Ktuntnn and begged protection from
ho gang , who wore closely pursuing him ,
leforo young Stanton could utter a word ,
Cuno wine tip nnd Jumped over the fence ,
ind , running up to the porch where Stantou
ivsis standing , struck him n violent blow that
knocked him down. Stanton says ho gel
iiway from him and ran out of the yard , fol
'owed by Kuno mid crowd. They chased
dm huvornl blocks , but finally stopped nnd
eturned to the Stanton residence after the
. 'itzgeraUl boy. They broke into the house
and badly frightened Airs. Stanton and hei
dsughtor , who were nlono nt the time. The ) for a tlmo for the boy , swearing
hat they -would hill him If they found him
They did not succeed in finding him , nni
ilmilly loft.
Young Stanton in the meantime bad foum ]
ils father nud the two returned to the house
but the crowd of toughs had vanished nni
did not molest them any further.
Yesterday morning young Stanton llled ar
nformatlon in the supreme court vlmrgini
ICaiio with assault and battery. The war
rant was placed in the hands ot Deputy Mar
ihall Fowler/ but before It could bo scrvei
ho young mail appeared nnd withdrew tin
charge. The police nro nt loss to nnderstam
'ust what is meant by the proceedings. It 1 ;
mpposed , liowover , Unit a ihore sorluu :
charge is to bo placed against Kane , who 1 :
described by the police as a dangerous tough
Our line of cook stoves and ranges , fron
> ? .r > 0 to H5 gives you the greatest variety t <
iclcct from , at Claude ! & Klein's , 3VJO Broul
Continuation of the great clearing sale a
Making room for holiday goods.
The phenomenal success attending tin
r o n clearing sale at Iho Boston store , Conn
ell Bluffs , lias been so encouraging that the.\ \
"Imvo concluded to continue It for ono wee !
Note the following prices for the week.
Indian head ni.isllns ( remnants , S to \ ' ,
ards ) worth He , during siilo 5c.
Our He unbleached muslin during sale 8) ) c
M yards to n customer.
Two makes of our unbleached muslin soli
'or 7c and Sc , to go at Cc.
Five makes of popular brands of bleachei
muslins , including lonsdiue , family choice. ,
ercules , Fruit ot the Loom and Casco ; aUi
lalf bleached muslin ; the samp goodan
sold forSc , flu and lOc ; price ( luring sale 7o-
'Imitcd to v0 ! yards to u customer.
We will continue our ribbon sale nt tins oh
prices for this week.
Nos. 7 , 9 and IB all silk ribbons , bcautlfu
ine of shades , in molro with satin edge am
; ros grain wltn h.itin edge ; sale prlco lOci
7 , " pieces linen damask and Turkey reds w <
will put on sale Monday morning , sale price
4So u yard ; some of the above goods sold fo
Me , 5bi' , ( I'J jC , 07e , 73c nil to go during sal
attee. .
150 dozen towels in duck , momlo and da
mask , worth 2Sc , to co at IDo ; U for . > 0e.
41-inch pillow case muslin. Oc ; 45-inch pil
low rasu muslin , lie : 4vlnch pillow cas
muslin , 12'fc ; 7-1 sheeting , llio ; 8-4 sheeting
ISc ; IM sheeting , L'Oo ; 10-1 shotting , S''o.
42-inch pillow case muslin , t c ; 45-innh pi :
low c.iso muslin , I'-J c ; CO-lnch pillow cas
muslin , Me ; 8-4 sheeting' , ' 'Go ; U-4 shcctinc
li''o ; ItU sheeting , S50.
Half bleached muslins same price as above
Wo Kimranteo the ? sheeting to boot the bca
make , and prices far below inferior goods.
FotherlnghnmVhltel.iw &Co. ,
Council Bluffs ,
Gents' underwear in great variety nt price
to suit nil at Model Clothing Co. , L. H
Mossier Mgr.
A fresh Invoice of line cheviot suits fc
young men , Just received at Model Clotl
ing Co. _
A Soldlor Charged With n Vile Ci-lini
Ofllcer Fultz came over from the Islan
yesterday with his clothes bespattered wit
mud , accompanied by a couple that attracte
a good deal of attention even before the
were taken out of the vehicle that serves fi
a patrol wagon. Ono was a tall man Avll
black mustache and rather line-looker
qhyslqno , dressed in the uniform of u priva
In the rogulau army. The other was u rudd ,
faced llttlo Gorman girl , whoso brown cur
reached scarcely to his waist ns they marchc
from the street into the city Jail. The soldii
was manacled and appeared very uneas ,
The llttlo girl was sobbing violently , and hi
face bore a haunted , terrified expression.
The man gave the nanio of John Nlckolai
and said he wa4 a soldier located at Fo
Omaha. The llttlo girl was questioned 1
Tin : Bii : : reporter in his presence , and to
the btory ot n shameful nssault-thnt bad bee
committed upon her by the fellow , nnd told
in her broken English between her sobs wll
such evident sincerity that every word ca
rled conviction to all who beard her. SI
salel her name was Mary Flohart and th
she had been working at a boarding hem :
kept by Mrs. Donahue , corner of Ninth ar
Pacific streets , Omaha. Her * homo was :
Milwaukee , which she had loft a short tin
ago to coir.o to Omaha. The only relative i
acquaintance she had In Omaha was a cous !
who was. a soldier located at the fort. Su
day afternoon she started out to 11 nd hli
Among the first soldiers aho accosted at tl
barracks was Nlckolain. In answer to In
Inquiries concerning her cousin Nlckola
told her bo was well acquainted with bin
and that ho had Just left the barracks , but
she wanted to Hud him ho would take her '
him. The readily consented to the apparei
kindness , nnd the scoundrel took hi
to Cut-Off Island , and got her in the rear '
a saloon itent by a ono-leggod man nntm
Smith. Hero ho shamefully abused he
Smith claims , without his knowledge. Du
Ing the afternoon Nlckolain inducco a ncg
to como into the room in the hope that
could be used as evidence to protect hlinsc
In case any trouble a > ese over the mnttc
The screams of the child when the negro wi
admitted by u back door attracted the ntte
tion , it is claimed , ot Smith , and ho went o
nnd acquainted Oftleer Fultz with the fact
When Fultz got to the place the soldier ai
the negro had down. The girl was taken
charge anil cared for during the night. Ear
yesterday morning the soldier returned te
take the child nwny and was promptly ar
The llttlo girl says she Is only fourtcct :
years old , and under the Iowa law till * make"
the offense of the soldier n serious crime. He
was locked Up and a charge of criminal as
sault placed against him. The llttlo girl wa :
given temporary quarters at a boarding houst
near the Jail ,
Scott House. 8. ct , meals , U5o.
Sco our new fall patterns of carpets , rugs ,
shades at all prices. At M. ft K.'s , ! J' , > 0 Bro.ul
way. _
Caught the Scoundrel.
For some tlmo past there have been numer
ous obsecuo sentences scrawled on the walls
and doors of the outhouses used by the girl :
at the Bloomer school building. Thojnnltoi
has watched carefully and erased them eacl
day , only to find them repeated In n more dls
gustlug manner. At the stnrt the mattei
vns reported to the school mnnazemcnt , am
every effort was made to detect the pc"r
ictrutor. It was supposed at 11 rat that som <
of the larger boys In the school were tin
culprits , but this suspicion was noon provci
o bo wrong. The attention ot the police \va :
called to the matter , and Onicer Graham was
detailed to visit the building while the schoo
was In session , aiid lend what assistance hi
could In hunlinif down the scoundrel
: lo visited the school yesterday after
iGon Just boforothu recess hour mid mndo i
xipture. The Janitor saw a man enter tin
nilldlng and quickly informed the ofllcer
ileforo the olllcer was communicated will
the fellow hud come out and was walking
hrongli the halls of the building. The
anltor excitedly culled to the officer nolle
ct the man get away and started for hln
nmsclf. The man nttcmptcd evade him nnt
ran into thourms of the olllcer. Tobocortuli
that no mistake had been mndo the Janltoi
went Into the outhouse nguln , nnd foum
another half-completed vllo scutonco when
ho had carefully- obliterated one early in tin
morning. This was taken as concluslvi
evidence and tao patrol wagon wa :
summoned and the fellow was taken to thi
' titntiou. Ho gave the name of 1'eti
When questioned ho denied all hnowledgi
of the crimes imputed to him , and clultnce
hat ho had como to the school building fo
ho purpose of ascertaining what kind o
boolta it would bo necessary for him t <
purchase for his children , Ho will bo hek
lending n thorough Investigation.
A. Special Opportunity to Got n Flni
liupiu-tcd UartiiRiit nt HalC Import
er's Cost Only for This Week.
Every lady who Is posted In the styles nm
values of cloaks knows that Elsonmn's is th' '
ilnco to look for them. They nro nlao awari
.liat. if there is anything new nnd stylish t <
30 seen they have to como to E4seman's ' t <
nnd It.
Ladles come from a distance of hundred
of miles to set our styles and wo alway
please them , and bend them away happy.
This week wo are In better shape than eye :
to sell yon cloaks , wraps , Jackets cheape
than ever before. AVe have closed out froii
: ho Manhattan clonk and suit company , nni
the well known lirm of A. Frlondlandur iS
Co. , of Berlin , mid Ulumcnthnll Brothers o
Paris , their entire importation of stylisl
sample garments , only one garment of a kind
Over . " 00 styles at u dlscount of one-half fron
Importer's cost , and in order to make tiling :
lively wo purpose togivo our customers th
benetlt of our purchases. This Is the grand
cst opportunity for you to got the latest 1m
ported finest garments for less than the prict
of ordinary mudo cloaks.
Don't miss this opportunity.
I'lush cloaks for $13.150 worth $20.
Plush cloaks for 815 , worth * ' ! 5 ,
I'lush cloaks for * 10.50 , worth W8.
We save you fully one-half on plush cloak ;
or jackets.
Great sale of misses' ' and children's cloaks and ncwnmrkots. Prices wav down
and a line doll given awny with every child'
cloak told during this week nt Henry Else
man & Co's. greatest cloak house in the wcsl
Corner Broadway and Pearl sts. , Counci
Bluns , la.
Mall orders receive careful and prompt ai
tentioii. ;
M. Holbrook of Missouri Valley visited th
Bluffs yesterday.
H. T. Irwin of the Neola Reporter was i
the city yesterday.
Mr. C. A. Altmannspergcr of Miudcn wn
In the city yesterday ,
Herman Mendel , ono of Neola's promincn
business men , is among tno witnesses at th
district court , in thoEllithorpo ease.
Colonel Sapp was reported ns being bcttc
yesterday than at any time for several day
previous. His friends feel quite oncournge'i
Hon. II. C. Caldwell , United States circu
judges of Llttlo Hock , Ark. , ojrivcd in tli
city lost night and is the guest of Mr. F. 1 :
Hill , on Third avenue.
Colonel S. AV. Clark returned ycsterdo
fromabiiof vUit tohls old homo in Dnlutl
The labor incident to the transformation an
opening of Iho now Hotel Gordon caused hi
health to fall , and utter the hotel was openc
ho was obliged to get awny nnel obtain
llttlo rest. Ho returns very much Invigo ;
atcd and rcfroshcd.
Uov. Dr. Cooloynnd famlly left last ovcnln
for their now homo in Morgan Park , 111. H
last Sunday in the Bluffs was a busv oil' '
Ho was called upon to preach in tuomornln
in Omaha , to return in the afternoon and a
tctid a funeral and ofllciato at a wedding , an
in the o\eniiiB to go back to Omaha , an
preach again. Ho rcslgnetl his pastoral
hero to secure rest , but at this rate it seen
that his expectation will be fur from renllzci
Great bargains In bedroom suits at Maud' '
Jx. Klein , IKO-Broadway.
An elegant line of Melton overcoats at ri
duccd vatcsat Model Clothing Co.
Stole a Ijivory Ilorsr- .
Last evening about S o'clock a young" mr
appeared at Bouquet's livery stable e
Broadway and asked for a saddle horse. I :
said he only waatcd to ride down Main strci
a llttlo way , and would rutunt the nnim
within un hour. Mr. Wheeler , who hi
charge of the stable , felt n little reluctam
nboiit letting tlio fellow have the animal , t
there was something about his manner th
excited his suspicions. Ho finally let hi
have a horse , a saddle animal that is prize
very highly. The hour passed and the fe
low did not return , nnd had not returned x
to midnight.
The matter was reported to the police , b
no clue could bo obtained or anything disco
ered to show which way the fellow went.
A discretion of the horse ami thief appea
In another column.
A Christmas Puzzle.
What shall wo buy for the holidays t
this puzzles you como In itncl sco our hollili
Attractions ; brilliant diamonds ; gold m
silver watches and chains ; quaint , novel , no
patterned jewelry , rings , bracelets , necklace
loeleets ; gold-headed cane's ; solid silver ai
plated ware ; too many novelties to nnm
you must sco them to appreciate them , thi
uro so nrtistic ami beautiful ; visitors w <
conio to SCQ our display. 0. B , Jacqucmln
Co. , No. .7 Main st.
Dr. Soybort. Ues > . Ogden liouso. Tol. 14
Aelnms PnyHMckliilcy'n Illll.
And make * a Grand Dissolution Sale
Boots nnd Slices at 75 cents on the dolln
First to buy , choicest selections ; though 01
stock of Shoos is thousands ( nnel may co
sutno n few weeks to close ) the flno Rosds ageing
going rapidly. ADAMS' shoemakers w
repair everybody's old shoes nt u greatly r
ducod prlco while the Grand Clearance So
continues by the old flrm ,
This week will bo n memorable one In tl
heating steve \\oiustrocolvcilanoth
cur loud of the Peninsular stoves and w
quota bottom figures to purchasers. At M.
IC.'s , a O Hroadivay ,
J.O. Dlxdy , steam ncatlng , sanitary o
glnccr , 943 L.lfo buildinir , Oautu ; 'AJJ Me
riam block , Council IHi Us.
Crossed Klootrlo Tl lit AVIren.
Last evening shortly before 8 o'clock U
primary wires on one of the incandesce
olectrlo light circuits became crossed in t
alloy near tbo county Jail , for a few secon
there was a brilliant pyrotechnic dlsulay , ai
when it was over there wcro four live a :
wires s\Vltt.'nliiK around on the
[ round. The InstnntJhoy could come In cou >
net with the caVfv the cscnplnt ? current
vould heat them to'm Intcn.sciy whlto heat ,
nuO the contractions of the raetnl woulu
them to risq nrtd wrltho like serpents.
tiB brllllnnt ARbwcrs of sparks. All
ho liRhts on the rlrcillt wcro Instantly ox-
ItiguNhcd , and the Uicrcased resistance nl
ho electric light station burned out nil the
imes on the switch bo.u-d , and for ton min
utes the entire city \viN \ wrapped in darkness
vlth the exception of the portions Illuminate
> y the are lights.
The break was repaired after a brief delay
There wcro no accidents.
Money to loan nt straight 5 per cent pci
iinum. E. S. Barnctt , iigent.
T jllrs In fall A nln.
A. C. Tolles , the man wlio was nrrestcd 01
Saturday nt the request of Iho sheriff o
dills county , and taken to Olemvoon on Sun
day morning , Is nnaln confined in the clti
all. Ho was arrnlgncel In Olenwood yestor
lay , Dloadcd pullty nnd wan lined fllHJ. Hi
claimed that if h was permitted to return ti
Council llltilTs ho would bo able to raise tin
iioney nt onco. The rceiuest was granted am
10 came up yesterday accompanied by n , spc
clnl oftlccr , Several hours wcro spent in i
vnln attempt to secure the necessary cash
and when darkness came at last the ofllcc
urned him over to City Marshal Tcmplotoi
for the purpose of safekeeping during tin
ilffht and letting him make nuotUcr attemp
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 41 !
Ad nine DOPH tlio lltislncss.
AVohopo the public will not bo misled h ;
ourdjssntlslled friend , for wo nro absolute ! ;
Iving a grand Dissolution Sale of Hoots nn <
shoes nt 55 per cent discount or 75 cents 01
ho dollar. Our advertisement will bo tin
ow prices quoted an d Big Trade we an
lolnp every hour in the day , which is nmpl ;
uiillclciit to convince AM. that ADAMS is clos
ng out that $12,000 Boot nnd Shoo stock ti
change lirm. Ucmhcr that AUAMK is scllln )
all solid Shoes warranted , nud likewise i
MloJf4 Shoes at i ! . " > per cent discount , whlcl
s ? . ' ! only. All iroods must go at this precar
ous rate.
For boys' and children's suits dur.iblj
nuido nnd at lowest prices , call at the Mode
Clothing Co.
BfynstprV. ItaiHvny.
The promlso Is made that the proposci
street railway line to Mynstor springs will b
constructed and In cpcratlov by early spring
Mr. Mynstor says the mysterious disappear
nnco of the ordinnnco Is'nrobably duo toll
being mysteriously mislaid , hut that It wll
lot Interfere with or cause delay to the pro
oct. as another will bo prepared , and tlio ns
sur.inco is given that the council will puss It
He 1s very conlldcnt that It will prove a pay
UK line nnel at the sumo tlmo develop bom
ino residence property.
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co.
530 Broadway. Telephone 13(5. (
A Coiiilnic
The Indies of St , Francis Xavlor Catholl
church will give a bnzar in the Masonic tcj
[ ile hall beginning next Monday evening 1
. onncction with the bazar there will bo tw
3ntettalnments of a dramatical and music ;
mturo at the opera houto , one on Monday ev <
ning , the other on Tuesday evening. On
ticket will admit to both the hall and th
opera house. At the bazar there will bo dis
[ losed of a lot in Mornlngsldc , a line carriage
i ball tree , Jersey cow , lady's gold watch , an
many other articles.
For stout men's clothing call at Mode
CiothlneCo. , L. H. Mossier , Algr.
Stolen from Banquet barn In Counc
Bluffs * , about 5 o'clock Monday afternoon ,
black saddle hoise , single footer nnel whil
strip in face : bad a horn saddle , open woodc
stirrups. IloraC was blind in lolt eye. Tl
man was of very ulnrk complexion , sllgl
mustache ; wore a dirty gray overcoat an
had the appearance of being a butcher ; we
about 20 years olel and weighs about 1T5.
The fewer Ditch.
Contractor Huber is pushing work on th
outlet to the Indian crock ditcb , which Is c ;
pcctcel to give relief to the sewerage systetr
The work will bo done before the time flxc
in the contract. Engineer Tostevln is of th
opinion that the work will answer nil pui
poses for years to come , but that eventual ! '
there will needs bo a pumping station to hel
carry away the sewerage.
A LL WELL Fft > .
Premiums Awnrued to the Owner
of Fnt Stock At Chicago.
CHICAGO , Nov. 17. Despite the ba
weather the American fat stock show coi
tinuos to draw largo numbers of visitors. I
the craded class today W. II. Keneck c
AnsterllU , Ky , , C. II. Klcmdorf of Keamoi
Neb. , Adams Earl of LaPnyetto , Willlui
Moffet & Bro. of Puwpaw , 111. , wore awiuilc
first premiums. 'Iho sweepstakes promlui
in thu shorthorn class was given to W. I
Kcuccktho ; Hereford class to Adams Dar
the DeVon class to J. AV. Moorcs & Son e
Veronica. Wig. .Tunibo a magnificent Shor
horn weighing 2,950 pounds belonging t
A. Sandnsky , ludlnoln , Ills. , was awnrdc
flrst premium for thu heaviest steer of an
class or ago. Special premiums of the Ame
lean Shorthorn wcro scoured by Milton I
.Tones \VllIlainsvtllc , 111 , , first ; J. Iv
Turner , Lansing , Mich , , second ; and C. '
Barclay , West Liberty , Iowa , third. 1
sheep the most of tlio prizes were capture
by Illinois mill Michigan. John Huthorfoi
of Hoschlll , Out. , exhibited the fattest shoe
of any class.
E. W. Caldwell , editor of the Sioux Fa !
Press , tells the following story of early daj
in Sioux City :
Tlio candidacy of Jndgo John P. Alllso :
of Sioux Clty'for congress recalls nn inc
dent of early elnys. A considerable portie
of the community down there was nddicte
to faro playing , and among the devotees i
the game was judge Allison , who was the
treasurer of the Congregational sociot ;
Among the pow-holders was John Curr ;
who also occasionally engaged In the spor
Curry's pow rent hud accumulated unt
about $ iO was duo thcroon. Ono night 1
and Allison were sitting In a gumo , whe
Curry made a nlco winning. After rakir
in his chips ho took n stack of them In h
hands and shoved thorn over to Allison wii
the remark 'Judgn , hero's $ : iO. Just pi'
mo credit for It on my pew account. " Tl
Judge took out his book and made a mlnu
of the payment and ( .ho game proceeded.
Cause of tlio Trouble , , Colo. . Nay. IT. It is stated t
night the trouble ia the Knights of Labor n
sembly which ho existed since Saturday mor
ning , was caused by tno discovery of nn (
tempt to use the order for political purpose
It is asserted somu of the executive olllcoi
dining the last cnmi > nlgn issued circulars r
questing tlio Knltjljfs to vote for Pattlso
democratic candidate , for governor In Pen
sylvunla , nnd that m-.other states the san
measures were used. The debates were vc :
heated nt times , bnttonlght It Is learned sti
isfactory explanations wore mndo and tl
matter Is settled. „
Tlio Slnvin-.HoAuVlfl'coJiiry
[ Cojii/i tglit IMObii fumt Coition Ilmnett.\ \
LONDON , Nov. .17 [ Now York Hera
Cable Special to Tun Bni : . ] The Slav !
McAullffo Jury disagreed after n , four hou
struggle. Fox and Lonsdnlo went bail
500 nplcco for the appearance of tlio puj
lists nt the next session. There will bo
McAullffo and Madden benefit In two wee
at the Pelican club to make expenses.
Hopes for the Democrat ? .
CHICAGO , Nov. 17. The count of the Se
end state senatorial district , completed I
night , shown the election of Kenney ( dom )
the legislature Instead of Hoppln ( rep ) , w
hitherto has been supposed to have be *
eslcctod. This Increases the chances of t
democrats In the United States senator !
struggle ,
Storm In thn South.
Nr.w OIU.KANH , La. , Nov. 17. Dispatch
from northern Louisiana and several pohi
in Mississippi , report thu severest storm c
pcrienccd lust nlghtknown for years. Ore
damage was donu to cotton nnd rlco still
the fields and souio warehouses wcro iloodc
The OH ltml Vatican Hoolpo for the
llcvorngo of tlio I'opos.
Tlio history of poncho n la romnluo lc
curious , eaye tlio American Analyst. II
IUIH .been the Btiiiiinur rofrcshinouL ol
Bticocsslvo popes for over eighty yearn ,
and tholr chefs were threatened with nil
kinds of horrors nnd punishments H thoj
ever divulged the secrets of Its prcpa-riv
lions.Vhon Nnpoluon Invaded Italy in
1700 thia terrible intordlct wua broker
ttiroiirli ( , A BOH of Plus VI. "a chief coiv
fectlonor , by name MoliH , ns BOOH 1x3 he
found the C'reiioli wore conciuororo , rat
nwny from his father and united his for
tunes with them. Tills young man bo
ciimo the fuvorlto borvant of tlio Env
press Josoplilno , nnd uftor her elontli bo
cnmocook to tholfusslnnPrliu'o Llovon
whom lie nccompnnlcd to London when
, lint prmco was appointed ambassador U
-ho court ol St. Jiunos , Tlio HusHlnr
llrst niiido hla ptipul bovorngo In Loiuloi
liy Introducing It at tbo prtnco's tnblo
1 ho prlnco regent asked for tlio recipe
nnd permitted copies to bo given to i
icloct few of his friontlH , ami by degree !
t be-cauio better known nnel IB now wol
known till over the world.
Tlio original Vatican reclpo is :
"Prepare a very rich pineapple s cr
jo t : have It a little tart with lemon juice
takuig tlio greatest care that nonoof tin
/cst or oil from tlio yellow rinel or tin
jlttorncss from tlio white unelerlyinj
: ) ithbo allowed to ontortho cotnposftloi
of tilts Bhorbot. In order to bo cortali
of this it is bettor , first , to jjrato off tin
yellow rlnel from the lemons , then t <
: arofully remove all the whlto pith , nni
'to make nssuranco "doubly sure , wnal
< ho skinned fruit in clear water ; ufto
which press out the julco frco from tin
rind of tlio fruit ; strain the julco so as ti
remove all the seeds or pips from it ; thoi
ulel it to tlio pineapple mixture. It inus
, hon bo very well irozon. Tills shorbe
joing very ricli will not freeze hard , bu
ivill bo a Boinl-ico. Just before the puncl
is to be served add and work into it fo
every quart of the ice ono gill of Ja
nmica , nnd for every two quarts ono pin
of the best clwmpngno. Never use tli
wlno from damaged bottles or leak ;
corks , as it will bo sure to elopravo nni
perhaps entirely spoil your punch. Aftc
you have well incorpooated these liquor *
idd cream or meringue-mixture to suit.
That's AVhat'stho Jlattcrwith llouelii
ras QH a Nation.
"As to tlio rumors of war in Hondi ;
nisJ ) said Senor Jose Pinto to a Ghicng <
Tribune reporter. "I think nobod
need worry about them ; for I elon't believe
liovo it is moro than a local disturbance
if it amounts to that much. Pretty ncai
ly nil the telegraphic news of Contra
America comes through the meelimnshl
of General E'/.otu of San Salvador ami 1
btrongly colored by him. Authentl
news will como by mail. Tlio const
general of Guatemala at Now York de
clarcs that his country is at peace.
believe that there will bo no Cent IT
American war. Central American unit
may not bo ollocted for years , but event
ually it will como. "
"Is it not easy to make a living i
Honduras:1" :
"Yes ; perhaps the trouble with it I
that a man makes his living too easil.\
The northern coast of It is almost a
prairie , anel all a settler has to do is t
clear awny tlio underbrush burn up th
rubbish , btick in the suckers of the bai
ana in shallow hole about fifteen fee
apart and in eight or ten months , one
trco will produce a bunch of b.manti
worth anywhere from 37 } to 75 cents. I
the old days before trade was opened u
with If ow Orleans , a few schooners use
to como elown and pay 16 cents a bunol
but the demand has increased and price
have gone up. Snakes down there
Only a few. There are poisonous make
but the prairie is burned oft every yeai
and what are not killed that way th
peccaries make short work of , The pc <
cnrles are wild hogs with tusks lil >
knives and a wonderful willingness t
use them. Like all pigs they are fen
of snakes.
"It is a general belief that Contrn
America is too hot to bo endured. Th
isthmus is frightfully hot and damp , hi
tlio broad uplanela of Central Americ
are ns healthful and cool as any prnlri
in the "United States. There are no o >
tromcs of temperature. It is never so e >
tremoly hot or so cool as it is todnj
Honduras oilers splendid opporlunitic
to the agriculturist Almost every thin
can bo grown there that grows hero nn
our tropical fruits besides. "
A. Pnrincr'a Wife AVIio Could To
Angels Win : u Slic Suw llii'in ,
Ono summer evening nn old farmers :
on his door-stop smoking a pipe befur
going to beelsays the .MilllinburgTimc :
Presently a tramp approached and sale
"Good evening , sir. "
"Good evening , " answered the furmoi
"I have boon walking a long di
" ' 'and if wi
tanco"saiel the tramp , you
pormlt"hio I'll sit a few minutes on you
doorstop. "
"All right , " was the answer.
The two men fell into convorfeiittoi
and us the farmer discovered his guei
to bo an intelligent man , the talk wi
continued until alato hour.
"Would you mind giving mo a mug i
cider ? " asked the tramp , at length.
"Not at all , " said the farmer. "I wide
do it with pleasure. "
The cider was procured nnd dispcsc
of ina summary * fashion , and then can
tlio next request :
"I've traveled a good distance toeln
and I should like very much to lodj ;
with you if you have no objection. "
"All right , " answered the farmer , '
can accommodate you. "
Meanwhile tlio wife , who liael long b
fore retired nnd was listening to tliocoi
versation from her bod-room , calk
out :
"No , you won't ; I won't have hi
hero. Come , husband , it's time for ye
to come in and look up. "
"Madam , " said tlio tramp , sorlousl ,
turning in the direction of the vole
"you should not speak so abruptly to
stranger. You might bo entcrtuinii
an ungol unawares , "
"I ain't a mlto afraid , " returned tl
old lady , calmly , "angels don't con
around bogging cider after dark. "
Why Nnmoil < luthrlc.
Judge Guthrlo , of the district court
Kansas , is the man after whom Guthri
in the Oklahoma territory , was name
according to tlio Kansas City Times. I
wont to the front during the famous rai
at the Oklahoma opening with a pail
of Topeka citizens who expected to got
slice of the now territory and a shai
InQtho now towns. When the be
sounded the judge and bis friopt
made tlio wild race across the counti
toward the site of the present city of 01
lahomn. They settled on the covoti
land , but from the bushes came tlio reg
lars men who had been waiting fi
years for that day. They tossed tlio ban
satchels of the Topeka citizens asid
took tholr canes away and threatened
make targets of the silkhatuof tho"Ka
snsdudos , " as the Topeka gcntlom <
were called by the men from the bus
The Topeka delegation retired , and Judj
Guthrlo lost his silk tile. Though ho lo
ills own town lots nnd his fnvorito till
the Judge has boon moro than compu
sated by the naming of the town In h
A Man Jumps from n Moving Train
for a Strnn o Ilrnson ,
Baltimore reports the strangest rail
way accident of the past wcok , says the
St. Louis Republic. A man about forty
years of ngo was recently taken to the
Maryland university hospital , whore on
examination it was discovered that ho
hud sprained his right ankle and broken
two ribs. Ho said that there was some
offensive odor In tlio cur , and that ho
leaped from the train to avoid It. Kank
tobacco is unpleasant to many , but It Is
better to endure it for a tlmo than to
risk life by a foolhardy leap. Even hnd
the car boon pormentuil with assafevtlda
it would have boon butter to endure a
strain on tlio olfactories than to Incur
bue'h peril as tills traveler , bv his own
account , was willing to incur. The state
ment Is probably oerroct. A man who
hnd been Injured by muses beyond his
control , giving him a fair claim for dam
ages , would neit have boon likely to have
inaele a statement absolving the company
and throwing all blame on himself.
AVlmt is really surprising Is that a man
could have llv'eel for forty yearn and
learned so llttlo. At times a convict
\\lth \ u long jtonn e > f imprisonment before
him risks a Hying leap , choosing the
possibility of death rather than the cer
tainty of captivity. No ono nooel bo sur
prised at such cases. Even were tlio
train nn express , a dcsporatu criminal
might prefer Instant death te ) woarlnomo
years. Suicides will occur from time to
time , despite all precautions that can bo
tnken. IJut this man is not described ns
a lunatic. TIe wan not a fugitive from
justice. Ho did not wish lo kill hlmsolf.
llather than submit to temporary Incon
venience ho jeopardized his life. To Ills
crcelit , bo it stated , he possesses the vir
tue of candor In an unusual degree.
Many would hesitate ere admitting
themselves guilty of the folly to which
ho confesses.
Kulli'oails In ( Jtnli.
A communication from Salt Lake City
published In the Denver UopuUuan pre
sents n vitnv of tlio railway situation In
Utah which indicates that in tlio course
of a few years that territory will possess
a railway system extending into nearly
every quarter.
Tlio construction of such a system of
roads would bo tbo very best thing which
could occur for Utah. Colorado's wonderful -
dorful growth since 18SO is duo as much
to the construction of railroads into remote -
mete parts of the states as to any other
thing. Tlio construction of those roads
lias promoted the development of the re
sources of the state and has opened up
now localities for tlto settlement of now
Utah is a territory of great natural re-
surcos. It wealth is not confined nlono
to tlio district of which Salt Lake City
is the center. The bouthorn part of the
territory is known to bo rich. There aio
several very prosperous Mormon tattle-
mcnts in the south. Tn diH'erent locali
ties there are gooel mining districts , and
there IB not the least question that the
opening up of the territory by railways
would lead to the development ot mines
and bring Utah prominently forward na
a mineral-producing buclion.
The trunk-line roads nro not the only
onejs which promote the do\elopmont of
n new country. The Union Pacillc hns
for moro than twontvyonrsboon operated
through southern AVyoming , but It bus
not had a great deal to do with tlio de
velopment of that slnlej. What a now
country needs in a great system of branch
roads feeding the trunk lines with the
trafllc of sections which would otherwise
bo entirely cut oil' and whiuh would nisi
enable those boctions to develop their re
sources nud murkut their products. This
is the kind of a system which it seems
Utah will likely ooon secure.
took Cold ,
s I took Sict , -
) 1 T001C
I take My Meals ,
I take My Rest , '
Hotting Hit too , TOR Scolt's
Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil
and Hvpophosphitesof Limoand
Soda or ONLVCURKD MY IlU'ip-
icnt Coii.suiiiitiiii | HUT BUILT
, MH UP , AN ! ) IS NOW 1'UlfING
For Old an.d Young.
Tutt'H I.Ivor I'illn net on Uliully on tli
clillil , tliodollculo fcnmlo or luTlrin
olU UKTC , an upoti Ibo vigorous man.
( f Ivo tone toiho ncali utomacli , bow
cli , klclncyn uurt bluilitvr. Tu thcie
organs Ilielr HrciiBllieiiliir | ii iimc
uro Moiiilcrful , cuiiHlii them li > l T
form tlielr fiiiictloim u § iu youtli.
Sold Everywhere.
Ofllco , 31) & 41 Park Plucc , N. Y.
C. L. Erlckson , Local Agt.200 N.lOthSl
" . . < * WATERS "ST. *
Niture'i Tonic , Diuretic and Uric Solvent.
C B. MOORC & CO , , Agti. ISIS Dodge St.
1'oftitlvply cured l jr
' these Little Tills.
They also roller o Dis
tress from Ityspepflii In
ITTLE dlfcsttoa luulToo Hearty
Kiting. A perfect rcnv
cdyforllz7lness. ) Nausea.
PILLS , Drowsiness. Had Taste
In Iho Month , Coated
Tongue , Pain In the Side ,
TOni'IU L1VKU. They
regulate tbo Bowels. rurcly Vegetable.
WANTKU-llTfglit , IntolilKont lady , work
M Hffhl nnd In the olty , Tlilrli'cn wuoU ,
JII7. Aililrtws will' ' stamp nixl iffori'iu'f. 1. .
M. , llco olllcc , Onmlm. M UK-ID _ _
w mi toil for Indoor work , 1713 Tlihd
MAN II. I ) . Cra\cs
HKAHoMtniict tocM-hiiiiBO foroliMir land
Olorcltynropi'ity. . Johnston YnnI'uttill ,
ock. _
i southwestern Iowa for snlot
IV twins easy , AlsoHiiuilUtirii iiiidKiiriUa
Innil niotiiulCoiiticll Hliitrs. Johnston , v Ynn
I'.itH'ti , r.vt-rutt tiUmk.
) III of iniilox , liariK"'S nnd wnvon for snlo
IA on it vein's time. Johnston & Van I'utU'ii ,
K\orott hiojk. ' _ _ _ i
ritS. A'MKIiTA NIKI.SON.M. n.spoclil mid-
111 wife. IJJU-aiivo , Council Mliilla. In.
UI'KOIAU MAuTlAINS In liousmfor sato or
IJ rent ; ulio two SuuiKlfH slioot lol , N
Omaha. .1. U. Un\UI on , < Ui" > Mh u\o.
AIiTKH rl M AVai re H block ,
W Notary Public , i-olloctlons , tyiiamltlng.
HKNT Arti'slrnblo lirlok le'stdi'iu-o ot
Foil room" , pltvimintlv blttmtcil on lilgli
Rr.mnd. l.iiiL'D vuid iiiul otchuiil , Coinonlunt
toinntor. Aupiy tu N. I1. OodKU & . Co.
rAST.K''rK'Ff ' ' * 111 > .9 ! ) lady or .
i > Will liny * l."iior | i'ok to rl lit | tnity I1.
( ! , H. , MT Willow nvo. , C < nuu'll _
' *
OR's A M > I.t-is : nmTfTirnUuio ot Scott
House , Ciiuncll HliilT * . ' . ' * > looms. Cliraiiio.
Aihlruss . I. tj.Jordim , C'oiiiiolllllnir < .
I71O11 KKNT 'Iho McMnlmn"thriMstory
T lu-ick bloclc , No. ; io S. Slnliistltlieluvutor
J , U'&inj ro.
IjlOtlUKNT A choice nlwo of Burden land
-i niMir CoiuiL-ll HltilK with Kooil new liullil *
lux. liniiirdlato possesnlon If di-tlred. .l.\v \ ,
Hm I rts.
SAM Coinplftu hot of tlniuMs tools
aiiilsninll stDCK o [ tlnwnio lit : i luiiraln.
. ruoni 318 Mi'irliini liloi'k ,
0 stoves at cost to oloso out , Hoadqiiartcrt
J for hard maple boiisu moving rollois anil
( jiu-ks. U. t ) . Amy & . Co. OSOMuln-itu'ct. _
rp\VOPO-ncro farms for s lo near Iliprlty nt
Jit bargain.V. . A. Wood ( t Co , 54JO Main st.
SAliK or Rout Q.inlnn land , with
FOll , by J. It. Hlco. lUJMnln St. . Uouuoll
Or Council Bluffs.
DuiECTOiis F. A. Mlllor , T. O. Oloason , R r *
Slinuart , K. H. Hart , J. U. UdniuniNon.lJIuuloj
U. llunnan. Transact general ti.inkhii linsl-
noss. Largest cMpltal iintl Hiirplus ot any
bank In Sonthwosturn town.
Corner Main and Hroailway ,
Uciili'rs In foreign nnil dninostla nxi'liinlt
1'iilloetluii niiido unil Interest pitltl on lira *
All Kinds of Dying mill Cleaning ilonn In tlm
HlKi it Style of tlio Art , I'.ulud and .Stained
ralnk'sniiiilu to looltas uood us now. Work
liromiitly donu mul dellvurvil In all jiirts ot
tlie country. Send for | ) i Ice list ,
O. A. M AUI I AN , Prop. .
1013 llioadway. Near Northwestern Uojiott
Over 0 , II. Jiicquoinin Ic Con .Tcwolry K
L. 0. Knotts
PUB ! - Merchant
All kinds ofthe bestnnd cleanest
1'Liel in stock and under sheds
People who desire cheap and
clean fuel for cooking will rind It
by ordering n lend of cobs , 1 have
a large supply that are clean and
whole not broken up.
Good hard wood chenp , either
in cord wood lengths or stove-
wood , delivered promptly. -
All sizes of hand conl , clean ,
bright and well screened ,
The blnck peerless lump coal
coninnes to be the favorite fop
domestic purposes.
- : - No. 29 Main Street ,
Call Telephone 203 : - : -
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
CO6 Broad-way , Council Bluffs , la
isy c- READ THIS
ci cd - ,
i1 !
10 - On or after January 1,1 , v/ill make a change in business , con
0 : o , sequent ! } ' my entire stock'of Pictures , Hasels , Hainboo Novelties and
in my holiday goods in general must be closed out at greatly reduced
ii. > n . prices. A cash discount of 20 per cent will be given on all frames
teat made to order.
atc , A new and cheap line of fine screens just received , For $1.50
iIu you can buy a Picture Nicely framed , former price $3.00 ; Bamboo
Iu liasels , 75 cents W. 'W , Chapman , 1C Mam st. , Council Bluffs la.