Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Ho Is Arrested for the Shooting of Little
Charley Davis.
Tlio Htory of Kninmicl and Scjlln
iKRlns An Kti liio Huns
ofC the Track Other
Lincoln Itcim.
Lixror. * , Neb. , Nov. 17. [ Special to Tim
II BE. J A nmn named Porter swore out a war
rant In .Tuilgo Fox worthy's ' court this morning
charging .Tunics Port , a farmer living in Denton -
ton precinct , eight miles southwest of the city ,
with shooting with Intent to kill. Port Is the
man who on Monday last shot Charley Davis ,
n ten-year-old boy employed by J3. B. Slaw-
eon , n neighboring farmer. The boy was for
merly employed by Port , and Porter says Pert
liad threaoncd to shoot Charley on several oc
casions. Port claims the shooting was acci
dental , that ho asmcd at a dog ; but appear
ances are o ulnst him , ns It is said the dog
was In the opposite direction from which ho
shot. The boy's condition U serious.
Johnny ICcar. a little fellow about flvo
years old , met with an accident near F and
Twenty-second streets that will result In his
losing the sight of ono entirely. Johnnv and
several of his companions wcro playing
"shinny , ' ' using n. club with a glass bottle for
the object. With ono blow of the club
broke the h'Hlo In half a dozen pieces , ono of
which How up nnd struclt him in the left eye.
The .sharp class cut tha eye ball wldo open
nnd turned it wrong side out. Thollttlo fel
low was taken to his homo nt ttlfi South
Twenty-second street nnd medical aid sum
moned , but it will bo Impossible to save tha
night of the eye , aud may affect the remain
ing optic. '
nMisurij AND SCH.I.A.
Kmnnucl Sprigglns asks Judge Chapman to
pivo him a divorce from his wife , Scilla , to
whom ho has been married nine years.
Einiinuel says that three years ago Scilla de
serted him to live with another man. That
she refuses to return to her first love nnd
consequently ho wants n legal separation
from her. IIo declares that Scilla is an im
moral woman and is not lit to bo entrusted
. with the care of their son Elijah and ho
therefore asks for the custody of the lad ,
About 0 o'clock'thls morning a switch west
of the Union Pacific roundhouse was loft
oped nnd an extra train on the Union Pacific
tracks that was comlne In from the west ran
oft the rails Into the ditch. Fortunately the
train was not running at n very great rate of
epccd nnd consequently in thesomcwhatsud-
den stopping of the tialn no damage was
done and nobody was hart.
Tin : PEF.I ) xo noon.
John Hoovorman alleges to the county court
that W. H. McIIonry didn't own the lot In
Columbus ho traded to John for the lattor's
Kansas land and span of horses. John deeded
the land to Mollcnry , but the lattcr's deed
was no good. Ho claims damages of $000.
The German Insurance nnd saving instltu
tion of Qulncy 111. , has complied with the
laws of Nebraska and Is authorized to do
business in this stato.
The Grand Island light and fuel company
his lllcd articles of Incorporation with the
secretary of stato. The capital stock Is
Suinuel S. Curtis and Alfred J. Perry ,
both of Oinnhn , nro quarreling over n note
amounting to 200 which Curtis claims Perry
to him nnd is now overdue. Tlio case wns
appealed today to the supreme court.
The Stockman's national building , loan
nnd savings union of Chicago has manifcstci
a willingness to comply with the laws of this
stnto and 1 % consequently permitted to trau
sact business in Nebraska.
The Vanity Fair coinpnnv has filed articles
of Incorporation. The capital stock is 45,000
and the Ineorporators are John M. Cotton
Fred Bciulngor and John McJntosh.
oni > s AMI KNns.
Isaac Calm and N. C , Broclc have fllcc
petitions In the district court for a restrain
ing order against the city to prevent the sale
for taxes of certain lands owned by thorn
Both claim that without notlco to them the
taxes were raised 160 per cent over those o
last year. _
SOUTH O3t < llll XlVWS.
Mullen Sues the Company.
' * On the night of August 81 a flro burned
four or 11 vo buildings at Albright. Ono o
these contained a largo stock o
Krocorlcs , which was owned by Co
onel John S. Mullen. Mr. Mullet
bad two insurance policies for suras aggro-
Rating ? I'JOO in the Gorinania insurance com
pany of Peorin , III. The comuany refused tc
pay the loss , and Colonel Mullen has brougu
null to ireaver the amount Involved.
Ou being asked by TUB Bun roprosentn
tlvo the cause of the refusal o
the insurance company to liqul
date , Colonel Mullen said : "I don'
knowus , much about It as you do. I wns
awakened by a gentleman and lady , \vh
drove up to my house la a buggy , and hal
dressed I ran to the ilro and did all I couli
to save my building and stock.
do wish I could ascertain th
name nnd address of the persons who gav
mo the llrst notlco. Indeed , Mr. nnd Mrs
AVlllani ) Collan , who first discovered tlio ilr
and tiiuv the three men running away an
who had been prowling around during th
evening , gave mo as they did you aVmost. a'
the facts 1 have about the orgin of the flro.
. Arm Broken In n Wreck.
John Cushman of this city was on a freight
train coming In from Lincoln and about G
o'clock yesterday morning , when a short dis
tance this side of Lincoln , a wreck oc
curred , In which three men were
killed and Mr. Cushman had ono of the bones
in his right arm fractured. On arriving in
tlio city the fracture was reduced and the
arm dressed.f
Cut a Had Gash hi Ills Arm.
Henry Johnson , residing In the southwest
part of the Third ward , while at work in the
cutting gangnt Swift & Co.'s packing house
Tycstorday , had his arm struck by a follow
workman , driving his butcher knife across
i Ills loft wrist , cutting u deep and slanting
Notes About the City.
Bolthus Jotter has completed hlsnow build
ing at Albilght , and Begloy & Callahan will
remove into it today.
The executive committee of Manchester
martyrs' ' memorial celebration will moot in
St. Agnes' hall Wednesday owning.
Michael Cudahy of Chicago Is visiting his
brother , Superintendent Edward 13. Cudahy
of Armour-Cudahy packing company.
F. A. Iiytnnn , night manager of the Ameri
can district telegraph ofllco , wnoso father is
qulto 111 , lira gene homo to Dunlap , la.
George B. Tolson of Hill City , S. IX , wns
tbo guest of his friends , J.V. . McICinnoy of
tnoArmour-Cudnhy force and Jeremiah Jack-
MNa Jesslo Carpenter , daughter of Mr.
in ) Mi's. L. J , Carpenter , entertained u score
of young friends Saturday evening at the
Transit , house.
Ode , aped four and one-half years , son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ode Geada. Third ward , died
at 8 o'clock Sunday morning and was buried
nt Pupllllon nt 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Early Sundav morning a rack of hay in
.front of Sago Brothers'feed store , Twenty-
sixth and Q streets , was discovered on lira.
Jicscuo hose arrived in time to prevent more
than f-5 damage ! ! .
i .
Tlio Unpaid Tor Poor Kami Lots He-
mnln IMibllo Property.
Speaking of the decision Judge AVukoloy
rendered Saturday with regard to the sale of
certain lots by the county at auction in 1SS7 ,
but for which the purchasers have not paid ,
County Attorney Mohonoy .said :
"I think there are about twenty lots in all
that will rarcrt to the comity us a result of
this decision. Tlippropcity is worth between
SiO.OOO and 50,000. These lots cannot bo sold
now until authority from the voters
of Uio county can ba again be
stowed upon the county board.
The original sale of three years ngo was for
the purpose of securing funds to assist in
building the county hospital. The hospital
has been built , nnd thcro Is n surplus of
funds , so the board could not re-sell the lots
now for that purpose. I shall carry the test
case to the supreme court , but I hnvo no
hope of having the decision handed down by
Judge Wakoley reversed , for the reason that
n simple receipt for a small cash payment
cannot bo taken in court as proof of neon-
tract , unless that receipt Is sufficiently ex
plicit to cnablo the court to understand what
the contract was. In this caw. the receipts
given the purchasers at the time the
small cash payment was made do not
state the time when they como duo or the
amount of the deferred paylnents. The re
verting of these lots to Douglas county will
hnvo no effect whatever upon the funds that
have been paid in for other lots in the same
addition. I think that n proceeding do novo
will bo the only sure and safe wav to place
the county In possession of these lols in sucli
n manner that no question ns to the regularity
of sale when they are finally sold could over
bo raised. "
Champagne has a largo amount of carbonic
ncld In it ; it Is healthy nnd nourishing.
Cook's extra dry imperial Is the best.
Tlio Promising 1'rincc of Bandits on
His Way to Punishment.
William "Walking , Jr. , a special Inspector
of the postofllco department , passed through
the city yesterday enrouto to Fargo , S. D. , in
charge of William D. Xowborry , the ring
leader In ono of the most during robberies in
the annals of crime.
Ncwberry , in company with Charles E.
Bnlloy , robbed the mall car on the Northern
Pacific road near New Salem , N. D. , the
night of Juno 7 , last , nnd secured booty
amounting to about ? T , UOO.
The modus operand ! was most daring. The
robbers boarded the engine as tlio train stood
at the station nnd , covering the otiglncor nnd
fireman with their revolvers , ordered them
to pull the train out. Their orders wcro
obeyed. When about two miles from town
the train was stopped , the mall , baggngoand
express cars pulled up the road about two
miles f uithcr when they wcro stopped.
In the meantime Cowberry's" mask had
fallen from his face , but ho made no effort to
replace it.
The robbers proceeded to the express car
and found It deserted , all the money being In
n largo safe with a time lock. Thus foiled ,
they turned their attention to the mail car ,
which they compelled the engineer to break
open with a pick-nxe.
Four men In the mall car wcro covered
with revolvers by Bailey , whllo Nowberry
compelled ono of the clciks to open nil the
registered pouches and put the money In n
When this had been done the party were
ordered to assist in carrying the sack up the
track about half a mile , whcro it was de
posited. The unwilling confederates were
sent back towards the train , whllo the rob
bcrs escaped In the darunoss.
Inspector Watklus happened to bo In Bis
marck nt the time , and at once got on' the
trail' of the robbers. Ho succeeded In
capturing Balloy within four days nftor
the robbery , but Nowberry gave him
a longer chaso. The latter took qulto
a trip , going by way of St. Paul , Chicago
and Montreal to Albany , thence to Washing
ton , D. C. , nnd from there to Marshal , Va. ,
his old homo , a small town nbout ninety
miles from Washington. Ho had scarcely
arrived there when ho was prounced upou by
Inspector Watklus and started on the return
trip.Ncwberry belongs to a Virginia family of
high standing. Ho Is n college graduate and ,
in nppearanco | n gentleman. Ho stands six
fcot in his stockings , weighs ISO pounds and
is'twenty-nine years of ago.
When the inspector arrested him ho was
making preparations to bo married ton voting
lady in his native town to whom ho had been
engaged for several years. The lady was
prostrated by the news of the arrest of her
betrothed and after she had bidden him good
bye she became prostrated so much so tha
her recovery was despalrca of.
Nowborry had been in the west for some
timo. Ho bore quite a good reputation except
in Mexico whcro , it is said , he Is wanted for
the murder of a native. The two had
a ilght over a girl , and Nowbcrry cu' '
short the existence of his rival with n Win
The speedy capture of those two desperadoes
adoes was a remarkable piece of work and
shows pietty conclusively that the United
States mails are n dangerous thing to trifle
Ilniloy was sentenced to eight years in the
penitentiary , but Nowbeiry will undoubtedly
receive a much heavier sentence , as bo was
the ringleader and chief actor in the alfalr.
Fort Omaha ,
Dr. ana Mrs. Hurtsuffhavo extended Invi
tatlons to tholr numerous friends , both o
mllltaryand civilian clrdcsito attend a card
party at Fort Omaha , tonight.
Card parties are being held nightly.
The dancing class bus commenced and th
attendance is largo.
The hospital has undergone qulto a change ,
n full set of speaking tubes having boon pu
in , connecting nil the rooms and wards with
the office.
Albert Wodomoycr , the leader of the For
Omaha band , will leave this week for At
lanta , Oa. , where ho will spend a few month
in visiting his mother nnd relatives.
Tha dancing club will glvo a series o
dances this winter , commencing next Thurs
day evening.
Butler and Purcell. the Fort Omaha , light ;
in baseball , have signed with the Crau
brothers club.
Lieutenant Powell , who has been actlni
regimental adjutant , has been relieved am
assumes duties with his company.
Iiicu tenant Kinzto has returned nnd as
sumed the duties of reclnicntal adjutant.
1C02. Sixteenth nnd Furnam stroota is
the now Roeklslimd ticket ollico. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rates.
Onlj Statutory Wages.
Charles Webb , of the county commissioner
board , is making out vouchers for the pay
ment of the 290 Judges and clerks of election.
There are 220 of these in the city nnd seventy
in the country precincts. The former will
receive K5 aud the latter $1 for their ser
A number of those Judges nnd clerics have
put in bills ranging from $10 to $15 for their
woik. But the board purposes allowing none
of the claims for more than W or f I respec
tively , ns tnat is the limit , no matter how
much time they may have devoted to the
Another bill In UiU connection came from
Anderson & Clarke , restaurant men. who.
want $13 from the county for "meals fur
nished the Judges and clerks"in the First
precinct of the Second ward. This bill will
never bo paid. _
Mr. J. C. Ferris of Ilamnton , president of
the Northern Iowa Horticultural society , has
Issued the following invitation : "AH persons
Interested in fruits , flowers mid vegetables
nro Invited to attend the annual meeting of
the Northern Iowa Horticultural society , to
bo hold at Manchester , December 10 , 17 nnd
18 , 1800. Programmes nud premium lists
will bo mailed to .members ana others soon.
Liberal premiums are offered , and it is hoped
that thcro will bo a good display. Come , and
urge your friends to come , as wo intend
making this meeting n very profitable ono.
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething rests the child and comforts the
mother. 25c a bottlo.
Nellie Wymnii'B Fancy Party.
The fancy tissue paper party to be given by
Miss Nellie Wyman from 4 until 8 o'clock
next Friday , Is not In honor of her birthday ,
ns Tin : BKK announced in Its social Columns
on Sunday , but simply in honor of her
young schoolmates and friends.
An examination of the books of PowasMok
county finds ox-Auditor Satchcll lo bo W-
V2I,50 ! short In his accounts. Ucsolutlons
passed by the board state that Satchell bo-
travod his trust and la believed to bo a de
faulter in the amount numcd.
Isaac Stuart , who published the first news
paper In Dakota , the Western Independent ,
at Sioux Fulls , recently died la Chicago.
Through conches PuUmnn palace
Bloopoit ) , dlnlti curs , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago nnd intervening points
via the great Hock Iblnnd route. Ticket
ollico 1002 , Sixteenth ana Farnnuu
It is Still Continued by the Omaha Board of
The Olijoctlon Mnclc to Filling : Them
\Vill Doubtless Jjcncl to a Hit
ter ly Contested Cnso In
tlio Courts.
"DIplithorIn Is now existing nt Uio follow-
lag places , " said City I'hytlclun. Oapon yc-
terJay morning at the opening of the board of
health mooting :
"No. 1120 Arbor street , 2517 South Elov-
cnth , 1323 South Twotfth , 2120 South Kiev-
cnth , 711 Loavcnworth , Forty-second and
Pierce , 25 U Pacino (3 ( cases ) , 1012 Clara , 2123
South Tivclth street , north-cast corner Cos-
tollar nnd Fourteenth , ! South Fourteenth ,
1224 South Thirtieth (2 ( cases very bad ) ; 1114
North Thirtieth , 1424 North Eighteenth , 1913
Paul , icr. Locust , 2720 Ulondo , 1024 Locust ,
1813 Paul , : S07 Cass , 710 North Twenty ,
fourth , north-east comer Forty-fourth nnd
Burt , north-wont corner Thirty-third nnd
Otimlng , 2719 Parker. 2r > t4 Decatur , 1W5
North Twentieth , 2..30 Cumin ? , 11127 North
Twouty-flfth , 011 North TwentjMhrrd , aos
North Sixteenth. "
"Why , that's n blpr lot of 'em Isn't It ? "
nsltcd Councilman Chaffee , with a tone of
nnxloty and alarm.
'It's qulto n number , but shows n decrease
of nine cases during two weeks. "
' Oh , well , tlmtrs different , " said Mr.
ChalTeo with n slgto of relief.
A Rrcat deal of sympathy was expressed
for the family of Mr. Dun Fnrrell who lost a
child last night from tlio tlrcait disease.
Thcro wcro tivo cases of diphtheria lin Mr.
Fan-ell's homo circle , hut the other one of
the children 1ms recorded.
A number of "low places" wore called off
nnd ordered referred to the council.
Three more analyses of wells were sul > -
mitted. Dr. Uapcn asked Mr. W. S. Kobln- "
son , wtio had made thetn , to explain to the
board what was meant by the various items
in the analyses.
Mr. Robinson explained that free ammonia
meant dcc.iyeJ organic matter ; that albumin
oid ammonia meant decayed organic or vege
table matter. Ho said that the process of
anal ) sis was so accurate that oven 0110 pirt
in 20,000,000 could bo determined. The term
chlorine means bowago , either from
stables or animals. Drinking water
should never contain over nine parts of chlo
rine. "It Is practically an arbitrary matter
as to where you draw the Hue , " continued he ,
"as some persons nro more easily nlTecteu
than others. Oftentimes the prcsonco of
albuminoid ammonia is duo to the prcr.cncoof
u dead rat or something of the sort , nud can
often bo remedied by the cleaning out of the
well , nroviding the soil is not contaminated.
f will also say that very many chemists make
no note of the presence of chlorine , particu
larly when found in very few parts. "
Sanitary Commissioner Morrissey an
nounced that ho had found two or th'reo in
stances where parties , upon bediming the
use of city water , had proceeded to use their
old wells for privy vaults. In ono case ho
had ordered the well to bo filled.
Upon henrftig this Mr. HoDinson spoke up
and said that was terrible , as such a course
poisoned the strata of water for the entire
"Wo'vo got n big fight on our hands
right away , " remarked Dr. Uapcn. "in the
matter of ordering wells ailed , " and tncn
thobonrd proceeded to order the well nt 1110
Jackson street , nt southwest corner of Seven
teenth aud Webster , llllca notwithstanding
the prospect of trouble and flpht over the
matter. The walls at southeast corner of
Grace and Nineteenth street and 710 North
Fourteenth wcro ordered filled.
"How about the wells that wcro ordered
filled some time ngol" asked Major Dennis.
"Not one of them has been filled , " said Dr.
Oapon , and ho added : "Hero Is nicsolutlon
just passed by the council , being introduced
by Mr. Wheeler :
Itosolved , That nil further action con-
tomiilutccl by the city olHulnls or chief of
police , for the flllliiRof a well nt 1021 South
Thlttoonth street , bo suspended until further
Investigation ho nr.ulo. In accordance with the
protest and other minors upon tliosubluct ,
now In the hands of Councilman Lowry.
"Well , that's nice , " remarked Mr. Mor-
rlssoy. "Never mind , however , lot's make a
test case. "
"That's the thin ? , " said Mayor Gushing ,
"let's make n test case 1 believe In just that
sort of thing. "
"i'os slreol" exclaimed Mr. Morrlssov. "If
we're going to bo a board let's bo one. There
fore. 1 make a motion that the secretary of
the board go ahead and make a test of thig
case. "
Dr. Gnpcn seconded the motion , and it was
carried unanimously.
"I hnvo another very important matter
hero , " Dr. Uapen announced. "Dr. J , C.
Howes had charge of a case of diphtheria ,
Mabel Hard , twenty years old , SOW Spruce
street , which ho claims to have reported by
letter. I don't believe ho over repoitod. Wo
haven't a trace of any such notice. The pa
tient died. Dr. Howes should bo proa
ocuted. "
"Then lot's prosecute htm , " said Mr. Mor-
"That's right , " said Major Dennis.
And Dr , Howes was ordered prosecuted.
J. D. Thomas , owner of tlio premises 2013
Cundng , appeared boforotho board and in n
loud voice protested against being ordered to
fill his well.
"This board li Just playing Into the hands
of the water company that's all. You'll
hnvo us all in the poor house. The water Is
good , clear and all right. "
Chemist Hobinson was referred to for the
analysis nnd found It as follows :
I'reo Ammonia on
Albumtnond Id
Ohlnrlno , 4.'JO
"This is bad , " said Dr. Uapcn.
After a little quiet consultation the board
informed Mr. Thomas that ho would have to
fill the well orstand 'itigation ' ou the mattur.
The complainant went his way grumbling.
Tickets at lowest rates nnd su porlor
accommodations via the great Rock
Island route Ticket cilice , 1G02 Six
teenth and Farnnm streets Omaha.
Why the Itonil May Ito Extended in
That Direction.
General Manager Holdrego of the Burling-
ton has returned from a two weeks' trip over
the Uurllngton lines In the west nnd northwest -
west Ho spent ono week In company with
President Perkins and other olllclals of the
Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , who have
been out on the coast.
This official visit has revived the rumors of
the Durllngtoa's plans for the construction
of n line to the northwest country. On this
point the ofllctnls are very reticent , simply
admitting that such an extension has long
boon contemplated by the lluillugton people ,
but that no definite decision has been arrived
at.Ono official , however , claimed that surveys
had been made for an extension of the road to
Helena from iiulTnlo , around the south and
west of Yellowstone park nnd through the
great sheep and cattle ranges of Montana.
The Burlington's present line in the direc
tion of Deudwood has all of the business it
can care for , and this fact strongly encour
ages the company to make further exten
sions. _ _ _
Tlio Rook. Island Extension.
Preliminary arrangomenU are being made
for the opening of the Hock Island's Omaha
extension cither on Thanksgiving or on De
cember I at latest. The tlnal tracklayiug was
completed on Friday nud connections made
with the Union 1'ucillo tracks at Soutu
Omaha on Saturday ,
A largo forte of men has boon put at work
leveling the tracks and ballasting the road
bed so that traffic may bo received on the
road in a very short time. The road touches
the Plutto near Loulsvlllo and follows the
river to North Ucnd where a crossing is
mndo ou one of the finest bridges in the state.
Tlio line then runs almost direct to Lincoln
and from the capital to a connection with the
Rock Island main line at Beatrice. ThooDi-
cials are already at work preparing a train
service for the now lino.
1C lid of tlio Itoyuot t.
As predicted In the Chicago reports on Su
unity the Chicago-Omaha roads with the ex
ception of the Burlington have granted the
demands of the Union Paclflo for a larger
porccntngo on through business from points
west of Uio Missouri Mvor. This practically
puts an end to the bdyc6lt which the eastern
connections of the Union Pacific declared
with a great flourish hut three weeks ago.
The Burlington still refuses to grant the do-
mauds , relying upon its recently Increased
facilities with the IJenvr/r & Hlo Urando for
Its fdntra of through business from the west.
Officials of tha Uurlltigton claim
that the broadguaglng of the Den
ver & Uio Grande , completed
lost week , has given the Ilurllnfcton
connections west of Denver that cnablo It lo
cut a bit ? flguro in transcontinental freight
nnd passenger trafllc. Independent of the
Union Paclflo or any other road.
Notes nnij I'crsonnls.
C. If. Wllbor , general western agent of the
Lake Shore Is In the city.
General Freight Agent Crosby mid General
Passenger Agent Francis of the Burlington ,
wont to Chicago Sunday
P. P. Murray of the Michigan Ccntral.Ncl-
on Vandorpool of the New York Central and
Pat Humphreys of the Lake Shore are among
the traveling passenger agents in the city.
A now ttmo-card went Into effect on tlio
Union Pacific Sunday. The onlv change
affecting Omnhn trains was that bringing No.
8 , the Atlantic express , into this oitv from the
west nt UMiin.m. , an hour earlier than under
the old schedule.
The Wlnonn & Southwestern , according to
latest advices , has been completed as far as
Osngo , In. , nnd will bo finished to Fort
Dodge , la. , not later than January 1 , and on
into Omaha early next year. It is n racenow
between this road nnd the ' 'Maplo Loaf"
to see which will be first to reach this city.
Chief Clerk Davidson of thoIJ. & M. pas
senger department has lust returned irom a
trip to Dead wood and other Black1 Hills
points. Ho reports rapid progress on the
Burlington's Deadwood line which has been
completed to Hill Oily. Track is being laid
nt the rate of two miles n day and the compa
ny expects to hnvo Its line ojion Into Deadwood -
wood by January 1. Mr. Davidson took his
annual hunt during his tilt ) . Ho bagged sev
eral hundred pounds of linn rose quartz a
g'amo biid peculiar to the hills and so mo ex
cellent specimens of tin ore.
HlgJi-Flvo at the Mei-rliim.
A very enjoyable card party was glvon last
Friday evening by Mr , W. Manning Fcath-
crlyat the Mcrrloni. Progressive htgh-flvo
was indulged In from 8 to 10:30 : , wiicn ref
f reshments wcro served. Tno leading prizes
were won bv Mrs. ( iaddU nnd Mr. James.
Instead of the usual booty prices , second
t > ries ? were given , being won by Mrs. Blood
nnd Mr. Hobble. The guests wcro Mr. and
Mrs. Miner , Mr. and Mrs. Cook , Mr. and
Mrs. Hobble , Mr. and Mrs. HlooJ , Mr. and
Mrs. .Tamos , Mr. nnd Mrs. Marshall , Miss
Nina Marshall , Mr. niul Mis. Gacldls , Mr.
Foster , Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hamilton.
Nocd n Ton ID ?
Drink the Regent ( Forro-Mnnganoso )
watow of Excelsior Springs , Mo.
1 lie Ctrcnt Art Display.
Yesterday another largo installment of pic
tures for the grand exhibit In the Stcelo build
ing at Thirteenth and Harney street was re
On next Friday nlKh't the display
will be opened lor the benefit of
about ono hundred 'editors from Nebraska
who have been invited to inspect It. The in
spection will bo followpd by a grand ban
Saturday morning it will be open to a
private examination of Indies from 11) ) a. in. to
1 p. m. , and at the latter hour will bo turned
open to the public.
Pears' soap Is the moat elegant toilet ad
Major B. Butler , being the second in rank
at Fort Omaha , constitutes the summary
court which Is In session every morning no
excepting Sunday.
Blood Is thicker than water ,
nnd must bo kept pure to
Insure good health.
SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Is natures remedy
for this purpose.
It never to fails ellmnato the impur
tics and build up the general health.
There Is only ono Swift's Specific ,
and there Is nothing like It
Bo Euro and get the genuine.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed frco.
Tlio Swift Specific Co7. Atlanta.
EiV. AD unfail
ing cure for Sem
inal Weakness ,
gpprmntprrhoca ,
Impotoncjr nnd
all diseases that
follow as 110-
qtienco or Solf-
abuse ; a * Loan nf
I'nln In the Uaek , Illmnou of Vision , I'romatura Olil
Age , nnil ninny ctnar dliemos thnt lend to lusanltjr
or conimnptlon ( ind premature xrare.
IWKuil particulars mour immplilet , whlcu we do-
Mro to end f roe by mall to every ono. tiri'he Bpe-
cltlc.Mcillclnol nldnttlpcr pnckaso , or lx pack
ages for 15 , or will be enl free bj- mall on receipt of
tlio money , by nililreaalnn
On account of counterfeits wo have adopted the
yellow wrapper , the only Konulno ,
Home-made Christmas Presents
NCE again we arc nearing the time when an inter
change of gifts , no matter how simple , indicate the
kindly feeling \vithin our hearts for loving friends ,
An article that the giver makes is certainly a more
complimentary gift than one bought , for we weave
with every stitch sweet wishes for the recipient that
untold gold cannot purchase.Vhcn sending this
silent message of love prepare the package daintily by
putting it in a neat box , and tying the .cover on with a
bit of ribbon , into which a tiny card may be slipped bear
ing loving wishes , peace and good-will in every word ,
which greeting we also extend to the large band of
readers that may find herein some charming articles
suitable to make for mementos of a glad Yule-tide.
Santa Clans is busy. He never puts off for
December what he can do in November. The heart of
the giver is in the hand-made gift of friendship. The
present which costs love's labor is far more precious than
the product of the money-purse. Several women of
skillful handicraft contribute workcd-otit ideas of beauti
ful usefulness in the
Ladies Home Journal
Some of the Leading Articles :
j Bright Things for Boys Horatio Alger , Jr. , with portrait ; H. C. Brown
Getting on in the World " ; Rev. T. De Witt Talmagc " My First Cigar. "
Jewels of Fashionable Women Precious stones , and those who wear them.
Why is Flirting Wrong ? It is , and here's the proof of it.
All About Flowers House plants , and , growing them.
For Woman's Wear Several pages of illustrated information.
Pasquale , A Story The opening of an original romance.
Poem , by Will Carleton Characteristic , of course ; homespun truth in rhyme.
f\f\ e Journal will be mailed to you from now to January , 1893 , ( special Holiday
iUU Thanksgiving and Christmas numbers FREE , and all of 1891) ) , and our handsome
40-page Premium Catalogue , illustrating a thousand articles , including "Art Needlework Instructions"
and " Kensington Art Designs , " .
y. B.-TUIS O0br must itoalHrrly bo mentioned when eendtoE your Subscription , or ono } e < tt only n III bo given.
To live up to all that you make is an error.
Not to carefully consider where to buy and why you should huy is an error.
To pay a big price for clothing because the store advertises heavily and charges big rates in
order to maintain big expenses is worse than an error.
To suppose that you can do better than you can at the Misfit Parlors is an error.
To pay $35.00 for a ready-made suit when the Misfit Parlors will sell you a $45 custom-made
suit for $20.00 is an error.
To pay $6 and $8 for poorer pants than the Misfit Parlors will sell you $3 and $4 is an error
that costs.
$70 custommade , suit for $ ! 52.50
800 custom iimdo suit for iflfO.OO
$55 custom nmdc suit for $27.50
$50 custom mndo suit for $25.00
$45cuMom made suit for $20.00
$40 custom mndo suit for $18.50
$85 custom made suit far $15.00
Open evenings -until 9 o'clock. Saturday evnnings until 10 o'clock.
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309
WW * / * * tf / * W * * * * ttM *
Cocoa is of supreme importance as an article of diet.
Van Houten's has fijty per cent , more flesh-forming proper
ties than exist in the best of other cocoas.
The tissue'of ' the cocoa bean is so softened as to render
it easy of digestion , and , at the same time , the aroma is
highly developed.
HOtlTBN'S " , mod " U the , , .
OS-VAN COCOA ( "once tried always ) arlg1unlpureiolu. > enleilpatented und mullein Holland , and U to-day bolter ami nor ,
i fuM thin any ol tbo numorout Imitations. In faet , comparitha to t will easily prove ,
that no othtr Cicoa e < iunl thl Inmtor'i In eolubllity , afirecabla tatta and nulrltin quail-
' ties. "Largest i&ta In tlio world. " A k for VAN HonTEN'sandtako no other.
with ttieeJd of
l Try itin your'nexl-house-
cleaning &nd see. * &
Goes oa in civilized Bocioty from tbo cradle to the grave. Dirt is degra
dation nnd degradation IB destruction. Women , especially , are judged
by their habits of household cleanliness , find no stronger condemnation
can bo expressed than "sbo keeps a dirty house nnd n filthy kitchen. " But
the struggle with dirt is often unequal. * Tbowornan'H TvonlinoBs or the
vrorthlessucsa of the soapa aho uses make it impossible to overcome the
demon of dirt * By tbo use of SAPOLIO slio wins easily. * &
$05 custom inailo oiorcoat for $112.00
$ ( ! 0 custom made overcoat for.$28.50
$50 custom inailo overcoat for $24.50
$45 cimtom made overcoat fur $20.00
$40 custom made overcoat for $17.50
$35 custom made overcoat for $11.00
$28 custom iiiudo overcoat for $12.25
1302 Farnam
Oity Paasouttor nnd Tiokot Agent
Practice Limited to
Rooms 316 to J2O Bee Bhfg
"HOW D'E DO ? "
Homo answer chprlly. . lirramo they are \t-fll
anil/alt of life , others HUfferlnn Iruiu NKIIV-
MUM I iillMTV : , ouutuwer cloonilly.
' " " ' ' " " ' "
J rcltl 4l .T/ f0 < < . HUfttUM I/lU/OI'MI
Mill IK aiKUH'A.1 , fO.ilutraloH.Y. Lear
$10 custom inailo pniits for $8.25
$15 custom made pants for $7.50
$ li ! custom iimdo pants for $0,50
$12 custom made p.mts fur $0.00
$10 custom nmdo punts for > . $5.00
$ 3 custom nmtlo pants for $4.50
$ 7 custom mule nunts for Sitf.75
Sunday , November 16
Production. In
Omahi of
Comedy-Drama. Qrent New York.
Under tha manigoment of MR. FHAJJK W.
SA.N0EII , of thu Uroadway Thmtor. N. Y.
Uox sheet opens Saturday morning , at
regular prices.
Last Performance of
A Barrel of Money.
Popular Prices.
Wednesday and Thursday , Nov. 19 aud 20 ,
Under tlio mtuinKommit nt Hiiyinonil nud
O'Coniicll , tn tliu unlliuJy nuw farce
comedy ,
Supporting Uio Original Swedish Dlnluuttcluii ,
This vrliolo IntorRpoiscil with Hprcnltlut , Oleos ,
. .
I'ojmlur I'rlccs , JIox bliout ojiuni Tuosuiiy
WILL IA\VI.iil. : Manugcr. Corner lltli nu.l . k'lunam
MrfdH Omahn.Vcokiif.Vnr. . I7lh
ntrvMiillnHiiliiruucouncHklU. A IllMi ( IP KKVd or
A. liurluiiiuo fnrco comedy lntoriicmo | < l wllli urlidit ,
tirvuzjr , ijmrkllnu Kings mill ( 'ny , jolly , riilllcklnii
ilaiicun. A liuiidittblo , ixjiulc , wlttjr , noieuilcnl
I'oim'cly , mlnuliMl wltli tulrlli nnd Iniuililcr , CI1AH.
AM ) ANNIK Wllll'NKV , VocallnUoml liiitrumoiit-
all ts. ONK D1MU AUMITb ' 1O ALL.