Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Generally Improved Conditions with Strong
Trade in Most Lines.
? orH Uniformly StrotiRntHettrrrrlocfl
OntH nlao Move Up A Decline
In Provisions tiivo Stock .
null Financial.
CiucAno , Nov. 17. ( Special Telegram lo
TUB HF.B. ] Tlioro WHS n great nmrkct In
wheat nil liny. Trudo wns Influoncoa n great
deal by Wall street , a Brent dual l > y thovlsl-
lilo supply figures nnd very much by u tow
lenders who found It caiy to lead the crowd
bccuusoof tliiMinsottleit condition. Wlierovor
tliero wns ft weak spot thcro wai uny amount
of liquidation to add to tlio decline In prlcos.
Whenever n rnllcutno short Interests nnd
bnllH niado quick work of bidding It un , The
opening wns not rumnrkublo around too for
December and JI.COU for May , This was fol
lowed by somu selling pressure , which drove
priori don u to Vl'Aa ' for December nnd OOJ.JO
for May. Ily this time a very good advance
wns under way In Now York Mocks , Indicating
n bettor condition of thlnga. nnd wheat moved
up torajiefor December and tl.OOJf tor May.
Then tlioro was a fnlluro of an old
stock hnuso at Now York and n
small urovlslon firm here. This started
llijulilnllon , which carried prices olt to
02Uo for December and tflJiC for May. This
wns the turnlni : point of ( ho dny. Good buyIng -
Ing started In nnd curried prices up uliout lo
nil round before IS o'clock. Then Milwaukee
reduced Its estimate on tlio visible supply In
crease fiom l.IWO.OOO to 000,000 bushels. This
helped tlio bulge wonderfully. Then Linn
and others wont Into tno pit nnd bid prices up
Mo nt a jump to the top for the dayatOIUo
for December and 41.01K for Miiy , or about 2o
ever the low points of the morning. There
was n good deal of buying of December and
celling uf May , which narrowed the premium
nf thu latter. There was a llttlo lot-down
from best prices before 1 o'clock , but the mar
ket held strong , Outside nous wus not Im
portant. The wheat innrkut wus well held
the last hour nnd , after unimportant Hue
tuntlons , closed only Jio under the extreme
high figu.csof the dny , with December Ic up
at ( Vie , and Slay ye up ut Jl.OliS. November
was quoted at OI ? o lo VOUe to IGJ c to O2'je ' , or
Tie up for the dny. On the curb puts on December -
comber wheat were at fW'io for culls and D5 ; c
for puts. .
The corn market showed no weak spot at
anytime. It opened ' o under tlio high and
closing prlcos Saturday ntfil.'iofor JIny. After
Bull I ni ; up to MJfo nml back toM con tlio
early break In wheat the price ruse to 53
and closed lo up for the day at 53c. Covering
of Hhortswus tlio chief bull Influence. Tlio
ndvnnco In rorn seems to have been the ron-
tlmmtlouof the bulge Btaitcd on Saturday
Light receipts , n fnlr dcvrcnso lu the visible
Biipbly. Ilclit locnl stocks which again decreased -
creased 2W,000 bushels , nil helped to mul < o
shorts very nervous. With the conditions 1m-
pro\od In the other markets It wus no trick to
advance corn Ic , The receipts \\crolMunrs
There wns some country buying also. Novem
ber sold atMlutoSI.'lcundclosrilutMu ; Decem
ber. 4J ! ) ! < ! tofioifr , closlngat M'ic : Muvupltf
at Me. .Mny com privileges i > old ut M,4 c for
jluts nnd rw fo for calls.
Outs niou'U up with corn and closed at the
best price nf the session. November hold nt
4H4c mid 41a o to 42tfo nnd December exactly
the same , making an udvauco lu the iioiuliin
prices for early months of IMc. Mny sold a
44c to 14.'io to 44 ? o to 45o at thu close.
Thcro was good buying of provisions early
and while Inid and libs wcio btondy , pork
nrtoropening down a few rents , iidvunced to
lll.tfl for'January and $12.40 for May. The
close wns nt u ilcullno of 7'o for the "day at
I11.47J5 nmlfl3.37i. ! Klbs closed steady nnd
lard asio lower , The fnlluro of Wngnci'-t Co ,
to passllio elunrlnghousii did not utloct trade.
OniCAoo , Nov. 17. [ Special Telegram to TUB
lien. ] ( JATTiii Demand fnlr and prices
rather on the iip-turn than otherwise on any
thing nt all useful or good In the bcof-cattlo
lino. Common stock , although left to the
last. iold bettor than on Friday nnd Satur
day , but not essentially higher. A light
run of Texans nud the scarcity of rangers
hud a good deal to do wtlh bringing about
the general strength displayed , Tlioro was
llttlo or no business In tlio stock or and feeder
line , and prices showed no particular change
and roinuln the lowest on record , Nooxtra
prime steers on sale. Top prices for good to
choice , M.WXfM.S.'i ; others,44.OJ3l.8jj butchers'
btocit , Jl.tXXas.M ; Tcxaus , JS.SUffi'.GS. No rang
ers iiuotcd.
lions Iliifdnoss opened slow with both
shippers und packers holding olT. Karly
tiuiibiictlons wore confined exclusively to
bpcculutors. and It did not take long to load
them up and got them out ot the way , after
which prices declined and tlioguncriil market
wns slow nnd dull fiom start to ilulsli , closing
weak with a largo number carried over.
Nr.w YOIIK. Nov. 17. [ Fpoclul Telegram to
THK HKE.I STOCKS Nothing but great Ir
regularity In the opening prices of stocks
khowcd that tlioro was anything unusual In
the situation. Thu plunging nnd flying mar
ket of Saturday had disappeared. Ilccollce-
tlon of the events o ( last week or the further
rtevolopments ever Sunday did not at tlr&t
rufllo trade. Sugar Hellnerlos was down 14' ? ,
and Laokawunnuund llurllugton each Hi per
cent , whllo the advance lu Hock Island and
Northern Pacific preferred was 1 per cent ,
with other changes for fractions either
way. In the specially weak stocks tlioro
were further losses lu tie eaily dealings , nnd
Chicago nnd East Illinois pioforreil dropped
' . ' , Atchlsou l.'j to 2I | { . Laokawuima I'to 121JJ ,
Manhattan li ! , Uurllngton li , and St. I'uul
lt ! , whllo tliu prlcos lu the general list
were well maintained , Ylllnrds , as usual
of late , boln ? the firmest stocks In
the list. Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago
& St. Loul" , however , was especially strong
as neil as Sugar Hoflnerlcs , and they rose IfJ
and 1 per cent respectively , The flrm tone
spread oor the wholollst before the end of
_ my minutes , nud the weak stoaUsof the
onrly dealings generally recovered the losses
Incurred , Tlio market , however , continued
iiulot , Inogular and feverish. As the session
advanced the market felt the effect of returnIng -
Ing confidence nnd prices made good gains.
Chicago Uns went to MVi , s points uu ; Ilur-
lliiKtoniis In the lend of tlio grangergroup
iindros-olo K > y before 1 o'oloak , with St. I'aul
up to 48 , Missouri Vrtolllo to 0315 and Union 1'n-
olllo up nearly J points from the early price at
47 , In coal slacks Lnckawnmm rose very
swiftly to 120 and Heading toSO. The stock
market closed buoyant , with liberal gains for
tlio day , Insplluof the fact that money waa
again up to an unseemly figure. Itefore thu
oloso Sugar broke back to 51" . ; . closing with
loss , while railroad t > luuus hold up well. I.ouls-
vlllo uloscd with a gain of 1 ! { nt Ttii , Northern
1'nellle preferred 1'i ' ut5 ! ) . AtchKiin u ; uti'TSJ ,
Ht. I'uul IU nt4 ! > , and I.aeliuwixniui held above
1 W. Sales , XK > , r.yo slin res.
Thu following erotlio closing quotations :
MONKV Tlslit , rmiglnpfrom 0 oil dlvltlend
imiicrs to ISO per cent : last loun W.
1'iiiMi : MKIICX.NTII.K I'Ai'Kit UJiffliVJ per cent.
fluy bills , Kl.TUHiUnunnd.
Iho Vlblblo
CIIIOAGO , Nov. IT. The vislblo supply for
the week cnillii- ( November 15 , as uotnpllctl hj
the secretary of the Chicago board ol trade i ;
us follows :
Outs . u. ,
] ( yc. . tjMi.00.
Uurloy . . . . 47CtX ) (
The CofToo Market.
NEW YOHK , Nov. 17.-Speoial [ Toleeram 10 (
fat lrc.COfitOpllou3 ) opoucU stcaU ]
r points doTtn to lOupicloiMlstpady ! Mir iin.
HiUost 27r > OJIiaKK , IncIudltiK Novcinhcr , llfl.w
in.t ; Dcccinlicr , Ilii..vi6iawi .inntmry.
Ctliur. ! Pubrunry , * l.v : ai3.SOj March. II5.0MO
ay , II5.UOH.V1.1 ( ; pnt Klo. iiulct und
fair cnrgoos , fiu.2.1) ) No > tlT.60 ®
1'llOt ) VVEi
CIIICAOO , Nov. 17. I p. tn , ole e. Wheat
Blcnrtyj on-ill , tt , " o | Ueccmljer.OJ.'iiaOlc : Mny.
Corn rirrnt cmh , 6i ! oi December , M ; < CI
Mny , KJc ,
Unts-rirmi crtsli , 42ia ! ci December , 421JO
43cl Mny , 44'a4.-o. (
Ityo-Qulnl tit WUo.
Hurley En y ill "
Tlniotliy-Stundyiit J1.58.
I'lax-Stcndy ntei.SI.
> Itss ; _ 1'oru Diilt cash , 10.00) ) January ,
' ' "
llard-nuTf ) cu'sh' . } } . " ! } ! ! ! January. 10.12 ! $ !
Mny , J0.7VU.
Hour iJnclinnitotl ; winter patents , Jl.iOdo
R.Wi siirliitt patents , J4.bo35.10i bakcrsd.1.00 ®
a.M ) .
Hulk Monti Shoulder * . n.OOJi. ' .12 ( { ! short
clrnr. JVC.va5.70 ! Miort ribs. J.Vi.'p : < iM.40.
Hiittcr UiichiiiiBt'aicreamcry..WJ'Jiilnlry ,
t'liposp tTnchntiKeil ! full crcrim cheddnrs ,
SUiit'ict lint1' , ? J 'KJ ' ! YOIIIIB Atncrlens , U4W > lic.
Kass-UtieluiiiKoil ! frcHh , ! r.4Wic. :
llldci UtH'linngecl ; lioitvy nnd light Kreon
r > > ( c ; Ripen hldoi. 4 * 'o ; ulted bull hides 4ici !
KreonK.ilti.MlcalS , ' 11 < < W dry Hint , 78o : < lry
Hiiltud , 7 < at-c | dry c-ilf. saoc : duncoim. nich.Ste ,
Tulloiv UncliangudjNo. I , solid packed , 4'Su ,
Itucolpti. SlilpiiiL-ntH.
riour.bhlo . 14.UJO 1S.OOO
Wheat , bit . 07,000 M > ,000
Corn , bu . lO'-MXX ) 224,000
Outs , bu . 135,000 315,000
NKW VOIIK , Xov.I7.-Whcat-necclpt8.1TR.t03
busholsj utports , 53.500 bualicK
hlKhor. cIosliiR ensy ! No. 2 red , 11.00J4 In ulova-
tor.I.OJi ? ulloatJI.01(91.03U ( f. o. b. ! options
fovurlsli , olnsliiK fJTolllo hlglior ; No. 2 red , No
vember , doied atll.oi's.
C'orn-UecelptB , 1I4,5'JO bushels ; exports 07,800
bushoU ; spot higher , eloilnu stcudyi No. S ,
tfi'iGiyia In oluvntor ; CiKSX Siiunlloat : options
higher and H irons , November closing ut
tlons btroii'er ( , Mny closIiiK atSlo.
augnr ICaw , dull ntul nuin mil ; rcOncd ,
I'otroloum United closed at 71o for Do
Hggs-Steady ! western. 2.VKGC.
I'ork Weak ; mess , < 1I.OJS12.00.
Lard Opened strong but closed easier ; west
ern btoaui , } il.25.
llu tier Steady I western dalryUS20ccream- ;
cry , 2ixM3c ! Klgfn , liUe.
Cheese feteady ; light skims , 4J7o. !
ST. Touis , Nov. 17. Wheat Unsettled : cash ,
" " e ; November , W'ie ; December , 01'lcs .lan-
tiury.Klo ! Mny , ifl.OOitl.UOU.
Corn Him ; cash , 5UiJi52ci ! Novemher ,
B31Jc ! Deccnibor , 4oj ! ) Mny , & > ) ! < c ,
Oats -Loner ; cash , 45iiei options firm ! No
vember , 4Jic. !
1'ork-Vlrint Jll.OO.
Whlsky-Slcudy ; 81.14.
Iluttcr Steady : creamery , 2324c ! Elgin
fancy , 2U'Wc ; dairy , 2224c.
MlNNRti'OMti , Nov. 17. Wheat Receipts
8lU ! ears ; shlpmcutH , ISO cars. Demand foi
wheat good ; low grades brought current
prices. Closing : No. 1 hard , November
December anil on truck. OOo : No. 1 northern
Wi'/Jc ' ; November , BCHo : May , OGjon track , W ©
M4o ! ; No. 2 northern , November and Decem
ber bile ; on truck , 81c.
KANSAS CITV. Nov. 17. Wheat Quiet : No
2 hard , cash , November , 60o bid ; No. Bred
cash , 8lu usked ,
Corn-Stronger ; No. S , cash , 60564'c ? ; No
vcmber , nojjiTi.iOVo. f
Oats Stonily ; No. 2 cash , 44io ; bid ; Novem
ber , 44Jie bid.
CINCINNATI , Nov.17. Wheat In fair demand
No. 2 red. iBB'-Wc.
Corn Unsettled ! No. 2 mixed , 57J4o.
Oats Lower ! No. 2 mixed , JSQI'Jo.
Whisky 11.14.
MILWAUKEE , Nov. 17. Wheat Firmer ; No.
LtvEitroor , , Nov. 17. Wheat Quiet ; hold
ers ollor moderately.
Corn Finn ; demand poor ; mixed wcston :
43 Ulid per cental.
OIIICAOO , Nov. 17. Cattle Receipts , 15,000 ;
flriu with fair demand ; steers , J4.005J4.K > ;
butclior.s'stock , Jl.Ooa'.SOi Tu.ians , r..20ti3.li5 ( ;
no raiiBorstiuoted.
Hogs licculpts , 30,000 head ; market
dull und alow ; rough nnd common , r3.40S I.OO ;
prime heAvy packers 1.70513.8.1 ; prime heavy
shippers nml butcher weights , IJ.lH > 3J.yr ; light ,
JJ.75a3.bO : piRH KM ® 1.00.
Sheep Itocelpts , 8,000 : market slow and
weak ; natives , iM.W4.70 ; westerns , (1.2W34.JO ;
Toxnns , JJ.OO ; lambs , J4.MJ24.lO.
ST. Louis , Nov. 17 , Uattlc Receipts , 1,100 ;
shipments 1,100 : market steady ; fair to
( aucy natives steers , t.J.OUtt-l.W ) ; stocKers and
fcodeis , * . ' .00 < a.i.X : ( ) .
UOJTC , Receipts , 3,400 : shipments , 3,100 ;
market lower : , heavy , $ J.COSM.bO ; mixed JJ.10
dW.tx ) ; light , 3.DOJ.OO. :
KANSAS Cm * , Nov. 17 , Cattle Receipts ,
5,400 : shipmentsa,150 ; market steady ; steera ,
JJ.25l.t > 5 ; cows , I1.25U2.LO ; btockers uud feed
ers , Jl.MXJW 00.
Hops Hrculpts , 1,000 ; shipments , 150 ; market
steady ; unchanged ,
Monday. Nov. 17.
Estimated receipts of cuttle. TOO , as com
puted with 740 Saturday uud l.'OO Monday of
last week , Tno market opened dull and
lower on btecrs and aetlvu nnd strong un
butchers' stock , The feeder market is doad.
Estimated receipts of IIORS , 4.000 , as com
pared with B.IB ? Saturday and 0,289 Monday of
last weok. Thu murkot opened steady with
the decline ut Saturday's close and closed
n eak and lower , The ruiiRo of the prlcos mild
WiiH jaooa.l.OU. the , bulk solllns nt W.O.M4J.75.
LlRht. MUJGKI.GO ; heavy , inKcd ,
( J.2.v2i3 CM. The average of the prices paid was
$ .1.58 an compared with $ J.53 Saturday and
W.81U Monday of last week.
Estimated receipts of sheep , 2,8.11 , as com
pared with SOJ Saturday and 447 Monday of
last wcuk. Tlio maikot Is unchanged.
Natives , K.OOS4.15 ; westerns , Z.034.00.
Disposition of Stock ,
Showing the number of head of stock pur
chased on this murkot as reported by the
wolghmnstor of the Stockyards company for
November 1'J :
ncorgo II , Hammond & Co 103
The Armour-Cudnhy packing company. . 401 !
Omaha napkins company 31
llenton A Underwood , 20
Shipper ami feeders 475
The Armour-Cudnhy packing company . 1,040
Omaha packing company 1,114
Swift & To l.OM
ficorgn II , Hammond packing company , . 503
North l'icklilK& ; I'.t'o 421
Shippers and feeders 811
Swift & Co 414
Itcprcscutntlve Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No , Av. Pr
8 , . Ktt ii UO 20. . W7 $1 00 3. . 1240 } Jf,0
I.1040 275 l..ia0 U 25 30. . 1144 375
W..1UOUUO 2t , . 1200 U 115 Ul.lJOa 405
cows ,
1 ,10M 1 00 02 , . S.15 1 SO 1. 1120 200
1 . ( MO 1 25 2..III70 ISO 1(1.91 ( 215
1..V130 125. Oil . 107 1 00 1..1200 215
: I.,1IOJ 125 4.,1077 1 in 4..1000 215
10. . 774 125 17. . 143 175 10.,1100 215
3. . fOO 125 : i. . IKM1 1 HO 15.,1110 2 20
2. ,1110 125 in , , 90i : ISO 2,1200 225
2 .1055 1115 a , . U7J 300 10.,1005 225
21. b07 1D5
1..11CO 125 1..1100 1 a % 1..1700 240
1..1SW 125 1..14M 175 1..1010 250
1..I21X ) 125 ' . ' . .laCO 175 1..1KW 250
1..I400 1 : t5 1..UXX ) 1 DO 1..1040 2 bO
1..1&0 1U5 2. 1300 2 00
1.M 175 SO. . 891 2 M ) 0. , 630 200
a. . 71K1 2 00 0. , SM 2 CO
21..630 225 10. . 003 225 3S..1053 243
' 6TA09.
1. . 710 150 1..WOO ICO 1 , ,1270 200
0. S83 175 1. . 140 2 73
2..1005 3 00
1 milker . 120 M
1 milker 15 < X
No. * Ar. Pr.
38 stoors. , , 1MB 12 73
J. T. I'rutt-
SO foedun. 1ICO S 30
V. T. cattle company
i 1 lU ) J..j.i , . . * . ; . . . . . 1220 1 23
I r. U. Ooodhuu
1'jull UTO 1M
78 feeders 701 255
Colorado cuttle company
8 bulls 10.10 1 IV
0 cows. , . , , , , . , , , . „ , 671 1 75
7 stags. . , . . . . . . , 034 IU
No. AT. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Fr.
28 138 40 MOO 75 . . .Sll 120 W
M .17tJ HO 300 C8 2 > U 120 .10S
1 4UO 150 800 Ml ! .Vi 240 365
2 470 NX ) 300 72 259 330 365
M . . . . 105 SfiO 310 fit S4I 40 3tt (
75 100 120 310 49 1112 320 365
101 158 n 10 77 2:10 : so 365
M . . , ,209 440 315 M 2SS 100 JIGS
50 11TJ 160 315 57 857 CO 861
M..1KI 200 315 f > 8 2S4 240 307J5
84..105 4M 315 CO 25 * 60 370
41 203 80 320 70 Zl ? ISO 370
lti..IK ) 240 325 00 20 ! ) 370
K.lb9 ! WO 330 Cl 209 40 370
III 223 200 3 ! W BO 247 ISO 370
Vi Ih7 200 33- 77 221 120 370
2 451 335 BO 280 240 370
fO . . . 1R2 KO 335 III 252 40 370
C7 107 40 341 Cl 255 ISO 370
K , 158 40 340 CO 282 160 370
75 214 100 345 f > 4 204 320 375
67 2:11 : 50 II 45 M./.291 UK ) 375
f,7 , 20120 34S 71 281 120 375
7 ? 240 2M ) 3 Ml (0 ( 850 120 375
71) ) 221 MO : iBO 74 SfiO 80 : I77 > 4
1:4 : 101 3 iV ) 70 270 80 380
w 210 lee m wi 2tO o : iwi
70 iw ) 120 am 57 : IIB 210 aw
70 218 240 3 BO W ) 870 80 380
68 202 240 355 71 220 M ilfO
51 223 240 3 S3 147 820 83 360
70 221 240 CO 47 815 SO 3MJ4
78 241 840 300 44 300 40 385
60 220 100 300 51 832 100 385
K..ZU 880 300 0.1 80S 315 *
61 211) ) SCO 71 1110 200 385
70. . . . 244 200 305 58 325 100 UUO
SI 201 SSO 305
48 2fl 100 1K1 110 2K5
7 102 135 8 100 225
109 50 1 BO 50 100 225
4(1 ( 77 160 41 IK ) 225
18 113 200 42 IOU 250
40 104 20J r..M34 200
1 510 200 24 130 275
10 04 200 U 817 60 2bO
SMOKnn MnATS Sugar curod-llnms , 14 to 10
Ib average , U ci hums , 20 to22 Ib average , Biu ! ;
hams , 12 Hi iivc'rairv. 100 : skinned hams. lOlic ;
hams , No. 2 , HSSc ; shoulders Oe : clear hretikfmt
bacon , be ; boneless breakfast bacon backs. 7e :
famous boned Ham , 8iu ! ; I'allfornln. or ] ilcnlo
haiiis.fl'ie ; boneless hum , Dos dried beef lianm ,
sets , 7io ! ; dried beef clods. Gcj short spiced
rolls or ham roulette. 7iic ; smoked hoof
toiiKiies. per doH-n , $ ( ! . .V ) ; speulnl brand hums ,
12 to 15 Ib nrurugo , lllie ; spcelnl brand bnnu-
less breakfast bacon , llUc ; sulccti'd dried boot
hams , lusldi's and knuekics , 10c ; selected wldo
clour break fast bacon , UJJc.
IIIVSAITMIATS : I'micy light weight short
clear , Wie ; lomt clears , n'io ; short clears , Oo ;
short ribs 6te ; .shoulders , Oo ; clear bellies ,
04c ! ; clear bucks , Ce.
llKbt weight bacon short clears , 7c ; bacon
abort ribs , CSie ; bacon .short clears. G c ; bacon
long clears , ( i'ie ' ; bacon oluar backs , ( ) ! ic ;
bacon clear bcllle.s. 7e ; b.icnn shoulders , We.
SWEKT I'lCKLKI ) .MEATS HtllllS tltTCCS. 0'4C ' ,
shoulders ( N. Y. cut ) , tierces , fi'je ; California
ham , tierces , 5 0 ; beef hams , liarruls 812.00.
1'ICKI.F.D ItKKl'TONnUES-IInlf bbls. , 1DJ 1IS. ,
tlO.M ; quarter bbls. , 50 los. , J0.03 ; ul hth hbls.
2.-i Ihs. , J3..r.O. .
SWEKT 1'iCKi.KiiSpAiic Itius Tierces , 80 ] Ibs ,
nofwulKht , U'.50 ' ; barrels , 200 Ibs. . net wolijlit ,
J8.UO ; half barrels. 10" ) Ibs. . not welu'ht J4.75.
LAUD Compound , per Ib , tierce basis , 5Uc :
pure leaf Inrd.iior Ib , tli-rco basis , O ; P ; special
brand kettle tendered leaf lurd , per Ib , tierce
basis , 7c.
lAiuuLKi : ) I'OIIK AND llnEr Per burrpl
Moss pork ( lieu ) , Jll.fiO ; famllv pork , $11.25 ;
short out clear pork. $11.25 ; boneless pig pork
( fancy ) , $14.00 ; extra i mess beef , ? C.Oo ; ] ilato
beef , $7.00 ; extra plate beef. JS.OO ; extra fam
ily beef ( boneless ) , JS.OO ; rolleiLbeef ( boneless ) ,
$8.fl : rump butts , $ , s.W. x
CANNED MEATS Corned beef , 1 Ib square-
cuns , 2 doz. per case , SI. 10 ; lunch tongues , 1 Ib
lound cans , 2 doz. per case , $2.115 ; brawn , lib
square cans , 2 doper e.ise. $1.20 ; tongues ,
US H ) round cans , 1 doz. per eusc , JS.23 ; chipped
beef , \'i \ Hi round cans , 2 no/ , per ca c. 11.25 ;
roast beef , 1 Ibiound cins : ( 2 doper case.
$1.10 ; potted ham. ! S Ib round cans , 4 doper
ease , OUo ; deviled ham , 'i Ib round cans , 4 doz.
per case , COc ; potted tongue.'i Ib round
cans , 4 doz. per cato , COc ; compressed hum , 1 Ib
square cans , 2 doz. per case , JI.75 ; trlpp'Jib
lound cans , 1 dor. per case , 81.83 ; iiilneud col-
lops , 21b round cans , 1 do , per case , } 2.2J ;
boneless pigs' feet , 21b square cans , 1 doz. per
case , 12.50 : roust beef , 1 Ib , 2 doz. per case , Jl.OO ,
bAUSAOK Ilologna. 4o ; smolicd saiisugo 7e ;
blood sausage , 4'5c ' ; liver sausage , 4li :
head cheese , 4ie } ; fresh pork sausage ( links )
be ; fresh pork sausage- ( bulk ) , 5S4e ; smoked
pork sansase , 80 ; Frankfurt sausage. 7e ;
KSino po head cheosc , Co ; 1'ollsb sausage , 7c ;
knohlauch sausage , 7c ; tongue sausage , 80 ;
summer sausage , 13c.
HATES Persian , fl-lb box , OJJc.
MAI-I.K SUOAU 1'ec lb-- > e cakes , 30-lb boves ,
13c ; lee cakes , 30-lb boxes , 12le ! ; 1-lb bricks ,
30 Ibs In box. pure. He.
TWINES Cotton twine , "Bibb. " very flue , Ji
ll ) bales , 22e ; cotton twlno. XX brand , U-lb
bales , 18e ; hemp twlno. Ji-lb bales , 18c ; sail
twine , 20c ; eandlo wick , 22c ; 40-fiot cotton
clothes line. 11.40 ; CO-foot cotton clothes line ,
. $1.05 ; 00-foot sisal lines , ? l.5 ; 00-foot jute ,
Jl.OO ; wool twines , 8 ! c.
Hnoovrs 5-tle. pallor , W.OO ; 4-tlc , } 2.753-tlo ; ,
J2.2i ; 3-tle. plain. $1.81 ; , M.OO ; toy ,
J1.2J ; whisk. * I.OJ1.2.- .
OMVES Quarts , per do * , $4.00 ; pints , pcrdoz ,
$2..r > 0 ; bulk per gal , Km.
SOAV Castile , mottled , per 11) , 010o ; do
white , pcrlb , 14c.
CinEU-l'er bbl , refined , $0.60 : half 1)1)1,0.50 ;
hard older , pure , per bbl , Jfl.Mi ; orange older ,
half bbl-50 ( ! ; pear cider , half bbl. $460.
NUTS Almonds , 1'Jo ; lira/Us , "Ic ; ( llbcrts ,
14c ; pecans , 15c ; walnuts , 15e ; peanut cocks ,
80 : toasted. Ulc : Tennessee peanuts , 8c.
CANNED VKOETAUI.EB Tomatocs-3-lb extra.
$1.101 133-lbbtaudaid ; western brands. $1.10 ;
gallons. Archer's standard , ifJ.OO. Corn I'lncst
grown. JI.CO ; CJate City sugar corn , very line ,
81.50 ; ailiiian , 2-lb sugar , JI.20 ; 2-lb oxtr.i ,
Hecmer. $1.10 ; 2-lb stniiclnrd western brands ,
JI.10. Alushrooinb 1-lb I'ri'iich , extra Hue , 22
@ 2jc ; 1-lb French , fine , lS22c : 1-lb Trench , or
dinary , ] C18c. 1' , Tres , tine , per can , 25o ;
deml-llne , per can , IGo ; 2-lb sifted , $1.75 ; 2-lb
early .lime. $ l.f > o : 2-lb nuurow , standard
brands , fl.25 ; 2-lb soaked , 75u. Strlnt ; beans
2-lb high grade , Uufiigee , $1.00 ; 2-lb Golden
wax benni , UOc ; 2-lb string beans , SOe. Lima
beans 2-lb soaked , 85c. Doston baked beans
2-lb Lewis , * ) 05 ; Crown brands , $1.35. Bweot
potatoes 3-lb New Jersey , SI.OO. I'umpklns
2-lb , $1.00. Okra and tomatoes tl.Ui ; okra.
ll.GO ; succotusl ) . JI.35.
CoiiiiAOB Jlnnllla rope All sires from 7-10
to 1 In , 14o ; sisal lope , all sizes from 7-10 to 1
In , eye ; "now processes , " all sizes from 7-10 to
1 In. be.
WiiAiTiNO PAPEB Straw , per ID , :
rag , : iic ! ; munllla 11.4 < i 5c ; No. 1,7c.
Mor.Ai-SES llhls , N. O. fiinoy , , 5355o ( ;
choice , 45 47c ; good , : i05io2o ; Cuba , baking , 28
< SiOo : ; blackstrap. 2ia'J2o.
SOIIA 1'kgs , CO Ibs to box , S' o ; kegs. 4lie.
STOVE I'OMSII t.MXXftO 00 per gross ,
IIAO8 Am. , per 100 , $17.75 ; Lowlston , per 100 ,
117.75 ; Union Si ] u are , 40 per cent off list.
SAiT-Dalrv,2 01bs In bbl , bulk , MO ; best
grade , BO 5s , * . ' . : iO ; best gnulo 100 Us , f.40 ; best
Krado 28 Its , tJ.'JTi ; rock suit , crushed , $1.80 ;
common , bbl , tl.25 ,
CiiEtjSK 1'romlum F. 0. , tnln flals , per Ib ,
104'o ; premium F. R , Young America , llUc ;
domestlo Swiss , 1417c ; Kdam , In foil , each ,
05c ; LlmDurger. 125c. !
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , ? 3.50j small , tlO.CO ;
gherkins , $11.50.
rAiiiNACEousGoons Iliirloy,4Ho ; farina. So ;
peas. a c ; oatmeal , bbls , W.5MJ0.75 ; linlf bbls ,
iUvaiLM ; inacaronl , Hxai3o ; vornilcolll , 1054
13o ; rice , choice , B Qdat fancy , OJiltTc ; lioad ,
7o ; sngo and tapioca , 47e ; I/lma beans , Co ;
built peas , ac ; spaghetti , 13c. '
DuiEi ) KIUIITB Turkish prunes , less than
hhds , li 't : He ; original hliiH > 4c less ; llosnla
prunes , 0-11) boxes. 100 to 110 , tic ; apples , ovupo-
rated , now ring choice , 15o ; evaporated , now
ring prlmit , lie : apricots , fancy , In sacks. 0io ! i
blackberries , now , lOo ; raspberries , 25 Ibs to
box , 34QI5o : currant" , now , ri5340 ! , oilglnal
casks. Via less ; Yotlzza currants , extra , In
boxes , 6M < - .
COTTON Horn H Inch , 17c.
KAISISS London layers , California , per box.
$2.102,70 ; loose nuiscutols , California , J2.00 ®
a.4'J ' ; heedless , California. } 2.2VS2.a.'i ! California ,
Heedless sultans. In sacks , per Ib , lie ; Califor
nia muscatels , In sacks , 81o ; now Valeutlas ,
So ; ondura layers , now , Oo.
COPIT.H Koasted Arlosla , SSHot Ilunola ,
( icriiuui , 2. > Uo ; Dllwurtli's. 25io ? : Lion ,
' 'j'.ic ; MalljHmcli , 25icCordova } ; , 25 > , io ; Moeba ,
y.'o ; O. a. Java. 30c.
VINEOAK 30 gr. N. Y. apple elder , 10o ; D. S.
cider , 12c ; white , wine , I5o ; fancy , fruit , ISc.
Oir.s-150 iirlmo white. 9c ; 150 water white ,
lljic : hcadlluht , 1'Jiio ; 74 gasoline. H'/sO.
SAI.SOUA llbls , 1'tc ; gruitulutod,2o ; la bbls ,
l ? o ,
bunAii Per Ib Cut loaf , 7a o ; cubes. O' 'c ;
Rtaudard powdered , OVo ; XXXX. powdered ,
73ic ; granulated , stnudard , CiiC ; confection
ers' A. OJio ; white extra 0 , brilliant , OJio ;
extra 0. royal. Be ; central 0 , 6 > io ; golden C ,
Oijo ; dark C , 4'ic. , ,
Country I'roduco.
ntJTTEU The market Is lQ2o ; lower than It
was u week r.go. The receipts are more lib
eral and tl > movement not so nctlvo. tiood
country roll" , 14O17o ; clioico , 1718o ; Inferior ,
MilOo ; good country solid packed , l&iiisc ;
choice solid packed , 1820c | good creamery ,
21 23oi fancy 25c.
1'oui.Tiiv The market U glutted with
dressed ciilckcns und the weather being toe
warm to ndmlt of their being hold uny irroat
length of time , thcro Is likely to bo consider
able loss. Live chickens uru slow und not
much wanted at fl.75Q2.23 ; dicssoil , fxQCc ,
Live turkeys 7fl ( > o and dressed S2.90 for choice
nnd iv38o for thin und light weights. Lha
ducks , 12.50 :100 : ; dressed ducks , 7400. Cfocse ,
dressed , 7QOC.
Eoos Tlioro are so many cold ttornno eggs
on the murkot that It Is no easy matter to
glvo an oxnct quotation on firsh stock. A
good many eggs are selling at 21o and some
as low as 0c. while there uro sales of strictly
fresh Btook nt 22o.
OAXIE Tralrloehlckens , pcrdoien , f3.003.60 |
grouse , mallard ducks , JU7iXtW.Wi
tcnldueks.ll.SOSI.Wtmlxpddiuhs.Jl.ftOjqunll ,
fl.ooni.ffiVJnohrnlblKl.iOO | | wnnll r.tbblts. 75o
! . ( ; doer und autulopo ca asscs. H7o |
inddlcs. ll iic. : .
PIGEONS There Is no dcmrtria ,
Proflh fritl INJ
OiiANors riorlda toclf , H.M.
OAMfoiiMA riiuus Poiir , bor hulf IKJX.
11.05) ) winter Nells , pnr half lior , | | ,35 | Jlusent
grapes , JI.50 per 20-lb elntos ; iiilnce.s | , tl.75 ®
2.00. '
, K.S.VM.OO per hunch.
LESiONS-OhoIco stock. M.norf'l.o. '
Al'i-l.KS-l'erbbl. U2.V3I.25 , according to tlio
quality and variety.
CiiANiiKuiiir.s-Knncy Capo Cod , $9.50 ; bell
and cherry , $3.50.
GiiAi-ES-Coucord , per basket , 40cCatnwbas | ,
50c. _ _
_ _ _
Vcgetnblcs. '
I'OTATOEH Car lots of potatoes nro quoted
atSVStoo with choice stock selling In a small
way from More at too.
ONtoNS-Hcd , II. : per bu. : yellow Danvorp ,
$1.3- UI.5fl ! Spanish , tl.75 per box.
S IUT : 1'OTATOES-Uood stock , $4.004.50 per
bbl ,
llEAss-Supply not largo nnil the feeling
strong nt2.3.Vif.2.7S.
Cti.KUV-35.t40o per clot.
OAIIIIAIIK 1'erlb , 2'Jc. '
TuiiNii'S Kutabagas , choice , 05c per lush. ;
white , choice. 50c.
LETTUCK 1'er doz. , ' 15o.
Fnr.sii Per Ib I'crch , 8c ; buffalo , ilioased ,
7o ; pickerel. Oc ; pike , Out white. 10c ; eiouiile ,
He ; catlUh , lie ; od steak , 12e ; Monnders , 13o ;
Oregon salmon. I5c ; Llack bass , 18o ; lobttors ,
16e ; blue llsh. 15c.
Salt und pleklod-Codllsb , ovtra aoorgrs
now.OJicl grand bank , now. 4'Jc ' : silver , 2-lb
blocks , 6ic ! ; snoy white. 2-lb bricks , now , 75 < o ;
turkey cad , largo middle bricks , Ou ; RUUW
whiles , crates , 12-5 Ib boxes , 7J4'c ; medium
sealed hcrrlmr,25r ; No. 1 Healed hcrrlnz , 20e ;
domcstlo Holland herring , 40e ; llainhiirgrr
Rptced herring. COo ; Kusslnu sardines , spiced.
one ; Russian sardines , plain. f > 0c : Imported
Holland herring. Crown brand , 80e ; do fancy
mllliois , (1.00 ; mackerel , No. 1 shore , half bbl
$12.50 ; bloaters , half bbls , $ ! 8.dO ; whlto flsh ,
half bbl , $0.75 ; trout , half hbK o.50 ; family
whlto fish , SUQi snlmou , feSO per hulf bbl ;
2-lb broiled mackerel , $2.CO ; : i-lb In mustard ,
$2.00 ; $3-lb In tomato saucp , J..CO ; 5-lb Mayo
mess mackciol , $0.00 ; 1-lb crook trout. tl.2i ;
3-lb brook trout , $2.2.'i ; 1-lb salmon , $1.25 ; 2-lb
white llsh , $2.2'i ; 1-lb while Ihli. $ I.U3 ; 2-lb lob
sters , J2.30 ; 2-lb oysters , li o ? . J'J.M ; 2-lb oys
ters , 10 o ? , $2.2j ; l-lli oysters , 5 oz , $1.25 ; 2ilb
llaratarla , 10 or. f.MO ; 1-lb Ilaratarla , 5 o/ ,
$1.10 ; 1-lb clams , llttlo nocks , 11.35 ; 2-lb clams ,
littio necks. $1.75 ; 3-11) clam ehonder , $2.00 ;
1-lb crabs , $2.23 ; 2-lb ci aba , S..SO.
llr.ACK WALNUTS-PIT llushol , 7i3l.0.
Hiricouv NUTS l < urge , per bjishol , $1.23 ;
small , * l.752 00.
Poi'CoiiN Choice last season s stock , 2 ® < JKu
UOCOAXUTS Per hundred , sacked , $5.00.
Oulnlno pore ? . , P. & W. . lie ; Oerman , Hie ;
Indigo , peflb , 75e ; Insect ponder , Sic : opium ,
(3.10 ; morphine , poroz. , J H.V hops , pur 10 , aou ;
glycurlue , 183 ! dextrine , lOo ; euttlebone , : t5ci
cronm tnrtur , pure , U2o ; coiuinerclal , 18p ; cam
phor , 50o ; am. curb , lie ; blue vltrol , 7Jic ! cnr-
iolloueld,3i(83Uoj ( citric , 4.ViJ4Si tarturle , : ufo
39c ; sulphuric , per Ib , 2c. Sperm oil , $1.10 ;
turpentine. 4se ; Tonka beam , .0) ; bal
sam toiilo. 4l45c ! calomel , OftH'fic ' ; cantha-
rldcs I.tOUl.i5 : : ; easslu buds , 80 < ap ! : chloroform _ -
form 57iO ( ; ergot , 471(58 ( ; gum arable , 55
$1.03 ; lyeopodlum , 404Jc ; mercury , O.'e ; mil-
phiir , 2'Jc ; alum , 2J e ; coipcras , I' o ; epsom
salt , lj'c ; glauborsaltlBc. !
Dry G ) Oils.
OINOIIAMS Aninskoav , 7c ; Amoskong drcs' .
SVJc ; Mates , fl 'c ; Warwick dross , He : Lancaster ,
fla4'e ; Oienalre , KlAc ; Whlttendiin diess , Sc.
llt.EAOUEi ) COTTONS Berkeley Camlnlc No.
0) , OUe : llpt Yet , ( ) ' $ " ! Ituttcrcloth XX , 4Hc ;
Cabot. 74o ? ; 1'lrst Call , ( l(4c ( ; I iiiltof the Loom ,
fc ) ; Illll Sompor Iileni , fa ; llousckcciior. 8 e :
King I'lillllp cambric , lOe ; Langdon G B , OVo ;
l.diisdalp. Do ; Lonsdalo , lOVjo ; ISew
York .Mills , 110 ; O.ik Lawn'7e. .
Wl A S Net Thlstlp , ( ihe : Ucd Cross 7c.
CIIASII Ste\cns'H , 10-lu. fi o ; Slovens' D ,
IR-ln. < ! fc : Stevens1 A. Ifl-lu. 7'ic ; Slovens' P ,
18-ln. Kc ; atovcns' M. 18 In , Oo ; htevons' N. 20-
In.Dc ; btevo'ib' NN , 22-ln , lOo ; Stevens' STlt ,
20-ln , 12c : bleached , lo extra.
PIIISTS 1'aney Kddystono , Cl.c ; Steel
Ulver , Co ; Itamano , 4 e ; St. Lodger , 5'So '
Shirting Martha Washington , 4Jjc ; Mcrrl-
tniio. 43Je. [ Turkpy llcd--roiiiitiiln , O e ; ( Jar-
ner , 7c ; Cronlleld , 8Vic ; llerlln , 0ie. !
SIIKKTINOS AND PiM.o\r C stNns llrown
Net l'cnpori-11. 43-ln. 10 p ; Pcpperoll , 8-4. 18e ;
ill. .
lliio ; l' , 15o ; Pcpperell. 8-4. 20o-
I'cpperell , tl-l , 22 > Jc : Pcpntircll , 10-4"c ; Utlca
8-4,24c ; Utlea , 0-4,2Boi Utlca , lff-4,28e.
PIHNTS Indigo blue Net Muithn Wash
ington , 5JJc : Anioilcan,0ltc : Arnold , 6lo ; Ar
nold 11 , long cloth , lOc : Stlflo A.'lliic ; Morrl-
mac , 7-8. lOc ; Gold Loaf , 8 > , io ; Hamilton , r ! Jo ;
Allen Pinks O'io : Allen Uliambr.ty , Oc ; Glou-
chester , 5ic ( ; lliutel , 5540.
Coi.onii > OAMUHICS Crown , 3'e ; lied Star ,
4o : Kollcd Clover , Gc ; Slater , S o ; high col
ors , lo extra.
HKAVV UIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic 7e ! { ;
Atlantic II , 7c : Atlantic I ) , 03 c ; Atlantic I' ,
Go ; Aurora C , Pie ; lluek'shead , 7Uo ; Cabot W ,
fl'io : Darlington ; O c ; runners' No. .1. 4 ? , ©
4S5e ; Hnosler. L1/ , , " > ! } o ; Indlniihcad ; 7iic ; Law
rence I'L , li c ; lleni'lelta 1,15Uo. .
FINE HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic LL , ( ! e ; Au
rora 11,0'io ; Aurora It , O'Sc ' : Atlas O N 1J , 7'ie ' ;
cheesecloth , 4c ; Clinton l'l\5JioPopieroll ; U ,
Gje [ , Langdon O H , 7e.
DENIMS Net Amoskeag , 0 oz , 10Jc ; York
camlet , 12e ; Kverett. standard , 12'ic ' ; Hay-
maker's , 7'Jc ; Old Vork , XX , lOtfc ; Lawrence ,
220.12J4.c ; L.inronce , Ooz , 15ic ! ; fancy stripes
and checks , lliif.
CaTTONAiiES-York , nrnkln. lO'/ic ' ; Kvorctt ,
8oz , 18c ; Lowlstoii , 10 07,22i c ; WorUlngnian ,
On Iloard Cars nt Omaha Anthracite-
Chestnut , range and egg. l SS per ton ; grate ,
S3O'J. Soft coal Walnut , block , $3'5 ; lena
lump. { .1.00 ; Iowa nut. { ,1.00.
Paints anil Oils.
LEAH WHITE IN Ou.-Curtcr. In 500-lb lots ,
$7.50 ; In lOX-lb ) lots , per cwt. $7.80 ; Southern
Co. St. Louis , In 500-lb lots , 87.50 ; In ] , noO-lb
lots , per cwt , $7.20 ; Ked Soil : , St. l.onls. lu 500-lb
lots , * 7.50 ; In 1,000-lb lots , pet cwt , S7.-U
WHITE Uiiv Glider's Avhltiug. per Ib , ! > { o ;
Coinnirrclnl Whltlntr , per Ib , lo ; Kugllsli O. H.
Paris Whllo , perlb. Pic.
HED Duv American Venetian red , lc ! ! ;
Chattanooga * 2c ; Kngllsh Venetian , barrel 3.I1)
Ibs , 8H i Indian , No. 1,12c ; Tuscan , English ,
" '
YKM-'owR-Chromo yellow , 0 to lOc : ocher ,
liocholle , 2Uc : ocher , washed Dutch , 4c ; ocher ,
washed l''ionch.2ic. ' !
PUTTV Pure , In bairels , kegs and tubs , 2c ! ;
In bladders. 2/o ; luftO-lb tins , 2Uc.
VuiiETAiir.r OILS Linseed , domestic raw , In
barrels , per gallon , l > 2o ; linseed , domestlo
boiled , lu barrels , per gallon , 05c.
ANIMAL AND 1'im Oir.s Whale , bleached
winter , per gallon , 55c ; whale , extra bleached
wlnter,00c ; sperm , bleached winter , { 1,00.
KNOIXK OILS Diamond crescent onglnooll ,
per gallon , 40c ; perfection engine oil , 5uo ; ster
ling onglnooll , 45o ; Hercules engine oil. Me.
VARNISHES furniture , No. 1. UOo : furniture ,
extra , (1.00 ; conch , No. 1. $1.10 ; coach , oxtrn ,
$1.20 ; hard oil linlsh , light , $1,20.
SHlNO-n , $22.00 ; 11 , $3).50 ; O , J16.00 : D , J13.00 ;
rLOOiHNfi Whlto pine AandU , $ . ' -.1.00 ; 1) .
$2I..0 ; 0 , J27.00 ; U $17.M.
CEILINO No. 1 white. U In , 31,50 ; No. 1 hard
plno , V In. 445.50 ; No. 1 hnrd pine , % In , J2I.OO ;
ya.l hard pine. , ' ln , $ 'J.LO.
STOCK UOAHUS-A and U , 12 In , $12.00 ; D , 12
in. $27.00.
OUOOVKD RoonNO No. 1 common whlto
pine , 12,14 and 111 ft , (19.00 ; No. 1 common Y
pine. 1 ! , 14 and 10 ft , $48.00.
" '
18 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 , tt 20 ft 22 ft 84 ft
2x4.$15 00 $15 03 $15 00 $10 03 $10 00 * 17 50 $18 L.
2\ll. . 1500 1500 1500 IB 00 1000 1H 00 1850
2x8. . 1500 1500 1500 lOlOO 1000 18 01 IK 50
2x10. U 00 15 OJ 15 00 IU 00 10 (10 ( 18 (10 ( 18 50
2vl8. 10 00 10 00 10 00 IU 00 17 00 19 00 10 00
X8x8 1C 00 10 00 10 00 17 60 18 00 10 00 SO 00
HOAHPS No. 1 eoni HO.TO ; No. 2 com , $17,1,0 ;
No. 3 com. II5.00 ; No. 4 com(12.50.
Hlili'LAl1 No. 1 plain,8 and 10 Inch , JI8.00 :
No 2 plain. 8 and 10 lnchJlo.OO ; No. 3 plain , B
und 10 Inch , $15 00 ; O , U,18 Inch , KXtdlOc.
UATTKNtl , WKLT/rUIIIMU'lCKnT.S O , G. bats ,
2',1-ln , 75uj > J.x3 SIH , Me ; jl-tn well tubing. D. k
M. nnd Uov. , $23.00 ; plckoli.p. fc , H. flatfi-.OO ;
POM/AH Clear , 1-ln , all widths , $33.50 ; clear ,
} J-ln.all widths , $ Jft50. 7
Y. PINK I'LooiiiNO Cloar/4 / nnd 0 Inoh.SSi.SO ;
star , 4 and 0 Inch1.00rift : mined , WM extra.
1'iNiHiiiNd VKI.I.OW PiNK-Olcar.l Inch.t20,00 ;
IU , li ! and 9Inch , $ -7.00UtHr ; , 1 Inch , $24,00.
HIII.MII.KH , LATH Kxtr XAX.$2.75 : standard
XAX , $ . ' .00:0-111 : , $2.20 } 6-n. | $2.00 ; No. 1 , $1.20i
cedar , XAX. $2.75 : lath , WS.
POSTS Whlto Codar-0-ln , 5J8 , I2c ! { ; 0-ln ,
fifir , J''c ; QH-ln. US , lie ; 8-In , Oc ; 4 to 5luround ,
Uiooalc } ; , split , Do : red cedar , lie.
Hush , 55 per cent ; doors , 45 per cent ; blinds ,
45 per cent ; mouldings , 45 per cent ; straw
board , $ I.'tO ; tarbo.ird , tl.OO ; tar felt , $ . ' .40 ,
STOCK ItoAHDS No , 1 common , 18 and II ft ,
$20.00 ; 10 ft , $10.00 ; No , 2 common. 12 and 14 ft ,
$18.00 ; 10 ft , $17.00.
FINISHING WIIITB PINE 1st and Sd clear. 1
In. , $50.00 ; U | , 1'i and 2 In , I50.CO : 3d clear , 1 In ,
945.00 ; IU , IU and 2 In , (10.00 ; A select. 1 In ,
$ r > .00 ; 1U.l } and 2 In , $42.00 ; II select , 1 In
W.OO ; Hi , 1) ) { and 8 in , t30.W | 0 select , 1 In !
( > IO.OO *
I'KNClNa-Whlto Pine No. 3 , 4 and 0 In , 1 !
and 14 ft , $10.50 ; No. 4 and 0 In. 13 and 14 ft
$14.00 ; No. 2,4 nnd 0 In , 1(1 ( ft , $1(1.50 ; No. 3 , i ant
0 lu , In all lengths , (18.00.
Lime , Cement , Ktc.
On board oars at Omaha Per bbl As ih
Orovollmo , DOe ; Champion lime , K5oi Qulnoj >
white , BO ; Loulsrlllo cement , (1.5U ; Mllwuukec
cement , $1.45 ; Utlcn , cement , $1.40 ; Kngllsl h
Portland cement. M,45 : Now York plaster
ti.25 ; Allchlgau piaster , fS.OOi Tort Dodge plau
ter , $ l,75 | whlto anil , U00 | P. P. hair per ,
bale , ll.Od. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IIUlc , Tnllows , Ktc.
Hinrj ANiil'Er.TS-Oreou salted hldo , No. 1 ,
r > " { e ; No. 2 , 4Uc ; dry Hint hides 7H i8fl | calf
liMe , 8U9c ; ilainngod hides , 1'Jo les.ii sheep
pelts , ptcrn. each , 3.V3tl.2. > ! sheep pulls dry ,
per Ib , lOttllc ,
TAW.OW A No. 1 , 4 , { ci No. 1 , IMj4o : proase
wliltoi : ! > i < f4oi yoltow , 2'ido ' ; stourlno , fl'ie.
lloxrs Viiotatlons are for delivery In Chicago
cage Dry bulTalo , per ton , llO.OOaib.W ! dry
country , bleached , (10.00ZJ 13,00 ; country , damp
and meaty , ( j.OQ-310.00. _
Kt , WIIIB NAH.S liaso K.65stool nails ,
. .
TIN PI.ATF.-T. 0. . 10x24 , $7,50 ; I. X. ,
$9.25 ; coke. 4X120 , 112 , $ ( I.7J.
ItoKriNn-Charcoul , 1. 0. , 14x20 , 112. $0,00i I ,
X.$7.W ,
HiiKirr Iuoo-No.20 , $ i.M : No. 27 , ( .1.00.
Hoi.iiHt Htrlctlvhalf and half , lOVio.
Coi'pKit Planished boiler sizes. 3to per lh ;
cold rolled , Wu perlb ; sheeting , 28c pcrlb ; pit
and Hats , 3Uopor Ib.
WIHF.-.IUP , barb. $ .1.23 ; cal. , (3.S5.
HI.OCK TiN-Small pig , aOo per Ib. , bar , 80o
perlb , SHEET TIION Discount 50-10 per
cent ; pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 21 and 27 A , 10ie ! ; 1) ) ,
Trade UoHSlp.
Too much poultry ,
Weather too warm for trade ,
Wall street's financial troubles not over.
The butter market has bcon onslng olt dur
ing the past few days on account of the In
creased receipts ami quotations are now l2o
lower per Ib. thnn a week tigo ,
licet sugar niuklug fever Is prevailing hi
Norway and Sweden ; In the latter the exist
ing rcllnory has clven satisfactory results. If
oilier beet Mtgar factories nro built , as con
templated , ( hey will continue to Introduce
dlveJslllcd Industries , so uecdcil In
these northern climes.
Uoforrlng to the Cullfornln oringo crop , a
largo lnipor writes n patron of the Now
York lliillelln under recent date as follows :
"Tho orange crop promises to bo voiy good ,
csucclally tlio seedling * . The crop win ripen
about us early us It did last year , unk'ss the
next tno months should be damp and cold. "
lion 11. Ilrynn received advlees from the east
Indicating Unit the financial outlook In both
Now York and London ls\orv sorlous. Ills
correspondent , one of the oldest nnd best In
formed brokers In the country , expresses a
( Inuhtnsto Jlarlng lirotbursof London being
carried over the crisis by the Uaiik of Eng
Whllo the wcuther remains so mild there Is
considerable danger connected with the ship-
mentof piTlihable produce. On Saturday the
receipts of diossed poultry nero very heavy
end In excess of the demand so that doaleis
wcro compelled to catrv i or n considerable
auuntlty. As tncrovtHstlll more than Jloii-
ay'H demand could take care of some of It
will bo a total loss. This may Forvo to caution
shippers ngalnst rushing lu too much poultry
for Thanksgiving day
Our Vast Internal Commerce.
Stiitlsticd of foreign Irmlo are easily
obtainable , but it is moro dilHcuU matter -
tor to estimate the volume of a great na
tion's domestic commerce , u nil hence it
happens in every country that its homo
trade is not appreciated as it ought to bo ,
bays the Boston Journjil , Pnrlieulurly Is
it true ol the United States of America.
A correspondent of the Tribune presents
some striking illustrations of the enor
mous value of the homo trade of our
land. In iaS9 , according to Henry V.
Poor , author of the Railway Manual , the
railroads of the United States carried
019,137,237 tons of freight. Deducing 23
per cent for duplication this loaves 40S- ,
352,928 tons of morchundiso. At uu average -
orago of 830 per ton this morolwndiho
would reach the enormous value of $13-
930fS7,840. That tulces no account of
the hugo amount of water bonio freight
on our lakes and rivers , or of other
methods of domestic transportation and
thus gives only un inade
quate idqa of the real di
mensions of our domestic com
merce. The aggregate imports in 1888
of Great Brit-iin , Franco , Germany , Rus
sia , Austro-Hungury , Spain , Belgium ,
Portugal , Italy , Turkey , Switzerland ,
Denmark , Greece , Norway and Sweden
nnd the Netherlands wore $0,171,735-
043. Adding to this the imports of .Mex
ice , Bolivia , Bra/.ll , Chill , China , Japan ,
Ecuador , PiirngmiyUi > nguayV'Qiiouola ! ,
Pent , Guatemala , Uoroa , Hayti , Hawaii ,
Morocco and Nicaragua ( $538,742,7GGwo )
have a total of $0,710,408,409 as the value
of the "markets of the world. " Deduct
ing from this our own exports to these
countries , which amount to about $000-
000,000 , wo have a balance of $0,050,408-
409 , or liboub 45 per cent of that portion
of our domestic commerce ! that is carried
on the railroads of the United States.
Here is another fact that patriotic
Americans will make n note of a single
ono of our trunk lines , the Pennsylvania
railroad , moved on its system west of
Philadelphia hibt year merchandise that
in value amounted to more than double
the whole exports of England. Verily ,
Americans are justified in boasting that
theirs is a great country.
Heavy Ore Shipments.
During the beason of890 the ore ship
ping business of the ranges in Wiscon
sin , Minnesota and Michigan , the
Gogohic , iMiirquelto , Mononunco and
Vermilion ranges , will represent figures
unprecedented in the history of the
mining business. Up to November 1
there hud been shipped from the ranges
mentioned several hundred thousand
over 7,000,000 tons ns against 7,500,000
for the entire season of 1889. Before the
close of the present shipping season ,
which lasts amomhlongertho grand to
tal for this season will reach over 8,000-
000 tons. This ore is valued at from
$3.50 to $0 per ton to shippers , according
to quality. The probable total of 8,000-
000 is exclusive of ere received and
manufactured at Bay View , and other
mills. The largest shipments from anyone
ono mine como from the Norris. Up to
October 1 over 900,000 tons alone wore
shipped from this mine and the owners
say it will reach over 1,000,000 tons before
fore the season's closo. This will bo the
largest shipment from any single mine
in the world in the same time.
Dr. F. C. Werner's
Arc Highly ro coin mended after soyon
yenrs of successful experience by tlio
eolo mnnufacturord ,
Dreibus& Co.
Kopp , . ,
1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold everywhere , 5o per packtigo.
Send for samples.
National Bank
Capital - - - - $40OOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O B7.0OO
OBc rand Dlreotori'-Uenrj W. Tatci , President )
t wUB. B d , Vloa-Freildent ; Jarnts W. Sarage , W.
T7Wor , JohaS. Collins , It C. Ouibla ( , J. M. K
Pkblok , W. U. B , Uughes , caiuler.
Corner 12th and Faraara Sts.
A General Banking Dmlnen TrumacteJ.
Eye and Ear ,
Birkern lock. IHh nnJ Knrrnn. Toleohon l
Charming Winter Resort in the Highland !
HuntsvillcHotcl.Substantial.Elcgant.New . . .
, 1IA.HVKY 8 , DKNI30N , Manager.
- DVIION i % JHCN1BON , Aiilitanb
Wolf Electrical Oa.
Illiutrnted Catalogue
IOU Cnplto Avenue.
Parlin , OrendorfF & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo , , General western ngcnt
Corner Jones and 9th sts. SLnndla 1'low Co ,
Omnhn , Neb. lSta-1351 Shormnn re.
Broken Bow Roller E. T. Davis Mill Co. ,
Milling Co. . Ml ntSt. Joseph.
Ofllcoand wnrchonso , Omnhn lloiino ,
1012 N. IClh street. Cor. Sthaml Jnckxon sts.
S. F. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp ,
M'f'K of rondy to rnlso
1011 N' . ICth street. blip Jack Meal , Ilnest
rakcx In tlio norld ,
C. K. lllnek , - MnnnRor. 1.W-12I5 8. JOth street.
Schneider & Loomis , J , T. Eobinsou Notion
Oo ,
Jobbers ami Importers of ,
Grnts' furnlshlnir rood ,
actions nnd f urnlshlng m'f'u oi'lubrated brand
goods , "llucktkln" ovoralla ,
pantx , hlr t , conn , oto.
llll Howard street. Cor. U'th und Howard nts.
Kennard Glass and J. A , Puller & Oo , ,
Faint Oo , ,
H02 Dougliii Street ,
M03-IH'-1 llarnoy street.
Omaha , Neb. Omaha.
William Oumraiugs , Blako. Bruce & Oo. ,
CITnudClO aouthlClhSt , H W-'J03 I-cavcnirorth st.
Omnhn , Neb. OmHlin , Neb.
Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Eaapke ,
703-711 S. I0th street , ICJ3-K01 Harnoy street ,
Onmba , Neb. Omnha , Nob.
D. M. Steele & Oo , , Sloan , John'on & Oo ,
1201-1203 Jones itrect , Qth und IxMTCnwortli
street * ,
Omaha , Nob. Omnliu , Neb ,
Allen Bros , , McOonl , Brady & Oo , ,
Hit HnrncT street , I3th and I.cnvcnwortli ,
Omaha , Neb , Omnlio , Nebraska.
Hugh Q. Olark.
Dupont'sUunpowder ,
lllaitlnu capB , juio , cte.
1218 llarnor street.
Eeotor&WilhqlmyOo Lee-Olark - Andreeson
Cor. 10th and Jaiksou lit. Hardware Oo. ,
Omalm. IIOJ-IIIO llarnor itroet ,
Fruton & Vierllng Omaha Safe it Iron
IronWork ? , Works
Wroncht ami cunt Iron ,
bnlltllnit work , rnslnen , Mnnnf'rs Ore nnd burglar
hrnm work , irnnurnl Uroof ifiTnulujnll
fnnnitry , nmclilno nml work , Iron uliutters nnil
blnokmnltb work , U. 1 * . tire p cnpo , ( I , An-
llr.nmintlidt. drcon.lllbft JjcksoniU
Acme Iron and Wire Wilson & Drake ,
Works , M'fS tubulnr fluc , Or *
Iron , wire nml brn w'ki. boz bollcrn , tnnkn , tie.
RIJS. ICth utreot.
V , lloclil , - 1'roprlctor. IMtroo no I IPth iitrpct' .