Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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A Fashionable London Dressmaker is an
Awe-inspiring Individual ,
How ( lie Ittinlncnn Is Carried On In tlio
West Kml Tlic Toilets of Some
AVcll Known
A fnehlonnWo'London drcBsmnkor Is
nn awo-insplrlng Individual. Though
Bho bo not fenced with the divinity
thnt doth hcdgo ti queon-about , still
her jiruscnco uhnmbor is punrdcd by
hniss-buttonctl nnd meduled uniforms
qulto ns effectually ns it could ho by
lords or Indies In wnltinjf , writes n
London correspondent of the Now York
Commercial Advertiser. One wonders
If she graciously confers the "ontrco"
. for life , nnd If the privilege Is appre
ciated as nt court festivals. Her house
Is an Imposing ono. Nothing satisfies
her short of the host street In the west
end with nn cnrl for her neighbor on the
ono ono hand , the town house of a
'marquis ' on the other and a dowager
duchcKd across the , way. The luce hang
ings at her windows arc the costliest on
the block , nnd the grout blue and yellow
'aionco vases that adorn the balconies
the brightest.
When ono had run the gauntlet of her
bowing lackeys ono finds one's self In a
great oak-walnscotcd hall and wonders
nt the hardihood that can speak of mis
fits ton grand dnmo whoso feet pass
habitually up and down a stairway that
might htivo como out of a pnlaco , II
palaces were not nowadays loss gorgeous
than private mansions. Up stairs ono
Is ushered into n daintily fitted gallery
with pale pink hangings , whore etch
ings , line old prints and water colors
have been colltotcd , quaintly illustrat
ing women's dross for many centuries.
Beyond tills opens a vlssa of reception
nnd drawing rooms , with great
mirrors nnd luxuriously stately
furnishings. In the distance one
BCCS as in a picture ono of Du Man-
rier's tall , square-shouldered British
matrons erect on a sofa inspecting , ns n
colonel , his regiment , a parade of triers-
on showing off now gowns.
The trier-oil is quite a British institu
tion. On a bright afternoon , when the
street is lined with carriages , it gives
ono an odd sensation to pass through
apartment after apartment whorogroim-
dlor-liko customers , stiflly straight
against the walls , sit watching in stony
silence , while , shutout from the world
by drawn curtains and lighted candles ,
ball dresses and tea robes and reception
gowns andovoii bridal fineries go bowing
and courtcsying and waving feather fans !
the young persons who become for the
moment their animating spirits rehears'
ing to the very Hfo thocomody of fash
lonablo society before a select audience
of fashionables. Ono wonders often thai
the caricatured do not catch the joke ol
the caricature.
The 'dressmaker herself is not often
visible except by special appointment ,
Bho receives , these to whom she gives
audiences in a pink and gold boudoir
whore llounccs of crone nnd fringes o
chenille are discussed as gravely as i :
they were matters of state policy , ant
where ono first appreciates tlio homage
duo the prime mlnistross of clothes. I
was In ono of these humdrously forma'
millinery courts that I inspected i
dinner robe of lettuce-colored volvo
ordered for her majesty's fleshy cousin
the duchess of Tcclc , who must bo a :
good natured us she isunwioldly to hnvi
BulTored any costumer living to persuade
her that panlers of salmon pink salii
could , by any possibility , bo becoming
additions to nor already ample proper
tions. Unco fabuln docot that roynlt ;
IB not apt to dress as well as ether people'
Much prettier nnd more intorcstliif
was a gown for ono of the most ponula
of London society women , the Lad ;
Dorothy Novill , , whoso portrait by Mr
Watts , the royal academician , has boci
discovered by partial friends to rcsom
bio Leonardo da Vinci's famous "Mom
Lisa" in thoLourvo , with the result tlin
wherever Lady Dorothy goes she invar
iably dresses , herself in old-fnshlonci
brocades , Inc'o caps and flschus , till on <
is supposed to find her like , not ono eli
iptcturo necessarily , but a composite pho
tograph of old world bcnuties stoppoi
from their frames. Lady Dorothy 1
really pretty , and the frock in qucstio
was 11 quaint design in mushroom col
ored cloth , with a narrow rufilo running
about the bodice at the height of th
shoulders , increasing their width In
mnnnor possible only to n trim , Blonde
woman. Loose folds of bonvor coloro
velvet filled In the neck , nnd the accoir
panylng hat was a large poke felt hoav
with plumes.
Lady Colin Campbell dresses wel
though usually In a way to bo marked n
nn exclamation point amid qulote
periods and semicolons. At the Arl
and Crafts exhibition ono evening sh
was In dark smoke gray , with thrci
quarter length coat cut out In scalla )
nnd embroidered in gold over a brillliu
vest of flu mo colored silk ; orange nn
flame colored pompons blazing in he
gray felt hnt with Its broad eaves con
ing down on both sides. The grny clot
skirt of her costume was scalloped llli
the coat , over rallies of ilaino colorc
The Misses Hopworth Dixon are m
tlcoablo figures drosTed alike , always 1
qtilot colors , yet always richly. I note
thorn at the Somervlllo club in brow
tweeds flocked with terra cotta. PC
' neighbors they had n daughter of tl :
Into Cnnon Kingsloy , who holds n <
vunccd views on the woman quostloi
but wears u yellow cloth capo with grci
box-plaited n ills , of black velvet uboi
the throat as becomingly as if she didn
and the Daroncss Burdott-Coutts dor
up in u long cloak of gray green an
salmon ,
There was a chrysanthemum show
few days ago , at which tlio hats nr
muffs of the smart visitors were moi
more noticeable than the chrysnnth
' mums. Miss Mary Morris , a dnughti
of William Morris , the poot-artls
socialist , had perhaps the most ch
. hat nnd muff combination. Her h
was whlto velvet , with ono
the peculiarly audacious birds
the present season pecking nor for
head , while his tall was stuck up In tl
air. The bird , I may say , was blue
and his mute was perched at n short dl
t'nnco , looking on * Into space bohin
Tlio mufT was of whlto velvet , wltliban
of sable , n knot of black ostrich feat
ore , a bird nnd n neck sling o ( black rl
bon. Rivalling Miss Morris1 muff w
another made of cloth ol the color
wash-leather. A knot of black nstra
hau on the fildo of It was thrust throiij
with two great jot daggers. The nu
Vront with a Dick Whlttlngton hat
the s\ino color. The hat , like the mu
wnp edged with astrakhan nnd n dngg
protruded from a knot of ostrich feat
urs , though fortunately for the mini
pence of the onlooker it threatened bac
ward and not forward ]
I htivo been a number of ovenl
dresses within a day or two , n. few of
which may bo worth description. A
roso-colorod crepe for u brunette of
stately carriage , pretty face and pictur
esque locks' is laid in front In nccordlon
plnlts and ombroldorcd In straggling
llowor sprays In gold. At the bottom of
the skirt Is n deep ruche fastened here
nnd there with antique pins of precious
stones. Thcro Is a train ot gold-colored
silk caught together at the back with
bunches of pink roses. Roses are worn
at the bosom and the shoves are crepe
with oversleeves. As usunl , some of the
finest dresses are for Amerlcnns. For
Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes Is n dinner
dress of crimson silk ornamented with
whlto satin bands flowered with gold.
The corsage is cut in a V , edged with a
wldo chenille fringe In whllo
nnd gold. The sleeves reach
the elbows and nro supple
mented by fringe deep enough to hide
Iho rings on the wearer's hands. A
dnncing dross of pulo blue gauze do solo
Is simple nnd very tasteful with long
sleeves of white crepe embroidered with
whlto on whlto most daintily , and deep
falling neck rufllo of the snmo filmy ma
terial. Ribbons of dark blue velvet drop
from the waist to the hem of the skirt ,
nnd tire caught at the bottom by rosette -
sotto hows. Ono of Mrs. Lnngtry's lat
est achievements Is a poarl-colorod slllc ,
with rose colored silk train. The low
cut corsage is filled in partially on ono
side with whlto lace nnd on the ether
shoulder nods , a bunch of rose colored
ostrich feathers. The skirt Is edged
with a deep lace llounco , looped with
pink ostrich feathers.
Economy : " 100 doies for ono dollar. "
Merit : "I'ecullar to itself. "
Purity : Hood's ' Sarsaparilla.
A Ijlttlo Town Whoso Population la
Devoted to the Gninc.
A rather unusual feature in rural llfo
appears to exist in n Httlo Gorman vil
lage that nestles In the bosom of the fa
mous HarU mountains , says the Leeds
Morcury. Llfo must flow on very peace
fully in Strobeck , for the principal busi
ness of the whole population , from the
children at scliool to the august digni
taries of the district , is the playing of
the ancient nnd royal game of chess.
This has been the case for centuries.
As soon as they are old enough to un
derstand the moves , the boys and girls
of this Idyllic village are taught the
laws and ordinances of the game , and
are initialed into the mysteries of the
knight's move and the advantages of
early castling. Every Easter the chil
dren are solemnly gathered together to
display their skill In the presence of the
pastor , the school teachers and the vil
lage authorities , and the three boys and
three pirls most proficient each receive
a chess board inscribed with the words ,
"A Howard for Perseverance. "
The very title of the village inn In-
vltos strangers to a friendly game : but
woo bo to the unwary tourist who ac
cepts the challenge sure to bo given
him utter and ignominious defeat is
commonly his portion and ho rises from
this exceptional house of entertainment ,
a sadder but wiser man. If ho has fan
cied himself , as chess-players sometimes
do , ho may possibly fcol a little aston
ished at having been beaten in n coun
try village , but a glance at the weather
cock that ornaments the church may
suggest nn explanation , for ho will perceive -
coivo that what ought to represent n
bird boars a strange resemblance to the
board with many squares on which ho
has just sultored defeat , and it will
dawn upon him that ho is in a land sac
red to his favorite game , in which it Is
no disgrace to bo beaten.
A Card.
From this dnto Omaha's growth will
bo unprecedented. Capital will seek
investment in real estate from all parts
of the country. Omaha Is the only city
that wont through a real estnto depres
sion without a crash and property which
had a commercial value at the end ol
the boom thrco years ago has steadily
Wo deem It advisable at this time to
caution the public against mushroom in
vestments. Secure good property with
in your moans from reliable firms and
unquestionable title.
Feeling satisfied thnt prohibition
would bo defeated when voted upon , we
purchased a largo amount of property nt
Albright and are now prepared to offoi
a limited number of cnoico bargains ir
" ' Choice" addition
"Albright's on ousj
621 , 623 , 623 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.
The Ancestry of Gladstone.
Mr. Gladstone's recent political ton :
in Scotland has been heralded by th <
of " 'Mr. Gladstone In Scot
md , " in which the editor of thoScottisl
Loader gives sorao Interesting particu
larswith illustrations , of the early homo :
of the Gladstones at Arthurshlol , Lan
arkshiro. The ancestral farm-house
like that of the Cecils on the Wolsl
border , ic'stlll standing. "Tho building
still used as the farmer's dwelling housi
is the veritable abode of the last'lord o
Arthurshlol , the direct ancostoi
of the statesman. 'Tho walls were certainly
tainly not built this sldo of the seventeenth
toonth century : the thatched roof nov
resting on supports so feeble that ropni
has become dangerous , if not Impossible
the wrought stones in the doorway ; tin
uneconomic layout of the buildings'
these mark the original tenements of tin
estate which the succeeding proprietors
for ono or ether reason , have pormittci
to ignobly survive. " The same writoi
gives the following pedigree of the Glcd
stanos In times more remote than tlmto
the Biggnr matter , who is generally re
garded nstho founder of the family. Th
following members of the Arthurshic
branch of the Glcdstanos occupied th
ostnto In succession : William , who dioi
previous to 1505 ; George , who died previous
vious to lC2i ; ; William , who witnessed :
tack , dated Juno 0,1011 , and is suppose' '
to have died previous to the year IGOi
nnd John , who sold the estate to Join
Brown of Edmonston nnd died about th
yonr 1080. It was William , the Bon c
the last named laird , a landless Gloc
atunoo , who carried on the business c
malting in Biggnr , and had his bones ir
torred In the family burying ground c
Ubberton In 1728.
Tlio Intornntlo'ial Hallway.
A man showing the proposov route
for tlio intercontinental railway is pul
lishod In a recent number of the Eng
neoring news. In South America fou
lines have boon suggested : the Intorlo
route , the line along the eastern clopo <
the Andes , the central plateau routs an
the coast route. The next to the last :
the most Icaslblo and opens up the moi
desirable country. The line from th
southern terminus of Mexican railway
to the Argentine system would bo abet
4,000 mllcsMong. Of this 230 miles coi
Bist of roads already built. There ai
1,800 miles more under construction , i
that only 2,870 miles remain to bo bull
) f | English Emigration ,
f , During the first nlno months of tl
> r year 241,45(3 ( emigrants loft England , i
cSmparod with 5182,870 during the co
's responding months of last year , The
chnvo boon only t > lit48 Irish emigrants i
Ugnlnst 60.044 during the same period
18 SO.
The famous Dlxoy girls , forty In nutnbor ,
form ono of the most Important features lu
the performances to be ln Thursday ovijntng
nt Bojrd's. Another sterling feature Is the
Clipper quartette , whoio vocal mtialc has re
ceived marked commendation front the press.
Altogether , the compnuy now traveling with
Henry 13. Dixoy may Justly bo considered the
best ho has ever had with him.
Figlitlni ; by Muohlnory.
It Is becoming more nnd moro nppar
ont that the battles of the future , whether
on land or sen , will bo largely contests of
machines with machines , says the Amer
ican Mechanic. The development of
modern weapons has gene on at such a
pace thnt It seems not unreasonable to
predict that before long what will bo re
quired of men who light battles will bo ,
moro than anything else , n thorough
knowledge of mechanism' In short , there
will bo to a great extent mechanics and
engineers , Already the modern naval
vessel hns become what may bo called
simply a fighting machine , all Its space
not required for the men and olllcors
being taken up with Intricate and com
plicated machinery for doing tilings
which In tlio old days were done by Iho
mon , or loft undone.
Indeed , the modern war ship has
grown so complicated and done It so
rapidly that U Is said many of the older
onlcors of the navy are mooting , with
considerable dlfllculty In keeping nljronst
of the improvements ana thai the
younger men , fresh from the study of
science , and with moro ambition to spur
thorn on to further study , are coming
rapidly to the front in consequence. It
scorns that future naval victories nro to
bo won , not by the side thnt has the
strongest and bravest men necessarily ,
but by the side which has Its mon best
protected from the machines of the
enemy , and Is itself provided with supe
rior machines. All this , of course , will
Inevitably bring moro nnd moro Into
prominence the machinist nnd engineer ,
nnd it is beginning to bo recognized that
some nddltlonal olTort must Ijo made to
secure the best of both on war vossols.
Clipped from Canada Presbyterian , undo
signature ot C. Dlackott Koblnson , Pr op. :
was cured of oft recurring bilious li eadacho
by Burdock blood blttors.
i * .
Worked tlio Boys.
Ono of the policemen of tlio Oak street
station house Indulged In a rare piece of
generalship on the afternoon of election
day , says tlio Now York Times. Ho had
a lot ol bonfires to look after , nnd so
numerous were the street conflagrations
that they had become a great nuisance
nnd moro or less of n menace to neigh
boring property. In some way or other
the boys of the district , big and little ,
had captured some good-sized logs nnd
long planks for the celebration , rind in
several cases it bccamo necessary , as a
matter of common precaution , to put out
the llros. Now this policeman managed
to secure a length or two of hose
nnd a nozzlo. Hydrants were plenty
enough in the neighborhood , nnd in a
jiffy ono big blaze had been drowned out.
It was after this that the ofllcor's gener
alship showed itsolf. Ho organized a
sort of fire company among the small
boys who had followed him , and recruits ,
cnino pouring in. A boy could start a
fire any day , but to play at being a fire
man such n chance came very rarely.
In very short order the wise policemnn
was marching about hunttilg up fires ,
whllo two or three score youths followed
him , struggling for the honor of carry-
incr the hose and perhaps holding it
wlion n fire was belli * played on. It
was great fun for the boys and n scheme
for the policeman. The hose leaked ,
but ho didn't got wot.
All Music at Half Price.
6,000 pieces only lOo a copy nt Mel n
berg's , 10th st. bet. Capital ave &Dodgo.
A Poctio Hurlnl.
The sons of Jnraos S. Gordon , a jour
nalist and politician of this city , who
died in Now York a year ago , have just
completed a strange charge laid upon
them by their dying father , says a
Cincinnati dispatch to the Now York
Ills last wish was thnt his body should
bo cremated and the nihos bo brought
here nnd interred in the family lot at
Milfrcd , a Cincinnati suburb , nnd that n
young elm tree bo taken from the
yard of his childhood's happy
country homo nnd transplanted to
the sldo of the urn containing his ashes.
Ho was passionately fond of'naturo , and
in this way ho pleased himself with
thinking ho would live again , his ashes
nourishing the tree's now life.
This wish was fulfilled , his body being
cremated and the dust buried in the
family lot at Milford.
During the past wcok his sons Salono
and Jack Gordon wont out to the old
Gordon homestead overlooking the
Miami rlvor at Lomland , and selecting n
beautiful elm tree from the play ground
of their father's boyhood , took it te
Milford nnd planted it on his grave.-
How to save money is a problem that Inter
csts everybody. Ono way to do It is to in
vlgorato the system with Ayer's Sarsaparilln
Doing a highly concentrated blood medicine II
Is tuo most powerful and economical. It is
sold for a dollar a bottle , but worth 11 vo.
The Car Famine.
The periodical scarcity of cars whicl :
develops nearly every yonr nt uncertnlr
Intervals is occurring this season Ir
rather an aggravated form. From th <
coke regions of Pennsylvania comci
complaint of an unusual relief is ofTordei
Immediately it Is said that many milli
will bo compelled to bank their tires 01
temporarily shut down until the cargo ii
lifted. Unless nvortod , such a mlsfor
tune will also hnvo the olToct of raising
the price of iron and will work oinbar
rassment in every channel of trade.
Van Houtcn's Cocoa "Best and ROC ;
farthest. "
Silk From 1'npcr Pulp.
Silk from paper pulk is raado Bmootl
and brilliant , has about the same olas
tlcity ns ordinary silk , and is about two
thirds as strong.
A capital of nbout $22,000,000 Is said to unvi
been ralsSd for carrying out tho. plan of mnki
ing Paris a port by canalizing the Scino si
tliut ships may proceed from Havre. Anotb
project la for constructing n canal to connect
the Mediterranean with the Day of Biscay
With His Thumb ,
A boy Is SAM to lime saved the NcllicrlmuLs
from tnumlatloius Multitude ) linvo been
saved from tlid Inmlon of diseaseby a
bottleof Acr' ) sarsiparllli. ; Tills meUldno
Imparts tone to tlln 9) ) stem nnd strengthens
every organ ami mne of the body.
" 1 liava tnkoma great deal of medicine ,
but nothing liMuieno mo so much good as
Ayer's Hampnrlllik I experienced Its bene
ficial effect ) before I had quite finished otio
bottle , nnil I cail freely testify that It Is the
best blood rncdlalno I know of. " L. W.
Ward , sr. , WootllaUd , TexM.
"Confined to nn office , as I nm , from ono
year's cml to nntither , with lltllo or no out
door exercise , I nnd great help In Aycr's
SannnaiIlia , hlcli I ha\o used for several
) ears , mid am at present using , with excel
lent tcsults. It enables mo to keep atwuys
nt rny poit , enjoying the best of health. "
II. C. llaines , Maiden , Mass.
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla
ruerjutKt ) nr
DIl. 3. C. AYEII & CO , , Xowoll , M-B.
BolJty Urugglals. $ l , lx$5. Worth $5a bottle.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The moat widely and favorably known spoo-
fallals In the United States. Their long ox-
parlance , remarkable sUill nnd unlver-ml suc
cess In the trcutniont nnd cure of Nervous ,
Chronlo and Surgical Diseases , ontltlo thcso
eminent physicians to tlio full confidence of
the aRltptod everywhere. They guarantee :
the awful oirects of early vlco and the numer
ous ovlls that follow In its train ,
speedily , completely and permanently cured ,
OKDEK8 ylolU readily to their skillful treat
guaranteed cured without pain or detention
from bualnosi.
nently and successfully cured In nvory caao.
matorrhea , Boir.lnnl Weakness , IiOstManhood ,
Night Emissions , Decayed Faculties , I'cmnlo
Weakness and all delicate disorders peculiar
to either > ox positively cured , ns wolliuinll
functional disorders that result from youth
ful follies or tlio excess of mature years.
'sTRIPTIIRI * Cl'-intcod permanently
Ol 111 UI\LI cured , remotal couinlcto ,
without outtlnir. caustlo or dilatation. Cures
affected at homo by patlunt without a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A I1TP rIIll The awful effects of
GUl\Li * - > UiVL < early vlco which brings
orcanlo weaknena , dostroylns both mind and
body , with all Its droadcd ills , pormauonty
Tl R < RFTT1 Adircsj those who have 1m-
US\.O. DL , L IO paired themselves by Im
proper Indulgences and solitary hiblts , which
ruin both mind nnd body , unfitting them for
' business , study or marriage.
MAHKIED MEN or these entering on that
happy llfo , aware ol physical debility , quickly
assisted. .
' ' . ( OUK STTCOH33
Is baied upon facts. First Praotloal experi
ence. Hecond Every case Is specially atudlod ,
thus starting right. Thlrd-Modlolncs are
prepared in our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus effecting cures without injury ,
Drs , Betts & Betts ,
" SAN ATI VO , " the
Wonderful Spanlih
Itcraedy , caict all
Nenous Olteaieg ,
such as Week Mem
ory , LOBB of Brnln
Power , Headnchc ,
Wnkcfiilnepj , Loel
. Manhood , Ner\ouB-
kfter Use. uces , T-nesltudc , all
_ . I from Life. drnlns aud lues ol
power of the Ocncrnthe Oreatu , In cither ser ,
caused by over-exertion , youthful Indlicret'ons ' , 01
the executive me of tobacco .opium , or Btlranla.Ue ,
which ultimately lead to Infirmity , Consumption
and Insanity. Put nn In convenient form to cnrrv ,
In the veet pocket. Price 81 a package , or 0 for 85
Sent by mail to nny address. Circular free , lien
tlon this rnpcr. Addros
HADBIDCIIIIIICILCO. , 117 OotrtornSt. > ClilcaeolIlL
Euhn & Co. , Cor. ISIh It , Doiulna filrcels.
J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. Htlifc Douxlaa Streets.
A. u , Foster & Co. . Council Illulli , Iowa ,
The Iirgeit EBlabllflhmentln tlio
World for the treatment of Hair
nud tcnln , Eczema , ilolcn , warts ,
-ujiertluom llnlr. Birthmark * ,
.Uotb.rrccUei.ttrinklti.ltrdNnie .
Keavtln , UilrSkln.Acnel'lmplei
HtacklicailJ , Harber'illeh , Beam ,
, rlttingiirowdtr JJtrka , Facial De
velopment , SunkenUhccxi , etc. Con-
iiltatlonfrfcntofflceorbylettcr. 1SH
book on all skin and scilp adrctloniand tuelt
treatmentftr.Ufnleilto any sddrrHforlOcta.
JOHN -iVOOIIIIUIlV , 1 > ermntuloEliO
IS.t AVo.t 4Sil St. . > c\v Ynt-k Cltv.
\ < H > l > KUltY'.H FACIAL , M AT lorU , * *
Skin nnil Drutjnirti or ly nuiit , flO nil ?
CaUloiut of Band Inilruntcti ,
llDlfotmi mnd l ulpmtnU.
tlntllluitnttoudncrllliiz i
article rnulttJ &T Band' "f p. " "
Cwjx.lniluJInj n l"H"e NiU-
rl&li. Trhnm nzs * ic.
Content Initnittloal for
JAmtUui lUcch , Ki ct ud Sulu.
; nnimJl * ! ' Tictk-k liy-Uni , nJ
ftlctltd 11.1 cl lUcd Umlc.
Absolute ! ; reliable , perfectly safe , most powerful fcnmla
regulator Known i never fatli Ja boi , noHlwild t ono 001
leut. mo o. A. r.
Karly Decay and Abm *
W IHB r * % iBpoi ncy. ton
hetlthrullr < itoMil.TlrlcKiUcDrid. ( Pirn HI IMI
itnnjthlDiiJ. N wHom Trutln i t fru and Kali
Hocreiy. 1'r.f. 11. B. liUTTtf , 1T1 Fu\tou \ 8br.
November 1 (
Production in
Omaln of 1
Conwdy-Dramaj GUNTEE'B Great ' i New York
Under themanaseraent of MR. FRANKS
BANQEH , of the Broadway Ttfoater , N. Y ,
Box sheet opens Saturday mornUic , a
regular prices.
Yhc f rand TONIGHT.
The Loudest Laugh of the Season
A Barrel of Money
Popular Prices.
WILL LAWM5II. Manager. Corner lllh nnd Fnrna
BtrcotiOojalu.VcelcofNuT.ntli. .
MATSAD.V 801IAKACI1I. TUB JA11nteatfI \ i
itrcnEth enduranceamlnkllL A KINO aFKKVd
A burloiqao farce coffcdy Interiperted with Iiritl
tiroecy , ( pntkllntf ons anil tfay , Jolly , rolllckli
ilnncoV. A lauKlintle , coiutc. witty , nanienilc
couaedr. ioln lwl with rulrlh nnd luunhU'r , CI1A
AND ANN IK WIIITNKV. VociUlil n < l Instruuiti
A few days ago about the big purchase of Overcoats our resident buyer in New York made.
There are more of these overcoats than we thought. Tliey keep on coming1 and we open
case after case every clay. There arc all kinds ordinary grades , medium grades , and goods Xr
fine enough for the best dressed man in Omaha , Overcoats for small men , for big men , foir
slim men , for fat men , for short men , for tall men every shape and style is here your size too
and you never will have an opportunity to buy your overcoat as cheap as you can 'do no\v
We call your attention to a few styles they are corkers
An lilegant All Wool A Splendid All Wool As Fine a
Mode with Inp seams , Farmer With hnndsomo heavy serge As nny man wants , colors
satin lining , satin sleeve lining , lining , very fine silk sleeve lining handsome drab , seams doubllj
fine velvet collar , they como in s Itchedsilk velvet collar , Unity
gray , ton nnd brown mixtures , ing , corded edge binding. Worth of nn extra quality fancy $ > lftl
and nro worth twelye dollars of la nny clothing house in America sorgo. A beautiful garment an
nny man's money. fully $1B.OO. ns good as any $20 coat.
ENGLISH BOX COATS. Here's where we catch the "tony" folks. We've got them
all sorts of goods , and all sorts of shades , as handsome a line as any house in the country ' '
ries. Prices $ 11.50 , $14.50 , $16 , $17.75 , $ iS.5o. 521.50 , $2 2'50 and a guaranty to saveyou
fivcjto ten big Americandollars goes with each coat. l"
Boys' Overcoats ? Ohj Yes ; hundreds of 'em , and cheaper than ever.
Nebraska Clothing Co.
Corner 14th and. Douglas Streets.
' . . ' . .
Open until flo'cloelc p. in. Suturdiiy's 10 p. m.
We carry the BIG STOCK of the west , quote Eastern prices and are
5OO miles nearer you than any other market. Correspondence * '
Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots.
' Good things soon find a
Therefore \ve need only
call your attention to our
assortment of
In Black Cheviots
and Fine Cassimeres.
Fabrics speak for them
selves and the excellence
the workmanship justifies
our unqualified recommen
dation of the garments for
style and finish and fair
prices , from $15 to $30.
"There is little to sew
where tailors are true ?
Ituillnr remedy tor ull Iho
unnaluial < 1l ch rge and
. A
tallnf weakiicci peculiar
In recoramerjillUB It to
Solil b
TlU *
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Screnlcen years' experience. A reiular cradunto In medicine , M diplomat iho w. It sttlloUtrlniiT ,
he greatest success nil Nerrous , Chronlo and L'rlvuta illsmiei. A permanent euro ffunrnnte a ror l/i rru .
pcrmntorrhumIxjatMunhoou , Senjlnal"oakue s , Nlulit I.oi < o , itnimteuor. Hjrphllli. Htrleturo , nnanll
jlecftstis of tno niooil. Skin nnd Urlnnrr Oraana. N. U. 1 irimratUeo & 3J for every uaio 1 uadartaka ami fill I
o cure. Consultation froe. Uook ( Myi'.crlni of Life ) lent fro * Offlco hours-'J ' a. ui. to 8 p. m. SunJaf ,
ui. to 11 m.
Solo Agent In Omaha forGorham Man
ufacturing1 Go's
Our Stock of Tine Goods is the
Largest and Our Prices the
Como nnd sco us.
Cor. Douglas & 15th St
Practice limited to
Rooms 316 to 320 Bee Bldg
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - ; Tailoring
busliicsiandlnvlleihls old friends nnd pat-
rom , uswull UK tlio Runoral publlU ) cull and
hiMicot lili ! new rttook odiupurtctl cd Uomoatlo
woolons. Uvory tlilnx Urst
ESTABLISHED 1874.- - 316S 15TH ST
FEMALE to dlj or Dion./ r i
null U 8 ourely iealed from ob
1303 Farnam
Olty Pasaentfor and Tlokot
To euro Dlllouineu. Sick Headache. Cnmllpatloifc
ftlalarlo. Liter Complaint * , Ukn Dm uafa ,
and certain remedy , SMITH'S j
U otheBMAM,8IZE(40 ( llttlo bcnnatofliaboU
tic ) . Thernro llio modconTcnlcnt : bUltaUns *
1'rlcoof either lie , 26 conU per Uittlo. .
If IRQIMO t 7. 17 , 70 : riioto-gmrurek
tVloailMU panelBUOoral * plctuo lX\
couU ( coppers or itainpe ) . _ .
J. F. SMITH & CO. . '
llikcnof "Illlo Ueuns. "Su Louli. Jto.
A TiiH Sot of Toetfc
. on Itultlior , for
A perfect flt Rimnntocd. Teeth oxtraotefl
without jialn or clnnipr.nnjl without iinuosJ
tliotlos. Gold and silver 1111 ngnut lowosl
rutes : IlrldRO nnd Crown Work. Tenth wttlii
oiitplatoi All work warranted.
Enlrarcp , IBIli street olovatoj Opeu ovC
until 6 o'ulo'-lc. '
It * U liven U A tup of ( Tea or tta , or la .
elc f food , wubout tli * knowlcdfft ol ta * Pilll'
neoiukrj. It li ib oiul ly hnnlM and will Bi
* pormmentand ip dr our * , wh lhir the
> mod rc drlak r or Q ilooholla n rente. I , ,
tTAILl. II opr > t 10 qulillr ° < i "lib fuob .
UintjtUat Iba piiKnt undarcoon no luoonT nl no |
na ere h ! > wire , lil > complclt rclorin > l o (4