Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A'DVnUTIBEMENTS for those columi trill
.A bo taken unit I 12:30 : i > . m. . for th evening
edition and until Bn : : p. m. , for th morning
edition nd Suxiur DKE
mnitMS Cash In adranco. ' I J' ' |
"rjATES AoTertli-ementaon thlrM "HI *
tlAcf'argcd for lit thoratoot M cent per word
for the Drat IrnerUon unil 1 nt per word ( of
&ch ubicqucnt insertion , and 11.60 per lln
per month. No ndrcrtltoment Ukon for
lfs < tlmii 21 cents for thu first Insertion.
TNITf ALS , figures , symbols , etc. , count each
JLnii ono word.
THESE ndTprtlspmonlri mint runconiccn-
lively nnd under no circumstances will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone ,
advertMnu In tlioio columni nnd
harlim their answer * nddrcsicd Ma "niim-
ber tl leltnr" In earn of TUB lies will rrculrs
i > numbered check to enable tliotn to get their
letters. Answers will bo delivered only on
jircHontntlonof tlifochrrK , Enclose nnjwen
In envelopes properly addressed.
nrtv < > rtl emrnts under the heal of
ALL NotlfPS" are published In both the
rnornln nndevcnlnKcdltlonsof TUB UKK. the
circulation of which aggregates inoro this
SM.OOO pipert Unlly. ami nlves the advertiser
tlio benefit not only of thnlnrce circulation ol
Vim IIKE In Omaha , but ulna In Council Illufffl ,
Lincoln nnd other cltlei nml towns Inthowntt
Advertising for the < o column ) will be taken
on Die nbovo conditions , nt tlio followirn bust *
BUS housci who nro authorized to take special
ziotlneft. at the same rates as can had at tua
rnnln nlllco.
2C2J N fiucot. Mster Illock.
OI1N W. HELL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
ft EDDY , Otatloneri and Frlntin ,
113 South ICth street. _
S II.VARNSWORTH , riiaroaolit , M15 Oum-
Ing street.
W J.niJOlIES , Pharmacist , 624 North 16th
G EO. W. PARR , I'liarmaolst , 1718 Leaven-
worth street.
TTUGHES'PHARMACY , 24th and Farnam.
Forratei , etc. , tee ( op of Jlrtt r/iliimn on thtu
cftOSITlON wanted bv experienced lady
JL bookkeeper. A1 references. Aildross Y
! , cato Ileo. MK2J-I8' '
f DrAIjE
fcrratei , etc. , tee lop of flrtl column on tlitt page.
An actlvo , honest m nn , H.ilary
$100 monthly If Hiiltiililn. with opportuni
ties for nil vanco. to represent locally a rospon-
Hlfolo New Vorlc house ; references , filanu-
fnctnror. lock lov ISSTi , Is. V.
\irANTRI > -A younc nmn to takocaro of n
f ' tciiin of horses and innko himself usuful
around the house. O. L. Erlckson , 200 N. ICthst ,
WANTED Tlry ftooUs salesman , nconipo-
tcnt anil experienced salcsniiui at once
In loading dry izoodi hoimo. Address , with
references , 0. A. Iloucln , Codnr Ituplds. la.
_ _ _
ENKUOKTIO and rollahlo local , spi-clal anil
ecneial aRnnts to ropri'scnt the Guaranty
IlulhlliiR and Loan association , ono of th old
est national associations. In America. Ilnii-
ness and reputation well established. Will
xnakii II lie nil contract with tnon ho have
ability nnd ambition to imikohometliln inoro
than iillvlnp. Insurnnco solicitors are very
suco ( > s < ifiil. nrsorlptlvo circulars srnt on np-
iillcatlon. Address Guaranty Itulldlni ; and
lionn association. Minneapolis , Minn. 87i-17 : *
\\T ANTED A hey to help In a balory. Cor.
> T Iliuiillloii and IN.-'ltliHl , _ KW-17J
"WT ANTED Men and women of ability In
every city , town and village to act ns
agents for the Lndlrs * Homo .Touinal. Via
want the best attainable olnss of iigonts nnd
to such unusual trrms will lie olTcrcd. The
Journal Is the hnndsomi > st periodical ( or la-
ales and t ho family over Issued , and has nearly
half a million Buhscrlhors. It will bo adver
tised the coming autumn and winter on a
larger scale than ever before , creating a do-
inniid that nzonts should bo ready to Mil.
Ourtla I'ulillBhlriK Oa. Philadelphia. BISH 27 *
" \/\7ANTHD / Snlesmea on salary or comnils-
' slon tohandlo thn now patent chemical
ink oraslng pencil. The greatest Helling nov
elty ever prodticod. Krascs Ink thorouahly In
two seconds : no abrasion of paper. 'JOO to 500
percent profit. Ono agent's sales amounted
to * 'co In six days ; another S.,2 In two hours.
Wo want ono onorffotlo general agent foroarh
Btatu and territory. Sample by mall 35 uts.
Fo rtorms and full particulars ndilrosa the
Monroe I.rasor Mfg. Co , La Orosso , WIs.
M KlO-17 *
_ _ _ _
\\7A\TnD-Plrst-clnss tinner for Ilawllns'
Tf Wyo. ; stnady .lob and Rood wages. Apply
to Hector & WllhcW Co. . olty. 1CJ CO
WANTED A first-class experienced sales -
man Indents' furnishing goods dept. J ,
I , . Urnndols A Hon. Wi to 510 a. iitli. : 717
vTXTANTED Foiirhoys , npolB , to distribute
V I mis. . Call at Uotel Uarkor , 7 a. in.
S in.MC91
A FEW tracklayers and shovolors wanted.
Apply nt the board I ng cars near the now
'White lead works , East Omaha. Wood & Itan-
croft. SI 803-20
WANTED 200 laborers for stone mid erado
work. Apply to I * . II. Johnson , Union
passenger depot , Omaha. 2C3
VX/ANTED Mon to travel for our Uanndlnn
TT nuRiorles.BtonoXAVellliigtonMaaison.Wls :
TITEN or women wanting work , or persons
JL'-l-nei'dliiK Uolp of any kind , city or country ,
can alwnyu bo supplied at Kcltli'H ofllcu , 31SHi
S. 15th st. Satisfaction guarantoiul.
ai.M3 NM
CANVASSERS Wanted Correspondonoo so-
v llcltcd with competent canvassers to sell
pnpor clotlilns. Oood waRPs can bo earned.
write I'upor Clothing Co. , Port.Uuron , Mlnh.
WANTEf ) 5Ion with good reference at
Metropolitan .Mfg. Co. . 1000 Howard nt.
ANTED At once , sovcral good city ean-
vnsscrs. 1310 Douglas st. 875n21
WANTED-Ilrlsht , Intelligent lady , work
Helit und In the olty , Thirteen weeks ,
C117 , Aldr < ! si with stamp and roforonco.E. M. ,
Mcoolllce. Ornahii. M ta.-10
WANTED-A Rlrl of 14 to help do general
hoiisowork. Mrs. J. llnyues , OH N. 20thst.
808 15 *
WANTED-Plrst-ola-w girl for general
housework , no washing or ironing. Apply
KOuthuost corner 32nd ami Dodge sts. . ono
block north from Tarnam st. b3 15
J WANTED A saleslady who understands
" \ the cnxjItorybuplnoHs and has olty refer-
cnrc-i. Address Omaha , I' . O. KB. 70715
WANTED Agents wanted throughout Ne
braska. Pond Htamp for reply , Jot. l > .
RU'U'oitli : , Omaha. 7 .l
WANTEI ) A llvo , enorgotlo party In every
plucn to Introducu our goods. Wo huvo anew
now line that will ell at every house anil
agents can reap a harvest between now and
the hQlMuyn. will pny a salary of $75 per
month If preferred and furnish a team free.
Addrcst nt onco. Standard Sllvnrwaro Co. ,
ISoston Muss. M G.I2-D 15 *
for r < tte ttf , . ice top of fnt tolnma on thtt jxw .
WANTED-Oennan Rlrl for housework In
fnmllr of two ; must have good rnfer-
enccs. BU North 18th , 1108-17 *
WANTED Experienced salo'lndv for
orooUory dnpnrtmont , lawwaro depart
ment , toy department : ( rood salary ; state rof-
crcnco * . . AiltlrcSiS V 72. Heo. Q7-ia
GIRIj Wnn o < l-In fnmlly of throe. Mrs. H.
K. Williams. 2105 s. lUtli st. 880-17
. "IVAN TED A competent Rlrl Mr ( rcnoral
I housework In small family , CallThura-
day.2 p. m. to 5 p. m. . 512 ii.Mth gt. t l
Apply 17l7Ma. _
\\rANTED-Anursoglrl about llyenwot
> ago. Inquire , Mrs. MoyoT , 2203 Howard st.
h 0 17
Kl rl about 15 years ol
ane , cats , sot list. 6Cd
WANTED-Good cook and second clrl :
good wogon. Oal 1 200 N. 18th. bll-iil *
TANTED A girl for housework. Mrs
1J union t , 3013 Lafayette avo. , formerly
1'aul t. 77Q
TORIOIIT young Indy wnnted to got sub
4crlbers for the Omaha Excelsior ; H ) tie
cent commission. Apply 113 H Ittth at. MI93
WANTED-Olil for Ullchon-aua lannarj
work , 1130 8 20th st Ml
_ 4t _ For ratet , rtf. . K fop of fnt toliimii out ( ht page
n-ROOM cottngo , SOS S , DOth ct.
FOU IlENT 0-room houtos , 110 per montl
only , K. 1\ Cook , N. Y. Llfo bulling. 617-1 !
I'or rattt , tit. , tet tnn of finl column on thtt page.
T71OII RKNT 5223 Maple utrrrt. Dctiho ndd.
JR" < xl n-room house with tinllnlshcd ! i ntory
ohovo , well , cistern. ! i block from 24th st
motor , per month , Q. U. Wallnco. 310
llrown Dlk. 7t 15
FOR RENT 7 room Mrnlslied tottn o ; nil
modern eonvpukncL'i. Apply atriKim : ) ,
CliAinher of Commerce. 002-24
O. Iir.NNETT. moving express nlllco with
Ncal k Conrad , III ! ! Podge st. Tel. 127.
"IJ1OR RENT Small house on Emmet st. ,
JL1 west nf Vlth , M per month. AHo'-room
house , olty water , bath , un Oaldwnll , bctwvon
2f > lh and 27th , tix per mouth , G , I..Oroeii ,
Room 39 , llarker block. M787
HUNT 8-rooifl house , nt 110 , on car
line ; city water. Inquire G.111'axtnn lllk.
FOU RENT l-room house , 2011 Center stj 3
rooms , ( JOS N. 13th st. 7iVlQ : *
TJ1OR KENT 4-iuom house , 1017 California st.
JL1 S04
"IjlOIt RENT My nflnobrtokdwplllng't. seine
-L' HnlHhco , others to.bu finished Insldull days.
Each homo 7 rooms besldci pnntry , bath
room , laumlrv. furnico nnd nil modern con
veniences. They mo worth fclo.oo cncli. but I
want to ion ! them nnd Ills Into 111 the season.
They will bo runted for t&on. Thcso plORnnt
housei are sltnuted on 20th and Irani , ono
block f i OIM the Walnut lllll mntiir. 20 minutes
walk to 1' . 0. Thco. Olscn , 204 N. Y. Life.
T/1OK KENT 1 rooms. In Llnton block ,
i on the corner of nth nml Mason sts. : stunm
heat ; In coed repair : KKpcr month. Imni
of John llnmlln , 1)17 ) , In the block. HG''H
TJ1LAT9 of flvo rooms to rent In now brick
X1 block. No.Wia Hurt Bt. KImball , Champ
k Kyan. 1W Knrnatn st.
CK YOU wish to rent a house or store see 11.
H. Cole , Continental block. 273
Foil HKNT To responsible parties only ,
those flno new brick and stone houses on
Georgia miinuo ; flfteon rooms and alcoves !
moro coinonloiiucs nnd better finished tlinri
any house ( orient In the city , II. II. Hendcr-
6on , 4C01'a\ton block , etty. 27 *
17-UOOM house with barn ; nominal rent. 0.
' R Harrison , Oil N. V. Llfo. 275
T71OH IlENT 0 room house , all modern conJ -
Jvcnlonccs Including a cooil Rtaiilo. Capitol
avenue , near the high school ; rout moderate ,
1) ) . J.O'Donahoe , 1IM11'anuun Ht. 270
TTIOU ltlNT ; The beautiful ? room cottages.
JL. Just llulshofl. Hath and modern Improve
ments. Only 2 loft. O. S. Elguttor , 4oKlrst
Nat'lb-ink. 4M
FOH RENT A good 0-room house , city
water , south front lot , mmr Lake and Sher
man nvtv. at expiration of 3 years will glvo
you warranty dccd.suDjrotto mortgage. Look
this up. 0. L' . Shaw. iiQ8 Shcoloy blk ; SO )
TTOK KENT Broom house , all modern Im-
JP provcments , SiSOUlilcauo St.11,07. . King-
wait Hios. , Darker block , mi
F 011UHNT 7-room cottage , convenient to
wholesale district uncl business. Ajiuly
1112 S. 10th Bt 13.1
T71OR KENT S-room modern house with nice
burn , 1704 N 2Ist ; also 8-rooni house nnd
nleo barn , 2209 Miami , by Urum & lltshop , K 51 ,
Hoard of Trade. 12(1 (
FOH KENT Savon-room cottnco , cor. 2
avo. and Oap. avc.Inqulro ! i)18 ) DoilRe. M-CW
, etc. , ttc top o' first rnlumii nit tht
FOU KENT Larpo pleasantly furnished
front room , 10H Doago st. 8U.1-18 *
T71URNISHED Rooms 2020 Hurtst. Modern
J ? convonlonccs. Motor and cable. 015-17 *
1OU UKMT Neatly furnished front room
2103 Douglas St. 693-18 *
FOIt KENT rurnlshed rooms , with gas and
bath ; flrst-chiss table board. S09N.l8th st
845-21 *
Foil KENT Nlcoly tumUlied largo front
roomtillconvenlunecs. Apply 1310Chicago.
85921 *
rpWO rooms for rent , furnished or nnfur
X ulshcd , for lleht housekeeping. Also par
lor bedroom with use of parlor. Tnnulro a'
121C Capitol avenue. 1ISJ717 *
F .URNISHEDrooius . , steam heat , 2315 Doug as
rURNISHED rooms , near two motor lines
splendid location , 119 S. 23th st. 81018'
FROST room , modern conveniences. fi2Ui
S. 10th. 49010 *
rPHllEE furnished rooms , light housekeep
- iing for man and v.lfo. Call at P17 N 17th st
77215 *
DESIRAHLE room , niodora conveniences
1701 Capltol ave. 775
N EWLY furnished front rooms , steam heat ,
gas , bath. 711 S. IGth , 2d lloor. 4iM9 (
WARM room , private family , AKI S. 25th
avo. M 754-10 *
"THOR RENT. Comfortable south room , mod-
JL' orn cutivenlcnccs , private faintly. 2015
DoiiBlus. 742 17 *
ROOMS light Housekeeping. 122S NMth.
TT1ORRENT Very pleasant furnished front
X1 room with all modern conveniences. 1013
Chicago st. _ aicsa
FOR RENT rnrnlshod rooms ; gus.uuth nnd
btuam. 1510 Howard. 279
F I OR RENT Furnished rooms , 1GOD Uouclas.
TilOR KninT Two nicely furnished front
JL rooms. 2010 Davenport st. 207
For rates , etc. , ret top of flnt eouunn < m Uitt pa c
FIRST floor , private resilience. Newly pa
pered and palutod. Good locution. 012
South 10th. cans *
T WO unfurnished rooms , 1901 Farnam.
70S IS *
FOR RENT Suit of 4 unfurnished rooms to
family without children. I'rlco SIU.-O. 1701
Wohstor St. M757
T71OR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms for houso-
JL kccplnpto family without children ; also 2
basement rooms , at 1122 N. 17th st. M 75:1 :
EOR RENr a unfurnished rooms , 210 N. lath
Bt. M 730
O UNPURNISIIED rooms. 1915 Farnam st.Q
5 _ _ roo-ia *
rnilRKE rooms light hoiibokcoplns. 1223 N.
1 20th. aiaai
For rate * , etc. , tee top nf Jlrtt column on tltir paat.
All NORTH 19th Desirable rooms \vlthtoird.
t Can nccaminodato a number of table
boarders. C.VJ-1.1 *
"VTIOELY furnished rooms with all convenl-
J-i cnccs : also firsfcclass table board : terms
reasonable. gOi ) N ISth st. ( KO-15 *
N1OEHY fnrnlshed room , oust front , with
good board , modem cotiicnleuco : terms
reusoniible. 7QjN. Iflth at. bdO-ga *
Y furnished front parlor with good
( bourd ; all modern couvoulcnocs. 010 N 17th
BKSIKAlir/E-Rooms with strictly first dim
taulo board at the Morrlum , 2. > th nnd
Dodge streets. M7iC-2i >
T7MJRNI8HEO rooms with gas , bath and f nr-
-L niu'o heat. Hoard If Uoslrud. 8. 1 cor ,
25th me. and Ilarney. M7.VMU *
T71OR REST Nicely f urnlshci ] r xtis. stonrn.
J-1 gas and bath , with or without board. 17 >
.Davenport. COO *
ST. GLAIR European hotel.wlth dining room
steam heat In all rooms , 13th and Dodge
Special rates by week or month. til
T71OR eoo < J board , nice rooms , moilorn con-
L voiiloni'ei , rates and location , the 1'iillinaa
> , 1J10 DcxlgusU. cannot bo excelled.
M2MN2J *
TTIURNISHEn rooms , parlor nnd nleovo for
* JL'2or.l gcntluiuon. back parlor for 2. Heat ,
gas , bath , with board. 2l2 > Harnoy , M 474-17 *
NEWLY furnlihed rooms , slnglo or on suite ,
with board , heat , tins and bath , 03 nnd 21'J
N , 17th , opposite now postolllcoslto ( 15 N22 *
HANDSOME Rooms with board. 1822 Clil-
oago st. M 7VJ-21 *
For raltt , etc. , tee lop offrtt column on fftu imge ,
f7\LEOANToftlco. 16th and Dduglas st.sult-
JLJablo for architect , real estate , doctors ,
dentist ) large , light halls and host location la
Omaha. llutchlnsonVeail.l52t Douglas.
781 13
T71OR IlENT The 4-Btory brick buIMine.wItli
Jor without power , formerly ooouploil by tlio
Ileo I'uhlUUlUK OoVU Kurnumst. Thu build.
liiK Imi a llro proof ocntentbasemontcnniplote
Btcam heatlnc tlxturos , water on all the floors
gas , etc. Apply at the oTco of The Iloe. 1)15 ) J
roil nn\T-9Tonts AND OFIMOKS.
for rate * , i tff . . w > top offrrt foliimnon IM > prttft.
To i rent Tin new "ljricit"bl"6ol , ' No.'n t
Hurt st. KImball , Uhnjnp & Ryan. 12J3
I'lirntini t. M6f0 > [ )
STORES nt 709 S 16th. 20xCO onrh. Inrito show
windows , steam heat furnished. Thru. r.
11 nil. 31ll'.ixtonllk. atl
T OOK IIERKVlntcrn corning , thorn nro a
JJfow coed ofllctM for rpnt In the Ituinno
bld'K , with first cln9 hontlni ; and boil of olc-
vutor services. Innulro Frank J , Rainco.
WANTHtt ' 10 HI3NT.
Forratf , ( 'f ' , tte ( op ofIrtl column on tlit
\\T ANTED Two nr thrco nn furnished rooms
for housekeeping. Address W II , Uoo of
fice. 1XHM7 *
To rent S and ( V room houses
north of Cnss and east of 2iitn. Tenants
waltliiK for them. Larinon I1.I'ruyn Co. . 2HU
Ouniliig st. 8M-17 *
Fo i fl u JNTv A KU n OUSKS !
Formic * , etc. , tee tnp of frtt coinm nn this pajt
FOR lir.NT Hrlclt wnroliouic * . two storlos
liUli. haseincnt. hydr.iullu elevator , track
age ! best location In the city. A. 0. I'owt'll.
1T1OU RHNT-Ilrlck wiiraliou o. two storlo *
JL1 and Imsemcnt. 27,000 mi u urn foot , with 100
feptof Ooiiblo track on U. I' . Railway , South
SOlh nncl I'lerco streets. Address U. Oskump ,
Oinnlui , Neb. 2S1
t'orratrf , etc. , ree tnp of Jtrft folumn on tMi
STORAOE The best In city , clean , dry , sitfe ,
nml pilvatelv ntdiod at rcasonablo terms.
Omaha blovo UepalrYorks , 1207 Douglas. Tel.
COO. b52
rpRAOKAOKstoraKO at lowest rates.V. .
X llnshnmn , Kill Loavcnworth , 2M
E ana Trackage David Cole , 81J-
117 Howard st. 713
For rater , etc. , tee top of flni column nn tMi vane.
LOST -Thursday ovonhiff. Irish setter pup.
return to tun Cumins st. nnd got reward.
Hunry Lehman , 100S Douglas st. 807
LOST Llver-colorod pointer hitch , very thin
and bony. Return to KJIO Douglas streot.
Sultablo reward. MU71
Forratcf , etc. , KC top of flrtl column onjhii woe.
J1BT your houses with the Real Estate In
formation bureau , 17 Hoard Trado.
ait n 20
U.IHEY&Hro.rontat nsonts,20J N.Y.T.lfo
HE. Cole , rental agont.Contlncutal blk.
T 1ST your hou io to sell or rent with C. P.
Ullarrlson , Oil N. V. I.lfo. 308
rorroci. ( etc , , ttc top of first column on lhiji
TTIOU SALE A now Kmoroonplnno. first class
JL ? In every particular , nrlco very low. llcst
of reasons for soiling. Address W 0 , Iloe.
91'J-25 ' *
FOU SAM' Flno now furniture of 8 room
house , such ns upright piano , parlor and
hod room suits , dining loom furniture , sllvcr-
vnro , dlMics. clvotoarputs. lange , etc. Will
soil part or all , 11.11. Iroy & llro. , SOON. Y.
Life. B13-18
FUUN1T1JUB of 10-room house , conven
iently located for taking roomers , cheap
louse. Owner has position that takes family
nut of the city , llutchlnson i Woad , 1X4
Douglas. . 879-18
THOU SALE Two first-class heating stoves.
JL1 in good condition. Apply room ss Douglas
NKW furnlturo and stoves of a nine room
house for $ .130 ! a bargain. IIouso rents for
825. 8100 rnrnam. 70010 *
FOH SALE A largo parlor steve and 2
simill stoves. J. w. Harris , UOth and Uass.
Forrnff * , elf. , tec- top of frst column on tltls paaf.
WORK horse $00 , two horse wagon $20 , loh-
hlo work harness 115. Or will trado'fbr n
good light sldo bar ouggy. II. E. Cole , Contl-
ncntal block. 27U
OHSESKOanaup. II. E. Cole.
T71OKSALE 2cood worlc teams. Inquire at
J ? 018 I'axton blk. 280
Ferrates , etc. , tee top of fru
FINE largo milk cow , cheap ; nlso n com
plete poultry outfit splendid clianco for
man with small capital. Addioss V CO , Ileo
plHoj. 830-17 *
FOU SALE Delivery wagon. 1507 N. l'th ' ) .
M 800-Dn *
FOH SALE Two cash registers In ircod rc-
palr. at 111 8.14th st. M700-10 *
FOU SALE Cheap , -horso-powor entrlno.
Apply to 0. W. Gray , Oth and Douglas.
"VTKW cullgraph , prlco reasonable , R 05 , lice
iN offlce , _ 772
For rates , tic. , tte tnp of firtt column nn thli
WANTED A good second hand base burner
cheap for cash. Addioss with price , W 7 ,
1ICO. M 030-17C3
FUKNITURE. household goods , ate. Highest
cash price. Wells , 1111 Purniun. 203
OECON1) ) hand typewriters. J. P. aiogoath ,
O1U07 rarnatn St. , Omaha. 772
WANTED Horses , wagons , etc , to sell nt
auction every Tuesday and Friday , 10 n.
m , 1'loneer stables , Kith , between Humor and
Howard. ao7-IU
ANTED-Horse and bugsrW J.Paul ,
1UM Kiirpam. ai8
M1 SO K LIj A N EO [ IS.
For mien , etc. , tee top of fnt column on thti pays.
OMAHA Poncing Academy , basement N , V.
Llto build In ? . room"0. " Ladles 0-U n. ni. ,
KPntIenionOand : "i'M : toll p. m. I'rof. lion-
pel. Classes now forming ; private lessons It
desired ; 7oa-15
TT1OU RENT Oood barn , ono box and t w
JL commna stalls. Apply , ISlOOhlcagn at.
8(10 21 *
" \TASSAOE treat ment.olootio-thormal baths ,
J'JLhcalp and hulr treatment , numlcurn and
chiropodist. Mrs. Post , U 20-21 , Wlthnoll bile.
TTOKSE to lot for lleht driving to good party
1JL for Us feed. U. i : . Cole , Continental bldg.
k 3-18
MI8. 8. E. UOUTON , professional nurse. 1815
Ou s st. 841-17 *
LADIES & gnnts tohuy the Plumer rocllnln ?
chair ; uiiMurpussed for comfort. U21 N. 15lh.
818 I1U
for rt-nt or sale. Stonojc-
JL ruohors supplies. J.P.MogcathlC07 I'arnniu.
ON'T forgot Jos. P. Mestoath. 1M7 Farnnm
St. , when you want to buy , rent or sell a
typewriter. 772
I'HOI.STERINO nnd mattresses renovated
JUG N 18th. E. Peterson. 712-dl
CHOPPING of all kinds attended to f reo o !
O charge. Address Clara > Street , Woman's
i\clmngu. : M475 17 *
Ai-riAGK , lladaiu Dclzmr , over UIO S nth.
MONliY ' 10 LOAN.
For Wfn. etc. , tee top of jmi column < m thlt
made on chotca city property at lowest
rates. Bums of I3,000n > < d upwards porfvrrcd ,
KImball. Champ & Ryan.
1205 rarnam stroot. 800-D13
"l\f"NEV to loan on second mortgatre. W. S
i'-LWynn , Room 324 Omaha Nat. Bk. Ill'dc.
i > i m
"I3UILDINO loans , BtoTnorcontf no add I.
JJtlonul charges forcominlnsionorattarndy's
fees. W. 11. Stelklo , First National bank '
LOWKST rates on cholco olty loans of II.OOQ
tot-W.000 , Central Loan A Trust Co. , UW
Farnam wt , 070 it )
" ] \fONEV-QO,60orOOdayson furnlturopianos ,
J-'i-horses. houses , etc J , J , Wilkinson. Old
I'ftxtoablk. 2ue
ANTED-Flrst-class Inside loans. I.OWTOI
rates. Call and aee us Mutual Invent-
niont Co. , 1M1 Farnnm. UXt
KEYSTONE Mortsago Co.-Ix > ans of 10 to
11,000 : got our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loans on horsus. furnlturo or any
approved security without uubllcltyt n tu <
boushU for new loans , renewal of old and low
est rutoscall R. 208 , iihooly blk.Uth & Howard ,
for rattf. etti , f tonof Mnmn on iJiti
ON HV to "loin by HwV. Masters on chattel
anil collateral securities for any tlmo from
ono to six months lu any Amount losultbor-
Iiinii9 made on hoiisctWlfl goods , pianos , or
gans , homos , mules , hoiws , leases , warehouse
receipt * , etc. . at the lirwcst possible rate ) ,
without publicity or rcinnValof property.
Jly loans nro so arranged Hint you can inako
n payment of any amoiintat any time and ro-
dtice both principle anil Interest ,
If you ewe a l > ntnncooU , your property erne
\\n\o \ \ a loan you wish crnrfacil.l will pay It off
nnd carry It for you. Ifytm llnd It inoro con
venient , call up telephone No. ion and your
business will ho nrrnnjctil.nt homo.
Jlonoy always on tinndr No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rate * . j
Room 1Wlthnoll blk. , IMli and Ilarnoy nta.
CHEAP eastern money
Phtladolphla MortKngo and Trust Co. .
always ready to loan ilnd pay promptly : Hrst
inortgaites wanted , uoornu \ \ , P. Coutes , rep-
ruscutallvc , loom 7 , board of trade. gjj
" 1 jEAT IIstnto Loans Onsh nn hand. Glebe
JL\ Loan .V Trust Co. . 307 S. 11th St. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
OE. * 0. M. ANTHONV , 319 N. V. I.lfo build-
dug , lend money on farms In cholco coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa ; also on good
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no del ly ; money ready. Titles and
values p isaed on horo. 001
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgapo Investment Com-
.l > any , room 400. Pnxton blk. sal
\VANTKD-fl per centrnnl estate
> V V. Harrison , 012 N. Y. Life.
/1HATTEL bank , niO S. nth St. , loans money
v on clmttelsor collateral at reasonable ratoi
FIHST& second morUaneson vacant & Im-
provedclty prop. County warrants bought.
Money on hand. KM. Ulchaidson.SlSN.Y. Life
2I. >
TT ASTHRN money to loan on olty properly ;
KJmortgngopaperbought. H.H.Iroy.N.V.ljIfo ,
: m
i < loans at lowest rates. Removed
to 024 N. Y. Llfo hide. J. H. KmmliiKor.
MONEY loaned at low rates on furnlturo ,
horses , Stc. , without publicity. Hawkeye
In vestment Co , XI Douglas blL-,10th and Dodge.
Oil )
MONEY to loan on elty and farm iiroporty.
W. M. Harris , R20.1)'rcuzor ) lllk , opp. P. O ,
MONEY to loan. Correspondents of Lom
bard Investment company. Shrlver ti
Ilu run , 1'ronzor block. 891
PARM Loans IJcst rates and option In the
west. Interest annually. Horrowcrscan pay
parlor all of principle at and of any year , and
stop Interest. R. It. Stowo , 810 N. Y. Life bids.
For rates , etc. , tee top offlrst ojlumn on Ms page
F oil SALE Cigar , tobacco , confectionery ,
fruit stand ; must sell. 209 8. 13th st.
FOR RENT Hotel anil bo'irdlna house. 20
sleeping rooms completely furnished for
only J4U per month to rollahlo parties. H. K.
FOUSALE Lease ana/urnltiiroof a2.Vroom
hotel , half block from Il\o banks , ticket ,
express and telegraph olllccs ; doing good bus
iness. Ape and Irnpaltcd health reason for
Rolling. Address J 15 , Dee ofllcc , Council
MEAT MARKET for sale. Fitted up first-
class In every particular. Oood business.
Will bear the strictest lnivpstliatlon. Address
look box 400. Council liluU > . In. IM-d U
FOR SALE Flrst-claks liar and restaurant ;
long lease. Address II , llornberger. Uil
Dougla-s street , Omaha , fit C02-24
FOR SALE as barrel steam roller mill.
Thos. Crouch , Tokamuh , Nebraska.
7JO dlt *
WANTED A competent newspaper man
with live or six thousand dollars In casher
or security , totako ohnrgu ,
as I have Important business that will require
my tlmo cast and south fo > the coming year.
Wo will pay the right kind of a man a uleo
nalnry. Recommendations ronulrod. Ad
dress W.R. VaUKhnn , O uaha. Neb.
"I710H SALE Ono steam powef frniln elevator
JL ; building with brick addition and olllco
building , complete , und all personal property
therein , situated lit ; Hastings , Nebraska ; ono
frame horse power Rriiln olevulor building ,
complete , and all personal property therein ,
and four corn crlns , Minuted nt Inland , No-
bra ska ; ono frame horse po\\x-r elevator liullil-
Ins with frame offlce , complete , with nil per
sonal property therein , and four corn cribs
and the land on which the same are situated ,
holng about ono acre , moro or loss , situated at
Drlcton. Nebraska ; this property is sold under
order of thu court : bids to bo made for cnhh
and may bo made for ono , two or all of said
elevators ; must > bo nddresscil to Robert H.
I'oot , receiver , Denver , Colorado. boxSA)1. ) ) ; all
bids to bo onened Decembers , and to be sub
ject to the approval of the court. Robert E.
root , receiver. Dated , Denver , November 8 ,
1190. 8I2D4
FOR SALE The furniture , fixtures and 4
voars1 Icaso of a 3.1-room hotel , with bar
and billiard rooms connected , all In good
order ; prlao , $3,500. Address V59 , Iloe ofllco.
M783-20 *
FOR SALE A. largo dry goods and carpet
establishment , established thlrty-lfvo
years In a nourishing western city , can USD
fc.\000 , $35,000 or J50.000 capltol doing a valu
able business. Address V &Q Ileo ofllce , Omaha
$5,000 spot cash and $10,000 In clear western
lands to exchange for a llrst olass stock of
dry goods or general mdsn. AdclreM with
particulars , Henry Chamborlaln , H'ood River ,
Neb. 77G 20
F OK SALE A good hotel lease with complete -
ploto furniture , etc. Will soil cheap. Ad
dress O 52 , Hee. 11755-10 *
"I71OR HALE Barber shop ; ono of the bcsl
1 ? locations In Omaha ; good furnlturo ; wll.
sell cheap to.good party. Address V GO. nee
onice. 800-20
A PARTY" with 810,000 can buy a controlling
Interest In a bank paying 2 * to 30 pur cent ,
In ono of the best towns In the state. Pur
chaser to till the olllco of cashier. Address V
70 lice. 840-31
T > E&TAURANT for rent or salo. T. Murray
It 077
I71OR SALE One of thamost desirable hotel
J- properties In the stnte.sltuatcd In linncruft ,
Gumlngcounty.Neb. The house has a good payIng -
Ing pntronugu and has an excellent livery
stock and rood sUblo In connection. The
town Is the end of a passenger division of the
Chicago. Ht. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha , rail
way. It Is a ceatorlnirpoint for liuntur-i fiom
all over the state , ns she Is surrounded by
lakes , marshes and vast pr.Urloswhere ducks ,
gcosc , pralro chickens and other giimo birds
abound In great numbers during their
Reason. For further reference apnly to D ,
Dohsoy , Haneroft. Neb. 11I80-N27
For rate * , etc. , tee tnp of fnt column on thl * poo&
"CIINE Farm. 85 acres , near Omaha far Omnhp
JL1 property. AIox. Slqore , 301 Shccly block.
'A b80-17 *
WANTED A clean stock of merchandise ,
for M to H cash , balance property , Ad
dress V W Hee. 840-21
GOOD , clear , Insldo lesldonce lots to cx-
change for encumrujicd desirable im
proved business or rculilonce property. Also
Block farm to exchange for desirable residence
or business property. Address "W , " box 005
Omaha. M701-10 * .
FOR EXOHANGD-OGO aero ranchc , with
block , for general msdo , groceries orhard-
waro. Address V. 46. Ueo. 715-27 *
ANTKD To trade cleAr real estate and
first mortgage notes for Omaha Improved
residence property or general merchandise or
Htocksof hnrdwaro. Address000 N 24th St. ,
Omaha. Neb. GO ] 17
For rate * , t\c. \ tee top ofitut column
R SALE Two houses , four rooms , well ,
etc. , yoth and Charles , $1,200.00 each , J25.00
cash , balance on monthly payments.
Largo eight-room | ioui > o. No. 2117 Clark st , or
will trade forclty property or farms.
House of four rooms , well , cistern , collar ,
etc. , : i4th und Putrlok ave. , a bargain at
(1,700.00 , 25.00 cash and the balance (15.00 per
A largo list of business property. Houses
for ront. Oeo. J. Paul , lUMFarnaiu , Bai-17
IOIIT acres about two miles of U. P.
depot , with pure spring water und truck
age suitable for brewery , also a number of
largo trackage lots. L. Waterman , Paxton blk ,
i 78.115 *
120 ucros fine farm land adjoining good NoL -
-L braakatown ; nearly clear.
IfiO acres llnolT improvptl land 2K miles from
county boat In NebruBku ! lightly onoumhorud.
12U aoros good land In Nebraska , Smiles from
county Boat ! 2.WO Inhabitants.
llouho and lot In town In Kansas ; clour ,
Clear lot In good Nebraska town.
4 room house und lin , l ru , well and cUtarn.
10th .street. Onmhu ! ( lightly Inaumbcrod ; will
Undo for Oiniilm property una aisiimo Inoum-
branced. 11 , V. Cole , Continental blook. UX )
for tat' * , i If. , tee lop of nrtl column on Will ) > : t ;
H , 11. IUKV& UKO. Sbculnl llnrgftltn.
Finn modern 10-room house nnd burn , fin *
Uhcd In linrd wood. Illicit view In the city ,
pa \ ed Rt.ilst ; near Mntiacoin 1'nrk ,
T-room house , Hist iioarl'onploton , Sl.nofl.
8-room lioii iv lot fncos 13th nud lutli , a block-
court house , pavotl streets.
00 ft on baumlors , opp Hnmlltnn , very cheap.
Kino 2-Mory 7-room house , nil modern Im
provement" , tionritm uvo. . neiir I'ncllle , Mf oo.
0-rcottiiRo nnd bnrn , Ilrlstol ncnrSUb , fJ.000.
South front lot * . 2ith ) nnd llnmlllmi and -lltli
nml linnlctto. both olonr. No onsh requlrod
Jf nurclinsnr will build , LOUR time Riven.
feo\eral N. Uinulni uihl lota , trnulcttge. cheap.
141 ft frontage. 21st nnd Iliirnoy ,
llcauUfnl u front lot.J-d , near 1'opploton ,
'ilnrguliu In all parts of the city , COO N. Y ,
Life/ ; DIMS '
LIST your South Omaha property with tis
Wo liovo pluntv of buyers. 1' . A. lliirrott A
Co. . South Oniitlia. tei-lC'
FOU SALE-Woll built , pleasantly
located 8-rooiu house nnd barn , good
value , faces south ) on Iturdotto St. ,
for 8 4.000
On toward st A very desirable 7-rooin
hoit e , excellent order , for 4.S30
On 14th street , near Center 3 houses on
/i lot ; will take u vacant lot In part
payment ; prlco i 4,000
I.ono ave. nnd Hamilton st 5-rooni ,
moilnrn house , for 4,000
On ittd st. , north of I.cnvenworth A 3-
room house , lot 40x12.1 ; price. , , 0,000
On 1'nrk Avenue.
North of Loaromtnrth st J-story , 8-
room frame , In perfect order , modern ,
ohuiip at 6,500
Corner 2Cth and irulf-llmvard 7-ioom
lion" ' * , modern : price only 12,500
On Will Ht. , between Wool wort li ntul
Hickory One of the ploasautcHt rcsl-
dunce locations In Omaha 7-room
modern house , for 7,000
On S'Jth ' at , anil 2-story frame and
barn 6,500
rarimM.iioar4Iitst A perfectly modern
well built residence , with all olectrlo
appliances InoludliiRcall to barn , all
In perfect order and very choice . . . . 10,000
Flnotirlokiesldcnec. modern , with barn ,
In Kountto Moot ? ! prlco 11.500
On Ilarnoy st. , nuur 24lh st AO-room
house , ljutli , etc. , barn , for. , . . , 11,000
Will iniiko easy terms If uc'lrod.
Lake st. , near30th 1'lno lot Mlth onoG-
rooin house and ono il-room house , a
haiKnln , at. . ' . 5,000
11-room houuoon Ilurney St. , near 24th ,
for i 11.000
Ames Kcal Estate Agency ,
1W7 1'arnam.
Ofllco open evenings. Solo A cents.
FOK SALE or ExcnaiiRe For a lot with some
cash , a nlco dwelling p'ro'ierty near molor
line In north partof eltv. A bargain forsomo
one.V. . A. Spencer , U. 7 , Chamber Cointuoroo.
FOH SALE Hast front on 31th st. be
tween Tarnam and Doflitc , no flner
resiliencesltoIn this city , chcnp at. . . . $ 3,000
Lot on IGth st. near Locust , n , busl-
i > n < iiloontloii4.1\17Ifor | ) 4,500 ,
This Is well worth Invo-UlRatlnn.
On 41st Ht. hntwoon Douglas and Itanium
doslrablo forarutldonco at 1,809
Corner Ilnrdette and 28th Hts. lotfW\8fl ,
peed business locution or for dwelling
house or Hats at 3,000
iVust Omaha , fronting cast on 'lOtli st. an
ovccllont location for flnohouse , prlco. 12,000
ast front on'-Gtlist. brt. WoolHOitli
and Hickory , CO foot lot for 2,200
On Mason st. bet. 'list and Ml sK one of
the spots for residence In Omaha , CO v48 !
or 129x148 per foot 00
Tunth st. noith of Nicholas , good mok-
aiolotfor ! ' . . 2,100
On 20th nvc. OlarkX add Iot04x IS for. . . , 6.1.W
On Saumlcrs st. (24th ( st. ) near Oihl 1'el-
lows hall , business lot 22\ ) price 5.000
Splendid lot for houses to rent or for
Mats , near motor , p ivod streets &c. OOx
132 corner of Jones and 2. > th st. will sell
low , as owner wishes to use money In
business 0,000
Very choice.
On 41st st. bet. Davenport and Dodge ,
10t50\125 2.000
-orner Karnnm and 4Uth s.t 4.1)00
nside lots on 40th st a.OOO
Two lots cait front on.'lfltli st. botweotf
loilsoiitia l''arniiin.canli 3,500
Corner Karnain and : bth st. facing on . ' 1
streets with south north and west
fronts , per lot 4,500
For a business
lot. wo offer the best In Omaha , with
m ft. frontnfro lie ft. depth to an alley ,
situated on Dodge st. between l.Mli and
liitli nts. facing south , pays a good
rental now with present frame build
ings , prlco 70,000
Tor traolfajc , sco corner of Oth ano Jones
formerly 'use by the Consolidated
Tank l < mo l/o. price , . 30,000
On i-asy terms. Ames Heal Estate' Agency ,
1507 Farnam St. , solo agents. Oflloeopcn n > cn-
S. 003-23
FOH SALn or trade a nice lot 49\UI2. south
front , on grade , olty water , 1J ! blocks
southeast of 20th and Vlnton sts. , for sale or
trade fora good horse nml phaotnn. I'rluo ,
I230.00 ; cucumbranco $400.00. Address , \V 1 ,
Boo. 005-22 *
VflOE building lot , 2Tth near Spauldlng , on
IN grade , $100. title perfect.
House and full lot on jjpauldlng st , $1,500 , M
cash , balance easy.
Alex. Moore , 301 Sheoly block. BSS-17 * r
O ELEOANT homos In Knuntre place from
O-,000to0,500 | : BOO cash , halaoco 4 yonrs , Mi
per month , U per cent Interest. Othur good
homes In gatno addition to oxuhango forclty
property. 8-room inodnrn houso. 2J ! blocks
W0-t of 24th , on Ualdwell St. . for $ JIWX ) ; JjOO j
cash , balance iMO per month , Cipor cent Inter
est. J < J. ( lluson , solo agent , Kountzo placo.
ON Monthly Payments Iloautlful 8-room
modern brick house , on motor lino. J. L.
Rice. 032 N. Y. Llfo. 85J-17J
TI1OR SALE Cheap , fine C-room cottage.with
JF barn , nnSpanldlngst. , Druid Hill ; full lot.
I'rlco Ji,200 ! cash tioo , balance monthly pay
ments , G. F. lltltts , 220 S. 15thHt , 853-21 *
ABNAt1 K,7ofl will buy a nlcoS-room house
and lot , with cellar , cistern , city water
sewer and barn , centrally located ; terms
easy. J. I ) . Zlttlu , 014 N. Y. Life1. 808dl3
ELEOANT residence In Kountzo Place ; 0
rooms finely llnlshed and nil modern con
veniences ; Wlrt st. . near 20tb. Can sell on
onctrqunrtoroash iiayment and balancotlmo
to right party. This la no cheap affair of a
house , buta comforablo homo la nvery BCM O
and a big snap bargain. F. 1C. D.irllnK. Barker
Ilock. ! M.7IW
f J1OR SALE Trade or rant , diet p , ( Ino houso.
JU 42d and Oass st. Inquire at house. M55J 20 *
FOB SALE Lot 28. blocks. Paddock Place
and lot 15 , block III. South Omaha. Will
sell cheap. Address L. K. Sclioenleber.Oerpsco
Neb. Till ) i' > *
QHOLES to the front , f liuvo six elegant
Ohouses on 4Uh and Tarnam , with orory
modem convenience , Including gas and ana
fixtures , now nearly raadv for oooiipanoy. Hoe
them and make your choice. Price , * .i. ? ' > 0 to
JI.2.V ) . J.WO toiXWcash , balance to suit at 7 pec
cent Interest.
Kvory purchaser before Novembers gets a
ticket toaho druwlngof a $500 piano ,
Oarrlngo always ready to show customers.
r rnamstrcet.motor within four blocks.
liny a house quick ) and take a luiiul In the
grand sliulllo. ThlH Is straight goods. D. V
Sliolcs. 213 First National bink. M 9.10.
! i > 0abiiys tbu Dr. Cliamhcrs residence and
$ veterinary barn on 10th and lltirduttosts.
This U Un loss than cost. U. V. Bholes , sole
agent,213 Tirsb Nat. bank. MutO
AUGH Jc'WcnerUcld.rcnl c/3tatoS.Omnlm.
TT10R BAIiE An oUffant now rcsldonco , f
JLJ rooms , cherry ando.ik flntsh , Inreo stable
and every convenience for comfort ; location
the host lu the cltv ; prlco low. Terms cany
I ) . J. O'Donnhoe. 1001 Furnum at. U12
IV YOU have any thins ; to sell or exchange
callatlilSl'uxton block. ilia
( JJR.OOO for homo on Chicago st. near 23th. O.F.
Pllarrlson.l)12N. ) V. Llfo. C37
$0,503-Only ) . ! 500 Dr. Chatnhors' rcsldonoi
ou lull ami llurdotta st. , owner coin ? tr
leave city. Rest hurKaln In Omaha. I ) , V
Sholcs.solo aguut , 2ii : First Nat , hank. MOM
T71OR BALE KM acres , city limits. 0. M
JU I'owcr , solo ugoat , room 3 Ghamhor o
Commerce. 7B2 10 *
TjlOR HALE Or rent 113 feet front with build
JL. ' lugnf 2i ) rooms. Apply at the promise
* fl9 C * 11 ll tjti
Also22 foot on cor of Chicago and 13th. Ap
ply at 818 South 12th bt. 210-n27
TJ1ORSAI/E At a bargain , Wxl20 on DavDn
X1 port , near 17th , ono block from now post
oDIce , very cheap , 420,000 ; WxLB corner 20tl
and I'aniam , Kffl.OOU. G. L. Green , room M
Datkcr block ( Ml
rr ROOM cottage , full lot , Hansoom 1'laco
I cast front and a Krcat bargain for a fur
days. Small cash payment and balance 01
long time , K. 1C. Darling. Daikor blook. UCl
rriHU best lot on Hamilton and Lowe avenue
JL Ennulro at 40C8 Hamilton st. CM ) d'J *
Forralei , etc. , tee lop of flnt column nn thli pw
A RIUVEU-OUIrvoyant. naturally Blftort
zx tolls past and future , love troubles , uU
sent frlenUi , chunKcf , traols , business. Halls
faction ctvcu. Mrs. Wallace , 11WB Fiirimm st.
MRS. NANNIR V. WAHHKN. clalrvoyan
trance , ipoaklng , wrltlnK and rollnljlolms
luws ; u dlum , 4 years la Omaha , lit ) N. loth.
311) )
MASSAGE , Madam Doltler , ovbr CIO H IHIi
402 U ! !
well satisfied
Isllje BEST LAUNDRYSOAP iijtlje World rsrJrT-n
I'M > ( ilf . etc. , tee top offlrt _ fol'iinii ' - ouill
HmnS tal.o > ltr the wntor wth ono full
feed of grain jiord.iy and plenty of hay , 15
per month. Good care will ho takun of them.
Leave horbolth N , E , Dlllranco , stalilos 414
Bouth 17th Ht. Telephone 801. _ M821
Oltsns wintered. Wo have tlio best ao-
commoaatlons In the slate for wintering
horses. Itox or single stalls , with padtlook.
Apply to Windsor. Kemp & Co. , 20. ! Now York
Llfo uldg. , or to Chris Novlns , at iho stables ,
Irvlngton , Nob. aiG'Jl
HOUSES wintered No better place to win-
tor horses than thoStlllwater Htock farm ,
Ft. Onlhouu. Prices low. bcht OHIO. 11. J.
Kendall , 300 , lirowu bldg.Oiunha.
674 ( It )
wintered at Omaha fair grounds ,
lean winter 203 horses , each horse has a
largo warm boxstall , Iced all the grain the
onner wants , largo yards for exerclsa In duo
weather. A , Thomson. M201 N23
rorratti , etc tee top ct fitrst tnltnn onito ( / yagt
UVOHR buying a piano ovamlnc the noxv
JJaeulo KImball plano.A.Hospe , 1513 Douglas.
EO. F. OnhLENHEOK.toachor of the banjo
with llosne. 151J Douglas. _ 249
IKOF.Chas. I'otorscn. piano , organ , violin ,
zither , vocal instructions. 505 shncly lk.
Forratct. etc , , ecc top of fiivt colioiiil oil Iliis pagi.
ri VPHWKITEllS , all maKos-bought. noUl.ox-
JLchunuoa , routed. J. 1 * . Mcgoath , 1G07 Fnr-
mim street. _ _ .11. '
BO. WHEELER , general stenographer and
notary. Depositions nnd court work ti
specialty. Tel. 1U01 , room 1002. N. Y. Llfo llldg
a 9-nJO
for ratft , etc. , rcc ti > ) _
TXTASSAnr ; bath at Madam Smith's parlors.
I'lQ07 a. 13th st. , next Marker hotel. 175 1C *
jVTASSAGE , Madam Dolzler. ever 010 8 rah.
For ratef.ctc , , ace toy nf first coin on thl *
ENOAORMENTS to do dressmaking In fam
ilies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2(110 ( Harnov st.
TTINOAOKMENTStodortrossmaklngln fainl-
JlJlles solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2010 Uarney st.
M827D15 *
ItAIU 0001)V1GS. . KTC.
Foriattt.ctc. , fee tniotfnt ] column nnt/iU jinoe
BEST Line hair goods In west ; hair clicsslng
wins , switches , bangs , hair chains , etc. , a
specialty. D.ivlos , hair goods and milliner
opposite postonico , HIS 15th bU Omaha. 200
t'orraiu. etc. , tea top of first column on t/ito / ) aye.
Fltnt ) MOIIIiK loans money on diamonds nnd
watches , jowelryetc.S.E.cor. k'uraam&llth.
For ratti , , tec ( op of frsl , column on tlitv jxigt.
TJATENT lawyers & solicitors. 0. AV. Hues St
JL Co. . Ileo building. Omaha. Ilranoh olllco at
Washington. U. O. Consultation frco. ! I18
lforrrttr , rtc. , tee top i > f frsl cvjlumiiou t/iltpaas.
"PENSIONS The Cllngman Pension Agency ,
X 21 frcnzer block. Information froi > 'H7
Qucon Victoria and Scotch AVhlsky.
Queen Victoria's preference for Scotch
whisky hns induced the city council of
Charlottetown , Prince Edward islund , to
pasa this resolution : "Whereas , Women
In nil ages , savngo nnd civillxod , huvo
been an object of love , affection nnd ro-
spect and , Whereas , A woman in this
city has beou imprisoned for n broach of
un enactment not eupportod b' public
opinion , and contrary to Briti ish. freo-
doin , justice and liberty ; and , Whereas ,
The breach of said enactment consisted
in selling' an intoxicating bovorngo free
, ly used by nil classes , from her most gra
, cious majesty Iho queen , who is hand of
the church and defender of the faith , to
the humbloat of her most loyal and most
dutiful subjects ; and , Whereas , The va
rious legislatures in the British domin
ions , exorcising authority delegated to
thorn from the people , legnll/.o the im
portation and manufacture of such in
toxicating bovoniges by imposing
thereon a specific charge ; thorofoio ,
Resolved , That in the opinion of the
, council , imprisonment of a woman for a
breach of such an enactment is u de
struction of individual liberty , opposed
. to the spirit of the nge , nnd denounced
by theologians and moralistH of the
higher standing aa tin act worthy of the
. days of the star chamber and JoflroyB. "
Hall's Hair Kenewcr is frco from alcohol
nnd dyes that injure the skin. It is scientifi
, cally prepared and will restore gray hair to
Its original color nnd vigor.
Tlio Russians an I3ntor .
The Russians oat on an tworago once
every two hours , says the Christian nt
work. The climate nnd custom requires
such frequent meals , tlio digestion of
which is aided by frequent draughts of
vodki nnd tea. Vodlci is the Itusslnn
whisky and made from potatoes and rye.
It is firoy and colorlcHS and flavored
with Bomo extract like vanilla or orango.
It Is drunk from small cups that hold.
: perhaps , half a gill. Vodki and tea nro
the inseparable accompaniments of
friendly aa well as business intercourse
in the country of the czar. Drunuen
men arc rare.
Russia and Sweden are the only coun
tries in which the double dinners is the
rulo. When you go to the houbo of a
Russian , bo a friend or a stranger , you
are at once invited to a sldo table where
salted moats , pickled col , salted cucum
bers and many other spicy and uppotlz-
Ing vianda are urged upon yqu with an
ImpresHlvonoss that KHOWH no refusal.
Tins repast is washed down with frequent -
quont cups of vodki , Thut ever , tiud
when tlio visitor fools na if ho had oaten
enough for twenty-four hours , the host
fc says : "And now for dinner. "
t. Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothlnp Syrup for chil
dren teething roats the child and comforts the
mother. U5o a bottlo.
II In Ambition Nipped by Front.
In ono of the Inrgo law offices down
h. town thora is a lad of twelve who lius
started humbly as an otllco boy , butnvho
"Lonraj CIlll'AIIO , HUltl.lNtirON AW. I Arrivoi'
Om-ilin. Dupnt lOtliniiil Miiimi utruots. I Umnliy
4 a ) p m Chicago 800 n m
V.4S rt m ' 0 W p m
0.10 p m Kxproif ! > 50 n in
JJ.Mp m 805 n in
A MO. UtVKIU Arrtvui
OMftlllt. Depot lotli niiit.MiHon utrootv
lib. 15 im Do n TIT Hay Kt | > rt > Tin p m
10.15 a m Donror KiiircM , It 1.1 p m
0.40 p m Denver NlKht Vxnroif VX > n m
J 15 ttjl : . . . . . . .jj.I.InnUn , I-DOM 1)00 ) p nj
I.cnfi > * ArrFvuf
Oiunhru Depol IQlli mul Mnviii utruoti Oiimh'L
0.-U n m _ j 7 Kiprons , . . , tiUfp m
_ .4S Pju lu U-Jtlglit Kp. vj | U.J\Tran .
Onmlm. papot 10th unit .Metrer ilrooti.
3M p ni Orcrlninl Vlfot ,
7 .50 p m I'nclno Kipro
10.3) n in Dourer Kiprun
000 a m City Kxpreis
10.15 n in
"IjenToi oitiiT/frfo. icr. STATIWII nurfTo >
Oiuftlin. U. I' , depot , lOtli ixmt .Mnrojr Bti. I Ou'iHui.
NlKht Kxprt'Jl IIOU5 a m
. . . .Atlnntlo Kiprvii , , . BJO p m
yeitlbulo l.linUo.l.llli | a m
, J10U.x."OH < \'TiTrATrrTOr 1 ArfiVoi
Ouifilm. | U. l iloimu IQlli nnil .Murcy SU.I
.jjliiux C'lly I'nucnKiir. . . .
" nf Kipjrois. .
1.cSvo "j Blou- Cri \ 7k I'SClMU ' .
Oiimlin. I Uupot Ifilli unit Wi'bstor 8U. | Unmlin.
JiOO p m | si. Paul Jjmllpil.i. . . I U3J _ _ nm _
Onmlm. | U. 1' . ilupot. 10th nml Mnroy Ht < .
9.15 ra Chlcnito Kiproii , ,
4 : p ra Vestibule l.inillod. ,
6.15 p m Iowa Acoommuilntlon ( Kxc. Sun )
V.10 p in Kmtorn Hror ,
1.15 P m .Pa t Kn lorp Kxpren . . . .
. . - _ . ' . T'AtlT *
Oinnha. | U , I * . doi'Ot. lOlh nnd M rcy
f6.00 P nil Chicago
n * * > p m | . .riilraito Kinron . . . .
I OMAllA it Ml' . I.O U13. I
Oiualin.V. \ . I * , depot. lUlli anil Mnrcy Bti.I
Lcnvei , H. A MO. VAljlTK\\
Omnha. I Depot IMIi niul Wel > itor Sti.
has check enough to become a shining
mombar of the legal profession , Bays tlio
, Now Yorlc Times. A porter , inoro for
ward boy no vor copied briefs or run er
rands. IJoiiiR niiturnlly bright and
quick , hia omployotfj huvo occailounlly
gent him to court to got motions ad
journed or to Iind out when u ctiso WHS
to bo tried. This Horvcd to rousohis
vanity , und ho begun to fcol Unit ho
could inivko UH much of nu impression in
court aa n fulMNMgod liiwyot * if only ho
could tjot the opportunity. The oppor
tunity came , and the boy' improved
it , but the result \viis diil'orait from
what ho had looked for. In
stead of asking Iho olerk to got the
motion adjourned , ho waited till the
cnao was called , then ho ' { jot up , walked
to the lawyers' table , 'plitcod liis hunds
on it iuat us ho had soon big lawyers do ,
nnd began. "Your Honor , this jJ8n. .
motion " yga
The judge on the bench was a very
dignillcd judge indeed , and ho looked
down with evident displeasure. Then
ho suid , "My boy , I can't hour you. "
Tlio little chap began again In a louder
tone. "My boy , " repeated tlio judge ,
"I can't hoar you. " "Your Honor , thiri
is a motion , " camoagnin , loud enough to
bo hoard across to the city hall. 'My
boy , " stonily said the judge , "I have
told you twice I couldn't ' hour you. Wo
don't hoar children in this court , " The
rebuke pleased the lawyers , and had
such a good otloot on the lad that ho
would rather do almost anything else
than try to address a court again.
Cure for Croup Use Dr. Ttiomtii' Klcctrla
oil accorditiK to directions. It Is the l > est
remedy for all sudden atUcks of colds , pala
and inflammation , nnd Injuries ,
Civilisation In Africa.
Civilization Is advancing in Africa.
The last Liverpool etcamor for the
mouth of the Congo carried 10,000 ctisoa
of .ium , 11 cases of gin , 400 tons of guu-
powdorand fourteen mlssloniirlos.
1G02. Sixteenth and Farnam streets is
the now itock Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to all points east , at lowoat rates.