Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Uorvc and Check aa Defined lj ) a dole-
bratotl Lady Drummer !
A. Duel With Iinssnca A Ilorrlblo
N Scene Witnessed In n Ndw
Ztloxlco Villain Honey
moon Incidents !
A tail , stout woman , with a fresh complex *
Ion and big , brown eyes , walked up to Clerk
FleUhnt thoGIosoti offlco yesterday and en
quired after nn express package which she
lind been expecting , says the Cincinnati
Times-Star. As she moved her right hand a
big diamond glittered and gleamed la the
clcctrlo light ;
"That , " said Mr. Fields Impressively , after
1 the ludy had walked out of the main entrance
. to Walnut street , "Is Mrs. L. E. Stewart nnd
is a traveling saleslady for n ladies' underwear -
wear house In Now York city. Her expense
.account is ono of the largest in the country
. nnd the orders that she sends in to her bouso
make the managers got up and buy another
diamond or promise a sealskin cloak. "
From n talkwhlch n Times-Star man had
with Mrs. Stewart , ho fully believes every
word that Mr. Field said concerning the
lady. She enjoys the distinction of being the
leading lady drummer of the country , nnd
carries her honors lightly Indeed. There Is a
delicious bruscjucnoss , a what might bo easily
called masculine nalvotto , about her that is
Impressive and nt the same tlmo charming ,
She is a thorough business woman , with Just
enough of the feminine tenderness to make
her an Ideal common-sensed woman ,
"Till * talk about women not being able to
travel alone is nil bosh , " said Mrs , Stewart
"Hero I have been traveling for the past flvo
years , and I hnvo yet to see the man who has
grossly Insulted mo. It all lies in tbo woman.
If she it determined nnd plucky she can go
through the world ns cnsy , if not easier than
a man traveler. Yoti'seo , there Is a certain
gallantry about a man which Is certain to ox-
lilbit Itself when In the presence of o woman ,
and naturally , therefore , I got n great deal of
help and kind attention on my trips. "
"What should bo the mala requisite In a
good traveling saleslady } "
"JIusUo , " was the terse rejoinder of Mrs.
Stewart , and she gave It with a pleasant
smile. "If a woman Is endowed with that
ono quality , why dommo cxcuso mo. but I
don't bclievo In mincing words she otightto
got nlong. There Is a big difference between
check and nerve. The first Is pure nnd un
adulterated brnssmesa ; the second is clear-
cut , scintillating go-ahcndativcnc s , The
first has the effect upon a customcrorcatislng
him to lose respect for the saleslady , the
uccoml is the surest seed to ralso the plant of
ndralr.itlon. I know I'm not cheeky , and
dommoexcuse my language If I don't
think 1'vo ' got the right kind of nerve. "
"Mrs. Stewart defined nerve nnd cheek
very well , " remarked Clerk Fields , "as wo
hotel clerks huvo reason to know. For In
stance , some tlmo ngo there came a female
stenographer to the hotel in company with
on old railroad manager. She was Just bo-
yoiul the blushing side of 28 , and possibly
was In the shadow of the thirties. Shu was
piven a good room , nnd then the trouble be-
ga n. She wanted fresh ice water ten times
n day , Kicked nt the meals , growled at the
miserable weather , tqok ofTcnso nt the merely
cursory plnncos of half a hundred traveling
mon , wagged her tongue viciously ut the
delay of the elevator , grumbled be
cause there were no matinees at the
theaters on Friday , remonstrated In no
S mild tones with the housekeeper be
f cause her room wasn't tidied a few minutes
after she nroso from bed , and did a hundred
ether things well calculated to make hotel
guests nnd employes feel that there were
more disagreeable things in life than an in
surance agent or a persistent borrower. Now ,
In tbo fnco of all this , what do you suppose
this girl told mo in a wild burst of rapturous ,
chlld-llko confidence ?
" 'Mr. Clerk , ' said she , 'I ' hope you don't
mln-J nny annoyance I may have caused you ,
for I am a woman of the world , loft nu orpnan
milto young , and I'vo imbibed a goodly
amount of nerve. '
"I recovered from the blow by the liberal
use of tonics and cola water. "
A Duel With IjnssocH.
T Mr. J. 11. Johnson , n Chicago traveling
\Vfc- man who returned lately from a trip throuch
X Now Mexico , says ho was the witness of ono
of the most horrible duels over fought in that
land , whcro the shedding of human blood ex
cites but little attcntioa and the slayer of a
follow man , if the killing is douo in anything
X Hko n fair fight , goes scot froo. Mr , Johnson
Bays ho was in the southern part of New
Mexico , taking n wagon rldo with his sam
ples , when ho arrived at the little village
of Scbolla. Ills driver was a Mexican nnd
acted as interpreter. There was no hotel in
the place , bat they succeeded in obtaining
accommodations at a house which was a
slight remove from a stable.
After making out a supper as best ho could
Mr. Johnson silt In front of the house enjoy
ing a clear. Insldo ho could hear the pretty
daughter of his host laughing nnd chatter
ing. The girl was evidently the belle of the
country , nnd know It. She was about
fifteen years old. Early in the even
ing a young Mexican rode up. Ho
was tricked out In all the llnory af
fected by the horsemen of that country and ,
from the cmislvo reception accorded by the
filrl , he was undoubtedly a fayorlto. While
the merriment was at its heltrht another
young man rode up , dressed enough lllto the
first to play the twin brother act. Ho was as
well received ns the ilrst by the girl , but It
was plnin that tlio Ilrst comer looked on the
second with Jealous eyes. A few minutes
later the driver Informed Mr. Johnson that
there would bo trouble , for the men were
rivals and the girl was a thorough coquette.
, The two herders had been in the house a
short time when loud talking and quarreling
wore beard. Mr. Johnson went in , attracted
by the tioiso , and saw at once there would bo
a light. The girl , pleased to be the cause of
such n row , showed her pearly teeth , and her
.black eyes grow brighter still as the excite
ment Increased. Finally the rival lovers ap-
-jHrored to have como to bomo agreement , and ,
appealing to his Interpreter , Mr , Johnson
found that the men had deter
mined to fight n duel with their
lassoes. It was a bright moon
light night as they rode out to the pralrlo.
There were about a dozen In the party. Mr ,
Johnson tried through his Interpreter to patch
up n peace , but the man said the Mexicans
told him to mind his own business , which ho
concluded to do , A rapid gallop took the
party fur enough out into the plain to allow
the duelists free room to rldo at will.
"How terrible the nlfnlr would bo , " Mr.
Johnson says , "I had not the slightest
Idea , or I certainly would not have been a
witness to it. The two men stripped to the
waist. They were bareheaded. There was
none of the formality nnd politeness which
mark the duels of civilized men. They sim
ply hated each ether and desired to kill. The
lost spoken word of each was a curso. Their
horses were put facing each ether close to
gether. At a given signal they rode slowly
past each other , went about twenty yards ,
turned and were ready to flght. Lasso In
hand , they slowly circled about , each keep
ing a watchful eye on the movements of his
rival. Suddenly a his was heard ,
nnd a lasso flow through the air
from ono man. An alert eye and
a quick dodge caused it to fall short , and before
fore it cnultl bo recovered thoothnr had thrown
his rope , but it , too , was carefully evaded.
This continued for several minutes , many
throws being mudo and avoided. The deadly
loop was thrown by experts , but they were
also dodged by men who had studied the an
all their lives.
"At last the smaller of the two mon sent
Ills lasso whistling through tbo air. I saw
the other throw up his hand and nrm to ward
It off , but the loop settled down over his
head nnd nrm , nnd in n flash it
was tight. It was all done In the twinkling
of nn oyo. Both horses were on the run while
the loop was fastened ti ht about the man's
neck and arm. Ho was jerked out of the sad
dle , and then In some way his boot caught in
tbe Btlrrup and ho huug screaming between
the two horses , the lasso cutting into his Hesh
ns the two horses strulncd apart as If trying
to tear him is two. '
"It was simply nwfuL The victorious man
was yelling llko a demon nndurglni :
to greater efforts. I could not stand
nnu rushed forward to cut the rope and free
tbo unfortunnto man , but before I
could i-cnch him hi * boot gave
wny , nnd the other stnrlod his horse running
over the pralrlo. dragging the Innnlmnto body
of his rival , which was fust being reduced tea
a slmpcloss moss , Hound nntl round ho cir
cled , until nt the nnrful sight I fmntcd. When
I recovered consciousness I was on it bench
In front of the liouso nnd the payly hail dis
persed. On the plain lay the body of the
victim of the duel and In the house were the
plrlnndtho victor , laughing and talking 01
if nothing had happened. "
A. I'lirllllnc Kxpcrloncc.
As n party of gentlemen snt In an up-town
restaurant a few nights ngo discussing eomo
Juicy chopi and Pommory , ono of them , aNew
Now York drummer , related the following ,
to which ho was nn eye witness !
' "Something over two years ago I was doing
the west In the interest of a Now York
wholesale house , nud wound up In
San Francisco on a Sunday forenoon ,
After lolling about , rending paoors and finally
discussing an admirable dinner at the 1'alaco ,
istnrtcd for a rldo toward Golden Gatoparlt ,
taking ono of tbo cable cars. It was then
about 3 o'clock , ana the avcnuo leading
toward the park was densely crowded with
vehicles of every description. It seemed
that every ono own lug u carriage of Any
character , from the road cart to the
landau , xvas cnJoyltiK the delight
of driving In the delightfully
tempered sunshtno. All ngcs , sexes ,
and conditions were lining the sidewalks ni
well. I could almost imagine it some extra-
hrdlnnry fete day , so great wai the number
of the populace who were out for an airing.
While admiring the lifo nud movement of the
scene , I heard a shout , as if from a by-street
which wo were approaching , nnd the next
moment a IIURO express wacon. drawn by
two powerful Iron-itroy horses , dashed
around the corner , barely missing a cab ,
and pursuing their mad illght Into the thick
of the pleasure drivers. No one was upon
the scat , the horses having probably been
loft standing , and becoino affrighted. That
thov must cotlldo with some of the frail vo-
hlcfes in their path seemed Inevitable from
the crowded condition. I looked on ns they
galloped furiously past the cnr , my blood
fairly freezing with horror nt the slRbt. It
socincd almost miraculous that nothing bad yei
been encountered by thorn , that they could
run twcnty-flvo yards .further without wreck
ing some of the ether carriages , nnd probably
killing their occupants , scorned Impossible.
" \Vhllo \ gazlnir upon tno Hying runaways I
caught but n bare glimpse of. nflguro on horse
back that flashed swiftly by tbo car window.
Turning my glance to him I norcelvod that
from his sombrero , his hugo stirrups nnd
pled mustang , that ho was a vac-
quero then the truth dawned on
mo , ho was In pursuit of the flying team. Al
ready ho was fast nearing them , nnd bis
lariiit was circling In the nir ; a moment moro
nnd the swift noose had swung through the
air nnd fallen nearly over the neck of the
near horso. The trained mustang , at n ges
ture , It seemed , had settled Itself squarely on
Its muscular haunches , and the unlooked-for
Jerk pulled the big gray violently upon the
pavement , his mate going to the ground with
"Dozens of vigorous hands were
at their heads before they could
struggle to their feet , and almost in
the wink of nn eye they were loused from the
wagon. You should htiVo heard the crowd ,
cheer that cowboy as ho nnd his gallant little
tlo mustang moved up the avcnuo it was nn
honest , western yell Unit almost created nn
carthqunko. No , ho would not have any col
lection taken up for him , nnd likewise rcfusei !
to give his name. You incredulous fellows
may tlilnk it a fiction , but I assure you it is
not , nnd the flies of the "Frisco papers of thi
day will verify my tale. "
Honeymoon Incident1 ? .
On Friday of last week a happy coupl
boarded the Housatonlo express at a smal !
town up In Massachusetts. Instead of takin ;
the drawing-room car they went Into th
smoker nnd mndo themselves perfectly n
homo. From their conversation it was soon
learned by all the men In tno car Hint they
had been married that day nnd were on the !
way to spend the honeymoon at the groom'
homo In Jersey City. It was also ovlden
that there had. been a good deal o :
liquid refreshment at the wedding
feast , and that it was Just begin
nliig to get In its work. When the trait ,
reached Mcrwinsvlllo the couple had had
sovcral little spats , and bad blood began t
got warm botwcon them. At this station i
dapper little chap , a drummer , got on tin
car and sttt in front of and facing the bride
She was at once smitten with his dudish
charms and began an outrageous flirtation
with him. The groom objected to this nntl
chastised the little chap , but the bride sidoc
with the vanquished. When llawloy
villo was reached the little nmn lo'fi
tlio train and stood at the car win
dow. Just as the train started ho ,
beckoned to the bride , who Jumped up
reached the car platform and swung grace
fully off. Her husband of a few hours startei
after her , but as the train was going at
good 'speed n brnkeman detained him. At th
next stopping place , Boston , thirteen mile ;
from Ilawloyvlllo , ho got off the train an
started to walk back , muttering that ther
would bo trouble when ho reached llawloy
villo. JTuo runaway wlfo and the drummei
had in the meantime taken the train for Fish
Last week a young couple from Bir
mingham departed from the paternal
homo amid a shower of rlco for Now
York. There was plenty of room on the
Naugatuck train , but when they got on
the Now Haven division at Bridgeport the
car was pretty well llllod. The best they
' could do was to find seats on the opposite
sides of the nlslo. Before the next station
was reached the young groom had occasion
to speak to bis wlfo , and as ho loaned over to
do so a quantity of rlco rolled from his hat
brim to the floor. The gentleman who sat in
the seat with the brldo saw the rice , blushed ,
and apologising to the still moro blushing
brldo , gathered up his traps and entered the
smoking cur. The groom changed his scat at
once and was happy ,
Mr. nnd Airs. Shirk of the Shirk house , nt
Sao City , have made everlasting friends of
the knights of the grip by closing their house
and nursing an Omaha drummer through a
serious case of the diphtheria. Although
they lost considerable custom by so doing ,
they will bo rewarded In the long run , for
traveling men , ns a rule , never forget a kind
ness shown to ono of their number.
Do not go traveling without a bottle of Sal
vation Oil. It cures a brulso ui ouco. 25
An eastern man advertises for a boy to
"open oysters with a reference. " Oysters do
not generally obtain references , but millions
can truthfully testify to tbo miraculous
power of Dr. Bull's ' Cough Syrup. It knows
of no such word as "fail. "
Nebraska's Counties.
AIUPAIIOE , Nob. , Nov. J3. To the Editor
of Tun Bun : To decide a bet plcaso Inform
mo In TIIK Bin : how many organized couutics
thuro are la the state of Nebraska.
Answer Thcro nro ciphty-uluo organized
counties and ouo unorganized Arthur.
The Lady Godiva must have had exception
ally longhair slnco It completely concealed
her lovely person. Slnco Ayer's ' Hair Vigor
came into use such examples are not so rare
as formerly. It not only promotes the growth
of the hair , but gives it a rich , silken texture.
Dtirleil nn limply Coflln.
Solomun Seal was married to Amanda
Wilmington in Now Albany In 18S8. By
this marrlngo a boy child was born ami 1
lived to bo ono your old , when it siekonod
nnd died , saytt a Columbus , Intl. , special I
to the Chicago Ilornld. The futhur and
mother disagreed as to thu place of in *
torment til their child , the inothoi * want
ing It burled nt Now Albany cemetery ,
the fitthor nt the cemetery in this olty.
The corpse was propnrod for burial at
this pliioo and the futhor took n last
farewell look at the dead bubo and went
from tlioroom. The mother then quickly
took the body from the collln and con
cealed It In the residence. The funeral
proceeded and the empty casket was
duly burled. On the following tiny the
mother wont to Now Albany , Ind. , tic
which place the body of the little bubo
was interred according to tlio wish of
the mother.
It Was Over I'Movon Feet Long nntl
Unit Nineteen Unities.
The largest raltlcsnnko over soon In
Georgia was killed Saturday in Leo
county upon the plantation of Secretary
of State General Phil Cook , Bays the
Atlanta Constitution. The enako .has
errorlzed the neighborhood for years ,
and-its death Saturday was the occasion
of n jublleo celebration among the
dnrklos in that vicinity. Lvon the
white people joined in the general fool
ing of relief that so dangerous nnd
droadcd a neighbor was rid of nt last ,
The simko , by actual measurement , was
a little over cloven feet long , It had
nlnotoon rattles and a button.
The snake hixs boon hunted for years ,
nnd traps Innumerable have been devised
for its ciioturc. Its don is an impenetra
ble section of the Klnchafoonco swamp.
Near this Is n cypress pond , nnd between
the swamp nnd pond Is the road. Hun
dreds ot times its track hns been scon
across the road. Pcoplo who had not
soon It were loath to bollovo the stories
told about it , but tlio truth finally bo-
cni'io established nud the Leo county
rattlesnake became famous from the
Atlantic to the Pacific. The snuko has
swallowed young pigs , chickens , rabbits ?
nnd ether small nnimnls , and was
dreaded by the negroes Hko u ghost. It
was difficult to induce them to travel
the road nt night.
HLast Saturday the snake was found
across the path uoar the poudby
Mr. Phil Cook. Without dis
turbing It Mr. Coolc wont oil for help ,
returning with thrco or four negroes
armed with hoes and clubs. Stealing up
nonr the snake the negroes fell upon it ,
nnd with the hoes and clubs finally
killed it. It was cut open and in Its belly
was found a full-grown buck rabbit.
This probably account ? ( or the dormant
nnd comparatively helpless condition of
the snnko and tlio case with which it
was dispatched.
The snake was then thrown across the
shoulders of ono of the negroes nnd car
ried to the house. Though the negro
was a stalwart , muscular man , ho staggered -
gored under the load.
There Is nothing llko Dr. Thomns' Electric
oil to quickly cure a cold or rellovo hoarse
ness. Written by Mrs. M. J. Fellows , Burr
Oak , St. Joseph county , Mich.
A Yniikool'rom Salisbury.
I was ono of the crowd of union pris
oners which dug the long tunnel and es
caped from the prison pen at Salisbury ,
N. C. , says a writer In the Now York
Sun. Those of us who had worked the
hnvdcst.lmd the first show on the night
when wo broke through into the rail
road cut. As fast as wo got out wo took
dflloront dlrectionsashud been planned.
I went up the Yadliu river , hoping to
got into Virginia. I hud a S20gold
Cicco ono which I had carried in my
oot heel for three months unknown to
any ono. It was given mo by a citizen
of Salisbury in exchange for $5.000 worth
of confederate gold bonds.
I made fair progress to the north that
night and the next day. As evening
came again I was forced to stop at u.
farmhouse and ask for something to cat.
My request was readily granted , and
when I rose to go the man of the house
observed :
"Stranger , they say a lot of Yanks
got clean out of the pea at Salisbury the
ether night"
"is that so ? "
"And thoy'vo scattered over the ken-
try Hko so many rabbits. "
"Yes ? "
"And they say that whoever brings
ono back gets $100. "
" \VollVr'
"Well , I reckon I'll hitch up to the
cart and drive you back. "
"Whatl Do you take mo for nn es
caped Yankee prisoner ? " I exclaimed.
"Sartin wo do ; " replied the farmer
and his wife in chorus.
"You are greatly mistaken. Would a
Yankee prisoner have this with himi"
I laid the gold on the table. Perhaps
it was the first twenty either had over
scon. It seemed a fortune to the poor
"I'm going to leave it. with you , " I
continued. "You can givo'mo seine
moat nnd meal nnd a bedqullt for it. "
They were perfectly satisfied of my
identity and where I had como from , but
the man hold the gold in his hand and
said :
"Mother , ho'un can't bo no Yank. "
"In co'so ho ' "
ain't , eho replied.
Ho'un must bo a confedorit contractor
lookin' after hogs an' co'ii. "
"I reckon. "
"An' it's our dooty to help ho'un got
through. "
"Of co'so. "
"Then you put up the stuff fur him ,
wnllo I toll him the best route , an1 in
case any sojors call hero an' ask if
wo'uns ' has seen any of them Yankee
prisoners , wo'uns is to say to thoy'uns
that wo'uns haven't even seen a hair or
heard a hoot. '
I was captured near Rochford and re
turned to the pen , but it was no fault of
the people who gave mo such a lift on
my way.
Through- coaches Pullman nalaco
sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair
cars to Chicagoand intervening points
via the great Rock Island route. Ticket
olllco 1G02 , Sixteenth ana Farnam.
. .
Didn't Consult the Owner.
A lot of us were waiting at Syracuse
for the train from Oswego , when we
noticed an old man and his son , the latter -
tor about twonty-ilvo years old and built
like a horse , says a writer in the Now
York Sun. Something eootned to bo
troubling the boy , and by and by the old
man slipped around and put us on. Said
ho :
"Bill has got a bllo on his left log
about as big as a pint cup. lip's had it
two weeks , nnd I got him to town to
have it .lanced. Como to git hero , ho
hain't got the sand. Sunthin' ortor bo
done , and I've thought of a way. "
"I'd bust the bllo in a York minit if I
could got the chance , but Bill suspects
mo. If ono of you fellers would go up
and tap him he'd bo the moat thankful
man in the country after it'was over. "
You will always find seine ono hi a
crowd ready to olTor himself up for any
thing. The man lu our crowd who vol
unteered was traveling through the
country with a fireproof paint. Ho was
a slim , cadaverous chap with a whqozy
voice , and ho said to the father :
"Old man , I'll doit. I've had bilos
for the last twenty-five years , and I know
what It is to suffer. All of you keep
quiet nnd I'll have Bill singing hosannas -
nas in less'n flvo minutes. "
Ho stopped out of the crowd , wan-
dored around for a bit , and , as Bill bo-
came interested in n railroad notlco
tacked on the wall , the > humanitarian
approached him nnd dealt him a smart
kick on the calf of his left log. A wild
yell and a jump followed , and then the
room was filled with hats , dust , coats ,
legs , and boots , nnd wo nulled Bill off to
find the paint man lying unconscious
nnd apparently tied into fourteen knots ,
A doctor who was present worked
over him for ton minutes bo-
fore ho opened his eyes. Bill
and the old man had slipped out long
before that , and wo had to pick up two
tooth , a crushed hat. a broken watch
chain , a smashed watch and some pieces
of cloth , and laid them besldo the victim ,
no stared at us for a mlnuto or two ,
cleared his mouth of blood , and then sat
| up to say :
"Bill had a bllo , I was fool enough to
4gdgj2sK ! l& &
Liberties of our Daughters.
' 'There is no one thirig more delicate to
decide upon than that of the correspondence
of a" young girl , Certainly , the letters of a
school girl should , in sheer justice to her , be
subject to examination and revision. What
can be more painful in after life to a sensi
tive woman , when the morning roseate 'tints
of illusions have vanished , than the record pre
served by some ill-natured person of her
indiscreet letters , which , after all , were
but the out-cropping of meaningless exu
A berance , yet , alas ! liable
A to grave misconstruction. "
A So writes
Mrs. Admiral Dahlgren
ir le under the above caption ,
in the November
A Ladies
Sound sensible advice for both > Mothers and Daughters is always to be found in the columns of this
for Ladies and the .
A. leading Journal family.
Handsomely printed and daintily illustrated , it has won its way into nearly Half a Million of our
best families , -
fl T We will mall the Journal from now to January ist , 1893 that Is , the balance of this year FREE , and a FULL YEAR
L.UU from January xat , 1891 , to January ist , 1892. Also our handsome 4O-page Premium Catalogue , illustrating a thousand
articles , and including "Art Needlework Instructions , " by Mrs. A. R. RAMSEY ; also " Kensington Art Designs , " by JANE S. CLARK , of London.
A % i"u CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. , Philadelphia , Pa.
try to bust it for him , nnd Bill busted mo
instead ! Gentlemen. place mo on a bench
find leave mo to my rollcctions. I want to
figgor out if I hain't a dangerous man to
bo allowed to run at largo. "
A Country Party Analyzed.
In books what delightful parties as
semble , together , in country houses ;
ideals , types , an invariable hero and
heroine. In real life what a difference ,
says London Truth. Take up a paper
and road the list of visitors assembled at
seine great house. Their names sound
well how mollifluontly the sound of
titles falls on the British tympanum
but if you happen to know the special
mon and women these names represent ,
what a changol My last analysis of tv
party of this kind was as follows : A fat ,
fatuous man of about fifty , with the friv
olity and bolstorousnesi of fifteen ; an
elderly , vulgar woman , with the lifo
motto , "Myself first and the rest nowhere -
where , well acted up 'to , in great things
as in small ; " her daughter , a common
place , uncultured girl , ignorant to the
extent of not oven knowing the tradi
tions of her own historic naino. An in
ane beauty , with a husband lo whom
the blessing of a house of hereditary leg
islators affords the opportunity of mak
ing public his irrepressible asinine qual
ities. But enough. How dreadful the
plain , unvarnished truth is capable of
looking for nought is hero sot down in
malice iny nerves give way before the
dire task of holding the mirror up to na
Tlio Irish-Scotch Tunnel.
A mooting has boon held in Belfast to
consider the desirability of carrying out
the project of making n tunnel between
Ireland and Scotland , from a point
known as Gobbins , on the Antrim coast ,
to Portobollo on the Scotch coast at
Wigtonshii'o , says Galignani's Mosson-
gor. Mr. Barton , C. E. , explained the
nnturo and extent of the project , hut
stated that further investigation would
bo necessary before a full or satisfactory
report on. the subject could bo submit
ted for consideration. The length of
the proposed tunnel , ho said , would bo
thirty-throe miles , nnd the probable cost
of construction would amount to botwcon.
8,000,000 to 10,000,009. Resojutlons
were adopted recognizing thtf advantages
which would accrue to the commercial
classes in Great Britain and Ireland if
the proposed tunnel was completed , and
stating that , in the event of its being
found on further investigation that the
project is feasible , the government
should bo asked to give such , financial
assistance as would enable the work to
bo carried out.
Converted Into Siuisaccs ,
The firm of Musoho & Bayno , dealers
in old horses , doing business at No. 21
Straight street , in Patterson , N. J. ,
took possession of a dead horse , carted
it to a stable , removed the entrails , and
hauled the carcass to Louis Summers'
bone yard and slaughter houses at Dundee -
doe , Bergen county , says n dispatch to
the Globe-Democrat. , When asked what
they intended doing -with the dead ani
mal ono. of the man .employed by the
firm said that in losa than ten hours the
ilesh of the dead horsq would bo under
going u process in a. nu.sago factory on
Staten island. r ,
"How do you send the animals
there ? " was asked.
"After removing tno hide nnd entrails
we cut them up into'q'uartors and haul
them to Summers' 'placo , whore the
quarters are cut into smaller pieces ,
salted and packed into barrels and then
shipped to Staten island. "
"Do you Bond many there ? "
"Yes , wo gobbled up seven at Freak-
ness the past two days. "
Snco Couldn't Afford Them.
It is related of Russell Sago that while
attending a mooting of ono of the nu
merous boanls of directors of which ho
is a member , a box of cigars was brought
by order of a moderately well-to-do mem
ber of the board , says the Now York
Times. The box waa passed to Mr.
Sago , who mechanically took out a ci
gar. Holding it to hid nose ho exclaimed -
claimed , "Ah , that has a line flavor.
What do you pay for thcso cigars , Mr.
"Onlv 820 dollars a box , 20 cents
apiece1 was the reply.
"What ? " exclaimed the frugal Rus
sell , in a tone of intense disapproval , " 20
cents aplcco for a cigarl That is too
stoop for mo. I cannot afford such an
expensive luxury , " And Mr. Sago
walked over to the table on which the
cigar box had boon placed nnd took a
couple more of the cigars and put them
iu his pocket.
Ijntcst DlHuovcrlcfl of Science.
One of the most valuable and Interesting
Series of Papers over published will bo con
tributed to The Youth's Compnhion by Prof.
Norman Lockyor , of South Kensington
Museum : Sir Klehard S. Ball , Astronomer
Royal of Ireland ; Prof. E. S. KcMsu , of
Lick Observatory ; Prof. C , A. Younp , of
Princeton University ; Prof. Shalor , of Har
vard ; and Caraillo Flaramarion , the famous
Frcpoh astronomer.
The Glfriird Gun.
The GliTnrd gas gun. to the unini
tiated , hardly differs from any ordinary
rifloexcept that a small touch steel tube
runs from the lock along the barrel for a
distance of about nine inches. In this
insignsficant looking tube there is con
tained a liquid strong as the strongest
poison , for a single drop of it is enough
to ecnd forth the death-dealing bullet
with a force equal to 500 pounds pressure
on the square inch. And this it accom
plishes so silently , so entirely without
outward and visible signs of the inward-
working , that if this gun is over adopted
as a weapon of war the battles of the
future will bo as silent as wofa the at
tacks of the savages who know of no
ether weapon than the primitive bow
and arrow.
The only railroad tram out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council BlulTa , Dos Molnos and
Chicago business is the Rock Island vcs-
tibulod limited , leaving Omaha at 4:16 :
p. in. dally. Ticket ofllce , 1C02 Sixteenth
and Farnain sts. , Omaha.
A. foreman's Grnvo.
The Now Hampshire Historical so
ciety is interested in what is eupnosod to
bo the grave of a Norseman of the tenth
century , at Hampton. Throe-fourths of
a mile north ol tno beach is nn uncov
ered boulder , throe feet long by two
thick , which has scratches In the form
of a cross at the bottom and top , nnd cer
tain marks claimed to bo of Norao origin.
The "grave" Is near by , but has not
been opened.
Spain's Population.
An increase of about ono million people
in thirteen years in Spain is attributed
In a great measure to the success that
has attended the changes in the hygienic
condition of the cities and larger towns.
'has been established in London IOO YEARS both as.
a COMPLEXION and as a SHAVING SOAP , has obtained 19
INTERNATIONAL AWARDS , and is now sold in every city of the world.
It is the purest , cleanest , finest ,
The most economical , and tJierefore
The best and most popular of all soaps
for GENERAI. TOILET PURPOSES ; and for use in the NURSERY it is recom
mended by thousands of intelligent mothers throughout the civilized world ,
because -while serving as a cleanser and detergent , its emollient properties
prevent the chafing and discomforts to which infants are so liable.
PEARS' SOAP can now be had of nearly all Druggists in the United
States , BUT BE SURE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE , as there are worthless imitations.
Cures oil disorders of the Stomncli , Llvor , Ko\vol , KlilnojH , Illmlclor.Nerv
cms DIsonsQB. IJORB of Appetite , llomlnolir , Count Urn tiou , Coyilvonosn , Incline * *
tlou , HIlioiiHiicfia , Fever , Piles , Etc. , and r on dura tlio system less llnblo to con
tract cllsonso.
cllsonso.DYSFBJPSIA. .
RADWAY'S TILLS nro a euro for this complaint. They lone up the Internal secretions to thy notion , restore stroiiRtli to the ptonuicli , and cnublo'H to perform HH f unction i ,
I'rleo23o n box. Sola by ull druggists , or mailed by ItAUWAV St. COMUSWurruii Btioct , NOT
Vorlc. on receipt o ( price.
"We guarantee to
cure any case of Syph
ilis no matter of ho-w
long standing. And
we have the only rem
edy that will cure the
disease. You have
tried everything else
and wasted your
money , why not now
try-us. "We guarantee
to cure or refund every
dollar. When it is nec
essary for'patient to
come here we agree to
pay railroad fare both
ways , all hotel hills
and refund your mon
ey if we do not cure
you. Write for partic
ulars ; do not be hum
bugged any longer.
We are financially re
sponsible with $300-
000 capital. COOK
EEMEDY Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. , Rooms 39 & 40 ,
13th and Dodge Sts.
finely ffeicje , Jklly Warranted
Marvejlpys jnliin-e
C. L. Erlokson , Local Agt,200 N.lOth St
IncitnorcBx. inToiumary ijOBBea.aml ti > rm orrbcea
caused by oTir-oiortlo of the brain , folr-tbuio or
oter liidulfenoe. JCach box cent aim ono monl t' treat
ment. llaboi , or ill for l > , sent by ninl I prepaid.
Vrith eacb order It > r tlx lioir * . will unU purchaaor
pu r uteo to refund ucner If tha treatment f alia W
cur * . UuironUM l iu 4 am ] BVDUIDO told only br
lUOFarnatn Street , Omlm Nb.
Fottl.iAntKi OVt.Y"tr. ) Ixxluc'i Periodical I'llli on tin inonitrual ijrdora and
cure tuppreiilon from vrlmtoror cniuo , I'romote
menstruation. Tboso ullli iliould not b tnkcm dur-
.ngpreuuancf. .Am. 1MI1 Co , Itojallr I'roiis. . Upon-
cer. Clajr Co. , la. Uonulnu bf Bbcrnum k McCoimoll.
I > odK it. , near P.O. , Omaha ) U. A. Meloher , HoutU
Omahal M. P. KIIU. Cuuuoll llluHt. fl. or j > for U
Eye and Kar ,
Birkorll lock , lith and Knrnam. Toleohonalil
More than 15 ypflrs'experience In tlio troatmoolof
A euro Riinrimtoed tu 3 to flvo dnjs tilthcuf the lo
or.aa bour's tlmo.
Pcrmnnonllr rtiroil irlUiout pain or Instrumental no
cutting ; no diluting. Tlio moil reinnrknblu roniodf
known to modern science.Vrlto forUrcularJ.
Dr. McOrcw'i treatment for thli tertlblo tilood dls.
onio Inn boon prononncfld tlio mont power/ nna
successful remedy oer discovered ( or the nlnolute
curu of tills dlsaii8o. His success Hltli tills dlsoua
hui never liton CHI united. A cotupluto OUHE uuiu-
' KI > . AVrllo fur circular * .
mil nil Mcnknon of the toiunl oritnns , nortotmnou ,
Iliuliilly nncldo. < pontoncr ( nbsolutoly curod. Tliara *
llof Is linnicdlntu oiul coiuilcto. |
Cntnrrh.rlieuinntlini , nnd nil < 1hcmei of the bloil
liver , llilnoys nnd bladder porniancntlf cured.
anil nouralKla , norrouAnnfl ) nnd diseases of tlio utoin *
nth cured. Tlio Doctor' " "Homo Treatment" far
Indies la pronounced by oil wlio Imvo unud It. to ba
lliomostcompoto nnd convenient remedyororof.
tercel for tlio trontrauPt of fumalo dliuiuos. ltd
Irulr a wonderful rumodr. No Initrumnntai no
pain. Moults rOlllituiiM ritoM it TO < OM.V.
marvolouii nuccosj Imn won for him a reputnllon
Klilcli In truly nntlnnnl In clnrnctur , nnd Ills nreit
nrmy of pntlcnU ronclio from tlio .Atlantic to tbn
rncltlc. Tins Hot-tor In u Rrnduuto nt "JiriHIi.Aii"
mciflclnoHiidliRi Inrt lanKand carofuloxi > i rloncoln
lioHpltnl pruLtlco. nntl lt classed niiKinif tlio loading
( prclallHU In modern science. Trontment br oorro-
( pondiinco. tVrlto fur clrculun about oacuoC thu
nbovn discuses , fitlK.
Office , 14th and Farnam Sta
Untranco on cltUor itrcot-
Corner Oth and Harnay Btreoti , Omahi.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , President.
Founded by Dr. J. W , JIoMenatny. _
Certain dhonlers of MU1V make tbem Dlue ,
Itiat'n tiocausn they lose liuno too loon I
fri < f " lu.vo w < > ,
of nil f of m , . " Kill UEfiiaAI,00.SiOale , H. V.