8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1800. TWENTY PAGES , MOllHK'8 NI3W Dliil'AUTMENT. Kitchen and Dlninit Jlnom Furniture mill IHnlicR or All KliulB. In adding this now department to our itoro wo have , firstly , endeavored to make It couiplotc ; secondly , to offer every ixrtlclo til iv lower prlco than has over been known In the west.Vo do not quote prices but nsk you to order what you want , as wo positively assort our prices tire lower thnn hns over boon known In the history of tlio trade. Further information regarding prices , goods , etc. , will bo cheerfully given you In the department. Any thing you may purchase of us if not entirely satisfac tory , can bo returned and money will bo at once refunded. All kinds of china , dishes and glass ware , wooden-ware , tinware , kitchen cutlery , dlshci , washing utensils , In enormous variety , at lower prices than you ever thought of seeing them before. Wo want every housekeeper In the city to Inspect the goods wo show in our new houscfurnlBliing department ; wo have some great bargains In tinware , woodemvarc , etc. , on the 4 AND OC COUNTERS. Every housekeeper will save money here ; It Is the most complete department in the whole west only one in Now York equals It ; wo will save you hair your household expenses. Do you want tinware ? Wo have It. Do you want stepladdors. wash tubs , palls , etc. ? Wo have them hero. Do you want tea kettles coffco pots , strainers , broilers , tin pans , etc. ? Wo have them hero. Do you want granlto iron ware , stone ware , glasses , goblets , etc. ? "Wo have them here. Do you want tea urns , coffco urns , knives , meat choppers , brushes , brooms , etc. ? "We have them hero. Do you want dinner sets , Havlland china , jurdinlorcs , cracker jars , cups and saucers , anything made in dishes ? Wo have thoin. In fact you will not have to leave our salesroom to furnish your kitchen or dining room and you may bo sure the prices uro right. LACE CURTAIN SALE. "Wo nro having our most important curtain sale of the season. The continued increase of our curtain department ts certain proof that wo are headquarters on those goods , "Wo have numerous attractive bar gains to offer , and will bo pleased to Bliow our patrons , whether they intend purchasing or not. BOYS' CLOTHING -DEPARTMENT. The Morse Dry Goods Co. have a lot ol boys' knee pants purchased at about hall prlco recently in Now York. These pants arc made from the remnants ol cloth loft over from cutting fine suits and are VERY , VERY CHEAP. Boys' ' knee pants 50c , worth 7Sc. Boys' ' knco pants COc , worth $1. Boys' ' knco pants , 80c , worth 81.23. Boys' ' knee pants , $1 , worth $1.50. Boys' overcoats , $1.00 , worth $3.60. Boys' overcoats , $2. CO , worth $5. Boys' suits , Sl.OO , worth $3. Boys' ' suits $2.90 , worth $1.50. This department Is on the main floor JTarnnm street wing. .THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. UNDERSHIRTS . AND DRAWERS , Men's natural gray undershirts , 75c. Men's all-wool undershirts . heavy - , 95c. Men's ' natural gray all-wool under- ehlrts , $1.23. Men's ' line seamless sox , 15c. Men's unlaundrlod shirts , 50c. Men's ' nightshirts , 75c. Men's super British sox , 25c , Men's heavy gloves , sox , suspender ; Boy's clothing is In the same wing amen on the sanio floor as the men's furnish ings , and wo offer a special lotpf BOYS OVERCOATS AT $2.75 , worth fully $ each ; wo have also a lot of BOYS SUITS AT $2.90 , worth $5 ; wo have als < nlot of SCOTCH CAPS 50c , for men o hoys. MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. THE DRAPERIES , CURTAINS , ETC That wo uro prepared to design , maki and hang are equal to any that you car purchase In the boot , upholstery anddra pery stores of the largo eastern cities. Special designs will bo furnished 11 ! drawings submitted and estimates cheer 1 8 ! fully furnished , whether your bill prori iscs to bo ten dollars or a thousam dollars. Brocatollos , spun silks , china sllkf tltlan velours , every desirable fabric ALL NEW , bought for the opening c this department in our now store. Ever , desirable shade will bo shown you In ou drapery and curtain department. W hnvo not a single pair of old style poi tlcrcs or lace curtains In stocli Everything was bought for this store. Ask us for an estimate on wlndoi shades wo nro now making the best HI ting and best running window ehadc ever made in Omaha. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , Custom drapery department. CUSTOM DRESSMAKING. The suits nnd pattern dresses in on custom dressmaking department are o exhibition. Wo are daily making nun bors of now customers for this dopar ment. Our fitter is by far the best 1 the west. Wo know of uono in No York or Chicago that can equal her fc Btylo or perfection of fit. It is not an experiment with us. " \ \ guarantee a stylish costume nnd 11 n class fit , THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , Custom dressmaking department. 1IAYIM3N UUO8. Special Hulo on Monday. Wo must have more room. Wo nro compel led to force down the prices In order to reduce the stock , and make room for the largest stock of holl- duy goods which is now on the way. Our ngonts have boon busy slnco last March searching this country as well na foreign countries for everything thut is now and novel in the way of toys and fancy artlctoH for the holiday trade. Wo will 'have a big surprise for you this sea son but wo must have room to display. NOTE EVERY ARTICLE ADVER TISED. Sicilian wrapper cloth reduced to 4o yard. Armenian serges now only 7c yard. A beautiful line of clan plaids Oc yard. lid-inch wide plaids and stripes 12Jo yard. Amoskcnpr quinsy o.loth lOc yard. American indigo blue prints 2c ! yard. Wcstbroolc ginghams , dress styles , TJcytml. Good dress gingham Cc yard : Dark stylus llannolotto lOc yard. Double fold all-wool lltuinol suitings 25c yard. Kennot flannel suiting , wortlr-JOc , re duced to 25o yard. 38-inch wide all-wool suiting , 25c ; was 43eynrd. 27-inch wldo wool plaids , worth 45c , reduced to 25c yard. 61. inch llannel suiting 76c , worth $1. 51-inch ladles' ' cloth all wool , worth 05c , cut down to Coc. 0-4 wldo broad cloth , all colors , worth 81.05 , now Ooc nor yard. 11-inch wide henriotta In all colors worth COc now 25c. lid-inch English cashmere now lOo per yard. In fine all wool dress goods there Is no house in. this city that will show you a better assortment either In plaids or fancy weaves and you will find our prices the lowest or money will bo cheer fully refunded. Surah silk to close , at 19c per yard. All colors in double warp surah silk , including black at 15c , 08o and "oo per yard. Satins from 22c per yard upwards. Wo take great pride in showing our black silks which are second to 'nono in this city our bilks are fully warranted at 69c , Ooc , 75c , See , 95c and Sl.OO upwards. A full line of colored silks , plushes , velvets , etc. Great , reductions you will also notlco in our black dress goods department. None of these bargains advertised will bo duplicated , but in their place you will llml the largest display of holiday goods over shown in Omaha. Wo must have the room , as our stock is now on the way. SPECIAL COMFORT SALE. Comforts are very bulky and wo pro pose to clear out all wo can , so on Mon day wo will OlTor you comforts at Hoc each , same as others ask 60o , comforts at75c and $1 each. All our cheap corn- forts are bound on the edges. 1 doz. sateen covered comforts , turkey redlining , wool filling , 72x78 , at $1.18 each , worth $1.75. 10 doz. chintz covered comforts , turkey red lining , clean cotton filling , 72x78 size at $1.75 each , worth $2.50. 10 do * 72x78 size comforts , both sides fancy imported sateen covered , clean white cotton filling , only $2.25 each , worth $ ; ! .50. fl dozen 80x90 size extra large , chlntzo colored , lined with oil-boiled turkey red , clean cotton filling , $2.75 each. Fine down comforts at special prices to closo. Special Halo on California wrapper blankets Choice of plain colors , $ ; ! .50 , worth $5 ; fancy figured wrapper blankets that were $7. 60now $5. All wool crib blankets $1.50 and $2.50 a pair ; striped wool lap robes at $1.08 and $2.50 each. Wo are the only house that carries Dr. Price's mitural wool blankets in Omaha , they are the best blankets for the money. You will find them only at Hoyden's at $4.75 , $5.60 and $0.60 a pah * . IJon't fail to see our 6 j-pound white Wool blankets en bale at $1.85 a pair , they will not bo duplicated. Wo need all the room to display holiday goods. On Monday and as long as they last you can buy eiderdown llunnols at Hoc a yard at naydcn's. . All woolllannol skirt patterns $1 each. Pink wool mixed llannel lOo a yard. cases newport white shaker flannel at lOo n yard , would bo cheap at ICcayard. 20 dozen red woven centre towels , worth 25c , reduced to 17o each. 50 do/.cu knotted fringed damask tow els lee each. 25 dozen all linen huck towels reduced to 5c each. 50 pieces fancy border , 10-Inch bleached crash only Oc a yard. IG-lnch brown all linen crash , 6c a yard , 20-inch wldo fancy striped huckaback toweling , extra heavy , worth 25o , cul down to ISe a yard. Linen scarfs for dresses 35c , 50c , 75c and $1 each. Fringed napkins 5o each , worth $1 ti dozen. Special bargain in bleached cotton flannel at Sc yard , worth 12e. } All muslin and double width sheetings at not cost during this sale and in some cases at loss than cost. Remnants of every description in all the different departments at prices noxl to nothing ; they must bo sold ; wo need all the room for Holiday goods ; toke ad1 vantage of this sale , it will pay you. HAYDEN 1JROS. , Dry Goods and Carpets. CARPETS. Wo must make room for our holiday goods , and our stock of carpets and driv porles take up such a largo space wo wll make the bigtrest cut in carpets ovoi made in Omaha in order to reduce tin stock to got the required space. . Ingrain carpets ttOc , J55c , 40o and 45c Government standards , all wool , 55c COc , G5c , OSo ; 3-ply , 75c and 95c , wortl $1.25. Tapestry Imissols , 60c , COc , G5c , 75c worth from 75o to $1 per yard ; $12 per tiers for $0.50 ; $16 portiors for $7.50 ; $11 portlors for SO : bordered top and bottom fringed top and bottom ; bcrirn. 3o po yard- floor oil cloth , 25c per yard ; tabl oil cloth , 17c. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Carpets. Dr. Matthews , dentist. 850 Bee bldg Tlio "Western Art Exhibit. Open Sunday from 10 n. m. to 7 p. m. in the New York Life building. w. 11. iJEXNU-rr oo. , Capitol Avo. , Onmlin , Intend this holiday tlmo , as they alway have done , to take the load in holidn , poods. Owing to their largely increasing ing trade , they have been obliged to re move their principal stock of novoltlo and toys to their 2nd floor. Their stool of imported nnd domestic toys is com nloto and prices will suit all pockoU Toys from lo up. There Is pleasure i both giving and receiving , nnd the good suitable on this floor for presents comprise priso tasteful glassware , lamps , fane chairs and all kinds of furniture an bric-a-brao tastefully selected and sol at the lowest prices. Visit our 2nd an 3rd floors. You will bo politely treato and not worried to buy. Believe us , w are speaking truthfully when wo say ou goods are cheapest and best. St. AixlrftiHliern Canaries orlJlollcn will arrive this wook. See ndvertisomcri Max Goisjor's bird store. The improved Now Process gasolin steve ut Stootzol's , 1021 Howard. 1IAVD10N IIHO.S. Great Snlo of Orocerles. This is pretty nenr the last call before the wall Is moved. This etilo .will bo Monday , Wednesday and Friday. 15 pounds granulated ougar , $1.00) ) 17 pounds extra 0 sugar , $1.00 ; this Is al most white ; imported new Valencia rai sins , 8lo worth 15c ; lirtported now English currants , 7c , wquld bo very cheap for 15c , but wo must sell ; very line cranberries , 81e ; evaporated California peaches , 8Sc ; rice , oc , Ojc , 7jc ; soda crackers. 5c ; oyster crackers , 6c ; King's self-rising buckwheat Hour , 4JcIIceker'H : self-rising , He ; pancake Hour. 4 jc strictly pure buck wheat Hour. 8u } all kinds of washing pow der , 3Je ; bologna , 5c ; head cheese , 6c. Liver worst , oc ; picnic Irani , 7c ; sugar- cured ham , lOc , 12jc : boneless ham , lOc ; full cream cheese , 15c solid paOkcd , 3- pound can tomatoes , DC ; best sugar corn , Do ; ajl kinds California 3-pound can plums , 17jc ; fl-pouml can apricots , \10c ; best condensed milk , lOe , liJo ! and 16c ; imported chow-chow , 15c per quart ; 7 bars best laundry soap , 2-5c ; evaporated blackberries , lOc ; sapolln. 7ic ; largo bottle blueing , 5c ; household arnonla , 5c per bottle ; lye , Sc per can. See our prices on Hour. Davis Royal , No. 10 , $1.GO. Minneapolis Best Superlative , $1.35. Snow Flake , $1.HAYDEN HAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and groceries. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Wo wore in hopes of putting the car load of crockery just received iir our now basement , but not borng ready wo had to crowd It into our old one nnd an other car is following this one. If it should got hero before the now building is ready wo would bo compelled to leave 't on the Btrcot. In order to avoid it wo vill sell the carload juat in at prices lover heard of before , which wo know vlll give us the desired room. Handled sups and saucers , SOo per set ; dinner : > latcs , Hoc per sot ; tea plates , 2Sc per ct ; plo plates , 22c per sot , moat plates , ic ; vegetable dishes , 6c ; nappies , square ind round , 20c ; wash bowl and pitcher , 1'Jlc ' each ; chambers , covered , 45c ; un- lovercd chambers , -Joe ( ; pitchers , loc ; auco boats , loc ; slop jars , OSc ; soap dishes , 6c ; fruit dishes , I'Jc per sot ; tumblers , 2Jc each ; wino glasses. 2o each ; goblets , Oc each ; largo milk pans , 60 ; milk crocks , Cc3 ; packages steve polish , 6c , 0 doz clothes pins , 5c ; ! lncst wash board made , 13c ; all kind of lamp chimneys , 5c ; towel and hat racks , 6c ; rolling pins , 6c : potato masher , 5c ; buggy whips 5o up , cuspidoro 20c ; dish rnop Co ; dish pans , lee ; 6 knives and 0 'orks , 35c ; Iron hanging soap , dishes 5c ; .in cups , 2e } each ; children's A. B. C. , ) latcs , 6 and lOc each ; the superior ivingor , $1.75 ; complete lamps , 15c ; the argest line of reading lamps in Omaha 'roni $1.00 un ; piano lamps , $4.75 , worth $15.00 ; 6,000 fancy cups and saucers "rom lOo up ; carpet sweeper , $1.25 ; ca and ooffco pots , lOc ; tea kettles , 2oc ; coal scuttles , 20c ; coal shovels , 6c ; wash tubs , 55e ; clothe bankets 05c. Ironing boards ; ! 5o , and M. Strcotors flat irons , 3 irons , 1 handle , stand , $1.35 , sold everywhere for $2.25 and $2.75 ; water palls lUc. See what you can buy tit Havtlcn's " for Ic. 1 dozen clothes pins Ic , 1 package steve polish Ic. 2 tin spoons Ic , 2 table spoons Ic , 2 boxes of tacks Ic , bed cast- rs Ic , mouse traps Ic , milk pans Ic , pudding pans Ic , plo tius Ic , paddio pans Ic , Hour dredges Ic , door stops Ic , wood rope hooks Ic , hat hooks Ic , nutmeg graters Ic , rolling pins Ic , steve lifters Ic , Hewer pots Ic , mustard spoons Ic , gimlets Ic , harness snaps Ic. screw drivers Ic. HAYDIDN BROS. , Dry goods nnd house furnishings. HAYDEN BROS. , DRUGS. Special sale , Monday only. The ihoupest and best place to buy drugs west of Chicago. Wright's Sarsaparilla 59c , regular price $1. Hood's Stirsapar-Hla 70c , regular prlco $1.00. Ayor's Sarsaparilla 70 , regular prlco $1.00. S. S. S. , largo size , $1.30 ; S. S. S. , small , 70 , regular price $1.75 and $1. Syrnp of Figs , largo size 70u ; small sizo"39cv regular pricb $1 and 50c. " Dr. Bane's Rheumatic Specific 70c , regular price $1. Kennedy's Medical Discovery $1.10 , regular price $1.40. Burdock's Blood Bitters , B. B. B.,70c , regular price $1. Warner's Kidney and Liver euro 95c , regular price $1.23. Dr. Krng's Now Discovery , 39c , regu lar prlco 60c. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , largo 39c , small 19c , regular prices 50c and 25c. 30 per cent transparent glycerine soap , 2 cakes for 15c. All other soapa at reduced - ducod prices on Monday. All perfumes at half price on Monday. Household ammonia , largo bottle , 8c , small 5c. Gold paint for gliding and decorating purposes containing 0 bottles of different shades , lOc , regular prlco , 50c. French onarnel paint lOc a bottle , reg ular price 25c. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Drugs. The Western Art fOvlilliit. Open Sunday from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. , in tire Now York Life building. A SENSA'iION T < XK MONDAY. The OO Cent Store , litlO Furiinm St. , Hnti Created a I'anlo In Prices ol House Furnishing Goods Owing to tholr desire to rcduco the stock. Space must bo had at any sacrifice as our enormous stock of holiday goods must bo properly displayed. Come and see us Monday early and secure some of the tale bearing bargains wo are offer ing.Tinware Tinware at less than the cost of the tin plate tin cups 2c , 3c , 5c ; pans 2c , 3c , 4c , 60 and upward ; cake cutters 2c , strainers ic ! , 6c , dippers 4c , So and lOe ; plo pans 2Jc ; shovels 5c , So nnd lOc ; lipped sauce pans Sc , 8c , lOc , 12u 15c ; square bread pans 5c , 8c , lOc ; coffee pots lOc , 15c , lOo and 25c ; dish pans 15c , I'Jc and 25c ; lamp burners 5c ; toweL racks 5c , lOc ; clothes racks lOo and upward ; coal hods 22o nnd 45c ; decorated cham ber pails 25c ; vegetable mnfihora 5c , 80 and lOc ; vegetable ladles lOc ; flour sifters lOc nnd lOc ; thousands ; of other bargains in tin and wire goods. Padlocks 5c and lOo , curry comus 60 and lOc , chopping knives 5o nnd lOc , steel hammers , 6c , 8c , lOc , screw drivers , 6c , lOe , Potts patent sad irons $1.25 nor sot , nlcklo handle frying pans lOc , solid stool frying pans 45c , best wringers $1.08 , worth $1 , tubs 660 , 05c , 76o , palls 15c each , wash boards lOo , clothes horsct 25c , 30o and 49o. Wonderful values in baskets. Wo have the most complete line of these goods west of Now York. Our stock of toys , dolls , albums , fancy goods , etc. , etc. , Is not surpassed by any house in the country , while- the prices are guaranteed ns low as the lowest. Trading Is made easy at our store whore every accommodation is offered to our patrons. Make it a point to visit. , THE 09 CENT STORE , 1310 Farnarn r8t. Mr. Otto Hlomsioii hns accepted a position with Ames 'rea ' estate agency , 1507 Farnam St. , when ho will bo pleased to RCO his friends. . i Ituyuoii IlroB. Extraordinary ealo of ut derwlcar foi Monday , "THE FAIR" IN 8 DAYS Must Close Out Every Piece of Dross Goods and Ag That Store Hns Ilccn llcntctl nnd Wo Must ( itvo 1'osHcssloii in Klflit Dnjrn Those 1'rlocs IMtMt DoIt. . ALL DRESS GOODS THAT WERE 60C AND 75C TO GO AT 26C. 320 pieces of line grade 40 , 42 anil 40- inch wldo , plain and fancy colored dress floods , comprising everything in our stock that was formerly marked 60c and 76c fjo now at 2oc. At $2.00 , dress patterns , each contain ing 8 yards 40-lncn wldo material of tire well known Jamestown mills. They corno in combination crepe cloth oiTeetH , novelty strlpus , plnldn , nnd are worth $4.00 , now to close go at $2.00. At $2.50 wo will boll you 150 all wool henrlctta dross patterns , all colors but black. French novelties of this year's importation. Every pattern worth $5.00 , now go for $2.60. At $3.00 , choice of till our finest novelty - olty dress patterns in bilk and wool plaids , stripes and chocks. All now and cholco goods ; worth $10.00 and $12.00 ; KO tomorrow trt $3.00. ALL LINEN CRASH 8c. } To close out our linen dop't we will offer tfieso extraordinary bargains : All linen crash Ujc. Host quality Slovens' extra wide crash 7c. 7c.Extra Extra wide unbleached table linen lOc a yard. Fast colored turkey red table linen 25a a yard. Extra fine bleached table damask , with red border , 35c a yard. Full bleached imported German table damask 50c. All other linens to bo sold out in the same proportion , FUR TRIMMINGS 45C A YARD. Our entire stock of pray , nutria , black nnd light fur trimmings at 45c a yard. Silk beaver trimmings in tans and browns at 3oc a yard , former price $1.25. .BLACK MONKEY MUFFS 25c. W"o tomorrow oll'or our entire stock of good quality nrnnkoy mull's at 25c. Flno black fur Eetsmutl and boas , $1.75 a sot. sot.Wo Wo have 12 very fine light colored fur sots of capes and rnUlTs which cost us to buy $12.00 ; wo close them out tomorrow at $5.5 ! ) . Wo have also 8 elegant light 'colored boas and mull's that were $10 , that go to morrow at $3.60. CLOAKS MUST GO. Wo offer you tomorrow the 'Choice of fine plush jackets , made up in the new est style , with rov'cres , that were $25 , for $10. $10.Your Your choice of our 40 inch long seal Hush cloaks at $1 .50 , $18 and $21. Wo juararrteo them to bo worth double. To sell out our ladies' cloth nowmnr- ccts wo now make the following reduc tions : $5 uowmarkots reduced to $1.50. $0 nowmnrkuts reduced to $2. $12 newmarkols reduced to $5. $15 nowiuarkcts reduced to $7.oO. Our entire stock of novelties in ladles' winter wraps and plush fur-trimmed quilted silk lining , garments that wo sold us high as $00 , to bo sold out tomor row at $15. SELLING OUT SHAWLS. Heavy gray and brown wool beaver shawls that were $2.50 , now $1.2-3. Our finest grade of $7 beaver shawls reduced to $3. 50. Fine all wool breakfast shawls now go at 25c. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAR. All our small sizes of children's white merino underwear now nt oc. Our finest grade of children's all wool scarlet underwear at 12jc for first size , rise 5o a she. The very finest grade of children's zephyr knit underwear in till si/.cs re duced to Hoc Ludies' fine natural wool swiss ribbed underwear reduced from $1 to 50c. Our finest grnfio of imported ladies' hand knit vest reduced from $1.50 to 75c. SELLING OUT COTTON FLANNEL , 4 CENTS. Tomorrow wo will close out our entire stock of 80 canton llannol at 4c. Our heaviest grade of cotton flannels now go at lOc. Our extra heavy striped and plaid gray flannels go at 12o. Double fold wool veilings at lOc a yard , worth 35c. Fine silk veiling at 5c , with borders , worth 25c. We'll soon bo sold out. . THE FAIR , J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS , 502 , 504 , 600,508 and 510 S. 13th st. Airs. J. Honsoii. Wo have a very largo and handsome line of children's dresses and cloaks in sines up to eight years. These goods are in the latest and prettiest styles that are made. All we ask is for you to sco them. If you are wanting any wo know wo can sjcll to you. For Monday wo will.givo 10 per cent off on these goods. HOSIERY AND UNDERVyEAR. Wo have an immense stock iir both of these departments and will guarantee the prices to bo the lowest in every in stance. Boys' heavy ribbed school nose , warranted fast black. 25 cents. Beautiful quality line ribbed double knco and Irlgh spliced jreol , all sizes , 45 cents. Ladles' fieeco lined , 25 conta and upwards. Ladles' wool hose with merino hcol and toe , 25 cents and upward. Many ladies are afraid to wear black hose on account of the strong dyes that are used in coloring. Wo have a hand some hose In grays and tans : price 45 cents. NECKWEAR. Wo have just received a largo line of pompadour ruchingB in all colors and a great variety jof styles used for dress trimmings or neckwear. YARNS. Our yarn department Is very largo nnd choice. Uormantowns , loc skein ; best zephyr qrrality germantown , 20 cents a skein. Saxony , Spanish , Gor man knitting , -Shetland , zephyr , cruel , nngorn , ice wodhrug yarn all the best qualities of ltd kind that is made , but tire price as cheap ns the cheapest. ART DEPARTMENT. Our fancy goods stock is overflowing with beautiful saw goods , so many en tirely now designs. Wo are crowding up other departments bo as to give moro room to these goods , so that people may see what wo have without being bo crowded. MRS. J. BENSON , NKAU DOUGLAS. An Upright 1'liino Used only 3 months at a sacrifice. Moln- berg's , 107 North 10th st. Gold filled watches , Elgin , Springfield or Waltham at Hayden Bros. , $10.05 up ; warranted. _ ' CurpetH. Chas. Shlvorlck & Ca , 1200 , 1203 and 3210 Farnnra at. Drs. Glaslor & Dodge , 407 Paxtonblk. - Our Newcastle coal comes from Ohio. Guaranteed to bo equal to Rock Springs. Mount JcGrillln. THE BOSTON STORE , Lo Baron Holt & Oo.'s ' Sample Drosa Pat terns on H IjtU'KO Sample Trunks Just Hcoolvcil from Iio Ilnron Holt & Co.'s CJrc.it Fnititrc Killed With Beautiful Sample Dross 1'attoniH. Every pntfurn will be- placed on our counters Monday morning at prices in each of everyone. Some patterns wore nit up to Bull for $8 , our prlco Monday ! 3.08. You should hco the patterns to ippreolato them , ' Every pattern has the rimming and huttons to mutch. You vill find In the trimming the very latest rovolty In Persian stripes , plaid Bilk velvets nnd all now and just out for the Christmas trade. The Lo Baron , Holt & Co. stock was bought at less than one-third what it : obt to Import. Wo have decided to let t go tit one-half Lo Baron , Hull & Co.'s ' UMCO , our motto being "Quick Sales and Small Profits. " Every hldy In Omaha should visit this lopnrtimmton Monday without fall. Dress patterns of 8 yards cashmere " 58 inches wide with 2 dozen buttons , "il.OS , worth $3.60. Dross piitturnn of S yards chocked and striped Victoria cloth. Tire very latest style , with 2 dozen buttons for $2.31 , vorth $1.50. Dross patterns of 0 yards dross cloth > 1 inches wldo , with 2 do/on buttons , $ tM8 , worth $5.00. Dross patterns of 8 yards brllllantino vith U dozen buttons $1.25 , worth $2.6\l. Dress patterns of 7 yards imported ronrioUa cloth with 2 do/.en buttons for $2.58 , worth $1.00. Druss pattern of 8 yards black Eng- i8h cashmere with 2 dozen buttons for $2.08 , worth $4. Dross pattern of S yards black mohair n-illiantlno with 2 dozen buttons $3.58 , vorth $0. DroBi ? pattern of 9 yards black im- ) ortcd henrlottti with U dozen buttons or $3.2,3 , worth $7. Dress pattern of 8 yards till wool tricot vith li yards of latest style fancy silk trimming foro.T8 , worth $10. Dross pattern of 5 yards 60 inch ladies' cloth with 2 dozen buttons for $3.48 , worth $0. Druss pattern , 8 yards , fancy mohair brllliuntmo , with 2 dozens buttons for $2.88 , worth $1.50. Dress pattern of French honriottji cloth of 0 yards with 2 dozen buttons for $3.23 , worth $ .j.oO. Dress pattern of 8 yards very finest all- wool Imported hcnriutta with H yards latest htylo brocaded bilk for $0.68 , worth HO. Jrctis'paUorn of 12 yards velvet with 2-do/.ens buttons for * ; i. . )8 ) , worth $0.50. Dress pattern of 8 yards English hen- rlotta with 1 } yards 'latest style Persian silk trimming for $ , ' 5.18 , worth $7. OUU DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT1. Bleached muslin on bale Monday at 3Sc a yard. Good weight white shaker llannol at 4Scayurd , worth lOc. Fancy wool skirting flannel goes Mon day at l5o 11 yard. Striped and check cheviot skirting at Ojc a yard. Genuine turkey red , table damask , warranted not to fade , ati.3c , worth 40e. One-half bleached Gorman , table da mask , 50 inches wido. 35c a yard , worth OOc. OOc.Tidy towels , drawn thread and knotted fringe , largo size , for 17c. worth 35c. 40 inch Turkish bath towels at lOc , worth 50o. Lace curtain nets , with tape edge , at 12Jc yard , worth 25c. Extra laigo size white quilts for G9c , worth $1. 11-4 Marseilles quilts at OSc , worth $1.75. Our grand hosiery sale is continued on Monti aj * . Infants' all wool eashnrero hose , 9c. Ladies' till wool cashmere hose , lOc. Gents' blue and brown mixed seamless gox , Oc a pair. Gcnlb'genuine ' British half hose , 15e. Our underwear sale is acknowledged the cheapest over known. Children's all wool scarlet vebts and pants , 12c. Ladies' jersey ribbed vests , 2oc. Ladies' natural wool shirts and drawers , 'COo. Visit our cloak department on Mon day. Wo have some of those beautiful wraps for $15 that cost from $50 to $100 to import. Our millinery department is second to none west of Chicago. Our $3.25 velvet toques can't bo dupli cated for less than $8. THE BOSTON STORE , 114 S. 16th st. N. B. Falconer commences on Monday n great sale of silks , linens and cloaks and opens their book department with a great sale and the lowest prices over made. Club members of the Innocent Abroad , Coreopsis , Windsor and Home Circle arc Invited to join Morand's Thursday assembly. Terms reasonable. Lessons Tuesday , Friday and Saturday. Hnydon Itros. Extraordinary sale of underwear for Monday Uoryos $3.50. S. Bank ; 507 N. 10. Hnvo You Scon Them ? What ? Why , the Acorn ba3o'burn ers. If not , It will pay you to do so. The demand for the Acorn has boon so great this fall that the manufacturers have been unable to supply thorn. Wo tire now receiving largo shipments and will bo able to supply not only those who have been waiting but till comers. The Acorn is the scientific steve of the ago , and is the original ventilator from which all its would-be competitors are copied. Examine the Acorn. Acorn.JOHN JOHN IIUSSIE , 2407 CumingSt. , Solo Agent for Acorn Stoves and Ranges Pearl opera glasses in fine morocco cases $3.60 , worth $10.00 , nt Hayden Bros. ' Mr. . . It. I'arrott has accepted a position with Ames real estate agency , 1507 Farnam st. , where ho will bo pleased to sco his friends. Mount & Griflln'fl Newcastle coal ; best soft coal In the market. Guaranteed equal to Rock Springs. C Bruno guitars at S..Bank's , 507 N. 10. * Slices ! Shoes I Money saved by calling on Omaha's lowest prlco reliable shoo dealers. ZDNDEU & HARRIS , 1520 Douglas St. Weather strips for sale nt 0. E. Mor- rlll's ' , iu less than tiny place In the city Storm doors and sash can bo purchased at 0. E. Mori-ill's , 1514 Dodge and 1115 Dodge , cheaper than any place in Omaha , all sizes constantly on bund. Seaman's wagons best and cheapest. > The Wrutoni Art Kxlilbit. Open Sunday from 10 n. in. to 7 p. m. , in the Now York Lify building , PARISIAN CLOAK AND SUIT CO , Special Announcement of n 81 aughtor Sale of Cloaks. Twenty Tlmumnml Dollnrft Worth of Cloaks Sncrllluctl nt Fifty Cents on the Dollar nt Our Sale Monday. Never in the history of Omaha has such an opportunity been presented lethe the public. All now and stylish goods. No old shop-worn trash , as is usually offered at the so-called cheap sales. Gonulno "bona lido" bargains will bo offered in ladles' , misses' and children's ' cloaks TOMORROW , MONDAY , and continue during the week until nil are sold. NEWMARKETS ! NEWMAIUCETSI 160 Newmarkets , $5.00 each , worth $10.00. 05 Jacquard Newmarkets , $7.50 , would bo a bargain at $12.60. 250 handsome Newmarkets , elegant materials , your choice $10.00 each , worth double the money. A choice variety of handsome novelty Newmarkets and long garments fully fifty per cent less than similar garmants can bo had for elsewhere. Sco our jackets , next week's prices nt $4.50. Sco our jackets , next week's prices at $5.00. Sco our jackets , next week's prices $7.50. Sco our jackets , next week's prices $10.00. Sco our novelty jackets from $12.60 to $25.00. Next week's prices will coat elsewhere from $18.00 to $37.50. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' CLOAKS Our styles are too varied to enumerate In these columns. All sizes from 2 years to 1C years. Our prices start from $2.00 up. All now btylcs , and made with a view to durability and comfort. Wo shall positively odor astonishing bargains in children's cloaks tomorrow and during the week. READY MADE DEESSES. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! Bargains in suits. Bargains in tea gowns. Bargains in morning wrappers. Wo guarantee a perfect fit or no salo. FURS ! FURS ! TURSl Seal skin jackets from $85.00 up. Seal skin sacques from $125.00 up. Plush jackets from $8.00 up. Plush taqucs from $13.50 up. MUFFS , BOAS AND COLLARETTES. Our furs and plushes were all con tracted for long before the greet ad- vairco in prices. SHAWLS , SHAWLS , SHAWLS. Wo will offer some tempting bargains in shawls. Ladles save money and examine the bargains at the great cloak sale of the PARISIAN CLOAK AND SUIT CO. , S. E. cor. 15th and Ilarnoy sts. , Rtungo Building. All the latest novelties in jewelry at half jeweler's prices at Ilnydou. Bros. Hayden Itros. Extraordinary sale of underwear for Monday. Musical boxes at S. Bank's , 607 N. 10. The improved New Process gasoline steve at Stoctzol's , 1021 Howard. All Mimic at Half Price. G,000 pieces only lOc a copy at Moln berg's , 10th st. bet. Capital ave & Dodge. Iiul > ! > ors ! RZundor & Harris , 1520 Douglas street , headquarters for rubbers and overshoes of all kinds or anything in the line of shoes and slippers. Largest stock , low- ebt prices. ZUNDEU & HARRIS , 1520 Douglas St. Never before have I had the steve trade that I am having this fall , and the demand Is for first class goods. The query is all day long week in and week out , I came to see a Fashion stool range , or I came to sco a Round Oak. The Fashion stool rnngo has features that housewives have been looking1 for for many years. STOOT/.KL , 1021 Howard. Ilol'oro A piano oxamlno the now sualo Kimball piano. A. Hospo , 151H Douglas. Seaman's carriages host and cheapest. George W. Ktirz' 1'rlcos. Our stock of meats , fish and fresh oys ters is complete. Just read our prices. Loin steak , lOc ; porterhouse , lOc ; mut ton roasts and chops , lOc ; pork chops , 8c , and all other moats in proportion. GEO. W. KURZ , 1711 Nicholas. Nickel alarm clocks , 75c. Haydcn Bros. S. A. Orclmril. Carpet , furniture and drapery. St. Amlrpnslmr Canaries or Rollcm. will nrrivo this week. See advertisement Max Gelslor's bird store. The improved Now Process gasoline steve at Stootzol's , 1021 Howard. Novel ties in l.adlcs'H Slioes. Just received a largo variety of ladles' fancy cloth-top , front-lace and button shoes , in hand turns and hand welts , the now plccadilly last , latest eastern craxo. They are beauties. Inspection solicited. Novelties in children's and misses shoes. ZUNDEU & IIARRIS , 1620 Douglas st. Auction Furniture ! Auction ! 2548 Davenport sf. , Monday , 10 n. m. Contents of the entire IIOUBO , line folding bed. carpets , range , heating stoves , chairs , tables , etc. , cooking utensils , china , gla.ss , etc. Sale at 10 a. in. prompt. Ro"bort Wells , Auctioneer. You should try our flowcnstlo coal nnd bo convinced ; it is equal to Hock Springs. Mount AGrillln. CurtnliiH nnd Dnrpcry. Dewey & Stone Furniture O. Fine carriages , Seaman's repository. Mandolins and zithers at S. Bank's , 607 N. 10 , BENN1SON BROS , 9 f Prices Smashed to Atoiuj for Monday's ' Snlfl * Special Jlru-Knliifi at Our Hnl * Tomorrow Thau You Kvor Haw Wo nro Cutting the 1'ilccs 011 CloakH. 2. " ) pieces fancy plaids for childron'a drosdOH , only Oc vartl. A good red twill llannol at lJc ! yard. 100 pieces standard dress prints 4J } yard. The only place In Omaha when ) you can buy a $ .12.00 . and $16.00 down comforter for $5.00. Don't fall to sco them , wo nro elosfng them out at $5.00 each. W can soil you the bout regular made comforter you ever saw at $1.75. Wo have a few wo will close out Motv day ut 50c each , worth $1.00. 50 pieces elegant napped shirtings only lOoyiml. worth 16c. , Isow line hickory stripe shirtings at 5c yard , just half prlco. " 1 halo ! W Inch unbleached imislln , ft L'ood one , Monday , 20 yds for $1.00. Fancy striped all wool wrapper Him * nols ! ! 0e yard , worth OOc. Wo will offer Monday the choice of 60 pieces nil wool tires goods , iilnlds , stripes and plain goods , 'M to12 ini'lreii wldc.nt 60o yardworth from 76o to $1.00. Wo offer 76 do/.on ladies'black cash * moro hose , all wool , at 25c pair , for' morly sold at I5c. 20 dozen ladies' fancy striped knit "skirts , imported , OOc each , worth $1.25 , They go Monday nt only OOo ouch. Hoyd all wool flannel shirt waibts at OOc each , worth $1.00. Monday 300 blaelc half muffs at otto each. Ladles' black cash * moro gloves , Monday at 25o and 40c. just 25 per cent below regular valuosi Ladies' all wool Jersey ribbed vests a f 6c ! ) each , worth $1.00. All silk drnpory scarfs 75c each , worth $1.2o. 600 pieces nil slllc satin and gros grain ribbond Monday at Sc a yard , worth loc. Our great cut prlco sale in carpot9 | curtains , oil cloths , etc. , still continue ' Carpets laid free of charge. Buy your house furnishing goods now , wo are closing out our basement to make room for holiday goods. i Get your cloaks now while prices ar < | being cut. BENNISON BROS. "A Touch of JIlRli IiitV. " Anticipating' ' the rlso In prices of cigars , "Robertson llros. " 210 South ; Fifteenth street , have purchased eve 600,000 of the choicest imported Key West and seed havami cigars over offered to the lovers of the soiluctivo weed. THE CHARITY BALL is now ojipir , money for all , no advance price. Box trade especially catered for. Ilnydun Extraordinary sale of underwear tot Monday. _ _ IIAYIIK.V IlKOS. Special Sale of Cloaks anil for Monday. CLOAKS AND &EIAWLS. Ladies' double broustcd English walkIng - Ing jackets , liiro ulack beaver , entire garment finished with black astrachnn. length 27 inches , price , SO ; reduced froru $12. Ladles' double breasted reefer jacket in black diagonal beaver and chevron , $5 ; reduced from $8.50. Ladies' reefer navy blue beaver , entire garment bound with gold cord , girdld with tassels , length 27 inches , $7.60 ; re duced from $10. Ladies' double breasted jackets , blnclc hair line worsted , largo lapels , length 31 inches , $7.50 ; reduced from $10.50. Ladles' blue cheviot , bound all around with gold cord , high shoulders , length 21 inches. $5.60 ; reduced from 88.50. Ladies' English roveraablo velvet bea ver shawls $6 , reduced from $8. Ladies' heavy double shawls , size 72x 144 , $1.50 , reduced from $0.oO. Children's cloaks in beaver nnd plaid cloaking , ages 4 , 0 , 8 , 10 atrtr" < 2 years , $3.50 , $100 , $1.50 to $10 , reduced one-half from former prices. Misses' cloaks in beaver nnd fancy plaid cloaking , ages M , 10 and IS years price $ I , $1.50 , $ o to 12 , reduced one-hal from former prices. Sample line of ladies' nowmnrkots to bo closed out at a great reduction. All our Indies' capos in plush and astrnulum must bo sold and will go a one-half regular prices. | Ladies' plush sacques and jackets made of tire best Salts and Walker plush. Ladles' plush mtcquos , 40 inches long. made of Salts plush , ll 6 , reduced from $20. Ladloa' jilush sacquos , 41 inches long , mndo of Salts plush , $18,00 ; reduced from $22.50. Ladies' plush sncqucs , 44 inches long , made of Salts plush , 820.00 ; reduced frorn $2.5.00. Ladies plush jackets , mnds of Salts plush , from $8 , $10 , $12 to$10.00 ; reduced one-half. Children's plush coats in nil the latest shades , ages , 1 , 2 , 3 years , $3.00i forme * prlco $5. 00. On Monday wo wrll give to each pur * chaser of our $25.00 seal plush coat a handsome sbal plush run IV. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Cloaks. Hiiyilcu . Extraordinary sale of underwear fo V Monday. W. R. Bennett Co. , Capitol nvo. . Omaha , have considerably onlargoi | their grocery and butter dop't's. TTionf trade in these dop't's had Incruasod to such largo proportions that thov felt compelled to provulu better borvlco to the r customers. There will bo now moro clerks , quicker horvico and moro room. They will , as heretofore , Boll sweet country butter , fresh from the farm every day , at priCuu that cannot bo beaten in this city. There will bo a ro tluction in price from today in all grades. The crowds of people , and mostly ( ha Biuno kind faces that boslegu our butter counters every day , prove better than our own noor words that our butter i * cheapest and best. A. Max Unl/.licliiicr Co. Fine watch repairing , > 1413 Douglas st. Hnoclnl Halo. Over 1,000 elegant trimmed hats , bon nets , toques and turbans to bo bold tit a sacrifice , Sale buglns Monday and con tinues all week. Thrco Moors 100 foofc dcop filled with the latest styles. Our prices will bo loss than jobbers' prlcoa. Call and see our largo line and low prices , as you will bo bonolltod and sava money. JJ > HLISS , 1510 Douglas st. Tickets nt IOWOH rates nnd su porl accommodations via the great If Inland route Ticket olllco , 1002 teontlr and Farnam trcots Omaha. Cornish itRobort8ontittornoyshavo re moved tholr olllcostqR6ltQ 67 , Uurker blc All the standard watches on sale at half jeweler's prices at Hayden Bros. Guitars $ .1 at S. .Bunk's , 607 N. 10th , _ The Improved Now I'rocopH gasollir * fctovo at Stootzol's , 1021 Howard. The improved Now Process tove at Stoutzcl's , 1021 Howard.