Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1890, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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The Tendency of the Times to Shorten the
Period of SocialPleasure ,
An 1''pldcmlo of KoiisliiKtons lllstln-
KiilNlics the "Wcck-.Ilcccptlons
nt IMW Khb Coining Kvonts
In tlic Smart World.
However much the tendency to crowd the
tcason Into a few weeks may bo regretted ,
thcro appears to ho no escaping It , and In
deed It grows stronger year hy year. Nearly
everybody , as the word goes , remains out of
town uutll the last of October , nnd society
rcmnlns In a comatose condition until tlio
first of November. Then the round of enter
tainments begin and by the middle of No
vember the social world Is on lo grande tour ,
repaying the thousand and ono obligations
" " ivhlcti every leader ot the smart world Incurs
during the season ,
The early coining of Lent this year , how
ever , has started the round of entertainments
earlier than usual , nnd the Christmas tldo
will reveal many tired souls who will ask
themselves. "Is ft worth the candle ! " But
. thcro U no letting up In the game ; It must bo
played out , even If hearts grow weary and
emiuled bodies long for some quiet spot far
nwny from vanity fair.
The theater was everybody's rendezvous
during the latter part of the past wcelf , " The
Cb-ritvUnll , " reminiscent of many delight
ful nights nsone , attracting the four hundred
M no other phiy of tlio ipiison. 'J'ho effect of
the play was so Immediately remarked and
already a number of the leaders are planning
a charity ball on n srnlo of inngnlllccuce that
lias not been equalled In the west.
Kor two vears society has been content
- . - Witli the balls Riven bv the Assembly and tho.
' Cotillion , but this year neither of the clubs
will bo reorganized , If their patrons of former
years arc to bo believed , and per consequence
the old beaux , the dowagers , the young
Bwells and the buds hope for something of a
, } public character which will bo upon nn extended -
' tended scale , nnd n charity ball seems to bo
the only thing lu sight.
Chrysanthemums nro now very much In
favor among swell women. They nro bril
liant in color , and contribute a pleasing mid
decoratlvu effect to a woman's costume. The
yellow one * , which are very yellow Indeed ,
nro tlio most lugh'y ' prized. Some of the
.j largo ones are priced ns tiigh as $1.00 each.
'The ' florists any , however , that the largest
chrysanthemums in this country nro very
Binnll compared witn the chrysanthemums in
Japan , which oftentimes attain the size of an
American sunflower. The chief objection to
the use of chrysanthemums heretofore has
been that the odor of them is not at all pleas
ant. Yankee ingenuity , however , has been
nt'work on the problem suggested by this ob
jection , nnd some flower dealers have been
able , through the use of chemicals aiipl ( xl
directly to the growing plant , to achieve a
newer which Is odorless , or almost so. It has
been not unusual In the Jlowor trade , it is
said , to mid perfume to flowers occasionally
by dipping them in some fragrant essence ,
but the chrysanthemum case is the first case
of flowers going through u process of dcodor-
In the Forum for October , Helen Ekln
f Stnrrctt , in a thoughtful article entitled "Tho
< i Future of Our. Daughters , " says : "Ono of
the greatest foes to happy mnrriages Is the
existence of the mercenary spirit on the part
of the parents nud daughters. " Wo protest
( says the Commercial-Advertiser ) ngalnsttho
. use of the word "mercenary" In this connec-
/ tion. Man Is by nature the bread-winner ,
\ while woman Is equally by nature the honio-
miikor. By a sort of poetic justice , at any
rate , a man to win her living for her Is every
woman's right , as u woman to make a homo
for him Is the right of every man. It is not
Jalr to woman , therefore , to apply the term
( "mercenary" to that feminine instinct that
Impels her to ncccpt a bread-winner ns a part
ner for life , oven though she may lack that
Intensity of emotion that n proposal of mar
riage mouses In the breasts of the heroines of
romance. There Is nn Irresistible tendency ,
or what amounts to the same thing , a ten
dency rarely resisted , that impels lovers to
marry just as soon as not to say before the
man sees his way to supporting u wife , And
in the vast majority of cases the estimates of
the sighing couple nro totally untrustworthy.
Even as tlio matter now stands , Imprudent
> v marriages uio the rule. The man , blinded by
> .liJ9 wishes , overestimates his future Income ,
underestimates his coming expenses.
Thcro has boon nn epidemic of Kensing
tons this week , every day during the past six
having had ono or moro of these affairs ,
> -which should over bo "tho meeting ground or
\ 'friends nnd all ngrecablo people1 ns Dr.
Johnson characterized the afternoon tea.
They admit of endless possibilities , and If
the hostess bo ingenlus they can bo mailo
lllto the oasis lu the uescrt , bright resting
' places where the unexpected is always upi > or-
'most. The introduction of a reader , a capital
story teller , a clover pianist , a cnpablo singer ,
till tend to break the monotony of tlio after
noon and pcoDlo go away refreshed , satisfied
rwiththe world and themselves , delighted
with the rare tact of the hostess whoso
jiralses Is over after sung.
A ITcnnlifiil Itcocptlnn.
The week's ' round of social pleasures was
very pleasantly Inaugurated Tuesday evenIng -
Ing , the reception given by Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Dickey und Air. and Mrs. W. Lyle DIckey , '
at the former's residence Dodge and Twenty-
Utth streets , being ono of the largest of the
Mr. Dickey's residence Is very cosily ar
ranged for the giving ol big affairs , such ns
the ono on Tuesday evening was , but oven'
the roominess of the house wns tested by the
very largo number of guests present to assist'
In making the evening what It undoubtedly
tvos thoroughly delightful.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. DIckey have been rest-
/ tlents of Omaha for a number of years nnd
Jf their list of friends being very largo , when
Joined to these of their son and his wife , the
list of guests naturally reached into the
Assisting | n receiving were Mr. and Mrs.
* " J..Frank Dnlo mid Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Powell , whllo Miss Shears. Miss Leila
Shears and Miss Clara Brown assisted
throughout the rooms ,
The llaral decorations were very lavish ,
palms , out flowers , stands of chrysanthe
mums being affectively grouped above nud
below stairs. .Tho chandeliers woru roped
with suillax , while the dining room was a
picture In Its floral beauty.
Among the very largo number of guests
present the following are recalled : lion , nnd
Mrs. John L. "Webster , Mr. and Mrs. llu-
cbannu , Mr. und Mrs. D. J. Collins , Mr. ana
Mrs. Boguo , General and Mrs. Hawley , Mr.
nnd Mrs. M. L. Itooder , Judge nnd Mrs. J.
M. Thurston , Mr. and Mrs , Joslyn , Mr. and
Mrs. George Patterson , Mr. ami Mrs. D. C.
Patterson , Judge nnd Mrs. Lake , Judge anil
Mrs. Ives , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. L. Parrotto , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Colpotrcr , Mrs. Fitch. The church
was represented by Kev. and Mrs , John Will-
inins. Dr. and Mrs , Joseph Duryca , Dr. nnd
f , Mrs. Louis Zohnor , Drau Gardner , Dr. nnd
J Mrs. Kobert Doherty. Other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. S.vobo , Mrs. Windsor , Mr. J ,
II. Millard , Mrs. Will Millard , Mr nnd Mrs.
McGllton , Mr. nnd Mrs. Levl Carter , Mr.
Cameron , Mr. and Mrs. Creo , Mr. and Mrs.
Stubbs , Mr. nnrt Mrs. Hnrtlett , Mr. nnd Mrs.
liosche , Mrs. Tnllforro , Captain and Mrs.
Simpson , Mrs. Hill , Captain nnd Mrs. Hay ,
.Colonel and Miss Hooker. Mr. Hodges , Mr.
Squires , Mr. und Mrs , J , F. Barton , Mr. nud
Mrs. P. W. ' Dlrkhnusor , Mr. and Mrs.
Boggs , Mr. und Mrs. Louis Brad
ford , Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Coo ,
Dr. nnd Mrs. Connor , W. G. Council , Mrs ,
/ Cotton , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Coutant , Mr.
. , nd Mrs. K. A. Cudahy , Mr. and Mrs. T. S.
. Curtis , Mr. and Mrs. H. C. dishing , Mr. nnd
W Mrs. Flcmoa Drake , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. .
Catlln , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Green , Mr. nnd
Mrs. George W. Tilsou , Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Criftlth , Mr. nnd Mrs. O. "William Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Hartman , Mr. and
Mrs. C. 11. Havens , Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Hyde , Mr. and Mm. F. B. Kcnnanl , Miss
Xcnnnru , Mr. nnd Mrs. John McCllntcck ,
Mr. MoWhortor , Dr. Tllden , Mr. and Mrs.
- . 'I. W. Miner , Mr. and Mra. ( Nattlngcr , Mr.
nnd Mrs. P. U Porrino , Mr. and Airs. U. L.
Jleynolds. Mr. and Mrs. O. Tntum , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Wlilanl Scott , MUs Nellie Smith , Mr.
und Mrs. Warren Switzlor , Dr. Tllden , Mr.
and Mrs.PctwsMr. anil Mrs.Burtou.Mr.nnd
tyrs. D. H. Qooarich , Mr. and Mri. Shields ,
ilr. nnd Mrs. Onrrett , Mr. and Mrs. Pnlmer , I
ilr. nnd Mrs. Brown , Mr. nnd Mrs. Wincote ,
> Ir. nnd Mrs. J. K. Daunt , Colonel C. S.
Chase , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Powell , Mr. C.
M. Powell. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Clnllln ,
Mndnmo Clofllti , Mr , and Mrs. William H.
Alexander , MM. llazlet , Mrs. Estnbrook ,
* Irs , Squire , Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mn | > es , Miss
'jllllo Wilbur , Dr. nnd MM Oapcn , Mr. nnd
Mrs. R C. U ruble. Dr. and , Mrs. Jonas , Mrs.
Dr. Burroughs , Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnller , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Lucien Stephens , Miss Bnlcombo ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. K , Gould , Mr. nnd Mrs.
nrogan , Mr. Frank Alexander. Miss Alexan
der. Mr. and MM. Halph lircckenrldge , Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Allen. Mr. and Airs. O. W.
Ames , Mr. nnd Mrs.W. N. Babcock , Mr. and
Mrs. Will Popnleton.
A Novel Kensington Ten.
Mrs. Uobcrt Purvis departed considerably
'rom ' the rules which nre supposed to govern
Kensington teas by sending out Invitations
reading simply from U until 5 o'clock Thurs
day afternoon. It was a matter of specula
tion with the invited guests whether they
should tnko their fancy work or await tlio
pleasure of the hostess upon their arrival.
This latter idea prevailed to n very largo ex
tent and right glad were the Indies that they
bndn't burdened themselves with their fancy
work , Mrs. Pun-is , who Is rt very charming
liostoss , deserves the honor of having In
augurated a new ordorof things nud nn order
that will bo undoubtedly followedwith modi
fications , of course , by future hostesses who
aim at being different from their friends.
The guests were invited to ballot , upon the
most popular lady present and then ensued
a scene that reminded ovary ono present
much of n political scramble for nomination
in n democratic county convention. Button
holing was In order. Votes were openly
bought and the methods of the politicians
wore Indulged In , Promises ) of future enter
tainments , luncheons , suppers , box parties at
the theater , candy , und almost every delight
In the calendar were offered for ballots. Ono
lady objected to n democrat counting the
votes and demanded that two republicans
should bo placed on the canvassing board ,
ns that was the way , she said ,
her husband conducted things. Her
suggestion was accepted , of course , and the
result of the ballots showed that Mrs. Dr.
Connor hud received a lurgo majority of. the
votes cast. It was u jolly idea and conducted
to'a very successful conclusion. Cards were
played , but not with uuy degree of Interest ,
the election occupying the attention of the
The house , which Is very pleasantly lo
cated on St. Mary's avcnuo and Twenty-
fourth street , was prettily decorated witli
chrysanthemums nnd roses , nnd the pleasant
feature of the nftcrnoon being the presence of
two bright little girls who carried trays filled
with roses winch they presented to the
guests. The refreshments were very elabor
The gnosts present during the afternoon
were Mesdumcs William Clarke , George W.
Kelley , W. 0. Sloan , M. C. Nichols , Charles
Tatum , Augustus Bosclio , D. V. Shole ,
Shields. Uoodrich. J. P. Williams , MeWil-
llams of Council Bluffs ; also , Dally , Kuollno
and Uoblnson of thosamoclty ; S. S. Curtis ,
Clayton , Mix of Aurora , 111 ; J. .T. Brown ,
Augustus Pratt , Dr. Connor , Stobblns , Clin
ton Powell , Hiall , Dr. Jensen , Kirkcndall ,
Hickman , Dr. Jones , J. J. Dickey , A. Wood-
worth , O. D. Woodworth , Willard Scott ,
Brooke , Hills. Win cote , D. H. Wheeler , sr. :
D. H. Wheeler , Jr. ; Dr. Brown , Oeorgo
Ames , Dr. Coflman , Seekell , Miss Martin ,
Miss Ponsford.
The VOIIIIK I'ooplo Piny lUitli Five.
Miss Pearl Ilartman gave a very beautiful
high live party Thursday evening to a num
ber of young friends , twelve tables being
filled with Interested players. The house
which has been described at length In those-
columns , Is very charmingly adapted for par
ties of this kind , nnd Is ono of the prettiest
houses In both oxtcrlor nnd Interior finish in
the city.
Dainty refreshments wore served during
the evening , the salad being nrrnnged fn the
form fff a pack of cards , on each being line
bon bous. cut in the shape nnd size of diamonds
mends , honvts , spades and clubs. This same
idea was carried out in the cutting of the
sandwiches , spades and clubs being of brown
bread nnd hearts and diamonds of white
Tiio first ladles' prize , a white silk mull
apron prettily hand painted and decorated
wth yellow ribbons , was won by Miss Cran-
dall. The first prize for the gentlemen , a
handsome era vat case was taken by Mr. Foyo.
The Indies' booby was won by Miss Leo , , a
marriage thermometer , the gentlemen's
booby , n very largo white box In the inside
on the bottom boiug painted in gilt letters
"I'm not in it , " was won by Lnl Johnson ,
Thoogucsts present were : Misses Stella
Billiard of Council Bluffs , Lou Johnson ,
Strang , Parker , Ada Parker , Jlnum ,
Brownie Bauin , Lee , Alexander , Helen
Smith , Nettle Johnson , House , Lillian House ,
Ciacoinini , Cnrrio Uiaconilni , Bauscrman ,
Ncllio Smith. Mount , Crniulnll , Hosowator ,
Durncll , Staley , Margaret Moore , Messrs.
Bishop , , Johnson , Colf.ix , Morron ,
Downs , Foahonnor , Wossell , Nott , Smith ,
Wilbur , Charlton , KoUhins , Lnwrencc.Minor ,
George Minor , Williams ; Hugh Joplln , Joe
.Toplln , Cotter , Allen , McCan , liuthbun ,
Tlio "Week's Weddings.
A very pretty woddlnpr occurred Tuesday
evening at 2017 Ilarney street , the contract
ing parties being Mr. II. D. Hhoadcsand Miss
Harriet L , . Uccdlo , Hov. U. W. Lamar , pastor
of the First Baptist church , officiating.
Mr. Khoados Is well known , being the son
of ono of Omaha's early settlers. Ho has
grown up with its prosperity "and is now
bookkeeper of the Bank of Commerco. The
bride is tlio nloco of Mr. T. H. Turner , of the
firm of Turner A : Jay , and although sbo has
lived hero but a short time she Is beloved by
all who know her. Many beautiful pres
ents were received from the friends of the
hrido and groom , testifying to the esteem In
which they are held.
A reception followed the ceremony , ten
dered them by Mr. mid Mrs. Turner , at
whoso residence the marriage was solcmn-
> 70d. Later they loft on a tour ol
the eastern cities and will bo al
homo to their friends after December 10 al
1500 South Thirty-third street.
At the residence of Mr. ( Jeorgo W. Hall ,
103S South Twonty-mnth avenue , a very
pretty wedding wus solemnized Tuesday
evening , the contracting parties being Mr. K.
U. Hume nnd Miss M. L. Van Kuran. Dr.
John Williamson oniuiuting , The woddlup
was a very quiet one , only the relatives ol
the two families being In attendance. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hume will reside in Carthage ,
where the groom has built a very pretty cot
tage. '
T.VTI.OU AXI > ntmsT ,
Mr. William Mnrloy Tavlor , formerly a
machinist in the Union Pnelllo shops In this
city , but now with the United States rolling
stock company of Now Dccatur. Ala. , was on
Tuesday last united in nmrrlngo to Miss
1Cmma Hurst , daughter of Thnmas Hurst , u
well known pioneer machinist , of the Union
Pacific sHops In this city , ntNashvilloTenn. ,
by tlio Hov. AViiichejtor , rector of Chrisl
church. Both the bride and groom are well
known In this city and their many friends
send congratulations and wish them happi
ness mid prosperity.
Tuesday at the residence of Hov. Chnrlos
W. Savidge , Mr. James Hnssonflow and Miss
Clam J. Lander were united in marriage , Mr.
Savldgo officiating.
annex ANII cnowi.Ev.
Uov. Charles W , Savldgo onlclatcd
Wednesday nt a very pretty wedding in
which the contracting parties were Harris B.
Grcon nnd Ida H. Crowley , the ceremony
taking place at the residence of the bride's
parents ,
Thursday the marriage of Martin Tiirpj
and Clara Lontmrt was solommizcd by tlio
Itov. Charles W. Savidge at the parsonage
Lcavcnworth and Twcuty-tlfth uvonuo.
The Metropolitan's Opening Party.
The Metropolitan club inaugurated Its sea
son of parties last Saturday evening in n
roost auspicious manner , tlio rooms of the
swell Jewish association bohig very prettily
and effectively decorated for the occasion.
All the members of tuo a mart world were
present ) the list of guests Including many of
the prominent nnd wealthy citizens oj Omaha
The Musical Union orchestra furnished the
Inspiring strains for the dances , fifteen nura
bora being ou the programme. During the
vcnlng a very delightful luncheon was
ervcd nnd good wlitrts for the season's par-
let pledged in brimming beakers of wino.
Quite n number of debutantes made their
ntrco into the gny world , nnd ns usual they
nonopollzcd the attention of the cllglblo
mchclors who nro half Inclined to follow the
lend of Benedict. Miss Julia Bloom of Iowa
City , n sister 'of Mrs. Simon Fisher , and u
very pretty clrl , lend the dance , in which
she acquitted herself very charmingly In-
leod. The other buds were MUs Blanche
lellmau nnd MtssKlla Heller ,
The tollot.s worn were very beautiful , sev
eral of Worth's latest designs being noticed
among the participants , who represented the
ifo and fashion of the metropolis.
Hccoittlon III Kotiiit/R PlnuR.
Ono of the most pleasant receptions of the
season wns given Friday nftcrnoon by Mrs.
Henry S. Jnyncs , nt 1001 Emmctt street. It
wus hold in honor of Miss Agnes Smith , who
s visiting Omaha from .ICnnsas City. Mrs.
Jayties was assisted by Mrs. V. O. Boguo ,
Mrs. J. P. Williams , Mrs. D. C. Duabar and
Mrs. W. N. Uabeock.
The house is admirably adapted for enter
taining , the two parlors , library and dining
room forming a continuous sulto through
ivhlch the guests wandered at will. The
rooms were most beautifully decorated with
; > alms und chrysanthemums , and cut roses
were In every "vnso" and Jar.1' ' The dining
room was lighted entirely by three largo
candelabra , filled with wax candles , and
numerous fnlry lamps , which shed their rndl-
nnco over the room ,
Coffee wns served by Mrs. A. C. Powell
and Mrs , Thompson In the back parlor.
Thcro was an nbsonco of conventionality
about tho'receiving party which wns very re
freshing , and the witty speeches nnd repartee
of the guest of honor kent n. merry ripple of
Inughtor circulating among the nearest.
The reception will long bo rombered be
cause of the pleasant impression left by the
guest from Kansas City.
Among the guests were : Mcsdamcs Irv
ing G. Allison , Edward Bourke , B. W.
Briggs , W. N. Babcock , J. Bauman , Miss
Gussio Baumah , Miss Miunio Baumnn , W.
K. Burlingim. John W. Brady , J. B. Bu
chanan , Miss Blanche Boudlnot , J. P. Bay ,
K. A. Benson , V. O. Bogue , B. B. Bryan , I.
F. Baxter , E. M. Bartlett , 11. G. Burt , Frank
Barnard , W. F. Bcchol , K. A. Blum. B. F.
Crammer , Miss Llllls Crummer , J. II. Col-
tins , Ulctmrd Carrier , .T. B. Curmlchaol , M.
B. Copelnnd , J. W. Cotton , J. O. Corqv , Miss
Lizzlo Corby , D. C. Dunbar , G. L. Fisher ,
Miss Laura Fisher , John Francis , W. II.
Gnrratt , J. J. Gibson , J. W. Griffith , Dr.
Glbhs , C. Aartman , Miss Hnhisworth , C. C.
Hughes , H. C. Hobble , Houghtoii , G. W.
Holbrook , F. S. Holmes , B. D. Huestls , Hub-
bard , W. H. Hnnchett , J. Gardner Haynes ,
W. A. Homan , C. L. .Taynos , F. N. Jayncs ,
A. H. Kaysor , J. K Kilduff , Harry Lowrio ,
C. U. Leo , Lemon , Lloyd , Helene Lipps ,
Frank Lchmcr , Fannie Lohmer , Archibald
Love , H. T. Lnlly , K. V. Lewis , AV. V.
Morse , Miss Hattlo McShaue , Miss Martin ,
.T. A. Monroe , F. D. Mulr , U. C. Ak-Danlcl ,
T. B. Mlnahun , W. B. Meikle , A. M. Pinto ,
C. M. Powell , A. C. Powell , A. A , Parker ,
Edward L. P'jimciv Frank Boynolds , Ernest
Hiall , A. A. Haymond , C.W. Itatnoy , Uussoll ,
Byron Heed , A. P. Tukoy , J. M. Thurston ,
Tute , Thompson , C. L. Van Camp. E. D.
Van Court , J. P. Williams , H. A. Willis. C.
F. Wellcr , Woller , C. F. Wilkl ns. Walker
Warner L. Welch.iDr. Ward nnd others.
Mrs. C. K. Squires' Afternoons.
Two very pretty Kensingtons were given
by .Mrs. Charles E. Squires thlls week at her
residence , 127 South Twenty-llfth street , the
former on Thursday and the latter Friday
afternoon. The house was prettily trimmed
with flowers and hot-house plants for the oc
casion , rose bowls filled with dainty bunches
of roses being placed throughout the rooms.
Those who had no doslro to work were privileged
loged to play cards , games of high five , whist
and euchre being participated in. Music was
a feature of tlio afternoon , Mrs. Squires'po
sition ns soprano in the choir of
tlio First Congregational church being suf
ficient to attract about her a number of
the leadiug soloists of Omaha's musical col
ony. The refreshments were very dainty
and nicely served.
The list of guests at Tnursdny's tea were :
Mcsdamcs Clark Woodman , Joe Barker , Guy
C. Barton. Rollins , W. H. Millard , J. II. Mil
lard , F. Millard , Bennett , Brooke , Caldwell ,
Victor Caldwell , Hamilton , C. W. Hamilton ,
Sovl Carter , Coutnnt , Cowin , Cuming , Hor-
back , Jones , McICennn , Moday , Morsonccn ,
J. N , H. Patrick , M. T. Patrick , Popnleton ,
Saundcrs , Harrison , Thurston , Wake-ley , A.
C. Wnheloy , Wallace ) , Yost , W. F. Allen , P.
II. Allen , \vcssells , S. H. Brown , Hnnisoy ,
Curtis , Mercer , Webster , Klmball , Holdrcgo ,
Sargent , Burnham , Clcavclnnd , Bums , Gil
bert , Sherwood , O. M. Carter , Woolworth ,
Monell , Hnwloy , Nash.
Tlio guests of Friday were : Mosdnmes
Vllcs , Wheeler , D. H. Wheeler , jr. . Wilbor ,
Chase , Edwards , Baum , Buutn , Ed Bauin ,
Duryea , Heed , Johnson , Congtton , Hustin , E.
S. Dundy , E. S. Dundy , jr. , McConnell ,
Stcbbins , Adams , Burrlger , Blcrbower , D.
Bradford , Carrier , Coffman , Colpct/.cr , Du
Bois , Fitch , Cornish , Metcalf.Douel , DIckey ,
Gnylord , Hitchcock , Hussoy , Keller ,
Lchmer , McCord , Homminctou , McCor-
miolc , Mclntosh , Mcikol , W. VT Morse , Frye
Patterson , Peck , EstorDrook , Hedick , Wood
A Pretty Kensington.
Mrs. Frank Johnson entertained a number
of her lady friends very pleasantly Wednes
day afternoon from 2 until 5 , nt her residence
on North Twenty-fifth avonuo. A.number
of guests brought their fancy work with
them , while the remaining played high-five ,
listcuod to the charming musicof the Man
dolln club , nnd the singing of Mrs. T. J
Rogers , who has a very sweet and sympa
thetio voice. The refreshments were verj
dainty , served by a corps of colored waiters
although Mrs. Johnson was assisted In en
tertaining the guests by Miss Johnson , Miss
Mary Moore and Miss Mabol Pratt.
Among tlio largo number of guests present
the 1'ollowiug nro remembered : Mrs. Byron
Hoed , Mesdames Campbell , Rogers , J. A.
Wakefield. Thomas Swobo , DIckey , Lomax ,
dishing. Broatch , Baldrldgo , Chris Hurt-
man , S. S. 'Curtis , Gilbert , Griswold , Rich-
ardson , Dr. C. E. Smith , Patterson. Miss
McChnton , Miss Florence Leo , Mrs. B. B
Wood , Mrs. Fred Gray.
The St. A mil-own Houloty.
The St. Andrews society In Council Bluffs
is ono of the most enthusiastic and prosperous
of the social organizations , They had a very
onjoyublo occasion Friday evening. Mr. A.
C. Graham delivered a briot address of welcome -
como after which a literary nnd musical en
tortalnmcnt followed in the order named
Instrumental music , piano and violin. Miss
Mary and Wilson Duncan : song , "Bettor
Bldo Aweo , " Misses Kcrrand Van
companicd by Miss Campbell ; recitation
"Mark Twain Curing a Cold. " bv W. R.
Stewart ; song , "Within aMiloot 'Edlnburg
Town , " by Miss Mary Oliver ; essay , "Tho
Doctor's btory , " by Dr. Montgomery : Scotl
recitation by James Johnson , entitled ' -Tho
Vision ; " song , "IiiRlesldo. " by ftlrs. Hcnrj
Stevenson ; song , "Laddy Darling , " by J. R.
McPherson. There were numerous encores
which called the parties out a second and
third tlmo. It was ono of the most enjoyable
occasions of the season. Before adjourn men'
the society decided to have a banquet St
Andrews' day ,
Playing High Five.
A very successful high five party was given
on last Tuesday evening by Mrs. S. Kntz o
Druglas street in honor of Miss Fannie
Marks of Sioux City , la. , a popular young
lady of the Cora Palace city who Is vlsithif
friends In' Omaha. A very enjoyable ov'cnln (
was spent by all present. The gentlemen's
head prize , on' elegant smoking set , wns
awarded to Air. Frank and Miss Carrie Gold
smith wns fortunate enough to carry off the
Indies' head prize , a handsome book o
Goctno works. The foot prizes were won by
Mrs. Mants and Mr. Roso. Those prescn
were the Misses Marks of Sioux City , Man
dlobanm of Detroit , Goldsmith and ( < olduorg
of Lincoln , Blum , Poluck , Tllllo nnd KtU
Newman. Adler , Unas , Isaacs. Hellor
Uothschtld. Becker , Rlnskopf , Goldsmith
Rosownter ; Mcsdnmes Polack , Jacobson
Rothschild , Marks and Herzogof Stoux City
la. ; Messrs. Dolches , Sllberstoin , Calm
Kosemm , Martin and Joe Oberfolder. Newman
man , Dcgcn , Herald and Carl Stoncldll
Frank , Uoldimitn , Kutz , Jacobson and Rose
KntnrtulmiiK the Mandolin Club ,
Although Saturday evening last was or
cccduigly disagreeable it did uot urevcut a
number of Mr. nnd Mi * . Ernest Rlnll's
rlends from accepting nn Invitation to lo
irescnt at tlio Informal < nfprlalnmcnt which
hey had planned for tlm mandolin club. It
vns nn evening of jnuMri nnd n charming
countcractnnt to the st rih which prevailed
outstdo. Mr. nnd Mrs" Hiall hnvo n charm *
ng house nnd on this particular occasion it
vas made doubly so by Jho deft touches of
ho pleasing hostess , The mandolin club
rnvo u number ol selections , Miss Margaret
Williams sang several. mes accompanying
icrself on the irultnr , MUs Curtis pivo ono or
two piano numbers , wbflp Will Crury fur-
lished the comic songs. , Delightful refresh-
ncnUs were served , the entertainment being
charming in every particular.
Tlio guests present were ! Oenernl ami Mr ? .
Brooko. Mrs. Hills , Colonel and Mrs. Sheri
dan , Colonel nnd Mrs. H , S. Curtis , Miss
Margaret Williams , Miss Gertie Clarke , Mr.
Wllltnm Crary , Mr. William Doano , Mr.
Art. Gtiiou , Colonel Hughes , and the mem
bers of the mandolin club.
1'iinpy Makes I lor Debut.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf gave one of the most
charming Kensingtons of the season yester
day afternoon nt her very beautiful home on
South Eleventh street. Mrs. Metcnlf is a
most charming hostess , nud If anything em
phasized her reputation by the delightful
manner of her entertainment yesterday. A
very charming feature of the day was the
singing of Miss Pusoy of Council Bluffs , who
has Just finished a long course of music with
Mine. Do Ln Grange In Paris. She has a
very beautiful voice , which she bundles in n
inusleluuly manner , and her singing wns re
ceived rapturously. Mrs. Estabrook nnd
Mr * . Nye , who Is contemplating a removal to
Chicago , also were heard in pleasant selec
Tlio ( lowers throughout the rooms were
very pretty and artistically arranged , the
tables were ornamented and 'tho cntlro affair
wns charmingly successful. The guests wcros
Mrs , Chase , Mrs. DIckey , Mrs. Estabrook ,
Mrs. Hamilton , Mrs. Hnller , Mrs. Johnson ,
Mrs. Lockwood , Mrs. Nye , Mrs. Rollins ,
Mrs. Ames , Mrs. Atcheson , Mrs. Blcrbower ,
. , .
ington. Mrs. Hall , Mrs. Cudahy , Mrs. D.iiloy ,
Mrs. Truitt , Irs. Hill , Mrs. Muiiroo , Mrs.
Lehmcr , Airs. Coffmann , Miss Buttcrflold.
AIlss Buttorllcld , Miss" Baum , Miss Pusoy ,
AIlss Wukoloy , Miss Wnkcloy , Aliss Ale-
Kcnnn , Aliss Burns , Aliss Barker , Aliss
Campbell , Miss Carter , Mm Hooker , Aliss
Snarp , Miss Sharp , Aliss AlcClintook , AIlss
Curtis , Aliss Stanton , Miss Hawley , Aliss
Hawley , AIlss Burgess , AIlss Bcnhnm , Aliss
Davenport , Miss Lyinan , AIlss Young , Aliss
\\allnco , AIlss Jackson.
. f
They Played to Win.
Miss Emily Wukolyfcavo ono of the very
enjoyable high five parties of the season Fri
day evening , at the residence of hoc brother ,
Hon. E. Wnkely , ou California street. While
there was no attempt nt lavish decoration
there were n number of pretty
rose bowls tilled with roses placed
advantageously throughout the rooms ,
Assisting Aliss Wakclov In en.
tertalnlng was Airs. Clcndennln , Aliss Bal-
combe , Miss Nettie Wakeloy. Ten tables
were occupied by the players , quite n number
of games -being played before refreshments
were served. And then the prizes were dis
tributed. Aliss Lynn Cnrtls took tuo first
Grizo for the ladies , a very pretty pin cushion
find painted. Aliss Bishop took the second ,
a dainty brass candlestick with a taper In It ,
ornamented by n pretty shade. Air. Clark
Hedick won the first gentleman's pnze , a
bottle of cologne. Air/ Chat Redick the
second , n pretty handkerchief case. The
guests were : Allssos Stella Dullard , Gcorglo
Bennett , Aland Oliver of Council Bluffs ,
Alny Dundy , AInbcl Ualcombe , Lynn Curtis ,
Touzalln , Doano , Hall of Minneapolis , Den-
nisou. Barnard , Famy Bishop , Carter , Hartman -
man , Emma Hoagland , Airs. Arthen Wnko-
ley , Airs , St. Clendennin , Aliss AInmio Moore ,
Alessrs. Arthur Wakelo > \ Chat Rodlek , Clark
Hcdlck , Art Uulou. Charley Bur. Smith. Bert
Cook , Palmer , Hcth , Berlin , Garllchs , Rheem ,
Clapp , Cleaver , Tumor , Driscoll.
IMisH Ilnrtnmn , Kntertatnn.
Last evening Aliss 1 1 nit man gave another
delightful high-flvo party , the second of the
week , at her Farnutn street residence. Tno
first , on Thursday evening , comprised the
younger society people ; that of lost night the
debutantes and the young women who hnvo
been in society for two or. three Reasons. The
refreshments were exceedingly dainty , much
after the same style ns tile party of Tuesday
evening. Tlio prizes were exceedingly hand
some , the ladles prizes being n pretty hand
Kerchief case , a marringo thermometer , the
ladles' booby. The first prize for gentlemen
was n cravat case , on which the motto , "Knot
the Only Tie that Binds , " wns painted. The
booby for the sterner sex was n deck of cards
In a handsome case. Those present were
Air. nnd Airs. Griswold , Alissos Carter , Bar
nard , Turner , Touzalin , Curtis , Johnson ,
Wakeloy , Sharp , Briller , Stella Bullard of
Council Bluffs , Doano , Pratt , Alamlo Alooro ,
Baum , Alarshnll , Hudson , Barker , Cook ,
Sherwood. Council Bluffs was represented
by Misses Oliver. Maine Oliver , Fnrnsworth ,
Jcssio Farnsworth , Bennett , Glouson , Bownn.
Alessrs. Lol Johnson , Will Clarke , Edwards ,
Foyo , Allen. Cook , Fred AlcCormick , Turner ,
Burley , ward , Alorrls , Smith , Palmer ,
Guiou , Redick , Chat Kedick , Hcth , Fonda ,
Alerrlck , Bowman , Williams , Simpson , Mil
ler , Shears , Will Doano , Keller and Bold
An Agreeable Surprise.
A very unexpected nnd agreeable surprise
was given Air. Charles E. Stokes of 12212
Spencer street , Wednesday evening , on the
anniversary of his thirtieth birthday.
About 8:80 : o'clock the pottering of many
feeton the piazza gave notice lusldo that visi
tors were approaching , nnd the doors being
opened a bevy of young ladies accompanied
by young gentlemen took possession of the
house nnd began expressing their congratula
tions much to the surprise of the host , who
was seated at the piano deeply engrossed In
his muslo nnd altogether oblivious of what
was transpiring aHout him. In his surprise
nnd embarrassment ho arose , however , and
regaining his equilibrium , Invited his guests
to seats , and , realizing the situation , enjoyed
the Joke hugely.
The nvenlng was spent In jollity and mirth ,
Interspersed with music and song , and after
partaking of some very elegant refreshments
the greater part of the company took a trip
on the light fantastic toe. Finally , before
midnight , tlio guests took their departure as
they came , bidding tholr kind host nnd host
ess good night , and wishing the former many
happy returns of his birthday.
They Drought Tholr Pnncy Work.
Airs. J. J. Brown entertained her lady
friends in a very pleasant t manner Wednes
day nftcrnoon nt horrvery cosy home on
Sherman avenue , being t&sslsted by Aliss
Yost , AIlss Bosslo HallJjMlss Loiln Shears
' '
AIlss Hoagland , Alls : ; , 'Ludington , Aliss
Chandler , nnd her daughter , Aliss Brown
Refreshments were served by the young
ladles above mentioned ; ; 'tho ' charm of the
afternoon being holghtohed. by the benutifu
November weather. The guests proseiv
were : Mosdamcs Millard , Poppleton , Yost
Alorsmnn. Dundy , Catlln , Saunders , Bur-
loigli , Lovl Carter , O. Ah 'Carter , Prltchott ,
Hanscom , Turner , B. E'Bi ; Kennedy , Wnl
lace , Horbach , CalwclJCumlngs , Nash
Powell , Bennett , Burns ; ' DIckey , Sherwood
Alorcor , Jonos. Colpetzer ; ' Hultz , Du Bois
Llnlngor , Hallor , Aleredlth'i Colllor , Denlso
Briggs , Balcombo , Rustm ; AVoodman , W..T
Allen , Cleveland , Coldi" McCllntock. Hall
Alorso , Thurston , Polatiav Lacey , Swoozy
Doltz , Durvcn. Harvey , Miss Hnnseoni , Mis s
Turner , AIlss Kennedy. AIlss Yost , Aliss
Shears , Aliss Hoaglanu , Aliss Ludington ,
Aliss Chandler.
Coming Roolnl lOniortalninnnt * .
Airs. C. A. Dean has Issued invitations for
an afternoon card party on the 17tn.
Air. and Airs. Guy C. Ilartoa will glvo a ro
coptlon In honor of Mr. and Airs. W. B. AII1
lard , Air. and Mrs. H. S. Rollins nnd Air , K
Chnrloy Barton at the Allllard Thursday
evening , the 20th. Dancing after 10.
Air. und Airs. D. V. Sholeswlllrecelvonei
Wednesday evening at tholr residence , Fur
n am and Thirty-seventh streets.
The first recital and reception of the pupils
of Airs. J. W. Cotton will takli place nt the
Llnlngcr art gallery Wednesday evening
Muslo from 8 until 0:80.
Alls * Nettle Wyman , a fancy tlssuo paper
parly from 4 until 8 , Friday , the 3Ut.
The Inaugural recital of the Ladles' AIu society Wednesday nftcrnoon nt 2
o'clock nt Meyer's music hall.
Tholr Twentieth Anniversary.
Dr. and Airs. C. H. Paul , 20J3 Burt street ,
celebrated the twentieth anniversary of
heir wedding Monday evening by inviting n
'civ friends to join in a game of cards with
.hem. Aluslc was also n fenturo of the ocen-
ilon in ndditlou to a very pleasant luncheon
ictng served. Some very beautiful nrcsonts
were received by the doctor and his good
wife. These present were : Air. and Airs.
A. Traynor. Air. and Mrs. K. A. Mills , Air.
nnd AIw. W. H. Hancock , Mr. nnd Mrs. O.
Larson and daughter MM. Hlcc , Mr. nnd Airs.
L ) . H. Sargent. Mr. nntt Mrs. E. A. Allen ,
Sir. nnd Airs. C. W. Lvon , Air. anil Mrs. J.
O. Corby , Air , ami Airs. J. II. Thompson ,
2hnrlto Pholps. Paul D. Beresford , Ilnrry
Smith , Victor Pnul.
A Nntnl Day Anniversary.
A very pleasant party of llttlo folks met nt
the homo of Air. nnd Airs. Rockfcllow , 1011
Douglas street , lost Monday evening. The
occasion wns n , birthday surprise for AILss
Klva. gotten up by her sister Pearl. The
evening was very cnjoyably spent In games ,
music , etc. , tlio last number on the i > ro-
? ramino being n bountiful supper. Allss lUvn
received many tokens of regard from her
many friends , who wished her many returns
of this eventful day. Prof. Wright added
much to the evening's entertainment In the
musical lino. Those present were : AIlsscs
Maud Sunder , Ethel Austin , Bessie Duprecn ,
Hello Rodgers , Dora Rappke , Julia Hoffman ,
Klva and Pearl Hockfeliow , and Alastcrs
Fred Sunder , Guernsey Anderson , Henry
llappko , Larirfdon Taylor , Mrs. Martin , Airs.
Uodgew , Mrs. Andrews , Air. and Airs.
Niimnn , Air. nnd Airs. Thompson and Prof.
Fortnliibtly High-Five Club.
Air. nnd Airs. A. F. Boscho entertained the
Fortnightly High-Five club at their residence
on Park avenue lust evening. The members
of the club , which meets every two-weeks
the season round , are : Air. and Airs. II. H.
Bnldrldge , Air. and AIw. David Bnnm. Air.
and Airs. Ed Baum. Dr. nnd Airs. Ewiiig
Brown , Air. and Mrs. P. Charlton , Air. and
Airs. D. J. Collins , Air. and Airs. J. L. Kon-
nedv , Mr. and All's. F. A. Kemp. Air. nnd
Airs. D. C. Putor on , Air. nnd Mrs. H. B.
Alulford , Air. and Mrs. R. E. Kaynolds , Air.
nnd Airs. C. E. Wiucoto. Air nud Airs. A. F.
Uosche , Aliss Tatnrn , Aliss Nichols , Air. Alc-
3reRor , Air. Klloy , Air. Buruard und Air.
Card Plnylnc > n Koimt/.o Place.
The high live party clven by Air. nnd Mrs.
ilarry Lawrlo nt their charming residence
last Friday evening proved to bo n delightful
affair. Thcro was quite a large gathering of
friends and every one present was made to
feel thoroughly at home. The prizes were
very handsome.
Among the invited guests were observed
the followlmr : Mr. and Ail's. E. V. Lowls ,
Air. nnd AIw. H. D. .faynes , Mr. and Airs. B.
F. Crummer , Air. nnd Mrs. C. H. Wellcr. Air.
mid Airs , E. D. Hustis , Air. nnd Airs. E. D.
Van Count. Mr. and Airs. George L. Fisher ,
Air. and Airs , E. A. Blum , Air. nnd Airs. B.
F. Alinahnn , Air. and Airs. J. II. Collins. Air.
and Mrs. D. C. Dunbar , Air. nnd Airs. John
son , Air. nnd Airs. J. P. Bav , Air. nnd Mrs.
Fowler , Air. nnd Airs. A. W. Edmiston , Air.
nnd Airs. J. J. Gibson. Alcssrs. Louis Alen-
dclsohn , George W. Shields and William
AIcGregor and Aliss Alartin. nnd Aliss Lipps.
The Sta s at Hay.
Dr. A. W. Edmiston of Kountzo place gave
a stag dinner last Thursday evening at his
residence to appropriately co'obrato the elec
tion of Hon. Thomas Capok , ono of the suc
cessful candidates for representative to the
state legislature from this district.
It wns an elegant banquet , and the local ca
terers' stores had been Impoverished In order
to supply the requirements of the sumptuous
spread which was laid out for the guests.
It was csscntinlly a ( fathering of nttornoys
of this city , nnd the speeches nnd sallies of
wit and repartee wore much enjoyed by all
Amongst the guests were noticed tlio follow
ing : Alessrs. Louis J. Pinttl , It. E. L. Herndon -
don , W. H. Herndon , W. T. Wupplch.-Clmrlos
L. Wright , George B. Lasbury nnd J. J.
Movements nnd Whereabouts.
AIlss Acncss Smith of St. Paul is iho guest
of Airs. H. S. .Tanoys.
The Park Avenue club will meet nt Benja
min Burton's Alondny evening.
Alias Clarke of Alontgomcry City , AIo. , Is
the guest of Airs. William Paxton.
Aliss Orchard is contemplating n trip to
tlio south and a winter at Sutherland.
Airs. Captain Humphrey received the sad
intelligence of the death of n sister Thursday.
Airs. E. S. Dumly , jr. , Is preparing to go to
Sutherland next month to remain until April
or Alny.
The etnrnEemcnt nnd approachiirg marriage
of Allss Allllcr and Air. George Alortou Is rlow
Airs. Al. H. Bliss gave n very pleasant
Kensington to a number of lady friends Fri
day afternoon. .
Air. and Airs. Isaac Hodgson , Jr. . will bo
the guests of Air. and Mrs. Ernest Rlall for
several days next.
The cngagoment of Aliss Craig and Air.
Howe , formerly ot the Arniour-Cudahy com
pany , is announced.
Airs. John Barker , who gave so charming a
Kensington but a fortnight ago , is quite ill
from a severe cold.
About n , dozen of Hon. W. J. Bryan's
friends banqueted him at the Omaha club
last Saturday night.
Airs. Will Alorrls nnd Airs. Richardson returned -
turned homo Tuesday , having arrived from
Europe but a fortnight before.
Airs. Harry Windsor , children nnd nurse
loft for Bnlt'lmoro yesterday , her old home ,
whore they will spend a month.
The talk of consolidating the Omaha nnd
Union clubs grows in interest and something
definite will shortly bo decided upon.
Airs. E. C. Snydcr entertained at luncheon
Wednesday Air. nnd Airs. E. S. Dundy , jr. ,
Air. and Mrs. T. K. Sutton and Airs. Hnnnis.
Mr. Isaac Hodgson , who was In the city
tills week , has gone to Allnnonpolis to Join
Airs. Hodgson , who will return with him to
Omaha ,
Aliss Percy Ilaswcll , the very pretty nnd
charming Dot of the "Midnight Bell" wns
the guest of AIlss House during her stay In
AIlss Delia Chandler of Oshkosh , Wis. .
daughter of Air. E. B. Chandler , who Is well
remembered in Omaha , is the guest of Allss
Clara Brown.
Aliss Firestone , daughter of the nrcsldont
of the Columbus buggy company of Colum
bus , O , , is expected to visit Miss Curtis for a
few days this week.
Air. nnd Airs. C. S. Potter have issued invi
tations for the celebration of tholr twenty-
fifth anniversary Saturday evening , -133 South
Twenty-fourth uvonuc.
Miss Nellie Wyman. daughter ot Air. and
Alr.s. A. U. Wvman , will glvo n fancy tlssuo
paper party Friday next from ! until 8 , the
occasion being the little girl's birthday.
A cotorlo of young mnrrlod ladies were
handsomely entertained by Air. nnd Airs ,
Alex Pollock of Farnnin street , Thursday
evening In honor of Airs. Alax of Sioux City.
AIlss Unmet Hall o ( Allnnoapolis , a very
pretty and Interesting young woman who
was a classmate of Aliss Daisy Doanc at AIlss
Ely's finishing school , Brooklyn , is n guest of
the latter nt SihM Chicago street.
Air. Guy Barton ns a wooden wedding
present for Airs. H. S. Rollins , his daughter ,
purchased Air. A. Al. Kitchen's very beauti
ful homo on Howard , near Twenty-fourth
street , this wook. Air. Kitchen will tnko a
resUlenco In another part of the city.
A very pleasant box party was given
Thursday evening nt the opening of "Tho
Charity Ball , " which was followed by a
pctlto supper at the Alctropolitan club. The
participants were Aliss Julia Bloom of Iowa
City , and Allss Etta Newman , Alcssrs
Julius Aloycr. G , L. Stonohill , D. Silvorstcln
and Gus Dclcucs.
The son of a lumber baron of this city Is
congratulating himself that ho has oscapei
being mentioned In the list of engagements
which Tin : BBK has published the past two
weeks , It Is , however , pretty generally
known among Ills mnlo friends that his favorite
vorito song these days was often sung b )
George S. Knight , "The AIllls Will Never
Grind with the Water that Is Past. " Tlmt
ho is pretty hard hit Is also well known.
Thursday ovcnlng the ladles of Trinity
cathedral gave n very charming reception In
the crypt which brought out many of the
prominent church people of the city. Noarl )
two hundred persons wore present , delight
ful refreshments bolug served. Thcso church
ccoptlons nro very delightful , ns It brings
ho parishioners nearer eachothor nnd serves
o Introduce strangers to tlio active workers.
J'ho Indies having tlio pleasant affair In
linrgo were Alesdnmes John P. Williams ,
Bnlloy , Fonda nnd Thompson.
Scarcely n denth in Omnhn could cause
nero deep regret than Unit of JossemiNlssen ,
ho beautiful daughter of Mr. and Airs. Peter
> Jlsscn. which occurred Wednesday evening
bout i o'clock , nt the family resldonco 11SU
forth Nlntccntli ntrcct. S'JO was the young-
st of the family nud the oua most loved nnd
Kitted by nil her relatives and admired by
dl who know her , not for her beauty alone ,
mt for the noble nnd self'Snrnficlng dlsposi-
ion she possessed. The funeral services
vcro held nt Trinity cathedral nt 2 o'clock
'Viday nftcrnoon , Dean Onrdner officiating.
The casket wns covered with flowers , und
hero weron number of Inrgo llornl offerings
cut by friends. The pall bearers were
Messrs. R. H. Blose , Will Brown , Will
rVcber , Henry Altley , John AIcGregor and
Urlnu. .lesscna wns born January ! tO ,
870 , at St. Helena , Neb , , and was burled lu
: "orcst Lawn cemetery.
T3r. Utrnoy euros catarrh , Goo big d
C. n. SliUr'K Ui > a1l < tla Production nf tlio American
diameter Coinedbjr Herbert Hall \YI low ,
FHE MOST Lnuglutblo COM III ) Y.
Ivor written , Intcrproted l > y tlio tio't pompnnr at
comedians In i-xbtonco , A cation , 1 or scenery ninl
necU. Tlio itrcntt'Bt nnil mo > UlirllUn ol ullsensn-
lonnl ncoiu'1. The Iron mill * nt work. Stnttllnn
urprlseal Unoqiinllcil piierliltliM1 litlk'tit munlcl
IloKiint ooMumeil 1'upuuir | > tlco , llox ibi'ot upon *
> : ituiilay moral iw
Wodnosdiiy anil Thursday , Nov. 19 and 20.
Jndor tlio maiuiKOmont of Unymniid and
O'Coiincll ' , In tin ) cntlroly now ( urco
comedy ,
Supporting the Original SivedMi Dialectician ,
Tlio wliolulntcieiiursptt with Sppealtk's. Glcos ,
Mcilluys. Choruses &u.
Popular I'rlces. Itox blieut opens Tuosdnjr
T .
I'rhluii Km'cmlirr St , ii'll/i Sat-
unlay Matinee.
Mrs. rnmcls HoJt { m Iliirnott'n
llcautltul Dramatic Mjrl -
Little Lord FaiMleroy
- Presented ny the -
SPECIAL THICK * for thrlr oncaKomcnt nro loiror
UIMI thucnmpiiny uvcr | iln > e < l tu lioioro. nnil wi'io
consented to by the mannui'imMit on nccount of tlio
tlio very larco ocatlnx cniuiclly of tlio tlieutrr :
UOX8KATS. J 11.00 nnil 75 rents
AII , OUrillJSTHA SKATS. . . . . 7 > cent
AM , OTHKIl HAI.CONV HKATH , - - iUcenta
OAI.I.KUY. - - . . . . Uconta
llox Klio t upon Tliur.'Jax morulng ,
Farewell Tour ,
Thursday and Friday , November
20th and 21st ,
Saturday and Sunday Nights and
Saturday Matinee ,
PRICES 25C TO $1.50.
4 ggx Sunday , November 16
First Production Hero of Archibald 0. Guuter'a '
Under the Management of
Of the Broadway Theater , New York-
Regular prices.
WILL LAWLER , Manager.
The Champion Atliloto of the World ,
Matsada Sorakichi , The Jap.
Owuor of the Police Ga/otto Rold motlal for liftlu R. K , Fox 2jO-"pouad Indian
club 25 tinios. IIo will give dully exhibitions of strength
' and ' 'uut up" the famous club.
The Greatest Farce Comedy ot the Season.
R Ring of Keys , or the Hotel ,
As playotlby Fitzgerald & Lowls' Star Burlesque Comedy Company.
Now , Sparkling , ditching Soupcs. Now , Gay , Skipping , Itollluldng Dances.
In presenting this piny Manager Lawlcr assures the public that it will bo the
best thus fur jirosontocl. Coma and FVOO for yourself. Hour Swipes.
See Gundy. Hour Toddy , Como Inugh and bo happy.
Crucoful danecs. Operatic mu4ic. Uruezy Sunga ,
Charles-THE WHITINGS-Annie
The greatest Instrumental and Vocal Arllsta on the stncro.
Everything New , Bright and Gay : .
New Views. New Curiosities , New Freaks.
New Wax Fiures.
Douglas Street.
Blovo repairs of all descriptions for cook and hcatliiit Htoros , family und hotel range * . Water
tiltuulimonts u bneululty.
Telenhbne O ROBERT UHLIG , Proprietor.
1 ClUpIlUIlC \ i\ _ J' c. M. EATON , Manager.