PART ONE. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PAGES 1 TO S. TWENTIETH YEAR. OjUAIIA { SUNDAY , MOENING , , NOVEMBER 1G , 1S90--TWENTY PAGES , NUMBER 151. THE O'SHEA ' DIVORCE CASE , All Other Topics Oast in the Shade by the Interest Taken in This Cause Oelcbro. THE DEFENDANTS DECLINE TO TAKE PART , Captain O'Shea'H Story at Ye8tcr lny'n Jlcnrltifj TcHtlmony of Other Wit * for the I'roHcautlon The Continued Monday , : I8JX ) lilt .Aimw Oonlon ncnntttA LOXDOV , Nov. 15. [ Now York Herald Cnllo Special to TUB BEE. ] The Impend ing panic on the stock exchange nnd among great commercial houses , the horrible con troversy of Barttclot and Jameson , the approaching preaching session and nil other topics are cast In the shade by the Interest taken In the dlyorco suit of Captain O'Shea. It will bo remembered that O'Shea wns the medium employed by the Gladstone govern ment in 1SS2 to communicate with Parncll , then in prison nt Kllmnlnham. Ills negotia tions resulted in the celebrated Kilinalnham treaty , under which Parncll nnd his fellow- prlsoncri were liberated and promised to glvo general support to the liberal party. At that tlmo and for long afterwards O'Shca was on most confidential terms with Parncll , greatly to the disgust of many Parnellites , who nl- wnys distrusted him. Tim Hcnly , especially , followed him up with an exceedingly sharp stick , nnd ulthough Pnrncll Insisted on re turning him to the house of commons n second end time , ho did not Jong remain thcro. \Vhnt happened afterwards to boring about a total breach In the relations between Parnell nnd O'Shca must bo largely a matter of con jecture. It could not have been a new development In domestic affairs , but all nt once O'Shca took an attitude towards the Irish leader , which has culminated In the present suit Bearing in mind that upon the result de- pind's Parnell's future position In public life , the interest attaching to the proceedings need cause no surprise. Should Judgment go ngalnst Pnrnoll , It U not doubted that ho must practically rollro from the leadership of bis party , and I have reason to believe thnt this is the opinion In which ho liolds himself In n very decided manner , nnd It will stand or fall by the verdict of the jury. I understand thnt O'Shca Is confident of the result of the trial being in his favor , and has "brought together a mass of evidence cal culated to damage tho'defendant. It would not be difficult , considering the very close ro- Intlons which hnvo existed between nil the parties , to do as much as this. Mrs. O'Shea Is thought to hnvo made a false move In en deavoring tp procure a postponement , of the trial , nnd it Is no secret thnt she regards the proceedings with much nervousness , ns she iiilghtwcll do in any case. Parnell himself Is silent , nnd , Indeed , hns been Invisible for weeks past. Even his lawyers have not al ways known where to find him. It may bo mentioned that thcro nro children In the O'Shen household , nnd one of the jnost pain ful features in the case will turn upon the destiny of these. While the trial cannot but glvo rise to most painful charges or susplclons,3nnd the home rule party generally , Including Olndstonlniis , will wutch It with breathless attention , no little surprise was manifested when it was called today before Justice Butt. The court was crowded , of course , but the spectators were not of 11" * variety expected at such a trial. Ladles were scarce and thousands of the fair sex will gnash their tcoth to think of the chance they have missed. When the nnnoxincomcnt wns made by Lockwood , who represented Mrs. O'Shca , that ho would take no part lu the case , every body i gnsiwd. They gasped again when the judge asked If anyone appeared for the co-respondent and the only reply was a dead silence. On every sldo the question asked was "Whatdocs It mean ! " On every sldo the answer was a shrug of shoulders. The general Impression may bo wrong , but It is- that Parnell hns thrown up his hands. His action recalls a llttlo story I heard some tlmo ngo. Mrs. O'Shoa lived nt Kltlmm. Colonel North lives there , too. Parnol , It is snld , lived there also. One morning a ballilT walked into the garden Captain O'Shcn's garden. In his hand was a writ. He saw a man in the garden and presented the man with the writ. The man said ! "What tlio devil do you mean ? " The bailiff said : "You ore Captain O'Sheal" The man said : "lam not. " Ttio man told the truth. Ho was Pnr- nell. Not. a few people at Elthatn thought Parnell was O'Shca. Stories llko tills might have nn ef fect on the jury. At nny rate Parnell .lies perdu , and Mrs. O'Shoa , after nn unsuccessful effort to drag her sister , Mrs. Stcclo , Into the case , ns guilty of adultery with O'Shea , follows the . example of the loader of the homo party. It is curious how women In light quarters of Ji this Idtid will try to drag in others. Lady Colin Campbell tried to shift her sins on her sister's shoulders. In her ease the slstor wns dead nnd could make no defense ; Mrs. O'Shoa's sister , however , Is nltvo and vigor ously objects to playing the victim. Solicitor General Sir Edward Clarke Inder- wick and Lewis Coward appeared for O'Shea. The former said Captain O'Shen sought n divorce from his wife on the ground of her adultery with Parncll. Lockwood and Piitchard were supposed to represent Mrs. O'Shea until Lockwood , for both , said ho did not Intend to take part iu the proceedings. The solicitor general said that , though the case stood as undefended , ho was bound to put sufficient evidence before the jury , but It was not necessary to enter into some of the details unless the case was seriously con tested. AVhen the petition for divorce wns filed December 21 of last year , Parnell put In n simple denial. Mrs. O'Sfcca did moro ; she made counter charges and imputed thnt ho had connived for years at adultery , which Parncll denied , The pica of connivance was EO remnruablo that tlio solicitor general felt hound to call attention to it. Ho then told liow Mrs. O'Shca nnd Parnell. became uc- , qualntod and how the acquaintance ripened. But O'Shca also told a story and I will allow tun to tell it hero. O'Shca ' looked careworn'when ho stepped into the box. Ho spoke low , but distinct. Ono among the listeners was his son , Gerald O'Shca , who occupied a retired seat. O'Shca paid ho married ICnthorino Wood January 24 , 1607. After tue marriage they stayed in Madrid for some tlmo In the interest of a bank thoro. The family is of Spanish origin. There were three children of the marriage. In 1831 ho was elected member of parliament lor West CUres. Ho was soon aftcrwnid In troduced to Parncll by O'Oarmou Mnhou und inrltod Parnoll to Thomas' hotel and Introduced - ducod him to his wife. In 1681 he hud a quarrel with his wife about Parncll'a visits , Which he discovered by accident. He wont to the Salisbury club and wrote the following challenge to Parnell t /51is-WUl you please be so kind as to bo at Lisle or any other town In the north of Franco which may suit your convenience on Sntur- day , the HJth lnst.1 Please let mo know by I p. in. today whether to expect you on that day so that I may bo aolo to inform you ns to the sign of the inn at which I shall stay. I nwalt your answer In order to lese no time In arranging for a friend to accompany mo. Ho received no answer , but Mrs. Stcclc , who saw Parncll , assured him his suspicions were groundless. According to Parnell's ' story , Mrs. O'Shea assured him nothing was wrong nnd thcro was n reconciliation. The Imprisonment of Parncll followed. As stated , O'Shea took an active part In obtaining Par- ncll's rclc.isc. After Parnell's release he got In good health nnd O'Shea Invited him to Klthain. Mrs. O'Shca afterwards went to Brighton , Parnell visited her there or nt Medina tcrmco. In 1884 ho went to Lisbon , nnd on his rcturm heard rumors that Parncll hud been at Kltlmm. llo wrote to Pamell , accusing him of bad faith. Pnrncll denied any ground for scandal- did Mrs. O'Shca. When ho started for Oalway last year , Gen eral Elston beard statements about Parncll nnd Mrs. O'Shea. Ho remonstrated with his wife , nnd she said her acquaintance with Piirncll was for political purposes. Mr. Imterwlck asked O'Shca If his wife had told Mm anything about Parnoll. O'Shca said she told him thnt Parncll had been se cretly married In 1SSO. Ho invlted'l'arneU to call at Eltham. On thcso occasions ho { Mr. Parnell ) returned to town on the evening train. Ho had no knowl edge of his returning the same evening and staying at his houso. In May , 1SSU , ho snvf a paragraph in a London newspaper about them nnd ho telegraphed Mrs. O'Shca asking what it meant. On May So , 1SSO , ho got a letter from her stating she had not the slight est Idea what It meant , nnd she did not sco that It had anything to do with them. Ho suggested thnt they go to a solicitor's and sco whether they could not toke proceedings against the newspaper , but she argued that the proceedings would only brlng'tho scandal Into creator prominence. On Juno 8 ho went to Carlsbad and she went to Eastbourne. Ho went toEnstbourno for two days nnd stayed at the Queen's ' hotel. Before going to Carlsbad ho wrote to her from abroad on August 20 , 18SO. Ho wrote to her thnt It would Do advisable not to settle anything definitely till ho returned. Mean while ho forbade her to have any com munication directly or indirectly with Mr. Pnrnell , and sugccstcd thnt she should con sult her brother , Sir Evelyn Wood , or n so licitor acting for her. On September 13 , 1880 , ho saw a paragraph stating that Par nell had been staying at Eastbourne during the summer. On October 10 , 1SS < ) , ho wrote to the effect that what had appeared In the newspapers about her and Parncll wns to put an cud to his public life , and thatns she would not consent to do ns ho suggested , ho must seek some other arrange ment. In December , ISSfl , ho saw moro paragraphs la the newspapers nud on April 11 ! ho received n letter from his son stating that as ho came In by a back way ho heard the volco of that awful scoundrel , Parncll. Ho bad nsked his mother if It svas ho and she said ho had como to town , and ho thought it better for his father to Itnow ubout it. Ho next got a letter from his solicitor stat ing that Mrs. O'Shea Indignantly denied that ho had the least ground for his suspicions. On April 22,187 , ho wrote to Parnell tnat it had como to his knowledge thnt ho con tinued to communicate with Mrs. O'Shca ' , and ho now asked him to discontinue ! It. In June , 18b7 , ho had reason to believe that Mrs. O'Shca had broken oft the compli cation with Mr. Parnell , untl a paragraph appeared In the Times stating that Parncil was living nt Brockiey under the name of Preston. In September , 1SS9 , ho saw moro paragraphs In the newspapers in reference to Parncll and ho then consulted his solicitors. Ho knew of his wife living at a house In Brighton in the end ot 1SSO , and ho went down there and stayed at a hotel and nnly saw Mrs. O'Shca at the theater on that occa sion. On Ucccmoer 10,1880 , ho received Information that led him to suspect that Parnell wns living in the house , and ho therefore Instructed his solicitors and the petition was filed. O'Shea was asked if the charge was true that ho committed adultery with Mrs. Steclo. lie said that It was not true and had never heard of it until he saw it In the pleadings in 1681. 1681.Mrs. Mrs. O'Shea nnU Mrs. Stcelo were on most affectionate terms , but afterwards ill feeling arose between them owing to a probable suit. This suit is anent the will of Lady Wood , sister of Sir Evelyn. Wood , who died some tlmo ago. She was a saving soul and had 200,000 at her bankers' . She left money to Mrs. O'Shea ' , and thcro ore some ugly rumors afloat about undue Influence. Thcso may bo groundless , but there promises to bo a contest. O'Shca was followed by Harriott Bull , who wns in service where Mrs. O'Shca lived nt Brighton. She recognized Parncll by a photograph as tno man who visited Mrs. O'Shea every day. Ho stayed long nr.d when ho came everybody but Mrs. O'Shca went out. Ho frequently stayed until 11 nt night. Ho slept In the house ono night. On ono occasions ho went to Mrs. O'Shea's bedroom to speak to nor nnd heard Pnrnell's voice. The door was locked and she saw them como outtbroo quarters of aa hour Inter. Caroline. Pctbera , cook nt Medina Terrace , said Par ncll visited Mrs. O'Shca ns Charles Stewart. Ho came to the house by a back way and had a cloth cap pulled over his eyes. Ho used to drlvo Mrs. O'Shea about at night , but never in the day. When not driving they were locked In a room together , sometimes for hours. Whenever she had a mcssago to Mrs. O'Shea witness would have to wait outsldo the doors five or ten minutes. Mrs. O'Shen would then como to the door nnd open It an inch or two. Captain O'Slicn once called when Parncll was In the drawing room. It was dark , nnd Mrs. O'Shea would not have the gas lighted nnd witness went down stairs. Immediately afterwards Captain O'Shen ' rang the street door bell nnd came in und a few 'minutes Inter Parncll , who had not como down stairs , knocked at the front door nnd asked to see Captain O'Shea. ' There were two rope fire-i-scnpo ladders la the houso. [ Laughter. ] On another occasion Parnoll sat In the drawing room until mid night. Ho then wont up to bed. Mrs. O'Slicn followed nnd went Into his room. Witness nnd her. husband were standing on the land ing nbovo and saw this. They watted some tlmo , but as Mrs , O'Sliea did not coma out they went to bed. Parnell's hot water was nlwnys taken up to his room by Mrs. O'Shea , who would l.rlng down bis orders as to breakfast. At this point the case ndjoumpd. As Mrs. Stcolo was at Brighton , the solicitor general said there would bo no other -witnesses ready before Monday. The judge said ! "If you llko to close the case now I am prepared ton tell the Jury what I think has been proved. n The solicitor general said bo preferred to calla xlld a few moro witnesses , so the case was ad journed till Monday. The case Is the talk of the town nnd you can get any odds on a verdict for O'Shea. LONDON , Nov. 15. Jonn Lewis Brown , the painter , died in Paris today. WALL STREET AGAIN WILD , A Eegulnr Panic , Especially Among Hold ers of Railroad Stocks. BIG LONDON BANKING FIRM SHORT , Ilrotlit rs Find Themselves In a Xlulit IMnoo ami Arc Forced to Siical--Tho | Itotliftulitldu to the Itcsoiie. Nr.\v YOUR , Nov. IB. The stock market today during two hours of the session was the liveliest since the great slump of December 15 , ISSO , and for the space of an hour or moro there existed a perfect panlo among holders of securities , especially railroad stocks , and the declines established during that tlmo were pi-enter than ever before seen at the same time. The only cause of excitement was the announcement from London that the Minn of Baring Bros , had been forced to seek as sistance to tldo thoin over the present finan cial crisis , and holders of stocks ba'.Amo panic- stricken over the news without reflecting that the dangers had really already vnssci1 when the Dank of England and Ilothschlld came to the rescue. Early advices froai London were rc&asur- Ing , and the crisis was represented ns over there and continuing the Improvement begun yesterday. First prices were generally frac tionally higher than yesterday's figures. The announcement about the Barings was thrown nt the market Immediately , however - over , and the good feeling disappeared In aa instant , and from prospective buyers the whole i-oom bccamo sellers at the best prices obtainable. The force of the decline may bo gathered from the fact that In the short space of an hour Lackawnnna had dropped away DV , Jersey Central 7) < f , Atchlson 5J , Pullman f % Canada Southern C ) , Burliigton | 7j , Hock Island G' ' and others from 2 to fi per cent. The drop , how ever , soon brought Into the market a class of buyers who are paying outright , for their soj cu ritlcs , and the current was soon turned by this support when the bears Joined In the buying to rcaluo profits accrued upon the tremendous drop. The early Belling soon de veloped tlio fact that thcro were largo selling orders In the market and the trading nnd professional element soon took the market away from the sellers and Innumerable stop orders were quickly uncovered , rendering the stampede more serious every minuto. After the downward movement was checked the bank statement was Issued , showing a 'material gain in the surplus reserve and growing strength that the banks have no further feel ing ; of apprehension among Wall street houses , and the general Impression Is that as soon as London becomes really quiet there will bo no disturbing Influence found here. The rally" which obtained In the first hour extended to 4 per cent and over In some of the most pronounced cases , but the upward movement was Insuillcient to inako 'up any thing like the losses incurred.and thcro was an extremely feverish and unsettled condi tion of the market lu trading throughout. The close \vas very active and strong for the moment at material losses for the day. The final losses were very material nnd Laclcawnnna was off 45/ , Jersey Central 5 , Hock Island 4 , Missouri Pacific 3 % , Atchlson 8 , Burlington ' . % Silver Certificates 2 , and Northwestern Vi percent. . Private cables received before the opening of the stock exchange an nouncing the troubles of Baring Broth ers , and stating that the Bank of England , the Hothclillds nnd other bankers had taken up the accounts of Baring Bros , amounting to 15,000,000. created a profound sensation. The brokers had a conference nnd decided to bid an advance at the opening In every stock that could bo handled , so as to arrest the sudden shock. As a result prices for nearly all active stocks op'iiied Yi to ! J per cent above last night's close , the extreme-gain being made by North ern Pacific preferred. Then prices gave way rapidly in all directions. Atchison fell 2 per cent , Sugar 2 ! , Lnckawnnna 2 , Western Union 1J and Big Four % I101' cent in the first fifteen minutes. iCldder , Pcabody & Co. , who are the agents hero for Baring llros. ifc Co. , say thoy.havo private advices from London that whatever trouble there may have been Is completely arranged. The trouble was doubtless caused by the depression in Argentine securities. In an interview this afternoon Thomas Baring said i "It is true that tlio Bank of England , the Rothschilds nndothc * largo English banking houses had agreed to guar antee the credit of the Barings to the extent of ill,000,000. " Banker Seligmnn. speaking of the condition of nffnirs in Wall street , said ho presumed that if within a reasonable time the market takes a favorable turn hero and abroad the Barings will take up their collateral and go on as al ways. "No one can say this is the beginning of the end of the Barings , for the simple rea son that no ono knows anything about it. " The Evening Post says : ' -Three months ago , when the Argentine revolution first began to crlpplo the resources of houses floating Argentine securities , on examination of the uTail's ( of the Barings showed a clear balance of 15,000,000 , over nnd nbovo all lia bilities. The shrinkage of 11,000,000 , or say about f.5,000,000 In three months , shows what a tremendous strain London nuances have been subjected to. The prospect of n resuscitation of the value of thcso Agentlno securities Is good. It Is reported thata meet ing of the bank presidents of New York Is to bo held between now and Monday morning to consider tha financial situation and deter mine upon n policy of conservatism , If events should Justlfv or necessitate Joint Interposi tion in that direction. " The BarliiffH May Tint Fall. ICapl/rtQht / 1SOO In Jo lies Gordon Htwiett LONDON , Nov. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE BKK.I Ills uowlcarned that the Baring Bros , have been tided over only until Wednesday. The bank refuses absolutely to have anything to do with tholr South American stocks. It is believed that if It cannot irct some other assistance it will fail Wednesday , together with Martin. Ttie CniiHo of tlio Panic. Nnw YORK , Nov. 15. The Evening Sun says the facts in regard to the extraordinary monetary situation which has prevailed in London for the past ten days may bo summed up authoritatively as follows : Owing to the extent of their operations in railroads and lands in South A-merlcn Messrs. Baring Bros , have been moro or less embarrassed for over six months. Last Thursday week the Messrs. Baring nt the conclusion of business decided that it was impossible for them to continue , and on Fri day morning , November 7 , they so notified the directors of the bank of England , who immediately convened and startled the whole financial world by raising the rate of discount. The proceeding was most unprecedented nnd culled for n halt of speculation at every money center In the world. The present week has been ono of most painful suspense in banking circles and this feeling Is reflected In a minor degree In Now York , where only a few of the moro important houses having European connections have been aware of the real nature of the difficulty in London. On the Chicago Hoard. CHICAGO , Nov. 15. Prices on 'change ' hero were strongly In sympathy with the move ments on the Now York stock exchange. The opening was rather weak , and when the news of the break In Now York stocks was received , in spite of the cabled announcement that Barring Bros , had received heavy sup ' port , a panic set In and everybody sola. Price * went off with such rapidity thai It was Impossible to do tiny business. December wheat went down to Ola and May to 03c , May com dropped to 60o , oats to 43 0 and January pork to $11.45. Then news of n better louo on the New York exchange was received nnd a recovery fol lowed , December wheat advancing to Wlo nnd the remainder of thd list rose proportion ately. During the remainder of the session the market was steady. Tito Klluatltin In Losnox , Nov. JR. [ Special Cablegram to Tun Br.E. ] The Alines , referring to the financial i situation. Rays : "Tho city has passed through a crisis verging upon a panic. Such a tlmo has not bean known since the suspension of Ovcrcndj Gumoy & Co. Wo rejoice joico that wo nro able to announce that the worst i Is over. The Bank of England has added to Its historic cnrvlcca to the state and- the commercial cummilnlty br its pvo'mpt ac tion lit averting wlmt would hnvo been n lamentable entastropha T.ho administration of the bank has not only provided a vast re inforcement to Its sldcli of gold to meet ex ceptional demands in the event of a panic , but also has stopped out of the ordinary routine of , business to prevent the downfall of one. of the greatest nnd most respected English financial nouses , Baring Brothers & Co , , which had for some days been In peril , and which , if it had fallen would probably hnvo brought down in wide spread rnln a largo number of smaller but 1m- pbrtant firms , London 'Change. Loxnox , Nov. 15. The stock market opened buoyant on the news that a largo linn was reported yesterday In trouWo had ur- raingcd Its difficulties. Tlio market after ward declined , and ( it the close prices showed but fractional changes from the opening. Villnrd Coming Home. NRW YOIIK , Nov. Ifi. Assignee Cromwell of Dexter , Howcll & Co. , received a cable- gram from Henry Vlllnrd today stating that the hitter will sail for New York on the 20th. Cromwell says Vlllard-has not lost fattti In the enterprises with which ho is connected. 9fndo nn Aselgninant. BOSTOV , Mass. , Nov. 15. The Kansas City packing and refrlgeraldr company'of Boston lias assigned. The liabilities are about tl ,000,000. THE IS It I AX TJtOVJIZES. " t Serious Disturbances Apprehended by the 1'lno Itlrtgo Agent. POUT ilonixsox , Nob. , Nov. 15. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bins. ] The agent at Pine KIdgo agency , S. D , , ( Air. Ilayor ) reached this post yesterday and reported that serious trouble is anticipated from the results of tlio ghost dance which Is crazing the Indians. They openly defy the Indian police and threaten defiance to nny small body of soldltirs. Transportation hero Is being overhauled and pre pared for a campaign. Troops are held In readiness for orders' to take the field at any inlnuts. Dr. Tempany. vetonary sur geon of the Ninth cavalry , left for Omnhn to receive horses to replenish the troops. Ocncrnl Mile : * ' Denies. CIIICAOO , iNov. in. General Miles today de nied the truth of the report In the special dispatches from Washington to the effect that troops have been ordered to take the field for n demonstration against the rest less Indians In Dakota. ' Ho says that no such order has yet bcon'tieard of nnd that the mutter Is being carefully looked after. Not Ordered Into the Field. DC.UNVOOD , Dak. , Nov. 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bnn.J The commandant at Fort Mcado has rcceltoj no orders to take the field nnd has no knojplodgo of the threatr cncd Indian outbreak. A largo part of'tfie command has been on ihf jesorvatlon all sum mer and recently wo& oidorod to go Into win- tcrquartcrs. which circumstance may have occasioned the rumor. No Troops Ordered Out. CHICAGO , Nov. 15. ( Special Telegram to THE Br.n.J Inquiry nt the headquarters of the division of the Missouri regarding the orders said to have been Issued by General Miles about the massing of troops nt StandIng - Ing Rock nnd Pine Ridge agencies elicited the fact that no troop's have been ordered out against the Indians in any part of the coun try. The ordering of Colonel Summer to Chicago was in the regular routine of trans fer nnd had nothing to do with the Indian troubles. General Mllea Is now in the city. A VXJOX I'.lt'JFlC It' KECK. A. Passenger Train Ditched Near ISvanstou , AVyo. EVANSTOX , Wyo. , Nov. 15 : [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE. ] Thg Union Pacific west bound passenger train , was derailed near this place at noon by a broken truck. The train consisted of two coaches , a Pullman and bag gage car , nnd was drawn by two engines. When near Leroy , Station the trucks of the tender of the head engine broke nnd precipi tated the rear engine and the entire tram ever the bank. Engineer William Lettibridgo received a broken shoulder. Fireman John Klrkman hnd a leg broken nnd received severe internal injuries. The passengers , save a few slight bruises and a severe shaking up , escaped unhurt. Engineer Loth- bridge had nn almost miraculous escape. Ho remained at his post ; applying tboalr , nnd went down with his engine , which was turned upside down , Fireworks Enterprise. AIDANT , N. Y. , Nov. 15. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BEK. ] The consolidated Firo- works Company of America bos been Incor porated , with a capital' $3,500,000. It Is formed for manufacturing and selling fire works , flags , banners and articles of n simi lar nature. The principal business office of f the company will bo at Northfleld , Richmond I county , but It will also have branches in Bos ton , Baltimore , Cincinnati , Chicago and St. Louis. The trustees faro George W. Street of Now York City , George II. Prentlss and Charles A. Johnson ofVBrooklyn , Joseph A. Palmer and James Palmer , jr. , of Rochester , Thomas B. Diehl of Cincinnati and John' W. Bond of Baltimore. ( A Chicago Democrat Indicted. CIIICAOO , Nov. 15. fepl , Von Praag , dom- cratic rcpresontatlvc-iiJpct from the Second district , was indicted by , the federal grand jury today and admitted to bail In $7,500. The indictments were tor. . Conspiracy to obtain citizen's papers for pvttpns not entitled and subordination of perjury. Will Discard the Sword for the Pen. PAIUS , Nov. 15. [ Special Cablegram to TUB HUE. ] Genera Boulangoi- will spend the whiter In Egypt , . Ho returns to the island of Jersey In the-spring to take charge of the management of'a dally newspaper which will bo published in Paris. Lnguorrro and Dcrouledo Belonged. PAHIS , Nov. IB. [ Special Cablegram to THE BEE. ] Laguorro and Dcrouledo were ar raigned In court at Churlevol today , charged with having engagedli } a duel In Belgium , and after a bearing wcro released on ball. The Melbourne Strike Ended. MuLnounNE , Nov. IS , [ Special Cablegram to THE BEE. ] The seamen , stewards nnd wharf men , who have been on a strike for several months , hnvo given up the struggle and resumed work. _ Aspirants ( oIminortaliy. _ ] Nov. 15. [ Special Cablojrram to TUB BEE. ] Prime Minister Do Froyclnct Is a candidate for B scat in the French academy. Cardinal Lavlgcrlo la also a candidate for the academy. _ A Woman Snutcnocd. LOXDOX , Nov. -KataKlordan , who shot and wounded Dr. Bright of Oxford , was to day sentenced to six years' Imprisonment. A SCRAMBLE AFTER SEATS , Good Positions on the Floor of the National Senate Much Desired , PROSPECTIVE PLANS OF THE THREE P'S. ' Belief Thnt nt the Coming HOHHOII | of ConjtrcsN They Will linul a Move for Changes in the Tariff. W-ASlllN'OTOX Butir.VU TUB OtAltBen , ) 513 FouiiTBENTit STIIBET. } WASIII.NOTOX , D. 0. . Nov. IB. ) It Is amazing what anxiety exists to secure the best scats on the floor of the senate. No sooner does n senator die than thcro is n rush 81f for ( the chair ho makes vacant , and bcfuro the returns are all in from nn election and It tla appears thcro will bo changes , then n scram- % bio is mndo for nny chnngo there may bo m anticipation on the floor.of the senate. The rule of the senate provides that whenever It appears that thcro Is to bo a change In n scat on the floor by reason of .death , resignation , election or otherwise the chair to bo vacated shall go to the senator who first requests It of the doorkeeper. In less than hours after the recent election , or ns soon as It appeared that Wisconsin bad gone demo cratic , Wolcott of Colorado , who occupied a seat on the extreme outsldo wing of tlio re publican side of the senate , wired Captain Bnssott , the doorkeeper , saying that ho wanted Spooner's seat. Ho was promised the chair by return telegraph. So Senator J3pooner's chair Is disposed of long before the tlmo when the legislature which is to elect his successor convenes. Mr Stuwart or Nevada and other senators wired for Spooner's seat , but their applications cnmo too late. Of course the chnlr will not bo vacated until March 4 next. Even Sena tor Ingall's chair Is being fought for by re publicans who are not so well located , although It Is by no means sure that the sena tor will not succeed himself. Senator Wash- bum of Minnesota wired his application for Ingall's chair us soon ns it began to look as though the democrats and fuslonlsts had se cured u control of the Kansas delegation. Learning that this application had been made , Chandlcrof Now Hampshire has entered his application for the scat to bo vacated by the Minnesota senator In the event Ingalls Is not re-elected and the chnngo of seats Indicated occurs. If Itfwcro not that Senator Chandler has ono of the most undesirable scats on the floor there would doubtless be applications for his chair. ri.AXS or TIIK Tiinun p'n. His believed that the three republican P's In the senate who voted for. strong cuts m the tariff I'himb , Paddock nnil Pottlgrow will lead a move for n few popular changes In the law this winter which cannot bo resisted , and that among the things they will advocate will be free binding twine and raw materials which cannot bo supplied In this country In sufllclcnt quantities to meet the demands. It Is not believed thcro will bo many changes in the tariff law as It stands. YMXAMAKEU OK WAU , STlinfiT. Postmaster General Wunninnkor , who is being pounded by Gould and his followers on account of his advocacy of the postal tele graph scheme and who Is suffering a raid upon his financial credit for this work , when nskcd by a gentleman today whether ho be lieved there vvas.ttnydanger of n panic aud.ifj- it was safe to'go nhoad with business von- , turoa requiring long credits and loans , saw : "I regard the country as being m the safest financial condition It ever wns in und would not hesi tate to enter any business venture on account of the flurry in Wall street nnd London. It is simply the Gould crowd on n be.ur hunt. " WILLnCQUIUn A LA1I012 PATCH. There Is much talk among the Now York democrats hero about patching un the trou ble between Cleveland and Hill preparatory to the nomination In 18W. Since Hill has re fused the United States scmitorxhlp to suc ceed EvnrtB , preferring to support Smith M. Weed nnd toke his own chances for the presi dential nomination , the trouble thickens. The propo idernnco of belief is , however , that Cleveland will bo nominated. Cleveland Is so unpopular In congressional ctVelos thnt It Is thought thnt Ucpresentatlvo Springer of Illinois hns ruined his chances for the spcak- ership of the Fifty-second congress by plac ing the ex-prcsldcnt In nomination nt the Thurman banquet at Columbus. With the masses of the party ho Is regarded stronger now than ever boforo. AXKHUASKA LAND DECISION. Assistant Secretary Chandler today af firmed the decision of Commissioner Groft in rejecting the now proof of Hans Olson , sup porting his homestead entry for tlio north west 'J of section 14 , township 105 , range 55 west , Mitchell , S. D. Commissioner Graft rejected the proof because of Irregularity in the tiling. MUST IIAVB IIEKX nitinun. The Sioux Indians who nro connected with the Wild West show and who were given a hearing today by the commissioner of Indian affairs , have loft for their homos at the Pine lildgo agency. They gave evidence to the effect that the work they nro engaged In Is not demoralizing and that the contracts they ore under are being fulfilled. AHMY NBWS. Captain George E. Pond , assistant quarter master , has been assigned to duty as post quartermaster nt Fort Kollly , Kan. The following transfers have been mndo In the Ninth cavalry : Captain M. B. Hughes , from troop I to troop M ; Captain T. B. Taylor , from troop M to troop I. MISCISM.ANnoUS , Tomorrow the barber shops of Washington which are run under the direction of hotel proprietors w'll ' bo open for rccular business for the first tlmo in several years. First the barbers' union closed the shops on Sunday and then the District commissioners ordered them closed. The hotel proprietors have re solved to take the commissioners' order In hand and In the courts. A demand Is being made by the ministers hero for a better law regulating the Issuance of marriage licenses and the performance of marriage ceremonies. They say that nny one with f I can got n license nud bo married. An appeal will bo made to congress. William E. Annln of Omaha was today elected a member of the Gridiron club , which Is composed of forty of the leading Washing ton newspaper correspondents. The postofllco at Earllng , Preston county , South Dakota , has been discontinued. The mail will go to Lower Butte. W. W. Douglas of Omaha Is at the Shor- hnm. PKIIIIV S , HEATH. - # The 1C. oT Li. Convention. DB.NVEII , Colo. , Nov. 15. The Knights of Labor nt the morning session adopted a resolution appointing a committee of three to inquire exhaustively lute the matter of the Now York Central strike. If It finds that the company replaced the knights with In competent men it will draft a bill for pres entation to the next general assembly of Now York forfeiting the charter of the railroad company. _ Jameson's Explanations. LONDON , Nov. 15. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEE.I The Times , referring to Jame son's letter to his wife in explanation of the cannibal incident witnessed by him , nays It deeply regrets to record the opinion that Jameson's attempted exculpation strikes a heavier blow at his reputation than any of the other statements recently published , The Engineers' Brotherhood. OHIOAOO , Nor , 15. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEK. ] P. M. Arthur , chlet of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers , is In the city and today said : There Is no prospect of our coalition with the Federation of Hallway Kiimloyos. There Is no more probability of our joining nny other oiilcr now than ever , and thcro Is no need of It. Lost year was , despite nil that had been prophesied , the most prosiierous lu the history of our organization , the official reports show ing nn Increase of 1,700. This , at the end of our twenty-seven years existence , mnkcs our totnl mcmtorshlp about twenty-eight thous and , and throughout the country there Is not perceptlulo the smallest likelihood of trouble. THE HKrOl.VTlOX JC.V Capture of the HebeU and the lion of Sanchez. ( O ) | > iifihSAJJn ; ; Jamti fJrmfmi IlfiiiirfM TKflUctaoi.iM , Honduras , Nov. 15. [ New Yoru Herald Cable-Special to Tun UBI : . ] General Longlnos Sanchez , who headed the recent attempt to overthrow tl.o government of President Bogr.m , and who , with his forces , held this the capital city , for the brief period of ono week , has been captured , and with the principal leaders of his army has been shot. The revolution Is nt nn end. After yester day's lighting It was n foregone conclusion , ns was stated In the Herald , that this would bo the end. His troops had been defeated in n series of bloody engagements , nnd ho , with the brief remainder , were penned up In the Son Francisco bar racks. So , surrounded by a vigilant foreo flushed with victory , President Bogran last night had stationed n number of cannon upon the barracks , and early this morning ho opened lire. Sanchez nnd his Imprisoned comrades , knowing thnt death awaited them In any event , fought with tlio desperate cour- ngo of despair , but It was n hopeless struggle from the start. After a brief cannonading the walls of the barracjts wore almost com pletely battered down. Then there was a determined charge of Bogran's soldiers , a brief but desperate hand- to-hand fight , nnd then nil that remained alive ot the rebels were prisoners , Without the formality of a court-martial , Sanchez with several of the principal officers engaged In tlio revolt were taken to 0110 of the principal squares In the city , blindfolded , and stood In line in the presence of hundreds of the cltiiciiH. A firing party was told off. The doomed men were given a brief'tlmo for prayer. Then the word was given. There was a crash of muskets , nnd the revolution of Longlncss Sanchez passed Into history. Sancho/and his men met their fate without ' out flinching. The bodies of the dead rebels were exposed to the public gaze all day , to bo n warning to future aspirants to the presiden tial chair who desire to get supreme power by foreo of arms. Snucho/ was not popular with the citizens of Tegucigalpa , and the sym pathies of tlio people were altogether with Brogan. Hence , though nearly everybody was grieving over the death or wounding of some relative or friend , thcro was general re joicing over the signal victory of the govern ment troops. General Sanchez , during his brief term of power , caused two of the mem bers of President Bogran's cabinet to ho shot. Onooftho executed ministers was Simeon Martinez. fx fo\i > ox Toirx. Topics that Work Upon tlio Interest c r Our Ijiinilon CoiiHliiH. . [ Cowirltilit tsaoliii Jiunn Oonlnu ilemAt. } LONDON' , Nov. 15. [ Now York Herald Cublo Special to Tun Bci : . ] The next iparilamontrliaskedto pass nil net to incor- 'pora'te n.body styled "Trustees nnd Guardians ot Shnkcspearo'B ' Birthplace. " It is the In tention to transfer to this body the property now viistcd in the corporation of Stratford- on-Avon , Including the Shakespearian library nnd museum and the fund' * held by Its trus- tccb. The new body has authorized the pur chase of Anna Hathaway' 'cottage and Mary Ardcn's house at WJImcco tt. Florence St. John has just secured a ver dict of ! 00 and costs against the sporting paper , Truth , for printing a harmless gag about her diamonds.- Where a pretty woman Is concerned the average British Jury is the prize idiot. The English libel law Is so out rageous the most conservative favor modifi cation. Wilson Barrett will inaugurate cheap prices in his new tneater. The stalls are to cost six shillings. The present prices nro ridiculously hlgn , being over two and a half dollars for what costs one and a half in New York. All Europe is still discussing Koch's con sumption euro. So far as known the treat ment consists of Injection under the skin of a clear brownish llimld. The place for the In jection Is between the shoulder blades in the region of the loins. The liquid soon produces constitutional disturbance such as nausea , shivering and n rise in temperature , but the first effects soon pass and If the patient Is in ordinary health nothing further will ensue. Koch has proved the effect on himself. If the patient Is suffering from scrofula and secondary action begins , it fixes upon the diseased spots and proceeds to cure. It has not been shown to do this In a demonstrable way In consumption. The process is hidden from observation. Koch sees the curative action with the eye of faith. Ho says : "Nevertheless wo are Justi fied In assuming that bore , too , changes take place similar to those seen In lupus cases. " Ho says the remedy does not kill tubercular bacilli but tuberculous tissue. Kocks state ments regarding the cure of pulmonary con sumption nro carefully guarded nnd one of his claims Is that It will in the future form an in dispensable aid In diagnosis. The English medical iraternlty Is disposed to bo hopeful , for the benefit ptomlsed Is so , great that re sponsible persons dccllno to scout them ; but the consumption cure doe i not now seem to bo so popular as the first , announcement of the discovery warranted the public in believing. Advance in [ CopyrtuH ISMlm Jamta ( Ionian Itenntlt. ] MANciinsTKit , Nov. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE BKK. ] Manufactur ing furriers have advanced the price of seal skins CO per cent. The Impression prevails that the recent low prices will never return. The American trade Is below the average. Blroliiill'H "Widow. WOOIHTOCK , Ont. , Npv. 15. [ Special Telo- trram to THE BKK.J Mrs. Dirt-hull did not at tend the burial of her husband in the jail yard , but Mrs. West-Jones , her sister , was present and was very much affected.Mrs. . ' Blrchall passed a comfortable night last night , and this morning is much moro com posed than at nny tltno slnco the execution took place. She still refuses to bo inter viewed. Mrs , Birchull nnd Mrs. Jones will remain In Woodstock for a week or two at least and arrange some business matters , after which they will sail for England. Blrcball's body was embalmed and burled In a metallic oollln hermetically sealed. Another effort will bo made by Mrs. Blrchall to got possession of her husband's body. If Mia is successful his remains will bo Interred In the Church of Knglimd cemetery hero. Increase In French Commerce. PAIIIB , NpV. J5. [ Special Cablegram to Tun BtE.J The returns Issued by the French board of trade show that Uuving the month of October the Imports Increased 8,824,000 , francs and the exports Increased 10,034,000 , francs ns compared with the cor responding mouth last year. THE CURE FOR COXSOlIPTIOSf. > f , Kocli Has the Attention of Invalids- - and Everybody Else , i " * * _ _ _ \ \ FRENCH ARE THE ONLY CRITICS , On Cnlolirnioil Medlo Claim * Thnt a Jtcinc < ly Will lie Found Hcl'oro nc for Cniicer Some Socialistic DcfcatM. Xtie IVrfc Attoetatnl ; ' ; r. < . .7 < Bniu.v , Nov. 15. Prof. Koch hold * supreme premo swiiy over public Interest. The pub. Mention of his statement at lioinu ntul abroad has Intensified excitement , nnil messages any pouring In from nil parts of Europe nnd. America. Medical men , including Kngllsh and" Aniorl cnn physicians , liavo been studying the process under the. nlil of 1'rnf. Koch , In. ( cresting reports of the progress of the treat ment In ninny cases continue to bo iniulo. To meet tlio pressure of eases another hospital is about to bo established. The set-rot nnd composition of the lymph have been communicated to Koch's Intlinnto colleagues , also to Prof. Welgnrt of Frank' fort , Dr. Bast of Hamburg hospital and Prof. Nothnagc'l of Vlomm nnlvorslty. Nothiingol In addressing his students on the mattersuld : "Tho discovery 1ms far wider scope than .Tenner's discovery of vaccination and Is perhaps the grandest fcnt in the History of medical science. " Prof. Bllroth holds that Kozh's method pluces It beyond doubt that a remedy will bo found before long for cancer. Tie | only criticisms of Koch's discovery ' como from French Medical men , MIIIIO o'f whom ndvlso Incredulity until the nature ot thoioniL'dy Is fully known and sciuntlflo proof given of Its effectiveness. The leading feature of the primary educa tion bill of thogovcininont concerns religious instruction. The hill piovldes that every child shall bo educated In its own creed nnd that classes In religious knowledge -shall bo conducted by the respective religious bodies , rcnrusontatlvos of such bodies 1m each community being authorized to preside over classes. Classes for Instruction in evangelical and Catholic- creeds will bo In- trusted to the parish pastor or priest. The will of Archduke John of Austria has been opened in Vienna. Ho leaves every thing to Mllly Stubel , his morganatic wifo. It will bo contested as invalid under the Aus trian law. The socialists were bailly beaten In several communal elections the past week. The abolition lition of repression seems to bo weakening the party. The Frankfort Zcltung announces tlmC the Jiavnriim government , having failed to obtain the Berlin government's approval of its ruso- lution to admit the iicdcinptorists fathers , will not ask thobundcsrath to abolish the law for the expulsion of the Jesuits. The fund for the Bismarck memorial hero has reached 8-10,000 , marks. o I The Gnlllfct-StcvcnH Nuptunlx. [ Cij//rf(7ht ) ) / / ( J.Whi ; Jamej Himfim Itennttt , } * PAltls , Nov. 15. [ New Vork Herald Cable Special to .Tni : nun. ] At midday , In the Parish church at Montmoreney , onooftho most fushlonablo niarnngcs of the season was celebrated , between Comto du Gallifot , son of General Marquis do Galltfet , and Miss Stevens - ens , daughter by her first marriage of the Marquise do Talloyrawl-Perigord , duchosso do Dlno. Carriages from the Due do Dino's stnbles convoyed the guests from the station to tlio church. The church was rielily and effectively dcrorUod with garlands of whlto flowers , festoons of roses and largo palm trees placed between the columns. The decorations were carried out by the Duo do Ohio's gardener. Outside the church win drawn up a dctnchment of the Twenty-third dragoons , the regiment to which the bride groom belongs. The service was conducted by Abbo Mare. Solos were sung by Miss Eames , the well known American prlma donna. The bridegroom was In Mil uniform , and during the ceremony carried his helmet. .The brldo was attired in a superb dross of white satin , trimmed with orange blossoms. Over nil war a rich long voll of old lace. The witnesses for the bridegroom were iho Duo do la Trcmoillo and the Marquis do Lam- bortyo. Those of the bride wcra Whitclaw Hold and Joispll Stevens of New York , brother of the bride. After tlio Hainan Catholic ceremony the party adjourned to the Protestant church at knghicn , when the wedding service was again read. The Duchcsso do Ohio received the guests at the chateau Montmorenoy , where the wedding breakfast was given. Tlio town hall was handsomely decorated with the Hags of Franco and the United States en twined. Among tlio pleasant incidents of the day was a neat llttlo speech made by the mayor , dwelling on the happy union of a Frenchman to a lady from America , the coun try which the French liked so well. Outsldo the chateau was another detachment of troops. Trouble In World's Knlr CirolcH. CiiiCAnn , Nov. 15. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hin. ] Thu Kvening Journal today .says : There Is chaos In World's fair circles , and It would not ho at all surprising that , unless the national commission nnd the local board settle their differences , several of the direc tors of the local board will resign buforo the next meeting of that body. Tills Is not ofll- clal , but thnro ts.a well defined opinion to that effect floating around World's ' fair head quarters. The trouble us It now exists Is the result of a feeling engendered and afterward fostered by sensational journalism and Is. being roundly condemned In conservative circles. A national commissioner imid tills morning : "You talk about outside publica tions doing harm to the fair , but It scorns tome mo they only take iho cue from the local feel ing a.s expressed through your publications. " Do this as It may , the trouble exist * , and un less matters are smoothed over before the Ibth the ulr will bo bluo. KanmiH City I'nuklng Company. KANSAS OITV , Mo. , Nov. 15' Additional at tachments wnro sued out ngalnst the Kansas City packing company today after the assign ment of the Boston linn , nnd they now ag gregate fiKl OOs. The assets of-the concern nro Bald to be $1,000,000 nnd that the present dinlculty is not caused lu any way by the management hero. Methodist MlHulon Appropriations. BOSTONMass. , . , Nov. 15. The Methodist miislonary committee today appropriated $ . 10,000 , for Japan , * 10,000 for Coreu and 81,000 , for Lower California. This finished the ap propriations for foreign countries. Thoeo- tlro amount thus far appropriated In $ MO,007. The amount remaining which they wore en titled to expend wus $ J5,4-UJ , Tlio Weather Forecast. Foi Omaha and Vicinity Fulr , stationary tomporpturo , For Nebraska , Iowa and South Dakota Fair ; warmer ; winds bceomluK southerly , „