8 THE OMAILA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 1890 , CONTINENT A \ CLOT NG OUS H SPECIAL VALUES IN H SUITS. BUCK CHEVIOT SUITS Our sale of Black Cheviot Suits has been greater than the supply. We have sold them all season faster than we could make them and for the first time this sea son , we find a surplus on our tables. Today we will offer a line at $15 which cannot be bought outside of the Contin ental for less than $20. Be sure and see this line before you buy. Price $15. Elegantly made and trimmed , Full length , I SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE OF ' OVERCOATS , \Ve carry by far the largest stock of any house in this city. One glance at the enormous piles on our tables will soon con vince you of the fact. . The purchase of a good overcoat is a matter of some importance to a close buyer. In a stock like ours , you are certain to be suited. The range is from S1Q to S3O. MEN'S MELTON OVERCOATS , $15 Today we will offer special values in Men's Melton Overcoats at $15. This is the popular fabric this season neat' and serviceable in several shades and all sizes , 34 to 44. MEN'S BEAVER OVERCOATS , $10 "We will' offer today a special line of Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats in blacks and browns at $10 each.Ve know this overcoat is sold by others as high as $15. Our price today and until they are all sold will be $10. If you cannot visit our store , send for one of this lot and if it is not as represented , it may be returned at our expense. "We have sold hundreds of these nobby double-breasted overcoats this season in black and fancy cheviots , dark Meltons and plain Kerseys elegantly made and trimmed and look like custom garments. They are made in our own work-rooms and combine quality and style for which our clothing is noted. The prices are not high : $18 , $2O and $22. Visit this Department on Saturday for Boys' and Child ren's Overcoats , SPECIAL VALUES IN Bop' Ulsters , Wo are showing a larger line of Boys' Ulsters than at any previous season. Price's : ' $8 $ , $9 $ , HO anil $12. $ Special Bargain Lines of BOYS' Overcoats -AT- $ j.jU , $ i" , Jo. FURNISHING GOODS DEPT. Special Sale Today of 8 EL WOOL UNDERSEffi Price , 15 Gsts a Garment We will sell today 78 dozen of Men's Natural ; ! Wool Shirty and Drawers at 70 cents each ; $1.BO per suit. In all sizes 34 to 44 , These goods are never retailed for less than $2.8O per suit. Wo guarantee them strictly all -wool , full finished garm'ents at 70 cents each. I , AND , LOOMIS & CO , Corner Douglas and Fifteenth Streets ; Omaha ; Neb ! THE CITY. The cnso of Secrost vs Werner In the police court was dismissed yesterday morning. The republican central committee will hold a meotlnp at the Millard hotel ut 4 o'clock this nftoruoon. The city board of equalization holds an other meeting at 9 o'clock this morning in the city olork's ofllco. Three cases of oarthernwaro from England for Samuel Burns passed the customs house yesterday morning. Ernest Hoddor , a young lad who car ries papers for the World-Herald , foil from hia horse yoatorduy and broke his collar bone. Eight-five par cent of the delinquent county taxes have boon paid in to date , a showing which Treasurer Suydor Bays is a remarkably good ono. County Auditor Evans is completing a statement of the ofllcial count of the county voto. It is upon a sheet of heavy paper eight foot long and six foot wido. In the county court the following Judgments were rendered yesterday : L. McOroor & Co. vs D. R. Shannon , $827.50 ; W. E. McCloud vs P. A. Bar rett , $271. The society of the Church of the Good Shepherd gave an oyster supper at the Coliseum annex Thursday night. In ad dition to the supper the members of the society gave a sort of a fair , nt which the articles manufactured by the members of the church sowing society were dis posed of. The receipts amounted to $160. Ellas Wyman , a lad thirteen years old , was arrested yesterday for stoallncr a dozen padlocks from the Leo-Clnrk- Androoson hard ware company. The boy admitted the theft and said ho was as sisted in the act by another boy named Joe , but ho did not know where ho lived orvhnt his last name was. Wyman lives at 1311 Howard street. The Swedish Ladles' Relief society has decided to give u grand ball at Wash ington hall Saturday night. November 22 , the not proceeds of which will po to their fund for the relief of the poor of this city the coming winter. A largo at tendance is doslrcd. Tickets , CO cents , to bo had at the door or from the ladles of the society. Supper extra. Chapter 1 : Weak , tlretl , no nppetlto. Chapter 1) : Took Hood's Sarsaparilln. Chapter U : Strong1 , cheerful , hungry. Opening of the Hospital. , "I wonder , 0,1 wonder , will that new bos- pltul over bo ready for occupancy 1" wns the wall that wcut up from County Poorinaster Mahoney yesterday morning. "I don't know where wo will put another applicant for admission to the old houso. Wo have ninety people there now bosldo ray fam ily and the attendants , and there arc nine oc cupants In a dcllcato condition. 'Tho latest difficulty In getting Into the now bnlUHnp U a faulty connection with tbo heating apparatus , and'nobody knows , I guess , OB the thing now stands , when wo can move into the building sometime this wlu- tor , though , I hope. The furniture Is all la that't onesatlsfactloji. " Mr , Mahouoy stated , also , there wore be tween forty and Afty families regularly re ceiving dally assistance from the county charity ofllcer In the basement of tbo court houso. The vuluo of tbo assistance given averaged , ho srild , about f 1.50 per family , al though it sometimes rau above that figure. The combination of Ingredients found in Ayer's 1'llls renders them tonlo and curative as well as cathartic. For this mason they are tbo best medicine for people of costive bablt , as they restore tbo natural action ol the bowels , Attorney General Loose was In tbo cltj yesterday and celled ujxm Tut BEE , MOH'H Underwear. "Wo have received seine fine under wear. Vicuna wool , Scotch lamb's wool , Dr. Jueper's gray , black wool that will not rub off , silk striped , etc. , UNDER SHIRTS and DRAWERS. This department is now fixed up in style and wo have a complete now stock , Men's so * , suspenders , ties , smoking and lounging coats , Mackintosh coats , etc. , all on the main floor in the Farnam street front. The largest and handsomest men's furnishing department in the west. Solo Omaha agents for Dr. Jaeger's under shirts , " drawers , bandages , sox , suspenders , night shirts at exactly Now York prices. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , Men's ' . furnishing dop't. Don't fall to see Black the Detective , November 15 , Grand Opera II CUB A. Card. From this date Omaha's growth will bo unprecedented. Capital will seek investment In real estate from ull parts of the country , Omaha is the only city that wont through a real estate depres sion without a crush and property which had a commercial value at the end of the boom three years ago has steadily enhanced. Wo doom It advisable at this time to caution the public against mushroom in vestments. Secure good property with in your moans from rollublo linns and unquestionable title. Fooling satisfied that prohibition would bo defeated when voted upon , we purchased a largo amount of property nt Albright and nro now prepared to offer a limited number of choice bargains in "Albright's Choice" addition on easy terms. AumiaiiT LAND AND LOT COMPANY * . 521 , 622 , 623 N. Y. Life Bldg. Secure your seats In time for the Detective - tectivo Lecture ( illustrated ) , Saturday evening at the Grand. * Through coaches Pullman palace slocporu , dlningcars , f reo reclining chal cars to Chicago and intervening points via the great Rock Island route. Ticket ofllco 1602 , Sixteenth ana Farnatn. . ' B. A. Orchard. Carpet , furniture and drapery. Itonovolont Firemen's Ball. The paid Oromca's benevolent association Is arranging for a big ball to bo given at Ex. position hall on Now Year's eve. The asso ciation hopes to replenish Its treasury , which has been greatly depleted during the post year by boned-ta paid on account of sickness and death. For this reason It Is desired t ( sell a largo number of tickets. The commit tco ou arrangcracuis consists of nlno mom < bcrs : llolos Board , chairman ; Spud Far rlsb , P. Dorapsoy , Sam Crowley , Jniuos Cor- mlclc , John , Uurulsb. Joseph "U'averln , Georgi Wlndbelm and M. OoftBlus. Durdlsh repre sents tuo retired llromcn who a till remain connected wltb the association. Slio Moved Finally. Chairman Blrldiauscr of the board of pub llo works and a council committee settled th long-suffering case of old Mrs. Stundon b ; -moving nor into another houso. Sboownci a house ou Eighth street , between Dodpoam Douglas , and bad been squatting on th street fur twenty-four years. Grading wa necessary and she made a light , against th city and lost , but refused to move , He 11 nil a Hotel. At the May term of tbo United States court George AV. Johnson was Indicted for fraudulently obtaining a pension of several hundred dollars from tbo government. Since tbat tlmo a number of deputy marshals have been making a still hunt for Johnson , but no trace of him could bo found until a few days ago , when ho was located at Belvldero , 111. , where bo was keeping a hotel nnd boarding bouse. Ho was at once arrested umlThurs- tl..y arrived In the city In charge of Deputy United States Marshal Charles of Chicago. All Music at Hull'Price. 0,000 pieces only lOc a copy at Moln berg's , 10th st. bet. Capital ave & Dodge. 0 Sale ofttio Itlloy Block. The new Hlloy block property , on the north sldo of Douglas between Tenth and Eleventh , changed bands yesterday. On Octo ber 0 , Rlloy Brothers sold the property to tbo Homo Investment company .for $52,000. yesterday that company sold It to Check II. Toncrary of Dodge county for fOOCOO , and the deed was put upon record limnedlatoly. The building is probably ono of the best and handsomest business blocks in tbo west , and occupies 45x102 feet of ground. ' "Life Through a Detectlvo Camera , " Grand Opera House , Saturday evening. Grand Jury Secrets , The federal grand Jury has directed Its at tention to the publication In the papers of the deliberations of that body , and will endeavor to discover and stop the leak. "With that In view , subpccnas hnvo been issued for the va rious reporters who frequent the federal building , and the grand Jury will emulate the example of tbo United States senate In trying to discover where the reporters obtained their Information concerning proceedings which t > ro supposed to bo secret. Black the DotoctivoornndKSat'rd'y ovo. Ninth \Vnr < l Canons , The Ninth ward republican club motThurs- day night and by a unanimous vole decided to nominate a candidate for ward councilman at a ward caucus and not at a general city convention as has been suKBCbted. President Klerstcad was instructed to call a caucus at any tlmo after tbo meeting of the republican city central committee , Detective , nt the GrandNovember , 15. Mortuary. Mrs , Jobn Sautter died yesterday morning at Albright of typhoid fever , after a short illness. W. W. Moborry , brother of Lemuel Moberry.died Thursdav evening nt 11:15 at the residence of his uncle , Lemuel Irelands , who lives two miles southwest of Papllllon , The funeral services will bo held at Mr. Irelands1 Siiturduy , November 15 , at 2 p.m. ; will bo buried at Bailey's cemetery. Baking Powden CiedlaUllllonaol Homes 40 Ycon the Btanlard. Itis better to always be ready than suffer once. For a winter outfit ting that will defy the Cold Wave that is bearing down up on us , wereeommend early selections from our full assortment of Fine Overcoats and Heavy Under wear. QOLJJ MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. tfr BAKER & CO.'S Ii abittutety imre and it it fallible. No Chemical& are uitd In It * r "tt IIon. It hi. no * < Aan IlkrM llnll ( UrtupU Ot Coco * mlnJ lth Starch , Arrowroot or Sugir , and It tlitrcfin. ftr more tconomletl , MiMnff lui lAan tnt MM a tvf. II U tlclictoui , caurlihlug. itrenKthcnlnR , El em l > : o ntn > , tad admirably adipfwl fjr loTillJl at vtUaapmoci la iKiltib Sold b ; Orocera eicrjuliere. W , BAKER & CO.Dorchester , Masa FEMALE BEANS AbMluUlr rellible , r rfectlr nte. mott powerful f aniali mruUtarkuo n i n f r fall ) Uix. iw ti > id i cn ku WE TOLD YOU A few days ago about the big purchase gf Overcoats our resident buyer in New York There are more of these overcoats than we thought. They keep "on coming and we o'p fl case after case every day. There are all kinds ordinary grades , . medium grades , and goods fine enough for the best dressed man .in Omaha. Overcoats for small men , for big men , fotf slim men , for fat men , for short men , for tall men every shape and style is here your size too > and you never will have an opportunity to buy your overcoat as cheap as you can do now * We call your attention to a few styles they are corkers n AT f AT AT $8.00 $10,50 $ $12.50 An Elegant All Wool A Splendid All Wool As Fine a -KERSEY- Chinchilla -KERSEY- Made with lap seams , Farmer With handsome heavy serge As any man wants , colors 4 satin lining , satin sleeve lining , lining , very fine silk sleeve lining handsome drab , seams doublQ 'ine velvet collar , they como in si itched , slllc velvet collar , linlnaf gray , tan and brown mixtures , ing , corded edge binding. Worth of an extra quality--fancy plaid and are worth twelve dollars of in any clothing house In America sorgo.A beautiful flarment anci any man's money. fully $10.OO. is as good as any $2O coat. ENGLISH BOX COATS. Here's where we catch the "tony" folks. We've got them ia all sorts _ of goods , and all sorts of shades , as handsome a line as any house in the conntry car ries. Prices $11.50 , $14.50 , $16 , $17.75 , $ i8,5o. $21.50 , $22-50 and aguaranty to save you fronj * five to ten big Americandollars goes witli each coat. Boys' Overcoats ? Ohj Yes ; hundreds of 'em , and cheaper than ever. Nebraska Clothing Co. , Corner 14th and Douglas Streets , NO GXJR.EX ! NO F A.Y. Dr.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. fecnleen jfarV experience. A regular trnduato In medicine , aidlplomii ihow. Ii itllleattrlnT with the Kronteitauccesa nil NerrouaCitron o&ndl'rlTatatlUtatos. A permanent euro Kuaranle < d for Cat\rrh. HpcrmnlorrhiBn , Ixiat Manhood. feintnal\Vinkne i , Night Ixiias , Impolenor. 8rpnill Htrloturo , nnl.tll DI.CH3C3 or tno Ulopd , Skin and Urlnarr Orxani. N. H. 1 auaranteo IWJ for avorr oivia l'uaitsrtalta ixnJ Ul 1 to euro. Conautotlon freo. UooklM/ilcrU ) or Llfo ) ieat Truo. Offlco liourj-8 a. m. to a p. u. Surulur , a. m. to It m. "LUCK IS PLUCK" If you btva run a muck nealnsl tome DJ . course ! ng Diaeano which you don't want your family ttutlor to knnw about , remember that I iiM .ii. . . . MM W. . I eiilalniourCichi l tfl pun NEW BOOK I - JlesUraonlajs Ilook maUei ( aeaTt "ii ) . YOU WlLLflNO THAT "PLUCK WINS LUCK ! " FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE indprmin MCURCIpr all dlMiiMoTiyeyrTlNARY OR&ANS : Curei whertothirtreitmenllilK.FulTairectioniwIlheach boltla. Prle * . ont dollar. See ilgnaluttol E. U STAHU For Bale By All Druggist * . LYON &HEALY4 . .CHICAGO , V.ir.ruu . < ! 404 uUcl r U < d l > r Uiniti or Drum Corp. , liKlxlUl H.pttlil il > U- IUH Trliam on tic. CetUlu laitru < tl ei far , . . iKlkfc Ur-Uni , blKU4Uilc.fUu4M.ik. O _ _ I.M4T.I w .r.iir6.m llej > iiL. Illu.tr.i Dlt. ELECTRICM3EL.T DR. DA GRADUATE DENTIST A Full Set of Toti ! on Hiibhor , ftJi Kivn DOI.MKS. k A ported lit Kimrantoctl. Teeth oxtraotoT" > without ii.'iln or duneor , un'l ' wliLout nnao > tlietlcs. Qnld nml silver nlllngi nt lonoit rates. Hrlflgo nnd Drown AVorlc. Te th vrlta * ontplntfl ) . All work warranted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK16TH AND FARNAM , Entrance , 16th street ulovutor Opcuevca * ngs until 8 o'clock , BRACE UPl Wenk men , with brain , ncrvei and idxiiM onrin | Impairedcan , nndunnbiiolutoiMira NLIIVK IIKANjb I Tliejr matt ) oltl uiun ruling , itlvo ttru ami vigor to eiu Imuitcdjcutli , doublelir ' Jor. II pvrkox | iuitp > l < 9 I'araphlKtfrru. NKIIVK IIKAN CO. . IIUJ'iMl.o. N. X. BuW t > 7 Uoudwaa Drug Co. , 1110 Furntiu St. ,