Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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rdlvorrd by Cnrrlcr In any part of the City.
e. Nn. 4V.
Night Editor , NO. 21.
JtlXOlt JttlX'fMOX.
N. V. P. Co.
Couiu'll niufTs Lumber Co. . coal.
Mr. A. Beckley wns lined flfl.20 In tlio
police court last evening.
Frank Hunter left last night for Kcokuk ,
In. , on onielnl business. Ho will bo absent
ecvcrnl days.
Flnloy Burke , nsq. , Is building one of the
liamisomcst residences In tbo city on upper
, , Oakland avenue ,
? . Permit to mnrry wns yesterday given to
I Henry Williams nnd Florence Tarry , both
k under ngc , hut with tbo consent of parents.
\ Tlio winter meeting of the Iowa Firemen's
i" nssoolntlon takes place In Cedar Rapids next
} - week. Among those who will nttcnd from
V this city nro 1' . Lacy , F. H. Guancllo and
J John Teinplcton.
' . ' There Is ti kick among tbo registers of clcc-
ft ; tlon over their pay. They nro to receive S20
' nnd claim thiit the work amounted to about
* ten ilnys good time.
f The cnso of Hurry HofTcr , the munlcrous
blacksmith who assaulted Mrs. Banning
with a linlfc' , wns continued yesterday until
the Injured woman was nblo to appear nnd
Ono thousand foct of the now Hcruulc * lire
hose recently ordered by the council arrived
yesterday. It Is twenty pounds lighter und
Is guaranteed to stnnd a heavier pressure
than the hctivy hose now In use by the de-
Mrs. Mary Carter died Wednesday nlpht nt
lOi.'iOo'cloelf. The funeral will take place
this afternoon at 2 o'clock from tbo homo of
her daughter nt No. OO'J ' South Sixth street.
The remains will bo Interred lu Fnlrvlcw
Contractor.I. A. Murphy has put n force of
men on the now Baldwin block to keen tbo
woodwork part of the structure up with the
masons. All tbo shop work has been finished
mid thcro will bo no delay on account of the
contractor who has the carpentry work.
T. .1. Kvmis culled the aldermen's ' attention
yesterday afternoon to the necessity of re-
jinlrlng the embankment along theriverfront
In the northeast part of the city. The bank
has settled In homo places and is incapable of
j affording the protection designed. No action
1 was taken.
, Messrs. Scanlnn , Wesley nnd Chase visited
i Underwood , this county , last night , where a
lodge of ICnlghts of Pythias wns Instituted.
The now organization starts out with twenty
charter members , Tlio visitors from the
Bluffs were ablv assisted In tbo work by a
big delegation from Ncoln.
A case of diphtheria wns ronortcd to tbo
health authorities yesterday. The sufferer is
Mrs. John Ostram , living at 1020 Seventh
avenue. On Wednesday tbo child of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Ostram died of the disease and tlio
1 mother contracted it while anxiously watchIng -
Ing by the sldo of the llttlo sufferer.
1 bovcrnl days ngo the papers announced tbo
death of a child of Thomas Fcnncll , who ro
ubles on Fourth street. Diphtheria nt the
tlmo of this death had seized upon tbo other
I of tbo twins , and yesterday morning at 5
o'clock death came. This is a sail blow to
the parents. The funeral will tnko pluco this
1 morning at 9 ! SO.
S. D. Wndsworth was showing Id3 friends
yesterday n line specimen of gotd taken from
I the McCulllstor mines in Gllpln county , Col-
i orado , owned by the Paul gold mining com-
Tinny , nn organization In which a number of
Council Hluffs men nro Interested. The nugget -
get weighed thirty-four ounces und thirteen
pennyweights and wns valued at fVJ3.
Deputy Marshal Fowler went to South
Omaha yesterday In answer to a telephone
message iinnounclng the arrest of George
Buckncr , tbo negro who slashed Jim Wash
ington , another negro , with n razor n few
nights ago. The fellow hold by the South
Omaha 'police , although n negro giving tbo
snmo name , did not nrovu to bo the party
By the organization of the ladles physical
culture class byL. C. Dale , an excellent op
portunity has been offered the younp Indies
of the city to secure the benefits of n course
of training in light gymnastic work , and to
overcome physical1 defects acquired , perhaps ,
by carclcssncso in walking , or while in the
school room over the desk. Tbo class meats
every Tuesday and Thursday evening In
Benedict's sign room nnd is attended by
many who need special work for nnns , chest
and shoulders.
The work of laying brick In the bottom of
the row Hiibsldnry reservoir at the pumping
station of the waterworks will bo commenced
next Monday , or possibly tomorrow. The ex-
cnvutiou lias bosn completed , but the work
lias been delayed by the removal of the largo
Ice houses erected by Gilbert Brothers. J. P.
Weaver bus the contract fordoing the brick
work nnd has his material on the ground
rcadv for work. The extensive alterations
and improvements contemplated In tbo water
works M-stcm nt the river will occupy the
tlmo of the company and a largo force of men
all winter.
In the special meeting of the city council
yesterday afternoon , Division Superintendent
Hopkins appeared with FInlcy Burke and as
sured the council that the Northwestern
railway company was in earnest in the prom
ises mndo that a now local passenger depot
would bo built and other promised improve
ments pushed forward If the council would
grant the request to vacate the unused streets
named In the ordinance passed on Friday
evening. Upon this pledge the mayor signed
the ordinance. The railway company agrees
to commence work on a line now depot at an
early date.
The winter meeting of the Iowa Firemen's
association takes place next Wednesday ut
Cedur Uapuls , at which tlmo n , programme
will ho prepared for the next tournament.
The meeting promises to bo nn Important one ,
and the Cedar Rapids boys Iinvo extended n
cordial Invitation to every lire department In
the state to have a renresentattco present.
Among those who will attend from this city
nro I1. Lacy , F. II. Guunolla , JohnTompleton
and others. Hates at tbo various hotels have
boon llxed as follows : Clifton house , $1.50
per day ; Pullman house , $1.50 : Stork's hotel ,
1 , and Grand hotel ft ! .
A glove contest for scientific points will tnko
place nt Al. Wells' gymnasium on Saturday
evening. The contest will bo between Coun
cil Bluffs and Omaha amateurs , nnd tbo prize
will bo n medal. Two weeks aeo several
somewhat noted Council Bluffs amateurs
went over to Omaha and met n number of
young men at ono of the club rooms and
sparred for scientltlo points nnd honors. At
the conclusion of the contest the Bluffs boys
were in possession of all the honors and sev
eral bouquets that were hung up as special
prizes. Since then the Onmlm boys have been
very anxious to have a sot to In tha hope that
they can got revenge and something tangible
In tno way of honors. Consequently they
seat challenges for n mooting , ami the affair
tomorrow night Is the result of the accep
tance by the Bluffs boys. Tcn-ouuco pillows
will bo used , nnd there will bo live or six con
tests. The Bluffs boys huvo been'training
hard and they nro going to put up tholrbcst
licks to keep the honors they have won.
Tlio contemplated meeting of the board of
education , which was to huvo occurred this
evening , will not tuko plnco until some date
next week. The postponement Is caused by
Mr. Hunter's necessary absence from the
city. The mcmpcrs of the board dcsiro to go
carefully nnd slowly In the mutter of select
ing n superintendent , and they will only
iiiuko the selection after they nro thoroughly
satisfied that tbo best man available
1ms been secured , and then only when all the
members of the board are present. Prof ,
Leonard of Youngstown , O. , ono of tbo
favored applicants for the position , arrived
In tbo city yesterday In accordance with an
invitation extended by some of the members.
Ho Is reputed to bo nn nblo educator , with
abundant experience , although only thirty-
six years of ngo. Ho met in u social way all
the members of the board yesterday and
created n very favorable impression. Ho
will remain In the city until uftcr the meet
ing of the board. Ho is tbo guest of Mr * .
Judge Clinton. _
The residence of James MeNaughton , 1M6
M uvo. , will bo rented furnished for the
winter cheap to u desirable party.
Dr. Soybcrt. lies. Ogden houso. Tel. HO.
A fresh Invoice of line cbovlot aulta for
young men , Just received at Model Cloth-
lutf Co ,
The Board of Supervisors Amicably Settles
the Controversy OvorPaupars.
Minor Cases and What llncomc * of
Tliuin A Handsome ISitlldlnt ; Tlio
Northwestern' * Ordinance
Sinned Minor Mention.
The county board yesterday settled the
matter of caring for the county's sick nnd In-
firm. It wns decided to rescind the action by
which St. Bernard's ' hospital was to hnvosolo
cnro of these patients for a term of three
years. The cause of this change of mind wns
brought about by the showing tnndo by the
committee- - from the Woman's Christian asso
ciation hospital , urging that they should have
n share of the public fund , ns tticy had been
doing n larpo amount of ennrlty. work. The
latter hospital has not accommodations for
caring for nil tha sick nnd nged paupers , but
the ladles wanted to have all that they could
cnro for , and It was decided by the boara to
grant their request. Those which they cnn
not care toe uro to bo taken to St. Bernard's
hospital. Tno county Is to pay the same rate
to each liosiiltnl--f"i ti week for the care of
the sick , nnd fcJ a week for those who are
simply aged or Infirm. The ladles seemed
satisfied at this cqultablo division , and the
sisters will doubtless also bo.
Ills amusing to notice the strong prejudices
which such a llttlo incident calls forth in
human ifaturo. Some living near the Wo
man's Christian association hospital , In ono
part of the city , have been quite annoyed at
the idea that the ladies should conclude
to locate their hospital there , nnd were
rather pleased ut the lueaof having the
hospital deprived of what llttlo support came
from the care of the county's ' poor. On the
other hand there is as strong , or stronger ,
prejudice among some residing near St.
Bernard's ' hospital , located In the other ex
treme of the city. They expressed consider-
nblo indignation ttiat the citizens of the
Fourth ward had succeeded In forcing all the
sick paupers out of their neighborhood , and
driving thorn Into that nirt : of the city where
St. Honiara's ' hospital is located. They began
urging that thcso cases bo sent to the Wo
men's Christian association hospital , claim
ing that It was bad enough to have the coun
ty's Insane cared for nt St. Bernard's with
out the addition of the cripples and the pov
erty stricken.
Under the now arrangement there will bo
sorao at ono hospital and some nt the other ,
so that both classes of fault-llndors will have
still a chance to object.
Henry ElBcmnn Jt Co. . Council Bluffe ,
Have made the biggest fur and clonk deal
over consummated In tbo west , and they , nt
their store In Council Bluffs , will deal thorn
out to the consumers of the north west nt such
prices that will give them the trade of the
money-saving public. Furs uro in favor this
season. Capes and muffs are immense. Hero
urc our best sellers :
Black and colored huro capos $3,25 , $1.25 ,
iS.OO and $0.00.
Black Coney capes from . ? l,25 to $3.00.
Silver hare capos , roll collars , point fronts ,
special bargain nt ? 5.00 for capo und muff.
Astrngiin fur capes nnd mufts nt all prices.
Wool seal capos from $12.00 upwards.
Heal monkey capes very cheap.
Natural oposuin capos.
Nutria and beaver capes and muffs.
Black astragali cloth capes.
Silk plush imitation and veal.
Scat muffs -collars mid boas.
Every kind of fur known in setts , single
pieces or by the ynrd will bo offered during
this week's snlo nt about one-half what other
houses ask for them.
Childrens' fur sets whlto Coney , gray
Coney , white Coney with black spots , snow
hare , white tlbblts , astrngan cloth , whlto
anporn , imitation lynx , nutria , boavcr and
seal the greatest variety of childrens' furs
ever shown , at surprisingly low prices.
Fur trimmings by the yard. Swan's aown
In all widths. Uet our prices before pur
Wo soil you a plush cloak for $13.00 that
nro sold by other houses for $20.00.
Our $1(1.01) ( ) are sold elsewhere for (25.03 ,
our $22.00 cloaKs would bo called cheap by
other dealers lor S.T5.00 , and our better grades
in proportion. Wo glvoan elegant muff with
every plush cloak we soil during this weeks
nt from $1.50 up to the finest mado. Thou
sands to soioct from. Uitrht , hero lot us say
that our variety is so complete that wo are
sure to suit everybody no matter how cheaper
or how line a garment they wish.
Wo have cloaks for the rich , wo have
cloaks for tlio medium class nnd poorer
people. Como to us for n cloak for n dollnr
up to llvo hundred dollars nnd wo can suit
nnd Jackets from $1 each up to the llnest
mado. A great variety to select from. Wow
novelties Just received. Mothers who were
not nblo heretofore to got suited in misses or
children's garments nro especially invited to
call und see our now line Just received. Wo
will surprise you in our elegant assortment
nnd the low prices. Kcinoinbcr wo glvon
nlco doll free during this week's snlo with
every child's clonk between the ages of 2 and
12 years. Also please notice that Henry
KIscman & Co. Is the only house In this
western country that has tbeso bargains.
Call and see us. HCNIIY EibKMAN & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , In.
Mnll orders promptly filled.
Motor faro refunded by Henry Elsoman &
Co. , Council Bluffs , to all Omaha customers.
Colonel Sapp's condition changes but llttlo.
Oeorpo A. Keollno has returned from a two
weeks' trip to Wyoming.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Willis Peterson hnvo a new
daughter at their homo on Avenue D.
Tomas Bowman , congressman-elect , no
longer "Tom , " has returned from Chicago.
Mrs. S. C. Key lias gene to her old homo In
Washington , spend tbu holiday season.
Miss Cnddlo Goodenow of Wall Lake. In. ,
who'has been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Sher
wood nnd friends in this city , returned homo
yesterday morning.
Hooks made with special rulings for whole
sale und retail trade by Moorchouso & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Are you Interested In first class heaters ? If
you nro , then buy the famous Peninsular
heaters , They are highly recommended by
those- who use them ; they nro the llnest fin
ished and the prices are lower than all Imita
tions. Our stock of cook stoves from $7.GO to
10,00 gives you the greatest variety to select
from. Our line of furniture , carpets , hang
ing lamps , winnow sluulos , parlor suits ,
lounges In largo variety. Como and sco us ,
wo will trout you right.
MAXDI-I. , t ,
_ ! 120 Broadway.
> A Ilumlsoiiio Building ,
The wulb of the now Brpadway Methodist
church have reached the bottom of the second
story windows and the public Is beginning to
receive a clearer conception of what the new
building will bo when finished. Contractor.
Weaver Is pushing the work with his accus
tomed vigor , but Is complaining about some
minor delays for which he is not responsible.
Ho feels satisfied ho will have the walls ready
for the roof before winter sots In nnd expects
to got the mngaltlccnt toinplo completed
nhcud of the tlmo specified In the contract.
Tlio brick used are of a dnrk red color , with
very smooth fuces , that contrast well with
the sawed sandstone trimmings. It will be
ono of the most Imposing buildings In the city
nnd as handsome a church ns there is In the
stato. The contract calls for the completion
of the brick work by April 1 and the llnal
completion of tbo building by December 1 ,
Gents' underwear in great variety nt prices
to suit all ut Model Clothing Co. , L , H ,
Mossier Mgr. _
The First Baptist I'nHtoruto ,
As was expected n formal call has been cx <
tended to Ilov. Mr. Hull of Mason City tc
bccojUQ the i > astor of the First Baptist church
of this city. The call will doubtless bo no-
ccptcd , as It was unanimous and enthusiastic ,
Ho Is olio quite n popular lecturer.
Hov. Dr. Cooley , the late pastor , who ex
pected to start for his fiituro homo In Morgan
Park , 111. , on Wednesday , hai boon urged so
strontrly to remain over Sunday to supply nn
Omaha pulpit for that day that lie has con
sented to do so , although his woods were nil
packed and rcndv to start. The change In
arrangements will delay tils departure until
Monday , which will bo pratlfylngtothomany
friends who are loth to sco him nnd his leave
the city. -
Low Priced
An ability to produce everything ns adver
tised has been the "Boston Store motto , "
hence the phcnomcnnl success attending the
special clearing sales at all times. The Bos
ton Store Is having n clearing snlo for this
Vcisk in order to mnko room for holiday
goods. The marked success attending this
great snlo Is highly satisfactory , nnd shows
the general appreciation of the public. Note
a few of the prices for the week :
! ir > oo pieces all silk , satlu cdgo nnd molro
ribbons In Fos. (1 ( , 12 and II ! , all to go at the
wonderful price of lOc a yard. Immense se
lection. Now Is tbo tlmo to buy ribbons for
fancy work.
Our $ 1.00 undressed kid gloves nnd glace In
hooks and buttons at ( J'Jc.
n cases prints and challics , G and e goods ,
nil In nt-lc nyard.
CO pieces seersucker In checks nnd stripes
wortli 8 and lOe , all In nt 5c.
Gents' ' heavy gray shirts nnd drawers
worth 83c at lOo.
Gents' nil wool shirts nnd drawers , sold
everywhere for Jl.OO , sale price 7fic.
Ladles' ' cream Jersey ribbed vests , long
sleeves , Uuc.
Ladles' all wool gray vests and pants , regu
lar 81.00 goods for "fie.
Bargains In furs , cloaks , shawls , blankets ,
comforters , table linens , all In ut sale prices.
Sale continues all this week.
Fothcrlnghnin , Whltelaw & Co , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Appealed to the District Court.
A fevr days ngo a man named A. Q. Harris
was gathered In by the police to render an
account to the city for a plain drunk ho was
enjoying. Ho sobered off In the sewer in the
usual manner nnd the next morning was
holding an aching head before Judge MoOoo.
It was a plain case and the ovldenco of the
patrolman was overwhelming. The Judge
wns about to assess the usual $10 line and
costs when Harris asked for a continuance of
the case until ho could consult nn attorney.
A sufficient bond was provided and the cnso
was continued for several days. It cnmo to
trial yesterday morning. Harris was repre
sented by Kinmct Tlnloy. The same irre
futable evidence was presented. The officer
who nrrcstcd him told of the dlfllculty Harris
was experiencing In endeavoring to keep
a perpendicular position , and now ho
frequently grew tired nnd laid down
on the sldewa'k ' nnd rested n while.
The complement of officers of the patrol
wagon recited the story of the ride to the
central station and how Harris wanted to
Ho down In the bottom of the wagon. The
city Jailers , who nro somewhat accustomed to
seeing drunken men , tokl the court their
opinion concerning the stage of intoxication
the gentleman was In when they turned the
key upon him. To nil of which the accused
entered an emphatic plea of no-such-thlng.
The usual line was then imposed , nnd the
costs made the amount Harris was nsked to
pay reach $15.70. His attorney nt once gave
notice of an appeal to the district court , and
the necessary appeal bond was presented and
approved by the court.
This llttlo incident brings up n practice
that has been very common for years past ,
and which has occupied the attention of the
city council on many occasions. The
records in the city clerk's oftlco show that
there have been fully a thousand cases sim
ilar to this appealed to the district court , and
there Is not a single one where the record
shows that the ease was followed up and
prosecuted In tno higher tribunal. Iti a largo
number of cases the defendants' attorneys
have neglected to follow the case aud secure
n dismissal when it wns called and would
have been dismissed for lacx of prosecution
if the motion had been mado. It is the opin
ion of the city's successive legal advisers
that the bonds In all of thcso cases could ho
collected , for thov were virtually declared
forfeited by the district judges. The council
has boDn advised that there are n good many
thousand dollars within roach In this direc
tion , but no action has over been taken.
The action in the Harris case trccalls
another feature of this business tha is of
public interest. Hundreds of men who have
been arrested for minor dlsdcmcaiiors have
discovered In the fact that there Is no prop
erly delegated onicer to follow up these
appealed cases and prosecute them in the dis
trict court , a very cheap and certain method
of avoiding payment of the fines Imposed in
the police court. If the line Is moro than they
care to pay they will employ an attorney nnd
no ono appears to prosecute It ; the attorney
they have employed appears anil moves for a
dismissal on the grounds of failure of the
state to prosecute ; It is sustained , nnd the
follow gets off by the payment of his attorney
fees. The dismissal of the case of course re
lieves the bondsmen nnd the matter Is ended.
This practice Is qulto generally followed
by all the fellows who get behind the bars In
the city Jail for minor offences. They escape
punishment and the city loses its portion of
the lines that should have been paid. It is
possible that some city solan will some day
hit upon a cheap but effective plan for
heading off these shrewd fellows and save
the city a good many thousand dollars.
J. C. Blxby , steam heating , sanitary en
gineer , 943 Life boUding , Onnhaj UO ) Mor
rlam block , Council Bluffs.
Scott House. Best fl.OO per day house in
the city. _
For boys' and children's suits durably
made and'ut lowest prices , call at the Model
Clothing Co.
Signed fie Ordinance.
Mayor Macrae called a special meeting of
the council yesterday afternoon for the pur
pose of informing them that ho had consid
ered the ordinance granted to the North
western railway at the last meeting and had
concluded to sign It. Ho signed the docu
ment nnd presented it to the council. It is
snld that this action was taken upon the as
surance given the mayor that the company
contemplated the erection of a now passenger
depot upon the streets vacated by the ordi
For stout men's clothing call at Model
Clothing Co. , L. H. Mossier , Mgr.
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
530 Broadway. Telephone lliO.
An elegant line of Melton overcoats ut re
duced rates at Model Clothing Co.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 41S
Broadway. _
Scott Houso. a > ct. meals , 25o.
Not a Canary Bird.
They were bride and groom , nnd she
wns n guileless thlntr who had boon
brought up In the inoutilainH of Pennsyl
vania. They had coino to Atlantic City
on their tour , anil , llko everybody ol < ) o ,
took the trip down to the Inlet , from
which nil the sailing and ilshlng boats
go out. A party had just como in with
n pailful of crabs , mid the old grand-
fixthor of crabs was on lop of the lot. Ho
was chagrined , mad , red-hot , nnd ho
was neliing to prove to the world that n
crab could dlo lighting.
The guiloloRS bride had never scon an
ocean crab before , and she uttered llttlo
Ecrcnins of wonder wild delight. Nny ,
inoro,8ho bent over and lifted old grnnu-
father up In her plump whlto hand for
closer examination. Ills chnnco liiul
como. Ho took hold. In one minute
her fihrioks had assembled COO people ,
nnd ton seconds later she fainted dead
away nnd upset her husband over n bait
box. A Ibhonntin out with n knifa nnd
stabbed the crab in the buck nnd cut him
loose , nnd n carriage was called and the
bride with a bleeding linger wim berne ,
sobbing away , never , no never to pick
up an old crab tignin to BOO whether ho
was a buttodly or a canary bird.
rf ii
The Charge oflhi.MnctyTlilrl Hl h-
Intulert at.Kotv Orleans.
Amoricnn valor la nmutiilly rcmcm-
boroil nnd honored ut Ghnlinotto , writes
u Now Orleans ( tyrrcspondont of llio
Now York Times. H IH near the scene
ol the battle of Now Orleans , \rhoro
Aincrleuu stratagem und courage won u
decisive victory over British dash and
bravery , and Is Him object of many a pll-
grlmmago throughput tlio year. Few of
the visitors , hoiyovor , uro . aware that
tlio cemetery HtnnilH upon Iho exact spot
whoroa regiment of KngHsh soldiers
mndo n chut-go thai rivals Bulukhiva for
Intrepidity und daring. The successors
and dcscomlonts of the gallant Soots who
made tlio char-go for they were Albion's '
men now propose to erect a monument
to these who foil on that occasion , and
the Interesting uvont will probably take
place on January 8,1891.
The vonurablo historian , Judge Alex-
nndor Wulkor , formerly oilltor of the
Now Orleans lloralil , In hla narratlvo ,
"Jackson nnd Now Orleans , " writes in
reference to the celebrated charge of the
Ninety-third : "Kciino , judging very
rashly that the moment had arrived for
him to act , now wheeled his line into
column ( it hud boon us wo have BOOH ; In
tended us a rofcorvo to threaten without
advancing upon the American lines ) ,
nnd with the Ninety-third in front ,
pushed forward to net' Ills part In the
bloody tragedy. The gallant and stalwart
hlghliindors , MOO strong , strode , across
the ensanguined Hold with tholr
heavy , solid , massive front of 100 mon
and their bright muskets glittering in
the morning sun , which now began to
scatter a few rays over the Hold of
strife. Onward pushed the Tnrttin war
riors , regardless of the concentrated
lire of the batteries , which now pour
thoiriron hail into tholr ranks , Ata
moro rapid pace than the other column
the Ninety-third rushed forward into
the very maelstrom of Carroll's mus
ketry , which swept the field ns if with a
hugo scythe. Tlio gallant Dulo , oolonol
of the regiment , fulfilled his prophecy
and fell at the head of his regiment.
Major Crongh tlion took command. In
cited by the example of the Ninety-third ,
the remnant of Gibbs' ' brigade again
cnmo up , with PiicUcnhntn on their left
and Gibba on the right. They hud approached
preached within 100 yards of tlio lino.
"At this moment tlio standard bearer
of the Ninety-third , feeling something
rubbing against his epaulet , turned and
perceived through the smoke the small
black horse which Packonliam now
roclo. It was led by his aid , ns ho
seemed to have no use for his right arm.
In his left hand he held his cap , which
ho waived in the air , crying : "Hurrah !
Bravo highlanders ! ' At this Instant
there was a terrific crash , as if the con
tents of ono of the big guns of the Amor-
cans had fallen on the spot ,
killing and wounding nearly
all who wore near. It was then the en
sign of the Ninety-third saw the horse
of Packonliam fall and the general roll
from the saddle into the arms of Captain
MoDougall , who sprang forward to ro-
ccivo him. A grapeshot had struck the
general on the thigji and passed through
his horse , killing the latter immediately.
As Captain McUougall and some of his
mon were raising the general another
ball struck him on the groin , which pro
duced nn immediate paralysis. Tlio
wounded and dying general was berne to
the rear and laid down in the shndo of a
venerable live oak. standing in the cen
ter of the Hold , beyond the reach of the
American guns , in a few minutes the
gallant young ofllccr breathed his last.
The old oak under .which Paekenham
yielded up his soul still stands , bent and
twisted bv time and1' ilium * tempests.
* * * rlfho Ninety-third , which ad
vanced with 000 mon and twenty-five
ollicers could muster but 130 men and
nine ofllcors. * * * At this moment
Lambert , hearing of the death of Pack-
ham and the severe wounds of Gibbs and
Kcuno , advanced slowly and cautiously
with tlio reserve. Just before ho re
ceived his last wound Packenhaui had
ordered Sir John Tyndnll , ono of his
staff , to order up tno reserve. As a
bugler wns about to sound the 'advance , '
by order of St. John , his right arm was
struck with a ball and his bugle foil to
the ground. The order was accordingly
not given , and the reserve only marched
up to cover the retreat of the broken
columns of the other two brigades. "
QMrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for clill
dron teething produces natural , quiet sloop
2o cents n bottle.
"Why liniikH Don't Wnnt Gold.
"Do you know that gold is the most
unwieldy of all the different kinds of
money now in circulation ? " said a prom
inent banker to a correspondent of the
Indianapolis Journal.
"WhyV" was asked.
"Because it is not bankable without
careful scrutiny. "
"How is that ? "
"Simply this. Take a greenback , a
silver certificate , a gold certificate , or a
national bank note to your bank und it
is received nnd placed to your credit
without a moment's delay. Not so with
gold. A few days ago a gentleman
brought to our bank upward of $3,000 In
gold of different denominations and was
much provoked because wo would not
receive it forthwith and give him credit
with the amount the face of the coin
represented. This wo could not do , be
cause the law requires that gold shall
bo redeemed only at its actual value.
Coins carried in the poukots for any
length of tlmo naturally lose something
in weight by abrasion , probably but n
fractional part of a cent on n $10 piece ,
but it Is a loss , nevertheless , nnd there
fore bankoM cannot give credit for gold
deposits until the coin shall have boon
"In the case in point my friend took
his gold to the treasury department and
was compelled'to wait there nearly nn
hour before ho could got notes for it.
Kvory coin had to bo passed through
the scales , and after the weighing pro
cess had been completed three coins ,
two $5 pieces nnd ono $10 piece , were re
turned to him nij dhort in weight. Before -
fore returning 'siiort-weight coins the
department stamps on the face of each a
cross. The owner is loft either to send
the coin to the Ujiiled States mint for
redemption or to again put thorn in cir
culation. Eventually the coins with
crosses on their faces will go to the mint
and bo redeemed 'at tholr actual valuo.
In many Instances there may not bo
moro than sovoriU'cents shortage on $50
worth of coin , Illness men , however ,
object to the inconvenience , nnd got rid
of tholr gold us fast as possible. "
Pears' soap secures a beautiful complexion
A Penalty oMfnino.
Mr. Gladstone is well known to bo the
recipient of a vast number of absurd
communications from too xealous ad
mirers , says the London Daily News.
Many of them are found to bo notallttlc
embarrassing , as they demand some
thing moro than merely the convenient
reply by post card. To sucli an extent
is Mr. Gladstone troubled in this re
spect that the following announcement
has been requested : "In consequence ol
the Increasing unauthorized deliveries
nt Ilawarden and elsewhere , Mr. Glad
stone wishes it to 1)0 known that ho can
not hold himself responsible for the safe
ty or return of birthday and autograph
books , testimonials , collecting cards nnd
books , pictures , poems , novels , musk
and other manuscripts. "
Van Houtou's Cocoa Largest sale In th ;
The Sources from \Vhloh tlio 1'ro.luct
IH Derived.
Since iho discovery of the value of
nickel stool plates largo calculations of
profit are indulged In by owners of
nickel properties and others interested
in smelting works , says the Iron Age.
The future demands for armor plating
are put down at largo llgurcs , and if ac
counts are entitled to credence there is
something like a scramble by manufact
urers in tbo United States and Europe to
ftccuro themselves from the greed of
mine monopolists. Tlio sources of sup
ply , therefore , are inquired into with
unwonted Interest. Hitherto the demand
for nickel has been on a comparatively
limited scale. So It happened some years
ago when mines were opened in Noumea
and two full cargoes were shipped for
consumption that the market at once be
came overstocked , prices dropped to a
nominal figure , bankruptcy became im
minent und the mines which bad been
exploited with HO much enthusiasm were
incontinently closed. The situation at
present is radically changed , for in addi
tion to the wldo demand for nickel in the
arts , chiefly on account of its anti-corro
sive qualities , the metal Is discovered to
possess a peculiar ductility which admits
ot 1U use as an alloy with special advan
tages. For example , a now French rillo
cartridge has boon brought out , in
which nickel forms a.i essential part.
Hut it wns not until the superiority of
nickel steel for certain purposes was an
nounced Unit the nickel boomers got
fairly to work.
Tlio nickel mines in Now Caledonia
were the richest known up to a recent
date , and were tlio principal dependence.
Considerable quantities of nickel have
come from mines in Norway , owned and
worked by Sir Hussoy Vivian , Bart , M.
P. Tlio United States mint derives its
supply from mines in Lancaster county ,
Pennsylvania , owned by Joseph
"Wharton. Tlio discovery of nickel
at Sudbury , in Canada , is of
recent date , so that the develop
ment ns yet is very imperfect
but indications point to the existence of
the ore in largo quantities. These mines
are said to bo owned jointly by a Cleveland -
land syndicate , the Canadian copper
company and Sir Hussoy Vivian , the
latter represented by Emerson Footo of
Now York. The matte from Sudbury
carries 30 per cent of copper and 15 per
cent of nlckol , and in this form is sent
largely to Swanseo , where tlio pure
nlckol is extracted.
Wo are informed that qult3 an extra
ordinary discovery of nickel has been
made qulto recently in Nevada. Among
tlioso best informed it is spolcon of ns "a
wonderful development , " und this repre
sentation is supported by the exhibit in
this city of masses of ore. It is claimed
that the nickel is found in deposits al
most limitless and of such richness -that
even what is termed the lowest grade
yields 8 to 12 per cent of pure motal.
Quantities aggregating hundreds of tons
are in sight which give by analysis from
20 to 35.-4 per cent of ingot motal.
Tbo consumption of pure nlckol in the
United States has been estimated at 800-
000 pounds per annum. But in this
country and elsewhere there will bo in
creased demands , partly as the result of
tbo recent discovery of malleable nickel
used ns a veneer for iron , which is made
a moro acceptable material for household
utensils. Private London advices re
ceived in Now York , and said to bo
wholly authentic , are to the elTcct that
the British government has recently
boon unable to place nickel steel orders ,
because tbo nickel could not bo obtained.
This small supply is attributed mainly to
reduced receipts from Now Caledonia.
The present prico. in Now York is 80
cents per pound for delivery during the
ensuing year. From the forgoing it
would appear that the Sudbury mines
form the main reliance , although it is by
no means certain , if entire dcpendonco
can bo placed on the latest advices , that
Nevada will not in duo time bo ranked
equal , or oven of moro importance. De
velopments at those two points will bo
watched with unusual expectancy , es
pecially if it is true that the Now Cale
donia mines are less productive than
formerly. _
A Porcupine Very Fond of Leather.
Atbough the "fretful porcupine" is
almost unknown in Orange county , the
curious creature is quite numerous in
the wooded districts of Sullivan , Ulster
and Delaware counties , says the Midland
Ono of the porcupine's peculiarities is
its inordinate fondness for leather , which
it seems to think ono of the daintiest of
tid-bits , and it not infrequently happens
that ono of thorn , if it gets a chanceat a
sot of harness , will destroy it in a single
night , and many a trout llshormnn , who
has lelt his wutor-Boakcd boots or shoes
out of doors nt night , bus risen in the
morning to find them chewed to pieces
by n porcupine's sharp teeth.
It is not often , however , that thcso
animals enjoy such a feast as the ono
which lives somewhere in tbo vicinity of
Jim Gibbon's blacksmith shop at Stock-
nort , Delaware county , has partaken of ,
for twice within a year , the last time but
a few days ago , tbo "pesky crittor" bus
entered his shop and oaten up his bel
lows. Any ono who has seen a black
smith's hollows knows how much leather
there is in ono of them , and when , ns
happened last week , the porcupine , in a
single night , ate up moro than half of
ono it will bo seen that ho had indeed a
sumptuous feast nnd must have been
fairly gorged with leather.
Syrup of Figs ,
Produced from the laxative and nutritious
Julco of California figs , combined with the
modlclnal virtues of plants known to bo most
beneficial to the human system , nets ggntly
on the kidneys , liver and bowels , effectually
cleansing the system , dispelling colds nnd
headaches , aud curing habitual constipatlo n
IiiundntloiiH In St. Petersburg.
Never In the history of St. Petersburg ,
writes onr correspondent , has there been
such a series of inundations as during
the present autumn , says the London
Nows. Standing as it does upon a nar
row nock of low-lying land between the
Baltic sea and the great Ladoga lake ,
St. Petersburg is liable to bo Hooded
when the barometer Is low , and when
the wind is high , either from tbo cast or
from the west , but particularly from tbo
latter direction. An inch of fall in tlio
barometer is equivalent to a rlso in the
water level of ono foot. Aud it docs not
require a very strong gale to force tbo
watnr up the Gulf of Finland and raise
the level of tbo Nova three or four foot
above its normal. A rlso of live feet and
upwards constitutes a Hood. Guns are
then Hrod to warn the inhabitants of tbu
cellars ( and there nro countless shops in
collars ) that danger threatens them.
Five times this year has the nbovo men
tioned figure boon passed , nnd on ono
occasion Iho water reached nearly eight
feet nbovo the normal.
johann Hoff's '
Malt Extract
Tlia Lot Nutritive
Tonlo In all cnien ol
CKNCK. rill.MOS'AltV
ml Throat tronl.lp . ,
. _ * i j linliried by ull I'lijil-
rlnni llirounlioiit ( ho rlrlll > e < l world. Tbure It nutli-
liiB'Muit n * K otl" wliun you can ubtnln Iho Ktiiulrie
BHlcfe , which ha the ilunnturo o ( "JuiUNN Ilory"
on the nutk of en'ry liottlo.
Kisner & Momlolson Co. , Solo Agcnti ,
0 Barclay Street , New York.
Fair white
Brightclear complexion
Soft healthful skin.
"PEABS'-ltie Great English Coitipleiton SOUP.-Sold Eveiywlicre. "
Wholesale and Ratal ! Ooalors In
The above cut shows our * new self-dumping retail delivery
wagon , by which three tons of conl can be unloaded in n minute
and carried Into the cellar or coal house if it is 2O feet away. No
coal left in the wagon. None scattered on the ground. Used ex
cluslvely by us.
OFFICE , 1O PEA.RL ST. Yard , 16th Ave & Fourth St.
J. M. El. GIAA.RK. Manager. OOUNGllx BlAUB'FS. 3a.
Telephones : Office. 300. Yard , 3-10.
ulviiy H
Enjoy It.
of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo-
phoaphltoa of Lima and Sodn Is
almost OB palatable aa milk. |
Children enjoy It rather than \
PRODUCER It Is Indeed , and the
llttlo lads end loasles who take cold
easily , may be fortified against o
cough that might prove serious , by
taking Scott'o Emulsion after their
meals during the winter season. j
Mttcareoftulittltutloniancl Imitation * , j
L. C. Knotts
Fuel - Merchant
All kinds of the best and cleanest
fuel in stock nnd under sheds
People who desire cheap and
clean fuel for cooking will find it
by ordering a load of cobs , I have
a large supply that are clean and
whole not broken up.
Good hard wood cheap , either
in cord wood lengths or stove-
wood , delivered promptly.
All sizes of hard coal , clean ,
bright and well screened ,
The black peerless lump coal
coninnes to be the favorite for
domestic purposes.
- : - No. 29 Main Street.
Call Telephone 203 : - : -
Of Council Bluffs.
DinEcroiis I. A. Mlllor , V. O. Gloason , E. L.
Shuinrt , 10. K. Hurt , J , D. EilrnumUon , Uliarloj
O. Huinmn. Transact biiiildns busi
ness. LurRcst capital und surplus of uny
bank In Hoiitlnvostorn Iowa.
OUSRtorcnt , No. 017 Third avc. . at $10 per
month. Airs. L. M. yhuiradcn.
STHAYEI ) from lionio , u bay liorso with
tlirto wlilto font , blai-.o In fiu-o. ublto spot
just behind loft slioiildur. 1) . L' . JcniilngH , & 04
Bi.Uliuvo. , Council Ilium * .
FOR KKNT AOi-slrnlilolirlcU ililcncn of
111 rooms , iilciisiinlly Minuted on i high
ground. iMrgo ynrd mid oroliiud. Convenient
to motor. Apply to N. 1' , Dodge & Co.
WANTED KnurKutluyciiing Imly or Kent.
Will iiiiy K15 per wouk to right party ,
0. S. , GOT Willow uvo. , Council 'Huffs'
T71OU BALK I.cuso und furniture of ? oott
-L'lloiiHi ) , Council Illiill's. L'.r > romns. Chrupn ;
bargain. Address J , H. Jordan , Council IllulVtt.
\\7 ANTED Neat girl for Konrrnl liauso-
work , liurnmu preferred. Mrs. Jacob
Sims , am I'lunterHt ,
WANTED A coorl cfrl for Rrnonil house-
work. .Mrs. P. M. Pryor..lilO llluir st.
FOR KENT Tlio .MoMitlum tliruo-sUiry
lirlck block , No. : i5S. Malnst , wltliuluvutur
J. W. HUH I re.
TT1OU KENT A choice plcco of Burden Innd
J. neur Council llluu"x , with good now bulld-
IIIK. Iiuiiiedlatu lumubsluu It desired. J , W ,
FOR KENT-Gooil flvo-rnnm housu ; 110.U ) ;
other house * different prlcost ono
room over store near court Iiouso ; houses iiiid
lots for sale on monthly payments ; ono Iiouso
ami lot UOOj dcilrablu Imsfni'ss IOIH on Kami *
Ours Htrt'et. North Omiihn , for leiisu or bulu
clioap. J. H. Duvlclion , KH 1'lttli iivenilu.
Foil BAIjR Coniplcto sot of tlnnura tools
imil sinull-slook of tlnwiiro lit a burziiln ,
Iiniilfu | at room am .Murrlum blook.
pro Htovos nt cent tQcloso out. Hoiuhiunrtors
'J forhiird niilplu bouse movliiK roll or a and
JueIts. U. 1) ) . Amy A C'o. CM Main street.
rpWOMMioro furmi for sain neur Iho city ut
4. u bargain.V. \ . A , Wood & Co. , ti'-t ) Main st ,
FOR H\IR nr Kent Harden land , with
houie > , by J. U. lilcu , 10J Malu it. , Uouuoll
"What shall I ( In on Christinas day.
If m vKriyKOO : ! > o should run iiwayV"
Wotloii'toxpuutourKriiyKnoso to run away.
hut we shall allow the following to got away
on Christmas day :
1 barrel granulated simnr.
50 His .Moon and Java eoll'eo.
200 Ibs H. T. IJa'vIs' No. 10 Hour.
10 bushels of potatoes.
Gibs , best tea.
The above Roods will Ketawny. mid If yon
can capture any of them you nro wulonnm to
them. If you want tnknow further partlou *
lars usk any of our salesmen , and at the same
tltno save yourself in per cent.
Wo buy for cash anil sell for cash , and are
nblo tosavo ourciistoiiiorsr ! > percont.
151bs. cranulatoil siiKar for . 110(1 (
1(1 ( Ibs. oxtraOHiiitur . 1 ( XI
1 ? Ibs. U sugar . 1 Oil
-'bnrsof Rood Iniindry soup . Ao
lyiirco hnttlo bluing . ! > u
California bains per pound . Co
Honck'-s hums per pound . Ha
Cream C'lu'ose per pound . i . 15o
Potatoes per bushel . 1 04
Good Broom . ir > o
Jolly i > cr pound . fto
Navy beans per pound . fie
Crackers per pound . fkj
Throoloiivesof bread for . 10o /
Mustard Sardines , per can . lOu / *
Oil Sardines , porcnn &
I'ottod hum , per can Ka'
Deviled ham , per van . Sol
Two oz. boftlo lemon extraet . f > a
Two o/ . bottle vnnllii extract . 5o
Vlnojrar , per Kiilloii . l.lo
Coal oil. per gallon . lOd
Five callous iasollno . U5o )
Wo are Headquarters on flour.
K. T. Dnvls1 No. 10 , pcrsnck . Jl 00
U.T. Davis' , Illuo I ) . pcrHuek . 1 M
Gold medal , per saolc . , . 1 & 0) )
Iluco. Norton itCo's IHirTiilol'lour . 1 40
A. Hauler , try It , per sack . 1 00
All goods warrant ad us represented and 10
ounce ! " to tbo pound. Welsh your poods mill
don't bo deceived by your high priced iroeer-
inun. Any grocer wishing to sell out , call on
C. O. D.
Fourth Street anil Broadway. Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
I'cople who have Investlitatoil the hontlna
problem the most nro these who como tha
nearest holvhiK It. This Is the 111:0 ot Inven
tion und discovery. Appllanct'H for generat
ing and distributing heattodny eoiisiinioleai
than half tint fuel used by the old extravagant
methods. Manufacturers of clinriieler. llko
the makers of the AKT OAKLAND stoves ,
who have vast sums Invested In tholr man
ufactory , put nothing upon the market until
the principle nvolved has readied tliuhlglieiC
stiino of ( loveloneinent. Tlion they unanuitoa
the Koods to bo Just what IH claimed for them.
realize the highest perfection In the stove
rnakor'H art , and goneiatwnml distribute the
greatest amount of beat for lilt ) fuel eon *
Binned of uny tovo In the world. Tills la V
obtained l > y the now system of hot air ducta
and revolving flrepot that prevents the
nec'iimnliitloii of iishes between the flro null
thohoutliiKHurfaccM. Oomn and sen cue of
them In operation nt my hardware KIOTO.
! VH Hroadway. Investigation will convlnop. . .
you that It Is thn host us well us the handsom
est steve over made.
the tblinr for hontltu lied chambers anil
rooms seldom iiBCd ; clean , nuiok und or
namental. I'.O. IJBVOI , .
M4 II road way , Council IllnlTs.
All kinds of r > ylns and Cleaning ( lonn In the
HlKlifhtStyloof tliu Art , railed und Ktulnud
1 nbrlcH inmlo to look us coml as now. Wrirlc
promptly donu mid delivered In all purl ! ) ol
thucountry. Send fur prlcu list.
o. A. MACHAN. Prop. ,
1013 llroadwny. Nuur Nmthwrsteru Uciiotv
UOUNCII , Ill.Uffli. U.
V CMinry Jiihthtonf thu 1'cnco. Oflloo eve *
11. OlIlllU Aiu..a , | ( , , KMirusi , No. 'Jl
llruaihviiy , Council KlufTs , Uiwu.
< Iiiimli > r < : AltoriinyH'vt 1'ruo-
OilllllUtlb ticu m "tho state nnil
federal courts. Itooms : i , 4 and i Bhugurl
llenu block , Council lllulTd. Iowa ,
CornorMuIn and Broadway ,
Dealers In foreign and domestic oxohaiu *
Collection made und lulercat vuld uu tlm