Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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"Wheat Asserts Itself but Weakens at the
Close on the Reaction In Stocks.
Onts follow tlio Course of Other Ce
reals Hut Ijlulo Independent
Action In Provisions The
Jny In Wnll Street.
Ciuono , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to
THE llKR. ] Tlio wlieiit nitirliot wns active
enough and stroii ? enough nirnt of the session
to ir.tiKc snorts fed very tmoasy and cause
ninnllor follows to run to covor. There was no
hull news of nny Itntiottaiico simply nn Im
proved feollii ; ? In financial centers , a health-
( ill recovery In wall street Blocks mill the tic *
llcf tliut the mnruct must liavo n Rood reac
tion after tlio rccont depression of about 5c.
The reaction catno sooner tlinn oven bulls u.x *
peeled , Coming M It did , without any special
lielp fioin the ontsldo eltlior In orderaornews ,
demonstrates the natural sttoiiRthof thoinar-
kct , The netlon up to 1 o'clock win us follows !
Docetnljcr opened uround 0c. ! ( sold atOTUoto
Mjo ? toOT''cto to 07'io to OSKotoOOo !
Mny snlil nttl.OHUo 31.0:17. : to H.OI'i totl.OI',1 '
to Sl.OJU to tl.OSJi. On the advance the pre
mium of May wns reduced , as IJecciiiljcr sold
l ? c over tlioclnso Init night \vlilloMaysold
Ijio over ycsterduy's closing price. As nl-
rciuly Inttmntud the recovery In stocks ut
Now Vork wus porliaps the best
liclp In vliont , ns the stock market ,
for tlirco days past lias keen drag-
ping prices dawn by cnusliiu liquidation
ami cticouragliiB short selllnB by bears. Liv
erpool cablet woroslmply steady early. Wheat
on ocean passage Increased 1,800,000 bushels
for tlio wotik , Atlantic ports'eloarod nowhout
nml hut mode-rate quantities of ( lour. Tlio re
ceipts hero today weretho , largest of the
Reason at IL'tt cars , with only 158 cars for Wed
nesday. t-cadliiK sellers early wore PardrldRo ,
Mrosscau mid such scalpers as thought tlio
advance would not hold. Karly buylns was
hd hy WiiKiicr , S. V. AVhlto & Co. , Dunham & '
Co. , Klein and Ilutuhlnson , who picked up al
lie could get on weak spots. Mitchell was also
In his element boosting the markut. Wheat
weakened before tlio eloso with the Into reac
tion Initocks ut Now York. Tlioro was also a
peed deal of realizing on wheat ukon on the
ndvnnco. December dropped buck to 03 ? > o
with OS'/Jo ' at the close , or about lo over Just
nlirht ; May closed at 11.05 , or Ho up for the
flay ; November was quoted at OoJiffi'JTJ c , clos
ing at 07o.
Corn was unsettled early on the Wash
ington crop II cur 03. In a general
way the average of 10.0 bushels per aero was
considered bearish. Instead of a demoralized
market , however , the opening was but Uc un
der last night , and ufter selling a slight frac
tion lower there was strong . market devel
oped which carried the price of May at noon u
point Uo better thun the close Monday. All
o'clock a reaction of Mo from top prices lott
the market but a trlllo lower than last night.
I'lio action In May wnsKIJio to M'Jo ' to 51o to
Myo to5lfio to 54c. | Hiitchmson led the buy-
In ! ; , shorts following ; 1'ardrldRoand scalpers
old. Corn closed with Hay but J o under
last night at 5 ' { c. November solil uptoSSo
nntl closed at r l4c ? ; December. SIU ® . > 2o , elos-
hiK atSI Jc. At the close considerable ) clls-
latlsfuotlon.wus expressed over the Dodge
"puzzle. " 1'rlvllcges on May corn sold at KIJi
GK We for puts and f > li(331Jo ? | ( ! for calls.
The oats trade followed the other grain
markets both up and down , and closing prices
were Identical with these of yesterday. No
vember and December outs oach'sold at < 2io }
to 4i(5c : ( to 43 ! c to close ; Slay , 45 < o to < Slio to
I06c ! to close.
TJio provision market had llttlolntlcpcnaent
action today , First prices were slightly
lower. When every thing else made a goodad-
vancb early there was- excellent buying of
lard headed hy Ocddes , and prices of all prod
ucts were bid up. January pork sold at $11.35
B11.97J4 ; Blay , S12.C5O12.77Jj ; lard , 0.a"G.42tf !
for January , and J0.62J(20.02 ! ( for May ; ribs ,
I3.75 < 35.92H for January and tO.SoiSo'.JBSl for
May. Offerings on this advance were B u in
dent to put prices back to the closing flgnrcs
sf yesterday January pork , JI1.87Ji ; lard ,
K.4p ) ; ribs. $3.77 } > , and other months In propor-
tiofi . *
Open HlRh- Low Vcstor-
Month. ing. est , cst. Closc. clay.f
pee . s 071 * t C'Ji ? I f
' '
Jluy 104 105 104' i oj'i oii {
May. 45i
Ian . . . . .IIP. , 11 WiVt 11 8S 11 85 1100
May. . . . . .1207 K 77 IS 05 1205 1270
I.AHI ) . 37J ! 6 42 C 37 6 40 fi40
tiny 08-i ; 001 662 685 U8o
Ian 673 B 80 6 7S 675 5 7715
May 823 0 ; )0 GU5 62o
Wheat Puts 1KW , OOJittOCli. Calls 07 | { , 07JJQ
c6rii-Puts-53sQKJ ! ? ,
OniCAao , Nov. 11. ISpeclal Telegram to Tne
BEE. ] OATTLK lluslnoss moved along about
llko yesterday. What buyers classify as prime
iteors were scarce and Bold at strong
prlcci ; medium and other grades slow
plentiful and weak , The market 1 ;
flooded with common uutlro butclioi
ltoek.a lurgo per cent of which Is soiling at
ll.OOtll.S5 , u range of values that must bread
my shipper that follows that branch of busi
ness. Host cowa and holfcrs soil for$1.50O2.00
and extra at $2.2T > ® 2.BO. Xlght.and thin stock'
era continue to sell at extremely low prices
Top prices' , W.00@5.30 for prime and extra nat
ive Rtorrsi others , $4.00(34.73 ( ; Texans , $2.15 < u
5.05 ; rangers , W.C05M.CO ; natlvo butchers' stocli
Hoes The bulk of the sales of prlmo hoavj
and butcher weights , especially early sales
ihowed an advance of a strong ae. but mixed
assorted light and pigs showed little or m
change. Uough ami common , t-l.Coau.Sl'
mixed , tafi.V34.CO ; prime heavy and butchu
iralBhts , l.lXXii4.15 ; light , WTWa.l.R.'i ; plgsnndu :
100 Ibs. averiiKo , Jx'.Wtl.OOi ever lee ibs and ui
to 100 Ibu. bold largely at li.25 ; < aJ.CiO ,
NBW YOIIK , Nov. II. [ Special Telegram t <
TOCKS Tin chattgo Inscntlmcn
and prices fj-oin Monday till Tuesday was a
marked as the change from Saturday til
Monday and In the opposite direction , Agali
London waa a great factor In the stock mar
.jut. Mr , Gould's expressions late ycsterda ;
and his action to'day had much to do with re
Biorlng confldcpco. The Jump' In Loudo
prices was followoo with advances from 1 t
? i , St. I'aul , Sugar and Loulsylllo showln
the greatest gains. Tlioro wus some hosltn
tlou for a short time when u perfect Hood c
tocks was poured out upon the market an
prices were quickly going downward at a nios
rapid rate. Vlllard stocks seemed to boar th
brunt of the attack. ' North American espc
olally vrns subjoote'd tq a severe twist an
from -7Ji at the opening it dropped sue
dcnly to 21 . Northern raolllo prt
forred followed with u -loss c
U per cent ; Richmond & West 1'olnt profcrre
and Illinois Central , each 2'ij Chicago Oa
CM ; Hock Island , Ufii Bt. I'aul , Luokuwann
and Western Union , each 2 per cent , ami tl
rustof thd list from Ho 2 generally. Thoaj
polntmcnt of rcoolvora for the Sugar Tru :
acted as a stimulant to that stock , and It wt
advanced from C5 to57Jiln the face of tl
woaknossln the regular list , and was mull
talucd at about 68 for the remainder of tl :
hour , The low prices brought In more buylni
however , ana the f .irco thut opened the mai
ketup began again to show Us Influence , an
a smart rally took place. The strongest Bloc
on the list was Union 1'ncltlc. whluh failed 1
go below the opening figure and yi 1th the rail
advanced to 4S against 44 ut the opening. Tl
rest of thullstKcnorally regalnod tlio cnrl
losses , nml In almost everything but the VI
la rdi fractional advances were scored. Ill
nols Central rising to IX ! against 00 i
the opening utul 88 at the lowes
Thoupward tendency was continued durln
the hour to 12 o'clock and the gains compare
with hint iilnht worn very Haltering , Sugn
. ' \ . '
tor.\i.Nprthornl'aolfliiproforrodtou7.Atclilc !
lli to 'JOU , nurllnuton nearly 2 to W'i , Nortl
western S tolM. itock Island toco , St. Vnul3
to 48 , Missouri I'nolllo a to < H , 1/ackawann
Jijto 136 , and Heading 1)1 ) to at ) , iloney wu
bid to 20 per cent , but a more settled illuatlo
nlirotul htJp il lo hold 'I" " * -j.nei.
sales of stocK u.i10 . - GVf York stock c.\cliniigu
tonuy uuifCTMUUohnicj.
Tlio ( itook iniirkvt wa very ragged nnd
shaky late In thodny. Thrro were ugly ru
mors regarding both ntoclc houses and banks.
Trouble of sonic sort seemed almost certain ,
Indications pointed to Vlllard stocks and
ngaltiit Northoin I'aclflc * harc < i the trade
turned the attack. Cowiuon sleek noldtlown
to 17J } and preferred from or MKl. Noith
American touched InSi , or u break of 10 points ,
nnd closed at 18. Tlioro was Ucjiresslon nil
through the list , but Grangers , Van < li > rbllts
nnd many oilier standard stocks closed with
slight not gains. There has been a grunt
strain all day and a crash of some sort Is not
unlookcd for. Tolal mile * . G70WO shares.
Tliu following were the closing quotations !
U.K. 4sre nlar IM Northern 1'aclllc 1I7M
U. H 4 * coupon * 1-CI do preferred. & >
U B. 4'inri' lM ( C..N.W 1UI ! |
U.S. 4k C' > niKins.IOI do 1:18 :
I'aclflcCiof 'M 113 New Vork Ccntrnl , , , . JW,1
Central t'aclllc 28 ! > . , li.HK 1. ' . ,
Chicago A Alton I2t ! Itock Inland GT'f '
ChlctiKO , HurlliiKton ( i , Al.A ft. 1'iiul 4M <
k Qulnoy 8IJi < do ( iroforrcil 1U1
II. , I. . AW IV.H St. Pailt.t Oiiiilm. : . , . SO.U
llilnoliCentral. . . . , , ra do preferred iS
1. . , H. A W Union I'licltlc. 4J <
Konnns ATu.xas 10H \V. \ , tit. U A 1'
Lake Shorn | U3T du preferred. . . . , , . ! w
Mlclititan ( 'ontrnl. . , , W < \Vo3tcrn \ Unlou 76,4
Missouri 1'ncltlc. . . . , C2 ? (
Mosul' Tight ranging from 15 to 160 per
cent ; closing uiTcred at top.
STKitMNoKxciiAxaK Dull but steady ; sixty
day bills , tI.TUii : demand , $ I.M.
The Wool Market.
BOSTON , Nov. 11 , [ Special Tclogram to TUB
HEK , ] There has Icon a steady demand for
wool , nnd the saloi of the past few days have
bcoii of a fair ; extent. The market Is firm nnd
salts mo nt full previous quotations. In Ohio
llcccusthuru have been sales of X at iC&'Uo
and XX at l@i3e. ; * MichiganX Is fltui at ale.
Staple wools are selling freely , Including No.
1 combing ut IMillY , Ohio line ( lelaluu at 'Mil
Il7c , nnd Michigan Jliio delaine at U3'l3iu. !
'IVrrltory wools nro IndRinund , line sollliiK at
K'ltKc , line mudtnm at6SJ ( Kic , and medium ut
fiWiS'c. Tvxns. Uallfornla and Oregon wools
are In steady demand at previous prices.
Tailed wools nrullrm and In steady demand.
Choice supers nro Helling ut 4oa4. o , fiilr to
good supers at M&Wc , and extra at ! ' .va30c ,
In foreign wools the trade has been fair and
the market linn ,
Tl o Coffee ) Market.
NcvrVoiiK , Nov. ll.-Spedal [ Telegram to
TUB ] lKi.1-C'oiT K Options opened btoady
and unchanged to 10 points up and closed
steady nnd unchanged to 6polntsup. Sales ,
25,000 bags , tiicludliig December J17.10IU7.15 ;
January , 8IO,2.vaiO.U : ) ; February , 3IJ.H- . ; March ,
tl5.4X315.4r ( ; May , 15.ia15.i5 : ; spot Hlo iniict
and steady ; fair cargoes , Jl'J.50 ' ; o. 7 , $18.00.
Mini MR Shares.
NRW YonK , Nov. 11 , [ Special Telegram to
TUB HEI : . [ The following are the mining
stock quotations :
AdmuaCon 185 llomcstnke 8oO
Kurcltn Con II7U auttcrCruek 1UQ
Halo & Norcross 1 > 1U
CIIICAOO , > fov. 11. Oloso Wheat-Firm ;
cash , wiMo ; December , OS5c ; May.Il.u4K.
Corn-Steady ; cash , 52o ; IJeconibor , Oljic ;
Jluy. Wiic.
Hutu Steady : cash , 43e ; December. 43tc ! ;
SIny , 40ic. !
Kye-Bteady at6 HC7o.
Hurley Steady at Hie.
Pork-Steady ; cash , $9.73 ; January , I11.87K !
Jlay , } l2.G7'i. !
I.ard-Stcady ; cash , fO.15 ; January , tC.37'/J '
. ; ay. . .
I'lour unchnnscd ; . winter patents , $4.90
C15.UOI spring paten tsS3.00rW : ; bakers' , SJ.OO
llullc Moats Mioulders , M.a'C.JW.OO ; short
clnar , K.7MI5.80 ; short ribs , lUUftjaW.
lluttcr Finn ; croumery , 131WSo ; dairy , 16
Chceso Plrm ; full cream Cheddars , 8l0c ! ;
You ng A mcrlcns , liffiOSSc.
KgKs-KIrm ; fresh. 2l22c ,
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light green ,
S'ic ; green hides , 4ic ; salted bull hides , 44c ! ;
green saltodcalS , 7i > 4 Wc ; dry Hint , 7 < iiSc ; dry
salted , 75JSc ; dry oulf. frftOc ; deacons. : icliS5o
Tallow Unchanged ; No. l.solld packed , 4 Me.
Kccolpts. Shipments.
Flour.bbls . 14,000 13tOJ )
Wheat , bu . 87,000 101,000
( Jorn , bu . irj.OOO SI.OOJ . 2 ,000 100,000
NEW YonK , Nov. ll.-Whcat Itecoluts. J0.603
bushels ; oxports.nono. Spot , unsettled ; clos
ing steadier ; No. rod , $1.04 In elevator ,
I1.0SM alloat ; 81Jli ) ® l.l1OW f. o. b. ; options
closed higher after u feverish fooling through
the condition of all'alrs In Wall street ; tfo. 2
red , November , closing
; options closed steady and lower ;
November closing at r > 9o.
tlous , steady ; November closing at4siO.
Sugar Haw , nomluul ; fuirretlulne , & ! c ; re
fined , nulot. '
1'otroloum United closed atTJJficfor De
Kggs-Prlmo. firm ; western , yiWSic.
1'orlt Quiet nnd steady ; mess , (11.U3.
Lard Dull and easy ; western steam , $8.35 ,
Butter Finn ; western dairy , lOSlOu ; croam-
cry. 113280 * ! KlKln.L'Olic.
Cheese Firm ; light sUlms , 4iOiO. !
Sr. Louis , Nov. 11. Wheat Higher ; cash ,
'OOV4(397e ( ; December , S7c ; January. ODc ; Jlay ,
Uo'rn Lower ; cash , 634c ! ; November. 60c ;
December , 4'JUc ' ; May , BlUQUIUo.
Oats Higher ; cash,47o ; Jlay , 40Jc. !
Pork-Steady ; $11.00.
Whisky-Steady ; 81.14.
Butter Steady ; cveamory , 23 < 230o ; dairy , 03
S4c. . _
MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 11. Cash trade dull and
slow In starting. loct ( > lptsS23 cars ; shipments.
Hi ) cars. Uloslng : Nn. 1 hard , November and
on track. 05o ; No. 1 northern , November , Ole ;
May , IXHicion track , Olli Uu ; No. 2 northern.
November , 83c.Uocombcrfi6c ; ; on trade , S5Q
87f. _
MILTVAUKRB. Nov. II. AVIicut Qtitotj No. 2
spring oush , Ol@93c ; December , lKJ.ic ; No. 1
northern. ( Hie.
Corn firm ; No.n. cash. Sic.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , cash , 46i47c. !
ProvisionsQulot ; pork , January , $11.95.
KANSAS Otxv , Nov. 11. Wheat-Steady ; No. .
2 hard , cash , Slo bid : November , 8)5c ) } bid ]
No. a red , cash , ROe hid.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , cash , 49So bid ; Novem-
bur , 4UJi < 330c. !
Oats Steady ; No. 2 cash , 40@40.'je.
OINCINKATI , Nov. 11. "Wheat Steady ; No , " !
red , 07o.
Corn 'Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 57o ,
Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 40 ( 49io. !
Whliky-tl.14. _
LiVEitrooii. Nov. 11 , Wheat Qulot ; holder ;
offer moderately ,
Ujrn Kirm ; demand poor ; mixed western
4s lOd per cental.
OIIIOAOO , Nov. 11. Oattlo necolpts , 0,000
market steady to strong ; steers , } I.OO4.tl5
Texans , $3.15.G3 ; rancors , $3.00iW.COr natlvi
butohor stock , $1.00i',50. ,
Hogs Ilceelpts , : r > ,000 ; market steady t <
llrmer ; rougu and common KI.UOtt3.SO ; mixed
KLH.M14.10 ; prime ho.ivy and butcher weights
t4. < HXi ) .15 ; light , W.7Mi85 ; pigs 100.1.5a
Sheep Itocolpts , B.OOO ; market slow am
lower ; natives , ta.75@VJ5 ; Texniia , 83.50iaa.75.
ST. Jjouis , Nov. 11. ( Jattlo-rltocolpts , S.COO
shipments , none ; market strong ; fair t
fuiiuy nntlnos , 11.0033.00 ; stoclcers and feed
, orH ,
Hogs Itocolpts , 7,200 ; shlnmonts , none
market lower ; heavy , I.ToltJ.'JO ! inlxe
W.40Q3.80 ; light , '
KANSAS OtTV , Nov. ll.-Cattlo Receipt !
0.8UO ; shipments , 3MO ; market lower ; steer ;
Kl.2ofl4.70 ; cows , Jl.SOfflx'.CO ; stockers and feed
ers. ( l.UOUiS.EO.
Hogs Hccelpts , 11,100 : shipments , 110 ; mui
kot steady ; all grades , SJ.OO'iilt.lWji.
SIODX OITV , Nov. 11. ISpeclnl Tclogram t
Tin ; Hue. ] Hogs ItccolptH , 0,20' ) . Markc
closed on light , mixed steady on best olToi
Ings , and ( ftMOo lower on common and Infurlo :
Quotations , 3.t > 5it3.Wi bull ; , S.OiW.OO.
_ Tuesday. Nov. 11.
Estimated receipts of cattle , .YJ50 , as com
pared with 1,053 yosterdnyaud lilO : Tucsda
of last week. The receipts iualudod no prim
cattle . The best grades of hooves would com
mtuul Btoady prlous. Ooiuuion ffrades ar
slow nnd lower , licst butchers' stock actlv
and stronger , sonic cows sollingat l.OO. Com
mon grades unchanged. Nothing doing In th
feeder line ,
Estimated receipts of hogs. 0.200 , as con-
pared with 4.814 yesterday and 5,235Tucsda
of last week. The market opened steady an
closed acttvo and So higher. 1 ho rungn c
prices was W.OOiM.OO , the bulk selling at * aav
U.UO. LUht , tJ.OOQtM : ; heavy , i'lwmot
mixed , * . ! . .W33.u. ! The avvrugo of the price
paid was $3.8154 as compared with * -L74JiJ'Oi
terday aiid.Kl.b9 Tuesday of last week.
Estlmatcrl receipts of sheep , 5,447 , as con
pared with 217 yesterday aiitt 2,21'J Tucsda
of last week. The markut Is easier ) native
12.35444.20 ; westerns. t..wai.OO.
Diaposltlon of Stock ,
Gbowlag the nuiubor of hsad of stock pui
clm fl fi Mi ! * tnurl.ct as rciwrtol hy the
welghni.'isior of ( ho Stockyards company for
November 111
SfflftACo. . . , . . 4M >
( IrprKO 11. Hammond ACe . , , . . . , , . . 407
The Armour-Oudaliy packing company ,
Omaha packing company . , . . , . . , ,
Hamilton AStcpho 45W
Nols Jlorrls. . . . W
Shippers and feeders . . . . . > 012
lion ? .
The Armour-Cudnhy packing company
UmahnpackltiK company. . , . . . , . .
Swift A Uo . . . . . , , . . . . . . l.fiio
( IcorgoII. llammnnd packing company. . # > <
J. 1 * . s-rjulrci te Co . . . , . ! 7
North packing and provision company , , , : u
Shippers and feeders . , , , . . . . . . . . 414
Swift A Co . 48
JtlcprcBCiitntlvo Sales.
No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr
1 , , 1008 (2 fiO 10 , . 114 ! ) Kl 15 ( II. . 1110 w co
SI. . r > , .10oO ! l 21 av. im : iw )
' ' 810 2 75 ' ' 69. , 111) ' ! 403
is' . 001 2.83 ID'.ii 10 h 40 0. , 1115 4 10
21 > , 1147 : i ( JO 4f.10fi ) ! > 3 4 : > SI ) . , 1212 4 15
21..1121 a 50
. aw i oo 0 , . 718 1 40 15.G. . 1018 215
.lOfiO ] 15 ! ] . . MO 1 40 G. .108,1 HIS
. KI5 1 25 1. . fCO 1 fiO 0 , 1IIG8 215
. 7u7 1 25 2.10T > 1 M 1(1.Ol ( . IflUJM
. two i : w 2. . IKS 1 7ii O-l " " 107 ; aw
.1110 1 40 7. . 1KB 1 H "i" , 1180 285
. OM 1 40 1. . 1310 2 00 18 , IISI 'JW
. UV ) 1 40 2. . 7bO 2 00 0. . 1005 UOO
.1OJO 1 40
s. r.74 i M ii..1010 s ; SI..IIKD 245
5.1180 , I ! 00 0..1005 240 21. . M ) 2fiO
7..1007 2 ( X ) 8. . flj1 ! 240 8. . 753 U50
7. . U31 a 25 1..121)0 ) 4J
O..12nr. 1 08 1..1270 1 m 1..1280 SCO
4.1420 125 D..12KI ICO 1..15JO 210
2..it7i : ) 12.i L.iasfl 170 1.15'JO 23
1..1I30 1 M 1 18'JO 1 75
01. .1,115 4 25
1..1340 3 00
No. Av. Pr.
20 steers , rxa nee
42 steers 112J 2 C5
Nebraska F. A S. Ii. Company-
43 cows 045 225
Datcr nnd Company
28 feeders 003 2
4 feeders ' 1240 255
K. M. I.und
1 cow. . . . . * , fiflO 1 75
Sfccdprs 1155 1 75
Sfeedors 11113 210
25 steers 1240 200
Strourldgo & A.
Icow , .1221 125
IScows 1W4 200
Ifccdor -S1K ) 8 iH
45fecdors 090 2'U5
A.J. jlothwell
08 feeders 806 220
17 feeders. 10C5 210
42 feeders lia 2 15
17 feeders 10.V1 215
18 feeders mi 220
0 feeders LOT 215
Grand Vrlloy It. & S. Co.
1 feeder , . . . . . .IIIOO 200
4 feeders rt7 ! 215
19 feeders ! KM 215
1 feeder ] 'iV ) 2 00
10 feeders 1078 2 15
IS feeders 1110 2 25
1 feeder 1240 200
1 fcodor iciO ; 2 15
1 feeder mo 215
No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
47 103 120 $ . ' 100 70 2(10 ( 200 S3 85
1)8 ) 150 200 IlOa 77 2iG 20J 3 a"
71 150 1100 C'J 2W l.H ) 385
1(1 147 ICO UK 4 illO - 385
81 . . . .150 ira : uo i two 40 : is.i
85 IfiO 12J 2. > AC 2.VJ 200 3 85
04 2EJ 2SO 1125 09 293 40 3 8.5
1 . . . , i00 ! 323 70 250 100 385
92 172 2SO I ! 23 (2 ( 2" ! 200 3 a"
1 109 323 ! 2S4 120 3
10 151 : i2.r > Cl ( 291 200 3& >
70 101 200 3M f.3 210 80 3ai
01 170 3M 3M 04 272 200 385
14 . . .2o2 340 02 270 120 385
77 192 120 350 57 271 12J 383
10 215 3 HO Kl 272 80 385
51 21O 280 3 IX ) 09 233 120 385
71 228 120 SCO f.3 SM 60 385
75 200 40 'JG3 07 293 MO 38"i !
71 ,2)1 ) 1GJ 305 K 2S7 0 3IX )
73 235 400 305 64 270 ISO 300
Kl 314 12) ) 3(13 ( 02 2S ! ) 80 390
73 210 120 370 G5.-.2ro 120 390
19 270 40 .370 69 . . . , S8S 3(0
C8 223 80 372JJ Bl 301 IKO 300
47 237 200 375 f.O KB 180 300
73 230 400 375 f.9 2B3 200 300
02 264 200 375 00 283 40 300 . -
ff ) 2X0 280 i75 ! Gl 1103 80 390 *
18 200 a 75 Gl 2(10 ( 40 390
74 218 ICO 375 CD 291 240 300
08 ' .ISO 200 375 DO W 280 3CO
52 240 ICO 375 49 314 40 39J
CO 247 80 375 M MW ICO 300
ft ) 270 241 375 CO 280 200 391) )
IB 27a 200 375 55 270 80 390
74 249 XO 375 04 803 160 390
ft ! 223 120 375 SI till 200 39J
5 230 40 375 G4 278 150 3(0 (
71 201 280 375 64 291) 320 390
70 2CO ICO 373 52 313 120 390
Kl 2.iO 80 375 ISO 303 390
82. . . .204 380 59 334 120 392J.J
OJ 234 240 380 05 ' " > 200 3U2JJ
01 250 240 ! l 80 60 K3 80 395
29 238 80 380 Cl 328 80 305
( jfl 205 40 380 68..t. 318 - 395
64 2U2 360 380 63 1100 60 395
67. . . . , .209 120 380 19 382 395
7t 24(1 § 0 380 30 297 3ft"
62 277 200 380 8 283 305
65.-,248 200 380 35 291 ICO 3 ( > 5
SO 282 1(10 ( 380 411 337 120 305
64 240 160 380 47 3(0 280 395
72 23 240 380 49 342 80 395
BJ 313 120 383 45 331 80 397' !
57 289 400 383 78 317 210 397'i
64 270. 120 385 62 3:10 : 120 400
5 ! ) 273 280 385 62 2H3 400
C2 ftVI 80 385 54 309 4 00
62 230 80 385 4li,2.VJ 60 400
K1..270 ICO 3H3 CO 278 400
69 208 40 385
6 ' 114 100 14 130 40 200
19 157 125 19 137 120 200
2 255 150 64 00 40 200
Bl 00 105 22 137 210
3:1 : 05 175 51 1(10 ( 240 210
33 101 175 22 137 210
105 CO 175 70 101 40 UH5
39 (12 ( 175 24 131 250
110 83 200 S 100 300
lj ( 140 200
UATES Forslan , 0-lb box , 05 0.
UAistNS-Londou layers , California , per box ,
t2.40ffi2.70 ; loose muscatels , Uallfornla , K.09&
2.40 : seedless , California , KSSt&SXii California sultans , 111 sacks , per Ib , lie : ( Jullfor-
" ; i mUHcatols , In Hacks , 6ioj { uew Yalcntlas ,
OKic ; ondnra layers , now. OJie. .
_ > Jui8 Almonds , I8of lirazlls , Sloi fllborts ,
13oj pecans , 15c | walnuts'I5c ; peanut cocks ,
Oo ; roasted , B'/ic ; Tetmussoo peanuts , 80.
FAIIINACKOUHGoons Hurley , 4o ; farinaSo ;
peus,2 io ; oatmeal , bbls , $0.50&0.75 ; half bbls ,
Ki.ijib0i ! : ntiicnronl. luQllo ; vernilcolll , 1044
llojrlee , choice , G QGo ; fanuy , 0 ® 7c : head ,
7o , SUKO nnd tapioca , tKBTcj Lliuu , bonneCo :
split pens , : ic ; Bpushuttl , lie.
CANNI-.I ) VKOETAIII.ES Tomatoes 3-lb extra ,
fl.lOftl.l5-lb ; : ! stunilnrd western bracds , tl.10 ;
giilluiis , Arclior'H staiulurd , 13.00. Com Finest
Itrown , * 1.GO ; Gate City sugar corn , very Duo ,
il.fiO ; Ullniiin. S-lb Biiurcorn1.20 ; 2-11) extra ,
llcemer. $1,10 ; 2-lb Btaudiiril western brands ,
11.03. Mushrooms 1-lb l-'runch. extra line , ± i
SWSci 1-11) ) Krcncli. Una , 18a2i'o : 1-lb Kroiich.or-
itlnary , lilKc. ( 1'cns Trcs. IIIIP , porcun,23c ;
iloiiil-tlne , per can. 16o ; 2-lb slftod , ( l.UO2-lb ;
early Juno , 11.50) ) 2-lb inurrow , btandard
brands , J1.23 ; 2-lb soaked , 73o. String beans
2-lbhlBh grade , Itufugco , Jl.OO ; 2-lb Golden
waxboans , t)0o ! 2-lb string beans. 80c. Limn
bonus 2-lh soaked,83c. lloston baked beans
2-lil.owls , > Urown brands , < fl. : . Hwoot
iM > tatoca-i-lb ) Now Jersey , $ j , u. Pumpkins
5-lb , 11.00 , Okra and tomatoes 51,65 ; okra ,
tl.CO ;
DIUKU FnuiTS Turkish prunes , less than
hluls , 1839,71 ei original hhds , Jio less ; llosniii
prunes , ( Mb boxw , 100 to 110 , Oe ; apples , uvuuo-
ruteil , * new rliiK choice , ISc ; ovuporatod ,
now rliiK prlmo , l4c ; apricots , fancy , in sucks ,
20c ; blacliborrlcs , nu\r \ , lOc ; rainberrlcs , 2.Ubs
to box , : na ! ? > cj currants , now. t\lW \ > * lc , oriel-
nul casks , \io \ less ; Votlzza currants , extra , In
boXCS , ti40.
COIIDAIIB Manilla rope All sizes from 7-1(1 (
to lln , 14c ; sisal rope , all ilzea from 7-lti to 1
In , lOo ; "uow procea e3 , " all BIZCS from 7-10 to 1
in. 8c.
WBAPWNO PArEn-Straw , per Ib. liOIc :
ra,3lio ; manllla II , 4iMu ; No , 1 , be.
iloiiASBEs llbls. N. O. fancy , per cal. MG57o :
cliolce , 45@l7ogooilliO ! © 'c ; Cuba , baking ,
eaoc ; blackstrap. iNfcUc.
SODA I'kifs. 00 jbsto box. ayes kegs , tyo.
VIMEOAU Mlgr. N. V. ooplo elder , lOo ; 1) . S
older , 12oi wlilte , wine , 13o ; fancy , fruit , IHc.
OILS IN ) prime \vhlto , 104o ! ; 150 water white ,
12o ; hoadllKlit. Ho ; 74 gasoline , iio. ;
HAwouA-Bbls.l.'io ; grdtmlated , 2o ; liibbls
STOVE 1'or.isit * 2.0 a3.B5por gross ,
1IA08 Am. , per 100 , $17,73 ; I.owiston , per 100 ,
117.75 ; Union bquuro , 0 per cent off list.
SALT Dairy , aw Iba in bhl , bulk , 42.10 ; ho&l
grade , 60 M. Jr..W : best Krailo 100 'Ja , tlM ; hesi
uruda la IDs. lisa : rook alt , crushed , 1l.bO ;
common , hbl , lt.25.
MAI-I.B SuoAii-l'or Ib 5o cukes , 30-lb boxes
13oi lOo cakes , 30-lb boxes , l2Jio ; 1-lb brloks
30 Ibs In box , pureHo. .
Twi.VES-CjOtlon twlno , "Hlbb , " very fine. ? !
Ib halus , 22o ; cotton twine , XX brand , U-ll
balcs,18o : hemp twlno , ,4-lb bales , iBo ; mil
twine , 2Co ; candle wick , 22u ; 40-foot cuttoi
olothus line. $1.40 ; 60-foot cotton ulotlius line
ll.fij ; bo-foot ilsal lines , 11.79 : 00-foot Jute
(1.00 ; wool twines , 6Ho.
CorruE-Uoattod-ArlosIa , USiot Bunola
23iC ! | Qeraiau , ' . > 5Xo | Dllworth'a , 25So ; Lloti
foil. cadi. Jl.oo ; .ff--
UHOOMS fl-tle. parlor , KUK,4-tle ) , W.7.1 ; 3-tlo ,
J2.25 ; a-tlo , plain. * I.8I | iifftiiouse , J3.00 ; toy
11.25 ; whUk.d.OOfU.SV.T '
Or.tvES Quarts , nor dor. tt.OO ; pintpor doz ,
J2.W ) ; bulk , per gal. hit \ '
it IVr lli-Out loaf.47Uot cubes. 7 ! < cj
standard powdered , 7cXX. . potvdorcil ,
7'icj grnniilati'd , standard , d'noi confection
ers' A.OJiadSo : whlto extra C , brilliant. OUc ;
extra C , royal. 6)iu ) ; ceiitral.U , 6 0 ; golden O ,
5'ic : darkU , 4'U' .
L'OTTON loi'K-i ! Inch. I3t.
Po.U1 Castile , mottled ' per Ib , 03IOc ; do
unite , per 11M4C.
I'tck'LEs-Mpdliitn. perlihl. 10.03 ! small , J10.UO :
gherkins. $11.00 ! : t-Rnl ! bbl. (10.00. ( '
OiiiEii-1'cr bbl , rcllned , M..V ) ; half hbl , WW ;
Imrd elder , pure , per hbl , { 0.00 ! ornngo elder ,
half bhl , JJ.W : pear clilor. halt bbl , &J.5J.
SMOKKD Mr.ATfl-Sugai * Cured llnnu , i ( tolO
Ib avcraso , 100 ! hatii ,20 to22 IbavcraKo. B.Vcj
hams , ISlbavcraito , 10'ic ' ; skinned hams. lOVe ;
haim ( No. 2) ) , 8VJc ! shoulders , Go ; clear
breakfast biicon , Hfto ? boneless break
fast bucon backs. 7cj famous boned
ham , 8c ! : Oiilirornlii or picnic liams , OH us
honolc s ham. ij ) | dried beef linnis ( sots ) . 7io ! ;
drlfid hoof clodi,9J > shortsiilooJ rollsorlin in
roulette. 7lio ; smo'to.1 beef tongues , per dor ,
Ur > ! special brand hann , 12 to n Ib avoraito ,
imos ; | oclal brand honoliMs break fait lincon ,
HHc ; selected drleu lioiif haim , InsKloHand
knuckles , lOo ; silectoJ wlclo clear bruiikfast
hiiciin , OVJc ,
DIIY SAM MKATS Fancy llglit weight short
clcnrs , O'/ict Ion ; clears. B'o ; short clears ,
60 ; short ribs f > 7 ol shoulders , 5Uo ; olcur
bellies. UC ! clear backs , GUu ,
H.MOKini MKATS Dry HiiltOurcd Pnnoyllghfl
weight bacon , short cloar.4. 7ci bacon , short
ribs , C'/to ; bacon , short clears. 0Sc ; baconlong
clcnrs. U'.ci bacon , clear hacks , 05401 bacon ,
clour bellies. 7c ! bnron , shoulders , f > yc.
SWKKT I'irici.KO MKATS-llnins tlrrcos.fl'Jc.
shoulders ( N. Y. cut ) , tlurccs , r > Uo ; California
liaiu , tlorcet. flUe : 1'eef hams barrels , $12.00.
LMCKM3U llKKpTosnuKS-llalf bbls. , 13j Ihs. ,
IIO.M ; quarter bbls. , W Ibs. , * a.03i elslitli bbls.
2,51 bs. , $3.50.
SMTGF.T I'lCKr.F.nSpAnn Ilins Tlorccs , 30) llm ,
net wnlKht , J13.50 ; barrels , 200 ibs. . not weight ,
18.00 ; half barrels , 10' ' ) Ibs. . not weight , S4.75.
I..AHU Compound , per Ib , tloreo basis , fiXo ) :
brand pure loaf lard , per II ) , tlcrco basIs.'OKc ;
special brand kettle rendered leaf lard , per
Ib. tlerco basis , 7e.
ItAiuiKi.Dt ) roitK AND IlKKF I'er barrel
Moss pork ( new ) , $ ll.M- family pork , $11.25 ;
short out clour pork $12.50 : short cut clear
pork , $11.23 ; bom-loss pis pork ( fancy ) , SI4.00 ;
extra moss beef , $0.00 ; platn beef , 8T.OO ; extra
ilntc bcof , $ S.UO ; extra family beef ( boneless ) ,
8.00 ! rolled beef ( boneless ) , JS.DO ; rump butts ,
ri'o POHK Uarrols,200 Ihs each , 811,00 ; half
, 100 Ibs each , (7.50 ! quarter barrels , 50
Ibs each , $1.00 ; , eighth barrels , 25 Ibs each ,
> > 3t
JANNP.D MEATS All prices per dor , net
Corned bcof , 111) cans , 2 doz per case , $1.10 ; 2
inns , 1 doz per case , $4.r > 0 | brawn , 1 Ib square
mis.2 do/$1.20 ! 2 lo square cans , lor 2 doz ,
ior case , K.OO ; 0 Ib squarocaiiH , Y do7porcase ,
7.00 ; 14 Ibsquuro cani , ! 5 ilo > , pereuse. if 15.00 ;
ox tongues , ISS-lb rouiul cam , 1 dozpercaso
li.OOi 2-lb round cans , 1 doper case , J'l.OUj 2'i-
b round cans , 1 doz pur case , (7.00. Olilppcd
) cof , ! 5-lu round cans. 2 doz per CUSP(1.00 ; 1-lb
round cans , 2 doz per ease , $1.00 ; 2-lb round
cans , 1 do4 'per CIIGO , M.75. Itoast hoof , 1-lb
round cans. S doz per case. 81.10 ; 2-lb round
ans , 11.75. 1'otted ham , H-lb round cans , 4 doz
icrcase.COe ; ii-lb round can * , 2 doz per case ,
1.00. Deviled ham , H-lb joundcaiis , 4-doz per
casc.GOc ; 11-11) round cans , 2 doz per case , $1.00 ;
lotted ox tongue , "ill ) round cans , 4 doz per
lastGOc ! ; ! i Ib round cans , S doz per case.
1.00 ! compressed ham , 1-lb Mimro cans , 2-
doz pur case , $1.05 ; 2-lb Kq'uaro cans , 1 doz per
caseK.SO ; trlpp , 2-lh round cans. 1 doz per
case , Jl.bO ) minced collops , 2-lb round cans , 1
loz per case. $ . ' .20 ; boncit-sis pigs' foot , 2-lb
Rfixiaro cans , 1 < loz per caip. $2.50 ; roast hcof ,
-11) , 2 doz per ease , $1.00 ; 2-lb , 1 doz per case ,
1.0.1. . '
OllS Prime lard oil. ( winter strained ) , 52o ;
extra lard oil ( winter strained ) , 40c ; extra No.
1 lard oil , 41c ; No. 1 lard oIL-it'o ; No. a lard
oil , 'Mo ; extra noutsfoot oil. 45o ; tallow oil ,
7c. liulf 'barrels , 3 over barrels ; 3-Kallon
cans (2 ( In a ease ) , TKJ over barrels ; l-pallon
cans (10 ( in a ease ) , 10i ) eVer barrels ; ' / ialloti
20 In a case ) , 15c over buriels. Special prices
m largo lots.
SAUSAOE llologna. long,4c ; holcsiin. round ,
o ; bologna , largo , 4o'bolo : im In cloth-Jo ;
smoked sausage 7o ; Star bologna , long ,
Vie ; blood Ruusiifio , 4Hc ; liver BUUSIIKC , 4'i ;
icad cheese , 4J4c ; frcsji fork sausage ( links )
to ; fresh pork HUUSUT.O : ( bulk ) , BVioj smoked
> orU sausage , 80 ; rrniikfurt sausaKO , 7e ;
niokcd head chccie , ( iu ; I'ollsh sausage , 7c ;
cnohlnuch snusa o , 7u ; tongiio sausaso , 80 ;
Hummer suusaso , 13c. The ubovo prices are
for lots of fifty pounds ana upwards ; a less
quantity a half cent more , .
Country 1'roducc.
BUTTEII The butter market Is very firm and
creamery grades nro stlllenlng up. Supplies
ire very linn. Good country rolls , IfttolSc ;
choice , 1820c ; Inferior. b10o ! good country
solid packed , 1820c ; choice solid packed , 20 ®
Jlo ; RooilorcainorySl@23o ; fancy , 2o2Sc.
Kfids The bulk of the egKS are fiolllnj at
20o , although I'll occasional small lot of
strictly fresh eggs are reported at1C. .
GAMB Prairie chickens , per dozen. t3. ! > 0 ;
erousp. $ ; i.00a,23 ; mallard ducks. $2.73(33.50 ( ;
oal ducks , Sl..Vrtl.W ; mixed ducka , tl.75 ;
quail. 41.50 ; Jack rabbitJi.Kl.ROi small rabbits ,
Jl.00ffil.2o ! ueer and antelope carcasses. 85i9o ;
saddles , llQ ( > ic. : !
Pour.TUY I.ivo chicken ? arotiuotcd atjl.75
$12.2. ' ) , with i'.M about the top and dressed
chickens 7S8c , with an occasional choice lot at
ic. Llvo turkeys l o nnd dressed lH312c.
jive ( lucks , & ' . ! XX < U.OO , with an occasional sale
of extra largo block at $3.50 ; dressed ducks , 10
fflllc. Gceso scarce ; dressed , I
POTATOES The mnrkut tcuialns nhout
steady at 8.va90c.
ONIONS Rod , 81.25 per bit. ; yellow Danvers ,
$1.5O1.50 : ! ! Spanish , Jl.75 per box.
KVVEET POTATOES Homo grown stook , $1.00
jorbu. , and not very ulonty ; Muscatlnc uud
Jersey stock ; $4.00.W ) per bbl ,
HKANS Supply not lurgo and the fcollng
trong nt J2.i5 : < a2.75.
' per doz.
Fresh Krulta.
OIIANOCS r There Is some quite desirable
Florida stock on sale which Is quoted at
CAMFOIINIA Kmms Pears , per box. tl.OO ;
muscat grapes. $1.50 per 20-lb crates ; Tokay
grapes. $1.75 per 20-lb crates ; quinces , $2.50.
JlANANAS Vdlow , t2.25i.OO : per buucli.
- s , . . ,
Al'i'i.ES Thomnrkct Is very llrm and stocks
are quoted at $ : i.2o4.25 , according to the
iiuullty and varluty. , ,
CIIANI1EH1IIK9 1'uncy Cane Cod , $9.00 ; bell
and cherry , S8.5) .
CONCOHO OKApES-Pcr basket , 33c ,
. .
% - - i i
CHESTNUTS Demand fair at 105 12 < ! .
lir.ACK \VAiNUT8--l'er bushel , 75cS$1.00.
lIiCKOiir NUTS Larse , per bushel , 11.25.
Foi * COHN Oholco last season's stook , 23o
perlb ; now , ISil/lc.
Fish ,
FIIESII Per Ib Ptrohlfio ; buffalo , dressed ,
7c ; pickerel , Ooi pike , Oc ; white , 10ccropiIc ) , lie ;
catfish. Ho ; cod steak , 12c ; lloundcrs , ilc : ; Oregon
gen salmon , 15c : black bass , 18c ; lobsters , ISo ;
blue Hsh , 15o.
Salt und plclded Codfish , extra aeorRcs ,
nowtflltoj grand bank , new , 4io ! ; silver , 2-lb
blocks , 5 > ie ; snow white , 2-lb brloks , new , 7iCj
turkoycod. large nilddlobrlckHOosnow ; whites ,
orates. 12-5 Ib boxes , 7Icj modlum scaled her
ring , 25o ; No. 1 scaled herring , 20ci domestic
Holland herring , 40oi Hamburger spiced hor-
rlng. GOojIluhslan sardines , spiced , OOcInsslnn
sardines , pluln. Wo ; Imported Holland
herring , Grown brand , 80o ; do fnnov
nillKors. ll.OOi mackcrol. No. 1 Bhoro. half I )
12.iO ! ; bloaters , hair bbls , $19.00 ; whlto flah ,
halt bblc , $6.75 ; trout , half bbls , J5.M ; family
white llsli. $3.00 : saltlion : $3.50 per half lbf ;
2-lb broiled niackorel.J.CO ; 3-lb In mustard.
$2.60 ; 3-lb In tomato Bituce , t-i.OO ; 5-11) Muyo
moss mackerel , (0.00 ; 1-lh brook trout , $1.25 ;
3-lb brook trout , > . { 2.23 ; 1-lb salmon ,
l. i 2-lb Vfhlto flah , $2.25 ; Mb white
llsli , 91.35 ; 2-lb lobHturs , S.I.DO ; 1-lb lob
sters. $2.30 ; 2-lb oysters , 13 oz , $ . ' .50 ; 2-lli oys
ters , 10 oz. $2.25 ; 1-lh qystors , 5 oz , $1.25 ; 2-lb
Haratnrla , laor , $ .MU ; 1-lb Ilaratarla , 5 oz ,
? 1.10 ; Fairmont. 4 oz.'Jl/15 : ralriuont , 8 oz ,
: .05 ; 1-lb clams , little nocks , $1.35 ; 2-lb clams ,
llttlo necks , $1.73 ! 3-lb clam chowder , $2.UU |
I-lb crabs. tJ.25 ; 2-lb craK $2,5) .
Atlantic 11.7C ! Atlautio 11. > iu ; Atlantic P ,
Uc ; Aurora 0,440 ; lliok'a head. 7oi Uiibot w ,
6Mci Darlington. O uj.Furiiiortt' No. 1 , 4 ? { J
4Hc ; Hooslur IJj. 5ici ! Indian head , 7 > ic ; Law
rence lil' , 54'ci Henrietta I.Ij , TiJic.
UiNniiAMH Amnskeag , 7o ; Amoikcnx dress ,
8Ho ; Hates. 6Uc ; Warwlckdross , 80 ; Lancaster ,
0o ; Glcnalrr , Clio ; Wlilttendoii dress , 80.
KINK DnowN COTTONS Atlantlo ] , li , 6c\ \ Au
rora H , 6)40 ) ; Aurora If , OUo : Atlas 0 N II , 1Xo\ \
ohccso cluth , 4c ; Clinton I'F , 54u ! ; I'upporoll K ,
UVcj I angdon Cut , Bo.
lli.KACiiKt ) L'OTTOXS Derkuloy Cambric No ,
CO , 0io ! ; Host Vet , 6Ho ; Iluttcrulotli XX , 4icj
Uabot. 7ifc ; First cull.OiJn ; I'ruitof the boom ,
Do ; H III Hoinper Idem , to ; llnusekcopcr. SJJci
King Phillip cambric , lOu ; I.augdon nil , Oijoi
I.oiisdale , Uo ; Lousdalo cambric , lOJic ; Now
Vork Mills , lloi Oak Lawns , 7c.
WaiANS Net Thistle. liUoi Ked Oren , 7c.
CiiASii-Btovens1 It. IC-ln , ! Wo ; Htovons1 D , V.
In , OUc ; Stevens' A , 10 In , 74o ! ; Htovons' P , It
In , So ; Stevens' M. H In , Do ; StovciiH * N,20 In ,
Oo ; Slovens' .NN,22ln. lOo ; Stevens' STK , IX ) In ,
12ot bleached , lu extra.
I'HINTS 1'aney Kddystono , 6VJo ; Steel
Itlver , Co ; llaiiiapo , 4to ! ; Bt. Ledger , 5Vic
Shirting Martha Washington , 4Jc ! ; Morrlinuc
4 ? e , Turkey Iteds I'quntaln , 05o } ; Garner ,
7cUronllold18ioi ( llnrlin,0 c.
Net Pouporcll , 4J-lu , lOtio ; Pepporull. 8-4 , I8o
Pepporoll , 0 4 , 20oi I'upporoll , 10-4. 22 o ; Utlea
48-lu , lie ; Utlca. B8.nV | 17iJo ; Utfca , L-J-In , 24o
Utlca , U-\a \ , 2Co ; Utlca. W-lu , WJio. Ulcachoi
Net Pcpporcll , 4.1-ln. 10jo ! ; t'cppcroll. 45-ln ,
ll * c | Popnerell , ( VI. I.V | Poppon-ll , 8-4.20C )
l'opporell,0-4aie ! | PoiiiH-roll , IO-4.25CI Utloa ,
8 4.2lc ; Utlca. 9-4 , 2i5o ! Utlon. 10-4 , 280 ,
Piu > rrs.-Iiillgo liluo Not Martha Wash-
liiKton , r ( ic ; American 0 < ( ct Arnold. flUc ; Ar
nold It. long cloth , loc : fllllo A. lltic ; .Morrl-
innrT-H. lOoi Hold Leaf , 8c ! ; llanillton , f > Ho |
Alien Pinks , 0'iC ' ! Allen C'hanihrny , Co ; Ulott *
Chester , fi'ie ' : llnrtcl.5Uo.
Colour.iOAMiiliica-C'ro\fn , 4'4o ' ; Hod Star ,
4Vio ; Kollcd Olovor , to ; Slater , 5io | high col
ors. lo extra.
Denims Not Ainoskeag , 0 ot , IMlc ; York
cunilot. lct Kvorett , stnndnrd , 12' je ; liny-
maker's 7jc ! ; Old York , XX , lOite ; Lawrence.
220 , 124c ! ; Lawrence , 9 oz , 15Sic | fancy stripes
and chocks , ll'.ic. '
Corro.vAtiRM Vork , nnnkln , I0ict { Kvcrott ,
Boz , 13e ; I.owhton , 10 oz , 22ijB | Workltis'iiuvn ,
14c. *
Onboard cars ut Oinnha Anthracltn
Chettnut.rHiigo nnilcggj.25 pur Ion ; grate ,
18.00 , Soft coal Walnut block. $4.03 ; Iowa
lump , $0.75j Iowa mil , K1.25.
Cement. Kte.
On bounl cars nt Onmbn I'or hbl Ash
Drove lime , OOe ; Champion Hints 8.V : Qulncy
white. SJui l.oulsvlll < K'oim'titfl.5J.MIlTviiuloo
conicnt , (1.45 ( ; Utlca cement. fl.40j Kngilsh
I'ortliind ccnicnt , W.l.V New Vork plaster ,
$2.23) ) MMiliraa plaster , $100 ; Fort DoilKtiplas
ter , $1.73) ) whlto sand , fc'.OO ; I1. 1 * . hulr , l > ur
bale , Jl.OO.
FENCING Whlto plno No. 1,4 and 0 In. , 12
and II ft.f 10.50 ; NO.I- and I ) In. , 12 and 14 ft. ,
JI4.UO ! No. 2 , 4 nnd tl In. 10 ft , $10,50 ; No. U , 4 anil
Gin , In all lengths. JIS.OO.
HIUINO-A , $22.00 ; 11 , J20.M ; 0. fin.CC ! n , JI3.00.
IfuHiitiNn Wlilto 1'lno-A and It , HKJ.OO ; 1) ,
f21.HO ; O. $ ' . ' 7.00 ; 10. JI7..V ) .
STOCK UOAIIM No. 1 , common , 12 and 14 ft ,
f-0 | 1C .00 ; No. 2 , common. 12 and 14 ft ,
$18.00 ! 10 ft , 917,00.
CEIiaNO-No. 1 whlto. U In. $11.50 : No. 1 hard
pliipi In , $15.50 ! No.l liurd pine , ? i In , J21.W ) ;
No. 1 hard pine , Ii In , $ J4.oo.
STOOK HoAittis A and II , 12 In , $12,00 ; I ) , 13
in. $ J7.00.
OIIOOVKD ItooriNfl No. 1 common wliltn
plnr , 12.14 niid'UI ' ft. tin.uo ; No. 1 common V
pine , 12,14 nnd 111 f t , Jlb.OO.
12 ft 14 ft 1C ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
8x4.tl5 00 Sl.'i 00 $15 (10 ( $10 00 $10 00 J17 50 J18 CO
2x0. . 15 00 15 0) 13 CO 10 00 1(1 ( 00 18 00 18 M
2.\8. . 15 00 15 00 13 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 M
2X10.1500 1503 1500 1000 111 00 1800 18 SO
2x12,1000 1000 1600 1000 1700 1800 1000
4x4 to
8.\8 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 20 CO
UOAIIDS No. 1 com , J10.00 ; No. 2 corn , $17.00 ;
No. II com , J15.0J ; No. 4 coin , JI2..W.
Suit1 LAINo. . 1 plnln. Sand 10 Inch , $18.00 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , JH'.OO ' ; No. II plain.8
and 10 Inch , 115.00 ; U.U. , 8 Inch , IWilOo.
2J-ln ! , 7.)0 ! HxiSISBc : ! : Il-ln well tublntr. I ) . &
M. ami llov. . JJ3.00 ; pickets , J ) . & ; II. Hat , JJ2.00 ;
1 > . & H. sq. . $21.00.
roi'r.Aii-Olpor , 1-In nil widths. 833,50 ; clear ,
5s-lii. nil widths , $20.50.
Y. l'lNEl''rxOHiNO-Ulcar , 4 nnd 0 In , 12:1.50 : ;
star , 4 and U In , 121.00 ; rift sawed , $0.00 extra.
. I-'INISHINO WlllTB I'INE-lHt Illld 2d clciir. 1
In , J.VJ.OOj m.l'i ' nnd2 In , } ; > o.00i od clear , 1 In ,
$ I.V.W ; 1'ii mid 2 In. KIO.OJ ; A select , 1 in ,
$42.00 ; 1U , IY und 2 In , 42.00 ; it select , 1 in ,
KM.OO ; li ! , li ! anil 2 in , t.iO.OOj U select , 1 In ,
KIMSIIINO YEFTOW PINB Clear , 1 in , $20.00 ;
Ji , li ! mid 2 In. $27.X ( > ; star , t In , * 2M.OO.
aiit.voi-KS , LATH Extra , XAX , 82.75 ; stand-
" " ' " " " " " ' ' " " "
ard"XAX , JS 'ibVo In.$2 ! ! 05"In. $2.6u'"So" ; 1 ,
$1.20 ; Cedar. XAX , 12.75 ; lath , $3.25.
POSTS Whlto cedar 0 In , iJS. 12'ic ' ; 0 In ,
sijr , 12ci 5H In. ii , lie ; 8 In , Uc ; 4 to 5 in ,
round. 13o ! { ; oak , split , Do ; red eudar , 15c.
Sash. 55 per cent ! door. , 45 per cent ; blinds ,
45 per cent ; mouldings , 40 per cent ; ttruw
board , $1.30 ; tar board , Jl.iX ) ; tar felt , $2,40.
Palms nnd Oils.
LEAD WHITE in OirCartcr , In 500-lb lots.
$7.50 ; In 1,000-lblots. porcwt$7.20 ; Southern Co. ,
St. Louis , In 500-11) lot.s , $7.50 : In 1.000-lb lots , per
owt , $7.20i Kcd Seal , St. Louis , in 50J-lb lots ,
$7.5) ) ! In 1,000-lblotspurcwt. $1.20.
WniTBDuv-Gllder's Whltliw , per 11) , lUo ;
Commercial AYhlting. pvrlb , lc ; Ktigllsh 0. S.
Purls White , per Ib , lic.
lUn : luv--Aiiifrlcan Vonetlan lied , IVio ;
Chattanooga , 2c ; English Venetian , barrel ; i3J (
Ibs,2JJc , ; Indian , No. 1 , 12c ; Tuscan , Enjlish ,
20c.YEF.T.OWS Chrome j't'llow , 6 to lOo ; Ocher ,
Kocholle,2.iOchcr ! ! , Washed Dutch,4c0chiir ; ,
Washed French , 2jc. !
I'UTTV Pure , In barrels , kegs and tubs.
2 > ! c ; In bladdcis. 2 0 ; In50-lb tins , 2Vic.
VEor.TAiii.uOir.s Linseed , doinimlo raw , In
barrels , per gallon , l'c ; ; Unseed , domcstlo
boiled , In barrels , per Billion , ( Be.
ANIMAI , AND Fisit OILS Whale , bleached
winter , per gallon , 55u ; whale , extra blcauhcd
winter , uoc ; sperm , bleached winter , $1.00.
K.NOINP.OJI.S Diamond Crescent engine oil ,
per gallon , 40c : pcrfeotlon engine oil , f > 0o ; ster
ling engine oll.45c ; Horculesunglnooll50c.
VAiiNisiins Furniture , No. 1 , uocs furniture ,
oxtru , $1.00 ; 00:100 : , No. 1 , 81,10 ; coach , extra ,
$1.2Jj hard oil , light. 8..20.
Hides , Tallow , .Etc.
IIiDKg , PEI.TS AND TALLOW Green salted
, ildes , No. 1 , 5',40'lc ' ; No. 2. 4Uo ; dry flint
ildcs , "Hi&So ; calf hides. Gt&Sc ; damaged hlrtcs ,
liiolessiMheop pelts , gicen , each , ! i5cO$1.25 ;
sheep polls , dry. per Ib. I0l4c.
TAM.OW A No. 1 , 4ics ! No. 2 , 33Uo ; grease ,
white , 3)i4o ) ! yellow , 2ii 'lo ; stoarlnc , Oi5c.
llONKS-Quotatlons are for delivery In Chicago
cage Dry buffalo , per ton , S10.00ffil8.00 ! dry
country , bleached. 10.0013.00i country , damp
and meaty , IS.OCK310.00.
STEEI , Wine NAILS Ila o $2,65 ; steel nails ,
base , $2.15.
TIN 1'tATE-I. C. , 10x24 , $750 ; I. X , 10x14 ,
$0.25 ; coke , 4x120. 112 , $0.75.
ItooiriMi Charcoal. I.O. , Ux20 , 117 , $3.0D ; 1 ,
X , , $7.5) .
HIIEKT IllON-No. 20. $ ,1.50 ; No. 27 , $3.00 ,
Soi.UKit Strictly half and half. IClic.
Ooi-i'Eli Klanlshcd boiler sizes.3llo perlb ;
cold rolled. IWo perlb ; sheeting-So per Ib ; pit
and Hats , : iOo per Ib ,
wmfc-tlup , uurli , Ja ; pal. , $3.85.
UI.OCKTIN Small pig , 30o per Ib ; bar , 30o
per lb.
GAL.VANI/.EDSHEET Iiio.v Discount 50-10 jipr
cent ; pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 21 and 27 A , lOjiu ; 1) ) .
JL'orrcipondmco solicited.
163165 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
15 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
70 State St. , BOSTON.
The enormous amount of funds Invested by the
citizens of Helena In mining enterprises tnducedbr
the abnormally lane prollu Brining therefrom
leaves open for Eastern capital exceptional opportunities -
tunities In real estate end building Investments ,
whicn , while abnolutely safe , yield Incomes ranging
from fifteen to Uf ty per cent , annually , Iteal Kstato
IB constantly on the advance In value as the result
of on output of wcallU unequalled In the history of
tlio world. . . . .
Eastern Incomes based nponoandBper cent. In-
Tcotmenta may bo lariely aiiKmentcd without rltk ,
ty sbUtlnic tlic principal to u locality offering wider
opportunities. '
A vl&tt to Iltlenawttldemonstrate thttnilhnftMi
statement and convert the iiK > itinci-cduU > uu.
For full Information , address ,
L. G. PHELPSSec'y Citizens Committee ,
Helena , Montana.
Accounts of llanks , IJankora and Corporations to
Our facilities for COUtKCTIONS nre cxPtllentan (
wero-dUcountforkanki when tmlancm narrant It
Boston U a Hencrro City , and balances with u :
from tankn ( not lucatvd lu other lleserre Cltloi
count as a reserro.
Wo draw our own ozchanze on I/ondon and tin
Continent , and make cable trnnifers nnd place mono ]
b ; telegrapU throughout the United Htatui aud * 'un
WoImio n market for prlma flrst-class Inrestiaen
Securities , and Invlto iiro | > usal from States , C ua
ties and Cltlct when liming bonds.
\\'o do a Renerul banking business , and tntlto cor
For Improved and cconomlo cooKcry use
mRUIv atidCetuln to a. at ) ot moce ; let
funded. IJymallW. Seouralv sealed from ob-
HrT tlon. CUOJf uaaKDJf CO. ,
iws' and
The Brunswick-Balke John L. Wilkie ,
Oollendor Do.
millard niercliarulKo , Oinaha paper bar factory ,
Haloou tlTluros. HIT-1119 DoiiKlm.
407. 109 . tuth street ,
Umalia. Orders promptly illlcil.
Omaha Republican Printing Oa , ,
law briefs , bank nip pile' , nml ovcr/tlilnR In ( ho
printing lino.
10th nml IKrntthn
Ackorminu Bros. & Hcintze ,
I'rlntcrf , binders , eloctrotjrpcr * , blank book manu
facturers , '
11 1C Howard street , Omaha.
Charles A , Ooo & 0o. . Kirkentlall , Jones & 0o ,
nml \Vliolesnlo Manufacture.
Manufacturers Job
bers. ABcntu for lloston Unb-
UcrShoe To. , 1IW. 1101 ,
1100 Howard street. niiUllOOllnrncyat.
Williams , Van Aor- "wTv. Morse & Co. ,
e nam & Harto , Manufacturers k Jobbers.
1212 Ha rncy street , 110I-1UB it.
Omnlin , Nob. Oninlin. Neb.
Louis Holler ,
nutcliorV mid 1'nckers'
Tools A Siilipllc * . Hcof ,
liaif.V lii'cp oii'lni. ! .
lllli-lllSJnckvin tit.
Columbus Buggy Oo. ,
Carriages , carts siilklos ,
O.D. Kdirnnls , Stnnfieor.
3li-il5 : ; Soutli Ititli.
Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Gilmore & Rulil.
Carpets , oil cloths , mnt- Mutiufacturcrs , \Vliolc- -
tliiKM , curtain Kood'.ctc. rnlo Clothiers ,
1511 Uouglns stroeU HOlUInriiej-St.
Fest & Iritsclier , Dean , Armstrong &
Mnnufncturers flncclKiirs Co. ,
Jobbers of leaf tobaccos. Wl .V , Idth Stroot.
1011 Farnnin street. "Jlcllol"ll39.
malm Goal i Ooko and Ooutant & Squires ,
lima Oo. II dnnd soft conl tlilp-
Hnrd and soft conl.
: K. Cor , ItHli imcl Done- 1808 Fnrnnni reel ,
las Umalia
Huluert & Blum , Harmon & Weetb ,
Ohio himp.ltnrk Sprlnes , Lime , cement , Intli , hnlr ,
KicclslorValuut Mouli ,
ecroonod nut' , anthracite , plaster , ctq.
Bmtthlnir , ntcain. OHcolW.V. Ktli street.
Ollico2U8. IStlnt.
American Fuel Oo. P.H. Mahonoy&Oo. ,
lilppors nnd dealer * In llanl-Coal-Soft.
antlinicltu nnd bitu
minous coul , Ofllcos 813 X. ICtli and cor.
Z15 8.15tli tttruet. ' 10th nnd Douglas els.
Nebraska Fuel Oo. , IIowoll & Oo. ,
213 S. 13th street , 217 8.'nth street ,
Oranlm , Not ) . Oninha , Neb.
' . J. Johnson & Oo , , Johnson Bros , ,
218 8.13th street , 814 Knrnain street ,
Omaha , Kelt. Omaha , Neb.
Ifount & Griffin , O.B. Havens & 0o. ,
213 S. 14th street , 1602 Furnam street ,
Oiunha , Not. Onmlm.
Eagle Oornico Works ,
Manufacturers of ( Jnlvnn-
lVlndowciiismetiillo kr-
IlKhts olc. 1110 ana 1112
Dodge 3t.
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Zilpatrick-Kdch Dry
Dry goods , furnishing Goods Co. ,
goods , notions. Dry Kooils. notion' * , Rents'
fiirnlsUlnii K ods.
Cor. llth anil Howard sti. Corner lltli nnd llnrnoy
Blnkc , Brace & Oo , ,
CW5-903 Lenvcnworth st.
Omaha , Neb.
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illustrated Cntuloeuo
1C14 Capita Atomic.
Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo , , General western agent
Corner Jones and 9th cts. Bknmlla 1'low Co. ,
Omuba , Neb , 1349-1351 tiliorman avo.
Broken Bow Boiler E. T. Davis Mill Oo. ,
Hilling Oo , , Ml at St. Joseph.
Office and narchouso , Omnlm House ,
1012 N. ICtli street. Cor , 8th and Jnokson st ? ,
S. F. Oilman , Clemens Oekamp ,
f'K of rondj to raise
1011 K. 10th street. Klup JncU Meal , tlacst
cakes In the world.
C. K. IJlack , - Manager , r.W-1215 8. Kill utrcct.
Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas , Shiverick & Oo ,
niture Oo.
, Furniture and Carpets.
Furniture and carpets ,
.1115-1115 Farnara itreet , 1200-1510 Knrnain St.
Schneider & Loomia , J , T , Eobinsou Notion
Co. ,
Jobbers and Importers of '
Gents' furnWiliiK goods ,
notions und furnishing m'f'g celobratud brand
goods , "lluclisklii" nv crulls ,
Iiints : , shlrK ( 'ont.i. etc.
1111 Howard ttrcot. Cor , l th and lloward st ) .
Paiton & Gallagher , ifeyer & Eaapke ,
70H11 S.10Ui troot , 1IW-H05 Ilarney itrcot ,
Omnha , Neb. Oniiilm , Neb.
D , H. Steele & Co. , Sloan , Johurou & Oo.
1201-1205 Jones utrect , 9th and I.ciiTCnivortli
utrvots ,
Oroalia , Not ) , Omaha , Neb.
Allen Bros , , McOord , Brady & Oo , ,
lilt Ilarney itrcot , JJthnnJ ] > CftvC'nworth ,
Omaha , Neb. Omaha , Nebrnikn.
. Hugh G. Olark.
Dupont's ( lunpowder ,
Ulcitlni ; caps , lute , etc.
12111 Ilarney itrcat ,
Rector & Wilhelmy Oo Lee-Olark-AndroBSCt
Cor , 10th and Jackson its. Hardware Oo. ,
1103'UIO Ifarnoy street ,
Ouiab * .
Gco , Oborno & 04 , , J , S. Smith & OO. ,
113 S.I3lh itrcot , U03-1II3 I atenvroithit.
Omaha. Omaha.
Pnxton & Ylorling Omaha Safe & Irou
Iron Works , Works
wrought nnd rast Iron ,
liulUlnjtnnrk , enirliies Manners ( Iroaml Iniruhr
brass natk , Rcuorni proof snfc * , vn lt , jail
foundry , mnchlun aiut work , Iron shutters no J
l > l ckiiiilth work. U. r. tire e cnvo . ( I , Arc *
It ; , oiullitlist. dri'cnllthAJnukioii9U ,
Aorno Iron nnd "Wlro Wilson & Drrtko ,
Works , lubulnr llnci , nr
Iron , wlronndbrni.t w'ks. box toilers , tnnks , f to <
t > \tS. \ Itth strcot.
\V. lloehl , I'roprlotor. 1'iorrotnl 19th drcct .
Bees Printing Oo.
I.lthoftrnphlnR , 1'rliitlnit
nnd Illnnk Hooks.
lllhnmlllcmnnlMt' .
G. W. Douglass & Oo. John A. Wdkeflold ,
llnrdtrooil Lumber , littulCcmontMII < iMikct >
llyilnmllc Cement nuA
1310 North ICth Slrctt. " - \Vhllo l.lmo.
Charles E , lee , Wyntt-BullardLum *
llnnlwooil lumber , wooil
carpctH nml ( inniuot bar Oo.
Poor I HIT.
Glh nml Douglas. Mill omllmnl Streets ,
I. Oborfelder & Oo , ,
Itniiortum niul Jobbers In
! 03,20nn ] < il2 South llth
utreet ,
Max Meyer & Bro , Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. ,
M'f' ( Je yeler. < , dealers In Piano * , Organs , Artist
mil Meal Instruments ,
etc. , Matcrlnli , Kir. ,
1'nrnain und 10th. 151 } Douglas Street ,
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo ,
IlfMlned nnd lubricating
oils , ruin Krcnno , t'tJ.
A. II. lllsliop , .MauaRor.
A. Booth Peeking Co. , Platt & Oo , ,
Oyttora , Hull nnd canned "Tiger briind , " f ri'sh oy
. li-rs ,
Omnlui brunch ,
1308 I > onvenworUi. 815 nnd 817 Howard.
Carpenter Paper Co. , Western Phting W'ks '
Curry a full flock of Gold , silver und nlckol
lirliitlnii , wrnpi'liiu ' nnd plating on nil metals.
lullcwne ! < < tc.ri' | > hited.
nrlthiK l > ni'cr , curd pa .Velum-
per , eta. dvi'ernorli. '
Kibbol & Smith , Schroeder & Co. ,
lcnler In" country iirod- Cash buyers Imlter nnfl
ucc , frult.i , wuctablcs , , nml grncral runv *
otu. lun int'ri'linnls.
1207 Howard street. rioutlillthstroct.
Phelps Bros. , E. B. Branch & Co. ,
Country produce , fruits , Produce , fruit of nil
* etc , kinds , 05 > trr ,
1215 Uonnrd street. 1211 lloward Blreot.
0. Hosso & Co. , Kobsrt Purvis ,
1217 Howard streot.
'orolgn , California ami
fruits Write -for jiilctM on bu
tropical ,
tor , eggs , poultry and
113 Howard street. gumc.
Porter Bros , Oo. , Olark & Os. ,
California , Florldi nnd
Duttor , cheese ,
fruits. og
01-811 tropical Jone.i itroct , poultry and cnim' ,
' . \Y. llutlt , - .Miui\Ker. : GOllSoutlillltliittioct.
'irschbrauu & Sous , Williams & Cross ,
lluttcr , rggi nnd poultry. Produce and fruits ,
12KI Hownnl street , 1211 llnrnoy street.
Bates & Oo. ,
'otintry produce , fruits ,
vojiotabKx , itrooora'
Fpeeac'i. teas , apices ,
cte. 417-UUS. llthBt.
Omaha Rubber Co. ,
ptannfacturlnit and job
bers nil kinds rubber
( roods.
1003 Minium streot.
A , L , Deane & Co. , Emerson Seel Oo. ,
Iciieral nitonti for Hull's Seed Kroner * , ( loilcrt In
Hnfes. Knrden. grass , tralunna
321 and 3'W Month lOUl St. , treimroK
Omuba. (2121 Hun tli l.'ith.
M , A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sash & Door Oo ,
Manufacturers of sash , Manufacturers of inoulV
doors. hlludM nnd Ings , blind ? , doom ,
.Mouldings , llruurliof- etc.
Ucu , 12lli nnd Iznr.l sts. 10th aud Clark ttrocti.
Tarroll & Oompiny , Daffy-Trowbridge
AVbolcsalo manfnctiircrs Store Manufao'g ' Co ; ,
syrups , molaises and
Manufacture utavesnaa
vlnciurs ,
{ .
ntore plpo.
217-219 South8th streot. 1213-1315 I.rnvonwdrth St.
Oonsolidated OofTca
Company ,
111 ! ami 1110 Harnoy st.
Omaha , Neb.
H. Hardy & Oo. , The Omaha Typa
Toys , dolls , nlbnmSpfancy ' .
Printers' piipplU"
goods , house rurulnlilni ;
New and nccond-hana
goods , children's e r- machinery.
rlaKct. 13131'arnatust 1113 Howard slreet.
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. String & Sons ,
Pump Oo. ,
1003-1001 Farnsm street
IlitllWay win * mills. ! ) !
, ( i. V ,
und WU Jonus nt .
Oinnlia , Kcl )
Itoss , acting manager.
Crane Oompany ,
Itnso belting , packing ,
ttcnm uunips , plumbing
goods ,
D-2I ! Kurnaru street.
Iliilldln ; ,