Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    ft * * * A H MT
Quay ! ' "Wo Arrived at Salt Crcok No
vernier 4 , 1MXX-L. If. lllchnrds.1' "It'i
Omuba'o Nlifht to Howl , " "Vox Popull , Voj
Del. " "Jt's a Cold Day1 for the Colonels.1
"Fnrouoit to the Loug-IInlrcd Men niu
Hhortllalrcd Women. " "Boyd , Bryan am
Buslncs' < . " "Docs the Old Hbip LcaK Wblli
Going ut > Salt Creek ! " "Hear Yo , Hear Yo
Hear Ye , McICelKbnu Cot There. " As thi
division meted along thu street Komuu can
dies were llrcd nnd red fire was burned ,
Mr. Bruno Echtcnnoyor acted as inarshn
nnd Conum lonerCorrl mn ofllolateti ni nidi
in the management of thls-delcgation. The1 ;
wcro followed by n mounted force of lift ;
men under the Immediate command of Franl
H. Boyd and his nldo , John S. Wnltors. Thi
Slavic City cornet bund , In ono ot the Sou tl
Omahn brewery wagons , furnished music fo
the cnthmd.istiu "visitors.
Mayor Sloano nnd members of ttio clt ;
council , City Clerk Ilyan and City Treni
.uicr Hector rode behind tlicm in carriages
Thru cntno twenty carriages filled with lead
Ing citizens , which brought the Magic city'
rcpicseutatlon to a close.
Council Bluffs democrats came acros3 th
river : iSO strong , to assist in the Jubilee.
The visiting ! owans were bended by Dal
.by'n military band of twenty-two plecc-i , om
of the finest musical organisations lu line
Marshals C. D. Walters , Wells Cook , .T. 1'
Murphy and W. B. Fisher had charge of thi
respective divisions. The delegation carrlei
a number of transparencies , consplcuou
among which were :
"Tho Four Big B's , " "Bolos. Boyd , Bow
man , Bryan. "
. "Iowa Krjolccs In Nebraska's Victory. "
Underneath the latter querry appeared n :
immense tureen consplcously labellei
"Soup. "
The Bluffs gun club was without cxccptlo
the noisiest aggregation In linennd manufactured
facturod several tons of ratification racket.
Amonif the rebellious prohibitionists fron
ever the river was a squad emiippcd with tli
horns nearly six feet long. Thtsy marched it
siiiKlatile , each pilgrim carrying the littl
end of his own horn und the big end of tb
ono behind him. They tooted for
Nehruskn democracy with great vim am
iiRviRWiso TUB rnocKsstox.
The Paxton house during the day was tb
rendezvous for the visiting democrats , an
especially these of them who had had tno ex
* erlctico of failing of election to ofllco. Tuo ,
Spent the lonely hours in the spacious re
tumta almost unknown to the hundreds wh
passed In and out , but la tbo ovoninc ; they be
came tbo lions of the hour. The ox teller o
the structure was decorated with lantern
and Hags. Hundreds of people gathered i
the tessellated hall and finally it was foun
impossible for many to gain entrance. The :
somebody suggested that somebody make
speech , and In rapid succession , McICciphan
congressman-elect from the Second district
Bryan , congressman-elect from the First dfc
. trict ; Thompson , would-bo congressman froi
the /Third district. Fred Lehman ot De
Molncs , mounted tbo grand stairway am
crated to the nat is faction of the enthusiast !
listeners. At the conclusion of Mr. Lehman'
speech , ones were made for Air. Gannon o
Omaha. The gentleman was in thu rotund ; :
but evinced no desire to drown with mon
lung power the screccnoC the horn nnd tin
roar of tlio mlnaturo artillery which wor <
gradually impressing the crowded nusae
with the belief-that the city was being bom
At this Juncture somebody announced tha
the procession was coming and , heading thi
throng to the door , the Omaha speake
, reached the street.
In the meantime Qov. Boyd had ascendei
to the veranda on the second story , over thi
entrance , where it had been announced hi
would review the procession. Several hun
dred people sought to follow him. but wer.
refused admission by a young gentleman a
the entrance who permitted only those wh
were propeily accredited to stand m th
presence of the governor-elect.
. Among these thus selected wcro the follow
1 Inpr :
Mayor Gushing , Hon. W. J. Bryan , of Lin
coin : Hon. W. A. McKeigban of Ked Cloud
Mr. Thompson of Grand Island ; Mr. Frei
Lehman of Bes MoinesDr. ; George l.Millei ,
Charles Ogdcuv Mr. aud Mrs. George Barkoi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker , Mr. and Mrs
E11U Blerbower , Mr. Uobt. Patrick , Mr. am
Mrs. C. T. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Boyd
air. and Mrs. D. O. Clark , the Misses Tru
man , Mrs. Fred Nye , Miss Mabel Orchard
Col Monttromory , Mr. C. S. Montgomery
r Mr. and Mrs. Euclid Martin and dauRhtei
Air. Tobias Castor , Mr. John Bowlby o
Crete. Julius Meyer , Judge and Mrs. Doan
and others.
The governor stood immediately under th
main arch of the veranda. On 1m left stoo
his daughter , Mrs. BIcibower. On hisrlgh
stood Messrs. McKcighan and Bryan.
Just as Mr , Boyd assumed his position th
right of the line , headed by the redoubtabl
Louis Ik-lmrod , president of the Wcbraski
State Personal Rights league , passed ,
Mr. Boyd immediately uncovered his heat
nnd was Just oa quickly recognized by th
marching hosts. A cheer rent the air. The
a succession of cheers readied the magis
tratc'a curs and then a din of trumpets , am
linnlly the roar seemingly of a dozen mour :
tain howitzers. The governor smiled am
bowed whllo the ladies on either side of hit :
drew back , especially because volley afte
volley of llcry balls from Roman , candles be
gnn to assnll the balcony behind which th
coming chief executive stood.
The other oQiclols-elcct also doffed the !
hats and were recognized by tha murchin
hosts beneath and greeted with rounds o
hearty cheers. Noise was the most abunii
ant feature of the stock in trade o
the processionists. This they kept we ]
In hand until they stood immediately In th
presence of those whom they desired t
, honor , a'nd then , the curtli almost trembled
. In this manner , organization after organize
tion saluted the reviewers who bravely heli
their plnccs on the veranda until the col urn
had passed the spot the second time oa it
Way to the fireworks display on the cout
house bill.
Succeeding the crowd nnd the din. came' '
great void and u silence almost funeral , an
then the reviewers retired.
The display of fireworks on the court hous
Mil at the conclusion of the parade was pei
haps up to the average. It was witnessed b
a crowd that found comfortable standin
room at tno Intersection of Seventeenth an
Farnam nnd the court house steps.
There was a good variety of "works" an
they wore handled with considerable skill. *
The first set plcco rend "Glory bo to God ;
tbo second , "Our President Ogden-1 ; tb
third was a huge broom bearing the inslgui
'Governor Boyd , " whllo the last showed th
names of the editors of the dolly press c
There was a profusion of skyrockets , mlnci
mortars nnd the thousand and oneothc
features which enter into a pyrotechnic di <
play. They wore all flred oft nnd their aerii
r performance was gazed upon with unabntc
Interest by tlio gaping crowd. The displa
lasted one hour and was universally cnjoyci
CMIi : T09HK IT.
C. M. Smith , A. Terry , Wahoo : Jbhi
\Vudo , Nebraska City ; J. J. Holland , Wil
lam Burd , W. II. Taylor , Frank Thompson
J. W. McBrldo , Friend ; Franlr W. Wllsor
W H. H. Dunn , Plattsmoutbj Y. P. Harl
man , Kearney ; W , L. Wneton , Yorlr ; H. E
French , Kearney ; J. E. North , D. F. Uavl :
Columbus ; W. H. Thompson , F. W. Jaqucs
Springfield ; JohnFltzcqralnVJames J. Coi
don , Lincoln ; John C. Davids ; J. D. J , Mass
Fawneu City ; August Kleino , West Poin
W. S. Bryan. H. A. Ilubbard ,
Grant , L.incola ; S.V. . Thornton , ICc.iniuv
, K. Wlmnns , A. L. MorrU , E. E. Davis , A
Dawlinir , Thomas ICnssol , Thomas Hungn. J
E. Jufkson , North Bend : D. W. Cl.inev , L.C
Sharp , Wrst Point ; JT. C. Williams , John 'J
FurrU , Albion 7 E. H. Leach , D. A. Hal
Humphrey ; tt. C. Cotrell , A. D. McDonali
i Seward , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chinx-h itowo was in the city , but aid m
leotn to take much stock lu the blowout.
Marshal Ilclmrod and his aaslstani
vvrorkt'd hard , and consIJnring the tlmo the
bad in which to arrange the details ot tl
procession , did remarkably vrell.t
There was a lamontnbla absence of torche
a want which tbo mauagoir.eut had been u
able to supply. As a conscimeuco. tbo pr
cession , lacked a feature which. la always ir
posing In a night display.
. A. delegation from Flattsmouth had bo <
expected , but cither arrived too late or wi
.wallowed op in tbu malestrom of ind
pendenco' or lack of information , , wulc
( teamed to characterize many of the organ
Quo fwituro not down oa tha programn
wa the burnlnp of the b'lutlng decoratloi
oa \VorId-IIersld ofllcc. They wore tin
by ball from a Ho man caualo , audwi
complctelv dc trpycd. Utvely work on the
[ inrtof twoor tnrco potldcncn and the cm *
ployes ot the ofllco prevent" * ! tha flanins from
iproadlng , nnd they were llnilly oxtln-
jglshod ' .vithout calling out the department.
a HE ctrvcouNOitj.
transacted ljr Tlint Body
There were ten members who staid away
from the Boyd cclqbration. last night and
attended the council meeting.
The Omaha Guards llled a request ashing
the city to furnish them a site on which , to
erect an armory. The fewest was referred.
The city physician's report for the month
of October was received nnd plncod oa file ,
It shoucd ninety-six dcatlH nnd 15. ) births In
the city during the post inontli. The death
rate wai 3 per 10,000 Inhabitants.
The stinerintcndoiitot plumbing nsVed for
permission to shut off the watoc at the drink-
lug fountains until spring ; . The request.vaa
referred to the commltto on plumbing , with
power to act.
The citizens of Druid III11 filed a petition
asking tor water service on Spautdlug street
as far as Thlity-fourtb.
A. IJorn , who does businesson Fratilclln
street , asked for $ -J,000 damages on account
ot the grading of the street. lie alleged that
tbo mw ; grade had driven away bis cus-
J. .r. Ueody asked for tbo location of a iris
lamp In front of St. Timothy's mission. The
request wits granted.
Tlio committee on grades reported -against
the change of grade of Twenty-third street
from Cass to California , on account of the
street having been paved ut tno old grade.
The report iwas adopted. .
Tbo Belt line will waive damages and tlio
city engineer will prepare the plans for nn
Iron viaduct to bo built over the railroad
tracks at the Intersection of Hamilton street.
A resolution was adopted by which the
president , at the next rcgulnr meeting of the
council , will appoint a committee of live to
prepare the needful chanties to bo made to
the city charter'nnd present the saino to the
legislature nt the- coming session.
Thu committee that was appointed some
time no to investigate the management of
the affairs of the garbage master's ' ofllco re
ported , but the icport was withheld from the
press. Mr. Wheeler said : "There has been
a good deal said about tills matter
and I do not think : the report
s neil Id bo given to the public until
it can bo discussed at a council
meeting when more members are present
than at the session tonight.
Alt of the members wcro of the same
Thoicnort provides that the two night
dump mon shall bo discharged , and It further
goes on mid says , that the manner of con
ducting the affairs ot the oflico have been
very unsatiofactory ; tha the powers and
privileges of the ofllco have Icon grossly
abused In many ways ; that at once an ordl-
dtinco should be passed by which the office
will bring- revenue to" the city instead of
beingnn expense and constant drain on tbo
The report was signed by alL of the mem
bers of the committee.
An ordinance was read a first nnd second
time , pranting the Nebraska telephone com
pany the right to construct and maintain
conduits under the streets of the city ol
Capture or a Desperate ICitt With
Stolen Alonuy.
The traditional cruelty ot the stepmother
seems to have lost Its grip in tha case ol
young Frank Lanning of Luak , Wyoming.
The lad Is but thirteen years old nnd small ol
his age , yet Officer Hudson found him In n
junkr shop on South Tenth street yesterday
afternoon with 5492.40 in bla pockets. The
ofllcer did' not lmo\r tlinfc tbo boy had sc
much money when ho to&k him into custody
hut ho was acting rather fresh and vtnso'
phlstlcateU. Ho was buying or bargaining
for an nssortnujntof revolvers and thoofllcci
began to question him. The lad said ho lived
nt Lusk. Wyoming , , thathe bad been onn
visit to Peorla , Illinois , with bis stepmother
and when they bought their tickets at
Peorla thcro was only ono throUKl :
ticket to Lusk In the ofUco ami
bis stop-mother took that , and bought ono tc
Omaha for him. Intending to got n ticket
good lor the balance of tbo trip when they
reached Omabn. On the way to Omaha tbc
step-mother had given jouni/E.nnnIng $402.40
to carry , us a means ot safety. When the
train rolled Into the union depot in this city
young Lanning says.ho sawn man in the tel
egraph offlco that bo used to Icnow , and he
got bis mother's" consent to stay over one day
to visit with him. The lady went on to Wy
oming , forgettin ? to tuko the money rarxlcil
by Uer youthful compinion. This Is the boy's
story , but It appeared qulto improbable tc
Ofllcer Hudson , nnd ho took tbu lad to the
police station , whoru ho will bo held until
word can bo received from his home. The
police consider it something almost miracu
lous that tha boy was not robbed before
Ofllcer Hudbou iiotlced him.
A Report Mint the Paper AVI11 Bo
There Is a well developed rumor that Major
Wllcox will engage in the novvapipor busi
ness again , and ttut next week his defunct
Republican will bo born anew us a four-pnyo
morning shoot. This tlmo ho proposes to go
into the business on tbo co-opsratlvo plan ,
Ho will take In a number ot editors nnd re
porters , who will buy stock on the Install
ment plan and shara the losses and profits ac
cording to the amount of stoclc they owa.
Chrtarol'n Opportnnlty.
Jfr. E. Temple a well-known theatrical
agent called at Tits BIE lost night and of
fered to bet ? 350 or § 500 a sldo that he could
prod ace a nua who can throw Chrlstol five
times in an dour. This is byway of answer
to the challenge of Chrlstol , the champloc
light-weight wrestler of the woild which ap
peared in tills paper yesterday. Mr. Temple
says ho will name his man twenty-four noun
before the match comes oft and that the lat
ter is neither Kvans , Lewis or Jack Carltuli
whom It is admitted Cbristol does not desire
to meet.
Mr. Templornay bo found in this city bj
addressing-THE BKB any titncduriuptho next
ten days.
In J u den nnpowell'f Court.
The case of Llmlorholm & Lnnden vs J
Phlpps Roe monopolized the attention o
Judge Hopowcll and a Jury yesterday after
noon. In December , 1883 , Roe sold the
plaintiffs ! tbn Kebraskor Trlbuno for 52,400
representing that thcro were $500worth o
collectable boolc accounts and f 11)0 ) woth o
now body mul advertising type. After taldnj
possession , tlio plaintiffs discovered that onl\
about $ -Gl ) could bo reenlized from tbo boo !
accounts , and that tbo typo was old ani
worthless. They at onca commenced suit tc
recover , but a trial has- not been rcachet
until now :
Democratic War Horses.
A whole raft of democratic war horse :
from various putts of the state -amo Inyestcr
day morning and put up nt the Paxton and wll
take part la the democratic demonstration to
The party Included Dr. Bear of Norfolk , lati
candidate for lieutenant , governor ; R. B
\YahltjuIsb of Hastings , candidate for aud
itor ; SV. II. Gushing of Plattsmoutb , aspir
nut for treasurer ; Congrossman-EIec1
McKclghun of Hed Cloud , J. D. Hubble o
Hastings , and Frank P. Ireland , mayor o
Nebraska City.
Fled Without His Revolver.
A villainous nna desperate negro namoi
Jltn Hardy from Sioux City visited a dls
reputable den nt 213 North Ninth street at
o'clock lost night ana engaged in a ajiarra
with ono of the women , concluding the con
versatlon by shooting her through the lot
leg Just below the knco. I To mndc bis escape
but lu the confusion which followed tbo ana
ho dropped bis revolver and lied without It.
Omaha Mcellcul Society.
Tbe Omaha medical society was to bav
mot In regular session lost uigbt at the Fa *
ton hotel , but the excitement on tbo strec
was so great that tha physicians could no
hear themselves think , so they adjourned t
meet oa oeit Tuesday nlubt.
Norfolk is Promised the Greatest Beet Sttga :
Factory in the "World ,
Ofliclnl Vote oCChcrry County Warehouse -
house ) liurncd nt Fremont A
A crdict of Deliberate
Murder. '
NonrotK , Neb. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tclo
Rram to Tun Dp.n. ] Norfolk baa been vie
torious In securing the second beet sugar fac
tory to bo erected In Nebraska by the Oxnnrc
beet sugar company , To secure it Norfoll
put up n bonuiof $150,000 In cash nnd flftj
acres of land for a sito. The Oxnnrds nprci
In return to build a factory 25 per cent belici
than the ono nt Grand Island and tlio largcs
In tbo woild , and complete It by October 1
1891. Henry T. Oxnard , president of the
company , was hero this afternoon to complete
pleto the negotiations. Ground will b (
broken for the factory early the comlnt
Olllclnl Vote of Cherry County.
ViiBNTivif , Neb. , Nor. 11. ( Special tt
TnnBBK.1 The republicans raodo o clear
sweep of Cherry county. . The following 1 :
thooflkual vota : Klchards 55 * , Boyd 3 U ,
Powers 312 ; Majors 5(51 ( , Dear 37-1 , pcch303 :
Allen G : > 8 , SpiMRiio 334 , Maybcrry 209 ; Den
tonCni ) , Wablqulst 377 , DcatyaoU Hill BM ( ,
Gushing 378 , Wolfe 2fK ) : Hustings. 5U3 , Hlg
glus " > , Ednertou 30 ; Ooudy BIB , 'Hake
straw 370 , D'Allomnnd SOL ; Humpbroy 5IT (
Bigler37l ( , Wriaht30J ; tJorsey 543f Thomp
son 3i7. ! Kern ttgL State senator WILsor
( rep ) Mil , Stewart ( dem-allltlndfc ) fian Kopre-
sentatlvc-J : It Fee ( rep ) 541 , Would ( dem )
3M. Steele ( ind ) ! J4t ) . Fen la elected ropro
sentativc from the Fifty-second district by W
plurality. Wilson is elected senator by frotc
' . ' 00 to 300 majority.
Tlio republicans elect their entire count >
ticket by pluralities ranging from 117 to 12 < W ,
Ono precinct did not report in time to bo in
cluded iu the ofllclal canvass. They made
their report after four days. The precinct
was rcpuoltcan by a : vote of it to 2 , but Hleh-
ards only received 8 votes- tile other 0 goinp
to Powers. Tim republicans nru * well satis-
lied with the result in Cherry cqunty , having
been enabled by dint Of hard worl : tp retain
their old tlmo pluralities.
For prohibition . against OHO ; /orllcense
210 , o3ulnst391 ; for increase in number ol
judges ( ill , against 145 ; for increasing the
salary of Judges 500 , agaiust 151.
The Woman's SulTntf o Association.
FfliiMOxr , Nob. , Nov. , II. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEK. ] The tenth annual meet
ing of the Nebraska Woman's Suffrage asso
elation opened this evening for a two days
session nt the temperances { omp Among
the noted suffraslsts wrcsent are Susan B
Antliony , Julia B. Nelson , M. Isabella Bond
Clara B. Colby and others * .Miss Anthou )
spoke tonight to a largo audience and pleadet
for universal suffrage with thosamo fervencj
anel eloquence which have characterized hoi
utterances in behalf ot her sex during thi
lost half ccutury. ,
Verdlejt of Dollber.ito Stnrdor.
FORT RontNso : ? , Nob. , Nov. 11. [ Spocla
Telegram to THE BEE. ] The corner , assist
ant district attorney nnd prosecuting attor
ney had the body of the late Private Rufu :
Tate , Ninth cavalry , who was shot by Cokei
on the 5tU mat. , oxhumcd. The Jury foune
that It was a cuse of deliberate murder , jl
girl named Jesse Miller totd the corouer tha :
Cqker was wanted In Kentucky for a' slmilui
DivGnndy Bound lr Trial. ,
PAWNEE , Neb. , Nov. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bcc. ] Dr. ( Sandy of Richard
son county , who bos been once sentenced , t (
the penitentiary and escaped serving the full
term on n technicality , has been bound ovei
to the next term of court in ' 3,000 bonds
Judge Apploget Informed his attorneys thai
tbo case must go to trial at the next term a
couit. _
Swelled thc-Omalta Jnblloe.
P riLi.tos' , Neb. Nov. 11. [ Sncclil Telegram -
gram to THE BEE. . Over ono hundred Jubil
ant democrats , headed. by tlio P.ipllllou band
boarded the special train for Omaha thl ;
evening to celebrate the election of theic first
democratic governor. The anti-prohibition
ists also joined into celebrate- the defeat ol
prohibition. _
\YarulioiiHo litirncd at frcmnnt.
FJIEMO.NT , Neb.Nov. . 11. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HUB ] , A , warehouse bclongint
to the Fremont canning factory waa burnot
tonipht at 10 o'clock. A prompt response bj
tbo tire department saved the main building
aajolning. Thoflrols supposed to bo of in
cendlary origln. _ _ . ,
Valley District Court.
Onn , Nob. , Nov. 11. [ Special to Tim Bnn. ]
Tbo fall term of tha district court foi
Valley county opened this morning , Judge T
C. Harrison on tbo bench. There nro 12 !
coses oa the docket the grcntest uurnber foi
any term in the county's ; historyTBoy are
all civil cases. _ ' a
York County Bench Vncaaoy.
YOIIK , Neb. , Nov. 11. [ Sposlal to Tui
BEBJ The election ot JUdgo. Dates , , county
judge of this county , to the 'district bench ,
will necessitate th < i calling p'f another eleo
tion to fill the vacancy made , as Mr. Bates
uiiexplred term will exceed ono year.
YOKK , Neb , , Nov. 11. [ Special
B UK. J Pia trie t court convened" in tUla-cit ;
yesterday. Thcro arc 128 coses 'on ? ha"cal
eudar. . _ _ '
A $25OOO Flru at 8stoiLx"pnll8.
Sioux. FALM , S. D' : , Nov. 11. [ Specia
Telegram to TUB BKE. ] A flre broke ou
In George W. Burnsido's .transfer andll er ;
barn on Tenth street at an early hour thli
morniucr. Tbe twenty-flvo horses in thi
lower basement wcro cremated alive nnd no
a single vehicle was saved : from , the tiro. * Thi
flro spoad eastward , . coasunilnK , ) .clectrii
company's ' car shed and the Riverside board
Ing stable and was stopped when 'ther ' liamei
reached the Troy city lauriejry.l' ' .wbicl
was partially destroyed , i u.Inthi
Riverside ) barn nine horses wcro bnrned
The lire spread with lightnlugraptdfty. Thi
total los to the various proprietors.Is csti
mated ntfJ5,0)0. ( ) Burnsldo. wjio. lost every
thing in his stable , puts his loss at $15,000
with I'JO.OOO iiisuraiico10,000 In'oacn of thi
following companies ; Sun , PhbcnrxriAVest
ern of Toronto , Gcrmaula , Aetna , Hartford
Lancashire , Qncon and Kivoroiile. The ban
loss Is $4,000 , on the buildinnnd ? 3,000 01
stock and horses. The origin of the lire 1
unknown , -
. 4 .
I > eollneV ( tlio Grand Vlzlor'6 OlTer. .
CossTANTixorLB , Nov. 11 , [ Special Coble
gram to Tun BEB. ] The grand Vizier has of
fercd the Greek synod to issue an cdlc
granting- the church its privilege's "ai
antiijuo ; also , when the churches ura re
opencit and the patriarchs resumed , hi
duties to U50 every endeavor to oblige tb
Bulgarian clergy to adopt a distinctly
dress. The synod declines to accept niloh ui
arrnuiroiacnt and insists that thaBulnarla :
clergy bo duclarud schismatic.
Ilotrayed Sppctntops. . i
IJonux , Nov. 11 , Threatened evictions 01
the Olpucrt rstato began at Ardberg thi
momlng. A foroo of heavily nrnicd'pbliccmo ?
wcro on the grouud. Sixteen fumlllos/fcoii
prising 100 persons , were ejected tioin the !
lionics. A number of Engti'ib ' visitors wil
nessed the evictions nnd aftcrwapls heli } , ' a
Indignation meeting denouncing actlbuby tli
owners of the estate , ,
Staiilcy'w Iloinuncrntion.
NK\V-YOHK , Nov. H. Henry M. Stnulo\
the explorer , was tpadcrod n reception t
night iu the Metropolitan opera. house , No\
Yorlr. Society was represented by its bos
clement. There were at least 3SOO person
present and they came to servo a doublepui , namely ! 4To welcome the , bpro",5f th
Jungle back to civilization and to assist fluat
clallv tbo convalescent homo nt Summit , N
.T. , tha mannireJrs \ > f whtcli , witli Rtanlov'i
ponnlsMon org ilrc d tbo reception. Stanloj
was glvon Ki,0)0 ( ) for tbo evening and the bal
nneo oftno roMMjtta wMch amounted In nil te
814,000 wcro gHcA to the homo. Cbauncoj
111. Bcpow IntryiWecd Stnulov with n warn
coinmcndntlon'orids and pluck nnd thi
lecturer was w | mly received. The tltlo 01
the looturo was "i'bo rescue , of Kmln I'asbu
ttio forests plgliiU * and ttio march across the
de irt. " The tbcturo wni. extremely inter
eating. "
WASIIIXOTOXNov. . 11. Secretary WlniloR
said this ovcnlHp that Tils latest luformntlor
from Wall str'cxt ( was that the situation wai
Improving , witU Ind Icittlons that tlio worsl
was over. Ho defncd { to say whether ten
treasury department would or would not de
anything for the relief ot the money market ,
but admitted that h * vyns glvlmj the mattoi
serious consideration. The department , be
snld , stands ready to redeem 4J < fpor ecu !
bonds to the extent of Its resources , but If
not ready to niako any overtures tc
holders of 4 par cent bonds. The roc
rotary said further that the recent bcavj
disbursements bad reduced the available
surplus to $ 9,000,000 , and It was a question Ir
his mind whether this small working balance
could bo still furl her reduced with safety tc
tbo business of the department. It is true
the iintlonul banks hold $ 2,000,000 of the
public funds , but ho did not care to disturb
these deposits nt present. In explanation ol
the small surplus the secretary said that dur
ing tho. period from. July 1'J last to October 31 ,
there ; was disbursed from the treasury S100-
000,000 through the purchase of bonds and
interest payments nnd ST 0,000,000 on account
of pension payments which , together with
tbo issue of tieiuiv $13.000,000 iu now notes
for the purchase ot silver mada the total
amount of money put In circulation $103,000-
000. "These disbursements , " snld the secre
tary , "woro 470,000,000 iu excess of tlio total
receipts during the same time and I venture
the assertion that there never- were before in
times of peucu such , heavy Investments In the
same space of time. "
Tlio First Hnlvndorlnu legation.
tCopj/rfuM / ism lu Jamea Otirdnn ncmirtt.1
ACAPUI.CO , Mexico , Nov. 11. [ Now York
Herald Cable Special to Tun Bun. ] Ocn-
oral Benjamin Moline Gulrpln , rialtfadorlan
mlnlstorto the United States , Is'a passenger
aboard the Pacific Mail steamer Son Jose ,
which has sailed for San Francisco. General
Guirola will establish the first legation In
Washington that his country has ever had
there. On.rcaching San Francisco ho will go
direct to Washington , when } the state de
partment has been fully Informed of the in
tentions of Salvador to establish a legation.
It Is stated that as soqn as Gen. Guirola Is re
ceived by President Harrison no-will ask the
United States government to establish a le
gation nt the capital o'f San Salvador.
Railway anil fitciunshlp Association ,
ST. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 11. ( Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] Tha first meeting , a call fet
which was issued by the Western Railway
and Steamship association , was held hero to
day. Thirty-sir subjects , all pertaining tc
freight rates , arp to , bo considered and final
adjournment -will probably not bo had foi
some days. A fair ! representation was present -
ent at today's meeting , though some of the
members -wero delayed on tlio railroads. * The
business today consisted in making the mat
ter ot the adjustment of Galveston to Toxaa
common points the ilrst order of business and
in the considerati6u , of rates on rails fet
street nnd othct .railways , upon which no
final action was Uttcn. The meeting then
adjourned till tomorrow morning.
Tlie Preneh Deputies.
PAIUS , Nov % ' . ) P-SpeciAl [ Cablegram tc
Tim BEE.I In' ' the chamber of deputies
today M. Chiche , & Boulangist , advocated
the suppression of the secret service vote on
the ground that it was employed to corrupt
the electors. Mi.pohstanco , minister of the
interior , replied , ( that the secret ser.vicc
moneys were exclusively employeil for the
purposes of tha seoDcf-police ana the. mem
bers of that body were not electors. The
government , ho said , uhliko certain parties.
bad not the meansto cnablo it to expend
millions to nay 'Its election expenses. The
secret service vote was passed 3 10to 120 ;
The committee havinir the matter In charge
rejected M. Moteu's bill imposing1 taxes entitles
titles of nobility-
- 1
lie is Not 1 nacott.
CHTCAOO , Nov. 11. Three damapo suits ) fet
5100,000 each were began in the circuit court
this afternoon by Albert J. Stone against
Mrs. Cella Snell and her husband , Albert J.
Suell. For several days the local , papers
hnvo been publisHlng.'comtnunicttion.s and In
terviews with tbo defendant , in which Stone
claims there are very strong insinuations
that he was the murderer of his father-in-
law , Amos J , Suell. 'Ike attorneys do not as
sort that the charges are open , but insist that
anyone reading the'urtlcles cannot help con
clude that the defendants accusoStono of the
crime for which William Tascott Is supposed
to bo in hiding.
Now York Train Wreckers.
NB\Y YOKK , Nov. 11. Another attempt at
train wrecking on tbe Now York Central was
made tonight. At Ono Hundred nnd Forty-
first street some person or persons took t
stout sapling and with pieces of wlro rope
tied it to the- ends to the opposite rail anO
fastened it so securely that It formed a com ,
pleto obstruction. About midnlmit a down
freight struck the ( obstruction and .the
cngina was thrown from the traclr. Had not
the train been moving- slowly loss of life
would.certainly have followed. As It was nc
one was injured. *
Tcxnns Unnipant.
BASTHOP , 5ox , , Nov. ' 11. Sam Smith anel
three brothers named Jenkins , had a dlflli
culty on election * day. Smita met th <
Jenkins boys last night accompanied by thcli
father and the trouble was renewed , Smitt
being the aggressor. All drew their revolvers
vers nnd a general fusil ado followed. Aftei
the smoke cleared ii\vay it was found- thai
Smith was dead with half n dozen bullets ir
his body. Old man Jenkins was piobablj
fatally and one of the sons slightly Injured.
Must Not Vote.
ROMB , Nov. II. A. socialist nicotine1 , noli ]
"near Ravenna today , culminated In revolver ;
nnd' knives being fieely used , Ono man was
killed and a number were Injured. The "Vnt
icnn authorities have given notice that thi
servants of the * , church who vote in the com
ing elections will be deprived of their cmolu ,
meats. fffj *
Nnw Yonit , Novj It Tlio directors of the
Puritan athletio cjpjb tonight aecided U
postpone the match , iietweon Smith , the Cole -
o ratio champion , 'Aid Godfrey , the colored
pugilist , for two v 0 fts on account of the car
pouters' work onmcj'plub ' bouso being incoiu
pleto. , Vv. .
BERLIN' , Nov. tti-o-A Fnmkfort telegram
says the emperor mjimade { a personal gift ol
SiW.OOO to Pi-of.-Koch and another of tin
same amount to ettS&W tlio national Instituti
for the production's sf the autl-consumptioi
lymph used in KoeTi'y process ,
LONDON , Nov. UrA dispatch to tha Time :
about the ovleUcjU ays. that In tbo bouse ;
where eviction was expected no potutoe
were found but In a 'houso whom the evlc
tlons weru not- looked -fpr two tons of excel
lent potatoes wcro discovered.
Gold Tor Brazil.
LOXDOX , Nov. 11. Tbo National Bank o
Brazil has shipped 000000 ; in gold to It
London branch. The gold is duo in Loudoi
curly lu December. ,
Drowned lu the Ferry.
VIBXKA , Nov. 1J. AC ferryboat capsizoi
near Biszttltz today and llfty-nvo peasant
were drowned. It was overloaded with men
wagons and horses.
A. AVcalthy wulclilc.
CHICAGO , , Nov. IU MIcbuol J , Sullivan , i
wealthy contractor , suicided today wbll
temporarily livsauorum ill' health.
The Excltomcat Draws Mora Brokers 01
'OLango Than for Years.
Two Prominent Finns Forccel. to tlic
AVall Tlio Close in Ijomlou Very
JCxcltlnc anil Prices Leap
ing Upward.
Nnw YOUK , Nov. 11. Thcro wns a largei
attendance of brokers on the exchange this
morning than thcro has been for years
EVcry stock oiithellsthnd u crowd of broken
trying to trade In It , nnd when the market
opened there was a sccno of excitement nnO
confusion. Cables reporting an advance It
Londoii wevo received before the opening
and caused brokers to tnko the bull sldo nni
n disposition to buy wns shown all around
The largos U crowd was in St. Paul , whtel
opened 36 per cent above yesterday's close
Heavy and unexpected selling by London
however , drove the price down from 47' U
Ui . The general list followed , and for r
few moments the weakness of yesterday was
experienced , but heavy buying orders
soon bcqan to coma in and on uc
tlvo business an upward movcmotil
began. Sugar opened up 2' per cent on the
appointment of H. O , Hnvomoyor , S. V ,
White and General Slocum us receivers , am !
moved up to 57 , then reacted to . "w , but wns
soon "oneo moio soiling at fi7 , North Amor-
lean was u weak point la the market , opening
at 'JT'tf , and In sir minutes declined to Ul
nnd then slowly advanced tofji ,
At 10:50 : the suspension of Chnilcs M ,
Whitney , a prominent brckcr. was announced ,
The llrm ruprescn ts hero the Whitney National
bankof New Orleans and some other finan
cial institutions of the south. Tbo firm la
composed of Charles M. Whitney , Edwin S.
Lurcher and Frank M. Lurcher. After the
announcement of the failure of C.M.Whit
ney nnd the break in North American , tbc
market rallied on receipts of private tables
announcing that . ' 1.000,000 in gold were on
thu way to London from the continent and
that tbe money market was easier. Vauder-
bilt's brokers wcro heavy buyers of i/nion
Money was tight , with no offers and 20 pet
cent' bid. The stock market after 11 o'clocli
showed a moderate volume of businesH In
comparison with the sales the first hour ; anil
while a. llrm tone prevailed , the highest
prices of tbu first hour were not In all cases
maintained andKendingand Burlington were
conspicuous for weakness , whllo Louisville &
Nashville ) and North American dlaplavcd the
most strength. Union Pticiilu yielded from IS
to 4i ) % ' , but was afterwards held f.iirly
stendy at something above 47. There were
some sales under the rule for the lu-count ol
Whitney & Co. The market showed some
tendency to yield In the last hour , and at 13
o'cloclbit was active nnd heavy , generally at
fractious under the opening prices.
There was a panic at a p. m. among the
holders of Villard stocks and prices for North
American and Northern Pacific preferred
declined I2) < j per cent from the opening.
The failure of JUecker , Howell & Co. has
been announced on the stock exchange.
rjAs&ignco Cromwell said this afternoon , the
liabilities are about $10,000,000 nnd tbo assets
at the present market price will largely ex
ceed that sum. The liabilities duo are almost
entirely to Banks and bankers ou loans made
lu tbo course of business and are well se
cured The cause of the suspension was the
inability to borrow the necessary amount of
cash required in the day's business. The
firms transactions were verv largo , it being
necessary to borrow several millions dally.
The firm had abundrnt collateral
today and It was not for lack of security , but
inability to make It available that caused the
crash. It Was simply a matter of absolute
inability to get mnnoy on the best securities
owing to the extraordinary money strlgoncy
now prevailing. As securities are a spccfiil
line , there may bo a disposition on the part
of creditors to sacrifice them in the market ,
butsuch ft course would bo suicidal , Ii ! the
creditors have the good Judgement to hold the
securities they will bo amply protected. "
The flrm of Decker , Howell & Co. was ono
of tha most prominent on the stock
exchange. It was Identified not
only with Villard stock * but with the
Standard Oil Interests as well , aud
also curried accounts of some of the largest
stock operators in Chicago. After their fail
ures was announced large sales for their ac
count were made under tbo rule In the
Edison general cleelric stock , forcing It
down ! )4J ) points. . Larpo amounts of Great
Northern , preferred. Northern Pacific com
mon and preferred , North" Americ m , Mani
toba , Western Union , Wisconsin Central and
Missouri .Pacific also sold , causing a de
pression of thoao stoclcs.
Trading in tbo stock market after noon was
marked by an aopnrent withdrawal of all
support ana. specially a vicious attack by the
bears upon Villard stocks , which brought
about the most rapid and disastrous drop of
tha present decline. The forces of the bears
wore concentrated against the Northern
Pacific preferred , that stock before a p. m.
baying boon forced oft over 10 per cent , roach-
lng.tM against ( SUntnoon 'Ilio rest of the
market sympathized to some extent with Sf.
Paul , showing the most wcnKiibss outside of
Villards. It retired to 46 ( f from 48 , all tha
active stocks losinK probably as much. There
was a fractional reaction towards Lpm. but
a steady drag in Northern Pueillc preferred.
accompanied by rumors of a noted Villard
house being in financial difficulties , such-that
the entire list soon became demoralized. Tne
losses from noon rcocheel an. average of 1 to 3 ,
There wa& a perfect panio in Vlllards nnd
Northern I'aclilo common lost 37Jf.
North American dropped to 1'JJf
The market showed .somo strength
toward tbo delivery hour and Northern , pre
ferred , rose to 51J4 but at 3:15 : the market
was weak with most of tbe list prices at the
lowest prices of lira day. Just after Ulfl :
Dcclcr , Howell & Co. uinda nn assignment ,
The ilrm Is onb.Of . the largest ; on tbo ox-
clmninJ'nnd ' considered very wealthy. It hat
been identified for yearA with the movement
of.yillard stocks and has been generally con.
sidered "Vlllnrd's. special , brokers. The fail
ure coiisidoriirt n cloiiel that was b angina
over tlioinarkel/nnd after it was announced
a rally of-jtjo 3 occurred.
At-:55p' } : . m. Uio .failure of Dnvid Richmond
mend was announced OH the stock exchange ,
The stok market remained very active in
the last hour and heavy sales wcro made
under the rule. Omaha preferred dropped
from bU to 70 wbilo North American touched
13 % and .sugar that bad sold at 58 dropped tc
54. The pressure ) , was abated toward the
closfJ and few marked recoveries took place ;
Cleveland , . Columbus , Cincinnati & St. Louis ,
St. . Paul and Union Pacific boinp ; the most
conspicuous. The market finally closed
activu and firm at tbo lowest prices of the
day , _
A Dank Statement.
NEW ORUUNS , Nov. 11. Irr answer to ia
nuiry the Whitney National bank has Issued
a statement which says the suspension of C.
M. Whitney & Co. of New Vork onlj
effects , the bank to the extent of $235. Thi
Whitney .National . bank Is not now , nor has
It ever been- directly or indirectly intcrestec
In tlio'dofunct flrm or its transactipns.
Philadelphia Touched.
Piiii. niii.iiiUA , Nbv , 11. The stock brok
era o flrm of Naar & Friend bos suspcned
Their embarrassment was caused by tbo con
tinned drams produced by the active market
of the past ton days. The llrm hopes tht
suspension will bo only temporary. They are
unatilo yet . .to nuke a statement of asset :
and liabilities , but It is thought they will fc
Tlio firm has been long or the markc
lately , especially ot Northern Pacifies , whei
these stocks broke badly today , on nccoun
of the failure of Decker Howell & Co. o
New Yorjt , Nitrr & Frlisnd culled upon i
number of customers for margins but tho'
failed to .respond nud thu firm could no
carryoutJtn contracts. This evening It 1
stated SJS.DOO will cover their differences
The exdltonfunt of the New York stock , ex
cbniiKo was rcltccted to a considerable ) dc
greo In the exchange of this city today , bu
no further failures are anticipated.
A. Doom ut Ilonton.
Bowov , MoM.Novll. Quotations opcuei
booming and about 3 per cent higher thai
lustnfalit , A further slight improvemon
was made , wuen tno news of tha failure li
New York was received aud prices fell ofl
Trndochanpod for the bettor ORnln nnd nt 1
p. m. tbo market was flrm at the opcnlna
( Wees.
At times the excitement ran high nnd tbc
crowds at the local boards wow lurffor than
for years past. There was , however , very
little of the panicky feeling manifest that
prevailed yesterday. Although prices runKcd
widely they were nbova yesterday's figures
nnd altogether tbo foellng showed a bettor
nud more hopeful temper.
The financial Aspect In London.
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to
Tint BEE. ] The Evening Post , In Its finan
cial article , says :
There was a general and Important upward
rCBctlou in the stock market this morn Ing
which was entirely duo to the Improvement
In tha financial aspect In London , Knrty
private cables announced tlmt JCJ.ROO.OOO In
gold was on the way from the continent to
tbo Bankof Knglanel , nnd that confidence
hud consequently been to a largo extent re
stored. Money wai easier thcro , and al
though at first quoted at ( I per cent lu the
morning , was 41 for bankers' balances be
fore 8 o'clock , London time. These favora
ble reports were corioborated by cnrly Lon
don prlcoi for American stocks before tbu
opening of this market , which wcro all from
1 } to 3 < tf points higher than the closing
llRurcs hero last night. Up to tl o'clock , ,
New York tlmo , Itwas not known positively
whether this gold was coming from Paris , ,
but the presumption was that It was from
there , and also to some extent from other
European financial cenUirs. Of course thisi
caused a strong upward reaction In the stock
market here , which in the first hour ranged
from % to 2 per cent cu nearly nil nctlvo
stocks , though the market was extremely
wild nnd Irregular In movements ot different
stocks. One ot the most notable exceptions
was that while the majority of ether stocks
advanced from 1 to'J poInU , Lake Shoio
went down D-J..Nbrthoni Pacific preferred
U'i nnd North American RIt w.ia rumored
this morning that the exchange hud declinei"
to a point nt which gold could bo imported ,
but the ! o\\cit selling rnto is ? 4.S. to a pound
for ele-mand bills. No gold cui bo imported
nt that rate , as the price at winch imports
can bo made is ? 1.83"i " or l o lower than the
ruling rate.
A llrd Hot Clone.
LOJTOO.V , Nov. 11. At 12:33 : p. m. the tone
of tlio stock market was bettor , snel comoaral
with lust night's closing prices most of the
stocks show advances. At 'J :30 : p. nu tbo
stock market was more quiet
nnd prices steady. Only ono fnll-
uro has thus far been reported.
Itlsthr.tofa small llrm o brokers. The
stock market was rampant , ut the close.
Everybody was scrambling to purchase se
curities and prices were leaping upward ut 'J
percent a bound.
Toward noon an abrupt change from the
ploomy feeling- was caused by the semt-ofll-
cial announcement that larpo amounts of gold
were coming from Pmls and moro was ex
pected from liussiu. Preparations for settle
ment ut once energetic. Money be
came easily borrowed nt (5 ( per cent. Loans
in many unexpected instances were repaid
nnd the progress of the liquidation of ac
counts in every department promised nt the
close to bo quiet nud favor.iblu. The recov
ery In American railroads rouges from } j to
911 lc Importer * Fall.
Nnw York , Nov. 11. The assignment Is re
ported ot John I. "Walker , Son & Co. , im
porters of silks , etc. They are rated at over
The cause of the' failure was inability ot
Nightingale Bros. & Knight of P.iturson N.
J. , silk manufacturers , to liquidate their lia
bility to tlu > firm. The Paterson llrm owes
Walker Son $410.000 , ot which 9100,000 is
-overdue. Tlio active capital of Walker &
Son for the past two years baa been uooufi
$1)00,000 ) , so that they were unable to with
stand the loss. OwiiiR to the tight money
market ana suspicion concerniuir silk puper ,
caused by several recent failures , tbo firm
was unable to get the usual accommodations
nnd suspended payment. Tbo liabilities nro
about $1,100,000 ; nominal assets , about
91,300,000. ,
An attachment was issued this afternoon
ag-iinst Nightingale Brothers & Knight , silk
manufacturers of Puterson , N. J. . for 81 ,000
iu favor of Walker , Son & Co. The assignee
ot the Walker firm aald tbo attached firm
owes them * HO,000.
A Motion lor Helicf.
Nnw Yonir , Nov. 11 , The clearing house
held a meeting this afternoon in order to issue
loan certificates , without limit , to help out
the Panic of North America , the Northern.
Ulver bank" and Mechanic's and Traders' '
bank. The three banks were short at the
clearing house. $ K)0,000. It is understood the
certificates issueil will bo secured by tbe
stock ot tha bunks and cosh , This action , it
is expected , will make mouoy easy and relieve
lievo the mnrkot.
Nnnhvillo rtncos. , Tcnn. , Nov. 11. The track was
soft nnd sticky. Summary ,
Two-year-olds , flvc-cishths of n mile Ora
won , Llnlitbgow second , Corlmio KInney
third. Time t :0lj : ! < .
Three-year-olds and upwards , six furlongs
Poldmus won , Atticus nocond , Groy Cloud
third. Time 1:18 : .
Three-year-olds and upwards , ono mlle
Bankrupt won , Penu P second , J T third.
Tlmo 1:1(1. (
Two-year olds , five-eighths of a mile-
Whitney won , Vortex second , Rose Howard
third. Time L05Jf. ;
Throe-year-olds , eluvcn-sixteonths of a. mlle
Robin won , Puento second , Maggie B
Mixed Ulntrimony.
CHICAGO , Nov. 11. William J. Miller nnd
bis housekeeper , Mrs. Albert Pallo , a di
vorced woman , were to have be n married to
day , but there was an unexpected obstruction
In the person of a divorced nu-ibnnd. A short
tlmo ago Miller "foil from a lad
der and broke his leg. While
ho was lying In bed today , nursing
the fractured limb and conversing with Mrs ,
Pallo about the coining wedding , Mr. Pallo
suddenly burst into the room und seizing
Miller by the broken leg dragged him from
bed , aiain ; breaking the fracture. Pallo
then seized a hummer und endeav
ored to bruin his rival , but Miller
defended himself vigorously und Mrs. Pallo
joined In the fight , getting possession of the
hammer and using It ou her former husband.
When tlio police came in and stopped tlio
llKtit they lound Miller fatally Injured , Pnllo
Ing a serious condition and Airs. Pallo
sltutly Injureu.
nicsur/r FATALLY ,
Ijo-.vlu Accidentally Shoots
HIniHcir in a Saloon.
George Lewis , a young man about nineteen
years old , who lives at ISO I Mudisoa avenue ,
met with an accident last nlnlit which may
cost him Ills life. lie was la "Billy Ilawloy's '
saloon when a colored man came In with two
revolvers with which ho snld ho intended to
help celebrate the election of Boyd. MB.
Ilawloy told him to quit flourishing the 10-
volvors or leave the saloon , but the colored
man declared tlmt the weapons were not
dangerous because they hud oo loads In them.
liawlov- took the revolver * away from the
colored man and laid them on the counter.
Gcnrpu Lewis picked up one of the weapons
aud begun to examine it. A moment luter tl o
report of a revolver startled everybody In the
saloon and young Lanning fell to tfio floor
apparently dcau. But. ho was only seriously
Dr. .Rosowater was called nnd
bud the buy taken to his bomu
on Madison avenue. It was found
that the charge of powder with which
the gun was loaded had struck the young
man squarely in the ear , breaking tbo cartl-
logo und destroying , for tno tlmo being at
uny rate , hU hearing. Dr. Hosewutcr says
that hu could not determine ) definitely
whether the powder Iratf reached tha Inner
car or npU If It has broken the drum nnd
gene Into the middle ear then thorn will bo
danger of brain fever and a very serious and
difficult cane may bo looked for.
'JJia revolver was loaded with shells
from which the bullets bad been ex
tracted. , It will probably remilro two or
throe days to determine just bow serious the
Injury Is. Had the weapon contained B bullet
'it ' would have ( roue straight through the
young man' head.
Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup fnrchll
droa teething produces natural , quiet sleep
U cents a bottlu.
Be Sure
It you linvo mndo up your mind to I'uy
Mood's Sars.ifi.irUl.i do not bo Induced to take
an ) other A Hasten example la
wcrthy Imitation , tells her experience belowi
"In ono More \Uicro I went to buy liood'
Rimpntlll.i the clcik tried to Induce mo buy
tliclr own Instead ot Hood's ; lie told mot heir's
would last longer ; that I might take It on ten
To Cet
days' trial ; that It I did not Ilkn It I need not
pay anything , etc. Hut-ho could not prevail
on mo to ch.ingo. I told him I hail taken
Hood's Sarsnparllln , kne what it was ,
satisfied \\lth It , and did not wnnt any other.
When I began taking Hood's Sarwparllh
I was feeling real miserable wllh dyspepsia ,
aud so weal ; that at times I could liardly
stand. I looked like , a person la consiimp *
tlon. Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo BO much
good that \\otulcr nt myself sometimes ,
and my friends frequentlyipeak of U. " Mug.
KMA A. dorr , Ol Terracu Sheet , liostot ) .
Fold by nlliUitpglsts. JI | ! xfor JW. rropuo.lonlr !
y C. I. IlOOn * CO. , otliccailci , fciwoll , Jta $ .
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
General Sanchez in Complete Possession of
the HonJnriun Capital ,
Orders Troops to the
mice ol'IIIs O'.il Ally A Goner'nl
AVnr In Central America
llmnelt }
L.vLuminAi ) , Nov. 11. [ Now , York Herald
Cable Special to Tun Hun. ] During the
night nnd his forces , who were sur
rounded In one of tha wards of Taguclgnlun ,
withdraw from the capital. They fought
through the lines , nnd exactly where they
have taken up their headquarters h.xs not
been usccrtiitued. They nro being piirsued
by soldiers sent after them by general
Longinos Sanchez , who Is now In complete
possession of the capital , nnd appears to bo
master of the situation.
It U understood Sinchoz will tit onca de
clare a da facto government ami send reuro-
scntutlvos to Salvador , Costa Uica , Nicaragua
gua- and possibly to Mexico and to the
United States. Sanchez , on tlio death of
Celio Areas , a man of remarkable intelligence )
and inllucncc. became the central and leading
enemy of Dogr.m , nnd It appears that his
pronuiicIumcnUi became effective , though
IH-ogan , expecting President Barillas ot
Guatemala to send him troops , put down the
Under the most favorable circumstance
Honduras cannot , when nil itii pnoplaaro of
the same mind , place over tlfUicu thousand
armed mon iu the field , and in the present
troubles moro than ten thousand cffuctlvo
soldiers , including these enlisted ou both
sides , cannot bo ruiued.
It is n common rumor hero that Brogan baa
establisheel communication with Guate
mala and Is In cons Unit communication
with Darillits , Thuro scorns to ha good ground
for a report that the latter Intends to aid bis
old ally with tbo army of Guatemala. A pri-
vnto cipher dispatch over tlio lino. *
from Guatciun'.a brings the Information
Barillas lias sent a thousand soldiers from thi )
frontier to nld jlogruu in recapturing
Tuguclgalpa and restoringordci'iu Honduras.
The greatest excitement prevails in thu
Guatemalan capital nnd another largo war in
procictcel. Conservative people censure thu
net of sending troops to Honduras ami pro-
dieCn general war in Central America. ThtT ,
peuco treaty which was to have been arranged
and signed between Guatemala and Salvador
lu October remains unsettled business aa yet
owing to tbo fact that Bun-ilia * cannot gu o
any satisfactory explanation as to what be-
camu of the Siilvadorlau prisoners iu the re
cent wur. The Spanish und American minis
ters , owing to this question , are not on the
best of terms and the relations of Bulvndor
and Guatemala nro struined.
Several cabinet meetings hnvo been held
ever which President Ectn presided. The
full facts In regard to the report that Burillas
bad bent troops to intervene in the affairs o
Honduras were considered and the opinion
prevails that orders will bo issued to troops
on the frontier by President Kzota to march
nuel to Intercept the Guatemalan troups. A
martial spirit still prevails hero nnd every
body considers It'ueeessary to move unit that
troops shiUl bo bent to hcail off the Gunto-
maluSi army if It is really on Its assist
Bogran , believing that in the present Internal
wur Honduras should bo left to settle her
own destiny. If this Idea Is carried out a
general Central American war cannot bu
averted. * * _ .
Ad v In OH Strict Neutrality.
[ Cn ; > ifcM / / lltkllin .htineg Oonlnn Itc.inirJt. }
QUATKMILA , Nov. U.Now | York Herald
Cable Special to Tun BIK. ] It h stated
hero thut General IguacioAlatorru , tbe Mexi V
can minister , has represented to the Guate
malan government that in the interest ot
pcaco und to prevent complications In Cen
tral America which might have disastrous
results , Guatemala should maintain strict
neutrality in tha Honduras revolution.
A socialist Arrctted.
BEiu.tsNov. . 11. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB JlKK.1 A socialist shoemaker named
BaglnskI , of this city , has been arrested for
lecturing on anurclilsm.
SulInn of 2im/.il > .ir Decorated. ;
LONDON , Npv. 11. [ Special Cablegram to
THE BKB. ] Queen Victoria lias sent to thu
sultan of Zanzibar the decoration of the order
of the Star of India.
Kplilcinio of InlliM'ir/a.
Br.iti.iN. Nov. 11. [ Special Cablegram to
Tun DUE.J Influenza Is spreading In Wur-
tomburp. Several schools have DCCII cloied
on account of tbo epidemic.
Absolutely Pure.
A. ere m of tartar buUtm powder.
f loiivenlng trangtb-U. B , dortrniatut
oort Aua.