Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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1'iti' 1'ni fiti * Tiin "iiiniMrro
Another Sensational Day in Wall Btreet
Spreads General Demoralization.
Com Closes Bomcwlint Ilcitvy Fur-
tlicr Jlccllno in OaM I'rovlslous
Utiscttlcil Tlio Day In the
Stock Exchange.
Nov. JO.-tSpcclal Telegram to
TIIP. HnK.j-Tlio wheat market Jintl ninny
things tiRalnst It today. Tlio chief bear Inllu-
cnees wore tlio doinorall/atlon lit block * tit
Now York , nnd danger ot ( allures In flnanclnl
circles In tlio east anil abroad | later In tlio
Ouy Ilio vMblu supply HKIIIGS showed nn In
crease exceeding Iho estimate ; stocks In coun-
Iry elevators In the northwest wcro also
largely Increased. Tlio clay opened with trutlo
completely iinsclllcd over Wall Bli pet re ports ,
where Ilio break In value's over night wiislho
most general In years. Trouble was nlso ex
pected at lloston , growing out of n decline In
copticr pharos abroad. Tim wheat market
Blurted wllli s'lles for December nlltliu way
from OTUcduwn lo 07 ! < c , wllli 07c ! a fair open
ing price , and May (1.01 tgl.04 ! { . As soon as
tlio Hurry was over tlio market became llrm
and Hindu u fair recovery to Itso ! { for Decem
ber and J1.0I' for May , or Jnst ! ip under the
close Saturday for rach month. When the
market paused at those Ilgurei , attention was
again turned to the stock market und lo the
posted ropoits on the visible wheat. Now
York Increased Its wheat IKB.OOO bushels ,
Minneapolis 437,000 and Chicago 83,000.
Tlio total visible supply Increased 1,401,000
titiBlicls. Country elevators In Minnesota anil
the Dakotns Increased their stocks 1,400,000
bushels for the week. Receipts : it Minneapo
lis and Diilulh today woio 017 cars ; Chicago
litiil 18- eats , or CO cars ever Hie estimate.
Utiylng by I.ogan , t Co. und Hoyden kCo. was
atoppcd , and when wheat was olloreil It round
no taker * . A few houses began Milling. Ditn-
Imin & Co. wcro conspicuous ; Lamson sjld
ficcly ; lliitohlnson began felling ; bears
turned In nnd sold , and a sharp decline fol
lowed , December bold down I'/le from the top
point to WIc , and May diopprd to ? I.O.'IJ .
There was a rally to 07U for December urul
tl.04i ! forMny , nnd the market became moro
settled ut about le tinder the closing prices of
lu t'week. . Cables nero not a faclorlntho
murkot ntiiny time. Thuro was some roiov-
cry In wheat the last half hour , and utllio
oloso nccember wan ? * o lower and
May but ' , { 0 off from Saturday. Units ap
pear to bocry cautious , but ptedict
big things with a little oiitsldo help.
December rallied toOTS'oand May toJI.OIJi at
the close. November sold ut UO o and olT to
( Go , closing ut OuJtC. On the ourh privileges on were very ohuiiKeablo. Puts
sold at 00'io to l)5gc ) ! to POe ut U p. m. , when
culls woroOOc.
Corn showed enough strength at one tlmo
early In the day to sill ! io ever tlio eloslng
price 011 Baturday. The irado evpocts : i bull
ish showing lu the overtimoiit report due this
nf lornoon. Tt Is coiilldenlly bcllovoil that the
avciago vIclU will bo under tucnty bushels
per aero mid It will need to bo OM'II les to
hold up the market to Its present pitch.
Liverpool sent strong cables early , quoting
liuilzo ! d up on Hpnt and fnturea , It was
reported that Iliilchlusnn was u buyer at
point * . The Inori'iiso In the visible supply was
te.OOO busliclH. The movrment was nownciu
Iniportaiit , May Hold atr le ! to & 4io to .Vi o
and buck to RHic before 1 o'clock. Corn closed
soiucwlint heavy. It was duo to homo ovcn-
IiiKUpIn cettlng rcudy for the CIOD report
from WaslihiKton. At t huolosc n biokor pre-
cllctcd that the ttverago per acre for the coun
try will ho botuccn ID and 0 bushels ,
and thatlt It'o.xcocdi'd 10i ! bushels It would
cause a. bear marUotto follow , At the close
11 ay cor n sold totil c , the low price for t huscs-
Elon , with sales at SlUeafler the hell. The
rarv'o for November was quoted at KlJia to
t&'le , closing utfiJo. December sold At Sl.'ie to
K.4clo 51J4C tufilKe to closo. May com priv
ileges wcro Rprcad from S.'BMHo for puts to Od
Ct-MJio foruallH.
Oala cloied Jio lower for the day for all
months. November wnsquoted ut.4o ! lo4Jiu )
to 42 0 Id 4a'Jo to close ; Decciiibcr , 4'tio ! to
4U ? < oto 4a > ( o toclnflc ; .May. 4Uc to < ( tie ! to4i ! > ie
to closo. Tl.olslblosupply dccroubod 173,000
bushels for tlio wuek.
The innrkut for intt-3 pork was unsettled all
duyaud. whllo thoruugoof prices was wide ,
the change attho close wus not great. All
products onotied weak mul lower on iho re
ceipt of 40,000 hogs at the yards and only uo
percenter the hogs desirable. 1'ork was ut
lll.72i ! for.lunuary , with May 7Ho lower at
C1U.50. There wan an iiii < i.\iieetpil udvaueodur-
luRtho niornliiKon buying by Dunham & Co.
and other bull houses. The prices were car-
rlodup tofllMiii for January uud JI..OSJJ for
May , A bliurii break of about & followed before -
fore noon , and on n slight rally the prices
Closed iiUll.UO for January and $12.70 for May.
or about 1.1o hlghor. hard closed -io ! under
the best prices at SO.IS for Doeeiiibur , $ ti.4U for
January and $0.t > 5 for .May. lUbs closed about
OpenHigh - LowVostor -
Month. Ing. cat. ost. Close , day.
Deo. . . . t l)7 ! $ UN'S ' W1V $ H7i $
May. . . . l u4 i ci ? , i iia.s i oiu 0j
May. . . . . . t > 4'j ' Ma ! 64 j 5Ii ?
May. . . . . 4.V 48o 45'i M < i 40 3 {
Jan , . . . . .11 T5 12 03 U 7215 11 00 11 70f
May. . . . , .K & 0 12110 K GO 12 70 f
I , A HI ) .
.Ian , . . . , . 6 ar G i.'ii n : tr c 40 finr
Muy. . . . . . G 1)0 0 00 0 82i ! 0 83 0
Jan , . . . , . 5 73 f > & ! 5 75 5 77J ! fi
May. . . . . , G 22JJ 0 'Jtm 0 22J5 0 23 C
I'UTS ANIi CAII.3. Puts-Wiittllfl.'g. OalIs OS'4'ilOOi. (
OlilCAno , Nov. 10. ISpoclul Telegram toTnn
IlEE. ] OArrr.K-Tlioro was little or nothing
now In the onttlo trade. Salesmen that liul :
good und snltablo etoolc were enabled to sol
curly and nt urlcos that were cqtiully us good
as at tlio close of lust week and , ou tlio Otlio
hand , stock that wus nut suitable niul there
wusulonty of. that quality drugKOtl ulon ? all
dny and oolil at till sorts of prices ; none , how
ever , any lilfilicr tlmii last wcolc , nnd liitoiuo
lnbtaiict'3 u bliutlo lower. Native butchers' '
Block opcnotl as low us nt liny tlmo lust ueok ,
nnil as low us at any tlmo ilurlng the year ,
TlioslocKur nnd fcodor trndo hud not yet
opened up for the , but there Is little erne
no cluinco for tiny Improvement In prlecs. us
the demand Is limited and the number
on Halo largo. To.xuns and rangers
wcro icporleil stonily , Twmity-threo unr
lomls of nrliiio Bteors sold ut Jl.'J.Vic.Vi' ' ) ; Rood to
cholcp. fi.G01cl.lU ; inrdluiii , Jl. 4.50i common ,
To Mill a , t.,15 .UO | raiiKOrs , j-.bC
lloos Demand fair nnd prices stonily on
> rlnio heavy mess pork hois , but u Rood 5o
over on the oidlnary run of mixed and light
in heel , wliloli uinilo up the bulkof tliort-
colpta. Itimgli und cointuon sold uttl.50 > 1.
luritoly W.OS ; fair to jrood heavy , W.K.xiW. . ,
prime Iinavy and butolicr wolshts , $ J.UKll.UO
low at * 4.U ; nstortul IlKhtof 210 tloivn to IN
Ibssoldnt * l.rilKitL3p. largely KI.7S , anil tin
tlngo sort ut HW ; pigs of iuj Ibs avorau'o inn
undor. J-.WitLtKj ; over 1UO Ibs and up to 141
lb3. , a , ' . > J < iW.0.
MfJXAXCf.t.1 ,
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 10. [ Special TclORram to
TiiEliti.1 : ! Kiocics-Tlu week was ushcieil In
with a purely professional and sensational
Block market. A drop hi prices In London
amazed Ilio street early. Tlio decline In Con
sols wus seriously regaidod. Boston added to
thodoinoralliatlonby throwing sloeknvhlcli
wcro supposed to boUrmly hold. The fall In
Copper shares , abroad especially , affected
trade centers nhoro the tnula Is known to bo
bearlly loaded with all classes of securities.
Hero thotoniperof the rooul waa moat bearish.
The action of Gould und Cuinmauk In holding
confurcnces and bolus apparently well pleased
with the Friday and Saturday market adds to
tlio belief thut a dcop-lald manlpulutlon h
nndor all the grout loss In values , and that
funds were oven withdrawn from ImuUs to
make the bearish showing at the end of the
week. The deullncsslnva Saturday afternoon
wore the largest o or seou over night and
losses of fractional amounts were
the exceptions In drops of from t
to 3t ! per cent. The latter In Now Kng-
Jam ! covered nearly the whole active
list. Tlitro HIIS more of H panicky feollug
Mian wai noticed at any tlmo durlnir the ures-
/nt decline und Blocks weru tbrovrn over In
Ilio moat recUu&s luuuuor , causing a most
" and uusettlcd market , but with a
.oacly dpcllno Injviiluos of Bceurltlc .
f tr the heavy openlntt losnix , farther tlo-
Hno4 of from F to 4 percent wcro scored , tlio
uost prominent movement liulng a drop In
tanlmttiiti which , after opening off 4 per cent
tIM , retired 4 per cent fitrthc-r to it ! In tno
rst few inlniiteV trailing. Oilier notlccahlo
ssci worn il per rout In Wfstorn Union , -4 '
n IMilliiiiui , 8 iMlj'jul vlllofc Nnshvllln nnil In
net Ira Mocks material amounts.
'Irin features of early trading were Norlh-
t-slcrii nnil Now Kngland , though the latter
ad already loitU'i per cent on lint trans-
etlon * . Trading reached cnormutH figures ,
ut vrhllo tiic bottom seemi-d to
uvo dropped entirely out of thn
larkot , tlirro c.iiiin a moro quiet
cHlii ? towatd the end of tlie liottr , nnd some
rtocks nctu illy recovered ix portion of the
arly loss I'lou'lu ml , Columbus ( . 'liu'lnnail fc
t. bouU , which had dropped 4'f ' per cent to Ki ,
I lnito68. ? ' 1 ho nmrkcMiowcu'r , remained
u an oxlrcmi'ly foxrrlsh and uiisptlled coti
llion aiuL-il 11 o'clock was less acthe , Unnti-
ithorftnnrlnf activity Ihorewuifiomo covering
fshort slocks and In the hour lo noon prices
allied finite mnlcrlally. Hock Island , i'ipc-
lally , gained all Its curly losi. while other
raniter stocks recovered ' { to I per cent from
jottoin prices , I'oat stocks showed goo.l ral-
yIng power. Trust sleeks were comparat holy
tili't , A plight recovery In stocks about mid-
lay was ot short duration and the selling
over rngcd ngalu late In tlio dny. As part of
ho programme money was hid up to t'l per
cut and closed at a rennnniiblo rale. Stocks
irokn Klrilply la all directions. Sugar Dually
Molded n point * ) Hlgl'Dtir clo od 4'i ofT ut'iTU.
mil l.oulsvlllDt'i lower ntr'j ; Manhattan nnd
< ew Knjil.iiid each closed 4 points lower ; tit.
'aulsuilered severely , cloning at fl'l ' per rent
ess at 411 } . Olhor granger Mhnios wcro off ! ! to
points. I.ackavmnnu lost : int ! 1J4S. ! Total
nl < s \ \ era * > 1UOUO shares ?
The following were the closing quotnt Ions :
7. r . Is regular n.'l Northern I'liilllu , IH
I. S 4 < coupon * I'll do preferred M
) H. < M regular 101 C. i.V. W 10.154
illi cuilpon.IOI ilo profprroil 1.17
. . Illoiisof 'Hi Ill Now VnrkCcntrnl. . . . til
ontrnl 1'm.lllc 29 i' . , i ) . A.I ; in
lilcnuo .V Altoi ISl Iturk Itliiul I > 7H
Chicago , lltirllngtoii C..M. .V ft. I'nil I > t4 }
A. gulnrr 61 iln picferred IOJ
) . . I. . & \V IJI > < Ht. I'nul.l Oinnlm. . . , 'Hi
IllnohContrnl 87 do preferred H )
, . , 1I..V W I'nlon I'nclllc 4I' ' <
< umm ATexaa. . . . . 10 \V. , St. 1 A I' h > l
.MkvHhore 101) ) do ini'fc'rrocl lll'ii '
MIchllEiin Central , . . . Si Weitcrn Union 7ii
Mli uurl I'ocltlc. . . . . U
.EV TlKlit nt CQO per emit ; last loan DC.
I'lllMRMKHOANTILR I'AI'KU ! iQH pori'ellt.
StwiLiKn KXCIIANIIE .Jl.TWi ; demand , HI 8T..J.
Jl 1 11 In- ;
Nr.w VOIIK , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HUE [ The followlus aio the mining
stock quotations :
Alice 193 Ilomostakc . . . . .S.V )
llollc Hi'i Iron Slher 10U
ConI'ul. XVn W > N.H..MO 100
'lurokii Con : ! VI Oicldonlal HI )
JonliKV Curry VH duller Creek 100
Inlo.V .Norcrusj 310
Tlio ColTce Mu rkot.
YOIIK , Nov. 10. [ Special Telcjjram to
TUB HKK.l-COF 'ti-Oplloiis ; : opened steady ,
to5 points up ; closed steady , IVSI5 points
ilown. Sales , Ill.ooa bugs , liieliullnt ; December
$ IT.1017.2. > ; January , * I62 < VIIO.I3 ! ; Pebruary.
lo.T < K ( 1A.lii ) ; .March. tl5.40Ql.Ii.M ) ; April , flS..VtJ
. - > . : W | ainy , JI3.Mat5.l3 ! .func. JIVir215.W : !
spot Ulo quiet , htuady , fair cargoes , 1'JJso ;
No. 7 , 18c.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 10. Oloso Wheat I'lrrn ;
cash , O.Vao ; Uuuuml.or , OT'io ; May. Jl.04i.
Oorn bteutly ; uasli,5y,3ioj Novombof , 517io ;
Miiyr > l.\c.
Oits bteady ; cash , 43o ; Bjoouilar. 43 > ici
Muy , IdJic.
Hye hte.idy at Wc.
I'rlmo Timothy 1'Irm at 1.37.
l'"la1'asy ' at tl.HL
Porlc Steady ; cash , { 9.73 ; January. 111.00 ;
J.aid Meady ; easli , 50.10 ; January. $0.60 ;
31 ay , fu.w.
1'loiir Htislcr : winter patents , $4.00iiJ..00 ;
rliiR patents. J.'i.UXi ( > , " > . : iO ; bailors' , KaxQI.UO.
HulK Meats Shoulders , * . ' ) .5'J ' < 2)"i.O ) ? ! ; short
oli-ar , $ .V7.VW ( a ; nhort ribs , 47.10.
Ilntter-Unchanged ' ; cio.imeryo < 327e ; dairy.
' Unchanged ; f till cream Cheddars SU
© Sie | ; Hats. B'/iiQ ? ie ; VOUIIK Americas , US)1 ! ) ic.
Hides Unchanged ; hc.ivy and light grcon ,
? ci given hldos. 4 ic ; salted bull hides , 4'4c ' ;
nivcn salted eal. " > , TWSot dry Hint , 'dtSoi dry
sailed , 7G c ; diy calf , ® ' ) ! : deaconcaeii,2.'ic.
Tallow Unl'liaiigcd ; No. 1 , solid packcd,4J e.
Kggs I'lrmer ; fresh , WiWlc.
Kecelpls. Shipments.
Klour , bbls litU ; ) ll.OOJ
AVhcat , bil 8,000 ! 711,000
Corn , ou 121,000 101.00J
OutS , bu 203,000 102,000
a lie Vilblo Supply.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10.- The visible supply for
the week 6ndlnK November 8 , as compiled by
the secretary of the Chicago board of trndo Is
us follows :
Wheat IS.f/lO.OOa
Corn 0 , ; > S.OflO
Oats , It.n ! , ooo
Uyo 707.000
Uuiloy . . . . . . . 4,721,000
Nr.w YonK , Nov. 10. Wheat-Receipts , 84.00J
bushels ; o < cports. uO.100. Spot , lower ; closed
stoidlor ; No.'Jrcd , H.lU'uTcl.O.llS In elevator ,
? I.O.ViM.O.VJ allont. tl.04C4I.O.4 ! ? f. o. U. ; options
declined liifjlj.o on tight money , but reacted
? j@ . ' > c , closing llrm ; No. 2 icd , oNovcmber ,
closing nt$1.0.l > i.
Corn Hecclpts , KISMbushel ? : oxtiorts,33,453.
Spot.strongor ; No. 2fcJJ ® . " > OJjo hi elevator , UOiJ
fiJ' o alloat ; ungraded mixed , nuuffioi'ic ; op
tions higher ; November closing utr > ' . ) ' c.
Oats Hccelpts , 1UI , JOO Iinsheli. ; e\norls , 3,000.
Spot , closing steadier ; No.2 white , Jjo ; mixed
wcstorn , 48 i5i3l ; wliltn western , .Wt.)7ci op
tions , higher ; Novemberoloslng utl e.
Sugar Kaw. dull , nominal jiollned , quiet.
Petroleum United closed at 73c for De
IUKS Kancy. firm ; western , 234M30.
1'ork Steady ; mess , (11,2.1.
L'ud Opened weak , closed stronger ; western
stnain , JC.'Al bid.
lluttnr rirm ; western dairy , JOSlOo ; croatn-
ery , lH27 ! o ; Ulitlii , 2-ic.
Chueso Klrm ; light sUlms , 44S7c. !
ST. I.oui8 , Nov. \Vlioat-I.owcr ; cash , 83 ;
December. tKi ! < ® ! > 0sc ; Jlav. .tl.OS ? ; .
Corn Higher ; cash , & ! ffi5lo. } } Options firm ,
May , OPJc.
OatH HIgher ; cnsh. lcj May , easy. 40o.
1'orU-llljjher. * 11.UO.
Iard-DulltJ.lK ) .
Whisky $1.14.
lluttor Steady ; firm for bettor grades ;
others dull ; creamery , J3gtUc : ; dairy , OiiX'le.
MJNNnAi'Oi.13 , Nov. 10. General doolluo In
wheat market ; hind to sell .snmples. homo se
lections taken oaily went faiily , but with
a fresh break the bulk had to go lower or not
sell. Itccolpls , 013 cara ; bhipuicnH , 140
curs Closing : No. 1 * hniili November nnd
on track , OCc ; No. 1 northern , November , Ulo ;
December , Jl.OOH ; May , UiHSe ; on trackOHlo ;
No. 2 northern , November , 80c ; December , O'Jo ;
on track , 8t > S87o.
MILWAUKEE , Nov. TO. Wheat Lower ; No. 2
spring cash , Manic ; Decombcr , S3ic ; ; No. 1
northern , UUc.
Coin Steady ; No.X cash , 5Io.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 4Tc.
I'rovlslons--Qulot. -
1'ork January , { 11.07 } } .
KtNSts CITV , Nov. 10. Wheat-No. S hard ,
cash , Klo bid ; November , SJo ; No. 3 red
aash , 87c bid. ,
Corn Stiongcr ; No. 3 cash and November ,
Oats-Steady ; No. S cnsli , 45 > i(343. ( o.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 10. Whcab Steady ; No.2
red , U7o.
Com Irrogulari No.2mlxeil. now , 512551 } o.
Onts-Enslcr ; No. 2 mixed , 40it4Uc. ! (
Livuuroou Nov. 10. Wlieat Quiet ; holders
oirpr modoriitoly.
Ojrii Strong ; demand poor ; lulled western ,
4a'J ' ! < l per cental.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 10. Cattlo-Kccelpts , 10,000 ;
inibuttled ; iriugiilur ; prime steeis , Ji.oy V-'O ;
others. J..o ) > ; ( ais3 ; Texans , JJ.IS'Q.-.bO ; rangers ,
lloss Uocelpts , 40,000i market steady to
lower ; rougn mul coininon tj.jOiti.73 : ; ; fair
to good heavy , $ , I.W > 2.'U ) . > : prime heavy nnd
butcher wtslghts , JJ.tOiJI.10 ; ll ht
plzs liWtl.OO.
Shoop-Kocelpts , 0,000 ! market slow ; loworj
unlives , Jj.8.vaj.-'Ji weatorns , JI.lUQ4.40i Tax-
uiis , fcdl.25. _
Pt. I.ouis , Nov. 10. Cattle Receipts , 1,000) )
shipments , 100 : market htondy ; fair to
fancy native steers , SJ.is033.U ! stackers and
feeders , $ . ' .003.00.
llo s Itccelpts. 4,203 ; shipments , none :
market lower ; heavy. J-lUMJI.ou : mixed
grades , IJ.50Ga.uOi light. M.coaa.7a.
KANSAS CITV. Nov. 10. Cattle liccolpU ,
7.7UO ; shipments , u.4X ( > ! steady ; btecrs. * ; t.l'.VtJ
11.75 ; cows , ll.WHUMiO ; stoekers and feeders ,
. ' . 'iO ; range steers , ll.tu.r > 0i rungoeows.
Hogs Kecelpts , 0.000 ; shipments , 0,000 | good ,
steady ; others lower ; all unideH , SJ.Ot > iW.'jo.
Sioux OITV. Nov. lO.-ISpcclal Telegram to
TIIH llF.u.-llogj ] Uocolpis , 1'J.V , Qnnllty
very poor und fto higher. Good lionvlea So
hluliur. Quotations , $ J.t 5QJ.lOj bulk , U.75a
031AU.I JI.t/tKETS. *
Monday. Nor. 10.
Estimated receipts ot outtlo. 1,100. ai com
pared with 1.MO , Saturday ami t-l Monday of
last week. The best hooves wcro steady ;
butchers' stock active and strong to lOo higher , *
. llojja.
Estimated receipts ot hogs , 4.700. ui coin-
pared \fltb O.Vti'J Saturday uad 4tr.'l Mouduy
of last week The market was uneven , the
best hogs lOe lotror. others steady to lOo loner.
The general market Is 60 lower. Tlio market
\rnsslow. ThorniigBof the sales was ILIVXit
; u , tlio bulk spiling at U7Xi&l.Ki ( ( ) Ilttlit , ( J.U < rj )
.1.70 ; heavy , t3.Wtk05 ; mixer ) , Jl.SWlbO. The
average ol tholirlcc'i ' puld was I.'J174S ! nscom-
parcdrltli ti.7Tli ; Satuiday und t.l'5 Monday
of lust week.
Kstlntnlcd recolptu of sheep. 217 , ns com-
pin cd with 407 Halnrdny and 2.W ) Monday
of lust \7cck. The market Is steady. Native * ,
J-VJ.VJI.20 ; westerns. K.0034.00.
Disposition or Klock ,
Showing the number of head of slock purchased -
chased on this miirkct us reported by the
wolglimnstor of tlio Stockyards company for
November ;
Swlft.tOo . . . 4in
( U-orgo II. Hammond & Co . . . . . . 72
The Armonr-Cudtdiy packing company. . < 122
I.eo llotlisehlld . 47
Noli Morris . V
Shippers ami feeders . , . ( MO
lion ? .
The Armnnr-Cudnhy packing company . 1/WVi
Uinnlia packing eompany. . . , , , . . . . . . l. tl
Hwlft Co . l.OOG
Clcorgu II , Hammond packing company , . 711
North .VCo . . . . . . 049
Shippers and fcedcis . Stid
Swift & Co 60
Itcprcscntntlvt ! Sales.
No. Av. fr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
21. . 8-.1t 5 fit ) 4. uxr ; i no
I2..t02rt 2 75 47. . 1534 4 70
25..t02a 2 75
L.looa 1 25 . 800 1 CD 21. . 078 105
1..10.UJ . 1 2" . 1ICO 1 60 fl. , 61KI 200
1100 1 i'5 10 IU 1 CO 4..1120 200
ou 1 2.- . UN ) 1 GO 1I1..10U4 200
4..1120 I 23 11. 10.1 1 05 ; i 1020 210
1. 000 1 M ; i..i2 : > o 1 bO 4. .1012 210
1..1170 1 50 7..10U4 1 SO
. ' 104 2. ) . . 000 2 23 48. . 78J 2C2JJ
6UJ 225 00. . 1010 2 40
G. . 510 S 15 I..1220 2 23 11. .1143 2 0
1..1510 125 1..1J03 1 23 1..1410 170
0..1422 1 03
2. . 1435 323
No. Av. Pr.
A. J. Ilolhnoll-
141 feeders : COS K 15
It. K.irb- :
23 steers 1513 2 00
Orimd Valley II. & C. Co-
SjNtCfN Ml 2 15
K. liovolnnd
Ocous , 800 1 C3
! ! ! court 10oO 1 1)0
J , llnloy-
llcows 1100 1 W >
: w cows 1005 1 05
IstL-cr 14bO U SO
A..I. Hothwell-
II bulls 11V1 1 00
0 hulls 1117 1 23
0 slccis Ilb8 2 03
W. lleck-
OCOVT : ) . . ffio 1 ftt
11 steers WM 1 03
8 stecis 14JO 2 83
2 stouts 1490 2 b3
0. T. Myers-
01 steers , Now.MoxIco 1030 2 CO
17stecrs , tailings 1014 1 85
04 teers. Texas ll'4't 2 40
Hlsteors , Texas 1035 2 40
39 steers , NowMe.\leo 10W ) 2 80
I/iir.inilo lllver 0. Co.
llfcedurs 628 2 00
Ulfoodcrs HIM 2 20
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. AV. Sh. I'r.
44 .101 80 $ .1 : w Wl . . . , .2J2 240 M 75
.200 ice : i : ir . .211 377 !
02 221 240 3 40 J20 80
70 . . . .210 2hO II 45 . 2(13 ( KO . ' 180
53 . . . .217 2bO : t 45 78. . . . SUS 109 a sea
. . . . .1U7 120 a 50 CO . . . .SB 280 a 80
41 ' . ' 43 w ) : i oo 07. . . . .2U7 240 a so
TO . .i i 353 77 . . . 210 12J
ffl . .201 3(50 ( 3 M C7 . . , .2.)0 100
US . Mi &o : i 00 ' ' ' . . : wj so
59. . .200 80 : i 00 W ) . . . . .27 40 3 S3
GO . 280 ! l CO f > 9. . . . .251 80 385
73 2.2 . SIO II CO 41. . . . . .270 120 385
211 8J ! l Ui 07 . . . . .2BJ 120 383
05 209 240 3 Ki 112. . . . . .2iO 120
r > 7 242 2JO 3 1.5 . .282 120 3UO
P4 SIM 41) 3 ( id oi ! ! ! ! . .2U ! 80 300
82 2'fl 120 3 (15 ( . .US ! 120 3110
J7 2J7 200 3 70 oa ! ! ! ! . .UJ4 100
01 222 100 3 70 oo. . . . . .232 200 300
07 243 2JO 3 70 07 . . . > 43 31KI
00 2.'J bO 3 70 70. . . , . 'Mi 31U
OS 262 120 3 70 51. . , . .3ia 40 300
H3 218 .120 3 70 40. . . . , .2911 309
M 2JO 3 70 52. . . . , . : BO 300
84 yjj 120 3 72tf 05. . . . , . : iuo 31)0
, , . .224 10 ( ! 3 ' 05. . . . . .2 ! 100 300
02. . . .230 200 3 1 01. . . . .ICCI 340 3 US
200 240 3 75 6'J. . . . , .297 305
120 3 73
. . 70 1 M 91 09 259
. .183 1 SO 90 15.1 ICO 250
' ' 1 75 24O ,127 2 50
IS. . . . . .VM 2 00 O " " ' .2(15 ( 40 250
' ' ' ' 2 00 80" . 12.1 SO 200
; i ! . . . I.'ior 2 10 4 ,2bJ , 40 275
28. . . . . .IDS 07. . . . ,135 , 285
. .109 .102 aoo
. .10J 2 50
No. Av. Pr.
60 natives , tnlxcd g9 4 00
DATES Pcrblan , 5-lb bov. 0c. !
HAISI.NS London layers , Callfornln , per box ,
S2.4ivit2.70 : loose muscatels , California , J2.00 ®
"J.4U : seedless , California , f2-.25'iJ2.r : > ; California
seedless sultans , In sacks , per Ib , Ho ; Cullfor-
nla'muscatcls , In sucks , bje | now Vulentlas ,
MJie ; ondura layers , now. UUc.
NUTS Almonds , 18e : Ilra/lls , 2lo : fllborls ,
13o ; pecans , l.u ; walnuts , 15c ; pcanutcouks ,
Uo : ro.iitcd , 85o ! ; Tennessee ) peanuts , 8e. A
FAHINACKOUS Goons-llniloy , 4o ; farlnn. I5o :
peas , 2'ic ; oatmeal , bbls , $0.50 ® .73i half bbls ,
VJ.2fiQ3.fiO ; macaroni , l lloi vermicelli , 1WJ
He ; rlec , choice. & ' 4wCc ; fancy , UMit7o ; head ,
7e , sago and tapioca , uii7c ; Lima beans , Uo ;
spill peas , lie ; simvliuttl , lie.
CANMiD VEanTAinxs-Tomatocs 3-lb extra ,
$ l,10@l.lj ; a-lb Htandiird western brands. $1.10 ;
gallons , Archer'.s standard , ilOO. Corn-'Flncst
Kiown. (1.0'J ) Oato Oltysnsar corn , very line ,
1.W ; Ullman , 2-lb susnrcorn , $1.20 ! 2-lb extra.
Hoomcr , $1.10 ; 2-11) standard western brands ,
$1.03. Jlushrooms-1-lb rrunch , extra line , 2J
ffl23e ; 1-lb Frcneli , line , 18442'c : l-lbl'rcnchor-
Iliinry , lGlbc. Peas Tres. line , per can , 23c ;
deml-ilno , per can , IGc ; 2-lb sifted , Vl.UO ; 2-lb
early Juno , $1.50 ; 2-lb marrow , blandard
brands , 81.23 ; 2-lb soaked , 730. Strm ? ticans-
2-lbhlgh Rrade , Iteftigco , (1.00 ; 2-lb Uoldcn
wax bonus , OOo ; 2-lb string beans. 80c. l lma
beans ! ! -lb soaked,85o. lloston baked beans
2-11 } Lewis , $1.05 : Crown brands , { I.a. : Swcol
potatoes 3-lb Now Jersey , < I.GU. 1" u in pic Ins
fl-lb. fl.OO , Okra nnd tomatoos-l.C5 ; okra ,
* 1.00 ; Biiccolash. 11.20.
DUIKD Knurrs Turkish prunes , less than
hluls , lix'J , 7c ; original hhds Uo less ; llosnl.i
prunesG-lb boxes , 100 to 110Do ; applesevapo
rated , now rlnij cholco , IJcj ovnporatod
now rliiR prime , 14e ; apricots , fancy. In sacks ,
"Oci blackberries , new , IDo ; raspberries , 25 Ibs
tobox , a4i5c ; currants , now , 5Ji34c [ , origi
nal casks , Jiulcss ; Votizzu currants , extra. In
boxes , O'iC.
COHUAOE Manilla rope All sizes from 7-10
to 1 In , 14c ; sisal rope , all sires from 7-1(1 ( to
In , lOo ; "new processor , " all suea from 7-10 to
In. So. ,
WUAITINO PAPEII Straw , per lb , IfKkl'ic ( , Illie ; manllla II , 43o ; No. 1 , 8c ,
.yi noy , nor mil. SMMTp.
cholco , 43l7c ; goo.1,3 3J2o ; Cuba , baking , Si
itflo ; blackstiap. S0ft22c.
PooA-l'kgs. W ) Ibito box. B > 4'c ; kegs , 4Jo. |
ViNEOAii-30 gr. N. Y. applw elder , lOe ; 1) . S
elder , K'a ; white , wine , r > o ; fancy , fruit , ISe. prime whlto , lojic ; 150 water whlto
12c ; headlight , 13u ; 74 gasoline , lUc.
aS VLSODA llbls , 1'io ; granulated , 2c ; In bbls
WOVE POLISH JJ.OOJ1S.S5 per gross.
IIAO8 Am. , per lee , * 17.75 ; Lowlston , per 100
117.75 ; Union Siiuaic , 40 per cent oit list.
' bos' '
'MAPLB'SUCUU i'br lb 5o cakes , 30-lb boxes
13o ; lOo cakes , : w-lb boxes , U'iic : 1-lb bricks
oO HIM la bov , pur..1 , Uo.
Twisua Ootton twlno , "lllhb. " very flno , H
lb bales , 22o | cotton twine , XX brand , U-U
halef.ltc ; hemp tnlne , > 4-lb bales , Ifo ; an I
twine , 20o ; enndlo wlok , tse : 40-foot cottoi
clothesline.H 40 ; 00-foot cotton clothes line
tl.tft ; MJ-foot elsal lines , (1,75 ; CO-foot Jute
* 1.00 ; wool iwlnes , 8 c.
ri Koaatml Arlosla , 25'ic ; minola ,
2.Mio ; tierman. 23'io ; Ullworth's , ? 'o ! Lion ,
25o ; Alallpouch , 23ic ! , Cordova , 3e ! ; Mocha ,
20)io ) ; O.U.Java , Sue.
CIIEKSE I'romlum R 0. , twin flats , per Ib ,
lO u ; premium 1' . K. , Young Amurlea , UUo ;
slack , IJo ; domcstlo Swiss , IltfilTe ; Kdum , In
full , cuoli , $ l.uo ; LlmDer or , 12iiu.
IlitooMH 3-tio. p'irlor , JJ.OOr4-tIc , K.73 ; 3-tIo ,
12.23 ; 3-tlo , plain , $1.81 ; wurnhousc , JJ.OO ; toy
I.25i whisk , ( l.oo l.8.t.
Or.iVES Quarts , per ; pints , per aoz ,
(2.50 ; bulk , per gal. U3c.
5Se ; dark U , 47ic ,
COTTOX Hoi-B ! ( Inch , 16e.
j-HAi'-fastlle , niottlca , per Ib , 010c ; do
uhlte. per Hi , 14c.
1'iCKi.Ks Mcdlinn. perbbl.tO.OOj small , tlO.uO ;
gherklni , Jll.00 : a2-ial bbl , $10.00.
CiUEii-1'er bbl , rellned. ksu ; half bbl , * J.M ;
hard eldiir. pure , per bbl , JO.OU : orange older ,
half bbl , 8U.50 ; pear elder , half bbl. tt.i'J.
Country Produue ,
BUTTEH The butter market 1s very firm and
creamery gradci uro lUffculug up , Suppllea
tun very firm. Good coinlily rolli.
cholee. l a:0' | Inferior. KBIOo ; good country
solid packed , Itkft'.Mi ! ! eliolce willd paeked. 20 < 3
Blcj giHiderenmeiyiSlijWIc : fancy , S.VilJi'i. ' .
KonHFresh country ojgs 2Ja21m cold storage -
age , ll'iUOc. 1
OAME-l'ralrlo chlckcnf. tyr ilo/on. $3.50) )
Kroiiso. M.O ( U23 ! miillArd ltu-k' , J ' ;
teal ducks. ! mixed diu'ks , H.75) )
nunll. 1.50i Jack labblH.UW : stmill rabbits ,
H.OW&I.21 ! deer and iinteopo ) carcasses. saoc )
saddles , llyl.lo ,
I'ouiAltv lilve elilOKcns are nitolcd tit II.7S
CM.23. with t-.5'j about the tap nnd dressed
chickens 7O/e , with an oceaslunnl choice lot at
Oe. Klvo turkeys Do until dressed lli(12c.
Lho clucks , SJ.MKiW.00 , wltu aji occasional sale
of extra Inr o stock ut W. . i ! dressed ducks , 10
Oik' . seaiee ! ilreiseiJ ,
POTATOKS The uiurket remains about
teady nt S.WHOc.
ONIONS Ited , tl.J\ per bu.l yellow Danvcrs ,
Ml.vai.50 :\ | ) ,
SHKKT I'OTATOKS Homo grown stonk , $1.00
ncrhit. , and not very iilentv ; Muscatlno unit
Jersey slock ; tl.OOill.W per bbl.
IlKAAH Supply not larRo and the feeling
iiiiBHti.ftifci.75. ) ,
CKI.KIIV U$3Ua ) per do/ .
OHANOKS There Is some qulto dcslrnhlo
"lorida stock on Bale which U quoted ut
SI. 00.
CAT.IFOIINIA riifiTB-l'piirs , per box. M.W ) !
iiuscnt grapes. $ l."pO per 2J-1I ) crates ; Tokay
; raies | , tl.75iiir 20-lb era ! c j quinces. fJ&O.
IHNANAS--vellow , JJSVil'lou | ior btincii.
J.KMON8 riioleo stock. Jj.Mvifr'.OO. '
Al'i'i.i s Tlio market Is \ ciy llrm and stocks
are quoted at $ .l.S5 < 34 25 , according to the
qtlillty and variety.
t'llAMiKiiniEs I'ancy Cane Cod , J9.00 ; bell
nnd eherry. H51.
CONCOIIO UllAl'r.s 1'er basket , 330.
s Demand fair ut KyrttiP.
llt.ACic WALNUTS I'er bushel , 7'cTMI.OO.
Ilicuoitv Nl'TS-Iiargo , perbushol. 81.23.
I'm * CoiiN-ChoIco last season's stock , 2
per Ib ; now , Ittlile ,
FIIKSII I'erlb Vcrch8ci | buffalo , dressed , ; pike , Uctwhltc , 10ocropplo. ; lie ;
catllsh. He ; end steak , l.'c ; llnumlors , lo : ! ; Ore-
con snlnion , 15c ; black bass ISc ; lobsters , ISo ;
blun llsli , I5i * .
Salt and pickled Codflsb , extra Georges ,
now , 05o ! ; Brand bank , now , 4'u ' ; silver , . -11)
blocks , ( Hie ; now wlilto. 2-lbbileks , new , 755c !
turkey rod. Inrwe mlddlo brlcl < s,0i' [ now w h lies.
crates. 12-5 Ib boxes , 7-Uc : medium scaled hcr-
rlne. S3ci No. 1 scaled ncrtlng. 2ic ) ; domestlo
Hnllnnd herring , 4lc ; HainhnrKcr spleeit her
ring. COu ; Uusslansardlncs , spiced , C0ollnsslan ;
sardines , plain , KUci Imported llolliind
herring , Crown brand. bOc ; do fancy
inllKoiv. $1.00 ; markerel. No. 1 shore , half )
$12.50 ; blo.ilcrs , half bbls. lis.ooi white nsh ,
half bble. W.75 ; tiont. lialf bbls , Jj.50 ; famllv
wlitto HIM. t.1.00 ; salmon. J3.V ) per half bbl ;
2-lb broiled miiekorol , t..OO ; : i-lb in mustard.
$2tiO ; a-lb In tomato sauce , ( .MX ) ; C-lb Mayo
mess iiiuekcrel , 8'J.OO ; Ml ) biook trout , $ ! . - . > ;
a-lb liroolc . trout , S--"i ; 1-lb balmnii ,
$1.25 ; 2-lb white nsh , S2.25 ; 1-lb whlto
llsh , $ I.X > ! 2-lb lobsters , i.30i 1-lb lob
sters. $ - ' . : ) ; 2-lb oysters , 12 o ? , $ . ' .50 ; 2-lb oys
ters , 10 oz. if2 25 ; Mb oysters , 5 oz , $1,23 ; 2-lb
llaratiula , lOoz , J-MU ; 1-lb Itnrntarln , 5 or ,
ifl.lli ; I'nlriiiont. 4 oz , $ l.l. < : ralrmont , 8 or ,
t..O'i ; 1-lb elams. little nei'nsl.i ; : ) ; 2-lb clams.
little necks , $1.73 : a-lb clam eliowdcr , $2.flo ;
1-lb urnbs. J.,23 ; 2-lb eiabs. JJ.5' ) .
Dry Goods.
HEAVV llito\VN COTTONS Atlantic A , 7e ! ;
Atlantic 11. 7o ; AtliuUiu I ) . C' o ; Atlantic 1' ,
Cc ; A urora C. 4iO ! liuck'H head , 7o ; Cabot W ,
0ic ! ; Darlington. O.Ve : Parniors' No. 1 , 4iJi ?
4ic ! ; lloDslerMrijjc : Indian head , 7it ! ; Law-
icnco I , ! ' , 54'c ; Henrietta IiL , Vlv.
OINOIIAMS Atnoskuag. 7e ; Amoskoag dress ,
8ic ! ; Hato.s , C'ic ; Warwlekdioss , So ; Ijiincastci ,
OVo ; Ulonulrc , 0ieVhll ! ; tendon dress , 8c.
FINK llito\\.v COTTONS Atliintlo Jtlj , do ; Au
rora ll.O'.i" ' ; Aurora'ii1 ' : AtlasO W 11. 7'ii' ' ;
chcoso cloth , 4u ; Clinton I'l , 5J4oj I'opporellH ,
CVc ; J.aiiKdou OH,8c.
.UACtiKi ) COTTONS llerktloy Cambrlo No.
CO , OJic : Host Yet , OJSoi Iluttcrulutli AX , 4ijc ;
Cabot. ? ? ie ; 1'lrit cnll.O'ii ! ; I'mHof the Loom ,
Oe ; Hill Semper Idem , to ; Housekeeper. S'/Je ;
KliiK I'hllllp cambrlo , IDc ; Langdoti lilt , 9'ic :
I.onsdiilo. liuj Lonsdalo canibric , lUJiej New
York Mills , lie ; Oak Lawns. To.
WIOANS Not Thlstlo. ( i'ic ; Ucd Oross , 7c.
CitASH Slovens' It , lO-ln.ft'ie : fluvons' 1) , 13
in , O.Uc ; Stevens' A , 10 In , 7)e ) $ ; Slovens' 1' , 18
In , 80 ; Stevens' II. IS In , DC ; Stevens' N , 20 In ,
Oc ; Stevens' NN , 22 In , lOc ; Slovens' STlt , 20 In ,
12o ; bleaohed , loexlra.
1'itiNTS 1'aney Eddystone , 0 ! c ; Steel
Klvcr , Co ; Kamaiio , 4io ! ; St. Lodcor , r lc. !
fahlrtlng JIartlia Waslilnston , 45ie ; Blerrlmac ,
4'ic. Turkey Ueils Fountain , OiJo ; Uarnor ,
; CrenlleId,8J4o ! Herlln , 0''iC.'iNiiH AND L'tMibw ( lAStNns Drown
Not 1'opperoll , 4Vln , 10ic ! ; 1'opp'roll , 0-4. isc ;
1'eppei-ell , 04 , 20o : 1'epporell , 10-4 , 22 0 ! Ullca ,
4S-in , 15o ; Ullca,58-n ! , 17 o ; 'Ullca , a.-ln , 24os
Ullca , 84-ln,2flc ; UtlcaUO-ln,2S'ic. lllcaehed
-Nct-l'epperellja-In. 10io ! ; I'epporoll. 40-ln ,
IKJo ; Pnppcroll , C-4. 15c ; 1'oppuroll , 8-4. 20c ;
I'cppeiell , u-4 , SMes I'euperell , 10-4 , 23o ; Utlca ,
8-4. 24o ; Utlca. 11-4 , 20u ; Ullca , 10-4 , SSc ,
I'IUSTS Indigo blue Net Martha AVash-
Ingtonri5ic ; American O'io ; Ainold. ( IHo ; Ar
nold It.longelolh , lOc : Silllo A , lliic ; Mcrrl-
mac , 7-M , lOu ; Oolil Leaf , 8Vic ; Ilamltlon. OHo ;
Allen I'lnUs , OWc ; Allen Ohumbiay , bo ; Olou-
chcbter. 5 > ic ; liartul. fi'ic. '
Cor.oitnoOtMHitics-Uiown , 4Jc ! ; lied Star ,
4'/tc ; lfollcdClo\er , 5c ; Slater , 5dc ? ; hlgb col-
ois , lo o\tra.
Ucnlms Nct > Amoskeas , 0 oz , l.l'Jc ' ; York
camlet. 12c ; Kvertilt , Htnndard , 12' c ; liny-
maker's 7'/o { ; OldYoik , XX , lOJJc ; Lawrence.
220 , 12c ! ; Lauience , Ooz. 15iu ! ; fancy stripe
and cheeks. ll'/4c.
COTIONADES York , nankin , Ifl'/je ' ; Everett ,
8oz , 18c ; Lcnlston , 10 oz , ' "Jijo ; worklngmaa ,
On boara cars at Omaha Anthracite
Cliostnut , ratiiionnd egg , SJ.2S pur ton ; iruto ,
MOO. oft coul-\Viilnut \ blocU. $4.0'J ; Iowa
lump , $ J.75 ; Iowa nut , } J.23.
Lime , Cement , Kin.
On board ears nt Omaha Per bbl Ash
Orovo lime , OOo ; Champion limp , 85c ; Qiilncy
white. bOe ; Louisville comcnt , $1.50 ; Altlvraukco
cement , $1,45 : Utlea uoincnt , $1,40 ; English
Portland cement. $0.43 : New York plaster ,
$2.23 ; Michigan plaster , $2.00 ; I > "ort Dodge plas
ter. $1,75 ; white sand , f..oo ; I' . 1' . hair , per
bale , Jl.OO. _
Ijiimbor ,
nNCiNO Whllo plno No.l , 4 and 0 In. , 12
and 14 ft. , $19.50 ; No. , 4 nnd 0 In. , 12 and 14 ft. .
$14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and fi In , 10 ft , $10,50 ; No. 3 , 4 und
flln. UinlllcnKths.moo.
HiniNO A , J22.0) ) ; 1J.J20.50 : O. JIB.OO ; D , $13.00.
KixHmiNO Whlto I'Ino A and 11 , $ JJ.OO ; U ,
MXIiO. $27.00 ; 13 , $17.60.
STOCK JUoAitns Nu , 1 , common , 12 nnd 14 ft ,
$23 ; 10 ' .00 ; No. 2 , common. 12 aud 14 ft ,
$18.00 ; 10 ft , $17.00.
Onu.lNa No. 1 white. ? In , JT1.50 ; No. 1 hard
pine , fi In , $ ! 5.r 0 ; No. 1 hard pine , ? J In , $21.00 ;
No. 1 hard pine , 1' In , t Jl.OO.
STOCK lloAUDa A und 11 , 12 In , $12.00 ; D , 12
In , -7.00. i . .
duoovKD ROOKINO-NO , 1 common whlto
pine , U Hand 10ft. $10.uO ; No.n common Y
pine , 12 , 14 and 16 ft , $43.00.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4. . $15 00 JI5 00 $13 00 tit ) 00 tit ) ( IU $17 W $18 00
2\0..1300 1503 1500 Ki CO 10 00 18(0 ( 1850
2x8. . 15 00 1500 1500 1(1 ( 00 10 00 IB 00 1850
2x10. 15 00 15 00 15 00 IU 00 10 00 18 00 18 50
2x12. 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 10 00 10 00
4x4 to
8x8 18 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 20 00
UoAltos No. 1 com , $10.00 ; No. 2 com , 817.00 ;
No. Ilooin , $15.03 ; No. 4 com , $12.50.
Sini'LAi' No. 1 plain. 8 and 10 Inch , 818.00 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , $ ll',00 ; No. a plain , 8
und 10 Inch , * I5.00 ; O.O. , 8 Inch , 1W&19J.
KATTKNB , WELL Tuition , PICKETS O.d , bals.
S'i-lii,75o ' ; JJxablS , : Kc : a-lnwell tubhiL' . lflt
Jl. and Nov. . fcXJ.OO ; pickets , U. & H. flat , * 'i..00 ;
i'opiAu cfonr.'l-Inull widths , JU.50 ; clear ,
JS-ln. all widths , l. 0.03. ,
V. 1'lNU I'LooitlNa Clear , 4 and o In , J2I.50 ;
slur , 4 and 6 In , i''l.OO ; rift sawed , $0.00 extra.
KIMSIUMI WIUTK I'iSK-llst nnd 2d clear , 1
In , $30.00 ; 1 . IHandain. f50.00 ; M clear , 1 In ,
$4-1.00 ; IU , UJ nnd S In. * 4 J.O ) ; A select , 1 In ,
$42.00 ; 1 4. li ) ami S In , 42.00 ; 11 select 1 In
$ .11.00 ! 1U. Ui and 2 In , SWOO ; 0 solcet , 1 In ,
KIMRIIINO Yur.ujw n E-Olcnr , 1 In , J20.00 ;
Vi. I'/i and 2 In. K'T.CK ) ; near , I In , ( Ji.oo.
hin.Ndi.KS. LATH Kxtru , XAX , J2.75 ! stnnd-
nrd , XAX , .MX ) ; ll InfwV.05 ; In , W.OU ; No. 1.
$1.20 ; Cellar , XAX , 13.75 ; .Juili. Mas !
POSTS Whlto cedar-rU In , IJS , 12Vio ; 0 In ,
s-ir. 12o ; 5)J ) In. JiB.llo'f 8 In. Do ; 4 to 5 In
round , la'Jo ; oak , bpllt , tc ; red cedar , 13o.
Sash , 55 per cent ; doors 4 per cent ; blinds ,
45 per cent ; niouMlngti ) 45 per cent ; straw
board , $1.UO ; tor board , JUWj tiirfolt , J.4U.
lildeg , Tallow , Kto.
HIDES , I'tr.Ts AND TAI.LOW Qrcon suited
s.No. I , 5jeOUi' ( ! No. 2. 4 o ; dry Hint
s , 7ii JK ( , ; calf hides. UH6e ; damngeifhl cs ,
lie | less ; shcop pelta , green , each. aic < 3$1.25 ;
sheep pelts , drv. per Ib. lOQUo. A No. 1. 4).ic ) : No. 2.3 3110 ! crease ,
white , 3i ! < 34o ; yellow , 24ftlc ! ; Htourlne , ( IKc.
HONES Quotations are for delivery In Chi
cago-Dry buffalo , per ton , UKUXK31&.00 ; dry
country , lloaehed.810.UOUO'jj country , damp
und meaty , $8.00010.00.
STEW , \ViiiK Niir.s-Hiise f J , 3 ; stool nails ,
base , IM5.
TINI'r. . ATE I. O. . IO\2I , i'SOj I. X. , 10il4 ,
$9.25 ! coke , 4x120. 112 , M.73.
, ltoonNii-aiiaroonl. I. 0. , 11x20 , 113 , to.QJj I ,
A * . $7.2 .
SlIISET IRON No. 2J. $3.50 | No. 27 , $3 00.
Soi.uuu Strictly half und half , 17io. !
WJIIB .lap , baru , J.23 ; gal. , JJ.b3.
l r.ooK TIN Small pig , UOa per lb ; bar.SOo
per lb ,
Coi'i'KH-l'liuilshed boiler sizes. 33o porlb :
cold rolled , aocj per lb | bheelmg , 28o per lb ; pit
and HalH.UIo per lb.
UAI.VAMUEU riiiKET Iiio.v-DIsconnt M-JO per
cent ; pat. plan. Iron , Nus. 21 and 27 A , 10 JJoi I ) ,
SMOKED MEVTs-SttRar Cured -Hams II to 10
lb average , tec ; hams , 20 to22 Ib average. 3 < ci
hums , 12ll > [ ueniic. ( 10'ie ; skinnedlinnu. lo\o ;
hams ( No. 2) ) , 8Hc | shoulders Cc | clear
breakfast b.icon. Mje ; boneless break-
fust bneon back7ci fninoin boned
ham. 8'ici ' California or tilenlo bains flMcj
boiiplon ham , I KM dr.ed hcof hani4 ( ants' ' . 7lio ;
tlrlnd boot clod , fl'I slt'jrt.viloo I orhu m
roulette , 7 > ( C | amo' oJ boot tongues , per dor ,
IIS ) ; spool il brand limit i. U to 13 ll > average ,
ll'ie ' ; special lir.ind hoiplotsbroakfait bacon ,
M'ie ; selected dried beef hams , lusldosatul
.iiiueklos lOdt slcct < ! l wide clear breakfast
baeon , O'iC.
| ) IIY Su.t MKATS 1'iiney light wclptht short
clears , OHc ! long eleirs 6V1 ! short clears ,
1,01 short i His Sio | shoulders , 5te ! | clear
hollies , fl'-sc : clear backs , flijc ,
HMOKF.II MrATS-Dry HitltCiircd Puncv light
weight bacon , .slmrt clears. 7ci baeon , short
ribs ti'ii' ! bacon , short clears. O'ic ; bacon.Iong
clears. 04o | ; bncim , clear back .OUc ; bacon ,
olenr bellies. 7e ) bacon , shoulders , nyc.
SWKKT I'lfKi.f.i ) MKVTS Hum * tli'iw * . t > U < \
shoulders ( N , Y. cut ) , tlcreos 5Uc ; 1'ullfornlu
liam , tierces Mie ! heef hams barn-Is (12.00.
1'ICKI.KI ) IlKIU'TONdtlKH-lllllf bbls. . 10J 11)1. ) ,
110.501 quarter Ubls. , M Ibs , , ( G.W ; eighth bbls.
BWTKT I'lCKt.F.nPi'AHK Itliis Tlercos,303 Ibs ,
net weight , IUJ.50 ! barrels. 2UO Ib-i. , nut weight ,
(8.00 ; half barrels , I0 > ) Ibs. , net weight. (1.73.
IjAiui Compound , per lb. llorco basis , 5Uc :
brand mire leaf lard , per lb , tleree basis , OMc ;
special br.ind kclllu rendered leaf lard , per
lb. tierce basis , 7c.
ItAiniKi.M ) I'OIIK AND IIi'.KFPor.barrel .
Moss pork ( new ) , ill.Ml ; fanillv pork , $11.25 ;
short cut clear pork $12.50 ; shoit cut clear
pork , 111.23 ; boneless pig pork ( fancy ) , $11.00 ;
extra moss beef , $ t > .00 ; plalo beef , $ f.OO ; c\lra
plate beef , fcUMl ; extra family beef ( bolioless ) ,
t8.w ) ; rolled beef ( boneless ) , Js.00 ; ruiiip bulls ,
iVo VoiiK-HnrrcKsoo Ibs each , $ H.OO ; half
barrels 100 Ibs each , 17.50j iiuatter barrels , 50
Ibs each , $1.00 ; olghlh batrols , 2.1 Ibs each ,
, ' 35.
DOANSF.n MKATS All prices per dor. , net
Corned beef , I lb cans 2 doper ea e. $1.10 ; 2
lb square cans , I or 2 doz , per i-nsn. * l 81 ; 0 lb
6iutirocnns ] , 5i doz , per oano(0.33 ; H Hi sijiiuro
ciilii , Yt dor , per case , fin.OU ; lunch tongui'S , I
lb round cans , 2do . per cine , J2.50 ; 2 lb round
onus , 1 doz per case , JI.50 ; bra\Mi , 1II ) square
O'ins.2tlo ? , J1.20 ; 2 lo cqmiro cans , lor2 doz ,
nor c.ifctf , SJ.W ; Gib sqiuiieeinie , ! { doMiercase.
$7.00 ; lllbsqunrocaas , Vido/ , per ease. Jl.VUO ;
ox tongues , IVi-lb rouiul cans 1 do/porcaso
J3.00 ; 2-lb round cans I doporcnso , H1.IH ) ! SIS-
Ib round cans , ! doper case , $7.00. Chipped
hoofi-lb ! rounil cans 2 doper case , M.OO ; 1-lb
round cans , 2 dopel - ease , $1.00 ; 2-11) round
cans , 1 doz per case , $ .1.75. lioast beef , 1-lb
round cans.2 doper case. 11.10 ; 2-lb round
cans , $1.75. 1'ottcd ham , U-lb round eans , 4 do/
tiorcasi * , bOct ( i-lb round cans , 2 dopercaso ,
11.00. Uovlled ham , U-lb round cans 4 dor.por
case , OOo ; ! S-lb round cans , 2 doz per easo. $1.00 ;
potted ox tongue , 'Jib round cans , 4 doz per
caseOOo ; ! i lb lound cans " doz per case ,
51.00 ; compressed hum , 1-lb scjiinin eans , 2
doper case , JI.U5 : 2-lb tiinro cans , J doz per
ease , $3.50) ) tripe , 2-lb lound cans , 1 doper
case , $1.W ) ; minced collops 2-lb round eans , 1
doz per case , i.'O ' ; bonuiess plKs' feet , 2-lb
wmarocana , 1 doper case. $251) ) ; roust beef ,
1-lb , 2 doz per case , $1.00 ; 2-lb , 1 doz per case ,
PII.S I'rlmo lard oil. ( wlntnr strained ) , Mo ;
extra lard oil ( winter strained ) , 4'Jo ' ; extra No.
Hard oil , 4lc ; No. I lard oIl.Kc ; No. 2 lard
oil , l)0c ) ; c.xtra. notitsfoot oil , 45c ; tallow oil ,
4"o. Half barrels , : io over barrels ; 3-gallon
cans ( i In a case ) , fioover bands ; I-gallon
cans(10 ( Inncasel , lOo over barrels ; It-gallon
(20 ( In a case ) , 15o over ban els. hpeulul puces
on lartto lols.
SAUHAnu IteloRiin , long. 4c ; bologna , round ,
4c ; bologna , lirse. 4c ; bologna In cloth , 4c ;
Finolicd sansaKQ 7e ; star bologna , long ,
41Sc : blood Kiinsago , 4Ue ; liver sausage. 4li ;
head cheese , 4J [ < ! ! fiesh fork sansago ( links )
DC ; fresh pork sausage ( bulk ) , fiiji" Hinoked
pork iunio : , 8c ; Kninkfurt suiiNUge , 7c ;
smoked bend cheese , Oo ; 1'ollsh t > ausagp , 7o ;
Knoblauch R.-umgo. 7u ; tongue sausage , He ;
sunimef sausaKO , lUc. The abovopilces are
for lots of llfty pounds and upwards ; a less
quantlly a half cent moro.
Triulo Gossip.
A break In Now York stocks.
Mutter llrm.
Kgg niarKot strong.
.Dried fruit firming up.
'An easier feeling la sugars.
Dealers are rejoicing In the colder weather.
Tin plates uro simply thin Iron or Meet
shoots , cleaned In an acid bath nnd coaled
with tin. The coating process Is very simple ,
and consists In dipping tlui sheets alternately
Into palm or some other oil and then Into the
molten tin.
Oysters are scarce and high. The roznla-
tlons at llaltlmorc. Mil. , do not allow of any
oysters being roinovoJ from the beds that uro
not at least two and it half Inches across the
shell. This of llself Is siifllolent to limit the
shipments but In addition lo that the weather
has been so stoimydurlna : the past two weeks
that the oyster sloops have been prevented
from going out.
There Is very little butter coni'nt Into this
market , although present prices are bucli as
to encourage shipments , I'toni huiulilosiuado
In the country It would seem ns If the farmers
More not imxliicltii ; as much ' butter as usual
nt this season of the year. As country butter
was very low part of the summer It Is moro
than likely tliat u good many cows were
turned oil on that account , while a scarcity
of feed In some sections may have produced
the sanio effect ,
The Melal Exchange ( New \ork ) evidently
needs a little Infusion of new blood In order
to save It from e\tliiutlon. Theio Is no icasou
whatever why the Mclal Exchange should not
bo an acllvo body no reason why thn trading
thciu should not i > o as Important asolsowhoro ;
and yet business has dropped to u point at
which members favor the absolute closing of
the Kxchangowhllo others suggcbt the closing
on Saturday. Considering that the trade la
metals hnshu'roasod , and that the Metal Ex
change nlono maKes the quoted prices , there
must bo some lack of 11/n or energy lu the
management. Wall fetrcut News.
The now ofileos of the Great Rock
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth and Parnum
streets , Omaha , uro thotlncstin the city.
Call mid sco tlioin. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates.
The probable vnluo of. nil tlio dlainonils in
the world , accord ing to a recent estimate , is
about ? 1UO ( > ,000,000. , 'Xuo world's diamond
trade is carried on by about eight thousand
dealers , with n total stock of not fur from
U.miWO.oao. Tlio stones are prepared for
inaiket by perhaps four thousand , Hvo hun
dred cutters and polishers principally in
Atnstcrdaui , Antwerp , Paris and the Jura.
Now York Is beginning to receive the firs
of 2,000,000 boxes of Oranges which arc ex
pected from Florida this winter.
A clear skin
Bolls , pimples , blotches on the skin ,
eruptions , etc. , evidence tlio fact that
the blood is not In good condition.
Those symptom result from the effort
of nature to throw off the impurities ,
In which she should assisted by
Swift's Specific
This will remedy the disturbance , and
bring speedy and permanent relief by
forcing out the poison , and will build
up the system from the fust doso.
Hook on Blood and Skin Diseases f roe
Swift t-DCclllo Cou Atlanta. Q
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 - B7.0OO
OffloeriMd Director--llenrj W. Tatei , ? reiia nt |
l wua. Ue < l , Vlce-Preildont ; Jiro i W. Sarage , W ,
V. Mor e , John B. Colllnt , It C. CuiiiUif , t. H. Jt
Patrick , W , U. B. UuibM , cnUUr.
Comer 13th and Farnnm Bti.
A General Banking Builneiw Tran ' % l'1
Dr. F. C. Werner's
Are highly recommended nftor seven
years o ( successful oxporlonco by the
solo inauufncturord ,
Kopp , Dreibus & Co. ,
1 106 FarnamSt. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold everywhere , 5o per paokugo ,
Send tor eauiplea ,