THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTIETH YEAK , OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNINGK NOVEMBER 11 , 1890. NUMB.SK 140. SAFE OUT OF THE WOODS , The Hepubllcan State Ticket , Excepting Bichards , Pulls Through all Eight. BY FROM THREE TO FIVE THOUSAND. Last Tuesday's Hlg landslide Seven of tlio Candidates In tlio Htnto Capital night * Bide Up with Cnrc. Carefully compiled returns , based on the official count of alt but llvo western counties , plnco tlio innjoritlcu received by tlio candi dates on the republican state ticket from lieu tenant governor down to school superintend ent at from 2,000 to 5,200. The exhibit of the totals herewith presented shows that the candidates on tbo alliance Btato ticket lead the democrats by pluralities 'ranging from 0,000 to 0,000. OcorgoH. Hastings leads the republican stnto ticket with 73,800 votes , with J. E. Hill second with 7a,16t votes. Below nro given the totals made up from tbo ofllclnl andunoniclal returns received from nil tout Jlvo small counties intlio state ! LIEUTENANT GOVUIlSOIb Majors , n . 72,3T,0 Bear , D . 03,313 Dceh.A . 00,237 Majors' plurality over Dcch . 0,132 SECUCTAHY Or STATC. Allen , II . 72,033 Sprnguo , D . G3U1S Mayucrry , A . 09,317 Allen's plurality over Maybcrry . 3,1)10 ) AU1HTOII. Bcnton , K . 72,048 WahlquIst.D . 02,101 Bcatty.A . 03,000 Bcuton's plurality over Bcatty . 3,780 THEAsuniu. : 11111,11 . 73,101 Cashing , D . . . 00,501 Wolfe , A . 09,383 Hill's ' plurality over Wolfe . 8,770 ATTOHXUV QUNEHAL. Hastings , II . 73,600 Hlgglns.D . 01,018 Edgcrton , A . 03,011 Hastings' plurality ovorEdgcrton' . . . . 5,253 COMMISdlONnn I-UI1LIO LANDS. Humphrey , 11 . 71,751 BIgler , D . 04,003 WriKht , A . 08,840 Humphrey's plurality over Wright. . . 2,014 SUrriHINTKXUENT 1'UIIUO INSTltUCTION. Goudy , 11 . 71,478 Rukostraw , D . 04,007 " D'Allemand , A . . . 07,370 Goudy's plurality over D' Allcraand. . . 4,000 A JOUUXALIHTIC JTAXULE. Kvnnston Again Stirred in Its Pro * roundest Depths by a Novel Scrap. CHICAGO , Nov. 10. ( Special Telegram to THE BIE. : ] A novel strlfo Is going on In Evnnston between the members of tlio col lege , the Grcolt letter fraternities nnd the nntl-fratonilty men or barbarians , as repre sented by the two college weeklies. Here after the secret society organ has been nlono in the Hold and has done a thriving business with the village merchants. Three weeks ago the "barbs" Doited from the old paper nnd started ono of their own. Since that tlrno Evnnstou merchants-have been besieged , constantly by the managers of the two papers for their advertising. An enterprising mer chant has taken advantage of t Ills strife and Is tenting the two papers to see wlilch will bring htm the most trade. Last week ho ad vertised undcrwour In ono of the papers nnd this week It will bo gloves In tbo othor. Tlio talcs of each artlclo will he credited to the paper advertising It , and the ono bringing the most sales will htivo the entire advertis ing patronage of the linn for a year at least , besides earning the boner of being the best advertising medium. The managers of the fraternity journal issued an appeal to their upporters ( the girls included ) , begging them by nil that is good and holy , to lay in their stock of winter underwear at ouco. On the other side every true barbarian Is earnestly besought to no longer use bis pockets to pro tect bis bauds from the wintry weather. DEAD. Diphtheria Removes tbo Stnmgo Nicotian I'hcnoincnon. VncxTOK , N. J. , Nov. 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tnn Bun. ] Wlnfleld Scott Hancock .Ooran , "Baby Sirokor , " has died of dlph- tberla after a week's Illness. Winllcld cele brated his fourth birthday last May. tHe smoked for four years before his dcatn. Ho was a bright hey with big black eyes and round cheeks in which roses of health bloomed. Ills father was au Inveterate Binokcr. From hlnu the child Inherited his taste for tobacco and ho began smoking bolero - lore ho was seven months old. When ho was seven months old ho smoked a pipe full ol strong tobacco and never made a face once. At ten months ho was an accomplished smoker of the pipo. His appetite lor to bacco was found to bo a normal ouo and ha scorned to thrive under it. Dr. Elmer " Rogcra could find no trace of nicotine tine poisoning ami decided that to bacco had a soothing effect upon tbo chlla , who was weaned early. In addition to a pipeful of tobacco ho enjoyed from two to flvo cigars dally. Father and mother wore both broud of their precocious on. Winllcld craved the effects of the pel- eon , as for the past two years ho would not Binoko a now clay or briar-wood pipo. liking best ouo well saturated with nicotine. He preferred strong cigars and was a line judge of their quality. * . r/ynahofH Balked. LiFJLYETTi : , Ind , , Nov. 10. At an carlj hour this morning a band of masked men se cured entrance into the county Jail by strat egy and then began a search for Goorgc Bennett , who last week killed William Scotl and John Work holt on the street , with the intention of lynching him. The sheriff had anticipated the visit , however , and Dennett bad been removed hours before. Tlio Dtioliosn IB Bnl'o. NEW YOKK , Nov. 10 , The deputy shorlf has returned uusatlflcd executions on tbrct Judgments , aggregating over ? CO,000 , whicl vcro obtained against tbo Ducncsn of Mnrl bora last week. The duchos.i has no property lioro and the mcomo from the eatato of ho ; late husband cannot bo levied upou. AuOfllelal Baiidbnggcd. NEW YOUK , Nov. 10. Dr. Delcvan Blood good , the veteran medical director of tin United States naval laboratory in the nav ; yard at Brooklyn , was snudlmggcd Sunday morning und robbed of his watch and chaii und pockctbook. Ho is in an uucouscloui condition. Will Probably llccovor. OanEN , Utah , Nov. 10. [ Special Tele prom to THB BEB.-M. ] D. Hogo , who wn ; accidentally shot through the body ou Frida ; evening last , ia rapidly recovering. Who ! first wounded It was not thought that h would llvo until tlio next morning. Tlio French Publlo Worship Kstlmntci Pi ui. , Nov. 10-SpccIal | Cableram to Tit : l During the debate la the chamber o deputies today on the public worship esti mates , M.'Frurc moved to suppress the esti mates on the ground that they were Incom patible with modern ideas and republican principles. The motion was rejected , ! K > Sto 15-1. M. Ktchovary ot tno right denounced as Illegal the action of the government in with drawing tbo stipends of clergymen supposed to bo Inimical to the republic. M. Failures , minister of justice , hold that the state had an undeniable rigtit to suppress the stipends of ecclesiastics openly opposed to the govern ment. The state , the minister added , was not anlmaled by n spirit of persecution , but was bound to enforce respect for t lie laws. The estimates were ultimately adopted. llfjAJXt ! Oil AIMKlt. John M. Tlmrston Names Tln-m ns I'rnbablo Wlmierti In 11W-I. CHICAGO , Nov. 10. Hon. John M. Thurston of Omaha , president of the Republican Icnguo clubs of the United States , In nu Inter view hero today on the recent elections , said , referring to the Influence of the McKlnloy bill upon the result that the natural tendency of prices was upward. As Instances can bo named boots and shoes , iron , lumber and other commodities , although the tax was ro il ucod ou these and other things. Wo struck u rising market with the passage of tbo Me- Kinloy bill , and nil this Is laid to It. Judco Thurston thinks that Nebraska and every other western state will go republican In 1802. "I think , " said ho , "thero will bo a revival of stnlwartism in tbo republican party such as to make 1SW n. great republican year. Republican workers all over the country did not take nn active part In this campaign. They felt as though their services to the republican party had been undervalued , but in ISM thcso persons will bo nt work in support of some candidate who will arouse enthusiasm , and these very men will lead to victory as heretofore. The result of the recent election has not put an end to the presidential chances of cither William B. McKlnloy or Thomas D. Uccd , but it has probably postponed their dates. Blnlne or A Igor would bo winners at the head of the ticket in 1S92. " fJX UOOTll' It Meets AVItli Hearty Endorsement I'roni Many I'roinincnt People. LONDON' , Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram to Tim Bun. ] General Booth of the Salvation army continues receiving letters commenting favorably on his book , "In Darkest England nnd cho Way Out , " setting forth a scheme for the relief of poverty , Ignorance and vico. The prince of Wales has written General Booth thanking him for the receipt of a copy of the book. Ho says ho is confident that ho will bo greatly interested in the perusal of the work , and that its subject Is ono that for many years ho has had hiuch at heart. Let ters of approval have also been received from tno bishops of Bath. Wells and Rochester , from Mr. MouUonprcsidcntof the Wcsloynn conference , and Mr. Grubb of the Quakers , who encloses n check for. 30. Chairman Laing of the B rlghton rallway.has also written General Booth a letter of sympathy , In which ia enclosed a check for 100 , contrib uted for tbo furtherance of the scheme. General Booth IMS published n letter express ing thanks for the general support accorded him , nnd suggesting combined action on the part of tlio churches in the collec tion of funds. A circular letter approving of the schema and General Booth's ' suggestion has been issued. It is signed by the best of tbo clergymen , in cluding Archdeacon Farrar. Dr. Parker and Messrs. Berry , McNeill and Clifford , repre senting various religious denominations. Canon Farrar ISndor.soi Gen. Booth LONDOJT. Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram to TUB Bun.J Thousands of persons were turncjJn away yesterday from Westminster Abbey , where Cannon Farrar preaehcd a ser mon on General Booth's philanthropical scheme , after having made a tour of the Sal vation nriny centers during the previous week. Canon Farrar made a fervent appeal in behalf of the schema , but ho wished it to be understood that ho nlono was responsible for the vlows ho.expressod on the subject. Nebraska and town Patents. WASHINGTON" , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram to THE BBC. ] The following pensions were granted Nouraskanstoday ; Original Chos. Aldan , Mlnden ; Delosiv Waterman , Lebanon. Increase Henry Schwetgcr , Itoca ; John R. Hall , Brownsville ; Ansou W. Thornton , Beaver City. Original widow Nancy , widow of John T. Briggs , Hastings. Iowa Original David C. Hanger , Des Moiues ; Miner Palgn , Oclwein ; Edward C. Gardner , Dover ; Armstrong R. Gano. Washta : Ahblo J. Hopton , nurse , Council DlulTs. Increase Sauford Kirkpatriclr , OU tumwn ; ( special act ) Charles H. Hook , Monroe : Robert McSmltb , Elliott ; Isaac F. Bcdsaul , Magnolia ; Ellhu Burnett. Knox- vlllo : Henry Iloutz , Jconlum ; Robert H. Shlpton , Oliu ; Orlando Q. Moray , Hazleton ; John Bowman Lisbon ; Wesley Desart , Lake City ; Hiram Evens , Seymour ; Justus Can- Hold , Mnrshnlltown ; Jacob Lohoror , Wash ington ; David Tinkle Mlllorsbury ; Johathnn Whlpltcy , Waterloo ; John W. Cox. Clarlnda. Koissug Slmond James. Creaton , Reissue and Increase William Thompson. Lacrow ; Noah Knapp , Plainiicld. Original widows , etc. Sarah M. V. , widow of Albert K. Clear- man. Oxford ; Margaret E. , widow of Fran cis Deauchamp , Coluhibus Junction. South Dakota Increase Franklin B. Me- Crlstol , Jefferson ; Charles Fabrenwald , Yanktou ; Thornton W. Brlsbiuo , Alwilda. Newfoundland anil tlio Fisheries. LONDON , Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram to THU Bcis.J The Chronicle this morning pub lished nu Interview had with Premier Whlto- way of Newfoundland prior to his departure for homo. The premier said that the counter proposals In n telegram from Nova Scotlti had not emanated from the Newfoundland government. Tbo suggestion thut England should pay n.bountyon llshexported by New foundlanders bo considered absurd. In re gard to America ho believed that both sides would profit by the acceptance of Newfound land's proposal to give American fishermen the sntno privilege In Newfoundland harbor : In regard to bait , etc. , as Newfoundlander : enjoy In addition to the privilege of the win tcr frozen herring llshery , in return for the admittance of Newfoundland fish product ! and crude minerals duty froo. Ho declarct there would be no fear of' distress In New foundland once these questions were settled , A Fireman's Legs Crushed. OQDEN , Utah , Nov. 10. [ Special Tolegrair to TUB Bii : ! . ] This morning James Galla ghan , a Union Pacific firemanwhile attempt Ing to jump on a passing engine In the Ogdor yards , fell under the wheels and both his legs were crushed. Ho was taken to th < Union hospital , where the right leg was am putatcd just below the knee. The loft wil also bo cut off above tbo anklo. It Is no * thought ho can llvo. He Is about thirty years old and has no family as far as is known. I'rotmblo Vital Chance. Cuicuao , Nov. 10. A local paper says ni error has boon discovered In footing up tin returns ot the Second senatorial district am it now appears that Klnnoy ( dem ) , candidate for representative is elected instead of Hop pin ( rep ) . This will make a vital change 11 the i makeup of the legislature on joint ballo if vcrllled , us tha two great parties huvi heretofore bc'cn supposed to have been tloJ A Horsciiiiui's Suluido. BOSTOX , Mass. , Nov. 10. Wojley P. Balch a wcl known horseman , committed sulcld this afternoon by shooting with a revolve In his ofllce in thu Commonwealth building Financial dlltlcultics caused the act. Loss or tlio OooanVnve. . OSWKOO , N , Y. , Nor. 10. The schoone Ocean Wave capsized in the ! ako twclv miles out from hero , The crow h suppose f to bo drowned , BOTH ARE MEN OF DESTINY , A Prominent Politician Prognosticates a Blaine and Cleveland light , CLERICAL OPINION OF THE SILVER BILL. Two Faces AVIilch AVoro nn Expres sive Bmlle Free Co In a go of Silver Conies Next Farm- Inj ; of the Waters. WASUINOTON Buniuu Tun OMAIU BKE , 1 613 FouiiTBRNTit STIIKCT , V WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov 10. ) "Blaino and Cleveland , " said ono of the most prominent politicians In Washington 'csterduy , "got moro satisfaction and credit lUtof the elections than any other two men n the United States , and the result makes hem the necessary candidates for the p"rosl- ency In 1893 , Cleveland represents the cx- rome of the opposition to the Mclvlnley bill , ind Bialno the popular Idea of tariff revision ; nm not a betting man , but if I were I would tuko all I have got , ' that they will bo the 'andldatcs ' of their respective parties in 803. " TWO EXPKCS9IVE SMILES. In n sermon on foreign missions yesterday morning , Hov. Dr. Harallu , pastor of the ihurch of the couvcnnnt , where the president fittends , declared that the passage of the sll- irer bill had Increased tbo expenses of the ' 'rcsbytonan foreign missionary board moro .ban $75,000 this year hv increasing the value > f silver in tlio heathen natlous of .ho world. Secretary Wiudotn ns well ns tlio president was In the congregation mid nn cxprcsslvo smite was seen upon the "nco of each after thli declaration. After the icrvlcca Secretary Wlndom remarked to n 'riend that ho thought the silver pool ought .0 contribute enough to make the Preabyter- au board of foreign missions win. STANFOUU'S UK-ELECTION. I asked Senntoi' Stanford's secretary If the iccrctary would hnvo any trouble in securing ills re-clcetlon. "I should say not , " was the reply. "Ho has already got seven-eighths of Iho legislature behind him and it looks as if ivo would have Its solid support and an unan imous election. In many of the districts the democratic conventions Instructed their nom- "noes for the state legislature to vote for Stanford for the United States senate. The governor was not intending to bo u candidate again , Ho wanted to devote bis entire time to the new university ho has founded in mem ory of his sonnnd it was not until Hitntington made an attack upon him that ho consented to bo a Candida to at all. Then his friends told him ho mmst run because If ho withdrew rom the Held everybody woulit say that- Hunttngton had scared him out , so ho wont in nnd ho played to win , and there is not the slightest doubt about It. FHEB CO1NAOB COM1NO. It is the prevailing opinion among the poli ticians hero that the next congress will pass a law authorizing free and unlimited silver coinage. In ether words , thov will place sil ver upon an cqaulity with gold. 'Iho senate already has n majority in favor of such a proposition nnd would have passed it last year if it could have secured the concurrence of tlio houso. In the next congress there will bo no doubt about it. A SWA111I Of SHAD. Colonel McDonald of the United States fish commission dropped a million llttlo shad into the Potomno yesterday. Shad llshing today Is on nn artificial basU , as thoroughly as tbo grain Holds of the west. "If you don't plant wheat , " said Colonel McDonald , "you won't have wheat , and it is the same with shad. AH our rivers are so completely blocked up with nets every spring that very few shad can como up the river to spawn , and if it were not for artificial culture and the seed- In got the rivers by the government every spring tbo shad would disappear. But as It is , the shad catch this last spring was double in size what it was in 1SSO and it is constantly increasing. Tlio Potomac catch this year was 450,000. Today wo put back three times that many , and remember thcso shad that go back are not fry , they are well grown llsli. Hitherto wo have only put in small fry , but our plan now is to keep the shad in ponds until us late in the full as they can bo kept safely nnd then to turn thorn out Into the river. Tlio plan now Is to have big ponds on the side of each of the shadstroams of the country and turn out fiiigcrling shad in the fall Instead of letting them go as soon as they are hatched In the spring. In my opinion this is ono of the most important moves the llsh commission has over mado. Wo are making arrangements now for operating a 100-acro pond on the Delaware next spring and wo expect most valuable results. The expense Is practically nothing nnd the num ber of shad that can bo raised simply depends on the slzo of the pond. One hundred and fifty thousand to the acre can bo raised without any trouble ou the natural food of the water and with artificial feeding this summer can bo greatly in creased. There is no doubt that ia order to keep up the fish supply of the country the water must bo farmed by the government justas the land is by Individuals. The agri cultural department aids in many ways , but the farmer docs the work on the land , but on the water the government has to do all the work , oven to the hatching and distribution of the fish. This work is of inestimable value too , for wherever any edible fish is In troduced Into the waters of this country , or the number of these already existing Is In creased , the economic resources nnd the ma terial wealth of the country are increased to that extent. HONons TO COSTA mco. Diplomatic circles tonight are discussing with a great deal of lutcrcstthourrangemcnts made for the funoralof Senor Fodorlco Vollo , ohargo d' affaires of Costa Rico , who was buried this afternoon. A gentleman who for nearly thirty years has been Identified with ono or another of the legations said , that In all that time , ho nas seen a number of diplomatic funerals in Washington , but never ono where so much honor was paid to the deceased by the United States. It has been customary for the diplomatic matic- corps to attend in a body on occasions of this kind , and the state has always been represented either by tbo secretary or some unofficial. Today Senor Vollo's remains were berne to the grave by a platoon of eight sailors from the United States navy. Honor ary pallbearers from the state , war anil navy departments vroro in attendance and the United States marine band accompanied the cortege , as did two companies of cavalry. Secretary Blaine himself was there and so was Chief Clerk Browne of the state depart ment , Never In the history of the diplomatic service of the United States has so much pomp been shown at the obsequies of the rep resentative of a foreign government , dying in this capital. Even when the French minister , who committed sulcldo some yean ago was burled , there was lie such display , and the United States should accord this unaccustomed honor to a comparatively insignificant llttlo republic like that of Costa Rica is unaccountable and leads to the impression that it Is ono result ol the pan-American conference and Is in the line of Secretary Blalno's determination tc show to the southern American countries thai this government will do all In its power to co meat the friendship which tnat gathering newly Initiated. A NECESSAItr CHANGE. The death of General David B , McKlbbcr will bo likely to cause congress to change the army regulations promptly this winter. II seems that the friends of General McKibbor who had served for moro than twenty years in the regular army before ho was retired fifteen years ago , desired that ho ahouli bo burled with military honors , bui the commanding general decides that ho cat find neither law nor regulation authorizing him to order the necessary detail. Attcntloi is called to the fact that if this Is good lav General Sherman will have to bo buried will n military escort. Consequently a inovomcn is to bo made at once to induce congress ti inako the necessary change in the law. A IUTTLB 1IOT1L. Ono of the rcaulta of the late election wll probably bo n very vigorous contest between David B. Ulllnnil RoswcllP. Flower for tbo democratic nomination for1 governor of Now York next year. Now Yorkers assert that Whitney has the iusldo track for the senate. and it Is very well known that Sbcohan of Buffalo , who will without doubt bo speaker if the next assembly , Is quietly working for , Vhltney's election to the senate. Flower's imbltlon Is to bo governor of Now York nnd 1111 has announced himself as a candidate for .notter term. Consequently there will bo n lattlo roval between these ) two politicians uu- ess Hill 1s elected to the senate this winter. NEW A postofllco has been established at Bloom- eld , ICnox county , Neb. , and Lavld J. Kutn- rar appointed postmaster. Peter M. Moore lias been appointed postmaster at Gillette , la. Superintendent Porter hai appointed Ben- J.nnlti R. Cntiflcld , Fcrt Dodge , nnd Thomas O. Cowgllt , Sioux City , ai special agents to 'ollcct statistics of manufacturers , TJIE 4'fjA YJtitS' 31JBETIXG. The Lcnj'iio AVII1 Contest for Nest Season's Honors. PiTTsnuno , Pa. ' , Nov. 10. ( Special Tclci ram to THE BEE. ] The city was full of iaso ball people today in anticipation of the 'layers' league meeting at the Monongahcla house tomorrow. Among the prominent ones icro nro John M. Ward of Brooklyn , Colonel IcAlpln of Now York , AI Johnston of Clovo- and , Colonel Vandersllco and the AVogner ) rothcrs of Philadelphia , and Messrs. Auton nnd Addlson of Chicago. "Tuo Players' league wlllco on next season ust the same as last season , " said a promt- lent magnate. "Wo have made every effort o bring about a consolidation with the Na tional league people , but they thought wo vcro weakening , and placedascrious obstacle n the way of a compromise. Now wo are through with thorn. This story about Now York and Brooklyn having consolidated Is nil bosh. You will find both clubs represented tomorrow , und they wlllubldo by the decision xrrlved nt by the delegates present. Wo will cither all consolidate or all stand together for another season. " This evening nn informal conference was icld at which the plans and prospects of the Players' league for next season was discussed. WtLD WEST JXOIAXS. They Charge Buffalo Bill and Others with Brutality. NEW YOUK , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram .o THE Bun.1 Two Indian braves who have jecn whooping up things for the benefit of : ho European public In general and of Carver & \VhItney In particular , were steerage pas- igers on the Hamburg ; steamer Augusta Victoria which arrived yesterday. Both braves were without a penny nnd their en tire possessions consisted of the rough shirt they were and a railroad ticket each to Pine Hideo Agency , South Dakota. Painted Horse sold they were treated shamefully In thffCarver-Whitnoy show and ho gave an ac count of the ill-treatment to General Oboirne nttho barge office through Rov. Father Craft , who acted ns Interpreter. ; Substantially Painted Horse said : .Thero were twenty of us when we left Now York , besides Black Bear's squaw and their three children , one a inero papoose. During our travels over Europe wo , were beaten , kicked and shot at. Dr. Carver shot at Black Bear , but fulled to hit him , though ho intended to kill him. Dr. Carver flced at mo with n re volver in Berlin fifteen divvs ago , but missed mo. Our money was not paid regularly and the whltps In both shows kried In every way to corrupt the red men. The Indian. ' ! got li quor whenever they dcslrpd. Tare * braves were in a dying conditlgn when wo icft.-Boar Necklace , Bravo Elk nnd another squaw man were also ill , and a papoose died as wo were leaving. Wo received hut $5 besides our tickets , and now wo have nothing. "I was with Buffalo Bill's ' show before I went to Carver's. I have seen him knock down two braves. Both died on their return toPinoRidgo. The food Buffalo Bill sup plied was bad and the braves who ute it weio sick. Buffalo Bill was brutal. " Agent Marsh corroborated all that Painted Ilorsosald. Both Cody and Whitney , ho said , had left white men stranded in various parts of Europo. Some are now in Hamburg penniless. Thrco young Americans worn left without a cent. Cithers from London and Paris have no means to get homo. General Obelrno will go to Philadelphia ns soon as the remainder of Buffalo Bill's Indians nr- rlvo there on the Bclgenhind. Ho will assist Herbert Welch , secretary of the Indian' rights' association , In Investigating the treatment of the braves. General Obelrno has n copy of the agree ment entered Into by the Carver combination In which good treatment to tbo Indians is specified particularly as ono ottho condi tions of their engagement. A copy of Painted Horse's statement will bo prepared nnd for warded to the secretary of the Interior and to the Indian commissioners. According to lat est advices the Buffalo Bill Indians will arrive - rive in Philadelphia next Thursday. Dr. Hright's Assailant Hold. LONDON , Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram tc Tnu BEK.I Kate Rlordan , the woman who shot Dr. Bright , master of University college , Oxford , was again arraigned bcforo thomayoi of Oxford today and was committed for trial , Miss Riordan has confessed that she did tbo shooting. She says she did not intend tc harm Dr. Bright arid that she is now sorry thut she shot nt all. She craves mercy from Dr. Bright and from Mr. Halues , who is en. gaged to Dr. Bright's daughter , and who Miss Rlordan charged was formerly engaged to Herself. _ A Crowded Homo. QuiNcr , 111 , , Nov. 10. The trustees of th ( Illinois soldiers' and sailors' homo todaj issued a circular announcing that In consequence quence of the crowded condition of the home it nrould bo Impossible to admit now members until additional accommodations are pro vldcd. There are now 1,230 men on th < roll , of whom 025 are present , and these or furlough are rapidly coming in. Names 01 applicants will bo registered in the order o : the date of application arfd when there Is i vacancy the person properly entitled to ad mission will bo notified. Petition from the Bolgan | Workmen , BHUSSELS , Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram t < THIS BEB. | A delegation , from the radlca association presented a pqtltion to the munlc Ipal council In favor of ) universal suffrage The authorities feared there might bo troubli and the soldiers were kopt-undcr arms in thi barracks ready for any emergency. A gron crowd of workmen gathered around tbi Hotel do Vllle , but thorn was no disorder The throng dispersed quietly after tho'pctl lion bad been presented ; , Dishonor aiuLDcath. BEIIHN , Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram t < THE BEK.I The BorllnorTagoblatt record : tbo sulcldo of an army officer who is rofcrrci to by the paper as "Colonel von P. " I appears that the unfortunate man was re cently compelled to withdraw from the Unloi club owing to hU connection with a scanaul ous gambling affair. Tb.cfdisgr.ico of bison forced retirement being moro than ho couli boar. The unhappy officer blow out hi brains with a revolver. . A Prisoner's Snlcldr. JACKSON , Miss. , Nov. 10. Joseph Jackson one ot the Rube Burrows gang , confined i the penitentiary hero for some tlmo awaltln trial lor train robbery , suicided by jumpln from the third floor corridor of tha court t the ground , u distance of sixty feat. HI nock was broken. l.lnooln'H Movements. WASHINGTON , Nov. 10. Minister Llncol called at the white house this afternoon an bad an interview with the president , in th course of which ha said ho would leave fc Chicago tonight and expected to ronv.iln ther until his naurn to London about tbo end c December , PULLMAN'S ' COMPANY OUSTED The St. Paul Announces that it Will Assume the Management of the Superior. WILL THE INNOVATION BE A PRECEDENT ? Chairman I'ln ley's Antl-Sonlplnj ? Order Stirs up n Horde ol'Klok- ora-U Will Bo Klsldly KM forced. OIUCACIO , Nov. 10 . [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.-President ] Miller of the St. Paul road today issued an order that at 13 o'clock tonight aU Pullman cars on the line should betaken taken possession of by the proper St. Paul officials nud employes. This remarkable coup has been carefully considered , nud President Miller said : "At 12:05 tonight wo will bo In full control of all Pullman cars on our lino. At 13 our eight-year contract expires. " It was also learned that the St. Paul , under the terms of the contract , owned three-fourths of all its sleeping cars , Pullman owning the other fourth. A story was widely circulated this after noon that J. Plorrepont Morgan' , n largo holder of both St. Paul and AVagner sleeping car securities , had engineered tno deal with a view of the supplanting of Pullman cars with Wagner's. This story is denied by St. Paul officials. They declare they nro tired of seeing a sleeping car company take the cream of the business , nnd the St. Paul pro poses to keep such earnings in the future. Assistant General Passenger Agent Miller will have complete charge of the now sleep ing cur department. The magnitude of the movement may bo seen from the fact that 150 sleeping caw nro Involved , averaging dally earnings of $00 each. The point of most In terest to railroad men seems , however , to bo whether the action of the St. Paul will be taken as n precedent by other linos. Chairman Finloy Clinches Ills Order. CHICAGO , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram to THE Bun. ] Chairman Finloy of the Western Passenger association is beginning to find that the road to great reforms is a rooky one. Last week ho announced his policy of nu tborizing an open rate of any rate quoted by a ticket scalper. Followed out to Its legitimate cut this policy would drive scalpers out of business in n month. Now , however , the lines which deal largely with scalpers find they will bo deprived of all their business by Mr. Flnley's policy , and they are entering a vigorous kick. Chairman Finlcy has the backing of all the strong lines , however , and today ho Issued another circu lar reiterating his policy and declaring it would bo rigidly en forced. A general passenger agent said today : "It will bo a baptism of fire , but I think wo ought to stand any measures" which may reasonably be effected to drive scalpers out of business. Moro than 20 per cent of the business Is now done ou the tickets passing through their hands. " General Passenger Agent Clark of the Pittsburg & Lake Erie today wrote Chair man Finloy to the effect that for four months In the year 50 per cent of the eiitlro passenger busiriess between central trafllo und western points was done on scalped harvest excursion tickets. Uiiinn Pacillo-NorthivcHtern Alliance. BOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 10 , [ Special Telegram to Tun BEI : ] President Adams , of the Union Pacific , says : "There is no founda tion for any report of the Union Pacific- Northwestern nUliuco being broken at least while I am president. " The Union Pacific , ho says , has no floating dodt to causa it nny trouble. The construction of the Portland & Puget Sound railroad has been provided for independently by the Union Pacific , nud an announcement concerning this will bo made soon. The Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf has no floating debt except a minor matter of some old coupons for which Its bonds will bo issued to the Union Pacific company. EnBtbomid Shipments. CUIOAGO , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The total eastbound shipments , except llvo stock , last week were 00,034 tons , against 09,853 the previous week and 03,57 , ! ) the corresponding week of 18S9. Of the flour , grain and provision traffic tlio Grand Trunk carried 24 per cent , the Nickel Plato 9 , the Michigan Central 18 , the Lake Shore 15 , the Fort Wayne 13 , the Baltimore & Ohio 0 , and the Panhandle 5. New Omahn-Des Blolnes Line. DBS MOINES , la. , Nov. 10. J. H. Green , general agent , passenger department , of the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City railroad , says that President Eagan and ether officials of that road were at Omaha yesterday and definitely decided upon building a line from Dos Molncs to Omaha. Thes have had sur veys made and claim that the now line will bo seventeen miles shorter than any present line between these two points. The Utah Central Extension. SALT LAKE , Utah , Nov. 10. [ Special Tele gram to THIS BEE.J Contracts will bo lot to day for tracking the Utah Central extension from Park City twenty-five miles up Provo river and trains will bo running in thirty days. This line headed . for Duchesno and the White river country. Local railroad men say the Central Is standing in with the Rock Island. Stanley AV1I1 Prosecute Bnrttclot. LONDON , Nov. 10. The Pull Mall Gazette says Stanley will prosecute Walter Barttolot and others who have brought charges against him In connection with the controversy re garding tbo roar guard of the Emln relief expedition. Stanley has retained George Lewis and Sir Charles Russell to conduct his case. Tlio Condition of King Alfonso. LONDON , Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEE. ] Tno Chronicle's Berlin cor respondent says it is rumored In Catholic circles there that notwithstanding official assurances to the contrary , the young king ol Spain Is weak and not likely to llvo long. Minister Lincoln AVtll Not Resign. AVASHINQTON , Nov. 10. To an Associated Press reporter Hon. Ilobort T. Lincoln , min ister to England , this morning said In the most positive manner that tbo stories that ho Intended to resign his post were absolutely false. * President Carol and Bunker Hill. PAHIS. Nov. 10. | Special Cablegram U TUB BEE. ] President Carnet to ay re ceived Colon-si Ultchlo who delivered tc tha president a diploma appointing him hou. orary member of tha Bunucr Hill association. . Franco and Abyssinia. PAIUS , Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram to Tin BEE. ] The Sloclo says that Signer Antanellle will visit Abyssinia In order to prevent ICInt McnclcU from again protesting to the powers against the Italian dominion In his country , e _ An Kartltqitako lit England. LONDON , Nov. 10. [ Special cablegram t < TUB BEE. ] A light earthquake was felt li Monmouthshire onSaturday. Tbo rumbliuj lasted nmo seconds. Advanced Ilnte of Discount. THE HAGUE , Nov. 10.- [ Special Cablcgran to Tins DEI : . ] Tno Bank of the Nctherlandi has advanced its rate of discount from 1 PC : cent to ty i per cent. The Croy itcport , WASHINGTON , Nov. 10. Returns to the do partmcat of agricultural of the rates of yieli make the average of com , 10.0 btislu . potatoes , 57.5 bushels' buckwheat , L' bushels ; bay , 1.20 tons ; tobacco , 718 ttouni ! That of 18-J7 was'.Ul bushels. It Is $1 p > . ' cent of the average of the last ten years , A period which Included four universally DOOI , vonw , and only 7:1 : per cent of last year's crop. The Indication of recent returns bin been so uniform that the estimate for record will not bo likely to change this figure unless by n slight fraction , The dcellno the lust dceado Is not duo to the Impairment , ot fertility butte to unfavorable ) meteorological Influences. , The highest iiiles are in Now England , ns sunl. Now Yorkttvora < jc 2r > .nPonnsylvanla : , 27.5 ; Ilchlgmi , 20.7 ; Onlo , 120.7 } Indiana , 21.11 ! Illl' ols,2 , * > j Iowa,2(5 ( ; Missouri. 2 , " > .S ; Kansas , 11.8 ; obrashn , Tbo principal decline Is In 10 corn surplus stains. The average rate of Icld of iwtatoes Is 57.5 bushels. The condl- 'on of the crop In October was lower mil in nny reported previous crop irrtnttf Iti 1CCT' titti if iM * n r iiim # 'emisylvnnln ' , ( ! S ; Michigan , 58 ; Ohio , : idlann , 1)7 ) ; Illinois , 110 ; Iowa , -IS ; Missouri , 9 ; Kansas , 23 : Nebraska ; S" ; Minnesota , 08 ; ilnlno reports ICi ; Now Ilamphshiro , UO , and . 'cnnout 0 , > . The yields of tlio Hey crop nro rfie , as a rule , throughout the country , 'ho cauo suuar crop will be a largo ono and igar beets have done well west of the llssourl. * OLKS IIA iA ituusrA. Bodies of KmlgrantH Going to llra/ll. WAHSAIV , Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram to I'm : Br.E.l For some tlmo past largo bodies f Polish emigrants have loft Kuisla bound 'or ' Brazil , where It Is their intention to found : olonlos. The government does not look with uvor upon this wholesale emigration of . 'oles , nnd In many cases largo numbers of migrants leave the country surreptitiously , irosslng the frontier wltheut securing from .ho authorities the necessary permission lu .ho shape of passports. Much concern Is 'elt regarding the experiences of thcso cinl- rants in leaving Russia and their success fter reaching Brazil , where the conditions > f life nra so dissimilar from these to which ho Poles have been accustomed. The War- ; aw Courier , In order to bo nblo to furnish a 'ull ' nnd authentic account of the experiences if thcso emigrants has engaged , Dymnsinskl , ho eminent novelist and essayist , to join a larty of them without disclosing bis identity ind ho will accompany them to Brazil , Ho , vill embody the experience of the party In a icrlcs of articles which will bo published by , ho Courier. Despite the order Issued by the government rohlbltlng the emigration ot peasants nnd olish Jews to Brazil , 00,000 have left Russia 'or that country during the past three months. LOXJOOS'S X111V MMltlf .JIAl'OJl. * ft , * Us Inauguration lian' ' < fnet Furnishes nn Occasion for SpcL-clinmlclng. LONDON' , Nov" 10. Joseph Savory was oday installed lord mayor of London with all the pomp that has for years attended the icrcmony. This ovcntntr ho gave tuo cus- omary banquet to the ministry. Secretary Stanhope , replying to the toast , o the army , announced that all the regular roops would bo armed with new magazine rifles early next year. Lord Salisbury , in replying to the toast to .ho government , said ho regarded ns a good omen of peace the -fact that the czarowitck , vas about to visit India ns a guest of the lucen. Although the dispute with Portugal had oot been KO happily arranged a.i jnatton with Franco and Germany , still the position did not justify any sinister apprehensions. Koforx'lng to Anjorlca , Lord Salisbury said the McKinley tariff law would certainly affect somo. portions of British commerce Free traders could rejolco over the recent electoral victories In the United States ns a protest against the extravagant nnd utterly selfish protection policy. But they must not draw conclusions too rashly. They must still ace the prospect of prohibitive tariffs. Kug5 und qnd no retaliatory schomc as she bad re duced her own tariff to the lowest point. Ho- fcrruig to tbo relations between labor and capital the premier said if they had nn eicla hour bill forbidding men to exercise their strength and skill an hour or two moro thus Imposing hindrances on prediction they must bo prepared to meet as a natural result the victorious competition of tuor countries where "abor was not so embarrassed. Tlio ? ovornmeut ho declared would not .nlorfero nt all in the disputes between capital and labor. Unwise theorists nnd In terested politicians might mislead some workingmen - ingmen but the heart and the mind of tbo country would remain patriotic and true to its economic and commercial traditions. Tlio premier said ho believed the McKlnloy bill was duo to the idea that American pips had failed to receive proper treatment nt the hands of Eurodo. Ho regarded the tariff qucstloa as the world's ' conflict of the future. ' It will bo an interesting consideration for us , " ho said , "whether our attitude can be sustained or whether the madness of our neighbors will force us to deflect In any degree from tbo sound nnd sen sible position wo now occupy. The premier declined to enter Into political prophecies , the futility of which , ho said , recent events had shown. For instance , Boulungor won in all the elections of France , but failed to win in the cud. Skilled wlro pullet's In America were surprised at a sudden uprising of free trade and European political man were equally astonished at the defeat of the gov ernment in Greece. Hoi : Cholera in Ohio. COLUMIIUS , O. , Nov. 10. The state board of agriculture has received reports ot an epidemic emicof cholera among hogs in several coun ties of this state , notably Franklin , Dnrko , Butler , Prcblo and Athens counties , whcro swlno are dying In largo numbers. The state health departmunt h ? received no liv- formation of the epidemic , nliuough sensa tional stories are afloat of larao numbers of dlsascd hogs being slaughtered and shipped to Philadelphia. The matter is to be In vestigated. AVIialern Orownrd. SAN FIIANOISCO , Nov. 10. The whaler , Charles AV. Morgan , which has Just arrived from the OknoUk sea reports the loss of six men , Second Ma to Martin and five seamen , whllo In pursuit of a whale. It U believed the wbalo smashed the boat containing the men. The whaler , Norwhal , from Fox Island reports six men washed from the decks dur ing a ROle , but two men , fortunately , were thrown back allvo by the return wave. An EngIUhiniui ; on the Irloh Famine. BOSTON , Nov. 10. James H. Stark , a mem ber of the British-American association ol this city , has recently made a tour of Investi gation through Ireland. Ho claims that in northern or Protestant Ireland the pco- plo are apparently prosperous and there Is no potato famine. Ho declares that the suffer ing in southern Ireland is the result of the "plan of campaign" of wtilth Dillon and O'Brien are the authors. Foil With the Koarrokl. PmauB , Nov. 10. A portion of the roof ol a house In course of erection collapsed today demolishing a scaffold. Flvo dead workmen and six Injured ones have been extricated from the ruins , Others are still burled Ir the debris. _ A nandit Surrcndero. HAVANA , Nov. 10. Advices from Santagc do Cuba say tha' the famous bandit , Vclas nig. has been killed by government troops and his band of thirty men surrendered U the authorities. An Englluh Granary Burned. LONDON , Nov. 10 , [ Special cablegram t < TUB Bui : . ] A'cgan & Co.'s ' Immense grau ary at Ratherhitlio has been destroyed b ; lire. _ Houlangor Abroad. LOXDON , Nov. 10. It is reported that Bou longer has left tuo Inland of Jersey for ai unknown destination , ; \YIIERE \ IS WILLIE TASCOTT ? \ V > rcst in the Celebrated Snoll Mnrtlei \ "ire Revived by Recent Developments , K . ALBERT J. SNELL'S ' COVERT CHARGES , \ Th , 'olnt ' nt. iho Jinn Who HUM Ucon l. * ) Ht Active In tlio I'ur.-mlt of the Allo < d Murderer The \VIII. Cuieino , Nov.olfi. [ Special Telegram to TiiiBii.j : : : The Snell murder case , which was n topic of absorbing interest for a long time , has again been brought before the pub lic. This is duo to the fact that MM. Albert J. Snell , daughter-in-law ot the dead million , nlro , has announced her intention of ear nestly looking for the nssnssln or assassins. Two years ago hut February Amos J. Snell was shot down by BOIIIO ono who had broken Into his house. Ono bullet pierced his heart nnd another lodged in his brain. When found , the old man had a pistol In his hand , from which ho had tired several times. The body was found early next morning by the family coachman , lying In n pool of blood nt the head of the stairs leading to tlio base ment. Further down on the stairs were blood stains , fiom which traces It was gener ally believed that tlio murderer or murderers nad been hit during the affray. Finally It was announced that Willie Tas'cott had com mitted the crime and the dmso after him commenced. A reward of fcKl.tW , afterward Increased to $50,000 , was offered for Tascott and not for the murderer. Taseot commenced , to bo captured at least thrco times a day , but cncn capture fulled of Identification. Interest In the case has been revived by the open letter and broad Insinuation ) of the younger Mrs. Snell , wlfoof tlio immlored man's only son , Albert J. Snell. There is no imsumleMtnmlliiR of hvr charges which , al though covertly stated , point directly toward the man who bus been mostactlvolii nttcmpt- ting to lliuMVllIlo Tascott. and that man Is J. Stone , thoson-ln-huv of Snoll. Mrs. Albert J. Snell , In a published interview , declared that the hole bored in the door of the Snell safe was put through from the inside ; that tbo paper of most vnluo stolen was old Mr. SncU's will , and thut thu safe was unlocked by some ono who know the combination well , riio most damaging Insinuation , however , ho young Mrs , Snell voiced In these words : " 1 bcllovo that ono of Mr. Snell's bullets voundcd the murderer , not only iccuuso it never has been found , but bccnnso hero were blood stains on the talrs which the murderer or mur derers used when they fled. I isked Mr. Stone about these stains , and ho old mo they ciuuo from the stretcher which ho police brought Into the houso. I think hut when tbo case Is probed to the bottom It 'ill bo found that thoutalns fell from awouud. 'crimps ' Tascott may have been wounded uroly somebody WHS. Mr. Stone come homo rom a chase after Tascott in April. Ho was ipiHo ill and had to bo driven from the depot o his homo In n cab. It was reported at tlio line that ho had pneumonia. My husband -ailed on him to see how he was getting along and Mr. Stone showed him a * vound In the leg which ho said 10 had received while In the army. Tbo vound , ho explained , had broken out afresh , MI account of the violent exercise to which 10 had subjected the leg during ids trip. It vas always known that Mrs. Stone was not n Mr. Snell's will. " "I have not read what Mrs. Snell , Jr. , has said about mo und I will not rend it , " said Jr. Stono. "I do not care what she says , for it cannot hurt mo. But she makes very serious Insinuations. If she knows whcro Tascott Is , why don'tsho produce himl I un- lerstand she savs the boy Is near the city , vo want him ; let her point him out. Mrs. Snell , sr. , Is ready to pay liberally for his capturo. The reward of $ . " > 0.000 Is no longer in open offer. It was withdrawn becuuso vo thought- some good might come from a lollcy of quiet. There is absolutely no truth u the statement that wo are Indifferent in ho matter of Tuscott's capturo. " In the meantime public excitement is nt 'over bout again in Chicago over the latest developments in this cnuso colcbro , and tha nllllouairo's will Is still missing. MlLlTAIll'V How Satisfactory Ucsults May lie Ob tained Iroin Tliclr Mnintoiinnuo. WASHINGTON , Nov. 11. Acting Adjutant General McKcover In his annual report to the secretary of war devotes much space to the subject of military colleges. The average ) lumber of students over 11 ft ecu years of ago attending those Institutions during tlio post scholastic year was 11,049 , of whom Sll at tended artillery drills and 5,014 infantry drills. Tbo total number of pupils reported as having received military Instruction dur ing tbo last quarter of the school year Is 0,00,1 , says General McICeevcr. Ono of the obsta cles pointed out In former reports to this thoroughly satisfactory military department ( the fewness of number of students ) is slcad- lly increasing. The best results will not bo obtained until each university or colleco is favored with an army detail makes military drills and In struction compulsory upon nil male students of tlio proper ago , who tire physically able and in addition provides adequate facilities f or la- door di ills during the winter months. IH Feared. Bnossm. ? , Nov. 10. Delegates of the radi cal association waited upon the municipal council today nnd presented a petition In favor of universal suffrage. At the same tirno an Immense ) crowd of worklngmcn assembled around the Hotel Do Vlllo waiting" for the re sult of the petition. Tbo burgomaster prom ised the delegates the bill should ha Intro duced hi the chambers. This failed to satisfy the worklngmcn , who received it with threat ening demonstrations. The number of people In the crowd Is estimated at 10,000. The gov ernment holds a lai-RO force of troops In read- ness for action , but though rioting Is feared. no disorder hag yet occurred. Politics Slay Save Him. Lonnos , Nov. 10. The appeal of CastlonI , the Swiss radical who was arrested In Lon don on the charge of killing Counclllot Hossl , during the recent revolt in Tlclno Canton ] and whoso extradition was ordered by tbo lower English court , came up for hearing in the high court of Justice today. Sir Charles Kussoll , for the prisoner , argued that tbo Ticlno movement was a popular revolution and tlicroforo the killing of Rossi was a political crlrno for which his client could not bo extradited. Too bearing was adjourned until tomorrow. The Crock Chamber , ATHENS , Nov. 10. [ Special Cablegram to Tim BBE.J The cbambor of deputies was opened today by the king in person. In his speech opening the session hU majesty said that the members of the cabinet were con vinced of the expediency of returning to an electoral system based on tbo old laws. Tha ministry , hu said , would spare no efforts to meet all the engagements of the state. Armenians Hatnpaiit , Eznnouw , Nov. 10. Five hundred armed Armenians concentrated at Mudor , on Rus sian territory , yesterday and made a. raid on several Kurdish villages , killing live persons ) The band was attacked and dispersed by Cossacks , The Woattior Forcoiut. Foi Omaha nnd Vicinity Fair ; warmer. For Nebraska and South Dakota-Fair | warmer ; southerly winds. For Iowa Fair | warmer ; wind ) becqmjpff southerly , *