Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Coming Session of the North Platte Confer
etco of the Synod.
jl'.cv. IO. . Grlnilli , PnMor of Bt
Mark'H Clnircli , I'reaulies nn
Able Sorinon on "A
Cliuruli Home. "
Tb North Platte conference of tlio Kvan
jrchcal Lutheran synod will hold a thre
nlnys' session at St. Mark'n Lutlioran ehurcli
tornciof 'Ihlrtj-ilrst and Bunlctto strceU
this wenln ? . The llrst sermon wa
to linvo been preieticd last night by Ucv , J
jN. linker of Grand Jslund , but he could no
bench Omaha in tlmo mid Kov. 1G. . ( Jrlnitt :
jiastoi of SU Murk's chuich , ( ireachcil u soi
anon iii > on the snmo sublwt nj whlcl
3tov. Lonkcr had nnnouncoJ , "A Cbuicl
The address was very practical and ox
Illicit , Jfesaldn church homo did not men
ucliurch bulltllng , necessarily. It U a plac'
vheroOod meets bis people nnd whcro pet
jilo mtcU for norslilp und fellowship. Go
anaybo wmsliipcd nnjwhcio , but tic also tl <
ulros tbo chlldrcti of men to Ua\o spccit
jilncca to worship. A church homo is a plac
of rest froln the busy cares ol life , npUco t
gmect iclict from the turmoil of a res
jess world. It is right tint ther
should bo n church building nn
n pool one , especially locited v ith n view t
the convenience and built with a view to tli
comfoit of tlioso who desire to worship t <
Kothc-r. Christians should like plcosuio i
liciiutlfying the house of God and make it di
llplitful and inviting.
Tliorexcrcnd Bcntlemnn said there wer
three thiiiRS necessary in securing n cliurc
IIOIIIB n villinir effort , a united effort an
a pert ovcring cllort. Whci o thcso are mad
In cainest a cotiKicgation can soon 1m o
rhuich homo that they till feel proud of. H
then referred to the Itcucllt n church is to tli
community , andsnld tint tlio citizens coul
not afford to let churches suffer fc
Mipport nnd suffer or go dowi
A ehurcli Is n lastinp benefit to those wh
reside in the comtnunlty , no matter whethc
they attend it or not.
The speaker then talked a few minute
nboilt the proKMmtno that will bo follow c
< iy the Noith I'luto synod and In vlttsd oyorj
lioilj to attend thu iruetinRS *
Tliis evenliiK111 bo what is railed "Twlithc
Say ) Services. " Addresses will boRlveu b
rovcrnl nf tbo leading pastors of the enure
in the North Nebraska conforcnco.
Tlio confcrenco will meet both morning an
c\enlnj , nnd everybody Is invited to aticnc
"Tho Midnight Bell , " Hey t's ' very naturs
nnd clever comedy , dealing with. Now En [
. land life \vhntEdgnr Saltus would call '
tassnchusctts vlllago , " began a four night
cnS'igomcnt at the Uoyd last cveninR.
There Is an episodic charm about the pin
that Is irresistible. It is full of quuinU
liuinan touches whiihnovcr fall of enthus
nstlc iccognltlon nt the bands of an nudlenci
no mutter In what sodion of the country tl
jilny may bo produced
It Is a bicatli from another world , than tli
tceinliifr , bustling city life where all is rus
nnd turmoil ; It Is a picture of homo In ll
rustic setting , sweeter by far tHan that ovc
IP' ' limned ba Coiot or a Turner.
It nouldbo dinioult to imagine a prottic
sltotch than the school room scene , for wide
Jlr. lloyt has contiivcd some oxtrcrael
clover and no\el incidents. School rooi
BCOIICS always "RO" with an audience , hi
the author 1ms managed to bo scholarly an
An old deacon , ono of the school trustee
xislts the children and nuts them through
"course of sprouts. " He is extremely igno
nut of book "Uruin1 but is a host In pra <
tlcnllty. Ho is Invited to n.ucstlon the gci
Rrupliy class which ho piocccded to do , to h
ownsatlsfjotionnt least.
'Which ts the largest city in tlio world 1
lie asks.
"Chicago , " comes the answer very qulclcl ;
This preatly perplexes the good deacoi
If nnd loolra for enlightenment to his luwyc
I " 1 know Chicago li the largest city in tl
orldfor u Chlcagxi man told mo so , " perslai
the iiupll.
' Don't you over bellovo what a Chlcns
jnan tells jou , " ivsponds Doucou Tidd w 1th
Imow II\K leer.
Tlio plot of n "Midnight Bell" is Its wor :
loature. It is conventionally melodramntl
lilnRln ; : upon the theft of some hanlc noU
nnd the dlscovciy of the thief with the bone
which bo has sown Into thu cushions of tl
Vow in the parish ehurcli. Tlio old deuce
H ho has uiilntcntlnlly locked himself iu tl
orjjaa loft , Is the unconscious means of brinj
liiK the offender to justice. Tlio thief in tli
thuruh with the bonds ; thodeacoii Inoidcrt
llberato himself , rings n midnight bell ; tli
\lllugcrs corao llocking into the ehurcli , tl
\lllulnhi discovered , and there you uro.
There have few chanpos been made in tti
cast since last seen in Omaha , and as tb
characters come on , they vero locuUod wit
cpirltcd recognition by the nudieuco , whic
most have been very delightful to the poe
pie placing thorn atouco in sympathy wit
these in fiont of the footlights.
The clover acting of Eugene Canfleld , ns
hey with n \ oico thnt Is just changing , \vo
mca apprcoiatloii.
George Klchaids as Dcrcon Tldd vas wet
clerfully tnio to nature , wonderfully so bi
cause Mr. Hlchanls is still a young man. ]
is a most unctuous porfoimnnco and q.jlt
overshaacvs anjtbingholias done since h
lias been n member of Hoyt's lorcos.
Miss l ony IIaswi.ll. a very pretty and d (
nmro young woman with lots of ability , \\\i
v , as seen here last season with 'S'hcnai
doah , " plnjcd the minister's slstor , DC
3)rnclbury ) , very acceptable indeed , quite ren
HliiB the author's intention of making it o
iiiRonua role , not a boubictte.
Miss Marie Hai t is delightful as the ol
L maid. Li iio Grout. J. "W. Hague continue
to play tliolllinn , Stephen Larabee , an
1 jilnys it vciy well , which may also bo said c
JYankLansiii the role of Kapler Kceno , tl
scltv lawyer ,
But the entire cast is good , and "Tho Ml <
r Jilcht Hell" is deservedly a socoua edition (
"Tho Old Homestead.1'
"Tho Pearl of Pcltin" wns the attraction t
the O mud lost evening , plajlng1 to uvci
good house.
Hnd the opera boon announced at the sta :
rw bcliiR by Messrs Gilbert ana Sullivan
vould hnvo achieved a triumph among the
admirers. The very fact thnt some of tb
music Is suggestive ot two eminent wntet
\\ouldlia\omadoit nil the more interesting
nnd the absurdity of the plot , the brluhtnos
of many of the lines , \\ould hnvo can led it 1
certain success.
As for the music , which is sot down r
wing by Gnstn\o Kcrlccr and Charles Li
cocq , there Is not a dull possago 411 it , an
ono melody after another , SOURS , dances nn
choruses follow In that delightful suecesslo
vhich Is Lost illustrated by the llowini ? <
Hut the company wldcli produced the opei
last evening is the inferior of the ono whlc
{ , 'iivo it its original presentation In Omuhu
Mr. Kit u in Chapman , isho stnps Mr. Ha
rlsou'siartof thu Tyfoo. whllo just as nb
a muslclau lacks the lutter's humor , csic\iall
Is tills uotlceaUo in tha second net. Mis
l.tllio West is a very bright and interestlii
1'oail of Pokln , and this may also bo said <
Miss risck as Flniiette. .
Mr. Kdwnrd Weed , tlio tenor , sings wol
but Ills noting is painfully mechanical. M
Cirurvl is the Sosoriki , mid lurrlng a tcn <
cneyto exaggerate ) the part is voiy acccp
Tim chorus , while not largo , slnj * Very ve
and if wo had uot seoa so excellent u present
tlon ot the opera last year tlio present po
Jortnanco world bo considered rcnmrkub !
good ,
A. Coiuluctnr's nospcrat Act ,
CoitsucJLVJi , Tex , , Nov. 0 , William (
Tallic , a railroad conductor , last night Uilk
his wife and then suicided. The cauta of tt
tragedy is unknown.
ICAK3A8 CITT , ICan , Nov. 0. A most r
markable romance ramo to light toda ;
Twenty-tlvo ycMirs njo two babes , brothi
Hud aUtor , were nbandonca in Castle Oardc
Ijy their parents They wcro adopted by dif
ferent people. Iho girl lived with her fostei
mother , Mrs E\nns. In Philadelphia : the
-boy , who was adopted by n man mimed Jlnrr ,
Brow up , loomed u trndo nnd went to Phila
delphia Tlieioho met Miss Kvnns , fell It :
love , nnd in duo course of time they weic
married and cumo to Kansas City. A couple
of j can nfro.Mrs. Kvnns died , and soon nftoi
n relative In Canada died intostnto Icaviai ! c
Inrjju form no Iktccllros In searching foi
Mrs. ll\ans adopted child cllstovcwd the
Ktory and told it to Mr. and Mrs I3arr. Nc
Isauo his txistlltcd from the mnrrlaRO. Loea
protecdliiBs nt once bo taken to annul li
and the brother and slstor will then take pos
session ot the foi tune ; .
fur the Irrlillsocat Pa
r d ( * 'Jcfninircnv Nl hl.
The committee ot Snmoset bnvcs whlcl
hnsclmpe of the nrrtnKeincnts for Tuesday
night's monster jubilee held another meotinf
yc-iterda ) afternoon mid disposed of a vas
amount of prelhalniuy work. The domoa
strntlon will bo under the direction nnd con
trol of the Samosct nssoclntloa and tha
acllyo oi-Kinizntloii extends u cordla
invitation to democrats and & 11 thnsi
throughout tha sUto who fiuorcd the cloc
tlon nf Hon. James D , Boyil and vh < ) opposec
pioblbltlou to partleipito in the eiithusiasin
Kmer werohucb preparations madolor nfes
tlyal in Oniahi and noyoroit ) the indlca
tlons of an unprecedented success so favor
Invitations \in\o \ boon sent * to the Ornnln
KUiirds , tbo Om.iha whocl club , the Votorai
Klrumcn's association and all the Icadhif
clylc socletioa of the city. Chief Sea\ey IHV
been requested to detail a platoon of plckei
men to lead the procession. The best bind ;
in the state will bo In lino. All ward clubs
civic oreiniyntions nnd bands should vepor
to Maisiml Louis Holmrod not 1 nter than '
o'clock p. in at Sceutccnth und Capitol IUQ
nuc.Tho pjrotcchnlo display will bo brilliant
A carload of explosives will r.rrho from Chi
cnso today , nnd tbo line of march willbi
nbli7e ulth red nnd blue flro. 'J'hero will \ )
millions of Ionian caudles , rockets und bomb
distributed unions the men in Hue Trans
patencies bcming unltjuc designs and appro
pi In to Icfjends mo now being constructed
nnd will fiunlsh Instruction ns well ns amuse
ment to the masses. The parade 111 end n
the court house , whcro n couple of pro
fcsslonnl pyrotechnists , Imported from Chi
catjo especially for tbo occasion , will f urnlsl
n dazyllng exhibition of "sot pieces , " cmlirac
ing portraits of popular politicians , mottoes
etc. Then the big ovcntillbs n thing o
the .
_ _
yuan A
A Sane Man Mberntcd After Seicn
Iccn Vcars In an Ani'luiii.
Ln\\r.swonTif , Kan. , Noy. 0. It Is a stor ;
rc.idlng like a novel which David Payne tell
on hta return in company with hta brothe
from California. Mr. Payne is an old rcsi
dent of this city. In lb 3 ho wont to Call
fornla. llo vas clven up for dead by hi
relatives hcio years njjo. Shortly after hi
arrival in California ho struck a rlcl
lead and was in a fair way to becom
wealthy. lie confided to n relative his gooi
fortune , but shortly after fell a victim to i
plot instigated by this man and carried int
execution. With the aid of n gang of con
federates , on a forped certificate of insnnit'
ho was Immured in the California stntoinsan <
asjlum nnd for seventeen jcnrs wns burloi
from the woild. . Ho bad no friend who hticv
of his condition and the year * during whlcl
ho was mourned as dead were spout by him ii
this llvlnir tomb. Only n few months ago h
succeeded in communicating with his brothe
in Wisconsin , mid tlio latter lost no time ii
Kointj toSnu PrntKlbcound affecting his un
fortuunto brother's ideaso Mr. Payne i
sane , but his lonir conllnenicnt has made bin
a physical wreck. Mr. Pnyno's property , o
which ho was so unjustly dispossessed , ha
vanished. Ho will make his homo v ith hi
biotber in Wisconsin as soou as his vis !
with iclatlves in this city cxpiies. lie \vil
put forth his utmost endeavors to bring t
punishment the men nho wronged him s
cruelly ,
Ho f'rculpltatca a Itnw at a Demo
crutlc Celebration.
MA.IHOV , Ind. , Nov. 0. There wasasorlou
row at the Quaker town of Fairroount las
night. The democrats were haying a Jolllfl
cation meeting and firing an anvil when Tot
Uttloy , a negro of unsavory reputation , cam
up and ordered the celebration stopped. ;
row ensued and Uttloy nnd ono of the celt
br.itorsV. . H. Campbell , dro\v revolver
mid began firing at each other. A mi :
nninea Con Paul endeavored to disnblo th
negro with a brick , but Utllov tuincd on hli
and sent a bullet through his head , killini
him Jerry Frwler ( coloied ) took part litho
the fight but yns soon dropped will
two bullets in his body. Uttley tlioi
ran , but wns afterwards captured
after being slightly wounded. An cmromn
tion of the battle field showed , Paul , fntnll'
injured ; John Berry shot through the fnc
nnd badly hurt ; Trailer ( colored ) serious ! '
wounded ; William Cobb , spectator uoundci
in the leg ; Uttley , woundrd In the hack , am
Campbell badly cut by stcfties thrown. Th
sheriff arrived from Fairmont nt mldnlgh
nnd found preparation being made to Ijncl
Uttloy. lie succeeded la quieting the ciowi
and spirited Uttloj away dining tbe night.
irjiaoox HE Goon IXDIAXS
Four Itccl Men to Bo Executed fo
Murdering "White Settlers.
MISSOOIJI , Mont. , Nov. 9 Picrro Paul , ai
Indian , was tonight found guilty of murdorii
the first degree. This is the fourth Indlai
who has been found guilty in the last thro
weeks of murdering white men on the rial
head reservation. Paseulo killed a man fo
his money. Antler was one of three Indian
w ho shot three prospectors without provocn
tion. Ills companions wcro lynched. Lasc
and Pierre Paul , with throe or four others
went out gunning for \\hlto men and each o
them killed a man. Pascilo , Antler nn
JLaseo HIM sentenced to bo hanged Dccorabe
10 , nnd Paul will probably swing at the sam
To Succeed Secretary Tracy.
CIIATTANOOCU , Tenn. , Nov. 0 , The Time
will publish , tomorrow morning , a stntomcn
that Hon. H. Clay Eyans , present congress
man from this district , defeated by the clcn
ocratlc nominee last Tuesday , will bo a weir
bcr of President llavilson's cabinet , succeed
iugScciotaryTiacy , who will b6 tendered
seat on the supreme bench ,
J'/v'ttA0AMIi JMIl.lttlC.lA'US.
n. Thorson of Chicago is nt tlio Barker.
A. J. Sheais ofChndion Is .at the Casey.
T. C. Wilson of Pueblo ft at the Millard.
James IConard ot lllco , Colo. , tsat tuo Mut
rny ,
M. Sallbbury of Callfomla is at the Pax
ton ,
J. E. Baldwin of Grand Island is at th
0. L. Spoiling of Albion is stopping at th
1. N. Sullivan of Iduh.i is roglstorod at tb. <
II. E. Decauu- Boston Is a guest at thi
E. A. Brown of Nobuska City Is at th
B M. Stock of Pueblo , Colo. , U rcglstcroi
II. T. Sbocmakci ofls'ew Yoikls roglstcre
at tlio Millard.
John O'Connor of Boston was at the Pax
ton last night.
O. B. Prazoiot Hock Island was at th
Baikor last night.
1' , M , Wennov of Londvlllo , Colo. , Is In th
city , nt the Barker ,
O , D , Doughs of Salt Laho was at th <
Minruy last night.
Paul Tromlnhtt of Saa l-'ranclsco is In tb
city , at the Millard ,
B , P. York and \vlfo of Denver are In th
city , at the Murray ,
H , H. lllrd ot Cedar Rapids was at thi
Merchants lut nlgbt.
A. J. Snodou ot Kearney was la the dt'
yesterday , at the Casey ,
George A. ncuotllot of Arnold wns in th
city yesterday , nt the Casey ,
George A. Perkins of Boston Was la th
ci ty yesterday , nt the Fasten.
tt Was Loaded with Delectable Viands n
the Barker Hotel ,
A. BtiuocNwIiil Inaugural of the Bcrlci
of Annual Jan ) < | ucti liy tlio
jiml Intel *
ers' Union.
The flrit annual binquot ot the Builder
and Trailers' cxchntiKe , a brief report t
which appeared In yesterday's BFE , wr
Riven nt tlio Hotel Birkor lost Saturcln
It proved to bo ono of the finest events (
the Itlnd ever Riven in this city. It > was a
tended by nil tlio lending builders and limili
ment dealers in the city , as also by n , nuinbc
or distinguished rltlzcus whowoio the imesl
of tbo association ,
! 1 bo table was spread In a most tcmptln
manner , scvcwl symbolic pieces of pastry , tl :
work of the cultlne of the Barker , belnp e
peolully attractive mid beautiful.
Hlchnrd Smllb , president of tlio cxclmng
sat nt tlio head ot the table , baUng on h
right \YllliiunII. S-iyward , seurctury of tl
national association of builders , nnd"on li
loftHdwaidHosowater. Near nthnndwci
the chairs of Oovernor-Klett Bojd , John I
Webster , George W. Wiltlock , building ii
selector , Chairman D. W. Blikhnuscr of tl
hoard of wibllo woiks , Martin Ittncr nnd I
B. Ilusscy. Others present wcvo Councl
man Bailey , Albert Fall , A. J. Ylerlln ? , I
J. Collins , John II. Harte , James A. Crulpl
ton , Jules Lombard , Henry Voss , John Mu
vlhlll , Chlof Galligim nnd A. Lnwrlo.
Landlord Bulch started the banquet oft li
n-'klnp the guests to drink a toast to tl :
ofllceia anil members of the exchange. 1
facilitate the execution of this plan ho hn
si-en to It that a glass of "Barker Hotel
punch was beside each pinto.
I.andloid U.ilch had also prepared the fa
lowing feast to which the guests sat dow
with appetites thnt had not been satisfied fc
many hours :
Snnll Putt Ion of Chicken.
llllctof Illuo I'lsh.
C'roqiutto Potatoes.
Tenderloin of Hoof. OrucnPcns.
P-uitct Canot.
Suckling' . Sweet Potatoes.
Komiin Punch. ClRnrottoi.
Knist ( jiinll , Stuffed with Celery.
Lobster bnlacl. Lettuce.
1'lpor Holilsluck.
Assorted Cuke. Now York Ice Cream.
Crackers Koriupfort Chcoso.
ColTie. Brand } ,
When the discussion of the dinner hn
somewhat progressed. Secretary Collins ni
nounced that ho had learned through Tn
Br.i : that James E Bojd , the democratic cm
didato lor governor , was 1,000 votes ahead <
Powers and that ho was still increasing tl
lend ,
The appreciation ot this nexvs was mo :
demonstrative. It resulted in three rousin
cheers for the nonilucoand acall for u spoecl
to which that pcntlomau responded in a fo1
choice sentences.
After the hanquot had bcou disposed (
President Smith opened the foronsio pr (
gramme hy a short ad dress , saying :
"Gentlemen As president of the hnllctci
and traders exchange of Omaha , ills ni
privilege to extend u welcome to you on th :
"While I night to pardoned should I us
this occasion to express mutiy of tne though !
which this meeting -jUKResta , I nssnro vo
that suck is not my intent ; for under th
puldanco of our toast master , I shall ask yci
to listen to what otfiers may have to offer fc
your information and entertainment.
"I cannot , however , refrain from exprcs :
Inn my gratification , not only as president <
this organization , but also as nn indivldui
member , nt seeing Ratherod top-ether at ot
first annual banquet so many of those whos
interests , both ivs business men and cltber
nro closely connected. It is indeed u happ
moment , bccauso social affairs of this natui
brinp us neater together und help to mail
possible many of the results for which we at
"Jt irlves mo particular pleasure also I
greet in friendly welcome tho&o who 01
present as renrcsentativos of other Interest
who find themselves here on our invitation I
unite with us in oinphnsIztnR the truth tin
whatever tends to strengthen nny partlcuU
interest in the comrauuitv is of common eoi
cum and vuluoto all.
"To all such guests I give a most heart
welcome from the Builder's nnd Trader's c :
chutigo of Oiunhn. I know that I volio tl
opinion of every individual member , when
suj that vo hope to mnko our association tl
source of much pleasure and pride to all cit
70ns of the city -with whoso welfare wo fc
ourselves to bo most intimately connected.
"Finally , it is a pleasure to me to extend
welcome to the secretary of the National o
soclation of builders , whoso ofilcial visit to i
as ono of the filial bodies of that orpanizatic
gives us opportunities to show our appreci
tion of his efforts in behalf of the builders i
the codntry , und our bcliof in the value i
the national association to e\ory local bed
in the country. „
"To each and alt , I therefore bid a heart
"Ihavo now the pleasure of inlroduoiii
Mr. Hussey , president of the plumbers nss
ciation of Omaha , u ho will act as toastma
tor. "
Mr. Smith's remarks wcro greeted wit
Mr. Hussy considered it Important to sttv
that the organized national body of bulldci
probibly represented rnoro capital than nn
other body , und was second to none in ii
tollipeuco und all that pees to make goc
citizenship. Ho-predictcd a boom for Oinal
and decided to introduce the jnnn who T
thought was most Instrumental In drlvln
nwnj the cloud of prohibition. Ho then Intr
( hired Hon. John li Webster , who , in descril
inp the resources of the -\\est \ the prospects (
Omnhn. and welcoming Mr. Sajward tt
national secretary said :
"Air. Toastmaster By your klntlly Intri
ductlon I learn that I am to speak words c
welcome in behalf of the Builders nn
Traders exchange of Omaha to the worth
secretairof the national organization wl
sits at my loft hand. The smiling face
around this festal board greet you and we
coins you , Mr. Soward. You come from th
city of Uoston the homo of rolinement nn
culture , of business enterprise and of pro
pority. Wo nro always plud to meet 01 :
from than hub of tie universe , so fur out o
the ilin of tbo wheel , that wo may show ye
the rapidity of our movements , and the rot ,
tton of our developing clungcs. ( Applause
Boston had its beginning two centuries an
n hnlf apo. Its beginnings nro traced only I
tbo history of our earlier civilization , <
known to tbo archives of the arohaoolocls
There are those about this table \Uioso llv <
stretch back to , und ovea beyond ttio plan
ing of the llvbt hiunlot on the banks of th
Missouri where I now stand , but thirty-si
yean ago. You have a million nhd u half i
population , representing a growth accumi
mux ) since the lauding nt Plymouth Hoc !
Our HO-000 , itfprescat a modem desclopinen
since tbo men I now s o bofoio me , built tl
homo of the whlto jnaii along side of the toi
of the wnndeilng Indian. ( Applause. ) U
the ACS tof Boston are stretched the jjorl
shire hills. To the west of Omaha the Plnti
river for three liundrcd miles traces i
cour o through n , plain richer ttuin ttio Mitlc
of the Nile In old Egypt.
"A few months ago I rode across therstal
of Massachusetts. I saw its little garde
patches of tillable soil hemmed about n
fenced in. A riilo across the entire state di
not bring to view lands under rnltivatlc
exceeding one of the immense , corn fiords th :
are scattered nil over our prairies.
"It took the state ot Massachusetts 2 (
yean to gather within its limits a pormlatle
equal to Umt gathered within thoslato of N
brnska in thirty-sis yews. You .aro tonlgh
sir , In n state the growth of which , compute
by a percentage , has outrun in thorucocvoj
other city on the American continent.N
nro proud of Omaha , and our welcome to yo\ \
sir , is only limited by the extent ot thi
prida. ( Anplauso.l
' Through the influence ot the orgonUotlc
Wblch you represent wo look to that develo ]
meat of Instuand licautlflrof urchitvcturt
doslRus , that shall add gruco und beauty I
the massive buildings which nr to bo coi
Btructcd nlonjf our many streets. As there
hcauty In SOUR , reilhcmcntln poolryso there
Is culture and rhilnotnent In architecture. We
would havoour cllv gr iccil nnd beautified by
those designs tut.liall | keep l co with the
rapid dcvelopnij'tit nf our material Intorcsta.
\\o have baclc of Hi a great state , oxtoiulltiR
WX ) inllcs towarlf 1Mb sunset , thnt Is sura to
furnish the IrndtJ td build for us a prent city ,
' The toiuiinUitor , in introducing mo ,
spoke kind words ot my efforts in helping to
drive nxvny tlwi only unrk cloud that
was rustltii ; Its Rtm lotv over our prosperity ,
The fanaticism of prohibition has vccn snont
away. The 40HX , ) majority against ithivH
brought us Into ho suimhho of comlnfrpros-
pority. | Apiilnuso. * ) Wo have moro'than n
million of people , \Vohavo room for many
iiillllona more , rj'hb coming of that popula
tion is as certainty the logic of history.
Look to Massachusetts , with less thim9,000
snunro miles of territory. It has about two
mill Ions of people. Our 70,000 square inllea
of territory nro offered homes to the overcrowded -
crowded castaiidtliolmmlKrantfromUuropo.
When wo shall have bcconio as densely popu-
litedns Mnssnchnsetts , vo \\lll linvo more
than fifteen millions of people vUthin this
common wealth.
You , sir , in Iloston. Bend oul throiiRh the
chunnds of tnulo and gather in the coal from
the mountains of I'onnsylvnnln to keep you
warm In vinter , and keep allvo the fires In
your manufacturing Industries , You go to the
niouutnlns of Pennsylvania to gather the Iron
ere to tun jour furnaces. I say to you , sir ,
ns I huvo hud occasion to say upon the public
platform , to the west of us nnd no further
distant beneath the mountains of Colorado
nnd In the newly bom state of Wyoming1 ,
there Is found more of coal than in the moun
tains oftho state of Pfiinsyhnnln It hut
awaits tbo du\doping hnnd of cntcrpiblng
mm to bring it forth , and thereby lend such
ciieorrntrcment to the development of the
stuto of Ncumska as shall make it the rival
of the state of Massachusetts. [ Applause. ]
Within Afty yean the state of Massuchiisotti
slinll bo oiilstripnod by our wealth nnd by our
prosperity nnd the state ofNobraslmhnllbc'
comolho Massachusetts of thogieatrcpnbllc.
Murk , sir , where wo now alt , near the center
of thoiopubllc , is ttiospotwhcio in the ureat
futureshnll bo gathered the central \\o.ilth ol
that nation of w hicU wo nil so proudly boast
our citizenship I speak these words not tu
jealousy. I ndmlro the city of Boston. But
itmust not bo foigotten that vo wheel -
como jou live in the dty of Omaha and in the
Btnto of Nebraska. Wo have our homes hero ,
Wo are striiing to caivo out our fortunps
hero. Wo nro re irlnj ? our families hero. We
are hold to it by the c harm that can not be
broken. AVoha\o a citizen's right to duel ]
upon the present nnd speculate on the future.
"We welcome you. sir , -with generous
yearts and 6pen bunds. ( V o ni > k only that
hou tiivel through other cities of our slstoi
states to note the comparison , bollovlng- that
you will carry back ukh you to the city of
Boston bright hopes of our future and kindly
remembrances of our people. lApplwso ]
Major Cushion , who hid boon expected ,
was nnnblo to bo present and sent n letter oi
Mr. Jules Loinbaid then sang uith exquisite
tntso "Aro You Sleeping , Mnryl"dimd wns
warmly encored , respondinc with a musical
npostronhoto "Rum.1
Mr. Kuclld Martin was to hn\o spoken on
Nebraska nnd the World's fair , but waa
Mr. Mward Hosowaterof THE linn was
called upon to speak for ' -Tho Fioss. " The
gentleman wns recci\ed with a triple round
of cheers. Ho said that ho had ci 'no there
late , having been dctilncd by profes
sional business. Ha noticed that ho wns ex
pected to talk oil "Tho Press , " and said that
ho would do so ns.well as ho could. He
saltt that the prev > s Iwd been laigely instru
mental in educating the people to a taste foi
aichitectuial beauty and in advocating the
construction of hundsomo ana substantial
buildings. In tho- matter of substantial
buildings In Olnahn ho would tnlto ciedlt
to himself for having done something in
that respect. Iq } had orcctod on the spot
where ho had resided for moro than twenty
years , and wherd hW children hid been horn ,
nmiildlnp which would rballengo comparison ,
It wns ajobof which nobody need bo nshairocl.
Every ono who had had anything tc
do with that / , building had sometuinp
to ho proud of. The efforts ol
the exchange should bo devoted to the worh
of providing Qnjaha with nseiiosof buildings -
ings of the Bfium Ulnd. JFIo expected to see
the thno when D6ug1as , Farninn nmlHnrnoy
streets would'bo llncdTvith sucli bnlldinga ,
Somebody hod published BOtnuthuig shoeing
Omaha with buildings eighteen stories in
height. Ho thought there \yns nothing toe
great in a structure ) of that kind to be
erected , and If they did not see them here
e\ontually , they would certainly find them iu
Chicago. In conclusion ho hoped that build
ers and traders 'would ' strive to compete in
good worltmnnshlp nnd good material , nnd
that they would thargo coed prices for their
work nnd pay good wages to their workmen.
[ Applause 1
Mr. W. H. Saj ward , secretary of the Na
tional Builders' and Traders' association ,
said it his duty to bo hero and it was his
piivilego to bo in their midst. It was his
pleasure also to bo cheered by the royal wel
come which had been given him bv the icp-
rcsontatives of the tens of thousands ol
citizens of the progrcssho city of Omaha.
Itwashlspleasure'toslt at iho boiid with
the men w ho had hclnod to build upOumtm ,
and when ho should go to Ooloiado , and
down to Kansas City , nnd off to Chicago , he
would speak of tuts city and the welcome he
had received as second to none which ho had
o\or reccUed. Ho would sn > to them as n
representative of the older civilisation of the
east that tbo people in the east w ere proud ol
them and their civilization , nnd what they
were doing In the preat work of building uji
the country. It hnd been his priiloge to
land in Omaha when the streets were ringlnq
with the voice of individual liberty , which
was the prerogative of every citizen. In favor
of the great achievement in destroying pro
hibition. "When the right of indMdual liberty
died then would coma that decadence of the
people which would bo unusually deplored.
The sneaker then discussed the merits ol
the national builders' ' association nnd con
cluded w ith an apostrophe to patriotism.
Mr. Harry Law rio spoke upon architects
and contractors , showing1 the difficulty the
former chus experienced sometimes In deal
ing with dishonest contractors mid the good
the association of builders nnd tiaders could
do In wooding out theunrellablaones.
Mr. James Creighton delivered a fowl
vigorous remarks In which ho denounced the
mechanic's Hen law ns robbery. Ho claimed
that thu feature of the law which rendeied it
possible fora lien fornnvthhi save labor to
bo put upon a job of work cncoimufrcd dealers
to sell to irresponsible people who should not
ho encouraged. There was no mason why n
mateiial dealer should sell to a paity who
could not pay than that a grocer should trust
a customer in whom ho could not place
Mr. Trod McConnell delivered n few re
marks , in which ho stated that 05 per cent , oi
the school children of Omaha and 'J > par cent
of the graduates of the high school wuro the
children of parent * who gained a livelihood
us artisans or in some of the other divisions
of labor.
Air. John Jenkins spoiio upon labor and
took the ground thntStrihes resulted to the
benefit of uelther'cmployei ' or omplojo.
GoNcrnor-clectBoyd was again called for
nnd received with ' < rcpeatcrl cheers After
setting forth his averilou to making a speech ,
ho said : ( ,
"I suppose I ktwvYi much about Omaha
as any man In it. I , have been hero ns u resi
dent for tnlrtv-fonr VVears. I have boon it
grow from a littlinrtUnlot of150 people to the
most handsome clty'bn the Missouri north ol
Kansas City. Ihavtdalwnjs worked for her
advancement and haVe always rejoiced in her
prosperity. I hading refused to have any
thing to do with politics. The first fight 1
had -was with tliU lllllo man [ Rosewater ] by
my side. iLaughroKlVo have agreed and
disagreed many"-times , but whether we
tigreedor dlsagrecdjio were of on a mind on
ono subject mid tlmtTuas in building up this
great and prospaixiilty.
"Tho llrst fight in hlch I engaged in poll-
tics Aith him vnvion the question of water
works. Wo wnnfwl.waterworks horo. There
was n svstcm , the Holly , which they wanted
to introduce hero. Well , it was it necked out.
Ho was right and I aereod with him. "
"Tho next tirao hu and I agreed , ho came
to my ofllco oneevening < wltu about fifty iltl-
zcns nnd nsliad me to consent to run for
mayor of the city , That evening at 7 o'clock
I was nominated and in a few days was
elected mayor , receiving" three out ot every
four votes In the city. "
"I have always agreed with 1'rosldent
Cleveland that a public oftlco is a pub
lic trust and I always discharged
the duties of my ofllco with thnt Idea.
"Tho next time I ran for mayor my friend
was against mo , [ Iaiight r. I I was elected
and served the tonn of my ofllco , ,
) > I came to the state of Nebraska when tt
did not have 8,000 inhabitants , and how Him
moro than 1,100,000. 1 never expected to live
to see ItlncrcosQ to that degree , and I tievoi
thought thnt the poor IrUh boy would live to
bo elected governor. [ Applause. !
" \Vo have Just fought the Dattle of personal
rights nnd won , and now the state will con-
tlniio to Incivaso In prosperity muter good
times nnd peed government , "
The banquet closed with the singing of
"JVuld LnngSyno" by Mr. Lumbard and the
guests ,
The binquot was n grand success. Man-
nircr r1. A. Unlch nnd his efficient steward ,
J nines lliilch , loft nothing-undone In the prep-
niatloii , nnd while the feast was In progress
attended to every want.
suorlns nxonic OLT.
The Stroblcs * Uoiiiest to Troubles Have
u Hnd Terminal Inn.
"Tho way of the transgressor Is hard. "
That's wliat Mrs. A. Stroblo thought last
night ntsho was taken to a tell in the city
lull with her sleeping flvc-jear old boy In her
arms. Mrs. Strouto's husband Is foreman for
C. A. Morrcll , the contractor at Twenty - second
end and CutahiR streets , nnd the brand of do
mestic felicity that ha ? passed currdnt In tlio
Stroblo household for a year back
has been badly tainted with gall nnd ) > er-
ccptlblo mixed with wormwood. Tlueo weeks
ago Stroblo nnd his ulfo seperntcd nnd MiS.
Stroblo wont to ll\o with Joe I'otcrson In a
llntnonrlMghtccnth street between llurnuy
anil St. Mar.v's a\cnuo. Yesterday Stroblo
went to whuro his wife and Potcrao'n live nnd
begged of her to go back with him to their
humble tionio nnathoy would pioceed to blot
out the past mid open a new ledger of
life on joint account. Mrs. Stroblo leftiscd
to BO und they began to quarrel about the
matter. Peterson ( hopped in about that
time1 , and when ho saw the husband of his
chiimcr on the piomlscs ho undo haste to
11 nil a police ofllcer. Ho balled Ofllcer Kills
on St. Mary's ' avcnuo and told him that there
was a man upwhere ho boarded beating his
wife. Hills and Peterson lunrlod to the
scene of alleged crnoHy , but the wife heating
story was found to bo untrue. Tlio ofllcer
lingered about the place long enough to sco
that it wus only a war of woids nnd then
wentnbout his business. When a block away
from the houjo where ho had loft 1'otoison
luul the two Strohlos , Kills heard n shot , nnd
hurrying buck bo found Mr , Stroblo Ij ing on
the floor with ono linger shot off and Mis.
Stroblo rushing frantically about the house
proclaiming to the neighbors In tlio block the
fact that her husband had been shot. Peter
son , who llrcd the gun , had disappeaied.
Stroblo and his wlfo wore taken to Jail and
a search was begun for Peterson. 'Iho
Strohlcs have been married seven ycirs.
Mrs. Stroblo begged pltcously not to bo nut
in jail with her Innocent bov but she had to
go behind the bars to bo held ns a witness.
Ho Tells of tlio Cruelties Practiced by
Loxiiov , Nov. 9 The Tlmos this morning
published u three column article , the signed
statement from Bonny , who oi > cns by regret
ting that Uurttelot's brother forced the dis
closure of a shameful story. Bonny sivs
Stanley only hcaid of the poisoning suspic
ious from him on October 20 , thnt Baittdot
nnd Jameson , after questioning the Arabs
iHilonglng toStnnloy's preUous expedition ,
as to the fate of Poccck nnd others , expressed
the opinion that Stanley would poison
anybody. Ho admitted rumors to
that i effect weio current in Europe
but nothing had over been pioved against
Stanley. Bonny confirms the report that
Bnrttelot asked him for tasteless poison with
which to lomovoTippo Tib's ' nciihew , Zelim ,
with whom ho hail n quirrol. Jtonny hid all
the poisons. Barttclotdici not mike a fur
ther attempt to poison Zcllm. Bonny con-
llims the statement that liarttelot deliber
ately hit a woman. For this Barttolot would
hn\o been Ijnched if Bonnv hnd not rescued
him Bonny has not the slightest doubt that
the boy Soudl died from the effects of a kick
by Barttelot
Ho confirms the statement that the hoy.
John Henry , who acted as inteiproter , died
from the effects of ! ! 00 lashes. Ho d id not desert -
sort as stated , but wns left on the roid. Ho
was afraid to como back because ho had sold
Bmttolot's lovolvcr to buy food. The major
retipturod the boy and had him publicly sen
tenced to bo shot , not intending to cany out
the sentence. The whole camp throatoucdto
desert if the sentence was carrlcdout. Bartto
lot then exclaimed : "By God I will give htm
JiOOlashes. " Henry became insensible after
receiving thirty lashes. The scene was the
most honibloho ( Bonny ) over saw. Mor
tification set in und the flesh of the
victim fell in pieces to the ground.
Ills body swelled to twice its ordinary sUe
nnd he died in twentj-four hours. Bonny
tells of the unprovoked stabbing of Chlof
Tnguhga. by Barttolot with a penknife.
He declares the best feeling prevailed In
thovillago till the major nrihod , when ho
immediately caused troubles by extravagant
demands and threats. Bonny confirms sev
eral other stories told beroro about the
cruelties practiced by Baittolot , and tells
about the killing of Xanzibari bv Barttelot ,
who after boiling the man frightfully with n
staff , s-mislced his skull -\\lth it. Baittolot
ho says piojectcd an expedition of his own to
roach Casatia und not go to Unycio.
They Published the News.
CvNONCrrr , Colo. , Nov. 9. Novorto CJrio-
gowns hnngcd in the state 'penitentiary atO
o'clock"last night for the murdon of W. C.
Underwood nt Trinidad last Juno. The exe
cution wns the first ono to take place under
the law requiring the death sentcnco to bo
cnrrind out within the walls of the piison nnd
prohibiting the press from publishing an nc-
count. The state presshowovor , disregarded
this clause of the law. 'iho hanging was
guaidedso well by Warden Lamping that It
was after midnight before it became known
outside the walls.
Poisoned His Wife ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 9. William Bennett , a
street car diiver , was arrested tonight ,
charged with poisoning his wife. A. year erse
so ago I3enne > t married a well-to do widow.
A short time ago she was 111 nnd called in a
physician. Af ter taking rnodlcino some time
ago , it was dlscovcro 1 that Instead of getting
better she was growing worse , und on In
vestigation was made , icsultiug in the dls-
co\ery that Bennett hnd boon adulterating
her rnodlcino with c.uboUo acid. Slio will
probably die.
TMniicy Tor Ireland.
HOSTOV , Mass. , Nov. 9. The Irish loaders
held a tcceptlon this afternoon nt the Boston
tueator which was packed with peoplo.
Speeches wcro made by nil the delegates.
Another meeting was hold last night nt the
Globe theater. The receipts at the two
meetings aggregated S5,00 > ) , in addition to
which the auilicuco pledged about ? 3COO.
Charged to Dillon nnd O'llrlcn.
Lovnov , Noy. 9. [ Speciil Cablegram to
THE Ere , ] Lord Londonderry , In n speech
at West Ilartlepool , sold that the Tippornry
riot had been deliberately oiganlzcd by Dillon
and O'Brien , and that Mr. ilorloy had been
intclglcd into thottap.
The \Vc.itlier Forecast.
Tor Omaha nnd vicinity Fair ; slightly
warmer ,
Tor South Dakota nnd Nehiaski-Fnlr ;
warmer ; southerly winds.
Tor Iowa Fair ; stationary lempcraturo ;
variable winds.
\Yhontnn Acquitted.
EI.MUU , N. Y. , Nov. O.-C. S. Wheaton ,
ox-grand chief of the Older of Kallw ay Con
ductors , was tried hero yesterday on a charge
preferred bv Grand Secretary Dunlclfam !
acquitted , Daniels fulling to substantiate tlio
Decided to Strilcc ,
OHRESOCK , Nov. 0. A moss meeting of
railway mon hero deciJod today to go out on
n strike In consequence of the companies re
fusing cither to lessen the hours of labor or
submit to the incus demand to arbitration ,
Shot by Her Ijover.
TT. VYATiiF , Ind. , Nov. 9. Miss Ida Snyder -
dor , a beautiful young woman , waa shot aud
killed by Bert Khurt , her lover , today. Ho
was Insanely Jealous because of attention
paid her by others. Shurt afterwards sui
, ,
An Kxploror Medallzed. S
UEIII.IX , 'Nov. 9. iSpoclal Cablegram to
TIIK Bur. ] The German geographical society
has Ooitowed the Huinboldtmodil upon the
Norwegian explorer Nnnscu.
An Irmuonso Amount of the Metal Turnot
Out for On ) ,
Interesting and Valuable ; Statistics
Contained In n Bpculal Ittillotlii
Just Issued toy the Census Of-
lice llnslo Steel ,
The production of crude stool anil
stool rails iluriiiff tlio census year omlod
Juno HO , 1890 , forms the subject of n
spoulnl bulletin just Issued by the cen
sus olllco. The statistics , s lys the Phil
adelphia Record , wcro collected by Dr ,
William M , Sweet , special upoiit iu
charge of iiou and stool , whoso bit roan
Is located in this city. The total pro
duction of stool In the United Stntos , in
the form of IngoU or direct caatlugn ,
during' ' Iho COH3U3 year amounted tc
l-16ll,02Q tons of 2,000 pounds , us com
pared \\llh 1,110,711 , tons produced din
ing the j ear ending May 31 , 1890 , an in-
eroas.0 of 0,321,315 tons , or over 23'J ' per
cent. The following tnblo gives the pro
duction of the various kinds ot stool ingots
gets or direct tastings during' ' the census
years 1SSO nnd 1890 :
issn nee
llowmor steel . IKVJU3 a,7SV > 7.
OpLMi-liunrtli sleol . Hll > - Mil , Til
Criiclblosliu'l . 70,701 M.fil'
Olnpp-llrlllltli steel . b.M k.
IColcrt-licssoinor tteol . 4."OI
Totals . Ur ,7U
In 18SO there were 7J stool works , lo
cated in 14 different states. 1'onnsyl-
vauta hnd J55 , IllluoiH nnd Now Joraoy C
each , Ohio 7 , Now York 5 , Massticlui-
setts and Connecticut 3 enoh , Kontuck ;
12 ; and Missouri , Now Hampshire , Ten
nessee , Vermont , Illiodo Island and Ma
ryland each 1. In ton years the stool
industry has spread to 19 states , and the
number of plants has increased to 1CS.
Pennsylvania still loads with 70 , Oliic
has 18 , Illinois 11 , Massachusetts and In
diana G apluco , Now York and Now Jot-
boy 8 each , Tennessee 4 , Connecticut 3 ,
West Virginia and Michigan 2 oaoh ,
and Kentucky , Missouri , Colorado , Cal
ifornia , Now Hampshire , Maryland , Vir
ginia and Alabimu 1 cich. Vermont
and lihoilo Island no longer have a rep
resentation in the industry.
Tlio prediction of all kinds of stool
duilng the two census j cars is shown by
the following table.
lptin < iylnnln . 8,7ui.2VJ . ,
Illinois . NWJ.Y ) 2. " > , ' > ii (
tjjiio . OI..8W 10T.8SJ
\\ust Vlrlnli ! . li 1,525
NewVorL . . . ll lvn Ji.741
Massicluisotiij . . . . . ini.s.'ij 0,011
Now Jersey . 170) ' 10,0)4 )
Colorado . 17,112 .
Cilifornli . fi.DU . . . .
Mlelilcun . fifiu .
Now llainpslilro . H'O ) J.IJl
Connecticut . 1,711 ' . ' ,110
liulhuui . 1.3 < Q .
ul . 1000 .
Alulminu . , KK ) . .
Tonnes' * ! c . 100 4.000
Mlsmmil . H.IOQ
Vermont . . . . 11,000
ICoiitucUj . X > 0
Totals . rilCGOjJ 1,113.711
In 1880 Pennsjlvanla's porocntago of
the total production was 57.01 , and in
1890,61.97. Illinois , mndo 2i2J per cent
of the total in 1880 and 19 14 per cent in
16)0. ! Ohio's shaio in 1880 was 9.42 per
cent , nnd in 181)0 ) 10 per c'eiit.
InlSSOthoio woru but blcv'ori plants
for the manufacture of Bobsomor btool in
this country , while now there tire lifty-
three workb equipped for the production
of Bcsiomor Uobert-Hosscincr or Clnpp-
Grilllths steel , nnd the output of those
products has inci eased fiom 985-
208 tons in 1830 to 3,877,030 tons dur
ing' the current census your , an increase
of o\or 293 per cent. The production of
Bessemer inirots and r.vils , including
Hobort-Hesbonior ami Clnpp Grilllths ,
during the year 1890 was as fol
lows , 111 tons of 2,000 pounds :
. Kails.
1'oiiiisvlvanla . .V-tiT.T-'n l 177,115
Illinois . II7SO' ( ! > OS3 , ! M
( Jhlo . ItsTi. " ! ! I''M
West \rlrIiilu . IBI'-J- . . . . . . .
Now York . 10)40. . . .
Coloriilo . 17.1JJ 1I/J83
MildMlCllUSOttS . 1J7VI .
MlchUnn . 'ICO'J . . . .
California . 5U > I
Totals . 3.87T.OJO 2OJ0.051
The Clupp-OrinitlH and Uobert-Bes < 3o-
mor proce 3 , both of which are modifica
tions of the ordinary Bessemer methods ,
woio intioducod into thib country during
the past ten jeara , thofounor fiom Great
Britain and the latter from France. The
first steel mndo in thin country by the
Clnpp-GililUhs pioocssiis pi educed in
Pitlbburp on Maroh 25 , 1884 , and the
first use of the Robort-BcbHomor process
was at Springfield , O. , in September ,
The report calls attention to a very
significant fc.ituro of the Besboraor ntecl
industry In thcso words : "Tlio incro.iso
in the number of c4abll8hnioiit' ? pro-
duclag1 13ossemoitoel has boon
the result almost entirely of the
demand for htcol in iorms other than
inilH. All of the olo\on Bossotnor
stool plants that wore completed in
1&80 had boea built to manufacture stool
for mils , many of thorn bointr added to
previously existing iton-iail mills. Of
the fifty-throe Bessemer hteol plants at
the close of thd COIIHUI your 1S80 , only
foul teen made fatool uills duiing that
year , and of the total quantity of rail
produced over 00 per cent was nvulo by
ton of the o works. Thus , while the pro
duction of steel rails has nearly trebled
in amounts since 18SO , the number of es
tablishments engaged in their
manufacture has shown but little -
tlo change in tlio ton years ,
although many of those works
have greatly incieascd in blzo and ef
ficiency. Tlio competition in the manu
factures of Hosscmor Htcel tails has com
pelled many of the rail mills to convert
a largo part of the Btool produrod by
them into forms other than ralln , the
production of rails to any considerable
extent at the piosunttimo being possi
ble only in works favorably located for
the supply of cheap raw materials and
operated under the latest and most im
proved methods of manufacture. "
The number of plants for the manufac
ture of opon-hcaith Btcol linu Inure , itoil
from twenty-five la 18SO to llft.v-oight in
1800 , and the production has' Increased
during the same period fiom 81,302 tons
to r 01 , : l tons. Of the total production
during the eoiibusycar 1890 Pomifavlvanla
made -10U,2I)2 ) tons und Ohio ( il,2J2 tons.
Tlio crucible btoel industry has shown
but little progress since IbbO , the produc
tion in that year amounting t" 70,1.01
tons , as compared with 8.V > 3U tons in the
census year IS'JO. Tlio number of crucible
stcol plants has increased from yiirtv-filx
to forty-seven during the dfcudo. I'onn-
sylvania made 04,235 , tons of the total foi
1SUO , and Now Joi-aoy btjuuls next with
6a4 , 1 tons.
Ono of the most interesting passages in
this preliminary Btool report denlH with
the basic process , which the Bessemer
steel company , limited , as supi > i'cb wl fat
BO many yoaiH. Tor the firnt time the
exact htutiib of this proccfcn is now sot
forth , as follows : "Tho Hist bislofcteol
made in the United Ktntes was produced
experimentally at SlooUon , PH. , by the
Pennsylvania steal company on May 21 ,
188-1 , In u HeshOinor oonvortor. The be
ginning of the manufacture of basbic
Pecu I iar
Peculiar In combination , proportion , mid
preparation ot ingredients , Hood's Sirsapa-
tllli po s es tlio ctiratho.iluo of the best
known tctnoO / \ * rl'c tllc * ° ' ll10
vonotablo ITIOOU 5 kingdom. In ItsMrciiglh nnd economy , Hood' *
B.imparlll.i Istho only tncttlclno otlilch can
truly bo wild , "One Hundred Moses Ono Del
lar. " Peculiar In Its medicinal merits , Hood's '
S.tmparllla uccomplMic's cures Idtlicrto un
known ,
thotltlo of "Tlio Ereilcst blood purifier c\cr
dNcoicrcd. " I'ccullar In Iti "KOCK ! n.imo
nt home , " tlicro Is Iiioro of Hood's S.irsv *
I'arllli sold In \ on ell tlmu of nil oilier
blood purlftcis. Peculiar In Its plicaomcml
record ot p i gales abroad
no o th 01 " CCU 1 1 cl i preparation
o\or nttilucil to rapidly nor liclil so
ste.iJf.ii.tly tlio confidence ot nil classes
of people. IVcullnrln tlio brala-woik which
It represents , Hood's Sirsaparllh com.
Idncs nil tlio knowledge which modern
research * * * . B + lf ' " "lolllcal
science Ins 1 U BLOC 1 1 developed ,
with ninny years practical cxpoilcnco In
preparing medicines , Do sino to get only
( Hood's SarsapaHlIa
. fljtlxforfS. PrejiarcJ only
by C.I. HOOD , I , CO , , Aliolliocarlo , IimellMiiu.
10O Doses Ono Dollar
steel In this oountry as a commercial pro
duct , howoor , elates from ISiS , on March
" 8 , in which year the llrst b.isto open-
hcarlh steel was ptoducod at the Homestead -
stead stool works of Carnegie , Philips
& Co. , at HomoHtoud , iioar PittHbmg.
Since thnt date the mauufacturo of bislu
opon-heaith steel hay boon continued at
those works , ami during the census yotu
1800 this Ilnn commenced the erection of
eight additional opan-lic.irth furnaces for
thu manufacture of basic ! stool , of which
number four ate in operation , und the
remaining four furnaces are expected to
ho ready for w01 king In a short time.
When completed those w orks w 111 con
tain hlxtcon open-hearth furnaces prepared -
pared to mauufacturo basic ntcol.
The manufacture of basiu wtool IH now
regularly carried on at the Stoeltou
works of the Pomlsylvnnln stool com-
piny , whcro a combination of the Bessemer -
mor and open-hearth process is used.
During the census year 18)0 ! ) tlio Hender
son stool and manufacturing company
at Birmingham , Ala. , produced Hteol ex
perimentally by the h.isic proiosSiuco
the oloso of tlio cuiiHUs year the Southern
Iron compiny lias successfully coin
inenccd the manufncluro of bisk'
opon-hcnrth steel at its works nlC'hntli-
noogn , Toun. Tlio Potlstown lion uoin-
luny IIUB al o mauufai'tured basic stool
la tlio United States during the I-OUSIIH
joar 1890 , nearly all of which inudo
by the opon-llcarth motliod , a Binnll
quantity being mtulo by the duplex process -
c-ess , a combination of IJosHQiiior und
open-hearth mothoJs , amounting to
C-,173 tons of 2,000 pounds eauh.
Pnr HoHrlnuN of MuirliiK < !
Lot mo venture a few little points to these
of my slrls who sinca the summer ba\o worn
u blight ring on their third linger :
My clear , don'Hot the man to whom you
1110 encased to bo mnriiod piv any of the
expenses of your living or trousseau until > ou
are ( Us wife , s.iys the Ladies' Homo Journal
A calico dress und contentment nro much
more to bo desire 1 than a line silk one garnished \
nishe-d with scandal.
Don't complain to the in in to whom you
nro enfriiirod of the dlffuioat mombura of your
own fatnilv ; it is not a good preface to iniitil
moniul bliss
Don't wiltc hilly letters to hlpi , even .if ho
is fond of affection uUen In thnt way. Hot it
bobv word of mouth rather than with pen
nnd Ink.
Don't expect him to love you ns no man has
evci loved Iwfore ; the methods of loving ori ?
very much the same nil the world over. Be
satisfied ifou have n Rood , honest lovo.
Don't believe ho is a coiubln.itton in
beauty of all the ancient Rods , ot all the pal
Innt knights and ot nil the [ Treat statesmen ,
but conclude tbnt ho Is a gentleman , and that
should bo your ideal.
Drclnrod u
MnMrnio , Tenn , Nov. 0. The fight between
tween Ready Bienn.-.n of Sticntor , III. , and
Tommy Diuifortli or Now Orleans was do
clcred a draw at the end of the eighth round
on account of dnrknc-is.
The first round ot the llfjht was very taiuo
In the second liiunnan knocked Danfurtb
o\cr the rene * , bnttholntterqnlcUlv logutued
his feet and drew llrst blooJ Ironi JUnmnnn's
left o o. After this thorn was cousldorablo
in-ll titinp nud some good uxcliaugei ) , but no
serious woik. In tbo latter pint of tlio BOV
onth , Ihonnnn knoukcd DHnfnrth down nnd
when ho arose , uruHpoil him about the neck
and wns beginning to puimucl him , when thu
refcrco sop iratod thorn. At the end of the
eighth the iflferco atopped the light on m1-
count of darkness. U is uot known whou it
PowclcilyKails to aiiitorlnlizc.
T. V. Powdcily was expected to pass
tlnough tlio city yosterdav. on his way to
Denver , whcro the general convention of the
Knights of Labor convenes tomorrow. A
numbei of prominent Kulchts hunt ? around
the union depot a greater poition of the day ,
but' their chief failed to put in un appo.u-
anco. On his return fiom tlio west the lonl
assemblies will make nrratipinonts ( to have
him stop off ono dny nt least , nt which time
ho will bo banqucttod ,
X. P. Brown's Hosldciico Humcd.
The residence of N. P. Brown , at rorticth
and Cnss streets , was destroyed by flro ut I
o'clock jesteiday inoniliiKA good part of
the fiiinituru was saved. The loss amounted
to about $1SOO and was fully covered by in
Drowned In Kov Itivor.
OfiiivosiiVIs. , . , Nov. 0. A freight stc ) , inor
on the Pox liver struck a snag ami w J.s sunk.
* *
A man nuniod Otto was di owned.
Hnlfour Has Coltl.
DUIII.IV , Nov. 0. Ualfour Is conllucd to his
rocins In it Dublin castle with & so\ero cold ,
the Jesuit of exposure on his tour.
The advanced sale of icsorrcd seits for
"Kunnlag "Wild" nt popular pili-es will opt-n
ut the Grand tomoirowinoiulni , ' . His full of
fun , new specialties , etc. 'J'hu
Is for Wednoaday and Ttiuraday
The last performance of the "Pcnil of
Poltin" will taku pUce thU o > euliigat the
Qraud opera bouso ,
A jiai ty of M irquctui oxplorori has dH
co\orcd u rii'U vein ot Uossouior linn on thu
nruitung u-itato noir CryiUil Tails , MIuu-
ILo vein is over Jlfty fnot wide.
\ .
Absolutely Puro.
A. cretin of tartar baking powder. Hlghr * *
of | ou.veulnzitieniUh U. fl. Ooremaieut U * *
ourt Aug.