THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FJljIDAY. NOVEMBER 7 , 1890. SPEC1HL NOTICES , V \ DVEIITISEMKHTS for theis polnm * villj /xb taken until 12'V ) p. in. , for the ( rental dltloa nnd until 8 : ; p. m , for lh ciorulna Ultlon and StJUUAr HUB advance. T > ATF8 AdY rtlsnrnntaon thUi p f will bo JAchnrecd for si I ho rate of IM cent per word for the tlrst Intertlon anil 1 cent per word for acu nub'equrnt Insertion , und IIM per Una per month. No ndrort U'tnent taUin for Iris than 21 conti for thu lirr.t Iniertlon. 1 NITIA 1,1 , figures , symbol * , ute , count each 4.mono word. * ndvertlar-montH mint run consecu tively find until r no clri umitanrps will they ho taken or discontinued by telephone. > AUTIKS advertising In lhe e column * and having tholr answers ntMressod to a "num- bor.d li tttir" In e ire of TUB II" will rceelvo . check tonnnblo tli ni to get their ittors Answers will bo dell ured only on prettntntlim of thlnchcck Kncloao answcra In envel\ies properly addrcMod Mi iitlvertlsnmnnN untlt-r thn lioud of A "f-peclnl Noll'os" nro published In loth the enornhiK and evening editions of TUB \\KV \ \ the circulation of which iiKKreealca moro thai 80.000 piprra dully , nntl gives thn ndvertlJJf the It nollt not only of tinlario circulation of THE lit K In Ornnhrt , but also In Council lllufTn , Lincoln nnd other cltUK and town" In the wist ' ' " \ -urn "BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thnso columns will be taken tn the almvo condition' , atthefnllonlrn bilM- pexs hoiist i vrho am authorised to take special notlrcx. nt the laino raits aa can bad at the tnaln otllee , SOUTH OMAHA IIUANCII OFflCE-No. 2Cn N Rlre.t , Lister llloek. JOHN w"ll ELL , rliurmnoist , 620 South Tenth street OIIASn ft EDDY , fltatlonera and Printer 113 South 10th street. PAUNSttOUTII , Pliannaclat , 2115 Cum- s.T QK alicot. \\T J Btroct. 11UQHE9,1'liannacUt , (24 ( North th * G FO W I'AUtl , riiarinaclat , 171H Loa\en- vortb street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TT IMIAIIMACY Slth and fiinam SITUATIONS \VA.\TIOO. I-ortalt\lt , , ttt t p nfl ) t r/i/ionii / on IMi WANTID I'tHltlnn bylndv stenoerniiher nnd bookkeeper , t ti iiutl ( inn-half > ears' rtperlonto : Kood icftrcnros. Adtlro's V20 , llr-o. MV.7- ! ) * _ n \Vn D I'oslt Ion by stationery rn-lm er Adtlitss VS lice SI 407-11 * TAVPI.I-Sllnutlim ) imelerkfdavor nlnht ) . In llrst t'la-isliolil hestof rcfuriMiPisKltiiM us to t-Nperlcncc , capability , etc. Address V CUIte 611 13 * _ WANTI D 1'osltlons by tno conioti ) ) nt gentlemen stemisraiihers ! best refer- cncts < ivm miichliiis , Adtlnss. ' " teno- rapht is , " 410 Gth stroll , Sioux ( Jltj , Iowa. 5IJ 0 * AV.OI Ml in nilc-Tii in fuitu llm eist ox- pi I It m rtl In uholos tin Mill rt ( all drj ( roods seeks nn eim'ant ini'iil IS < it , ivnso to ti.ivel- lliK Mat i ii-il llnlillsi xfMiiplaiy Heftionces emlentlv s itlsf irtori Atldiessorcall betvvtt n Omul 4 i > ilm k 117 N V Mfe Mlltt-7' * \\ANThlJ-MAIil' : UKIjl' . 111 iats , tie , tee ( < i | ) i > f fnit entitmn ml tliLt ftnge , \f JNTI I ) -in llrst LIIS ! > c irpentcr * ' 'tc idv v w uk anil fond wises Plunk Wilson , box & , ! * ' . ( In v innjo. . SlVil U A ( > l NT ( looi ) llrnis vvnnt men and boys i xi i v here , peiinaiii ntlv to hind out clrcul us at $1 pir l.UOO. Agttits Her ild , C'.iso 2.112 , I'hilu , l > u. jjl-a ) * STIM lltteisintl lielpern Unil work In nlnu stnuyillv outside of ( lileiisn Kttp away fiimi hi'iesti IKu is tin lly t > rdi r of ns- Mieliitimi Jl-lil-U' \\T \N I I I ) A n , nuf ic-lurers .iKeiit hav Ing 'V iiiiini i lions with the stalloiieiy and fnnet li ide hlatitinltory eotoiedand uf- orontes totlowtr's Sltel I'on Works , I'latts- bui , N M-WI- ' ) * \\r \ ' I'D A Rood biead baker at onto ( ill 1110 llonaid jrc8 ( "I"\ltl d I'leiUs w anli d Two .single men for l-'i.'iul pi no In tile.'ml lei ill stores best ol rofeieiices i | ulretl fiom p ist emplojcrs , em- ise | anumo that ust-s htlmul ints of any Sot , plate salary null apply ' onto to tin t. , .loScpli' Dl ug l)0r ) M. Jo ep , JIo KU 8 \ At onte , stromt , experienced > -J mainiitsi' . Apply at Ull ( I'aritam ' St. , reu biisomeiuiloor.i * U ) I'l l-Tno ) persons to receive lust rue. limn nnd ket-p books. J. 11. Smith ( HO Now Voile Mfe bullilliiK 51' ) 8 * WAN ITI ) A good b uher , slendy vtorU ttiiK < " * foil Hi rn iliillnis ll HiiT ] week Ad1 dtcss A II ubei , box II I , Ninth 1'l.itto. Neb. 5110 * _ T\7AN 1 I.I ) MO lahoinrs fur stone and ur nil TT work. Apply to I' . II. Johnson , llnloi P-IS-.OIIKIT depot , Uinnli i. W AN ri.I ) Annuls ttanlid thrmiKlioiit No biaska Si nd stump for ropljr. Jos 1' efie itb , Omaha. 77.1 VY 'AN I' ' l > Men to travel forour ranaill u TT nutserlcs fatoiieXWelllii ton,51adIson.\Mi \\7AN ' I.I' ' A man of character , capacity TTunl Miniii llniinchil ability to conduct i wcbti'tn bii'.Inos * for us , toniiiiiprttlrm 9lfl for the ( list three ve ir < Addiuss 1C fl.eaioo Lord ft Tliiiinas , Ohlc igo. III. SHOI-10 * $100 put month at the stnrt will ho paid tot maniiKer vthoeun III ! the iciiulrements Ad dlcss Iv 6 , care of Lord A. Thomas , Ultlinvu. Ill ' \\7ANTnD lOOinion for now rtllroid worl TT In OroRon nnd Washington Tyorl will last tttoyuirs. Good WIIKOS eunrintucd AlbrlKlit'B Labor Agency , 11JU Panmm st M 4101' 3 _ _ _ WANTI.D A llrst class bread and onlci biker. Wacos JI4 ppr week , board ant room ; ut ouco. Address box 493 Oheyennc Wyo _ _ 41) Ml'.N or women trnntinK work , or person nectlliiK help of any kind , elty or cimntiy can nlttajsbe supplied at Keith's oflkc , aiS' ' B , inth st. Satisfaction Kuaranteed. _ M BtS-NM " 1 7 A NT KI Men with Rood reforoneo a I t Metropolitan MtB Co . 1609 Ho ard Ht. _ _ -lI iJT _ OANVAShlMiS Wanted ( "oirespondcnco so Helled with LOinpctentcanvassers to sol n iper elolhltiK. ( lood VVIIRPS can bocatneil Wrlto 1'apsr Olothlng Oo , 1'ort Union Mleli _ _ ooo-n-r. " \ " I III ) Men nnd women of ability ! i TT etery elty , town and vIlliRO to act n nKenW for thu Ladles' 1 nine Journal , W mint thu but obtainable class ofauonls , am to finch unusual lurms will bo ' 1 h Journal Is the liiuulsnmost perloillealfor 1 1 dies null the family OUT Issued , ind him neu _ lyhalCa million subscribers. It vv 111 bo nil vertked thoroinliiK nutuinu and winter on JarKitrMialo thin over before , ercathiK a ilu mnnd that agents should ho ready lo III ! Curtis 1'ulillshliiB Oo . I'lulmloluliln. MlsJi WANTIII ) At onco. several good city can v i.-er < UIO DoiiKlas st. 875n2l \VTANT1.I ) A live.euorKetlo inrtv In over iv iilaco to Inlrod ure our Roods , vVohnvo new line that will sell at every house nn nKPiitst an reapa harvest betvvi-cn now an the holidays.Ill pay a salary of 171 pe month If pieferred and furnish a tenm ftc Addicss at once , btandurd fcllverw-irn Cu Huston Mass. ji o.K-1) 15 * WA.MKII Fi.MAjlC ; | HKM1. I'oi iatts.cte.scelt > minimi on thu piia \\TANTI'D A Rood Kill I'ullman hous 1110 Dodgosl. IM7-b "l\rANTiil ; Olrl for coneral housework I i f'imlly of 'l , L1W Charles. iM.MJS' WANTI.D lllrl for Rnneral housoworl small family ! coud vva 'es p ild. IStt e'h ciKObtroot. JI5M-7 * \\7 ANTiiIndles : ) and pentlemon to tn ! > v light , plnasant cmploj moiit at their on liomiH , dlstanco no iibjecthui : work font I mall , li loM tiny can ho inilotly miulo : i ennva-slii ) ; . 1'lenso address at oneo llollab Mfi ; Co. box St. Philadelphia , I'll. ; estal IWied NSO RUU * " \\7"A\Ti ; | ) A KIMM ! irlrl for grnorul hous vmik. Apply at015 Park uvo. 541 B WAVPUP A competent girl for RCner hoimowoik In binall family. 512 SIMh t * 6.0 W ANTI'.D l.mly book-kcepor.uilddlo aue Attli ! > 'is V U\ euro Dally Itoe. \ \ rANTKD-nirl for kitchen vtorU Iium > dlalely 1'uclflo reatnuraut , loin lliirni t. _ 817-6 * yANTnit-OIrl for kltcliea unil laundi W ANTl.DNnno KlrTTlMUNS obiter t. 50ti-7 Girl tor Koneral housework. ' . ' I jOil st. W5 _ \V AMTKl ) At once. Rood cook and lam dics-s. Mrs. 11. K.Uaylord , 1010 b .Vlhs . 407 \V7ANTii : ) A woman cook ut Pulltnu T5TtlllllT ) ouiiiT"lady wanted to KeTtuI JJ sorlbon for tbo Omaha Kxoelalor ; M IK tent commission , Apply 113 S ItitU at. MlVJ MIt OKLiIjANioUS ; WAXTfl. For rate * , ttt , , ttt toont colnmn nn thu TI < J > \\7AS'Tnn-loMC ) townlor ti IV nnd Vivrltliout ; Rootl eire will bo taken of them nt ColTman I'nrk farm. Uavo liorset v llh M ] , . Ulllraiicc , stablcalU S. 17th t , Tel- cphonoKM. MffiO _ _ 1.1 OltaKS wintered nt Omilm fitlr RroundH , I 1 Icnn v lntor5 ) hoMOs. eicli hewn has a InrKownrm lioxstall , feed all the uralli tlio nttiit-r wants , largo yntxls for exercise In flno wcathir A. Thomson Mail N'-M 7'or tctff , etc. , tettopof ffst rnlumnon Hiti UnST-Hno lioiim- . SfM anTlTirrn furnace , bath , water closut , etc , II nu liirgo rooms only * " > " . , i leK.inteollaKP , 7 rooms , bath , etc. , villl to flnlshed b > Doe 10 , $ .10 Store , iWtli antl 1 enveiivvotth. I3\I3 , $15 , ( Jottaer , 5 rooms ? IH , J. II ivnnt.aU3N. : Y.Llfo . M3 8 _ IflOIl KHNT At lln-miiitliwest romerof lOlh J1 andJallfiirnlaBls.4heuutiruri-stni } In id ; nm ) stonu icsldenees , all et t fronts , every iniKlorn convenlonce , rooms Mulshed In hard wfxidi possusloacan bo plvon November ? l. Hit so nr > u e can bo hail at ver > moderate rents by llrst-clu s tuianti. Ilrtni in & Lo , No D , Chamber of Uommoru' Mill II1tJKUiN'l : I.lnuant 8-room limisn. nil mod- 1 fin Improvonii nt s , uii ner'i.ul nml ( hlcago , A p p 1 y at IX ) ) Tarn mist fil.'O IIINT llrmse,8 looms ( loot ! InundiV Inqulro Uobt. 1'urvU. L'lthi. bt larynsavl ! . [ V YOU wish toront ilinuscor store eo II. n Cole , C' blot U 271 It TNT To rcaponslhle pirtles only , tlioso line new brick mill Hlonn bouses on ( leoijlt avcniu * ; flftccn rnoins mid alooxei ! nun ti convonli'tices and bettiM llnlsbed tlmn uny house for rout In the c'lly. II II. Hendtr- son 4i > oraMiin block , nlv. -7 C-llOOM house with barn : nominal rent 0 i P. Harrison. DUN..lAtv ' ! " > Ij Oll ItnNT 0 room house nil modem eon- J venleneis , Including a iron --tiDli1. I . t'apltol ' nvoniio. tie u the high sehonl , lent niodeiato l > J.O'Donahot- Piiaam tt i70 ! I (1AM1 niMt 8 room brhk bou e. all IMIII- l'vonlenees , $ "iper month Cbulco loiMtion II U t'olo , Coiitlncut.iHillt. OlMl II OUbH for rent ! ten rooms , modern con' v cnlunic , Oill So. Dili st M.4' ' S 7' HLM1 Thn beautiful 7 room eollim .lust llnlshod. Hath and modi rn Itnpiove- ments. Only 2 loft. 0 S iiiuttur : , 4U ? Pint Nat'lbiink. 4"i-i I71OH UHNT noiS Webster st i oct , now nine Jroom house , newer and watci connected and ro idy for f immee Next corner Webster ami Ilfllh streets. New Boven room house tower and water. Kent low for good ten nits II W rates Sr.Vr.N-room house , 13th nnd Vlnton , J10 OJ. . II. Johnson , fil'l ' I'.ixtnn blm-lc O OUOOM house , lent $ J'i. UtOft 1 amain st Kur- nltiiro $ " ) ( W , ifJiKJc isb , bal.uiLo moutlilv. Co operative i and nnd 1/olUn RJ1)- ) ? 1/lCH UEM' Micly furnished lott.iiroot six J- looms , with inoderuoonMiilenccs. Iniiulro fXH Douirlasst , 4\i \ > b * inoil UHNT R-rnom lioti'.o , all moilirn Im- protements 10S South J.lthavemio between rarnam and DoiUe streets ; } t" 00 best local ity In olty : convenient lo business MliU-7 * "l/IOIl linM' A Rood 0-rooin house , ellj I vvliter , south front lot , nt ir Lake and t-her- urm atn : ut o\plratlori of a j i.irs will ulto ton ttair.inly iliedsubeetto ) nuiruagc Look this up O I S bin ule > blk .l."J iroit HP.M' mom house , all modern Im- J.1 ' ' . Jll 07 Klii - | ) io\nmcnts. 'JJJUC'hlcaKO hi. , y xlt Bros. , llaikcr block 111 Ij Olt ItKM' 7-roiitu colt.iKe , coiivenlcnt to 1 wholes ilo district and buslnibS. Ainly ) lll'-'S 10th at. I IT. 1T1OH KENT s-room modern house with nloo J- barn , 1701 N Jlsti also s-ioom house and nice turn , ' . -1OU Miami , by Uruin & lllshop , It II , Hoard of Trmle. l-'i' "IjlOIt III2NT S 8-room houseat - ' > ' " and 31 JC'aldnollst , nicely papcied. hav Ins mod ern conveniences anil buns , to nillabln p ir- lies until Mirlni ; } Ji pLrmonth. J , 11. Johnson , .110 I'avlon block , 07"I HUNT Seven-room cottige. oor. 2sth andUap , axe.liKiulreSOlS Doilse M-MKI KUIsT 5-room hoiibe 1128th st , FOK * GOIN14 _ _ _ _ Dr,8IKAllI/n dwellings all parts of tlio city. Sincatoii . .V Allen. HOT L'mnani bt. M-nl. Toil KUNT KOO.MS FUltNlSIIUI ) . 1'ur ratta , etc , tea ( i j ) nJlrtt cottim'i on ttitf page. ITUTKNISIU'.r * rooms with niodein convcn- JL luuccb , line location. II'J fcouth" " > lli stiett. M.5W U * I71OU KIINT Viry pleas unfurnished rooms In house , btit. lojitlon In the t-ltt Mb N 2Jth. 5.JO-S * AND&OMKLY fuinlshed larso. warm H room , with sitlsfaitoiy htnrd and plens- antliomo ; modern eontcnlcnccs. J1.IO Iliiuinj f.ll-s * ) N'ICiiA'furnlsht : > d front patlor with Rood boaid ; all modern conv cnlenccs 010 N 17th JIOKKIiNT ( riirnlshcd rooms ; sas.bath and X1 team. 1510 I Ion aid IjlOUlIKNT ruralsbcd rooms , 1C3D Douslas I1 Ssu "j I ANU&OMKI.Y furnished loom. 22OT Dodge. I71OUURNT Klezant apartments Can nr- J raiiRO enniilte or single Mantels , folding hod. gas , h ilh , closet grate fire Uvorv thing desirable for right Ii.uty , Airs. King. 1'GJ Oap- itol avenue. il.Sfl 8 * 371OU Itr.NT Ono nicely furnished front room , Jll ) ; steam heat , bath and modern convonltncei , tecond lloor ; roforonto ro- nulrcd. Mrs , II. li Moses , U2J3 Karuatn 1 410-7 FRONT room , modern conveniences. fi2H' S. lUth. M.4D97 * j "VrnWIjY furnished front rooms , , IV Kin , hath , 711 H 10th , 2nd lloor. 4W 0 * 1JOOMS for centlomen ; itoain heat , pas , JMmtli. OI7M South lltU 4ai-C' I JLEAbAN I' bouth front rbom. 2I1J Dodge. F J'Nr Two nlcoly tarnished front looms. 21)10 ) Divoiinnrt st , 207 -.HUNT Kumlbhcd rooms. 1IXXS Capitol JCe _ av o M101 111 * T\nSlKAHIE rooms for three or four Rentln- \J moil , private Hitting room Included 1701 ( inultnljvvti 411 u s rUKMSllhO ItUOMS AM > o il 1'ur rate * , ere. , see top offiist rolnmnriii thl * ptiut , ilu u UitNISHUlJi roo7nai vUtlTTIoard 407 Nortli IQlh st. M MOO * 1TIOK ItnXT A few deslribla rooms vvitl J llrst class table board , at the Mirrluni ' 'Jtl and ST. OIjAlIIl.unipoanhotel wltlidlnlnpioom sloambeat In all rooms , Uth und Dodge Special rates byvcelcoruionth , 2J1 AT the Now Vandome , on 10th st , bctwcer I'apltol ave and Davenport , can bo fount the bist rooms and board In thu city Cul nnd ce , TOO 0 * 17UIUNIS11P.I ) rooms and boiid.lSSC'lilca o Jj 607-11 * IJOOMSvvItb llr > t-class board. 1314 Dodgi Jlst. 510-8 * "ITllIHNISlinn looms , pnrloi and aleovo foi JL1 2 or I irentlenien. bai'k parlor for 2. licit gns , bath , \tltli boinl. ' 'I.S II iincy , M 474-17' ' OOMbiindboaid. 201 h 2"jTb ovei 4Z1-S * "IT OHgood bo ird , nlco rooms , modern con1 L1 v onlences , rates and locution , thn I'lillinai house , 1J10 Dudgost. . caunot bo excelled M JM N 'J * " \rn\\ IA * furnlblied rooms , single or on suite -L > with board , lu-ut. pas and batb.JOa ami 21 > . 17th , opposlto now postotllco slto 025 N22 TmOU UnNT-HoumZTviuTboard. Dodgi J1 st. HIS FOItllUM'-llOOMS For rattt , etc. , tt.e top of flrst foluniumi rniUiluruoms llglitliou ukceplnB , ll 1Oth tiOll ( UKNT Two npartmoiiu iiiifiirnlBlics JL' for light liousakcophiK.iM DoiiRlns si. "iriOH very comfortublo winter homes set -L tlio.ioU-niom IliiU , b W. C.r.1st and Nicli olas s > ts Nnnly papered , olty vt ater and tew erase. 1'lrs.t ( liMir. * J ; ivond lloor , IS. Hutti Itentlnz Agency..Ms. . IJth st , MJ N8 | i-UU HUNT For rnta , ttt , , tee top of flit coliimn on t/iti pa > P UIt nUNT Brick warehouse , two itorlo iMHlliisonicnt i , 57,000 uqtiuro reel , wllh 10 feet o ( double truck on U. I * . Railway , Soutl ! ! 0ih and I'lvrco btrceta. Address 0. Oskamt Omaha , Nob. "IJTOlt UHNT Hrlok wnrchuiiio , two-Rtorla - 1hlg buhoniont ; hydrnulloelovator ; triuk ; beU location In the elty. A , U , Powell. ron uuxr sTouns AND OUTI for rate * , ett , , fee top of fnt column on Mil * JM.K. iSoiuM , VT T O 4sto ry'bric iTiwTMfnBvw iTTi J orvTlthoiit power , formerly occupied I ) v the Ileo I'ltbllHhlim Co. . oiOl'iiruam st Thobnlld- Itnt hasn fireproof cement hisemcnt.romplcto Rluntn hcallmr li ture < i , vvatir on ill tholltinrs gis , oto. Apply nt tliu 01 00 tit ' 1 ho lluo 1)13 ) J CTOIllVs al 7OT"sl6th SixnI'oarh ) , larce show nwlmlovvfl Hteam heat furnished , llms I. Hall. 311 I'.nlon blk. 2 < l LOOK linitF-Winter is comini ? , them area few peed olllces for rent In the Hamo hid K , vrlth flrst clnss hcntlnit and belt of elc vutorservices , lutiulro I'rank J AV1KII-TO UlIM. I' ( > r rnt'f. etf rrr lop nt tin' cnllimn nn t/il < jnit \\TAi < TE\-To \ rent a furnished room la 11 famlli. by youn man Addte s V 27. lice. \\rAN rni ) Nlcoly fiirnlslind loom nnil ' > liiuitl In private family by younu lad ) . ANonM piefer room heitctl by steam ; must ho vtlMilnGor ID tihicKs fiom cointrof 10th anil DoiiRlns Addreit IU , euro Uepublk-m I'rlntlnit < 'o , corner 10th and DoiiRlas Kiao * AGi.MJ\ ; . 1'iinnt't , ett nctiip of flrkt column mi f/if / < JlbTyour homos with tlio Heal fMatolu * Jforinatluii bureau , 17 Hoard Trade. Hll 1ULY .V llro .rental agents.UOJ N.Y.T.Ifo . 2S7 JI. K Cule , rental ngont.Contlneutiil blU , . JI.Ljj Ljj your houie" to soil or ruit with U I * , "nrrlson , nil N Y. l.lfo. nou sioit 7't rr < iri , rte rtftni'of ltit tutinnnimllitA imjr , rpUOKAlistoriRO ( : at lowest ratesV M. 1 lliislinian 1 III I.i'itvonworlli. 'js."i roilAUKllranoluCo. . , Ull llownnh TOHAOi : an I Traikiigo-lJ ivlil Cole. M' > - IT Howard st 711 KOll . elf , err toi > < if flint rouu/ii mi thu ] itf. 1 The enllro furnlturn of a tcn- room hiiiiio .it a ( jroit > .iorillco ; house Is ery ceutrilly located nnd cm bo ri'iitcd lieajii furniture Is nourlv * now ; terms eai ) . Alight A. l.asbury , b. W. corner ll.lli and lowardsts 40D 7 'OH ' S/VU ; IIOl'.SIOSAdUNSiria lorrnlci. eti tec li i nf fliit c/itutnn on llii ( WOHIv horse trx ) . twnhorso wiifon Jfl , dou- Mo v011. . h irne-ss $ lr > Or w III 11 ado f < ir a Rood llpht slilo bar eng y. H. E Cole , t'ontl- Mcnt.d block -HI 1 I OKSKS JJO and up II. U Colo. ' - 71 ' 'Jitoiul vtoilv teams Imiulri'at 'olSl'aMMnblk 'Ml JjiUH SA1.I ! , tery cheaii-Ono ( six nasen- Kfti loi-k iwny.e'irrl iso ( new ) , a two-M-nlnl Hiissliit s'nlirji , ono p ilr elegant horsn blank ets ono fat in wiKoii , and t o sols of dniiblo "iirnisi. 'Iho aboto Is propel ty of the late I' . ' llln cbaiiiili nnd will bo sold very clit 111 3oo. W llnlbrook room4 , Iko Hldir. 241 FOlt h l-tirratrs , etr , fee top of fimtriilufiin OHifci ( / , prlcorouMOaablc , K u > , Ilio illlio. 77 , ' TO To' rate' , rtr , tcr tup of firft nilunm nn till * 171UKMTI KE. household goodsetc. lllclust JL eash price , \\ells , 1111 Pai mini. 2MJ Snro.Nl ) hind typewriters J. P. l ( > 07 I arn mi Hi , Um ilia. AN PI"D Horses , uiijiona , otc , to sell at auction ov ory Tuosdiiv and 1'rldny. lo i. m 1'Ioncei stablca , Uth , between Ilariuy and . : ) - > 1 nand hats , 1512 Uodgo. MS27 SiCOM-IIAM ; ) books boiiKht for Knot f Hi at the AnUnuarlau booKstorc , 111 ! ) r.irn mi. 015 n 11 * ANTHD-IIorso Hnd luniy. ) W J. I'aul , 1000 rarnam Jib Forratrt , etc , > cc lup o/ first column on tht * DO 'T forget Jos. I' Mescith , 1007 Tarnam st. , when jou want to buj , rent or HO 11 a typewriter. 77J MAS AGr.tioitmoutolectio-lheiraal baths SLMlpand hull triiilment. in iulcun < nnd ehliopodlst. Mis 1'ost , U 20-21 , Wltbnell blk. Kioali cut Honors at lotvust prices , spicial IncluitMiiints to chnieliei , n lilies , weililliiKS , etc William Hri TO ; : , llot- Ist.all'iS Noilh Kith st. M.BJJ li ! * MISS Amy Crindall , proprletross of the Urnah.i I'ureh isliiKncenov , room 40 , Doup- Insbloik. Onleis fiom allpartHot tounliy piumptly fllkd. Holiday goods a siieclalt ] .U 11 * VJIIOl'I'INfi of nil kinds attended to fico of * J chaise Address Clara fetreot , ANiimans Kvchaiin'e. JIl'j 17 * MAfcbAUH , Madam DeUier , over 010 S inth 4GJ t2 ! * QAVC fuel by covering your steam pipes kJwlth Kossll Meal Oompoiltlon ; thu liust non-conductor , nhsolutoly tire proof. Wes tern ai'uiit. 1) ) . O. McCwuii , 1G11 Howard fit. ' BO WilKHLnt , Keneial stonoRrapher and notary. Depositions and court worka specialty. Tol. 10'Jl ' , room 100. ' . N. V. Life Hide IteS-nlO MIO Shoo Dealers When jou pitronl/o rue J- you Know that I will not eomputo with you liy retalllnmuhher bontu , shoes , arctics H.UI- dais , ele. I nm not running twelve orllftetn retail shoo stores under various n unos 1 sell nt w holt sale only and h iv o no Interest Inmy retail store I am western iiiont for tlio New Jtrsoy rubber shoo company at Omaha , mid e\erj shoo deilorltnouslhcio Is no better line of goods made My sales this jenr so far am more th in double any othoi season up to thli time , bend fur julco lists and discounts Jer- se\s will bo oxteislvoly advertised this Rea son. / . T. Uiulboy. LOST. tor rates , etf. , tee rnp of ft ft rnlumnon thti urtfl ) T O > iT-A vvnlorVnanlol. old female , litter , -I I collaii lUht hind l > ff erooUcd Itntiuu to 11II a LTith st. nud got reward M-.Ms-1) * JOsT Ijlver-colorod pointerbltrh , very ttiln t ami bony Hvturnto 1110 Douglas vtri'tt bult.ihloron ird. M 371 MU.NHV TO Mi AN rarrutet , rtctcc top af Jli ert cnltimn nn fliN MOM A' tn loan by II P. Mastcrson chattel and collateral hecitiltlosfor any time fiom tine to sh mouths la any amount to suit bor- lower. Loans made on household goods pianos , or pins hordes , muhts , houses , leases naicliouso icielpf ete at the lowest possible rates vtlthoulpuhllultj oi rcmnv.ilof iiruperty. Jlj loins nm HOirrangid thit jou canmiKc apiyincnt of any nay tlmo anil ro- Uute botli principle and Interest. If you ovvo a balance on your property1 or Irivo a lo in jou wish chanced 1 vvlll pay It off and cany it for jou. If yon Und It more con venient , call up telephone No 1021 and your business v111 bo airangul at home , . Monej always on hand. Nu Utility. Isouub- licit v. Ixjwest lutes. H. P , Masters , lioom I.Wlthnellblk ,15th and llarney sts , C HATTHMnnk , ,110 S mil st. , loins money on eluttelaorcollatcral at reasonable rule's 'M rK ! > T.v , second morU igcson vueant S : Im- provedeity pron County warrants boiiuhl Money unhaiul. r. M. KUIianlyjn.MsN.Y. I.lfc N" ) " | \rONKV .TOiiOorOOdajsonfurnlturo.plant ) ' , -i'lluirscs. houses , etu , J.J , Wilkinson , til : 1'axton blk. tlH ! MONEV to loan on nny security for nhort tlmo nt low l.Ut'S. honest rates on iiiirsonal property. The Henderson MortKago Inveblineut Com. puny , room 400 , I'uxton blk. 2tfT CIIKAI' onMern money I'hlludelphia Mortgage nnd Trust Co nluaybroidr to lonn and pay promptly ; first mortgages wanteil Oeorpe vv. I' . Co.itts , rep resentatlv o , room 7. hoard of tratlc. aw "I jKAIiKntnto Loins Cash on li.uiil. ( Ilobt -lllx > ini& . Trust Co , 807a. Iflth at. Nodelaj' , 110extra char.'es. llouiog for rout , good lUt : x ) GE. A.O. Jl A.N1HU.NV , aib.N. Y.llfiliullil ) Inc , lend money on fiiruu In choice coun ties or Nebrnikn anil lovvai alto on uoui Omiha residence properly ; lowest ratost besi terms ; no deliy : money ready. Tltlen aut values pai > seiloi _ licro. _ louiu , Oto7porccnt | no ntlill so.s foroommUsiouorattornoy' foes. \ \ , II. ilclkle , I'lnt National bauk bldg UO ? > ION'1SY TO For rat fa. etc , , " "t "f _ fr fji > l"m on ifttii yogi KEVSTONK MorlRaRo Co.-Ioan5 of 110 to JI.OOOj Rot our mien before borrowing nnil savn money ! loins on horses furnlttiro or ntiy Approved security without publicity ; nnt 'i boujrht ! fur now loans. r n > walof old and lo\v- ut 11 SOS , bhoolrbiui3thfc Howard. Y\7ANTIU > I'lrst-cla-vilnsiilo loans. Lowest > rates Pall nnd 800 us. Mutual Invest- merit I'o , IVl ) rarnam. , i " 17'ASrnilN money to Icnu nn city nronorivi -li'iiiortgiigo piper bousht. 11 11 Irey.N.Y.Mte. i.l ; wi _ _ C 11 ATT1X loans at luwist rates , Itemovcd toltiltY Y. UfobldR , J. ll Kimaliittur. SOS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MONKY loaned at low ritoi on furniture , horses Ac. , without publicity. Huwknyo luvcsttncntCo , .JI IJoiiElasblU.liith niul ll ( . l o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " \ 1 OVI'Y to In in on olty uinl farm property. 1 > LM.ltarrU , UMr ! inoi lllk , upi > . I' U j.j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V\7AXTH-fiin-p oc-iit roil istatu loan ? . V. V\ I1 llarrKnn , 1)13 ) X V. Life .is ; MOM'Yto loin. Correspondents of Loin- bird Investment cuiniiany. Shtlver It Hums. rrcu < rerblocK. fr'U ' _ _ IiTAllSl I.oans-llest rutos mill option In tlio vu t. Interest annuallj Itorrovvcrsciin pay mrt or nil of principle ) at end of uiiy v our , anil top Interest. U. K. btovc , 810 N. Y. l.lfo bid. . TMMBAMj , Champa Kjan , -V 12UiParnim st , 111:1 : no loans nn real estate , personal nnd collntornl security. Notes and bonds bought. llulldlns loans at lowest r.iks fiO" Nil 17MHST inortKnKO loins on improvtd and tin- L1 Impiovcil property. 0 J CuvwMMKlN Y , l.Jfu. MVI7 Nit liorarnam. Hon. P Slurtl loins made on tlhmontls , watches lowrlrv etc. Ml Nil * OIIATTM. loins , low into , 1311) I'mimm st. 4Vn1U enCKS. . For i tiff * , etc. , Kfctopitf Jltvl mtumn unthti ITlOlt S\U-10,00) ) choice stoeh. of J ineicluiidlM ) In ono of the bust tuniw In Nt'liinsUiiT" > mil's fioin Omaha I'arty ilnlin ; an uxt client business , but has other business lcniandlii his attention Address l'6j lice. JU3 Ml'AT MAHKT/P for silo Pitted up flrst- < hiss In every Good business , iIII bear the strictest Invtstlitntlou Addiess look box 400.C'iiuncll Hluirs , | , ( ioi-d ,1 171OU t AIiC'IIiAl'-Ono : ' of the host merry L KOI omuls on tlio roail 1'or pirtlciu-'irs write A. Hobortson , box 110 , in. Mich. M 4'U-10 ' * _ _ BKP.\Viits : look lit tills I luvo the best paying bievvery In thoslilc for silo at a very low prlLo Tlio product ofthls btettoiy I" k noun In every town ultliln IK ) miles. ' plondld trido established lids Is a voiy h ii aln , and vv III liour dine InvestlKa tlun I'urtlcs < liMliIiu nnv Inforniiitlnii In n- K.uil to iiboLpropoiU wllljilomo uildrc-is r Sonnciisoliclnost \ I'olnt Nub 40-II I/lUlt .sAlillor Kent Lir-i- hotel , \\ull lo- -L cili'd In one of tliubi'it tiiwns In Nolnaska. \ \ ill ' .oil or lunt to pied hotel man ut itason illi IlKurts. lotriMMini Adrtiois r S-oniiL'iisclioln , n < --i 1'olnt , Neb ALI * A Kiruclinnri fora bntohor. a line louitlon and no\v kiitnylii ? u s ] > U'n < lll tradoa Hrlclc biillillnu Kith li.isomont all lilted up with tlio lulu-it , nppll uu-us for thu liiopir.itlon of moats for market , InoluilliiK pouor. in uhlnorj , etc. This is in opnm I unity of , i llfol line I or pirtiuuliruddns li uK- bof > , We-ill'olnt , > ub. 4Q.-11 _ \\rANTl.D A comtmlvnt nowspipor man \vlthll\oorHl\tnotiMiid doll us In i iish or secnilt ) , to t iko cliaia of the llmnor r it , as 1 hue linport nit business that will uqulio niv tlmo east and south for the uo'iiln jour \vov\ill I > lytlio rlKbt klnil of n in in u nloo silary Ifccominunil itlons reutilrod. Ail- . II VuiiKlian , Oiinha. Neb. M.UiJN.iO * ITIOK bAr < r Out ) of the Most ihnlrablf JL piopL-i tli s Irithosl iHr.sltiiiileil In ll.ineioft , C'iiniliiK < 'oiintv'.Noh. 1 lip house has u good p ij In , ; pitron IKO and has in \collunt llxory stooL and food stabli ) In fonnootloii. The low n Is thu end ut a pisrnnior illx Islon of the llilun o , bt I'aul Mliiiu-iipolls .v , Oin ilia ilill- \\ay. It Isacentorlm point foi linnturs fioiu all O\VF the .st ite , as she Is surrounded by niarshuss mil .lRt prilrles\vlioro ducks. KOOSO , pralru ulilckonsand ether cnnio liluls abound In ureit riuifihers' during thntr so.ison , Kor fuithor ruforenco apply to U c Dolisey. ItancrotU Xob. M1M-NJ7 _ "OKbTAUKANT for runt or bale. T. Murray FOIl I3XO1IAXGU. Forrnttf. elf. , ecetop of / ! ! roliimu on IMtt pat/s. YVTANTKD Homo la Omaha for Rood farm ' nrar Ulurinda , la 0. K. Harrison. 01. N , Y. hlfo. fit 17 flothlni ; for roa' ' estate and put cash. Addiess oroall 1111 st , Omaha. Slli-ll rnon\C'IIANOK Seloarlots In McCormlcU't 1 "nd forpropeity elosiir In , vlll pay or , is- nine f..SOOdllloreni'C C Harrison , Ol'J N Y Life. 51 1-7 mo nXOHANOr. tiononl stock of mNo ( 1 Want real o tate and money , llox l.)3 I'lankroil , Ind. M 471-1 : : * rpo nxt HANOI : -100 fcctfoot foni-iiin' and L a new building , I''xW Inqulit room 1'iJ lloo bullclliu' . , tl ( f , ' Toil SAIIi UIOAh iSTATIS. : toritHe * . tic. tcelop of ) mt column on lliln jnge. "VTOCIOK To all rod est ito agents. All ol i.s our property listen Is this d ly vilthdr ivvt from the rnirkot. J. Vf. Harris. MV > .I 8 FOItSALP Ti idoorront.eheip , line house 4'Jd and Cuss st. Inquire at houso. M.VO 2O FOK SALE A forty acre farm situated tvv < and one-half in'lcs cast of town. ( mot buildings and Imptovenu nts. The pi it-o vvll in a lo a like homu for the purchaser. For fill particulars , ptlcc , oto , apply to Win. O\loby Noi Hi llend.Neb. 600 C * 'UIOll SALE Choice aero propoity. 60 acres on Ames avenue 20 acres ncnr the licit lino. 1 > aero fruit farm Two 10 aero t racts In Benson addition. 6 acres In Solomon's uldltlon. , Ct iicrt s noir . outli Uiiiahu. 0. M , Power , loom US , Oh iniherof Coinmnrcc MriU * O-IIOOM house , lot Mxl.B , Ismcs A Helden'fl Of ,2oO ! $1.000 cash , balniuti 10 vein0percent b-inom coHii e , full lot , Ullfton Hill , JJ.'Jjfl small cishnntl monthly injint'iiN llenullful east fiont lot In I'elhani I'lnco eheapost think' In thecltj . { 1..IOO 5-iooin uottiiRo and half lot.l'i miles fron I1 O , onsy niriiients $ | ,500 A b ir aln. \ \ II tr uloiiOj uiiilty | In tills pioperty for team o stock of mouorlis. ( iood Inv Lstinents dial partsof theelty Monny to loin AVallacn lllayney , J10-J11 llrourt blk , lOtn and Douglas 515 7 $ lr > tfl for Rood llttlo homo not far fiom hlgl school 0. IMlarrlnon.'JU N , Y. Mfo. 611-7 _ 1T1OIS bAIjl'-Ata bircain KOO | ri-rouin cot- J taio ; In Council lIlullH , hullt and occ-uplci hynvrnnr. full lot. II\I10 , na A\o. 1) , bet wool L"itli auiUlOth , well. coIlhK outbuildings. tl4h board and picket . fencivnll In Kood fondltlon tmnsoasv. liuiulroof 1 * .SbwIok.llrownliiK Kin ) , ' & Co. , liilh mid Doughs s t root. 4bi ) 0 $0,5W ! Only SOW HD. i hambnis' risldcno. on lull and llurdottu at , owner goln { ti Icivoclty. Host tmrs-lln In Omaha , 1) ) V bliolcj. bole agent , -1.1 1 list Nat , bank. MftM $100 per foot for Rood ibfiton Oapltol axe. nea Jotli st. 0. r , Harr-lsMi/UlS N. V. Llfn u ' i' 611-7 _ _ "JJ1OB SALKor roiit- fil t front with build -1 Inpof'JO rooms. Apply at the premlau Also Si foot on cor of QltU'igo ' anil nth. An ply nt J18 eouth 181 U t-ty1' _ 10-1127 $7,500 for 10 room liouspjOn I.i\onport strco near 'Mh , l.uruo pnrn , houho moderc faces bouth. O. 1' . llarrl Cta , Ola N. Y. Iilft- . Sll-7 _ .Jt _ Foil HA I < n On easy iKnmthly payments ( ] room house ami south if rout lot uuni I.ik and Mitrman ave , Just llku paying lunti n Injoiust. U. 1\ Slum , M tjlioeloy btl > . ! EJJ vJIIOlil'A to tbo front , f have xlelonfan KJbouses on 41th and I'iirniini , with ovur1 iniHlernuou\enlL nce , Including RUS iind Ka fixtures , now nearly ready for occupancy , te tlioin and mike your choice. I'rlco. $ .i.7.V ) t Jl.JjO. JIuO to I.KW cash , balance tosuttutTpo cint Interest livery puichuser bcforo NovemberS gons tUkot tothoilriivrliiKof a * > VX ) ill mo ( larrhiRo alHiiisroady to nliow oustomcra I iirnam street motor wltUIn four hlouks , lluy a house ijulek , anu take a hand In th Brand slmlllo. Thin Is btr.ilfht goods I ) . V ahulcs. SI M'lrst yutloiul b ink. M B . _ Dr. C'jianlitM rrildonru an voterlimry barnon IBth and llurdcttert * Ilils UJLtuwloss tb.iu cobU U. V. Sholei , sol ngent.i'U ' 1'irnt Nat-bank. _ _ .M Ita \\rAUQII .VWei-turfleUl.roalostate.sOmBli ! ' . _ _ aovi _ _ 'I71OH sALK At a I ) irK'iiln.c. iood storu houi < -L iitteil up with nhulroi and couiiters , Uabi merit 0 rooms for dwclllm , ' , ijooil cistern tiu veil ; will hull or trade for a No. 1 stuc'K of ( ? rc rerlob. Address Heel A. Hud , C. 0. L ) . grocer & . " . . ' N 16th st , an rou HAM- : : A i ) , rtcfcc t i > i > f flift folumnon ttilt . Acres fl acres 10 ncrcs-M acrrs cnotco tracts siiltnbhi for Immediate subdivision lomn of It idrcndy paved , llargalns. lines- tlirato. IrackupoNicholas it. . 74 ft. by 132Cor. S3nd st.t fttft by IB. Cor llth su HtiMlnoM 1'roporly I'urnnm Rt , ICth st. , itugit , IKni liisst , louen worth st , Slth st : line bargains sideneo I'ropprty--Tho flnrst In the city nnd tlio most tiMcnilvo list to select from. Vest I nd.est Omaha , l.a Vet a I'laoo. Han- eoiii I'lnco a ppi'lalty Nilonc nt for l.uelld 1'hec. M.itiy bnrijaliis i-uii to bad for n few vveiik < t. lliisiileneos 1'pom homes to cot- tnites of two looms ; thu best for the least mono v , on terms to Hull. t'oine. nnd eo for j our olf. J 11. I MI us JOS N V Mfe. 6370 ASMI.Ij payment down and tl'i per month will bin a 4-ioom house nntt lot on 10th , 2 blocks from motor , Hist class obatico to ac quire a homoim eisyuriiis. Apply toll. K , Cole , fontInuitiil liloi-k. -Tl "lilOll lAIjl An tlcgniit now rosldenco. 0 rooms cheti v ami oak finish , largo stnblu andi'virj ennvenlcnoo for comfort t ! locution , the best In Iho ellTirko ! low , Terms ensj' , 1) . J. U Donahoo , 10UI Parnani st. 3U ! "IP YOU h ive anjllilii , ' toscll or oxcluuiBe , Ji/itl nt US Pnvtonblock. ill I POU SAI.K-Clictp on easy terms , a nlco I'ott IKO In Ixivvus mid , and a 7-room brick hou e with all modern eimvenlonco , onITiih amlJack ousts. Itoom IIChamber Gommoroo. Uill0 1) ) for homo st. neat 23th. C.I' . Plhu rNtiii. IUJ N. V Life C.I7 ( I > lSno , ttH ) c i h for nice little hnmo with full Pciist fiont lot In llanscom Place. O. P. Har- rl-on. 'Jl V-J.ljro fill-7 | jWIS SMjK-A firm adjoining lllalr. Neb , Jtoiild be platdd and bold for garden at onoo. H W. MuHrldo. Ill ilr. 707 nil * dIOOO , Sl.0'0 ' cash , foi gootl lioinoat Hid and 'TCiimliig modet n 8-iuuia house. 0. P liar- ilsiui. DUN. Y Life. D1I7 " 1710U SAl/K Vt a harKiln , a deslnblo rosl- JL1 ( lente$5r > Mi ; $ M down , hilanco on eisy terms Cill at laundry , Ifitli 1tU ) AM-At : abaisiln , fiiltlSO on Dnvuii- -1- port , nuar 17th , ono block from now post- ol1luvery uheaji , fJO.OOOi MilB lornur liuth nnd Pirnini , SJO.KU G , L. Ureen , room UK , block Ml $1 " 0. 5V ) ( ) onsh for doslralilo homo In llnn - coin 1'lnce ' , 8-room modern houso. 0. K , 1 Ian iMiii.Jils XV Mf _ . _ f.117 rr KOOM cotta-o. full lot , Ilinscom 1' , eist front and a K'ent ' luvr iln for a fotv days hinall ousli p ivuonl and hilance on Ion , ' time. V K 1) ) irlliu' Uarlior block. ,104 $ IOi 00 will buy iino of the moU complete and disliiblo lionii'i on Chlc.iL'o at. nuar"'ith , O. I' 1 1 nil Ken , 01' ' N Y Mfo. 0117 CLtVlUVUVAM1. Vorrntft , ttc. , tretupuf tint riuuinn < m thlt tntie. UsTNTN fiTTr nTnvpoTiTrXoyTmt tfince spu.iklnt ; nrUlu : nii reliable biib- lucas medium , 4 years In Omaha. 110 N. 10th. .ll 7UA ss U , i : . Madam Del/lor , over 0108 nth 1 > 1 4CJ (12 ( A1KIrnC'laltvoj ! ant niturilly Rifted , li-Ilsp-ist and futiiie , loto tioumcM , ab- si-nl fiknds. chimKOs , triM'ls. bii9liH"-s. tolls lj U'ltiM , also satisfaction Khun. Sirs. Wal lace , . ( . * . ' Not th Kith --t. -142-8 * MUSIC ART AM ) IjANOUAttU. / r ) ( < ; ' , rte see fop of fid it ciilmn on ita pat/a BlIPUIEH buying , i pi mo cvaiiiino the new -c.Uu Kimbill pi mo A.IIospc , 1'iM Douglas / 11 O. 1t.niI < iNIliC' of the banjo V t\\ lib llospe , 1511 DoiiRlns. 111 ! ) 1)HOP. t'lias. I'otoisen , piano , orKiin , violin , zltnur , vocal instiuetlons. 005 bbouly tillt. 170-U2U * I'orrate' , etc , see fop of tntt column onthts fane , rnnM/U urriiiliTToi reur "saTo7 1ucno ! J-raohciahilpplIcs. J.r McKeath.lOO" Piiiii.un A. ' Have dlsioveteil that whloh makes M.ft' Impossible to send to that place. S lt.1' . I5AT11H lirrtttrtctc. . . HC toptif JlisL colnnm nil tlita " " " M Madai . . Irith at Madam Sinlth'b pnrlorg , 1007 b I Ith st. next Marker hotel. 171 V JIAIII GOODS-\vicisj. inc. I orinfncc. , tee r/iji of lint column nnt/ils / jxioe Bl'ST I.lno hair Roods in weht ; balrdi-essltiK wlirs , s Itches. buiKS , hair chains , ito , a Hpeclnlty , Datles , h ilr Koods and milliner opposite postolllcu , 111 S Tith hi Omahn. iWO rtirrnlrtfte , , nee tupiif ftitt coin i on ttits 'Jlles sollolted. Jhsa btuitli , VOID llarney at. SIC.UN 15 * bllOlCTUAMJ AN 11 J vi iatei ttc. . fee top of Jinl rotnmii on l/n / pays. clmnKcd , rtnted , J. I1. Mugtuth , 1C07 I'ai-- namstreut 315 l'A\V NUliOltl HS. froi Kill"1 , ftf. , ttJ top of nnl roliimn on t/tf / ; KJUC. PUR D JIOI lIiU loans inonej- diamonds and wutuhLSjuvvDlryLtu.b.C tor. I" PATKNT For t n to , etc , tee top of jirtlcplum nan tit t r af. PATKNT lavryerB .t solicitors , O , W. Sues A Cii. , Ileo building , Omaha. Ilraneh ollloo at Washington , 1) , U. t'onsultatlon free. UH PKNS1ON AGCNOIc. 1'orratfJi etc. , nectvpvf flrtl column on tMapiga. NS The Clln man 1'ensloii Agency , I'runrur block , liifoimatlon fitc. .117 OSALS TOPv OATS AND COKN.- S Intllin Service , Kosobud Agcnoy. Poutli Dikoti , October 0 , 18'JO-Sealed projiosils iiidorsetl "Proposals for O-Us and ( tun" , nml addressed to the under : binned at Hosobiitl Arjenej' , hoilth Dakota , will be received at this olllco until one o'clock p in. of November 10th , IS'X ) , for fur nishing and delivering at this Auoney , 70,000 poundsot Oats , and l. > 0,000 pounus of corn Oats must bo blight and clem , and well sue kid , and weigh not less than i2 ! pouiidn to the bushel , Corn must boMiund und clean ; to weigh not less than % pounds to tlio bushel , and to ho delivered In backs of about t wound a-lnlf bushels capacity , mnde of 8 ounce burlap - lap , vu'll sewed Hldders will be required Ui htaln spei'lllcnlly In tholr bids the proposed prlteof each article lo beoireretl for delivery iiniki a rtmliULU ' 1 he light Is reserved to re ject mi v or all bids m an ) paitnf any bid II tlt'i intd foi the best Interest of the t-ervleo. Certllletl Chocks Knob bid must bo accom- banltil bi u certified t'lioek or drift upon some ( nlled htates ) posilory , made piy- abletothu order of the unilurbUtied , for ut least live per cent of tln > amount of thoptopo- ' , which eheelt or drift will ho forfeited tc the Lntted StatM Incise any bidder or bid- Joisri I'ehliigan ivaid shall fall to promptly execute a eontraet uith KOIX ! ami nulllekiit fii rltles , otherwise to ho returned to the bid der. i : II KEV.NOLUs , bpoeliil U & Indian Asjent lachai o o'JIdltm FOREMEN ONLY MACIC CURE VOIIS I KIIII < tTy. Weakness of llody ant -Ml ml ; Cilii'tHot Errors or excessoiilii Did o ; Votini : . llobust. Noble MANHOOD fullvro- utoriilo \ \ guiranteo evorv case or inonej refundetl bamplo course , live days' troii- iiient , (1 ; full tourse , * , " > . beeurcly HU ilod fron bbcrvatlon. Cook Iteinody Uo Umalia , Not Offlco , bt./'lulr llolol , Cor. iith : and UotlgeSI 1'attl Not to Return. Over her own Hinnturo ( Adollna Patt has stated definitely that bho dee no contemplates ictiirniiifj to thin country any ? the Nov York 'I'lmes. Mr. Nnjio loon J. Iluinos of 119Vost Ono Ilnndict nnd rifty-third street received a lotto : from thu great prlmii donna last week In vvhioli nlio made tlio foregoing dccla ration. Mmo. Pattl and Mr. ilninus have loiiy been on terms of close socia intimacy , Tlio now oflicca of the Great Hoc ) Island route , 1C02 Sixteenth und Farnan etrcuts , Omaha , mo the finest in the city Call and BOO them. Tiukots to all point , oust at lowest rates. RRILWHY TIME OHRD I CUICAUO. lU'lllil.NOlO.X ' Alt Oranlm I Depot loth nnd Mxvm Hreeti * " " tOp m I'hlCBCo Kiproii . . 8IU n m ( U ui | . . .OhtcnKO Ktpreu . . . fi M p m Slop in. . . .Chicago Gtpron . . . . . I'M n in e.Wp ml . . rbloiitn laical . . SOS R ra 1 * T * . llllillU.S'mO.V A MO HtVI'.U Otiinlin | _ i > | > ut loth nnil Mn oa UroeK fOl n m , IK'Mvcr liiy t.tpn'K I 4 Hi p III 1015 Donrer Kipri-'i , MV p in (40 p in Unnror MKht ' .i 1 } n m 8 11 n tn I Incxl I W p m 7x. vei 1C I ,1 l' J VO. II - I irritoi Uiinhtv I _ I > flpot lUlh niul Maion treoti _ 9 Vi n m .knnnninir IHr KiprvM I (1.10 p m 9li p in1 1C O MUitr.ii > nil' I' 'I run | Olin m "it/ivuj / i IJ.MON I'AI IMC Arrive * Unmhn ! _ t ) pot loth nnil Mircy idfeu 5'0 n m . Overland Mycr . . y Oi p ra . I'ncltlc K | i n 12 < V p m 10 Al n m . Dt-nvor Mprou . , t fu p m ( ,10 n m . Katmi t'ltv KiproK. 11 (0 ( n m 101V n m KMrlH'ld K i > . tPii-i'iu Sur 4 3.i p m Uitvvt , I Illl Alll ) . It 1 V I' Vt II 1C | vrrlvt'i OniMin ! l > I1 depnl lOtll Vliuor st I Oii'i-ilm PIO p m Milht Mpres * Id Ui n m tiOi n in Atlantic I jprei l , * ) p in 4 W p m VeMllmlo l.llnllol . , 10 U u in sltiLIV tll'V.V I'At If u I Arnvoi " Ollltlllt | TP _ di'iiot Mill mil MirerMs _ I Umtli i 7 in . . SIHIT tlty l'n < netiKor. . . .i 7J p ml . . _ st Paul KIITUM . jlOlOn m s0lj\ ! lll\ V I'AOlHt lArrhm Onmlin | liopot IZVlli nnd VV t bstvr Ms I Oinilni tlM p m | " Ml I'nul bliiiltel T.l US' nnT "liavci t'lllLAtiD.t .S'tiHiltU I Aimui Dtunlin II 1' ikot | lOlli nnd VI iror Sj I Omiit _ illin nil . . , . I lilricti l-iiirti . , , , C , it p m 4 0 p m | Veillbtiln IJiiillnl ( i ' < ) n m CIS p m town AcenmmtHlntlnii t I'm Sun ) T Ui p m li 10 | i in I , , . KiKltrn Hvor . . . . ' . ' 4.1 p m s.0i n ra l.n\as tllUAtll ) . Vllu , V SIl'Alu ; I Arnrej Oiiiahn III I' ill put. Will an I MnreyM _ I Onmlix fCUl p ml i.liliiu'o Kiproii , . | ' . ) 11 n in IJ4Vp in . I hlcnuo Kniirtisi J t , n p m Jvu i UMlllvvtl lAililM i Arrive * Oninlm III I * ill pot , 10th niut Mnrcv ! nm ilia. 4 Kl p in ] l J.oul I iiiiniin Hull ,1. i > | > in Timci 1 V K V ; Mil V\ljlK\ I VrrlvoT Unmtin | Dopnt I Uli rtn 1 \ \ ulxior S I OnVn "CilUAiu , lllixvk Illlli Hpri'11 r > Ji p m SlUn tn llnitlnvs \ 'J' ( Kt suiiili ft i ) ji in 6 10 p \\nlionl.liiconi I'ni U fHii _ f > 10 p in ! V iirk V Viirf.iltc ll'l I M,1 T | _ III Jtl a m T tiirtM l l , U I' M < r 0 Oninhn | | Dnpnt IV * uinlVi iMiur sn ( > n\hi T ( Kl n m Slum I'llr Aciuiiiiniiilitlon no i p in 1 00 p in blom City ( pr ii ( Li Sun ) l ) P in St" ) p m SI I'nul l.linltuil V V'l n III & 15 n m Hnnroft I'n iipiiut f Kv Sum \ H li a m " 1 IHVMJ I MlsiUll ( ! I'Ai IH A i ri v i t Onmhii I _ Depot I .til niuli'h ' liir sti _ O in i hi 10 I ) n m * -t IAJUH A K I1 jcxprim 4 ft l p ra yi5 p ml M Umls \ K C. Kxprni1 * I , U i m "J.invna Cllll AtlU , It I A l Arrives" Triinsfor I nlnn Depil Connt i * Il " 6M p m V .MklT K preit ! ) li n 910 n in Atlnnlto Kiprim 6 .Vi p m 6 01) ) p in Vuntlliuln bhnlteil III ! 0 in lA'AVCI jllllf Al ( ( > A MUlllI'M I ItN A i rites 1'rniiifurl I nlnn Dcpit < mini II IHulT I'rntiilor l'lilc l.lllp in Ml ) p in . Vi-ailbulo I Imltul . . . . t' S ) a m JOIXIpni . . . Kaitirn Hver . . . . . ' 110 v m l.Up m . . Athntlc Mnlt ; l 11 m fi H ) p inttrn \ ViHiitiiiuodittUtii tKxi- sun ) t , < 0 | > m lxiivt'i IHIlAliO , MIL x ST I'Alli , I ruii'fi'r I iilon J ieuot I'onnoll llhiltj Timufer C W p nil . riiltin.0 Kjpross . . I li 15 n m 1 U li ml . Lhlincn Kxpre-ti . l t , ( K ) p in I.onros I K O.KP JllK A < * ll I Arrlvei Trtin ( i-r | Union l ) pnt , ( nunell Illiirfa JTrnnifer 100' , t > ml KIUKIU l Itr I'IIJT ' Kxiirots. . I r , U p m It ) Sip tn ! Knium Clljr VlIit" Kirprett J d. ) i in Ixiivos I UMUlV.tsri.OllH. ( Arrive * 'Jriunlorl Union Kepol , ( ouni-ll lllnn' _ | 1 riinifer f 10 p m ! st LtiuH l mum Hull 12 li ( i in lAntu iCIHOAt.O lIlflll.'N ' \ QITINCV I Arrive * Inui'fcrl tlnltui Depot , Coiini 11 Illurti 11 rnr fi-r \ > 41) ) n m . . . CltlcnKu Ktpn)1 * ! ! . l , Ji ) p in 10nip i-.i . . Clilcnko UT | > res . . . . ' ) 10 a ra 7 10 p m i ititou Iwcnl . . II JO a jn MOUX til \ A 1'ACIHl I ArrltoT Trnnsfer' ' Union Depot , Council llliilla [ l r.mifur " 7 45 a m .bloux CUT AcoommoilMlon I 'i 40 a ra t > Ui p ml 8t. I'nul Kxpreis . . llotiOpin r.iiiilllOH In llellioluncl. The woinon of IIoll'oland { , , are penor- ully spcalcing1 , siusill and fjiiieofully formed and present .a slronpf contrast to tlioir tall anil strapping rrritcs. Tlio fo- inalo loMjlincbs is unforttinatoly soino- \\liiittr.iiisicnt , no doubt owlns1 In a liii o inoiisiiio to Ilio 111 foil or faro anil rough vuirlc with the nets. No idea of foinnlo suffrage la ever liUcly to outer a lInlijjolniulor'H licacl. llislilou of the relation of tlio 8o\os IB tlio old ono tliitt the mitn is tlio head of the wife and Unit \\oinon , tuico tlicin us jou like , MIO anin- forior eider ; thoj' are kind and < 'ow- tcoiib to tholi1omcn in all lespuots , but there Ib no doubt who is lotil and bread winner. Tlio pittrlnrohnl bystoin 1ms 'died out. Each lusty , broad-Miouldoied hon , though ho may have passed his twenty-Ill at bltthdiiy , is required U > { fi\e all or ne.trly all Ills o.irnitiKS to his father BO long as ho lives in his father's house. When ho inarrio& and lakes up house for hlmbolf then only doea the patria - tria protcslns roino to and ond. Huli'go- Inndors as a rule marry young ; thoio are moro woinon than men and it is not dilli- ctilt to Iind a mate. ITouhokcopIng is not an expensive job , and there ia plenty of money to bo earned if a man IB intellt- B'ont and industrious. It niuy bo HOIIIO tiino before the jtiiing hiiHlnnd ) has a boat of his own , for a bo it costs " > ( thcj are all built in the inland ) , but ho can alwajs hire ono , jmjing for its lure about So cout of tlio p.y nlont ho hhnsulf ehargos. A Soldlrr'H 111 a oi' "run. " Wo have hoard dilloront vornlons of what constitutes fun , but \\o hoard a now ono the other dr.y from am old soldier , says the Wcstchostpr , I'.t. , Kecnid. At Gettysburg , about the tiino of I'k-ketl's chat go , the rolntor .is btationod down to\\atd the edge o ( Hold , and ho vuis tent out in chaigo of n sqirul to rollovo the picket in a copse ofoods. . Meeting the borffoant ho was about toio- lio\o , he asked him u hut hlHordoiswoio. IIo\\n informed , and ainongothorthingf ) tlio pickets were not to fire , "Why , " said tlio relieving , "they are firing i Iffht now.Vhy don't j ou &top thoinV" O , well , thov are just having a little fun in thoio. The rebels l a\o got possession of abtroti'h of stone wall niul our boys swear they aio going to take it away from them. " Our informant went in and soon ho and his men \ \ 010 as deep in the "fun" aa tholr inoduce'-soi * , not- withstaniling their orders not to fho. They kept it up , dodginp behind tiioh and \\orlvinsr around the woods until tlioy got a llank lliu , ran in on the fitono wall and caoturod it. They had tholr fun nnd accomplished tlioir object. The following permits were hiued by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : W II Towiisond , ono nnil a half Htory fruno dwelling. Uraii and Kil ( Jr tonavcnuu . . } 1UO' John 1' . Maliauucli. one story f nime cot- tiu'e , Turkey ktittt uud llouluvnrd avinno . 6CK John r. . M.ihanmh , onu story ftamo eot- tiiKe , Tuikey street and Itoulovavd avenue . 7CK W U Ilomiin. ono ninla half stori fr.imu UwellluR , 'i'Henty-nlnth and Vales streets . . . . 1,101 W. It Horn-in , nno nnil a half Htory frame dweilliiK , Twenty-ninth and VntiH slitcts . 1 W W It Human , ono and a half story iramu dwelling , Twe ntj-iiliitli and V'ltes K trout ) . . . IW Oau minor permit . b Total George CampboU , HopUnuvllle , ICy , Ilurxlock Illood Hitters is I tie best prepau tlon for tlio blooJ and stomach over maaufac lured. WHAT rimus ? l-Mltorlnl Difference or Opinion on nn Important Subject. \VhatMho forcu , nml which u the mrnt i-oiiveiilttiit apparatus for nniilyiiig III How fur U the rvgulur physi cian useful tons Invnuso vvobeliovo la him. nnil how far nre Ills pills ami | wvvtiers and tonics only tlio imteilal representatives of Ills personal tnllucnco on our health I The ii'guliir dot. tors euro. tlu'lionKvopitliio dot tors iMiro , Iho llahticnuimiltoscurc ami so tlo the faith cures and the mlml mres , nml theso-ciHeil Christian ROienllsts ami tlio font tlollai-and n liulf ailvertlsini ; Itliii'rinUs , ami the patent medicine men Thin nil hit , nnd tliev all miss , nml tlio fjrent illlleroneo ono Knal dllTerenco In the resu't Is that when the rtyiilnr tliK-toi lose u imtlent no one mumbles ami when the irtvffulm doctors lose ono the community stands on end und howls llochcster Union unil A Ivorllstu1 Nutiuc-i'iiitM , Iml nulure can he iituVtl , hln ilcicd or tlofeitoil hi tin * curative proi-oss Ami the Pommel fill's uintontlon is that It Is tlioimtof rntliiiial beings to seek ami Itust thiMiilviiv of men of ( rood character who huv o studied tliehwimn sjstem nml li-arnetl , as far us modem sclent o lights the vvuy , how fur they win altl iintutv anil how .thej can best ( iv old obsUuetlni ? her UulT.Uo CN'iuincivinl. H is not our purpose lo cousiiler the evils tint result from oiuploj Ini ; tlio uusi'rupuious , the Ignorant , iliarhitans nml tpuuks to pro sciihi. ' foi the lualndics that nllllct the liuiuan family.Vo stinulv dot 1 no that the phjst ciau vv ho knows something is bolt < r than the phvsu-lnn who knows nothing , nml vt rj llltlo indeed nbout the stiiu'tiiin and Iheioiuhtlons of Hie human sjsteiu. Of course ' ht < dm s not know It till"Knchcster Moiultttf HIM ilil Ihnvou'.pil Wamer'sSafo Cure and hut foi its tlmelj use vvoultl liuve been , 1 veilly bellevo , In inv grave from vvh it the iloutor's loinictl llriuht's disease I ) I1 Slutnoi.hCli lot ttliU'i Sflolo lii/etle ! , Clullieothe.Oluo , In a letter daleil.luno,10 , 1MH ) . Ctll.OItADO'iTTlUaiAX lllltn. L < ! ioal I'rovvtl at Sloan's Imko toSeo Him Try lllH \ \ ! IIIH. Sloan's lauo , near Denver , was tlio PC-MO of a riotous demonstration a few ajnajo. } I'ully 5,000 people .svvainiod lie KIM tli'ii , us iniiiiy iiiorcMvoi'o on the lills ntomiil llul.iku ami tlioir clicorn ml liuitjliiiis vveiv int't'sinnt. K\ory no was looking for 1,1. . Spauhliii uiu'l IH aoi'iul iiip.iiattis | , but for hours ho vns not to busoon , Thu only thinp : that oultl lo soon tluil lu'loujreil to the jior- ininniu'u was a vvlro cnhlo tilioul an Inch u dijiiiictt'iniul llfty in loiiHlh slrottheil n iniilair , vv hit'li tlio impatient ituoplti voio inftirini'il was tlio line of the pro- 'osoil ' lllfjlil which Mr Spauldin was to iiaKo. The bills nniiouncotl tlio tiino of this oat to bo at 1 oYloeU , lint it wan after ore anv proparntion fop Iho ascension vas iiiatlt' . The lope was looseiietl , as 11 Mipim-oil , ho Hint the mini vv ith vv Ing oultl bo boohed upon Iho c ii'i-iujftt , v liicli wns sourraiigotl that it could run ilon ; * tlio vui'o ito | proiii'lletl l ) the itimnn hird of C'oloi-.ido nml IIH nt-vv mule \viii 's. The balloon vvbiih was to > f ii od had failed to arrive , w > this ipparalus wns Htihititiiled. lint hi' 010 liu winded man could bo altmlicil to be pulley and swuny in nnil air , tlio upportsof Hie all ur ave vva.\ and the v bolt ) went into a stale of iilloicollapse. . The wlnjjod man and bis pi-ocious ma- bino , how over , oscaiicd , : ts > another falo tvv ailed tlioin. Mi. tap.uildint' then donneil his vvmtja mil proceeded to exhibit thoin to tlio lopiihue. They wanted him to sail out ivor tbo vvatoibJinil to thuillhniyhts , ) tit ho was not so disposed. Know nit : that t vvds onlv the most t-killful bird that could both 11 } and Hvvim. No olloils wore iiiatlo lowardti ropiir- ng ; tlio lolliipsod lopo. nnd. its supports , il though I bow iii Mind tbo ma n iiiarvhed ibfou li tbo crowd , which oal o\as- ) oialud them. 'Fly hif boi1 ! ' ' vvnc' the cry fiorn the oxpoetanl crowd , hut all to no purpoio , ib ut no tiino did ho yet , both feet fiom , orra tlriiiii at Iho wiini' tiino. Ho liloteil throiiffb the iniilliludo bj Deputy sbui'ill bholl , vvbo did Ins Ivsl to pro- eel > bo old man fiom tbo people who voio caper to linvo a fc.itbei' aa n nomontoof the oicasion. J < 'iii'illj ho di'ciilctl lo wilhdniw fioiu uiblic uu/e aiitl siujjht ( ; to Did fnrowoll 'rom ' the door of his dri'ssinfr bouso , vvben a shovvci1 tif atones < 'onv incuil him bat tbo sooner bo dopaitetl the bettor ind wiser it WIIH for bun. Tor a vvliile it ooUed like a lint and a living missllo Doputv Sbcnll 15. K. hhell just ibovo the ojo , fiomvhkli j unluil a stream of blood. Seine of tin' ciovvtl was doubtless iiindo iioio unruly in its action b.v the beer vvbicb hiul been Imblhod. The only time , "rntbtT Tiino , " as ROIIIO vvoro wont to call him. Hew was vvht'ii the mob ot upon him with him stoneH , vvhon ho 'airlj sallud through the door , but Iho rviiif ; ! ' did not nid him in bis rapid i.ico 'or nholtoi' . Tlio niiicbino wblob vv.ia to bo iibotl is : ho invention of H. J Spindiling- Itostta , C'nster ' county. Col. , Mr. Snanlil- JT is not ( libcourn od , as ho attributes the failuio to malju Iho trial to the pdo- plowbo nuina 'od the nlTalr. IIo will Iiko bis vvinfjs back to Uosila , and allor repairing thorn will iniko : : i trial vvhoio lie will not hn compelled ii > face a liowl- tf mob and a volloj of slones. Ho ia ever Hlxtjthree ye iva of u o. Every penny tolls -You get Salvation Oil for tvv enljlive cents. Must In the m uKot. .lohn 15. ( Sough , the far-famed loctuivr , ox : i-used himself In nil audleiuo IxH'auHo of a bad told , then stnrtcil for Ugypt In Ilio hoiio ( if Lttini ; ilil ( if it l'r\l > t contains no nun- ed\ moro LCI lain in Its result tlian 1)1' ) Hull's Cough Sjiup. Wenltliy i Several weeks ago two plainly drossetj nnddlc-aged vroimm appeared on the streets here aB niendieanlH , snyH the , ln- dinnuiiolls Nous. Joth ? hail nccordoonn , from which they pmnpeil the most dole ful specimens of harmony imaginable , and to thu accompaniment they eang In hi h , cracked voices. With t-liuiui lur- istic Amorlean emeloss onoroaily , the fiowds uimirinutud niokolu and pennies by scores and the women reaped a lib * oral harvest. Among the hundreds who saw Iho wo men hoio wns a lady who recogni/ed thain , "I hiuo seen them in Now York , in Portland , Oro. , and in Salt I aUo City , " nho said. "They go to Salt Lmho City every year to loolc a ( tor valuable property limy have thoro. The truth in , 1 am told , the are vvonlthy. Thny Hived several thousand from their stioet o'trninys and Invested the sum in lo-il ostnto in Salt Lake City. Then the boom eamo on there .mil in afovv months the women were rich. Now they have valmiDlo investments in various cities , and their business judgment scorns excellent. Tlio icat bulk of their wealth IH in Utah , hovvovur , and tlioir proportj ib growing moro valuable o\ory dnv. "Tho women lIUo their old profobsiuti of harping to the public , and title-It to it as industiiously as ovor. They make a surpiisingly lur jo Incnino fiom it and save a gieat deal ovoiy iear , which goes to swell their invofitmonts. 'Iho posdlhllity of these onion following1 mondlenncy as n , yiofosiion , and jirospor- hitf nt is a striking comment on the un thinking , nmniestloning gunoioslty of the Amot'ican people. I'rnducod from the laxative and nutrition ! Juice of California URS , oimbluua with Um medlilnal virtues of plauti known to bo most tiunctlclal to the buimn svstoii , acts eot'tly ' ou ttio kidneys , liver and bnvvuls , tjffectually cIc.iusInK the H > ' _ toin , ihsiMllii | wills ami boudaLhus , uud turlnc hubltuul conitlputloa.