2 TTJiE OMAHA DAILY 13EM ; F1UDAV , NOVBMHIS11 7 , 1800. half of the township * In the state Indicate a dcmoerallo inaorltv ) of ) , UOO. Tlio demo. crats elect 11 out of 13 congressmen , and the legislature yvlll bo democratic on Joint ballot. Oklnluiliin. OtTiiniP , Oi : , Nov Oklahoma territory yycnt republican. Harvey ( icp ) candidate for delopiito to congress , yytw elected byl,8 a plurality. _ SriTTiRVnsh. . , Nov. 0 lleturns and cs- tlrantci from all counties give Wilson ( rap. ) for congress a plurality of 0,000. Oljmpla for tnpltol him ir.OOO mujontv The roimbU- cans havou tioayy nnjorlt/in the legislature. North Dakota , Fjiiino , N. D. , Nov 0. Incomplete returns Imlicato that the leglslatiiro lylll have IV ) ro- imbllcans out of I'l ' members , the hnlniioo huinc divided between the democrats and In- dcpuidents The cntiro Htnto upublli'iiii tlclfct and Johnson ( rep ) for congress are elected. Colorado. Di SVKII , Cole , Nov -Unoniclal returns from the state glvo the folloyylng imjoiltles ! Toyvnscnd ( rep ) , 0SS.r , , and Uoutt ( rep ) , y.frlt. 'I'ho republicans yyill elect the ic- nmlndur of the state ticket with the CXI M > tlon nf trcisurer , supcrintcntlcnt of public in- Btnutlon mid nttornoy gcnor.il The luRishi turo on Joint billet yyill stand Kopublicms , til , democrats , ! , a domocratlo giln of It. This Itistucs tlio election of Teller to the United States senate ST Lorn , Mo , Nov. ( i The latest Information mation from Arkansas Is to the effect tint nt- llclal iPturns from nine counties in the Set * end district and close estimates of there- mnlnlm. counties give Ihceltcnridgo abou 700 mijority Hoth pirtlcs still claim the Tirst dlstiict mid It mnv take an ollloiil count to decide the e-ontest there In tbo Tourlh district Terrj ( ih-iu ) is elected bi ll big majority , and while the iicwsfioniotlu-r dlstiiits Is ytuy incurie , It seems to ho safe to so ) that all of them will go democratic. Coiiiipotlont , HviiTroim , Conn. , Nov 0 The legislature ft republican by Joint ballot by eight or ton The following nro elected to congress : Lewis Sperry ( tlem ) , rirstdlstiict ; W. T. Wllcox ( dom ) , Second district. Charles A Hussell ( rep ) . Thlid dlstiict ; Kobcrt C. UoForrost ( dom ) , Fourth district IlAini-oim , Conn. , Nov f > The Counnt's , revised flimreslndlcato that the Coniicctii-nt \ legislature will stand Sennto HopublUnns , 1 7 , demounts , 17 House Republicans , 1 W , domociats , 110 Uepubllenu inijorltyoniolnt ballot , J The state vote at tbo present time rdioyys Mciyyin ( iop ) , iKlWii : Monls ( dcin ) , r > 7 , ( ! < i.l , AiiKiva ( pro ) , : illi'l , scnttorh * ' . 1257. Morils Inc'ks ! U of amajoiity In this calcula tion foil it ecu towns arc unofllcinl. Di s Mtiisrs , la , Is'ov. 0 Nearly eomplcto unofllchd loturns onsectctar of state , yy 1th a foyv counties paitly estimated , ahoyv that McRiilaml ( rep ) his a phu ility of 2,1M Theicinalnderof the state ticket Is probihly divided. Latest congressional rotuins elect Henderson ( iep ) in tho'lhlid district by t inujonty oF'J7'J , and Tllck in the Eighth ills tiict by a nmjoilty of UJ I The state delega tion to congress \ylll stand six republicans and five democrats. J.i n Moisrs , In. , Nov. ft Completclnnofll clal rotuins from sevcntj-four counties give McFnrlnntl ( rep ) , for secretary ot state , IKi.Uir. Clmmberlln ( dom ) , 1 10,153 , again ol 7,7S.'l over last jear's vote 'Iho tyyontj llo counties muopoitod gayo Iluichlson < ion ) for Koyernor , On plmalltj in 188 ! ) . This in dicates the election of McKirhind by H,000 plurality , and the remainder of the republican can state ticket by a plurality somoyylia smaller. PuntQt r , In , Nov. O-Dubuquo county rompleto gives on tliostatotickct : Democrat fl ( XX ) : icpubllcin , L'lSVJ On congressman Couch , 0,55,5 ; Ilcndeibon , 2,053. Katimis. Li AvrM\ouTil , Kan. , Nov. 0. Private ad \lccsconllimthoelcctionof Biodcrick ( icp ) for congress in the Tirst district. IvAVsvsCiTV , Kan , IMOV. 0. Returns re ceived today do not chanRO the situa tion mitciinlly. The only positive change is thoccitnln election of Iliodcilclc ( rep ) over Moonlight ( dom ) in the Pirst congresslouttl distild. The state ticket is still in doubt with chances favoilng the fanners' al liances. KysaAS CITV , Kan . Nov C An estimate of Uio result for the legislature In Kansas gives the follnyylng llguies : Kcpuhlicans , 75 ; nntl-republicnns , Including foimors' alll- nnco ami democrats , DO. Of 73 republicans 15 senatois pledged thcinsclyps to votone- coi ding to the yyill of the pcoplo in then dis- tilctsas oxpressctl in the vote foi lepicsi n- tativo Nine of these dlstiicts lotumedalli- nnco men To sceuio lo-elcction Incills must control 81 votes The legislature is noyv appuiently npahibt him by 15 votes at least and possibly sit. Ky\svs Cm , Kan. , Nov. 0 Chaiimnii Huchanan of the Kansas state contitil com mittee telegraphs the Associated press that Huniphioy ( rep ) is elected coveinor. All but eighteen counties glyo a plurality of 4t > 39 Thcto eighteen counties hnvo a total vote of only 80,000 and they inav bo counted on to increase his plurality , as Uuchnnan ns- BOI ta. _ Illinois. CIIICAOO , Nov. 0. The Dally News ( inde pendent ) , makes a forecast of the mike-up of the I'iftj-thiid congress. Counting the farmers' alliance inoti with the democrats it suoy\s n total of Oil republicans , 2.U demo- crates , a democratic mnjoilty of 1M. The Tilbuno ( top. ) llmls the result in the stnto lepisiaturo on ] omt ballot to bo as fol- loyvs Heuublicans IOJ , democrats ItH ) , farm ers U. This yyould in iko a tie yoto on Joint oallot If the farmers' alliance men Hhouldyoto with llih demociats 01 give a unjoritj of four fchould they vote u ith the lonubllcans. r Cmi M.O , Nov. 0 'I bo icpubhcans eairlcd Opokeounty , inyyhiih Chicago Is located , for tlio heid ot their ticket. With nil precincts he.itd lioni , unolllelully , the llguies give til- ! bert ( rep ) for sheriff 624 plurality oyor Lnyv- ler ( dcin ) Kein ( dom ) , candidate for county ticnsmcr , Is victorious , hoy\eycr , by : iM > T plurality. Kern is a ( Jeriinn and niado gilns in tllstiluU whei-o the Lutheran vote Is stnB ; SIM INCH 11,1 n , 111. , Nov -General Palmer this evening received a tclogiam from Carthage thago MI > ing tint TCdiuinU andMjcrs tyyo , , dcmo < mt.s , nro shown by the ofllelal count to have been elected to the leglslatiiro. General Palmer on loading the dispatches sild : "Th is mums 10J democrats on joint ballot , a majority of 1. " The lot , the general ev- phll'icd included runners' Mutual Benefit otaoi.litloii men , nil tin co of whom hoclaimud yyero pledged to his suppoit on the ballot for United Stales senator Ciiu ir.o , Nov l.lghty-four counties of Illinois , nuludiug Cook , out of a total of 10 ; } , glvo Amhcrg ( icp > foi state treasurer a plu rality of ' . ' , S11 over U'ilson ( iloini liiab ( doim for BtatesuiKJilntomli'iit of publlo in- htuietlon has npliiiallty of ni,7Ja oyer lid- lyuidsiiop ) lianh lairicd hv a heivy ma- jorttj not only in Cook comity , In which Chicago cage is situated , uut also had a long lead throughout the state generally , Ilariison's inajonty In the state In lN > b was 2J.WK ) . Unuino , Nov -Lato ictuuis from the Ninth Illinois district indlcatu the proluble defeat of Congressman I'ayson ( lop ) by Bnoyv cdoui , ) , Tlio llguics nro not jot com- pluto. Itulications That tlio Fanners Huld tlio Italniu'e of l'o\yer. Cnirioo , Nov. rt. | Special Telegram to Tun IhE. ] The result in the llllnoU'lcglsla.- turo yyill bo very dose , Iloth sides claim ft majority on Joint ballot , The latest Indica tions nro that tha republicans have twcnty- ncven senators mid soy eutjHvo members of the house , The demoeiata have elected \yonty.fourseimtors and soventy-slit uwin- bors of the houso. The Farmers' Mutual JicnoiH association has elected members of the house In the Torti-thlul and Forty-fourth dlsti-icts. Later retuuis may , pot haps , effect changes , but at present it looks as though tbo farmers' candidates uould hold the bnl- nnco of poyyer on the Joint ballot. Senator Furwcli has changed his mind slnco yester day and no longer makes the confident state ment thut the stuto bus go no democratic. "According to the latest ana most reliable jioivs I cuu got , from Chairman Jones , " said J he , "I yvlll not IKI the next soniilor from II1U uoU John M 1'aimer yvlll.11 "Ha\o you given mi all hope ! " "Oh iio I yyontplvoup IIOJKS till the thing U entirely settled Hut thoyvny things stand now it seems as If the ruptibllcnni wire knocked out 1 tvcelvcdyord from Junes that 'tnattcrinreyoryunerrtalii and rnthcr doubtful for us. ' That hidlcatos liovr it H. Such n leport wouldn't ho sent to mo If they felt nt nil confident of victory I understand from hi-idiiuiitors thntJonw claims yyo hnyo 101 innl the doinrn'iiits 10.1. If that Is the case I 8ttpiKso those tyyo rnrinprsyyholuuln t hcen head from h ivo cone for 1'aln.cr. It s more tlnn lllfi-lv they did go foi I'nlmnr. I am n 'blastnl city man ' you ktioyy n filcnd of the monopolists and bloited bondholders , and nil that soi t of thing. Well , 1'ahner cm have It If the democrats h.uoon If they hayu cMniett the stuto tlm > ought torulo It , but if the > haven't we want toknoyv so inn- thing of it Kor my part , 1 don't care f I don't ire bark Itlsn't yyoirjlngme itnv. DD I look like a nun \vlio yynsyoirying and rushing at ounit frmtlcally to get the neyvsi" Senator Faryvclldld not hcsltatoto attrlljuto the rcpublltan defeat in Illinois to three t anses-tho Mi Klnloj bill , the Hrmcrs' alli ance , nnd the compulsory ( 'duration law "llio dcmocnitleoiators mercilessly nttneltul the MiKliilcy bill , " he said , "and uero ublo to frighten tile voters by the pictut us of tlio disastrous results yy Inch they predicted yvould folloyv. The bill Is a meritorious measure , and all It needs toproyo thnt It is hcnelluinl to the belt inteiesti of the country is a trial I am qulto sino that had Iho clot-lion been post poned six. months , until the jieoplo could hnyoanoppoitutdty to test thn nii-asuic , the icjult yyould have been far diflVrcnit I am content to yynlt , feeling full } nsbiued tint its tilaldtiiliiK thonc\t U\o joirsyill vin dicate the mei it IU frninera anil adyoeatcs hnyoclnmiodforit. The f.nt that some re publican son itors opposed It win used with damaging clleet hy the democrats In this c.nnpalpi Iho funnels' nlllaiuo Is n new element yyhlili drcyv considerably from tin ) lepiihilini shi'iiglli Just yyltli yyhat patty the successful alliani'o candidntciyylll identif } thc'inselyes in the Lc-\t leglshturo it isilinicult at this tlmo tosny , but prosuinably those yyho yycro foimerl republiems In their jiohtiuyill \oto yylth that puily on questions not ichitlng to alliance tmtteiN , nnd those yvho yvcro dcinoesr.itsill continue to ndhuic to their party. Ills not likely they yylll foim n sopniato pirtj in the legislature. 1 ho school quest Ion yy. is an im- pottnutfacUii In losing the lopublie.in p.ntv many votes The contest In Wisconsin Ind some olloct iiiourstatu 1 thinkthn lossosto thopaityvironsextenslvo In tlio state out side ol Chicago as in the city on aetount of thorjuestlon Ills ti pit ml fact ttiat the deiuoc'iath' nttitudo on this question yyas ex ceedingly non proRres&ly o aiidantl Aineiican Uut that p.uty has neyor oilglnatcd a pro gressive mensuro jot. " 5TI/JK I..I ltli Attc'ini > tiim : to Count Utitihc Iteimblienn Sherllt-Itllect. Cnicino , Nov. 0 [ Spochl Telogriiia to Tun Bn.J llio nvcning Ne\\s , an itide- dependcnt-democintio piper saj's "A coiisniuci to count out .lames H. Gil- boit , republican sheriff elect , has been tils- c-oycrcd l arly this morning a letter dis closing lo the lopublicati nnnagcis nn out line of the plot yvas received from ono of the leading attorneys In the c'ity. This \y is foi- loyyed by infonnntioii secuixd by republic-la politicians yyho hnd beeij on yyiltcti Tlio L.mlermen are desperate nnd syycar to put in their favoiito at any inst. A caucus of dcTiocnat's including three aldcimon yyhoso names for the picscnt must bo suppiesscd , yvas lield List nk-lit and the line of action was inipped out The -withholding of the returns is a pait of the plan The intention is to doctor the icturns if necessity in oiclcr that Ijnyyler may bo declared the yylnner. The plotters have tyvo objects in ylew. Fhst , the election of Layyler for politiedl purposes , and sccondl.y , the election of the democratic candidate foi the benefit of the gunblcrs. "Tho suspicions of the republicans yvcro first aroused by the hillotbov light , the de tails of yyhich yy eio exclusively printed la the columns of last night's Uveulng ; No\ya. Then it yvas that pirty put their men on yv atch and today's developments are the result of that prec.iution. Kvcry point -yyhoro fraud could possiblv bo committed Is caiefully guarded , and the republicans uro on the out look along the line Tlio republican leaders hnyo In their possession cyidonco to show that the illegal tabulation of the loturns was made from the poll books yestcrd ly. Ono of the candidates noyv has the tablet on yvhkh the count was kept. Ihis evidence Mas oh tallied through a fiiend of the paity "on the inside. ' Theio are also soy- oral Ayltnosses to the pi Decoding In the election commissioners' ' olllce , and they , unknown to the operators , saw the transfer of the poll hooks from the billet bo\es to the vault. "Lntct leturns show that the republicans hnyo been generally victonousin Cook county. The leturns on county commissioners hayo hem roceivcd fromall but fifty scattoiIng pio- cincts in the city. Thev indicate the election of elo\en icpublicaii and four domocratlo mcmbeis L I * . Haryey , lepubllcan candi date forpresidentof the board , hnsa plurality of 7,5(10 , and is soyenthon the listot the ten le.ulinp candidates Todofeit him ttio demo crats will hayo toeleet four moro members , This it Is hardly probable can bo done with the returns from the missing precincts. " HOW JT Secretary Husk anti Coiigrcssiiian Springer on tlu ; Uesult. Cnicino , Nov. 0. ISpccid Telegram to TIIS BFE. ) lion. Jeremiah Uusk , secretary of agriculture , ir. nn interview today on the result of thec-leetion , says : "The cause of the lepubllcan dofcit can easily ho traced. In the first place , this Is ono of those seasons generally called an 'off year. ' Then the McKlnlci' law is directly lesnonsiulo foi the great Imo.ids upon the iciniblican yoto. The administration en emies ami vast army of disgruntled ofllco seokora proved n forinid iblo foot , yyhllo t-aiiff measures did not plc.iso the laboring classes , mid tbo yvoikingmoii finding the Urn yyas much moion , nutter of exporl- ment than a mcatuio of preyed bcncJlelal of- feels , dealt its suiipoitcis a fatal blow. The passimoof thoMcKinle ) bill was a direct viol ition of the pledges made by Iho repub licans dining the gicat convention held within the unfinished yvalls of the Audi torium , iloioa icductlon of the surplus and obnoxious anil unnecessary high duties were pledged Hanlsonln tiisspccehcsondcavoicd to perKtuate | the Idea , but a lot of legisla tion , diioctly opposite , yyas foisted UT5011 tllO country , anil noyv the wpubllcansflnd them- solycs hoisted \ v their oyvn petard " Ntyv YOHK , Nov U. Chnuncoy M. Dopoyv in nn inttn vieyy dyes itns his opinion that it yvas not tlio ligltim ito ivsults ot the McKin- 103' Inyv , but tlio effect of its going Into opei- at ion enl ) thhty dajs heforo election that caused sueh n uiilycrh.il dofcat otthoiepub- llcnn pnrt > thiougliouttho United Salutes. SiiiiMinKip , III , Nor 0 In an intervloyv with nn Associated press reporter this nftei- noon Coiigivs ii.in William M Springer , yvho has just been elected by 5,000 majority , suiil : "Soyer.il cau lontiibutcd to the unpiece- deuted success of thcdeniocratiopaitj In 1 thollrstsesblon of the present congress the icpubllcm mijority In the tiouso adopted thu most despotic methods of losislation , ovor- tuincd the ptvcodcnts of a hundred jcars , unseated democi itic inembcis ytho yyoiu elected by oyoryyhoinilng majorities , and passed the 'lorco' hill , yyhieh yvas iutcnilol to perpetunh ) ropubliuan supremacy. ThU policy had the effect of exasperating Iho dem ocrats to a degrco hitherto uiiknovyn and J thoraugldy disgusted tlio better ele ment of Iho republican party. The McKinley bill also furnished a great political Issue iiiwn yyhich the democrats wens thorough/ united nud the republican * foituuutcly divided. Tha united donioiiatlu party seized the opwrtunlly of arousing thu country on the tariff question ami raiulo the most determined light against the McKinley bill nud hiuli protoctlyo turilTb gencrall ) . The farmetV organbatlons leg.in to discuss the tarill as ouu of thu causes of agi iaultur.il depression. yyoiUlngiiicn in titles ills- co\cretl tlmt the cost of living was being Increased without any posblblo ine.ms of increasing -yyagesi consuniei-s gont'rallj wcro confronted yvlth a condition of more cvpenslve living ithout lucieabcj remuneration ; thnttho benolit of protection insures to uoiy small proportion of Koclot } nnd that trusts and combines had been nromoUt ] to proient honubt compotl- lion. In conclusion Mr , Springer said If Iho re publicans bhould succeed In passing the force bill timing the comingsesblon of con- git'jis tt.oj will only aggravate ttio evils thin noyv nflllel them nnd contribute to their fut ure defeat. If thov adhcru to the McKlnlov bill or refuse to roi > cal IU objtxtionablo font- ures ( hey will enter uposi the oontojt of IS'.U With def cut storing tlinm In thnfne-o \Vi iiiNiTov ( , Nov -ISpetlnl Telegrntn to Tut Urp.l"Money seems to bo plentiful In nil sections of Iho United States , " 10- nmrlied C'omptiodcrof the CuriencyMy \ this nlterimon , "and tills H a vrrv htiilth ) In- dli'iitlon for business Ibis full I'rlnmrllv the ellectoftho rcicntly enacted tnriil bill has been to Increase the pi Ices of nrticle , espcc- i illy those liiiiiortcd , hut the tvnrtlon will come a year or so hence when lOinpetltltju Is tngetiilc'rod between nrtlclos of dome tlc inuiiuf icttiro 1 lien prices will be reduced to Ihoir proper loycl and the people \\lllalltlio moretliPiMucbly nppreclitu the benefits of Iho taritT. I'robihly tlio it-suit of the recent elections mlpht have been soinoivhatdllTcrcnt If the republicans had dolajed the date \ytien the meisuio should nointoopentlon , but the le son taught Is likely to i > n\o usalui.ny one. \VVIIINOTON , N'ov fi - Senator Gorman In nn interview hern today said the victory of tlio domoeiaey was the oxpiesslon of the people - plo ngilnst radical nicisurea such tvs llio 10 imbllcins had luoiiglit fotth dining this con- gies- ! The sen itor was asked If hothouirht the \lctor > yyould bo listing , if It would give dcinnerats the nrs.t president. "It depends upon their course. If they are rnntlous nnd conservative the ) ina > oxpeet along lease of poyver" Senator Dolphin In explanation of thoio- suit of the election said todiy tint It was "off jear" nfid the friends ol Iho tnrlfT yyoro Inactive - active , yvhllo thoio on the other shloveio working with all their inltiht. "Tho nimni- hc'turei-s,11 ho sild , "got yvhat ttio.v vvantcd when ttio McKinley bill pissed and they did not ciio any moro uiiout it The icsultould liny e been dltloient If the pissago of the bill hitl not tn'oa del lycd till Just before election. Iho mtllltid increase In prices made In some commodities vvitliouttiic slightest reason had an effect. " ll-oNV-w York Ni vv YOIIK , Nov. fl [ Special Telegram to Tin : DM * . | TLcio Is much talk about the Unl ted Stiles senatorship Uhero is little doubt that the demociats hive u majoritj of the assembly , but yvl.ether It Is enough to In- sino a nnjoritj on joint ballot is another question. All ute agiecil that if a dcmociatlo mnjoiitv is secured Goveinor Hill can liivo Senator 10v aits sent for the asking Indeed ho in iv hive It piessod upon him. foi tlio miissnf tlio new demotialic assembly men , yylth the poisiblo exception of tlneoor four , aio all Hill men It Is gen 01 ally conceded that vvhoovar the governor selects can go to Washington. There is soinu tdk of Grover Clovelind bi'ingsontthoio 'JBiit Is not the kind of politics , lion ever , that Hill most affects _ llyniini lor Sneaker. yioi.is , Ind , Nov. 0. Congressman Byiuiiu In 1111 Intorvlcw tonight announced his candid icy for thospeakcrsbipof the next houso. Hlsmnjoilty , lfiOO , , Is the largest ho cvor received nnd neaily tlueo times ns largo as his majority two years ago Ho thinks the piopriety of putting northern and yc.st- crn men in tlio chair will bo rccognl/od by the mijority of dcinociaUi and that his chances aio evccllent Tlio 'riiinulercr Tliiindors. N. N'ov. C. 'Iho Times commenting upon the icsultsof the elections In thoUnlted Stalc sa\s Itvill not ho easy fortho demo crats to lind a moio able presidential candl- date than Mr. Cleveland. No Heooniit In Iveyv Voik. , Nov. 0. Secieti.y Noble this evening for the second time lofused a re count of Jsevv York city. \ JI/AMJV 11131 VI' , Sudden Uiullng ; ol * Coltri'M'H Sensn- tlonal ( J.ncer. MOSTOOMKIIY , Ala , Nov. 0. The sensa tional career \Villhm AV Cottiell , who ac quired much notoriety a few months ago by his course yvhilo major of Cedar Keys , Tla , yyas ended hero with a loid of shot from a gun In the hands of the chief of polite. Cottrell - trell Ind bee-n hi the city several days drinkIng - Ing flecly antl acting m his usual st > lo Last night ho was iiirested for disorderly conduct and when leleised on bill left the heid- quailers 'Vowing venpegiieo n < * alnst Chief Gerald. The latter was warned by friends , nnd knovung Cottrell to boa man yyho shot on bight , yyas on his guard. This morning Cottiell sent him a cnallengo to light a duel , but to this tbo chief pild no attention. About II o'clock Cottrell roclo up to the olllce with a friend und us soon as ho started to enter yvas shot doyyn. Oorald smrenclcicd to the sheriff. The sympathy of the citizens is generally with him. , Jlaironr Soli-satisfied. DUIIIIV , Nov. 0. la conversation with nalfour , ISlr. AIcNcal , national member of piili.imcnt , told the chief so-rotary that all efforts in icgaid to Iiehnd yyould piovo fruitless unless coercion wcio abolished , llalfourioplletl that the eiithusiistio icccp- tion hoeveivvvheio had beui iceordcd fully justitied his Irish policy. \Vhllo Baltourvvasaddressinga deputation today , McJJeal began to odd t ess the people on thotcrrlbte biihiutlosof Uilfom's rule Hdtour ONuo3sid | smpriso at the infusion of such inattc'is on this occasion. Ho appealed to all to saj whether the government pi ejects yyoro not nlculated to bcnnfilheland moro than all speeches made. In a letter , pub lished this evening MoNcal clnllcnpos ; nil- four to dilate on the use ot the battering- ram in accomplishing evictions In his utter- nnces hefoio Donegal audiences , as ho boasted , in parliament , ho yyould do. A "Woman nnd a Ho olvcr. Lovnox , Nov. 0. A scn atlon his been caused hy nn attempt made today upon the life of Dr. Bright , master of the University of Oxford , The would bo assassin yvas a woman She flicd two shots from a lovolvcr at the doctor , one of the bullets penetrating his side. The woman escaped and has not jet been appiehended , Her identity is not knoyvn. The doctor is resting easily. Accounts of the snooting dilTcr .soiacyvhr.t In detail. It nppanrs thawoinin AMIS infused permission to see some ono staying yltll Dr. H light nnd the latter himself yvont Into the hall nnd 10- tuoved her. She then departed , but returned in a shoit time and asked to sco Dr. Blight , shooting him yvlina ho appealed. It is sup posed she is Insane. llfl'ect of the A.iitl-1'rnhibltion A'ote. A telegram was shown to Uoorgo I ? Bemls from a Boston capitalist to a gciitlo- nnn In this city , stating thnt ho would stirt for Om dm Imniedlately , having heard of the prohibition clefoit. llio tclegiam siys ho his $100,009cash to invest In Omaha , which ho held in ahoyauco for the icsult of the pio- hlbltion election Mr Bemis sajs tlmt this only a drop in the bucket ns regards whit will pour into the lap of Onmhi , and now will atait anoyv oia , of Hfo and progress for the Oato City. O'Hrlou antl DIllon'H rirnt ltflceptlon. PiniMJKiinn.Nov C Dlllonaad O'Brien ivcio ( 'Ivcn their llrst public reception In Atncrlc-i nt the Acndeinj-of Music tonight , ahrgoaud enthuslastlo crowd being picscnt. AichblshopUyanand the mother of I'arncll yyeio among the audience. A call for pecuniary aid resulted la the production of u subscription list footing upl'bVi 'Jhis iiu- nouiicemenl pioduced grcal enthusiasm Toll Prom a Uriel en. Qin iirei , Nov. 0. Two men said to bo fiom Mantrod foil over the Germonu bridge at Lv Clmndeiio today and wore Instnntly killed. 1 hey were looking nt seine work going on under the bridge w hen one of them fell over , dragging tils compinion with him ( illlinnly'ri Condition Hopeful. Dirnuv , Nov. 0. [ Special Cablegram to Tun Iln : ] The conditioner Gllhooly , mom- hcr of parliament for West Cork , yvho W.H "st'vorolv Injured hy belmr throyyn from his horse , U moio hoiwful today. Ijonl lllpon III. N'ov 0 [ Special Ciblogmn to TUB UEF ] Ixiril Itliwn bus caneellod nil hU jwlltlcal eningoments because of the condi tion of his health. IIoU ijuUo ill Notice. All inombors of tlio Sninosott ns oola- thin nro reciuo&totl to moot thin , J'ridnv ovoainc , at S oVloelc , nt hull. Uiihlnoab of importance. CIIAUUJS Or. President. A HOST IMPORTANT RULING , halrraan Fiploy Discovora the Autiiloto for Crooked Rates and Applies It , N EFFECTIVE : CHECK ON SCALPING. tcport til' tinoiniuUslonrr ol' Itnll- roatls Plnniiulnl Kc'liitlons o ( the lliMitlcil llmuls yy lh llio ( tjicriitiiont. Cmcino , Nov 0 ISpeclal Tolejtram to 'in ' Uir ] Chiiriiun Fcnloy of the \Vosterti lasscnger nssoi-Intlon today nuthoil/cd In- crested lines to make n rate of JtHH ) botyyeon t. Louis nnd Kinsas City. Thc leductloii i ono dollnr , hut the docl'loii nccompanjlug Is , pcrhnps , the most Important over imi-lo iy n passenger nssodatlon ehihmnn Ills mt In the future Chiilimnn Flnley will uthoii7O any line to moot any into quoted by scalper , piovldud there mo enough crooke-d lekcts In the nmrket lo cul any figure. The aso in question was brought by Iho Vlton against the Missouri Pnclllo onductois1 chce-ks , ostensibly given to hrough pissengcrs fiom Donvci and bo.voncl o St flouts but yv ho wished to stop oU la Ciinsas City. Chalinmii rinlov ruled tlmt o such number of checks could huvo been ; lvcn out legitimately nnd conseiiuentlv mi- hoiized the roliictioa and coupled yvith it Is decision on c isos to como. The effect can ot but bo a gemd one , but rates yylll lure- Her tumble opudy as soon us nnj line puts n issue of cronlciM tickets In scilpenhamls K ild Asslstnnt Paisengcr nnd Ti.inie Alnn- gerUynio of the Atchison "Too much iratso can not bo given Chairman Finloy for lit derision It yvill bo the moil -yyliolcsomo ihcck ever put on yvcstein roitls and will makon iissenper agent think twice before ' .10 puts out a Hue of crooked tickets. " The Iliiilrnad r < > iiiiiiiH lonpr'n Kop irt. vsiciMTTON , Nov. f ) . Tlio report of the roamlssloiicr of railroads contains full In- 'ormntlou la regard to several lalhoid com- unles coming imdor the Juiisdiction of his ofllco for the llseal jear ending.luno ! ! 0 , iSno. As to luiprovomcnU ) on the bonded loads the commissioner siys : "I am able to report that many Improvementsbaveiccuutly been made. mpioTcmcnts yUiero they nro m ido upon the bonded voids nre of special value to the gov ernment , as the ) not only Increase the carn- capacity of Iho roads , but add largely to the yaluo of the property. " The amount received from the bonded oads this yeirwas slightly below the amount received for the piccodlng year. This , the commissioner snjs , is not owing tea a decicaso In business , but to the fact of un- .isunl cxpcndilincs by the Union Pacific rommny is the puicliaso of noyv lolling stock. As to the present llnancml iclations between the bonded roads nnd the govern ment , the lomimsaioncr snjs- "llio same unfortunate condition of things exist now thatahvnjscxistod since the bonds granted in aid of their construction \veio Issued , viz thit the amounts annually re- cciucd liom tlio roids full largely below the amount of Interest annually accruing from subsidy roads , 'llio debts , theio- forc , duo the government fiom these roads , insto.id of being reduced , as it was the evident expectation of congress that thoj would he , uro rapidly increasing jear by jear. ' 1 Ills' Increase , however , is not duo to nil } failure } of the rallroid companies to compl ) with the proyisions of existing laws. The fault rests in the laws themselves. The percentage of net earnings required by layv to ho piicl In thodischiirgoof government obligations is not gt oil enough to meet the Interest vvhlch annually accrues upon bonds Issued to aid in the constiuction of roul . " Tbo commissioned adheres to the opinion that It yvould ha necessary to extenel the tlmo In which the ioadi > may moot theh obliga tions to the govern ment. . He suggests that In nooventshbuld tbo government boa loser by granting the extension. The total not liability of tbo Union Pacific road to the government on Juno HO , IS'JO ' , yvas } jl,7l7rili'J The gtoss earnings of the aided portion of the i old amounted to & 17,4'JO,7U7 , ' , nnd the expenses to $ l.,7i' ! 0t , > 0 , leaving $1,7111,207 as the net earnings subject to tbo requirements of tne hvv. The amount found duo the United States for the llseal 3car IbS'.l wasl,07ild ( ! ) . The debt of the i-omnanj on Juno.D IS'W ' - . ( n nnd Its , -wasSITS,1tS. , capi tal -stock SM.SOs.WO , making the total liability ? W.,7ltr ) ! 2'i The assets amounted to l/iH , 141. The liability to the goveininent of the Cen tral Pacific road Is given as $51 , UG.'Iri 'Iho gross earnings of the aided poi lion amounted toS,971lllnndtha ( expenses to sr.WU.-l'll . ' , leaving 21107 , UXJ ns the net earnings subject to the requirements of the law. The Sioux City A , Pacific rallroid com- innj's liability to the government is given ns $ . < , ( ) ! 1,1S ( I , and tint of the central branch of tbo Union I'acillc us M,3aS,103. President Adams on the Boycott. BOSTON , Mass , Nov. 0. President Aknms of the Union Pacific road h back from the west. Iloinonounces all the stories about losses In tnfllc as the result of the boycott , so called , ns unfounded , and looks fqr a set tlement of all differences within a week. The vvorsi possible plnso of the Norlhwcst- ern-Unlon i'aelllc boycott , ho says , would not affect business over $200,000 ayear . , and the gain to thn road by the divisions agecd upon is above $500,000. Hates to llo Advanced. Ni.vv VOIIK , Nov. 0 The Trunk Line asso ciation today decided to rcstoio castbouml rites to the basis which prevailed last year. The rate on wneat goes up to 2 eon Is per 100 and corn to 2J'-J cents , to take effect Novem- a ) . The nciv rate on dressed bcof to Isevv Knglmd yyill bo 47 cents inste id of 43 Ills also decided to abolish commisaloiis on pis- sengar trnfllc in the territory covered by lines between Chicago , St. Louis and the Atlantic scaboaid. Sent Home to Die. Two men yyoro sent down from a railroicl cimp in the Black IIIIIs yestordiy in a very crlticil condition They are both Norwegians , nnd cm scarcely speak English. Peter Nor- berg , the older one , is suffering with typhoid fever mid tad to bo removed at once to St. Joseph's ' hospitil Nels Aluc-k lias mountain foyer. llo Is but nineteen j cars old , mul sajs ho hnsa brother In Good Year county , Wis consin Uoth incu nr ° Hfiblo to dlo. Alccitls Ivingnt the city Jiji ) y'lth ' no ono to give him any special care or attention. The poor fel- .lovv might recover If some good Samaritan yvould only como Id hU relief and help him In the st lj\OiCIIMVll 111 Mcvll'O. CiTr OF AIi\i o , < 'N'ov. 0. Senor Mnteos this nftornoon pi gjitod a motion In the chamber of doputins Sisking thnt American priests i.ot Mcxlcda dtuens bo expelled from the country ns beinfr" rernlcious to tlio wil- faro os Mexico. ( Iwnl oxeltomcnt piovnlls. Mutcoi Is a mpubhi iB and aprotcstant. . . Louny inr , Kj.y.'Npv. 0 Illnim Dassctt , pist grand mastci elf tno Misons , nnd consid ered a Mason of tjij 'Idghcst degree In the world , died at Aulieiabur , ? , Ky , today of pir.il ) sis at tins iigo > of seventy Ho baa talwn ovoiy degree known to the order , Cordially Greeted. VIENM , ( Nov. li. The Czarovvitch arrived today on his way to Trieste. Ho yvas met by the emperor and several nrch dukes. The gicctlngr. exchanged were of the most cor dial nature. Mrs Wlnsloyv's ' soothing svrup for chlldicti tcothlng cures \ylud colic , dlnrrhcv i , etc. . ' 3 cents u bottle. _ Itc.it the AVorlrt'd Ilocoril , Cuicvno , Nov. ( J. The horse , Fllcmakor , tonight at tlio American horco bhovv , beat the world's record for n high Jump , cloirmg a huidlo at seven feet , ono and onu half Inches , Iiord Utileriilgu'x Condition. LONOOV , Nov. fl. The doctors toniijht pronounced - nounced the coudltlou of Lord Colcrldgu uot serious. DINING Ito cw'iitprVi li lor mill HOB- to lln ( JiH'Ms ol'tlu * Oniiilm Clnl > . The incnibon of the Onmha dub hnvo taken a deep Interest In the campaign vvhloh hiifl just closed , inn tlculuily so In tbo great fight to defeat prohibit Ion ISecognl/lngtho efforts of Hou E Hoscyvntcr , lion .1 lj. U'obstor nnd lion 12 1 * Hoitgon , they yesterday - torday sent eiieli of these gentlemen a Idler of which the following is a copy : Tlioundprslimiul nniitnllloo linxobooti In- tine'tril lij thc'incinbom nf the Onmha ( hit ) > under to Jim atoiiiiillnuMil try illiinor In iMvunltlim of the in.iKiilllfcnt sc-nloo jou live risnili'ii'd la tlio lite struggle fortho .inturliil . luloiists of NnlimWn \Volui\o to rtiiniiH tint you will naiiio a ate at ulitub time you can bo the clubs uc-at Very iiipectfulli ' Di DM SMITH. t'ninvs A for , ( n MII i s omm , I.Ullllll DlHKK. Committee. itov. K nosrvv vrni's m 1-1 y In response ! to this Kindly Invitation , Hon. ! . Kosoyyati-ryvtotons follows Till ! OMAUA Dvir.v ] < IK nimnttiMi HOOMS , IMAIU. Nov. fi , IMM Messrs lindlcymllh , hnrlisA ( oi > riiarlo * Olliitt l.ntlier 1'raUo nil \\lllliiiu T Annlii , 0 iniinlltoc' of the iinalia C lilt ) ( lUiUc'ini'ii In rcspiii o to your Ind Im It illeinof lids tliile. I uonldsiyth.it apprt't'lilt' tin foiiiillnnnt | p ild inoby jour lull and ill ill iccc pi of Us Inniiltnlllv Thu ilnti'in isi coiiNonliut fin 1110 will bo ituril iy , Nox ember r > Vet v truly ) ont 1' liosnv y.Tiu. iiov J t VM n TinN I'Li'i.r OMAHA , Nov fi - | - , Dudlt'y ? iulthintl the is , Cciiniiilltei1 ( Ic'titli IPIIMI I am tit i ply * fusible of tlio klndiifs of tln > inonibi-rs of tln > 'malm ' chili In li netirim ; to me t eoinplliniiit- rv dlnnei foi tlio ai r\ lies to the slitoinulo IIMllloil < lf III Jolir ll ttlM I inn nNo mnrn limn giitllltiltn loirntlmt Ion I ! lostniter ! Is to Inn ei a like iweyul- lon and iimiplliniM lilt MIDI fulitl lioaid I yvnnldsimcesl " " .ilnrtl iv , Neivt-inbri 1T > as a .nto nliiMi I can bo your KIH st \ enii r spi ei- ullj , Jvei \\insTHi. . nov r nnciorx's ' ii 11 v. N'ov -MPSMS Uiiilhy Smith , 'luirlfs ' A Coe , riuirli's niriitt. l.ullier Di lUei .ml W I' . Aiinlii-diMitlPineii The klmllv eco.'nltIon of in.v hiiinhUi SIM vices Intliolito .triuule. . us joii li-rm It , fur lliu ninloi 1 d In- e'roits of N'e'br i"\iwhli ' lijou li odlspl i > cil n youi noli' \o-lriihi > Is , 1 assmo you. r > cr.ili fnllj apiiii I'lalul ] shall do injsnlr the honor to be with yon nnd ntlicr mi'iiiliors of thn Oniulia cluli on Siitiirilny iit'Nt the l.'illi lust Your most . \ . l nvvAiiu I' . iiit ; sj'uisH ittsa. Nnshvillo ltairs. r , Tenu , > Tov. 0. Summary of oday's ' races : Maiden tyvo > oar olds , four and one half urlongs Voitev yvou , Sllveillght seeonu , Jlaik third. 'liino-AS. Three-j car-olds and upwards , seven fur- on Consignee yvoii , Ames A second , Jeinlnl third Tlmo-1 1'lnce-j car-olds and upwards , mile nnel ono- ilxtionth Mud in 0 won , Blnnejstono Jr. ,01-oml , , J T thlicl Uime-l . 1'J'f ' ' Two yon-olds , six furlongs Mchnln won , ' ncillo Monncttosecpud , Hart Wallace hiul Tlmo 1 U'.l4 Tluctweir-oldb and UDwards , five furlongs Bainotl won , Tom ICail &econd , John ( Vdnms tnhd. Tinio 1 : OiJ ( . . IteniiingH D C , Nov. O Summaiy of to day's raexss1 Pivo and one half furlones Cold Streini , von , Uoster sccontl , Mnnosv llio thiid.rlimo 1 :01. : Six fin longs Kain ICilter won. Tanner sec- mil , Mabel thiid Time-1 : ir Five fmloncs Kitty Tvvon , Helen Koso icioiiilVillnrd thiid Tune 1 lr ) 4 Ono mile Iceberg won , Ofalcco second , Golden Uccl thiid. Timo-I : I , ' . Milo and tlueo fuilongs.oyerllvo hurtllcs ' . .oiiKshot won , /angbar second , G'IOJ Gown third Time-2 ,17. The linj-PHli Tuif. Nov 0 [ Spool , il Cablegram to TUB Ber. ] The lace for tLc Liverpool iiutumn cup , a handicap for three-year-olds unit upwards , ono inllo nnd tlueo fmloiifrs , ivas lun nt the Liveipool autumn mooting Xdaj ) , and yyas won by Mi. Abington's ' llve- jrar-old bay moio , Lidy Uosoborry , Ilciny ' ' Shall Woltomcin- iMilncr'htliiPO-jeai'-old lillj - be > r bccond , Baron do Kiiseh't. foui-jearold colt Vuslstus third. third.'H 'H ' 'lips. AT lill/lHITII. First race Allehncl , Beansy Scjond lace Majoi Dnmo , Cjnosuro. Thiid race Kepoiler , Airauoyv. Fouith race -Rushbolt , Latlni Filth raeoMcrlelcu , Priuco Uoyyard. Sixth race Quotation , Ituublcr. AT Nisnviiir. Flist race Bridgcllght , Dilemma. Second lace ICatmi'i ' , Little Phil. Thlid race 1'ullniaii , failvor Lake. Fouith nice nankiupt , IJucUer. Fifth race Ifobln , Ilaicinbouro. HIlADti'CV At 3 W D in , November 0 , Graham Hugcno Bradley , aged 5 months audio days , infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. Graham L. Bradley Funeral sorvieo at icsldenco , 2710 Dayen- port street , Saturday , Nov ember 8 , nt U n m. Komains will bo taken to Nebraska City for Intel ment. IV 11 Under n Peter Johnson , yvho worics for Vollino it Jotinsan , the undertakers , met with n % cry serious accident last night. Ho yvas coining In fiom IToicst Lawn cemetery , dilvlng tbo bearso , and when near Toit Omaha eliovo into an open ditch , six feet deep The hcarsu vvus upset , and as it went ever , sti uelc John son , euttliiR n deep ( jash In his held and breaking nn arm llo was taken to his homo ntl .0 Arbor Micot , whcio medical aid was summoned Neh NcUon , the driver , states that the ditch was cut nlon ; ; the stieots nud that there yycro no red lights out to warn the publlo. _ VKit S O.V1A I'.tll.ltl KA J'llS. J. T Dyer of St .Too Is at the Pa\ton. O. M. Bctls of St. Louis 1s at the Cisoj- , \Vllllan > I'eobles of I'ondcr i lr cm Ity , GoycinorTliajpr was in the e Ity yesterday. Hobert MoViear of Uonvcr IsuttlioHarker. Hnriy K i'uldman of Boston Is at the Mur- iay. iay.AV T. Sutphcn of Norfolk Is nt the Mer chants H. J. Cook of St LouLs Is roj'lsteicd at the Murray. H. S Bullock of Boston was ut the Mutiny lOSt llln'llt. .T. N Richards of Do itrico yvas at the Cascy last night H II Coburn of Chicago Is in the city , nt the Casoy. Sum Li. Hussell of Lincoln is lefllstcred at the Casoy. D. 0 Biadt of Denver yyas at the Mlllurd last nlcht. John P. Ilubblo of Springfield , Mo , is nt tlio Millaul \V. H Dickinson of Idaho Is in thu city , nt the Millnrd J 13 Mai tin of Chicago is In the city , at the Murray. T. ( } . Pa ) no of Kansas City Is registoicd at the Paxton Frank Wllll.uni of New York Is rcfjlstcied at the Darker. H. 1 ! Sutherland of Lincoln h In the city , nl the Hai ker. ( i. W Ilreono of Now Yoik vsas at Iho Pax- tou lastnluht. A. H Fauensof Hastings Is In the city , nt tbo Mei chants. J. A Hm tmiin of Lincoln was at the Mer chants last night. 1) . T. Dudley of Weeping Water is a guest nt thuMoichtints nomge H. West of ( Jreeloy , Colo. , Is In tha city , nt ihuPaxton. ( J 0 , Cuipcnterof Ouvenpoit , la , vvus ut the Hark or lust night , lion , Thomas Hen ton , state auditor , was In the city last evening , lion John C. Watson of Nebraska City , yyas In the city last evening W P firewater of .Minneapolis Is In the city , regUUiroel at the Mlllurd. Louis Ilclmrod went to Plattumouth last night lo hulp the iwr.soniil rlghu loaauti ccto- bruU ) tbo great victory over prohibition. IN CASE OF WAR'S ' ALARMS , What the United Stntes'Oould Do and What the Country Lacks , MAJOR GENERAL SCHOFIELD'S REPORT , llo Hrcniiiiiictiil'i tln > Kortlllcut Ion of liniiorlanl Hoaboanl Citing , Morn Men mid i tic INtahllslinu'tit of fialiilni ; KfhoolN. , Xov ( ' MnlorOonpr.il Scho- flow , commanding the t "idled States army , In his .in innl ropcitt tins in put "It iinv bo assailed tluxt nil tli it Is now loquiMto for the pcnipful settlement oC tlio ludlm problem I * the \\lsontul huinuntrentmcntof the Indians. The time has coino wln-n the fiituto positive or probable military not cssit'es of the conn- tr.y should dlctato IU inllltniy policy. 'J'tio unii ) shoulil bo so sUitloiH'd tluit It may bo prepared at the shoi test notice to lespond to nn.v call which m.iy bo undo on its son too , anil tit the sumo thuo to assist In nil ways in prcpirlng tlio mllltli o ( the so\ oral stntos or niitional guards for ucti\o seiv lee In lime of need It is bellov ml to bo so mnulfesl , to nil \\lio ulll consldoi the subject , tliut demonstration 1 ? unnecessary , thut the Itnpiitiiiit soibnuid cities of the United St itrs should bo so foi tilled , niim-d una nintme'd as loba enpibloof sdf ilcfonso ngiinst the atfiiU oC inn lorelgn Hut. "H tlio inipoitatit soapnts nro nili'iiuitoU foi tilled innl niiiK'tl one Hoot , It is pit'siimi'ei , will bo smile-lent foi airhof thugreit ore ins Thounlitiiy policy of tlio United suites will novel1 loqinro suc-h dofouio on tin * noitlii rn froiitlerus u.w proposed bj tlio foitilic.ition board of lssaml ciiefulh sc'lpcledMi'iisons ( US ailCUtllljS fOl the COtIt Lilt ration tit folLO ill nn I'liiprjri'iiey lire suggested Instead "Sitisf ictory pro rois has been iimde nt Wutorvllot in tlio fabrication of experimental guns and tnoitars of the highest tjpi1 " ( icno-ialSi'linuVltlilesiilhes the straits to whkh tnodi'putment h is been put bj pnst legislation i udui'inif the number of privates in the iiiniy. Ho yyanUs the llmil rn'sodtoat ' least 30,000 , and MIJS that yv ithout this nuin- borln PLMLO the or inuntlon t iiinot bo niiulo thoroughly effective and cannot ho relied upon for the set vice which innho ie < inlrod of tlio leinil.irtioops In an emorgtiiev , anil hofuio ranks can bo tilled hy u'cinits or \ ohintcH'is called into the Hold In this con nection the general suggests that \ihuuc\or such IncriMbo is made , piouslon bomudo for the orgmi/.itlnn of n laipo h.ittillou ot jounp men between the ages of sixteen and tv\ only years , sr-lettcd with lospci't to thrh intclllgi'iico and good chai.it torlth a \ low tothoir odm itlon for tinsorvieo as lion coininlssioiicel ofllc-ois and ofllccis cither of the ifgular foucs or militia , puvilcgo be-In ) ; given to siii.li yonnjr men to enlist for a u-uuliir period se-ivko 01 to leeelic honor able ilisoh irgo at their ow n option at the os.- piratlon of thecouraO 01 Instiuctlon. Such a st. liool would boot vei'i giPit value to the niilitary borylioof the conntiy. It is sug gcstcd tint step * bo taken \\lthonl tlcl.i ) to oigiul/o In all of tlio seabornl states adno pioportion of heavy artlllerj , militia bit terns lor tlio service of foitl Hellions In those states and tluit these b.ittci ies ho icported to the war duputmont in outer tbiit pi ices of In struction ho assigned to them vvhciothcj can spend all Iho cne.uiiDniont in coimnnv with the rcgulir trams nntl under the Instruction of lULonipllslied artillery oflleers Hegimon- tul orir.inlitious foi sueh artillery b.ittcuos nrc not nctoss irv In the interest of oeon- onn , probobU bionnlal , instead of annual ia- stiiution of thuliifuntrv tioons for lleldo'c- ou iso \\ill bo found sulllUpiit In conclusion ( ii'iiPi.il he hollcld siys sov- cral measures cnatted dm in , ; the picscnt congress will moveof gicat and lasting benc- llt to the milit ny service ami tin : real unii lldellty with \\luch the duties of the at my huvo boon pcrfouncd meiit eomiiienihtion. ; A rst That brillant amy of talented artists , known us Russell's coincdi.ms , with the famous Far Tcinplcton as the bright p.irtic- nlnr star , appear at JJoyd's opcia house to night , commencing an engagement limited to two nlirhts and a matlneo. OThls oigani/allon U described as being of unequivoc.il excellcnco , r.nd includes the following talented people , each ofhom has boon asbon ited vv ith the piomliiont successes of late yc irs in N'ow Yoik In this pu ticular line of biislnuss. ray Toniplcton , .Icnnic Sattirlce , Josie Sadler , TJllInn Klvcrs , fanny .lolinstone , M.iuon ( Jitoux , Nm.i Hay\\.ird , I'reil Lennox , Cli nles V Sciiiion , T .1 IloimlonVillliin enroll , l dwln ( jooiluln , JolmW Ince , ih.ukM Atuood. r L Ilill.l , ra\\Kaor and a nido ( HiiutLtto liicry motnbor of the oonipmy tins been seloitcit with icg.ud to then iiidhklnil ad iptabilitv to thorctiulroni'Mit ' ofthOLhar.utor puitrajod. and uithont all signs fail , a peifoinianco Hill bo bien that will. In its entltely coa- stituto a ic\eliiHon in faiu ; conuiH 'J'hu phn , inhiih the Oashtni ; , fascinating "i'.ij" plays the titular put. Miss MctJInty , ( the star of the Lonicdy i'laneilso ) Us ] > occu of as bcniK the cllmaof f in i.il fun. the ioa- cotlon | oilfjmal , construction novel , action uipcil and ovciy line ivoitbv .il.uih | ; , oyery situation a chin utslon. All the latest musical ( reins are Inliodiiced , and viyaeious Miss Toraploton K'yon the opimit unity other llfo to Lest ( lisping her ycrsatllo talent and \ lined aci'oinplislunrnts .ludKlnir bv tliamunhor of bCiU sold in iidvnnco , the audience tonight will lost the utmost capacity of the house. Hojt'SRiontost success "A .Midnight Bell , " will bo presented .it Hoyd's opera house next bund iv evening ur.d will ho iiioducod in a sumptuous innnncr USIIIK the siino scenic cllotls and appolntnicnts and the s'lmo c.wt yvhkh pie lucoa the piece In ISoyv Yoik , whcio it Liijoioil a prosperous inn of II \ e months , 'lite pnuc h intendc'tl as a sim ple and life like douii o.ist picture , hut silil to contain enouRh sntlro to sharpen It , onoiiKh of the roalKtio to sa\o it from the faioo class. enouKh of sentiment to eoyer the rough edfjoj , and enough of comedy to keep an ( luclicnco const mtly convulsed with laugh- tor. The ongujcmcnt will contlnuo four nights. NR TI1IO V1CTOUY. The In\ynrall of J'n > li iltltlon to lo CelcMiiatcd in 'IhlH Citj. HcRanlkss of p.nty , tlio citizens of Oinihn hnvo commenced actlvo viepiritlons fortho holding of a Blind public deinonstutloii on B.ituidny cycnlng of this wool : fortho put- posoof celebrating the defeat of piohlhitlon in the city and state Dining the eiily evening n monstrous p.i- rndovill bo formed , vliich will mmh through the pilnclpal hticUs and to tl-o Coll- or Oiaiiil ojiora house , \yhorospuechoi ll bo delivered bj anuiiiberof tl.o lending clti/cns of this and other ( lticof the st.ito Lincoln , f'laHsinouth , Xobraska Ulty ami Council Illuffs y\ill send iiokg.itlons and bands of music to help suell the crowd and join In thotestliltlci Tlio oxeeativo connnlttxjo of the ] ! nnkcn and nusiniss Men's association are nugotht- Inglth the rallro.id pcoplo to inn fiuoti.iins Into Om.ilii Siturihv to acLOinmodato Iho j ynrioiis den gallons from neighboring touiis uho mo chimoilng for a place In tlio pro- lodslon. It is ux pec ted that the ullioails yyill deeidu the question of fieo trains thla mornhiK Lincoln will send uUrgo delegation in ai.y event. niioliall ( Ironing WoousiOf ic. Out. , N'ov ( J [ Specld Ttlo- Bi n in to Tin ; ih.n. ] HiuhaH oxlilbits ton sldeiaulo anxiety as to the result of the np plle.Uion for innay in hla ciso Honslccdii nuinlwr of questions \eilordaj as toluit kind of mm the minister of justice Is , tlio distance toOttaiya , oto , and eagoilj scanned thu newspapers for IIUIVH fiotn there Al thoivh no has oulj a llttlo ovorayvoolf to llvo ho still maintains thosamochecrfalnon that 1ms chimiotcri H his Jail llfo slnoo con- llnomcnt. Soinetlnif ho talks of his death , but it in ulUiout an > uppnoiit ilroad. llo pays ho doo-s not fu.ir the oxcKUtlon us much for himself as for his wife The contract fur the erection of Iho snf- fold his iK'on lot , and Its construction yvlll bo commenced at once. HON , , IOIIN 0 , WATSON. llo TnlkH ef the IM'lont or thn Ilonel of tlio Itopnhtli'nii 'lloUct. Hon. .lohn 0 Watson , chtdnnnti of the ro- nibllcnn state central committee , yyas seen itlho hotel lut evening by n repor'or Ha , vns iiskcd his opinion upon the outcome of : hpoloctlon with reference to the statellcicet , ind among either things said 'I ' nttiHnitotliodofeit of Mr HU'hnrds to/ ' Us fulluio todcvlaie hlmsolf upoihis posl- Ion yy Ith tofcicm-o tt > prohibition , nnd nMo to he olTott of the pissa e hy tongivss of tlio McICInle.v bill nt soshoit a time bofoi" our > lutlon Tlio pt opli yyeif nut glvi'ii tn > to earn of the yyoikliiK's of the noyv taritT bill , mil vvc'ivlod oil by tne iiiUivprosontiitlons of he dotnoi'rat , yy-hn used the tariff as u i lub "I elo not mi'in to saj that 1 fully and nm > n.uly eie-alli oiulursi ) tlio tinltT ino.wro lam dmply spi-nltlng to thn point of its cIToi I i pun theianipilgn In Nebraska "I'htMi , iignlu , another fou-o yvhlch emi i United to the t-lo < o defeit of Mi Hulur.U , vns thonll but ivvolulionaiv niovoinont of .ho fiu-morV nlllanco In this staio 'I h > s. ) lopiilar vvavcM arcas a iiilo. shoi t hvi d i > ut \\r \ Ule-h nils has found himself In pint i y Mini lo llio popular battht. " M L , llliilialilciiiian 1'lfth yy ml , Si ran. on , 1'a . stated Nov ! > , M Ho h id list d I ) t- riioinas llt-loitile Oil foi spiains , burns mts biulsesnnd ihc'iimitlsm Cuied uyci-.y tune , l''niulc. . Kelle ) . Judge rianlul Kollbj of Lincoln Mils in thocltj lestcnhij 'I'ho Jndro ( iiiulo thlitj six iinti ptoblblliea speeehoi dining the , jio.it caiiip.iU'ii ] ust closed. Ills teultoiy ay to the south mid yyost. When piolnhi \yasvotcdln ICiinsas the Judge lied thcie and \otul fbrtho nmendinrnt in Kan sas Itut his obsoiintiotis of the IIIMyastc > o iiucli for him und ho tnoicd to Ltmoln , fuliv ony Inced of the I illure of th" law is a tem , ) ei inee nuMsuio lie yis thoivfoio able to ipeik to the peoploof IS'obiaki of his nctual < nn\yleilio of the t onditiini of Kansm , and his \\oilt in the oiinpaiKii I'imtribiiteil lurgi'lj to hoimtnenso mijoiity piled up against the inicndnient. " 'Iho consciousness of haviiii ; a loiucdy at land foi i roup , pneumonia , soio tliioat , and sudden colds , is very consoling ton pnunt. With a bottle of Ayer's t'nerry I'octoral In ho house , onu feels , la ue li nses , u sense of seem it j nothing else can give An llplili'iiilc or " \Vash , Nov ( ' . - [ Knoflul T lo- gramtoTiin Hni : ] Scattlols huylngnblg run of opium siini'ilot ( s and hghyva ! > mon. Kobberks are of nlmost nightl > oceuienco and in In mo being held up in all pirts of the city Tlueo hlghyy ij lobbeues iKcnrul on tlio streets tonight 'I'ho hcixj Itvs and stnnUo fiom the binning pine foTcsts ni.ike It so diik th it the hlKliyvaymcn can geneially esc ipo and onlj ono lobber lias been caught thus far Jnsluictlonseio given tonight to .hopolito foi to to arrest oyiry suspicious h.uaetei fiiiind on the stucUs mid extra cflmls aio being nude to stop this epidtinio of cilmo 1'ublle indigiiiitioii Is votj gioit 1C02. SiKtcontli and Fnrimin strpnls is the nooek ] Island tlclvc't olliec. eta to till poinlb east nt loyyost i.ilos. Cnldwrll Judge Caldwcll of Little Hock , Ailt is expected to nrii\o In tlio city Sundnj to assist Judge Dundyln lioldini ; the November xjrm of the United States com I that convenes io\t Monday nioining. As usud , .ludgo Duiidy yyill piosido in tlio lai o couit room mil illsposo of the eises on Iho e-rimlnal and aw docket , while .ludgo Caldvvoll will hold ouil In the sii ill coin I loom on the second liooranel piosulo ovei thooijult ) docket Ticlcolf at lowest rates nnilsii pnilor \ ni'cointnodatmns via they jjreut Koc'lv Island louto Ticket oilK-n , IdOli Six teenth and F.irnnm stu'ols Uiualui. SnMmo'h ( ? ondit ion. Ono vvcok line Judge . .InmojV , Snyaijo was taken sh'k since vvhkb time ho has been filling voiy rapidly. It is ni\vv thought thut 10 cmnotilvo bat a few days , though at u late hour last nlirht hoas icMtlng well with a slight chaugo for the better Unsusppctcd disorders of thokidnoys are responsible foi inmv of tlio onliii.ny ail nionts ot hum mil } ' which nc'j'li'c'U'd , dc'vclop Into a seiious and perhaps latil mainly KxporiPiieouulei sinrgost the i ae of Dr. J. 11. .McLean's Livei and ICfdnti Balm. 'rt IliniiK r LIMI3 KlIjN. Ii Is III Chicane ) anil Makes a Mighty Hole. On "West nitfhluouth htreot , in the honit of tlio oily , is the Impost ItiiuiMln in the \yoilil , siya the ( 'Incite ) Herald 1'onplo wlio believe that CliicMfjd has u foundation e > [ Hand nny luiovv how far ' the } .ire iniililcon by t'iluii a ptop at thistiwful hole in llio fiiouml. Thobooni of the bl iht mid the thud of the henvj hunimorb hii\cbcun romliii thenir thoru for thlrtjoars , anil Hcionlillo m ii'hln- oryanil iippliiiiicusnreiudtiulti thei took nudonluitfiui ; the luilo at the ruto of tvve ) thuusuul b.iriolu of limo and lour thousand hanols of criidliod stone pi r Any , Suuii is the imiiioiihitj of tlio hiiliti rock that yvoik in iy jjo on 'imloll nitelj. Thu lioloia alieudj immoiiio. Tlio bur- faeo of its inouUi must needs bo coinput eel bv acios , while the tjuljlc feel ol Its displacement run up into the mlllioiiB. Cnblo cars , yyith niiinurotiH ellyorjjiuy tr.ickb iiml turn-titblos , take tliolr louls of fatono over Its lower biirfnco to a cahlu car track up vvhiuh the loided oars LO ever tyvo liundroel feet , at an utifjle of about foilj-llvo elc reos. The -yv liter , yvhilo in this oavorn , no ticed the workmen running toward thu custom yv.ill nnd hookim' rofii o bohintl largo bow Id eis , and folloyylnj , ' their ex amples w.is only fairly Htowed uvy ay be neath the ( Irlppiii ) ; * of u iniiiuiMl 8i > riiir { , yvhon ho liptial boom , boom , boom , anil looUii out , suv the , i'r ' full of lljinj Htono. A huccuHdion of bloats iluinon- Hlnitcd the jiovvor of explosive ) mattur o\er wnllHof solicllmostono , In a mlii- ute It yvns all ever nnel the vvorkurn yvoro busj and the onblu rnra running "rt though di ntimltu luid not beou at work n nioinunt before. Many moti , if thity hnd mich n hole In the frrouiul in thoconter of n. oll.y ilko ( Jluci < , ro , would put a door park and llfili- In T lake lu it , plant it in forc'sts , supply it yy tth beautiful vvalkn , niuKo llovver .uilonsln thu wullH , anil uiiiontr thu bovvldors , build iiiountaiim with i'iy < * < In them , litue Ho.it ! tig guldens and tohog- ( , 'iin slitlis mound UH immoiibu with stojinhitf stiiii | > iHopoito | ! ( : i\eriis Illlcil vvitli ilobc.u'les ; li.iVo inur and yyinlor lotreaH ; ndvoitiHo Us iiiouutain sei-ncrj , its mineral hpriiifh , Its ho.iltliful ellninto , its ploi ant yyallfH , and thejii gut ilt-li Abaolutoly Pure. A. oream of tartar balcta ] powder. Illghtit ( f ioiivoalni [ ttBiiKtU-U. H. Ooverauieat it * * oort AUK. IT.