EE. TWENTIETH YEAH. "OMAHA , FRIDAY-MOKNi Q ; NovEMBEK 7 , ISDO , M2. BOVD STILL IN THE LEAD , Bovcntj-Six Oonut'os ' Qivo Him a Majority of Nearly 4,000 , Over Richard , ? . A VERY CLOSE TRIANGULAR CONTEST. Develops Kxtrnord Inary and CrnwdH Ills Oppo- nentH ImtoHt HctnriiH I'l'oin tlio Coiigrcuslonal District * . Seventy-six counties In this state give the following vote on governor : Klehnrds , ( M,03i ; Powers , 01,373 ; Boyd , ( V9I5. ! ) There are thirteen counties yet to bo hcnrd from. These gave a vote for Harrison two years IIKO of SIO ; Cleveland , ! ) , 10S , mak ing a total of SK)3 ! votes. Thwo counties are nil located in the remote western section of the state and It Is doubtful whether they will poll as full a votu as In the lust presiden tial election. A fair estimate of the total vote of these counties would bo 0,000. It Is very difllcult to make any reliable forecast ns to what counties have done tbls year for cither of the three gubernatorial candi dates. The total vote of the state will bo f rom C0.,000 to 210,000 , and the candidate who receives 70,000 votes is certain of elec tion. Boyd Is now in the lead , but still lacks 1,0. " ) of that number , but the chances are that his vote will exceed 70,000 , because the . alliance m the western part of the state Is & chlclly made up of republicans. llloh- I'ow- CounUcs. aids. Hnyd. crs. Adams js.7 : ! . * > 15.V3 Antelope (1711 ( 811 ! ! ! SK Itiiiumr 240 KlO S ) Itlalno ! ' "i 41 10:1 : Ilooun ( iKI 1117 1KW llox Untie 415 in 75 jirown itxi 250 ; tos llllirulo 1080 COO 28M ( lliitlor 10)7 ) 15111 7K ! ) Jinrt nno 423 loCki Uiiss 1K ! 8100 UM Collar 4(5(1 ( ( 657 411 ( Jlii'yeiinu ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' " " ' " 'ciay'.I ! . . . ! . ! . ! . . ! ! ! . nil ? ? > Y3 ITR ? Col fax : tr > 1070 ( M dinning 81(1 ( 1077 Sill Uustur l.'isa IEI : 14p. : ) Dakota 4(51 ( 7MI 7.1 Hawes MB MM nil ) II\VMHI ) ; 7J1 Ull 11S-J Donol ! I57 DUon two 4 ! i . . . . DodKo JKr.21:17 \ : r > io Douglas ' . G5S , ! IKiOl 11S3 DllllllV Fllluinro lias 73 KM 1'runUlln 8'JI IK 777 I'rontler J'imias 6Sfl 1W1 10C.S liiii | > IMS ! ) I'.tiO LWT ( turllulil IBS 27 222 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " W drma1 ! ! ! . . ! ! . . . . . ! . ! . . ! . ! . . ! . , ( M "f > 7 4:1 : ( Jrenloy 140 1 7 7I Hull Kid'J 1.V17 121i Haiiilllon KM fiOO 1441 Ilarlan IteO lit ! OSI IlilVes ilitubcock : n'j a" > sis Molt ino xt > lira Howard 615 650 1)13 ) Hooker JclToixm l"07 1010 74i : Johnson S74 70'2 DOS Kcarnny ISo iiSl 1)01 ) Keyu I'alin , Kitth ! 17(1 ( irvi iri" Klmlmll 1115 (31 ( fi . Knox 740 4fi. " > 005 l.ancnstur 4707 2K)7 ) SM ! > Lincoln tj'JO uOO 771 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * Miulfsoii' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748 031 78. " > Mol'lioiHdii .Merrliik 1550 JCiO SS- ! Niinco 4 'J ir,0 745 Nuinnlin 1074 ( r,1 ! 10.V ) Nuukolls 7.o : : tii8 ii6i : ( HOO liSO 2000 V.m r.nviioo KW an 4iw 1'orklns Sill ISO 4fil - j'loico "SO 4tt ! IBS \ I'lioips 401 in : ir > f-i X 1'intio 400 i.v.7 . ice : ' 1'olk : > 1 ! MJ linii willow 7ii : m'J wo Klcliardson 14 ; > S 1113 10S ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " " ' ' ' Hiillno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! iws iyj'l 'iVio Hnrity 407 1W1 ( ii44 : ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' " " Ki-oits 11 iiVir' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mt "TO ie Howard 12t3 : 1178 & Kliurlilun Phcrnmii 20S .Ti. ! 740 .sionx 140 187 U7 Ktnntoil ICiO K0 ! 100 Thuyur 1077 1001 484 Thomas Tlinrslon 425 2.7 ! W Viilloy 419 27U Rnu Wnslilngloii 71)1 ) 1243 701 \Vaynu 410 W)0 ) 281 Wnftslor b'Jl 87J 12J.I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooi 7K1 lOT Totals CJ052 CS1H3 WS7J 1HSTHICT. JRrynn Defeats Council by Four ThoiiHitiid Majority. In the First district congressional race Drynn , democrat , is elected over Council by 4,000 majority. The oxuot vote cannot bo given , hut as far as reported It Is as follows ! Counties. Council , llryan. Hoot , Ons.s Douglas . 1VJ13 15,315 lingo . ! J.U3 : 2,1W ( 1,1X11 .Idlilisoii . 1)11 U.U ) SO1 ! Ni-iiiiilia . 1,011 l.rcis Otoe . lsii : 2.S23 J'awnco . 1,210 (17.r ( > JilcliurilMin . 1,4(11 ( 1,500 K. Kariiy . 501 OtiO 2IK Euundorx . 1,0 ? ) I.IIU Totals . l 21,01'J ' SECO.Mt IHSTHIVT. How the Coiintlos llollod Up "Major. KIcH AualiiKt Ilarlan. In the Second district \V. A. McKoighan , nlll'iiico-domocrat , is elected over HarUin , re- publican. Below nro given revised llgurcs so far iis received up to 12 o'clock last night : Counties. llurlan. MoKoIgbnn Adams 14S.-J aja Hutlur UU3 22fii Olny _ . . . , , Duiuly. . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . ! ! ! ! ' . . ! . . ! ! . . . . . . . . , , Klllntoro ViOS 2I.V Knuililln 5S1 lo' lo'UK I'uriius CU3 UK Cosuor lliiycs Hamilton KITS llurlnii 450 101 Hitchcock Jnirorson ir'H : ico1 Koarnvy. . . . . 750 12. ' ) Nuckolls W 1411 1'olk 4iU ) 1(121 ( I'holps 4S7 Hod Willow Hallne Howunl HITS iil TlniyiT 1152 151 Wob.ster Yoru 1 00 ifii Total iasil Tllllllt IHSTItlt'T. Dorscy anil Thompson Hun lichlml the Alllnnoo Alan. in the Third district reports so far recelvei how ICem several lengths ahead la the race but It Is uncertain yet ns to which of tin three candidates bos been elected , Dorsoj till being second mid Thompson tnlrd. Th ( following Lslho result by counties so far a ; i-ecBlvi'd up to 13 o'clock last night : Tliomp- Dortey. son. Kcni AntolODO C57 815 lil : iiuiinur ass in : 1 iliilno , in .i 10 lloono THO 150 1,10 llox llutto 3'.V 103 ilrottn . . . . . . . . . . , , lulTulo , . . . . Jurl l 7 Ut3 1lf. Cedur 4t5 MO 11 Obcycuuo , , . . . . Pliorry . ' 451 ! 70 271 Colf.ix . 413 1.131 7Vi ( ( Jiitiilnn . Wl IW7 CII ( iisl.T . . lil : ) 429 2.1,20 llukota . 441 7 : HI Dawi-s . KVt 414 fi77 Mawxm . M" 2 = 7 l.HI Duuel . Dlxiiii . 44I 4I'J 4V > lloiliro . I..VII 2,00l ! f/-Vi Onrll-ld . 170 5 ! WJ ( irant . < fl f > 7 SI ( irroley . 154 l.Vj Ml Hull , . . . . 's-'O lfiM , ] 1.SO ) Unit . . 4.Tt l.tni Howard . 403 010 fc'Jj ' Honker . . . . . Kova I'.iha . . . . . K.-ltl . IJ5 V.1 1 150 Klmball . IW no H KIIDV . ' 701 : i5J 741 l.liK'oln . W > . ' 177 W ) ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " " ' . . . . . . . . . 1. ! . . ! ! . 'i2J ' "ii \A \ .Miullsnt . bit ) 073 MJ Mel'bi'ison . . . . . . . . . Mnirlck . Niinco . 'Kt ! 7 6i',7 1'erlilns . SiB 177 441 I'lcico . 2P11 4'J.I ' 'III 1'liitto . 410 1,310 1,4M Hock . 'Si'dtlS llllllT . , . . 1ft" ) ao IE ! . . . . . . . . 275 17' ' K4 ! itt ; 11(1 ( 104 yis ajj : 100 . . . . . . . . I'liiirstnn . V-7 2IJ3 82 , 'illiry . . . . . . . . . Vnoliingloi . ' " 3 1.215 fiOil NViiyno. . 4ii : 5D4 .VJ Whcolcr . - - . . . . . j- Totals . m703 iii.iTD 23.722 nowI'mminiTutx n'KXf. So I' ar the Majority Ajjainst In Nearly Forty Thousand. rioturns on the prohibitory ainondment are rolling up an overwhelming majority against irohibltlon. The returns presented be- ow , as received up to 13 o'clock last light , give a majority against of .1 ,4503 , nnd t is almost certain that tlio majority will reach -10,000. This Is on the direct vote as cast .for and ag.Unst prohibition. Several .housnnd voters failed to vote either way , and such votes also count against the prohibit ory amendment : Tor. As'st. AHnms . lit ) Antulonu . 150 tluliio . 0 MlilMlicr . 75 . . . . Iloutin . 200 Itov llutto . 75 Ill-own . 75 lliill'iilo . Hutlur . C47 Hurt . WO . . . . Cuss . ISOO Collar. . . . , . 2SI Jlinso . 1C2 . . . . Cliuyonnu . 2.iO Cherry . MO Cliiy . 500 . . . . olfux . 074 Cumin ? . ISl'J ' ( 'lister . 250 Dakola . 419 wes . 00 l\on | . 150 . . . . Dawson . 80 . . . . ilio . l.WO Pou las . "I'iOa Duiuly . 50 . . . . Dndo . I'lllniorp . 120 . . . . I'riinklln . 270 . . . . I'l'ontior . nias . HO mo . 210 ( inrlluld . Ciosnur . 200 ( Irani- . Orc ly . 600 Hall . Ilinidltoii . KM llarliin . 1)0 . . . . llavos . lllluhcouk . stand oil' Hull . 400 Honliiir . Howuril . 82 ( Johnson . 223 . . . .'i'i.rr..7rv.7.--- r.- ICcaniny . 140 . . . . Kova I'uliii . 50 Knlth . 117 ICnox . 400 I.uncii.sler . 2000 l < ntfim . Lincoln . 700 I. imp . " . . . .Maill-on . 500 > Jt > rrlfk . 150 Nanco . 150 Ni'iiinlKi . S . . . . NiieKolls . 01 Oleo . 18111 I'uwni'o . 7."vl . . . . 1'nrKlns . 211 . . . . ricri.-u . & 00 I'holps . 1072 . . . . 1'lntto . 1503 1'olk . 620 . . . . ISi-d Willow . I'M Honk . Hlcliuril-on . 703 Si-otts llllllT . 50 . . . . Saline . 701 Harity . 800 Humidors . wil utvaril . 278 Shinlclan . Shurman . 20S SliniK . 100 Stnnton . ; i\S 'l'hay < > r . 24i : Tlioiiins . Tliurston . ; . . . . 40 Vnilov . 23 Washington . 751 Wiiyno . 157 Wtilts tor . 250 . . . . Wlu-oler . York . 444 . . . . The Prohibitionists Dlflappolated. LINCOLN , Nob. , Nov. 0 , [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bisi.J : The leading prohibitionists hero sullenly concede that prohibltiom is de feated , but admit only from live to ten thous and majority for the nutl-prohlbltlonlsts. They do not seem to bo in very good humor over their defeat and nro evidently greatly disappointed with the outcome. Woifenbarger , Ulttenbender and other pro hibitionists concede that the majority against prohibition will bo over 10,000.Volfenbar - goraaysVo : have been beaten unfairly. The republican state central committee helped us by offering to pay for all tickets printed that were against tlio amendment. Tickets were thrown out also that were not marked for or against the amendment. Wo may yet raise a contest about this matter. Wo have not stopped lighting. Wo liavo captured the next legislature , Judging from the election re turns , and hi such event wo will pass statu tory prohibition. Hov. llentloy , the prohibitionist , savs : "There are two reasons why wo were de feated. First , because the three great par- tics of the state were not for us , and cousC' nuciitly were against us. Second , because Ino ballots were not properly printed. The tickets should have been so printed nnd given to our supporters that they could have been voted without scratching. Instead of this , both the paragraphs for nnd against Ihc amendment appeared on each ticket , nm many Ignorant persons who Intended to vote for the amendment did not scratch out the against paragraph , and consequently Itlllei the votes , ns in such cases they were thrown out. Wo will keep up our organization , de spite our defeat , and will bo ready for actlor ngaln la 1S9J. " John C. AValHon Kleotcd. NKim.i3KA CITY , Neb. , Nov. 0. | SpecIa' ' Telegram to Tin : HKI : . ] Hon. John C. Wnt son , chairman of the republican state centra committee , was elected to the house for Oto ( and Cass counties by n majority of 1,5000. Hi was hotly opposed by the alliance and urohl hltlonlsts chiefly because early la the cam palgn he declared himself positively ngaltis prohibition. To this stand ho also atlrlbule : Ills election. Nebraska City , by the way , wo ; the lint interior city of the state to form i branch association of the bankers and busl ness men and the work done by this brand Imd n far-reaching intlucnco on the magnlQ cent result. Wnltlnn for the Clouds to Ilnll liy FIICMOXT , Neb. , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE , ] Hon. L. D. Hichanl has boon waiting the returns from Nebraski the past two days with remarkable uncon corn. Ho has apparently had a great dca less anxiety nboit | the results than many o his friends. When asked about the sltuat'oi ' tonight , ho said : "I have nothing to say a present. I prefer to wait till the clouds rol by.1' Congressman Dorsoy has been nt his ofllci the most of the time yesterday aud today , Hi ald this ovontmr : "I neither eoneedr nor claim nnyiiilmr. 1 huvo no private nd\ ices upon which I can base a reliable estimate. I'ersonnlly. I cure nothing for defeat , If I am lefoalrd. The next LVII IVMS will be demo cratic , ando many of my friends and its best men retired that I wo'ild not care much .0 be there. No legislation could ho secured which would bo creditable to the country. If lie others are In the soup 1 might as well bo with them. " _ _ 'H nst'tn7iit y , It Will lie .Made Public for the llenellt ol' Humanity. BKfiux , Nov. ( ! . [ Special Cablegram to fur. UBI : . ] The discovery by 1'rof. ICoch of Hcrllu university of a method for the cure of consumption by hmoculation with attendant ; ubercular bai-HU Is exciting the greatest in- .crest among the medical profession and lay men. The National JCeltungvhloh has de voted considerable sp.ioc ) to consideration of the subject , says today that It U probable that a motion will bo Introduced m the Prus sian diet looking to the establishment of n bacteriological institute which will bo under Iho direction of I'rof. Koch. Kmperor Will- lam Is deeply Interested In the discovery nnd lie receives frequent reports from I'rof. Kocti regarding the progress ho is making in his experiments. The professor claims that he Is not desirous of dorlvhm any material or per sonal advantage from his discovery and says that ho will irniUo public his method in all its details for the bcnellt of humanity. Nehrnskn , Iowa and Dakota Pensions. .V , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram to THE DUE.I Pensions were granted No- braskaus today as follows' ' Increase .To- A. Light , Norfolk ; Nathaniel K. lied- Ion , North Loup ; William Simpson , Arnold ; James Andrews , Lamar ; John J. Douglass , Lincoln ; William 11. Ituhbell , Atkinson ; Dorscy I ) . Houck , Omaha ; Ada II. Ilowcu , Hastings ; James M. Woodcqck , Sioux City ; Kacurlah Gordon , Klvcrvieg. lleissuo and Increase Samuel Baker , Salem. Iowa : Original invalid -William H. II. Metcalf , German City ; D.m H. Brooks , Sioux City ; William I ) . Mercer , Emerson ; A. J. Moore , Stratum , T. A. Mor row , Lurrnbco ; James. P. Rumble , Con way ; William C. Fox. McGregor : Kvon D. Bryant , Imliaiioln. Increase-Nel son Wills , Strawberry Point ; James Marsh , Clurinda ; U. O. Smith. West Union ; Thomas Couway , Wiota ; J. G. King , Clarimla ; Jnmes W. Foster , Gray ; John C , Matthews , Mar- shalltown ; Ken ton Doivllng , Goose Luke : J. S. Ford , DCS Molncs ; George W. Nobles , Mount Ayr ; A. Green. Osugo ; Don Fike , Des Molncs ; Isaac Walker , Nevada ; Caspar Kecd , Eddyvdlo. Original widows Kliza , widow of William U. Moore , Dean ; Helen , widow of Theodore Keillo , lied Oak. Tangled Alarrlago HontlH. Nov. 0. ( Special Telegram to Tin : Ben. ] A pretty , dark-eyed blonde walked to the witness stand in Judge Collins' court room this morning. She was Mrs , May E. Graham , but to the public she is better known ns one of the Bangs sisters spiritual ists and her errand was that of getting a divorce from Henry II. Graham , a wealthy chemical manufacturer. The marital re lations between the two are somewhat tangled up and very peculiar , to say the least. According to the story of Mrs. Graham , she was taken to New York in 1SS1) ) by Gra ham and there a marriuco ceremony was per formed. She thought she was legally mar ried , hut subsequently she was Informed that the marriage was performed by a frlomt of Graham's ' and not by a justice , as ho llrst told her. In November , ISslt. she insisted on a legal union and they went to llaclno , Wis. , and were made ono under the law. In a cross hill Graham made the strange charge that the pretty blonde fascinated him by cunning devices and that ho was drugged and taken to Racine , and that ho was not In his proper senses when the ceremony there was performed. lie did not appear to defend the suit and the wife will got a decree. Tlio Kaiser's Generosity. [ Copt/rfyfit ISiaini JiimM Oonlim ffcmifU.1 BEIIMX , Nov. 0. [ New York llorald Cable Special to TUB BiE.l : Before start ing on n hunting trip to the estates of Count Eulenbcrg the cmpsror handed to Minister of the Interior Maybach an autographic rescript in which a donation to Koch of i)00- , 000 marks , for his services to suffering hu manity Is recommended. Tlio grant will bo immediately voted on at the reassembling of the landtag. For his services In discovering cholera microbes ICoch was granted 100,000 marks. His majesty haa also offered to pay the expenses of the present experiments out of his private purse. The TniitonlH'H Eventful Voyage. NEW Yonit , Nov. ( ) . [ Special Telegram to THE BHE.Prom Liverpool to New York the voyage of the Teutonic was ono succes sion of gales , tempests and mishaps. When the ship was ono day out from Liverpool a woman among the steerage passengers rolled over on her flve-month-pld child during the night and killed It. The child was burled on the following day. On Saturday last ah elec tric light wire on the starboard side came In contact with the wood work on the deck , ami for two hours there was a blaze that kept tlio tire brigade busy. The next day lire was dis covered in the coal bunkers of tlio ship , and until Tuesday morning the coals were nil re. The Teutonic reached her dock shortly after 10 o'clock. _ Gladstone nt CnrllnlR. T.IOXDOX , Nov. 5. [ Special Cablegram to Tins Ben. ] Speaking at Carlisle today , Mr. Gladstone said that if the clause contained In the licensing bill submitted to tl < e house of commons last spring by the government had become n law , It would have cost the country 200,000,000 to purchase forfeited licenses from publicans. Parliament , ho aald , Is now wearing out Its life. Tim government Is avoiding dissolution as a man with a bad tooth avoids dentistry. The recent bye-elee- lions for members of Iho house of commons had set the seal of doom upon a long endured iniquity and pointed to tbo beginning of au era of peace. Tlio Armenians In Turkey. CONSTANTINOPLE , Nov. 0 , [ Special Cable gram to TUB Uin. : ] In consequence of the discovery that a revolutionary proclamation Is In circulation among Armenians In Turkey Iho pope bos Issued orders forbidding hold ing any meetings by Armenians ; neither will any sitting of the national assembly bo al lowed. Many Armenians have been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the circu lation of the proclamation. Among Ihoso token Into custody nro Urplnrlan , member of Iho ualional assembly , and Editor Arovelk. Ce us n rod the Klrin for LONDON , Nov. 0. [ Special Cablegram to THE Bnn. ] The coroner's inquest in the case of the victims who lost tholr lives in the fire at Howley & Brock's ' hat , cup nnd helmet manufactory on Middle street , on October 18 last , was concluded today. The Jury re- lurncd a verdict censuring Iho linn for the careless manner In which they stored uophlha la their building. m CrlHpi Ones to Meet the Chancellor. IloMB , Nov. fl.--Speclal [ Cablegram to TUB BUE.J Signer Crisp ) , the Italian prime minister , who Is to moot General von Capri vi , the German chancellor , nt Milan , arrived In that city toaay. Ho was received nt the rail way station by n number of onlclnls , and after exchanging greetings with thorn ho en tered a carriage and was driven to the Hotel Carour. _ _ Hatch Is a Candidate. ST. Loi'is , Mo , , Nov. 15. Congressman Hatch of tlio First Missouri district , In an In terview with a Hepuhlle reporter Ibis after noon , announced that ho was a candidate for the Bitoakcrsulp of the uext house of repre sentatives , A Henry M. Stanley Arrives and Talks in His Own Justification , THE REVELATIONS OF THE LOG BOOK. A llcvoltiiiu Cut ulosuo of Cruelty and Intiiiniiititty An Action for Ubcl Will , Nift ( liu .Matter. NEW Yonit , Nov. 0. ThostcamorTeutonlc , with Henry SI. Stanley and party on board , arrived this mornlmr. ( Major 1'oiul , manager of Stanley's tour ; Colonel T. A. Knox , Kd- wnrd Qulntard and Colonel Flndloy Ander son mot the pnny. Stanley was asked to say something about the rear , guard troubles and the stand the London papers liavo taken on It sineo , his departure from England. lie said : "I do not wish to say much about it , and have not road London natters enough to express an opinion. I object to stirring the inuttor Up unless I nm forced to do so. I am JustiloJ In all my censure of the rear guard which has caused the attack made upon mo In the back. " In another Interview referring to Bart- telot's diaries and Lieutenant Troup'a book , Stanley repeated what ho has already said as to the condition of the war guard when ho returned from Albert Nyanza. Krom Yam- biiya ho wrote at oneo to Kmlii that relief had come , lulling them the roar column was wrecked by neglect of Its ofllcers and their Indifference to the interests of tlincxpodi * tlon. Referring to Troup , Stanley said , when hogotto/anzcbnronoof the llrst things ho found was a letter from Troup vloluntly abusing Harttclot. I never answered tub letter , because It needed a personal interview , as there were many questions 1 found It necessary to ask biui , the principal ono being why ho and others preferred to reiiioin and starve at Ynmbuva Instead of moving on : why they stayed until so many men died from disease or had been killed. I never could get a satisfactory answer from Bouncy and hoped to get ono from Troup. I received another letter from him and answered Hint It bo would revise it I would publish It , as it contained many things unlit for publication , lie was so obstinate be wouldn't revise It , and sent It back demanding I should publish it. Then Troup wrote mo a threatening let ter , stating I would have to bo prepared to meet such measures as he might see lit tocin- iloy to vindicate himself. I wrote him , say- ng if ho thought ho wu.s tdaligncd unjustly to go ahead. I could see many things connected with Hie rear guard I should prefer to keep from the public , but If bo wished to publish everything ho could do so. "I have Bonnoy's report of the troups , two letters of Ward's account which I re ceived and more important than all I have the log book , signed by the ofllccrs day after day. Without any otbcr evidence that log book of itself would prove that I was justi- lled In my censure of the rear column , which was very mild , iu my 'letter to the commit tee. tee."Am "Am 1 going to publish that log ! I caunot say , I think It bolter to wait awhile , or until I have Troup's hook. Uonnoy could relieve nil this criticism by telling what he knows and writ ing a plain , simple story of what took place : how it was that Mujbr Barttclot was killed ; how it was that these men died like sheep ; how It wasthat this rpnr column , so grandly equipped before starting , fell to rot. . " Strnley this evening received several re porters and talked at length about occurrences - rences in eboUarttlCtT mmp. > ; . "Tho cause of the killing , " no said , "was the major's violent temper. As soon as ho reached camp from Nyanza ho had trouble with ono of the Arab chiefs becaus enough couriers wore not furnished , although Don- ney told him ho had already enough. Bartto- lot beat the Arab in a horrible manner with a stick. Early on the morning of .Tulv 19 , ho was awakened by loud singing and beating of drums. Being informed it was theAfrlcan custom In saluting the rising sun ho said , with an oath , ho would shoot the first person that refused to stop the noise and tak ing a revolver went out. Near the chief's hut ho found a woman who was singing ; and men drumming. The woman was the wife of the chief , and when ho commanded her to ccaso singing she paid no attention , for all natives hated him , Burttelot then struck mid kicked her. Her husband , the chief , took down his I'illo and Wiled Barttelot on the spot. "From such reports 03 I could obtain , Stan- lop said , It appeared Uarttolot nrndo himself very distasteful to the natives. Ho hart a habit of ridiculing thorn which provoked them very much. For these reports I do not rely on Uonucy. Both Arab and native chiefs went over the matter very minutely The logbook of the camp , signed by Bart- telot , Jnmleson , Uonuoy and Ward wus sim ply ono long account of remorseless Hogging and inhumanity. Harttclot oven kicked his own attendant a little hey , Soulti , and the boy died trom the injuries indicted- Ono man took a piece of raw meat because ho was crazy with hunger , and for this ho received ! HX ) lashes. As soon .vs the man was ublo ho ran away , but was eapturea and shot by Barttelot's order. " Stanley says Bonncy told him only n short tlmo ago that half the horrors that existed In that camp are not yet kriowu. Stanley , when ho returns to England , may bring action for libel against Barttelot's brother , In order to have the matter sifted to the bottom , Wiley's SiiRar Report. WASHINGTON , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bin.J : Prof. Wlloy of the agricul tural department has prepared an interesting document showing the importance of the ef fort to build up the sugar beet industry In the United States together with a full discus sion of the soil , clhnnto and fertilizers suit able for beet culture ; "In my Judgment , " suld Prof. Wiley , "tho work of experimental stations , In respect to the bectsugar Industry , should , for the present consist In the careful stniiy of soil and climatic conditions and ex perimental demonstrations of the best methods of produclufc beets for sugar and for seed. Therew no necessity for an experimental study of ttjo methods of manu facture anil no opportunity for the produc tion of beets on a larct ) icnlo. If the stations can teach by actual demonstration the proper methods of beet culture and seed production , it Is all that can reaiotmbly bo asked of thoin. Whatever plant may'ho selected for the American sugar industry , beet , sorghum or cane , the stations should see to It that all re sults are brought first to the standard of yield of sugar per aero. aero.j Denies Tluit Unionism IN Pulling. LONDON , Nov. (1 ( Special Cablecram to ' TIIH BEB.I Mr. Gosch'cn , chancellor of the exchequer , speaking at Halifax tonight , de nied that the result'.of the bye-elections proved that unionism was falling. A few re verses at the outpostq nro not going to deter mine the issue of a great campaign. The Ghidstonlans , ho said , resembled advertising quacks , promising relief for every kind of human ailment. The unionists would do their best to tlnd genuine remedies for exist ing evils. lie was confident that the steady and good sense of the country would approve honest methods of social and political progress in preference to the guidance of quacks. Pugilists Round Over. Livimrooi. , Nov. 0. [ Special Cablegram to TIIK Br.K. ] Lambert , the Canadian pugilist , O'Ncil , the Lancashire man , who were nr- rest id last night Just before tnuy wore to take part In a prize light nt the Lyceum , were arraigned today before a magistrate ana bound over to keep the peace. The I'iro Iteuord. TitvcKne , Gain. , Nor. 0. Shortly after mid night IIro broke out In the rear of Stall's ' brewery and as the wind was blowing a hur ricane the llames wuru soon beyond control. Despite the efforts of the cltlon Bust Main street was soon In ashes and all ( do fnuni ) buildings on Front street nro burning. Nearly forty buildings , Including the entire buMmns portion ol the town , were destroyed by 'J o'clock. Tlio wind shifted about A o'clock and the lire , which threatened to completely wine out the town , Is tuw under control , The nggivguto of losses is osllmntou at $110,000 ; Insurance about $ -2MO. ( ) ( It Is thought an Incendiary started the lire. Burru.o. N. Y. , Nov. ii. - Early this morn ing the Wells elevator and mult house burned to the ground. The Intense heat eiu ed an elevator across the rlvor to burst out its sides ami n stream of Ilaxsooil poured into the river. In the burned elevator worn about two hundred nnd ninety thousand bushels of ( train , which Is n total loss. The loss Is HM- ( HX ) , on which there Is an Insurance of S-'IW.- 000. Mit.t.r.H'sF.vt.t.s , Mass. , Nov. ( VAt a dem ocratic celebration bore lust night a spark from a bonfire fell on'o a box of powder , which exploded , fatally injuring one man and seriously wounding two others. Loxii Isi.ixit CITY , N. Y. , Nov. ( I. An ex plosion of naphtha , gas at the Standard ell works today fatally Injured 1' , Halloran. Two others were seriously injured. I'niiAiMii.i'iitA , Nov. tl.1Mro tonight do- strayed the cooper shop of the 1'ldlndi'lphla Cooperage company ou Otsogo street , the sonp factory and spleo mill of P.O. Toinson on Swansea street and a large ware house owned by the Pennsylvania railroad com pany. Loss ? 1 . " ) ,000 covered by insur.mco. Lot'lsvu.i.i : , Nov. 0. A disastrous lire Is reported at Owcnsboro. Tlio tolcuraph and telephone ofllccs are burned nnd no details are obtainable. H7 > ' . I r.TIIY IH'itMtSTS. County Judge Illgglns StinotB Colonel nel I'rluc on n Hallway Train. KAXJHS CITV , Mo. , Nov. C. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bii.l : : At 5 o'clock this after noon lion. John Hlgglns , judge of the county court of Pettls county , Missouri , shot and killed ColoncTThomas B. Price , a grandson of the Into General Sterling i'rlco. The shooting took place on a Missouri Pacific train near Scdulla and created intense excite ment. Both gentleman are worth each moro : lmn $100,000 and are political leaders. The illlliiif was the result of an election dispute. Colonel Price tried to stive himself with his cano but the judge shot too ( illicitly. Tlio passengers on the train , which \ running it something lilto thirty miles an hour , were almost panic stricken. Iligglns gave himself up and the sheriff lore received a message this evening sum moning him to go after the prisoner at once , as fears of lynching uro entertained. Ofiden's Mreet I Cull wiry Fight. Onm'N' , Utah , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : UEC.J Ogdcn Is having a genuine metropolitan street railway light. Tlio city iad its original company , the Ogden city railway company , a motor and horse car line , decently nn attempt to build au electric rail way was begun by II. II. Henderson. Joseph Hrinker and A. S. Garrettson. The Ogden city company claimed an exclusive franchisee ; o the streets it occupied , and attempted to enjoin the council from granting the now company n franchise and the city from ac cepting the nond. Uoth injunctions were re fused by the court. A restraining order was served by the Ogdcn city company on the Henderson company on Wednesday night to prevent the latter from crossing the tracks of the former or oc cupying its right-of-way. Tdis order was granted by a judeto living in a distant part of the territory and dissolved by Judge .Miner of Ogden yesterday. The old company cntorod suit yesterday against the Henderson people for $150,000 damages to its property. Moro Interesting developments of this kind are ex pected very soon. , IferCJraco's Debts. Nniv YORK , Nov. 0. Judgments aggregat ing $070,121 were entered by default today In the county clerk's ' office against Lllloy War ren Churchill , duchess of Marlborough. Various dohts nro for money loaned and were contracted in Birmingham , England , on Sep tember 20 , last. The creditors are Lloyd's ' bank dim. ) , JlOfl.Mr ; Hobert Harding Mil ward , ellW.ffir and John Jaffroy $18GJ ( < 1 , who secured judg ment for amounts besides costs nnd Interest from September 2(1 ( , whun the money was borrowed. Tlio numinous was served personally on the duchess but uho did not appear. The Irish Patriot * In Canada. OTTAWA , Out , , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnn.l SirJohn McDonald said today that If Dillon nnd O'Brien came to Canada they could not bo prevented from exercising the right of free speech. They were British subjects and members of parliament , and oven if they were subjects of a foreign coun try with which England was not at peace , they could not bo molested. Ho felt sure no attempt would bo madu to interfere with their movement. A 1,0110 Highway mini's Work. KASHAS CITT , Mo. , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bi'.n.l A masked man stopped a buggy containing Walter Thomas and James Potts near Independence hi it night and compelled them to give upall their valuables. This Missouri Black Bart hold bis revolver BO hard against the face of young Thomas that It loft a i-ed ring on his cheek. Although both young men were armed they did not got a chance to draw their weapons on thu lone highwayman. A Profitable Fa II nro. CnifAoo , Nov. 0. Serious charges \vcro preferred In court today against Leopold Brothers k Co. , who failed a few days ago , by BornhclmorSons& Co. of Now York. The complaining linn accuse the Leopolds of having falsely stutod their standing to com mercial agencies , that some of the judgments entered were without consideration , and that a number of book accounts had been assigned to the relatives , who ore not creditors , Mother Kills Her Nov. 0. Barbara Lain- prccht killed her six-year-old daughter Mary this morning by cutting her throat with a razor. She then attempted suicldo with the same weapon. Mrs. Lemprccht also attempted to kill her slx-innnWis-old Infant , but only succeeded la wounding the child slightly. The unfortunate woman , who committed the deed during a fit of temporary Insanity , is In a critical condi tion. _ _ Iowa Kpworth Iiengno Convent Ion. Dns Moixr.s , la. , Nov. 0. ( Special Tele gram to Tun HKI : . ] The first state conven tion of the Epworth league of Iowa Is In ses sion hero with ovorthroo hundred delegates in attendance , Including many ministers. Subjects ol Interest to young people's so cieties in the Methodist Episcopal church uro being discussed. Tlio AVnntlier Forecast. For Omaha and Vicinity Fair and colder. For Iowa nnd Nebraska -Light rain or snow ; cooler ; northerly winds ; cold wave In southeast Iowa. For South Dakota Light snow ; con- tinuqd low temperature ; northerly winds. I Join n 'IlirnwcrH nt. Trieste. TiiiKSiTE , Nov. 0.- [ Special Cablegram to TUB BKB. ] A bomb was exploded today In front of the monument erected here to com memorate the live-hundredth anniversary ol the union of Trieste and Austria. For tunately no damage was done. It ing William TUB lUoun , Nov. 0. King William la \vorao today , 1'attl Under tlio Woniltcr. LONDONNov. . .0 [ Special Cablegram to TUB Btii.JIt U announced that Mine , ' f Patti will bo tumble losing 5 'hcltcnham ' tomorrow. She Is sulTer'nu . . tin n sere throat , ono of tlu < efforts of tlitjs I , and her physician ad\lsod her not tea , . pi to slug for several days. " ? Jt. I .vs. i .v c/rT Tit.11 . v. A Now York TrnvHInii Mai < t ( ly a Suspicious lliiHbiit K\NSI Cm , Mo. , Nov. il. 11. 4 vover , a well known oattlo dealer , wai t and fatally wounded this afternoon \j diaries " llffard , n New York tmvollng salesman , nt .ho Hotel Andrew. CJivevorltad paid consid erable attention to Mrs. Clifford and nor hus- jaud suspected their relations were not en tirely Innocent. This afternoon ho saw flrcovor enter his apartments , and going up : rled to get Into the room. The door was ocked , and on trying it ho heard a scuttle uul then the key turned. When ho rushed nto Iho room , MM. Clifford explained that Groover had made Insulting propositions to icr. Clifford theivupon drew his revolver nnd shot , Crcovor ! four times. Ureevcr , In his into-inortoin statement , said ho went to tlio iott > l to see Mrs. Hall , the landlady , to pay lis board bill. She was out and Mrs. Clif ford asked him Into her bed room , saying she would irot Mrs. Ball after they .had talked for a few mlntitrs. I'lllTord Jumped In and or- lercd him to throw up his hands , rjroovor stnrtod to walk out. when Clifford shot him. [ to claims it was n blackmailing scheme. l.Oltl ) C < HiitIIK1K STKH'tSH.V. The Tjitrd Chief ilustluc of Kngland in n Critical Oimllllon. LONDON" , Nov. 0. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : llr.n. ] Much excitement was created n the queen's bench division of the high court of Justice today by the sudden illness of LordColeildgo , lord chief Justice of En gland. Ills lordship had heard a c.use In his trivutc room and , though ho had complained of feeling ill during the hearing , was able to give a decision in the matter. Directly after ward ho was sel/.ed with an npnpletlo or taralytlc stroKe , Tlio tichrost doctor was in Jhnnoery raiiP , clew to the law courts , and 10 was hastily summoned to attend his lord ship. Other messengers were dispatched to I/ml Coloddgo's residence and Lady Coleridgo proceeded instantly to the noitrt to render what assistance she could to her stricken husband. His lordship was placed upon an improvised couch in the nntoroom. Jther doctors were summoned and are now n attendance upoa him. They declare that ills comillton Is critical. It lias since bivn ascertained that Lord Colcrldgo is suffering from neither npoploxy icr par.ilysis , us was at first stated , but from u severe attack of gastritis. Tills afternoon tlio doctors announced that ils lordship was able to bo removed and ho was taken to his homo in a carriage. * S'A'A'l'I XKWS. Tlio Castor County Dlvinlon. , Neb. , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hii-Tho | Jubilee over the division of Custer county still continues tonight. The streets nro crowded with people , farmers 'rom twenty miles around coming to join In he celebration. The people are wild witu enthusiasm , and between the llringof. canon md placing of brass bands tlio air is filled with sltouts and cheers. The sky Is all ahlazo with the grandest pyrotechnic display over witnessed in this section of the country. At .his hour there arc fully llvo hundred howl- ng , hnppy psoplo thronging the streets and .heir joy is unconfined. Fined For Violating the Sunday Ija\v. EI.KIIOUN , Neb. , Nov. 0.- [ Special Tele- jrain to Tim Bui : . | The continued case of [ ho stnto against August C. Uhtof , charged with selling liquor on Sunday , was called in Justice Smith's court , today. Uhtof's ' attorney isked for a cbango of venue , but Justsco 5mitb would not grant It. Tlio attorney for the defense took nn exception to the court's ruling and rctireu , The state examined ono witness and rested Its coso. Uhtof was found guilty and lined * IOO and stands committed until paid. Ho was taken to Omnna this evening ana placed In jail. ClothingTliicvcH Caught. KC.HINUY , Nob. , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele gram toTnii Bii:1 : Thrco tramps wont on n clothing raid hero tonight. Tlioy got ono overcoat out of a chop house , another from a clothing store dummy anil another overcoat , coat mm minor articles from some unknown place. After quite a so.irch nnd chase Ofll- rers Harrison ami Smith and Demity Sliorilt Wilson caught tlio thieves and landed them In Jail. The stuff was in their possession. They are tough looking customers. Celebrated tlio Victory. Pi. VTTSMOUTII , Neb. , Nov. 0 , [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKE , ] This evening the Personal Hlghts league of this city celebrated the glorious victory over prohibition in an enthusiastic and hilarious manner. Bon lives were blazing from every hilltop and the hands discoursed Joyous un.I victorious miisio. A largo uumhor of citizens Joined In a big parade with torches and emblems nnd everyone ono testified to their Joy in the ilofeat of the prohibition amendment. Poiic > n lOloctB for Waterworks. POXOA , Neb. , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram toTiicHiiii. ] A proposition has been sub mitted to the people of this city for the estab lishment of a system of waterworks In Ponca and a special election was held today to adopter or reject the plan submitted by the city conn- ell. The election resulted In a majority of sixty-two for the waterworks. Old llorpiiH at Cliadron. CIT.UWON , Neb. , Nov. (1. ( [ Special Telegram to TIIK B KB. i Last night was tlio coldest of the season and exposed water pipes were frozen , The weather has continued quito cola nil day , About t o'clock this afternoon It commenced to snow , and at tills time , G o'clock , the ground is becoming white. Holt County liitrlut Court , Nob. , Nov.Speoial ( ) [ Tele gram to Tun Bun. ] District court con vened hero today , lion. M. Klnkald , Judgo. The entire day was trilten up mi tlio llrst call of the docket , which is very Jurgo , there bo- lug over live hundred cases. An Oxjroldo I'anlonoil. TOI'EKA , Kan. , Nov. fl. Governor Hum phry today pardoned William lialdwla of Atchlson , ronvictcd January 1I.18SO , of the muraer of his sister. The father died and loft a fortune to Ills widow , son and daughter. Young Baldwin was dlxsatlsllcd with his share , and a short tlmo afterward his sister dlod from the effects of chloroform under peculiar circumstances , The conviction was on circumstantial evidence. Tliolr Small ANHOIH. CITV , Mo. , Nov. 0. Judge CJlbson was appointed receiver for the Artisans Mu tual Building and Loan association this morn ing. The association was Incorporated In 1KSS with $1,000,000 capital stock. The last statement showed assets of IW.OOO. The HX- nminatlon of the books today shows assets of $ 'JUUO ' , , mostly In notes. Made nil DFCATUII , 111. , Nov. 0 , The Alexander knitting company have made nn assignment assets , fcil.OOO ; liabilities , $75,0(10. ( HosroN , Mass , , Nov. (1. ( W. O. Boll , t Co. provisions , have assignou. It is expected the llubllllh'.s will hu heavy. Tlio member * o the linn decline to make any statement. ChrlNilna Workers. IlAicrroun , Conn. , Nov. 0. The Flftl annual convention of Christian workers In the United States and Canada opened hen this morning. A largo ulUnduuce was prcs cnt. THE TALE OF THE RETURNS , Senator Emits Will Probably Have a Demo * cmtio Successor , DEPEW AND SPRINGER INTERVIFWEDj They Talk on the Causi-s of the zai-d-lluw the .Molllnlcr All'outcd ( lie Fleet ion- Latest t' Kt.Miin , N.Y. , Nov. -Kv'twoll ' < dwi. ) s elected to oonirtws from IhtiTwonty-oighth [ strict by lo than ono huudivd plurality. 'he latest returns make this showing , al- hough the republicans clal'n that Noye.s U looted. Niw : Youif , Nov. ft. The associated piva.i oport.s show that the domivr.its will liavo ou olnt ballot SI votes against TO for ( bo rcpub. leans. This insures tlio election of a demo * ratio ouccossor to Senator Kvimts. Minnesota , Sr. Pti'i. , Minn. , Nov. ( I The latest figures rom the Filth congressional district Itidl * nitcs the poss > lblo election of Ilulversen < , aU lance ) . Keturns from sixty-six counties give Morrlam ( rep. ) for governor a pin- ahty of Il.b'-'O , with tlficon counties o be heard from. It looks as If Mcrrlnmis elected. The democrats carry ho l-'irsl , Third mid anil Fourth slonnl districts , nnd thn republicans Iho Second district. The Fifth district is la laubt. Tlio nllinuco people will probably mid the balance of power In the state Icgls. nliiro. ST. ! ci. , Minn , , Nov. rt.-Oniclal , unof. leal , but complete and estimated returns rom all but seven counties of the state gh-o Merrhim ( rep ) sii.CuS ; Wilson ( demi 7ilil5. : Murallly for Mcrri.un , " , (110. ( The n > inaliuuR ountios nro expected to cut this iilur.illty lown , and the coinmitdv is darni ng MeiTiam's elocllnn by over 1,000 , whil \ ho * > niocruts claim ( iOi ) for Wilson Italnep. on ( farmer's ullianc ) is probably dei-tcd to ongrossin thu Filth district over t'oinstoclc ivp ) and \Vbitoinan idem ) . In tin1 Second listrict , CiiMioral Baker , alliance c.uidl- late with democrat cmlor-.oment , clatina lection over Llnd ( ivn ) . If tbls troves to bo the i-nso HIP tu'xk ongressloual ilulegatlon from this s > iato will bo three dcmofratcs und two alliance. . Ohio. 0XTOV , O. , Nov. 0. A lack of telegraph facilities In Holmes eounty prevents the a.i- ccrtalnlng exactly of the vote in McKintoy's listrict. Mclvinlny rnm-edes Warwick's : loction by about : iiH ) , and tbls will lie veritled mless the vote of the pivciuets In Ilolmoa onnty show unexpected gains for McICtnloy , C NTOV , O. , Nov.Major ( ! Mi-Klnloy said his afternoon , to au associated press vo- jnrtpr , that , while conceding his prabablo do- cat , bv a small majority , ho is satisfied with ho result. Ho said the isouo was between .ho protection tariff nudti tariff for rovcnuo only , clear anl distinct , and nothing else on > ered into the canvass. Ills bill was the con. .or of assault. The result , he rog.irds us a iotory. A majority of over ' .VIiUdeinoetMtio n tbeso counties last jear was ivduccd to ihoat ' 'CD this your , lie c.irrled ills own vard and city and county by a largo major * ty , showing unpi-ecedonted gains. CANTOX , O. . Nov. -Unless ( the ofllelal conn * n Stark and Holmes counties ebaiigns , Mo- Clnloy Is Hefeatcd by 'J-JT votw. Cr.BVEi.iND , O. Nov. (1. ( The republican Into committee still claim the election ol Poorman ( rep ) in tbo Seventeenth district over Pearson , I'oiinsylvatiln , PiiiMnKi.rniA , Nov. ( ! , Complete return * on the state legislature show III at the repub * leans have a majority of fil > on Joint ballot. I'IIIMIIKMMIMNov. . ( ! . Alex 1C. Craiff dcm ) is elected to congress from the Twc * y- fourth district , defeating Andivw J St nrtovur 10,000 votes. This district In 1S gave a republican majority ofI.IIN Coin- ilcto llgure.1 now huvo boon received from every district in tlio state. The new dele gation will stand 17 roimhlii-ans and 1 1 demo crats , a democratic gain ofI. . I'nii.uini.riiiA , Nov. -Complete rotu ns 'mm every county foot up a plurality for 'attlson ( dem ) for governor of lii.l.ii ' : , u dem ocratic gain compared with 1V < S of M.M-l- riiong'i Delnnnter , ( rep ) candidate for gov ernor , Is thus defeated , all his colleagues on he stuto ticket uro elected by dodslvo Min orities , _ Cull Corn i a. SAX FIIAXCISCO , Cnl. , Nov. ( -Uctnrns 'rom 1,091 precincts in C.iliforni.i out of a total of 12,193 glvo Markham ( rep ) , for gov ernor , a plurality of 1U.OIK ) . SAX PIIAXCISCO , Gal. , Nov. ( V Cotnpleto returns received tills evening frommoro tlmn ono half the precincts In California , outsiilo of Sun Francisco , and from about two-thirds of tbo precincts , give Markham ( rep ) , for governor , moro than 1,0K ) ( ) plurality over 1'ond ( doin ) nnd also show thiit tha republicans havu carried the entire stata ticket by a generally similar plurality , The entire republican ticket of this city with tbo exception of out ) minor onlco la undoubtedly elected. There seems to bo no doubt the republicans oleetod llvo out of six congressmen In the stnto and the Indications nro thopiitlro congressional delegation will bo republican , * South Dakota. Hriiov , S. I ) . , Nov. 0. | Special Telegram to Tun BII : . | The returns now Indicate Iho ro-electlon of A. C. Mlllctto ( ropj governor by from : i,000 to 5,000 majority , although Iho Independents - dependents claim Louck's election. The leg islature will bo independent nn Joint b'lllot , they having elected 111 out of Kill members. Tbo republicans will control the senate. Tlio democrats will present Bavtoll to succeed Moody In the United States Donate. The In * dependents will present A loi/.o : Wnrd'iil ' , tlio nllliuiro candidate of last year. Leading dem ocrats hero snv they will urge Marls Taylor , tholr deloatod candidate for governor , a > Moody's successor , Mi\xi\j'oiin , Minn. , Nov. 0. I.atrst . re turns from South Dakota show the- result h nn alliance victory and that Louuks is elected governor. Tlio legislature will also bo alli ance , thus Insuring the defeat of Hcnatoi Moody , _ Michigan. Dr.TiioiT , Mich. , Nov. ( J. It Is thought tha wholu democratic state ticket U elected by from 0,000 to iM ; ) > plurality. Tlio legisla ture Is democratic. The First , Second , Fifth , Sixth , Seventh and Tenth congressional dls- trlctH linvii gene democratic and tbo Third , Fourth , Ninth and ICloventli republican. Tim Kighth Is Indoubc. DmiioiT , Mich. , Nov. 0. Tbo Third. Fourth and Eleventh congressional districts return republican congressmen. The KightU and Ninth are still In doubt. Tbo other six go democratic. _ Now IlnmpMliIri ; , CONCOHII , N. II. , Nov. 0.Tho republican * rcncedo the election of Daniel 'duni ) in tha Second congressional district. This gives tl > o democrats tlio two congressmen from tliU state. Both parllns claim the legislature. Co.Moitit , N. II. , Nov. 0. Returns from all hut a faw small towns glvo TuHlo 'rep ) for ( 'ovornor , ID.WWj Amsdcn , . | 0JOO ( : Flutchoe ( pro ) , 1'JT' ' . The rcnubllcaim claim ton to twenty majority In the liuuso and tbo ilonio * cruUs claim from two to sixteen. Montana , Hiits-A : , Mont , , Nov. 0.Tho republican committee claims that Carbcr will have * small majority but Dlxon'.s election Is gorier' ally conceded by 200 to10J plurality. Tlio democrats uluimto majority In tbo state sou- ate. _ Indiana , IN DUX ATOMS , lud , , Noy , 0. Heturus