Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Spread of the Habit In the
Northern Oountrioi.
' .Clir .MnrllltiK Tcitlmnny of Dr. Nor-
nun Kcrr I'reihliMit uf the So *
ulety fur ( tin Htmly t
A Ni w York llurald correspondent
liad : i long and intero-aing ounvoMiitlon
the oth'H'uuy with Dr. Norman Kerr ,
prosid nit of the society for the study and
euro of Inebriety , on the roimrkablo
nprcad of ether drinking in the north of
AH mi Indication of the extent to
which I his strange and pornlctom habit
lias iii'vensod it Is siilllolotit to state that
In tin single vlllago of Co'jkstown not
loss fun two tons of m/jthylatod spirit ,
which is practically pure ether , are con-
num 1 uniiuiilly , How many tons of the
drug , ii'o swallowed by the population of
thocoutioJ of Darry , Tyrone and Ar
magh , wiicro the habit Issproading with
nliu'in'g rapidity , it U Impossible to Hay
for \v i it of accurate information. Tlio
iiin-rrit , however , limit bo enormous.
' . " Dr. ICorr
p.-nploin England"said ,
"linv no conception of tlio terrible hold
which tula passion for other drinking
has t-ik-Ti upon the 111011 nnd womun In
the noi'th. of Ireland. A person walking
thro igh tlio crowded nnd narrow streets
of BO mot the vlllagoi there is almost
ovorpiuvorcd by the fume * of this drug ,
vrlth which the homos and population
Beein to bo saturated , Tlio market
plaeo-i , the thoaton , the railway car-
riagtM. oven the ohurchoa , rook with itj
puiit'l rating odpr , and ono gees away
with tlio and but true impression that
the majority of the people have become
vli-t iiiH to a habit as deadly in its otloots
ua it in now in thu history of human
\ven Ivin'iHos. "
"Jlul why do they drink this other1' '
I Inquired.
"Why ? " answered the doctor. "Why
do men nnd women till the world ovei
got. drunk nnd innko brutes of Ilium-
bolvon generally ? Because tlioy arc
eulTf-ring from a dinoai-o juat as real as
consumption or cnncur , rithotigh not no
recognized. I moan tlio disease of in-
obrii ty , of whii'h the craving for other
in tlio north Ireland in ono form , just
like thocravingsof alcohol , or morphine ,
or chloform , or opium , or coaclno , which ,
by the way , is the latoat thing in tin ;
way of hypodermic , injections among the
fashionable people of London. "
Till ! UI3ASON9.
"Hut surely there must bo special roa-
Rons why tills other habit should bi
limltud to Biiuh a comparatively small
region. "
"Undoubtedly there are , but I musl
admit that in spite of our host efforts we
are yet unable to state with corlatntj
what these Bjocial reasons aro. It ii
almost itnposaiblo to obtain roliabh
EtatiHt ics as to tlio amount of cthur sole
nnd the classes of society who indulge ii
It mostlargoly. For evident reasons the
eltimt ion is not painted nearly as blacli
11,3 , it roilly ; Is , nnd even the priests , win
nro lighting strenuously ngnlnst tin
other habit , will not loll us what the ;
know , Inasmuch an a foolish Idea ha :
boon nut forward that Roman Catholic !
are the chief victims to other intoxlca
The intoxicating olToct of other i
much quicker in its action than that o
alcohol. A man can ho perfectly sobci
at noon , take a drink of ether , bo bllm
drunk nt a quarter to ono and sobo :
ngnin thrco-ijuartors of an hour inter , si
' * you t-oo it is literally true that an otlioi
drinker can got drunk and sober half i
do/en times in a single day. I explained
this furious phenomenon to a modica
friend of mine , who , incredulous , deter
mined to experiment with a dose o
ether upon himself. I poured out foi
him about half a wineglass full , which i
Kullli'iont to produce drunkenness in om
accustomed to the drug. Ho swnllowec
it nt a gulp , nearly burning out the roe
of his mouth , and within half an houi
ho was dancing about the room like i
wild man , and became so pugnacious ute
to di'lvo his clenched list through a pain
of glass , thereby cutting his wrls
feoverly. A little later ho was porfoctl ;
tober , the olTucUs having entirely passoi
iiway , and lie would only ho convincoi
that ho had gene through the antics
liosorlbed when I showed him the cut
upon his hand.
"Is half a winoglassftil enough t
tnt ifv a confirmed ether tnpor ? "
"On , no , indeed. After a few week
ivn ether drlnkor will require two o
iliron times as much before his ideal o
drunken bliss is realized , and these wh
Jmvo hucoino slaves to the habit aftoi
months of indulgence will drink roguhu
Jy from half a pint to a pint of ether i
day. This is , of course , quite enough t
Idll im ordinary porson. Hut on thos
accuMomcd to It its olTects nro much lea
PcriouH than might bo imagined. In
dcod , the habit of drinking other is sue !
a recent development in the annals c
Intoxication that physicians have no
* * vet boon nblo to arrive at iv complot
Knowledge of Its pathological effects
One thing , however , is certain , and till
may bo a warning to these concerned , 1
by any chancoyou should sot llro to ai
ether drunkard ho or HIO ! would certain
ly burn up with rapidity great enough t
nuiko ono iKjllovo in spontaneous con
Imstion. You know ether is one of th
tuost inllnuiinablo of substances. "
"Aro there actually on record cases o
fin ether drlnkor having boon sot on llr
mid burned to doathV"
M holiovo there is ono such , where
jiian in the frisky state of Intoxlcutio
instated on jumping over n lamp ; but , n
I snid before , statistics are sadlv wantoc
There is no doubt , however , that othc
_ , drinking carried to such excess , ns is th
case in Irolandat present , must term
unto fatally in n largo number of case :
Its lirot olfects upon the subject are Ii
fhuuiimfior.1 of the stomach , dyspopsh
hysterical condition , accompanied ofto
l > y dobiiondoncy and mclancuolla. It 1
Ingli time the Hnglish govomment too
omo onorgotio action. Klthor ralso th
vrk'o of ether by putting upon it n pr <
ilbitivo tax , or if ohoap other is nooe
eary for the arts , then require it to I
nianufactiircd with the addition of napl
ttux , which , without impairing th
'commercial utility of the moth ;
latod spirits , would render
qulto unlit for use us n bovorngi
"An ounce of ether is enough for
Blnglo drink , nnd costs , after allowing
retailer 100 j > or cent profit , only a penn ;
Bo you BOO , for a sixpence a man and h
\vlfo can pay all the expenses of a voi
comfortable uproo. Yes , the stuff is sol
openly in nil tlio dram&hops and gr <
curios , and , to my mind , the only wend <
Js , given the superior cheapness ever a
cohoi and its thoroughly satisfuotoi
qualities as u drunk producing' agen
that the habit of other drinking has not
Hprand over the whole of Ireland , nnd
Indeed Invaded Eni'land and the rest of
the world. That , however , is only a
question of time , unless , as I suggested ,
prompt action bo taken to nip the ovll In
thu bud.
"It bus boon claimed that leather
Mathew was tlio cause of tno present
state of things , inasmuch as he , by Ids
preaching , persuaded the people in Dra-
perstown , in the south of Ucrry , to ro-
nouni'o all form of alcoholic drink. This
they did , but , having discovered acci
dentally that othur would answer tliolr
purpino quite IIH well us alcohol tlioy
substituted the former for the latter , nnd
In spite of Father Mathow's eloquence
and well meaning efforts , Uraporstown
has continued in a chronic state of
drunkenness , although of another kind.
Although the people in these districts
are consuming enormous quantities of
other every year the amount of alcoholic
drinks sold there has not decreased. "
Home ; oJ'tlic Beautiful and Koucutrlo
Cost iinios to 1)0 Seen.
To give an idea of tlio earo that is bestowed -
stowed upon a bathing dross at Trou-
vlllo , lot mo dosoribo ono among many
I saw , says Julian Ralph in Uarpor s
Weokly. Tlio wearer came out of her
battling machine wrapped in a cloak of
Turkey rod silk. Her hat was of while
straw , with Turkey rod ribbons and
( lowers. Her sandals wore white , laded
with red tapes iliat crossed above her
ankles , and wore there tied
in a bow , The silk cloak
shone in' the sun. It did not oven
partially reveal her figure ; in fact , the
women in these cloaks looked at a dis
tance like Itodoulns. As this lady's fcot
toui'hcJ the water she raised her arms
and snrund them , and the gossamer
cloak foil Into the hands of the bathing
attendant. Then she Blood revealed to
the concourse of on-Iookors , clad as for a
spectacle on the stage. She wore aoot > o
blouse of Turkey red flannel , short tight
red breeches , and red Blockings , ller
blouse was opened in front by two great
lapels , between which was a white shirt
with red stripes across it. Behind , it
had a great broad sailor collar , white
and bunded with rod ,
The extravagances and eccentricities
of the costumes on that beach were won
derful , and altogether they helped to
form as brilliant and gay a seono as ono
could well imagine. Some of the cloaks
were striped , some were grcon , BOIIIO
yollow. Sometimes the suits worn bo-
ncath them matched the cloaks , yet
often they did not. IJut while the skirts
were often short , the arms were often
sleeveless , and I-ovon saw two or thrco
skirts that were somewhat dccollottc ;
there were no costumes worn in the
water that justified tlio pictures com
monly soon in the PiirUiun illustrated
papers. I doubt whether many of the
costumes at Trouvillo would startle tlio
bathers at Narnvgunsott Pier , except
that they were much more costly and
artistic than the bath robes worn at the
Police loHploiin o In Ireland.
It was in Tlnpcrary a few months ago
that a popular pastor , Father Hum
phreys ; was espied on the strecVin a
predicament familiar to members df par
liament from Ireland that of being
'shadowed. "
Hero wo understand that word to
mean a following by stealth on the part
of a detective ; out in Ireland tlio direct
meaning is applied , says a writer in
Harpers Weokly. The detec
tives are policemen , and they
stick as close to their victim ns his
shadow , Good Father Humphreys can
not leave his door without being joined
by an armed policeman , who walks close
by his side , keeping stop , whilst another
member of the royal constabulary stalks
silently behind. Ho goes into a
or's house , his shadows wait by the
door. lie enters a shop , the shadows
follow , and listen eagerly for some word
which may justify the local magistrate ,
according to the frightful per
version of justice vhich ob
tains , In clapping the lather in
jail. If ono of his shadows can entrap
him thus , or , still bettor , if ho can be
goaded to a push or it jostle which can
bo considered an insult to the sacred
profession of constabularlsm , ho will be
promptly hustled into the uridowoll.
Mcantimp his friends are watching him
from a window , vastly amused , it is to be
feared , at his plain disgust ; for when he
stops to look iu a window , tlio "bobbics' ;
stop short ; when ho moves on ,
they stop out. Patrick O'Brien ,
M. P. for Monaghan , is par
ticularly delighted , perhaps because ho
has been through so many scrapes with
these same well-set-up 'follows , whore
blood llowod and citizens were killed out
right that the annoyance of his blmdowed
and revered friend seemed by contrast a
joko. lie opens the window , holding u
small square box under his arm. A little
snapping noise sends a quiver of ulnrir
through a dozen policemen gathered be
fore the house , and bo has bagged three
birds at one shot from his Kodak.
I'eto McCartney In Kansas City.
Word comes from Columbus , O. , thai
Pete McCartney , king of counterfeiters
is dead. Back in the latter part of the
'OO's McCartney came to grief in Kansas
City , whoa it was but a little village
strung out along the river bunk. Those
were border days then and thotaloo
the arrests roads like a chapter in a bor
der drama , says the Kansas City Times ,
Private Detective Charles Liggett no
ticed McCartney on the streets and wa :
soon talking to him. Pete thought thai
hero was a good chance to dispose o
some of the "queer" and made such n
proposition to Liggett.
"All right , " assented the oflleor
and then ho led the famoui
counterfeiter into a den not 10 (
yards from the pollco station. Oni'o in
side Pete found himself Ipoking dowi :
into the ono big eye of a six shooter.
"McCartney , your game was playotl
once too often. \ ou'vo struck the wrong
man , " said Liggett.
Pete surrendered gracefully and aftoi
spending some little time in thocnuntj
jail was taken to Jofforoon Ollv. Whoi
arrested ho carried a little vallso , whicl
was found to contain $23,000 in sploa
didly executed counterfeits.
In tlioso days McCartney oporaloi
chiefly on Missouri and Mississippi rivoi
boats , passing In person the bogus goodf
of his own manufacture.
Preparations are being mndo for th <
annual batuuiet of the chamber of commerce
morco , which will bo eaten at Dolmonl
co's on the evening of the third Tuesdaj
in November. These banquets , whicl
are usually as elaborate and costly ai
any public dinners givonin Now 'ork
represent several months of hard work
Secretary George Wilson , who ha
probably organized more banquets thai
any other man in town , begins in tin
spring to plan for a banquet in the fall
After securing the desired dati
at Dolmonico's ho sends ou
invitations to prominent moi
whom the dinner committee desires t
secure for speakers. The task involve
n great deal of correspondence and ofto
good generalship , inasmuch ns it 1
necessary to exercise care in not Invit
ing two public men "who do not spoal
as they pass by. " A few veurs ago i
happened that both Mr , 'Koseoo Conli
ling and Mr. Blaluo accepted invitation
o the snmo dinner In this city , and
quite naturally each expected to tnnko
Jio speech of the evening. A day or
wo before the dinner Mr. Conkllng ns-
orlalned that Mr. Blalno was to be
ircsont and ho at once penned a note of
cgrcls. _ _
Tlio UcglitnitiK of ttic American Navy.
The career of the American navy.
strictly speaking , began with its reor
ganization under Washington's second
ulininistration In 170 1 , says the Contury.
Vt the close of the revolution the vessels
hat had boon built or purchased for that
struggle had nil been captured lost or
sold , except the Alliance , thirty-two
guns ; the Doano , thirty-two , and the
jeorgo Washington , twenty guns , and
BOOH after the announcement of pence
, hose vessels also were sold. At the
time Washington assumed the rolns of
government In 1789 the affairs of the
mvy were placed In the hands of the
secretary of war , and it was not until
April . ' { 0 , 170G , that a navy department
was added to the president's cabinet ,
Benjamin Sioddort of Georgetown , ! ) . 0. ,
loing the first secretary. On March 27 ,
170J , a law was passed for the establish
ment of a permanent and organized
navy. 13y this law six frigates , rating
not less than thirty-two guns , wore or
dered ; but it is more than probable that
oven this stop would not have been taken
had it not boon for the seizure of our
merchant ships nnd the enslaving of
their crows by the rovers of IBnrbary.
The six frigates wore the Constitution ,
President , IJnited States , Chesapeake ,
Congress and Constellation.
Tlio Cuwlioy'H Atllro.
I was standing talking to a gentleman
hero In Utopia ono day who was just
from the states , when a cowbyy passed ,
going on a gallop through the village ,
says a contributor to the Galveston
News. lie had ou leggings , jacket , spurs
and white lint. "Ho is a cowboy , I sup
pose , " remarked the man. "Yes. " I re
plied. " .Now , don't ho feel big , " ho
continued , "with all that rigging on ? "
"No , sir , " I answered , "ho does not
That is tlio only kind of a rig ho can
successfully run cattle in , and ho is not
aware that ho is exciting any especial
attention. These strong leggings and
jacket protect him from the thorns and
brush through which ho sometimes lias
to run at full speed to head off a steer.
These largo spurs are to make his pony
go quick when ho goes to rope an ani
mal. That wido-brimmcd hat is to pro
tect hlsfaco from the burning sun in this
southern climate. That cowboy belongs
Lo tlio church nnd next Sunday you may
see him in the congregation , dressed up
as neat as a pin and likely teaching a
class iu the Sunday school. "
The consciousness of havintf a remedy at
innd for croup , pneumonia , sere throat , nnd
sudden colds , is very consoling to a parent.
\Ylth nbottlo of Ayor's Cherry Pectoral In
the house , ono feels , In such nsos , n sense of
security nothing else can RIVO.
The Dangers of Knllroixdlnjj.
"Thoro Is no branch of railroading
that is safe , " is a saying among men
who make their living on the iron rails ,
and a man's long service nnd skillful
knowledge do" ] not throw absolute safe
guards about him , says the Indianapo
lis News. Poor Martin Ryan , who had
the scicnco of railroading down to the
finest notch , was killed by his own train
after eighteen years of service. Hubert
Graham , a yard man at Richmond , who
worked for the Pennsylvania company
for twenty-five years , was struck by a
pony engine a few days ngo. Samuel
Morgan's body was brought here last
night. Morgan was an engineer on the
JolTor.soiivillo , Madison & Indianapolis
for thirty years. Advancing ago incap
acitated him from running an engine ,
and ho was given charge of a water sta
tion at Marshliold , near Seottburg.
Night before last ho was rim down by a
freight train and killed. "Did you 'no
tice that six out of ten railroad men die
violent deaths if they continue in the
business ? " said a conductor last evening.
"If they don't it's because they leave
the railroad
K.vcelsior Springs , Bio. , AVnters.
Siilnlio-Sftlino is a mild Inxltivo ,
And sparkling morning drink. ,
A Great Art Discovery.
A discovery of great artistic import
ance has just been made at Milan , says
Dunlap's Cable News Service. While
some workmen were engaged in scraping
the wall of ono of the hospitals of the
city ttioy came upon evidences of a
[ rosco and , reporting the matter to the
foreman , they were ordered to proceed
with a great deal of care. They \voro
rewarded by discovering a copy of the
f unions "Last Supper , " by Leonardo da
Vinci , which was painted in oil on the
wail of the rectory of the Dominican
convent of Santa Mnria dollo-Graoio.
The interest of the discovery is that the
newly found fresco seems to bo an exact
replica of the composition as it was
originally painted by Do Vinci and con
tains details which have disappeared
from the original , owing to maltreat
ment , and tlio partial restorations that
have boon made , notably in some of the
partly legible names and inscriptions
which are traced on the borders of thu
draperies. _ _
A "Wealthy Bootblack.
It isn't every day that a colored man
may be soon who la rated at $2- " > .000 who
has a well stocked farm of 3RO acres , a
fat bank account , and at the same time Is
putting in fifteen hours a day at a"boot-
black stand , says the Denver News.
Such a man is making his homo in Den
ver. His nnmo is Jacob Shower and
every day ho plies the blacking brush at
a chair on Lawrence street , in front o (
the Gibbs house. Shower is a full-
blooded African of largo size and power
ful framo. Ho is a man upon whom for-
ty-nlno years have rested lightly and yet
his has boon n life of romance and vicis
situde , whoso recital would scarcely bo
credited were It not that the striingo
facts are corroborated by scars upon Ills
body and by an honorable membership
in the G. A. R. , whore Iho bootblack
ranchman is recognized as a man whoso
word Is as good as his bond.
Naturally fermented in tlio bottle , perfectly
pure , with'n delicious boquct. Cook's Kxtra
Dry Chnmpagno can ba drank by the most
Ink SuxinH with Mntulios.
It is not generally known that ink
stains can readily be removed from the
fingers with the head of a parlor match ,
says the Now York Timos. A book
keeper in a Wall street bank Is said to
have made the discovery. Moisten the
ink-stained spot and rub it gently with
the head of the match , keeping the skin
wet so that it will not bo burned. The
stain rapidly dlsapnoars. The match
should not be used whore there is a out.
Violet ink stains can often bo remoVed
by rubbing them with a rough woolen
cloth. A coat sleeve answers very well ,
How to Sco Well.
It is not such an easy thing to got n
good oyeglnss wipor. This is a good
way to mnko ono : Cut two oirculnt
iilecos of chamois two inches and a hall
in diameter , and buttonhole stitch the
edges of each piece with colored silk ,
Fasten together at top with narrow rib
bon bow. On the face of one side the
following words may bo printed :
The world will never look Just rljjht
Uu'.cbs you keep your glasses bright ,
1002. Sixteenth and Fnrnam streets h
the now Rock Island ticket ofllco. Tick-
eta to all points east at lowest rates.
Both the method and results -wlica
Syrup of Figs la taken ; it is plcnsan
and refreshing to tlio tnslo , and acts
pently yet promptly on the Kidneys
Liver and Bowels , cleanses tlio sye
lorn cflcctunlly , dispels colds , head
aches nnd fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy ot ila kind ever pro
( luccd , pleasing to tlio tusta and ac
ceptable to tlio stoinnch , prompt in
ita action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy ami ngrccnhlo substances , iU
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have uindo it the moet
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figa is for snlo in BOo
and $1 bottles by till lending drug-
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not Imvo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to tiy it. Do not accept any
Solo Agent in Omaha lor Gorlmin Mati-
ufticturiiig Co'a
Our Stock of Pine Goods is the
Largest and Our Prices the
C'omo nnd see ns.
Cor. Douglas & 15th St
Nature's Tonic , DnTrcliond Uric Solvent.
C , D. MOORE & CO. , Agli. ISIS Dodge St. !
Tlio floy Got It.
Tt wns in a passenger coach on tl.o
Delaware & Laukiiwanmi road , says a
writer in the Now York Sun. A woman
who hail a seat alone had a covered \ns- \
ket on the ether half of it. Across
from her was a mother and her ! " " "o
latter nhout eight years c f ago. lie had
boon asleep , hut nwoko juai uti u.o two
women with the haskot got comfortably
seated. For about two minutes ho won
dered over tlio contents , and then ho
Bottled down to the belief that the bas
ket held half a neck of fried cukes. The
thought made him hungry , and ho whis
pered to his mother :
"Ma ! ma ! I want it ! "
She was leaning' against the window ,
nnd half asleep , and she mndo no ronly.
"I say I want itl " exclaimed the lad.
"Yes , Charley , " she sleepily replied.
"I'm ' hungry ! "
"Yes. "
"Will she care ? "
No answer.
"I say , will she caroV "
"Don't bother mamma now , doar. "
"But can I got itV "
"I I tfiiuss so. "
The owner of the basket was looking
out of the window. The , boy watohod
her for two or thrco minutes , and then
carefully slipped out of his seat to the
one in the roar of hora. From that point
ho could reach the basket , and lie lost
no time. A peg hold the cover in place ,
and ho drew it out and carefully pushed
lila hand under the lid. It was only
fairly in the basket when there was
n spit and n hisrf , followed by a
wild yell from the hey , and 'next instant
a thumping big Tom eat , which had
nearly bitten n finger ell. leaped out of
the basket upon tlio boy's head. It
stayed long enough to draw blood from
half a dozen scratches , and then
bounded to the lloor , ran down the aisle
and leaiMJtl out of an open window. The
boy's yells roused the car in an instant ,
and his mother soon hud him in her
arms. It took several minutes to explain -
plain the situation , and then the woman
with the haskot added :
"I was a-takin' that cat up to my sister -
tor Mary. So it was .my basket tlio boy
wanted , ohV I hoard him teasln1 ami
teasin' , and his inothor said he could
have it , and I gess to swum ho got it and
all there was in it ! " '
Mrs. WInslow's soothifip syrup lor chil
dren toethitiR cures witiil colic , diurrhtua , etc.
So cenU a bottle. < <
Honest on .
A benevolent looking gentleman of
clerical appearance stopped at the bridge
entrance and pot a paper from ono ot
the street giunins thnt hover about in
that locality like boos before a lilvo.
The happy urchin hud scurried oft for
change and was sooij est to view with n
"Hi Jimmio , coppers. " The
benevolent gohtlomun\vaitod , \ a moment
nnd then concluded Iliat lie was perhaps
face to face with an illustration of fvail
humanity wrestling in the tliroosof heavy
temptation , started for the cars. lie hail
Rotten but a short distance when he
felt n tugging at his coat tails. Look
ing around , lie saw the bright face ol
the little chap and his change in the
boy's extended list.
"Hero's yor coppers , Ixm"
"Aro you always as honest as thiaV
said the gentleman.
' "Copt when I ain't in it , " pipeoV'the
little follow.
Tlio gentleman took the hint , nnd the
newsboy was "in it" to the extent of n
handful of pennies.
Tickets at lowest , rates and su porlor
accommodations via tlio great Rock
Island route Ticket olllco , 1C02 Six
teenth and Farnnm streets , Omaha.
8 REASONS. 1309
1. Because \ve do as we advertise.
2. Because \ve sell goods at less than the cost of material.
3. Because \ve guarantee a genuine tailor-made suit at ready-made prices
4. Because we guarantee a perfect fit.
8. Because we alter goods to fit the purchaser free of charge.
6. Because we give the purchaser fnore tnan he anticipates for his money
7. Because we have the confidence of the public.
8. Because we never allow a garment to be misrepresented.
$70 custom made suit for $ : t .50 $ (15 ( custom inntlc overcoat for.
$00 custom made suit for fUO.OO ! fIO ( custom nmdo overcoat for.
$ Ji5 custom made suit for $27. " > 0 $ r > 0 cnstom nmdo overcoat for.
$50 custom made suit for $25.00 $15 custom made overcoat for.
$15 custom made suit for $20.01) ) $10 custom nmdo overcoat for.
$10 custom nmdo suit Tor $18.50 $ t)5 ) custom nmdo overcoat for.
$ U5 custom mudo suit for $15.01) ) $28 t'lislom made overcoat for $1'.V.5 !
Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturday cvnnings until 10 o'clock.
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309
Is something nbsolntnljr new In medicine , a perfect little womler , performing euros In the most
ob.itltmtc cases of I.o t or Falling 1'ower. Nervous Unlilllty , Atrophy of tlio purl * , etc. ,
without trouble or attention nil the part of the person mlng It. It Is go plain nnd simple In ll.s
construction that nnyonc cnn apply U. Its effects are almost luatautaueous , uud the good results
go on Incrcailnir from day today.
UKLAPSKS AIIE NOT I'USSIIU.R bcrmuo it retnlru Us power for yenrs , ml anynno
feeling the slightest weakness can nt unco apply it and quickly cut short uuy evil tendency auil
restore the parti to lull health ami strength.
IN LOST OR For men , who feel that their virile strength IsdccrcnslnR , this electrl-
tTAII IMP Pn\AflP cal marvel is uncqu&lcd. Headline , ns it doec , the very fountnln of
rHIUIIyo rUWttX manly vigor , It soon restores the local nervci nnd muscles to full
power. No matter liow many times you may II&TO fulled heretofore , you may employ this little
instrument with the certainty ol success.
IN EXHAUSTION T'10 ' c01"11111' current of cnlvnnlsm flowing directly throuRh the
MPDWnilQ PCDII ITVCTC nerves affected , ttlmulntes and strengthens them , and by re-
IMC.HVUUO UE.DILI1 K C.etorlnff contractile power to the Bcmltml vesicles and ducts ,
prevents the constant drain and flow of vital fluid which so weakens and destroys.
IM Dl A riHC D tMCC AQC Persons having Inflammation of thn Bladder , 1'nlnfnl Urlnn-
111 DLttUULrX UIOtHOLO tlon , Gravel , Enlarged Prostate- Gland , and Ilka DUnrdera ,
fhould never Rive up hope until they have tested the Ilcgpiuirntor. Its ncllou in such com
plaints Is marvelous , as the many testimonials la our possession very plainly show.
VARICOCELE cured easily and painlessly by our new method.
fcctlono , the Kcntlo current which Hews from the ltoK "crntor (3 ( truly n nnturul remedy.
It is easily applied to any atrected part , And its results are almost Instantaneous.
THE REGENERATOR RECOMMENDS ITSELFl We depend for the extension of our Imslnrss
upon the recommendations of grateful and pleased patients who liavo med the ItcRcnnrntor
and nro willing to acknowledge Its merits. SEND 82 and get ono of these little Medical Marvels ,
nnd If it is not cxxctly as represented , von ran have your raonov back , for we con always find
plenty of customers. MEN OTHERWISE SOUND who find their power lost or declining , will
tlnd in this appliance a most , useful and worthy little instrument , nnd it will prove of the greatest
value to all who are weak , nervous or debilitated. Oii'AVu number nmont ; our patroim ami
pntlcnta DncturR , Lawyers. , Iinlc" , CongrpHMiirn , Clprfrvmrn. llnnkern Iilltl Mor-
Ucsrrlptivu Circular FUl'.K ou application.
4 VWWfsfW * WW wwvjW ww W *
Kings are but men , but all men are not kings. Therefore ,
when the Xing of Holland says , as he did by deed of August
12 , 1889 , that he is greatly pleased with
and , entirely unsolicited , grants the manufacturers the sole
right of styling their works the Royal Cocoa Factory , a sig
nificance attaches to the act which would not were he
not "every inch a king. "
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The most widely nnd favorably knotra spec
ialists In the Unltud Htntos. Tliolr Ions ox-
porlcuoo , remarkable skill and unlrenal DUO *
pefii In the troatmunt and our * of Nervouj ,
Ohronlo and Hurxlcal niHcnaes , entitle them
smlncnt phyalolnna to thn full conUdenooof
the anilctnd ovory\vhi'rn. Tliuy Kuarantno :
the awful effects ot early vleu and th * numer
ous evils that follow In its train ,
ipeedlljr. comtiletnly and porin.incntly ciiri'J.
OHDKHB ylold ruadily to thulr Willful truaU
Kinirantecd ourud without pain or detention
from Imslncsi.
nontlr nnd iucccisfiilly ourod la nverr caia.
hyiMULIH. ( lONOHllHEA , OLKET , Spur-
mntorrhen , Bomlnal Weakness , Lost .Manhood ,
Night Emissions , Decayed KaculHn , Kemalo
WciiUneM and all dellcute disorders pouultar
to cither lex positively curnd , ns wull us nil
functional disorders that result from youth
ful foil lea or thn excess of muturo years.
QTWirTIIPK Ounrunteed permanently
O 1 I\l\s l U IVLi cured , removal oou ploto ,
without outtlnft , eaustlo or dilatation. Ouroi
ffeoted at linme by pittlcnt without a ino-
uent'apalnor annoyanco.
ASITR1 ? PITPT7 The awful offeoU of
OUl\U UKi earlr vlco whlah brlngj
orpnnlo wpnkness , dostroylnii both mind and
body , with all IU dreaded ill * , purmaneiity
H1 ? < J RRT'n ? Address these who hare Im-
LTvO. DI l I J p-iirod tliuniHelvos by lm
proper Indulgence and solitary habits , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
business , study or mnrrliign.
MAUUIEU MKN or those untorlnsi on that
btipy : llfe.twareof pliyiloal debility , qulokly
Is bated pen t aou. First Vrnotloal erpwrl.
once. Heoond Evflry oawi Inspeclally studied ,
thus starting right. TUlrcl Msdlclnes are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each cute , thus effeotlogoiires nlthout Injury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
' < '
The figure 0 Ui our dated will mnko n , long etny ,
Ho man or womnn now living will ever dnln a
document without using the ( Xuro ; D. It stand. )
In the third place In 1800 , where It will remain ten
years and then more up to second place In 1000 ,
where it will rest for one hundred years.
There U another " 0" which hnsulsooomo toslny.
It Is unlike the figure 9 In our iluti's intharotpoct
that 11 has already moved up to first place , nhure
It will permanently remain. H Is called the "No.
8" Hijli Arm Whcalcr i Wilson Sewing Machine.
The "No. 0" was endorsed for first place by the
experts ol Europe at the 1'arls Imposition of 1SSO ,
xvl > ere , after a scvcreoontest with the leading miv
chined of the world , U was awarded the only
Urand PrizQ ( ; ivin to family sewing machines , all
others on csliihlt Imvinn received lower awurd.s
of goW mcda'is , clc. Tlio French Government
also recognized Itsmpui iotlty by the decoration of
Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler , I'resldcntof the coiuiunyt
With the Cross of Iho Legion of Honor ,
TSo "Ho. 9" Is not nn old machine Improved
nfon , b'it is an entirely new machine , und the
Grand Pri Rt Paris wiia awnrdod It DO the ( -rund-
cst adviiuce in cewinK machine meclmnum of the
URC. These \ \ \ > o buy It can rest iisjiircd , there.
lore , of haviiie thu very latest and buet.
WHEELIlll & WILSON M'F'G 00. ,
180 nnd 187 V/obiush Ave. , Chicngo
220 North SUtojnth Strao'
Mnro limn H yoatv experience In tlio truattiipnlof
A curoRiinntntooil Iti 3 tu tire day * wlllimit the Ion
of mi huur'n Him'
I'ormancntlv fiiroil nlllinut palncr liKtnuuonlv no
riitUni ; ; iu > illl.-itln . Tlio im.-l rumnrVutilo rcmiuclr
known to iniHlurn nrlenrp. Write for tlrculaM.
Dr. MHircn's trr.llmcnt for thlatc < rilt > lii liliioil ill * .
cn o hut broil iininuniippil tlin mint powerful nnil
Mirocxsfiil reiiieily cvor illKnivoroil for Iho nbvjliito
euro t tills dlftoum Ills uiiL'ccsa with till * ( llvwso
lini tu'rer lirrn initialled. A coiuplcto cuiiu UUAK *
.A.Vl'itcn. Wrlto lorrlriMihp .
nnil nil ttcnkno of thn M'xunl organs , ncrvou'iinis ,
tlmlilltr unildp'iiiiiiilciiL'r ulisolutoly cuiod. Thorn *
lief Is lmmc < ) llu nnil rein | > l < > to.
Cnlnrrii. rliruinntlBiu , nnil nil ilboa-.i < .i > r the bloo > l
llvi'ikliliipys nnil lilnililcr nornnnrntlr curnl.
nntl ncurnlxln , ncrvouimpa.'tniulillir.isntot the mum.
nrli iMiri'd. 'J'lio Doclui's "lloniu Tiratiuont" fur
l.nllOH IB prono'incoil by nil who Ituvo uirii It. to bn
tintno it romp oto anil convenient ronii'ily over of.
foriM for tlio treatment nf fumilu ill o.i9c.i. U Ii
Duly u wonderful No ln > lnmnmU , no
palu. Horns ion IAIIIIS : KIKIM ; ui I IIM.V.
mnrrnlona nnr-ceffi lins won for him u rnputntlim
vrhlcli Ii truly In clmrnctcr , nnil lih L'rent
nrmjr of patients rriohei : from till ) Allnntlo to DID
r.-icltle. Tlio Doctor H n KiiiilunUi nf "uuiltil.Alt"
nii'dlclno nail Imi liml lonianil direful eiperlenco In
hospital praetl e , nn l H elaiHtjil ninuni ; the Ivmllnv
Bpculrillits tu tnoilotn neloti e. ' 1'rt'ntiuiMit br corn * *
Bponilenra. Wrlto for clicuhira about euunuf the
nbovn diseases , ritr.E.
Office , 14th and Farnam Sts
Kntrnnco ou cither utruct.
13O2 Parnatn Sfcro " . .
Oity Pagsouctor and Tlokot Agent
( . oiiatiiuilluii ,
" ' of v.-Krlnbes Into -
to CallfnrnU.
ulutcly cureilby
86 rviiUn vIMi 8 for 8ft rriiU ,
/orb furijil , ForlaloOydtutrulit' .
rorby mall , Aililiets
Kuhn & ( ' " . , Cor. ISIIi it IiuiEU > Klrreta.
J. A. Fuller Ai CD , Cur. Hit. . .V Douulai strccta.
A , 1) , I'oMcr > t Cu. . Council llluITi , Iowa.
Rpedno for Myttorl * . DliilnMn.Flta , 1'uarnltU. Wuke-
IUIIIKI , Mental l uprt ! lm , HufKaliiKof ihu liralnr -
tuliInK in in nnltynnu levllntr to Hilary iltrur oriJ
cldAlh. PrcmAturo Old Ad , llarrrnnrn. Loancif I'ower
la cither toi. Involuntary Lowi , uuil Korniiituithoi | ) ! *
cA\in 't ' tty tiTer iertln of the t > raln , feir tiuKoor
over-ludulf-ence. L cri UiX rontamiriiiumnnlb'd trtau
tiient. $ lnl il. m-tli far ' ) , tfcrilliy milli'ri'pil'1.
\VllIi ttnclt urttar tdr Ms lioir , will Kind i.urrliuir .
( niarantco tu reflliul munoy H tlio treatment fftlldU )
turn , Uuuantumluuvl iu > Uucnuiuuw > ia uuljrbr
lllOl'uruum btruuU - - Ouiahu Neb ,