Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE O3IA1-1A DAILY 33EJS : THEMSPAY , NOVEMBER 0 , 1890. 3
Tltl I'1\POI1I TIIfP Tl I
TLo Weakness lu Wheat Developed Tuesday
Not Dispelled ,
OnlH A No Cinlri- the Influence of
sloiiH t'lisclttcil
Iiowi'i1 lilvn Stock ,
null Klmineltil.
NIIV 5 ( Hpoclnl Tolcsrrun to Tlir.
Ill r./i-Tlicio win III tlo stability to tlio wheat
inarki t most ( if the session. A fcrllnttof wr.ik-
nrss was developed o\or tlio holiday which
tlio nuns ( if the May did not offset. To In-Kin
with , ttci'lpts for forty-eight hours were
pretty fn , OIL- weather In the northwest was
Ttry fine , cables wnro about stcndy and tlicro
a llllh" outside business , llrudstrcot'i flR-
nrus on uv.illiiblc stocks HI ro i-\ii'Ctcl | ( to Ijo
b ( ui Hi , us fur ( , o\oral weeks init shipments
from Baltic pottswp | ( > Bl\eiiat 2,0H.W ( ) ) bush-
rls , conipriicd with I.4W.OOO thM > ni-U br-fore.
India slilitiu | > iils. wore ftr..OOO , ajralnit 7.T..OD
tlio week tuitions. 'Hit-it lliilehlnson
wns ngiilnsl the market. Ilo o'd
openly and through oilier houses ,
lleaxy M-UInx by "nc Inokor .is
ctcilltrd to Cndtihy. Iliosscau bought
eatly , but sold out later S VVhllo St t'o
and l.ogan k Co. wire f.'ilr bnyeis otnly.
About tlio unly favorable Item of tliodtiy was
tlio export eleaniiices for fotty-rljilit IIOIIIH
from Now York atiiouiitliiK to 220,000 biishds
In u heat anil Hour. Tim bclluf was
tbat llnti lilnsoti w.uiled the inniKot diiiMi to
liny on , but tbo scalplna ftatcrnlty did not
flaio tobnj on tlKi'ioi'liiinocs. Tlio mtlnn of
tin1 mmUPI nai in follows : DrecnibrroiK-ned
nliH.OIV(41li. ( ( ) ( il l oil to fl.OO'i to $ I.OI > 4 to
HflOU tntl OPd lull.01 at I oVIocKi MIIJ. tl.OJ'i '
lotl CK1 , ' . tol.07 i to ! I.CfiV to ! l,07 to $1.01' .
Tin1 wlioat iniiikut InoUp down fnrthor tlio
last half hour I > ( iir4 whom came out and tlio
tiny wlik-b opi-tud with ti bun inarKct , cnilid
with Iliinldntlon und pili'os off 1'451VU ' ff"111
Monday Dccpinhor toiiehed 11 00'olnslns ' at
II.OOS , whllu Mayi'liHedatil.O'i'ilild. XOVPI
\vii5Hiiiti'd nlOs'ic. On the until wheit
diowrd fnrthot HC l nes . Puts sold ill tl.OO'j
and offtofMU : f.ills. ? l OI's to fl.OI'J.
The ptli-oof coin did not if" down In proportion
tion to the ilcrllno In wheat Tlio caili sltu.i-
tlmi cinitlniius loiisttoii'4 to ill low ninth lald-
IIIK of short selling In fiitun's , and loius an
elow tolPt KO. StocUs of cunt now at o but lit-
tin o\cr 1'iOU.roO biikhols. The returns fion
crlbblnx aio anjIbliiK but cncour.nt ; Ini , ' . 'Mil *
holds tlio cash cinwd and they hold the specu
lative trade. Tlio nxliuinu ilcellno for May
was but 3io and Ho was qiiluMy nv-ovcred ,
leaving a io { break asalnst 1'io ' In whcit
nbont midday. The most notliuablc soiling
In the pit was by hi'.ilnors from the wheat
ctowd , The action for May wns as follows :
Opened Uo lower ul S'l o , sold at Sic , up to
fki'iC , down to . "il'io and up toV ) ' o befoto 1
o'clock. Thoto was apllo of lonncJrn thrown
on thiMiinrkul late In tbo day and tbu scutl-
nunt irictilly rbntiKPil 1'rlcos gnvo way and
Novcnibi-r Mild at Wio from KPJe uuily. De
cember at 5''c from .Wo earl } ' , and May touclied
ftPiL1 , closlni ! ntM'lB5lltP. May corn pihll-
oics sold at SI'eG'kl'iO for tints , and ril' QjI'ic
for calls.
Oats sjartod lIKe otlinr coroali nndpr tlm
liilliH'iicu of hears. Karly hollies was led by
IlaldwIn and Flower. When olTinlnss coa ed
jirlces ri-L-oveied a little and tbo matket was
( pilot. I.iti > In the day prices yielded with all
other nmikols. The loss for tlio day was
about ! io No\ember , 4.l > > < ill2'iii ' ; Deiumber ,
41'iffili'nc to 4.'le to ulW ( > ; May. 4lc ) to Ki'oi' to
4n < 4c , \\llli prices largely nominal OM-upt for
Provisions weie iinspttli-d with Inwo re
ceipts of IKI , " , lower prices at the ynnls , Kraln
weak and lower , and ti.ido beai Isli , The miir-
lct ( opened r > e lower for all months fur miss
pork and i-a lei1 for ribs and laid , Onth d -
rllno In pork tlii-to was jtuod buylns bj Ciess ,
Dunham .V Co. and other eommltiion IIOIIM-S.
holllni ; was led bv paeKets. Aflei the llrst ilu-
cllno was checked theio was a sllKht iccovery
In pork to i2.17' ! ' { for January and JIJ.'JO for
May. The marko ! weakened at tboclosoto
H'J 10 for Jannarv nnd tl'J.S'J'S for May , or
about lOeolf forllioday. Lard wasoirTHiall 1
aionnd at for Nincmbor noiiilnal , W.T.'S4
for.laniinry , and ( l.l)5 ! ) for May. Itlb sold at
t.VW ) for January nnd $0.'J5 for May also 5o
cine , t G o i , i n : s TO CK.
CiiicAno , Nov. .1 iSpcelid Tuloxram to TUB
Hen. ] OATTI.B Wltli only modeiato leeelpts
nnd 14,000 less than this time last neuk , values
or the llrstttme In neaily two weeUs shoued
t \ n slight up turn , and In some Instnnees an ad-
. tniH'uof lOo WHS obtained on useful and prlino
block , but the eummon and low pr.tdes sboucd
no partlenlar I'lnuico and eow stock of
nearly all descriptions Mild as low us at any
tlnio canning stock loner than for the past
month or two. The Mocker nnd feeder tr.ulo
lemalns In the satno imsatlsfautoiy condition
n for the month or so. Tbetu was little
or nothliiR now In Toxnnsor raiiRO sloek. Top
prlees were $5.00 5.20 for oxtia and export
hleers ; fair to Komi. JI..VViJ4 ' .10 ; eonimon , ? 2.7."i ®
; t,0l ; TOXIIIH , W. : Wia.'il : lan eis , t.t2.V3i5. ! (
lions Deninnd active , jet the bulk of sales
of puckers nnd jstwd mixed sluiucil a deellnu
of uboilt , " > e , while on tbo other hand pi him
heavy and butcher \\plKhts ruled steadv and
sold quIuKly. I.lubt scum , either seleetcd or
mixed , nndi'twent little or no ebaime. Hough
mid eonimon sold down to t.l' ) anil fair
to Kooil mixed at J.l O.VT4 1 tVi largely aiound
NCO. 1'ilinw heavy and bnli'hor nululits. $ | 0"
( T4.2.larecly fl livrjl.15 ; llgbt bolts , M.KXii
Nr.w YOIIK. N'ov. 5. [ Special Toler.un to
Tilt ! IlKE.lSTOCKS There was a decided
elnuiRO of feeling In London on American
idiaies since Monday. Higher r > ondon prlees
caused the stock market to open with a bull
woe. : It was further believed that much
of the loeent selling by aihl-
traKo houses was for Now Votli
Instead of Umdon account , The aitvaneoat
the oponlin ! was from ! > < J17 per cent KCII-
cially , St. Paul and Lonlsvlllo.t Nashville
BhowtiiK the largest gains. BitKiir rellnurle.
nasKtill thoonly fontuio In tbo nnukct , and
opening ui > < i at CI , It bccumo \ cry aotlvo and
decidedly weak accompanied by Kioat fover-
Isbnets. The prlee , lion over was depressed tc
67 , n fall of 4 per cent , within the Hist hall
bour ; and while the general list displayed u
Hrm tone , H could notentliely resist thuetlect
of such ( i drop and prlees yielded slightly all
( ilon ; ; the line , though In but few
eases were the opening advances lost
riugar reached up sllgbtly from the low
est point und the general list followed
by rngalnlngoarly losses anil in ninny easel
reaching bettor prlees. HIM Hussion niso to It.
nnd St. 1'anl to fts , wbllo I'nlon I'acltlo uas 111
u full point to 4h'8 ' llofoiu noon there ii-
nnotherweak npell. Su ur Uellneiles wn-
lower than bofotu at .Vi'i. Hatlio'id slmro-
lost u port Ion of the advance , but still beld
fairly llrm. After 1 o'clouk the stock luarKit
mid Its u iikcst hour ami prices went oil
8liarply. S'lipur broKe to . " > 4i ; and only iccov-
ercd to W ut the close ; Cas was oil a point ; 11.
llnoN Central ilrojiped told ; lnko hbnioS pci
cent to 105 ; No\v \ 01 1. Central to ! ; iliirllnK.
ton bioUoitonn to 00' , and St. 1'aul to V | ,
whllo Union I'aulllo tmnblitda'i per cent f run
the eaily tlgur iti)4V , , closing ut 4(1. ( Monej
xvus bid tip to 8 pur cent , lint was easier at tht
close. Hears used all moans to doprcai
ptlees. Sales reached 217.000 sbaros ,
The following were tlio closing limitations !
Mo.stv Kusy , M7 per cent ; last Io.ut ut
I'lllXIB M EltONTII.K 1'AI'Rll-ftSS JlOr COnt.
.Siwiii.iNd KxciiANiK.bOJ5i sixty-day bills
! dciiittlHl.
New VOIIK , No5. . [ Special Telegram t
TjtrlUr.l The following arotlio mining btol
quututluns :
Allcv -Mt lloillo I'M
l olormlo Con 1UO Can. Cnl. 4 Va 415
Kiirokal'on d'l Iloni6it ko 8.V )
Horn > llu'r .H-U ) Mono , , , , 1U )
Ontario f.M ( iplilr 4UU
Hlerrii Neviidi . . . . . . 7. > 3 Suitor Cret'k 129
Uulun Con JUi
Tim CorTon Market.
NEW VoitK.Nox'.S. IFpoolrxlTelegramtoTil
B n. ] UorritB Options ouonuil tlrm M&
iiolntH up : closed cteady INitlO points u
37.UW bau lucluaing November , 117.3
DpccmbiT llfl.iVMfi. * . ' ! ! JAnnnry.
rnirr IVWllSWi Mnieli , ( iViVOl.tnu April , < iil. . . ' . ) | May. tlV.l.vai.V..M ! .liinc. ir.,10.
"put Itlu. inori' nctl\o unn stuailyj fair car-
gots. IIU.tt1 | .No.1 ! SK.30.
ni n n ic3t Men K r.v.
CinrAon. NIIV , ft , rime -Wheat C.i h ,
Oi'a' ( 'ii ( ' ; Df.'ein' ' cr tl.JO ( ; . . ,
Corn r.a'V ! cil li.u3Uri'iC. '
OiitH-WoaUs i > asli,4JUi'l Muy , 40'io. '
Hvn Kn y ( itryi'o.
Utnlcv stonily ut * > 0c.
I'liinuTlinothy-na y utJI.2iOl.2fl.
niu-r.isy at M.'W.
Mi' 1'orkKisy : cash , IIO.CO1 Jixnuary ,
llriril--r.'i y ! cnili. t < i.t. * ; January. K'M'i. ,
riiinr ia : liriVlsciiiisln winter. MriilJhfj.
H..VKH ( ( ' , " > ! Wisconsin winter , low srailos , } J.S1
C7J.W ; sprlnMliini'Mitii hiinl wlieut , ptiti-nK
t'tW&spring. ) . MlnnusJta. iut ( , fi.Oj
' '
'liiil'k Monts--liniillor ' ( , fi..wavo2'J ' ; short
clear , : . . .S.sliott illi . i.VIO , , . „ .
lluttur I'lniii vruaiuury , I tiCifl : dairy , 12 ®
. *
Clitoso - Qnloti full croiini
ft.S'c ! II nKrti.iif.'iii < iynuiiK ; Americas , i.
i : irs-ririn ! lrcHli..ViMk\ . . ,
lM-riiclinnxodi licnvy nml llKlit croon.
crei'ii hl < lf < t , 4 > , fi tiltcd Jjiill
, 4'iO ' ! srct'ii ' salted cMlf , ' ' e ; drv Hint.
: ilrv suited. 7OSo ; drv ealf , b31lo ! di'.i-
. rai-li. "M. .
Tullu\v-Unuliiii3U(1i : No I , solid , packed ,
* * "
Itcoplpt' . Shipment * .
Hour. Mils . : H.I KJ I.UKKI
\Vln-ai. \ IHI . l < t.ooa lio.txxi
Coin , liu . I77.WIO IlWOn
Oats , hit . 4W.U03 .WWW
Ni.w VOIIK , Nov. . Wheat UVcelpK 101.100
Inishels. ( > ipoim , Im-diols ! stint Uiwors
No. 3 ri > > l , tl.OWllO ? In ulutntori fLOT'i .illoit :
II.Ui'i ' f. o. li. ; options low 01 i No. 'J
ti'il. NnviMnlipr , I'loslnir at ll.O-'i1 ! .
CornKuci'liit * , ( l''iOi ' ) lin-dii'ls ; rxpnrtn. 440
liuslipN ; spot liiwor : Xo..rii'i'fdito Ineli-vnlor :
BiUfijiili ) iilloat ; untiradod nilxeil , .vnnrdiil e ;
opt Inns limci , .NiiM'tnlirr elnsilU ill . " 'I'.ii'
Oillsli > . | . | | ) U.IKi ! ) Int-hi'ls ; uxtinrti.
'OJ Ijiislioh ; spot uo.ik ; No 'i nhll . MttM'iC ' ;
inlxi'ilvt > sprn | , 47rf.Vi'vtilt ( ! ; > rfrstern. TiUc ;
options weak ; Nopmlii r. I'l'ii- ' ' .
Siuar ltavuiilhuly mmilnal : rollned ,
steady and more m'thc ; n tililfuuaU. ti > test.
5 l."i-10c" Miisi'mniln , s. ' ) tc l , 5 S-KK. ri'iitrlfu-
Kiits , IHltuit , II'i'iMi1 ; iclliiuil , unlit anil Uuailj.
I'utroluum United cloved foi Ouicinbcr at
KB S rirm ; wcstprn.'l'J .
I'ork-KIrm ; mess. 1\\MXitKM \ \
Ltir.l Dupiuiiud and lower ; western ste.itn ,
JO.43'1. '
Hutlor rinnor ; nrslnru ilalry , ir i > 21So ;
ciuiimcry , 17i4.7c ; Klatn , K .T'ic. '
Uhi'fsu steudj i lixlit tUlnis , I'l ' Jic.
ST IOIM , Nov. r > . closlne Wheat Lower ;
e.isli , Use ; Ihvi inliiir , Ih'iui May , II.'JJ. '
Coin Caslt lower ; uas.h.J''oulcfeuiuer , 49'ic ' ;
May , r > P-e.
Outs l. nprcish,4lc ; ; May , < J' ' e.
I'oikDull at ? ll.uu.
haul Dull utJO.liO.
Whisky Jl 14.
MutterMitidy but easy ; ereamoiy , 21'B-8e ;
dairy , lu.vhj.
i , Xov 5. Wlipsit Uccelpts X > "
ears ; shlpnipiits , 131 c.irs. Ueiimnd for snot
wheat Ki l eonslilui liu ( leclno In iniir-
Kets ; pilous , unchaiued. Olo-jlni ? ; No. 1 hard ,
Novi'inhei , l ejon trade , O'o ' ; No. 1 iiorthein ,
Notuiulier. Hie ; Dei'iMiiliur , Wie ; Mny , tl.0194u ;
on ti.ieK , U"iiUiV i' : No. VJ nottliiTii. Novumber ,
IHJo ; December , lOo ; on track. llOQUIc ,
KANSAS OITV , Nov. ! > . Wheat Quiet ; No
Slmid , cashbilie usked ; No. 8 red , uasli.lWo
Corn Kasler : No. 2 , cash , 49V34914'o : No
vember. 4 < i.-ffM7liC. . , .
Oats Steady : No. 2. cash , 41'io bid ! No
xuiubet. 44VB.I5U. i 1
Mit.wtUKBt1 , Nov. 5 Wheat-Haslcr ; No 2
sprint ; , eash , UJTi/JJc ; December , Oti' c ; > o.
noi them , 0 < e.
Coin Quiet ; No. n , eash , IPJifMlc.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , dish , 47c.
1'rovlsloiis-Qiilot ; [ ork. .lanuary. 812.15.
OiNCtNvvTI , Nov. 5 Wheat. O.Hic.
( 'oni Klrni ; No , 2 mixed , 57e ,
Oats No. 2 mixed , 49iit 5'JC.
LlVMU-oor , , Nov. 5 Wheat Steady : de
mand fullin ! ; oil ; holders offer modei.itely.
Coin l-'lrin ; demnnd falling olT ; mixed
western , 4s014d per cental.
1,1 n : STOCK.
OlIKMClo , Nov. . Cattle llocolpts , IO.OOD ;
stpors , tJ.7" > Q.VJJ ; Texans , i-MUSJ.oO ; niiigojs ,
L'va. 1.115.
UoKs-HccoIpli , 40,000 ; inarkotactlvo , steady
to loner1 roiuh und coniiiion , if.1 i''VJ.l.bU ' ;
mixed and prlinuhuavv and butchers' wulchts ,
t.l IKVI.37.1 ! ; llBlit , JI.10SJ4. 12'5 ' ; pli ! " . * 2.00t1.73.
Shpiiii lleeulpt * . tiXD ( ) ; market tinner at
? H iKiJI.80 ; westerns. $ l. JO4.r > 0 ; fed Tuxuus ,
jl.(5j"lamus : ( ,
BT. IjOuts , Nov. 5 Cattle Kocolptu , 4.40D
head ; shipments , 5.HUO ; market fitroin : ; fair to
faney natlvo steels , At.KiQ5.OOi stockers and
feednrs , iXXJ8.i5. ( ! :
llo s Ilei'elpts , 800 liead : shipments , l.fiOO ;
market stuulv : heavy. 8I.10&4.2U ; mixed , IJ & . >
O4.05 ; llih ( > < M.3J < Kl.l)5. )
Siotrx Cm' , la. . Nov. 5. [ Sped il Tolesratn
to TIIH : HUB. ! llo 8 roeclpl-i. , lJO ! ) ; market
blow ; bulling * 3.U > IW.OJ ; bulk 4J bJiW.'JO.
Wulnesday , Nov. 3.
Estimated receipts of eattlo , a , 100 , as com
pared with 1,1110 yesterday and 2KH Wednes
day of last week. The best enttlo and butcli-
urstoi'k aru ue the and llrm to a shade hlKhor.
OthiiM steady. Feeders are moving slowly at
unchanged prices.
nstlmaterl receipts of ho s. 5,800 , as com-
iniod with Vi. > VolL'idav and H.417
Wndncsday of last wccit. The market
openid sie.iuv ami UIOMMI MIIW uiiu juw.
The ranxo was J.UOiM.10 , the hulk selllnR at
, JI.Si > il,10 ; Hclit , f.l.liJ4.0 ( ) ( ) ; ho.ivv. .
inUeil , M.7.VJ4I.05. The aMTajjoof the ptlces
p.ild ttiisWNl'a. asconnrired with $ ! s'Jyester '
> day and SSI.'iSVt Wednesday of last week.
Slice p.
estimated receipts of slicop. 42t , as com-
puod wlth 2.812 vesteiday anil 4 Oo Wedm-Mlay
of last v.cek. I'bo market H nnuhan ed
. '
1. . B.D 1 40
OALVE- * .
1. . ICO 2 50
No. AT. ft ,
23 steers , Tex . 003 180
U'csulipiiwchor tc Dell
68 . 1134 2 23
Slovens A , S.
20 bt < ers . 031 2 83
iidrcdgoU. : Co.
2 Nteers . 075 2 B' ' )
U steers . UIO 325
I ) , I-ennun
, ( Meowa . KtO 113
Jcuws . 1000 123
to 4 steers . 1150 3 75
Itobert Tuto
iicowx . an 1 85
ttrnws . 1MU 1 HO
lludd & McKay
Ibull . 1 1 00
a cows . 1 W 12.1
r > .i l 60
& $ COW9 . 1040 1 85
Hay fa tutu Outtlo Co.
4 . 1120 100
( W . Mtt 115
fj . 819 215
6 . 12a8 373
IK Ii. b'hodde-
4 . 1243 1 35
nu 1 . 12MO 1 85
in " imvs l "o
71 111)2 ) 2 10
No. Av Sh. I'r. No. Av , Sh. I'r.
ll'I . . .IIS hOflW P. * . . .2t > S $ .11X3
70 . . . .IH 2VO 'I 10 7" . . / > ( 240 flIO
fT * 1(17 ( 4MO ! II 10 70 . Stt 2 0 ; M 0
i . , . .210 : i w ho . . . .sal N ) : ito
88 . ! < , too : iai ( . 2111 i2n : ioo
or , . . .irj : .1 : M 7s . . .2:1 : 240 : > "J
80 . . .is ? : 2o ; i s ; . r.o . . . . .ira 200 no
M . . . .lit 12D 1140 S2'I 200 300
M . .is ? Ha ; iv ) 12 . . ' . ' 73 no )
5 . .2Hl 40 ! l M 1 8UO IKK )
: i . . . : m n , v ) M . . . .210 w am
18 . . . no ; i M ( i * . . . inn uw inn )
KS . . . .30 20 3W CK ' -43 1 ( 0 IllK )
70 . . . 310 203 11 ( M 70 2SJ 210 IHX )
l > 0 . .30C , 210 II fi- . 711 . .V.2 Itfl IHO
Til 381 .M II ( o M . . .224 K ) 1100
01 . IW7 240 1170 M . ' . 'JO 210 II !
! I8 . . . .2IH bt II 7U W . . . 2Yi 200 ait-'ij
(17 ( . . .81(1 ( M .170 M .812 SO II O.'i
fro . . . IK ; so : i 75 ( > i . .sia ino mo
0' ) . . . 311 ll''O II 75 OS . . . .3117 H ) H 1C
4 . . .8sfl II 73 Kl 219 200 31O
l.'i . 831 II 7.1 711 8-rt 3 ttt
SI. . .lltl 130 II 7' . 72 .84. 40 .MO
H . . . .1101 40 1175 7- 8(11 ( 1M ) 3Id
OS . . .810 910 .1 7o CM , . 831 SO 11074
70 . 827 130 II M ) W ) . . HI1) ) 2 > > 0 4 00
M . .8.H 200 II SO 01 .88) ) SO 400
41 . 8UJ 40 II SO M .11)1 ) 120 40 , )
fS , . . . .8.800 IISO 70 847 It400 )
M . . .an NI iiso r.3 . . : i' ' > 4 40 40J
ft ) . . . .3.V ) 40 IISO ( ' ' . . 87J 100 400
IU . . .281 40 IISO 3- > 81H UK ) 400
77 . 811 840 II v.- , 114 . . . . : 1C.1) 400
70 . . . .8.17 IK , ! ) 3 K-i 52 .704 180 400
711 .8.V ! 40 II Vi Kl . . . . 82 > 180 4 0. " >
r.4 , . .8ia so i ! x > ( . ' ) . . : KI ice 4or.
11 . .270 II si M . . .IKP ) 40. " .
S3 . .SHI IKK ) II SI 7S . . .278 400 4113
M ' . " .lil If.'O II ! . - > 47 'JOS 40 41C >
( VJ . 8lri : t30 IIS. . ( VI . . . ' .N4 SO 4C (
12 ! . . . . 8lH IKiO II S3 ( , . . .8s ? 4 10
W. . .881 SO II sTi ( V > . . .UK' 200 410
711 , .8V ! 40 UK' , Kl . . .ICII 18l 410
77 . . . .847 800 II Kl 01 8-i 410
d'J . . .ail IU ) II S7i ! 70 1100 410
0 . . . .l.V ) 175 7 . . . .117 203
1'KI . . .01 1 IK ) 42 110 2(0 (
l' ' . . . . 7S 3(10 ( 2S. . . . W ) 275
S3 . . . .78 883 7 IHI IKK )
N . . ,1IW 885 1 . . . .iViO HSO
711 . . .Ill 8li ) 2jl UIO 301)
20 . . . . ! ' 40 8 W )
pn lllll *
No. Av. I'r.
H57 Col. mixed 77 .1 40
024 Col. lambs 5S 4 10
OATHS IVrslan. G-lb box , H'jc. '
HMSINSLondon 1 iyer < , Callfotnla.por box ,
J2..V ) ; loose muscatel'ullfoinl.i. . } . ' .00 ; ecd-
le s , California , $ - . ' . ( ) ) ; Callfoinla seedless sul
tans , In sucks per Hi , lie ; Cnllforn'ii ' iniisea-
tolls , In a"ks , H > , e ! now Valenelas 80 : on-
dura lajer- , new , w.
NITS AlmomK lse ; Uta/lls , I7c ; filberts ,
Vie ; pecans , ] 0c- ; walnuts , I.'x- ; peanut cocks ,
He ; roasted. 10'e ' ; Tennessee peanuts , e.
( ' 4.\NKii VuirTAiit.KS Toinutoes ; i-lbextra ,
Jl HKlil.l5 ; ll-lb simulant western hiatids. ? I.10 ;
sallons. Atelier's standard.fl.W Corn 1'lnest
KIOWII , fl.y ( ) ; ( Into City s iar corn , vpiy line ,
il V ) : ( jllman. 2-lli suitiircoin. (1.20 ; 2-lb cvtia ,
lleemor. fl.10 ; 2-lb sl.iudaid wcstein briuidH ,
lun. Mushrooms 1-lb rrench , extra Hne.22@
25c ; 1-lbrreneh. line , 13 , 2c ; l-lb I'lcncli , or
dinary. ICiilHc , 1'ons Tres , line , per can-V ;
deiiii-llne , per can , llio ; 2-lb sifted , JI.V ( ) ; 8-1 li
eaily .Inne , (1 , VJ ; 2-lh mariow , standaul
lirands , $1,25 ; 2-lb soaked , 7it. ! String beans
2-lb hlKhKrado , Kefutfee. * I ( W : 8-lb Golden
wax beans il ( )0 ) | 2-lb string , Me ; Llniti
beans 2-lb soakedKic. lloston baked beans
8-It ) hewls , Jl Uij Crown biands , * 1.I5. : hweet
potatoes J-lb Now Jcisey , * 1 M ) . I'umpklns
.l-lh , tl.10. OKra and tomatoes $1 OS ; okiu ,
JI.Ml ; succotash , JI.20.
IMIUN tiKtn'S ( jooos Ilarley. 4c : fiirmn ,
ilc ; pea , 234c ; oatmnal , bbls. W.2V30.riO : hall
bbls * . ! OiKi.l.85 ; macatoiil , lOQlle ; vciinlcelll ,
UlQitlPi rice , choice , fiV3Ge : fiiiu-y , il't ' Tc ;
head , 7c ; sacound lanloca , i/i'Tc ; I.lmii beans ,
( .o : split peas , : io ; hpiKbettl , lie.
DittKd riiL-tTs Tntklsh piunes , less thai
bluls , It O. T'tCi original IduN , ' 8e less ; Ilosulii
piunus , C-lb boxes , 100 to 111) ) , H'je ; apples
evaporated , new i Ing choice. Ix1 ; uvaiioratod
new tliiK pi line , I4ei .iptleots , fancy , in sucks
8ic ) ; hlackbciilcs , now , lOe ; lasphcrrlc" , 25
Ibs to bo\.il.le ; currants , new , ri14 I5)ic ) ; oiiR-
Inal casks , > kc less ; Vostlzza entrants , extra
In hoses , C'ic.
Coiiinoti Manilla retie All sbus from 7-K
to 1 In. 14c ; sisal rope , all sles from 7-1(1 ( to
In , lOo ; 'new processes , " till sizes from 7-Iu to
1 I u , be.
WIIAITI.NO I'tj'cn Straw , per lb , I0a013ic
rnt , 3'jc ; iniinllla II. 4ft.'i" No. 1 , 8c ,
.Moi.4.ssi's llbN , N. O. fancy , Kt/O&Iu
choice. 4594711 : coed , IJO MJe ; Cubii , bilking , "
to'JOc : blackstrap.2ix322c.
S-OIIA t'kss , t'a His lo hov , ! i V ; keps. 4'ic.
VIM.C vii ; ) ur. N. V. apple cldur , IDc : 1) ) . S
cldoi , I2u ; white , wine , l.'iu : fancy , fruit , be.
( Jlt.s 150prune white , 14e ; 150 water white ; headllsht. 14"ei 74 Kasollne , lle. )
j-ti.bOiiA Ubls. iiC ! giannlHted,2u ; 111 bbls ,
l ° tc.
tc.STOVB I'or.iBit ? 2.COi5t.ri 81 per cross.
IHl Am. , per 100. H17.75 ; Lowlston , per 100 ,
$17.75 ; Union Smiare , 40 per cent oil list.
HALT Dalrv.ibOibs In bill , bulk , t..lO ; best
Rrado , OO.'is. $ . ' . , (0 ( ; host Krado 10011s , W.40 ; best
( 'raile , 18 10s. W.85i lock Halt , crushed 11.80 ;
common , bhl , 11. - ' . " > .
Jl\rr.nSuo I'crlb 5o cakes , 30-lb boxes ,
lite : lOc cakes. IlO-lb boxes , 18i'i ! l-lb bricks 30
Ibs In box , pure , 14c.
Twi.vKB-Cotton twine , "Illbb , " very fine , 'i-
Ib bales , 22c ; eotton twine , XX brand , U-lu
bales , Ihc ; heinp ( wine , ' 4-lh bales , ISc ; hail
twine , 20e ; candle wlok , 28e ; 40-foot Votton
clothe" line , * I,40 ; 00-foot eotton clothes line ,
Il.tB : -foot > sisal Hues , U1.75 : Wl-foot jutc.Jl.OU ;
wool twines , S'je.
( 'OKKKH-Hoasted-ArlosIa , 2 * > ! c ! Itunola ,
2T ) c : Goiman.lO ; DllworthS , 259io ; Lion ,
Me ; Mallpouch , 2o' ' c ; Coiilovu , 25 ic ; Mouha ,
30c ! ; O. O.Java , BOc.
CIIKESK I'icmliiiii T. O. . twin flats , per It ) ,
104e ; nremlum I\ 1' . , Voiins Amoilea , HUc :
ho ck. iio : ; domestloSwiss , 14 il7o ; ? > luin , in
( ill , each , $1.UO ; Liinbei er , 12'ic. '
IlitooMh 5-tle , pnilor , II00 ; 4-tlo , ? i,75 ; 3-tIe ,
( , ' .25 ; il-tle , plain , Jl.hwaiuhouse ; , fJ.UO ; toy.
J1.85 ; whUk , Jl.uoai.25.
Oi.ivr.s Quails , pcrdo/JI.OO ; pints , pcrdo ? ,
U50 ; hulk , uer Kill.Me.
&L'l\H ( 1'or lb Out loiif , 7'no ; cubes , 7'ic ;
standard powdeied , 7c ; X.NXX , powdered ,
7'ic ; Kranulalcd. standard , f > T c confei'tlon-
ers' A , ( ivail'.c : while , ( ! \tra C , brilliant , 7a c ;
oxtrnC.'ic ; central C' , 6 0 ; golden U ,
5'ne ; daikO , 4'.c.
COTKIN ltdl-l. 'j Ineh. lec.
Sou- Castile , mottled , per lb. OQlOc ; do
white , perlb. I4o.
1'ifki.KS Mudluin , perbbl.fOCO ; small , $10.00 ;
Kheiklns , iJll.OOi : i3-Snl. | bbl , $10.00.
C'liihii-I'or bill , n-lhipd , W.M ; half hbl$150 ;
bard cider , pure , nor bbl , W.IIO ; OIIUIKO elder ,
half bbl , ii.50 ( ; pear elder , half bbl , iu.50.
SMOKED MKVTS Special Ilrnnd Hams ,
siiKar-cuicd , 1'i to 14 Ibav , ll'io ; breakfast
bae.on , snuar-onred , boneless , llije ; No. 1
hams biiiiiir-cnred , 15 to Jdlli av , lOc ; No , 1
hams , siicar-eured. 1" Hi av. Hi e ; skinned
hams 10'ic ; No. hams , sntjar-
cnied , 8'4c ' ; boneless hum , canvassed
or plain , Hiie ; blionhlors , Hitcar-cuied ,
Il'ic ; bieakfast bacon , f.mey boneless , 8 > tu ;
California or picnic hums , sunnr eurcd , C ! o ;
diled beef hams , suirar cured , 7 o ; bacon
short clour , O'go ; baeon backs , 7o ; bacon
clear bellies , fancy llKht , 7'no ; bacon short
libs , CSo : boot tongues smoked , lOc.
SAUAAilEb IloloKiias In weasands , fancy ,
4Hc ; pork sntisimo.i ! 11) pkijs , lOc ; bolosnas ,
lonK , smoked , 4c ; bolognas round , t > moked,4e ;
lioloKiias , large , smoked , 4o ; pork sausage , In
link , Co ; pork sausage , la bulk , 5'ic ; blood.
4Vje ; liver , 4te ! ; head cheese , 4te ! ; smoked
head eheeso , bo ; Wiener or rrankfuit , 7c ;
Knoblauch susago , 7o ; 1'ollsli Buiib.igo , 7o :
ausage , be.
D IthKF TONOtirs llnrrpls , 01 Ilia
each , 1 17.00 ; half ban els 100 Ibs each , (9.00 ;
quarter barrels , 50 Ibs each , SfiOO ; eighth bar-
iols.wibeacb , MM.
1'onK AMI lirhK Moss pot k , bbls , now , $11.00 ;
mess poilc , half bbls new , Sti.wi ; family or
baok pork , bills , now , HIM ; family or back
noik.lialf bills , now , $ t'J , ' > ; o\tri : mess beef
bills , new , $ < ! , ( ) ! extra me-s beef , half bbls
now , H'J5j boneless pig porn , bbls , nuw , tUM )
boneless pig pork , half bbls , now , } " . " . " ) .
liuv S-AI.T MKATS Shoit clears. Go ; long
clears , S'ic ; short ribs. 5'ic ; bellies , bUc ; I )
) : . pboulders , 5c ; clear backs , tie ,
Oi.roMAiinIIIM : 50-lh tubs , solid , 12'Sc '
5J-lb tubs , solid , liiie.i ! 40-lb tubs , 1-11) rolls ,
Wo.IjAitn Strictly pure Tlorccs , OJio ; pure
kettle rendered , tierces 7UO.
1'OTTED MAM 'i-lb loiintl cans , pcrdoziOci !
! i-lbroundcans. pordor , OTic ,
COIISKII HKKF l-lb square ean , per do/
(1,10 ; li-ll ) sqimro cans , tl.hA ; tl-lb hquuro cans ,
< U.-1 : ll-lb sijuaro cans. JUOO.
HOAST on lloii.Bit IlKtt l-lb round cans
pordoz , il.10 ; x'-lb lotind cans , tl,75 ; C-lb round
cans , J5. 00.
OtiippKii nittEii HFKf ! S-lb round cans , pci
doz , 11,23 ; l-lb round cans , 12.10.
I.u.scu To.sntiJ.s 1-lb round can" , pcrdoz
tl M ; x'-lb lound cans , per doz , ! 4..V ) .
WHOLE Ox TIINOI'KS I'i-lb lound cans , ppi
doz. t'l.UOlb ; rouiKl cans , per doz , jd.OO11 ;
round cans , pur dot'.OO ; 3-lb lound cans , pel
do * . KOO.
UKMI.KP \M-U-lb round cans , pur doz
uOo ; ! i-lu round cans , pcrdoz , We.
Krosli Fruits ,
OHANOES Jamaica orangps , MOs , slngh
boxes , per bov. (4,00 ; bo\ lots , M.75.
UAIUOIIMTituiTS Grapes , Tokav , crates
M lb crate , tl.75 ! grapes , black , crated , (1.7.1
pears , bur box , ( ! .7. > ; ijulnccs , per bov , ( . ' . 50.ct
UitAi'jss Concords , per basket , U. > o ; > buskc
lots , m ic.
lUNtNARYcllrw.0055.55 ( ; rrd.50. .
Pholfo to fancy , . . ,
Ari'i.Et 1'unoy winter apples , per bbl , 51. .60
UiiAMiRiiuir.K-rancy dark Capo Cos , 5 ;
fancy Hull i Cherry , Ji < .50.
Country 4'roilticc.
llL'TTKit-Good to choice country rolls ell
all tbo way from r.'cto ibo with an
ooeaslonal small and selected lot ut'Ale. Th
Inferior uradcs nre ( inoti-d from ( Vijr.'i ) . Cooi
country sollil pauked U&Ni ; tooil cruamorj
VlCWlo ; fancy i-rcaniery , 2lii25c ,
ijoos btockk uro light und the market fin
at iOtt ,
: 1'ralrlo clittiLcos , tor dozen , tO.OOii
.l.S. ' > ; grouse , ! - > .7.'rt.1.r' ' l | Mnllu-d : durl. . $1.00 !
teal duck" . | l.'iViil.r < 0 | inlvnl ilitcks. 1I.73 ; Jack
snipe. 7ViiiXl ( | ; qilull. * IJ M.M | Jack nib-
bits flVy./U ) ; smnll rabbin. jr.WU'S ;
deer anil nntclopu o.iNUSfcs S l'it ! ' addlors ,
IJ .lHc.
'I'oft.TtlvVhUetlie \ n , Upt < tirc not
tlio duimnd Is light nnd slnvkiidrag. A iroort
many ehlekens nrn null .fcdllniJ ut
M It h f.ViO nbout Hie out < lli. ( ' tie ! o n
nnd there Is some demand , Ducks a
nt JJ.Vxrdl.Oii. Turkeys llu , oo nc
dressed uxailc. Urevsud eblckons "SJ-
I'OTtTOK * Car load lots are selllnion track
nt V < r 7e with some sales/emitltd us low as
H'c. ' 1'alr htoi'U Insmntl lots cominands me.
The demand Is fair and ju t about I'liuul the
TriiMPS-lIio market l dull nt 25e per
bushel for whlloand 40.forrltabiirm. . .
OMOSS ( Idod slock IF In no gi cut supply
nnd the inurkU htriuly ut ( I.1.1 * , per bushel.
ritr. it I'or lb-1'crch. 7c ; hultalo. droned.
7c ; pickerel. I'o ' ; plko , O'i limit. IKII w iilte. lOo ;
ctopple , Ilo ; cattish , lie ; eo I steak. I2c ;
tlounders. ilo ; Oiettou salmon. I5c ; black bass ,
IKlolHtets ; , l o ; blue fish. IV.
Milt and plekled ludlUh , oxtrn ( Ironies ,
new. ll'iet ' crand batik , new , 4'iPi Hllvor. 2-lb
block , f > jo ; snow while , 8-lh hi h'ks. now , 7'ii'i '
turkey cod , IIUJJH middle In leks. w ; snow
whites , cr.ilc- . ! . ' - > lb bos , 7'4e ; inedluin
scaled hoiilm ; , 25c ; No. 1 scaled herrlnir , 20c ;
domestic Holland Mori hip. 4iy ; Iliinibun--'r
Hpleod herilinr. We ; Kusslnn saidlnc * splued , i
( i e < ; Itussliui Miidlnes , plain , inc ; linpoiled
Holland herring. Crown brand , sic" do fnncy
mllkeis M.OO ; muckeiel , No. l shore , half bbls
$12,50 ! bloaters , lialf bbls , Ji .u0 ; white
tMi. half bids , ti.7' : tiotit. half bbls ,
$ V > 0 : family white fl-li. J.lld ; salmon ,
IK50 per half hbl ; 2-lbbtollid maekeicl , JiliO ;
: i-lli In mustard , i.MiO ; U lb In tomato sauce ,
J..fiO : 5-lb Mayo mess mnckerel. 1"00 ; Mb
brook trout. $ 1.851 H-lh brook t tout , -t.V-.V l-lb
salmon , II.85 ; 2-1I ) white tish , ti.1lbwlilto ;
tlsh , 11,33 ; 2-lb lobsters. $ , ( . il ; l-lb lobsters ,
J..IW ; 2-lb oysters , 12 oJ2.'ii ; 8-lb ojsteis , 10
o/f..85l l-luoyMCMr > ti7,1l.85 ; S-lb llnriitnrlii ,
lOo/ , $ . ' .10 ; l-lb Iliiriitinl.t,5o/Il.lOt 1'nlr-
mont , ; ralrmonl , S or , * . ' 0.i : lib
clams , Hlllo necks , il r > ; 2-lb clnms lltllo
necks , $1.75 ; .l-lb clam diowder , J2M ) ; l-lb
crabs , $ . ' .25 ; 2-lbeiab > , J-1 < o
On boa id cars nt Omnha. Anthracite
rhestnnt , lanae and ozg , JS21 per tun : Riate.
js.oo. Mi ft coal \Valniit bloc * . W.OOi Iowa
lump , } J.75i lovvu nut , J1.2 i.
Ijlnie , Comeiil , Ktc ,
On board cars at Omaha 1'or bbl Ash
Oiovo lime. We ; Chatiiplou llnic. b"c ; Qulncy
white , Me ; Louisville cement. tl.'iO ; Milwaukee
cement , il.H ; Utlca eemrnt. 31.10 ; Ktisllsh
I'lirtland cement. $1.4"i : Nmv York plaster.
2.25 : Alk-lilRiill plaster.itoti ; Port Dodvo
ter , $1.75 ; white band , J-.OJ ; 1' , I' , hair , pur balu ,
FTF.ntWHIG NAILS Haso t Go ; steel nails ,
base. I. 15.
Tiv l'i.\TB-I. C. , 10v8l , 17.50 ; I. X , 10x14 ,
f'.i.2" > ; coke , 4X120,112 , W.75.
fcllKf.T/.l.M > < c.
JidOHNQ 'Jbarcoal. I. O. , 11x20 , 112 , $0.00 ; I ,
HlKKTlltON No , 2rt. (3Vi ) No. 27 , W.fiO.
Soi.tiKlt Strictly half and half , I7'jc.
WIIIK .lap , barb , f.1.25 ; anl , tJ.h" ) .
Hi.occTi.N Smill pis , Hoc per lb : bar , nOo
Coi-i-F.H rianlshcd boiler sizes , 3io : porlb ;
cold rolled. 'Ma per lb ; sheetimrSo per lb ; pit
and Hats , Ille per lb.
Ou.vtM/nitiiiEKT IHOV Discount fpfl-10 per
cent ; pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 81 and 27 A , lOJie ; 11 ,
0ie. !
lIldt-H , Tallow , lOtc.
Iliiiro. I'H.T'S ' ANn T\M.d\v Orecn salted
hides. No. 1 , 'I'iGOUe ; No 2 , 41ie ; dty Hint
hides , 7'8 < 3Sc ; calf hides , OOlgc ; danmEed hides ,
I'tO less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 35cl5 ;
sheep pelts , drv , per lb , UKicUe.
TAI.I.OW A No , I. 4'4c ; No. 2 , Ilrttmc : crease ,
white , ; i'i4c : yellow , 2' ' . : ; steal me , Olio.
HOMS Quotations are for delivery In Old *
eago Dty biilTulo , per tun , JlO.waiHOJ ; dry
oountry , iili'iii'licil , JlO.tXxar'OOi country , damp
and meaty , JSUOSIO.OO.
Dry Goods.
rivKllnow.v C ( ) TO s Atlantic LT < . fie ; Au-
roia II , ( i'4e ; Aurora K.d'je ; Atlas , ( J N 11. 7'ic ;
cheesoeloth.4c ; Clinton 1 I.TiVtu ; 1'eppoielllt ,
( t'jc ; I.aiiRdon C 11. ho.
lli.UACiibii COTTONS llorkeloy Cambric No.
flfl , ll'4c ; Itc-ht Vet , li'/Jo ' ; llutteieloth XX , 4'ic ' ;
Cabot. 7Jic ; 1'lrst eull.iiVie ; I'mltof tbo Loom ,
Do ; Illllbemper Idoin , ! > o ; llonsekoeper , H je ;
KliiR I'lilllln cambric. Me ; Laiiicdon ( i 11 , n" :
Lonsdnle , Pe ; l.onsdiilo cambric , lO'Je ; Now
York Mills , lie ; Oak Iawnn,7e.
WHIANS Nut Thistle , d c ; licdOioss , 7e.
CKAMI Slovens' H , Id In. 5'ic ; Slovens' I ) , IS
In , ( > Uc ; Slovens' A. 1(1 ( In. T > ii" Stovens'P , 18
In , 8-c - ; Stevens1 M , 18 III.UQ ; Stevens' N , 80 In ,
tic ; Slovens' NN , 23 In , 10u ; slovens' SHT , 80 lu.
12e ; bleached , looxtia ,
I'IIINTS Kaney Kddystono , 0Jc ! : Steel
Hlvor. Co ; Hainapo. 4ic ! ; . Ledger , fl'ie.
ShlitliiK Jlartha Wafchliurton. 4'o ' ; Jlorrl-
muulc , i'io. Tin hey Hells Fountain , G Jci
Uarner , 7e ; Cronlleld , 8'ic ' : Itcrlln , H'ic. '
HKAVV HKOVV.V COTTONS Atlantlo A , 7'e ;
Atlantlo H , 7c ; Atluntlo D , oy : Atlantic 1' ,
CKJ ; Aurora 0,4 c ; Hock's head , 7e ; Cabot W ,
(1'ic ( ; D.ulliiKlon. ( HiO ; Tanners' No. 1 , 4W
4'o ; Hooslor 1A , , ft'io ; Indian head. o ;
Lawrence Ijl/,5ye ; Henrlotla Llj,5lic.
biitr.TtNns : AMI 1'iuovv 0\sNns Brown-
Net l'epper 'll IVIn. 10'io : l'epierell,8-4. | Ihct
1'eppercll , 0-4 , 80c ; 1'epl.eiell , 10-4 , 22'ej Utlca.
48-ln , 15c : Ullcu , ta-in. i7'ic ; Utlcti. 88-in , 2le :
Utlcii ; 84-ln.2Co ; I'tlc.i , lK-ln ) , 2s'c. Illenched
Not l'ciiperell,41-ln. 1040 ; 1'opporell , 4i-ln ( ,
ll'ie ; I'epperell , fi-4. 15e ; 1'cppcrell , b-4.20o ;
ropporcll. 0-4,88)to ) : IVnpeiell. 10-i , 8 , ' > e ; Utk-u ,
8-4,2lo ; t'tlca , 0-4 , 2flc ; Utlca , 10-4,2so.
( llNdlnvts AmoskeaK , 7e ; Amobkoac dress ,
S'ie ; Itatos , O'Sc ' : Warwick diess , 80 ; Lancas
ter , Oaie ; ( Jlennlio , O'/jo ; Whltteudon dress , he.
I'uiNTS IndlKO blue-Net-Martha Wash-
IiiKton.S'ic ' ; Amerlcin.iiUe ; Arnold , tl'ie ; Ar
nold 11 , lonu' cloth , lOc ; stlfel A. ll'c ; Merrl-
mac , 7lOc : Gold Loaf , .S'ic ' ; Hamilton , r > ' , o ;
Allen I'lnksil'ic ; Allen Oliambiay , lie ; Gloil-
ehester. fAit'i llurtel , 5'4u.
( 'oiiOtihu ( UMHincs Ciown , 4' < c ; Iced btnr ,
4Jc ( : Kolled Clover , 5c ; Slutt-i , n o ; high col
ors , Ic extra.
DK.SMVIS Net Ainoskeae , 9 or , l.VJc ; ork
eamlot , 120 : Hveiett. standard , 12'io ' : Hay-
maket's , 7'Jo ; Old York , XX , 10'icj Lawienu- ,
820 , rjijt ; Lawrence , 0 oz , l"i tu ; fancy stiipes
and checklil c.
C'OTrovADKS York , nankin , 10'ie ' , livcrot t
S oz , Ifcc ; l.owlbton , 10 oz , 82'e ; Morklugmau
rcxciNa Wlilto Pine-No. 1 , 4 and (1 ( In. 12
and 14 ft , 110. > 0 ; No. , 4 and C In. 12 nnd 14ft.
{ H.OJ ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 in , 1G ft , Jlti.50 ; No , ,1 , 4 and
urn , In all lenu'ths.Jis.oo.
smiNO-A.iW..oo ; It. S20.W : 0 , ; 1) ) , moo.
ri.oo iMi-\Vliltn \ I'lno-A and U , JCI.OU ; 1) ) .
IJ1.00 ; 0i7.IO ( ; H , Il7..r > 0
hioru 'IO.MIDS No. 1 common , 12 and 14 ft ,
; lit ! .00 ; No. 2 common , 12 and 14 ft ,
K.OO ; lf.ft.tir.txi.
CKII.I.VI No. 1 white , 'i In. $11.50 ; No. 1 hard
pine , > in , $ nVl ; No. 1 . linid pine , ? s ln$21.UO ;
No , 1 hard Ulne. 'i In , * . ' 4 00.
broi-K HOAiiUb-A and 11.12 In , $42.00 ; r > , 12
In. J27.00.
( iitooviM ) ItoonNO No. 1 ponmion whltn
pine , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , fl'J.OO ; No. 1 common V
pine , 12,14 and 10 ft , (4b 00 ,
12 ft 14 f 1 IB ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2\4 JlSOO JttOO SI'iOO ' $10 $ 00(10 00 $17 M $18(10 (
2woo j , ' > oo ISIKJ moo ih OD is 110 JHM
2\8 , 13 00 13 CO n OJ 111 M ) 10 OD IS 00 18 M
2MO. 1ft 00 1500 1100 1(100 ( 1(100 ( IS 00 1850
2M2 1000 1000 11100 1/00 / 1700 10 00 1000
8x8 10 00 1C 00 10 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 20 00
Ho tuns-No. 1 com , 1IU.OO : No. 2 coin , 117.00 ;
No. 3 com. f 15 W ) ; No. 4 com. SI2.50.
bull' IMP No. 1 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , 117.00 ;
No. 2 plain , B and 10 Inch , * 15 50 ; No. ii plain , 8
and 10 inch , * I5.03 ; O. C. . , 8 inch. lf > 310o.
IUTTUVS , \\'n.itTuniNO. PICKETS O.O , bats ,
2U-ln , 7'ic ; 'ixISISi5e:3-In : : well tubing. I.t
M. and Ilov. , l 00 ; pickets , 1) ) . & U. Hat , t.-.OO ;
, I ) . & ILsq. , JJIOO.
, 1'oi'i.ui Clear , Mn. all widths , $33.50 ; clear ,
; i-ln. all widths. J.USO.
V. I'INK I'I.OOKI.NO Clear , 4andO In , $2350 ;
star , 4 and ( i In. tJI.OO ; rltt sawed , 1(1.00 ( extia.
, riNihitt.NO WIIITK I'ISE 1st and 2(1 clear , 1
In. tVK ) ( ) ; 1'i , Hi and U In. Vi.OO ; 3d olear , 1 in ,
; J4500 ; 1'4 , Hi and 2 In. J40.00 : \ select , 1 In ,
mo < > ; Ii4.1'iand2 In. 118.00 ; select , 1 In ,
134.00 ; 14 , li ! and 2 in , Mu.OO ; ( J select , 1 In ,
5MINO Yni.iow Pisn Clear , 1 In , $ .1C.OOi
ami 2 In , J .OO ; star , 11n. $210) .
LATii-i-xtra. ; XAX..75 ; stand-
ard.XAX , * jwi : ( tin. WW ; In. J-.OOj No. 1 ,
JI.2J ! Cedar. XAX.fJ.73i Iiitli , M.25 ,
1'osTS-Whlto ccdar-0 In , ! JS , 12J5e ; 0 in ,
siir , 12c ; 5VJ In. 'Js. ' no ; 8 in. Hot 4 to D In ,
round , U'Jo ' ; oak , split. Oo ; red cedar. ISc.
bash , M per cent ; doom , 40 per cent ; blinds ,
40 per cent ; mouldings 40 tier cent ; stiaw
board , Jl.yo ; tar iKiard.I.QO ; tar felt , J2.40.
Hair I > j'oliifr Golnjr Out.
Burbot's report tliiit'hair-dyoinf , ' Is go
ing out of stylo. Many "tonsorial par
lors" do not keep tlio dyes. Graj
threads In a younff man's head , espe
cially if his occupation can bo construed ;
to bo intellectual , are considered dls
tlnguo. _ _
Use Brown's ' bronchial trocucs for couprhs
. colds and all other throat troubles. "I'ro
eminently tlio best. " Ilov. Ileury Wart
A Vctorniiof 1812 ,
The papers of Micagor Ilnncock of In
( liana , for whom the feonuto has recom
mended n I'onslon of f35 for his Borvico
in the war of 1812 , show that ho is nock
hundred nnd two years old.
The now ofllces of the Grcnt Rocl
Ibland route , 1002 Sixteenth nnd Fat-nan
8treats , Oinuhn , are the HnoBtln the cit.y
Call and see thorn. Tickets to all polut
| cast at lowest rules.
One of tlio HiHturiu Monuments Tlmt
N to Mo Seen In Spain.
Everywhere In Spain tire to bo ? con
reminders of the dnjs when the Moors
held svv'ay in thnt "octlon of the \\orltl.
says the Sim I'YrmolM'o Cull. One of
these is llio fmnoiiH Alea/ar , or fortress
nnd cnstlo in the Interesting city of So-
irovin , capital of thu modern province of
that name , which stand : * on the Erostna
by which it Is nearly encircled.
Tlio Ak-imir , originally Moorish , \vns
rebuilt by Henry IV in the llfteonth
contm-y. It was the residence- Isa
bella of Cii-stlle , and from thence ,
on the occasion of u revolution ,
she rode out nlono , nnd "by lu r
swcot 'rm of coiiiitonnnco , inoro than by
lier iiurjMty , " us the old chronlclo siys ,
"won over tlio people to return to their
allegiance. " kiiif , ' ClmrluI. . lodged
hcronlM ) , nnd isiocordod tohnvobiippcd
on certain "Ironies of extraordinary
prontnotM ? , " doubtless from the betiutl-
fill Htroam below. At the time of the
French Invasion the Alcayur was turned
Into a military college , and thi'ho
wretched sttulentH , in u frcuk of boyish
folly , t-ut lire to a portion of one of the
rooms in ISoi Tlio Jlro spread , nnd nil
that N now left of this matohleis pulaco
Is a ruined shell , the facade , the beauti
ful Moorish toweis nnd battleinonts , one
or two sculptured imibc-niioeoillnnsaml
the iiorteulllsed fratovuiy , each and all
testifying to its former grentne-s nnd
splendor. Its position , perched on a
atoep plateau formiiii ; the western ex
tremity of the town , is qnito magnlli-
cent , and the views from the windows
are glorious.
( . ' ( instantly repeated in its decorations
is the "Tanto Montii' ' of Ferdinand and
iMibolln , which is sometimes ascribed to
the jealousy of Ferdinand ; sometimes to
their inutuiil alk-ction. Xot only the
coin , but all their furniture nnd books
wore stumped with devices , his boinjj a
yol o and hers a sheaf of arrows. It
was common in married life says Oviudo ,
for each party to take a device whoso
initial corresponded with that of the
name of the other , as was the cabo with
that of the "yua-o'1 ' and the "Heches. "
One is struck with the mixture of
architecture it exhibits , the long , slop
ing1 slate roof and dormer windows , giv
ing it the aspect of a French
chateau , the turrets -\\hieli break
the line of the keep Avail proclaiming
it n castle of ciibtlcs , while tbo earlier
portion is undoubtedly Aloorinli. The
latest innovations were introduced by
the Emperor llnrhiue , who restored it
for his own occupation in HoO. The
fortress-palace has been the scone of
many royal pageants and residences , as
well as of events of historical events.
Charles I , pn the occasion of his roman
tic expedition in the character of
'Ca'lels ' in search of a wife , " accepted
the hospitality of the Alcalde , and imulo
a halt hero. The cpot must have been
congenial to the frame of Ms mind , and
no doubt his occupation of the old Moor
ish castle and gardens suited with his
chivalrous pursuit of his unknown prin
cess. Tlio castle contains : i donjon-
keep , where many stale prisoners \\ovo
confined. The interior of the fortress is
rich in Mooribh decorations , especially
as rejrards the ceilings , which arc
pendant stucco work , gilt and very effec
tive. Of the royal escutcheons em
blazoned on the panel' ; in the great.hull
the liwt Is that of Phillip II , who quar
ters with his arms those of England on
behalf of Queen Mary I , his wife. There
are several handhoino wilons , of which
the Piexn del Cordon is the most curious.
It is a long , wagon-headed room , mid
there is a legend attached to it , that the
cord of St. Francis was preserved in it
to commemorate u storm of lightning ,
which alarmed Aloir/.o the Wise , while
pursuing some scientific researches there.
The Sala de los Reyes is HO called from
the statues of kings disposed there. The
chapel as a line building , enriched with
arabesque works and marbles.
Pears' soap secures uba.iutlful comploxi on
TNSTKUMENTa plaood on record Novcm-
1 ber 5.
Albright Land A. Lot company to Chris
tian Ililsehimilt , lot 4 , bill 4 , Iloiijie's
Ilinaii7asub $ 470
I'V lltaekford to SI L Meirlinan , lot 2 ,
bl k HI , .s-o Omaha. . . 1,100
L M Dennett and vvifuloCr Mandoiscm ,
loti ! 14 and 15 , blk 12 , llanseon place . . 2,003
S II II ( "lark and w Ifo to A It .slater , lot'
7 and s 10st lots , blk 2. Kucllil jdnee . . 4,600
0 F 1'ahs to KrederlcK DiOMll , n l-5lot
10 and all lot II ; blk sT. So Omaha . 200
J W ( irilllth Irusteo to P 1) Cooper , lot It ,
blK2 , linker pl.ico 000
Kilns ( .Union- and wlfo to M Thomson ,
Iot8 , bl U-.l , lloyd's add . . . . . . . 3,000 ,
0 M Goodman and husband to .1 I * bacU-
ett.w motS , blk : t5l , M ) Omaha . . . . 2,000
Paine to same , lot T , blkI , Fetter's add 2,000
Hannah doodinan and husband lo C M
Coodinan , und y lot 8 , blk ; C > I , So
Uin.iha. . 600
S U Johnson and wife to K \ \ llryant ,
lot 10. blk 5 , New poll nld . . . 400
Miles .V Thompson toll \V Heals , lot20 ,
blk \\lso.t I'annelfc's add . . . 825
J W Maislmll toO M I'ovvor. lots 13,10
niullT , blkll , Soloiniin'M add 1,800 ,
G \V Mason and wife to A It Tatiar , lot
2 , rieoman'shiib TOO
Thuodoiu Olson and wlfo lo O S r.lKtittrr
ct al , lot' ' , bll-.I. SouthOmalin p.iik.idd 450
1' i : II Sill and U K fctovvo to I. , I ) Povvler.
trustee , lots. 2,1 and 24 , blk 1 , Mlllard
place 4lriOO
F.iino to same , lot 22 , suno 5000
J 11 bkow ct ill to Aiig Iladan , nnd 1-7
II Alkovvet al io"Aug 1111(11111 * , im'd 'a-7
nvvnel-10-12 W2
1) ) L Tiiomas and wife lo.Hiinlc Kdv\ aids
lotIO , bll. 2VSt hide 550
WlUIatn S Wlso to O W White , lot 20 , blk
1 , Wise A. I'arineh-o'sadd 1
Omaha li Florence Land and Tiust Cote
M M Stark , lol 4 , blk ! : , I'lon-nno . 7
Me.-elnints Xiillonal Hank to Mathla
Lund , nvuoD1612
Jll KI)8. )
William Coburn ( master ) to W T
S'raiiiiin. w 20 fret lot : i nnd o U feet lot
4 , blk "II , " Milan's mid 405
Total amount of transfers t GU.MXJ
Dr. F. C. Werner's
Are highly recommended after seven
years of successful experience by the
solo munufaoturors ,
Dreibus& Co.
Kopp , . ,
1106 Farrmm St. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold everywhere , 60 per package.
Send for samnlog.
- National Bank
Capital. - - - - $40OOOC
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - B7BOC
OtOceriiuKl Director-Henr/ . TatPi , Vregldent
LjBWllQ " liCVUi Vlce-Preililent ) Jamei W ° u i "
vTMorie , John B. Co'.llni , K C. CuiblM , J.
- W , II. B. lluubei , casbUr.
Corner 12th and Totnsra ata.
A Oenoral liankini Uuiluam TraniactmL
London , England.
Amsterdam , Holland.
Day § nd tell Amcrlcna iccurltloi on rommtiilo ;
ID LODdun and on all Continental markitu ,
The Bnmswlck-B.\lko John L , WilMe ,
Oollcuder Oo.
lllllliiril mrii linmllv Oiiinli.i | > n | crbov factor ? ,
Saloon fl\HTi' .
131MJ1P IH > iiKl
407 JO-is 10th itri-i'l ,
Ouinlm Orilers iiromiitlr tlllcil
Omaha Republican Printing ( b. (
I.nw btlef' bank Mi'l | < llP . nml cicritblni ; In the
lirlntliu line
lOlli ninl louil.i ! trcct .
Ackenimun Bros. & Hcintzc ,
Printer * , binders , | . | pdrntj'er | blnnk bouV iiimiii-
fmtiiri'n ,
lllilllownM Mrccl. Omnlin
Charles A. Ooo&O : . , Kirkemlall.Joncs&Oo . ,
\Miolc .dp Mnimfnctur t
MiinufaitnreM niul Job-
bom. .U'em for 1lo lnn Hub-
lu-r < - ( > r II" . ' HUI
1109 IloiMiril'treet
Williams , Vim Aer- "W. V. Morse & OO. ,
" imin & Hnrtp , .Mnmifutmcr \ Jubln-u.
1213 lliirncy street , 1101 HO.'i lloiiRhii > t.
Oiimlin. Ni'b. Oni'ilin Neb
Louis Heller ,
llutiheiV nml I'mkor" '
lout * , V Supplier lli-cf ,
hotf \ chee t ui lnc * .
- ( nun "I.
Oalumbus Bugpy Oo. ,
Ourrlnjje.i , rart * . sulkies
O 1) KilnrnnM. Mutineer
31 Ml.ioutli ! It.tli
Omaha Oarpet Oo , , Oilraoro & Buhl ,
Carpets oil cloths mat- Mnnufnrturrr .V : Uholc.
tliii ! ' , curtain noocl"clo. riilu ( luthlcrg ,
1311 IID'lllainc ' ) I-1
West & Fritscher , Dean , Armstrong &
Mnnufncturors flnocUniM °
jobberx of leaf tobiicc.os. , .
101 1 I'arnam stieot "Hello II , ? .
Omaha Goal , Ooko and Oontnut & Squires ,
Limo Oo. U tl and -oft coal ulilp-
ITnrcl nnd nofteonl. pet" ,
S. I ! . Cor nml llunn- 1Mb Fnrnnni rcct ,
laa trueti. ! Onialm
Hnlbert & Blum , Harmon & Weeth ,
Ohio Imnn.llnrk Sprlnit" , I , line , ccniont , latli , lialr ,
KlcoNliir , VValniil til ii'k ,
plaster , etc.
scrocni'il nut , iintlnarlto ,
Bllllthllltf , St.llll Onicollfl.V lith Hreet.
OlllcuJIIS 15th st ,
American Fuel Oo. P.E. Mahoney & 0o. ,
Silicon niul iliMilpr * In llnrd Coil-f-oft
nntliraclto anil bltil-
inlnoui t'o il. Olllcea SU N lull nnd cor
51.1 S. 15th hlri'ct. 10th and loi.ilas ; ts.
Nebraska Fuel Co. , Howell & Co. ,
213 S UtliMicut , 217 S Uthstictt ,
Onmba , Xeb Oiualin Neb.
J. J , Johnson & Oo , , Johnson Bros , ,
213 H nth street , 0141'lirnnui street ,
Oinulia , Xeb. Oninhn , Neb
Mount & Griffin , 0. B. Havens & Co. ,
213 S. Hti ! street , 16W I'limam rticct ,
Omnlin , Neb , Oiunlm.
Eagle Cornice Works ,
Manufacturers ofOalvan-
lied Iron Cornlci1 ,
Window ca | > , mplnllawkr-
IlKhtt etc. 1110 and 1112
M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatriok-Koch Dry
Dry irood , furnishing Goods Oo. .
Kooili , notions. Iliy , nutliiiiH , Rents'
Cor lltli and llonnrcl nt . Corner Illli unit Hitrner
Blako. Bmce & Oo. ,
MK-C03 txiTonnortU t.
Oninlin , Neb
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illustrated Catnloijiio
all Capitol Atomic.
Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Mnrtin Oo. , Ocnernl wenterii iipunt
Coincr.loncs nnil DtH li. Sknndln 1'lon Co ,
Oniah i , Neb. 1IU9-1351 Sliernian avo.
Broken Bow Roller E. T.Davis Mill Co. ,
Milling Oo. , Ml nt St Joseph.
Onicciind warehouse , Omnha IIou e ,
lOI.'N. IMhatrt-uU Cor Bth nnd Jnckson fH.
S. P. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp ,
M'f'it ( if ro nly to rnlno
1011 N. 10th street. hlnp Jink Men ) , llnvet
eake * In the uorM
C. I ! DIacV , Mnnnirer. 1.H17-1.'I5 S aitli street.
Dewey & Stone Fur- Ohas. Sbivorick & Oo
uitura Oo ,
rnrnlture nnd Carpet i
rurnltnroniid carpoH ,
1115-1119 rariiam Rtreot , 120fi-121U rnrnnin St.
Schneider & Looinis , J. T. Kobinson Notioi
Oo , ,
Jobbcrn nnil Importers of
Oents1 fnrnlslilnt ; Boods
notions anil fiirnlililnic in fV lelulir.ilt'd bram
BOOll" , "Iliuksklii ' o v eriillx
panto , Hhlrl * conn , ele
1111 I lownnl direct. Coi l.'lliamt lIonnHlnf
Kcnnard Glass and J. A. Fuller & 0o. ,
Paint 0) .
H02 DoiiuUJ Street ,
H08-H12 lliirm < rktroct
Oniabn Neb. Omnlin.
Hugh G. Olark.
nil pont'i ( luu powilcr ,
llluttlni ; rapfl , Iiito. flc.
l.'ld llarnuitruut. .
Oo LccOlarkAndrees
Rector & Wilhelmy - - (
Cur. 10th anil Jpckbon ill Ilardware Oo , ,
HOt 1110 llurxc ) uric
Oiuuhu. Ou.ulia.NiU.
Gee , Obcrno & Oo. , J. S. Smith & Co , ,
t3S ! Ijtlitlroct ,
1109 1(13 ( I.rTcnKi > rtliil |
Paxton 5r Viorliusr Omaha Safe & Iron
Iron Work" , Works
\\rmitlit nnd on-1 Iron ,
I'lllMlnit Mink , iMiiilniM. Mnmif'r flro nml ) > urelit
brnm nork e one mi proof nti' vault * Jnll
( iMinJrv. niaehlne and nork. Irnn liutler niul
blni'k nillli nork II 1' tire p rnpo < (1 ( . \n *
U ) nml ITtint. dnt'iiHlliJnckMinili
Acme Iron and Wire Wilson & Drake ,
Works , M'f I tiibulir llue llr *
Iron. lro iuiiU > rn < w'ks box bollors tnuk ctc
M.'S li ili'lroet
W lloehl I'niiitlotnr I'lo-ri'nnl t'Hli trp < t .
Rces Printing Oo.
I.llliin.'nipliltif. I'rlntlMK
niul illiink llook
lltli mill ll , Tinll ! <
G.W. Douglass & Co. , John A. Wnkefiolil ,
linpmliMt Aiiii-rnnii Port-
llnritnocul l.umlur. IritiilCi'inotiT Mtlnnukp *
IMilriinlli CiMui'iit nnil
1(10 ( Noith lilh Slroot Qiilueylilli' limit
Charles R. Leo , Wyatt - Bullnnl Lumber
llnnlniwil biiulipr , wooil
tarpit niul piuiiiet | ber Oo ,
rth unit IMiiuhn ' \lli ) nniltinnl strcrli ,
Fred W. Gray , Louis Bradford ,
Mme fenii-nl lite Kto Lumber , lime ( cment d&
I'or ! ih | ami licuiulm .i.'l l > oueht % trei-t
I , Obcrfoldcr & Co. ,
laiporteMtind .Inbbors In
.Mlllliiei }
MS : iOand2U onth lltli
MaxMeyor &Bro , Oo. A. IIosjio , Jr. ,
MfKjpnoh-ri di-nlors In lniiot , Criian Artlsli"
mu Uul liiHtrunicnts ,
ctr , MntcrlnN , Ktp ,
I'lirn.nin und lillh 1MI IHniKliii street
Oousolidntod Tank
Liuo Oo.
Honned and lubrlrntln
oil1 * , nxht Kiea o eto.
A II llhhop , .MiiiuiK'er.
A. Booth Packing Oo. , Plntt & Co. ,
O ) ter * . fish niul cnunod nd. " fresli oj §
Oniiib i brutich ,
1SOS Lenvonwortli. 815 mill 81" Iln\riiri1.
Carpenter Fapor Oo. , Western Plating W'ks '
Carry n full ntnol * of ( inld , ilUer and nickel
prlntliik'i nipping aiul plnlliu mi nil HH't.ils ,
tutilcunio ett it'plutt'd *
irlllnK 1'iil'ir ' , cant pa IVilUlilnuiirii' " \ cliu | .
per , etc. dollui work I IK Doilita.
Omaha Rubber Co. ,
MnniifmtnrlnK nnd Job-
tvisull klmhnilil.or
t'oni ] <
100S Inrniim street
A , L. Deano ft Co. , Emorsou See ] Oo. ,
General nucnti for llnll'n Seed imittor1 * , ile lers In
Kiinlcn vriiiv i/niln and
3Jlnna.12isiiulli 10th bt. , tree HI u H
Onialm. J.'M.'iNiiilli 15th
M , A. Disbrow &Co. , Bohu Sasb & Door Oo ,
Mnnifniliiicii "f wi"h , Mamifiietnri'ri uf inimM *
iloorr , lillndM nail IIIKI , tilling , ilour .
MonlilliiB" llraiKliof- iti
Ikc , I''tli nml I/ar.lHts liHIi nml II irk streets ,
larrell & Company , DufTy-Trowluitlgo
\Vholosnli ! ninnfurtiirors Stova Mmiufno'g ' Oo. ,
Hrnp , iniilns eH and '
UneK.iri , Mannfa-'tur'g Nlo\oinn ( |
KtllVU | > l | > 0
SI7-2ID Smith 8tli street. 1211-1JI1 lj .imiii iirtli at.
Consolidated OofTeo
Oompauy ,
1(11 nnd H10 llarno ; it.
Omidin , Neb ,
H. Hardy & Oo. , The Omaha Typo
To ) * , doll' , iilbumn.fnnejr .
Now nnd ni-eond-linnl
goods , clillilron'M car miiclilnery
riages lllllirarmmst. lilt HovMird nlrcet.
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Straug & Sons ,
. Pump Oo. ,
1002-1001 Kurimm ttrce
Hnlllilny windmill * I8
. und WJ .loiii'i Hi I ! t'
Omalm , Neb
Homi , BCtlntciiinnHKi'r.
Orano Oompany
Huso UltliiR , imdltu ,
( iiimiix , plilinUliiK
'J 21 1 iirnani ntrd't.
Boycr & Trnitt , Martin Brw , ,
( I-M Kxflinniio llmlillnfc
M-W Kx'liiuiKO ' llullillni ; , Clilcuvo
8 Kxdiiiiik" llullillnv ,
Boulli Omnlm. Hunlli Uiiuiliu
S. J , OofTman , Smiley Huutar & Grc3u ,
& Co ,
.10 Kuclinniio IIinlillriKi
2111liiume. : llnlldliiK ,
Hoiltli Oinnhu riuutli Omaha
Wood Brothers ,
JiiclmiiKU : llullillni :
South Omnha.
We Offer for Sale.
1'oiir thousand tons oholoo ll.ilud Hay , I' , O
11 , curs , htranxoN Hldlir , ' . l.nlon or Iliirnlult
. btutlotiH. on 0. M. A. Ht. I1. K. It. . In lot
Sen Hurlill ! ! > .ur' I'f.001 ' ! * rosuUted by the
C'ull un'l ' seu us.