Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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lou s points In Nevada Indicate the election
of Cole 3rd ( rep ) for go .ornor iitnl Hnrtine
( rep ) for congress by a n njority of between
0,000 and 0,000. ,
Gins noon , h. INOV. 5.-SpccIalTolegrntn [
to Tun lliT.l Mlllscounty glees McFarland
( rep ) , secretary of state , 1,011 ; Chimbcrlnln
Mem ) , 1,612 ; Keod , congress , ( rep ) , V-flfl ;
Hcnvimui , 1 , W. About sixty Indi'poncluiil
und union labor votes were cast In tlili county
HrnOAK , In , Nov. Ji. ( Special Telegram
to Tun Urn 1 Montgomery county glvos n
slight republican gain over lust lear. Tbo
plurality on the state ticket is 748. mid ll'i for
i-otiRressimn. Dey ( detni for railroad com
missioner runs nhcmi 20. The vote oniudi'o Is
Culllton l'l I , Warn 12V1 , Punk 1'JfiT , Decmor
Ul 11 , Thomcll MM , Smith lOO'i The repub
licans Hect the count ) ticket , getting the at-
tornuytX \ > imjoritj
Four Ioior ) , la. , Nov fi tSneclnl Tele
gram to Tin * Ilir. ] IJopoits from nlno loun-
tles In the Tenth congressional dilh let give
DolIlvorM inajorllyovi'rVoods , Iho demo
cratic mid union labor candidite. The coun
ties jet to heir from nro Hancock , Oieonc ,
Cnlhoun , I'ocahontni and I'nloAlto Itlt es-
tlinatc-d that they will glvo Uolllvur not loss
than 1,000 majority , making his total major
ity above 1,200.
Sioi \ C'irv , la , Nov. -Perkins ( iep ) is
elected in the Ulcvciith rongresslotnl di < itrlet
by over 1XH ( ) imjotlty. Ihe farmers' ' allnice !
polled a heivy vote
KieiKiK , In , Nov. 5-Rocrley ( dfin ) Is
elected to congress In the Fhst district by
about 100 majority.
DM MOINKSIn , Nov. fi Complclo returns
from llftv counties on tbo he id of the tlcki't
recelvc'd by the Ki > glnti > r show a net republi
can irnin of 0,110 over lust year. If tbo gain
rontlnuc's In the suno nllo the ntito ticket
will bo elected by : tKH , ( ) to 5.00J majority w ith
tbo [ lossiblo cxuciitlim of r.illw.i ) conmils-
Dts Mnisr , la. , Nov n Returns from
onelldielof the state show domocritlr-gains
ftufllik'ittto wi | > o out theiepublii-an mujorit }
Of two yen's ngo and gi\e a sin ill dcmoepitii
Siujouty Thoeongiosslonril de-legation will
otiind as follows , as now atipeais. First ,
Soorlov ( deniSecond ) , Hnjes ( dem ) ; Third ,
Henderson ( rip ) , rouith , Duller ( deni ) ,
Fifth , Hamilton ( deni ) , Sixth , While ( dcm ) ,
Seventh , Ha\ci forsboit turmanel Hull for
full term , ( both reps ) , Eighth , Flick ( icp ) ,
Ninth , Hovvman ( dem ) ; Tenth , Dohver ( rep ) ,
UU'Vciith , I'orklus ( rut ) ) .
Dinicjir , In , Is'ov. fi The republicans
rlalm Ilenelcrson'.s election by U71. Dome-
oratlo figures shovvConcho's election bv HI
inajnilty Itlll not ho determined dellnltelj
until the olllcl.d count is made
SIN FnvvriTO , Nov. 5 Complete vote in
BOO precincts out of 1,831 outaldo of San IVan-
risco glvo Markham ( rep ) 11,1)71 ) , Pond IH/ITO
Thosamo precincts gave AValto ( rep ) foi
Becrctary of state 40I'll , , Hcndricks ( dom )
SVN Fiv\cieo : , Cal. , Nov. 5 The intnca-
e-ies of the new election livv under which the
count of the vote of this state Is being con-
ducti-d bus ociTtioncd moio serious trouble
in collecting returns thnn was over Itnovvn
hero before. The votes in 7'J ( ! precliiets
thiotighont tbo state. Including fell precinct-1
in this ilty , glvo Murkham fi7-l5' . > , Pond
1),77S ; Mukham's pluu'.ity 0M1. 'lliesc
ooti tituto the returns fioiu a Httloovci enc <
thiid of the tohl number of ptccincta in tin
tatc 'J ho democrats concouo the ulcction
of the entire state ticket , anil ii
this city the rcpubllains lme uniloubteillj
elected Sindonoii may or and also elected the
entliQ municipal and county tickets
\vlth the paniblo exception ol
hheriff. Indicating n olwiiKO of iully 7,001
volts in this city in f.ivoi of the rctubllcans
There. uioSO liotd-o\er meinbcis in the stnu
.scnuti ) , of whom 12aio and t
ileinoi'nits. Twenty senators and 60 assem
bljmencvo elected jcstoidny. The va
tiitiw are too incomplctu to in.iko any aceu
ititopstimito. hut with tlu % piescnt lepubli
can majority in the senate theiciibllcnii4 ] un
nuro oi n majority on Joint b.illot and tin
election of a scnatoi to succeed Stanford litho
the United States senate Returns fioni Bb
congressional districts indicate that tbu to
publicans have eairled o\orv district. Thii
vvillcivo the republicans a gain of two con
Brcssmon. _
DrrnoiT , Mich. , Nov. 5 Up to II p. in th
indlcittons tire that the democrats havi
elected the Bovornor by nbout 10,000 pluralit ;
midtho lost of thostuto ticket by a sub
Btantlnloto. . The republicans nro conccdltii
onlj the defeitof tholiRiibernatorlal candi
date In the lust election the ropubllcnns returned
turned their state ticlcet by about i.,0H ( ) inn
Jority. 'llio states senuto will bo close , bu
bhowB a democratic nnjorlty tliroufe'liont
At the last session both houses uer <
republican , the senulo by : i majniit ;
of II andthehousoby ! I7 In the coiirca (
nional cluctloit the demociats have retuuioi
their cniidlilatcs In the following dhtnets , uc
cordlncr totho picsont icturns : Tirst , See
end , ruth , Sixth , Seventh nnd Tenth. Tin
ronKrossiotifil dlstruts in Mlchifron nt th
last election , with the cjvtoptiou of the firs
nnd.Socnth , letnrncd iopubllc > ia cotiRieas
men ThoThlid nnd ISluenthaia sure nm
vrobiblj the rourth district has ROIIU icput
lican Hctiu us from the Uifjhth and Nlut
districts show democrat Ic guins over the las
Flection , but -not Millkicnt to remove th
doubt which o\erslmilo\\sthem.
I. , Uo returns from the state mnlro It roasor
nbij ? iifo to picdlcttho election of the dcmc
cratlc sUite ticket by about 10,000 , m.ijoritj
In the len'lslatuio the hoaso will bo dome
cratlo on n fusion vote wllu thop.itions of ii
dustrv The sonatols close , vith probably
Republican majority.
Drvvi'n , Cole , Nov. 4. Returns from th <
county nnd state ni-o coinliiK in very slowly
U'hobo rcuoivod iiullcato that a republica
governor nnd republican coiiKios'
men are elected , but liter figure
may cbniRo it. The IcRisl.ituto i
vorj doubtful Thodninouats claiinthostat
'tieiiiurer , attoinev Roncwl nnd super-inter
dontof public liibtiuctlon and lurgo gains i :
the IcRlblature The republicans couced
them the tioasurer.
L.ouivuu" , Ivy. , Nov. 5. The ICoutuclc ,
( leli'K'iUlon will stand ton democrats and on
L.OUISMII.K. Nov. 6. Later returns slto\
that democratic Congressmen Montgomery
UixxkenrldKe , Stone , Kills , Goodnight , Me
Crcnry and Sayi.ter are re-elected. Th
democrats have carried Louisville and th
Sixth congressional districts. The ropubli
chilis pi obably carry the lentil and Klc\ent
Ilnrxt , Mont. , Nov. 5 The democrat !
committed claims the election of Dixon t
congress by 450 majorltj. The republica :
rouimlttoo claims thostntoforl'arkcr by 12 ;
U'bodoiuocrats claim four state sc niters an
concede the republican ! ! two , with t\vo i
'doubt. ' 1 tie republicans claim Hvo state soi
Dton The contest Is veiy close nil aioun
cud may tiiko the vote to decide.
CoNroitn , N.II. , Nov 5 There Isnoelouh
Of the democrats having elected their candl
flutoto eongrossln the Tirst district. The ,
claim also the Second district , while thu re
jiibllcans ) assert their mm is elected. Tli
legislature Is very close , nud Its control wil
undoubUvlly bo dotcimined by special dec
tloiw held today U hero Is 110 choice of po\
crnor by the pooplo.
i l > ohi\vare .
WIIMISOTOK , Del , Nov. 5. Complete rt
turns from tbo whole stito glvo Uoynolu
( dem ) , for governor , 415 majority , and Cause ;
( dcm ) , for congress , 511 majority. The IIO.N
legislature ) will stand : Semite Uemociat
C , n-mibllinus 4. House-Democrats H , n
' publicans 7 'I hero Is no United States senr
lor to bo elected.
SKiTTM ! , Wmh. , Nov. G. Hoturns fret
111 iirocincts In Washington give Wllso
( rep ) , for congress , 1,100 majority. If th
present ratio continues Wilson's majorlt
Svlll roach 0,000. It Is thought the republican
can majority in the legislature may reach 7
Da joint ballot ,
MONTOOMKHT , Aln , Nov. 5 The entlr
domoc-ratlo aelegation Is elected to concros
In Alabama ,
No'xv Mexico.
AiuiiQurnQUE , N , M. , N'ov. 5. The terr
torlul election was lor clclegnto to coiiRres1
rnouibara of the council and county ofllvcn
It Is quite certain that Josophs , dem . is
elected delegate. Ilerarrlod ten out of the
fourteen counties In the torrltorv. with a ran-
lorlty of at least 1,500 Tlio democrats Invo
i mnjorltv In both houses of the legislature
thclli-sttlniu In jeaw ,
IlintMovi ) , Vn , N'ov. 0. Kuither returns
fioin tlioulcttloinestcrduy loa\o no doubt
tint the ten democratic cotigrcsamim uro
LITTIK KotK , Ark. , N'ov 5 The billet box
nnd returns of Spring Crcok township , Leo
county , Imvo been stolin. This township gave
Featherstono ( rtpi for congress U * 0 tn.ijoilty.
Nurtti'ariillnn. .
lUi t mil. N. C , Nov. r . Tbo mnjority ft > r
the denioc'riitlc Htat < J tirket Is cstltnntcd at
OfHK ) . Thoioncrosslonnldi'lu ntion stinus
b demounts mid 1 republican. The logisla-
tuio Is largily dcmooutiii.
MII/M ifurrVls , Nov. 5. The latest re
turns from this state IndUito a phn.dlty of
J nnd upwards for 1'eelt ( clotn ) . The
democrats elect n imjority of asit-mbljinon
ami state son.itors In the lower boiiso they
% \ 111 hutc u majority of ' ! ( ) or o\cr nnd in the
senito.unuloiiu of two Thry elect seven
out of nine conKrossmpn The Wisconsin
clelog.ttlon In tlio next congress will bu us fol
lows : 1'irst district , Cooper ( icp ) ; Second ,
Ilniuig ( dcin ) ; Third , Hnslmell ( dcm ) :
Fouith. Mitchell ( dcm ) , Fifth , Hiiclmor
( dcm ) , Sixth , Miller ( doni ) , SoK'iiUi.Coburn
( dcm Kighth , doubtful , Ninth , Liich
( dcm ) _
OitnESviiLi : , Pu , Nov. B U 1 * . Ollleiplo
fdcm ) U olcitetl to congroiifromthoTwcnty-
llfth district , dofeiting Alexander McDowell
( rep ) and Thomas W Phillips ( Ind-rop ) .
I'liinni'iiiiiA , Nov tTho t Intpstioturns
from tw only-eight congressional districts
bhow tlio election of IS republicans and 10
democrats. The present Uclcg.itlon from this
stale stands 21 and 7 deraociats
Both claim the Seventeenth district , but com
plete icturns , which , are not otllcial , glvo Kl-
liott 1W majority
I'liiiinr.iniM.Nov . 5 Complete icturns
from every comity In the sUto glvo I'.ittlson
find ) for governor u a piuulitv of 10'i ! ) ' . ) over
Delimiter dep ) . The republic m candidate
for lieutenant governor and scciotaiy of In-
tcnml nftnin nro no doubt elected , us both
rim ahead of Delm.itcr in every county.
West Virginia.
Warn iso , W. Va.Nov n.-Tho Indica
tions ma tills evening that the deinociatic
tidal vnvo las talceiiVest Virginia in Its
course and that the democratic paity has
made a ckmi B.vccp Hnbbird ( rep ) for
congress in the l'irat has been defeated by 500.
The dhtrkt Is republican , but the npatln on
tlio part of the narty In llirrlson and Jlar-
bhdl counties , IHO republican strongholds ,
did tbo business Smith flop ) In the Fourth
still c-lalms Uoctlnu bn iniall majority.
Oil vwi.sros , \ \ ' . va , Ts'ov 5 1'encllcton
of the Tiist West ViiKini.idistiict , who was
unseated liotn the lust house , is lo-clectcJ by
WW or ( flO in ijority. Wilson of the Second is
loclcitcd bi lf > 00 Cantnln Ilnrt is clexted
in thc I'ouith o'vcr Smith , who was se.itut in
pi ice of Jackson In the Third Aldcrsou is
i-o elected bj , ' ,5UO to it.OOO
Tciin , Nov. 5. Returns are
still e-O'ning in slowly. Buchanan ( dem ) , for
governor \\\ll \ hnvo between U."i,0)0 ( ) nnd : ! 0)00 ( )
mijoiitj o\cf Baxter ( rep ) and Kelly ( pie ) .
The legislature is t\vo-thiids dctnocratlo in
both houses , tbo democracy having made
gains in East Tennessee. The congrussloua'
delegation will static ! as follows : Tirst dis
trict , Itutlcr , ( ind-rep ) vice A A. Taj lor
( rep ) , piesent Incumbent ; Second , Ilouck
( icp ) re elected by aicduced majority ; Third ,
Sudgrass ( dem ) vice 1 vans ( top ) , present
incumbent ; Fourth , McMillen ( dem ) le-
tunicd , Fiftli. lilchnrdson ( dcm ) ictuincd ;
Sixth , Washington ( demreturimd ; Seventh ,
Cox Cciem ) ; Ktghth. Knloo ( dem ) letnrnea ;
Ninth , I'ieuo ( dcm ) returned ; Tenth , 1'at-
twsoii ( deiTi ) , vice Pholnn , declined nomina
tion. The majorities \\ill bo less than in
fonncrv o.irs owing to tbo registration ane
poll Uixlaus , tbo republican paity bein g the
most effected.
Kso\ , Tcnn.Nov. 5. Later returns
from the First 'icnncssco congressional dis
tuct show that Taj lor , republican Incum
bent , isie-clected.
CI.RTCI.VMI , O , Nov. 5. A dispatch from
McICinley's district sajs later returns show
nn approximate majority of 140 for him in
the district
Cir.\ 1 1 . .VMO , Nov. -Colonel Poorman
( icp ) concedes bis defeat bj Pearson ( dem
bj .too In thu Seventeenth dntiict
CiSf INS-ATI , O , Nov 5. According tothc
n turns this evening the Ohio eont'iossnici
elected . nro 1'irst district , Stour ( lep )
Second , Cnldvvell ( ropfj ) ; , Hoiulc ( dem )
Fouith , C'.nnt ? ( demFi ) , , Lajton ( dem >
Sixth , Donovun ( dem ) ; Seventh , Ilujnos
( drill ) , Eighth , IIuio ( dcnu. Ninth , Outh
vvulto idem ) , Tenth , Doan ( rep ) ; Klovcnth
I'altison ( deiiu ; Twelfth , Knoch ( rep ) , Ihir
tcentb , Uungau ( dem ) ; Pouitcuth , O\\ons
( dem ) , riltceiith , Ilaitor ( dem ) . Sixteenth
Miiimiclc ( dem ) ; bovciitocnth , I'e.u-.oi
( dcm ) I ightccntb , 3 D T.ivloriep ( ) ; Nine
ti'cnth , i : n Tnj lor frc-p ) ; Twentieth , y C
T.ijloruepi , Tvventv-Ilrbt , Johnson ( dem )
This in ikes , sijvon republic . and fouitecn
democrats The election . . /Ham and War
\Nlclcisnotjetcstablished by complete re-
tMias. From ollleiul and returns
received from all the centres of the state ex-
cent Ashland , Columbian , Oosnocton , .Taclc-
son , Mm ion , Medina , Momoo , Noble , Paul
ing and Tuscirn\ mid c.itim.Ulng thoni tlie
biimo as tbcj were last year on the \otofor
o governor , the plurality foi 1) .1. 11 j an ( rep ) ,
lei societnij of state Is 15,1S' ' >
Con Mill's O. Nov. S The republican
state committee on unonichl returns locehocl
from seven ! ; tl\o counties and the icinaindet
estimated cl .11 that the republican pluiality
on the hoacl of tlio H t ate tic kei i111 bo bet eon
1 1)0 , ( ) ( ) and r.,000 The commltteo concedes
the defeat of McKlnloy ( rep ) for congicssby
about -JOO and Foster ( rep ) by 75 or 100. The
dcmoci.itic c-uulidutes in other close con-
giessionnl clHlikts i-oceivcd
nnjoritlos rang-
ingfiom r > OU up &rcl oxceut C'osgiovoat Uin-
ciniiati , w ho is defeated bj Stoier ( rep ) bj
U,7Dt ) . One of the most remarlwblo demo
c-ratie gidiisvvaH In the lUcnuitli district
Paulson ( dem ) is elected by a,100
with a giln of l.MO over last fall's voto. The
republiuiu coinniittoo concedes that the deln
gallon to congress will stand seven lopubll
c.ius and fouiteen democrats.
CITV , Mo. , Nov. 5 The republlcat
candid ite for gouoraor is beaten. Six out o
seven lepubllc.m congressional candid UCE
are defeated. Senator lug-ill's ro-clection i :
a subject of gr.vve doubt. That Is the situa
tion In Kansas. Theioas a landslide , i
regulai avalaucho in Kansas. nighty-t\v <
thousand republican majority was over
whelmed bj a resistless foieo. The fanners.
nlltimcodldlt , and it was agenuluo suruilso
n\ery jjiophot piedlctcd gre.H
strength for the alliance , but only the inos
sanguine icgnrricd its success as even i
probability Tbo chances for the dcniocint :
seemed much brighter , the nlllnnco strengtl
depleting to nnenonftting degree the -\lgo :
of tno ropubllcan party. For the firs
tirao In many jenrs tno ivpubllcai
congreaslo nal delegation is broken and brokci
to fragments , Only one republican escapee
the vvreilf nnd tint was Funston , from th (
Se-eonct dUtiict. Tbo demouratseio sue
cessful In the First district , electing Moon
light over Broderlck ( rep ) by 1,000 niijorlty
Morilll ( iep ) , the present incumbent , do
cllned aienouduatlon In this district. Tti (
farinctV nllLincO cariled the other tlvo Jis
trlcts , electing Clover over 1'orklns ( rep ) ii
the Third , Otis over Kelly In the Fourth
IJavls over Phillips ( rep ) In the Fifth , Bakci
° over McMillen in the Sixth andSiinpson ovoi
\f \ Holloucll lu the Seventh. The Kansas dole
gallon will stand republicans 1 , democrats ]
and funnel ' nlllanco n. Another surprUelie :
in the possible defeat for ro-oloctton of Sena
tor InKills , whoso term oxphea hi Ih'Jl. Tin
fuuneiV alliance and democrats waged a bitter
tor campaign against him uud a majority o
tbo districts contilned onoof their candidate !
against tbo ropubllcan candidates. There
suit Is the certain election of 1)5 ) farmers' nlll
mice and democritlo Irglslatora against SO ro
publlcunii. Homo of the latter may vote foi
Ingills , but Ma opponents claim that those
newly eloctcd who oppose him , together will
the opposition holdovers , v. Ill glvo mireh W )
votes , or a inijority of K against him 'Ihls
now looks to ben correct Htntcmcnt of Ingnlls'
sittmtlon , but It is llublo to modification.
ATUIIMIV. Kan. , Nov fi ISpcelal Tele-
cram to Tin HrrThe | ropnbllcins elect
the prelate Jtidire , county siipciliitondeut and
ono mcmbor of the legislature' . The demo-
e-rats elect the county attorney nnel district
clerk. The nlllnnco elects one member of the
legislature' The'count ) given a plurality of
about 500 for Moonlight ( dom ) for congress.
Kotitnson ( dc'in ) for irovernor also carries the
comity , but bv a small plurality
Toi'Kki , Kan. , Nov 5 At rolilnleht the
republican central committee cone-ides the
election of the entire fanners' nlllnnto ticket
with tbo probable exception of Willctts , c in-
dldito for gove-rnor. T no commltteo eoncede-s
that tbo opposition to ingalls in the leglslu-
tu 10 will Imu-ii in ijority
I.rrswniiTii , Kan , Nov 0,1 15 Latest
return give Ouso Drodi-ilck ( icp ) fore-ongc-ss
from the rirst district an .election ovc'r
Colonel Moonlight Moonlight concedes Ids
South llnkniii.
MiTcnri.i. , S 1) , Nov fi [ Special Tele-
pram to Tin : lU'i : ] Melletto nud the rest of
the state ticket cniry the comity by from 75
to 100 majority. On state senator , Preston
( rep ) bns a nnjoilty of 10 over I'easo ( Ind ) .
riiovotoon representatives Is veiy close ,
itajmond ( rep ) is elected bv about ! IO major
ity , audit looks in though John 1C Johnson
( ind ) wis elected over \Vitson ( rep ) by ( i
majoiity David Cole ( rep ) Is probably de
feated by Dvvlght ( hub for shcnir bj ISO ma-
ioilty. The icpublicaiis elect the county
judge , treasurer , supotmtendent of schools ,
L-eglstei of deeds , auditor nud states attoinoy
l > y majoiltles ranging from 15 to 1MI. 'llio
vote on eqml suftraijo has not been dc-
teiinincd His doubtless defeated
Hi IION , S U . Nov fl [ Spool il Tclejjtain
to Tin : Hi t : ] Only nu-igio returns ofcs -
toiduy'sc-li'c-tlon hive been received IMol-
leatto ( ri'p ) it ele-cted coveinor , although the
independents c-luliu that I.oucks his suc-
e-eeded , nnd the democrats e-liiin the olllco
foi Taylor 'i ho Independents and democrats
also saj they will have enough members in
t he logislatuio to control It on Joint ballot
Picklcr und Humble ( icp ) nro elected to con
giess by largo majorities. Thu cupltol con-
te'st between iluion and 1'Ioiro is so close
that tbo ollleiat count may bo nccossar ) to
decide the in liter ISquul suffrigu has been
defeated by SOOO. The totaloto
of the state will reach 70OJ ( ) , about live
thousand loss than last jcar. Hepuulicaus
have been the greatest losers.
IluiioN , H. 1) , Nov. [ Special Telpgnm
to TiiullLP. I Returns fromelghteonc-ountlos
of South Dakota give Lourk ( ind ) ' 'OOO
plurality , nnd indicating the election of 0 <
mcmheisof the legislature independent and
1" doubtful.
ST. I'AI i. , Minn , Nov . " - In South Dakota
both committees ate cl ilining the state , but
thoretuins do uotsi'cm to Justify the claim
on the pirt of the demoeiats 'Ihe democ-iiUs
also chlm that thuy have elected enough
rcmcsont.itives to the state legislature to
gio them a majoiity with combined alliance
and democrats. The capltol conte'st Is u-rv
olow. according to a Huron statement , and
tbo olllehd count mav bo ne-cdcd to decide it.
Woman sullrago is de-fated ly 8,1100. The
vote of thostato will befi.OOO less than list
year. 'J he congiessioml tickets will go with
the state ticket , and it Is probable thut two
icmibliein candid ite s aio elected to congiess.
Sr. PALI , , Minn.Nov 5 Thoindcnoiulcnt-
alli HICO in.inagei-s In South Dakota have ro-
ceHcd leturns from IS counties , which glvo
I ouckcs ( ind ) 2,000 plurality ov or Melletto
( rep ) and Taj lor ( dem ) for governor. The
Hinno returns give the election of ! U members
of the logishituie. The lepuhllcaus , however -
over , do not admit those clilms , but claim a
victory on the state and congressional tickets.
The capltoloto is close.
INDIAN-M'OM- " . , Heports from
all parts of the stito show that the election
baa been a veritable landslide for the demo
crats. The entire democratic state ticket is
clc-ctcd by a big imjority , nnd Chairman
Miclmerof the republican committee con
cedes the defeat of bis party by about 150,000.
Clnlrrmn .Fetvett of the democratic state cen
tral commltteo tonight furnished the
following estimito of the majori
ties and cougrcssmdn from Indiana :
Mnjoiitios on state ticket , 17b4J ;
senators elected 10 , holel overs II , total fU ;
reiuese-ntathes elected 7J ; majorltvon Joint
ballot 6i. It is clidmcd tint the election of
county commissioners has resulted so Invor-
ably to the democrats thut with the present
trustees in office the democrats will at the
election of IS ! ) . ' contioll > ,10Jof the ' . ' .bOO elec
tion boards of the state. The congressmen
fi-oni this stito lira : First distiict , 1'airot
( dcm ) ; Second , liret/dom ( ) ; 'Ihird , Brown
( demj ; Fouith , Holuuin ( dem ) ; Fifth ,
Cooper ( dom ) ; Sixth , Johnson , ( if-p ) ; Sev
enth , Ilvnum ( dcm ) ; Highth , Brookshiro
( dem ) ; Ninth , Wuugh ( iep ) ; Tenth. Patton
( dem ) : Eleventh , Mnrtiu ( dom ) ; Twelfth ,
McClollm ( ctomThiitoontli ) ; , Shi\ely ( dcm ) ,
u domociatiugain of one.
UOSTON , Ivliss. , Nov. 5. TLo ote for gov
ernor shows an overwhelming dcmocratlo
victory. The returns onolc % for minor
stuto odlcors nre not complete. The demo
crats elect Trefiey auditor over Lord , the
prcbcnt Incumbent , by about ti,030 plurality ,
but tbo republican * elect lieutenant
go\einor , secretary of state , tioas-
urcr nud nttoraoy goneral. The
"vjiiato will consist of ! il republicans nnd H
democrats and the liouso liU ) lopublicms , 11X
democrats nnd 1 independent democrat. Thi'
is a republican loss of 8 In the hcnnto and " ,
in llio house. The vote for governor is :
llussoll ( dem ) , 141,740 ; Brackctt ( iep ) , ! ! ) ! ,
S'.K1 ; Blackmcr ( pro ) , 13.8JI1. Hesult lu the
congressional districts : Fifty-first , Ilandul
( rc > p ) ; Second , Morse ( rep ) ; Third , Andrew
( dcm ) ; rouith. O'Neill ( dcm ) ; rifth , IIo.u
( doni ) ; Sixth Liodtro ( repj ; Seventh , Cogs
well ( rep ) ; iilgbth. Stevens ( dom ) ; Ninth
Williams ( iloni ) ; Tenth , Walker ( rep ) :
Kiev cnth. Coolulito ( deni ) ; Twelfth , Crosbj
( dem ) . The congressional delegation tlm1
.stands 7domoci.its , 5 icpubllcans , u gain o !
5 dunociats.
K\NsvsClTY , Mo , Nov. 5. In the Fiftl :
Kansas City dLstilct Davis ( Independent and
fanners' ' alliance ) Is elected by 5,000 plural
ity. In the Seventh district Simpson ( dcm )
by : ! , r > 00 plurality.
Sl'iusni u. i n , Mo , Nov. 5 rj-ans ( dem )
has a safe majoi it v of 1,500 over Wnuo ( rep )
for congress In thoThlrtocnth distiict
ST. Jii ( i" , Nov. 5 Yesterday's clectlor
changed considerably the political complexion
of MissouU. The democrats send a full delo-
gallon to congicss with one exception. Thoj
elect their state ticket and will have a ma
Jority on Joint b.illot in the legNlaturo The
returns are coming In slowly and sovcra :
dajs will ela | < so before the olllcial vote cur
bo given. The chaltman of the demo
cratlo state committee said that Wade
had elofc ited Fyan in tbo Thirteenth eon
grossloml district The democrats , ho said
would have a majority of piobublv scncnty-
live on Joint ballot in the legislature and hue
elected their state ticket by 10,0ti ) > . If the
democrats have a majority on Joint ballot litho
the legislature it will insure tberet'irno
Senator Vest
ST. Pvti , Minn. , Nov 5. Fulliotuins auc
carefully prepared estimates in Mhmlsoti
give l,07J pluiality for Wilson , deinocrnt , fo
go\crnoi. The counties heard from Includi
four big counties which pave strong vote
against Mcriiam , vvhllo tboso toborcpoitei
u ro republican. It Is also claimed that tin
greatest of the nlllnnco strength has bcci
luchidodin the rountlcs already reported
For these reasons the ropubllcan committci
still claims the election of Mcrrlam by 1,001
plumlity , but tbo democrats nro strong li
tbclr claims of the state for Wilson by 1.UOO
As to Congressmen it Is probable that threi
of the llvo are democrats. Nothing com plcti
has been received about the legislature.
lUiiTFOiii ) , Conn , Nov. 5. Tbo Connection
legislature stands 10 to 10 In favor of the re
publicans on Joint ballot , The total vote o
the state about 0110 hundred and twcnt-
towns ( oftlcial ) 13i74. : Morris ( dcm ) ha :
07txl ! and In 53 abort of a ixmular majority
It Is certain that no election has been madu
If so the Icgisaturo will elect Mem In ( rep
.Now York.
DEW YOUK , Nov. 5. rraiuls M. Scott , the
defeated candidate for mayor on the fusloi
ticket , attributes lib uofcat to the nntl-Mc-
IClnlcv fcolmg. which , ho said , wis stronger
In this city tblm In any other pirt of the
country , [
l leu-ldu.
.TACK ONVIII ( Jli , Nov. fi Itctums from
nil tlio countliM tin the stuto indicate tuo
election of the ilbjnocrat state ticket and con
gressmen by nn overwhelming majority. Not
n Mnglo luptibUoAit has been ohvtcd to the
leghlaturo audit will bo made ui > of U ) dotn-
oi. raU niul 1 re bUcau , Senator Smith ot St.
Augustine , who uo'ils over nnotber teim.
hltunllon H | i'oiir .SontlicMMi States.
Nrw Oiu.rA.SH , Nov 5. In I'lorldi the
einocrnU elect oNHavcruor Bloxhiim for
Into comptroller , < \Iubrv \ as associate Justice
f the stiprenia court , Mullory in the Tirst
.ml . llullock In the Second district to
longress nnd n largo mnjority of the members
f the legislature
In Louisiana n full democratic delegation Is
letted to congress
In Mississippi seven democratic congress-
ion uro elected by ovetvvhelmlug majoiitles.
In Toxus the full democratic tlckot li
lesctc'd by bit go imjoiltlos nnd the entire
'emocrutlc ' delegation to congress
\Vlint tlio I-'niMiiers' Alllnnoo Thinks ol'
the Jtesult ofthf I'.lcotloii.
" \V'AsniNiTeN' , Nov. n The farmcis1 nl-
laiico people at the national headipmitcrs of
ho organization in this citv ate llguring out
, gient vlctoty for the fanners in thoiesult-s
f jcstcrday's oluction Mr. Itlttenbouso ,
ccivtary of the organization , talked freely
, vith a reporter tonight , IIo said : "As the
moko clears away It bocoincs moio anil moio
ppuent that the fuimcis' oigauizationslmvo
.isscrted tbeinsclves Itwasthelliot o , > por-
unlty given to show that boss rnlo bad como
o nn end The f.umcia1 organUations do-
Irod to robuku the pirty tint tlefcatcd the
reocolnige of sihcT nnd fumed the tarilT
a\\ that imposcit greater buidons on the poor
man than on the rich "
liltteuhouso in reply to n isqucst forsomo
spcclllc stntumuiits of what had been iiccom
plishcd In thoelectlnn slid he could not glvo
nil the evidence but the returns , he said ,
nrosufllcicntto piovo his statement. In thu
eastern states \ \ lu re1 the farmers' le iguo Is
stiong they and the Knights of Lalwr have
idded In showing this congiess that their de
mand for free coinage was not nn idle one
This was most notiblo in Missuchusetts aud
Now Hampshire \vhurotho two oignuizations
are strongest. Tbo ftirmcr's league and the
nlllmco had Just seemed a gooel foothold in
New York and Now Jersey mid
the cb ingot mo not so startling
Grangers , Knights of l nbor , tlio leiguo
nut limners alliance \\ero oigmnnHl well in
Pennsylvania nnd the fin mcra and InboreH
giuo Coiuisou n robukc of laago piopoitlons
In Oni6 , bo said , tlioro I * no state oigiuira'
tion of tno ulhanco Indiana and Illinois
hn\cbc > en orgaui/ed but three months The
mutual b"nellt association did much peed
itlttenhouso'called piiticulnr attention to
the effects in MUsoun , Kansas , Nebraska ,
Wisconsin , Coloi ido and other states.
"Just , " ho bald , "m proportion to the unit )
of the oig.iiiiMtion , so 1ms boon the c'jclone' ' '
The repoitcr asked lilttunhouso If he
meant to say the f irmers ulllauco is uu
iurv to the clotuuuulio uuty
Uo replied : "Not by any means The
democr.itio paity fought thu alliance in South
Carolina and nt otbor points , but the fanners
deshed to rebuke tnb pirty in power for their
reckless eUsrog.tid of tbo poople's dcuiund
This conu'ioss was putltloued for free cola age
from almost ev iy allnmco In the United
States. This gconld svvoil does not proves
that the alliance .ind kindled organizations
will support the democrats in Ib'U. ' If the
democrats fall to give a greater \olumo of
cuiienoy they will iccctvo the same .dnd of
punishment in Ib'lJ. We are determined , "
ho said , "to bo fel { and If this house ignores
our petitions wo-v\111 send to Washington n
housoof our owu. " i
Ilcniy Scratching in Illinois.
CHICAGO , Nov.5 , Never in the history of
Illinois politics hnvo the tickets of the ro
spcetlvo parties btoa scratched to such .in
extent as In the piesent ejection. It is no ex
aggeration to say that to this nlono is due
twenty. lour hour's dcjav which has cnsuetl
between the closiilg oC the polls and the time
that icllablo results wcro obtained.
Even now tbeto is a possibility that tbo re
turns may bo radically modified. The ele
ments -which have entered intolho present
campaign aud coutuUutcd to some extent to
the scrate-hing are the Tanners' Muttia1
Hcnellt association , the agitation ol
the compulsory school law nnd the
independent city ticket in Cook county
The results show that thcro has bec'n
a big amount of liading on local und state
tickets , not only in Cook county , butthiouerh
out the state Thoindlc-itions tonight point
to n much larger Lutheran 01 anti-school law
vote than anticipated bv cither of the pirtios
It is doubtless duo to Hiab's opiesul op
position to the law in its prusonl
lo nn and to Ambcig's acquiescence in
its modification Unit those gentlemen
although of different politics , but both of
Geiinan nativity , icceivcd tlio immense vote
which they did in nil tbo localities wheio
these sectarian societies have agitated the
school puestion. In Chicago alone Raid ) ap
pears to run no loss than 8DOJ ahead of Wil.
son , bis colleague on the dem
ocratic ticket. As the greatest opposltiot
to the school law was conllnoc
to Chicago and Cook county , this Issue
coupled with the Immense foielgn-spcnkltiR
clement in this city , fully explains Hnab's
strength for suiwrintendont of public m
struotion. Thioughouttbo sou them section
of the state , to which localities is prin
cipally confined the strength of the
Farmers' Mutual Beuetit association
the republican state nominees appeal
to have lost heavily. Ihe fact that AViison
democrat for state troismcr , is n high oil !
cinl In the Farmers' Mutual Uenctlt nssooln
tion , accounts for his popularity in localities
wheio tbo mcmbeisbip of that organization li
tli o greatest.
On tbo face of incomplete returns tonigh
In Illinois Is as follows : Amberr ( rep ) lei
treasurer. Is elected by 4,000 pluralitj ovci
Wilson ( dam ) ; Henry Uubb ( dom ) , for state
superintendent of publlo Instmction , is
olPcted by 10,000 plurality over Hlebard 13d
wards ( i op ) . The Ind loatlons arc Hint throe
icpubllcau nomliioes tor trustee of tlio state
unhcislt ) are eloctcd by slight majorities.
Cannon on tlio Hltimtlon.
CHICAGO , Nov. 5. Congressnnn Josepl
Cannon sends the following to the Associates
press in reply to a query as to the election
"Most of the members of the farmers' allinuu
voted with tbclr party , but enough farmer ic
publicans threw away their votoa to weakoi
tlio paity in this district. The school ques
tion told against reinlbHcins heavily The
democratic ) candidatf feir the legishitim
miiilo nil the plodgwaskod by the churches
assuiing the other damiciAts that they did no
mean nnj thing by iu , T'ho xiledges gave then
a largo vote. The JcKlnloj act in discuss
Ion was approved 'py the republicans , bu
the camp ilpn was so * short ilut nil could nebo
bo reached The dfjiioeiuts and mugwump
misrepresented matter us to its provision
imdwith these foreos Jtvoro enough to woil
dofo it. The tariit bivv' , as its otic ets mo felt
u 111 ndd strength inateiut of weakness. Ko
jiubllcans , especially , ifi'iimon , boliovoin th
American system oi , > protection ' 1 ho ropuh
Hcans will clear thqidaelt for action in IS'r '
nud carry the countm < The democrats can
not succeed a secbnd'Umo by fraud aud false
hood. " - * "
Dcinoornry AVjliip In
KKF , Nov r .rfvTlio icsultiii AVIscon
sin Is still a niattorofci doubt nnd may not b
known until night. From present appear
nnces Peck and the entire democntlo stat
ticket is olertod , but the leg statute will b
republican. Milwaukee has elc'etcd four o
live republicans out of tvvolvo iissombljine
und ono senator.
The returns from congressional district
are not full enough to Iridlcato vvltn a cor
tnlnty the result but the delegation wll
pi obably stand six to three , a dumocratl
gain of one. _
llio > nt
CHICAGO , Nov. fi. A tiblo tnndo up by th
Associated prosi from figures and estimate
received up to 1 o'clock Thurstlay niornlnf
show that the next house of rcprosontatlve
w III stand 235 democrats , 101 republicans an
llvo fanners * nlllanco. Toriltorinl delegate
are not Included m the table. It Is no
thought that the oftlrlul HKUIOIrlll mak
In these totals.
' 4T I ll r Tt f l1 Tf\\T
Prevailing Opinion of the ElTcct of the
Election ,
low O'ltrleti niul Dillon Will bo He-
celvrcl nt llie Capital Kenieson-
Intlto Mnsetn Conshlpm Ills
I'.utj's AVoirarc.
nunnvuTitB Ovtiitv Dsn , )
fKJ rot'iitrnVTii STIIBCT , >
WASHINGTON , I ) . 0 , Nov. fi. )
It lithe prevailing opinion hero that the
effect of the election \vlll bo to praent all
cgislntton ONi-ept the oassugc'of the appro-
illation bills at the nppio.ichlng session of
ongress The picsidont bus decided not to
cull nn eN.tia sojslem Oecauso he iealles that
t would by usclesi , and when tlio house
nuotsthe polle'j of the domocr.its will bo to
iltbustcr against ovciy measnro except these
ibwlutcly necessary for the support ol the
government. They e'lu easily do this In both
iousc'3 of eonciess and \\ill succeed hi preventing -
venting the republicans fioin can v ing out
the pioKiMtnino that they carried out u jcar
nn. t-rs or Aivrii iTj.
Consorvatlvo men do not c\piess stiiprlso
nor assign any icason for the political c > clone
which swept oxer tbo United States , and for
jnce cvuti tlio crj "local Issue" Is not raised
fhcro seems meiulv to have liccn a lovolutlou
similar to that of is" ! w he-n liutlcr as elected
governor of Mimac'husotts , although from n
lomoetatit standpoint the \ictoi.v appeals to
liao hern moro fiir-ic.iching this \ c ir 1'enu-
sylvunln has boi'iipractloallvc-oiici led to i'at
tlson for a month , and \\lion It was announced
that Cluis Magco and tils followers lit Pitts-
burg h id pone over to the domociacy biu-aiisc
of opposition to Quay the matter appealed to
bo n. foteeono conclusion Besides , Ptittlson
was nised u lepubllcan nnd oulv a fovjcnrs
ago was city tioasinvr of Philadelphia
Now Hampshire was , however , n genuine
sui pns > u and that thew tluuu prominent o ist-
ein states stiould have cast loose fiom their
moot lugs is oxplainc'd only bv the theory
that the people ate dissatisfied with e ongress ,
but it is not an unusual thing for the second ! of an iiiliiilnistiiuioii to ho hoivcdthus
Tboiois some consol itlon , how over , for the
frlcmh of pioteetlon that In a ulstnct gcrrv-
mantleied as that of McKlnle 's was , is that
hu should buvo cut down useeniinglj ussiuod
innjoiltv of suveial thousand to a beggirly
few hundivd mid probably iiceessl-
tito un olllclil count to clceldo the
result It cannot thcrcfoio bo ns
sumeu that the tuilft nlono is responsible
for republican looses and tbo lesson thus
taught may bo of iiiialc-ulablo benellt to the
Dirty two jcars > hcnco , when a iircsldentiiil
qUPbtloa is to b decided Kansas and Wis
consin shaken , to bo suie.
but fiOm othc-i p ills of the w est , and pirticu-
lurly the I'.ieifloiind the recently admitted
states , the news shows that they linvo 10-
m iltie'd htcailfitst to the principles of icpub-
llcanism Success for the lepubb-an putj
in this off j ear might have eiiUingcieil thuir
ticket in IVIi , but from this tune foi ward the
order will ho to close iiiuks mid charge
ng.dnst tbo common cnumy on u national
Ill VLTIIU , 1100DLL
Undoubtedly one of tbo best specimens of
tbo cngia\ci's ait is shown in the new ten
dollar notes which hive just been issued by
the tieasurv deputnicnt. On the fnco of the
note is a splendidly executed vignette bust of
the late General Sliciidnn , bcinc u ropioduc-
tlon of one of the best photographs of "Liittlo
Phil" nnd ono which will bo icadily recog
nized by bis ft lends and acquaintances , not
only in Chicago but throughout the United
States A now depiutui e will uu noted in the
scroll work on the back of the note , as the
giccn Is denser and darkei than bin hithci to
bccm manifested in work on notes of the
sntno denomination. These notes mo printed
under the act of congress of July 14 , Ib'IO ,
ttnd tbo buicati of engraxing nnd punting is
working extra hour.s to supplv the demand ,
which comes from every section for bills of
smaller denomination.
"A great deal will dopenp upjti the action
of the president lelntlvo to an extra session
of congiess , " remarked Thomas H. Walsh , a
member of the executive committee of the
national land league , this afteinoon in repaid
to the v islt of Messrs. Dillon nnd O'lJi ion to
Washington. "But up to this tlmo nothlne
definite has ben decided upon by the various
lush societies here It Is proposed to call
a joint mooting of the otllcials of
the different oiif.mi/atinns nnd iirrango a
progmnme for the rocoptlon of the two dis
tinguished Irishmen and when thov do como
to Washington they will bo likely to remain
hole for ton ( lays or tvvo weelcs. Ahoaelj an
Invitation has been extended to Messrs Dil
lon and O'Uricn to bo the guests of the
Kmeiald club of this city , December 17 ,
when a errand bill will be ghon to laiso
funds for the benefit of Ireland. Of
course -uhilo it would bo of great
advantage to us to secuie the ball of the
house of repiosentatlvcs nt the capitol for
obr visitors , still I do not think the imttor
w 111 bo urged and especi illy since It would
establish a bad picccdont if such a request
should bo gi. iiitcd. In the case of Mr. I'm-
nell , who dulivcicd an addioss sovcial year- .
ago in tbo house of icpiesontalives ,
\erv diffcient. Ho is the acknowledged
leader of the Irish people , whcncas Messis
Dillon nnd O'lliien are followers. Hut
they will not huU recognition nt the bunds of
their friends in this countiy on this account ,
Thcv have como to the United States for a
peed purpose and all true IiUhmcn , icirard-
loss of the soclctj to which they map belong ,
will encouiage them in ovcij possible manner
and pcisonal ambitions and eicslio for public
notorictv will bosiibordlnitod to the general
w elf aio of the lush people
A \Cm lt'8 IlI.llllN.
When the western train rolled Into tbo
Pimnsvlvanla ralhond station this nftc'inooti
one of the Hist piwsonge rs w ho alighted w ns
the president ot the United States , lotniiiing
from his homo in Indium , whcro hit hnd gone
to deposit Ids billot. Acuompin\ing the
prcsielent vvc'io 1'rivato Sec'rotnry lialfoid
mid Mr. TlhbcN , ono of the elciks nt the
cxcputivo inmslon Iho trio hcemcd In good
spliits , ns tbey walked up the plat
form. At the Indies' entrance to
tins depot the white house landau
was wailing fnr the party und they vveio
soon whirling over the concrete pavements in
nwostcrly dlivctioii. Mrs. Harrison greeted
her husband na soon as he entered the evccu-
tlvo mansion nnrt dinner , which hnd boon
prepared , was served immedlntolj for the
hungry travelers. Oidcis wcro given to
admit no callers dining the evening , as the
president was engaged with business matters
and dlu not e.uo to bo distill bud.
MON is nrtiiirTi'ti
nonresontntlvo Mason of Chicago , owing
to his teceiit nlllle'llon bv the death of his
llttlo boy , was not Inclined to talk politics
when seen this evening , but cxpiosspil legiot
ever his defeat foi tbo sake of tils jiaity. It
is Ids opinion tint within nyc-nrtho pooploof
the United State * will appre-clatotho bone-llts
of the McKlnloy bill und will bo hack In the
republican fold "Out in our BlnttV
hu continued , "thoy lugged In the
school question , and tlmt was loiponslblo , In
a great measure , for our defeat I'lobnbly
the republican paitv noenled this discipline
anil it may piovo a bU'ssiug In disguise No
matter how tlio plootlou turns out in my dis
trict nn homo has been nrokon up in this
city nnd I shiill roinovo thorn to Illinois as
specdj as possible.
Yuiille-j's I'Jxtriulll Ion ISceiin > 4tpel ,
Orrvw v , Nov 5 , The minister of Justice
has asked the United States government to
gr int the extradition of John AVllllam Yard-
PJ- , hold at Oniihi , Nou , for embozzlom out
fiom the Canadian express company.
Al'tor llio Miirmon Temnln.
SVI.T LIAKB CITV , Utah , Nov. 5. United
States Attorney today illcd a suit for
the forfeiture of the Mormon tainplo block
under the escheat law , claiming unit it is
used for Immoral purposes.
1'rcNliloitt HnrrlNon Upturn * .
WAWIIVOTOV , Nov. 5 I'roildcnt HiirrUon
reached Washington this evening via the
I'cnnsjlvunla railroad on his return from
Indlaimpolb ) ,
The Case of Theodore lluojslng , cbar d
\lthlarcony of funds , whlcl should have
been paid to Mrs Vanccl Hco/ak nt the demth
of her husband last July , was tiled In police
court joiU-rdiiy iiftcrnoon The1 plntntllT ,
Mrn Ilpc/ak , claimed thill wli'm her husbniid
lied ho was a member In good standing of
inrharotn ledge Sons of Ilcimon , n ( .lerman
HMiuvolent onlc'r , and that the tteasuterof
ho gland lodno at Milwauki'o sent $ .UI to the
secretary of the lodge , of which Vnucel Ueo-
? ak was a ine'inbor , to piy the futieial
! \ieuses. | She claimed futthor ( tint this $ .W
md never been paid to her , nud that Theo-
lote lliHMsIng , the secretary , hud approprl-
it pel tbo inoncv to his own use
Several AVltuc'ssc's WCTO Inttoduced , but
Judge ) IloUley did not e'onslder JhoeUdonro
siitliclontly conclusive , and the e HO wns dU-
mi : M'/// >
, D C , Nov.Summary of to
day's races
I'lvo furlongs Adult * won , Kittle T second ,
Bc-itha 11. ( llll.v ) third Time -1 tU' .
I'lvo nnd ono-lmlf furlongs -Syracuso won ,
IVnc'lcs second , Hustle thirl Tune 1 0)if. )
Mile nnd onn slstecnthLitvhmout won ,
Smmirattu second , PredVnul third Time
-W'j. ' >
Mile nnd tlneosKtronths Piathor won ,
St LuUo second , Hello M Or third. Time
! in
Stcpplechiisi ? , over regular c inrso Kvnngo-
Ino won , Kilhinipy second , Alcltimzlo third ,
Klphln fouith. Time51' ; ) ' ;
Nusln illp Itaocs. .
Nv itMt.i.r , Tenn , . Nov. -Sitmuitry of
todiy's inc'C !
rour nnd one1 half fiiilougs , Too Woolmnn
> i , Caulo A se'coud , Klnlltligovv third ,
linu , " 7
I'lvo nnd ono half fmlongs 1'otptn won ,
MIis Tiancis second , Little Crete third.
rime I U )
Seven und one-half fmlongNeva C' won ,
Llehi U sevond , l\er . tlilul Tune 1 . .l 'tf. '
Seven eighths of a inilo Ciishk'i * won , .la
In soc'oml , nilcmtna thltd Time I : ! ( >
rive e'liflitlis of ninllu Miss Howling won ,
Longllght second , Coiilnnu Kliitiov third
riiiio-1 U4
Ted IIJ'B Tips.
AT 1 1 i/innii ,
rhst iaco Diadford , Kolo
Second race Sonoi it i , Hiulge.
Third nice-Park Klclgc , Karly Blossom.
1'ourth iaco Cuiuclin , Canteen
rifth Houston (3racio ( M.
Slxtn iaco- Bon ll.urlsun , Oienidlor.
Se\entli racu Auianbi , Ouaiantoo.
rirstrnco Clntk , Coroni-l
Second nice Hopeful Sundial
'ihird race -IJlauiov btouc' , M moil C.
Kotiith i ace Melinite , Milt Joung.
rilth iaco Tom If ail , Jeihu Ailutus ,
A IA j HA sK
of tlie Cabinet liiterx l
on the Subji'c't.
\VvsniNmoN , Nov. fi 1'osmastcr General
Wnnilin.ikcr toda * , , in nnsvvor to an inipiiiy
by n icpiesentativo of the Associ ited iii-fss ,
said theio was no probiblllty of an ovtia ses
sion of connic'slie did not believe the
president bail nnj thought of calling congtoss
together betoio the icgulnr session. Two
other niembeis of the cibinot , who weio un-
willlnt ; to bo epiote-d by mine , said then'
would be no e\tra sussion.
ol'ihi' I'ac'kln Season.
CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 5 fSpj'lil Te-le-
toTitu Hi i ] Tomorrow'a I'nco Cur-
lent will say The beginning of thewlntci
packing season Is attended with a liberal
innikoting of hops Returns from points now
opsi.iting mo not complete' , but the ten load-
iii 'pluui have handled about tilO.OJJ luxjs
the p ist four business days , ngalnst 1 n,00 ( )
last , ear , and for the pist we-ck a total of
,110,1)00 ) , against jn.Ool hist jeur Details
compare us follows fiom Novomboi 1 to date
at pi ic-es inentloncd below :
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WVSIIINCITON , Nov. r > - [ .Special Telegram
to TIIK Hi r. ] Pensions weio granted today
ns lollows to Nehraskani Onjiaal invalid
A very H I\es , CoHimbus' John Rlgolow ,
Grand Islimd , Jnmcb T tTjia\ , Oilcans ,
William H. Mniucong , David Citv , Georfro
W Gilmcs , bten-llns ; Daniel M Hcnder-
shott , Ginbons Ineicaso Josophus Tore
lunn , Nulljth , Adam la\ ! , Lincoln , Andievv
Hdv\ards , ljlattsiiiouth
Iowa * Original Invalid -John W Dodpo ,
HlootntlcldVlllluin Allgool , Osknloosa.
Isnie ! SlddlQi * , MchinUin Incieiso ( Jabel
Bolknnp , AmiiPi , Ib-niv 1 ! Wins
low , Lelwein. Aniel Campooll ,
Hovvaid A. Koscmnn , D.ui'iipoit ,
Albeit O Hurst , Onaw.i , M Hawk , Leeds ,
John P Strieulor , Contervlllo ; , loscih | M
Smith , Mncnollu. .lohn M Duncan , AVIntor-
sot ; Thomas Mulhill , Valloiio , Hdwaid L.
rol'om , Cicsccnt Clt.Ri'lswo . Nathan T
Dingmnn , Tow ton : Geow W Hebuit ,
Counc'Il HlutTs ; ,1 J. Kvusbiifjer , Pella
Original widows , etc Li//lo M , widow of
Andiow M. lloiton , Algona , Agnes , widow
of T. F. Hobo , Neidn. .
IMo'iellnu ; for Mlieliall.
OTTAWA , Nov. fi Mrs Iliivluil ! , uccoin
panled by her attouie-v , called on the mlnlstoi
of Justice todav nud pleidod for executive
clemency In belrdf of herhusbiuel She pre'-
sented a petition signed bv about sl\ bundled
poi-sons. Mi > > Hiuha'l ' exhibited much
emotion. Sir John Thompson W.H vUiblv
iifTectod. Ho Bild that ho toll deep sympathy
for Mis Hire-hill , nnd would ( -lvo cirofnl
atti'iitlon to the stutomc'iits of the solicitor
ami the e ontcnts of the petition
Another III- ) ; Denver I iro.
DFNVISH , Cole , Nov ! < l iio brokooutin
the rear of Toilet's lumber yuid , Ninth and
Lniimor stioets , tonight , nnd quluklv spread
to the St I'lino hotel , two Htoios and n num
her of sin ill loslcloncc's. The fiio was not
gotten under control for soM'iul liouis Ono
uukiiown man was hunted to death In thu
hotel U is thought tint , another mini and
two diilili.m perished , but this can not bo
lonraod until tumouovv. Loss , ovci # 10(1,000 (
lliillalo I'.levutiiiH Itiirnc'd.
Hiii'Vlxi , N Y. , Nov ti At 'J a m the
Wells olevatoi was dlscou'ic'd tohu In ( limos
nnct in loss th in an horn was almost totnllj
dostiojcd. Tvvo other Imyo oiovaton nnd a
number of adjoining vviuehou.Hes mo in
iliniies and the iho Is spt .ullng- . The loss
w 111 bo lions y.
.liilillatlon O\ei theNevv ( "onntlcn.
ANSI.M , Neb , Nov r [ Speolul Tclegiaiii
to TIIK III r 1 The division of Ouster county
for the erection of the new counties of Noble' ,
Nominee ) and Hnrrisoii Is cauied bv n urn
Jni Ity of ! l'i ' 1 This town Is w lid w Ith oxeite--
incut. Anvils nnd cannons nro lit.'lnx llred
on ovcrv cornet , tlm hand 1110 all out and
hundiods of puopl'ouro goui ) ; wild with Joy
ScoTTiiAir , Pa , Nov . " The tlncntoncd
sttlko of cmjilojesof thoTilck coke world
In the Coiinolhvlllo u\jlon begin this morn-
Intr , but nn nxieomcnt was reached tonight tei
mihmlt the ) inittor to nrhltiatlon , nnd the
inun will return to work In the meaning
Minister Lincoln
NF.V , YOUK , Nov -Tho United States
minister to Hun-land , H. T Lincoln , m lived
today on tbo City ot Now Yoik. IIo brought
the romidns of Ids son , Ahiatiim Mr. Lin
coin refused to discuss political mittors HI ;
Ktny In the United btiiten will bo brlof.
Itoal l
The nnmiiil mooting of the Heal Kitalo cx-
rhnngo will bo hold tbU uftcrnoon ut the
rooms In the Now York llfo balldlng. whun
otllcors for the coming will bocle'ctcd
'the ) Itopo Itroku.
I'lili.AiiF.i.i'iiu , Nov. B The wlie rojw ol
Iho plovntor in the Kdlson electric llfihtj
broke toulgUt pivclpltatlni * ; the' ell * t
cellar. John Taj lor and Jesse Hooth _
injured probaul > fatally nuel James Costcllu
llio Duke ol' Nassau at
LtIMIH no , Nov -fSpichil Cnbk'"r.ini
to Tnr. Unit , ] The duke of Nassiu , heir op-
pircnt to th'i Knmd dukedom of Luxemburg ,
who , through the notion of the Dutch parlli-
nic'iit in deviating if Ing William of Holland ,
the' present grand duke , tniMpablo of govern
ing , bevomes repent of thoelnehy , nrrhcd hero
today. Large crowds gnthoievl at the inllwav
.station to welcome him , mid ho was given uu
eMithuslastle reception The now ic-ge'tit In
spc'ctod the Milunteers , who nfteiwnids
marched pist him lu levle'w. The stivets
were erowded ami much enthuslism was ills-
pln.ed _
ClirlstlniiH .Mm ii > reil In C'lilnn.
Sn VNIIU , Not > Ueeently , nt thucloao of
the evlebratlon of a Huddhlst festival In the
[ iiovlneo of S/e ( .lieun , a number of organ
ized mobs nttacki'd seven al Christian \llhiges ,
burning thu huildliiK' " Twenty mitlvo con
\eitstoCliilstiiinltyweiv Killed duil'ijj ' ; tlm
ellstinbliii'es , and thi'lr bodies tin-own into
the Yun-Tfe Kiaiig river.
Tlie I'ne Koc'oi'il
II viirromi , Conn , Nov. fi Tliioo mills nt
( thistonlmi ) , Conn , use I by J. H Williams
Co In the maiitifactuie of soap powder ,
bin nod toniglit. Loss , JUXI.iHtO ,
TinDentil lloll.
I'uiNdioN , N J , Nov. 5 rinnklln C
Hill , ciuator of the biological museum of
I'lluecton colli'ge , died today.
Kiuile' ( ) AirUe-s In Ne w VoiU.
Ni w Voiih , Nov 5 Stmilo * . nud wlfcMind
T.U'utcnnut Ji'phson arrived on the Teutonic
.I it I'.t it A uiuvs. .
II. II Shaw of Chicago Is at the Mm ray
K II. A\ery of Atlantic , In , Is at the
.1 M Cmr.v of Petulei is r eglsteied nt the
( ie-oigo TJ , Oiborn of Davi'iipoit 13 at the
H.n ker
.1 Itjer ot Ucs Molnes is in the citnt tlm
ll.ii ker
D. C Kuinsof Voik Is icglsteiud nt iho
Hat ker.
.TudgoCiawfoidof West 1'olnt Is at the
I. II. Day of Kansas Cltj Is stopping nt the
Mui ray.
W. A llilgg * ? of HulTiilo , N Y , Is at the
O. II. Vaughn of Minneapolis is at the
T. H. II. Kobeits is in the citj ut the
Moi chants
J. W. Paucll of Oilcans Is In the cltv it
the C.isey.
.1 ( ! . Sutton of Heldoa was nt the Casey
hist night.
C W llooth of Chicago wns at thpjl'axton
last night
n C Hu tier of Cincinnati is in the city , at
John W. Ha ) os of Philadelphia Is stopping
.n the Paxton.
W C Moore of St Louis was nt the Mil-
Lu d last night
K C Me Lear of Pittsbur , 1'a , is In th
citj , nt the Mm lay
.1 M KaulTiiinn of New York was at tha
Miar.n last night
K S. Hailov of Hock Island wusntthu
meichlilts list night
H 1C Jin doni of Washington , 1) . C , is leg
isteied nt the 1'iiNton.
Ce'0in'e ! * D Anderson of Topcha , Kan , was
at the liurker last night
A. M , Walker of Dt > ! ; Molnes is in the citv ,
legNtoied at the jMilluul
Colonel .Indson A Lewis of New Yoik , nc
compaiiicHl bv his wife , who bus been miking
ii'i oUemU'd pleasure tiip tlnoiigh the noitb
west and thu J'aellic * s'ope ' , lias iurhrd In
Omiiliu , homovMiid buiinit. Colonel Lewis
was foi e-le\en ye .n- , United States consul in
Afiie'a , and leslgned Ids ( oiniiilsslon lust
Muic'li IIo will le-ctinc on "Lilo In Afilc.i'
dining the coming winter. IIo Is v er * , much
pleased w ith Omaha
Around tlieorlil in Tlilrey
It is noirly eight thousand miles
fiomhcio to Jtip.iti , by the uhorlust of
all western ionic's to the oilunt ; and
will ) fair we-athor , I shallsi'o Yeil.ohaum
in al out tineo vvoc'Ks. Mo-it of us can
loinouibor a tlmo not see \ \ , long ago
when such a journoj would hu\o boon
a join-lie1. of many weary months. Ne < v
eitliole-ss , vvlmt Wej now think rnplei
tr.iAollng. will e-e'-tainly within n u-vv
joursC < .MII \ < MJ slow , writcrf Jji-fuudii
Ui-iii-ii in JIiirJHjr'H Mngn/ino. L'astci
tstoamoi-h ami swifter trains willmiKi
the e-iiiuit of tlio wmld in tidily ilnjh a
possible feat in the ptese-ut'iem
Onl. * > tlio e-omplc'tion of tlio Russian
ti.miAsiaticload te > VliHlUoitoe'k in
needed to cro'ito tlio piHtibilitTitldnx
I-onele > ii , the woi Id's coiiimoreoiil c-ipitiil ,
fora stirting point , llio following iiitos
of time inoiliutc-d will ho found oasilv
lonlipablo :
I loin-i
IIvi-i pool loljiic-lii i-lj ) f isl stiMiinor U 0
( Jui lie-c lo Viiliiiiivi > i. blall nl IM't
mill's in limn I'oiiviM lo Vliiilhoslni'U , by fail
< > ln imii in lUIn , ! Is Knots 10
Vlnelheitlnpk to - ( I'cle ishurg , by
i ill , nt I" , miles .111 hoiii II Iti
"M I'ulet-ibui to I.Diidou . . J i )
in i ,
A total of tliiil.\-fi\e ! elnvH , six liouif.
Hut tin-so oaluulnlioiib ine'lude Hlovv
stti c"of tiii\e-l. Forty inljos an hour on
thu two jfii'iit ti'aiisi-oiitineiiliil loaeli
will icdui'o tlio luno bj moio tlinii Iho
dnjs ; ntul Htieli ttiuo will cortainlj bu
nnitlo in aiiiwur to e'oinniorolnl iioiissi.
tie- ' * . Aheadstenmoiswift ) m Uic gre nl
AtlantictOhsulu are ) bjing construete-d
for Ihogroal I'ncilleinn. .
Tims , by muclniiilcal BtipproHslon eif
time , the planet in ever ouiii1 Hindi ) V
sinalloi- for us.
vvlie-n it ah ill hnvo br > j'iin to
too HiiinH mm will turn , more loiel
11 } to Hie > . Hliulj of that \aitoi' vvorl i
within hiniseilfIKMO \ iloopi are jet in ,
soimdol and iintravole-il , whoso milj
horl/oii IH the Inllnilo.
Shop OlrlH Woikitd to Di-ath.
T .o liitfh taleeif mortdllty iimoiig the
bho , ) ; H lu the inoimtoi whops of I'm is ,
I ! pop rent in largely duo le ) pi-omit u >
\ exhaustion fiom Imlng UIIIID i to
hit down thiougliout tlio day.
A K nun i MI < n oi.
A dCDI'tflll flllllie'llllll liDll llt Olll * , Tl
e-onls'woi Hi of moat dm ing twe'il )
' '
- - "
ol h
Absolutely Puro.
Aor iof tartar buklng powder ,
iif leavening itrenKth U , b , Oovernracnt
oort Auif , 17.
Ciillnrn nnd < Juirn. >
Correct StyUi.
Deil Quallly. Perfect fllllt > a.
( n't THEM ,