Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1890, Image 9

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    ( I
Nebraska Retrieved from the Withering Blight
of Constitutional Prohibition.
Strong Indications that the Majority Against the
Amendment Will Exceed 23OOO.
iiTynnrMT AIA rp ir I T iTtvp / AiAMr ro
Prohiloition Safely Knocked Out Irrespective of
the "Vote of Douglas County.
Connell and Bryan Make a Neclc-and-Neck
Race for Congress.
Richards , Boyd and Powers Making a Close
Race for the Governorship Dorsey
in the Lead in the Third.
Owing to the very largo amount of scratch-
In done , both In the city and country pre
cincts'throughout ' the state , the count of the
ballots has been firontly delayed. The great-
fst interest is centered upon the result of the
prohibitory amendment and the votes on this
proposition wcro counted llrst. The
il returns received indicate that
prohibitory amendment has been
defeated by from 23,000 to 30,000 , and is
uifcly Icnoelied out , irrespective of Omaha
tid Douglas county. t V
The result of the vote upon tub-heads of
the btn' jlcltet is HS yet problematic. The
tllinnco seems to liavostood solid In inanysec-
lioni of the stnto and to have drawn
heavily from both parties , Tbo vote for
Powell's seems to have been drawn from
liichimls and Boyd hi a ratio of five to four.
In the First district too race is very close bo-
Iv.'cen Connell and Bryan. In Omaha Council
run uway abend of Hich-rdi.but did not re-
i-oivo the vote anticipated , and also ran be
hind In Lancaster counts' , although ho re
ceived more votes there than did Bryan.
CoiiucH'B ' friends figured that lie must
receive a majority cf 1,500 votes in Oma-
ba and Dougliia county. Returns thus -far
received Indicate that he will fall short -of
\hnt miinber , and it will take the vote of the
loutheustern counties to determine Ms fate.
In the Second district Meltelfihuu , the
lomocratlc-alUanco candidate , has defeated
ll.irlan , the republican , by a lair majority ,
lie , however , failed to carry bis own city of
Red Cloud , where llnrhui was given a heavy
M'to. '
Dorsey is In the lead in-tho Third , but
If elected It will lo by a greatly
Hinlnlshed majority as compared with
Iwo years apo. Kem developed consul-
trnhlo strength in sonic of the rural counties ,
Wit not cnouih ; to make much of an hnpres-
lion. Thompson received a largo compll-
ncnUiry vote in Hall county , hh homo.
The returns nro so meagre thaUno estlmato
lan bo made at. this hour upon the complexion
tf the legislature. A largo number o (
fcllmnce men have undoubtedly boon elected
lo the louse nnd a number to the senate.
It will probably be 8 o'clocli before satis
factory returns are received upon which to
base n reliable estlmato of the result on
Each new report seems to increase the
Majority against the prohibitory amendment.
The supposed prohibition strongholds have
hi many coses given majorities against the
liolow are Riven tlio full returns M received
Vy the Dump totiOii ; : : , in :
TlicStnln I'ljtures. '
IiNOi.N | , Nob. , Nov. ( , [ Special to Tin
Bt'r. ] It lias been n lively election day It
Lincoln and temporarily cver.vthlng else wiu
Forgotten. It has been assumed to be a Icga
fcollaay and nil the state , county and clt ;
> fflelnls closed their ofllccs and pave their as
Jlstiuits u chance to join In the fray , All da ;
r.\ \ lonR tbo various polling- places wcro Uirongci
i J with a multitude of people. Excitement wa
blgh nnd tbo discussions at times grow vcr ;
The prohibition cnuilo ivero out to i
Koman , 'nnd booths wer erectei
W1 them near each iiollinjr place , while i
nwnrm cf females button-holed ever ,
) r , n without the formality of aa introductioi
) iul : utteuiptod to luduco him to vote fo
torohibltlou. Incasoho Defused , his reason
lot so doing wcro demanded and the r sul
Was tlmt many too-brazru feumlrn r < eclve <
kiiRR tlons to mind their own bxi lnes3 , Th
immodrHt efforts of the women resulted 01 :
istrously nnd many meubecamo dlsKUstcc
iotuns ; coming lo very slowly 0:1 account c
r.nusual uumber of scratched tlcUcts. Dente
\as \ received n'oro votes la Lancaster count
ban any other candidate on any of th
bcltcts ,
Tlio Riucuumcnt h snowed undittn T.lncol
\y \ at lUUcu humJrcd. majority , la
conservative estimate Lancaster will bring
thoiiguro up to 2,000.
Despite scratchiiiR , Hichards nnd Connell
are ahead of their opponents in Lincoln.
UvcrJlve thuusunJ votes n\- polled In
this city. I'rohtbition will ho defeated In
the county by over t\vo thousand.
WMIO ( > , Xob. , Xov. 4. iSnocinl Telegram
toTinBii.l : : The aiiti-problbltioiiists hero
u w feellnpr jubilant. Some advices from out
side in the county point to prohibition.
GIIICIK , Nob. , Nov. 4. ( Special Telegram
to TIIK Bi'.n.J--lioporls from the county in
dicate about 1,8,10 majority against prohibi
tion. 1'rohibs in Crete see their defeat.
Sfi'Fiuoii , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
frram to Tin : BKI.J : Thoamcnuincnt isnbout
stand-off. Every thing Is quiet.
Fiii'.Mos"r , Nel > . , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Bir. : ] Fremont ( joes f > 00
ainst the amendment. ,
DvviDCiiT , Nub. , Nov. 4. iSpecinl Telo-
Ki-am toTui ; Bun. ] All correct thus fur In
Butter count- . Prohibition it snowed under.
sMoi-p.i , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tel-
to THE Br.r , ] Cnss county will go
, WO nmjority iicainst the nniondnient.
OUAFTONNeb. . , Nov. 4. Estimated vote
'or governor : Hielif ' ) 14 ; Powers , JO ,
Joyd , 11 ; 1'rtine , 4. / jt eongross : Harlan ,
1 ; MvKulghan , I5HValmor ; , I.
NKI.IOH , Nob. , Nov. 4 , The Second ward
Rives Dewey T < , Thompson Ifl , Kem 14 ,
' { Ichnnls ill , Boyd'-Jl , I'owcrs 14. All the
tate tlclcel is about the same. Watts , for
itato bctiiitor , yt ; Poynter , li ) . Mcdco , for
representative , ill ; Bartholomew , 18. Boyd ,
"or county attorney. Jtt ; Williams ! I3. There
s 10 majority against the amendment for
prohibition. NcllKh township also gives a
majority against prohibition. Ord township
gives Hoi-soy M-J , Thompson fl. ICem 31 , Rich
ards SI , Boyd I'.1 , I'ewers 10 , Watts 29 , Poyn
ter ! 0 , McUeo .13 , Bartholomew IS ; Boyd , for
county uttnrnoy , : . ' ; Williams , 18 , For pro
hibition , 14 ; atrnlnst , . ' . The prohibition
amendment will bo about a stand-oft In An-
telepe ,
Onixi.r.Y CKNTEII , Neb. , A'ov. 4. Leo Val-
oy cait 53 votes , of which Richards received
5 votes , Boyd li and Powers 47. For prohi
bition , ' .i ; against , 4ti.
IlRATiiiCG , Nt'b. , Nov. 4. The Indications
are the city will give 400 votes against the
prnhlbltory ainondinent. Conservative estl-
inites from ixsllablosources give In the county
a total of 0 aRalnst the amendment. Owing
to the length of the ticket the count cannot
bo completed for several hours. The repub
licans are certain their entire county ticket is
cleted. The total vote cast in the city is
1,971. ,
Divin CiTr , Xeb , , Nov. 4 , Prom meagre
reports from all over the county it Is- esti
mated that Boyd and the democratic ticket
will carry It by a plurality of about : ! ( . The
majority aaulnst prohibition will probably
reach MX ) . There wcro 43 ! ! votes cast in this
city , but the canvassing 1ms not been com
pleted yet. The majority against prohibition
In the city will be light. The republicans will
elect one of tha two representatives , while
Scliram , the democratic candidate for
senator , ! ms probably carried the county
by a smull majority. The Indorenuent vote
In the eitv was very liRht.
Hoi.DKcnu , Neb. , No.v 4. | Spccial Tele
gram to TIIK BKK. ) The prohibitionists nro
out In full foroo and working hard and claim
they will carry this county by BOO , but they
will not.
Conn.tNP , Neb. , Nov. 4 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Unu. ] > Hlfhlaiid precinct , Gajie
county , wives Richards , 117 ; Bovd , 87 ; Pow
ers , 89 ; Paine , il ; nryan , 137 ; Uonncll , b'J ;
Hoot 7 i ; Chapman , ' . ' .
NOUTII 1'i.tTrn , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special
Telegram to THE UER.J .VIS votes castjlilO
for the amendment , IJcturns will bo lute.
CIIKTK , iN'oli. , Nov. 4. ( Special Teleprnni
to Tin : BIK. : ] For prohibition , 37S ; against.
429 ; llchardK ( , 0. > ; Boyd , i)71 ) ; Powers , ! 13 :
I'aino , US ; McIColghini , 881 ; Harlan , 817 ;
1'idnier , 43.
FUU.KHTOX , Xeb , , Nov. 4. [ Spccial Tele
gram to THE lUi.l Council Creek precinct ,
Kanco county ; Total vote , 81. Bo.vd , U ;
Klcharils , 5 ; I'owcrs , 77 ; Paine , none. Foi
congressThompson , ; Dorsey , 4 ; 'Cum , 78 ;
Pierce , none. For prohibition , 1 ; against ,
( H , High license , .IS. Fullortoa precinct ;
Total vote , JJO'J ' ; republican , Hll ; prohibition ,
31 ; domocratle , fl'J ; ' peoples. 105. This is the
total voto. The tickets are nil badly scrntctiet
and no one can toll at this ho'ur the outcome
Returns from Geneva indicate that Dorsoj
and Richards carried that | > reeluct.
TcKAMtii , Neb. , 'ov. 4 , [ Special Telo
pi-am to Tnr. Rue. ] Tckimoh precinct , Uur
county ; total vote , 418 , Hic&ards , 'J07 ; Boyd
100 ; Powers , 3 ; Pnlne , 11. For congress
Dorsey , 1150 ; ICein , 1511 Thompson , 81. Foi
prohibition , ' . ' 15. Apalnst prohibition , 120
In the same precinct the vote of 1SSS stood
Thayer ( rep ) , SlOt JtcShnno ( dem ) , 144
Uorsov ( rep > ,250wcatUorby , ; ( dcm ) . ia'J ,
fli < Mnou > T , Neb. , Ts'ov. 4. [ Sporlal 'folc
KIIIin to Tint riKK.--Tae ] vote polled at th' '
last city election was 27R , today SM. Ksti
mated vole today t Independent , 3 ; prohlbl
tlon , 1 ! ! , with a small domocratio majority' fi
the buhinoo of the voto. The prohlbltloi
amendment question is claimed by both sldo.s
It U undoubtedly close.
ST.U'Limt'iHT , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
eram to TUB Bru. ] Thin pnvloct's tola
vote is .VJ8. Eatlmato for tua prohlbltlo
iimrnUmcnt & ) .
CourN bklNo\ri.-LSiiecinl.Tcl \ gram t
TIIK llni.l flolllng Springs precinct ,
ns follows ; IJorsoy , 7 votes ; lost 17 ; Thomp
son ! il , loit 1. gained fi ; ICein 13. Against
prohliiltlon HO. Kor hlnti license 20.
AIXSXVIIUTII , Neb. , Nov. 4. fHpeclal Tele
gram to Tin : Jim : . J Two precincts in Brown
county give Hiehurds , 2J7 ; lloyd , 187 ; Pow
ers , 100. Alnsworth precinct gives Dorsey
( reo ) , 132 ; Thompson ( dim ) , ill : Kem. 11U.
PiiiKNii. Neb. . Nov. 4. - [ Special Telegram
to TiiBBrK.Friend precinct. Snllnocounty ,
total vote 105 : Boyd , 101 * ; Hichards. 317 ;
Powers , 74 ; Paino,1. ' . For congress , Harlim
217 ; McKcighan. HIO. Estimated for prohi
bition , Iif7 ; atralnst , UK
Mr.tiKuun. Keb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tnr Ilci : . ] Mcilfnrd precinct ,
Thomas county : Total vote , fifl ; Boyd , 11 ;
Hichards , " 't ; Powers , 1(1 ( , For congress ,
Thompson , 'J7 ; Dorsoy , 14 ; Kcm. 13. For
prohibition , 111 ; n nliist , lf > . For high
licence , 1 ; atrnlnst , ! ! ( ) .
IC.\r.Tnn , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tclopram
to Tnc Bun.- ] Exeter precinct cast ! ! J1 votes. ;
Hlcharils frepi ) : ) ; Hoyd ( dem ) , 101 ;
I'owcrs ( Iml ) , Oft. Harlan ( rep ) for conpre s ,
UKJ ; McKclihaii , Kfl. Prohibition is defeated
by n majority of H ) votes.
Mii.i-omi , Nch. , Nov. 4. ISpsclnl Telegram
to TIIK Br.K.j The whole number of votes ,
MS , count so far a ? follows ! Itoytl , ! ! 2 ;
Richards , 20 : Powers , 14. Vor congress
McKelgbau. ; i ) ; finrlaii , ! ! ! ! . l or the aniend-
meiit , US ; ugalnst , ! ) .
NOUTII Pi.vrn : , Neb. , Nov. 4. ( Special
Telegram to Tin : BKI ; , ) North PUltoclty
gives 300 majoritj' against prohibition. .
IltSTixns , J\'eb. , Nciv. 4 , ( Special Tele-
pram to TIIK Bur. . ] Uosclaiuf township :
Total vote for the amendment , 84 ; against
amendment , S4.
UiMxn CITV , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HKK.I lllslng City polled : ) iK )
votes , The prohibitory amendment carried
by about 75 majority.
GRXBVA , Neo. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKB. ] Four precincts bavo
been beard f rom In Fillinoro county ( jiving
KiHiardslflM. Hoyd UW , Powers 409 , Harlim
I1) ) * , McKeighan 517. For the amendment.
4'3I , aifainst ' _ ' 73.
StiT.moH. Xeb. , Nov. 4. [ Snecial Tele
gram to Tin : 13KK.1Superior : Klcliards ,
.VI ; Boyd , ! 2 ! ) ; Powers , I5J ( ; Harlim , 6J ! ; Mc-
Iveighnn , 1)5. ) These nro straight tickets.
OIID , Neb. , Nov. 4 , [ Special Tolcjrram to
Tun HKI : , ] Ord precinct ; Best count now
for governor , Boyd , VJO : Powers , 120 ; lllch-
arda , 110. Congress : Thompson ( dem ) , ISO ;
Ivem ( ind ) , 1'JO ; IJorsey ( rep ) , 111) ) .
HOI.STKIX , Nob. . Nov. 4. [ Special Tolcs-
pram to Tin : Bii.j : Estimated vote of Cottonwood -
tonwood township for jjoveniori itichards ,
' . ' . ) ; lioyd , i > 0 ; Powers. 4' ) . For congressman :
Harlan ( rep ) , ! ! 0 : AIcKcigtmn ( dem ) , 05.
Prohibitory amendment , 30 ; against , HO.
UTICA , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tnr. UBI : . ) The vote of this place Is as fol
lows : For governor Milliards , 1211 ; Eoyd ,
100 ; Powers , 48 ; Paine 11. For the amen d-
nient it is estimated 117. ! Kor high license
amendment ills estimated at 14S. For con
gress , Harlan , 120 ; Mclvcifc'linn , 147.
Dnxii'iitN , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ ypecml Telu-
Rram to THE Bins.J Kepublleun , 01 ; demo-
eratk1 , 34 ; iiulepcndcutK. . Amendment
estimate about even voto.
Ai.cxNiiiiiA , Neb. , Nov. I. [ Special Telc-
Bi-am to TUB Hii : . | The indications are that
Alexandria precinct will give the entire re
publican ticket a majority of . ' 143 and the pro
hibition amendment from fiOto CO majority.
St'Pisnioii. Neb. , Is'ov. 4 , [ Spec lid Tele-
Knim to Tin : Bun. 1 Superior , Nucltols
county : 14S straiglit tickets counted. Itich-
ards , 515 ; Boyd , Si ) ; Powers. 00 ; Hiirlan , 5l ! ;
McKeighan , ' .15 ; foi'prolilbitlou,7i ; against , Oil.
BKOKKX Bcnv , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ { Special Tol-
egruia to TIIK T3EK. ] Blnine county gives a
two-third . He-
- majority against prohibition. -
turns from this county slow ; indications are
that prohibition has carried by a slight
AI.IIIOX , Neb. , Nov. 4. - [ Special Tele-
pram to Tin ; BKI : . ] The estimate so far as
received for Boone county indicates u defeat
of pi'ohi bit ion by .a small majority.
SIOTIA , Neb. , Nov. 4. ( Special Telegram
to TUB BKC. ] Scotia township will go prohi
bition. Others will o agnlnst It.
Jim'KiRi : , Net ) . , Nov. 4. [ Tele-
pram to THE Hr.i : . ) About'J.OOO votes in this
city. Majority against nroblbtlou estimated
at from 400 to COO.
NEI.IOII , Neb. , Nov. 4 , [ Special Tele-
pram to THE BKI : . ] Only two wards have
been heard from. Hiclmrds has O.i ; lioyd ,
87 ; Powers , .15 ; Dorsey , tj'J : Thompson , 41 ;
Ivoin , H7 , For state senator , Watts , 8 : < ;
Poyntou , BO. Mcco ( ! for representative , U2 ;
Hartholonicw. 48. For county attorney ,
Boyd , Si : ; Williams , 71. i'or prohibition , 7b ;
Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
.ram to TUB HUB. | Tlio amendment is
irobiibly defeated In this citv and county.
SiTrox , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
o TIIK UKK. ] School creek precinct polled
ibout , ono thousand votes , two-thirds of
vhicltvero anti-prohibition. Sutton gives
about ono hundred nntl-prohlbitlon majority.
Sheridan precinct about forty anti-prohibi-
BIIOKCN Bow , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
'ram toTin : Uii : . ] A full vote was polled
n this urecinct. ( M ) votes being cast. The
estimated vote is ; Hlrhardi , 2 ; > fl ; Boyd , 100 ;
'oweis , Is9 ; Dorscy , 240 ; Kcm , ii.lU ! Thoinp-
ion , HH .
GIIANU IHIAXD , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BKI : . ] Indications are that
ho mnjority against prohibition in Hull
ounty will bo 2,000.
AUU-AIIOK , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
; ram to THE UKK.I Reports indicate u
'stand-off" on prohibition ,
Noam Purrr , Neb , , Oct. ill. [ Special
rologrumto Tins BIK. ] A larto vote was
cast and prohibition was snowed under.
OKU , Neb. , Nov. " 8. [ tapcciul Telegram to
ViiEBKK. ] The vote In this city Is a little
'ess than the estlmato against the amend-
DUNNINO , Nub. . Nov. 4. jSpeclal Tele
gram to Till ! BKK.J Dorscy carries this pro-
Inct and probably the county by a larco ma.
jorltv. The amendment xvas dcleutcd bytwo-
thirds. |
NKIIKASKA CITV , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special
to Tun HIK. : ] The Indications are tnut the
democrats huvo carried Otoo county. The
only returns at 10 o'clock are from unadilla
precinct , which cast 34t > voles , 83 alliance , ft !
daraocratio , 57 republicans , Ihl against the
amendment and 111 : ) fot.
Sui'KiuoK , Neb , , Nov. 4. [ Special TelC'
Brain to THE BKE , | Superior cast 447 votes ,
It is generally conceded that the ajn.endiiionl
was beaten In this city. The tickets were
badly scratched. Nora precinct at a rougli
estimate given the amendment 130 , republican
5' ' , tdllunco 07 , democrats ItO.
NOIIFOI.K , Neb , , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
: ain toTni ; BIK. : ] The Indications point t <
7.10 or more majority against the amendment
in Norfolk.
IlBN'MSciTox. Neb. , Nov. 4. [ SpeclalTolo
Brain to TIIK lii ) : : . ] Boyd , 155 ; Hichards
1U ; state ticket the same. Connell , 01
Brvan , 110 ; Brccht , 88 ; Yost , 07 ; Gurley
77 ; Chrlstofersen , 100 ; Shea , 103 ; Switz
lor. 10 ; ! ,
WAYNE. Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegran
to TIIK Biui.J Wayne precinct , 2&J vote ;
cast. Hichards , I.VJ ; Boyd , 77 ; Powers.
Pulne , 'Jl ; Dorsoy , 144 ; 'fyiomnson , S3 ; ICein
Uljl'ierco , 17. For the prohibitory amend
menu 100 ; against , 07 ,
SIIICKI.UY , Net ) . , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
pram toTiiE Br.K.J Bryan polleo i14 votes
Purtial ix'turns show : Prohibition , SO
against , li ) ; Hichards. 10 ; Bovd , B ; Powers
37 ; Paine , I : AleKcipuan , : tl ; Harlan , 18
Fillinoro county polled 174votc : Democratli
'Mi republican , 0 : prohlbillon , ' . ' .
FAinni'iiY , Neb. . Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
pram to THE BEI.J : Fairbury precinct poll
JiSil for Majors and S l for Hlchards. SlxUici
of these republican \iilc , . went to Powers
Tlio democratic tickets polled' 21 ; the inde
penitents 104 ; prohibition ! ) ( .i. On the amend
meat Fuirbury Is about a stand-off , Thuprr
hlbltlon amendment Is ahead of all tickets n
the county.
( IUUKI.Y CH > TI'.II , Neb. . Nuv 4 , [ Spocld
Telegram to TUB nut : . ] rlsh Creek prcclncl
Oreely county : Total vote , BO. Boyd , 1
Richards , 12 ; Power * , 87. For congress
Doriioy , WICoin , : i7 ; Thompson , 1 , For pre
hlbitloii , 1 ; against , 83.
HAHTINOTO.V. Nen. , Nov. 4. [ Rpeclul Tcli
gram to Tim BKK. ] The iillimico yoto In thl
county wai about 400 ; Boyd , about M < ]
Hlclmnls. about 4.V ) . Everything wn
scratched. The ulllnnco 'veto was almo :
Oiu > , Neb , , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram t
Tilt : Dei-There ) was n very small uujorlt
against the amendment in this city ,
UII.VNU ISLAND. Ncu. , isov. 4 , [ Spccli
Telegram UjTiiE BEU.l-I'rohlbltlou was di
' - - - aicQuiUu < iQiuit .
nil ? ITBIWI nwi
A. Veritiiblo Demooiatio Ojc'ouq From tLo
Rockies to the Allegbanies.
Kansas Writhing in tlo Clutches of the
Fanners' ' Alliance.
A Regular Landslide to Democracy in AH
The Pnlitlonl Complexion of the Nc.xt
Congress Decidedly Iiop-Slilcil
Uut Prohibition is Vend and
the Country IH Sale.
.x , Neb. , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE , ] Incomplete returns nro how Infer
for about sixty counties. Outslelo of Doug
las county Hiclmrds ife In the lead , Powers
next and Boyd third. 'Outside of Douglas
Richards majority over JoyA U 10,000.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram
toTniBiK , ] Iteturns from Oak nnd Middle
Creek townships bring the following aggre
gate when added to the precincts now re
ported ; Richards 1.518 , lloyd 1,17 ! ) , Powers
51W , Paine 100. In ( Jalc precinct IH votes
wcro cast for prohibition and S3 n .ilnst.
When the I'epubllcan headquarters closed
at 4 a. in. the republicans claimed the state
by from 0,000 to $ , ( .00 majority. It is conced
ed that the prohibition amendment has been
downed , The count in some of the wards of
Lincoln will not bo Jluished until 8 or i )
UiiAimox , Neb. , Nov. 15. [ Special Tele-
grain to TIIK BLR. ] Richards' ' majority 7 , > in
D.IWCS county. Prohibition Is defeated by
. ' { 00 majority. .Charles Allen , democrat , is
elected to the legislature by ii50 majority ,
\Vllson , democrat , elected for a senator by
400 majority.
CGXTUAI. Crrr , Nob. , Nov. 5 , [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; Btn. : ] Six cf tbo doyen
townships of Merriclc coimtv ijivo Hiclmrds
iii : I , Boyclllf.9 , Powers 018 , Pafiie 80. .Four
townships Rlvo Dorsey 303 , Kcm 4/17 , Thomp
son IHO. The estimated majority nsrainst the
ninendment is JiOO , the remaining townships
will bo about a standoff between Boyd and
Richards. The local independent ticket is
Ai-imioE , Neb. , Nov. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to'1 in : RKE.J Boyd 05 , Richards Sii ,
Povvew 18. MelCoifihan ilSS , Harlan 03. For
the amendment 78 , ujjilinst 149.
AIXBWOIITII , Neb. , > fov , fi. [ Special Tele-
cram to TIIK Bii.j : : 'Iho vote in Drown
county was never so split as this year. The
three tickets will run nearly-even , with Hich-
unis about lifty ahead. . J'owers and Boyd
bemp not far behind , Ttio returns are coin-
iiifT in so slow that nothing dellnlto Is yet
known. The vote on prohibition will bo
about even. The prohibitionists made an ag-
Krcssivo tight and offered to trade any vote
for votes for the amendment , teach side
claims the county by a small majority.
L'hompson , Kem and Dorsoy are all about
oven. Each party claims the county by a
small majority.
EI.M CIIKGK , Neb. , Nov. fi.-fSpecial Tele
gram to THE IJtx. ] All votes counted. Pow
ers (111. ( Hichards 40 , Boyd 4i. ! Dorsoy 42 , Kem
.12. The vote on the amendment Is even.
OOAI.LAI.A , Neb. , Nov. 5. ( Special Tele-
gramto Tun BIT. . ] Ogallula Precinct Ro-
inbllcan 72 , democrat fill , independent ! ) ! > ,
irohibition" ; Itichurds WJ , Boya 57 , Powers
1Paino 7. A county estlmato gives re-
jublieans * 100 , democrats HO , independents
2r > , prohibitionists 2. > . Dorscy runs n little
jehind the ticket. Daughcrty for the senate
vill have 140 majority In the county , For
prohibition 23(1. against 220.
Fui.i.Einox , Neb. . Nov.i 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUG HIE. ; ] Loiip Ferry precinct ,
Nance county total vote 1)1 ) ; Boyd If , Hich-
irds 22 , Powers ( W , PiiynbO. For congress
tern 20 , Dorsoy 21 , Thompson 0. Forprohl-
jition 1 majority. Newman precinct total
vote SO ; Bovd a , Klchards S , Powers 74 ,
Payne 1. Kem 75 , Dorsoy S , Thompson 1. For
prohibition 80 , against 311.
EI.KIIOUN , Neb. , Nov. 8.- [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Two hundred and lifty
, 'otes wore cast In this precinct , 100 demo
cratic , 70 republican , 1W alliance , 04 prohibl-
.lon. Thootllclal count will not bo finished
[ jeforo noon. Doyd nuts ahead of his ticket
with Bryan a close second. It will be a close
race between "Wolcott and Timme ,
BAS9KTT , Nob. , Nov. 5. [ Special to Tnr.
BKK. ] Reports from over the county show u
lipht voto. Meager i eturns now in show that
Hlchaids will got tbo pnrty vote. Dorsey
was largely scratched. The prohibition vote
seems to be about two to ono in favor of the
prohibition. Bassett precinct gives Richard ,
60 ; Boyd , ! I4 ; Powers , 48.
QAi.iuox , Neb. , Nnv. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BKK ] Oakland precinct 1'owers ,
Iffi ; Hichards , lil ; Boyd , 10. lloono precinct
Powers , 81 ; Richards , ! K3 ; Boyd , 3 ; Kem , 110 ,
Thompson , 2 ; Dorsov , ! 13 ; Poynter , 1 ; Watts ,
: . Cedar Haplds ICein , ' 'dO ; Tliompicn , UJ :
Dorsey , 103 ; Poynter , K8 { AVatts , 115 , The
balance of the ticket is about the same as
congressman. Prohibition carried by a big
majority at Cedar Haplds. .
1C i MII A i.i. Neb. , Nov. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnr BKB. ] Kimball Product
lloyd 21 , Hichards 51 , Powers 5 , Dorsey Kl ,
ICein 2 , Thompson 8 , for prohibition 84 ,
n ainst : t. ! ,
SIIINKY , Nob. Nov. C. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HIE.J lieports from Gheycnno
county , three precincts , ' ' including Sidney ,
show prohibition defeated by aDout 'loO.
lliehards 245 , lloyd 201 , Dorsey ! ! 50 , Thomp
son 10 ! ! , Kem ! HJ , Powers U5. Hetiirni are
comini ; in slowly. The indications uro tlmt
prohibition is slnughVred In Cheyenne
county. The republican ticket has 150 ma
( Jmimox , Neb. , Nov.I. . [ Special Tele-
griunto Tin : UEK. ] Dawes county returns
coining In slowly. It n estimated that pro
hibition Is beaten by about " " > . Hichards
plurality Is about 150. Allen ( dem. ) is proba
bly elected to the lower house from thu Fifty-
third district. W. W. M'llBon ( rep. ) has a
heavy majority for state senate from the
Fourteenth dhtrlct.
Ki.woon , Neb. , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Btn.1 Klwood precinct as follows
For prohibition 123 , aKaluntCI , for license 44 ,
aealnst 121 , Hichards S.Boyd 18,1'owcrs l.'ill ' ,
Paine 1 , McKclRhan HIT , Harlan W.
GIUXT , Neb , Nov. S.i-fSpecial Telegram
toTnt : BnK. ] Unofllcial. rctuniH from three
products la this county show a small majori
ty for Powers , The republican congressional
and legislature "tlotcots are ahead. The
amendment will probably carry by a small
NORFOLK , Neb. , Oct. S. [ Special Telegram
to ' "HE HKK. ] As the count pro n ses the
following revised estj"1 " .o of the vote In
Norfolk towiublp cai. inado : Total vote ,
Mtf. Boyd 4W , Hlchm-ds 200 , Powers RS ,
Puuie 9 , I ? Hir ( ) , Majors W , Dech W ,
\Voodboy 4. > , I'hompsonasi , Dorsoy101 , Kom
13 , Fierce 35. Prohibition Is beaten twotc
ono.HVAXXKS , Nob. , Nov. B.-fSpeelnl Tcllo-
grain to TUB UKR.J Hyminoi pwclntt , Grant
county , Hlchard , )10 ; Doyd.til ; Powers , 10 ;
Dorsey , 40 : Thompson , 50 : Kem , 17. For the
amendment , SU ; against , in.
Fn.LKinoN , Nob. , Nov. fl , [ fipet'lnl Tele
cram to TIIK HKK ] Out of 100 republicai :
votes In this precinct , out of a total 1S1 , Hen :
received 20 , IJorsey 70 , Thompson 10. The
ainendmcat U a tie. Later returns from ;
conservative standpoint indicate that tin
BiuendmentvIU bo defeated by i.00 ' votes.
to THE DEE.Rlrhardi 1 , Uoyd 71 , Powers
U. gulnst tlio amendment tw , for , 0. Mc-
Kclphan li'i , Harlan " > , in Fricndcnsan tire-
I ninii , N'eb. . Nov. fi. | Siieoiixl Tclofjratn
to Tin : BiK.J : Tbostronpcwt prohibition pre
cinct hi Col fax county , Stunt x * , defeated
prohibition by twenty-one votes , > 1 to 103.
CiiAiiuov , Neb. . Nov. ft. f Special Teli < -
crani to TUB Ilii-Cliadroii : : ] prooinet ,
Dawes county total vote MM , Hovd , Sift ,
Richards 2iC > , 1'owera ai. : Paine I. Tor cou-
? rcasmon-Df.rsey 2H ( , Thompson IV ) , Kcm
itl. For prohibition It ) ' . ' , ugainst prohibition
PiLiicii , Nob. , Nov. -Special TeloKram
: oTiiB BKK.I Thivo pivcincw j'ivo Rlfhards
118 , lloyd 1ST , Powers ' . ' . ' , Dorsoy 10-J , Thomp
son tfl ) , Kem i'S ' , a light democratic gain. The
unendtnent bus < Vi votes for and Js.'V against.
Prohibition is defeated ( MO in the county. , Neb. . Nov. fi- [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK lcn. ) | All republican tic IteLs
counted Rive about 10 majority against tlio
amendment. This precinct is" democratic ,
mil the independent ticket will Incrcaso the
LHMNOTOX , Neb. , Nov. --Special [ Telc-
; niin to Tin : Ilin.j : Careful estimates bated
ipon returns so far received In Duwson
county ( jive Boyd 1100 , .Hichards SM ) , Powers
; ,000 , , Piilno 50 , Thompson ; UX ) , Kem l.lXiO ,
Dorscy ! WO ; for prohibition .I.'IK ' ) , against
, OIK ) . Lc itiRton precinct , based upon f > 0
, 'otes counted , give Hichards SiO , Doyd 70 ,
i'owcrs UIO ( , Dorsoy ! 2. > 'J ' , Tbuinpson SI ) , Kem
UK ) , for prohibition L'OO , against -J-'O.
Ai.ntux , Neb. , Nov. . " . [ Special Tclc.gram
o Tin : Ilii : : . ] tloselctna Precinct Powers
IS , Hichards ' _ " , ' , Bovd 7 , Koin48 , Thompson li ,
horsey prohibition carried. Ashland Pre
cinct Powers 45 , Richards S. Kem 4t , Dor-
scy 8 , prohibition lost ,
Louis viu.c. Nob. , Nov. S. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun llr.B. ] Louisville pivcinct gives
lloyd IW , Hlcbards 111 , llryan 10' ' , Connelly. * ,
Watson iW ; , AVhltolH , Harncs till , Hhryock
41 , Stopper 'M. For prohibition 78 , against
1 ! ) . For lli'onso ninoiidmunt 1-t , nttalnst Hi" .
PAI'II.I.IO.V , Neb. , Nov. . [ Spni'ial Telo-
; ram to TIIK DKI ; . ] Piiplllloii jircoinet frlvea
he followliiKi 'Potal vote , II-'iJ. Hoyd HK' . ,
ticliards "D , Powers 57 , Painu : i , Hryun 1M > ,
Council OJ , Hoot 5 ; for prohibition , 4 ! ;
iRainst , air.
Uou'Miifsi , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tnr. UIK. : I The election passed off quietly
n this city today. A full vote cast. I'rolii-
iltlon is defeated by 500 majority , lloyd ro-
'civedy'J ! ! votes ; Illchnvds , ( rt : ; Powers. iW ;
riionipsoiiD.VJi Dorsey , HC2 ; Kcm , 81Vil ; -
ard , 475 ; Stevens , liil ) ; Van Ilaxvscn , : ilU ;
lecUort , lti. < ; Nelson , 5S. No dctlnito ru-
urns nave been rccclrca from theoutsido
Lot'p Unv , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
pram to THE UEE. ) The ticket it very badly
scratched and It is impossible to KIVO uiiy- estimate before morning ' , which
rom the republican standpoint 'H : Vote of
county , lSOl , ) ; state ticket , republican , 400 ;
Icmocrat , l00 ! ; Independent , 500. The prohl-
iltion amendment is defeated by ! i. > 0 mujor-
ty. Dewey is behind his ticket.
LINUOI.J , Neb. . Nov. . " ( . [ Special Telegram
oTni : BIK. : | Kight precints in Lancaster
county give Richjnts 1,415 ; lloyd. l,0 l ;
"owcrs , 4'2l ! ; Paine. 1W. The indications
ire that Klclmrds will carry the county by
)00 majority. It will bo close between Cou
ncil mid Bryan , with the chances In ftivorof
ho latter. Bryan runs neck and neck in the
city with Council. His friends claim bis
lectior ' n the district by ! > , ( ) OJ majority.
BiitVKii CITV , Nub. , Nov. 4. [ Special
talegrum to Tin : BKK. ] The full vote polled
s probably 1,700. Powers' vote Is estimated
UftOO ; Hiclmrds1 atCOu. Boyd 300 , MeKelBlwn
W , Harlan 800. Prohibition has a niojoritv
Of 500.
GKNKVA , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
o Tin : Hun. ] IToar precjncts have been
icard from in Fill more county giving Hioh-
inls 1191. Hoyd 10 , Powers 403 , Harlan 4J7 ,
MeKelKhna (517. For the amendment 421 ,
against ! 27i ) .
YOUK , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
? IIK Bins. ] The city of York KIVCS RichnrJs
Wl , lioyd lliO , Powers 74. Putno Jl , Harlan
pOT , JlcICelBhan 1S18 , pronibition amendment
KO majority. Returns froiti the eoimtv are
omln in slowly. Powers and MclCeiKban
ire in the lead. The amendment has a small
SurKiiioii , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telo-
gratnto THE BEE.J This city and precinct
ijlvesuO majority against prohibition.
TiiciTM nn , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telu-
pram to Tin : HEH. 1 Hcturns from three precincts -
cincts : Whole number , 51 S ; Hiclmrds , 1 9 ;
Boyd , 14'J | Powers , 2tM. For prohibition , 1112 :
igainst'ill. . Tlio Indications are now that
'owers will carry the county.
GENKVA , Neb. , Nov. B. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Ilii.J ; Bennett precinct , Fillinoro
county ; For prohibition , 7JI ; asjinst , 04 ; for
ilgh licence , fit ; against , 7r > ; Hichards , ill ;
loyd , none ; Powers , 13'J ; IlaVlan , 10 ; Mc-
Coighan , 120. _
Pjui.AiiEi.i'iiiA. Nov. 5. Returns from (55 (
) f the 07 counties In thostato give Pnttison ,
loin. , 4,7W plurality. The two missing coun-
les are Elk and Warren. In 1SSO Elk guv e
iJlack , dcm.iS2 ( plurality and Warren county
gave Heaver , rep , 1,045 , plurality.
Late returns indicate the election of con-
jressmon from the various diotrlcts as fol-
ows ! First , Dingham , rep , ; Second , O'Nell ,
ep. ; Third , M'C'alcr , dew. ; Fourth , Rey-
jurn , rop. ; Fifth , Harmer , rep. ; Sixth ,
Robinson , rep. ; Seventh. U'linger ,
rep. ; Eighth , Mutcliellcr , rep. ;
Ninth , Brunncr dem. ; Tenth , Brossius { rep. ;
Eleventh , Atnernian , dern. ; Twelfth , bhoiik ,
rep. ; Tlijrteonth , Reilly , dom. ; Fourteenth ,
Rl'fo , rep. ; Fifteenth. Wright , rep. ; Six
teenth , Klliott , dem. ; Seventeenth , \\olvisr-
ton , rep. ; Eighteenth , Atkinson , rep. ; Nine
teenth , IMtzhouor , dem. ; Twentieth , Scull ,
rep. ; Twcnty-lirat , Hulf , rup. ; Twenty-sec
end , Dulzell. rep. ; Twenty-third , Stone , rep. ;
Twenty-fourth , Stewart , rep. ; Tvventy-llfth ,
In doubt ; T\ventb-3ixth , ( Maw-old , rep. ;
Twenty.ovcnth , Stone , rop. ; Twonty-oiehth ,
Kriuhs , dom.
Onlcinlllfiuros may niter the result. Tlio
rupubllcan majority on Joint ballot in the
will still bo large , although some
what icdiiced.
, Pa. , Nov. 5. A dispatch re
ceived from Senator Quay , dated Heaver ,
nt 'J a. in. , says : "I think the stutc is demo
cratic. "
Pnii.utui.i'iiiA , 2 a. in , , Nov. 5. Chairman
lYndrows of tuo republican stuto committee ,
made the following statement : "Tho re
publican state committee believeDelamator
has a plurality , but the result is close and
may take the olliclal figures to determine. "
Chairman Kerrof the democratic commit
tee claim ? the state by 10,000.
Incllniin ,
INDIANA rous , Ind. , Nov. 5. The indica
tions uro that the democrats elect ten and
the republicans two congressmen , with onu
In doubt ,
IMIANU'OU ! < , Ind. , Nov , 5. At midnight
Chairman Jowottof thu democratic sfUto cen
tral committee , .111 Id to thu Associated press
reporter ! "U'o have curried the stuto by
10,000 , elected the legislature and eleven of
thirteen congressmen. "
"U'o nro claiming nothing and conceding
nothing , " said Chairman Jlichenorof the re
publican stale central coinmltiuo ton nipro'
sentatlvoof the Associated press at midnight ,
"Wo have returns from only a few districts
ami therefore have nothing on which to hast
any estimates. You c.m say distinctly , bow
over , that wo uro making no" concessions , "
Hr.t > OIK , la. , 'Nov. 5. [ Special Tclcgran
to Tin ; BKK.J Hcturns from S out of 1ft pre
clnts of Montgomery county show a hcav )
vote for an off year and a net democratic gair
of 2T over last year. The vote on the stau
ticket republican IMS , democratic MO. Reed
republican WW , Bowhmn democmtio 0(0 (
Heeil'M ' majority In this county will ho undci
500 , Dcy democrat for railroad coinmlssionc
rnns ahead II ,
Siot'.xUiTV , la. , 2 o'clock. Incomplete re
turns from thu lltti district Indicate tin
election of Perkins , republican , bv " a majority
ofi.WX . ) . _ _ _ _ _ _
Cnicjno , Nov. 6. Chairman Jonci ol tin
republican state central committee said thl
morning : "Never before have I known re
turns from all over the state to bo so mea i'i
and Incomplete. Notwithstanding thiswlin
returns w have received show the republl
cans have carried four congressional dls
< JtM > J < J . UlttI > I T | ttiil
ticket. As to the county ticket I can say
CITV , ICan. , Nov. 5.At
the n turiia hull onto the election to
of ; Mnonlight , do , in the Flrtt iviinsi
district. C'ongressman Funs ton , republican ,
is re-elected beyond doubt In the Second dis
trict , over Chapman , democrat , mid Allen ,
'armors' nllunco.
Tbo .no WM from Kimsm shows unoxwvtoJ
strength in the farmers' allinncp. Robinson ,
democrat , for governor. Is pretty conerully
oncedcd to bo out of the nifo. TV
! u riners' alliance claim \Villcts' clin1-
.ion by a sin.lll majority and
.ho republicans nro coiilUlent t'jut ' tluinphru.v
a re-elected by l.WH ) plurality. Tiiof armors'
illiance and rosuuinisslon romiblUMns elected
niuiy candiil.ites to the legislature. The for-
tier Is bitterly opposed ni a rule to Ingalls ,
whoso term ox pi 1111 In lv.ll , but the latter ,
vhllo opposcil to the republican state admin-
stratioii , will vote for Injifllls1 ro-electloii , so
that the senior Kansas senator will doubtless
otniii his scat. The democratic representa
tion in tlio legislature will he small.
New Moxlco.'Qfr.iiijri : , N. M. , Nov. 5. The terri
torial election was lor delegate to congress ,
ncmbers of the council and county ofllcors.
t Is qulto certain that Josephs , dem. , h
lectod delegate. Ho carried ten out of the
aurteen coimtK-s In the territory , with a ma-
orlty of ; it least l , . " 0fl. The democrats luive
i majority in both houses of the legislature
the Jlrst time in year A
ST. Lot-is , Mo. , Nov. 5. The latest in-
brnmtlon indicates that Missouri will send a
solid delegation to congress u clean sweeper
or the democrats. Full returns from the
ityslunv that the democrats mailo aelonn
sweep of the city olllcers , with the exception
jf coroner mid recorder of dceils.
Pnovuuxn : : , Nov. 5. The First congres
sional district complete gives Spootier ( rop. )
S.tllll ; Lnjiliam ( dom. I , 10S'J. , : ! The Kccond
listrict gives Arnold ( rep. ) S1. ! ! , " ) ; Page
dem. ) , Sill : ; Tripp ( prohibitionist ) . I.7IW.
'ago lacks 70'J ' of election and Arnold lacks
.HcK os'vnLi : , Fla , , Nov. -Chairmaii
A'ilson says HuhlocU's majority will be from
ViOil to (1,000 ( over Strlplnng , republican for
oiigrcs . Tlio state ticket is elected by a
mijorlty of 15,000.
Nu\V illTNKV.
Tr.nxTON , N. J. , Nov. 5. Tbo congressional
Iclegatlon from New Jersey will stand two
epuhlicans ( Hergon and lUu-hannii ) and live
lomocrats. Tbo latter gaiiicd the tight and
he Sixth district.
GU.VKSTOX , Nov. fi , Knll returns from all
over the state bho\v the democrats carry t he
Into by a vast majority. Ttieentlre congi-ov
tonal ticket Is elected.
Alri.wAVKKB , Nov. 5.-At an early hour
his morning Uhitlrman Paine claims Cjovor-
irr Ho ird Is re-elected by Il.iiOO to fi,000
mijorlty. lie also claims both branches of
ho legislature. Incomplete returns from all
cctlons of the state , however , continue to
show a democratic laiulslidp.
Ricn.MOSi ) , Va , , Nov. 5. Chairman Blllson
of the democrallo state committee claims hit
nirty has carried nlno out of the ten congres
sional districts in the state.
Lot'isvu.i.i : , ICy. , Nov. 5. The KentucVty
delegation will stand ten democrats and one
MoxTiiOMKiiv , Ala. , Nov. 5. The entire
democratic aolcyation Is elected
n Alabama ,
The.xt C
Nnw YOHK , Nov. B. Tbo Times rlaitns the
two great parties to ho represented In tlw
Fifty-second congress as follows : Demo-
ci-Jts 201 , republicans l'-J9 , a democratic ma
jority of 70.
The Tribune's figures are 107 republicans
and 105 democrats.
Tbo Sun says the next houio is evidently
democratic by about thirty-live majority ,
The World claims fully 0 niajorltv- .
The Herald claims a majority ofID. .
K1LI.KI > HV II IK 8it\ .
\ HapUl City 3Inu Shot \VIilli ; Abus
ing ll Family.
R.UMiiCny , S.D.Nov. 4.-Special [ Tola-
gram to THE Biie. ] Haninc'Faulkner ! of this
city died this inornln ) . ' Iroin u terrible gun
shot wound In the groin. lie caino homo at > l
a. in. full of antl-eloctlon whisky aiid stirt d
to clean out the house with a club. Frank
Faulkner , hii clfjliteoii-yi'iir-old son , took n
shotgun to scare the old man and In tbo
struggle which followed the nun was dh-
clmrued , inltictlng a wound Jriiniwhich the
old man died. F.iulkncr was aDout IIfty-l'oiir
years old. and n hard drinker mid froquoinly
abused his fumilv. Ho made an antt-inortoin
statement declaring that his son was Inno
cent. The hey Is nearly cr.ilcd with grief.
No arrest was mado.
Daily IXchatixo (
Hrtwci'ii the Two Cities.
\VASIIIXHTOX \ , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Br.E. ) An order. h.n been" Issued
mnklni , ' thooxcllangeof threugli reghtored
pouches between Omaha anil Now Orleans ,
Lu , , daily , Sund.iys . Included , to take effect
the 10th lust. , pouchus toleavoOmah.iiiti:10 : :
p. in. , via the Council Hluffs anil St. l.oiils
railway postolllcc , and leave New Orleans at
7 p. in. via the Cairo and New Orleans rail
way po + toftlec , the pouchi-s to KO forward via
the Council lUufl's mid St. . Iouls , St. L.ouls
and Kldorado , Cblcaio ; mid Cairo , and Cairo
and Nnw Orlcani railway poitofilrcs.
Neliriiskn , Iowa and Dakota I
WASIIINIIION , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BKI : . ] Pensions wore granted today
as follows to NcbraiUaiu * Original--
Chester Barlster , UloomliiKtoii ; I'otor Clark ,
Nebraska. City ; William \VeisshhendorlT ,
Plain Valley. Increase-Chirkson SnuUlen ,
Waco : John P. Travis , Ponca. Reissue
Bcnjiimin l'Klwood. . Beatrice ; David 0.
Wald , Superior ; William II. ( Ireenlleld , Stor-
Ihii , " , Jucab P. lyatch.v , Dillur. Orltfliul
widows , etc. Itebecc.i , widow of Smford
Hnrrold , Wllbcr , Anna. t\ , widow of .John
II. Chamberlain , CuintniiiKsvlIlo ; lill/abeth
Conner , former widow of .lames Cruwfoiil ,
Aleximdria ; minor of .lok-ph Ur.uvford , Al
Iowa : Original invalid-R I ) . Hardy ,
Osaijo ; A. M. Morris , Nuvuda ; .1. C. Con ) ,
Ploiismitvillo ; I. L , tlolmsuii , I caudn ; J. It.
Falls , Indlanola ; U Klsk , Uoi'lidnlo ; C. I ) .
Wi'-Uet , Oulncy ; F. Miirtln , New Albany.
IncreaseSolomonVhitoniiiclt , Li..iiulo ; ,1.
H , Kvcrett. Mt , Ayr ; .1. A. Anthony , tilcn-
woodO. ; Taylor , licdfonl ; I.Oldn , Kalnluld ;
William Dublin Wlnte.iset ; Henry C , Joy ,
( Iriind .function ; S. ValkenbcrKl.nlruMills ;
.1. Maron. Wlrt. Ituisiuo Jacob Shannon ,
Charles City ; H. Tlioinpson , Mount Ple.ii-
tint. OriKinul widows , eto. - Mary H. ,
mother of l wnlt Fulrbrotliori. Orchard :
AHiicath .M. Koisinan , former widow of John
( Jcaspr. Victor.
South D.ilcota : C. Crea-se , Samuel Fulki
Itnpld City. Itoissuo Justice II. ( Joornvr ,
The Wiiatliitr I' '
For Omaha aud Vicinity Fair ; sllghtlj
l-'orNubraslia- cooler ; vvlnda becoiu
inc northwesterly ,
for lowe fair ; Blight ly warmer , houth
I'rlv winds.
For South Dakota- Fair ; cooler ; \vlnd.ibc
Oumlm's ' Loyal Oitizous Guard Hur lutcflf
csls with Houcst Ballot ? .
The "Work nuil Throats of Prohibition Hir I
lings Qono for Nruight.
AM Immense Vote Ecoardotl in Evcrjtl
Polling Division. !
'I'ho lid leal limn Are That lloyd Ciiif !
I'ios ( he County by ti ( Jonil I
Jlajorlt y Uryuii in
the Iji'iul.
The election ofllcliiUvcro weary after tb
innstial oxertlon of the day and It was som
line utter the ctosiu ? of ( lie polls before the
'Oinmenced to count the ballots. Thoworlf.
lowever , proceeded slowly , becuuie of the !
ininbcr of scratches , wldcli wore mndo by
ill pintle * .
The returns received up to the hour ol
( 'olugto press Indicate that lloyd lias carried
ho city by a largo majority , and that ho ha *
also carried the county.
The prohibition amendment ha
jeen defeated by a majority
mining up into the thousands , while the
iincndments relating to the Increase of tbo
nimbor of JiulKes on the supreme oench , ns
ilso their salary and tlmt of judges of tbo
littrlct court , mot with but little opposition.
Thu millnitions are that Bryan has carried
ho county as against Council. The rctttrni
ire so mengro tlmt It is impossible to say
vbicbofthe senatorial and representative )
an d Idates have been fleeted. .
The result in this city and county , partial'
cturiiH bclnir received from about twenty
mjciiicts , is us follows :
ForOovernor-LiUr-ius I ) . " Richards irop ) , t
YW.lames ; 10. Hoyii ( dom ) , " , < ! : > 0 ; John lu '
'owers ( ind ) , 'J9t ; I ) . T . Paine fpro ) , ! .
For Lleuteniuil Governor Thomas .1. IU.1-
ors ( rep ) , 1,8'iS ; Alex Hear ( dem ) , ' .VH-lj
William1 II. Djch ( hid ) , 105 ; ( leotRO AV.
AVoodhoy ( proiil. ) : i
For Socrctary of Statu John O. Allca
ivpT , IlSlj ( F"nmk U' . Spragno ( domiiO ( ) |
C. N. Mayberry ( ind ) , I'l ; Cnarles Watts ,
pro ) , lit.
For IState Treasurer John K. Illll ( rep ) ,
. li > ; \V. II. UushhiK ( dem ) , l.ri'WiJ. . ' V.
Wolfe ( ind ) . l i ; II. W. Hardy ( pro ) , 25.
For State Auditor Tlioiim II lienton ,
vp. , 1,1-Jl : U. 1 $ . U'ablciuist , don. ; , 1,1178 :
lohn Ik'atty , Ind. , S71 ; A. fltcii , jr. , pro. , 'JO.
For Attorney General Cleoi'Ko H. Hast-
nps , rep. , IWI : ; John ( ! . HlKglns. dom , ,
, niJ. AV. Kilgerton , Ind. , 10J ; K. I'VIg -
on , pro. , If.
For Commissioner Public fluids and Huild-
URS August in II. lloniphniy ( rep ) , I ! ! ] ! ) ;
Jacob Illfiler ( dem ) , 1 1 ; W. V. Wi-ight
( Ind ) , 81 ! ; C. Olson ( pro ) , : 'S.
For State Sunorintotidont of Public In-
structlon Ale.xnnder 1C. ( Jowly 'rop ' ] , IIWSO ;
( J , JJ > . Riiku lraiv ( dt'inj , Ilirr ; A. d'AIIemaml
( Inu ) , ! > ( ) ; Mrs. Mary K. M organ ( pro ) , 2l. !
ForCont'i-essimin-Firat dUtrictVllllnin
J. Council ( rep ) , 1'iTaVillluin J. llryan
( dem ) , 2IOH ; Allan Hoot ( Ind ) . 1HI.
For SVite Senators \VIlliiun F. liechel
( rep ) , 1'hS : Casper i ; . Yost ( rep ) , 1,1' ' * ;
William 1\ ( Jurloy ( iiip ) , I.KH ; Warren
Switilor ( dom ) , I'J ; John C. Shen ( item ) ,
ll(5Si ( ( icofiro UlirKtopht-rson ( dem ) 1,144 ;
1 , M. ICiney ( ind ) , 5' ) ; CJ. \ \ ' . King ( ind ) ,
VJ : K. Rutherford ( ind ) , (1J. (
For State ] opra.scnti'.ivcH.--Iohn W.
Iytle , rop. , 5'ir ; Georso M , O'Brien ,
icp..V.J ) ; Jnmrs II , ICyner , reii THO ; Ohris-
llaii Specht , rop. , ( ISI ; David T. Mount ,
rop. , ( HO ; Max H.irhr , rep. , BiO'i ArtliuvJ.
llalihviu.rep..1) ) ! ! ! ; Kdwin R. Overall , rup.
and hid. , V.fJ ; PutrlclrlArtllo , rep. , . | ' , I5 ;
Tlioinus ( 'apc-lc ' , dem. ; 718 ; 1'nlrinlt l ord ,
limn. , 040 ; CJoorgo C ! , Sternsdorff ,
dem. , 781 ; AV. S. Felltcr , dem. , 047.
W. A. Gardner ( dem ) , till ; .James C. Brea-
nan ulem ) , i > 00 ; ,1. B. Huso ( dem ) , 800 ;
( loorgc llertwiid ( dc-iii ) , sill ; J. J , Hrceu
( dem,7 ) 7 ; G. N' . McDuITeo ( lir.l ) , . ' ! ! ; Ktuphta
Cariieutcr ( Ind ) , i ; J. K. McCombu ( ind ) ,
.11 ; LewisI. thin . 'liid > , ! ll ; Thomas ( J , ICclsy . . . /
( Ind ) , ! ) S ; S. t ) . Kynorson ( iml ) , : l ; JosophF. J )
\'aslm \ ( lnil'JI ) ' ; John ( J. Tlerney ( nilSS.
Fur County Commissioner Fifth District.
--Albert Sander ( rep ) , | JO ; Charles 1 , Vim-
eiunpdcniI01 ( ) ; Chris Rosaeltor ( Ind ) , 'M.
' " or County Uonnnlsvloiicr'J'hlrd Dint riot
OrviH A , Wolcott ( ropimdludii. ) ) ( > ; ( ) corgo
Tiinino ( deni ) , "i)4. )
For County Attorney Joioph Cirow ( rep
and Ind ; , ! HU ; T , J. Mnhuiioy ( doni ) , "iiij.
v ' ( lie Klorlioii.
No election ever held In Nebraska , or nny-
whcre else for that imitter , so complete
ly demanded tlio attention of tbo entire votIng -
Ing population as thut which was huld In
this city yesterday.
of the factories and largo business
cloi2d eurly for ali in1 n p.irtnf tbo
day , nil publioworlt wus siibpL-nded , city and
county olllces viirntPU and every mraiiKO-
iiient possible made to secuiv ihn prcscnco at
the polls of ovcry man ci.titlcd tnvote ,
Tbo early attendance ut tlio votini ; plncci
was simply astounding to the old politicians
whobadbciMi acciistoinnd to sec only u fe\v
Ati'aggluni on hand durlns ? Ui early IIOUM.
In almoKt ovcry pvcciiiut the poll window *
opened at 8 o'clock on at least 100 voter ; . In
line and the morning votw UMH tlio heaviest
ever polled in the city. In nun product iXK )
votes had been pulled at ID o'clock nnd nl > <
many voting pUcon tbu miniber ot
votes received at noon was irreatei1
than is UMitilh rivmded at il o'clock
or later.
Uurlng the morning Mr. RoHownler vlr > | teil
many of the polling places ami cautioned his
friundb in inako noiiuinonstratioii aijaliiKt the
prohlbitlonlHts , but thut on the nintrnry they
shngld see tlmt all chis.scs were I routed aliku
n > s no pilns Hjiuivil to iiibiiro n
ir C' anil fair billot. Ho advised
thin where an nUcmpt WHS miuloto niistinet
llin freedom of tin' ballot the olTciidoii should
ho promptly but quietly anvttwl anil taken
to the police niHtlon , The crowds at thu polls
whohail oxpeotuil ti'uubto with thnprolilbs
ununlinouHly ivspoudcvl to tula upnval for fair
yluy , ami to this fccJluj la duomucll Qt.fto }