Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Union Pacific Cut OfTM The Wcntcrn
PnOMKcr Troubles Oilier Notes.
The matter of two big cut ofts on the Union
Pacific is being discussed at headquarters.
The first Is the Knramlo cut off , saving iUty
miles j the second Is the building direct Into
Bait Lnko from Ernnstoi via Emigration
canyon , n saving of fifty miles , It would cost
less money to cross \Vober river nt JJovll's
Gate nnd run down the beach to Salt Lake1 ,
but 11 Keen miles would bo saved by the Emi
gration route.
Tlio PnH oiiKor Troubles.
The passenger rate agreement has proven
ephemeral. With only one day of attempted
quiet the trouble ha ? broken out fiRaln , and
the restless passenger agents are fomenting
new trouble.
Ono of the complaints Is that the Kock
Island Is In hl h fiivor with the brokers In
Kansas City , and In consequence the suspi
cious agents arc charging that rend with bad
General Passenger Agent Sebastian states
that ho signed the agreement only on condi
tion that the other roads signed , and that so
far as ho was concerned the agreement was
not effective until ho knew that the signa
tures had been obtained , It might bo that
the proper notlcu has not been given him und
lie has not considered his road bound , but the
Kock Island agent nt ICansas City received
Instructions liio satno day the others did.
Hnwovcr , no positive ovlucnco against the
Kock Islnml has been scoured , nnd the agents
are only Judging from appearances.
Then Ills claimed that the Hurllngton has
been cutting Iho rate to St. Louis , and the
prospects are thnt the newly formeu agree
ment will go to pieces.
Promotions nnd Clinngcfl.
General Passenger and Ticket Agent W. K.
liuscnbnrk of the Chicago , St. I'.iul & Kan-
gas City railroad 1ms been promoted to the
position of trnnio manager. Ills successor In
the former oflico Is W. U. Lord , his former
assistant ,
Assistant General Freight and Passenger
Agent Phllllnpl of the Missouri Pacific Is
making civil scrvlco promotions and ho In
creases his start to cover his enlarged terri
tory. S. S. Senno Is promoted to bo chief
clerk ; Kugeno M , Gannon , hitherto clilof
clerk at Atulitson , hits coino to this city nnd
will bo in Mr. Phllllppl's ofllco In charge of
the central branch business. K. U. Lane has
been appointed general ugunt of the road at
Cnllioun , St. .loo and Loaven\vorth. , D. K.
King , conti acting agent at this city , will
have charge of the ofllco when Mr. I'hillltipl
Is out of town. II. B. Koosor , traveling
freight agent , now takes In all the territory
between Hustings and Atchlson.
Hero's Another llond.
Articles of Incorporation , of the Dakota ,
Wyoming & Missouri Klvcr railway company
have been filed In South Dakota to run
through the counties of Ouster , Pennlngton ,
Xleback , Nowlin , I'ratt , Stai.loy , Buffalo anO
Charles Mix. Ills intended to build to Hill
City and run throuch the Wyoming oil nnd
coal Helds , mid ultimately to the Pacific const ,
From some point on tno Missouri river II
will build to Sioux City nnd Omaha. Avtl
clcs of Incorporation and other papers have
been srnt to the secretary of state at Lincoln
Neb , , nnd also to the secretary of state ol
Wyoming , at Choyeuno.
Every tissue of the body , every nerve , bom
and niusclols inada stronger and moro health j
by taking Hood's ' Siirsnpurillu.
Few comediennes nro better known to oui
amusement going public than the fascinating
VAV Tcmpleton , who appear * at Boyd's Fri
day nnd Saturday evenings and tjaturday
inatlnco as the star of the famous
comedy organization known nsKusscll'scom
edians. Since last seen hero Miss Tcmpleton
bas had the advantage of seeing all the notiv
blcs of Paris , who nro conceded to bo the
best farceurs In the world , und in the new
piny , "Miss McGinty the star of tlio conv
edv Francaise , " In which sbo portrays the
title part , she will Introduce nmuj
features never before seen in this county.
Everything about the company is gilt-edged
in every particular , and the engagement will
without doubt prove to bo one of the treats ol
the season. Scat sale commences Thursday
morning. Inquirers for scats uro numerous.
The famous Fred Wright , who Is the ad-
Tnnco pusher for Hovt's "Midnight Bell , " is
In the city. Fred Is nt present traveling
on crutches , the result of being entangled in
& railroad wreck two weeks apo. The "Mid'
night Hell" v. ill open a four nights1 engage
ment at the Boyd on next Sunday night.
Gus Williams and John T. ICellje nro n
Jolly pair of comedians. Williams is a
familiar character on the stage anil all over
the country , from the tlmo that ho gained
fame as a member of Harry Sargent's great
vaudeville company twenty odd years ago
when ho sang "Champagne Charley" and
other songs that still linger in the memory ,
because of their inolody , until the present
flay. Williams has always done bis share of
merry-making on the stage. Ho has hap bis
ups nnd downs , has made several fortunes
and lost them , but scorns to bo on tno road to
prosperity again , holding a now lease of pop
ularity on the public. Williams nnd Kelly
will bo seen in the great success , "You ami
I , " at the Grand opera bouse on Friday nnd
Saturday next and at a Saturday inatlnco.
The company management were persuaded
after much oifort to play nt popular prices ,
therefore largo audiences may bo expected.
Nearly all tlio Chinese costumes worn In
the second act of the "Pearl of Peltln" arc
real court dresses , nnd were not made foi
theatrical purposes ; they uro nil heavily cm-
brolilered nnd of the finest material ; they art
considered by connoisseurs to bo marvels ol
Ohlnoso art , and could not bo reproduced In
this country for any amount o * money. In
one dress worn by T.vfoo It Is said thnt there
are four million stitches , and it could not be
nmdoby one person in less than nyear. Some
of these dresses when first brought to this
country from China , could have been sold foi
(1,000 to $1 , 00 each. They are much hand
Eomcr upon rloso examination than whet
seen from In front of the footlights , nnd an
nt all times open to the Inspection of lover :
of artistic work and designs , 'i'ho "Pearl o
Pckla" will bo atthoUrand opera house 01
Sunday and Monday evenings next , at thj
fonder regular prices of the house , 23 cents t
Improve the nutritive functions of th
scalp by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hal
Kenowcr. nnd thus keep the hair from fullln ]
or becoming gray.
Anarchist Plot Discovered.
PAIUS , Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram to Tn
BKE. ] An extensive anarchist movomen
bas been discovered at Lyons. Five arrest
have already been niaJo and others flre
These olojrnnt designs In furniture
carpets and draperies nt our opoulni
Saturday evening , Oct. 8.
1114 , H10 and 1418 Douglas.
A Muni In Every Jtlortli.
To the Chicago , Milwaukee &SL Pun
railway belongs the credit of bolng th
first In the country to reduce the matte
ol eloctrlo lighting ot trains to scicntlfl
iwrfcctloD. Ono of tlio novel feature
Introduced In the sleeping cars Is
patent oloetrioromllnpliunp in each BOI
tlon. With thla luxurious provisloi
reading ut night before nnd niter roll :
Ing becomes as comfortable ns by da ;
nnd when retiring the toilet may \
wmlo In comfort and seclusion. Tl
berth reading lamp in the Pullmr
Bleeping cars run on the Chicago , Mi
vriuiKoo & St. Paul railway , botwoc
Oiuulia nnd Chicago , is patented at :
cannot bo used by any otlior rullwr
company. It is tuo greatest itnprav
xnont ol the ugo. Try it uud bo co
Sleeping'cars leave the Union Pacll
, Omahant 0:10 : p. in. dnlly , arrl
Sopot Chicago at 0:30 : a. in. Secu
tickets and Bleeping cut- berths at Unli
Ticket oflleo , 1501 Funiuin straot ( Bark
block ) , Omaha.
j. E. PUUSTON , P. A. NASH ,
038 , Agent , Gon'l Agent
The Morse Dry floods Co.
All the bargains advertised by us on
Sunday are still to bo had nnd will bo on
sale tomorrow.
The suits nnd pattern dresses In our
custom dressmaking department are on
exhibition. "Wo nro daily making num
bers of new customers for this depart
ment. Our fitter is by far the best in
the west. Wo know of none in Now
York or Chicago that can equal her for
style or perfection of fit.
It is not an experiment with us. Wo
guarantee a stylish costume and first
class fit.
Custom dressmaking department.
S. A. Orchard.
Cnrpot , furniture nnd drapery.
V'licn ?
Sat. ovo. , Oct. 8. Orchard's ' grand
opening. Elepant new quarters. 1414.
1110 and 1418 Douglas st.
niiznbcth , N. J. , has a Genuine Curi
osity limit Old dell.
A curious boll that 1ms doubtless hnel
an eventful history has been recently
dug up in Elizabeth , N. J. Workmen
were tugging n vault lu a lot near the
"Old Landing" on Elizabeth crock , anil
about three foot below the surface found
this boll , mouth down. The men sold It
to Henry Miller for a trlllo , and
ho now has it in Ills possession Bays the
Now York Timor. Mr. Miller filed
Into the boll , and was induced to bolluvo
that It contained gold by its yellow ap
pearance. So ho had some fragments
tested by several jewelers in KUzuboth ,
and much to hia delight they all bald
the metal contained a largo percentage
of gold. If the testimony of these men
can bo rolled upon Mr. Miller has a
treasure , for the hell weighs about forty
Mr. Miller is a elay laborer with a
largo family , and such an unexpected
fortune would bo peculiarly acceptable.
The bell is thirty-two Inches in
circumferences at the base and tapers in
long , graceful curves to the top , which
is fourteen inches high. To this top is
nllixed the crown , by which the bell is
swung. This crown is about throe
inches across , two inches high and three-
fourths of an inch in thickness. In
shape it is a coronet , with three aper
tures for fastening it to a beam. About
three inches above tlio rim of the boll
runs this inscription , in half-inch relief
letters :
* .
The inscription does not quite make
the circuit of the bell , and the space be
tween , the two ends is ornamented with
little diagonal figures , which to Mr.
Miller suggested the Hear do lis fof
Franco , but they seemed too regular in
shape for this design. A plain part of
the boll is ornamented in the same man
ner. There is no date , but the boll is
discolored and seems to bo eaten by its
Ion burial. The Miholnnship of Kllm
both lias boon unable to decipher the
inscription , and as there was never a
convent or similar institution situated
near the place where the relic was
unearthed it is a natural con
clusion of the owner that in case
it contains precious metals it Is
part of a buricel treasure. It seems
probable that the hell once belonged tea
a Portuguese monastery.
The scholar Jls encouraged in this be
lief by the fact that several hundred
dollars' worth of Spanibh doubloons
were several years ago found in the
sound near the mouth of the creel ; on
whoso bank the bell was discovered.
Mr. Miller was first persuaded that
there was precious metal in the boll by
Ills friend Joseph Motznor , who Is a molder -
dor in the foundry of Moore Brothers
nnd lius some knowledge of metal
lurgy. The property on which the boll
was discovered belongs to a Mr. For-
syth. '
A push cart from 1121 Farnam St. , let
tered ( C. P. Whitney ) , Return and got
reward. _
A Kcinnrknlilo Monkey.
The Now Orleans Picayune tells of n
monkey which answers to the name ol
Jocko. The children of the house and
Jocko are boon companions and of asutn-
mor afternoon enjoy a frolic together
upon the lawn. Ono day some one throw
a match down and the grass ignited ,
naklng a little blaze. Jocko taw it ,
topped and looked , then , glanced all
iround , nnd , peeing a piece of plank not
ar olT , ran for it , crept cautiously to the
ire. all the time holding the plank as a
hiold between himself nnd tlio Hume ,
lion threw the plank on the fire and
iresscd it down and extinguished it.
Vhat child could have rca&oned better
nd done more ?
Orchard's furniture. Grand opening
Saturday evening , Oct. 8.
llairour Iionvca Dublin.
Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram ti
. ] Mr. Balfour , chief secretary foi
reland , accompanied by Miss Balfour , Colonel
nel J. West Hidgoway , under secretary
and Thomas Urowntng and Gcorgt
Wynflom private secretary te
ho chief secretary , loft Dublin at7SO : o'clocl
nis morning on a tour over the routes of thi
iroposed railways In Donegal. Tlio train 01
which the party was traveling passed 1'orta
down and btrabano without demonstration
of any kind being made.
.Socialist * Didn't Ilko Criticism.
HEIU.I.V , Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram t
TncBnn. ] A meeting of the Frolslnnig
workmen's association was held hero las
night. Among the speakers was Her
llichter , who severely criticised the act c
the socialist party. Among tlio audlenc
were a number of socialists who resentc
Her Hichter's stricture upon their party , an
quite a disturbance was created ,
The Dontli Itoll.
Loxnox , Nov. 4. ( Special Cablegram t
Tun Ben. ] The death Is announced c
Charles Vorlat , the Belgian painter , ago
sixty-six years.
lim.iN' ! : , Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram t
THE Bin. : ] Habbl Dr. Joel , the great tue <
Is dead ,
The death Is also announced of General vo
Woyhern. _ _
An Irish Farmer Murdered.
DUIII.IK , Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram t
Tim BEE. ] The body of a farmer name
O'Mahonov has been found on the roaclslc
atSchulu. Investigation shows the man I
liavo been murdered. One man boa been a
rested cm suspicion ol being Implicated In tt
crlino. _
Bart ilralnaco causes much sickness , an
bad blood nnd Improper action of the liver nn
kidneys Is bad drainage to the human systoi
which Burdock Blood Bitters remedy.
A UuHsInu Traitor Handed.
BEJIUNNov. . 4. [ Special Cablegram
Tim BKE. ] A dispatch to the Cologne Q
zotto from St. Petersburg suys that Lloutc
ant Schmidt , \vlio\vm tried on the charge <
betraying tbo plans of Cronstadt to n fo
power , boa been fouud guilty and banged ,
e you
genuine Dr , Thomas' Eclcctno Oil. It cur
colds , croup , tutuma , deafness and rheum
Us in.
Ilnnrd of education Meeting.
President Persons , Secretary Funston nnd
Messrs. Swift , Van Akon , Slate nnd Hobln-
son were present nt the meeting of the board
of education Monday night , Bills amounting
to $ 1,41S.10 for teachers' ' salaries and i luO.50 for
janitors , wore ordered paid.
The salary of Mrs. Uruco was Incrcaiod to
$15 p'.r month ; Mrs. Mcrtes1 to $25 ; Mrs. Van
Clcvo's to $15 ; Thomas Fox's to f 15 , nnd
Paul S. MoAulay's to $00.
Hills of Howard Meyers $27.50 , Secretary
Funston $33 , Dr. W. II. Slabaugh Sir , , Fred
Fitch DO cents , A. H. Kent V..OT ' , Uruen &
Carpenter $0.22 , 'L. A. James ? 25.10. Joseph
J. Hrocn $30 , Holmes & Smith ? llW ( , Mrs. O.
K. Bruce $ : ) .30. John K. Hart ? S.T5 , John
Heavers $2.75 , C. T. Van Akcu * , ' , J. B.
\Vntkins & ( Jo. $ ' ) . -I. ! South Otnnlm Lum
ber company SI.TO , August King , | J , Wil
liam II. Mabcrry $1.115 , L. T. Sun-
derlnnd & Co. SM.JiO , Hobcrt Funston $1.03 ,
Mlllsp.iuh ( & Cuddlngton 230,74 , W. W.
Beckett & Co.14.70. .
Superintendent A. A. Muriroo reported
thnt two additional rooms at Albright nnd
ono at Brown I'.irk , were needed. Messrs.
Funston and Van Altcn will arrange for ad
ditional school accommodations at Albright.
Miss M. Davis was elected special drawing
teacher and the salury ilxeil at f > 5 per month.
The Globe loan it trust savings bank was
authorized to do business In the scbools , and
tlio board adopted a set of by-laws to govern
tlio samo.
Superintendent Munroo reported the pro
position of the American school book company
nn was authorized to order needed books nnet
Under a I/on l of Dirt.
Henry McKean , employed by Stcphonson
& Williams In grading nt the Union stock-
yarils , was dumped over Monday nnel cov
ered up with a load of dirt. Fortunately the
earth was soft or ho woulJ have been crushed.
As it was ho received painful injuries about
tlio hips.
Proceeding of the City Council.
The con tract for grading Twentieth street
from N to Q streets , was closed with Owen
The salaries of the officials were ordered
paid while a lotof general hills were referred.
Petitions for water mains on Twenty-third
from ( J to Hoffman streets and for au electric
light nt T nnd Thirtieth streets.
Marshal Uremmn's October report , showIng -
Ing 117 arrests , of which 2- ! were sent to the
county jail , were read and referred.
J. I * . Hyau wanted $ " > foi his liorso thnt
fell over nn embankment into the street and
broke Its neck. Referred.
Inspector Clark Howard's Octob3r report ,
showing 22 diseased cattle had bucu con
demned and killed.
The report of City Engineer E. S. King ,
recommending a sewer bo eonstructeJ from
F street on Railroad nvoima to J street to
connect with the main sower.
AsplmUutn will bo used to pave Twenty-
fourth street unless the county commission
ers refuse to allow the change of tlio material
to bo uscd-from Colorado sandstone.
Through coaches Pullman palace
sleepers , elinln ears , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago nnd intervening' points
via the great Uoclc Island route. Ticket
olllco 1002 , Sixteenth ana Fariiam.
Army > 'otes.
Only ono more ofllcer of the army is to bo
retired this year , Surgeon Mlddleton , on De
cember 15.
Recruits Mcars , MolT.itt nnd Young hnvo
been assigned to troop O , Is'inth cavalry In
orders from the ofllce of the general recruit
ing ofllecr.
Sergeant Lominer , company 1C. Seven
teenth infantry , stationed ot Fort D. A. tus-
sell , Wyo , , has been detailed for duty by tbo
war department on recruiting service at
Rochester , N. Y.
By nn act of congress soldiers in the army
may hereafter wear the distinctive badges
ndopteel by military societies to which tbc-y
belong , providing all such soldiers served in
the Mexican war and tbo late rebellion.
Tbo old time custom of selecting the clean
est soldier from those mounting guard ns or
derly lor the olllcor of the day , has bce.i abolished
ished by the war department anil hereafter
the commanding oftlcer will be entitled to nn
It Is understood that when the question
next comes up in congress to revive the grade
of lieutenant general , it will bo in sucn shape
ns to inalto the grade a permanent ono in
place of any private legislation for any par
ticular oulccr.
Tbo inspector general of tbo army In sub
mitting bis report of the soldier's homo near
Washington , recommends that nine gallons of
milk bo distributed daily among the old vet
erans. As there Is now n dairy connected
with the homo , tbo question is , where docs
the milk go ]
Oiit of 100 military posts or stations in tne
United states wliero troops nro stationed ,
there nro only three where full regiments aio
stationed. Fort Clark , Tov. , Eighteenth in
fantry , Fort A. D. Russell , AVyo. , Seven
teenth Infantry , and Fort Omaha , Neb. , Second
end Infantry ,
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Moines and
Chicago business is the Houk Island ves-
tibuled limited , leaving Omaha at 4:13 :
p. in. daily. Ticket ofllce , 1G02 Sixteenth
and Farnam sts. , Omaha.
Seaman Is Hot.
OMAHA , Nov. 4. To the Editor of Tun BIE :
Kindly allow mo space to say to the public
that I this morning for the first tlmo read nn
item in the New York Voice. I desire to say
that in its article referring to myself , it lies ,
by which I mean , it wilfully tells nn untrutn
conoernlng my withdrawal from the Omaha
Leader , my reasons for which I had plainly
and honestly stated In print , from when rea
son the Voice has no right to vary.
Prohibition has never been mentioned be
tween mo and auy banker. I have not boon
Inside of tiny bank even once during the last
six months , nor sought to do business with
more than the ono I deal with regularly , As
to the business men : All such cheerfully
allow mo to vote as 1 plcaso , and I cheerfully
allow them the same privilege. "Tls true ,
tliat some who nro uot business mencondemn
mo for doing as th < n do , i. e. voting according
to conviction. \V. T. SEAMAN.
CcedlnlUlUoniof Home *
40 Years tbo Standard.
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring
businessiinillnvllM his oltl friends ami pat
rons , ns well ns thu nonorul publlto rill nnil
Inspect hit ) now stool ; of Imported cd iloiucbtli
yrouloua , Uvorytlilni ;
ESTABLISH ED 187 4. 3153 15TH SI
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
andCetialn to iKor monty r
ltd from
Many ) Clergymen ,
nctora.nnd public spoaUcrs we
Cherry , Hevtoral. It H liio f.norlto
remedy for hoarseness and nil aUcctlons ol
the vocal organs , throat , nnil lungs. As an
nnoUyno and cipcotorant , the effects ol
.tills prcpnrallou xro promptly rr.illzctl.
"Aycr's CheriTtJ'ectoral lias done me
pood. It Is a SfllmilM remedy ( or all dli-
cases ot the Unont and lungs , nnil I lm\o
much plcasuro In teslllylng to Its mcrltv-
( Kev. ) C. N. Nlultols , No. Tlsbwy , Mass.
"In my iTofuailon of an nttctlonccr , any
nfTectlon of tho'wlcoor tliront U n. scilotis
matter , but , nt each attack , I liavo been re-
llo\cd by a f8W doses of Ajci's Cliurry
rcctornl. This remedy , \\lth onllunry care ,
has wiirkedsiifhamaglcaU'lTcctthatl ' hmo
suflered veiy little liicomciiluncc. I \\n\o \ \ \
nlso used It In my fniltllylth very excel
lent results , In coughs , colds , Kc.Ym. . II.
Qmutly , Mlnlaton , So. Australia.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
DIl. J. C. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Maei.
Bold lyullUruftltU. J'rlccl ; elt boltlta , J5.
Fbysiclans , Surgeons and Specialists.
Oil A. HA. NK&
The most widely and favorably knowa spec
ialists In the United States. Their Ion , ' ox-
perlonce , remnrkixble skill and unlTer ! suc
cess In the treatment nnd cure of Nerroui ,
Ohronlo nnd Surgical Dlicasov entitle these
emlnont phyRlclaim to the full conQdenco of
the aflllctcd evorywhorp. They Kunrantno :
the awful effects of early vice and th numer-
oui orlli that follow In Us train ,
ippodlly , completely nnil nurmaticntly ourpd ,
OKUKKB yield readily to their nklllful treat
Riinrnntecd cured without pain or detention
rotn buslncst.
nently nnd successfully cured Ineverrcaio.
nmtorrhorv , Bcir.inal Wcaknnss , Lost Manhood ,
Night Emissions. Decayed Kacultlea , Fumnlo
tVouknotii and all dollcato disorder * peculiar
to oltber eex positively cured , ns well 119 all
functional dlsorduri that result from youth
ful follies or thu execsot niiituro yoari.
' Ouiirnnteod permanently
Il1 U A\lj cured , removal ou nloto ,
without cutting , catibtlo or dilatation. Ouroi
affected Ht homo by patluntiltbout u mo
ment's pnlnor annoyatioo.
A < sITTU niPK The awful effects of
/ early vlco which hrln s
orpnnlo weakncis , destroying both mind nnd
body , with all Its dreaded ills , pornianenty
cured.'C RRTT Address those who hare Im-
\J. ULi 1 1O ualred theinselvps by Im
proper Indulgence anil solitary hthlti , which
ruin both mind nnd body. unuttlnK them for
business , $ tudy or innrrlaRO.
MAItRIEIJ MKK or tho-o entorlnfton that
happy life , aware of phyiloal debility , quickly
Is based pen fnot . ' First I'raotloal ex purl -
ence.-ti cond Kvury case In npeclally studied.
thus starting right. Third Medicine * are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus off eotlngcnres without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Beginning Monday , November 3rd.
Tuesday Evening : 'Tiratesof ' Penzance. "
Wednesday Evening : "lolanthe. "
Grand Chorus of 05 Voices.
A telegraph Instrument has been plncei :
ipon tlui btago und election returns will bi
n-ad between acts.
Tlicro will bo no advance In pilces.
Friday and Satiuday TJ & I
Nov. 7 nnd 8. Matinee
Mil T , EHLY
Illustrnt ° il by 1'rof. Hcrrmnnn nml9 " ° J ; ' - . 1
er MagnlfleentCOMl'ANV Ob" COMK1HANH.
Sunday anil Mondayl'ovcinbcr9and 10
lllceiDlxey'n ( Srancl 1'roiluctlon oftlioClilncao am
KngllKli Comic Oliuru , entitled tlio
* Peanl of Peking
All the OrlglnaVfoeneryl
AU tha'Orlglnal Costumes !
All the Original Music
And In fact a rarEalflccnt prcductlon by a lupct
Prices : JI.OO , 7iCi SCouudZx1. llox slicctojien Sat
urdny nt 1) ) a. m.
D ime
Will Lawlor , Manaecr. Corner lltb nnd Far
s noniibtruots , Uinalm.
WEBK.Ol' NOV. 3rd.
noyalTeddo Joinii > se , our f 10001 Importntlon o
Itoyul Japanese Arilits. Mons. Jlunaulln. the L-roat
it Ariel AttlstnCtlio modern tlraos. Coupled will
A I'uH Hct of Tootli
on Hiibbor , for
_ .vv _ _ I'IVE Doi.i.uts.
A perfect flt Rtinrnntrcd. , 'i't-'cti | o trvotoi
without imln or danspr. ant ) wllloiu tmuBJ
tbotlcs. Oold anil silver ll K ut lowei
rates , nrlilconna Crown Work. IcctU with
outulatcs. Allvsorlt warnintea.
Entrance. ICtli strcot elevator Ojjcn oven
nss until 8 o'clock. _
Waters and Oils a Speolalli
We will sliow you this season sonic bargains in overcoats that \vill make your eyes open in aston *
islimcnt , We have given you many bai gains bcfcrc you know that but those we offer you now will
beat them all , We have made a deal with a first class manufacturer , one who makes nothing bn $
overcoats , for his entire stock , about 5 000 garments. He was overloaded and had to sell. We are al
to offer these goods at less than they cost to manufacture.
As a starter we offer today the following : three lots :
No. 1 , All wool wide wale heavy cassijnerc overcoats , blue and black color , lined withgool scrga
well trimmed , at $6. This price would not pay for the cloth alone in that garment.
No. 2 , An excellent blue chinchilla ovcacoaf , corded edge , lined with fine plaidcassimerc , only $ r.5&
The coat is worth $12. .
No , 3. A large lot of vgry fine kerseys , fashionable shades , bound with double warp Farmer's satin ,
lap seams and 'handsomely gotten up , These we offer at $8. The regular retail price of such a garment
is $15.
There arc more bargains than these , It would take a big space in the paper to mention them all.
The fine grades arc as choice garments as were ever shown ready made and in fact many of the ovei *
coats are in point of material , make and fit equal to custom tailor work ,
Our stock includes a large line of Boys' and Childrons' Overcoats of serviceable material
desirable patterns and tasty designs. Although the goods \vere made up for fine retail trade , wfc
are able to offer them at such figures that they are within the reach of everyone. Not often do
you get an opportunity to purchase such garments at the low figures we offer them this \vccl \ <
When you remember that these goods arc offered by a reliable and substantial house , whq
guarantee the exact truthfulness of every word they advertise and whose dealings with the p\ib >
ic have gained for them the reputation of reliability , you can appreciate the value of the
Open , until 8 p. in. Saturday , 10 p. m.
Nebraska Clothin
Corner 14th and Douglas Streets.
We carry the BIG STOCK of the west , quote Eastern prices and ajP
BOO miles nearer you than any other market , Correspondence.
* ,
Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots.
"The goods which
please are already
half sold. "
Fine Overcoats.
Come early and
take your choice
from the full assort
ment now offered.
111 * lautit litaMlihimntliilbo
\UirM fur Hit treatment of Hair
icd Hcalp , licwina , Jlolo , W art ,
.itrriiuou Uulr , lllriliinirki ,
Voih. rrccKler , \ rtDktct < lu-a > ti9
ItiU V ftDt ( JilviiklD.Ariir.riinpU *
' ' . liarber'ilttli. bcara ,
„ „ . - , . Itr Marii , l-'oclnl He-
vclopniiTt.buuktnC'bccKietc. Con-
. . - - inliatlcufrteot cfllcncrliylttur. fin
book ami -nln afftctlnniatul tlitlr
rart nn all ikln i <
trf tmfiit ont lcOtn nnr acilrr forlOcti.
JUIIV \V4lonitlTlcr , DrrmnlutncliU
1 " * Vf" 4"1 Nl" Mir 1'nrli 'llv.
' VVUIllUl lll ! V'n FACIAL r > IIA I * tiirllM
I' SUIn nnil Mrnli .o ( ttrwittitior by imtt. fi < > f yt-
latiii ,
> Ullltbll 4. Niw Dora * Tfiltln lint In * aadlialtd ,
Bwteijr , IVot U. a.llU'lIB , m t'.luabu , r , V.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
FeTcntccn yenr ' experience. A rnculnr eridunteln medicine , ni diplomat ihow Is it1
tlio greatest auccoia nil Nervous. Clironlonticl rrlmtadlnoatot A porminont cure ifiinran1
Hl'cnnntorrlia'.i , Lost M.uihuoJ , Homlnal U'oaknci.n. MKlH Ixmoi , hnpolenor. SyphllH , dlr HID
tilt cam' ! of Ilia llluod , hkln iinil Urlnarr Orenni. N. II. I mmrantuo ( ; > 1J for orotj ona 1 un iUK
lo cure. Consultation Ireo. IJoolt ( Il7 .crlo3 of Llfo ) sunt froo. OiUco ho HIM9 u , m. to H i > m
10 & . ill , to 111 m.
City Paeaenpfor and Ticket
Bp clfla for Hr t rla , rijitneij.riti.KujMleU.Wnlit.
lulneii , M M i Iwpretilon , Hoftenloir of Ibu lir lnn > -
[ ultlnn In loitnlta.iil Kaillni ; to mltcrjr Uixav arl
UeAlh , Premature Out Age , litrrennpsn. l.oi of rower
Inolther &ei. InvoluntArI.OIIM. . nil Hitrmotorrhcxa
causil liy oTer-tiertloi of the liraln , it\t-tlusn \ ot
orerlndul enco. c.achlK > x contalnionemontb'itrcnU
mant 91 nbox , or all for IS. rent liy mMIiifpald.
With etch ordur fur elx I > OXPI , will cvnd purrha or
( nmriDteu to refunil nonojr | f the truitmeiitfalla ( g
euru. UuatultcctlMUcaandecnulneiiulilumitr
1110 Turnum Street , - - Ouaha Net ) ,
JlljO lithe
unnatuml dlicliarf nml
I > rlvntcilliioH ciiif ini'ti. A
ceitalnrurn for tlieilolilll.
tatlnR vvakucsa jiecullir
tonmcn. .
Jlirencrlbo Hand feel !
In rrroninirndlui ; It to
oil tmrrvrpm.
Hold hr IlruKKistl.
Till I'll ICJI 81.00.
Orlaln dlnnrdprn ot mv : make lliem Dim.
'flmt'H lifi-aino ilicy loio hone toonoonl
I . . .n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ( inHlleil Hcalrtl ( ten for
| OUR NEW BOOK IliS ( ? & ! SSlStf3&
flttii * Mrlliixt * " hnvo n nnux it".r < jno ) < olu
cfHtttrrm * . " EKIE MtDIOAL CO.BaOal , K. f.
WANT"P'D.-AJ"t'uni5ulltl'0.l'Inlc ! ( ! '
. . ?
VAl 1L ' " .
V\ > - -"Oijlhes ( Unoi tlio < inlj
line over III vrnlodtliutlioUlithavIotliM with
nut | ilnl ii iiorfoct Hiici'Pha ) ( intent recontl ]
Issued ; sola only by [ incutsto "horn tlio ov
elusive rlslit la Klytui. On receipt of rwmitHH
will send wimple line hy mill : | ulf < o cliiiti
Inrst price lUt nnd terms lo uuont. ticcuri
vnur toirlUiry ut once. TIIK 1'I.V
I.ICSH 01.0TIIK8 LINK CO. , J7 Herman it.
\Yorecsler Mati.
. ,
Solo Agent in Omaha tor Gorhain
ufacturl us Go's
Our Stock of Fine Goods is tlio
Largest and Our Prices the
Conic and BCD us.
Cor. Douglas & 15th St
To euro nillouineSB. Rick Jtcndaclio rnnnlpatloo.
llalnrlx Liter Complilnu , tuki tlm calo
and curtain leniodjr. S.UITli'.S
t7sothoBM.AIIBIZBMO Jlttlo
tlo ) . Tliey nro tlio moat convenient mlt ull oM
1'rlcoof iltljcrilio. 25 ccnU pirbotllo.
KIfifilRIf * " ' 7. 17. 70 : PlioUirravortl
.lOOBBll t
* i > an UUooItnlailctuto | tut
eocu ( ccppeni or BUiuia ( ) , ,
Makers of "llllulleam , hi. J > JUB ! Ma
a aV XjIC ) CJT Djrt A Jk - '
11 ran It qltta IM A rup of * otfte or ti u , or I
ilele of fut Uf without tuo km
llneoo4r7 Itli abiolunly t aru4icr - , j _
A partnauint anil iptedy wire wliflhtr H > . JF l'rtllil1I '
mo < Ur udrtniororaaaloohi ) * reelt. II " * ? . . . _
It opor tB < to qumtly ncl witt " "v./ .
< UI1 W bU * . IDVn W * rl
p"/"Ir ct iuuplUd br ULAKJS.DllI
Fouljir > IK9O'lY..r > r. l < lno' I'nrloillcat TIllJ
lj ) 3Kri'iilirouody ] , acton tlio iiioriMtru l I'l.em ,3
cure uiuro iliiii irutu whuioror cmio. I rom i
momtruatlon. Tlieioiillliiliaukl notbi Uken ur-
nupreunanoy. Am , I'll Co , lloralt' ft nit. . >
cur , Clay Co. , la. Ounulnobr Bhoriuan i Mct ° J ei {
Do.lL'' . . OOmahat , U. A > Melchyr BOuUi
Omala ; M , f. tlllJ , Council Ululi. I' ' , ur i fur IX