Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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/ADVEUTisEHENTS / for th * a eolumiwIU
fV. bo taken until 12 : M p.m. . ( or tbaavenlnf
l < JItlon and until 8:31 : p , m. , for tb * mornlnf
fdltlnn and Bun DAT DEB ,
JTIERllS-CMh In adTanco. 'ijlr ' ' , , -
DATES Adrertliicmcntaon thliptt *
pLVclinrccil font t lie rate of 14 cent per word
lor tlio first Insertion nml 1 cent per word for
Itch subsequent Inncrtlon. andtl-Mpcr ltn
pr month , No ndrortUement taken for
lean than JloenU fortlio tint insertion.
INITIATE figures , Ijrmbols , etc. , count each
n ono word.
rnilF-flK advertisements mnit run consccti-
JL lively lind under no clrctimiitancrs will
wey Im taken or discontinued by telephone ,
t > AHTIKHadT rtl8ln In thcie columns and
( L bating tholr answer * mldrrMcd to a ntiin-
fcertdlpttnr" In care of THE Hz * trill rccclra
a numbered check toi-nnblo them togpttliolr
letter * . Answers will bo delivered only on
presentation of thli clioclf. Enclose answer *
| n envelopes properly nildtfMed.
, A 1,1 1 ndrprtlsemnnti under the hcml of
cv."hpeclnl NotleoH" are publlihcil In l > oth the
tnornlnx and evening editions of Tite HEE. the
Circulation of which nRxrogatm inoro tlmi
80,000 pnprri dally , anil Rives the advprtlsor
the lirni'llt not only of thn Inrse circulation of
5 nn HRF. In Omaha , but alio-ln Council HlufTs ,
Lincoln and othtrolllcs anil town * In the west
Advertising for these columni will bo taken
en tlionboYO condition * , Ht the following bunt-
Ben * Imusci who nro authorized to take special
Jill-en. at the innio rates an c&n bad at the
K aln office. _ _
1 2KJIN fitrcut , Llfttcr lllock.
JOHN W. OEM/ , Pharmacist , 620 South Tenth
OHASE ft EDDY , Btattonen and Printer *
113 8outh 10th iitrcet.
' '
. , I'harmaol t,3U50um-
Ing street.
k\T J , HUGHES , Pharmacist , (24 ( North llth
ITT utroct.
_ _
GEO , W. I'Anil , rhimnaclnt , 1718 Loinen-
worth street.
I'HAIIMAOY.21th and Farnam.
, etc. , tetlojj friltnlwnn "ill/if / * ) .
\T7ANTKI ) P < wlt Ion by stationery cnclneor.
VV Addiws VaOllcu , M 407-11 *
AVOI'NO Kcnllninnn from tlio rtast ox-
IK-rlenccd In wholesalennd rctnlldry poods
BCCI.H nn iMi iiRPinpnt. Nnt to travel-
Ini. Mnrrlcd. lliibltscM'mplary. llnforcnces
mlotitlVHatlsfiii'lDry. Addiessorcnll between
0 ami 1 o'clock fiI7 N. Y. IJfe. JUtK-7 *
OITIUT10N trantrd of nny kind by n youuK
IO inun 1W years old. who lias no homo , has
flrst class references. Address V 15 lleo.
AYOUNO mnnof tliotnimli lm lnc < n oclnca-
tlon nnd nn nxpitrtaccountant , having
Eonin siiiro tlnioduilni ; tlio day und evening ,
would llko asotof books tokocp , copying In
Innir hand or on tlio typewriter nr any kind of
r.Iprlful wurk. Charges ttasouablo , Address
V Hi I tee. < 8-J-r , '
\\7ANTKD T.ady with lota of experience
T dctlrota jiosttlon In uliortlmml anil typo-
wrltlnir. booltkeepliiK of any kind of o'llco
work. . . Has n typowtllur , Kcfcronces No. 1.
- - - - , v n Omalm lleo. 4.W-5 *
17 ANTICD Volition ns eashler nrnmUlnnt
booickvonori Kooil icfercnccs V ( J. llec.
4 l.'l-D *
XIT ANTKD Situation In drcssinakhiir ostnb-
'T llsliinont 1'V yotinjr lady , to leurn the
trade. Cull at Trcinont house , 801 N. Ifithst ,
SITUATION wanted by a German lady to
assist In tlio lioiiM'lioldj low wnies. Ad-
Arcss I , . 1C. , Dee olllco , Council muffs.
Foriattt , tie. , tec lop of frtt column on Hits page ,
AORNTS JStoJIO per day collecting small
J-VpU'tiii-usforusto copy and cnlartro. Hat-
jnfautlou guaranteed nnd n ( i nutlitfrco , A
Jiiiino . * c Co. , EO Heads . Now York. M1905 *
\\rAXTFJD A man of character , capacity
' V ) anil some llnanulnl ability to c-ondurtii
weslcin business for us ; letniincrntlnn 31,300
Tor Ihollrstthroo vcan. Addicss 1C 0 , raiuof
Lord ATluiiimH. Clili'ni'o , 111. ? 14QI-10
r _
' ( IflOO par month at thostart will ho paid to a
PinannKorvlio cun Illl thn re < ] illioriient.s. Ail-
flifss UP , uaroof Lord & Thomas , Uhlcaco , 111.
4a10 *
\\rANTKD-A shoiilioy ; ono that writes a
' K "d hand nnd otin make hlmsFilf Koncr-
ully ii'i'ful. Addioss V IP. Uco olllco and I
state salary expected. 4S8-1 *
: \XrAJTTKI-OlTloo ) Tiiy about 17 years old.
TT Ainworln oun haniMvrltlng. Address V
17 lleo olllc-o. 48.VI *
for new rallrnail work
v'T InOrcRon anil Wiishlnffton Ty. Work
Nrill inn twoyonri Gooil wacrs cuurnntueil.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 I'arnninst.
M 480 1)3
B , MHV farmhiinrt Mnntril. Hillside I''iirm
C'iillioiin , Nub. horacmiin. 4GO-5
\\7ANTRD-A llrst el as * brrail nnil cake
T I b.ikor. \ \ nuns JU per week , hoaul anil
rnoni ; at once. Addrcsi box 403 UheyiMino ,
AVyn. 4M- ! )
\\TAM'KD-DraiiKht'-iiinn eonipetont to do
.J I KPitnriil olllco work , at o.llco of 1M. . Kills ,
tteo Hills , utoiiee , 451-5 *
* VS7ANTni-Acents to sell the latest novol-
T tlei In button-hole hounucts. Tno < ll-
tlnct suiniilcsniulpartleiilurslOcts. Jl Krnst ,
Olevelund , , o. 5
W'ANTKD-Salnmanon salary or cominU-
Hlon tolmnillotho now patent rlioiuleal
Ink oriishiR pencil. The greatest selling nnv-
oltyoverproducpd. Krnses Ink thoroiifrlily
In two seeonds ; no iibraslan of paper. iKWto
DOO tx r cent profit. OniinRont's sales lunountcd
Jo tiivu In ix days ; another IB in two hours ,
wo want ono enorKOtloiicneral ngcnt foroach
Rtato and territory. Sample by mall 35cts.
KortorniH and full p.iitleulars , address Tbe
Mom oi ] Hiasor Mfit. Co. , La Orosse , WI . 400-4 *
Tl.f . UN or women wanting norlr , or persons
, LUiu < t > dlnK bolp of any kind , city or country ,
can always bo fuipiillrd at Keith's oilice. 318)4 )
8.13th st , Satisfaction guaranteed.
\\fANTKIi-Mon with good reforcn at
' Metropolitan MfR. Co. . 1COO Howard st.
, gii-n1.1 ;
\XTANTRU-Flrat cln s steam ( Itter-i can Unit
V tMiiployment In Chicago. Steady work.
Eight hours. Apply at once. .M.9V14 *
CANVASSKRS Wanted Corrcsiiondcnco so- ,
llolted with conipoteiit canvassers to sell
paper olothlnz. Oood wairs can bo earned. ! !
Write 1'apor Olotlilng Co. , 1'ort ' Huron. MIoh i.
l > W-n25
TS7AMLD-Mon anil women of nbllltv In
Vl orory cty , town and vlllnito to act as
ntseiits fur Ibo Ladles' Homo Journal. We
want thn best obtainable class ofagonls , nnd
to such unusual terms will bo ottered. The
Journal Is the handsomest periodical for la-
fllei and the family ever Issued , nnd hns near
ly half a million subscribers. It will bo nd-
yertNod the coming autumn nnd winter on a
lurgnr MMlo than evi-r bnfore. creulliiK a do-
mnuil that nKent Hhould bo _ ready lo Illl.
Uurlls I'libllslilng Co. . 1'lilludelphla. M1830 ( ) *
WANTED-MO laborers forstonc and crado
work. Apply lo 1 * . H. Johnson. Union
passetiKfr depot , Omultu. fcTJ
"WANTED At once , several good city canT -
T 1 vassnra. 1510 DoiiKlim st , t 7Sn2t
TirANTEI ) Agents waiitnl throughout Ni-
y T bruska. Hond ttaiup for reply. Jos. I1.
Megcnth , Omaha. 773
TIJANTin-A H f . atty In every
iilaco to Introilucn our Wo haven
now line Unit Ttlll sell at every hou n and
can reap n harvest between now and
the holidays. Will pay a salary of JT5 per
month Kpicfcrrod and furnish n team free.
Address at once. Standard Bllverwnrn Co.
IloHliui Mass. M ore-l ) 15 *
VITANTED Mrn ( fttravol for our Canadian
i niirscrIc3.BtoiicA.\VclllujtoiiMuilKon.\Vls
' .rtc. , itttopofflnl _ column on f/in tff
\\l ANTKD I.nily Htoiiojtrttphcr foVnhole"
aalohouse. State upceil , cxperlcnro , tl-
ry BitpcctoU. AthlrcM V IH. lice. 4ii-t
\7l7ANTF.n-At < mee. tooil cook niullailn
dr is. Mrs. ll.E. Gaylord , 10(0 S SOIh inst.
A "Oman cooU at 1'iillninr
house , 1 ) OodBD. 4SI-0 *
\X7ANTED-A girl for central homework
TTfoa Howard. M470 0 *
A OIUI' ( or liouscworU ut bU S Sdlh at.
xV 457 6
1ANTEIIady to control sulo of orna
T mental bird * , butterflies , eto. , forhatl
r bonnets ; also ( or drcorntlnit p rlor > , rlc. , ts.nd
, othrrnovoltlci , International Millinery Oo.
t'louhtnd , O.
lady named to net sut
thn Omaha Excelsior : M DO
Apply IU H 10th it. Mlia
WANTED-OIrl for mrral liousoworli
lira. U. \ \ . LooinU. Kli 8.30th uve. ! U *
For raiu. tit. , tt tovof fojnmn on I/IM /
\\rANTKI-Horso ) l < winter wt srln
i > and H without s poodearo will he taken
of thorn ut OolTman I'ark form , f.oavo horses
with N. K. Uillrance , stsblcs414 8. 17tb * t. Tel
ephone Ml. _ M Kfl
HOUSKH wintered nt Omaha fair grounds.
lean winter 203 IIOMOS , each horse lias a
\t\tfo warm hoxstall , feed nil the cr.iln the
owner wanti. large yards for oxcrol i > lri fine-
weather , A. Thomson. > li.ljl N3 !
KOlf ] UiNT }
For raltt , tie. , tee top of frtt fofiimn on l/iti /
fOWK forront ! ton rooms , modern con-
l.vonlnticc.KU So. 13lh st. M.4087 *
IVU UKNT Tun beautiful 7 room cottaRes.
Jiibt fliiMioil. Until und modern Improve
ment" . Only S left. 0. a , Elsuttcr , 40 ? First
Nat'l bank. 4M
TTlOIl IIKNT KlezantS-room hoitsp. nll.jnort-
J ] crn i Improvementscornur
Apply at 131/J Karnatu st. 4.V5
UiNT 3018 Webster street , now" nlno
JU room house , sewer aud water connucted
and toady for furnace.
Next corner Webster and IDth streets.
Now seven rtxim IIOUMJ sewer and water.
Kent low for goal tenants. 11. W. YalPj.
TJ10K IlKNT Now one-storv sli-rootu house ,
JL' wnrm cellar , city water , near car line ,
cheap. Inquire cornerMth ! unil Luke. K u.
Oloiiii. M431 4
TCK ItHNT-Nicely furnlslied cottapo of six
J : rooms , with modern conveniences. Innulro
. " 'OOnouzltisst , 4H18 *
"T70H 11ICNT 8-rootn house ! all modern 1m-
JL' protoinonts. liWHoitth SStlinvpiuia between
T"amninand Oodge. slreotsi M5.CO : beit local
ity In city : convenient lo business. Mi7U-i : *
COSY , convonlnnt cottace , nlco yard , motor
two blocks. ( HI , cor , 33tu and Jackson.
> *
T110H ItHN'T-A Krtod 0-room housi ; , city
JU water , Houth front lot , near Lake nnd Sbpr-
inaniiAo. : ut expiration of il years will Blvo
you warranty doed.MiDlr'ctlo inortuugo. Look
this up. C. r. Shuff. au Shcoloy blk. aa )
' 17011 KI'NT Broom house , nil modern Im-
JD prmcmonts , "JSOCIilauga St. , JI1.C7. Klug-
waltUios. . llarkcrblock. 3.11
T710H UHNT 7-room cottage , convenient to
JU wholi-snlo district and business. Apply
1112 S. 10th st. 1IB
TTOH KENT S-room modern house with nlco
JU barn , 1704 N list ; also B-rooin house and
nlco barn , 'JMO Miami , by Crum & JJlsbop , U 54
Hoard of Trado. ! '
njlOK KENT-38-room houses at 2fS and 21
JU Calduoll st. , nlcoly papered , bavins mod
ern conviMiIcnce't and barnss torolliiblo par
ties iinlll spring $23 permonth. J. II. Johnson
r.lOl'axton block. 070
I10U KKNT Sovon-rootn cottaro. cor. 28th
U avc. und Cap. avo.Inqulro'.HJ18 Doilse. Rl-CCG
, HCNT-5-room house. IMS. 2fith st.
003 Nil'
T KSIHAHLE dwolllnzs nil parts "of the city
JUSmcaton It Allen , 1 07 Kuriuini st. K8-n
T710U Iir.NT-An 8 room house witn all mod-
JU cm Improveiiicnts , heated by hot water.
l.Vll K iMth Ht. 4 blocks cast of Ilanscom 1'ntk.
Enquire400 lleo bulldlns , 441
T71011 KENT-lloiiso.8 rooms , peed laundry ,
Jluqulru llobt. rurvl34tli & Ht. Mary's nvo ,
' YOU wish to rent n house orsloro see II.
Tl' . Cole , Continental block. 833
OR KKNT To responsible parties only ,
those line now brick and stone houses on
Georgia nvenuo : fifteen rooms nnd alcoves :
inoru convrnlcnces and bolter finished than
any hou o for rent In the city. II. U. llcnder-
soii , 400 1'iixton bloelf. city. 831
fT-KOOM homo with barn : nominal rent. 0.
/IMlarrlson.OllN. Y. Ufo. 879
FOR KKNT-O room house , all modern con
veniences , Includlim a good stable. Capitol
avenue , near the high school ; rent moderate.
D. J O'ilonuhoo , 1001 ii'urnaiii st. 0.11
nVKN-room house. 18th nnd Vluton , HO. J.
S II. .Inlmion , ftll I'axtou block. OSO
Fortatet , tic. , lie fop of JIM column on thir page.
71011 KKNT-Ono nicely furnished front
. J room , J10 < ; steam heat , bath and modern
conveniences , bocond , lloor : reference ro-
iiuheil. Mrs , II. O. Moses , 2239 Furiiaiu.M490
FliONT room , inodnrn convonloneos. K
S. 10th. M.4997 *
TT'llKNISIlEI ) room , 1006 Farmuu , at Ji'i.OO per
J3 month. 4TU-5
VfENVLY furnished front rooms , stoiim heat ,
IN BUS. hath , 711 8 18th , 2nd lloor. 40) U *
N'lORLY furnished room with heat , W per
month , 400 Williams street , near union
dopot. 4-
THAM boated front rooms , furnished : use
S'1 of bath : I'll Nicholas st. 403-1 *
T AUGE front room for rent. 101'JUod o.
413-1 *
PAULOU nnd bed room for two gentlemen )
atouni beat , gas , bath. 017S ! S. Utli.
ROOMS for gcntloinon ; steam heat , iras ,
bath. 017S-J South llltli. 40J-G *
KENT I'loasantfurnlshod sdiitbroom ,
modern couvonleuees015 Douglas.aos
aos < *
TpLEASANT south front room. 2112 Dodge.
3.1 8
"ANDSOMELVfurnUhed room. ! > Dod e.
10KLY furnished room , 1024 DouRlns.
. .
FOH IJENT'-Two nlcoly furnished front
itKims. 2010 Davenport st. _ a)7 )
) rooms for rontwlth all modera
FUHNISHRI . 3WO Harney. ' 'IS a'
ITIOH KENT 1 Furnished rooms , 1003 Capitol
J. uvo. M10110
AHLr rooms for three or four KOtitin-
D moii , private slttlnjj room included. 1701
Uupltol a\c.
T/'OR ' KENT rurnlihod roomsj pas.balhand
X' steam. 1510 Howard. 874
TWO nlcoly furnished rooms , single or en
suite , gaa and bath ; terms leusonuble.
1724 Loavcnwortli. MsCd-l'
f Oll KENT l-'uriilshod - rooms , 1 ( J Douslas.
runmoi.HOOM9 AND HOAltl ) .
For ratcg , etc. , tee titpoffirtt coiumitnn tht page.
TTtUItN'ISllKIrooms ) , parlor nnd ali-ovn for
JJ2orH ccntlomuii.buck pnrlor for- Heat
gas , buth. with board. iiliiSllurnoy. M 474-17 *
OOMS and l)0'U'il. 201 S , Will uve ,
4a-8 *
THOnNlSIinD rooms and boards modern
JO house ; best location In city , 320 So. 2flth at ,
FOIt uooil bouril , nlco rooms , modern con
venience , rates and location , the I'ullmun
house , 1310 Uodge St. , cannot bo e\colled.
M iJS N ! W *
"VTEWLY fiirnUhed rooms , nlnRln or on suite.
1 > with hcut , gas and b.ithM3 nml 2li
N. 17th , opposite now : postolllco sltp 023 Xa
TJ1OK RENT Kooms , with board. 17J Dodge
ST. OLA IK European hotel.wltlidlnlnft room
titvam heat In all rooms , lllth and Dodfto rates by wcok or month. _ B75
. Kor nilcs , < lt. , < ( top offint roliiinri on tin *
MEAT market on south 10th , $0. A neal
0 loom house , Hamilton Ht. , Wiilnut Hill
112. lluiohlusou ii Wcad , 152) Douclas st
IO01C UKKB-Winter is coming , them are t
Jton ( rood ollloo for rent In the llrmigc
bid's , with t class iiuatimt arid bost'of uie"
vutonor vices. luquhe Frank J. italufro.
- STOKE-SatTOO 8 16th , MitiO each , iarcoshov
- wlndovrt , steam heat furulihed. Thos. F
Hall.5111'axton block. 6ft.
- T oirilKNT Tde 4-slory brick bulldlna.wltl
. JU or without power , formerly occupied by tin
Ilee L'ublltliliiK Co. . 010 Karnam st. The build
InK has a tire-proof comontbasomentcomplet <
itcanihoatluK tiituroj , water on all the lloors
gas , oto. Apuly > t tlnofllceof The lleo. 015
For rulti , ctt. , set lopofflnt column un i oc
TT1OR very comfortable winter home * lee
- J.1 those 3-rooru Uat3,8. W , Cor. 21st and Nich
. olas tj. Newly papered , city water aud ihuJ
erase. First lloor , * tJi 0oond Hour , H lluttj
, Hoiiting Agtaoy.Baa. ! nth t. avi Nb
} \ > r ratet , ttt , tee top oit tolumn on thti txtgt
! Co. , lloobulfdlnB Omahi. Dranoli offlco a
AVaihlnutoli , D. 0 , CouiultaUou fiea 7i
f \nrratft , etc. , tee fop of frtt column mi this
" "
Tn6ir"KnNT-lTrlcir"wa rehouse , two stories
JU nnd basement , 27,000 square feet , with 10) )
foot of double track on U. P. railway , Hoittti
'JUtli nnd IMcrce streets. Address U Otkamp ,
Onmlm , Neb. PM
IIENT Ilrlck warehouse , two-'torle *
lilch ! basement ! hydraullcolovatori track-
ace : best locution la the olty. A. 0. 1'owoll.
Forraf n , fir. , tte top of fnt rv\n \ tn on Will JKVJI
\\rANlFnD-To rent-A. nicely furnished
> house of about 10 rooms near bu lne s
center. Host of references. Address V'Jl lleo
olllce. M503-.V
\\rANTED-Ilonrd nnd room In private
il family , by youiiif bii'lnojs man : will nny
peed price for pleasant home , Address \ !
lleo olllce. J13W-r. (
WANTHD-Koom nnd board. Nlcoly fur-
nWiedroom for gentleman nnd wife
and satisfactory board. Only flrst class ac
commodations wanted. V li , Uco omen
M 470-5 *
VV ANTED Itoom and board for twomnr-
TT rled couples.Vll furnished rooms unil
board In deslrnblo nolitliboihood , None but
first class parties need answer. V U , lleo
olllco. II 478-4 *
TXTANTED-ny youns married eouplo , fur-
* T n lulled house or flat. No children. Host
city reference. Address V 10 Hen. 471-4 *
Furratft , rtc. , ne tup of frtt column iini /
1ST your liousus with the Real K.stato Information -
formation buroatt , 17 Hoard Trado.
HII.IUEV A Iru.rcntal : igonts,203 N.Y.LIfo
"I-I" K. Cole , rental agcnt.Coutlncutal hlk.
LIST your house * to sell or rout with O. P.
Harrison. Oil N. Y. Life. IW
, etc. . He tupnf Jirt cohimit on tht pao ,
STORAGE ana Trackage David Cole , 813-
dlT Howards. . 713
STORAGE See us before storing goods of
any description. Omaha Stove Kepalr
Works. 1)107 ) Douglas. Tol. B50. 803
rilKAOKAGE storaso ut lowest rates , W. Jl
JL lluslinuin , Kill Lcavcnworth. Sl
STORAGE Hrauch & Co. , 1211 Howard.f
f r
Forrattf. tic , , tee topnf flrst column on f/il < 7)MI
FOR SALK Tiio entire furniture of a ton-
room house at a great sacrifice ; house Is
very centrally located and can bo rented
ohcnp : furniture Is nearly new ; terms easy.
& Lasbury , S. W. corner Kith und
lloward sts. 4GQ 7
FOR SALE I'nrnlturo and business of 32-
room hotel In Lincoln , dolnir. rfood p.iylns
business. Hc.stot rousons for selling. Terms
easy , AI. W. t'olsom. Lincoln. Nob. fill )
For rale * , etc. , tee tnpof jlrst eodimn on thta page.
FOK SALE , very cheap One four pascen-
Ber ) rockaway oarrlapo ( n w ) : ono llfiht
broiiRhntn , u two-seated Russian slolgli , ono
slimlu harness , ono pair clujtunt horse blank
ets , ono farm wagon , and two sets of double
harness. The above Is properly of the late L' .
0. lllnioh.iiiRh nnd will bo sold very cheap.
Oco. W. llolbroolc , room 4 , lloo llldg. 24 *
WOIlIChor otCOtwo horse waijonIJO.doublo
work , harness 115. Or will trade for a
good llKht sldo bar buggy. U. K. Cole , Contin
ental block. m
TTOKSESMO and up. II. E. Cole
83) )
Tj OU SALE 2 good work teams. Inquire nt
JJ U13 1'axton blk. 4
Formtes , etc. , tee top of flnt column on I/its / jxicrs
BOTCHER tools for sale. Apply A. Orube ,
Kort Omaha. ail 4 *
"VTKWcnllgraph , pilco reasonable , R 05 , Heo
1 > olllce. 772
TAON'T toraot Jos. 1' . AlcOoath , 1C07 Pnriiain
J-'st. , when you want to buy , renter Bell a
typo writer , 7T2
FOK SALE All kinds of thoroughbred doss.
James Kanyy , 143 3. i.'fltb st. . 'J78
AVAXTtt. ! ) ' 10 ttUYI.
For ratet , etc. , fte top of flrit column on tMx page.
24th , Loaronworth or West b'nruaiii sts.
preferred ; must bo abnrcaln ; give location
and price. Address V 13 , tea. 4704
AGOODeroccry Block , ouo-half good trade ,
one-half spot cash. Addioss , giving slzu
of stpclc and location , V 2 , lleo. 4355'
AN" ' I ) To buy a diamond. Will Pay <
cash. Strictly confidential. Address V u ,
Hue. J14.V.1 3
WANTED Horses , waxons , etc. to sell at
auction every Tuesday and Krlday , 10 a.
m. I'loncerBtablcs , I'Jth. between Harnevnnd
lloward. 3U7-1H
TjlUKNITORE , household RooiKoto. lllzhost
JL1 cash prico. Wells , 1111 I'limiiin. b77
ECON1) Hand hats , 1312 Dodge
_ M827 _
SECOND hand typewriters. J. P. McGcath ,
IU07 I'ariiiini St. , Omaha. 773
ECOND-HAND books boiiRht for snot cash
ut the Antiquarian bookstore , 1413 rurnam.
OiruiU *
WANTED-IIorso and busgy , W J. 1'atil.
1W li'urnmn. = " *
For rate * , etc. , nee top of Jlrtt column on fft.t (
HOri'ING of all kinds ( ittondoil I to' free
charxc. Address Clara Street. Woman's
Exchange. M473 17'
ASSAGK , Sladara Delztor , over UIO S lllth.
| 4C3 d2 *
_ _
SAVE fuel by covering your steam pipes
with Fossil Meal Composition ; the best
non-conductor , absolutely llro proof. AVos-
tem aient. ; 1) . O. McEwun , 1011 Howard Ht.
BO. WHEELER , ccnoral stenographer and
.notary. Depositions and court work u
specialty. Tel. lull , room 10 > . N , Y. Llfo lllds
'POShoo Dealers When you patronUo mo
JLyou know that I will not compote with you
, by retailing rubber boots , shoos , trcttcs. san-
daN , etc. I am not running twelve or lif teen
retail shoo stores undr-r various names. I sell
ut wholesale only and have no Interest In any
retail storo. I am western nsout for the New
Jersey rubber shoo company at Omaha , and (
overv shoo doalorknouH tliero is no bettor line
of Roods mndo. Sly sales this year so fur are
more than double any other season up to this
time. Send for prlco llitsi and discounts. Jer
seys will bn OYtcrslvoly advertised this sea
son. / . T. Lludsoy. : ai-n9
M ASSAGK treatment , electro-thermal baths ,
scalp and hair treatment , manlcura and
. chiropodist. Mrs. Post , R ' .IKYlthnell ! blk.
Fbr rattf , ctc. , tee inp of Jirtt culuinnon Hit * page.
LOST Ltvor-colorcd pointer bitch , very thin
, , and bony. Return to iilO : Douglas street.
Suitable ro\yard. M 374
. etc , tee top of frtt wdimu ont/i / ( tt
Road the " 1'hono-
r-ritphlo AVorld" ( New York ! f or No ember :
, out today ; SOpa us ; 10 cents ; Inraluahle : all ,
, news dealers. American News Co. M 491-5 *
MA. Have discovered that which m.ikes
it Impossible to send to that place. B.R.I' .
414 0 *
For ti''tc..ttetopuffi l icAumn
va i\y \
MAS8AOR brith at Madam Smith's parlors ,
607 B 13th st. next Uiukor hotel 176 U *
Formft'.ffo. , tte top offrst column on t Mi p < iqa
_ TDEST line hiilr goods In weit ; hair drcsslsn !
, J-'wIp' , an Itches , biinffs , liulraobaln ] , etc. , i a
iipeclalty. Davlca hair KooJi nnd nillllnet
opposite postonice , 111 S.lSth st. Omubv ' "
Forrattietc.uetop of frtt folumnon l/m / pay *
JLchnngeil , rented , J. I * . McEoatli'l007 I'ar
uatn street. ao
ffftTEttIUTiU3 : for rout or aal . SWnoB-
at J-ruphori nuppllei. J.r.MQseuth.lW ? I'trnam
. tte. , ttt fop afflrt ft'calittnn an f M ) xi < j
MONBY U > loan by II. I' . Mrntora on. chattel
nnd collateral socurltM for any time from
ono to stx months In any amount to suit bor
rower. M
Ix > aninudoon1ioxnoh6Mr'ctoo ' < K piano * . or-
Rani , horses. mules. IIOUSM , leases , warcliouso
recolpts , Qte. , at the Idfrcst po < * slblo rites ,
without publicity orrotnovul of property ,
My loans nro so nrratiRiMl that you can make
n payment of any nmount nt any tlmo and
reduce both principle tuidltitercst.
Ifyottowon biiliinco 611 your property or
1m vo a lo.m you wish phanuod , I will nay It
on and curry It for you. If yti find It more
convenient , call up telephone No. lSl utid
your buslnew can bo arrannoil at homo.
Money always on hand. No Jolay , No pub-
Room l.AVItliucll blk. , I5lh and Hiirnuy sit ,
/ 1H ATTKti bank. 319 S. ISth st. , loans money
vyonchuttuU or collateral lit reasonable rates
rtHSTfe second martga oi on vacant & Im
proved city prop. ( family warrant * boucht
Money on baud , l < " . M , toharilsoti,81S N. Y. Mfo.
1)05 )
MONKY-30 , CO or ) days on furniture.
pianos , horses , houses.ctc. J. J. Wilkinson *
CIS Pnxjoa block. _ 000
TTNUSUAI LY low rates
U of Interest on flrst innrtpaso of Improved
real i > state for the next 00 ilnys by the Kansas
City InvcstmontCo. IIooniM , Hoard of Trailo ,
J , II. reuse , manager , 000
Oil EM1 eastern money
I'hlliKlclphla Mortffuo ana Trust Co. ,
nhvrtyg rondy to loan mid pay promptly i Urst
inortKaspa wnntoil. Ooor o w. V. Coato. , . rup-
rcscnlatlvc , room" , board of trade. 012
OE.&O.M. ANTHONY,313 N.Y.Mfobulltl-
. luff , lend inonuy on farms In oholco coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa : also on peed
Oinulia residence property i lowest rates ! best
terms ; no delay ; inonoy ready. Titles and
values passed on bore. 014
T7"KYSTONn MortRBKo Co.-r/oans of f 10 to
JVjjl.OOO ; pot our rates before borrowlns and
fiavo money ; loans on hnracs , f urnlturo or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
boiiRht , fornowloa" enewal of old and low
est rates , call K.H03 eely blk..l5th & Howard.
WANTED First class Insldn loans. Iiowost
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1301 b'arnnrp. Old
T71ASTEKN money to loan on city property ;
J mortgage paper bought H.B.Iroy.N.Y.Iilfe.
/ 1IIATTEL loans at lowest rates. Homovod
Vto tr. , N , Y. Life , bid ? . J. I ) . Emmlngcr.
MONEY loaned at low rates on furniture ,
horses , tic. , without publicity. Hawkeye
InvcsttucntUo , 33 Douglas blU.lCth and Dodgo.
BIIIM1INO loans , Oto7 per cent ; no nddl- charRci for commission or attornny's
fees , W. U. MulHlo , First National bunk MdK.
MONEY to loan on city and farm property.
W. M. Harris , K L-O.rrcnror JJlk , opp. I' . O
ANTKD 0 per cent real estate loans. O.
F. Harrison,013 N. Y. Mfo. < W
MONKY to loan. Correspondents of Lom
bard Investment company. Shrlvcr tc ,
Hums. Frenrcr block. Ml
"I71AIIM Loans--llest rates and option In tbo
-K west. Interest annually , llorrowerscan pay
part or all of principle at end of any year , and
stop IntoresU 11. K. atowe , blO N. Y. Life bldg.
890n2l *
KISIBALL , Oharnp A Hyan ,
1205 li'arnnm st ,
make loans on
nml estate , personal
and collateral security.
Notes and bonds bought.
Itulldlni ; loans at
lowest rules. C05 Nit
FIRST tnortzaKO loans on improved and tm-
Imiirovcdproperty. 0. J. Ouswoll.filO N. Y.
Life. M M7 N 14
1110rarnam. Ben. R Marti , loans mailo on
diamonds , wutehos , juwolry , etc. Ml N134
0 UATTEL loans , low ra tc , 1510 Fnrnnm st.
| - 4.7J.nllt
TITONEY to loan on nny security
JJJL for short tlmo at loir
rules. Lowest ratoi
on porsonaljproporty
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com-
pany. room 400 , 1'axton hllc. 010
"T > EAL Estate Loans-Cn'sh on hnml. Globe
JLlLoan & Trust Co. , : )7 ) H. ilOth at. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rout , good list.
Forratet , etc. , fee top of frst column on this paye.
MEAT MAIUCEf for siilo.Kitted up niat-
oUiss In every particular. Good business.
Will bear the strictest Investigation. Address
lock box 400.Council Uluffs , In.
FOH SALE OUEAl' One of tbo best merry
go rounds on the road. For partloucara
write A. Hobcrtson , box 110 , Ouoboyjimi. Mich.
M4'.a.lO *
TpAHTNEItwlthllTiO to start nn enterprise
JL that will double Investment hufurn now
year. Call at room 13 , 807 Howard st. 477 4 *
BltEWKUfa look at this. I have the best
paylnir brewery In the state for snlo at a
very low prlco. ' 1 lie product of this brewery
Is known In every town within 100 miles.
Splendid trade established. oThls Is a very
rare bargain , and will bear flloso Investlga
tlon. I'artlesdeslrlnt ! unv Information In ro-
Rind to aboro property will please add loss 1' .
Sonnunschcln , NVost Point , Nob. 40--11
1J10K SALK or Rent Large hotel , well lo-
JL1 cated In ono of the best towns In Nebraska.
Will soil or rent to good hotel man at very
rea onnblH ilguros. Correspond once solicited.
Addressl' . Soimunscheln , AVost 1'olnt , Nob.
FOIt SALE A rare chance for a butcher , a
line location nnd now onjoylng a splendid 1
trniln.o Brick building with basement all 1
fitted upwlththo latest appliances for tbo
preparation of meats for market , includiuK
power , maohlntiry , etc. This U an opportunity
of a lifetime. Far particulars address I.cck-
box4.'i ' , West Point. Nob. 40.M1
ANTEII A competent newspaper man
with Uvo or Hit thousand dollars In casher
or security , to take charRo of the Democrat ,
as 1 have Important business that will reiiulre
my tlmo east aud houth for the coming year.
W.e will pay the rlKht kind of a man a nlco
salary. Recommendations required. Address -
dross W. It. VaiiRlmn , Omalm , Nob. M M2 N 30 *
1710U SALE Ono of tlio most desirable hotel
-L ? properties In thostnto.situatcd In llmicrott ,
CumlnRcounty.Nob. Thohouso hns a Rood payIng -
Ing patrnnuio and has an excellent livery
stoek and feed st.iblo In connection. The
town Is tlrn end of a uiissciiROr ill vision of the
Chicago , Ht. 1'uul , MlnncaiioIN & Omaha rail
way. It In a centering point for hunters from
nil over tlio state , as she Is surrounded by
lakes marshes and vast pralrlos.whoro ducks ,
goose , pralro chlokcus and other Kama birds
abound In Croat numbers during tholr
season. Kor further reference apply to 0
Dohsey , Bancroft. Nob. .M180-N27
RESTAURANT for rent or sale. T. Murray
1)77 )
S HOE store for sale In a live town of 5,000
Inhabitants. Splendid crops , leading busi
ness , onlyono other slioo store. Cause , poor
ho.illli. Address B 13. care of lice. M MKJ-O
POKHAIiE tIO.000 clioleo stocic of ponoral
muriihandlsc in ouo of the best towns In
Nebraska , 7 miles from pmaha. Party doing
nn excellent business , but has other busluojs
duniaudlnp his uttentloii Address 1 > 5. > .
Itn M 183
For ratff. lie , , fee tnpof fffittriwii onif < rtae.
rpo"iRXCilTANOE-6ch : rai stock of indse ]
JL Want real estate nild-umonoy. Itox LW ,
rrankfort , liul. ,0 M 471-12 *
I71OR'KXailANOK-StHilftor k Penny , real
J-1 cstato aRonts , have ruruovcd to rooms 42
nnd 42ti llarkcr block. , ; , ; 4.11-4
jJXCHANOE 400 fdttHMool fenelng and
* - a now building , lisJJ. Inquire room 433 ,
lleo building. i 'Ml b *
CLEAR city property i d cash to oanKO
for stock of books , Htitl' > nory or wnll pn-
per. AddrcbS ll,10X l'st.j ) ; icoln. Nclx , Maa-5 *
Far ratencte. , net top of J\rft' \ < f tu i on thl * page.
IT NOAGEMENTS todonrossmaUIni : In fami-
lilies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 'JU10 llarney st.
. MGXlNli *
Forratfa , de. , fee top vf ftrit column on f'ibpiga.
3 The Cllnpmau Tension
21 Fronzor blook. Infonnutloa *
, tt > r iiilrn , tic. . Kt tuf "f jirtt Co/limn u thin
S ATISPACTION guaranteed to tabio Imuril-
crs. The llllUIde , n. w , car. ISth and Dodge ,
aiaa-s *
For rate * , tte , ut top of jtnl column on tltUxuje. \ .
ITIOH SALE A forty aero farm situated twr
-L' and unu-hulf infes ( vast of town. OOIH
I bullilluRs aniUliiiprovumcnts. The place wll
I ruuUu a nlca huiue for the purchaser. Kor fill
. 1 particulars , price , etc. , opply to Wm. Oxloby
Kortli Bend , Neb. WWG
roil SAlin-ltnAIj nSTATE.
For rair.i , tt ( . , set top of flnl column on f/il *
"TjlOn SALK At a bargain. Rood S-roora cot-
JL ta o In Council Itlurti , built and ocouploil
browner , full lot , 44xiw. : on Are. I ) , between
SKh nncinoth , well , cellar , outbuildings , tlsht
hoard nnd picket fence , nil In Rood condition )
termseftnv , Inqillroof 1',8. SwlokDrowning ,
King .t Co. , nth and Douglas street. 4S9 t *
$9,500-Only fti.WO Dr. Chambers' resilience
onlCtltand Ihirdettn st. , owner Rolns to
leave city. Host bargain In Unitihu. 1) ) . V ,
Mioloa. solo agent , 213 First Nut , bank. MOOO
T\7AUGlKUVestorDoldrcalestatcS.Omaha ,
TjL1 Ln N.AV. cor BOth and DivlRO sta.
-L1 The O. K. Davis. Co. S1 > U7 tl
T710K SALE-Lot SH , block 5 , kilby I'Jace. '
.K The O. I1. Davis Co. MiO ? 6
UTUINOKH k 1'IiNNY , real estate tiRonts ,
k-Jliuvorumovod to rooms 42 and 12S4 Harkor
block , 4.S-4
"IfOK SAIjE or rcnt-n ; fret front with build-
JL1 Incof 'M rooms. Apply at the premises
U1S H. I''th ' St.
Also ! TJ feet on cor of Chicago and 13th. Apply -
ply at ills South lith i-t , i.10-nCT
$ ( l.nco for homo on Ohlengo st. near ath. O.l\
lliti-rlson.913N. V. Mfo. 807
" 1I10II SAIjK On easy monthly payments , 0-
JL' room house anil south front lot , near Iiaku
nnd Hhermnu nvc.t just like paying rent ! no
Interest. U. V. Shaw , M Sliceloy blk. iK )
SI1OIXS to the front , t have six clenant
houses on 44th nnd 1'nrnam , with every
modern convenience. Including gas and cus
II xturos. now nearly ready for occupancy. Pee
( hum and make your choice. 1'rluc , Ji.7. ; > 0 tel
$ l , ' > 0.M ) to KOO cash , bulanoo to suit at 7 per
ci'iit Interest.
I'.vpry purohaier before November 5 gets a
tleket to the drawing of a MOO nlano.
UarrlnRO always ready to show customers.
Fiirmun strcot motor within four blocks.
lluy a bouoo quick , and take a hand In the
crand shuttle. This Isstralght yoods. 1) . V.
Sliolos. 21H First National bank. Jl < X .
QJO.WO buys thn Dr. Chambers residence and
P veterinary barn on IBth nnd llunlottosts.
Tills U .1tioolos' than cost D. V. Sholcs. Bolo
agent. SU First Nat. bank. M ( MO
TTlOIl SALT. At a" barfialn , 133 feet square
JL1 34tu and Jackson st , The O. 1A Uavls Co.
Foil SALE-Lot and 2 houses , 15th and lor- )
ons , on monthly payments ! SO minutes'
walk from postolllco. The O. V. Davis Co.
M89T 0
I10R 9A1..E-A farm adlolnlns Blair , Nob. ,
could bo platted and sold for garden at
oneo.II. . W. MoIJrldo , Illalr. 707 nl3
TTIOtt SALF.-HOUSO and lot , 21st nnd llan-
J croft , at a bargain on monthly pavmuiits.
The O. F. Davis Co. MOT 6
"I710USALE At a bargain , a desirable resl-
-1 } deuce. $ ' > ,5Xi ) $ .VX ) down , balance on easy
torms. Uall at Nebraska steam laundry , Kith
and lloward sts. TCO
FOH HALE At a bargain , COxlW on Daven
port , notir tTth , ono block from new post-
ofllcc , very cheap , ( uo,000 ; GOxKQ corner 20th
and Farnatn , 50,000. O. Ii. Or oca , rootn 'M ,
llnrkor block tWI
FOItSALB At a bargain , a Rood store house
fitted up with shelves and countcH , base
men to rooms for dwelllm ? , good cistern and
well , will soil or trade for u No. 1 stool : of cro-
corlos. Addrosj llcol i&Kool , O. U. D. grocers ,
fCJN. lOthst , D27
rr KOO1I cottano , full lot , JIansoom Place ,
* east front and a great bnrffatii for a few
days. Small cash payment nnd bnlnnco on
lonutlmo. F. 1C. I.irllnu , Harkor block. 3d
flOK SALE Three lots 35tla and California
1 sts. The 0. V. Davis Co. MOT 6
FOIl SALE Six cottuRes , ratiRlni ? from 81,400
toJ..J'XJ ' each : (100 to KiOO cash , balance
monthly or to suit. If you want a liousowo
oanarranxo terms to suit. Bmuatou & Allen ,
icorrarnam. 2H-N4
A SMALL payment down and 815 per month
will huy ul-room house and lot on Kith , 2
blocks from motors first-das * clianco to ac
quire a homo on easy terms. Apply to U.K.
Colo. Continental block. 833
TJTOH SALE An elegant now resldoncc , 9
-l > rooms , cherry and oak tlnlth , larco stable
and ( ivory convenience for comfort : location ,
the best In tbo city , prlco low. Terms easy.
U. J. O'Uonahoo. ICOf Kurnain st. KM
CP YOU have nnythlns to sell or o.ichatige
call at CIS 1'axton block. 020
FOH SALE Cheap , on easy terms , a nlco
cottaze In Lowe's Add. , and a 7-room brlok ,
house , with all modern conveniences , cm ; i3th
and Jackson sts. Kooin II , Chamber Commoroe.
Forrata , etc. , tee top i > f Just roliimn on thi j > no .
MADAMIO Gouvay , clairvoyant and trance
medium , massage treatment especially ,
100U Davenport Bt. 481-4 *
M 1ASSAGU , Madam DeUlcr , over GlOSllltli.
4C2 d2
MHB. STHVEU is jivlun best success of any
fortune teller In the city. Sim does not
deal In nny fraud. Hoi-terms arc the lowest.
400 N , 101 a t.M lloor. M3U-t *
AKIUVKD Clairvoyant naturally gifted ,
tolls pnst and future , love troubles , nb-
scnt friends , chansi"1 , tiavuls , buslnuss , ti-Ils
by letters also satisfaction Riven. Sirs. Wal
lace , IK..1 North 10th St. 442-8"
MI18. NANNIB V. WARUKN , clairvoyant
trance , speaking , -writing and reliable
businessinedfum,4years In Omaha. 110M. Iflth.
Porrattf , rtc trt fop of fUrnt rolmn out/id
T > I AN OS for roil t , $3 per mo. : orsnns 11.50 per
JL mo. Will allow reed ou tl iimv piano.
Max Meyer Ac llro. Co. 415 4
HIGHEST crailo pianos. IJnapnroaehably
low prices , suitable term * . .Sivo ; after
regtots by calling ou Ma.x Moyur & llro. Oo.
415 4
PUOF. Clias. Potorsnn. piano , organ , violin ,
zltner , vocal instructions. W3 ijhooly blk.
170-nifl *
"DErOREbuylns a plnno examine the now
JLJacalo Klmball piano. A.llospe , 1313 Douglas
HIGHEST crado pianos nt most reanoriablo
prices unil torms. Money saved und satis
faction realized. Max Meyer & llro. Co.
G EO.P..GELliENnECK toucher of the bajo
with Hospo. 1513 Doitzlas. 249
Jor rdf ! . rtc. , sei top ofj.rst column nn tlitt
TriRIU ) MOHLE loans money ondlamonnnd
JU watchesjowolry.oto , , S.E.cor , li'rnani&llth
U , B. Indian Service , Rosebud AEonoy.
South Dakota , October L"J , Id'JO ' , hoalfd
proposals Indorsed " 1'roposuls for Oats
unil Corn" , and addressed to tbo under :
Hlened at HosoDucl A rncy , r-oiith Dakota ,
will Le received at this ofllco until nno
o'clock p. m. of November 10th , IS'W , for fur-
nlshlngand delivering at this Agency. 70,000
pounds of O.its , and IM.OOO pounds of corn.
Oats must bo bright and clean , and well
sucked , nnd woljsb not loss than ; CJ pounds to
thi ! luibhol. Corn must bo sound unit clean : to
weigh not loss thiin X pounds to the bushel ,
and to bo delivered In sacks of about t\\ound
a-half liusliuls capacity , inadc of Bounce liur-
lap , ell sowed , lllddcrs will bo required testate
state Hpcclllcnllr In tholr bids the proposed
price of ouch artlulti to bo offered for delivery
under n contract. The right la reserved to reject -
joct tiny or all bids or any part of nny bid If
doiimod for tlio bo-.t Inten-st of the service ,
Corttiled Chocks , Each bid must bo aceom-
banlcd bv a ccrtllled ohcolc or draft upon
Bonio United Htatos Uuposltory. tnado pay
able to the order of the undopiliini'd , for ut
least five per cunt of the amount of the propo
sal , which oheukordrnft will ho forfeited to
the United States in case any bidder or bld-
deisrccolvlngnn award shall full to promptly
execute a contruet with good and tmlllulcnt
surltlf ! , oth rwl to bo returned to the bid-
dor. K. It. REYNOLDS , Special U. S. Indian
Agent , iu charge , o-24-d-21-t-m
- . or
ovpUHKI T r 11 rr i-trniaiif - nil/
i i rn i i iii cur j i" to < o < - ' -
VII 111 b I V I We ellmlnato all | .olwn
from Ilie Fy leni. to that there ran never b a rvlnrn'ol
the dlwate In any form. 1'Arlln c n b tre lul at
home At vrelliitliciv , ( fortho same pilcn anit unilrr
the pamo Kuarautee , ) but wlIU tlioie who pi rcrto
como here , vo will contract lo cure Iliriu or irfunil all
money anil pay cntlio cinema of toililnr , iillioad
lare nnj liotul bills ,
Fir * yearn In
fi'ertr J'allnl
tocurethn niMt oUtlnate caws. Wo ilidlenno Ilia
worlil for a ( ate we can not cure. Blnco tlio bUtorjr of
me A cln a Iruu irxclllo foi' Hyphllta has brtn aouzht
for blut never foutiil until our Ataarto luinietlx wai uls <
eorer < t. Non otlier genuine. Writ * ( or rtfer nnod.
COOK HE31KUY CO. , Omaha , Xitiratlla ,
KllllllilCtlllffi a
The Bmnswiok-Balke John L. Wilkio ,
Oollonder Oo.
. .
Ouinha paper box factory ,
Hnlnmi nituros.
407. 109 H. lOtli street ,
Oojflha. Orders promptly nlkvl.
Oniaba Eepublican Printing : Oo. ,
Lair briefs , bank suppllc' , nnd ormtulnir la the
printing line
10th nnil DouBlns tlrectt ,
Ackcrniiinn Bros. & Rcintzo ,
Prlntcn , blnJcrs , elcctrotypers , blink book nmnu-
fnctutrn ,
II 1C IlownrJ flreet , Omnli * .
Oharles A. Ooo & 0o. , Kirkondall , Jones JcOo ,
Wholo-nlo MnnitfKctur'a.
Mnnufnctiiror anil
) Job-
t > or . ARIMUB for lloslon Hub-
berhbooCo. , llt . 1101 ,
1109 llownnl otrcct. nml lltW llnrner HI.
Williams , Vnu Aor- W , V. Morse & Oo. ,
* nam & Hartc , Slnmifactnrers A Jublicrs.
1213 llnrncj street , 1101-110J Douglas it.
Omab.t , Nob. Omitha , Neb.
Louis Holler ,
Tlutihern' nml 1'nckerV
TooH , V Suppllen. lleof ,
hoit.V Kliuop rnilm ,
HlO-ltla Jack-on tit.
Oolumbus Buggy Oo. ,
Carriages , carts , eulklos ,
Q. I ) . Kitwnnlj.
813-313 South IBtb.
Omaha Oarpet Oo. , Oilmoro & Huhl ,
Carpets , oil cloths , mat- Mnnufnctiirors A Whole
tlnjis , curtalnKOOdscto. sale Clothiers ,
1511 DoiiKlns street. 1109 llnrner Bt.
West & Fritscher , Doan , Armstroug
Manufacturers flnoclgars Oo. ,
jobbers of lent tobaccos. U1 N. 10th Stroot.
1011 rarnam street. "Hollol"ll39.
Omaha Ooal,0oke and Ooutant & Squires ,
Lima Oo.
dandnoft coal nlilp-
Hard nd soft conl.
S. K. Cor. lOlli i\ml Ioue- 1503 Fnrnani' root ,
las streets. Ouiahn
Hulbert & Blum , Harmon & Weetb ,
Ohlolump.Hock Sprint , I.I me cement lath
, , , hair ,
KxoelnlnrVnlnut Moi'k ,
fcrcened nut , nntbraclto , ' platter , cto.
smltblru. ntoam.
. Ifithst. Ofllco 119 N. 10th street.
American Puol Oo. P. H. Mrtlioney & Oo" ,
Shippers nnd rtonliirs In llonl-Conl-Soft ,
antbrnclto nnd bitu
minous conl. Oniecs 813 N. ICtli nnil cor.
2153.15th street. 10th anil st .
Nebraska Fuel Co. , Howell & Oo. ,
113 8. ISth street , 217 S. llth strcel ,
Omalm , Neb. Omaha , Neb.
J , J , Johnson & Oo , , Johuson Eros , ,
SIS 8.13th street , Oil Farnam street ,
Omaha , Neb. Omaha , Neb ,
Mount & Griffin , 0. B. Havens & Co. ,
3188. llth street , 1302Firnnm : street ,
Omalm , Neb. Omaha.
Eagle Cornice Works ,
Manufacturers of nnlnn-
liudl rim Cornice.
Window cups , motnllo sky
lights olo. 1110 and 1112
Dodge 81
M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry
Dry eoodi , furnlsblne Goods Oo. ,
goods , notluus. Dry Roods , not Ions , ( tents' '
Cor. llth nnd Howard its. Corner lumlsliliiu llth nnd pooils. llnrncr
Blake. Bruce & 0o. ,
9K-M3 I < cn70nworth it
Ornnhs , Neb.
Wolf Electrical Co.
Illustrated Catalogue
1614 Capitol Avenue.
Parlin , OrendorfP & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Co , , General wotern ngcn
Corner Jones and 9th sts. Bkundln 1'lowCo. ,
Omnlin , Neb , 1,149-lUI Hhornmn ire.
Broken Bow Eollor E. T. Davis Mill Oo.
Milling Co. , Ml'nt St , Joseph.
Office nnd iraroliouxe. Omaha House ,
1012 N. 1Mb street. Cor. Sthnnil Jnoknon sts ,
S. T. Oilman , demons Oskamp ,
M'f'K of ready to rnlsn
101 IN. IGthstroot. Slup Jnrk Meal , Hnost
enkos In the world ,
C. 1C. Dlack , - MnnoKcr. 1:07-1215 B. Will street.
Dewey & Stone Fur Obas , Shiverick & Oo.
niture Co.
, '
I'urnlturo nnd Ciirpots.
Furniture nnd carpets ,
1II&-1I19 Knrnnm ( treat , 121210 P/irnnm St.
Schneider & Loomis , J , T. Eobinson Motion
Jobbcn nd Importcraof ,
dents' fiirnUliInK goods ,
notions und furnishing ' '
m'f's rt'loliralctl Urnrid
goods , "llucLtkln" urnrnlls ,
Iian ( . ldrt , cnnU , ute ,
1111 Howard street. Cor. ith anil lloward sts.
Kennard Gloss and J. A. Fuller & Co , ,
Paiat Oo.
, 1103 Dontrla ! Strc t ,
1108-1412 llnrney treet.
Neb , Omalm ,
Paxtou & Ga'llaghor , Meyer & Eaapke ,
70i-71l S. 10th street , 14IU-1KU Harney strcot ,
Omnhn , Kcb. Omaha , Neb.
D. M. Steele & Oo. , Sloan , Johmon & Oo ,
1201-1105 Jones street , Dtu and Ixiavenworth
street ) !
Omaha , Neb. Onmhu , Neb.
Alien Bros , , McOord , Brady & 0o , ,
1114 llarney street , 18th and Leaffntortb ,
Omalm , Neb , Omaha , Nebraska.
Hugh 0 , Olark.
Iluponl'a Uunpowder ,
Ulaitlng cnps , hue , eW.
Ullt llaruur strtnt.
Eector&WilholmyOo LeeOlarkAndreesou
Cor. 10th and Jackson sti. Hardware Oo. ,
' 11M-1I10 If rn y slieet ,
Omaha. Uwa Um , N b.
Gee , Oborao & Oo. , J , 8 , Smith & Oo. ,
MJB. Ulh tre t , 1403-14U I.oatenworth St. ,
Omaha. Omahn.
& Viorlitig Omaha Safe & IronWorks
Iron Work
i Works
Wfoiiulit nml cnit Iron ,
tmllillng work , onslnr , Mannf'rs flronnit burglar
tirn < s nork , Ratio ml proof Mfos , mulls , Jolt
fiiiinilrr , nincliliiK nml work , Iron shutters nnd
Mnok mllh nork , U. 1' . llro cnpo < . tl. An-
llr. unit ITih it. UnH-n.UttitJncKtun an
Acme Iron and \7iro Wilsou & Drake ,
, .M'f'u tutiulnr flnrv fire
Iron , wlro nmltirm * w'ki. box bollors , tnuk < , etc. ,
SI-'H. IGthitrrpt.
W Moelit , I'roprlotor , 1'lorpo imtl l ! > th streets ,
Roes Printing Oo.
I.UhocrnpMnir , 1'rlntlnx
ami Illnnk Hooka ,
lUli nmt lUmnnlHIs.
I. Oborfoltlor & Oo , ,
Importer * nncl Jobbers ID
Jlllllnerj- .
2 South lltb
Oonsolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Itoflneil nnd lubricating
oiln , nxln crenso , cto.
A. H. llhhop , Mnnnsor.
A. Booth Packing Oo. , PlattOo.y
Oysters , ( Hi nml canned 'TiRor braml , " fresh or -
goodn. tcra ,
Oninlin brnnth ,
1303 Ijcavenworth. 815 anil 617 lluirnril. c
Oarpeutcr Paper Oo. , Western Plating Wka
Cnrrj n full stock of Gold , Mlvcr nnd nickel
printing , wrniiplun nnd plnttni ; on all nuUnls ,
liililovTiiio , elc.rcpl ti'd.
wrlllnn iinpcr , onrd pa I'ollHblniilirnHs & otmn-
per , etc. ilollor\\oik.
Omaha Eubbor Oo. ,
Mnniifnetuilnir nnd Job
bers ull klnilirulibcr
1003 Fur.Hum street.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo. , Eohn Sash & Door Oo , ,
Sliinifnctnrcrs of Bn h , Miimifnctnrors of mould-
iluorc. lilliiila and Inga , blliulH , Uourn ,
Mouldings , llrnnrli nf- HtO.
Occ , I'-'tli nnd linnl Hti. ICth nnd ( , 'lark strcfti.
Consolidated Oofleo
Ootnpany ,
UK and ItlH Jlnnioj- .
Oiuahn , Nob.
H , Hardy & Oo.i The Omaha Typo , t
Toy , rtollnlbiiinsfimcr Foundry. 1-
gouil > , liouie furnishing Prlntcm' Suppllcit.
Kair anil e oiid-banil
( < ( > o ( ] , clillilrou'i car- nmclilnerjr.
iil''riunamst. : ' 1113 llunrnril street. t
U , B. Wind Engine & A , L , 8tran & 60113 ,
Pump Oo. ,
llHlllilar wlnil mill * . Oil iOUJ.lOQI rarnam itrect ,
mil 'M Jonci t. ( t F.
Hose , acting muu uar. Omaha , Null ,
Orano Oorapany , tII
Ilnin btltlnt , parking , II
, plumbliiK
' . ' . " . ' --11'arimiu street. IS
U '
ty to
We Offer for Sale. y u
Four thnii/nnd toni eholoa Ilulod Hay , V , O d
li.cnm , blruno'j Hlillni ; . LuUia or IfornloU : t
BtatloiH , on U. M. & 8U I' . U , It. , In lot * toiiuU il
purchaser ; jirlcoj rouuhiteJ by tliu marks ! cn
Call and btio us.