Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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OFFICE , NO. 12 PlJAltL. SI' .
1 > y fattier In unr part of Iho City.
II. V. T1I/TO.N. MA.NALsr.Il
ntirinrM Oflleo. Nn. 4'1
Night Kdltor , No.23.
311tM .T/K.VJ/OA ,
K. V. I' . Co.
Council muffs Lumber Co. . coal.
The city council meets this cvcnlnp.
The Acme club will entertain n social this
evening at tlio residence of Mrs. blinoii
Permit to veil was yesterday dven to Al
fred A. Hybce mid Corn . Kobinson , both of
Homy Creek.
Aiivono wanting to buy chenp n ilno team
of ItirKo mulcH , toother with Imrncas nnd
wnj , on , should call all/red Davis' ' stables on
Fourth street ,
Woman's Christian rcm-
Thu la-lies - of the
pcrmirc union will hold their ro-Kulnr inwtln- , '
this nftornoon nt : io'clock at their rooms in
the Merrititn block. All lutorcstoU in the
work Invited.
Tlic fuiiernl of Horace Everett will take
plncotliisaru'i'iioonata o'clock from burnt
l > nul's clmrcb. Seats will bo reserved for
the inijuibers of the vcitry , the trustees of
the public library uml tlio city ofllcluls.
Articles ol Incorporation of the Oddfellows
Hall nssocliitioiiera Illed ypstordnv. llio
capital stock Is Used at KWXX ) divided Into
Minna of 10 cuuh. Tlio hUhost amount of
liHluIjto.lness which pan bo Incurred li WO.-
W)0. ) It it ex iiccletltlmt tlio Oddfellows will
at nn cnily Uuto erect nllnc building.
A telpfirntn was received froin JudRO Boiil-
ton lust uviinlnK uimouncinj , ' the death of his
daughter Mjitle , nK l twcntj'-ouo jeiirs.
She tiled yesterday at enio n at Charles
City , la. , after ft short Illness from TOIIKCS-
tloti of thu brain. Judge Boultoii , who left
on Sunday evening" ! answer to a tclej'i m
nnnoimcliiB her w-rious J Inoss , wni nt nor
bedshlo whcnsho died , blie w a lovely
and accomplished youtiR Ituly , and her father
and frii'tuls arc licavtbrolwu over her un
timely death.
L , A. ncrgmnn , familiarly known as
0V' w having a rather dreary Mrthday
on account or a severe cold and uas codcUiiiK
himself by the llro when a company of
frionSs marcTiwl In on Win "d n boh .ill . of
the Muemioivhor society nrcacntod hi a with
uold-heaclcd cam- , duly In-
cleifiint -
? _ rlb& and Ulc-tli hl.aBO by the vcara
' Captain Klrsoht n ado ho
IWiO and IS'.K ) .
praciun Ion sncccb , Bl.ort . , toj.iv and to ha
point. The reelplit - of the wis i so
cbulr. His
Riven by friends uii elegant easy
cold Is better ,
ladles of tlio ' " 3
Tlio nicotine of p'
Chtdrtl" Miwrimro Union will be , he d t , s
nftcrnoon at II o'clock In their room In no
Miriambtoek. It will hoof spccl , . ! i t | res to
all members and they should attend. Mrs. ' ) ' .
eftlust.i o
Montgomery will Blvo nn
convmtlon at DCS Molnes whichi ho a eidul
as tlclcKato from th s union. Oiler mm- " ?
entertainment will bo afforded. 'Iho rttstic
tramforinntionof the ° ° n * fft ? 4/llti0
artists who Have subrcutcil it
of the
adds greatly to the attractiveness
IcmpcraiH'O worker's ' hciulqunrtcM.
' has been awimled an ex
( 'harlot V liruv
tensivearodl "R contracton the Northwestern
railroidand : is at the present time 1 na nc
for a small army n nborinit
about'llvo Imiulreil and thirty men and sixty
tcaim and Is still wanting more. Iho
Northwestern Is bnlUlinR a double.tracko . :
the main line from Chicago , and Mr. Biav
has a contract to Rra < lo Iwon v-two miles of
Clinton and Lw-
thi new road bed between
bon.Iii : Charlie received his instructions as
a railroad builder undcrsueli able tutors as
J. J"Brown and Gc. . . . Q. M.UodKO , niu tnero
Is no doubt that ho will got through with his
present contract in good shape.
Tickets for G Welt's 'lecture at Comer boolc
storeiind Crockwdl's. Aid the Broadway
church. _
Clias. T. Bray wants to ship a lot of rail
road laborers and teainstcrsto eastern Iowa.
Sco his advertisement iu waat column.
Now is the tltno to order yours ledgers ,
Journals , etc. , at aiorchouso i ; Co. , touncll
Uluffs , la. _
Owing to my loss by fire on October 27,1
am compelled to ask all parties Indebted to
me to pay up at on co. JOUM.IVAN. .
Hilled by a Gravel Train.
Louie Flerllnio , n Italian laborer , was
killed by a gravel train on the Milwaukee
railroad yesterday morning at 8 o'clock , or
rccolrod injuries at that hour from which ho
filed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon ,
The accident occurred Just cast of the Mil
waukee yards near the Omaha and Council grounds. ITlcrtinlo has
been In the employ of tlio company for some
time , and was working yesterday with a lot
of other laborers on a gravel train. The train
was being switched after a load of pravcl
, lmd been dumped. Fiertlnio was on n
section that contained a flat car
and the caboose , which had been
pushed down the track by the engine. It had
reached the point where it was desired to
Btop , and the Italian endeavored to sot the
brake. In some unaccountable-'manner his
hands slipped from the Imikovheel and ho
fell headlong on the track infrontof the mov
ing cars. Ho endeavored to save himself nnd
pot partly off the trade , when the vylicclt
caught him. Ills head and body were on the
outsldo of the rail , but the gravel car and the
caboose passed over his legs , inaiisllng them
In u horrlblo manner from the ulpsdowu-
\ \ ard.
Ho wns picked , up and taken to the com
pany's yard ofllco anct a telephone message
gent for an ambulance. Ho was coavcyod In
It the St.JJernaril's ' hospital. Dr. Macrae ,
the comnany'ssurgeon , was summoned. An
examination showed that amputation of both
legs would bo necessary , but the injured man
was so prostrated by the shock that the oper
ation couhl not bo performed at onco. Stim
ulants were administered , , and every
effort inado to revive him , but ho
never rallied enough to penult to
performance of the operation , but kept sinkIng -
Ing gradually until ! ) o'clock In the afternoon ,
When death ended his sufferings.
The body was taken to dunkloy & Porter's '
undertaking establishment and the coroner
notitlcd. It was decided to hold an inquest at
10 o'clock this morning ,
Bo far as could bo learned Flertinio had no
relatives In this country cxecpt a second
cousin living In Omaha , whoso naino coukl
not bo learned. Ho wan unmarried aiid about
thirty years of ugo.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413
. . . Broadway. _
J. C. Blxhy , swnr. noatinj , sanitary en-
glnecr , ll : Ufo bulldlnsr , O.iulii4J1 ; Mar
riain block , Council Uluffs.
A fresh Invoice of Him cheviot suits foi
young men , just received at Model Cloth ,
ing Co.
Ilonnrini * Horace Kvrrctt ,
The vestry of St. 1'aul's ' church holdo
meeting yesterday afternoon for the purpose
of taking proper action on the death of Horace
ace Kvorctt. Kcsoluticns were adopted , ex
pressing the sorrow anil regret of the ofilccn
of tbo church la which bo has been so lout
an active worker and Member , and orduriuc
the usual observances.
The board of trustees of the public library ,
where he has built his most enduring mouu
inent , will meet this morning for the sum <
In the city council tonight similar rcsolu
tlomwlllbo presented and adopted.
Thcro am many cxproslous of sorrow nm
universally kind words for the dcnd man. Hi
was n limn of sterling honor ami integrity
and never to shirk a responsibility o
failed to meet nn obllgntlon Ills word via
ai good as his bond , and If lie promised to pa' '
a man $10OOO at II o'clock on a certain day h <
would bo nt the appointed pluco sovcml mln
utes in advance of the time. His punctual ! ! ;
and hut nut of cruelty wcro amoug thostroni
joints of his character.
Tlio finest hotel In Council Bluffs today I
the Gordon.
Miss.Grace Osbonio will organize classe
for study of the German InnguaKo and lltora
furo. Class work to begin Novembers. I'o
f lhfr inforraaUon cncjuiro at CM Flwt V
Democrats Probably Elect Both the 'Oily
and Oonnty Tickets ,
Louie riertlnlo Crushed hjr n Mil
waukee Ornvel Train Prisoners
Taken to tbo Penitentiary
Minor Munllon.
"Awfully quiet , Isn't III"
"Yes , how U It in thootbcr words ! "
"Tlio same thing. Never saw It any more
quiet. "
U'nat was the talk heard over and over nt
each of the polling places. Thcro was the
usual number of ticket peddlers , wagons
with banners , bands of music and all that ,
but iluring ho day there were few crowds ,
little loud tallc and no disturbances serious
enough to bo so named. The votlug pro-
pressed rather slowly in moit of the pro
ducts , niul the Indications -were against there
boinK anywhere near a full vote.
Itlmvinp been predicted that there would
be many attempts to run In fraudulent votes ,
much vigilance wni exercised. A number of
cltl7Cns liad been sworn In ns deputy United
States marshals , and the mayor had also put
on nn extra police forco. Thcio ofllcials
found little to do. In the second wnra yes
terday afternoon ono man was noticed , who
had voted once , nnd was again In line ready
to cast another vote , using some absentee's
nuir.o. It was whispered in his ear that
ho had not better try it , ami although at lirst
ho made a bluff denial of hU having voted
before , ho concluded to retire. A few such
Instances occurred-d'ai-lnp the day , but the
presence of vigilant * wntuhem seenml to bo
cITectlvo In wevcntini ; tills Itluil of work
being done to any extent.
The polls were kept open until S o'clock ,
with the exception uf the Fourth nnd Fifth
wards , whore tlio necessary proclamation not
belriR inado at the opening of Iho poll * , tlio
voting stopped ut t ! o'clock. At the polls kept
open after ilurlt , there wis n llttlo better op
portunity for Illegal voting , but it is not ,
thought that there was any great number
cast.This city and county bolnpf stronply rtonio-
crtUlclhoinivatlon of the local result was ono
mainly of inujorlty. Thu accurate figures
could not bo obtained lust night , and only
shrewd truo-jscs could bo made.
The polls closed without an ex citing event
having transpired during the entire day.
Only ono arrest for Illegal voting was made ,
and that was n colored man named Fred
Stone. Ho was-arrcsteii noon i-omplnlnt of
Democratic- Challenger 11. K. Wlilttlcsey at
the Second ward. Jt was known thai ho In
tended to cast a republican ticket and Had
neglected to qualify himself by reglsterine at
the proper tlino and had procured the neces
sary anidnvit to swear In ills vote and bad
coino to tlio polls to cast It. U'lilltlesoy had
been Informed that the ilnrkey was In the
city on Saturday and hud been "taken before
the registrars by Co'onclJone-s ' , but had re
fused to register. He was looked up in the
station and will have a hearing today.
The total vote ii this city wis much smaller
than was anticipated , and was but a llttlo
ovor'.wo-tlilrcls of the rcRlstr.v. The 11 wt
ward cast iWt votes ; the second , l)8 ) ; ) ; third ,
, " > Sll ; fourth , flrst precinct , a'.VJ ; fourth , second
precinct , KM ; lift it , At ) I : sixth , lirst precinct ,
J0 ! ; second product , 104.
Tlis Imllots wore terribly scratched , nnd
there was little prosiiuct that the count In
the heavier populated wards would be com
pleted before daylight tlii. morning. At
10 : ' ! 0 the count was finished on the head of
the ticket In the lirst precinct of the fourth
ward. ItgavoUucd L'OO. nnd Bowman 1811.
At midnight the indications were thai
Bowman would run ahead of his ticket , butte
to what extent was merely matter of specula
tion. The chairman of the democratic county
central committee was claiming his election
by a.TW ) in the district.
Ono feature of tlio day was the universal
scratching of G. W. Cul'llson , democratic can
didate for district Judge , and the substitution
of the naino of Walter I. Smith , the republi
can. At 4 o'clock W. H. Ware , Smith's op
ponent in Council Bluffs , conceded Smith's '
election and ceased to nuiko iinv further ef
Onlv n few of the countrv precincts re
ported before midnight , Celltnnp township
gave Heed , H > 1 ; Bowmnn , W , n net republican
pain over the vote last ytar for Governor
Holes of 2-2. Carson ( jnvo Kced , 114 ; Bow
man , 9J , republican gain of 0. Kane , out
side of city , HcuO , It ! ; Bowman , ; t. Knot ,
Kced , 10.V , Bowman , * > ) . Allnden , Reed , SO ;
llowmnn , I'M. Garner , Kced. 0 1 ; Bowman ,
Wt ) . Pleasant , Heed , > . * > ; Bowman , 100.
For stout men's clothing call at Model
Clothing Co. , L. II. Mossier , Mgr.
ScoGillett's view of tlio Holy F-and to
thoroughly understand Talmaije's sermons.
Masonic temple , Thursday evening. Tickets ,
Corner book store and CrbckweU's.
Council IllufT-i.
The cold weather Is fast approaching. Now
Is tlio tlmo to lay in your winter supply. Wo
bought un immense stock of winter goods of
every description long before tun high tariff
was spoken of , and for cash , giving us every
hcaellt. Wo pivo our customers the full
benefit of our purchases , read the following
low prices and judge for yourselves , but bet
tor still , call and compare our goods niul
prices with those of other mantels and the
saving can plainly bo seen.
Wo have Just received another largo in
voice of blankets , Including white , scarlet ,
natural wool and sheeps gray , which will bo
placed on sulo Monday morning at the follow
ing low prices :
10-4 whlto blanket , OOc ( special ) .
10-4 whlto blanket , $1.00. was fl.lO.
10-4 whlto blanket , SI . " > , was f J.25.
10-4 whlto blanket , $ -2.00. was $ ' . ' .34.
10-1 all wool blanket , $1.50 , was f l.'JS.
11-4 whlto blanket , $1.1" , was $ : > .00.
11-4 all wool blanket , i&.lX ) , was tf.75 , which
wo guarantee all wool , full HZO ! , and best
15.00 blanket in the markets , California
blahkuts In beautiful colored borders , heavy
weight and largo sizoat$7.GO.i.OOandf ' I'j.oiS.
10-4 gray blanlcctd. ! ' . ) , was tl.il1. ;
104 gray blanketfl.45 , was ft.T. " ) .
11-4 gray blanket f 1.7. , was $2.25.
11-4 gray blanket W.76 , was fll.'iO ,
_ 12-4 all wool , extra largo blanket $1.25 , was
Wo handle n full line of Pr. Prico's sani
tary , all wool blankets , which wo can recom
mend to bo intido from pure natural wool ,
and romolu fourdiffcrentmixturesof natural
wool , sanitary , sticops , gray nad blue grays ,
t tlio following low prices :
10-1 blankets fJ.fiO , 1M UanUcU tf , 12-4
.blankets $5.75.Vo also show extra value la
scirrlct blankets ut $2.50 , till wool blankets
M , SI.50 , * . ! , 5 and ? 7.
Notwithstanding tlio coniblnntloa on com
fortables wo own our goods 10 per cent bet
ter than last season's prices and nro prepared
to save you the same on all purchases.
Examlna bargains at 75c , $1,11.19,11.U9 ,
$1.50 , f l.'S to f4.T5. Rovrox Sroui : ,
PotherliiKlmm , Whlti-lavr & Co. ,
Leaders and promoters of low prices ,
101,403uud 403 Broadway , Council Dluds , la.
Tlio MuHiiiloy Dill
Has not affected the prices nt tbe People's
installment bouse. Everything goes at tin
same old ll'urcj ( that liuvo iiiadoour patron :
clad all sutnmcr , dclled coiniK'tiLion and liiaiU
It possible to furnish a l.ousu . from top to bet
torn at llttlo expense. Our spodaltiw this
week will tie thu I'eiilnsulnr heating atovor
cheapest , neatest , most economical steve It
the world. MuudeUt Klein , UJO Broadway
Dr. A. H. Glllettof Olmutauqua fame wll
glvo bis lecture on Palestine , with stcvo
oiitlo illustrations , nt 7:30 : p. in. Thursday
IsovcmberO , utMnaouIaTeinnlo. The loctun
is under the auspices of the M. M. A. am
tlio proceeds will bo devoted to the now M
H. cluiroll , .Admission J5 cents.
Taken to tlio i'on.
Sheriff O' ell has returned f--om For
Madison , whora ho took Uvo prisoners , son
tenccd to terms la the penitentiary. The ;
won ) ! Wilson , ODO year ; Oranily , elgh
years ; Davis , six years ; Fox , too years , am
Williamson , thrco years.
The trip was devoid of any startling hid
dents. Fox , who UubbureUso freely on re
colvlng his sentence , anil who seemed to 1 >
to badly sUakcu by tlio thought Umt he , u
Innocent man , should thus bo treated n < n
criminal , wnsi-iiito iu rhccrtul as nny , niul
wasted no U-nrs. Ho was yoUcit with the
colored man , "rttippory Kain" DnvK who
was running over with lil < negro diollery.
Davli inado Fox a constunt target for Ins
fun , and tormented him eotitlnunlly , to the
nniwomcnt of nil except Fox himself. At
the depot , whllo waiting foi'the train , a com
pany of snow people seemed much interested
In learning the history of the man In Irons ,
nnd one gcntlcinnn , who seemed to bo the
manager of the troupe , Interrogated Davis ,
who gave the desired Information , while the
Indies In the party gathered closer to satisfy
their curiosity as to the nature of the crimes
Which thcso men bad committed. Tills ono
had committed forgery ; that ono had stolen n
horse nnd bugpy ; another had committed
burglary , and so on until Davis came to Fox.
Ho bepanto tell in the plainest of Hngllsh
what Fox hud hcnn guilty of , but the ladles
scattered In iuick haste , nnd there seemed no
further desire to satisfy their futility.
On reaching the penitentiary "Davis was
recognized nt once by McCiec , thccolorcil iniin
who Is serving a lltteen years sentence for
shooting another darkey at the Ogden house
n few years ago.
Cult Johnson , also colored , who was sent
from hero a few years ngo for murder , Is said
to bo ono of the hardest working and best be
haved prisoners in the penitentiary , A short
time ago lire broke out In the shops , nnd Ouft
was mainly Instrumental In putting it out.
His action on this occasion lias won for him
much good feeling.
Sheriff O'Neill ' carefully avoids giving miy
publicity as to when ho proposes starting
away with prisoners. When a day is thus
publicly announced there nro too many friends
who gather at the jail and depot to say tliolr
goodbys , and this Is bothersome and nnnoy-
Ing , as it requires extra vigilance to prevent
articles being passed to the prisoners , nnd
there Is too much talk to suit thn sheriff.
Ilcnco no generally slips away quietly with
them , and often nothing is known among
their friends about their departure until they
are safe In the penitentiary.
Experts and families who have used the
tea in the tin ported Japanese tcn-pots sold by
Lund brothers , pronounce it the best to bo
obtained In the city. It U direct from the
custom house , freshly packed , hcrmctrlcally
scaled. The ten-pot alone retails from $1 to
$ . ' , but you. get a pound of the boat tea and a
handsome , highly bo.iutllled tea pot for $1.
They are going lust. a5 Main street.
J. G. Tlpton , real estate , 52' Broadway.
For boys' and children's suits durably
made and at lowest prices , call nt the Mode.
Clothing Co.
An elegant line of Moltnn ovorcoitts at re
duced rates at Model Clothing Co.
Dr. Soybcrt. Kcs. Ogdcn house. Tel. 140.
Gents' underwear in great variety nt prices
to suit all at .Model Clothing ( Jo. > L. . U
Mossier , Mgr.
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. ,
KJ7 Dioadivny. Telephone 136.
The City Council.
Fourteen members of the council worp
present at a brief session of that body lasV
A communication from Vice President Hoi-
combe , asking a permit for the Union Pacific
railway company to use the sidoft'alk space
nn the south side of Jones street east of
Ninth , was referred to the committee on
viaducts and railways.
A resolution was adopted giving the street
railway company permission to narrow the
curb line on Thirty-second avenue , to glvo
room for a double car truck outside the
drive-way. ,
Chairman O'Connor of the streets nnd
alloys connnltto was grunted further tlmo to
prepare a report on the claims of the street
sweeping contractor for September and
The ' * ordinance
I'cguhu appropriation ,
amounting to $ ! .Y2SUO.H ! ) , was passed and the
council adjourned until Thursday evening.
PJSitS OX A Ij I\ It A It A f'HS.
C. E. Babcock and daughter loft yesterday
for Mow York , to bo gone a week or more. .
Mrs. E , Hcnowater returned yesterday
from a four weeks' visit with relative * in
Cleveland , O ,
How It Tasted and How He Felt After
Smoking it.
The timu had come in our boyhood
which we thought demanded of us a ca
pacity to smoke , writes Rev. T. Do Witt
Tahnnpo in the Ladies' Homo Journal.
The old people of the household could
abide neither the sight nor the smell of
the Virginia weed. When ministers
came there , not by positive injunction
but by a sort of instinct as to what would
bo wifo&t , they whiffed their pipes on
the kick stop , If the house could not
stand Hnnetifled smoke , you may know
how little chance there was for udolos-
By some rare good fortune which put
in our hands three cents , wo found ac
cess to u tobacco store. As the lid of.
the long , narrow fragrant box opened ,
nad for the ilrst time wo owned a cigar ,
our feelings of elation , manliness , &upor-
io-ity and anticipation can scarcely ho
imagined , save by these who have had
the * saino sensation. Our lirst ride on
horseback , though wo fell off before wo
got to the barn , and our lirst pair of now
boots ( real squeakers ) wo thought could
never bo surpassed in interest , but
when wo put tlio cigar to our lips and
stuck the luclfor mutch to the end of the
weed , and commenced to pull with nn
enorpy that brought every facial muscle
to its utmost tension our satisfaction
with this world was so great our tempta
tion was never to want to leave it.
The cigar dia not burn well ; it re
quired an amount of suction that tasked
our determination to the utmost. You
see that our worldly means had limited
us-to a quality that cost only 3 cents.
IJutvo \ had boon taught that nothing
great wus accomplished without effort ,
and so wo pulled away. Indeed , wo hnd
heard our older brothers In their Latin
cssons say , omnia vincot labor ; which
translated means , if you want to make
anything go , you must scratch for It.
with IhcHO sentiments , wo passed
down the village street and out toward
our country homo. Our head did not
fool exactly right , and the street hognn
to rook from slue to side , so that it was
uncertain to us which side of
the street wo were on So wo crossed
over , but found oursolf on the same side
wo were on before wo crossed ovor. Indeed -
deed , wo iiiunagined that wo were on
both sides at the same time , and several
fast teams driving1 between. Wo mot
another boy who asked us why wo looked
so palo , and wo told him wo rtld not look
pale , but that ho was pale himself.'o
eat down under the bridge and began to
rolloct on the prospect of early decease ,
and on the uncertainty of ' earthly ex
pectations. Wo had 'determined to
smoke the cigar nil up and thus got the
worth of our money , but wore obliged to
throw tlireo-fourtht * o ( it away , yet know
lust where wo throw it in case wo felt
better tlio next day.
Getting homo the old people were
frightened and demanded that wo stuto
what kept us so late and what was the
matter with us. Not feeling tlmt wo
were called to go into particulars , and
not wishing to increase our parents' ap
prehension that wo were going to turn
out badly , wo sifuuned up the case with
the statement that wo felt miserable at
the pit of the stomach. Wo had unity
tard plasters adminihtored and curoful
watching for several hours , when wo fell
asleep and forgot our disapmmitmenl
nnd humiliation in being obliged tc
throw nway three-fourths of our
cigar , . *
The Unto ol' Head ing.
An average reader gets through 40 (
words a miauto ,
' ' i
i I "T Ll J1
fc t
Soon to Bo the M < &t Proipcrous Olassiu the
Director Collier "tor the Now York Mv-
pcrlmont Stut'lim SII.VH the
Krluiiltui-nl ailllcMiluni IH
Now Close Upon Us.
Tr. ) Peter Collier , director ot the Now
York agricultural experiment station ,
in a recent address at Ovid upon "Tho
Future of Agriculture in the United
States , " presented fuels and opinions
which have a vital Interest not only to
agriculturists , but to everybody who
cats bread and meat , says the New
York Sun , Dr. Collier believes that
hard timca for fanners are almost at nn
end , and that boon they will boeoino the
most prosperous class iu the land. Ho
makes this broad prophecy :
"That agriculture of late years nnd at
present has failed to bring the peeunl-
lary returns whloh It mlgjit all must ad
mit , but that the prospects for the fu-
uro of ngrlculturo in this stale nnd in
his country are forbidding I do not bo-
liovo. In fact , at the rislc of being
thought optimistic , I wish to bo placed
on record as predicting that to the best
of my knowledge and belief wo are about
entering upon an era of agricultural
prosperity the like of which as a people.
wo have never known , niul which pros
perity is to ho permanent. "
In presenting the reasonsforhis opln-
on , Dr. Collier duals with some signi
ficant facts grouped in nn interesting
way. Ho says :
"First let us seek to learn the cause or
causes of the present agricultural de
pression , since obviously if It or they
can bo removed the depression must
cease. Wo find upon investigation that
in this state of Now York , at least
such depression is not duo tea
a diminution in the fertility of
our lands. If wo take the aver
age yield of our leading farm crops ,
corn , wheat , oats , potatoes , and hay for
the past quarter of a century nnd dlvido
this period into those from 1862 to ' 70 ,
1871 to ' 70 , nnd 1SSO to ' 88 , wo find that
the average acreage yield of these flvo
crops , the aggregate value of which is
92 per cent of , tlio total value of our
leading farm craps , had fallen olT but
1.0 per cent during the second period
from the average yield during the lirst
period ; and the average yield of the
third period was within S-G par cent of
what it was during the lirst ; and this
diminished yield is perhaps duo in great
measure to less careful cultivation
which the low prices of farm products
seemed in many'cabos to excuse , if they
did not justify.
"On the other hand the average mar
ket value of these llvo crops was , during
the second period , mentioned , . only 7oG
per cent of what' it was in the first , and
during the third period dropped to an
average of only 00.9 iier cent of what
thcso crops upon an average sold for
during the first period. In view of this
great fulling off in prices it appears tome
mo needless to seek further' for causes
of the recent and present depression ,
anfl I think no ono can doubt that with a
restoration of prices to something ap
proximating what they wcro , a revival
in agriculture would speedily follow. I
cannot accept either the explanation
wholly of 'over-production' nor the con
clusion that it is long to continue. Tome
mo It seems that this over-production Is
relative rather than actual , that it is
dctcrmined'rathor by the ability to pur
chase than by ( ho actual needs of the
consumer. To take for illustration o ur
maim faetxi res , certainly there is of these
products ot labor an enormous supply ,
but does this in fact surpass or as "yet
oven equal the reasonable desires or
legitimate needs of our people ?
"Now , during the decade before the
present century , from 1790 to 1890 , the
annual per capita consumption of sugar
in the United States was loss than ten
pounds (9. ( Co. ) In 1840 it had increased
to only 15 . pounds. It doubled
during the next 20 years , being
31 in 'ISijO , nnd during the past
30 years it has ngain nearly doubled ,
since the present annual per capita , con
sumption of sugar in this country is
nearly or quite sixty pounds. Can any
ono'boliovo that with such a record there
is reason to question the general pros
perity of the country ?
"As with sugar , so is It with many
another article of consumption by our
people. It .is estimated that the per
capita consumption of brondstulTs
amounts annually to nn equivalent of
fully 8 bushels of grain , mainly
wh.oat and corn , 'niiiliing the fullest
bread ration of any nation in the world,1 ,
as the statistician of the Department of
Agriculture declares. Indeed it is
proverbial that as a people wo are al
most prodigal in our expenditures for
food supplies. But I wish to call atten
tion to tlio several points which to mo
appear to prove that wo are upon
the eve of whafj believe will prove the
golden 'ago of bur agriculture.
" 1. The population of the country Is
very rapidly , increasing ; from 18iO ( to
1870 it incroaseu 23 per cent. , and from
1870 to 1880 , iJOipor cent. ; sothnt , if the
Bnmo increase continued , as there ap
pears no reason to doubt , the present
census will show a population of 05,200-
000 ; but the inprqaso of those living In
cities has boon-more rapid. There were
In 1880 nearly 13 times us many people in
the United States as in 1700 , but over 8 (
times as mnnyUlrlng in cities in 1880 ni
in 1890. The increase of population was
from I860 to 1870 , 23 per cent. ; of those
living In clticM , 69 per cent. ; the in
crease of population from 1770 t <
1880 was f\\ \ ( \ per cent. , but o
these living in cities 10 per
cent ; from 1806 to 1880 the increase
in population was GO per cent , , but o
these living in * cities. 123 per cent.
Nearly one-fourth of all our peonlo llvo
in cities , and since then the number has
vastlv increased , and I think relatlvolj
BO.Vo see , thun , that agricultural ! ]
the consumers are Increasing far raoro
rapidly than the producers.
' ' 2. The number of farms In the Unltei
States hns nearly doubled (9(5 ( ( per con
increase ) from IbOO to 1880 ; while the
average acreage in the farms has dlniin
ished during this same period 31) ) pe
cent ; both facts of very great slgnill
canco as evidence that the area of arable
land was diminishing relative to the in
crease in the number of these who desire
sire to engage in agriculture.
" 3. AVhllo the area in farms increase !
from 1800 to 1880.82 portent the improvci
land in farms Increased 75 per cent
showing that increase of tillable luau
vns mnlnly soe'iiroil by ltnirovlng | lands
1 ready ooittpird.
" I. The uvorntfo oroi'jroilucig'cai ] ! ) > nc-
ty of our nolle IH illuiiiitohliiK.
6. from 180(1 ( to 18SO the urea devoted
o our lending crops Inei-onscil l'J7 per
out , whllo our puptilutiou Inoa-a.-cd
urlnjr this period til ) per cent , and whllo
vorytlilnjj points to the fact that our
rablo land is largely ocoiipledSIM wit-
OM tlio hn-to to po uss Uklalionin , and
hoolTorls to rcolnltu by Irrigation the
rid roulona of there nppoars
o bo no oviilonco that our iiopulutlon
r-ill not steadily Increase.
"At proscntSjO porvontotourproihiotn
ru consumed nt hemp , or 1)3per ) cent not
ounting tobacco and cotton. It sean'oly
ppoar.mus u hn/.anlous ptvdictlon that
vithiu llvo years ami perhaps even
oonor. the homo demand may fully
qiml thu supply of ouritfrrleuUural pro-
nets , nnd then , if they nro wise , tlio
armors of the country will bo the man
ors of the situation , and those word * of
s'niiolc'on that 'Atf.iculturo isthobash
nd strength of all national iirospcrlty , '
vill bo recognized as Hobor truth.
"Awnitliif ( , tliunns I think wo nmyln
onlldont hope the ( food tlino so near u/ !
land , what , wo may utop to Inqulro , are
ho duties of the hour ; and 1 would say
Irst. study economy in production. Lot
no Indicate the possibilities , yes , tlio
) ro1jiibllltlcB which Ho In tills direction
or the intelligent fanner. Two of our
oadllig Now York dairymen secure
iracUoally the wuno avorjiRO in-odiict In
juttor from their liordsaiul , their results
ire nearly three times the avorupo re-
lilts secured in the stato. But olio of
hcso feeds a ration costing M cents
[ ally per cow , tlio other , getting no hot-
or I'csult , feeds Ills cow a ration costing
exactly double , 28 cents per day. But
no conl a day saved upon the iliilry cows
f this Btato means a saving of over
110,000 a day , a saving of nearly $ (1,000- (
100 a year. This is one of the practical
n-obloms upon which your oxporltnunt
tatlon Is ciifjaged.
"Hut I wish to say u word as to what
iOcniH to mo the widest policy to pursue
or the Immediate \ hiivoseon
lint if thorb is any over production It
mist obviously bo of those products
vlilch are exported , ami they are very
ow in inimbur ; corn , wheat , meats , and
cotton constituting as I have said il ) ! per
icntof our exports. On the other linnil ,
vo import annually over $ ; ! 00,000,00l )
vorth ol agricultural products , many of
rhlch may bo , I am sure , prollta' ly pro-
luced in tl lscountryfpr example , sugar
and molasses , wool , hides , bnrloy , flbors
uul horsofl , those nlono iigm'egatiriL' '
170.000,000in value , or Go per cent of
our iiniiorlecl agricultural products. Tone
no it would seem wise to diminish by a
ittlo tlio production of thcso products
which are in excess of our wants , and
li to produce those products for which
ho demand exceeds the homo supply.
"Lot mo mention only the matter of
sugar and inolassoH , for which wo an
nually expend about $100,000,000. I have
a sample of sugar in my possession repre
senting the result of an extended experi
ment with several hundred tons of cane ,
which I have no doubt can bo produced
it an expense not exceeding ono cent a
lonnd ; and , within twenty-live miles of
ivhcre wo now are was produced at a
real profit a sample of syrup as good or
liottor than any sold in the state of Now
York. ' '
men corxmii ; > JIBX.
IxnmplcH or IvY-Blavofl in the South
Who Have Grown Wealthy.
It will probably bo surprising to know
that in Galveston tliorois a colored man ,
who is worth over $ .T > 0,000 , MIVS the
Chicago Tribune. His naino is Sylves
ter , and ho lias a line mansion in the
most desirable residence portion of tlio
city ; and , what will most surprise Chicago
cage people , his wife employs nothing
but white servants. How did Sylvester
got rich ? AVoll , liogotu start in poli
tics , then ran a tmloon and gambling
house for colored people for u few years ,
then went into ruiil estate and specu
lated. Ho is shrewd and successful.
Ono of the most successful nnd wealth
iest real estate men of Houston is a col
ored man. His name is Milton Sterrett.
Ho owns a fine residence surrounded by
immense grounds , all terraced oil anil
planted la the finest ( lowers and shrub
bery , and keeps n landucapo gardener to
attend it. Ho was n waiter on the boats
between Galveston nnd Houston before
and during nil the war , and inndo every
thing ho has in real estate deals during
the last twenty years. Ho owns several
largo plantations and is worth lit least
Then take Senator C. N , Biu-ton , efFort
Fort Bend county. When the war
closed and ho was freed , lie lived on n
plantation belonging to his mistressu
whoso husband and two sons were killed ,
leaving her nlouo in the world. She
had given him n , good elementary educa
tion ; ho was shrewd. ly ! attention to
business he MJOII acquired a good farm.
In a few years ho added to it , and
bought in the plantation formerly owned
by his mlstrcssj and had two other largo
ones on the Urazos in ton years more.
His old mistress being reduced to pov
erty , ho undertook to euro for her. He
saul when ho wus elected to the fctato
fionato that lie owed all ho was to her
kindness , and that ho felt it his duty to
care for her. And ho sent her hack to
her native state Virginia and regu
larly remits to her , and has done so for
fifteen years , $1(50 every month. Ho is
popular with whites and blacks , demo
crats nnd re-publicans , and studied law
so that ho could depend upon himself to
manage his immense plantation and
ranch interests. Senator Burton is worth
over $500,000.
Then Henry Black , the shcop and cattle -
tlo ranohinan of Tom Green and Tocos
counties , is worth nearly $500,000. Ho
has made it all in less than fifteen years.
Are those men southern negroes1 ; Yes ,
every ono of thorn.
But the largest plantation owner and
the heaviest farm mud tax payer in the
rich county of Lointir was u light col
ored mulatto mimed Harvey. Ho died
a few weeks ago and loft n , widow , who
will bo able to pull through , probably ,
ns her husband loft four largo planta
tions , a flno stock farm , some city prop
erty la 1'aris and a big bank account.
Hesidea this , ho left her a snug little in
surance policy on hislifo ser $18,000.
i A Ilcrole f-oiitliorii Girl.
Judge James I1. MoTcor , a mcrnbcr'oi
the bar of Virginia , and who happened
to boon the Louisville & Nashville train
coining to Now Orleans the other night ,
furnishes the following to n correspon
dent for the Now York Times :
"I was a passenger today on the Louis-
vlllo& Nashville train , which was llvo
hours late. Heforo reaching the long
bridge beyond Itlloxl the onginuoi1 ,
running at full speed , observed a negro
on the trestlework near the north end.
The negro , observing the approaching
train and hearing the warning sig
nals , turned aside mid clung foi
a moment to n telegraph polo. Ho then
left his place of safety and ran for the
next pole , in his excitement forgetting
to jump to the water , a distance of per
haps fifteen foot. Ucsplto the engineer's
warning signals , ho stopped ; bowed hit
head and the pilot of the engine crushei
his skull and knocked him into the
water , where ho lloundorud and struggled
glod for some minutes. The water was
two and a half foot dcop , and flvo or nix
big , stalwart negroes stood by and re
fused to nm In and try to feavo tlio.iw
fortunate man's life.
"From a house near by a beautiful glr
of seine olghteen summers was buou to
Or Council Bluffs.
Dim.'Tinn-t. ' A. Mlllor , P. O. tilciitan , I ! r
eimiwt. ! : , K. Hurt , J. I ) . IMnuimlyou , Clmll'i
BEAUTY POLISH.- C Illinium , Tminuet Kom' banking luisU
SAVING LADORCLEAMLINESS ; , IKSI. liiirjtnit cuiilttil ami surplm of any
kmUIn yoiitliwcstorn f ,
nvi ;
"Wholasrilo nntl Rnl.rUl rjonlors in
The above cut shows our- now self-dumping retail delivery
wagon , by which three tons of conl cnn be unloaded in n numito
and carried into the cellar or conl house if it is 2O foot nvvny No
conl lett In the wogon. None scattered on the around. Used ex
clusively by us.
OFFICE , JO PEARL ST. Yard , 10th Ave & Fourth St.
J. II , L5. GLvAUK , Manager. OOUMOILx BJUUFFS , ia.
Telephones : Olllco.SOO. Yard , 310.
MAfir HUH'irorl'OST . or FA I M NO MAN-
Jlnlilu VUHu iiouj ) ConiT'il and S'KI >
YOU3 nr.lHUTV , WcukneW nf llody a'nil
mind ! Klli'otsof l.rrois or nxopssosln Old or
Voune. Kobust. Noble JIANIIOOI ) fully re-
itnrcd Wo Riiiiriintco every cat ! nr mimoy
rufiintlpd , bamplo eoursp , live days' treat
ment. $1 ; dill I'OiirM$5. . Scc-iiruly su.itud from
bsur vatlon. Cook Ueim-dy Uo. . ' Uiniiha , Noli
Ollleo. St.Oliilr Hotel , Cor. l.'Jthand OodituSt
Corner Main nnd Ilronaway ,
Doalera In forolii ( ! and ilotneitlo ofObaiiTO
Collections inado ami Interest paid on tltno
AllUlixliof Dylii ? nnd ( Jlnmlng ilono In thn
IllKliMtdtyloof tliu Art , 1'udod ami Stnlnod
rubrics nude to look us ciiod : n now. Work
l > ronitly | ) ilonoiuid dollvurril In all partj of
tbo country. Bund for iirlrollst ,
0. A. MAOIIAX 1'roii. ,
IdlS Ilroaihv.iv , Near Noitliwcstcru IJepot ,
vim with all possible speed. She dashed
into the water anil pulled the dying man
to the shore , where ho died in a few
moments. This daring , heroic deed was
observed by n train full of passengers ,
\viio , from their position on the bridge ,
were unable to render help. "
Otherwise , Dr. I' , lie Fate
of I'oiiipdt A\vaitH Gotluiiu.
Rev. T , Do Witt Talmago delivered in
Kow Yorlc the other night the first of a
series on the holy land mid surrounding'
countries. Tlio text was part of the
thirty-second voreo of the lulth Psalm :
"Ho tnuchotli the hills anil they gmoko. "
The congregation were carried in
funny to tlio scenes in the museums at
NanlcH nnd at the entrance to the buried
city of Pompoll. "From the pictures to
bo .seen on tlio walls In these museums. "
said the lecturer , "tho City of Pompeii
wia not lit to llvo.
"Therefore God touched the hill at
the back of that city on August , in the
year 70 , r.nd wiped the wickedest city on
earth out of existence. ! ' IIo argued that
science and rovohtion did not disagree
in regard to the ancient history of this
world. "Wo will hold on to our bibles a
little lon < ; or , " ho said. "All the bruins
of this country and of the world are coin-
ills' out on the side of the bible. Wash
ington was u believer. Gladstone is a
believer. Raphael , Handel , Ilhydn ,
lleothoven and Mozart- were all believ
" ( Jed employs volcanoes for the de
struction of cities characterized by one
particular bin. Of the won cities
which have been destroyed by volcanic
action the sin was always the same , and
if the Russian , French and American
literature of a particular dcmoriilixlng
sort Is not banished from our news
stands and the ladies' parlors in this
country God will let loose some of the
monsters which ho hus chained up in
the center of the earth by touching the
hills about our cities. Thcro is aUo a
volcano in political life , as well us do
mestic and social , and purifying IB
needed or the volcano will burst forth. "
nrniH Vacant.
An enormous number of furnw have
Dccuino vacant this Michaelmas , nnd nil
ever England It appears to bo extremely
probable that land owners will have
them thrown uiion their hands , as in
most counties there are half n dozen
vacant holdings for every eligible
applicant , says the London World. In
Immpshiro , KontSussoxnndothorcoun
ties , where the principal land owners
alroudy have thousands of acres unoccu
pied , the prospect Is really very serious.
It is nearly Impossible to lot arable
fnrmson any terms , nnd even good gra/-
Injf farms will only find tenants at re
duced rentals , The Kent hop farms are
reported to bo dilllcult to tot oven ut half
the present rents.
Cliuroh Kcrvloo by Telephone.
Church service Is now supplied to the
public by telephone in IJlrminghani ,
England. Transmitters are set up in
the church , so that tmbscribors to the
telephone can hear the service and the
sermon at their private residence , If do-
slrod. At the end of the choir stalls ,
on the top of the lectern and the read
ing dusk of the pulpitthe small metallic-
tii8od transmitters nro placed , and they
are HO regulated tliut the sound Is gath
ered In without "requiring , ho voice to
bo directed especially to them.
"What shall I do on Christmas dnv.
II mv Bray ioosu ; .should rim iiwnyV"
Wo don't oMieulniirurnygoifee lenin awnr ,
but we shall allow I liu following torn a .t ' *
1 Imni'l ( 'iinuliilL'l : siinur.
fiOllnMoi-ii n nil , Iu v.i vo live.
HOO llw K. T. UnUs' Jin. 10 Hour.
10 Uiifcliclsof polatoi'S.
Blhs. liost ti'ii.
The aliovo woods will Bctiiwny. anil If you
can capture any of tlirm you mo wHroint to
them. If you want to know finllnM ii.-irin'u-
lais ask any of our snUnnu'ii , ut tlio sumo
tlmo save yoursulf * T per cont.
Wo buy for casli niul .oil for cusli. and iiro
nlili ) tosavoourcustoniors'l.'i JHTCIMII
iii'iii ; : is WHAT vou CAN DO ruu I-ASIII
JAllis. KramilHto.l sugar fur . ( i CO
in Ihs. o\t riiCHiiuui1 . j [ 00
IT UK. ( . ' suuai- . | oo
7 liars ( \Vlnlc Hiisshin soap for . . ' ; . ' , ' , < >
- bins nf KOOI ! laundry M > : III . ro
I.iirui' lnil tic liluhij ; . so
California Iiams pur pound . . ] . ( IQ
Kdiicliliiiiim per ) > < iuml . no
"ream Cli i > o-o JUT pound . 150
I'olutoi's purlinslivl . ' .Wo
( iiiml llrooin . . . no
.Idly IIIT iioiiml . f > ( j
Navy hoans per iioiind . r > o
C'lMukt-is | ) < ir pound . so
Thruu luaviMof bru.'xl fur . 100
Mint in cl Siiiillnus pur i-iin . 7q
( ill Kanllnus , pnrciin . 7d
l' < itlt' < l hum , per can . no
Dcvllc'll Illltll , IHM' I''lll . Co
Two o/ . hot IIo lemon pvtrncl . rte
Tvmoz. bottle vmilla cvtnict , . ' . . 5o
VliinRiir , per cut 'im ' . 15o
( Joal oil , per Ballon . ] 0o
Flvo irnllons tiusollno . dOe
\V are llradtiiiartorson Hour.
K.T. Davis' No. 10 , porsaolc . | CO
1C.T. DarKMIlnoll. pvrMicIc . 1 : rt
( old incdiil. per suck . l f > o
HaL'o , Norton , V Un' Hiiir.'iloriour . 140
A.ltiitllcr , tiy It , | ) i > r wiulc . ] ou A
All jjomli warranted ns lopri'scntccl u nil 10
oimcciilo tinpound. . Wxli-li your jrooils 111114
don't ho deceived liy your htuh prlucil Ki-oeer-
niiiii. Any Kroecr wishing tobullout. c.ill ou
C , O. D.
Fourth Strcot and Broadway . Council
Bluffs. Town.
Strlr tly to htiilnoi j" M n * i > lciiillil motto. Th" li'ili.
GitiiiLTOM lii every line of liu man energy hru.ieliej
byhlm TT'IO lioliU tosoine nilopln.1 ni | > liltr.
I'o plo nro progressive , full of cnur < r. iiml moiier
ninkliitf nclioiuos. They ncoil ipeclal training foi
IOWA In popnlnr ciliicallun. Her puli'lo jc'ici
nro ( liiliicuraiKl work for uer ncroailti ; ml Illo
Wuatoru luwn.
Cnininnnret fnll term Sopt. Ml. Sim ole" < th
rcnlljr jtrartlral fur her Mtuloati , .Viinml llinl
no' , .Shotliiiiilunit Poiiaiii nlil.i rouncM. neil or. .
Knnl > o.t mill iwrofuHjr ciindiictol Hlinlcnn ttur
untornt nnjr tlmo.Vrltoforfuttliur ii.mkil.i 14
\V. 8. 1'uiiliun.
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
NsVlilir ? Justice of dm 1'cace. Ofllro oior
. ouiiii. & Ainoilcaii K\iress nl
\ | , No.
Itroadway. Couuull IttulTH. Iowa.
Attorn'yR ut i'rac-
tit.u , , , 11 , , ,
federal courts. Unomx : i , 4 anil
'j bloclc. Council Hliiir.H , lo\va.
viintcil. II. j { . men for work la
Mistonilowii. JI.- pT ( day. ! t.-anistcrp ,
f-O.O1) ) uml board per iitonlli. 1 riiu tiuiMioiti- :
tlon. Apply to U T. Hrny , No. II * s'cott St.
Council lIlulTs I own.
\irAN"TKI-A KlrI. 1.1 or'lR ycanTntilTfo *
i llxht ImiiHuworlc. Addrcis , "Mr > . . J.
bWRiisun , JS9 ( Jlon avoniio.
FOIt SAM3nrTradu-Iarin ( black JnrU.six -
ti'cn.iiHintliieild. A.Sdiultor , ( lO--l-llM.ini-
\vay , Council Illullrt , I own.
V\f ANTED-A Rood ulrl
' work. Apply tit . ' . * . ' ; I' 'lftli a v .
FH [ ItKNT 'llio MuMnlinn time
lirlolt hlook , No. in S. Malnst. wild Ho
"I OIt ItHNT-A'fJiiiiui' ploco of ciii-dcri'liiiiiJ
J- near Coiincll Illiitl's , with jjondiicw Inillil-
liiK. liniiiedlatu possuMlou If ilvalrcil , J. Vf ,
t-ijulios. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\\7ANTKD-Ily 11 married man , position In
i storoln country town ; is vt'iiV ' lAporl-
nnri'j A No. 1 lufornic-i's ! iroml liuukkci'iiur. 1C
SU , lloo olllue. Cmuiull llluir , _
TflOlt IlKNT-OMiMl llvo-room ti'iii'-o ' ; IO.W |
J- other houses < lllf < > rcut prluos ; one sln ln
room over stout near < ! < > iirl IIOUKUI IIOIISCH and
lots for xulo on iiiiintlily payniont. ) ( inn lions *
and lot t.MU ; iloslriililu hiisfnets loin < in Sn
stii'ot. Noi-tli Oinalia , for lease ur
clieiip. J. It. Davlil'.oii , ( ! * . > I'lftli .ix
FDH HALK-Coinnloto not of tlimi.-is lonH ,
iiiHlbinull Htovii of llinvaio in u laigalai
IiKjnlro ut room : * IK Moirhun ulouk.
Kn stovc < atcnst tiulosoont. lluail- , -
J for hard inaplo hoiiio ninvliii , ' rollcrb urn )
J auks. 11.U. A my k Co. ua ) Mil 111 ti et-l.
TVIUJjKS For ale Hieap. u span ut Rood
afJ. working inult-1 , with liariiusH unit HIKJOII ,
Apjily toKrod Duvb1 Htablesou I'ourthstreet ,
nour 1'lflli avciino.
rnWOM-uorofiirmii for Bale nt'iir ihncTty at
- * a buriulii.\V. _ A \yo ) il k Co. , i'.D Muln st.
FOR HAIJ'Thostouli anilllxtiirei , iifu well
UHtuhlmlicd xrocury Htoro , iir will sell
Htuckuml rontHtoro ainl.Ilxliiri'S | nlwi tit
4-yrar-old colts for Hiilu , liuiiiini < it T. I *
biiilHi&fon.7m ( Itttli avu. . Ooiiuull lllulTn.
FOK HAI/K or Itunt-Onrdeii land , with
IIOUIIK , by J. U. Ulce , 1W Malu it. , COUueLf