Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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It Was a Genuine Affair d'Eounettr , Seconds
and All.
Jt Vim a Struggle to the Itontli nnd
the Mttlo Fellow Comiiiered
The Graphic Story or
mi Kyc-AVItncsses.
A big window In the southeast corner
fit the old warehouse at the head of lake
Kctildi , in this place , is covered , us with
& curtain , by spider webs ,
Tinpnnes of thlfAvlndow are the small
squares of the old days. A big , oval-
iKHlii'd , grayish-brown spider , had his
web H proud over the entire , surface of
ono pane of glass und over all hut ono
email corner of another. In that corner
/ a plump black spider has his modest hut
effective trap. The other day the big
spider evidently concluded that ho
needed more room , says the New York
JIo ran out a cable that passed across
ono edge of the black spider's web nnd
fastened it to the cdgo of the sash be
tween that pane and tlio next ono. Tills
cable was quickly followed by another ,
nnd a third ono was strung before the
little black spldor Boomed to wake up to
what was going on. Then lie came out
ol lilt corner and gave the big spider's
auchii-iotw work a quick inspection. That
having evidently satisfied him of the In-
tonllon of the big trespasser , ho nipped
the three cables apartonoafter another ,
and left them dangling uselessly
In tlio nir. The llttlo spider ,
having destroyed the cables , re
tired to the seclusion of his corner
nnd resumed hla watch for files. Tlio big
follow recovered from his surprise nnd
Immediately throw another caolo across
the llttlo one's wob. Out carao the little
follow with a rush and snapped thut
cable asunder. Four times after that the
big spider strung a cable , and each time
the little spider cut it down. The little
black follow toro about In his corner as
If in u towering rare , and while his fury
Was at iln height another spider , with a
long , ugly-looking hotul und a small
body , t'liiuo down from u pane above the
llttlu black one's corner. This spider
t lined tlio raging black ono , and by nnd
y the latter cooled down , The two
spiders remained together in apparent ; ,
coiillilentinl intercourse for a few see '
ondc , and then the spider with the big
head darted out upon the brown spider'
web and followed It lo the big fellow's
flon. Then ho lingered for a moment ,
evidently discussing the matter with the
big In-own spider , and then ho darted off
again in another direction und brought
up ftt a web on the pane above the big
Bpldur'H , whore unothor spider hung list
lessly , wrapped up in Ills long , hairy
legs. A short confab tookplace between
the two , nnd then the -hairy spider
dropped down quickly to the big brown
Bplilor's don , and the spider with tlio big
head returned hurriedly to the little
black spider's corner.
A few seconds after the big-headed
spldor had returned to the black spider's
corner the two glided out , reached the
big brown spider's web , advanced almost
to the center of it , and stopped. The
brown spider and his hairy attendant
Boon afterward emerged 'from the
former's don nnd advanced toward the
center of the web , stopping within an
inch or so of the black spldor and his
eccond. Other members of the spider
colony must have had Intuitive kuowl-
edge of what was going on , for spiders
of all sizes and shapes cnmo speeding to
> the scene to got a view of what was ovi-
v dontly to bo a fierce encounter. When
the two prinaipalspidors had taken their
position * ) tholr respective attendants re
tired isomo distance from thorn. Then
the little bhtck syidor and his big brown
fee rtibhod together.
They struggled a moment , separated ,
rueheu together again , and tumbled and
toshod ono another about until the web
on which they fought swayed uii'd bent
and broke hero and there into ragged
holes. All the while tlio hairy spider
and thu spider with the big head hov
ered frantically ouch about his prlncl-
, mU , as if coaching the fighters as to
the bust advantage. "Whon the battle
wss at its height ono round-bodied blaolc
pidur imulo a rush into the field to take
a hand in the fight. Before ho reached
the contestants , however , ho was col
lared by both the hairy spider and the
big-headed Spider , and hustled buck into
the ero'vd so quick that ho Boomed dazed
nud remained parched on tlio edge of the
"While this exciting side incident was
ongnging tlio attention of the seconds
ends the principals separated , each re
treating a couple of Inches. The at
tendant spiders rushed each to his prin
cipal's side and for several seconds
things remained quiet. Then the pug-
paciiuiii little blnck spider moved slowly
forward and the big follow advanced to
i / incut him. When they were nearly to
gether the little spldor shot forward
' like a Hash , pounced upon the big ono
ml almost as quick darted back again.
Thivt was a fatal blow to the big spider.
In tltat sudden dash the little spldor had
T - - , chopped off ono of of the blgono's long
I forulegs close to his body as neatly as ho
i bad cut the cables of his foo's intruding
Then the black spider darted at his
1 big antagonist with the rapidity of
lightning nnd it was not long till ho had
severed the other foreleg of the big
spldor us completely UB ho had the first
1 one. Tlio brown was now almost totally
i helpless. By a quick flunk movement
| the little black mounted the other's
lixigo body nnd closed his jaws firmly in
the back of his neck. The big spldor
floundered nnd struggled , but all to no
. Ills life blood Avns fast bolng
Surposo. by his ngllo fee and in a minute
after the black spider had got his clutch
on the brown ono'a neck the big follow
I bung shriveled and lifeless In the wreck
1 of the web ho had tried to enlarge at the
T espouse of his bold and nervy llttlo
i Hut the llttlo blaclc snider was not
1 satisfied with the death of the encroach-
I ing spider nnd tlio ruin of his wob.
; \Ylicu ho found his fee was dead ho
inude n circuit of the outer edge of the
web , cutting every stay cable and guy
web from its. fastenings , until the limp
body of its late occupant nnd the dis
mantled web foil together on the window
ledge , among a mass of dead and shriv
eled. Hies and booties' wings and hoapa
tdiibty , cast-off wobs.
The duel was over.
Mrs. Winslow's ' soothing syrup for chil
dren trothlng cures wind colic , diarrhuia , etc.
B5 cents a bottlo.
Uniforms fur Female Clerks.
Female clerks employed in the Get-
instil postal telegraph torvlco are from
this tlmu forward ordered to wear a uni
form , which consists of a blue Jersey .
with orange collar and brass buttons.
* Van Houtcn's ' "
Cocou-"Bost and ROM
farthwt. "
OniCAOO , No * . 4.-tSiM > to Tn
Hr.r.l-CATT r.K-llu lQcsi fair and tftlucintMiut
like ycAtcrdajr find the ctovj of the week , but .
the turn on fair to go < xl ulcers vrix * ratlior
Uronsor If notauotily : ! liluhor. Medium and
common natlvMoranytlilnathatliud tocom-
petowlth Rood ranger * Texamancl native
butchers' stock , remain * nt low-water mark ,
nnd tlio Btockcr nnd feeder trade sliowa no
Improvement. Native. II.StfM.OOi stockerm
ll.7.a2. > . < V > ; Texans , IMO&3.S5 ; cowmbulli. and
mixed ,
lloast IliHlncss opened active , nnd early
Bales showed a slight advance , but later on
and jitirtlculufly at the close the Ren-
cral market ruled weak and a Rood
nlokcl lower. Puckers wcro out of the tnarkct
early , a ? most of the home * closed down nt
noon In order to allow their men to voto.
ItoiiRli nml common , Ki.TOil'l.Vi | fair to prlmo
ml.xctl and iiackori , M.i ) it4.iu : prlmo lioavy
nml butcher weights. ? 1.10561.2.1 ; aviorto < l llttht ,
from " 10 Ibs down tonvrrago ITO Ibs sold nt
11.10 ! Rpcoiul class light , n'ulomi to HO lln ,
RfWiVI.00 ; plg nvcraglu ; under 100 to IV ) Iba
sold at . ' .006.3.70. _
The Wool Market.
UOSTON , Nov. 4. [ Hpcdal Telegram to TUB
linn ] There has has been a fair trade In wool ;
the sales Mavo been tiulto law and the mar
ket has bcon flrm. Ohio X lleecossell at 0
and XX fleecoi at tHBMc. Mlchjcau X Ims
been selling ntaic and the market has been
flrm nt that price. No. 1 clothing wools liavo
licon nnllo stront ? atWiM ! ! > < 3 for Ohio and 3To
for Michigan , In combliiR wools thnrn liavo
been Hales of No. 1 washed nt WtKc ; ttn-
wnshod.ivsiwo for three-eighth" blood tint !
27St'8o ( ' fdroiio-auartor blood , Inrtno ilelalno
solcct Ions tlii'ro have been sMoq of Ohio nt
; ; r4si7o : tuiil of Jllchlitnn nt niMICc. Territory
wools rule llrm at C'30,10 , Scoured , for lltu.1 ,
f > STGUu for flno medium and ; V > UJSo for mcdluin.
Tuxas , Ciillfornla nnd Oregon wools havn been
In fnlrdumand at unchaiiKeil prices. 1'ullcil
wools huvo been llrm , brliiKlnt : rather better
prices , the supplies bi ! n mill. Australian
and other foreign wools arc llrtu.
t : STOCK. .
OIIIOAOO , Nor. * . O.ittlo-nocfllpts , 10,000 ;
marknt fulr ; fltoiuly to strnn or ; natives ,
f-.80it.r..01) ( ) : stookora , t\"ftW \ > ; Toxnns , W.40
( i i.25 ; cows , bulls and inlxocl , * I."V2 'I. " ' > .
lloia Keoolpts. WOtK ) ) ; market , active
but weak ) packers anil shlppors , $3.7.V3I.15 ;
prltno heavy ana butuherV wol hts. $ I.O'Jii4 !
4.7ii ; Hklps and soluuled llsht ,
pics , $3.00i * : > .75.
Sheep Hecolpti. R.OOOi market steady to
BtroiiB ; natives , KI.603S.K1 ; westerns , Jt.OaQ4.a3 ;
Tuxans , tU.T02 l.v3 ; lambs , (4.302 5.73.
lilVEtipoor , , Nov. 4. Wheat Steady ; demand -
mand imnrnvlns ; holders oner moduratoly ,
Corn 1 Inn ; demand fair ; mixed western , 4s
0'iil uor cental ,
MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 4. Wheat Receipts , 403
cars ; shipments. 145 car * . Iiematm for cash
onlyfulr ; lower prices. Clo-ilnit ! No. 1 hard ,
November , H8u ; on track , : No. 1 northern ,
November. l 4ie ! ; May , Sl.oj.'i ; on track. Wio ;
No. 'i northern , November , Ulol December ,
UUic ; on truck , BiaOJu.
KANSAS Oltr , Nov. 4. Oattln Hocolpts ,
4.400 bead ; shipments. 2'JO'J ' head ; trarkot
( toady ; stocrs , KI.2o4.SO ! cows , * 1.2jQii..W ;
stockers nntl feeders , i8i.2iQ3.00.
lions Houolpts. 11,000 ht-ad ; shlnmcnts , TOO
head ; murkothlghur ; nil grades ,
ST. liOtris. Nov. 4. Oattlo nocolpts , 4,500
head ; market steady ; fair to fancy native
steers , KJ.90Q3.00 ; atockcrs and feeders , t'J.20
ItoRS Itocnlpts , 4.t > 30 head ; market higher ;
lioavy , $4,1081.23 ; mixed , * a.7va .10 ; light , SJ.S9
Sioux CITV , la. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tun lice. ] Hess receipts , : i,800 ; market
utoady : selling W.C&3 > 3.tiS ; liulkM.85O3.90.
OJ/.4J/.1 31AKK.ETS.
Tuesday , Nov. 4.
KUImated receipts of cattle. 1,200. as com
pared with U.241 yesterday und 8.345 Tuesday
of last week. The market was steady on
beeves and butchers' stock and lifeless on
_ _ _ _
Estlmatca rocolpts of linn. 5,400 , ns com
pared wltb 4au Yesterday and 0,58-1
Tuesday of lust woclc. The market
was 6 to lOa hl hor. Aotlvu and all sold curly.
The raiiKo was $3.2 : > ® , the bulk selling at
KJ.04.10 ; llRht , KIS34M.70 ; lioavy. S1.00@4.15 ti ;
mixed , J.l.Ofta.l.TO. The average of the prices
paid was 1.89 as compared with 1.1.73 yester
day aud IJ.8I Tuesday ot last woek.
Estimated receipts of shonp , 2,212 , as com
pared with 2Kf. > Yesterday unu 1,704 Tuesday
of lust week. The market u Urin. Natives ,
. ' .3331.15 ; westerns , $2.00111.0) .
niapoaltlou or Stock.
Showing the number of head ot atook
purchased on this market as reported by the
wuiglinmslcrsut tlio Stockyards company for
November 4 :
S'wllt & Co . 372
Tholi'eorpo II. Hammond company . 70
Tlio Arniour-Cudahy packing company. . l.V
l.t'O Itothsuhlld . . ' . . 134
Hurnllton and .Stephen . 15
Shlppors and feeders . 280
Armour-Ciiduhy paektnR company . ] ,941
Omaha packing company . 005
Swltutfo . W)8 )
Ooorpo II. Hammond packing company. . I'tiR
J. I' . Squires & Co . 402
North I'aoklngCo . 282
Shippers laid feeders . 220
Kcpresontativo St
No. AT. Pr. Na Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
1R..1120 370 UD..12S1 4 UO 3t..l l 435
18. .1330 4 00
3 , . 090 125 2 , . 1053 ISO H.-CTO 205
il..lOH3 125 0..1044 200 2. .1105 215
2. .1140 1 DO 14. . 080 2 00
1. . 870 1 50 3..1140 1 75 2..14DO 225
4. .1350 1 50 2..1070 1 75 1..1070 225
a. .1100 1 73 1..1700 3 25
1 cow and calf . $17 00
2 oprlnxers , each . IS 00
2 mllkurs , each . Ill 00
2. .1010 235 18. . 044 249 33. . 1013 205
0. . 101 2 75
32. . 740 2 00
No , Ar. Pr.
1 . : . 040 11 35
14 cows . 1141 1 SO
47 COWH . 1115 a 15
.1 , Moron
40feedirs . 1013 2 25
11. 1'X Tcsc'bcmacher
43f < > cdcra . . . , . 1041) ) 225
22 leers . 1227 S 85
28tcurs . lav ) 2 65
lOlMocra . 1007 2 83
2 steers , tailings . ; . .12I5 200
JUfeedcrs . 'Mi 232ii
J. A. Miner
1 steer , talllnp. , . 11GO 2 10
2 steers , tailings . litO : 210
50 feeders . 1013 250
L. N , Galloway
M steers , talllnss . 1037 210
IK steers , tnlllnss . 1153 200
1 steer , tailing . 1030 l 00
S7feeitors . 10.VJ 230
70 foudurs . 102U 235
20 feeders . 1135 245
Swuu Land & Oattlo Co.
7cunnera . 731 100
27COWS . 875 115
23co\vs . a-.s us
Scows . t > 71 115
3COWS . 000 175
Scows . 831 185
Scows . OUT 1 S3
140cows . 070 200
71 steers . 1130 210
4 calve . S15 225
Ct ) feeders . 1107 240
Ostacrs. tullltiKJ . 131d 1 90
flstpor.l . . . IWS 300
I'.1 steers . 1U50 2 50
17 steers . 121S 250
20 foodCM . 10J 2 30
M steers . 1143 250
13 bulls . 1214 1 15
No , AT. 8h. I'r. Ncs Ar , 9h , Pr.
18 . 140 40 S3 25 07 . 259 2409300
04 . 1M Id ) 325 70. . . .213 200 300
3 . 1113 121) U60 74 . 213 60 300
( W . UB 360 7 < . 280 120 800
M . 107 120 350 7,1. . . . .230 240 305
48 . WO ItX ) 3W l ! | . 2S2 80 305
02 . 178 850 78 . 217 240 305
63 . 170 30) m . 261 400 805
71 . IKt 120 3 80 IU . 245 100 305
70 . 2II ! 200 370 7'J . 243 10 305
70 . ZU 300 375 ( W . 243 80 387 }
tO . 2UO 40 375 60 . 270 40 100
70 . 221 100 375 6j . 313 3(10 ( 400
73. . . . .231 W ) 375 70 . 2U5 80 4 00
1 . 4hO 375 M . . . , .315 ISO 100
ft . 225 230 377(1 ( W . 235 280 100
07 . 24S 120 380 f.1) . 310 100
80 . Ifti .180 rxi . 266 105
77 . 201 120 380 Oi . 285 SO 105
81 191 180 380 71..W 100 106
li" T.l.,203 : 120 310 8 210 105
U 211 160 380 M 2S2 00 105
73 2--J a > 0 38rt Uj 337 'HO 4 OS
83 ,237 400 3 82Vi It 203 405
81..2M ZM 3H5 8J 'JS2 1WO i 85
fig 278 410 8 O t 209 40 IIO
74 23 IM 88S 1 430 410
4T 287 ) U 90 120 ii
81 517 120 Sftt M , 330 40 410
4 so am TO. ssi HO 410
ftS . . . .227 ICO 300 .Kl .TOfl 200 4 10
78. . . .211 HO 3 W ) 55 054 240 410
M . . . .225 00 3 TO M XM 40 410
M 207 100 3 DO Kt 340 120 410
M SOI 200 300 M 309 120 410
Ml 2GO 120 3i ) TO 2SO SO 4 15
60 207 120 300
* rina AND tKirs.
i reo l no BI 113 sss
M 12U 150 1 80 61 . . . . 113 40 2M
04 O'J 2 00 M ,2M 300
DATES Porslftn , 0-lb box. OHc.
HAISINSLondon lnycrs , Californiaper DOT ,
IJ.SOI loose muscatel * , Cnllfornla. I'.og ; ( .ccil-
lc ! > s , Citllfornla , & .00) ) Callfornln hocdltss sul
tans , In tmoks , per Ib. Hoi California inttsca-
tells , In saolts , Site : 1101 ? Valcnclas 80 : ou-
duruliiycr * , now , Oc.
NUM Altuonda , IBo ; Ilrar.llg , ITci ( liberty
Uc ; pccati , ice ; nltuit ? , Uc ! poaiittt couUs
: roasted. 10Jc ! : TenncMPO pc.inuK So.
( . 'AN.NKD VKOKTAIILKS Totuntocs-a-lbextra ,
iM ( > Bl.ii-lb8t : : nd.ira western liruniK tl.10 ;
. Archer's standurd. Jtw ; Corn Finest
grown , JI.CO ! Onto Olty sugar corn , very tlno ,
tl.50 : ( illrnan. S-lb supnr corn , 11.20 ; S-lli extra ,
lleomer , 11,10 ; S-Ib standard wcntorn brands.
11.00. Mttsliroom * l-ll > I'roncli , e-xtra flncy23i
2.V : ; 1-1U Kronen , fine , iwa' . o ; 1-lb I'rencli , or
dinary , 16ai8o. Pens Tres. line , per cun"xi ;
( lonil-llno , nor can. lOo ; 1Mb aKtctl , ; U-lli
early Jtinu , (1.00Ib : marrow , stniidaul
brands , Jl.l'o ; 2-lbRoiikrl , ? , ' > c. BtrlnK lictins
2-11) hlKh grade , ICcftmoc , 11.00 ; 2-ll > Uoldun
wn.xlioaiif , | LtX2-ll ) ; ) string lioanx , SOo ; Ijlina
bcniis111 soaked. S."rO. HoMtou bnkcil bciins
2-lb Lewis , tl GJ : Crown brands , II. . Hwcot
potntocs-U-lb Now Jersey , 81.00. I'tttnpkhiH
: i-Ib , (1,10 , Ukrn nnd tomatoes 11.05 ; okra ,
l''AHINACF.OUS GOODS Barley. 40. miun , ,
no : pens , 2io ? : oatmoul , bl > li. iNV.iwfi.50 ; halt
hlils , faoo&i/JSt mucaronl , ItxSllo : verinicolll ,
10@IIc : rlco , choice , fiMSlOoi fancy. USifd'o ;
head , Tc ; sago and tapioca , Kile ; Lliuu bonus ,
lk ) : unlit pens , Da ; Hpachottl , lie.
DidK.d Kittms Turkish prunes , less than
hhUs , ISM ) , 7ioi ! orlglniil hlitls , ! jc less ; HoMiln.
prunes , 0-lb boxes , 10 : ) to 110 , a Je : apples ,
evaporated , now ring ehulco , l.Vt ; evaporated ,
new rltic prime. 14o ; aprk-ots , funcy , In sacks ,
20o ; blackberries , new , lOc ; raspberries , .23
11)3 to box , : Oo ; currants , now , fi' $ ( < > ! Sci orig
inal casks , Uo less ; Yostlzza currants , extra ,
In boxes , GJio.
CoitOAOE Manilla ropo-A.ll sizes from 7-18
to 1 In , 14o : sisal rope , nil sizes ( rum 7-in to 1
In , IDu ; "iiuw processes , " all sizes from 7-10 to
11 n. 80.
WiiAiTixo PATEii-Straw , per Ib , ltliic ;
rac , lUjo ; manlila ll.VttfcNo. \ . 1. 8c.
MOIMSSKS llbls , N. t ) . fancy , pcrKiil. STi57o ;
choice. 45B47c : good. : wa32o ; Cuba , buklug , i'd
® : Kc ) : blackstrap. SOGKSe.
SODA I'kgs. CO Ibs to tun. 5Vn : kegs. 4jjo.
VisBnAli : tO gr. N. Y. iippio elder. lOo : I ) . 3.
cider. 1'Jo ; while , wliti' , l.V ) ; fancy , fruit , ISo.
OILS IN ) prime white , lie : 150 water white ,
Mo ; headlight. 14V c ; 74 gasoline , 13u.
BALSOOA llblg. Hci granulated , So : In hhls ,
'STOVE I'OLtBiitJ.OOiW.S , " ) per gross.
HAGS Am. , per 100. $17.75 ; Lowl.ston , per 100 ,
$17.75 ; Union Stiuuro , 40 per cunt olt list.
SALT llalry.ISO ibs lu bbl , bulk , 8J.10 ; bust
grndo , GOGS , ! . : w : licit fzradoiooaa , M.40 ; host
grade , 18 10s. J2.23 ; roclc salt , crushed $1.80 ;
common , bbl , 11.23.
OASNKD MKATS Corned hoof , 1 Ib , $1.20 ;
corned bcof , 2 lb < * , ] U > 0 ; lunch tongues. 1 Ib ,
$2.00 ; lunch toiiRtios , " Ibs. $ l.7. > ; brawn , 1 Ib ,
$ ' . (50 ( : brawn , "J Ibs , J-J.Ofl ; ox tnn ucs , 15 ! IDS ,
Jfl.OO ; ox tongues , " Ibs , $ it.OO ; ohlppod beef. IK
Ibs , round CUMS , t2X > ; lo.tst beuf. 2-lb round
cans , 32.00 ; potted bain , ! l-ll > round cans , r > . * > o ;
pottcil ham , ! i-lb round enns , $1.20 ; dovllud
liain , U-lb round cans ( i.r > u ; dovlloil hnm , H-ll )
round cans , il..M ; poltt'doxtonpuo , K ll > round
cons. S1.20 ; comprubst.'d ham , 1-lb houuro cans.
t2.7."i ; trlno , L'-ll ) round cans , $180 ; inlnccd
calojisJlb rntiitd cans , t.'JJ ; boneless pigs'
font , 2-lb sijuaro cans , S.'J.'i.
MAIM.U SUOAII L'or Ib oc cakes , 30-lb boxes ,
l.'lo ; lOc caV'os. ito-lli boxes , 1'JJic ; 1-lb bricks , M
Ibs In box , pure , Uc.
TWINES Cotton twlno , "IMbb , " very fine , }
Ib bales. 22c ; cotton twlnu , XX brandll )
bales , ISO ! hemp twlnu , M-lb bales , ISo ; Hall
twlnu , 20e : candle wick , "Jo ; 40-foot cotton
olothos line , Jl.-Ul ; ID-Coot cotton clothes line ,
21.03 ; liO-foot slsul lines , $1.75 : 00-foot Jute , $1.00 :
wool twines. 85c. !
UorifKE Roasted Arlosla , 2 , " > VSo ! . Dunola ,
23He : Ocrmun. 25io ! : Dllworth's. 23 ? o : Lion ,
50c ; Mallnouch , 2. > ! ic : Cordova , "jjio ; Mocha ,
yoKe ; O. 0. Java , Me.
OIIHKSE 1'renilttm V. 0. , twin flats , per Ib ,
lOiJc : premium F. R. Yonns America , llio ! :
bo ok. Wo ; doinestlo Swiss , U5ill7c ; Edam , In
f rll , cacb , 11.00 ; Llnibcrpcr , 12c. !
IlitooM.s-5-tlc , parlor , UOO ; 4-tle , $2.75 ; 3-tlc.
f.VJ.lj 3-tlo. plalh. SI.K" ; waroliottsv , I3.W ) ; toy.
Jl.'J5i whisk. J1.OOOI.U5.
OMVKS-Qnarts , per do$1.00 ; pints , perdoz ,
J2.M ; bulk , pot-gal. , P3e.
SiidAH 1'orlb CJnt loaf , 7 ? c ; cubes , 7J c :
standard powdered , 7c ; XXXX , powdered ,
7 ? oj griinulnlcd , standard , ( > ? { o confection
ers' A , ( ii < 2tl ? o : white , extra 0 , brilliant , 7jio :
extra O , royal , GUc ; central 0 , & o ; golden U ,
5 , ' c ; dark O , 4ic.
COTTON Hoi'K 5J Inch , 18c.
SOAP Castile , mottlud , per Ib. MJlOc ; do
whlto. pcrlb. Ho.
I'iCKijUS Jledlum , per bhl , ! 0.00 : small , $10.00 ;
ghorlclns , $11.00 ; tVJ-Kul. lib ] , JIO.OO.
OlDBit-ror bul , rellm-U , * C.M ; half bbl , $ J.fiO ;
hnixJ cldor , pure , per bbl , JO.tiD ; orange cldor ,
half bbl , Jli0 ; pear elder , half bbl , JO.OO.
IJrv G < IOIH.
FINK lliiow.N COTTONS Atlantic LL , Co ; Au
rora 11 , fi'ic ; Aurora Ktlio ! : Atlas , U N I ! . 715 ;
choosn cloth , 4o ; OllntonVF , 5)iu ) ; 1'opperclllt ,
owe : I.niiKdbn O li. 80. , , , ,
lli.KACiiLi ) COTTOXS Ilorkeloy Cambric > o.
CO , u'io ' : Host Yot. CJSo ; Iliitterclotb XX , 4Hc ;
Ctiliot , 74c ; First call , H5o ! ; Vrnltof tlio Loom ,
Oc ; Illll Somncrldcm , 8c ; lloitspkeoper , 6H :
King I'hllllp camurlc , lOo ; Lancdon U 11 , ' /.o ;
Lonsdnlc , Oc ; I.onsdnlo L-ambrlo , lOHo ; Nuw
York Mills , llo : Oak Inwn < 4. 7c.
WIOANS Not Tblstlo , liJio ; Itcd Ornss , 7c.
CiiAaii-Stovcns' U , 10 lu. fi.Vc ; Stevens' 1) , IS
In , CJc ) : Slovens' A , 10 In , 7Uo ; Slovens'r , 18
in , 8e ; Hlovuns' M , 18 lnki ! ; Slovens' N , 20 In ,
Do ; Slovens' NN. a In. We : Slovens' SIIT , 20 In ,
12o ; bloachcd , lo extra.
1'iMNTS Fancy Kddystone , flWo : Steel
River. Oc : Rarnupn. 45 ! ! St. I/odscr. Dc. !
Atlantic H , 7c ; Atlantic 1) , ( JM : Atlantic 1' ,
Oc ; Aurora O,4to ? ; Buck's heail.ic ; Cabot W ,
61ic : Darlington. Ti c ; rarincrs' No. 1 , 4J ©
4 io ; llooili'r LIfi'io ' ; Inillan bond , c ;
hawronco 1,1,64c ? ; llunrlotta IL,5'4c.
Not-runuoroll-45-ln. 10 o : l'onncrcU,8-4.18o
J'cppcroir , 0-4,20o : rupporull , 10-4 , 2J oj Utlca
4S-ln. 15o : Utlca. 6S-ln. 17Sc ! ; Utlcan ! ! , 240.
Utlca : 81-ln. 2Go : UtlfulK-ln,2S4c. ! lllcachcc
tHc ; 1'eppercll. G-l , 15o ; I'oppurell. 8-4. SOo ,
opnorcll. 0-4 , 2-JKc ; I'lMiporell , 10-1 , 25o ; Utlcu
-M.ilc : Utlua.0-4,2 oi Utlca , 10-4 , ttta.
UIXOIIAMS AmonkeaK , 7o ; Amoskoag dresS
Wo ; Hates. OSio : Warwick dress , Ho ; Lancas
ter , Uiiu ; Glcnalrc , l > ! io ; Whlttcndon dress , 8c.
i Iiirtlgo blue Net Martha Wah
Ington , SHe ; Amorlcrn , ( IJicj Arnold , Gie ) ; Ar
now 11 , long cloth , lOc ; Stffol A. lltfo ; Morrl-
mnc , 7-8 , lOc : liold 1-eaf , Ho ! ; Hamilton , r > ! 4o
Allen 1'lnks , tiic ! ; Allen OhambrayrCc ; Glou
Chester , 5Se ! ; Hartcl , 6Vc. '
C'orxiiiKD CAMiutics Oiown , 454o ; Red Star ,
4Kc : Uollea Clover , 5u ; Slater , 5Jio ; lilgh col
ors , lo extra.
DENIMS Net Amoskcag. 0 oz. ISJSc ; York
camlet , lie ; Evorett. standard , J2 c ; liny-
niali r'sr7Vio ; Old York , XX , lOliot Lawrence ,
220 , 12lc ! | Lawrence , 9 ot , ISKio ; fancy stripe
mid olieclis , .
York , nankin. 104o ! , Evorotl
Soz , 18o ; Lowlston , 10 oz , 2 J.Ju ; Worklugmau
14c ,
FIIESII 1'er Ib Perch , 7oj butTalo , dressed ,
7o : pleUerol , 9c ; pike. Oo : trout. Do ; white , lOo ;
oropplc , llo ; cntllsh , Uc ; cod stuak , Met
flounders , 13c : OrOKon salmon , 15c : bluclc bass ,
] Ba ; lobsters , ISo ; blue flsb. lr > c ,
Halt nml ploklcd Codllsb , extra Georges ,
' now. U oi grand bank , now , 4Wo ; silver , L'-lb
blocks , 5ic } ; snow white. 2-lb bricks , now , 7 o ;
ttirkoy cod , lurgo middle bricks , Oo ; snow
wliltos , crates , 12-5 Ib boxes , 71io ; mcillinn
scaled hcrrlim , JSc ; No. 1 scaled hvrrhig. 20o ;
domestic Holland herring , 40o : Hamburger
spiced herring , COc : Russian sardines , spiced.
Duo ; Russian sardines , plutn. Mo ; Imported
Holland burring. Crown brand , 60o : ilo funoy
milkers , { 1.00 ; mackcrt'l. No. 1 shore , lialt bblb ,
ri2.W ; blontora , half bbls , 613.00 ; whlto
tlbli , half libb , W.75 | trout , half bbls ,
? , - > .W ; family wlilto ilnli , $3,00 ; salmon ,
fA..V ) per half ubl ; 2-lb broiled niuokurel , . ' .00 ;
3-lb in mustard , t2.GO ; 3-lb In tomato sancp ,
tS.W 5-1 b Jilnyo mess mtiokorol , 9W ; 1-lb
brook trout. tl.2ft : 3-lb brook trout , fcy ; 1-lb
saltnon , J1.U5 ; y-lb wiilto flMi , $ i.2S ; 1-lb white
llsli , * l.iri ; ; S-lb lobsters , J3.cO ; 1-lb lobsters ,
fa.ItnJlbovsteis , 12 or , $2.50 : 2-lb oysters , 10
oz.K.Uoi 1-lb nyntors.S oz , $ 1.25 : 2-lb Itaraturla ,
10 oz , tMO ; 1-lb Ilnratarla.n ozll.10 ; Falr-
moiit , 4 nz , Jl.i : > ; I'lilrmnut , B oz , $ -.05 ; 1-lb
clams , llttlo nooks , tl. i ; 2-lb cluins , llttlo
necks , 11.73 ; 3-lb clam c-bowdcr , S2.CO ; 1-lb
crabs , t.V.5 ; 2-lb crabs , K..V ) .
Country I'rotluco.
KuTTEn The rocelpts of butter are not
largo and dealers generally Had ready sale
for all offerings. In ( not tbo market on solid
packed goods is IItin. Hood to choice country
rolls soil all the way from 12o to ISo with an
occasional small and selected lotntSOc. Tbo
Inferior erndos are quoted from friililo. Good
country solid packed KiilHo ; good oroamury ,
21il2Uo ( ; fancy creamery , "IQ&o ,
Knos stocks are light und the innrkot flrm
at ll < o with au oocasloiir.l sulo of selected stock
at 20o.
OAUE The receipts are not heavy and tlie
market firm. 1'rulilo clilckens per tloz , $ 'I.Ot tB
H.231 croiisc , | .7SiOOj : mallard duukn. ( 'LOO ;
teil iluokR. tl. ' . ' il.M ; mixed ducks , I1.7.1 ; jack
snlpo , 7.ie34I.W ; quull. ll.iVidl.W ; Jack rah-
bits 3.SOit4.00i small rabbits. II.2M41.75 ;
door and autolopo carcasses , 84J'Jc ; eaitdlers ,
llMil3o ,
1'oui.THr The markat In clilckeni Is not
very favorable to thu selling Interests. Whllo
the rocolpts lire not large the demand Is light
und stocks drag. A good many chickens are
till telling at $2.00aS' with KM about the
outildo. Geese uro searco and there U Eomo
Uooiaod. Ducks are quoted at KMitSM. Tur-
keys. live. Oo per U)1anil dressed
Dressed chlckon * , 6iw
Fresh Fruits.
OnANOKii-Jnmalen orftligot , MOs , single
Imos. per box. (4.00 ; hot 5 lots , (3.75.
OALTOUNH FiitriTS-Ornpos. TokaVi crulM ,
a ) Ib crate. 11.75 ! grapea , black , crnt'cs , 11.75 ;
ppar. , bor box. fcJ.75 ; imlncea , per box , C..riO ,
( lliAi'.ts Concords , por1 basket , 'J5o | 23 basketS
S- Yellow , K.OO il.a-ii rod. 13.50.
Choice to fancy , (
AITLES 1'ancy wlutor , pplcs , per bbl , 13.50
CiiAsnEnntns Fnner'd.irk Capo Cos , I0.25 |
fancy lioll & Cherry , ti a. .
1'OTATor.j Car load lots uro < tclllnffon track
nt 8541170 with some sales reported us low aa
Wio , I'nlp stool * In snlall * lots commands Wo.
Tlio iletnand Is ( air and Just , about equal the
TDHNiPfl The mnrkot Is dull nt 25c per
btishrl for wblto nnd 40o for rltabagas.
ONIONS Oood stock Is In no great supply
and the market alciuly nt$1.2i per bushel.
Coat ,
On board cars nt Omaha , Anthracite
Chestnut , range and egg , ts.25 per ton ; grate ,
* MH ) . Soft coal Walnut blocrf. * I.OO ; IOVTU
lump , $3,75 ; Iowa nut ,
e , Cement , ICto.
On board cars at Omaha Per bhl Ash
Ornvo lime , OOc ; Champion llmo , Wo : Qulnoy
white , BOe ; Louisville cement. $ l.fiO ; Milwaukee
ccniont , $1.45 ; Utlea cement. tl.Kl ; Knjllsh
I'ortlnna cement , $ . ' 145 : Nnw York plaster.
$ J.25 : MIchlKHti plaster. Jitui ; Fort Dodge plas
ter. fl.TD ) white sand , titX ) ; r. I1 , hair , per halo ,
$ I.CO. _
STEEI , Wine NAILS-HIUO 12 , W ; steel nails ,
base. 12.15. ,
TIN PI.ATK-T. tt , 10\21 , 17.50 ; I. X. , 10-tlJ ,
10.25 ; COko. 4x120 , 112 , $0.75.
fllKET ZINC 0.
ItoofiNU-'Jharcoal. I. 0. , 11x20 , 113 , $0.00 ; I ,
X. , $7.25.
PHKCT Inos No. 20. W.50I No. 27 , $3.00.
HOI.UCII Strictly half and half. 175o. !
AVlliK .lap , barb , $3.25 ; nal. , $ .1.85.
llMJCKTix Small pig , Mo ) par Ib ; bar , 30o
per Hi.
Ooi't'isn Planished boiler sizes , aio per Ib ;
cold rolled. 'Mo per Ib ; tdicotinjr , 2So per Ibi pit
and Hats , Ulcporlb.
CAr.VANlZKH fiiiKBTtnoN Discount 50-10 pnr
cent ; pat. plan. Iron , o . 21 and 27 A , 10io ! ; 11 ,
! Jc. _
macs , Tniiow , i < : tc.
niDF.3PELTS AND TAM.OW Orcon salted
hldos , No. I , CJiSOHo ; No. 2. 4 c ; dry Hint
lildes7iSc ! ; calf hides. OitSc ; damngort hides ,
lSo ! less ; sheep pelts , green , oaoh , a5c4J1.25 ;
bheop pulls , dry , peril ) , litfjllu.
TAU.OW-A So. 1 , 4Uo ; No. ' . ' . .ItMMc ; Rroaso ,
white , aj-i4c : yellow , 2$6Mo ! ; stcarinu , OJio.
Hoses Quotations uro fur delivery In Chi
cago-Dry bulTalo , per ton , $ tG.OoJ419.0U ; dry
country , bletichod , 810.00313.00 ; country , damp
anil meaty , JS.00@10.00.
FuxciNO-Whlto I'lno-No. 1 , 4 and 0 In. 13
and 14 ft , $19.50 ; No. - , 4 nnd 0 In. 12 and 14 ft ,
1 11.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 in , 1G ft , $10.00 ; No , 3 , 4 and
cm , In all lengths. $18.00.
SllHNO A , $22.00 ; II , J20.50 : O , $10.00 ; D , $13.00.
1'i.oouiNO White Pltio-A and II , SJU.OO ; 1) ,
$ . ' 1.00 ; O , S27.00 ; K , $17.50.
STOCK MOAIIDS No. 1 common , 12 and lift ,
$30 ; 1C li .00 ; No. 2 common , 12 and 14 ft ,
4I8.00 ! 1(5 ( ft , 117.00.
CEIUNCJ-NO. 1 white , ? . In. $ .11.30 : No. I hard
riltu > , "i In. $15.50 ; No. 1 hard pine , ? In , $21.00 ;
No. 1 hard nine , K ln$2UW.
STOCK UOAIILS A and R. 13 In , $12.00 ; D , 12
In. $27.00.
t.itooVED KOOHNO No. 1 common white
plnu , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , SlD.OU ; No. 1 common Y
pine. 12 , 14 and 10 ft , 113.00 ,
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
3x4. . $ ! ! > 00 { 15 00 $15 00 $10 00 $10 00 $17 TO $18 00
2\(1. ( . 1500 1500 1500 1000 1600 1800 1900
2\8. 15 00 15 00 15 00 1C 00 10 03 18 00 18 DO
2x10. 15 00 15 00 15 00 1C 00 111 00 18 00 18 SO
2x12. 10 00 10 00 10 00 IV 00 17 00 19 00 10 00
4x4 to
8x8 1C 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 20 00
HoAliDS No. Icom , $1 ! > .W ) ; No. 2 com , $17.00 ;
No. , ' [ com , $15.00 ; No. 4 com , $12.60.
Siili'LAi * No. 1 plain. Sand 10 Inch , $17.00 ;
No. 2 plain , Sand 10 Inch , $15.50 ; No. 3 plain , 8
and 10 Inch , $15.00 ; O. U. . 8 Inch , IGiAlOc.
21J-ln , 75cixjBI8 ; ! : , ; Vica.n ; | well tubing , 1) . &
M. and llev. . $23 00 ; plcUeU , D. & 11. Hat , $22.00 ;
0. & H. sq. , 121.00.
Poi'i-Aii-Oloar , 1-ln. all widths , $33.50 ; clear ,
! 5-ln. all widths , $29.00. ,
Y. 1'lNi : FLOOKINQ Clear , 4 nnd 0 In , $23.50 ;
star , 4 and 0 In. $21.00 ; rlttnawcd , SO.OO oxtra.
FINISIIIKO WIIITJJ PINM : 1st , and 2d clear. 1
In. $ .vjoo ; l.i ! , 115 and 2 in , $5 ; > .00 : 3d clear , 1 iu ,
J45.00 ; m.liiundS In , $46.00 : A soleot , 1 In.
$42.00 ; 15 * . 1 ! and 2 lu , .S12.00 ; 11 soleot , 1 In ,
KI4.00 ; 1H.1W und 2 In , $09.00 ; 0 select , 1 In ,
KINISIIINO YEr.row 1'rNKt-Clcar , 1 In , ' Kfl.OO ;
1U. 1J ! und 2 In , $27.00 ; star , 1 In , $21.00.
BiurnrKS. . IMTII lixtru , XAX. $2.75 ; ntand-
ard.AX$3.W ) ; 0 In. $2.20 ; fi In , $2.W ; No. 1 ,
ll.Su ; Cedar. XAX , 82.76 : lath , $3.25.
POSTS White cedar 8 In , 1J9 , 12Jo ! ; 0 In ,
sqr. , 12c : 0i ! In , Hs , lie ; 8 In , Do ; 4 to 5 In ,
round , Jlliio ; oak , Sillt..Ue ] ; rod cedar. 15o.
Hash , 50 percent : doors , 40 per cent ; blinds ,
40 per cent ; mouldings , 40 per cent ; straw
board , $1.30 ; tar bo.irJ.JH. CO ; tar felt , $2.40.
Au Kconoinla Goor'elnn.
A man in Houston county , Georgia , in
order to save the extravagance- si wife
nnd the expense of hiring a cook , sheila
his corn nnd before currying it to mill
( spreads it on tlio floor before the fire ,
whcro it is parched. Tlio corn is then
ground into mcul nnd when he starts to
work in the morning ho makes up a
mash of meal and places it out in the
sun to dry. As tlio rnoal 'is already
cooked it will bo ready for hla dinner
when ho comes in from work.
yrnp of Figs ,
Produced from the luxntlvo and nutritious
Julco of California lips , combined with the
medicinal virtues of plants known to bo most
bcncllclnl to the human system , acts gently
on the kidneys , liver and bowels , effectually
cleansing the system , dispelling colds anil
headaches , and curing habitual constipation ,
The Origin of Calculate.
When people say ' 'calculate" they use
a word which goes buck to the very in *
fancy of our- race and the very beginning
ot the science of arithmetic. It coinos
from the Latin calculus , n pebble. When
men iirat began to reckon and to com
pare numbers they could think of no
bettor way tlmn to lay pebbles along side
oi ono another on the ground , and hence
the word for counting.
The consciousness of having a remedy at
hand for croup , pneumonia , sore throat , and
eudflen colds , is very consoling to a parent.
With n bottle of Ayer's Cherry- Pectoral in
the house , one feels , In such asos , a sense of
security nothing clso can give.
A Fortune in Cigar Stubs.
Augusto , apickor-up of cigar ends , has
just died in Paris , leaving behind him
the respectable sum of 100,000 francs ,
which , it la narrated , ho amassed from
his occupation.
Tickets at lowest rates and su porlor
accommodations via the grout Rock
Island route Ticket ofllco , 1002 Six
teenth and Farnam streets , Omaha.
Berlin drauk in 1889 09,247,100 quarts
of beer that is about ono hundred'and
fifty quarts to every 'Juan , woman and 1
To Nervous DeliHIUUeil MonJ
If you will send us Vow address wo will
send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt
nnd Appliances on trlal.1 { They will nulckly
restore you to vl or , manhood and health.
Pamphlet free , VOITXIOBKI.T ) Co. , Marshall ,
Tlio Ohamploi/rptato Digger.
A Prosquo Isle , GJL young man dug
on a wager nfty-thrqeujarrolsof potatoes
In ten hours ono day p'is season.
Faults of digestion1 cause disorders of the
liver , and the whole system becomes de-
rank'ed. Dr. J. H Mcbcnn's Sarsnparllla
perfects the process ot digestion und assimi
lation , and thus nmkos pure blood.
Btraivunrrlcs aa Medicine.
Strawberries have the reputation of
ameliorating und even curing gout and
Tlio new offices of the Great Rock
Island route , 1602 Sixteenth and Farnara
streets , Omaha , are the finest In the city.
Call and see thorn. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates.
A Vigorous Vctornn.
Faodorvon Frolmann , a veteran of
the Franco-Russian war of 1812 , died recently -
contly at the ago of ono hundred nnd flf-
I teen years In St. Petorsburg. Ho served
in tlio Russian army Iwonty-flvo years ,
and received a cross of St. George for
his brnvory , At the ago of ninety-nine
lie married a sovcntoon-ycar-old girl l > y
whom ho hnd two children , For the
last fifty years ho had inndoadally prno-
tloo of drinking1 a pint of cognac just before -
fore going to bed.
Pears' soap Is the moat elegant toilet ad
junct ,
< \n IiiRcnIoun Art Swindle.
A curious art imposition has boon dis
covered in Paris. Au ingenious person
Btolo bronze nnd marble busts from the
c'oinotory of MontpariiessoParls , touched
them up and sold them as otllclusotfatn-
cud heroes , statesmen and orators , Ho
did not find it dllllcttlt to pass off the
busts of departed grocers grocers ns
Demosthenes or some cel9bn\ted gen
Jny Gould lias llm Ijyo on Trlnklnd.
There is the best of authority for saying
that Jny doulil is negotiating for the purchase
of a number of thousands of ucrcs of the coal
lands about Trinidad , Col. , la the Interests oC
the Missouri Pacillu roodwhich only reoutros
an extension fro in Lu Junta of M ) mlfos to
reach that iwlnt. The coal frolghtaKO from
Trinidad , which has roncliod already 8,000
tons per day , ana is in its infantcy , is attract
ing the attention of all railway * competing
for business In the liocky mountain country.
ACrnxofor "White Uuildlng * ,
Now York city now has a'crazo for
white buildings , and thov accord admir
ably with the climate. The Fifth Avenue -
nuo , the Albcrninrle , the Hoffman , tlio
St. Jinnos , the Colcmun , the new Im-
porlal are all white , and every ono Is
pleased with the tendency.
Do not take any chance of being poisoned or
burned to death with liquid steve polish ,
paints or enamels in bottles. The "Rising
Suu Stove Polish" Is safe , odorless , brllliunU
the choapcst and beat stoyo polish inado and
the consumer pays for no expensive tin or
glass package with every purchase.
Homo Queer Miulilcan I'eoplo.
Mackinaw Island , Mich. , has some
queer paopto. Enins Polotto Is clghty-
Bix yearn old , was born on the island and
has never been a locomotive or a rail
road err. Rosa Louislgnaw Is nlso
eighty-six years old , and for sixty years
never loft the islaud , breaking her rec
ord Itiat year.
Not excelled by any hlph ; priced liniment.
Salvation Oil , twenty-live cents a bottlo.
P. T. Uarnum thought that ho had got the
nineteenth century boom in .lumbo , but ho
forgot , the great excitement causca by the
sale of Dr. Bull's Couglt Syrup , the peer of
cough remedies.
Prosaic Advertisers.
A now desecration of the landscape
against which English people are pro
testing is the posting of advertisements
upon the Bails of fishing boats. Quo
writes : "Wo have a great tronblo with
a largo board advertisement of pills
stuck up right in the middle of a beauti
ful bay. "
George Campbell , Hopkinsville , Ky. , saysi
Burdock Blood Bitters Is thu best prepara
tion for the blood and stomach over manufac
Floors of K libber.
Floors of rubber , claimed to bo as dur
able as asphalt , and cheaper , are being
tried in Germany.
"One touch of nnturo makes the whole
world Itin. " Diseases common to the race
compel the search for a common remedy. Ills
found in Ayer's Sarsaparilla , the reputation
of which is world-wide , having largely super
seded every other blood mculclno in uso.
Fortunes In Wante.
The amount of raonoy that is obtained
from apparently indifferent and imma
terial businesses is sometimes very largo.
For instance , the value of the vapors
Hoarness , Coughs , Colds , Pneu
monia and Pleurisy ,
Whooping Cough ,
: u.d all Throat Irrll atIOHH are prevented and
cyred by use of tlicso plcnstint Troches ,
Obtain the genuine urtlclo only
Slilcli.must liavo the signature
and rccommcndallou of.
Sir Morrell Mackenzie
With onch TJOX.
Accounts of Banks , Bankers ana Corporations 13-
llcltod ,
Our facilities for COLT.KCTIOX are excellent , and
wo ro-dlscount for banks when balances warrant It.
lloston la a lloscrvo City , and balances with us
from banks ( not located In other Keserre Cities )
count as a reserve.
Wo draw our own cxchnngt on London and the
Continent , and mnVo cutlo trunifors and place money
br tclccrapb througUout tlio United States ana Can
Wo liavo a mnrlcctfor prlmo Orst-clasa Investment
Securities , and Invlto proponnb from Htatos , Coun
ties and O'ltloi when Issuing bonds.
Wo do a Kcncral banking buttucss , and tnvltocor-
roipondcnco ,
I'o'r Improved nnd economic cookery uss
Primary , Secondary or Tertiary permanently ctir J
In 30 to SO doya. Vu ellmlnnto all rioUon from th
ajritcm , 10 that there run never to a return of the dl .
cara In tnjform. . Tartlet can b trtuttj at home , ( for
the Buno l > rlco . n p 4 luid unUcr th
tame guaraiiBB fl | | I I I Cl tee , ( hutwllh
the o v ho pro 'K w IvH II IX fer to con *
; i.r , vlll | J I I li I LI U contract t o
or" " "
cure tli < m "refund U
moncj- aril pajr entire cipfnia of comlnjr. railroad far *
an > l hotel billi. Wtchallrnira th vrorla for acafl
can not cure. Hentlon tlili parr. Acldn ,
COOK ItKUKUV CO , , Omaha , Kelraslia.
001 o * S t. OUIrllotel Cor.Hlhand DodgeS
tlirown nwny In some ol the blp stores Is
Buniclont to pay n peed Jnnny salni'los.
Thonmnnfforsof nlur o ilrypootlB liottso
in Now York n\vol\o to this fact when
they Icnrncd that the mini who hntl the
coiUract forclctxnlng tliolrostnblbhmcnt
vras rnpldly ncqalrlnpr n fortune bsoll -
\\\K \ \ the waste ronlorlnla fovuul on the
floors. IIo Imtl undorlakcn to provide
holn nnd see Hint the pltico wiw cleaned
nightly in return for the wnsto paper nnd
pasteboard boxes. Jt required very llttlo
attention , na the man had n foromnn to
BOO thut the work was done properly. At
the expiration ot this contract it was not
renewed and the house takes tbo profits.
\n Electric Hydrogen Gun.
William T. Ohnmborlnln , of Norwich ,
1ms Invented nnd perfected a Rim which
promises to bo the most durable , simple
and effectual pun over made. It Is called
the electric hydrogen gun. There are
three methods of llrinjj the arm. 13y the
first method , Mr. Clinnboi'laiii ohtlins ,
the pi'ojectllo is sent from the gun by
pressure oquul to 07,000 tituiosphores'by
the second process by four tlmus
that force , and bv the third
method It is transformed into an air gun
with n pressure of from 1GOO to 2,000 ,
pounds. The gun is simple , without
other machinery tlmn thu chamber nnd
bnrr.el. The dcmnnd for new valvnblo
weapons is BO great that some of the
great powers may Und In this arm the
executor they have been anticipating ,
while Mr. Chamberlain may find In it
the fortune the shadow o ( which has
kept his brain active und his hando busy
for ma uy a dny.
Georgia's Wealthiest Negro.
Peter Vlckcrs is the wealthiest negro
in CofToo county , Georgia , He owns uo-
twoon llvo thousand nnd six thousand
ncros of land , and Is a No. 1 farmer. Ills
cotton is magnificent , perhaps the boat
in tbo county , anil his corn crop is in
good proportion. Ho will make 82,000
worth of produce this year.
Killed by Ttcqucet.
A worUman near Brcslau killed his
brother by firing a bullet through his
head , at the brother's repeated nnd
urgent request. Then ho tried to kill
himself , but did not succeed. IIo was
tontcnced to three years' imprisonment.
The request of the brother was clearly
Jitvotillu Vlt'o tti Cincinnati.
In Cincinnati two girls , ono of whom
was hut cloven years old , wore arrested
for drunkenness ; two boys , ono only
eight years of ago , charged with being
incorrigible , were taken 16 the police
station ' 'shackled together with hand-
culls. "
M. L. Blair , ( Merman Fifth ward , Scranton -
ton , 1'a. , stated Nov. 0 , ' 83 : Ho hnd used Dr ,
Thomas' JSclectric Oil forsprnlns , horns , cuts ,
Urutscs and rlif-uiatlsui. Curcd every time.
A Ilf ) Colonization Scliemo.
It is reported that Boston , Galveston
nnd California parties liavo socuren n
grant of 10,500,000 acres of land in
Scnora , Mexico , upon which they pro
pose to place colonies of Europeans ,
1G02. Sixteenth and Farnam streets is
tbe now Rock Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rates.
Is Consumption Contagious ?
The Michigan state board of health ,
believing consumption a communicable
disease , advises that all pupils affected
bo excluded from the public schools.
Helenajptana ,
The clljr or If plena Is oil In tbn beantlfut
Prickly I'car Vuller : li iiibttantlnllr built of ttooa
and brick , with seed fiolclH , cliurches , tchooli nnd
nil roodoru conveniences of life. Tbo eocloty It ex-
ccptlonullr liluliclunn , hiivins more t him tbo avor-
o e number ot educated and In tullleentpeonlo ,
Vi a iilucu < if ro.liloiicn It ! iinuqiuillvd. It
run be reached by luxurious tralnn dally , nlth
through dinlDRcare , on thoOrciUNorthernnniJNor-
thorn 1'ociSo Itillways from Bi. 1'unl and Jtlnniv
npoln , or ( ram Kansas City , flit Unloa 1'aclUO
Itullrouil. Low ratt round ( rip titktts.
Montana baa dozeni or lirimcl viillry * no for-
tllonltli tnaileponltaof aucs ttmt ( urmcra Unit In
them a pnrndtno of productiveness anil ahomo mar-
ko fornllilehl.
Oreuirit of nil mlvnntarevof Montana It Iho
\vnnrierfulcllniute. Tbowurmnlndsof tbe I'll-
clllcOconn nicxtltr the tonipcrntnro to the rtor (
which alTurds the btRheal phvBlcnl comfort. Tlieulr
Is eo full of OZODO und 10 oihlloratlnr In Ha effects
ttmt the continued oilatonce uf dlicaeo la uu Impro
ConaumptlTCs flnt In > > almort cotitfan ! tnrcn-
tlon of bright mnthtnyiav * ana dry atmotphrreremf-
liteitMchtoon drive away their wont ymp-
t mtatiin quick incrtate of appetite and feth ( iidi.
cat 11 an early re/urn oj htaltk.
For full Informationaddress ,
L.Q. PHELPS.Sec'y Citizens Commlllee ,
Helena , Monlwa.
id and Snigioi Wt
Corner Oth aud Hartley Streets , Omaha.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A T. MoLAtlGHLIN , President
Founded by Dr. J. W. MoMeuamy.
National Bank
Capital. . . . . $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 - B7DOO
Otncentad DIroctori Htnr ? VT. Yntei. Vroildentj
t wl > S. Uoed , Tloe-rrostdent ; Jtma < W. mTuje , W.
V. Mone , John g. Ooillni , II. O. Ounhlaa , J. tf.
V Utok , W. II. 8. llugtim , cubUr.
Corner 12th and Furnita Bti.
A General Ilanklnir Builnen TransnotnA.
Ask ( : i the 'CORLISS BRAND
Llnci ! Collar *
Correct Stjlu.
Beit Qutlllf. Perfect Filling.
Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
MSSStUoKc Chilblain , , rro.t UltM , TootUach. , Und.cbi ,
The ippllcatlon of HADWAV'8 IU5ADY , niCMKF. , tolUo . . part _ * alteolsrt . _ . . , will . . Initantlr relloro and
fill r A ( tin ti rTFA Inlnvciallv In itrtmnm nt frn tl > v * -t + -.j T- ' * * w i w < im icon
A Physicians Advice ,
1 suffered for yenri
from general tloltlllty.
Tried other remedies ,
nnd got no roll of.
Sty I'hyslclan prescribed S. S. 3 ,
Ilncrcascd hillcslij
My appetite Improved ;
I gained strongtli ;
Was mndo young again ;
It Is the test medicine 1 know of.
MA.II.VI.KYTUIIIMC.N , Onkland City , Ini
Send for our book on Itloocl and
Bkln Dlscasos.
Switt SPECIFIC Co. , Atlanta , G
For Horses , Csttlo , Sheep , Cogs , Hogs , J
3001'aBC HooldtnTrcntnirntof AnlrunU
onil Uburi Sent Tree.
crncHlFoYcrfl.rouirrMloiu , Iiiflnmnmtlon
A.A.JHulniil i > lfllTllcUUMlItlU IfcriT.
ll.H.-Strnlnn , liiiinrncMi. IthriiiimtUm.
( ' , ( ) . -.lllnli'iiH'fri ISnmil IMHcliurucn.
ll.D.-llold or ( IruluVnrnin ,
i.K."t'ou : lm , HfMitrM , I'nniiiiinnln.
) ' , ! . . .Colfo or Orlpm , llellyacbo.
i. cii
11.11 , Urlnnrjr nuil II i liipy Dlnciuc * .
l.I.-.Krni > llvolHMon c > 4 , Ittunvn. cci c80t Jlluoklluu , I'urnlj-Hll.
Mnglo Bottle ( over 60 lcc ) , - - .00
Btabln Cno. with PixxMnni. MinuAl.
VelertnaryOuroOlUmJ Hcdlcstor. 87.DI >
Jar Veterinary Cure Oil , - - l.UU
Sold by DmBKlit't or Rent Prepaid nnrwhety
and in any Quantity onKecolpt ofFrlct ,
Corner William and John Sit- , Now You.
. _ - , - 1. The only Mecesfful rc
Nervous Debility , Vila ! Weakness ,
nil rroatritlon. Iroiu vTrr-work or otlior ratines.
f 1 rwr vlnl.or fiTliUatidlnruorlnl powder , for (9.
HOLD nr uimoonrH , orwiit po9t | > il < l onroccllit
Oor. William anJ John Sti. , N. Y.
If al otuteliiniir and
it it ioliit/la.
No Chemicals
nitvpti ) In IU rrrnnnllon. II h tart
fAan thru tlnft tht ttrtnfft\ Cjpo
inlinl wllh Stnrdl , Arrowroot or Hujtr ,
and I ) tlimfjri f r more trouonilcil ,
eottlny Inl Mfln on * ttnt a oy . It U
drllcknif , nourishing. atrrpttthrnlnR , tA-
BUT ulnitrtbly diitel |
for Invtltdi well a * ptrioiu In Iic4llu
Sold I ; Grocer * frorjuliorf.
"W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mast
ully arnanted , .
fl 'in TcD6A ?
C. L. Ericson , Local Agt. 200 N. 10th S'
Mnro tlmn U fcnn' experience In tbo trfntiuontot
A euro Kiiarnntouil lu 3lo Qvoduyavrlthuut tliclosi
otuu liour'n limn.
I'ermnnontly curoil without vain or Imtrnmcntsi no
cuttltiRi no illlnlln : . Tlio imjnt romarknblu romudj
knuwti tu modern nclenoc. Wrlto fur clrvulnra.
Dr. MKIrcw'i treatment for thin tcrrlblo blood ills.
cnao ii been pninouiitml tlio mt t i > onerl'ulRMtl
nucconsftil rouioUy ovur discovered fur tlio absotuUi
euro ol this ( llsoimo. Ills eucoens with tlil.i dhrase
lias never been cnimllrO. A compli'tu CL'HH GUAll-
A.NTCKII. rlto rorrlrculurn.
nnd nil irenknciK of tlio toiTinl orunns , nervoiisnon ,
tliiildliy and deapoii.lcucy a > > xulutolr ) cureil. Tlio ra
Hot til Imniodlntu nwl romplrto.
Catarrh , rliiiimintltm , ami nil dUunins of the Wood
llrcr , Miliic ; > olid bladder purnmiii'nllT curixl.
and ncumlcJu. norfoimnosi iinilillROt cit of tlioituiii.
nili ciirud. The Porter's "Homo Treatment" ftti
l illc li | > rononncc < l by nil ! KJ liuvu IIIIMI It , In 4 > *
themoH comp'eto emi ooiiv nl iit rt'ineiljr over of *
loroit lor the trnatiuent of funnilo illKoustm. It If
truly a wonderful rouimlr. No Instrument ) ; uu
I ) iU. IlOIHIS lOllJ.AUItS 1-llflU TO 4 ONI.V.
marvelous IUCOOM liai won for lilm n rci > ut tlon
IT hi eli l > truly nntlonnl In olmrnoUir , nml litn iruM
urniy ot imtlcnts roaclici trom the Atlnntlo l < i tlio
I'nclttc , The Doctor to a Rraitunte of "iiKiit'l.Aii"
ratdlclno nnd has luid lone unit careful uipcrloncu In
lioapltil prnctlco , ami It clixs eil nmiinK llm Iwi'Hnu '
poclnllnta In modern aolenco. Tri'fttniont br oorro *
tpundcnco. Write fur circulars nbout I'acti ut tin
nboroilliunsci , Fiir.ic.
Office , 1 4th and Farnam Stg
Kntranco on oltlier street.
NER1/OU8 / fl
Wonderful SpinUb
Itcraedy , cnrei all
Nervpni Dleeuer
tucb an Weak Hera ,
ory , Leal nr Drain
1'ovror , lleadieb * . It
\Vakefalnena , Ix > il Iti i !
Manhood , Necvou . Ir
HVI * uur-.w , uwa IICBfl , I.AB8Ulde ( , ftll Irt
liulournimuu irurn ] jlc. drains and Ion ol t
power of tlia Generative Orenn * , in either aer ,
caused by ovrr-extrtlon , youtuful lnrllteretoi ( > ioi
Iho eiccBHlre uaeof toucciopliimur itlmnliats ,
nlilch ultimately lead tu Iiiflrmltr , ConiiirnptloD
and Iniaiillr , Intuj > In convcn' '
In thu vest pocket. I'rlccglapa .orO ftjr 8 o
Sent tr mall to mrmldrcBif. Cl lrenUr ( tee. Men y
tlon Ibl * puner. ' a
Rllbn & Co , Cor , IHU 6 Douilu MrreU.
J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor , lltli A Douilu EtrecU
A. v. renter & Co. . Council iJlofl * . fawfc I