Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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A Ditcaitlctl Maiden 'Wroalts Vengeance on
n Lymphatic Lover ,
A. Wagon nml Oliver Struok by a.
1'ljliiK 'Iraln nt Clinipoll | Yes-
In N
Fin MOST , Xeb , Xov 4 ( Special Tile-
Kiimi to Tin HI.I | A suinutionid shooting
HfTalrodUrud ntiis.'ttlthis i veiling In Davis'
drill , ' HI 01 11 , when William 1'attcrson was shot
byiiyoiniK woman named I'loru Leech. Two
shots \vcio mvJ , one oftthrm tnklujji-fTcrt In
I'littcrson'H light side , though not seiioinly
Inlin liiiint ( ) I'rtttersoi.'s slor ) Is that Miss
Kccib mid himself hnvo bicn ItcejiliiK enm-
{ 1.111 } fut thito 01 four ynrs , hut that 10-
I'ciitly ho hiul told her Unit their ichitlnna
limit ci iso. The gill had been writing let
ters linpoitiinlnt ; him to restore bet
In his formerood ( Krafts Miss
IvtLh llvot at Heniilnf'lon Slie rame to
Kninunt yisti'rd.iv and this afternoon reds-
tried nt the I'no .lust before tbo sbootliif ?
Iho } left tin ) hol < I to1 , ' thcr nnd came into the
drilK stoic1 totffthtr Soonartci entering the
slOK-tho tfltl ( Irc-vv the iwolvor and shot
I'aliiMvm In the bick Miss J ccch nays
tin } ) md iii.n | u led nhoutcxi hiiimln photo
graphs \\oiildimtciiturioniphiliit
nnd no aritsl lius been miide .
A Kniblibiir at 1'cru.
I'l in , Nib , ov. I fSpucial Tdetrruni to
Tin In ! 1-l'hli has been un exciting day
bore. This iiftimooii nt nbout live o'clock a
decidedly blood ) and s * rions fn c-for-all light
look jilace. The low stinted o\cr politics
and mi old family feud between
two families named Adams and Dillon Char
It } An mis wax stabbed bv a limn himcdC.iu-
ihon MOII * th in ndorcn vvcio eti niicd in
the Unlit , and blood llovvcd fieolj All the
pi ttiilpants wcie anested
Stiiiek ! ) > a Kl > h K Ti nlii.
H , Is'cli N'ov 4. [ Special Teh1
lo Tin DM J As llonrv Olcson wns
uossliif ; the tr.ick at this plaeo tbh morning
Ids \\IIKOII w ns stunk hv the eistliomid llyer
and completely demolished Mr Olcicn w
thrown iipiinst thu sl nixnt and puihnps
fntaJlj liijuiud Hinpty vvntei bauels In Mr
Olcsen's wiigon wire thierhn twcnt ) feet
TtlK HM'VKlt ItlXU ,
Hi'iinliiKN IJut CM.
1\\ \\isfH , U U. , N'ov. 4 Sinn miry of to <
( l.iy'siue'cs :
rive nml onelmtf fuilonpbnellovnovvon ,
Vli'nlo seconel , Helen Hose tliiid. Time
Sovcn fiiiloiiff ; I'rleolesi won , Illant\ro
Rivoml , Tapulinnnok tlilul Tiinu1 . : il
Six . John second ,
Dovei tblnl 'liino-1 : Ili'4. '
Mlle mil oiio-slxtcentli roxmeilo won ,
I'l.ithci * soe-onel , ( Milen Keel tlilul Tiim
-i .at
Nine fuilomti ( Ivpiy Queen won , Cortl
( cllist'coml , rmiilo 11 thUM Time 1 57
Sal lofNoted
TCii/Mii rii.N .TNov t. Tbo most hn-
portant silo of tboitiinjlibieda that has been
held in litu v ears the ono conducted by
Colonel ] ) rue.ein the Paddock hero tmliiy.
All the lioiscsioni'iriHlng the raclni ; stable
nt Dwycr lit others vvero Hold ; initialing such
Htnr porfoi mers as Hanover , Kingston and
Ins'icctoi B , besides a mimboi of others.
The most Impoitant sales \vcro : Sir John , to
.1 j ; MLUonuld , JS.tXH ) , Aunmia , C. Cornell-
hon.f-.TlK ) , Houston , J U. McUoiinbl.W.-liXI ,
Kxtia Diy , 1G. . O'liolll } , $ JtK , ( ) , Kings-
bridge , K G. O'Kellly , $ .IOUO. Longford , J.
U. McDonald , f..MM ) ; DuliUvIn , I1. . C.
O'lliilly.fJ.dlK ) ; llunovor , by Hindoo Bour
bon Bcllo. by llonnlc Sintlnud , B. 0.
O'llrlllsHS , MM ) ; Inspector II , by Enquher-
Colossu's , by ColossiiH-Ucllo Mc-ido , HO.IXX ) ,
Kingston , bv Spiiidthrlft-lCip.igi , by VIc-
toihit. l > lillipDwer , $10,000 : Miridmi , .1. II.
Ncbrnskn. and Io\vn t'aleiitH.
"WAsnisoTcls. N'ov. 4. [ Speehl Tclogrinn
to Tin : HI.I : . ] Patents wore issued todn } as
follows Hlchnrd C. Andoison , Pawnco
Cit } , Neb. , looking utensil ; William 0. llos-
tei , David City , Nebw , ishlns machine ;
Conrad lHlrltk , Oniaha , NoK , vehicle
polotlp , Fay O. r.irvvell , Dubuque la. , as-
siKiior to ( J. 0. HeatSt. . Joseph , Mo , tiam-
IUOI.K orcbah supporter ; \Vlllliuu II Haley ,
K10d , la. , hay loniler ; James A Hint-on ,
Pis Molnes , In. , fi lotion bnlTei foi railway
cms anil ttilll coupling , John Kellogg , Coun
cil ItlnlTs , In , clothes line r.ppiiatns ; John
M Lonnnon , Dos Monies , In , Hour dresser ;
J-llildgo ) T. Likes , DCS Molnes , li. , truck
t-Ienncr , Andiovv O. Samiiolson , bhter , as-
.slgiior of one half to J. II. Liu-son , U. P. Vll-
hnd , 0 O Lignohl , C. Soderland. O M.
.lolmson , 12 Petcixon nnd A. 1C. lirsland ,
Stoieycountv , Iowa , end gate for wagons ;
( . 'Inn l'c'4 A. Sclj , Suinnir , la , expansion
drill ; Herman C btollo , Davenport , In. ,
pocket maun Hiifo.
Kooplni ; Oat American Cnttlr.
LOMIOV , Nov. I. At n meeting of the ecu
trul ehninbei of iigrieulturo today a resolu
tion was adopted that the regulations regarding -
ing tbo Importation of cattle should no main
tained ; also thnt n peiioil of the six months
ought to cinpso after n country rulcihued
from disease before Its cattle arc accepted
The resolution was bisedupon thoioportof
the committee interpreting the American
meat Inspection uct ns a menace to Ureut
Ihltaln , and adilinir that It was imiiosilblo to
Jgnoio tbo fact Unit persistent and reckless
I'ffortsaro still buhiR inndo to secure tlio freq
Admission of American cattle. Uho report
further sajs that the fresh outbroik ol
pleura pneumonia in Now Jersey recently is
UKullklent hulkatiem of the risk.
The C7iiro\\lteh m Annlua.
VILVNov. . 1. ( Siwclal Cableffi-ain to
TIIK Hi K.I The czarowitrh , who U about to
make u tour of the cast nnd who will embiuk
at the Austrian poitof Tiieste , will anlvoat
the frontier of. Austria between y and .1
o'clock this afternoon. By special request
no nnlcinl rouption will bo tenelored him
Upon Ids arrival ntllie Korthein lallvv.i ) sta
tion In this clt } bo will bo met hy the Aus
trian I'iniKTor and n number of archdukes
A con it ( li'iiu'i will bo giM'ii In his honor ntll
o'clock anil at 10 o'clock ho will resume liH
Journey to Tile-sto. .loiirnals hero hull the
visitor the czaiwvltoh as a welcome sign ol
friendly relations between Austria nnd Kus
Ma and of the love and prnuavvhuh prevails
ivoijvvhin ) .
lloono Notes ,
Boosi' , la. , Nov. Spwial TelPRrrnni
to Tin : Ib.E.j-Clmiles Hall , proprietor ol
the llu tier house , nnd a pioinlnont and
wealthy citizen , died this nfteriiosn , iiRcd
fortj-llvo. IIo had been u nsldent of Uoonc
for II f icon j ears. Mr. Hull was a Mason ol
hlKb derive , being a- Knight Teiuplor nnd
member of thc'Mjbtle Shrine.
The Doon packfug house , J , M. Douil ic Co ,
propilotor * ' , wilt start toinoriow with o
capacity of SeXI hogs per day. 'I his enter' '
iirlsovvns secured bv the subieilptlons ol
Hoono's business men after shuip competl
tionby several other Iowa dtios.
\Vlll linoNliiiate tlio Clmruc.
Js'iw YOHK , N'ov , J. [ Special Te.egi.nntc
Tnr HKE.JInspector Hj rues today came oul
with a strong letter lu regard to liov. lr )
Hownrd Croihv'a rcocnt accusation tlmt f
ccitain police captain had iccilved frol H
lastjciirln blackinull fitiro Hiiloonkocpor n
Ids nreclncu , The Inspector admits tlie
Kfiivlty of the uausatloii nnd promises i
rlld tuvciiUgution.
Tlio Kreiich Cublnel.
VimXov , 4 iSiocliil | Cablegram U
Tin Hi i.J At tlio incetlnh'of the euliluet to
day President Carnet signed the bill pravld
tlnj , ' for the supplj of foititldl plneos through
'put Franco 1th Iprcyislous. hi giuutllle :
nunitlcht to imi-t Iho ic'tiilromcnts | of the
civil | K > pulatiuii for two month * .
OvvliiKto the H'jcctlon by the budget com-
mltteo of Hie povtiniiicnt'1) proios | l to ud-
vuncou loan of MOW , < KJi ) frnncs to the Ton-
iUln | protectorate for thopuriosc of extend
ing publicAvorks und bullcl.nir i-iillvvny ,
Ktieimo. iitider scoictarv for the colonies , imd
the budget lOinmlltoo will pupaio n new
.1 in iMTjsitit t'mt itr.xr.
Thi'Mdovv of HIP Im t s .lust Ire
Jill In * Loses Her Homo.
\Vf iHMiTON , Nov ; l-lbpeciil Ti-loKiam
to TIIF IbK I Mrs. Miller , tlio widow of
Justice Miller , und her KratuldaiiKher , Mips
Corkhill , in en aiii buck in their i-esldencoon
lliRhhindtorriec , hut uiifoiluiiutrly they cnn
remain there for only u few il.iyt 'I'ho boiiso
is iiilvcitlscd for tent nnd tbo horses anil
eaiiliiffes will bo solel on Mondaj next. In
mlelltion to Mrs. " .Miller's incut grirf nttho
loss of licr binbund , she lini another U'vliiR
oiilcil In Khlng no her ioii > foitulil < ' bonic
for n board ! n.t house It nppcars .lueiiro Miller , nltlioiiL'b ho onlojcd
n IncriitlK * pi ictli'o forniunv jdrs and has
d raw n a salnry of $ * , W ) u j out for the last
quaitovof uiontury , left pnietiuilly nothliir (
extent hU homo-steiui not even n life Innnca
nncit unit .Mrs Mllloi's inioincwill iiolonitci-
permit her tooceiipv the uons < without IXIIIR
c.xtravapmit 'Ihu houn * life of the Miller
fninlly HIIS liospitablo to a ( treat dejtieo and
tbojiistici ) nlvvnv ! ) MiKiiit his suliii ) every
Wht-Mi uskeil this afternoon concerning tit r
plans for the futmo , Mrs.\IIllti bunt Into
tears and suid "I hnvo no intoino
und 1 mint lent mv house nnd
furniture to ( , 'et soiiiethlnt ? to
llven-pon 'lids house nnd furnlturo h on-
tiii-ly mv own , nml it Is sill J Inive M'hilo
.ItiilcjoMillirliNeil liolnul his salnr.v. but ttio
moinont ho died that HUT ! > topi > cil Ilmve al-
VMIJS lieon considcu-ilii ridi v.-oiiuin , bntnovv
1 must sell mv horses and i.iriliKCi 1 huvo
never het'ii without the nseof mv own nu--
rlujte . My father owned 111 * , own horse-innd
I huvoalvvnvs been iicenstntncil to lido behind -
hind inV own team. Now my team must bo
sold Ittsvor > well known , " continued.Mra
Mlllur , "that .ludio Miller devoted tvvnty-
oltrlit v eait of his lifo to the unl'tous
duties of the snpieino lieiuh , also Unit
\vliilo holdlnj , ' tliat eminent poiltiot )
lie wns deUJn eel ftom ciiriiini , ' and niakiii- (
nuv inotiov other tliun the snlaiy the govern-
inent piUfliltn. He ilclmrieel fminspec-
nlatiii'ln ( real cstutu , from buvhiR htoiks 01
( 'lvingle'H'ilndvlco to private clients ,1 ml fro
Mlll-i h.itlinanv obligations outside of his
iinineilUto household , unil Ms prlv.ito means
vvtio ncedcil and nse'd long into It is very
lind to i lvenpjnv hoinoiit this time , but I
mil obliged to dolt. "
'Ibc I roncl. 'I'li-JlTlllll.
Puns Nov I.-Special ( Cablegram to
Tin : Hn : I Tlio cabinet has charged fll.
Hoche , 1'ilnlstei of eoinniorce , and M De-
vellc , minister of agriculture , to lequcst the
eoinniltteo of the ebunihei of deputies hiving
In chirpu the consideration of the now tariff
bill , to expedite-Its hbor so that the ehambii
wu > debate the nie.-nuro by the end of Juiiu
ary. It ispioinNod to begin the nmingeniont
ol the now tariff in Xovembei of Ib'JJ. '
rivlllniis nn'l SolitiCIH
Bi in iv , Nov t A detichmaiitof soldieis
who went cn igeel In guardlut ; at a lallvva }
station n bed } ofcciults , Inteifeied with
the relatives of the icrrulls who hail come to
MO them farewell Several soldiois vvero
stfiick bv civilians , vhereupon the } drew
thcii side arms and attacked their nssiilunts rivilluiis wcie badly W'ouiidod.
1li < * Tlpiierui ) Tilul Ailjoiirnetl.
Tiii'in iii , Xo4.Special [ CublcRi-am
to Tin J3l r. . 1 The case of the crop-n In tbo
lonsplruc } trial was concluded vestordiy and
the tilal was iidjouine'd fcjr a week to enable
the defense topiepiie their rase.
I'mjieroiVllliiiiii IIiintH Hours.
Bim.iN , XoI I [ Spcchl Cablegiani to
Tin- Hid ] Kinpeior William , for the llrst
time since his coining to thu tin one. engaged
In the minimi bear hunt at Oriincwald on St.
Hubut's day.
A Smallpox Jloax.
IJL\V "YoitK , N'ov , 4. 'Iho report that tbcio
was smallpox on thostcimoi Hulgr.ivnwhich
arrived ut qiniantino jcstculay Is untiue.
Gcttini : a Murder i * '
I w lib in government employ at Fort
Smith when a lulf-bierdiuunod lliekett
was condemned for imirdei mid sen-
tented to be handed , iijs tlio Now Voile
Sun. About two vveoks bofoio the date
of the hanging a paity of St. Louis pco
plointno tint way. Among thorn was a
lone female about lift } yearn of age , \vlio
vvsvjgri.itl.v coiuorned nbout the balvu-
tion of the Indian raeo When she
leaincd that Iliclvclt WMJ to * wing she
sent him a testament and bomo tracts ,
and a day later tame to him and "aid :
"It lias nil nek me that 1 would like
the poor man's autograph.rottld jon
bo kind enough to hand him this , album
and ask him to write his niimoV"
I , of I'ouiM ) , agreed to do bo. It vvaa
\ciy line album , costing not los- than $1(1 (
or $12. undoveiy page VVIIB still blank. 1
passed it into lliclcett and told him \vhnt
was wanted. IIo ealled for inoin about
two hour ? , and lumdeil the album , neatly
wuippcd up. I sent it oviji to the hotel
and liftcen minutes later tlie lone vvomtui
binught il bade with o.yes rolling In
hoiror. liiulcett lind written on evorv
piiffe and ho had wiitten , " ( Join , ? to hull
Inly - $ , 18il" . YOUH tiulyand nmvvt
mcot together tlieic. Jim Iliekott.1'
In tlie I CK .
It isronorn.lly { s up.po-.ed that lnto\lea
tlnp tliiiiK tfoti , into the hcud suys tin
London I3illy Tolo'iivnli. | , This Is a , mis
tnkc ; It is to the low Unit the funion o
liquor fly. Such it tlio iihyolologie'a
ditoovory that hiih boon innilo by Ilonrj
JJull , iloseilbod us "a bihl hcatluci t-ii- :
pentor. " who , bulni ; bieu httiput AIiu-1
uorouph htreot polko court locently , explained -
plained tlmt lie had eoi tn Inly taken toe
mueh "Old 13as > * , "biit instiiul of c
into his body it hnd got into his leg-h.
Tlio inagNtrato recognl/od the viiltio o
thisdl'-eoverj by impo--in.j "asinall line. '
Mr. Hull's theory wns , oddly enough
continued in thu i-muo until on the saint
day , for Annie Lavey , "a jpood-lookin {
jount , ' woman , " liavinjr been likuwin
1011111 ! in n doubt fill i-ontlition , laid tin
nlaniconhoringH. Tliu fart is , she had
been In the hospital for a bail Knee , tint
they hail glvon hoisiuh a powerfu
lotion thnt the eould not uio it vvltluni
talviiit , ' ikilrojiof stiong drink of course
inteinall } . As the enso appuated to require
quire inedle-al Investigation she vvai wen
hae-Ic to the hospital. CVitiilnly one o
the question * ? of the day would seem ti
bo , li\ \ "hall wodoVlth our legbV"
A Dltimond Knrring in Her Shoo.
Ono of tlio most singular hnp ] > enlngi
occurred in. thlMiltyon Mondiivuven
Ing last , siivH Hit ) Lexington ( Ky. ) I'rohi
A lady of Kui Mnln Btroct , while walk
Ing home , dUturhed by an article li
her shoe , which she thought at Ilrst ti
bo acimior vvlilli had gotten in whih
walking nloiifj. she vent limping homo
anil on lemovlng her bhoo found u tliu
mend enirin ' . Her diess nUirt had up
parcntly caught it up In homo nmnnci
iintl dropped it into her shoe. The hid ;
Is at a losto Uiiinv vvlio lost thu viilua
hie , and can nut lellwhoio _ she found It
A Ilerole Svltbiunii. .
A ronnirknhle nihO of faithfulness ii
dntj oc-currcd in Hamburg1. A bwitoh
limn who was about to ilttonelto th
swilohesforan nji'pronehlng train , feav
his llttlu duiiL'hter , riiiitiliiL' to him wit !
l.erc'lothcn on lire. Ho did not leave hi
post , but not hi switch fli-ht and Wioi
ran to her ui-ii.stniue , The child illci
of her wouuds , but the tiuiu
The Omaha Club Tenders Edward Roic-
wnter nn Impromptu Reception.
'IicDcU'iulfrs ' ol' Nrbi'flslea ljuli jl/ctl
lot- tlirViirk Donn In ! > ( -
f'ill Inir tinI'rohllillni - }
A inciiilineiil.
It vvtu a little after 11 o'clockwhen the
cturns from o\cr tlio state fuvorablo to
iKlillcinso ana tlio ol prohibition
, * eie rolling In , that a conmiltlco fiom the
Onnlin ihib liivinlwl Jlr. Itosanatoi smc-
.11111 , anil dirilcil him olT „ to the
ilub , vvhuro. n loceptlon had boon
uistlly aiiutigcil In his lionor.
Ills ontiniuo into thodinltn ? room of tlio
'lubupou ' Mr 11 } II.Mcday's urtn , WHS the
Kim ) for u round of tiiipluuie , Unit expressed
inoiu than the words wlucli followed , the
profound upprcuintion the members of the
members of the senlo r soclnl oiRiuilmtlon of
ho tity felt for their piest
After Mr. Mediy suuccdid inconiiimniHiig
iitUnlioii he said " 1 need notlntioduccMr
iosovvnter to you j hols too well known to nil
> f } ou for tint. "
Mr Itosevliter In responding to thosciotul
nlliuslistic welcome of tlio cvcnltifr , slid
Ilils is u hilarious .touting , vvhero ono is
n hill gul to cxnicss himself as he
, vMie s , even ( or iirohlbitloii. I think
: iowvohno fought n brave light , unil nro
out of the ivootls , hii\IiiK snowed prohibition
under by 3iOUO votes I liopo when v ecan
toll with ccitiiinty tint -v .e have counted out
prohibition , 'without the help of Douglas
county , that wo will unio u meeting of n
noio public character , \vheio \ these
\\lio nre now present hcio may meet
otliors mul tclobratc nltli them the victory. "
Itvns inllv aminuto Iwforo the ( . lapping
of hands mul tholovvlj expressed "vvevvill"
died uvuiy. Then Ah. Mcilm cilled upon
Air Olliiitto extend to Mr. Iloscvvuter the
fu-edom of the ilub iconis unit wikoinohiin
to this meeting of his frieiiels.
Mr OITiitt pnf.ii.ed hia reinaiksby statini ;
that ho VILS from ICuiiturky nnd when
leaving tlio bc-uitiful blue ( trass country
lioro with him to Nubiuslru ( i lett i
from the "stilt ej cd noddeSs of loform , "
Ik'iirvVnttcrson , to All Kosevvnlcr And ,
siiel Jlr. Oltutt"AIr Wnttoi-Miii tolil mo Unit
the klni ; of nil othu men in cn-nestness and
will in unj iuuso which ho undertakes Is 12d
\\ard Kosewiitcr. Awl I ha\o found It bo
Ills lee for Nebraska , for Om iha , has
been denionstr.itod in this grout c.Un
pilKn Ills devotion to principle htis been
this t lliiiRstnrof ( his busy life , unil I know
of no man In tlio grot stnte of Ncbmski who
so merits our appiiLintlon , our love us Ed-
\\aiilltoscnatcr And I in a Ho bold to snv
that this sentimentnotonl ) [ iivviiils in tlio
Omaha club , but in the heart of this ( jreit
munlclp.illty And 1wish tlmt some public
mi'otiiiR cm bontiniigcdlii honor of tlio com-
in.nuli.r-iu chief of the font's opposed to
prohibition and hisiihle llcutcn.mts for thu
put they have so noblj takeu in this cam-
Then some called for Mr. Kosenutei atat-
Inp tint they tould listen nil nlht | to his
storj of the campaign und the yloilous vlc-
"I feel , my frlemlV' replied the cdltorof
1'iiu lin : , "that iv gieat loiel
has beui lifted olt my sliouhleis.
We hnvo iciched tlio staico vvlieio
we inn laj aside the burdens and responsi
bilities and feel that our duty has boon done.
Ilubtho creditot this vhtorj is pently duo
to tlio aid and assistance which was rccei\cd
from the business men of tlio city. It 1ms
been snid Unit in councils of vviu- there should
be nollKhtliif , ' In this case If there was any
HKhtliiK It wnsdonoby myself.
" .Now thnt the question Is settled , I hope for
all time , we inn tiutlifnlij say tint IS'JO '
will bo u meniorublo yew for us as a city and
state. Theiols nothing to prevc-nt ourgo-
liiKforvunl shoulder to shoulder to buildup
tjns inpldly growing metropolis and No-
' This caminlgnhas been memorable in one
tliiiiK at least , it has brought our people to
KottiiTvlth null-responding better apprecia
tion of the work that Is jet to bo
done , and this getting together will
help to woik out the destiny
of the r > itj n"d state. With the defeat of
piohlbltloii Omaha Is bounil to have a half
million people Inside of twenty jears. [ Ai > -
iilause ; iideilcs "tlliat'sr.BlitTliat'sri''bt" ! ' |
What lluivodonoto helpdcfeutthisquestion
has boon done for Omuha and thu bo.vs. "
.Anil the uppluuso which followed this icf-
cienio to ono of the shibboleths of the prohi
bitionists mighteaillj liavobeenhcaida docn
blot Its nuiiy.
Ail CliirtiisCoe , tliotre.unrci of the husi- men's nnd mutters' association said tlmt
lie nevei inndo n speech but would take the
oppoitunity to refute what h-id bion said
about the monov Mr llosowaterhudrecehed
from the assodatloii foi his work. "To my
peisonulknonledgc/'lsaitl Mr. Uoe , "I know
Hint Mr HojLivuter been pud hut$100
for his expenses in this campaign. The
woik hohasdono has been done forOnnha ,
for Ncbt.isk.i. I know that his cours > u
tins lost to Ills paper many subscribers , but
this did not In tbu least ilutcr him fioin doliiK
what ho thought to boiiRlit , to bo Just , be-
tvui'ii man nnd man. No honor you can put
upon him will bo lost , for ho deserves all the
icnor , all the credit for tlio victory. "
Mr. Aiiniiisaid thnt it uus u plcasuio to
: iim to rise nnd ndd to the eulogiu of
I2duaxd Koseiwitei , Veins ugo ho
win nn cmi > lo\o of Tiih Htu. lie felt
then as ho did now , tint the pcrsistcnco , the
energetic , devoted lojaltv to Oniiha , then
exhibited none the less than no\v , the splen
did viilllty of the manhood , the honesty nnd
intcgrlt ) of Kit\\ard Itosowater. TUB BEH is
now loiopnUcd as ono of the leiidlag papers
of this country , and this Impromptu recep
tion of our guest of this uenlng Is only an
o\idenccof whutwo propose to do in the
luliiro for the consistent nnd hcnost champion
. of Omaha.
Other speeches of nn eulogistic nature wore
ni ide by Alessrs ( J. S. .Montgomerv , J. P.
Johnson , Dudley Smith , und then the
chairman appointed acominiltcoto nrrango for
u 11 ccptlon In the neai futuio In honor of Mr ,
and Ids ablu llcutcnunts. lion
.lohn I < AVebstir and ilr. H. P. Hot-gen ,
after which the him died members of the club
pi ( .sent raised their voices In n psalm of '
prilsofor the jjucst of the evening and then
ndjomned to the club imilors to listen to Htm [
moie chccilng news of Nebruika's Held da } ,
Uiirai tiling a Moiiimiont.
An into cstli ) < ; lninaii { iiioiiuinuiit , sa 8
our Vienna uoiruipomlunt , Is being un-
carthc'il Ijy order of tlio KomnnniiuigcM-
criununt , MI.VB the London Dally Nuws.
I'lof.TocllcfCUWulehouover tlio O.
tliins. The mill Is called Adam
lij thopooplo of the noltfhborhood , vhlch
isHltuateil about two hour : ) ' jouincj from
ItossiiMi and Ilftein lioui-h from tliu hea.
I'lold .Nriusluil.MoHko llr-stilosc'iibed thu
moil iiino nl in hit * letters doin Tnikuj.
Sumo ol tlio bountifully lie n htoned
liavohecn ciuiicdolT by the voiihsints ol
thobOpnitH nnd used as tombatonos In
tlio cuuiuliMitdh. Tliu mill contained
nuinoioiH intoi-DStinj : und well sunlit
torod rollofsliiih luivo IHJOII nlnccd In
Jim mu.-cHini ut Bucharest. It li bo-
Ilovcil that tlio iiionuiiiL'iit wiiHoroctoilln
lionor of i ( front victory woi by the
Honinns ovur thu barhixilniij uoitli ol
tlin Diciulbo. There ib onu Insuilptloi
uhich points to Trujnn , but thoio nu :
niiinj pioofrt thnt the inunuinuiit date :
doiiiii Inter poriod.
i'or the Poor.
A scheme Is on foot for the erection n
Drohuich of n now brino-butliH liospltii
for the poor , affording- Increased am
much needed ncconimodution , The en
tire coat of the building will IK ) bornob ;
u huly ulioso nnnio IM nt drosont with
T o llotrs I rein Siberia ,
The Jitrdln Dos PliiutHbii\s , our Pail
concHpondent , lias lately ncidccl to it
show of wild boasts two magnificent t-po
clixious vf tile whl'.o Siboiiivu boar , tiiy
tin Loinlon Dallj
I'olMVl te.ii | orilrIMy'ltij. ' . ' ! * In u t'.ixi
iHimlly ti'iiantc'd b a rtoh. A nowhini1
ficlnjfduj. ' . wlilill'i ' lho\ will lw
roinoxed \ \ * teen , ta It N read.\
The i-ollcetlon iff wild
now consists t > { < nine Tic-ars ,
thrco IIJCIIIH , ( in oielut.u bliifUptinllioi ,
two sliiliiii HOIK. Inn r lojal tlserii ,
and HVH pniithory , Ic-iMi's u score or MJ
of binnllor niilnmk' ' Thu iliiitllu dos
I'lnutosbonsts of tliollwi ccdnnbroujilit
to I'.uropo. Tt NrMi , \ \ \ botanical pocl-
tncns , Ims ninii'-eum of huttnal hi-tor.N ,
nunly lobuilt nnd endonudby ihe fctute ,
nnd Is , with tin ) Louvre' , one of tlio ino-t
liitcro-.llnj , ' Uyhts of l'nrl < . Ulbqulto
free to the publli1 ItnlTon was nt ono
t i ino the illieotor of it , anil wMiiM. ) .
I'liovrctil qnito rcc-outlj The hitter
died in a little hoiiio adjoining tlio niu-
seuin of iintodiluviaii skeletons.
I 'I KIV'AMJl ) ltAlj.\IClj.\V.\ ,
The Cliarj-o ofthp Ninety.riiltll llli li-
liindori at New Orleans.
Amot loan valor isnnnuiill ) remembered
nnd bonoicd nt Uluil motto. It is near
tlio Hceno of ho btttloot Now Oili'iui * * ,
where Aiiioi'ienn htrntiitfeMii anil cMiurajjo
won n decisive vii'tory over IliUMi
biavoty nml dish , und in the object of
many n plIjfi'imiijLfi1 throughout tbo.vani * ,
\\iltomeonoipontk'nt nf the Now \.a\k \
Time * * . Tow of tlio visitors , however ,
site uvvnro tlmt the c'oinetei'y stands
upon the o * iut spot vvhoto u loyiinent
of I.nfflNh Holdler-j made n clmi-go tlmt
rivals Halnklavn foi Intrepidity
anil timing. The siicce * < reirs ami
deicomlants of the < rnUnnt Scots tvho
nmdolhuclmik'e forthev vvele Albion s
nion now propose to eieel a monument
to those who fell on that occasion , nnil
the Intel-cuing o\ent will probably tnko
plneo January 8 , 1S)1. ! )
The venerable historian , Judge Alex
ander Wnlker , formoily editor of the
Iv'ovv Orients Ilei.ild , in his ninnitlvo
"JncKson and New Oilcans1 writes i"
leforetie-o to the ei'lebrated ehmso < > f
the Jsinetj-tlilid. "Koaiii' , judtfiiij- very
i.ishlj Unit the nionitnt lind uirlvod fo"r
lilni to act , now wheeled his
line Into column , ( it hnd been ,
: is vvoluivo seen , Intended as it ie&oivo
tothiealcn , without ulvnnelmr upon tlio
.Amciican lines , ) and , with the Ninoty-
tliirelln fiont , pushed fonviiid to net hit *
l > ulin tlio bloodv tragedy. Thegiillnnt
iinrt stalwart Hlghlandois , 1)00 ) btroiif ? ,
btiode ncioss thoenMii ulned Held with
thoii he.ivy , noli1 ! , missive fiont of 100
men , nndtheli * biitrht imisKcts irlittor-
in the * sun.vliiennow .
ltifr 1110111 ing sun ,
to scatter it few injs ovoi- the Mold of
btrifo. Onward pushed tlio Tin-tun n
wni-ior ! , rcpirdlesa of the cone'onU-ntcd
lire of tlio bntteilo-3 , vvhic'li now ] ) ouied
their iron into tlioitiiuiKs. . At n moro
rapid ju.'o than tlio other column the
Nlnetj-thirdrus.ied. forwird inlotho very
nuii'lsU-oin o ( CuiroH'-j nitisUotivvhloh
hvvopt tlio tiold us if with n litie / icytlio.
The g-allnnt IDile , colonel of the ic'fji-
ment , fnllllled his propluvy , and fell at
the head of his rcfjimuiit. Aluorl'rea h
tliun took tlio conini incl. Incited by the
example of the Xinctythiul , the leni-
mint of Gilihtj' brigade n alu i.iine up ,
with Ptitkcnlium on their le-tt and CJIbhs
on the right. They hud apinoachcd
vvlthtn a hundred j-m'dsof tlio line * .
"At this moinont thostandiud boirer
of the Ninety-third , feeling bomethiny
riibbin , f iif nlnat hisopatilot , tuint'tl anil
perceived thioiigh the snioKo the bimill ,
bhtck horriu vvhith I'liicenham now lode.
It was led by bis aide , ns ho sceme'd to
ha\o no ube of his right nrm In his
loft hand he licld his cap , \vhiuh he
waved In the ulr , ciying , "Iluniili !
Bravo Iliyhlamlorsl" At this instiint
theio NV.IS n toiiitieernsili , IIH if the eon-
tents of ono of the lii ) { yunsof tlio Ainpi-
loans hud fallen on the spot , kill
ing and wounding ncaily nil vviio
wore near. It was then that tbo
ensign of the Nlnotj-thlid Kivvthe horao
of I'ucKcnliiiui filll nnd the tfenoral roll
from the sndtllo Into tbo arms of Captain
MeDongall , vvlm sinaniforwaid to re
ceive linn. A ( jrapesliot had htinek tlio
fjenorsd on thothif'h and pnssed thioti jli
hinhotso , killing the latter imineiliiitoli.
AsCajitain MeDonpal and some oftlio
men we-io inlBln tlio giinorul anothei *
ball stincK him on the groin , vhich jro-
ilnced nn Imraedintp paialyols. The
wounded gonoiul berne to the ronr
and laid in the shudo of a venerable
live oak Btniiding * In the eontei * of the
Hold , beyond tlio loaejliof the American
guns , in a fovv minutes the gallant
yonnp ollicor Ineathod hia lust. Tlio old
oak under vvhith I'ackonbani jloldcd up
his houl still stands , bent nnd twisted by
time and many tempests. * * * Tlio
Nluotj-thlid , which bad ndvaneed with
i)0l ) ) men and 25 otllcoi-b , could miwtor but
laOmon and ilotlieors. * * * At thin
monifiit Lambeit , hominjj of * the
death of Piiekonhnni nnd tlio i-e-
ve'io ' vvountlH of Glbbs and Iveano ,
advanced blowiy and cautlouslj
\ith the ict'Crve. .Tiwt bofoio he ic-
ueivoilhis last wound , Packcnham hud
uidered Sir John Tj nil oil , ono of hib
staff , to older up tbo reserve. As the
about to 'advance '
bugliii was sound the ,
bj order of Sir John , his rifjht aim wns
stinek with n , kill and his bupflo fell to
tlio giouiul. The order was ticconlin ly
never t hon , and the reserve only
nmrclied to cover the retreit of the
bioken columns of iho other two hii-
g.ules. "
'Jlio I'u t lire of Fruit Culture-in Hontli-
crn Callfornln.
The time is not distant when this tor-
nor ol tbo United States will produce in
ninnulanco , ana jcar after year without
fiiuuio , nil the fruits nnd mils whli'h for
a thoiiHnnd jeiirn the civillyod world of
I'.uropo has looked to the Mediterranean
to supplj , wiitebUhailesUndloy Wainor
In Ilaijiors' ' Majja/.iiio. Wo shall
not need any moio to
ever the Atlantic for
I'ligllsh walnuts , almonds , tiers , olives ,
prunes , oranges , lemons , limes , and a
variety of other things which vo , know
commercially as loditerranoitn pro
ducts. Wo hnvo nil this luxury nnd
wealth tit our eloois , within our
limits. The oranyo nnd the
lemon wo shall still bihiR
front nmny places * , the dnto nnd the
pineapple nnd thu banana will never
grow nero except HN illustrations of the
I'litiute , hut It IB dllllcult to name any
fruit of tlio temperate and bonit-tiopio
/ones tlmt Miuthuru California cannot bo
lelicil on tp produefroih / ) the | fuu > a to
the pencil.
It will mod further experiment to
determine what aio the more
prolltablo products of this soil ,
and it will tnl < o longer otpoiloneo to
cultivate them and bond them to market
in perfection. The pomegranate nnd the
npplo thrive Hide bj side , but the npplo
is not good hero unless It ia grown at an
olovntion where frost Is eoitain and oc
casional snow may ho expected , There
is no longer any doubt about the peach ,
the nectarine , the pear , the grape , the
orange , the lemon , the apricot , and no
on ; but I bollovo that the great
est ptollt will ho in tlio products
that cannot to giown clsewhero in
tlio United States the product * to which
woha'vo long given thonumoof Mcditoi-
rano-in the olive , the fig , the i.iibln ,
the hind and bolt hlioll almond and the
walnutTho orange will of course ho n
htanlo and constantly impiovo its tepu-
tatlon us better varieties are raised , and
the rlpht umoimt of irrigation to pio-
duce the illicit and thouwcetobt IB ascer
tained ,
Congressman Oummltigs Vlowi It in the
Moon's Pnle
On HIP Dome In a llitnulrr Mnrin -
Tln < I lt > of "WiiHlilnntim Hp > pnliMl
li ) 1.lilitiiltiK ; liislici An Im-
pros l\o Spoolaelo. *
Tlioro i hardly a s'lioolbov in tlio
land w ho has not Been a pletm e of the
I'lipltol ut Washington , You must ' -oo
the marble jiilc limned ncraliHt the xky
to iiiieclate | | its heantIt must bo
scon by day and by nlj'htwrites tlio I Ion.
Amos .1 , Cnmmings , nowspnporni in and
states-man , in the JCow York Sun It is
onlj after sueh views that itn pel feet
\vininetij impic'sscs ithclf upon the
mind. It is the white hub from which
tlio bio.ul avenues of the elty iiidiate.
Itisthoonlv object of intore-'t upon
whlc'h all mliidHiiro conccntiatoil dining
Kcs-ionsof congicss Strannors usually
\iHltitwlthlntvveUuhoiirs after their
arrival. There is noplace upon tlie soil
of the gient icjiublic' more tittiaetho.
Tlio edllieo is iiiipressiyo nt noonday ,
lien the elty is all life and animation.
but fat moio im pics live In the '
inooiiliL'lit at ( lead of nielli.
Twojcaisago a lepu'-icnttitho was
siiuiitoilng upon ljomi\vlvanla ii\onuc > at
midnight. A full moon huiitfin a cloud-
leas sl < j. The ropicbciilative ne-
costcd lij Colonel Joyce , the well known
poet of tlio Grant icgiinu , nuthor of "A
I'hi'ckerod Life" I lo wore u white
hombroro. and the long Hair fell upon
liisHhouldcis. Ifo hi * * the face and boat-
liiji of a poet. 'Iheio is neivous ini-
] > etuoslty in bis words and acts , and
many leniladcis of Macdoniild ( 'l.irke.
IIo glanced at the broid moon , threw
his ga/e up and down tlio avenue , nnd
then ald : "Come with mo. You shall
see a sight that would thaini the gods of
Olj in pus. * '
Ho liuiled a hiui'-oiii. Tlio wheels of
the vchielo emit d n metallic v'mg an
\\ero\\hitlcdo\erthocartiacUh In
the lJitlly of the Peace monument ,
mil tinned toward the south. A mo-
neiit Inter tlioy began to elimh the hill
c.idiii ) , ' to the hoii'oing. . At the top
of the hill they dashed over the pliua
iml o.imc to n halt near Giecnough's
Ht.ituoof A\rashingtoii. \
"Look up , ' ' said thovolonol.ivin
111- , hand beyond tlio brim of liii som-
bioro. "You will no\er hce n moro mng-
mlicent siglitou tills cimtinont. "
Hisojoivoio gkmiag and liis linelj
chiseled fnco was as white as the htatucs
upon the portico above. Ho was drink
ing in the beauty of t ho scone.
pile , luthed in the ell ulffonco of the
moon , shone like u temple of alahastct.
Neither house was in session. Onlj ono
or two lights glimmered within the
huilding. The shadows of its coinices
and its C'orinthian pillars \\oiodistinet-
1 } outlined upoii its btiouy fiont. The
marWo figure of Cohunbus with a glebe
in his uplifted hand , throw its shadow
imon the portico whcio so many presi
dents Inuobcen inaugurated. Tbobo.iu-
tiful group of Poibieo , illustrative of the
ilangers of the earlv s-eltleib , its
shade aeuHs tlio tosicllntloii at the ves
tibule of thoedlllce. The olUct wa"
hojghlpiied hj tlio Droid stops and chis
eled pilasters adorning the two hu o
nintfs of the structure. The vvingb
looked like two pirthenons. Thufaeulp-
tured figures upon the senate faeado
wore distinctly \lsible. 1'iio whole build
ing was dihtinctly outlined ngainst the
moonlit k\\y. \ In the soft Mtrht it seemed
larger than It icallv was. The white
doinc climbing hundreds of feet above
the main edlliee retailed the dome of
St. I'aiil'b ' inn liifht London fog. Above
nil , .ISO foot high , stood the hi on/o statue
ofLiboitj. with her Greek helmet.
For t > ii minutes the two men stood lost
in admiialion. Then the poet spuing
from the cub Tliej cro-sod the phwa
went around the edillt'e , and stood upon
the inaiblo eHp'anado ' at tlio b.icK
Wasliiiijflon la.v below them , bathed in
the same soft lif'ht and vv nipped in Clum
ber. The city was neailj siibmcrgeit-
a sea of daik foliage.rlho pitont olllcu ,
the postolllce , and other maiblocililleos
showed their heiidn ahovo the foli.ige.
Poimsjhania avcnuo was asleep. Its
oloetric lights vveio nfjlow , but not a
hoiso ear nor oarriasro was scon upon its
bro id wn face , liven the tin red lights
oftlio bic'jeles had disappearul. The
Potomac and the eastein hianch shone
in the moonlight like bands of silvec.
But most wonderful of all vv.w the * mir-
bio shaft elected in honor of Washing
ton. Tlie moonbeams glinted its alumi
num point , .V)5 feet above its liis < > . II
seemed like a sentinel , ana\cd in while ,
ndiiijf guard over the sleeping city ,
The avenues ran fioin Capitol I'urk.lilcc
spokes from a hub , the long i ows of gas
lights ndoinlnjf thim lookin likostiings
of golden beads. The ilia of ( lie huge
basin of follngo was indlstinelly outlined ,
miles away , bj the uiund dimpled moon
near the /eiiith. No moic chaiming
seeno was ever witnes-ed. It was a til
hotting for a scone upon ( onto celestial
The contrast two nights nfteiwaul vv us
mirvelloiH. The skj vvn" oveic'iist.
There weio no stais in tlio cloud rifts
Thrtwingsof the capitol vveio nllaino
with light , The great gun jot beneath
the feet of tlie Goddess of Liboi ty liigh
above the dome , glowed llkon torcii-
Iloth houses of eongrcsh woroliihCision.
T'onnHvlvniiia avemio was avvako and
alive with lighl and motion. Its p.iA'o-
mentsvvoio fiescoed with shadows OMM'-
eibcd by the electilclightt. A bcoro ol
hofbocars were moving1 up and down
the bioad Htrcot , and the little luntorns
of the vvlieolmen looked llko so miin.v
droll ies. Human rivulets pouted into
both wings of the capitol , The marble
corridors hummed with roiuaiMilionaml
the galleries wore overrun with npeeta-
tors. Thoio were llllul u tinu scones in
the home. rilibubtuis * wore at vvoiK.
Orntorieal rapior.i wore Hashing in dis
eussion , nnd wit nnd lupirtoo wcie nn
tap. There vveio bright ojes , ro
ohookB , sparkling jcvveU , chiuining < ' 0a-
11111101 and waving fans in the gnliuriox.
llanlied with lovollnchs , they looked like
fairy pniterioH The ) added /eat to the
oscitoniPiit and beonictl to give point lethe
the debate below.
AH midnight nppioaclicd , lunvovor ,
and the dlseiiision ciuled In repeated mil 1
calln , tlio galleries thinned. The mellow
light poured thiough the glass i oiling
iw bright as earlier in the evening , hut
the bloom of the scone disappeared vvhon
the ladles went home. Many of the lop-
lebontiithes heeaino drovv-rsy and bought
the Hofiuiin tliu cloak ronniH and at ( lit
back nf the hall. Jehu Baker of Illinoic
lay upon ouu of thu lounges , bhoelcHS and
foatlcHB , bound asleep. Ills Htockingr
woiu fiery red , and tliu wilHtbandh of lii >
red llannel undeishiit vero plainly vib-
Ib'.o Hoviii only one of twent.v similar
picture1" " . Other roptesontatlv M t led to
cheer Iho WP.-IIJ hours vv ilh--oiigs und
"toilcs. I'oorTiiulbee of Kcntui'k.v , who
wasunllineh sent to his long home two
iPiirt afterward , stood In the main al lo
Kinging lu a low tone :
Thoun \ 't nllilliiK Ke'dron. by thy ll\rr
Our * -iii loin would vviimlcrln I lie * in
| ilkl ( ) lle'llll.
Taulbeo way n tlergjmnn and "tiujj
nothing bill psiihns nnd hymnIn the
cloik loom , boweve'i * , thoio wcie more
hilarious time" Davidson of riorldn was
the eontor of attraction. I le xanj : :
Mn < bud n lint * wills ! mil a very llni' Mguri * . ,
Mlili'liilmiiui'il ill ) lii'art of ills j eltnl t'i I
lint , nl.'is' it-is' ilvnloitini' .
tlio Unit SHU.liilnislni ; vtiis li | nutnr
Snddonl.v the iopre * > ontntlves were
blinded by a vlv Id Hush of lightning. It
was followed b.v a iiittlliii1pcnlof tliuii-
tloi * . The loverboiatlons vvete hoard
itillltif , ' over the .looplnjr iltj. Then
came the * lmrp patter of ruin. The element
ment- * without \verii \ vv at ring.
It wits a vvtum night ami the lobh )
doors nnd window * vvero open. A cool
bie'cvo waflt'd over the Hour. The ivji-
re entatlve's Hocked to the MWth poitico
to see * the stonn. It wns a tonine-M.
The * wind wns howling like the
ruin \viis I'tmiing down inheels. . Hutre
t ices in the pirk below the i-splnnado
weio bi'iidlnf * ; to the jjnle. The heiivi-ns
vveio ono giotit blnck blot. The elcctrle
lights in tlio folliigo nlong tlio avenue
Hpirkled like ( llainondH. Sheets of rain
dilven by the wind , swept up the haul
walks around the capitol like suit roll
ing upon the bench 7Asn\g \ lightning
rent the Inkvsk ) and Illumined the
landscape Tlio Hashes woio nhiioxl
blhieliiif'lv ( holding , vom Imnd nbove
your e\vos , iiowever , glimpses ° f the
glorious panoiannt below were c.uight.
Awn ) to the right of the poitho the
alabaster nee-dlo thnt Is the pi Ide of the
elty was love-.ilcd In thovivid light The *
instantaneous p-uiDiamlc views npieaicd |
and ieiipieaied | like picturefiom nn
imiuen-e stoieoptlcoti As the Htoim
{ , 'iowln intensity the clouds began to
whiten. A lloici' ' rain bitted the rain
into the fnccsof the speetntois upon the
bick pottlcii. nnd drove mini ) luck into
the houso. The war of the oleinc-nts did
not dlstinb the tslconeis , however They
ine-ervetl their iiietiitesqni * nttlludcs
Ijlttle pnge-s in knlckoihackers vveio
pravvlcd over the -.neakor's sti' | > s In
soniiiolent roptMo. Tlio cleik vv.m still
drawIhifj the loll call , not one inemlier
inthlit.icspoiidliic to his iiiinio The
side'leiiesvveieenity. | Nut a ublion
llntteicd In unypirt of the house * . In
the imiin } riillni.v linlf a do/on negroes ,
iinthiacite inblaek'iii'ss , vvoionsleep uenr
the elocK.
Ci.iilunllv the waning oleiupnti ! vvith-
out subsided.Coins set niched the
great blnck lilot ( ioin the skv and the
lleecv clouds in its wake \ nmhed. . A
gibbons moon shone al the /onilh and
throw a mellow Hood of light upon the
iiitinatctl IniiiUi-ipo bolon it. It touehod
w 1th renew oil beauty the scenery of two
ninhts bofoio
The conlendlng : lopiosontntivos
hooped auow to the jxtrtico Lost in
inptuio tbi-.v n/cd nt n.ituio's lovull-
ne s. Theii there worn low ovlnnm-
tions of delight. 1'oor Tuulbeo hiimiiiod
the hvnin :
Whileslit'itherds vvuteh thoh Hocks b >
nifht. !
All seutcd on tboround ( ,
I'lioiniKi'l of thu Lord tame down ,
Anil nlo-o-o-1 v shono'niouncl.
The calm beauty , of the bjcno and
TanlbooV quaint miiilo iippiiontly had
a nncifvinnolleut. . After n few more
unl culls the contending factions came
to an ngi cement , and before U o'clock in
the moiuing the hou-jo adjourned. The
lights wore turned oil , and the members
pa ed out by the nmrblo inch of ( ho
lioiiso wing and nlowly ciossed the
pla/a on their wny lioinowaid. The
ningnilieoiit maiblo struetnio roinainod
bathed in moonlight , its halls and con i-
dois. echoing the tread of its vvntchiucn.
HAIIMV ; i' .
A 1'il t\\\tf \ \ Irilmtc to the RciihiH of n
Aonicrii Celcbriiy.
ICovvs comes fioin AVeeping Water ,
Ailof tlio death of Harney P. Kug-
gks The chances are that the readei
will not recogni/o the name , though its
hcaior perfected ono of the most ingeni
ous imontimis of the ago , H.IVH the Now
York Tiibune. Wo doubt if Hdibon
could hut o exceeded him in originality.
Still , ho dies unknown. Hepublics nro
ungiateful ; tliov uio nUo forgetful , and
unless a man is president , or in pushing
Iho sulo of a * It bhoo , ho is apt to be lost
sight of.
Mr. Haggles it > dead , and it seems a
fitting time to speak of his invention ,
Iiiilncd , ho would have died several
jcars ago had it not been for his inven
tion. Nothing-o\01 mote cluiirh length-
Oiud ills lifo. In the fust jilaee , wo
should s.ij that the late Mr. Kuggles
was not a"artlcularlv ) ) honest man. Not
tomitanj point on It at all ; Harvo ) P.
Ruggles wtib a hoido thief. He followed
the vocation fioin his eighloenth jear
till the dn.v of his do ith , but it it. not to
concluded from this that ills taking olT
was ono of violence , us he died calmly of
peritonitis. Ten .vcnrs ago' vvhon living
inDi-if Smith count ) , Texas , Mr. Hug-
glcb wns taken ono night hy tlio elllcicnt
local vigilance committee and hung In
the neck to u mosquito tree. The pnii-
Hers of Deaf Smith society then lode
rapldlv away. Huggles hung for some
four miautos when Iho limb broke and
ho fell to the ground in an insensible
condition , lie recovcicd , however , and
inndo his escape , but the incident ren-
doied him thoughtful. IIo could not ,
seem to forgot it. Uven a ( tor the lacoiii-
tions inndo by thu 10110 on his nock had
healed ho would wpetik of It. The icsult
was that for sit months ho
did not follow ills profession , but
dovoled the time to thought ami
stud ) . Hut little came of it , how-
cvoriiintll hoonodii ) icad in a Momphln
papoi of a doctor inncrling a biUor tube
in a i-liild'H tin oat for it lo Inualho
tlnongl * whileHullcring fioindiphtheiia.
instantl ) a gicut light ninhui } in on the
mind of Uuggles. Ilewould hivoa silver
tube put in his thiont bolovv the rope
zone. The next morning no was in bun
Antonio , where ho gave a doctor mimed
Hlnko i-'JOO to connect a silver tube with
his windpipe.VhonlIainoyP. . Huggles
lodooutof San Antonio the next da j all
doubt hail umihlird f i om ills face , nnd
soronit.v and eonlldonco woio in its place.
Mr. Knggleriiiow returned to the scene
of his foimcr triumphs , and again took
in ) lib work wllhn vlgorvvhieh Hiirpriset ]
both friend * and vigilance committee
alike He stole hoirios right and left
and sold thoin openly In tlio noatosl
mtukot. After two weeks the commit'
too agnln took him in charge. Thej
hung him ton cioss-arm of a tclegrnpf
pole , and , as he had escaped befoie , sal
down mid waited , beguiling the thm
with pleasant stones. When ho hue
hung thirty minutes thcv cut hin
down. IIo got U ) > from the ground
shook hands all around , thanked then
in a few brief hut well-chosen vvorilH
got on the loader's horse and rode away
Tlio committee was dumfounded. Tlie ;
vveio powoilcHri lo oiler mi ) resistance
They plucked up coinage , however , t
make ono moro attempt a week Inter
This- time tlioy alloweu him to hang al
night. The only complaint that Huggle
made when cut down In the moinliii
wns that they had dls-tuihul him befor
ho had finished Ills bleep.
I'loin that time till he wax tnkon 111
week ago HngglcH' hlntory Iniw been on
of continued piosperity. llu npoiutr * !
all over wcsteiu Tcxiib , New Mexico an
Aii/onii. dvpr ono hundiiul dilTurcnt
( oinmlltoo * hnd him in hand al dillt rent
times , com so vvai toliich
him after Hiippcr and then rctiio , tlio
intention boliiL' to taUe him down in the
morning. Iuggh" { would help himself
down Muii-ll ) after midnight , KCIWO a
few good "hoiw and pn - mi to
another comniunit.v. A ImiuNomo
full beard ahvajs umccaled tlio s-ll-
ver tube mid his s'cciot was never dlscov-
etcd bj o lominltteeOn one occa
sion ti.o Willing NVorkcr.s' vigllnncei
commltti' , of HalntV Uest , Is' . M , kept
him suspected for t\ * dn.v s- , but , though
ho BiilTored somewhat fiom hunger , tlmt
was all. He nceumiilntcd a foi tune * ,
during the last ton yonrs-and died woith
ever a half a million. Though wo may
not honor men of genius nn wo
should , Iho fact remains that If they
mo willing to woik they may bo
Miry Huccvftul In a llmuii'lnl souse.
She SlioolH Down fm * aiul
Anotbcr Into .Submission ,
Two Imrglars attcnipted to inh the
.icttidence of John Iv. Coimoll ) of Low
ell , Jlnss , the other morning The * Ilrwt
that wasdisscoveicd of the lebbcis VVIIB
h ) Minnie , an olghtecn-year-old daugh
ter , healing a pct'uliai1 noise In the lower
partof an h t'oniicctcil with the house ,
sii ) s a dispatch to the Xow York Herald.
Sim had lotiicd for the night , but Im
mediately mosc , and 'making her
wav to her father's smoking room ,
too'k a Hil-ciilibro lOMilver fioi'i the
diawcr and piococilcd to the room
fi om which the noise had cm < Iloio
( iho s'tvv that the burglms had entered
the main bed ) of the house. I'pon fol-
lovvinir she found a hard looking speci
men of manhood , who Inter on piovcd to
bo.JamesToblna notorious Hostoneiook
nnd crib cracker. Ho was just rilling
the drawer of Mi. t onnelly V desk vvhon
Mamie enleicd the mom and shouted ,
"either surionder or I will nhoot ! '
The iiilllnsprang ujoii tlio giij , who
proved ciml ( | to tlio emorgenc ) nnd
emptied two clmmhor * * of the lovolver
tovvaid him , one of the bullets striking
him juM above tlio loft lung , bringing
him to tlio gtouiul.
At thin point his accomplice , who was
oa watch outside , enteuMl tlio house to
assist his fallen pal. but the plucks girl
covoied him with her faithful weapon
nnd lie began begging for men' ' ) . She
foiiod him to sit clew u till the nmlo oo
cup nits of the hon-o hnd boon moused ,
vv lien ho was handed over to the policu
for safe keeping.
Hib n.imo in Daniel SliuckorH. and lu )
hails fiom Noiwich , Conn. IIo cnino
near killing a polite olllccr in ( . cut nil
Fall" , if. I. , about three yeais ago At
that time ho could have been enptmod ,
but not ono of the Pnvvttiokot police
foieo dared to fnco so notorious and suc
cessful a lawbreaker.
The wounded man in being cared for
by the Council ) family , the medical nil-
thorltj liaving'dt'cldcd thnt the wounds
mav piove fatal. The plucky maiden ,
who is a general favorite in South Law
lence , is being congratulated on oveiy
hand foi her c.iptuto of HUB noted des-
pei a do.
3lnK-liii ) hiiioki-lrss roivdcr.
The men employeil in the Cciinan fne-
toiies in which smoKeless now dor is
miinuf.ii'tuied have been ptovided with
rubber masks to piotcct them from Iho
fumcb thrown oil by thocliemifals enter
ing into the composition of the powder ,
lleietoforo the men have sullored
gieatl ) from this
Ix > avuj I ejlllc'Ailo. IHIHI.IMI'ION , vg Arrive *
Omilm i luiut | luili nnil M < nn ureoH Oninlia.
410 p ni ( litc-Kgo Htprois . . , HUi u -
I'll ' n m . , . ( lilcnuu Kjprosi I1AI p ia
Sill ) p nil . . . . Chicago Kipru-11 . . . . "Ml n m
t 60n mi C'liltnyn Uicnl 8l > . > nm
JHVBI llimijIMII'OV .V ViO IllVhll AirUn"
I Dciiot IIHIi nnil Miion itreoU i Om it-j
1015 n m Dtnvcr l'iy Kxiircss 4 us p m
10 15 ii m . . Denver Kinri-ji til' , p IU
IO p m .Denver NlKhl * 3xprei V U a m
Sl'i n in | _ Mjie'ln I-1" tlljl ) l > ni
U vu < A ( C&l .1 iTill Arrlvot"
Omahn ' J ) | iiit. lOtli i > ml Mmon ilroxtt Omnlift.
"CM nmf Knninii Cltr lnr Kiprom . . f. 10 p m
1143 u in K C Mclit Kn > vli U I1 Tram ( I4j in
. Atrlvn
Oiuftlia Dai-ot IQlli jnil Mnrcr tre t I Oniixha.
.OviTlnnU Hyur . . .
Pnclllo KxproHv. , . I24 > p iu
10 JO n mien . . Denver liiruii. | . . . 4 U p ra
.KinniuCltr Kxpresi. UOj n m
ion HIM l-iilrllclil KID. ( cxruitHun | I I K > p in
U.nv | CllflA.l ) , It 1 A IMLll-'U' Arrlvoi
Onmlia U I' . < te > | > et , lOtli nnil Muroy Sf < Oninlin
(10 p m Nlulit Kipren ll)0 ) , ' B in
005 ujii AtUntlo Kiprun I ! U p m
( .W p m . . .Vcullliulu Mnilloii II ) 45 u in
U'Hvot SlOtlX tirv't I'At Im VrrfvuT
Omnlm I1 P ilf'iot , IDlli nnil Mnrrf Sin timlift ) _
1 15 n in tiliiux- elty"I'ns'inKeir
I 10 p in . _ St I'lUil lxprc ! ID 10 n in
luixvii i riioijV rti i * 1'Acri-ie Arrives *
Oniiiliit Depot IMIi anil W ubiltr Hti Oiniilm.
1100 p in , Hi I 'an I Uuillml
JuiTU t hleMHl A Airivui
Ornnlm I II 1' dcpcit , lOtli nnil Miirry St 0 iiilii _
t)15nni ) . I lilinuo Kipre.s ii at t tii
( ' ) p in . Y'ottlbula l.lmltoil I' ' VI ft m
6 II i > m lowi Areoiuinnilntliin ( hie Hun TO'ipm
ViO p ni . ICiinti.rn HyiT . . . 1 Ci p tn
I 15 n in . . .lust i'a torp lixpnim . H0 * > _ im
Ixjrvveii llllUAlfo. Mli < , A HI" I'AI/lj AriTfei
Oinnliii U I" ile put , IDlti nnil Vlnrcy Sti Oinnlitt.
(800 ( pm ClilmKO Kipreii . l > 43n ia
\i \ 41 ji in . , ( hle i i lr urpii . . , _ , t ( n p iij
l anvuj | OVIAIIA * SI i.iiGiM Arrivu * "
Oninha. U I' , dupot , lOtli nml VlRrry Hts ( ) iniilia. _
t p u _ < Hliniiii Hull , . r. . JpJjii
* , VAljTlSY Arrlvo *
Onintii I Dnpol r > tli nml VV ilntflrSti _ , O inlii.
' . . .Illnck HIIU Uxproas ' , Jl | ) ra
900 n m IlnitliiKi Krp ( Kx Hnndity ) ft JO p m
MO p m Waln AIlncoliil'n.i ( lx Suinl' } i 10 On m
VorkA NnrfolkjKx HuiKlny ) IU HI a ui
e , , f V M ATT ArrlfOi"
Uinnlinll Dupot 15lhnni _ | WuhilurjUt "Jl1' *
TOO a ra Hluux CHjr AcciJiiiinndRllon C Oa p nt
1 00 p in Hliiiix rilr CTprioilKx Hun ) I 1 4) ) p m
500p m , St 1'aul I.linltml . . . .l.'iniu
G lli D m Il-Mir.itt I'miaiiKor ( Kt Mini ) ) b li a m
I emoj MissoOui T-Arrt'i'r Artivor
Oninlin ! Depnl 1'ilh mii VVibiter ) Hti Onnlm.
lO'lOn , nil bt Uiuli * K. O. "FxprcsJ 4 M | i ra
U 15 M ! . < > uli A K. C. Uxpren . I. U a m
I.OH76J i CIUOAUO , K I. A l-Aeihiei. Arilre "
T rnnifurl Union Depot , ( niiiun Ijlnll *
TpTiii . . .Mult Kxpron DIS a ra
'j.Wnin . . .AtlMitla Kxpa'5 fi U p m
( OOp nil . Voitlliukl.tiiilloi ! . 10 A m
i.civveii t'ltifAIIOANonriiwisiKKN
'Irnnifcr ! Union liepot , ( jiiimII lllnlM Timinrcr
1) 40 tvTii . . < * lilc KO 1'xiiruHS . . , i > iu p w
6 CO p in VcilltJiilo l.lmltuil . . l < HI a nt
JOUIpJii Enntcrn Kljer i U ) p in
I. Up m , Atlnntla Mall VM n m
H \ > in IIIWH AKiiinniiilntlon ( Kic Sun ) 1.10 p m
lAiKiet CHICAGO .MIL A 8T. I'A tlu Arrlvt-i
'Irnnafur Union llonot Council llilt ) 'Irnnifer
6 do p ni iiu Kziro | > 9 H 15 n in
I , U p in * CblrnKO Kxirn | * i ' i.U ) p ra
Ij > VO I K 0H1' JOK A C.ll I ArilvuT
'I rnniti-r llnluu liupot Council lllillTl | Trnnii f
" "
1(1 ( tr t > mi Kitntni I'ltj l > nr Kxprrim fHl p u
10 Si p in1 ltnn M t Ity NJKlil Kirtai \ * i , m n. m
OMAHA A HI' 1.01)IS. ) Arrimi
1 r Union lleput , e'niincll Illurtt 'I rnn-ifer
6 U ) [ i , .HI. IjiiuU t j non Hall m
luitu. i , t'lll'A ( 0 HUIU.'N A OIIINOr A" ArrTvo
' ] ninif < > r Union Hi put , Council HIiifTi Irnnsfer
UH ft ID . < hlcnso Kxproa * II .11 p 7
low p ni , .Chlrnno Ktre | i , . . J ( J ) n. m
780 p m na a ro
Tbnve-i Hiobxcn. ' STSt ino ArrlruT
Trannfer 'lianifer
Acroinniud&tlon HIO HID
Clli p 10 . . . .lit. ! ul Kxprtu law n nn
n iiiin i in p in a in II BI
tor Ht . A.4UI ! 7 H ) Win H ) I ; i
eii tinuD i VM H ( It I 0.1 Kit is v
urn inn . r. u/ W S 04 I . < II. I/ ) H I1. iu
nkii Htri'Ut "i M 7 Wl 8 07 , I ortliiUi * 8B in
VValnut Milt lil.UI 7 M f ) erj I 10 B ro ia
Dunileo I'lnco tl.0.1 ( w n n DM 10
\Veit blilo. . I ) Ui 108.1A III 0 10 8M
H.H I 1H I bf/l
8.W I.JO tfOJ
Kuyiuour 1'urk * 21 I 211 1 HUH l , 1i i
I'ortuI * tfl 4 x > II 111 1
B III p I . . . v 111 n in i p in
I'orUl . B iK > I 4i , U * l I I
beyintiur I'nrk B 41 I M . . . , U Jil 14
I 8.4114 6H .
I . . 8 49 4 trj
VVuU H'lo. ' . . (1.117 ( IM.ts'i iO , I , 15 II 10
lluiulvo I'lartt I. 17.7 IU S.67 V 07IU 17 V 42
Walnut Illll . 11.9)7 ) vi v uii loin e > II 45
Ijiki ) btr it , . 0. 7 Will UI 1,1 IIO 2.1 9 41
llrulil Illlt , . , ii il'7 ' 21 U Ul i 15 0 25 II M
Onli Cliatliaiu IIA 7 3.1'J Wp 1H.I ) j-h ,
U.OJ7 45'J.W i VJ 0 4 18 iII