Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1890, Page 8, Image 16

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    nmfagmmvif Tr 7-iF
Cnlon Pnctflc Cut OtTa The Western
PitMHcnucr Trouble * Oilier Note * .
The matter of two big cut ofts on the Union
Pacific Is being discussed at headquarters.
The first Is the I-nrnmlo cutoff , saving fifty
miles ; the second Is tbo building direct into
Bait Lnko from Evanston via Emigration
canyon , n snvlnp of fifty miles. It would cost
lean money to cross Wobcr rlvor ut Devil's
Oato mid run down tbo bcacli to Salt Lnko ;
but fifteen miles would bo saved by tbo Emi
gration route. _
I'll o I'nmctiKcr Troubles.
The passenger rate agreement ha * proven
ephemeral. With only one day of attempted
quiet tbo trouble lias broken out again , nnd
the restless passenger agents arc fomenting
now trouble.
One of the complaints Is that the Rock
Island Is in high favor with the brokers In
Kansas City , and In consequence the suspi
cious agents are charging that road with bad
General Passenger Agent Sebastian states
that ho signed the agreement only on condi
tion that tbo other roads .signed , and that so
far as ho was concerned the agreement was
not effective until ho knew that the signa
tures had been obtained. It might bo that
the proper notlco has not been given him and
ho has not considered his road bound , but tbo
Ilock Island agent at Kansas City received
Instructions the same day the others did ,
However , no positive evidence against the
Rock Island has been secured , and the agents
are only Judging from appearances.
Then It Is claimed that the Hurllngton has
been cutting the rate \o St. Louis , and the
prospects are that the newly fonncu agree
ment will io to pieces.
I'ro motions and Change * .
General Passenger and Ticket Agent W. H ,
Buscnbark of the Chicago , St. Paul & ICan-
as City railroad has been promoted to the
position of tranic manager. Ills successor In
the former oftlco Is W. H. Loru , his former
Assistant General Freight and Passenger
Agent Phllllppl of the Missouri Pacific Is
making civil service promotions and ho In
creases his staft to cover hla enlarged terri
tory. S. S. Senne Is promoted to bo chief
clerk ; EiiRono M. Gannon , hitherto chief
clerk ut Atchlson , bus coma to this city and
will bo in Mr. Philllppl's ofllco in charge of
the control branch business. IS. 1) ) , Luno has
been appointed general agent of the road at
Calhoun , St. .loo and Leuvcnworth. D. E.
King , conttactlng agent at this city , will
have charge of the olilco when Mr. Phillippi
Is out of town. II. II. Kooscr , traveling
freight agent , now takes In all the territory
between Hastings and Atchison.
Hero's Another llnntl.
Articles of incorporation of the Dakota ,
Wyoming & Missouri Itlver railway company
have been tiled in South Dakota to rua
through the counties of Ouster , Pennlngton ,
i Zlcback , Nowlln , Pratt , Stanley , Buffalo and
Charles Mix. It is intended to build to 11111
City and run throuch the Wyoming oil and
coal llelds , and ultimately to the Pacific coast.
From nemo point on tlio Missouri liver it
will build to Sioux City and Omaha. Arti
cles of Incorporation and other papers have
been sent to the secretary of state at Lincoln.
Neb. , and also to tbo secretary of state of
Wyoming , at Cheyenne.
Every tissue of the body , every nerve , bono
nd nuisclo Is inado stronger and more heal thy
by taking Hood's Snrsaparilla.
Few comediennes are better known to our
amusement going public than the fascinating
Fay Temple-ton , who appears at Hoyd's ' Fri
day and Saturday evenings and Saturday
{ matlnco as tbg star of the famous
comedy organization known as Russell's com
edians. Slnco lost seen hero Miss Templeton
has bud the advantage of seeing all the nota
bles of Paris , who are conceded to bo the
best farceurs in the world , and In the new
piny , "Miss McGlnty the star of the com
edy Fruncalse , " In which she portrays tbo
title part , she will Introduce many
features never before seen In this county.
Ever3'thlnc about the company Is gilt-edged
In every particular , and the engagement will
without doubt provo to bo ono of the treats of
the season. Scatsalo commences Thursday
morning. Inquirers for scats are numerous.
The famous Fred Wright , who is the ad
vance pusher for Hey t's "Midnight I3ell , " Is
In the city. Fred is at present traveling
on crutches , the result of being entangled in
a railroad wreck two weeks ago. The "Mid
night Hell" will open a four nights' engage
ment at tbo lloyd on next Sunday night.
Gus Williams and John T. Kelly are a
Jolly pair of comedians. Williams Is n
familiar character on the stage and all over
the country , from tbo time that he gained
farao as a member of Harry Sargent's great
vaudeville company twenty odd years ago
when ho sang "Champagne Charley" and
other songs that still 'linger In the memory ,
because of their melody , until the present
day. Williams has always done his sliaro of
merry-making on the stago. Ho has hap his
ups and downs , has made several fortunes
and lost them , but scorns to bo on tno road to
prosperity again , holding a now lease of pop
ularity on the public. Williams and Kelly
will be soon in the great success , "You nn'd
J"at the Urand opera house on Friday and
Saturday next and at a Saturday matlnoo ,
The company management were persuaded
after much effort to play at popular prices
therefore largo audiences may bo expected.
Nearly all tbo Chinese costumes worn h
the second act of the "Pearl of Pekln" an
real court dresses , and were not made foi
theatrical purposes ; they are all heavily cm
broldcrcd nnd of the llucst material ; they nr
considered by connoisseurs to bo marvels o
il Chinese art , and could not bo reproduced li
this country for any amount of money. Ii
ono dress worn by Tyfoo It Is saKl that thcr
are four million stitches , and it could not b
made by ono person in less than n yenr. Som
of those dresses when first brought to thl
country from China , could have been sold fo
$1,000 to $ liOO ! each. They nro much hand
comer upon close examination than whc
seen from In front of the footlights , and ar
at all times open to tbo inspection of lover
of artistic work nnd designs. The "Pearl c
Pokln"wlllho at the Grand opera house o
Sunday and Monday evenings next , at th
former regular prices of the house , 25 cents t
Improve the nutritive functions of ti
Bcalp by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Ila !
Rcnower. and thus keep the hair from fallln
or becoming gray.
Anarchist Plot Discovered.
PAIUS , Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram to Til
Bun. ] An extensive anarchist movomei
has been discovered nt Lyons. Flvo arrcsl
have already bcca maJo and others are c :
Those elegant designs In furnltun
carpels mid draperies nt our oponin
Saturday evening , Oct. 8.
141-1 , 1410 and 1418 Douglas.
A Mem In Every Berth.
To the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pai
railway bolonga the credit of being th
first In the country to reduce the rautt <
of electric lighting of trains to sclontU
perfection. Ono of the novel featun
Introduced In the sleeping cars Is
patent olectrlo rending lump in each so
tlon. With this luxurious provlslo
reading nt night before nnd after roll
IDE becomes as comfortable as by dtx
and when retiring the tollot may 1
pado In comfort and seclusion. Tl
berth reading lamp in the Pullnn
looping cnra run on the Chicago , Ml
waulcoo & St Paul railway , betwo <
Omaha nnd Chicago , is patented in
cannot bo used bv tiny other rallwi
company. It is the greatest linprov
meat of the age. Try It and bo co
Bleeping cars leave the Union Paol
flopot , Omiihn , at 0:10 : p. in. dally , nrrl
ing lat Chicago nt 0:80 : a. in. Secu
tickets and sleeping car berths at Unl
Tlokot oftlco , 1601 Farnnin street ( Ilark
block ) . Omaha.
J. 12. PiiKSTOtf , P. A. NASH ,
Pass. Agent , Oon'l ' Agent
Tlio Moreo Dry Goods Co.
All the bargains advertised by us on
Sunday are still to bo had and will bo on
sale tomorrow.
The suits nnd pattern dresses In our
custom dressmaking department are on
exhibition.Vo are daily making num
bers of now customers for this depart
ment. Our fitter Is by far the best in
thojvcst. Wo know of none in Now
York or Chicago that can equal her for
style or perfection of lit.
It is not an experiment with us. Wo
guarantee n stylish costume nnd first
class fit.
Custom dressmaking department.
8. A. Orolinrtl.
Carpet , furniture and drapery.
When ?
Sat. eve. , Oct. 8. Orchard's grand
opening. lilcpmit now quarters. 1414.
1110 and 1118 Douglas st.
iil7.nbetli ; , N. J. , line n Genuine Curl-
OHlty In nn Old Uell.
A curious boll that 1ms doubtless had
nn eventful history has been recently
dug tin in Elizabeth , N. J. Workmen
were digging a vault in a lot near the
"Old Landing" on Elizabeth creclc , nnd
about three feet below the surface found
tills boll , mouth down. Tlio men sold it
to ilonry Miller for a trillo , nnd
ho now has It in his possession gays the
Now York Timor. Mr. Miller filed
into the boll , and wits induced to bollovo
that It contained gold by its yellow np-
penranco. So ho had some fragments
tesjtod by several jewelers in Elizabeth ,
and much to Ills delight they all said
the metal contained a largo percentage
of gold. If the testimony of these men
can bo relied upon Mr. Miller lias a
treasure , for .tho boll weighs about forty
Mr. Miller is a day laborer with a
largo family , and such an unexpected
fortune would bo peculiarly acceptable.
The boll is thirty-two inches in
circumferences at the base nnd tapers in
long , graceful curves to the top , which
is fourteen inches high. To this top is
alllxcd the crown , by which the bell is
swung. This crown Is about three
inches across , twoinchoshigh and three-
fourths of an inch in thickness. In
sluiTo It is a coronet , with three aper
tures for fastening It to a beam. About
three Inches above the rim of the boll
miiH this inscription , in half-inch relief
loiters :
The Inscription does not quito make
the circuit of the bell , and the space be
tween the two ends is ornamented with
little diagonal figures , which to Mr.
Miller suggested the flour do lis of
Prance , but they seemed too regular in
Bhupo for this design. A plain part of
the boll is ornamented in the snmo man
ner. There is no date , but the boll Is
discolored nnd seems to bo eaten by its
Ion burial. The bcholarshlp of Ell/a
bath bus been unable to decipher the
inscription , and as there was never n
convent or similar institution situated
near the place whore the relic was
unearthed it is a natural con
clusion of the owner that in case
it contains precious metals it is
part of a buried treasure. It seems
jirobublo that the boll once belonged to
u Portuguese monastery.
The scholar [ is encouraged In this be
lief by the fact that several hundred
dollarti' worth of Spanish doubloons
wore- several years ago found in the
sound near the mouth of the creek on
whoso bank the bell was discovered.
Mr. Miller was first persuaded that
there was precious metal in the boll by
his friend Joseph Motznor , who is a rnol-
dor in the foundry of Moore Brothers
nnd has some knowledge of metal
lurgy. The property on which the boll
was discovered belongs to a Mr. For-
A push cart from 1121 Fnrnam st. , let
tered ( C. P. Whitney ) , Return and got
reward. _
A Remarkable Monkey.
The Now Orleans Picayune tells of n
monkey which answers to the name of
Jocko. The children of the house and
Jocko are boon companions and of a sum
mer afternoon enjoy a frolln together
upon the lawn. Ono day some ono throw
a mutch down nnd the grass ignited ,
making a little blaze. Jocko saw it ,
stopped and looked , then , glanced all
around , and , seeing a piece of plank not
far off , ran for it , crept cautiously to the
fire , all the time holding the plunk as a
shield between himself nnd the flame ,
then throw the plank on the fire and
pressed it down and extinguished it.
What child could have reasoned bettor
nnd done more ?
Orchard's furniture. Grand opening
Saturday evening , Oct. 8.
Bnlfour Leaves Dublin.
DUBLIN , Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram tc
Tun EEC. ] Mr. Balfour , chief secretary foi
Ireland , accompanied by Miss Rnlfour , Colonel
nol J. West Illdgoway , under secretary
and Thomas Browning and Gborgt
Wynflom private secretary tc
the chief secretary , left Dublin at 7fO : o'clocl
tnls morning ou n tour over the routes of the
proposed railways In Donegal. The train 01
which the party was traveling passed Porta
down and Straluno without demonstration !
of any kind being mado.
Socialist * Didn't Ilko Criticism.
Bcnux , Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram t
TUB BEE. ] A meeting of the Freisinnlg
workmen's association was held hero Ins
night. Among the speakers was Her
Ulchtcr , who severely criticised the net o
the socialist party. Among the audieno
were a number of socialists who rescntci
Her Itlchter's stricture upon their party , am
quite a disturbance was created.
The Death Uoll.
LONDON , Nov. 4. ( Special Cablegram t
THE BEB. ] The death Is announced c
Charles Vcrlat , the Belgian painter , age
sixty-sis years.
Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram t
THE BEE , ] Habbi Ur. Joel , the great thcc
loglan , is dead.
The death Is also announced of General vo
An Irltfli Farmer Murdered.
DUBLIN , Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram t
THE BF.E. ] The body of a farmer name
O'Mnhonov ' has been found on the roadstd
at Schulu. Investigation shows the man t
have been murdered. Ono man has been ai
rested on suspicion of being implicated in tb
Bad drainage causes much sickness , an
bad blood and Improper action of the liver an
kidneys is bad drainage to the human systei
Which Burdock Blood Bitters remedy.
A Rimslim Traitor
BE n LIN' , Nov. 4. [ Special Cablegram 1
TUB BEE. ] A dispatch to the Cologne Gi
totto from St , Petersburg says that Lloutci
ant Schmidt , whowni tried on thochargo <
betraying ; the plans of Cron&tadt to a for.'lg
power , has been found guilty and hanged.
BnwxunoF FIUUHS. Do sura you get tt
genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclcctno OH. It cur <
colds , croup , aathrna , deafness and rheum
Hoard of Kduontlon Meeting.
President Persons , Secretary Fimston nnd
Messrs. Swift , Van Akcn , Slate nnd Hobln-
aon were present nt the meeting of the board
of education Monday night. Bills amounting
tot,41S.10 for teachers' salaries nnd i 150.50 for
Janitors- , wore ordered paid.
The salary of Mrs. Bruce was lncrca d to
115 pir month ! Mrs.Merles' to W5 ; Mrs. Van
Clove's to f l.l ; Thomas Fox's to 545 , and
I aul S. Mr-Aulay's to ? 4W.
Bills of Howard Mayers $27.50 , Secretary
J. jJrecn $30 , Holmes fs Smith fll.fiS , M-s. O.
K. llruco $3.30 , John B. Hart IS.75 , John
Beavers 12.75 , C. T. Van Akcn * : * , J. B.
U'ntlcins ft Co. SiJ.ll , South Omaha Lum
ber company $1.70 , August King , $ . ' 3 , Wil
liam II. Maberry $ l.r : , L , . T. Sun-
dorland ft Co , $ n.0 ; ! , Hobcrt Funstond.Oj ,
Mlllspaugh & Cuddlngtou $230.74 , W. W.
Bccltott & Co. N4.7K.
Superintendent A. A. Munroo reported
that two additional rooms at Albright and
ono at Brown 1'urk , were needed. Messrs.
Funston and Van Alton will arrange for ad
ditional school accommodations nt Albright.
, Miss M. Davis was elected upeclal drawing
teacher and the salury llxed at $55 per month.
The Glebe loan & trust savings bunk was
authorized to do business In the schools , and
the hoard adopted a set of by-laws to govern
tbo same.
Superintendent Munroo reported the pro
position of the American school book company
an was authorized to order needed hooks and
Under n Imnd of Dirt.
Henry McKcan , employed by Btephcnson
& Williams In grading at the Union stock
yards , was dumped over Monday and cov
ered up with u load of dirt. Fortunately the
earth was softer ho would have been crushed.
As it was ho received painful iujurlcs about
the hips.
ProceedIIIKH of ttio City Council.
The con tract for grading Twentieth street
fromN to Q streets , was closed with Owen
The salaries of the officials were ordered
paid while a lot of general bllls.wero referred.
Petitions for water mains on Twenty-third
from Q to Hoffman streets and for an electric
light at T and Thirtieth streets.
Marshal Brcnnan's ' October report , show
ing 117 arrests , of which 22 were scat to the
county ] all'wcro read and referred.
J. 1' . llyau wanted $75 foi his horse that
fell over an embankment into tbo street and
broke its neck. Referred.
Inspector Clark Howard's October report ,
showing L'3 diseased cuttlo had been con
demned and killed.
The report of City Engineer B. S. King ,
recommending a sewer ho constructed from
F street on avonua to J street to
connect with the main sewor.
Asphnltuin will bo used to pave Twenty-
fourth street unless the county commission
ers refuse to allow the change of the material
to bo used from Colorado sandstone.
Through coaches Pullinan nalnco
sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and Intervening points
via the great Rock Island routo. Ticket
olilco 1G02 , Sixteenth ana Parntim.
Army Notes.
Only ono more ofllcer of the army Is to bo
retired this year , Surgeon Mlddloton , on De
cember 13.
. Hccrults Mcars , Modatt nnd Young have
been assigned to troop G , Ninth cavalry in
orders from the oflice of the general recruit
ing oftlcer.
Sergeant Lommcr , company K. Seven
teenth infantry , stationed ot Fort D. A. Kus-
sell , Wyo. , has been detailed for duty by the
war department on recruiting service at
Uochcstcr , N. Y.
By an act of congress soldiers in the army
may hereafter the distinctive bailees
adopted by military societies to which they
belong , providing all such soldiers served in
the Mexican war and the late rebellion.
The old tlmo custom of selecting the clean
est soldier from those mounting guard as orderly -
dorly lor the oflicer of the day , has beej abolished
ished by the war department and hereafter1
the commanding olllcor will bo entitled to an
It is understood that when the question
next comes up In congress to revive the grade
of lieutenant general. It will bo in sucti shape
as to make the grade a pornuncnt ono in
place of any private legislation for any par
ticular oflicer.
The inspector general of the army in sub
mitting his report of the soldier's homo near
Washington , recommends that nine gallons of
milk bo distributed daily among the old vek
orans. As there is now n dairy connected
with the home , the question is , where does
the milk go )
Oat of 109 military posts or stations In the
United states waero troops nro stationed ,
there are only thrco where full rpphncnts nio
stationed. Fort Clark , Tox. , Eighteenth in
fantry , Fort A. D. Uussull , Wyo. , Seven
teenth infantry , and Fort Omaha , Nob. , Second
end Infantry. _
The only railroad train out of Omuha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Blurts , DCS loines and
Chicago business is the Rock Island ves-
tibuled limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p. in. daily. Ticket ofllco , 1002 Sixteenth
and Purnam sts. , Omaha.
Seaman.s ! Hot.
OMAHA , Nov. 4. To the Editor of Tun Ben :
Kindly allow mo space to say to the public
that I this morning for the first time read an
item In the New York Volco. I desire to say
that in its article referring to myself , it lies ,
by which I mean , it wilfully tells an untrutli
concerning my withdrawal from the Omaha
Leader , my reasons for which I had plainlj
and honestly stated In print , from wlich rea
son the Volco has no right to vary.
Prohibition has never been mentioned bo
twcen mo and any bunker. I have not beer
Insldo of any bank oven once during the las' '
six month * ; ; ior sought to do business will
more than the ono I deal with regularly. As
to the business men : All such cheerfully
allow mo to veto as 1 please , and I chccrfull ;
allow them the same privilege. "Tls " true
that some who are not business mcncondomi
mo for doing ni tv do , i. o. voting uccordln )
to conviction. W. T. SEAMAN.
CaealnMlllloruiof Horace
0 Years the Standard.
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring
business and Invites his old frlonds nnd pa
rons , as wall as the general publlto call an
Inspect lila now stock of Imported cd domcst
woolens. Everything nrst clu&.an
ESTABLISH ED 187 4.- - 3153 15TH S
MRUlU ana Certain tea day or money rai
lutidVj. By mill tH , Seourelr umled from ob
Many XJIergymen ,
actors and public spcnkcn u e
Aycr's Clicrry JVrtjoral. It M the favorlto
rcmeily for lioaaencss and nil ndcctloiis of
the organitliruat , niul lungs. As nn
a nod y no anil o j > cctoiant , the effects of
this prcparatlonwe promptly realized.
"Aycr's Cherry Utcloral has ilone tno great
good. It Is a splendid remedy for nil ills-
cnscs of tlio throat nnd lungs , anil I have
miicli plcasnru In testltyltiK to Id merits. "
( Ucv. ) C. N. NIclKils , No. Tlsbury , Mass.
"In my profession of nn auctioneer , nny
nflcctlon of tlio vnloc or U n soiluiu
matter , lint , at cnoli attack , I liavo been re
lieved by a fewMloscs of Ayer's Cheny
reclorul. This remedy , vtllli ordlnnry oare ,
lias worked sticli a niaglenl effect tliat I have
suflerctl very llltle liicon\eiiloncc. I lia\o
nlso used It hi my family , with very excel
lent results , In coughs , colds , &c. " Vm. II ,
Qtmrtly , Mlnlaton , Ku. Australia.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral ,
DR. J. O , AVER & CO. , Lowell , Maso.
Bold by all UruwUtB. 1'rlco $1 J U tattles , $5.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The most widely and favorably know * spec
ialists la the United Htutcs. Tholr font ; ex-
periunoe. romarkiiblo skill uod unlronal suc
cess In the treatment nnd cure of Nerroua ,
Ohronlo and Surgical Diseases , entitle these
tmluent physlclani to the full conQdoncool
the aflllctou everywhere. They ( ? nnr nt e :
the awful elTocts of early vlco and the numer-
oui oTlln that follow In its tuiln , *
tm'odlly , completely nnd pcrninnontly cured ,
OKDKK9 yield readily to tuolr nldllful treat-
guaranteed cured without pain or detention
from business.
nently and successfully curud In every one
matorrhaa , Seminal \Veaknrns , Lost Manhood
Night Emlsjtons , Decayed Faculties , Fomali
WeiikneM and ull'dollcato disorders pccullu :
to cither e > ex positively curfd. nn vroll as all
functional disorder ! that result from youth
fill foil IBB or tlio urooss of m.ttura yean.
STRlf"nirl < G ranteotl pennant ) ntl j
vJl J\ll > \ji\ij oiiroil. removal 0011 ulete
without cutting , cnustlo or clllut.itlon. Cure :
( footed nt homo by patient without a mo
dent's pain or annoyanco.
A QTITT ? ( 'HPT ? The awful effects o
ri OUiXll UUK.E , early vlco which brlnir
organic wcukncsi , destroying both mind am
body , with all 1U dreaded Ilia , pornmnentj
1W RTJI T Address tjioso who hnrotm
L/l\O , IJl l 10 paired tliotnselves by Im
proper Indultjenoo nnd solitary triblti , whlul
ruin both mind and. body , unfitting them fo :
business , study ormarrliiRtv
MAHKIEU MEN or those entering on thai
happy Hfo , awarenf.'physicaldobllity.quloUj
" ' '
' : ! OXJB' BUCOB33
Is based upon footi First I'rsmtlpml e pert
ence. U oond Every case lo specially studied
thua startlnj right. TUlrd Mcdlolne * ar
prepared in our laboratory exaotly to stil
each case , tbu * odeotlngciirei without Injury
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Beginning Monday , November 3rd.
Tuesday Evening : ' 'Pirates of Penzance.
Wednesday Evening : "lolantheiV
Grand Chorus of C5 Voices.
A telegraph instrument hiis been pliUT
upon thu htiiKO and ulootlou returns will I
read botwi'cn acts.
TIILTO will bo no advance In prices.
All the Original Musj
And In fnct a mn ntnccnt prcduotlon by n atipt
I'rlrcs$1 00,75o,4.o ( andZio. IlozilicctopcnSi
urilny at'Ju. m.
D ime
Will Lawlor , Mnnanor. Corner llth aod I'a
nam-Mroots , Omaha.
AYIRIC : ov NOV. 3rd.
ItojnlYecldo Japaneiio , our IIOCOO Importation
Iloynl Japanese ArUata. ilons. Muciulln.llio urn
it Arlol Artist < if Un modern times. Couplet ! H
thebesttrouiioof TucalUts. Comudlan * . nn > t .leaK
an tbo American SWta UN12 U1MK AI1M1TSTO Al
A Tull Set of Tool
on Ituhbor , foi
five UOI.HHS.
A perfect fit Riirirnnteert. Teeth extract
without pnln or Uuiuor. ami will out iinai
thetlcs. Gold niul silver lllllng' * ut IO\M
rates , llrldgo niul Crown Work. Tooth wh
outplatus. All work warr.tnteil.
Entrance , 16th street elevator Upeu ovc
pgs until B o'cloolt.
Waters and Oils a Spoolalt
JL\ . X
We will show you this season some bargains in overcoats that will make your eyes open in aston *
ishment , We have given you many bai gains before-yon know that but those we offer you nq\v \ will
beat them all. We have made a deal with a first class manufacturer , one who makes' nothing but
overcoats , for his entire stock , about 5 000 garments , lie was overloaded and had to sell.Ve are ablate
to offer these goods atess than they cost to manufacture.
As a starter we offer today the following three lots :
No. 1 , All wool wide wale heavy cassimerc overcoats , blue and black color , lined with goo.l serga
well trimmed , at s6. This price would not pay for the cloth alone in that garment.
No. 2 , An excellent blue chinchilla oveacoaf , corded edge , lined with fine plaid cassimcrc , only $ /.5V (
he coat is worth $1 2.
No. 3. A lartre lot of very fine kerseys , fashionable shades , bound with double warp Farmer's satin.
lap seams and handsomely gotten up , These we offer at $8. The regular retail price of such a garmenf
is $15.
There are more bargains than these , It would take a big space in the paper to mention them all.
The fine grades arc as choice garments as were ever shown ready made and in fact many of the ovei *
coats are in point of material , make and fit equal to custom tailor work ,
Our stock includes a large line of Boys' and Chilclrens * Overcoats of serviceable material
desirable patterns and tasty designs. Although the goods were made up for fine retail trade , \vd
are able to offer them at such figures that they are within the reach of everyone. Not often d < >
you get an opportunity to purchase such garments at the low figures we offer them this \vccl %
When you remember that these goods are offered by a reliable and substantial house , \vha
guarantee the exact truthfulness of every word they advertise and whose dealings with the pub .
ic have gained for them the reputation of reliability , you can appreciate the value of the offef
made. *
Open until 8 p. m. Saturday , 1O p. m.
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner 14th and Douglas Streets.
We carry the BIG STOCK of the west , quote Eastern prices and a
BOO miles nearer you than any other market. Correspondent
. ,
Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots.
"The goods which ,
please are already
half sold. "
Blaok Bteriot
1 -AND-
Fine Overcoats.
Come early and
take your choice
from the full assortment
, ment now offered.
Tlio Urcit l.ilaLllitimenlln i tin
s- \\urlil for Hit treatment of llslr
sst nvi ml trrtuous Hcali. | ic ftna. lIMr. Moles lUrtlimsrki Warti , ,
. . .
. lllackhnids. llsrti r' Iicb. ccars ,
rating , l'o df r H arks , FacM ! > .
. ,
Tdopnif nt , hunkcntilutVi. etc ron.
_ inltatlcn free at offlcn or U letttr. 1 ! 8H
pj book on all ikln snd icslp aSectloni au . < l Hull
trf tmentii-nt ' le ltoaiiy .ilJrm for locu.
JUIIV II. WUHOIiUllYi llcrmulnloojlsfr
la. ' \ \ > MIMil Nt. . .New York C'lU. -
a ikln iin < ty mad. BO
flvcrcur sth , I'jeC 1L H. UL'l'TB , ITi fullta Ht-i X ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. .
SeTcntren jours' experience. A regular Ktudnntoln medicine , n-i dlplomii show. is Mllln.ittrlnir
the prentcit fucce" nil Nervous , Chronic unit t'rlvatoillicnoi A perininont oiireRiiarant' } ) ! forCutrr
- , lst Manhood , Seminal \Voakncsa. Mulit LOS OJ , Impotoucr. Sjrp'illH , tttrlctux * > inj
Isciutis of the llluod , bkln uml Urlimrr Organs. N. 11. 1 JJJJ for ororr cvto I un lorl.ikj iinil
to euro , ConsulMitlou ( roo. llook ( Mji'.crloj ofLlfo ) sent froo. OAlco hourj 9 a. in. to i p. tu S
10 u m. tu li in.
1302 Farnvn 3tp3i1 : .
Olty PaeaanBtor and Ticket Aaront
Specific for nyst rla. DItiln sjrits.K upaljiitWiik | ) . .
JulneiiUtntaf Keprtnlqn.katitnlaznt tb.
lultlne InInianltyaad leading to misery ilwaj anJ
detllirPremalura Old Age , liairenncin , l.on of Tower
Incltlier ass , Involuntary J.ontn , and hperrnttorrLooa
eauied by orer-tiertloi or the lirnln , relf-atmia or
OTr.ndultnco. Kach box contains onemonltt'i treat ,
mont. 91 atox. or six for I ) , rent ty mfllprep&lil.
Willi ch order tor ill boiri , will rend purrliuar
tniarantfo to refund money If tlio iroitmentfaUatO
tur . uuarantvei l u > d and iienulnt told iiuljr tir
ItlOraruaiaiitroat , - - Omaha Neb.
leiidlni ; roinudy ( nr ull tlio
nnnalurnl dlHCharens and
prlvatcll oanpsninin , A
certain curt * for tbe di bill-
tatlng wtaknus iitcullar
to om > n.
holrt hy
PcrUtn dlnordrra of MI'.N rnnlce tlifm lllue.
That'll bfcansii limy lose IIOPO too i.
( mitlled tealed free ; for
NFW ROOK I Rl"il ( illlm < ) deiicrllj i
HtW DUUrv | aU.T , . unonlals./fx. ,
rliixii-n 31 ri/i fl"hnvu won ui " .Tronoiioli/
EKIL MEDICAL CO , , Bu l . V , f.
line over Invented tlmt holds tlio nlotlics vrlth-
out plnn : n perfect RUCCCMI putunt icoeiitly
IssiUMli sola only by iiiont9 , to whom the ux-
cliiHlvo rlulit Is Klvun. On rcculnt of 'lOccntu wo
wlllHCiul usmuplo line Uy mall ! uUo circu
lars : prk'fl list uiid tornifl to uKuiit.
your territory at OIICP. Audioa ' 1IIK 1'IN-
LKS3 t'KOTfira LINE CO. , 17 lltrmon it. ,
Worcester Man.
Solo Agent in Omaha forGorhnm Man *
Our Stock of Pine Goods is thfl
Largest and Our Prices the
Conio nml HCO us.
Cor. Douglas & 15th St
To euro milontnois. 8lrk Ileadaclio , CorutlpatloiW
Ualirla. Uver Complaints , toke tlin a
and cartala remedy , H.MITII'8
neollio8MAM.S7r(10 ! ; ( llllla
tie ) , Ther ere the [ mint convtnilonl : null
1'rlcoof eltlier elio , 20 cunU per bottli ) .
t/IQRIWO nt ? 1770 ! I'l'Oto irrartirtL'
punolBltoortlila tilctuiu tot 4
cqnta ( coppers or ulnu p > ) , *
Jc K. HMITII ftPO. . 1
Makers of "Illlo Itoans , fit. Ixjuls. Mo.
11 can be ctwtn In m rup ut v.ffi * r ! * .r ! ar
ilcle * of fvuu. wttbout tn knowledeo of ibe
K ntemtrr. I s .Uolutelr b.ruU.i ted will < H I
- . and p edy our * , wbetlmr tbe t , iltnli
a moderate drlnknr or aalooaollowrok. ITMCYfai
KAII.Fi. II operate * ao quietly and with such aei
laiuty th > t tue patltnt oadergoes no Inronjtnlenta.
and era be le w r . hl > eoinLltla i > rormtlloa M
rr oto < l. * a pal * book of partlouurii free , 'i'okahadai
KUItN Ac CO..10ttx dl louiUa. < lfeth& CuratDff BIM
' Trade . -Al ui..ll . , ( l by ULaKE.BKUUt ! < UO 7 all
" - unt/U CO..Om Ua.
ONl.T nr , l duo's rrrlorllcal rilll
tlict/c'Dchromodf , acton the monstrunl atitaman * ]
cute mppresilon from rrbatUTor caiiro. I'rountj
menitruatlon. Those pills ibuuld nol l > i taken dar *
DK pre ninojr. Am. I'll ! Co. . Uurultr 1'ropi , Bftff
cer.Cluy Co. , la. Uouuluobr Hbermun It MtConosll
Dodiiest.nearl' . O..Uoiahat U A. Melclier , bouli
Umalia ; U , 1 * . Ulti , Council Ululi. IA r J for Ik