THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. WEDNESDAY. NOTEMBER 5 , 1890. [ 8PED1KL NOTICES , rA DVElttisEMKNTS for lhoi colomslll < rxbo taken until 13:30 : p.m. , for tbtevonlnc edition and until 8:3) ) p. m , tot the morning edition find Bu.iDAr Ilr.c. mEUMS-Caiib In advance. 11 ( \l \ ' I > ATK8 AdYertlsomcntaon thlipai wlltbft HVcharped for t th rat of 1M c nt per word tor the ilrit Insertion and 1 cent per word for Itch u Sequent innertlon. and tl-'X ) per lln * par month. No advertisement taken for Jens than SI oonU for the llrot insertion. INITIALS , figures , iymboU , eto. , count each nnono word. rpllf.SR ndrertlsnmcntd rmmt run consccu- J. lively and under no circumstances will they bo taken or discontinued , by telephone. IDAIITIK9 advertising In those columns and rtbavlnc tholr answer * ruldroMCd to t , nurn- fcertd letter" Incnroof Tiir. UH will rccclva ft numbered check to enable them to got their letters. Answers will bo delivered onlyoa presentation of thlscherk. Enclose answer * Jn envelopes properly addressed , i A LL ndvortlsomrnts under thn liend of fA."jipcclal Notleos" are published In l > oUi the Inornlng and evenlngodltlons of Til * Her. , the circulation of which ngitregatfn more thai 10,000 papcri dally , and dives the advertiser tbo Icnrflt not only of the large circulation ot 5'iiK HKK In Otnnha. but also lu Council Hluirs , Lincoln nnd otheroltlc and towpi Inthu wcst ' ' " RANCH OFFICES' Advertising for these columns will be taken en the above conditions , iitlho following bu l- enns IIOURI who nro authorized to take special potlrcR. at the tame rates a > caa had at the main nfllce. iOIITH OMAHA. IWANOII OFKlOE-No. 8 SCSI N Street , Muter Hlock. TOIIN W. HELL , Pharmacist , 8JO South Tenth U utreet. InilAHI3 ft EDDY , Btatlonari and PrlnUn , \J 1IJ South 16th street. , Pharmacist , 2115 Caiov- J. I1UOI1E3 , VharmaoUt , 024 North llth street. . It , VliarmaolHt , 1718 Lo a ten- worth street , Hu PIlAKMAOr.Slthand Farnam. SITUATION'S WANTED. I'ortatrt , etc. , ttctofiof flrttvAttmnontlitt W ANTIII ) I'otlt Ion by stutlonory enzlncor. Ailtliuis V20 llco , M 1D7-11 * AYOl'NfJ RWllcnian from the east ox- inrlenccd In wholesale and retail dry Roods tonksaii I'lKjagomoiit. Not averse to tnnol- Inc. Mauled. llnbltsoxiMnplnry. Hoferoncos einlcntl v fatlHfaetorv. AddrcsSnrcallbotwren 0 and 4o clock 617 N.Y. l.lfc. M4U3'7 * SITUATION wanted of any l < lnd by n young man 20 years old. who has no homo , has first class references. Address V 15 DPI- . YOUNfl man of thoroiiRh business educa A tion , nnd an export accountant , having omnspnro time durlim the day anduvonlni ; , would 11 Una HCtnf books to keep , copyliiR In lontr hiiiulor on the typewriter or any kind of 'clerical ' work. Churgcs reasonable. Address V 1(1 ( lleo. 48J-5 * \\7ANTr.I ) Ladv with lott of experience TV ileslri's a position In shorthand nnd typewriting - writing , liooltkccplim or any kind of olllco work. Iln.i u typuwrltur , Itofcroriccs No. 1. ' , VII Omaha lleo. 4VJ-5 * W ANTl',1) 1'osltlon ascishlcr ornisStuit bookkeeper : Rood icfercnccs V (5. ( llco. WANTIU ) Sltiiiitlon rnclrossnmUInK cstib- lltliineut hr yoniiK lady , to Icarn the trade. Call at Truiuout , 601 N. 10th su IIO-.V SITIIA.TION wanteil by a German lady to assist. In tliohoiiiulioM ; low WUKCS. Ad dress Ij. K. , lice olllco , Council 111 nil's.3GO 3GO , Foriotcs , < lc. , teetov of fi-xt column onUiii . . . . , * - " * ' " ' - l-- - * * * * * ww s l Ma. * ' ' A OKNTS-I. . tollOper day colloctlns small Vjilctiuesfoms to convunil onlnririi. ticit- J fnctlon miarnnlccd nnrt a H outfit free. A Jluntio .t Co. , 50 Ueuils ct. . Now York , M 490-5 * i " \\7ANTM ) A man of clmrnctor , rapacity , T nnil seine llnaiu'lal ability to rondncta iTcnlern business for im ; iciinineratlon SI.V10 i lor tlio llr > it three voars. Address 1C 11 , earn of ij.ord & Thoinus , Olilfago. 111. _ M-OI-1Q' lUMOTiujrinonth at the start will bo paid to a iP Pniaiiiiirer wlincaii 1111 tlin reqtilroincnt.s. Ad dress K 8 , enro o ( Lord & Thomas , Uhlcaeu. Til. 4ir10 ! > T\7ANTI'.D A shop hey ; ono that writes a ' Ki'i" ! hand and ran innko himself Kcncr- Blly iHoful. Aildri'ss ' V 19 , lleo ollli-o and ttate "alary expected. 43S-4 * A N T1D Olllc-o boy ahout 17 years old. Aiixwor In owu hand writing , Address V Tten olllfo. . . . . .J lOOJinen fornow railroad work In Oregon nndVnsliliiKton Ty. Work , . . -.J last twoyoari. Good wawrs Runrautced. 1 Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Varnam st. M 480 D 3 YSAIHY farinliaud wauled. Hillside 1'arm J-'t'alliouti , Neb. Also horseman. " \\7ANTKfl-A first class broad and cakn v v ba kcr. Wa os $11 psr week , board unit room ; at once. Address box 493 Chevenno , . ) Vyo. 4ltl-9 WANTHD DraiiRlilHinnn competent to do cpiiural olllco vruik , ut olllco of L' . M. Kills , lleo lllilrj , at once. 431-5 * WANTi ; AcontHto sell the laU'H novol- tles In button-hole bouquets. Two dls- ItnctsainplPS and particulars lOcts. M ICrnst , Cleveland , O. < ; 5 WANTKD Salesman on salary or commis sion to handle the new patent chemical Ink craslni ; pencil. The greatest soiling nov elty over produced. Krnsm Ink thoroughly in two secondaj no iibrnslnn of paper , 200 to 600 per cent profit. OniMuiont's sales amounted tnftt.'UIn six < ! : is ; another ? . . ' In tno hours. Wo want one onorKotlo Ronoral ugont for each itatoand territory. Hnmplo by mall TCct.s. J'or teniiH null full particulars , address Thn Monioo Kr.iHur Mfg. Co. , LaOrosso , AVIs. 400-4" TVri'.N or womch waiititis ivork , or peisona lUJLiioiidliij holpof any kind , olty or country , can always bo supplied at KoIth'H ofllco. 31Sli B. 15th st , Batlsfautlou guaranteed. M.ai3-X30 \\7ANTr.K Men with good reference at v v Metropolitan Mt& Co. . 1000 Ilowaril st , WANTHD rirst elasi steam nttorscan find employment In UhicuKo. bteady work , night hours. Apply nt onco. ai.'GG 4 WnntuilCorreipondonco CANVASSERS so- llcltcd with competent canvassers to sell piper elothhiK. Hood waues can bo earned write I'uper OlothliiK Co. , 1'ort Huron , flljoh \\rAN nil ) 5en ! nnd women of ability In v every olty , town and village to act as agents for tbo Ladles' Homo Journal. We want the best obtainable olnss ot agents , nnil tOHtich unusunlturins will be offered. The Journal Is the haiiiNoiiipst porloilloal for la- flies and the family ever Nsucd , and IIIH nca lyhnlfa million suliserlliers. It will bo ad- vortl'ed the coming nut u nm and winter one larRersi-ale than o\ir before , creating ado- innnd flint agcutq should he ready tollll , Uurlls Publlslihii ; Oo. , I'hlladoluhla. MISIO' ' T\7'\'s"ll l' - < 'l'auorPI'3 ' ) ' 'orstono ' and TT work. Apply to I1. II. Johnson , Union pissciiRor depot , Oinnhti. R7u WANTHD At once , several good city eaa- vassera. 151(1 ( Douslas st. 675n21 \\rANTr.l ) Asents wanted throuKhout Nn v T braska. Send stamp for reply. Jos. I1 Megcath , Omaha. 773 \\7ANTKD Alivecuoructlo party In tncrj vv iiloeoto Intrnd tico our Roods.Yohaoi now line that will sell at every linuso am Rents ran roan n hnnest between now uni the holldnyx. will nay a tnlary of (75 pu month If preferred and furnish a team free Addons at once. Standard Silverware Co. Iloston Mass. MOK-U 11' \\TANTKI ) Mfn to travel for our Canadlai v v nurseries. btouo&Wullluston.Mudlson.Wl ST- ' WAXriSD FK31AM3 IIKIii' . _ fj > r rti ( < a , tc. ( . fee ( p nfflnt column on this IMQ ' t\ANTEI > Lady stone rnphor for whole T T tale house. State Bpved , enporlcnco. try mpoctctl. Addum V it , live , 4xi.l * T\T ANTED At once. Rood cook and Inun dr M. Mr * . IU K.Ouvlord , 1M6 S SOtlni 487 _ _ _ _ _ W ANTr.I-A woman cook at rullina : , 131U IKxlKf. JJI-C" WWANTKD WANTKD A girl for geuornl liousoworl Mi ] Howard. WI7D C * ' " " (11UL for housework at814 S20th > t. 407 V WANTr.l ) Lady to control saloot orna mental birds , buttrtrftlcs. etc. . for hat i3. ! bonnets : alto for decorating parlors , etc. , an other novaltlei. International Mllllnerv Co UlBVclaml , o. 4il 3 _ BlilQIlT youni Udy wanted to get sut oorlboM for thn On\aliS Rxotlslori f > 0 pe -tcommUslou , Apply 113 H 16th U Mlttl Kll Qlrl for niuirul housownrl bs. U. W. Loomli , loll B. 30U > itre. W MIHOKLIjANEOUS WANTS. For raten , etc. , u topof tolnmn nn thu and fv without l good euro will betaken of them iitCnfTrunn Park farm. Lcavo liorsrs wlthN. K. Dlllranee , italics 411 8. 17tb nt. Tel ephone POI. HOUSK3 wintered at Omaha fair grounds , lonn winter 200 horsas. oieh horse has a larxo ivarni botstall , feed all the grain the owner wants. Inrgo yards for oxcrrlso In Ono woalher. A. Thomson. M'JTil N7J roit KINT : HOUSIM. Kor tifr , tte. , ice toynf fml column , on thin HOI'S I ! for rent ; ten rooms , modern con- \enlrnce.UI fco.iotlist. M.IJ3 7 * FOH HLNT-Tlin bcatitlf til 7 room cottacos. .lust ilnNlinil , Hath and modern Improve ments. Only 1 loft. O. H. Klguttor , 40M''lrst Nat'lbank. 4H FOH ISKN'T Klogant 8-room hotno. nit mod ern Improvements , corner'.IM and Ohlcago , Apply at I.W'J 1'arnmu at. 4"3 FOH HENT-3018 Webster street , new nine room house , sewer and water connected and ready for fiirnnco. Next corner Webster nnd 30th streets. Now sotvii room hoii'-o sewer and water , Kent low for good tenants. II. W. FOH HUNT Nowono-story six-room hoime , warm gollnr , city water , iioar cur line , cheap. Inrjulro corner 5Hth and Lake. I 0. Ulunii. U514 TTICHRKNT Nicely furnished cottafreot six J3 room1 ! , with niodcrii conveniences. Inimlra 416 S * TJ10H lir.NT 3-ronm liomo : all niodorn lint - -t ? iirovcniGtiti , 10H South5lliavcnuu between rntnani ami DodRo streeM : JIYOO ; bostlnonl- Ity In cltys convenient to business. AItfG-7 * C03V , convcnlDiit cotlazo , nice yard , motor two blocks. lEJl.cor , Kill und Jaukson. KKi 4 * Iir.NT-A Rood 6-rootn liousp , city - water , 'Otlth front lot.nnur Ijitlio nml Shor- ninniivo s tit expiration ot H years will cite yon warranty ilcocl.'mDifcttomoruiiBo. Look this up. U. 1 ? . bhuw , U0 Shuoloy blk. SM OH Kl'.NT 3 room linuso. all mnclcrn Irn- prnvciuents , ! 2 'JOUIilcago St. , 111.07. King- Harkorhlouk. 3U FOH IinS'T 7-room oottaRO , convenient to nhoh'salu district and business. Apuly 1112S. I0th st. U" FOH KENT S-room modern house with nice barn. 1704 N 'Jlit ; also 8-room house nnd nice burn , ! ! t)0 Miami , by Orum& lllshop. K Ot , Hoard ot Trade. 1W 171011 TjnNT-28-rootn house ? at 2022 nnd 21 JCalil eII st , nicely piporcil , havlnp mod ern convenience * nnu ti.irnai to Tcllublo jmr- tk'mintll sprin ? f23 per mouth. J. II. Johnson , 510 l'aton block. 070 POlt HUNT Seven-room cottnoo , cor. 28th u\jo. und Oap. nvo.lnqulro 2013 Dodge. M-CCO ; llUNT-5-rootn houso. 112 S , 23th at. COa N14 DrSIHAItM ; tlwclllnlt iill parti of theeltj Snicnlon Si Allen , ll > 07 riiriiarn st , 628-U12 T710H UHNT Aii Srooinliouso wltn nil mod- JU crii linprovriiiuiits heated by hot water , 152.5 8 'JOth st. 4 blocks east of lluuscoin 1'nrk. KnquliolOO KcobillldltlK. < > 1 Poll KiNT-lIoU90,8 : room- ? , peed Inunilry. Inqulro Hobt. I'urvls/'lth&St.Mary\ave. TV VOU wish to rent 11 lionso or store see II , XE. Cole , Contlnuntnl block. 833 POH HENT To roiponslblo parties only , those linn now hrlpk and stone honsos on CioorKln avenue : fltteon roomi nnd alcoves : morn conM'iilencesand butter finished tlinn tiny house for rent In the city. U. II. llendor son. 400 Paxton block , city. 8St r-l'OOM hnnso with barn ; nominal rent K. Ilnrrlbon.Oll N. V. I.lfo. 879 ICDXT O room house , all jnoilorn con FOH , Inoltidlnir a good stnllo. Caplto , avrmii' . noir the hlch school ; rent moderate , U. J. O'Uonuhoe , 1001 Punnim bt. mi . - house , ISth and Vluton , J13. ; SrVP.N-rootn 5IU 1'axton block. 080 KOlt HUNT KOOIMS FURNISHED , Forrate * . etc , , tie ( opoJ7mt column on thtr pane. F [ OH Itr.NT-Ono nicely furnished fron L ? loom , ( ID ; steam heat , bath nnd inoder comriitMiros , bocontl floor : rofi'ronco r ( lulled. Mrs. II. O. , 2238 Taruaiu.M . M -IM-7 * , modern convculonro1 ? . (12 ( PItONTroouj 8.11H11. M.4007' FLUNlslI 131) ) room , 1000 Tai-nam , at $000 pc month. 4.M-5 -vrnw > 'I A' furnished front rooms , stu.'imhoat , ens'I Jens b.ith , 711 S 10th , 2nd floor. 1C3 0 * NIOKLY furnished room with boat. M pe mouth , 400 Williams street , near imloi depot. 430 TI1AM heated front rooms , furnished ! use S1 of bath ; 1711 Nicholas st. 403-1 * T AltO Ii front room for runt. 1013Do < lgo. and bed room for two centlomen atciiiu heat , gas , bath , 017K B. Uth. ROOMS for nontlemon ; steam heat , bilh. 01/J South Utli 40J-0 * HEN'T rioasantfurnhlied southrootn , modern conveniences , ' "OlS Douglas. 3084 * LBASANT south front room , 2412 Dodge. rTANDSOMELV furnished room. Sa "VTlOI'kY furnished room , 1024 Douglas. FOH KENT-TWO nicely furulshed front rooms. SOlOPavenportst. 207 PUHN1S1IKTrooms forrcntwlth all modern convunlenecs. UUO Harnuy , 212 a * . ttlOU UKNT-Furnlshod rooms , IMS Oupltol K n\o. aiiot id- D ESIUAIILE rooms forthrooor four gentle men , private silting room Included. 1701 Oapltol ate. 4.11 TjlOU HENT Varnished rooms ; tras.bathaud U steiini , 1510 llowunl. * 6"4 t T1\VO nicely furnished rooms , slnglo or on snltu , gas and bath ; terms reasonable , 1724 Loavcnworth. tlsGS-l' KENT-1'urnlsbcd rooms 1000 Uoiiflas. PU11NIH1IHI ) 1100MS AND UOAIIU. , For iiilf * , rn1. . , Tj1lUNISIlKIrooni ! ) , pallor and nli-ove for Jj ' 'orJI neiitloinon , buek parlor for 2. Heat , Rtis , bath , with board , 'USUnrnoy , M 471-17 * OOMb and hoird , 201 S , 2oth uvo. uvo.4S18 * Tj1UKN13HEP rooms and boards niodorn JJ house ; best location In city , U20&0.'Jtli ' st. 4JJ-4 * F OK uood board , nice ron ins , modern con- MMilcnci'- ' , rates and location , the I'ulhuan house , 1310 Dodga St. , cuunot be nxeollnd. furnished rooms , slnslo or en suite , iN with bourd.heut , gas and bathL1)8 ) nnd 21 N. 17h ! , opposite now postofllce lto tea N'J3 * T71OH llUNT Uooms , with board. 1 U at , 013 ST. OLA III Kuropoan hotol.vrltb dining room , steam licat In all rooms , Kth and -Dodge Special rales bv week or month. S75 FOll JtKNT-STOUKS AND OKKJCE9. For riilw , tie , , ire tap pf Jlrtl column nn t/ikt MEAT marUet on south 10th. M. A neat 0 loom house , Hamilton St. , Walnut Hill , tl llutchlnson & Wcaii , m Douglas st , M 173-0 LOOK UKKE-WInter iscouiluR , there are a few peed ofllcos for unit In the It 111170 bld'Ki with tint rlnss hontliiK and best of olu- rotorsor\lcea. Inijulro 1'raukJ. llauiKo. 'i 2W-U2S S'8 ' 16th , 0x 0 each , lanroshow 1- wlndowi. Meatu heut ( urulshed , Thos. V , llall.ail 1'nxton bliMslt. tas FOH KENT The 4-story brick bulldlns.wlth or without power , formerly occupied by the llco I'ublUhhiK Co. . Oil ) Karnain st. TUo butld- IIIR has a tire-proof comontbasomenteoniplota in steuin huatliiK tlitun > > , water on all the floors , gaa.eto. Apuly ut tlia ofllce otl'he llco. 015 kl FOll UKNT--UOOMH UNKU HMSIIHU for rate * , ttc * at top of flrtl column un FOH very coinfortablo winter homei H' i- those 3-roora Hats , U.V , Oor.21st and Nich 3. olas su. Newly pajicred. city water and sow- crugr. 1'lrst lloor. IJj fiocond lloor , H. Iluttj Itontlus AEtMioy , ' ! Ul < . 13th sU 1U N5' TATKNT sr mtff , tte , tte fop of frtt roMimn on tlili \ age. PATENT IttWiors&wlloltoM. O.\V SUM A Ic. ( Jo. , Ue building Otuaha , i Ilr&noh otUco at WtuUlDctoh , D. 0. CooiulUtlon free 174 FOIt 11RNT WAKRIIOCSKS. For rattt , etc. , tte lo | > offlrtt totnrnn on Into | M0e TTIon HRNT Ilrlck warcliousc. two utorles Jnnd hnwrnont , 27,000 nqimro foot , with 103 fcrtof dotible track on IJ. I * , railway , south UJtli und I'lcrco streets. Addrcii U Otkump , Omaha , Neb , SW HBMT Brick warehouse , two-stories i ! bajcrncnt ; hydratillcolcrator ; track- ; best location In tbo city , A. O. Powrll. W ANTIC I-TO UIINT. Furrat't , fit. , tcctop of tr it rulunin oritAto JIM * T\7ANTEI-To ) reiit-A nicely f urn Micd ii house of nbntitlO rooms near hnslnoss contor. Hcst of references. Address V ll ! Ilec ofllce. MOSXl-5 * " \VrANTKD-Hoanl and room In private Ii fnmlly. by youiift business mam wlllniy peed prleu for pleasant home. Address V 22 Iloo olllco. MWK-5 * \\TANTRII Knoin nnd hoard , Nicely fur- II nlslicd room for Bcntlonian anil wlfo and sitlsfactory board. Only flrttt class ac commodations wanted , V II , llceofllco. AU70-B * \\7ANTEIl-Uooni and hoard for two nmr- ii rled couplet.Vclt ftirnltlicit rooms ntul loird In desirable nclsliborbood. None hut tint class parties need answer , V 1:1 : , lleo olllco. M 47S-4 * "W"ANTEII-Uy youiiR inirrlcd couple , fur- ii nhhed house or Hat. No children. Ilest city rcforcnco. Addrew V 10 Hoc , 471-4 * AtiKNOk. Fur tntrt , etc. , n lop nf flrsl column on l/ili / 7i(7 ( . "f 1ST your houses \slth the Heal Estate In- -LJforumtlon bureau , 17 Hoard. Trade.MlnM MlnM TVI I1.I11EV & . llro.rental asonts.SOS N.V.Wfo " 1.1" 13. Cole , rental agcnt.Coutlnental blk. 1,1ST your hotiie to sell cr rcat with 0. P. Jllarrlson.Oll N. V. Mfo. 16W bTOIttVaig. I'orrattf , tte. , rrf ( op of fiTtt olitmn oil Iftte CTOHAGE ana Trackage-David Cole , 815- OJ17 Howard st. 713 STOHAGU-Soo us before storing goods of any description. Omaha Stove Kcpalr Works. 1S07 DouKlas. Tel. 1)00. bOJ rpUACICAOE storage at lowest rates. W.SI. Itushnian , Kill Loavcnwortb , 801 H'OltAQK-llranoh & Co. , 1211 Howard.POT POT FOH 8A.liK-iyURNIT.UJlE KTC. For rater , ftt , , tee top of flrst column on t/U-i / pig. "lj1OHSALla'ho entire furnlturo of a ten- - > -'room house at n Krcat saorillcoj house Is very centrally located and can bo rented atii furniture Is nearly now ) terms easy. lRlit & tasbury , S.V. . corner ] Mh and Howard sts , . 409 7 TTIORSALlr-Furniture and business of .T2- -L < room hotel In Lincoln , doing wed paying business. Hcst ot ro.tsonsfor aelllug , Tcrtna easy. M. W. I'olsom. Lincoln. Nol ) . 515 FOU HAlilS 1IOK8EM WAGONS I3TC. Fort-nta , tte. , tee lop of flrttttotumn on InU IT1UII SAIjlI , very cheap-One ( four Dascen- - ger ) rockawuy carriage ( now ) ; ono light brougham , a two-seated Husslan nlolKli , ono single harness , ono pair elegant liorsa blnnk- ots , ono farm wimon , and two sets of double liiirnr-H Thn above is property of tlio Into 1' . Ullln.obaiiith nnd will bo sold very cheap. Oco. W liolbioolc , room 4 , llco Uldfr. 'J4 WORIC horse JOl.two hor-io wnon $ JOdoublo work , htrnoss 115. Or will trade for a Rood light sldo bar buggy. II. E , Cole , Contin ental block. 890 Tl OltSEd $ JO and up. H. E. Col . 883 TI1OU SALE 2 Rood work teams. Inquire ac J ! U18 I'axton bile. 423 FOll I'orttitet , ete. , tee top of first , column on Wits jifl < "IDUTCHKB tool-i for sale. Apply A. Oriihc. JJKort Onitihsi. Wl 4 " \TK\Vcallsraph , prlco reasonable , K Go , Bee JL > ollice. 77J "lAON'T torset Jos. P. McOeath , 1007 Fiirnntn J-'st. , whonyou want to buy , rent or neil a typewriter. 772 K All kinds of thorotiglibrcd do s. ; J nines Kiuizy. 1113 A Wtli St. 278 'J.O UUX. ror rates , ete. , nee /op / < i/ first column on Hit * WANTED to Buy A well-located lot. 18th , 24th , Ijcaronworthor West I'ariiam sts. preferred ; must bo n bargain ; glvo location and pilco. Address V 12 , Hee. 4704 A GOOD arocory stock , oim-hnlf good trade , one-half spot cash. Address , gl\lti size of stock nnil location , V 2 , llco. 4J5 5 * -\\rANTKD-To buy a diamond. Will iviy IT cash , btrlotlyconfidential. AddressVu , llco. Jir < ! S \\7"ANTED Ilnrsos , wasons , oto. to sell tit II auction every Tuesday and Friday 10 a. in , I'loneoristables , loth , between llarnov and Howard. 3U7-IM TjlUKNITUUE , household uoodsoto. Hlchost J-1 cash prlco. Wells. 1111 1'arnnm. 877 uund hats , 1512 Dodge M827 Snco.NI ) hand typewriter * . J. P. JlcOoath , 1X)7 ( I'arnum s > t. , Omaha. 773 SECOND-HAND books bought for snot cash at the Antiquarian bookstore , 1113 f'nrnam. 015nl4' WANTED-Horso and hu gy. W J. 1'niil. 1U09 Karnini. 318 A11SCU IjIjANKOUS. Forratfi. etc. , tee top of first column on l/itf / page. SHOWING of nil kinds attended to free of charge. Address Clara Street. Woman's Exchange. M473 ! " TtrA-SSAGE , Madam Uclzior , over 010 a nth. 4G3 d. SAVK fuel by covering your steam pipes nlth Kossll Meal Composition ; tlio best lion-conductor , absolutely lire proof , \Ycs- tcra agent. I ) . O. McEwiiu , 1511 llowaidst. BO. WIICHLT ! ! ! . Kcncral stenographer and notary. Ueprtsltlons and court work a .specialty. Tel. luJI , room lOOi N. Y , J.lfo Uldg n O Shoe Dealers When you p.itron(7o ( me JLyou Unow that I will noteompcto with you by retailing rubber boots , shoes , irotlcs , san dals , etc. I am not running twelve or llf teen retail shoo stores under various names. 1 sell at wholesale only nnd have no Imprest In nny retail store. I am western agent for tlio Nc\v \ Jersey rubber shoo company nt Omnlia. nnil every shoo doalorUiowsthero Is no bolter line ofgooiUmado. My sales this year HO far nro more tlmn double tiny otharsoason up to this time. Send for price INta and discounts. Jer seys will bo ox torsi voly advertised this sea son , / . T. I.huUey. IMI-nO Til ASSAGKtroatmeiitelectro-thermal baths , J-'L scalp-anil h.ilr treatment , mimlcuro and chiropodist. Mrs. 1'ost , K a-21. AVlthnoll blk. 504 LOST. For raten , etc. , tee tiiu of flint column nn Hid vnge. T OST-Llvcr-eolorod pointer bitch , very thin JJ and bony , Kuturuto 131G Douglas struct. Suitable reward. M If71 I'KHSONAIj. Ftrroft * . ftc.nte topof frst column nittif ) O gruphtu World" ( New York ) forNcnembi-c : outtcHl'ty ; Mpaues ; 10cents ; luvaliiablo ; all news dealers. American News Co , M 491-y I\f A.-lla\o dUeovcred that which niahes JJ1. it Impossible to send to that place , S.H.I' . 4TI C" MAKSAflK IliVTHS Fur rmV > . fteKO tupuf frst colmnn on "i\l AHsAUIO , Madam Dolzler , over 010B Kith. Ill < a > as * T\rABSAOE bath at Madam Smith's parlors , -illGOT a 13th it. next Ilarkur hotel 175 0' J1AI11 GOODS -WIGS , ETC. For ratable. , tte top uplrit column on thli pagi BEST Hue hair goods In west ; hair drcsslgn , wl s , wltclios , banzs , lialrjaolmlns , eto , , a niHXilnlty , Davlni Kiwis and mllltnor opposite poitolllce , 111 ri.l5th st . Onialu1 DM HUOI'.TUA.SP AND TYI'1S\VK1TJNQ. 'For rota , tte. , ue top of frtt cohimiion llta pagi , ' JL changed. rentoJ , J , I' . MogeutU , 1637 Far- uam HtroeU _ SM r'A\'rT.ftlflTiiCb ; for runt or sale. Slongjj- JL ruphon supplier J.r.UoitithlW7 ( Vtroauu T0 > LOAN For ratal , itc.tte tcpafflrfrtMlumnnn thto bS tViVan'Vy bVi'V'KUVtow o and collateral securities for any tltna from ono to su months In aujr amount to suit bor rower. , Loans mfidoonhou oh < Vhl poods , pianos , or- Katu , hordes , mules , hou'ps. leases , warchotno rocolpt-s , Btc. , at the 'fowost | io < nlblo rates , without publicity or removal ot property. My loans are so arranged that you can make n ) ) iyment of any ntnuimt nt nny tliuo and reduce- both principle and interest , If you owe a bivhnco on your property or hare a loan you wish changed. 1 vrlll pay It off nnd cirry It for yon. If yju find It more convenient , call up tolcphnno No. 1G21 und yonr business can be arranecd at homo. Money always on hano. No dolny , Mo pub licity. Lowest rates. , , iti , II. P. Masters. Room 4Wlthnoll blk. ; I3th and Harnor 'to , L hank. 519 a 15th St. . loans money VVon uhattohor collateral at reasonable rates twt TjllHST.tBoconilrnortnagos on vacant it lin- Jt ? proved city prop. County warrants boucht Money on baud. P. M. Klchardsou,813 N.V. I < lfo. 105 TiTONEY 30 , CO or CO days on furniture , -L'Ipianoi , horses , houses.otc. J. J , Wilkinson' E13 iVxtoa block. OOtl NUSUAuLV low rates of Interest on first mortgages of Improved real estate for the next 00 days by the Hansis Olty Investment Oo. Itooiu 38 , Hoard of trade , J. 11.1'easo , nianiiRcr. OOU CHRAVoastcrn innnoy rhlladclphla MortitaRo and Trust Oo , always ready to loan and pny promptly ; first mortgages wanted. Oeoruo W. V. Coates , rep- rcscntntlvo. room 7 , board of trade. 01- E ? & 0. M. ANTIIONV , 313 N. Y. Life building - ing , lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska and lowai also on Rood Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; no delay : money ready. Titles and vnluoapjsscdon hero. 014 EVSTONKMortgaRo Co. Loans of J10 to Jl.OOO ; Ret our rates before borrowing and save money ; loans on horses , furnlturo or nny approved seeurltv without publicity ; notes bought , for now loa" onowalof old and low- osbrates , call K.208 eely blk.,15tli it Howard , 015 WANTKD 1'lrst class Insldnloans. Lowest rates Call and see us. Mutual Invest ment Co , 1501 Karnam. Olfl EASTKUN money to loan on city property ; mortgagepaperbouRht. U.ll.Iroy.N.Y'.Mfe. 017 /"IHATTEIj loans at lowest rates. Homovod Wto O-.M , N. Y , Llfe , bldg. J , U. Emmln or. 018 MONEV loaned nt low ratns on furnlturo , horses , &o. , without publicity , Hnwkeya InvcstiucutCo , 33 Douglas blk,10th and Dodga , OIQ BUILDING loans , Gto7 per cent ; no addi tional chnrKoi for commission or attorney's fees. W. 11. Melklo , Viral National bank bldi. MONEY to loan on city and farm property. W. M. Harris , KiW.l-'renzor Hlk.opu. I' . O , . per cent real citato loans. 0. R Harrison , 012 N. Y. I.lfo. ; M7 MONKV to loan. Correspondents of Lom bard Inxostmeut company. Shrlvor & Burns. Vrcnzcr block. 801 FARM Loans liust rates nnd option In the west. IiitPU-st annually. Horrowurscaa pay part or all of principle nt end of any year , and stop Interest. K. K. Stowo , 810 N. V. Life bldg. SDOnSl' KIMBALL. Champ ft Kyan , IBtf ) Itarnam st , ' nuiiio loans on real estate , personal and collateral security. Notes and bonds bought. HulldliiK loans at lowest rates. CO'i N14 FIRST mortgage loans rin unproved nnd un improved property. 0. J. Caswoll , 810 N. Y. Life , M587N14 1 IKJFarnam. Hon. F. Marti , loans made on -Ldlamonds , watches , Jewelry , etc. 5C1 N13 * /"IIIATTEL 10.U18 , low tale , 1519 I'nrnnm W 4M-nllt TViTONKY to lo.m on any poourlty J-U. for short time at low rates. Lowest rates on porionallproporty The Henderson Mori sago Investment Com pany , room 400 , 1'axton blk. . 910 REAL Kstato Loans Orish on hand. Olobo Loan .t Trust Co. . SDTjH. 10th st. . No delay , no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list. BUSINJ3SS Formfc * . tte. . , ttttopof flnl column an tltU pao . MB AT MAUKRT"for sile. Kitted upnrst- class In every particular. Oood business. Wlllhear the sttlctDst Imcbtlgatlon , Address lock box 400. Council lilnlTs , la , FOIt SALE CHEAP One of tuobcstmorry uo rounds on the road. l'or * partlcucars write A. liobcrtson , box 110. Ohebojirnn , Mich , 11 4(3-10 ( * PAUTNrtll wlthWM to start nnontorprlso will doublti Inrestinont bofoiu now year. Call at room 13 , 807 Howard st. 477 4 * look at this. I have the best l > iylnbro\ory \ In the state for sale at a very low prlco The product of this brewery Is know n la every town within 100 miles. Splendid trade established. oThls Is a very rare bargain , nnd will bear close Investiga tion. I'nrtles dcslrlns any Information In re- gardto nbovo property will please address T. Sonnonsohcln , West 1'olnt , Neb. 402-11 FOH HALE or Kent Largo hotel , well lo cated In ono of thnbost towns In Nebraska. Will sell or rout to good hotel inun at very reasonable figures. Correspondence solicited , Address I' , Soniionschelu , West Point , Nob. 402-11 T71OK SALE A rare chance for a butcher , a L1 Uno location and now onjoylnjj a splendid trade a llrlek building with basement all fitted up with the latest appliances for the preparation of meats for market , Including power , machinery , etc. This 1s an oppoitunlty of a llfet lino. 1'or particulars address Lcck box M , West Point , Nob. 40'M1 WANTKD A competent newspaper man with II vo or six thousand dollars In casher or security , to take clmrgo ot the Democrat , as I Iwvo Important business that will require my time cast nnd south for the coining your. Wo will pay the right kind of a man a nice snlnry. uncommundatlons required. Ad dress W. K. Vnunhan , Omaha , Nob. M 313 N 30 * I71OK SALE Ono of the most desirable hotel -L properties In tbo stato.sltuatod In Bancroft , CuiuhiRcounty.Nob. The house hns a good payIng - Ing patronage and has an excellent livery stock and feed stahlo In connection. The town Is thnondof n. passenger division of tbo Chicago , St. I'aul , Minneapolis & Omaha rail way. It Ua centering point for hunters from all over the state , as she Issurioundod by hikes , marches and vast pralrlos.wheio ducks. , pr.ilie chickens and other game birds abound In great numbers during their fioanon. 1'or further reference apply tn U , Pohsoy , Ilancroft. Nob. JMI80-N27 RESTAURANT for rent or sale. T , Murray 077 QHOE "tore forsalo In a live town of 5,000 Inhabitants. Splendid crops , lending busi ness , only one other slioo utoro. Cause , poor health. Address B IS , onreof llco. M TTlOHSAhK J10.000 clioleo stocic of general JL rnuruhandlso inouoottbo best towns In Nebraska,7 * > miles from Omaha , 1'arty doing an excellent biislni'ss , bin , has other bai douiaudln ? Ma atteutti > ilJ < Address l > .V > . FOU For late * , etc. , ftt fop of JUxt column on tht * mot. rpO KXOHANdK-Ooilrtral stock of mdso XVnnt real estata ai J money. Box " 03 I'ranktort , Ind. M 47MS * ITIOU r.XOHANnE-Strmsor & I'cnny , rea X' ostatit agents. havoremovcd , to rooms 42 and 42tf Darker block , " ' " 431-4 rilOKXCHANan lOO.feH0-foot fenclnsrand JL a now building , IftvlU. Imiulre room t23 llco hulldlns. . 'Ml ° * CLKAHclty property rfnd cash to exchange for stock of books , stationery or wall pa- per. Address U , 1035i'nt.l.lncolii. ( ! , Neb. M2JJ-5 _ t'orratftte. _ , ete toil vrjityt ttnlu on f/iJji pitue. ENQAGEMKXTS todoclrcssmalcln ? In faml lies Bolloltcd , MUs Sturdy , Mlo llurncy st MC.C1N15' " " PI3X810N Ati Fur nt'-s. tte. , ttt top ( / Jlrtl coJu PENSIONS The Cllngiuan l'en < > lon Agonoy -1 1'renter blook. Information frco. 1JOJ Ho.uVniN'o. . fie. , Mtiu/iii/r / / jitrt f KIII/III , < m _ IM \ < ag " " " " ATisKAOT ION Ruaratitced to t nbio T board ers. The HllUlde , a. w , cor. ISth and Dodge. FOIt BAliE-UKiVti KSTATK. f'orrattt. ttt , uttupof fnt column T71OH SALE A forty aero farm situated two X. and uuu-hult iiiflc * cast nf town. Gooi buildings and Improvements. The place wll rnukpu ules lioiuo for thopurchahor , Kor fill partlenlars , price , oto. , apply toVta. . O loby North Uend , Neb. COO 1 nit V Mill , * 11 Jll. S.J fQTVtM'1 , . . , tte , , re topof Jlnt column on f/iti pac 171OK SALE At a bargain , eoQd S-room cot- L tn o InOouncIl lUuils , built and occupied by owner , full lot. 4l\lKX-on ! Avo. I ) , between nth And IlOih. well , collar , outbuildings , tight hoard and picket fence , all In Rood condition ) torinsoasv. Iniiulruof 1' . S. Hwlok.llroniilnr , King & Co. , 15th and Douglas street. 4&0 C * $0,5 0 Only ! > > .rpOa Ir. Chumbcri' rcsldonco on ICtliond llurdotto Bt. , owner golns to leave city , llest burgnln In Omnlia. I ) . V. Shell's. Hule.aRtmt , gu first Nul. bank. M03Q W AUGH A : \Yo3terfloldtealcstate.S.Omaha. C3 inoH SALE N.V , cor th and Doduo sis. J ? The 0. F. bavhJ Co. MM 6 THOlf SALn-l7ot lS block S , KllbV" U Tho0. K. Davis Co. MS07 i _ STHINifJKU & 1'HNNY , real estate agents , have rcuioveil to rooms 42und 4JV4 llarkor block ! 4.G-4 171OH SAMJ or ront-in foot front with build- -L. Initof'.fl rooms. Apply at the premise ] 8l98.1-'thbt. AlsoIX' feet on cor of Chicago anil 13th , An- ply atnis Southlatiist. aio-ni ? ( I 8.0CO for homo on OhtcnRost , near ath , O.F , 'Plliurlson.UiaN. Y. Life. 8C7 FOK SALE On easy monthly payments. C- room house and loiith front lot. near Lake and Miprman ave. ; Just Ilko paylnj ? rents no Interest. 0. F. Bhaw , : 8 Sheeloy blk. Si ) USto the front. I liavo six cloiant os on 4 < tli aii'l rarnniu , with nvury nodcrnconvenience , Inoliidlni ! KM and KUI Ixturi's. now nearly reiulv foroeonpanor * Sou liuin and maUo your uholco. Price , S.Ci.'i ! ) to I.U.V ) . MOO to & 300 cash , balance to suit at 7 per coiitlntorcit. Kvcry puroliasor before Nox-cmbor5 gets a ticket to thodrawlnitof nKOO nlaiio , OnrrlaRO always ready to show customers , Farnatii street motor within four Iluy a houio quick , and tnl.o a hand In the grand ehunio. This Is straight goods. 1) . V. Sliolcs. ! i31'lrst National bank , M030. < DQ-r > 00 buys tbo Dr. Oliambcrs residence and T veterinary barn ou 10th and llurdotto Hts. This HKI.ON ) loss than cost. U. V. Bholos. solo agent , ' 'la First Nut , bank. MftM TT1OR SALE At a barcaln. 133 feet square U4lh and Jackson st. The 0. V. Davis Co. \t tv A SALE Lot nnd S hoviscs , ISth and lor- eu3 , on monthly tmymuuts : UO inlnutos' wall : from nostofllco. The O. Ii' . Davis Co. tb'JT 0 T/1OU RAliB A farm ndlolnlns-lllalr. Nob. , -L could bo phittrd and sold for curdcn at onco. H. W. Blollrldo , lllalr. 707 nU * ,71OU SALE House and lot , 21st and Ilnn- J- ' croft , nt a luixaln oa monthly navinunU. The 0. P. Davis Co. MbU7 6 FOUSAIiK At a bargain , a desirable resi dence. $ 'iSOOi $5UO down , balnnco on easy tcnnn. O.vll at Nebraska steaia luuudry , Kith and Howard HIS. TOO FOUSA.LK At n. bargain , 0(1x120 ( on Daven port , near 17th , ono block from now post- ollloo , very cheap , 1.20,000 ; OOxlJ2 corner iJOth nnd t'urnnm. { Jo,000. O. L. Oreeu , room 'JO , Ilarkor bloolc bSt 171OKJALB At a bargain , a Rood store house JIlttod up with shelves nnd counters , baso- mentO rooms for dwelling , peed cistern nnd well , will foil or trade for A No. 1 stock of Kro- corlos. AililrosjKuol ifc Keel , 0. O. I ) , K roc or a , N. 10th bt. tOT rr ROOM cottage , full lot , Httiiscom Place , I east front and a great harRaln for n few days , Small cash piymcnt nnd balance on long time , K. K , Darling , llarkor Mock. WH POK SALE Tlireolots 3Jth and California sts > Tlie O. V. IJavN Co. MbUT 6 TT1OU SALE Six cottages , rnnelnn from $1,400 J ? tnJJ,500 rach ; 8100 to $500 cash , balnnco monthly or to suit. If you want a house wo can arr.niRU terms to suit , Bmeaton & Allan , 1C07 Farnam. ' 'ja-N 4 A SMALL payment down and IIS per month will buy a 4-room house and lot on 16th , 3 blocks from motor ! Urst-clas4 chance to an- qulroa homo on easy torms. Apply to II. Ii Colo. Continental block. 633 FOll SALE An elegant now residence , 0 rooms cherry and onk llnlsh. largo stable- and every convontunco for comfort : location , the best In the oily , price low. Terms easy , 1) , J. O'Oou.ihoe. 1G01 st. KH IP YOU luivo anything to Boll or excbanRa call at 018 I'axton block. ft-0 FOH HAIiH Choiip , on easy terms , a nlco cottazoln Lowe's Add. , and a 7-room brick house , with all modern conveniences , on3 > th and Jacksousts. Room 11. Chamber Commerce CIS OLA111VOYANT. Forrattn , etc. , tttlopuf flui column nnthftvaae. MADAiMK Gouvny , cl.ilrvoyant nnd trance medium , massage treatment especially , 1001) ) Davenport st. i8J-l ASSAOi : , Madam Dolzior.ovcr OlOSmh. -Hi' ! d2 * MRS. HTHVER Is glrlnx best success of any fortune teller In the city. She does not deal In any fraud. Her terms are the lowest. lOGNMQtD t. , Ildlloor. MI1I1-4 * ARltlVKl ) Clairvoyant nnturally Kitted , tells past mid future , love troubles , nb- sent f i lends cluiisc , travels , business , tolls by lotlor : also satisfiietlou Rl > cn. Mrs. Wal lace , aBNoith.10th St. 44.-8 * TITRS. NANNMB V. WAKUEX , elalivnyant a -Ltrance , snoiWInj , writing and reliable Iu3lnc3sinedfum,4ycars in Omaha. llON.llth. MUSIC AHT AN ! ) IjANGUAGE. , etc ret top of Htr t colmn onthU PIANOS for rent , 33 per mo. ; organs $1.50 per mo. } VII1 allow reed on u new plino : 3Iax Sluyor& Uro. Co , 4ir 4 HIGHEST grade plnnos. I'napnroachably low pilccs , suitable terms , tiivo after rosioU by calling on Max Meyer & llro. Co. 415 4 PKOr. Olias. Potorscn. p'.uno , organ , violin , zltncr , vocal instructions. MJtiheoly blk. TDEl'OUEbuylns a plnno examine the now JJsc-iU'j Klmball piano. A.IIospo , 131J Douglas bo ; T.riGHEST grade pianos at most reasonable J iprlces anil terms. Money s.ivod and satis faction realized , ilax Meyer & Itro , Co. 415 4 G GELLENtlEOrCte.ichorof the bale with Hospo. 1SI2 Douslas. 240 I'AWNItKOKCjllH. torm'tt , cc. ( , fjop ( o//rsr ( < iliimu nnlht * T71ICEI ) JIOIMjE loans nmnoy nndlamonand -L vratohesjowolry.oto. , S.E.cor , l niamAllth S8 8 pK01 > 09ATB FOll OATS AND COKN. J. II , B. Indian Korvlce , Uosebud Aucncy. South Diikota , Oqtober 20 , IH'JO. Soiled jroiiosUs Indorsed " 1'ronosals for Oats nnu torn" , and addroxswl to the under ; sinned nt. Ui-oliid ) Agency , Houth Dakota , vrlll l < o received ut this olllco until one o'clock p. in , of November lOtb , Ih'JO ' , for fur- ulshlnx and dollMirtn ; at this Agency , 70,000 pounds of O'Urt. and l.V,000 iiounUs of corn. O.iis must ho bright and elc.ui , and well saoUed , and wolKh not les than M pounds to thohusliol. ( Jorn niiiiit bo sound and clean ; to welsh not less than M pounds to the busliol. nnd tobo dcllvored Ins.ielcsnf about twonnu a-l.alf btishols oaiiaelty , madu of Sounco luir- lap , uollhOttod. llldih'i's ulll bo required testate state snocltk'iilly In tholr bids tlio proposed prloo of cucli artlulu to bo nlTorod for dellvury under 11 contract. Tlio rlKhtls rosonud tore- Joct any or all bids or any part of any bid If deemed for the best Interest of tliu service. Cortlllt'd Checks. ICach bid must be aecoiu- bunled bv n ccrtllleil check or draft upon some United Suites Depository , in.ido . pay able totbo order of the undersigned , for at least live pcrcontof tlio umotiot of thupropo- hal , Avhlcli oluiekordraft will bo forfeited to the United States In case any bidder or blil- di'is t award shall full to promptly oxccutoa enntract with good and siilllclunt surltlmolhervvUo tobo rutuniPd to the bid- dor. 1) ) . 1) . HKV.VOLD3 , Special U. B. Indian Acnt , In ohiirso. o-.M-u-'l-t-m J'rtraarjr , Brconaary or To r 11 r jr iiermanently cured In SO to (0 d jn. - * * m m mm a MVr m > V0 Cllllllnb te all pOlton from the fytleni. Kg thai thtre mil never bo A return of the dlsoutt In ny fonn. I'mtlei cm l > e Heated at homo 01 MCI ] A litre , ( fur Ilia snmu prlco and umlrr the ramo nuoiantoo , ) but -wlta tliota who prefrr to cvmo Iitr * , vc will icntrart to cure Ihrm orrtfunjall money unit uiy rntlro U | > cn of tomlmr , rallrovl lire aiul liotil Lllli. OHRMAMC REMEDY SS1 ; to euro the cl/ttln l oawf. Wo tlnl'iiue the world for a cue we c n notcuir. Plnco tlioliUtor/ot mod ctne a true itoclno for Byi hilts lias | > eta sought for blutnertr found until ouiilitrto Uomody was die corerol. Ko other icnutho. Wrltg ( or r feieuci- . COOK JtKUEOY W , , Omaha , " JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , OMAHA auiuiuio 811(1 ( DIRECTORY. Omaha Republican Printing Oo. , .aw briefs , brink nippllc" , nnd overjtliliiB In the tirlntlnR lino. 10th nnd Ooiiiilns ttrrcti. Ackormann Bros. & Tlointzo , 'rlnton , binders , elect rot jrperi , blank book manu facturers , 111(1 ( Howard utrect , Omnliit. Tools A Huppllcs. llcof , llOK A. Rllpllp I'A'lllKH. lllG-llUJnekson at. OARRIAQE3 , DTJGQIE3 , ETO. Dolumbns Bnggry Oo. , Carriage ! , cnrts , nulkloj , etc. Q D. Kdwarilj , Mnnicor. 813-J1J Hoiitli 10th. OABPBTS. OLOTHINQ. OmaLa Oarpot Oo. , OilmoTO & Buhl , Carpets , oil cloths , mnt- Jlnnufacturprn A Whole- ttnRs , curtain Koo < l9elo. > ale Clotlileri , 1511 IXiiKli otrceU HOD IlnrnejSt. CIGARS. West & Fritsoher , Dean , Armstrong & Manufacturora nnaclcarn Co. , Jobbers of lent tobaccos. 401 N. ICtli Street. 1011 Karnam KtrcoU "Ilellol" 1119. COAL , COKE , ETO. We Offer for Sale. I'our thoumnrt tons choice Iljlod Hay , If.i ' ll.c.irs , btranj ! " ' HldlnK. Lutoa or IlornloU station * , on U. At. it til , t' . It. U. , la lutl to null purchaxer ; prlcoi ro ulatoj by tlio murksl Jail and sea us. STRANGE BROS. . BIOUX OITV , IOWA ,