G TJ1JJJ OMAHA DALLY % 1 U. THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. nellTcrod 1)V Currier In uny part cf the City. II.Y. . Tll/rb.V. JJANAUKU TKLHt'IIONKSi . NO. 4' ) . J Nlflit : , Idlltor , No. ) . 31MXOH MKST10X. I N. Y. P. GO. Cfiunctl HluHs Lumber Co. . coal. The city council meets this evenlnp. The Acme club will entertain n social this evening at the residence of Mrs. biiuon Kisvinun , IVrinit to wptl was yotcr.lay Riven to Al fred A Jlybco and Cora II. Kobiiwon , both of Honey Creole. Anvono wanting to buy rhcnn a flue team of infjru mulc.1 , to ctbcr with linriicM ana wnKon , siioutd call ut Fred Davis' stables on Fourth street. Woman's Christian Tom- The lii'llcs of the iterance- union will hold llinlr rcnular inculliji ? thIn afternoon at : ) o'clock nt their rooms In the Merriuin block. All Interested in tbo work invited. The funeral of Horace Everett will take place this afternoon nt ! ) o'clock from Saint Paul's ' chinch. Souts will be reserved for the members of the vestry , the trustees of the public library and the city oflldnls. Articles ol Incotporatlon of the Oddfellows Hall association were Hied yesterday. J ho capital stock Is llxcd at J.TO.UCO divided into hfircsof10wich. The Iilih03t ? amount of Indebtedness which can he Incurred is * % 000. It li expected thnt the Oddfellows will at on early duto erect a line building. A telcgmmwas received from ludRO" ° ul- ton last ovcidiiR nnnouncliif , ' the death of I Is daughter Myrtle , nfjcil twenty-one jcn s. She died vestcrdny afternoon at Charles . City , la. , nftcr ft short Illness from . oiiKra. Honor tlio brain. Jtidt-o Uoiilton , who left on Sunday evening In answer to a telegram nnnounclng her serious illness , was-nt liei bedside when she died. Shu was a lojoly and her f tier find accomplished vomit ; lady , and friends uro hcartbrolicii over hei tin- tlmcly death. L. A. ncrtfiiian , familiarly known us " 013 , " was having a rather dronry birthday cold and d nR on account of a severe hlmseU by the Uro when " c > friends marched in on him ami in belmUof the Mnonncivhor society presented n w I hon cold-headed cane , only m- on pletrant ° - Bcrlbed1- and l dicuU , , ? his n e by the years ' l wW c " 1830 and IS'JO. Captain presentation speech , short , ,111it.py , and to the of the canen as also point. The recipient elegant cuay chair. Ills given by f rlomls an cold is better , < Tbo moptliiK of the ladles of the } .omens . Christian Temperance Union will ho he d th a nftcrnoon at it o'clock in their roe , n the Mcrrlam block. It will be of P.c.clttVn l all members and tlioy Miould attend. MOf - Montgomery will clvo an account of the state convention nt UesMoinc" . whlelishc attended us delegate from this union. Other literary I entertainment will be afforded. 11 o artMlo transformation of the room V ' .V ho T artists who have suurcutcd it lor a studio , of the adds Vrcatly to the attractiveness temperance worker's headquarters. " awarded an cx- Charles b"1 Uray has been tcnslvo grading contract on the Northweste railroad ; and Is at the present tirno 1 nfl ntr employment for ft small army numbering about'ltve hundred and thirty men and sixtj teams ; and Is still wanting more. The Northwestern is building a double track on the main line from Chicago , and Mr. Brav has a contract to grade twenty-two miles of Clinton and Lis the now road bed between bon. In. Clmrllo received his instructions a a railroad builder under such nblo tutois as J. J.Brown and Gen. G. M.Dodgc , nnd tnero Is no doubt that ho will get through with his present contract in good shape. Tickets forOillctt's lecture at Corner book Btoronnd Crockwcll's. Aid the Broadway church. Chas. T. Uray wants to ship a lot of railroad - , road laborers and teamsters to eastern Jowa. Bco his advertisement in want column. 1HIH. Now Is the tlmo to order yours ledgers , Journals , etc. , at Morchouse is Co. , Council Bluffs , In. _ OwhiR to my loss by fire on October 2" , I am compelled to ask all parties indebted to m to pay upat once. J. bULMVAX. Killed by n ( Srnvol Train. Louie Fiertinio , on Italian laborer , was kilted by n gravel train on the Milwaukee railroad yesterday morning at 8 o'clock , or received injuries nt that hour from which ho flicd at II o'clock in the afternoon. The accident occurred Just cast of the Mil waukee yards near the Omaha and Council Blnfts Chnutauqua grounds. Fiertinio has been in the employ of the company for some time , and was working yesterday with n lot of other laborers on a gravel train. The train was being switched after a load of pravcl had been dumped. ITIertinlo was on a ectiou that contained a Hat car and the caboose , which had been pushed down the track by the engine. It had reached the point whcro it was desired to stop , and the Italian endeavored to HOI the brake. In some unaccountable manner his hands slipped from the brake wheel and he fell headlong on the track In front of the mov ing cars. Ho endeavored to save himself and got partly off the track , when the wheels caught him. Ills head and body wcro on tbo outside of the rail , hut the gravel car and the caboose passed over his legs , mangling them In n horrible manner from the hips down ward. Ho was picked up and taken to the com pany's yard ofllco and a telephone message sent for an ambulance. Ho was conveyed in It the St. Honiard's hospital. Dr. AIncrao , the company's surgeon , was summoned. An examination showed that amputation of both legs would bo necessary , but the Injured man was so prostrated by the shock that ttio oper ation could not bo performed at once. Stim ulants were administered , and every effort made to revive him , but ho never rallied enough to permit to performance of the operation , but kept sink- lug gradually until ! ) o'clock in the afternoon , when death ended his sufferings , i The body was taken to Lunkloy & Porter's undertaking establishment and tbo coroner notified. It was decided to hold an inquest at 10 o'clock this morning. Bo far ns could be learned Fiertinio hiul no relatives in this country except n second cousin lU-liiB In Onmha , whoso naino could not be learned. Ho was unmarried and about thirty years of ago. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadway , _ J. C. Blxhy , steam heating , sanitary en gineer. 013 Ufo bulldlns , Omvh'i ; UOJ Mac riain block , Council Bluffs. A fresh Invoice of line cheviot suits foi jroung men , Just received at Model Cloth lug Co. IlnnnrliiK Horace lOvorett. The vestry of St. Paul's church held i meeting yesterday afternoon for the purpose of taking proper action on the death of Her BCO Everett , Resolutions were adopted ax- pressing the sorrow and regret of the ofUccrt of the church in which ho has been so loii | an active worker and member , and ordoriui the usual observances. The board of trustees of the public library where ho has built his most enduring inouu nicnt , will meet this morning for the suiin purpose. In the city council tonight similar rcsolu tlons will bo presented and adopted. There nro many expressions of orroiv nm universally Ulnd words for the dead man. HI was a man of Morling honor and integrit ; nnd never tried to shirk a responsibility o failed to meet an obligation His word wn as good as his bond , and if ho promised to pa ; a mun $10,000 at 3 o'clock on a certain day h would bo at the appointed place several mlu uUw m advance of tbo tlmo. His puuctuallt , and hntnut of cruelty were among the troni points of his character. The finest hotelln Council Bluffs today I the Uordon. _ Miss Grace Osbomo will organize classe for study of the German language and llt rt Wro. Cluss work to begin November 5. Fo Ktthcr Information enquire at tKO Flnt v < Democrats Probably Elect loth the Oity and Oounty Tickets. AH ITALIAN LABORER KILLED , Iiotilo Fiertinio Crushed by n Mil waukee Gravel Train Prisoners Taken to the I'enltrntlary rulnor Mention. "Awfully quiet , isn't ill" ( "Yesfhow is It In the other wards t" "Tho same thing. Xc\or saw It any more quiet. " Tliat was the talk hoaril over nnd over at each of the polling places. Thcro was the usual number of ticket peddlers , wagons with bnmjcrs , bands of music and all that , but during the dny there were few crowds , little loud talk and no disturbances serious enough to bo so mimed. The voting pro- pressed rather slowly in moil of the products - ducts , and the Indications were against there being any where near n full voto. It having been predicted that there would bo many attempt * to run In fraudulent votes , much vigilance was exercised , A number of citizens had been sworn In ns deputy United States mnrslials , and the mayor hrul also put on an oxtru police force. These ofiidals found little to do. In the sccend ward yes terday afternoon ono man wis noticed , who had voted once , nnd was again in line ready to cast another vote , using some nb.sonteo's mime. It was whispered in his cur that he had not bolter try it , and although at llrst he made ablufl denial of hh liavhiK voted before , ho concluded to retire. A few such Instances occurred during the day , but the presence of vigilant watchers seemed to bo effective In provcnting this kind of work being done to any extent , The polls wcro kept open until 8 o'clock , with the exception of the Fourth and Fifth wards , where the necessary proclamation not beiiigimidouttlio opening of the polls , the voting stopped ut ( J o'clockt the polls kept open after ihirlc , there -was a. little better op portunity for illegal voting , but it Is not thought that there was any great number cast. cast.Till ? city and county bclnp strongly demo cratic the imostlon of the local result was ono mainly of majority. The nrciiralo ligurcs could not be obluiiicil lust night , nnd only shrewd guesses could bo made. The polls closed without an exciting event having transpired during the entire day. Only 0110 arrest for illegal voting was made , and that was a colored man named Fred Stone. He was arrested upon complaint of Dotnocrutio Challenger It. N. WuHtlcsey at the Second ward. It was known that ho in tended to east a republican ticket and tind neglccted.to qualify himself by registering at the proper time and had procured the neces sary affidavit to swear In Ills vote and had comoto the polls to cast it. Whittlesey had been Informed that the dnrkov was In the city on Saturday and had been taken before the registrars by Co'onclJoncs ' , but had re fused to register. Ho was locked up in tbo station and will have a hcarlug today. The total vote ii this cltv was much smaller than was anticipated , and was but a little over two-thirds of the registry. The first ward cast l8lotes ! ; the second , 933 ; third. 5SO ; fourth , first precinct , JtO'J ; lourth , second precinct , KW ; fifth , 6IH : sixth , llrst precinct , 410 ; second precinct , 104. The ballots wcro terribly scratched , and there was little nrosi > oct that the count in the heavier populated wards would be com pleted before daylight this morning. .At 10 : ; ! 0 the count was llmshcd on the head of the licket In the tlrst precinct of the fourth wnrd. It gave Koed " 00. and Bowman IS'l. At midiiitrht the indications wore that Bowmnn would run ahead of his ticket , butte to what extent was merely matter of specula tion. The chairman of the democratic county central committee was claiming his election by ' . ' .TOO in the district. Ono feature of the day was the universal scratching of 0. AV. Culllson , democratic can didate for district Judge , and the substitution of the natno of Walter I. Smith , the republi can. . At 4 o'clock W. II. Ware , Smith's op ponent in Council Bluffs , conceded Smith's election and ceased to make an v further ef. fort. fort.Only a few of the country precincts re ported before midnight , Bclknnp township gave Kecd , 1(11 ( ; Bowman , 9'J , a net republican gain over the vote last year for Governor Holes of 22. Carson pave Keed , 114 ; Bow man , 02 , republican gain of li. ICane , out- sldo of city , Heed , 10 ; Bowman , ! t. ICnox , Heed , 1C.V Bowman , lisa. Jliiulon , need , ' . ' 0 ; Bowman , 10-2. Garner , llecd , IW ; Bowman , 1 9. Pleasant , Uced , i > r > ; Bowman , 100. For stout men'a ' clothing call at Model Clothing Co. , L. H. Mossier , Mgr. See Glllctt's view of the Holy Laud to thoroughly understand Talmnpo's sermons. Masonic temple , Thursday evening. Tickets , Corner book store and Crockwell's. ' BOSTON STOKE : . Council Itiuff * . The cold weather is fast approaching. Now Is the time to lay In your winter supply.V'o bought an immense stock of winter poods of every description lonp before the high tariff was spoken of , and for cash , giving us every benellt. Wo give our customers the full benefit of our purchases , read the following low prices and judge for yourselves , but bet ter still , call and compare our goods and prices with thnso of other maruets and the saving can plainly bo seen. B1.ANKUTS. Wo have Just received another largo In voice of blankets , Including white , scarlet , natural wool and shceps gray , which will bo placed on sale Monllay morning at tbo follow ing low prices : 10-1 white blanket , C9c ( special ) . 10-1 whlto blanket , * I.UO , was $1.19. 10-1 white blanket. 11.75 , was R25. 1M ( white blanket , .00. was t.34. 10-4 all wool blanket , 1.50 , was fl.25. 11-4 whlto blanltot , $4.25 , was fT > .00. ll-l all wool blanket , $3.00 , was fo.75 , wliloh we guarantee all wool , full size , and best Jo.OO blanket in the markets , California blankets in beautiful colored borders , heavy weight and largo slzo at $7.50 , J'J.OO and $12.00. 10-4 gray blanket Fl.ll > , was $1,83. 10-4 gray blanket f 1.45 , was $1.75. 11-4 gray blanket $1.75 , was { i.25. 11-4 gray blanket fcJ.ffi , was $ : i.i9. ; 12-4 all wool , extra largo blanket H.25 , was $ , - > .oo. .oo.Wo Wo handle a full line of Dr. Price's sani tary , all wool blankets , which wo can recom mend to bo mudo from pure natural wool , nnd como In fourdlffcrontmlxturos of natural wool , sanitary , fttieopi , gray nnd blue grays , at the following low prices : 10-1 blankets $1.50 , 11-1 blankets. $5 , 12-1 blankets f5.7f > . Wo nho show extra value in rfcarlet blankets at $2,50 , all wool blankets * 3 , JSI..W , $4.23 , and 17. Notwithstanding the combination on com- r Portables wo own our goods 10 per cent bet- itcr than last season's prices and are prepared to save you the snmoon all purchases. Examine bargains at Tie , II. $1,10 , $1.39 , $ I.W ) , Jl.T.'i to $4.75. BOSTON STOUK , FotherinchnmVhittlaw & Co. , Leaders and promoters of low prices. 401,403 and 405 13roadway , Council Bluffs , la - The MolUiiley mil Has not affected the prices nt the People's installment house. Everything goes atth 10 < same old 11 gurus that have mada our IS : clad all summer , dcticd competition and le it possible to furnish a house from top to tIs torn at little expense. Our specialties till Is : week will be the Peninsular heating stovoi cheapest , neatest , most economical stove in the world. Mandol & Klelu , 0 Broadway Dr. A. II , Qlllett of Chautauqua fame wll glvo his lecture on Palestine , with stcro optio illustrations , at 7:30 : p. m. Thursday KovomberO , at Masonic Temule. The re Is under tbo auspices of the M. M , A. id < the proceeds will bo dovotou to the now M . . church. Admission t5 ! cents. Tnkoii to tlio I'cn. Sheriff O'Nell has returned from For Madison , where ho took live prisoners , sen tenccd to terms In the penitentiary , The , wcroiVllson , ono year ; Urandy , clgh years ; Davis , si * years ; For , ten years , id Williamson , three years. cs Tlio trip was devoid of any startling Incl dents. Fox , who blubbered so freely oa r * Tier celvlng hit sentence , aud who deemed to b erc. to baJly shiUcoa by Uio thought that lie , & innocent man , should thus bo ( routed a * a criminal , was qulto in cheerful as nny , and wasted no tears. IIo win yoked with the colored man , "Slippery Sam" Davis , who was running over with his negro drollery. Davis inndo Fox a constant target for his fun , and tormented him continually , to'tho amusement of all except Fox himself. At tbo depot , while waiting for the train , a com pany of show people seemed much interested In learning the history of the man In Irons , and ono irrntlcnum , who scorned to bo the manager of the troupe , interrogated unvls , who gave the doalrcd Information , while the Indies In the party gathered closer to satisfy their curiosity ns to the nature of the crimes which thcso men hud committed , This ono had committed forgery ; that ono had stolen a horse and bugpy ; another haJ committed burglary , and so on until D.wli came to l ox. He bepan to tell in the plainest of English what Fox had boon guilty of , but lha ladles scattered In quick tuistc , and there seemed no further desire to satisfy their emisity. On reaching the penitentiary Duvis was recognized nt once by MeOc , tlio colored man who is sen-hit ? a ilttcon years sentence for shooting another darkey ut the Ogdcu house a few yearn ago. Cuff Johnson , also colored , who was sent from hero a few years ago for murder , is said to bo one of the hardest working and best bo- havcd prisoners in the penitentiary. A short time ago lire broke out in the shops , and CunT was mainly Instrumental In putting It out. Ills aeu"oa on this occasion has won for him much good feeling. Sheriff O'Neill carefully avoids giving any publicity as to when ho proposes starting away with prisoners. When a day is thus publicly announced there nro toomany frlt-nds who gather nt the ] nil and depot to say their BOodoys , nnd this is bothersome and annoy ing , as It requires extra vigilance to prevent articles being passed to the prisoners , and there is too much talk to suit thn sheriff. Ilenco tie generally slips away quietly with them , ana often nothing is known among their friends nbout their departure until they are safe in the penitentiary. Experts nnd families who have used the tea In the imported Japanese tea-pots sold by Lund brothers , pronounce it ttio best to bo obtained in the city. It is direct from the customhouse , freshly packed , hot-metrically scaled. The tea-pot nlono retails from $1 to $2 , hut you get a pound of the best tea aud a handsome , highly beautified te.i pot for $1. They are going fast. 25 Main street. J. G. Tiptou , real estate , 527 Broadway. For boys' and cUlldrcn's ' ' suits durably made and at lowest prices , call at the Model Clothing Co. An elegant line of Molten overcoats nt re duced rates at , Model Clothing Co. Dr. Soybert. Kos. Ogdcn house. Tel. WO. Gents' underwear in great variety at prices to suit all at Model Clothing Co. , L , . II Mossier , Mgr. Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co. , 537 Broadway. Telephone 130. Tlio City Council. .Fourteen members of the council were present at a brief session of that * body last Hlght. A communication from Vice President Hol- combc , asking a permit for the Union Pacific railway company to use the sidewalk space on the south side of Jones street east of Hinth , was referred to the cotnmittco on viaducts and railways. A resolution was adopted giving the street railway company permission to narrow the curb line on Thirty-second avenue , to give mom for a double car track outside the drive-way. Chairman O'Connor of the streets and alloys commltto was granted further tiino to prepare a report on the claims of the street sweeping contractor for September aud October. The regular appropriation ordinance , amounting to $2. " > 2SOJ.OO , was passed and the council adjourned until Thursday evening. ptfttsax.if , I'.tiiAUit.tPUS. C. E. Babcock mid daughter left yesterday for Now York , to bo gone a week or more. Mrs. E , Hosewatcr returned yesterday from a four weeks' visit with relatives In Cleveland , O. DJl. TAIjMAOK'S F1IIST C1GAK. Howit Tasted and Mow JIo Kelt After Smoking It. The tiino had como in our boyhood which wo thought demanded of us a ca pacity to smoke , writes Itov. T. Do Witt Tnlmnjro'lii tlio Ladies' Homo Journal. The old people ol the household could abide neither the sight nor the small of the Virginia weed. When ministers came there , not by positive injunction but by a sort of instinct as to what would bo safest , they whiffed their pipes on the back stop. If llio house could not stand Hanotilied smoke , you may know how little chance there was for adoles cent cigar-putting. By some rnro gooil fortune which put in our haml.s three cents , wo found tic- cesd to u tobacco store. As the lid of the long , muTOW fragrant box opened , nnd for tlio ili'ht ttmo wo owned a ei ar , our fcel'.ngs of elation , manliness , Htipor- io-ity nnd anticipation can scarcely bo imagined , save by these who have had the sumo sensation. Our first ride on horseback , though wo fell off before wo got to the barn , and our first pair of now boots ( real squeakers ) wo thought could never bo surpassed in interest , but when wo put the cigar to our lips and stuck the luclfor match to the end of the weed , and commenced to pull with an energy that brought every facial imisclo to its utmost tension our satisfaction with this world was so great our tempta tion was never to want to leave it. Tlio fclgar did not burn well ; it re quired an amount of suction that , tasked our determination to the utmost. Yon see that our worldly moans had limited us to a quality that cost only 8 cents. But wo imd boon taught that nothing great was accomplished without effort , and BO wo pulled away. Indeed , wo had hoard our older brothers in their Latin ossons say , oinnla vincot labor ; which translated means , if you want to make anything go , you must scratch for it. "With these sentiments , wo passed down the village street and out toward our country homo. Our head did not feel exactly right , nnd the street began to rock from sltlo to side , BO that it was uncurtain to us which side of the street wb were on So wo crossed over , but found our.solf on tlio sumo side wo wcro on before we crossed over. In deed , wo immagined that wo were on both sides at the sumo titno , and several fast tonms driving botwccn. Wo met line t ho r boy who asked us why wo looked so palo , and wo told him wo did not look , pale , but that ho was pale himself.Yo sat down under the bridge and began to reflect on the prospect of early decease , 3 and on the uncertainty of earthly ex pectations. Wo him dotormincd to smoke the cigar all up und thus got the worth of our money , but were obliged to t- throw three-fourths of it away , yet know iust where wo throw it in case \vo fell better the next day. Getting homo the old people were frightened nnd demanded that we state what kept us so into and what was the - matter with us. Not feeling that we . were called to go into particulars , ani not wishing to increase our pnronts' np . prehension that wo were going to turr out badly , wo summed up the ease will the statement that wo foil miserable n' ' the pit of the stomach , \Vo had mus irt tard plasters administered and carofii n- watching for several hours , when wo fel nsloop and forgot our illbuppoiptincn ht und humiliation in bolng obliged t < throw away three-fourths of our lira cigar. El- - * Elbe The Unto nf Hearting. bo An uvorngo reader goU through 40' ) ' in vords a iiihmta GOOD NEWS I FOR FARMERS , t u Soon to ie tbo MostProsperous , ( Glass in tbe Ltiud , THE HARD TIMES ARE NEARLY OVER. i , ' . ' ! Director Collier of the New York I-lv- perliiicnt Station S.iyi * that tlio Airl'iiltiirnl Millenium IH Now Close Upon Us. Dr. Fetor Colllor , director of the Now York agricultural experiment station , in u recent address at Ovid upon "Tho Future ol Agriculture In the United States , " presented facts and opinions which have n vital interest not only to agriculturists , but to pvorvbody who cats broad und meat , says the Now York Sun. Dr. Colllor bollovcs that hard times for farmers are almost ut nu end , und that MOOII they will bccomo the most prosperous class in the land. Ho makes this broad prophecy : "That agriculture of Into years nnd at present 1ms failed to bring the pecunl- iary returns which it might all must ad mit , but that the prospects for the fu- uro of agriculture in this state , and in his country are forblddiilg I do not bo- liovo. In fact , at tlio risk of being thought optimistic , I wish tp bo placed on record as predicting that to the best of ray knowledge und belief wo are nbout entering upon nn era of agricultural prosperity the like of which as a people wo have never known , and which pros perity is to bo permanent. " In presenting the roasonsforhis opin- on , Dr. Colllor deals with some sitriii- flcant facts grouped in an Interesting way. IIo says : "First lot us seolc to learn tlio cnuso or causes of the present agricultural de pression , sluco obviously if it or they can bo removed tlio depression must ccasoWo Hud upon investigation that in this state of JSTow York , at least such depression is not duo tea a diminution in tlio fertility of our hinds. If wo tnlco the aver- ngo yield of our lending farm crops , corn , wlioat , oats , potatoes , and hay for the past quarter of a century and divide this period into these from 1802 to ' 70 , 1871 to ' 7S ) , nnd 1SSO to ' 83 , wo find that the average acreage yield of thee Hvo crops , the aggregate value of which is 02 per cunt of the total value of our loading farm crops , had fallen oil but 1.0percent during1 the second period from the average yield during the first period ; and the avcrngo yield of the third period was within 8:6 per cent of what it was durin g the llrst ; and this diminished yield is perhaps duo In great measure to less careful cultivation which the low prices of farm products seemed in many cases to exouso , if they did not justify. . "On the ether luviul the average mar ket value of thcso five crops was , during the second period mentioned , only 7o.O per cent of what it was in the first , and during tlio third period dropped to an average of only OG.9 per cent of what these crops upon an average sold for during the first period. In view of this great fulling oil in prices it appears tome mo needless to seolc further for causes , rtho recent and present depression , and I thinlc no ono can doubt that with a restoration of prices to something np- proxlumtiiijT what they were , a revival in agriculture would speedily follow. I cannot accept either the explanation wholly of 'over-production' nor the con clusion that it is long to continue. To ino it scorns that this over-production is relative rather than actual , that it is determined rather by the ability to nur- chnsothanby the actual needs of tlio consumer. To take for illustration our manufactures , certainly there is of these products ot labor an enormous supply , but does this in fact surpass or as'yet oven cqunl the reasonable desires or legitimate needs of our people ? "Now , during the decade before the present century , from 1700 to 1800 , the annual per capita consumption nf sugar in the United States was less than ton pounds (0.05. ( ) In 1810 it had increased to only 15 pounds. It doubled during the next 20 years , being 31 in 18oO , and during the past oO years it 1ms again nearly doubled , since the present annual per capita con sumption of sugar in this country is nearly or quite sixty pounds. Can nny onu bollovo Unit with suuh a record thuro is reason to question the general pros perity of the country ? "As with sugar , so is it with mnny another article of consumption by our poonlo. It is estimated that the per capita consumption of broadstuiTs amounts annually to an equivalent of fully 8 bushels of grain , mainly wheat and corn , 'making the fullest bread ration of nny nation in the world , ' ns the statistician of the Dcpnrtihont of Agriculture declares. Indeed it is , proverbial that as a people wo are al most prodigal in our expenditures for food supplies. But I wlHli to call atten tion to tlio several points which to mo appear to prove that wo are upon the eve of what JT , believe will prove tlio golden ago of our agriculture. " 1. The population of the country is very rapidly increasing ; from ISliO to 1870 it increased 2i ; per cent. , nnd from 1870 to 18SO , HO per cent. ; so Unit , if the muno increase is continued , us there ap pears no reason' to doubt , the present census will show a population of (1-5,200- ( 000 ; but the increase of these living in cities has been rnbro rapid. There were in 1880 nearly 13 times as many people in the United StntosUiH in 175)0 ) , but over 8(5 times ns many living in cities in 18,80 as in 1800. Tlio increase of population was from 1800 to 1870 } 23 per cent. ; Of these living in cities,69 , percent. ; the in- croiiso of population from 1770 to 1880 was HIV i'or cent. , but of these living in citios10 per cent ; from 1600 to I860 the increase in population was 00 per cunt , , but of these llvliipr in cities , 123 per cent. Nearly one-fourth of nil our people live in cities , nnd slnoo then the number has vastly increafccd , und I think relatively BO , wo BOO , tlion , that agriculturally the consumers are increasing far more rapidly than the producers , : ' 2. The numborof farms in the United States hns nearly doubled (00 ( per cent increase ) from 1W50 to 1880 ; while the average acreage in the farms lias dimin ished during t is same period ! l5 ! per cent ; botli facts of very great signifi cance as evidence that thonrea of arable land was diminishing relative to the in crease in the number of these who de- Biro to ongugo in agriculture. " 3. While the area in farms increased from 1800 to 1880.32 por.'cont the improved )0 land in farms increased 75 per cent , showing that increase of tillable lands was mainly secured by improving lands already occupied. " 4. Thoavorngocrop-prodticingcnpao- Ity of our soils is diminishing. 6. l-'roin KSGO to 1SSU tlio area ilovotcil to our leading1 crops increased 1127 per cent , whiles our population Increased during this period OK per cent , uiul wlillo crerythlng points to the fact that our arable land is largely occupied -as wit ness tlio haste to possess Okliilionm , nnd the efforts to reclaim by irrigation the arid regions of tlio wont there appears to be no ovldonco that our population will not steadily incroaso. "At prcMHitliO per cent of our products are consumed at homeor SMnor cent not counting tobacco and cotton. It scarcely appears 113 a linzardousi prediction Unit within llvo years and perhaps oven sooner. * l ho homo demand may fully equal the supply of our agricultural pi'o- ilucts , and tliuu , if they nro wise , the farmers o ( the country will bo the urns- tors of the situation , and those words of Napoleon that 'Agiieulturo is the bunis and strength of all national prosperity , ' will bo recognized as sober truth. "Awaiting1 , thenus I think \vomayln conlldont hope the good tiino so nuar nt > and , what , wo may stop to inquire , nro 10 duties of the lion r ; and 1 would say rst , study economy in production. Let no indicate the possibilities , ves , the reliabilities which lie In this direction or the intelligent farmer. Two of our eliding' ' Now York dairymen secure radically the same average product in utter from their hordsand their results re nearly three times the average ro- uUsseonred hi the state. Hut ono of licso feeds a ration costing 14 cents ally per cow , the ether , getting no bct- or result , feeds his cow a ration costing' ' xnctly double , 2S cents per day. Hut no cent a day saved upon the dairy cows f tills state means a saving of over 10,000 a day , a saving of nearly 'H ' > ,000- 00 a year. This is ono of the practical irolilems upon which your experiment tat Ion is engaged. "But I wish to say a word as to what coins to mo the wi.scst policy to pursue or the immediate future. Ave liavo seen lint if there IB any over production it Hist obviously bo of these products vhinh are exported , und they are very ow in number ; corn , wheat , meats , and otton constituting as I have snitl ! HJ pot ent of our exports. On the ether hand , vo Import annually over $ :5)0,000,000 : ( ) vorlli of agricultural products , many of vhicli may bo , I am sure , proflta' ' ly pro- 'need in this country , for example , sugar nd molasses , wool , hides , barley , libers xnd horses , lhes.o . alone uggj-ogatinir 170.000,000 in vuluo , or 0.3 per ct > nt of mr imported agricultural products. Tone no it would seem wise to diminish by a ittlo the production of these products vhich are in excess of our wants , and celt to produce those products for which he tlommul exceeds the homo supply. "Lot mo mention only the matter of iignr and molasses , for which wo an nually expend about$100,000,000. I have 1 sample of sugar in my possession repro- enting the result of an extended oxpori- neiil with several hundred tons of cane , vhich I have no doubt can bo produced it an expense not exceeding ono cent a louiul ; and , within twenty-live miles of vhcro wo now tire was produced at u reat profit a sample of syrup ns good or > otter than any sold in the btato of Now York. " 1UOJI COIiOHED MEN. 3xnmi > lcfl of IS.x-Sluvos In the South Who Have Grown \Vcallliy. It will probably be surprising to know hjvtin Galvcstontho.ro is 11 colored man , vlio is worth o\or $ ! 1")0,000 , says the Chicago Tribune. His name is Sylvos- or , and ho lias a line mansion in the nest desirable residence portion of tlio city ; and , what will most surprise Chicago cage people , his wife employs nothing ) ut white servants. How did Sylvester jet rich ? "Well , ho got a start m poli- , ics , then ran a saloon and gambling louse for colored people for a few years , , hen went Into real estate and specu- uted. IIo is shrewd and successful. One of the most successful and wealth- est real estate men of Houston is a col ored man. His name is Milton Stcrrott. ! Io owns a line residence surrounded by "immense grounds , all terraced on" and planted in the finest llowors and shrub- jory , and kqops a lanilucapo gardener to ittend it. IIo was a waiter on the boats Between Galveston and Houston before ind during all the war , and made every- , hing ho has in real estate deals during ; he last twenty years , lie owns several urge plantations und is worth at least $ -400,000. Then take Senator C. N. Burton , of Port Bend county. When the war closed and ho was freed , he lived on a plantation belonging to his mistress , ivhoso husband and two sons were killed , leaving her alone in the world. She luul given him a good elementary educa tion ; ho was shrewd. By attention to Dusiucss ho soon acquired a good farm , in u few years ho added to it , and bought in the plantation formerly owned by his mistress ; and had two ether largo ones on the Bra/os in ton years moro. His old mistress being reduced to pov erty , ho undertook to euro for hor. He said when ho was elected to the state semite that hq owed all ho was to her kindness , and that ho felt It his duty to euro for her. And ho sent her back to her native state Virginia and rogti larly remits to her , and has done so for fifteen years , $150 every month. He is popular with whites and blacks , demo crats and republicans , and studied law so that ho could depend upon himself to manage his immense plantation and ranch interests. Senator Burton is worth over $500,000. Then Henry Black , the sheep and cat tie ranchman of Tom Green und Pecos counties , is worth nearly 8 < > 00,000. Ho has made it all in less than llf teen yours. A0 thcso mon southern ncgroed ? Yes , every ono of them. But the largest plantation owner and the heaviest farm land tax payer In the rich county of Lomar was a light col ored mulatto named Harvey. IIo died a few weeks ago and loft a widow , who will bo able to pull through , probably , ns her husband loft four largo plantn tions. a fine stock farm , some city prop "orty in Paris and a big bank account. Besides this , ho loft her a snug littlu in surance policy on hisllfe ser 318,000. A Ilorolo outliurii Girl. Judge James P. McTcor , a momborjoi the bar of Virginia , and who happened to bo on the Loulsvillo & Nashville trait coming to Now Orleans the other night , furnishes the following to a corrcspon < dent for the Now York Tunes : "I was a passenger today on the Louis' villo & Nashville train , which was live hours lato. Before reaching the lout bridge beyond liiloxl the engineer , running at full speed , observed a negro on the trcstlowork near the north ond. The negro , observing the approaching train and hearing the warning slg mils , turned asldo and clung foi a moment to a telegraph polo. IIo then loft his place of Biifoty and ran for the next polo , in Ills excitement forfuttin/ / , to jump to the water , a distance of per hups llHoon foot. Despite thoongmeor's warning signals , ho stopped ; bowed lib head and tlio pilot of the engine crushed his skull and knocked him into the water , where ho lloundored and btrug- glcd for some minutes , The water was two and a half feet deep , and five or six big , stalwart negroes stood by anil re fused to run in nnd try to bavo the unfortunate - fortunate man's life. "Prom a house near by a beautiful girl of aorno eighteen summers was soon to CITIZENSSTATEBANI& & Of Council Oluffc. PAID UP CAPITAL JUO.OOO SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 LI/BILITY / TO DEPOSITORS 350,006 llmni-rom-I. A , Mlllor. 1' . O. fllpaton. Ill * Blmviirti K. II. Hurl , .1 t ) . KdmuttiKin.riia.rloi 3EAUTYo/PoLlSHf - VMIuiniati. TruiK.iotgi.vior.ll li.mk.ln } lni l SAVING LABOR/CLEANLINESS , IIPM. liiirjti'it oapltul itiul surplus of nny bnnk InSmlliwc.stoni lo\vu. DUBABILTTY&CHEAPNESS.UNEQUAIJID No ODOR WHEH HEATED. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , ALL COAL , TNDKR OOVKK. IUY ) AND OhKAN AT ALL TIMES. OA.RRON COAL GO. Wholesale nncl Rot nil Uoalors la HARD and SOFT COAL The above cut shows our new self-dumpno ! retnll delivery wagon , by whicli tlu-ee tons of conl can bo unloaded in n inimita nncl cnrr-iccl into the cellar 01-conl house if It is 2O foot ownv. No coal left in the wogon. None scattered on tlio ground. Used ex clusively by us. OFFICE , 10 PEARL ST. Yard , 10th Ave & Fourth St. J. II. IS. OUAltK. Mannciof. OOUNOIU UIvUrvb'S , In. Telephones : Olllco. UOO. YardOIO. FOR MEN ONLY MAGIC CURE VOUS Ijr.HIMTY. wVukiiCM of Hody and Mind ; KlloiMsot l.rrors or rxcns csln Old or Younn. liobust. Noble MANHOOD fully ic- stciitid Wo Kiiiirantoo every co > o or money refunded , Sample course , llvo days' treat- incut. $1 ; fiilluiiurH1. $5. Sticiircly touted from bsur vullon. Cook Homed y On. . Uiiiului , Neb Olllce. St.'lull Hotel , Cur. I'lth ami IodicSt ) OFFICE if IT P USEY , BANKERS. Corner Main nnd Broadway , COUNCIL 'BLUFFS , IOVVA. Pculors In foroljm and domestic oxi-hanso Collections mudu and Inlurcit paid on time dope-tits. COUNCIL BLUFFS STKAJI DYE PRKS All Iclmls of Dying anil CHcanlnirilotin In tlm fllL'hostSiyloof tlio Art , Padi-d and Stiilnud rubrics nmclu to look us KIMH ! as nmv. Work linimptly doiioitnil delivered la all parts of Uiu country. Hondfor price list. 0. A. MAOIIAN. Prop. , lOl'l Ilmad war , Xc\r : North western llepof , COUNCIL Ili.in-'K. T.\ . vim with all possible speed. She dashed into the wuter and pulled the dying1 mm : to the shore , where ho tiled in a few moments. This dtvi'lnfr , liorolo deed \v s olMjrvcd by u train full of pna.-cn ors , who , from their position on the bridge , were tumble to render help. " Il.VMSIl ' 1 I IK NOVKUS. Otherwise , Dr. T.UniniroSa.vi , ilie Palo of INiinpPiivnits Golliain. Rov. T. DoVilt Tnhniiijo delivered In > > * o\v \ York the ether nijjlil tlio first of a scries on the holy hind iintl surrounding countries. Tlio text wis part of the thirty-second vei > o of tlio IDlth Pun 1m : " "IIo "touclielh the hills uud they smoke. " The conjji'Ck'iition were carried ( n fnncy to tlio scenes in the museums at Naples and at tlio entrance to the buried city of Pompeii. "From the pictures to bo seen 011 the walls in those mnsouins. " said tlio lecturer , "tlio City of Pompeii was not ( It to livo. "Therefore God touched the hill nt the back of that city on August , in the year 7l ! , and wiped the wickedest city on earth out of existence. " lie argued that science and roveHtion did not disagree in rofjartl to the ancient history of this world.Vo will hold on to our bibles u liltlo longer , " ho said. "All the brains of this country and of the world are com ing : out on the side of the bible. Wash ington was u believer. Gladstone is n , believer. Uiipluicl , Handel , llhydn , licothoven and Mozart were all boliov- ors. ors."lioil employs volen.iocs for the de struction of cities characterized by ono particular bin. Of the fcovon cities which have been destroyed by volcanic action the sin was always tlio same , and if the Hutisiiin , French and American literature of u particular demoralizing sort is not banished from our news stands und the ladies' parlors in this country Cod will lot loose s-omo of the monsters which ho has chained up In the center of the earth by touching the hills about our cities. Thoru is also a volcano in political life , as well as do mestic and tocial , and purifying i needed or the volcano will burst forth. " Vacant. An enormous mimhoi\pf forms have ueuoino vacant this Michaelmas , and all over England It upuoaiM to bo extremely probable that land owners will have them thrown upon their hands , ns in most counties there are half a dozen vacant holdings for every eligible applicant , buys the London World. In Hampshire , Kent , Sussex , and ether coun ties , where the principal hind ownora already have thousands of ncrcs unDoou- : pled , the prospect is really very serious. It is nearly impossible to let arable farms on any terms , and even good graz ing farms will only llnd tenants ut re duced rentals. The Kent hop farms are reported to bo ilillicult to let oven at half the present rents. Cliuroli HfTvloo by Telephone. Church service is now supplied to the publlo by telephone In iJinninghnin , England. Transmitters are set up in the church , BO that Hiibnurlbors to the telephone can hear the service and the sermon at their private residence , if do- ulred , At the end of the choir btulls , on the top of the lectern and the rend ing desk of the pulpit the small metallic- eased transmitters are placed , and they are so regulated that the sound Is guth- orod In without requiring the voice to bo directed especially to them. "What shnll I do on Christinas dav. If invRriyKooscshould run away/ " \\'o don't ixnrct ; our Kniy KOO-.O to inn awar. lilt ' shall allow tlio following tuiri't ; tvru * onO'hrlstnmsduy : 1 iKirn-l Ri-iimifated sucar. W ) lu-i iMnca and Java ciiilpc. Ml Ibs K. T. Davis' No. 10 Hour. in bticlii-lsof pointers. . ! i Ibs. bust tun. Tlicabovu Roods will get n way. nnil If you can cant mo any of tlinni you : uo nrli-iiinr to them , If jnu want In know fiiitlK-r iiui-tlou- lar.s UMC any of outsalcxiiien , ai.il . at tlio sim : tlmo save yourself : n per emit. Wo liny fen-unvh anil sell for oasli. and are nblo toKuvooiiriMisioiiarsir ] : > luri-rnt. IIKUK IS WHAT YOU CAN L > 0 roll UASIti 1.111)- ) . . Krannlate.l .sugar for II CO lOlbs. oxli-al'siuui * 100 iribs , ( , ' Miieiii' i 00 7 liiii-H ofVlnlo Itiis-lnii soap for v'So 21mi-auf eel ( luundiy Munii 6O ' ' ' ' California hams ppr pniiiul. . . , . . M } lloni-lf-s limns per pound Ua f- rn > ainl'livi > M > per pound 13d J rotating per hushi'l uoo 1 ( iOIKl HlOOIII Uo I lully nur lo-.iml 5 < j I Navy lioims nor pound M Crai'licrs per pound 50 'I'll ! Ion VPS ofibroad fur lOo Mustard SiiMllncs , per can 7o Oil Smllni's. poroan 76 I'ottt'il ham , pi-r win Bo Ilevllcil hiiin , per ciin. . . . . . ( So Twiioi. boltlo li'innti nxtiuot fld Iwo oz. bottle Viinlla uxtraot ! k > Vlncziir , PIT gallon I5o Coal oil. per Ballon lOa 1 Ivo callous nusiillno OSo Wo nro lloailqiiai-tcrs on l-'lour. U. T. n.ivls'No.10. per suck II 60 It. T. Davis' , Itlno I . iiorsiiclc 1 ikt Hold incdiil. poi-hiick 1 M HIIKO. Norlnii . ( 'n'sIliilViilorioiir 1 40 A. Kattlor , try II , pt-rHiu-k 1 ( JO All goods warranted ns topri'SPiilcil ' and 13 ounces t o Ilio pound. Welch your cnoda iinJ ( don't bo dcci'lwtl hy your lilKli liriufil K nicer * man. Any grocer wIslihiKto sell on I.e.ill on ED. N , BROWN'S , C. 0. D. fourth Street and Broadway. Council „ Bluffs. Iowa. . ATTEND Strletljtn builnoiii" is nHplomllil motto. Th1 * hijh. cut Biii'ooi ! , In uvcrj llnoof hiim nn"rk.vl < runcb a lijulm who holds to mom ; ndopticl i > | > 03l.-ilt/ . WESTERN P plo nro tiroRretslvo , full of cnor r. nr.il inoutr makliiK ncliuDios. Th07 naeJ npuciitl tr.iln.ii.of LllSltU'S3. IOWA Lends In fopilhir education. Her pub" " ro'iooll ire Uulnc KMIII ! work fur her hcreailiu mi Illual * Wcatorn lown. COLLEGE , Coinircncoi full ' torin Fopt. lit , > ho oi ! ti tba really praclk-nl for lier SLnlonti. N'o.niil Hint- . I , wnll or. Kanlze.l nnd rarcfully ivmtjnctoil BtiKlgitt liuf i rntoritnnytluio. I \VrHo for further p | iirlloja : | 14 . \V. \ . 1'unlioii. ' Council Bluffs , Iowa. 1 V Cpliir7 | 'Tl'i"conf ' t'1" ' I'cafp. Oflli'o nv 11. vHllllu Ainorlcan I'.vpreis , , No. 43J llroadway , Co u null KlnlTN , Iowa. * Attornoyiat 1/iw. I'rnr . \ IHQ Snillllcrc ' / * Ollllb ( X OillillULla u , . , , , „ | 8Uj , , nnj federal courts , Kooms II , I and A llunoblouk , Cuuncll 111 all's , Iowa. SPECIAL NOT J UBS. COUNCIL BLUFF.S. KO InlMii-urH wantril. H. It. men for work Id ' eastern Iowa. Jl.'ipi r ilav , " . ' > tiiiintlors , tiO.Oinnd lioiinl pt-r moiilli. l < 'ii'i > t rariKportik- lion. Apply to C' . T. Hiay , Nu. 1" Beolt St. Cou null lllnirs , Iowa , WANTKI ) A Kill , 13 ( ir 10 years old , foi Unlit hiiiisuwiuk. Addio-s , Mrs. S , J. , I'"J I ! lea aveiino , FOU HAIKorTrailo I.ar ( , ' < . blni-1 , hifk.mz- ti'di inonlliHnld. A.HolinllurbiiMllioaci , | - way , Council 1 Hull's , Iowa , \ , \ / ANTKD A tooil ( ? lrl lo flngeiuThl houio- T > work. Apply at.'i-'T 1'lftli avu. 7710U ' HUNT - Tim MnMahan IhroiHlor 1' hrli-lc liliiflc , No. .TiH. Maln.st , wltliulovuto * J. W. KKNT A c-lioleo plnco of uiiiilun land -L. near Council Illull'H , wllli KOOI ! new ImllcN hii ; . liaint'dlalu possession U dus > lred. J\V , ' WANTED u married man. pus : t inn In itoro In country Irnvii ; I" you is \porl- - CIIL'O ; A No , 1 leforcnei-H ; L'nod bookKi'Upcr. 1C i"J , Dec olllcf. I'ounoll lllHtU , 'IT'OK ItilXT Rood llvd-rooin hon c ; | IO.OO | Iolliiu' luaisci ( lirfiTont prk-i.'s ; unit xlnxlQ room < iversion' noiircuiiil IIOIIID ; Im ihcs and lots for Hiilo on nionllily piiyini'nts ; un < > IIUUH * nnil lot WKlj ili'slriiblu linsfins < hn nn haiiii' dtrH Htri'd. North Oinahu , for loaHor bal chuap. J. It. D.ivlilfcon , Oil l-'lftli .iMinio. FOIt SAI.K Coinnlcto sol of tlinjiTH Iool4 and tiniill htouk of tlnwaro itt : i liarKulib : il loom 1118 IUurrlam block. etovosat cmt toclosoimt. 50 for hard inaplo liousn niovlni ; iftllom uud Jitclta. 1U _ ) . Amy A Co. CM Maltmtii-ut. AI UMCS-l'or iialo ( Ouiap , a npfiii of coed 1 1. Horklmj iniilos , with liurnvis and ; mon. Apply to I'liid DavlV ttaliles oa Kouitli blruoft ncur I'lf Ih u vcn no. fp\VOHJ-ac-ro farimfor sale iioitl-Ilic 'lty al J. a ImrKiiln. W. A. Wood < b l'o. . Vu ; .Main ii HAIl > -Tho htook und ( lUurusnf K neil i tuhllfihoil ifrocury more , or will Bell block mid loiitstoni nnil lUturuS : U" > iira4 ) 4-y < > ar-olil col in for sule , Inijulrn nf T , I * binllh & iJim. 7U 10th uvo. , Cuiniell lllnlTH , POH B\lK or HontGarclen ( ami , nltk huui i , by J , li. Ulo , 1M ( Mikla it , CCDB9l | Uluffi.