THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 5 , 1890. HO SPIDERS FIGHT A DUEL. It as a Genuine Affair d'Houneur ' , Seconds and All. ONE JUMPED THE OTHER'S ' CLAIM. It Win n Struggle to tlio Dcnlti and the MUle Follow Conquered Tlio Grnplilo Htory uf nn Kye-AVItncsicB. A blj ? window In tlio southeast corner pi the uld warehouse at the head o ( lalto Koulca , in this place , Is covered , as with ft curtain , by spider wobo. The pnncsof this window are the small Equal-on of the old days. A big , oval- bodied , grnylsh-brown spider , had his web spread ever the ontlro surface of ono puna of glass and ever all but ono email corner of another. In that corner ft plump black spider hns his modest but effective trap. The other day the blp epldor evidently concluded that ho needed nioro room , says the Now York Bun. IIo ran out a cable tlifit passed across ono edge of the black spider's web nnd fastened It to the edge of the Bash 1w- twcen that pane and the next ono. This cable was quickly followed by another , nnd a third ono was strung before the llttlo black spider Beomcd to wake up to what was going on. Then ho came out of his corner nnd pave the big spider's audacious work a quick Inspection. That having evidently satisfied him of the In tontlou of the big trespasser , ho nipped the thrco cables aparl.ono after another , and loft them dangling uselessly In the air. The llttlo spider , having destroyed the cables , ro- tlrcd to the seclusion of his corner and resumed his watch for Hies. The big follow recovered from his surprise and linnifdlately throw another caolo across tuo little one's web. Out came the little follow with a rush and snapped that Cable asunder. Four times after that the big spider Btrung'a cahlo , and each time the llttlo spider cut it down. The little black follow tore about Inhlscornor as If in a towering rare , and white * his fury Was nt its height another spider , with a long , ugly-looking Ifoud and a small body , came down from a pane above the little black one's corner. This spider joined the raging black ono , and by and by the latter cooled down. The two spiders remained together in apparent Confidential for a few seconds ends , and then tlio spider with the big hend darted out upon the brown spider' web and followed it to the big fellow's don. Ttion ho lingered for a moment , evidently discussing tlio matter with the big brown spider , nnd thoa ho darted off again in another direction and brought up in a web on the pane above the big epidcr'H , where another spider hung list- iessly , wrapped up in his long , hairy ogs. A short confab took place between Iho two , and then the hairy spider dronped down quickly to the big brown spider's don , nnd the spider with the big head returned hurriedly to the little black spider's corner. A few seconds after the big-headed spider bad returned to the blank spider's corner the two glided out , reached the big brown spiders web , advanced almost to tlio center of It , and stopped. The brown snider nnd his hairy attendant Boon afterward emerged from the former's don and advanced toward the center of the web , stopping within an inch or so of the black spider and his second. Other members of the fepldor colony must have had intuitive knowl edge of what was going on , for sniders of all si/cs and shapes eumo speeding to the seono to got a view of what was ovl dently to bo a fierce oncountor. When the two prlnclpnlspidoru had taken the ! positions their respective attendants re tired some distance from them. Then the little black syider and his big brown foe rushed together. They struggled a moment , separated , rushed together again , and tumbled and tosf > ed ono another about until tlio wol on which they fought swayed nnd ben and broke here and there into raggo-J holes. All the while the hairy spidoi tnd the spider with the big head hov rod frantically each about his prinei Ml , us if coaching the fighters as the best advantage. Wliou the battl Ws at its height ono round-hod led bine pider inado a rush into the field to tak a hand In the fight. Before ho rcaehc the contestants , however , ho wus col lured by both the hairy spider nnd tin big-headed spider , and hustled back hit the ero'vd ' so quick that ho seemed dazed pud remained perched on the edge of the fcasli. "While this exciting side Incident was ongnging the attention of the seconds ends the principals separated , each re treating a couple of inches. The at tendant spiders rushed each to his prin cipal's Hide and for several seconds thingy remained nil lot. Then the pug- puctous little black spider moved slowly forward and the big follow advanced to moot him. When they were nearly to- pother the llttlo spider shot forward like a Hash , pounced upon the big ono and almost as quick darted back again. Thr.t was a fatal blow to tlio big spider. In that sudden dash the llttlo spider had chopped oil ono of of the big one's long forelegs close to his body ns neatly as ho Bad cut the cables of his foe's intruding vob. vob.Then Then the black spider darted at his big antagonist with the rapidity of lightning nnd it was not long till ho had . severed the ether foreleg of the big spider as completely as ho had the first one. The brown was now almost totally holploss. By a quick Hank movement the llttlo black mounted the other's hugo body nnd closed his jaws flrmlv in the back of his neck. The big spider floundered and struggled , but all to no purpose. His lifo blood was fast being trained by his agile foe nnd in a inlnuto after the black spider had got Ida clutch on the brown one's nook the big follow hung shriveled and lifolosa in the wreck of the web ho had tried to enlarge at the expense of his bold and nervy llttlo neighbor. liut the little black snider was not atisllcd with the death of the encroaching - ing spldor and the ruin of his web. When ho found his fee was dead ho made a circuit of the outer edge of the i web , cutting every stay cable and guy web from ita fastenings , until the limp body of its late occupant nnd the dis mantled web fell together on the window lodge , among a mass of dead and shriv eled Hies and beetles' wings and heaps f dusty , cast-otl webs. The duel was ovor. Mr * . Wnslow's soothing syrup for chil dren teething cures wind colic , illarrhcua , etc. K > cents a bottle. Uniforms for I'Vnmlo Clcrki. Female clerks employed in the Ger man postal telegraph borvlco nro from this time forward ordered to wear n uni form , which consists of a blue jersey , with orange collar and brass buttons. ' * Van Houtcn's Cocoa "Dost tad lartbect" CHICAGO Isim STOCK. CHICAGO , Nor. 4. ISpeclM Tolccratn to Tim IlBB.l OATTMj-Husluessfatranaraluesnbout llko yesterday ami tlio close of tlio week , but tlio turn nn fair to Rood nicer * wa ratlior itrongcr It notquotably hlghor. Medium and common natives , or any tiling that had to com- pctowltli good rnnsew , Teinnsuntl native butchers' stock , rcmalni nt low-water mark , nnd the stookcr nnil feeder trade shows no Improvement. Native. I2.b0ai.00t stockcrs. il.73ft3.Ui Toxins , IJ.4033.2Ji com , bulls and mixed , n.K3.M. Hon < t lluilnou opened tictlro , and early Bales slioucil u slight advance , but later on and imrllculurly nt the close th * gen eral mnrkot ruled weak and a good nickel lower. Paohcri were out of the market early , ai tnoit of the houses closed clown nt noon In order to allow tholr men to vote. HoiiRli nnil common. tl.TO'iTn.b.'i ' ! fnlr to prime in I. \ cl ( nnil pnokors , rt. ' . ) JM.Iu ; iirlmo lioavy nnd Imtolipr weights , J4.1in l.2.'i : miortotl light. f rout ! iIO Ibs down to iivrrago ITO HH. sold at ri.lfii Nocorid cluai light , ITS down to HO lli . tLVWim ; plEiiiveraglnj under 100 to W9 lb sold ut .00i.5. ; _ Tlio Wool Market. IJ03TON , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to TUB HP.E ] There has lias been a fair trade Inwoolt the sales liavo been qulto lurtfo nnd the mnr kot hnsbccn frm. Ohio X flcceoi sell at ! fo nnd XX fi < ecos nt aiOWe. Michigan X lias lieunsolllns ut31o and the market htis been flrmnt that price. No. 1 clothing wools liavo boon tiiltu strong nWBa-'Wc for Ohio nnd 'lo for Michigan. In combing wools thorn have boon Bali's of No. 1 washed at 40l2c ; tin- washed. 'iffiimo for thrco-clglitM blood and 27442io for one-quarter blood. In line dolnlnu soU'otlons tlicrn luno been Hales of Ohio at 8i iti7ojitil : ( of Michigan at 'tia.'Cic. Territory wooli rule linn at KS&Kle. Scoured ! for flnt. ( VSttnou for line medium and Dj&Vio for medium. Toxa . California tind Oregon wools li vo been In tnlrdumtuiU at unchanged prices , rullort wools have been llrni , bringing rather hotter prices. UioHiippllosbcIni ! Hinill. Australian and ether foreign wools are Una. LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , NOT. 4. Oattlo-ltocelpt1 ! , lO.OOOi mnrknt fair ; steady to stronger ; natives , r..K < var.00 ! stookors. tUJftLMH : TB.XIUW , $2.40 < & ! . > ; cows , bulls unil inl'djcr , { l.2'iti.'JJ. : llois-lccolits ( | , uO.O'JOj inarliot active hut. weali ! puckers und shippers , > ; prltno licavy uiul butcher * ' wuliclits. II.KJ4 ( ! ® 4.S7H ; sltlis | nnd selected light. J2.OtX34.15 ; plus. K.IHH4 1.73. Sheep UncolpH. 6,000s market steady to strong ; natives , KI.SO5.1 , ' > ! w'Stcrns , SI.OMt4.3Ji Toxaiis , U7uai.'J5 ; lambs , $4. > it5.75. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 4. Wheat Steady : do- miinil Improving : holders olTcr tnoiluratoly. l/'orn 1 Irm ; demand fair : mixed wosteru , < i OUd per cental , , Nov. 4. Whoa * . Hocotpts , 465 cars ; shipments , 14S cars. Demand for cash only fair ; lower prices. Oloalnx : No , I hard , Novoinbur , USe ; on track , Wo : No. 1 northern , November , Wjoj May , tl.OSKi on track , Ulio : No. 'i northern , November , ulo ; December , UHtc ; ou truck , 012,020. FfASSAS Our , Nor. 4. Oattlo Hocolpts , 4,400 head ; ahlpmcntfl. 2.UOO head ; market steady ; steers , (3. ! ! : > S14.SO : cows , touUcrs nnd feeders. JS.i' . . llois-I ! coluts. 11.000 head : shipments. 700 head ; market higher ; allgradcs , J.lSJai.'JJ. ST. Louis , Nov. 4. Cuttle Hooolpts , 4,500 head ; market steady ; fair to fnnoy natlvo stuorj , fI.WS-.00 ; atoclcora and feeders , fv' . ( ctl.OO. HOJJS Hocolpts , 4.000 licnd : mnrkot higher : heavy , $4. 102)1. ) So ; mixed , W.7S04.10i llKht , t.i.60 { 4.-J.05. _ Sioux CITV , la. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to TIIK HKK.I HOBS roeoliits , asoO ; market steady ; scllliiif J3.U > aa.tBi lulit$3.8MW.W. ) O 31.4.111 XIAItliETS. Cuttle. Tuesday , Nov. 4. Estimated receipts of cattlo. l.'OO , as com pared with 'J.241 yesterday and 8,545 Tuesday of Instveclc. . The murkot was steady on beeves and butchers' Block aud lifeless on feeders , Estimated rocolpti of hos , 5,400 , ns com pared with 4oat Yoatorday and 0,584 Tuesday of lust trcoK. The market wus 5 to too higher. Active nnd nil sold o.irly. Tim range WHS K1.S.Y3 > 4.H. the bulk selling at M80O4.IO : light , KIAViKlTl ) : heavy. t.l.OOai.15 ; mixed , fil.r Kl.iX ) . The nvernco of the prices paid wns il.B'J ns compared with SJ.75 yester day aud IJ.S1 Tuesday of last week. Sheep. Estimated receipts of sheep , 2,512 , ns com pared with SiB : \ estcrday nnu 1,704 Tuesday of Tnst vcolc. The niarUut Is flrin. Natlvei , rj.3ot.l5 ; westerns. fJ.0034.00. Disposition or Stock. Shrining the number of hend of stoolc purchased cm this market as roportcd uy the wolghmiistursof the Stockyards compuny for November 4 : CATTIK. Bwltt.VCo . 873 The ( ! eorjo 11. Hammond company . The Armtmr-Cudaliy iiiiuklng company. . 1.W U-o Hothschllil . . . . . . . . . 1.14 Hamilton mid .Stephen . 15 Shippers und feeders . , . ' "SO noon. Armotir-Cudnhy packing company . 1,841 Omaha packing company . 1)05 ) Bwlft&Uo . )3 ) Oeorire II. Ilitinmond packing company. , llit J. I' . Hint I res & Co . 4M North I'ucklngCo . 282 Shippers hnd feeders . 23) ) Hoprcsontntlvo Saloi. 8TUKI13. No. Ar. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr IK. .1130 370 30.1:31 430 34..1X ! ! 433 1S..KKIO 1 00 COWS. 2. . 090 125 2. . 1005 180 17. . 099 205 3..10K1 125 0..1044 200 li.,1105 215 2..1140 1W 14. .OHO 200 HULLS. 1. . 870 150 3. .1440 175 3..1420 225 I..13M 160 2. . 1070 175 1..1070 225 3. . 1100 175 1..17GO 225 MILKKItS AND BPUlNORnS. 1 cow and calf . | 17 00 2 springeis , oich : . , . IS 00 2 milker * , each . 10 00 BTOCKKU3 AND KKUUEHS. 2. .1010 S35 18. .014 240 U5..10I8 265 OAtVK3. 5. . 101 315 1IEIITER3. r. . 710 s oo WBSTinX CATTLI. No. Ar. Pr. 1 . 010 II 35 14 cows . 1141 1 80 47 cows . 1115 315 .l.Moran 40 feeders . v . 1049 2 25' II. 1 Tcschemuehor 43fi > eders . 1010 2 23 Hlovonv 22Hteors . 1527 2 85 2 steers luV ) S 85 lOlstecrs UI97 2 83 Stnukiliilo 2stcoib , tulllngs 121.1 3 00 20 fi'edoiN , 03d 2 32J { J , A. Minor 1 steer , tailing 1160 2 10 2 Hteory , tailings 310 CO feed o is 1013 2 50 It. N. Uiilloway 2tt8teers , Uilllnxs 1087 2 10 Mstuors , tunings 115J 2 00 iHtoor. talllus 1050 1 00 S7 feeders 1053 230 70 feeders litt ) 2 as Safcodon 1155 243 Bnun Iiatiil Si Oattlo Co. 7camiur * 731 1 00 27 cows 875 1 15 23 COWS &S8 1 15 Scows 071 1 15 3co\vs \ , 000 175 Scows 834 1 85 Scows 1W7 1 85 UUcons WO 200 71 steers ICU 2 10 4cnlves S15 22. ) 03 feeders. 1107 2 40 Ustcors , tailings Hid 1 00 Bsteots OlH 2 00 12 steers 1050 2 M ITBteeri 1219 250 20 feeders 1072 2 30 i9atccrs ! 1148 250 19 bulls 1214 1 15 IIOQt. No. AT. Sh. Pr. No. AT. Bh. Pr. 18 140 401323 67. . .250 2401300 81 1&4 120 3 25 70 . . . .213 200 300 3..r.tl3 : 120 360 74 212 fcO 300 M 1H4 3 SO 79 200 120 300 IB 1U7 120 350 73 . . .250 240 U OS 4S 3X1 160 3 00 04 283 80 303 178 U 60 70 247 240 305 ( B 170 SCO ( Va 204 400 305 74 1KI 120 3 M O ) 245 ICO 3 05 70 213 200 370 TJ 245 40 305 70 2 : & ) MO a 75 U ) 243 60 3l > 7) ) ( (0 ( 200 40 373 ftO 279 40 4 00 70 221 ICO 375 S3 313 3flO 400 73 2:11 : WO 375 70 ,2U5 80 400 1 4X0 375 SO Ill5 280 400 78 225 2SO 3 77 > { Cd 235 80 400 07 248 120 3 SO SO 310 400 60 11W 3 80 ( id 2S 405 77 201 IM 360 63 2S5 80 405 81 1111 180 380 71 2W7 ICO 405 n 20d 120 3 SO 8 213 403 05 211 100 380 SO 2ri2 200 4 05 73 221) 200 3 80 & & > / 840 4 03 83 2J7 400 U82M 14 2C3 4 OS 81 253 240 385 W tt MO 4 05 K9 278 440 (85 C7 2C3 tW 410 n 220 1 0 I 85 1 430 410 47 47 W IM U 890 120 4it riOS ANDFKtrJ. I . . . KO 100 fi4 . 112 223 Oi . . . .123 100 1 80 01 . . . . 123 40 2M 01 . W 2 00 CO . 223 - 300 O3IAIIAVIIOLI39ALU BIAIIKIJTS. Groceries. DATES Persian , fl-lb box , OWo. HAISI.VSLondon layers , Oallfornla.per box , $ -.50 : looto muicatrls , California , f..OOi Recd- less , Oallfornla. I.J.OJ ; Cullfornln foodies sul tans , In sacks , per Ib , lie : California nmsc.i- tclls , In sacks , H'.Jc ' : uuw Yalcuclas , Sc : on- dnra layers , now , lie. NUTS Almonds , 18oj Itrazlls , 17c : fllborts , t.1u ; pecans , iGo : walnut * ) , l.'c ; peanut cocks , Bo ; roasted. 10'lc ' : Tennessee peanuts , PC. dANNEii Vr.OBTAnw:3 : Tomatoo3-a-lb extra , II liKail."i:3-ll : ) standard western hrands. 11.10 ; Kallons. Archrr'a standard. 13.00' Com Mncst grown , $1,00 ; ( Jato City sugar corn , very line , 11.50 ; tlllinan. 2-lb sugar corn , $ l.202-lb | extra , llecmor , il.lO ; 2-lb standard western brands , Jl.Oo. Xlushroom3 1-lb 1'rench , n.xtra fine , 2214 ! 5e ; Mb French , line , Ift&Xtoi 1-lb 1'rcnch , or- dlimry. 10318C. 1'eas Trcs , line , tier can , . ' > o : doml'llno , per can , IGo : 2-lb slfteil , * 1.61 : 2-lh early June , II.DO ) 2-lb marrow , standard hranili. $ ! , ' ; 2-lb snaked , 75e. Btrlim benns 2-lb hlgb grade , Kofugcc. 11.00 ; 2-ll > Unldun wax hcuni , JLOO ; 2-lh strlnt ; beans , 80o : Lima beans 2-lb soaked , Sic. lloston baked beans 2-lb IjowK II 05 ! Urnwn lirtintls tlX > . Sweat potutooi 3-lb Now Jiirsoy , iH.OO. I'limpkltn il-Ib , $1.10 , Ukra nnd toiuatoes-tl.05 ; oUra , ; snecotasli , il.20. I'AiiiNACKous ' OooiS-Harloy , 4o : fartns , f > o : peas , 'Me : oatmonl , bbls. l0.2V30.'iO ! linlf , . ' macaroni , 10llo ; vermicelli , llxatlr : rice , choice , cyttOci fancy. 6i ! < a7o : head , 7c ; eagoand taploea , 01470 ; Lliuabeuus , Co : spill peas. 3o : xpughottl , lie. DiilEd I'liuits Turkish prunes , less than hhdq , Ibs'.l , Tiic ! original hhds , He less ; llosnla prunes , 0-lb boxes , 100 tp 110 , B c ; apples , evaporated , new ring choice , I'ki ; evaporated , now ring prime , 14o ; uprlcots , fancy , In sacks. 2ic ) ; blackberries , new , lOc ; raspberries , 25 lus to box. U.'lo : currants , now , r > Mw5Vic ; orig inal casks , Ho losa ; VostUzu currauts , extra , In boxes , GUo. CoimAOK Manilla rope All sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , 14e ; slsul rope , all sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , 10o ; "now processes , " all sizes from 7-10 to lln.So. WiiApi'iso PAi'Eii-St raw , per Ib , rag , Ulie : nmiillla 11. 4T5ou ; No. 1. 8c. Jioi.Assns HUIs , N. O. fancy , pergal. 5"o7c : choice. 45iJ47o : good , 30@32o ; Cuba , baking , 23 ® lOc : blackstrap , 204J23c. SonA Pkgs , Co Ibs to box , 5Mc : kegs. 4c. ! ViNunAit-Jii ) gr. N. V. apple elder. lOo : 1) . S. elder , 12u ; white , wine , irm ; fancy , fruit , ISe. OILS IMprnno white , He ; 150 water white , 13c ; headlight , lllic : 74 gasoline , 13c. A libls , lic ; gnmulated , 2c ; In bbls , . STOVE I'or.tBit S'.OO'Si.i.U ' per gross. llAns Am. , per loo. J17.75 : Lewlston , per 100 , $ I7.T. > | Union bnnare , 40 per cent oil Hit. HALT D.ilrv , 280 ibs In libl. bulk , } -.10 ; best grade. CO 5s , * 2. : l : host grade 100 Us , $2.40 : best grade , 18 10s , $2.2A ; rock salt , crushed Sl.bO ; common , bbl , SI. " 5. OA NII : > MEATS Corned beef , 1 Ib , 11.20 : corned beef , 2 Ibs , Jl.tH ) : lunch tongues. 1 In , ii'.GO ; lunch tongues , 2 Ibs , S4.75 ; brawn , 1 Ib , $2.60 : brawn , 2 Ibs , J2.00 ; ov tongues , i'j ' Ins. 15.03 ; ox tongues , y Ills. J.I.CO . ; ohlppod beef , IK Ibs , round cans , S3.15 ! : toast beef , 2-lb round can * , $ . ' .00 ; potted hum , U-lb round cant , IMC ; potted ham , U-lb round cans , il.1l ) ; Uovllea hum , 't-lb round c ns , ( V.V ; duvllod ham , ! i-lli round cans , 1 1.20 ; potted ov tongue , 5i-ln round cons. Jl.'JO ; compressed ham , 1-lb sauuro cans. J-.75 ; trlno , i.-lli round cans , 9180 : minced calop * . t-lb ! round cans , $2.20 ; bonoloas pigs' feet , : ' -lb squaru euns. ifi'i'i. Bl APLB SuOAU-1'er Ib 5c cakes , 30-11) boxes , He ; llc ) eaVes , UO-lb boxes , 12Jc ! ; 1-lb bricks , 'M Ibs In box , pure , 14c. T WINKS Cotton twine , "nibb , " very fine , ' ( - Ib bales , Jc ; cotton twine , XX brand , Jl-ln bales , IHoi honip twine , H-lb bales , ISo ; sail twine , 20c ; candle wick , l ! a ; 40-IKt cotton clothes line , $1,40 ; ( 0-foot cotton clothes line , tl.03 ; 00-foot sls-il lines , $1.75 : ( W-foot Jute. 11.00 ; wool twines , 8Jc. ! ( 'OKKKK Hoasted-Arlosla , 2. > ' ,4ci Bunola , 25ijo ; Gormun. 2'iMe ; lllworth'o : Lion , frOo ; Jlalluonuh , 2Vie ; C'ordovaJJic ; Mocha , 30 oO. ; O. Juvn.&oc. OHIIESK Premium P. 0. , twin flats , per Ib , lOJic ; premium V. F. , Veiling America , llJio ; bock , llJo ; domestic Hwlss , 14fJ17o ; Kdam , In frll. ench , ll.UU ; I.linbergcr. 12'ie. ItuooMS 3-tle , parlor , $ -1.00 ; 4-tle , $2.75 : 3-tlo. $2.25 ; 3-tle , plain , JI.S" > j warehouse , * 3.00 ; toy. (1.23 ; whisk , $1.00I. ' > . OLIVES Quarts , per do/f 1,00 ; pints , per doz , U. : > 0 ; bulk , uor gal. , 03o. SuilAH 1'or Ib-Oul loaf , t'io ; cubes , 7Uc ; standard powdoicd , 7o ; XXXX , powdered , 77Ju ; granulated , .standard , 11'fo cnnfectlon- ers' AG ? ; < if07iio : while , axtraC , brilliant , 7 ? o ; extra O , loynl , ( lie ! ; central 0 , 5.\ic ; golden U , 5i : dnrkO , 4'ic. COTTON Hoi-u Vi Inch , ISc. HOA1- Castile , mottled , per Ib. ! > 310e ; do white , peril ) . Ho. PiCKLis-JIedltimporbbl , $9.00 ; small , $10.00 : ghoiklns. $11.00) ) 32-gal. hbl. 310.00. OIIIEII Per bbl , ruUncd , tc.50 ; half bbl , $ ) .50) ) hard elder , pure , per bbl , SO.G-l ; OIMIIRO elder , half bbl , JC.M ; pcur elder , halt bbl , M.&O. Dry Goods. FINE llnowN COTTONS Atltmtlo LL , Co : Au rora II , CMC ; Aurora It , l4o ! ; Atlas , oN 11. 7',4o ; fhcosn cloth. 4o ; Ullnton I'F , 5 o ; I'cppcrellU , CWc : I.aiigdon U II. So. Hi. EACH , i ) COTTONS Berkeley Cambric No. CO , l Mc : Heat Yet. fi'So ; lluttorclolh XX , 4 c : Cabot , 7 > o ; Klrst cnll , fi'ic ; Frultof the Loom , Be : 11111 Semper Idem , Me ; Housekeeper , 8o ! : KliiR I'hllllp cnmlirlc , lOo ; hangiiou O 11 , ll , o ; I.onsilnle , Do ; Lonsdalo camhrlc , 10J > u ; New York Mills , lie : Oak I-awns , 7e. WIOANS Not Thlstlp. BUe ; Ued Gross , 7c. On ASH Stevens' 11 , It ! In , r.-'io ; Stevens' I ) , IS in , ( iJin : Stevens' A , 10 In.TUc ; Stevens' P , 18 In , He ; Stevens' M , 18 ln , o : btevons' N , 20 In , Bo ; Stevens' NN , 23 In , lOc ; Stevens' BUT , s In , l"ts ; bleaehed. lu extra. PIIINTH Fancy Kddystone , Mm Stool Hlvcr. Co : Hamapo. 4'Jo : at. Ledger. 5Jc. Shirting Martha Washington , 4 o : Mcrrl- maek , 4aic. Turkey lleds Fountain , OJiC ) Onriier , 7o : Oronllold , 8Mo : llcilln , SMc. IlKAW IIIIOWN COTTONS At lautlo A , 7ie ; Atlantic II , Tc : Atlantic I ) , OJi ; Atlantic I' . Co ; Aurora 0.4 > o ; Iluek's head. 7c ; Uabot AV , Cijc : Darlington , OKo : runners' No. 1 , 4f(8 ( 4'/Jo ' ; llooiler IJfii5o : Indian head , o ; Lawrence liL , S' u ; Henrietta III5'ie. . ynnKTiMls AM > Pn.r.ow CASINOS llrown Net 1'eppeioll I.VIn. lO'/io : Pepperell,8-4. 18c : I'epperol 1,0-4 , 20o : Peppproll , 10-4 , 22 } o : Utlcn 4S-ln,15 ( > : Utlca.M-ln.17Wo ; Utleai'-in , 'Jlo ; Utleu ; 84-ln. 2t > c : Utlca , tt-ln ) , 234c. ! lilcaohcd Nut Popiierull , 43-ln. lOUo ; Popporoll , 40-ln , HHc ; I'l-pperoll , B-4. ir.u ; Pepperell. 8-4. IMci rcppcrull.U-4 , ! Kc : I'enperoll , 10-4. 23o ; Utlca , 8-4 , 24o ; Utlca , IM , 2tic ; Utlcn , 10-4 , 28o. GiNfliiAMS Amoskcag , 7c : Amoskenjr dress , 8K o ; Ilatos , OUc : Warwick dress , Co : kunous tcr. 6\c ; Olcnnlro , 0Jo ! ; Wlilttondon dress , he , PIIINTS ludlRO blue Net Mnrtliii WashIngton - Ington , nvjc ; Amerlcrn , O'icj Arnold , 0ie ! ; Ar nold II , long cloth , 10o : Stlfel A. lltfo ; Merrl- mao. 7-8. lOc : Gold lo.if , 8u ! ; Hamilton , 5 u ; Allen Pinks , U'/tc ' : Alton Cbumbray , Co ; Olou- Chester. fiHc ; llartol , BHc. Coi/iiini UAMiiitics Crown , 4V4e : Ked Star , 4io ! : Itolleu Olovor , 5c ; Slater. 5 o ; high col ors , lo extra. UINIMS : Not Amoskeau , 0 or. , 15V4o ; York camlet , 12o ; Everett , tttandard. 124o ! ; Hay maker's , 7Jc ! ; Old York , XX , lOjJo : Ltiwronce , 20 , 12Vic : Lawrence , 0 01 , 15Ho ; fancy stripes and clieous , IHie. CoTTONAiiKSi York , nankin. lOWe , Everett Boz , 18o ; Lowlston.lOoz , 224c ! ; Worklnguiun Ho. FUEW Per lb Porch , 7oj buffalo , dressed , 7o ; pickerel , Oo ; pike , Do ; trout , Oo ; white , lOo ; cropple. llo ; cuttUli , lie ; cod steak , 12c ; flnuiulors , I3c : Oregon Halmon.lSo ; black bass , 18o ; lobsters , ISo ; blue ( Isli. 15o , Suit and ploklod CodQsli , oxtrn Georges , new. UVio ; grund bunk , now , 44o ! ; silver , 2-lb blocks , Bic ! ; snow white. 2-lb bricks , now , 7 o ; turko } ' cod , luruo middle brlcka , Oo ; snutv whites , crates , 12-5lb boxen , 7&c ; medliim scaled horrlnc , 5o ; No. Isuulcd herring , 20o ; domestic Holland licrrlnKi 40o ; HumbiirKcr spiced herring , COo ; Uusslan sardines , splued , ftlo ; Itusslan aanllnes , plnln , SOo ; Imported llollnnd lierrliiR , Grown briuul , 80o ; do fnnoy milkers , (1.00 ; mackerel. No. 1 shore , half bbls , (12.50 ; bloaters , half bbls , 118.00 ; whlto llsh , half bbls , ffl.75 ; trout , halt bbls , family whlto flsh , (3.00 ; Halmon , K.V ) per half bhl ; 2-lb broiled mackerel , $2.00 ; 3-lb In mustnrd , $2.CO ; U-lb In tomato sauce. JJ.OO ; 5-lb Mayo mess mackerel , * ' > .00 ; 1-lb brook trout , tl.25 ; 3-lb brook trout , f..25 : 1-lb salmon , J1.25 ; 2-lb white flsh , J2.25 ; 1-lb white IMi , ! . : ; 2-lb lobntorx , M.U ) | 1-lb lobsters , * ! . : : 2-lliovstcrs , 12oz. fJ.GO : 2-lb oysters , 10 ozt .25 ; l-lboyhtors,5ozl. 5 ; 2-lb UuratarU , 10 oz , t.MO : 1-lb Ilnratarla.Soz , I.10 ; Fair mont , 4 or , (1.15) ) Fairmont , 8 oz , i..OS ; 1-lb clams , llttlo nooks , 11.35 ; 2-lb oluma. llttlo necks , $1.75 ; 3-lb clam chowder , I2.CO ; 1-lb crabs , $ . ' . 5 ; 2-lb crabs , $2.50. Country Produce. Durrcn The receipts of butter are not large und dealers generally find ready sale for all offerings. In fact the market on solid packed goods Is Ilrui , Good to choice country rolls sell nil the way from 12o to ISo with an occasional ftnnll and selected lotutSOc. The Inferior unities are-minted from fi-31''o. Good country solid p&ckou 17aio ( : good creamery , 2123o ; fanoy cruamerr , 2IQ 5o. Kniis-Sloeks uro light and the market firm ( it lUo with an occasional Baleof selected stock at 20o. GAME The receipts are not heavy and the market flrm. Prnlrlo chickens per doM.ooa 3.25 ; grouse , Ki.75qiaoO ; mallard duel ; * , faou ; t l duoks. il.-f.itl.S'h ' mixed ducks , (1.75 ; jack snipe , 7ie-R11.00 | quull. H.Z&IM ; Jack rub- bits ( J.50U4.00 ; small rabbits. ll.2Mll.7S ; deer and uatelope carcasses , 64tOo ; Handler * , ltI3o. PouLTiir-The market In chlokeni Is not Tory favorable to the selling Interests. Whlto thu receipts are not large the demand ( slight and stocka drag. Acoodmuny chlokons are ( till selling at IJ.OO2 26 with BJO about the qutdda. Geeio are soarc and tbere Is goina demand. Duck * uro quoted aH2.Wtf3.00. Tur keys , live , Oo ! > ' . Ib and dressed Dressed chlckcna , 03SC. Fresh I'"rults. oranges , 2503 , single boxes , per box , M.OOi too * 5 loUi , $ 1.75. UAMI-OIISIA PIILMM Urapos , Tokay , , Wlbcratfl , l,75 ; crAt'6 * , black , crates , 11.75) ) pear , bor box , r.75 ! : qiilncos , per box. W.M. HitAPis-Concords , per basket , 3oC ! 23 basket HAN KNAS Yellow , red , $2.50. DEMONS Choice to fancy , JS.004J8.50. APPLES I'uuojr winter apples , per bbl , (3.50 M.7S. CuAxnEnntni Fancy dark Capo Cos , $9.26 | fancy Hell i Cherry , J.i-M. POTATOEC Car load 16ts nro olUnjron track at 85fM7o with sotno salva reported us low us 80o. Kiilrstock Insniull lota eoinniunds OOo. The ( letntiud Is fair aud just about ciiual the rect'liiUs. Tuusirs The market Is dull at 2Jc per liushel for whlto nnd 40c for rltabn ai. ONlONS-Oood stock \t \ In nonruat supplr anil the murkot steady at 11.25 per bushel. ' Conl. On board can nt Omahn. Anthrnclts Olipstnut , range und CKK.S2per ton ; iuute , . Hofrcoal-Waftuit blow , * l.0b"lowd ; lump , (3.7J ) Iowa nut , f.t.2T > . , Cement , ICtc. On board cars nt Omaha Per bhl Ash Orove lime , OOcj Champion lltno. Wo : Qnlnoy white , BOoj Lonlsvltlo cement. $1,50 : Milwatikoo cement , 11.45 ; Utlea cement. $1.10 ; Kugllsh Portland cement.1.45 : Now York plaster , K'.2.p : Michigan plaster. 4200 ; I'ort Uodgo pins- tor , il,7. > ; whlto sand , IJ.OO ) P. P , hulr , porbalu , 11.00 , J > IutnlH. STEEI , WHIG NAILS Huso $ JC.'i ; steel tialls , base , i2.1. > . TIN PI.AIE-I. O. , 10x21 , $7.00) ) I , X. , ItKU , 50.23 : coke , 4x120.112 , M.75. HllEET'/INC SO. UooriNd-Okarcoal , I. 0. , 14x20 , 113,88.00) ) I , X. . 7.S5. KIIEET Inns No. 23 , $1.50) ) No.27 , JtlfiO , Hni.miu-Strlctly half and half. 17jo. ! AVniB .Fap. biirb , J.1.23 ; RII ! . . W.85. HLOCIC TIN imall pig , 30o per lb ; bar , 30o Oori'KR Flnnlshcd boiler sles. fflo perlb : cold rolled , Mo per lb ; sheeting , 'JSu per lb ; pit and llats , aloporlb. GAIA'AM7.KU SlIKBT IllON Discount 50-10 per cent ; pat. plan. Iron , Nos , 21 und 27 A , lOUo ; U , SKc. Hides , Tnllow , Ktc. HIDES , I'EtjTD AND T ALLOW Oroon saltnd hides , No. 1 , r uarUci No. 2 , 4'Jc ' ; dry Hint hides , 7i5J'-c ! ; calf hides , ( VRSt ; damnRcn hides , \YiQ \ less : sheep polls , green , each,35cil5 ; bhropiiults , dryi perlh , loiiUe. TALLOW A No. 1. 4' o ; No. ' . ' , .TiP c : crease , whlte,3H0lc : yellow,2MWo : sloarmo , OiJo. HOMS : Unotatlonsuru ( or dollverv In Olil- cngo-Dryhull'ulo , per ton , S16.00 < 3B.OO : dry country , ulenehed , $10.00(313.00 ( ; country , dump aud meaty , td.UfratO.09. Ijiimlier. FKSOISCI Whlto Pine No. 1 , 4 and 0 In , 12 and 14 ft , JIO.M ) ; No. , 4 and 8 In , 12 and 14 ft , J14.0JI No. 2,4 and 0 in , 10 ft , $10.50 ; No , 3 , 4 and Gin. 8iiiiNj-A,3 MX > : ii , J20.50 : o , $'r ; ) , moo. FLOOIUNCI Whlto I'lno-A aud H.1J.OO ; 1) , $21.00 : U. J27.00 ; L' , * 17.50. STOCK MOAHD3 No. 1 common , 12 and 14 ft , $20 ; 10 t' .00 ; No. U common , 12 and 11 ft , J18.0010ft ; , ir.OO. Cniusfl-No. 1 white , > S. In. 8.11.10 : No. 1 hard nine , i In , J45.W ) ; No. 1 hard pine , X In , $ . ' 1.00j No. 1 hard nine , H In , J-'I.OO. STOCK lloAiiua A und n , 12 In , J&OO ; D , 12 In. S27.00. OHOOVF.D UOOFINO No. 1 common white plno , 13. 14 and 10 tt. $10.00 ; No. 1 common Y pine. 12,14 and 10 ft , 118.00. DIMENSIONS 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 84 ft 2x4. (15 OU $15 00 115 00 (10 00 $10 00 $17 50 } 1S 00 2x0. . 15 00 15 UO 15 00 10 00 16 09 13 00 18 50 2x8. 15 00 15 00 15 00 18 00 10 00 IS 00 18 50 2\IO. 1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 18 00 1950 2x12.1000 1000 1000 IV 00 1700 1000 1900 4x4 to 8x8 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 SO 00 IIoAltns No. 1 coin , $10.00 : No. 2 com , $17.00 ; No. 3 com , $15 ( X ) ; No. 4 com. $12.50. Smr I < AP No. 1 plain , 8 und 10 Inch , $17.001 No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , $15.50 ; No. 3 plain , 8 and ID Inch , ? 15.00 ; O. U. . 8 Inch. IGSlita. HATIF.NS , WfirjiToniNa. I'ICKKTS 0.0. bats , Sii-ln , 7.rxj ; xll SIS , 850 : : i-ln well tubing , 1) ) . & M. and Uor. . $2300 ; pickets , D. & II. Hut , $22.00 ; L ) . & 11. sq. , $21.00. I'OFbAti-Oloar , 1-ln. all widths , $33.50 ; clear , ( { -In. all widths , $29.00. Y. PINK rr.oouiNO-Clcar , 4 nnd 0 In , $23.50 ; star. 4 and 0 In. $21.00 ; rift sawed , $0.00 extra. FINISHINO WIIITI : I'INC 1st and 2d clear , 1 In , J.VJ.fW ; I'i ' , iy and 2 In , $5i.00i ) Ud clear , 1 In , M5.1K ) ; JU , U4 and 2 In10.00 : A suloct , 1 In , 112.00 ; Hi. Hi and 2 In , $12.00 ; U select , 1 lu , f.U.00 ; 1J4.US uu(12 ( In , MO.OO ; 0 select , 1 la , &JO.OO. FINISIIISO Yiir.r.owPtNE Clear , 1 In , KO.OO ; 1U. 1H and 2 In , $ J7.00 : star , 1 in , $21.09. HiiiNdi.r.s. IJATH Uxtru , XAX , $2.75 ; stand ard. XAXJ.iOj ; 0 In , .W.20 ; 5 In , &i.CO ; No. 1 , $1.SU ! Cedar. XAX.$2,75 : loth , SI.S3. POUTS bite cedar 0 In , MS , 12Jo : 9 In , ir. , 12o : SH In , fs , lie ; 8 ln.Oo : 4 to 5 lu , round , l.'tlio : oak , split. 0 c ; rod cedar. 15o. Sash , 50 per cent ; doors , 40 per cent ; blinds , 40 per cent ; immldlngH. 40 par cent ; straw board , $1.30 ; tar board , Sl.GOj tar felt , $2.40. An Economic Georgian. A man in Houston county , Georgia , In order to save the extravagance of a wife and the oxpoiiBo of hiring n cook , shells his corn and before cat-vying it to mill spreads it ou the floor "before the fire , where it is parched. The corn is then ground into meal and when he starts to work in the morning ho makes up a mash of meal and places it out in the sun to dry. As the meal is already cooked it will bo ready for his dinner when ho cotnes in from work. J-'yrnp of Pigs , Produced from the laxative and nutritious Juice of California figs , combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to bo most beneficial to the human svstOTi , ucts gently on the Uidnoys , liver and bowels , effectually cleansing the system , dispolllug colds and headaches , and curing habitual constipation. ' The Origin of Caluiilutc. When people say "ctilculato" they UBO a word which goes hack to the very in fancy of our race and the very beginning of the science of arithmetic. It comes from the Latin calculus , a pebble. When men ilrst began to reckon and to com pare numbers they could think of no Loiter way than to lay pebbles along side oi ono another on the ground , and hence the word for counting. The consciousness of having n remedy at hand for croup , pneumonia , sere throat , and sudden colds , is very consoling to a parent , With n bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In the house , one feels , In such asoa , a soaso of security nothing else can give. A Fortune In Cigar Stubs. Augusta , aplckor-upof cigar ends , has in Paris , leaving behind him the respectable sum of 100,000 francs , which , it is narrated , ho amassed from his occupation. Tickets at lowest rates and BU porior accommodations via the grout Bock Island route Ticket oflico , 1602 Six teenth and Parniun streets , Omaha. Ilnor. Berlin drauk in 1880 200,217,100 quarts of beer that is abp'ut ono hundred and fifty quarts to every * man , woman and child , , To Nrrvoua riuhllltated MonJ If you will send us , y < ? ur address wo will send you Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Voltaic , licit nnd Appliances on trial , They will nulckly restore you to vigor , manhood and health. Pamphlet froo. Voi/uic BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich. rrP Tlio Ohamplqi ) 1'otnto Digger. A Prosqtio Isle , .Giu , young man dug on a wager flfty-tbreo barrels of potatoes inten hours ono day this season. Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver , and the whole system becomes de ranged. Dr. J , II McLean's Sarsaparllla perfects the process of digestion und assimi lation , and thus makes pureblood. . BtrawiinrrlcB nn Medicine , Strawberries have the reputation of ameliorating and oven curing gout and rheumatism. .The now ofllcos of the Great Hook Island route , 1602 Sixteenth andFarnatn Btreets , Omnhn , tire the lineal In the city. Call nnd see them. Tickets to all points oaat at lowest rates. A Vigorous Veteran. Paodor von I-'rolmann , a veteran ot the Franco-Russian war of 1812 , died recently - contly at the ago of ono hundred and fif teen years in Bt , Petoraburg. Ho served In the Russian army twonly-flvo years , anil received a cross of St. Oeorijo for his bravery. At the ngo of nlnoty-nlna ho mnrrlou ft soventeon-vcar-old Rlrl by whom ho hnd two children. For tlio last fifty years ho had tnadoa dully prac tice of drinking a pint of cognao just before fore going to bed. Pears' soap Is the most elegant toilet ad junct. ' - An Injjeiilotin Aft Swindle. A curious art imposition hns been dis covered In Purls , An ingenious person stole bronze nnd marble busts from the cometoryof MontparnessoParls , touched thorn up nnd sold them as olllglos of fain- OIH horocrf , statesmen und orators , IIo did not find It tUlllcult to pass off the busts of departed grocers grocers ns Demosthenes or eomo celebrated gou- oral , Jay Gould tins ilin ICyo oil Trlnldnd. There U the bes.t of authority for saying thnt Jay Qould Is negotiating for the purchase of n number of thousands of acres of the coal lands about Trinidad , Col. , in the interests of the Missouri I'ncilloroail vuldi only vealitres an extension from La Junta of fiO miles to reach that point. The coal frelphtago from Trlnldnd , whlou has reached already 8,000 tons per day , ana Is In Its Infnntcy , Is attract ing the attention of nil railways couii > otlug ( or business lu the Iloclcy mountain country. A Cra/.c for White nutldlngs. Now York city' now has a crnzo for whlto buildings , and thov accord admir ably with the cllumto. Tlio Fifth Ave nue , the Albormiirlc , the Hoffman , the St. James , the Colcman , the now Im perial are all whlto , aud every ono is pleased with the tendency. Do not take any chance of being poisoned or burned to death with liquid steve pollsb , paints or enamels In bottles. The "Itlslng Sun Steve 1'ollsh1' U safe , odorless , brilliant , the cheapest and best steve polish mndoand the consumer pays for no expensive tin or glass pacltago with every purchase. Snino Queer Michtcnn People. Mackinaw Island , Mich. , hns some queer puoplo , Enltvs Polotto Is eighty- six years old , was born on the island and has never been a locomotive or a rail road err. Rosa Louisignnw is also eighty-six years old , and for sixty years never loft the islaud , breaking her rec ord lubt year. Not excelled by any high priced lltilmont. Salvation OH , twcnty-llvo ccuts n bottle. P. T. Barnum thought tbat he had got the nineteenth century boom in Jumbo , but ho forgot the great excitement caused by the sale of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , the poor of cough remedies. Prosaic Advertisers. A now desecration of the landscape against whiuh English people are pro testing is the posting of advertisements upon the sails of fishing hoats. Ono writes : , "Wo liavo a great trouble with a largo board advertisement of pills stuck up right in the middle of a beauti ful bay. " George Campbell , Hopkinsville , Ivy. , says : Burdock lilood Bitters is the best prepara tion for the blood and stomach ever manufao- .urcd. Floors of Kiibber. Floors of rubber , claimed to bo as dur able as asphalt , and cheaper , are being ' riod in Germany. "Ono touch of nnturo makes the whole world Icin. " Diseases common to the rnco compel the search fora common remedy. Ills found in Ayer's Sarsapnrllla , the reputation of which Is world-wide , - having largely super seded every other blood medicine ) hi uso. Fortunes In Waste. The amount ol'monoy that is obtained from apparently indifferent and imma terial businesses is sometimes very largo. For instance , the vnluo of the uapora SIR HORRELL MACKENZIE AND DR. KOCH OF LEIPSIG BI'KAK IN OLD \VI.NQ TtUMS Or MINERAL PASTILLES ( THOCriES. ) Hoarness , Coughs , Colds , Pneu monia and Pleurisy , Whooping Cough , Indigestion and nil Throat Irritations nro prevented and cured by use of these pleasant Troches , Obtain the Ronulne tirtlolo only Echlcli must have the slzimtura aud iccommcndatlou ot Sir Morrell Mackenzie With each box BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL , $4OOOOO SURPLUS 800.OOO Account ! of Banks , llaukorj nnil Corporation ! so licited. Our facilities for COLLECTION'S are excellent , and wo rc-ill.icount for bnnlui when balancoi warrant lu llojton Is a Ilciorro Cltj , and balnncos with ua from bank * ( not located In other Iloaervo Cities ) count as a reserve. Wo draw our own cxchanzo on London and the Continent , and make cable transfers andflnco money br telegraph tUroughout tliu United States and Can ada. ada.Wcnave Wcnave a mnrkct for prime flrst-closs Investment Securities , and Inrlto propoial * from Btatos , Coun ties and Cities when tssulne bonds , We do a general banking business , and Invite cor- reipoadenro , ASA P. POTTER , PBESIDENT. JOS. W. WORK , CAsniBii. For Improved and economic cookery use Primary , Ejcondwy or Tcrtlnnr permanently cured In 39 to 90 days. We eliminate ill poison from the iijrutcm , to that tbere rrn never IK ) n. ntnm ot the Alt- e M In nnr tonn. 1'artln can be treated at home , ( for llio tune l > rlco auav end under I h game cuuran RBf 1111 II I El tee , ( butIth thoteirliopre V f | l | | 11 I \ fer to com * here , wa will | jl | 11 I LI U contract t o ' cure them or ' 'rofund all monff nd pay entire oiprnio of comlntr , railroad far * and hotel bills. Vie rhalkriro the world for cam w * can not cure. Mention thl < paper. Addreu , COOK JlKaiKDY CO , , Omaha , Offlo St. Clilrllotel Cor. 13thand Dodge3 thrown n\vny In sorno of the blp stores Is Biiniclont to jny n good innny Fiilarlcn. The mnnngorsof n Inrpo dry poods lioiiso In Now York awoke to this fart whoii they Icarnod that the man who liuil the contract for cleaning tholr ostabllshinunt \TIIB rnplilly ncquirlnp a fortune by sell ing the wnsto materials found on the floors. IIo had undertaken to provide hoi i ) and see that the ptauo wa cleaned nightly in return for the waste paper nnd pasteboard boxes. It required very lltllo attention , as tlio man had a foreman to BOO that the work was done properly. At the oxplratlort of this contract ft was not renewed nnd the house takes the profits. An Klcotrlo Hydrogen Gun. William T. Clmniborlnln , of Norwich , has invented and perfected a Run which promises to ho the most dnralUo , shnplo and offeottml pint ever ninde. It Is called the olectrlo hydrogen gun. There nro thrco methods of iMng the ann. Uy the ilrst method , Mr. Chrmbcrlaln claims , the projectile is Bout from the ynn by a pressure equal to U7,000 atmoaphero.H , by the eecond process by four times that force , nnd liv the third method it Is transformed into an air gun with a pressure of from l/iOO to 11,000 pounds. The pun is shnplo , without ether mnohlnery than the chamber and barrel. The demand for now vnlvablo weapons is so grant thnt Fomo of the great powers may Hnd in this arm the executor they have been nntlctnatlncr , while Mr. Clmtnborlain may Una in it the fortune the shadow of" which has kept his brain activoandhis hando busy for tna ny a day. Georgia's Wealthiest Negro. Peter Vickers is the wealthiest negro in ColTco county , Georgia. Ho owns between - tweon live thousand nnd six thousand acres of land , and is a No. 1 farmer. His cotton is magnificent , perhaps the best in the county , and his corn crop is in good proportion. Ho will make $2,000 worth of produce this year. Killed by Koquost. A workman near Breslau killed his brother by firing a ballot through his head , at the brother's repeated and urgent request. Then ho tried to kill himself , but did not succeed. IIo was tentenccd to thrco yours' imprisonment. The request of the brother was clearly proved. Jtivonllo Vloo In Cincinnati. In Cincinnati two girls , ono of whom was but eleven years old , were arrested for drunkenness ; two boys , ono only eight years of ago , charged with being incorrigible , were taken to tbo police station "shuoklod together with hand cuffs. " M. 1J. Blair , alderman Fifth ward , Scraa- ton , Pa. , stated Nov. 9 , 'S3 : lie had used Dr. Tbotnav Kcluctrlc Oil forspratus , burns , cuts , bruises and rheumatism. Cured every tirao. A nijj Colonization Scheme. It is reported that Boston , Gnlvoston nnd California parties have Bccuron a rant of 10,500,000 acres of land In § cnorn , Mexico , upon wliioh they propose - pose to place colonies of Europeans. 1602. Sixteenth nnd Farnam streets is the now Rock Island ticket ollico. Tick ets to all points east at lowest rates. Is Consumption Contagious ? The Michigan state board of health , believing consumption n communicable disease , advises that all pupils affected bo excluded from the public schools. HelenaJontana , , The rtly nf Helena It located In tbnhpnntlMl rrlcklr I'car Valloyi IB nubeluntl.illy built or utona and brlclt. with sootl hotuln. cliurrlics , nrhools and nil modprn conveniences nf Ulo. TboouclPtr In ox- ccptlonnlly lilehclHHH , havintr morn tbun the aver- Ofifl iiuniburoreducntccl and IntelltK fit pconlo. A u pliiccorrviltluiice It l unrqiililted. It run be readied by luxnricnin trnlns dally , wlili tlirouiihdlnlnRrareon tboUrcatNorlbornnndNor * tliern racltla llallnayB from Bl. I'aul unit Mtnno- npolli , or from Kansas CUT , via Unlou I'ucltlo Itnllroad.xno ratt round trip tleketi. Montana liaatlozeu * of broiid viillryi no fcr- tllBnltuthoflciiosiUof WICB tbai armur ) find In them a pnrndlou or uroductlvouei a and u homo mir- ko' for nil yield. ( Ireulnt ofnll ndvnnlOBri of Montana IB the \\nnilcrfulcllmate. Tlio yarin wlnJs of tbo Pa cific Occ n modlf jr the tcmpcrn'.nro to the dccreo wlilch nfforda the highest phynl.'nl comfort. Tboilr | g to ftlllof ozonouml nooihllfnitlliK In Us otTocn tbftt tlioconUnuodeiltlonco r/f iJUoueo la uu Impro bability. Con uniitlTe find In thf almott conrfant 8itcvs lion of bright tumhtnu dayi aid dry atmosjthtro rtmt- ditB which UOD drlvu away ttieli * wnral ymp tom , and a qntcb tucrraut of ifftttte and fah iiidi. cntt an early return of health. Cor fall Information , address L. 0. PHELPS , Soc'yCitizens Commillcc , Hu'cn ) , Montana. in Corner Oth and Harnoy StraoU , Omaha. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DR. A. T. MoLAUGHLIN , President Founded by Dr. J. W. MoMenamy. NEBRASKA. National Bank U. 8. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. CapltaL - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - B7.OOO Offlcernod Dlroetori--IIenry W. Tatoi , President 14WUS. Uwd , Tloo-Pretldent ; Jamai W. Hatiue , Vf T. Mor t , John B. Oolllni , It. O. Cutting , J. K. I F Ulok , W. n. B. Uugbui , caitilsr. THH IRON BANK. Corner 11th and Funim Sti. A General Ilanklne Bualneu Trannfinted CORLISS BRAND Collar * aud C'uU > , , Correct EtjUi. Beit Quality. < Perfect Fitting. TRY THEM. CDltKS AND I'HKVENTa. Colds Sore Throat Bronchitis Rheumatism , , , , Neuralgia , ' l'rost mt01' CONSEQUENCES OF TAKING COLD. The application of ItADWAY'S HEART UKUKtr. totlin part urTeoleU , will Inituntlr rollaro ami orjn cure the auuerer Intornallr In iloaci of from Ihlttr to Jrator . aUlr flropi. In half tumbler of . t will in a. few moment * . Cmnni.Hpuraa. Hour Blonmoli , Colic , riatalonco Ueirtburn niarrhOM MI , . * Kick IIM i- i % V"i.y T ' .Vtnf' . uimvAv' 4 c * ? B"VfAIX"1" " ' " Sin ? whSSliTi uK"rff A Physicians Advice. 1 Biifloretl for year * from general debility. Tried other remedies , anil got no relief. My I'hyMdnn prescilbed S. S. S , I Increased In llcsh ; My appotllo Improved ; I gained strength ! Wo * miulo young rtgaln ; It Is the best mcdlclna I Icnovr of. MAJiAi.KYTfui'KX , Onklniul City , Ind Scud for our book on lilood and Skin Disea'os , SPKCIKIC Co. , Atliuita , Ga VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Shop , Djgs , ! AND rOOLTKYi ( SOOl'nao TlooU iiTrrntmrnt of Anlnmls umXJIiurt tstnl free. , cents < lpTprnrotigei < tlnii , liilli mnintloQ " A.A.iSplnnl AI.'lilnuKN , illllll I'OTCT. 11.11. Siriilnn , IjiiinriieHn. ItluMiinntlgnu < ! . ( ! . DNlcinpnr , Nnnnl lll rliuruc . l.I . --lloln or Urnli" , U otiiiH. ) MK.4'oii2hif ! JlfnvrM , I'ntMiuinnln * V.r. rallaor tJrlprn. olljclio. . 4 : , < ! . .tllHcnrriiifC. lliMiior II. II. Urinary nnd Klilnny I.I. Kruinlio l l oimi > M , nlitnuu. J.K. DlHOiiiiCH < > ! ' l > lKe llou , I'aralyslB. Single Bottle ( orcrtMiloecaX - - .OO Hlablo ( ! i r , wlUV Plx-cinM. MnmiAl , Vetorlnary Ouro Oil ami I'edlcator , 3T.I1O JnrVclcrlimry Cure ( III , - l.OU Sold brDriu8liit ! or Sent Prepaid anrwhcr * and in any quantity ou Ilccclpt of Ftlco. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. . Oomor William nnd Joha Stt , Now York. SPECIFIC Ho , In use 3) jT r . Tlio otilr ne fiU romejj for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , Ktul I'roBtratlon , from overwork nr oU r cunMis , 81 per l l. or 8 vlnlu and larco Tltl pn d r , for CO. SOLD nr nnuiHitKTi' , or pent p < Mtpalil on receipt ofprlco.-HUMPlinE.YS1 MEDICINE CO. , Cor. William and John Bit. , If. T. GOLD MEDAL , PARIQ , 107O. W. BAKEIl & CO.'S B It ttl/scliitcly iiure nnd < t Ii soluble * No Chemicals Nte tueJ In III rrrjiarfttloa. It hti MOT * lAan t\rt ttmti tfit trgt\ Ot CuQO * nilxcil with FUrch. Arrowroot or Sugur , ft ml li tliprtfjrt far inor economic nl toittitg tttt ( Ant on * etntatttp. It U tlcllci > ti , noiirliMnfr , trctixtliritlnf , KA- PII.Y ItKJCytCU , and iilmlritily idiptcd fjf linilldi ti wll pcrnoni l.i littltk * SoM by ( IrocoM cvoryuhere. W. BAKER & CO. . Dorchefltor , Masa. J. L. Erlrson , Local Agt. 200 N. 10th THE SPECIALIST. Moro tlmn 15 ypiri * ' oxpcrlonroln the tro.ltriidntol PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro Kii.irnntrcd In 3 to live diiyi without the lo i of auliuur'i Uriu' . STRICTURE nl" jtly piirwl wllliont I'.iln ' or Imtriimontsi no ciHtlnn ; KI illlatlriu , Tim nuiH rcninrkithlo reinody known to modnrn prtcnrc. Wrlto fur circulars. SYPHILIS CURED IN SO TO OO DAYS. Dr. McOrrn'a treatment fur thin Icrrlliln lilood din. rnno Imi boon proiiiiiincccl Ui nm t powerful nnd micccMful remedy ovurdlsuovi'iecl for tint nb ulut euro of tills dlsoino. lilt BIICCI'HH with tliln ( thcina Ima norer bct'ii o'luallfd. ' A complvto CUUK QUAU- rr.D.Vrlto for Plrful r . LOST MANHOOD and nil wonlmntHnf tlio iioxiinl ornaiu , nervoninoni , llinldlly nnddo < | ioniluiicriibioliitolj' curod. TMors- llof la ImnuMllttto nnd complete. SKIN DISEASES , Catarrh , rli unintl m , nnd nil tlaea ! < cu of the Wool llvrr , kldncya nnd Uliuldor permanently cured. FEMALE DISEASES Mid nonrnliita , niTTrmkiipssnnddliononof thontuiu- ocb curud. Tlio Ductdt'i "lloinu Trcalmunt" for IndlCB ) pronounce1 * ! by nil who liaro nsod It , lo ! the nioit comirota unri convunlcut ri'iniMly ofor offered ferod for the trimtinont of foiualu dlnu.inoN. It I * truly a wnnderful rvmcdjr. No Inntriiiuoriti ; uo pain. Huuns foil I.AIIILM riiou STO 4 ONI.V. DR. McGREW'S marreloun uicrcu Man won for him a reputation which U truly lutlonnl In clmr.irtur , nnd lilt grout armjrof pntlent ruachoi ( rum lliu Atlantic Ui tin 1'acltlc. The Doctor la n KrldunUi of "itKOUI.AIl" mudlclnn nnd lint hud lonttiind ciirofnl oipvrlnnco la hofipllnl practle , and li clniwl nmnnif tlm loadlnn IxiclalbU lu inoilurn aclfnro. 'I'renliuunt br cntre- tpundonco. tVrlte for clrculnr * ubuut cacuof tb abovodlsuaaoa , rnKK. Office , 14th and Farnam Sta Kntranco on either atrcot. DR. RICHARDS , PRACTICE LIMITED TO ANn NERVOUS SYSTEM , ROOMS 316 TO 320 BEE BUILDING , OMAHA , NEB. MANHOOD RESTORED. RESTORED.rt , rt Wonderful Spanlib Itemed ? , caret A ! ) Hervom Dlkeiit * . iuch M Weak Mem ory , Lou of lira In 1'ower , | Ietd eb . Wakefaloei. , Lo | &r imiy Jluuliood Nervou - ftor Use. ncea , Tjntltude , all fruuiXlTe. drntri ) nnd lull o powtrof the Generative Ofnunii , In either er. caiined by over-exertion , youlhrul Indleeretloni.oi I . * av t * * m ItUllllliJi'OlJIllin iJllOQ and iDinnltx. I'nt un In convenient form to ctrrt lu the vent pocket. Price gl njiackago , or6 forji Bent by mall to &nv Atldreoi ) . Circular frco. Zlto/ tlon thin tmner. aumiDcuiiicitco. , KDIthALK It. - - - - Kuhn J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. Hth A llouilu RtreeU. A. P. futut & Co. Council Jllun . fowi.