Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1890, Page 4, Image 12

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E , R08EWATEB , Editor.
Dally nnd Sunday , One Yonr . tin o
Hlt.montlifl. . . fit )
Three Moulin . . . , . . - fi
Hnmlny llcc.Utio Yntir . . . > 0
Weekly Hoc , Ono year , . 1 ! !
Omtilin , Tbo Hen lliilldliiR.
Koutli Onmliit , Corner N nndttth Streets.
Council IlltilM , 121'Riirl Ktroct ,
c'hlpiiitoonicp , 317 ChiMiitior of Commerce.
Now York.ItomiiHlXll nnd l.r > , Trll > mie Ilulliltn
Wellington , 613 fourt tenth Street
All communications rultitlna to news am
editorial mnttcr tbotibl bo addressed to tb
Killtorlal leMirttiii-tit | ,
All hiKlnwlDtlcra nnd remittances viouli
lonililrcss > dtn The Urn Publishing Rompniij
Oninhn , IJrnfts , checks iiml itoatotllciinrdor
toln > tuudo payable to tbo order of tlio ooni
The Bcc Publishing Company , Proprietors
' ' and Seventeenth HI' '
TliC llec It'lJ'K , Fiiriuuii
Btatoof Nobrnska , l' .
Ununty of Donzlon. ( s B
( loorKo H. T/scliiiok. sroroUry of Tbe He
I'ubllslilnir romtianv. OOOH oolcmnly Bwpn
tnnl. tbo nctiinl clrculntion of Tim IMit.r UK
for the wueitcndlnjt Nov. 1,1893. was as fol
low.i :
Humlnv.Octm . KUK
Moiidtiv.Oct 27 . W.'JI
Tuosdny.OcMM . 20. < T
Wriliu'sdny. Oct. ! M . -ft.OJ
Thui-wiiuy. Oct. : w . 20.01
I'rlihiy. . j. . 20.o ;
Ti Nov. 1 . . . .20.21
.Avcrago . 2,5. ( ) i
OrniiflB It. T/.SCIIUCK.
Fvorn to tpforc mo nnil subscribed In in.
pioscnco UilslsL dnr of Nnrcinlinr , A. IK.IfiD
II-KA/.I N. P. 1'r.iu .Notary 1'ubtlo.
Etutu of Notir.iRkn , l. .
Ciaiinly of DoiiRla.i , f " *
Ororpii 11. TuiGliuck. living ( Inlynwom , 1
nrsos nnil snys Hint ho Is Kccrotnry of The Ho
I'ulillslilns Compnuy. tlmt tlinnctuiil nvorau
Onlly t-lrrnlntlDii of ' 1'iiK DAILY HER f < :
tlio month of November , 1&80 , was lO.niOcopIo ;
for Doirinhpr. 1PK1 , SO.OI ! ) copltM for .Tnnniir ;
IM , ] O.BfO cnplcsl for 1'obriinry , 18UO , 1ft
7(11 ( ropii's : for Mnrcb , 1SOO , S.0.8I5 copli ! <
for A prll. mm , Wr/J ) corfm ; for Mny. 1BW , io.t
rnplrs ; for Juno. IHW , IM.tiOl coplri ! for Julj
1HO , m/C ! copies : ftir A ucust , MO. 20,7.10 cole | <
for . " ( 'iilumlior , 18)0 ! ) , 20.S70 coplos ; for Odol > c
JBW , " 0.703 copies. OKOIIOK II. T/.SOIIICK. :
Fwornlo before mo. nnrt Hulisurlliod In in
rroM-ncc , tills 1st flay otN'ovcmhnr. A. I ) . , ISO
N I' . Ifmr.
Notary I'nbllc.
Tit R era of oinotlonal insanity is at a
end in Xubraslca.
Tun people of Omaha put tholr dc
1 factors to shnmc.
AVTT.R tbo buttlo comes tlio calm an
tlio epidemic of political funerals.
THK country is saved nnd all oyc3 ar
now turned on next vcar's corn crop.
Kt.KCTioNwoiithor in Nebraska reflect
great credit on the republican ndmiiih
TJIB fnco of the next loglslaturo is no
yet clearly discerned Uirougn the sniok
of battle.
WITH malice toward none and cliarit ;
for nil , lot us return to the poacof ul pur
suit of commerce nnd agrlculturo.
A KAmrcn day never wanned Nobrasic
citi/ons to their duty. Cloudless bkie
symbolized the rout of the hosts of dnrl
IT may bo stated with confidence tlu
recent events otToctunlly converted Co
encl Ynnlloy to the principles of pei
soiml liberty.
Axn now tlio colonels and majors , th
liautonnnts nnd corporals , tlio ealvatio
Khouters nnd tambourine thumpers , wi
fold their tents and silently sneak : i
R rnilroadswhlch _ undertook loboj
cott tlio Union Pacific are In the cond"
tiou of tlio follow that grabbed n loiulu
telegraph wlro. They are oxccodingl
anxious to lot pro , but cannot , wliilo tli
allied lines nro turning on the currim
Tun lottery law was primarily nimc
at national evils. To apply it to loci
trlllcH , such as rallies , church fairs nn
the like , tlio publication of which i
newspapers is a matter of news , shows
design to pervert tlio law and render i
odious to the public.
Tin : more fact , that the country is dii
appointed by the figures of the natloni
census does not prove- that it is not coi
reel. If Mr. Porter lias counted all th
people there are ho 1ms done his dutj
lie cannot bo expected to increase th
population ever two million by his ow
personal efforts in ton years , howovo
patriotic ho may bo.
J BAVinB. niTjtihaa rocolvod a vor
handsome rebuke. Ho takes it from tli
hands of Secretary Noble , who roplic
to his partisan Insinuations in regard t
the census of Now York in a manner t
Btifffcst that even tlio governor of
great state may sometimes bo too frcsl
The secretary's lottois none the lei
cutting bocmiso It IB dignified , and non
the less just because It is severe.
Km'UHLlGS are not only grateful bu
humane , CoinmandorMcCiUla , whown
condemned to thrco years' penal eorv
tudo on full pay and rations , with Hbort
to roam at will among tlio fashionabl
resorts , 1ms received permission to wli
tor in "Washington. Such delicate cot
sldcration for the hero of the thuml
screw , the thumper of manacled moi
nnd the groggy assailant of subordinate
lifts tills merciful republic above tl :
effete monarchies of the old world.
dorcd a general curtailment of expense
in all land ofllcos. The decrease in tl
number of entries 'as well as tl
receipts demands economy In o :
pcndlturos. The work of the Ian
ofllcos has actually increased i
the aggregate , while the cost of mall
tonanco , owing to the inurcaso i
number and division of labor , oxccei
that of previous yoara. The present ni
ministration is compelled to take u
and dctcrmino the countless number <
contests and rohoaringB hung iip duvtn
the reign of Sparks , consequently tl
land department's record for the prcioi
Is forced to boar the burden of past nc |
llgenco. So far as the land otllci
doing loss business now than und <
Sparks , tlio actual work douo has bor
largely in excess , as appears from tl
record , , which shows almost double tl
number of cases disposed of and paten
Issued during the first your of ropubllw
administration than during the last yoi
ot Cleveland's. Nevertheless , Judt
GrolT proposes to enforce economy a
the line.
TJ/B citr or
For more than two mouths the prohi
bitionists have boon Inylng n foundation
for n contest of the votoof Douglas
county. They started out with charging
that a great conspiracy was being
hatched to import voters from Iowa niul
Missouri into Omaha for the solo pur
pose of enormously Increasing the voting
ing population. They ale charged that
the conspirators were organizing gangs
of repeaters and ballot-box stutters who
were to Inflate the vote of Omaha and
pad the returns of the election. To
give these chnrgcs plausible backing
they concocted the reports of Inflated
census returns and bolstered up tholr
cook nnd bull stories through imported
forgora and vagabonds who ramaekeil
private olllccs and palmed off perjured
affidavits upon the credulous.
But the registration of the voters ol
Omaha and South Omaha which was
conducted open and above board
under the most rigid scrutiny ol
prohibition detectives and agents ,
gave the Ho to the malicious
fabrication , Every man who presented
himself for registration , no matter
how prominent anil well known , was re
quired under oath to toatlfy to his eligi
bility ns a citizen itnd place of residence
by street and number. The lists wore
made public and prohibitionists were al
lowed to copy them. No city in America
has ever made a m ro perfect and unim
peachable registration.
As n last desperate resort the prohibi
tion managers howled about anarchy ,
riot and outlawry in Omaha , while thej
were importing thugs and challongorstc
obstruct honest citizens in casting tholi
votes. But in spite of theh
talk about the reign of terror
the election was move quiet nnd orderly
than nny that had ever taken place in
this city. Every saloon and barrooir
was closed , and merchants , manufactur
ers and professional men were out doing
volunteer duty at the polls.
In only four out of the forty-one voting
ing precincts was there the slightest
rlpplo or disturbance. In thrco of these
products the trouble arose over the at
tempt of imported nnd non-rosldciil
strikers to obstruct the election and ni
attempt to impose upon voters by hand
ing them bogus tickets. In the othoi
precinct four men were taken into cus
tody by the police for interfering with !
prohibition ticket peddler.
These isolated instances were im
mediately magnified Into a terrible on *
slaught upon prohibitionists and dls
patches were sent and circulated broad
cast that a bloody reign of outlawry hai
swept ever Omaha and deprived pro
hiuitionistsfrom casting their votes.
These dispatches had a twofold objcc
inviow. Ono was to throw a llrebram
among voters in the towns nnd village
and thereby increase the prohibitioi
vote. The other was to pave the wa ;
still further to the long-hatched schomi
to disfranchise Douglas county by thi
cry of fraud and intimidation.
From the present outlook the prohibi
tionists will got very poor comfort fron
tin-owing out tlio vote of Douglas county
But THE BHI5 dooms it its duty to dispo
'the false impressions which these zealot
are trying to crcato ns regards the con
duct of the election in Omaha.
The Irish loaders have arrived li
America , fresh from the clutches of Bal
four. They have temporarily ad journci
their cases from the courts of Dublin ti
the forum of American public opinion
and , whatever the results , they are a
least in no danger of being arVcstod f01
exorcising the right of f reo speech.
Dillon and O'IMon have come to np
peal for help at a most critical time ii
the history of the homo rule movement
Rccontbyo-elcctlons hold out llattorinj
indications of a coming victory. It 1
apparently only necessary for the fol
lowers of Parnoll to keep up their vigoi
ous campaign in order to place Glndston
once more at the head of alTairs and t
rcalisso at last their long dream of horn
rule. The Irish statesmen are presse
hard for funds to maintain tlio onoi
inous drain upon them. The expense
of the party and of the campaign ar
great and constant. The immediat
constituents of the men who are s
bravely' fighting for their people can d
little to meet this demand. To Amoric
principally tlio homo rule party i
obliged to look. And it is to bo hopoi
that it will not now look in vain , as i
never has before.
Ireland has a largo representation ii
America. It is a useful and loyal olc
mcnt of our citizenship. It is nc
strange that the presence of BO man
sons of the grcon isle should lend tuor
than the ordinary American enthusiast
for freedom to the immense moral suj
port which has always gene out froi
this country to the homo rulora. Tb
influenceof this united backing c
American public sentiment may not liav
been largo directly as applied to Brltis'
politics , but without the financial aii
which it has carried with it the honv
rule loaders would have boon crusho
long ago. Now that they appear to b
nearer success than ever Iwforo , the ar
swer should bo oven more prompt an
hourly than formerly ,
Dillon and O'Brien represent a cane
thnt Americans have sustained and ai
still willing to oncourngo.
Westward the star of ornplro sti
takes its way , despite the attraction
and inducements olTerod by other go <
graphical divisions of the country.
The federal census for tlio past decadi
just completed , proves that the groj
west ia tlio magnet for the vast majorlt
of homo-seekers. The completed tnbl
of population divide the states into fh
groups. Of those , the northern centn
comprise what may bo termed tli
agricultural empire of the north , takln
Ohio on the cast , Indiana , Missouri an
Kansas on the south , and cxtoudln
north to the British possessions. Twolv
states included in this group show an ii
crease in population of llvo millions. I
round numbers they contnln twenty-oil
million souls. The Faciiie nnd Rock
mountnJn states nnd territories , formln
properly n portion of the great wes
add to this total thrco million pcopli
or a total Increase in ton years of a frai
lion ever six millions.
The north Atlantic division , comprli
lag nine states and including Kow Yor
nnd Pennsylvania , ranks second in popu
alien nnd increase. The total approxi
mates sixteen millions nnd the Increase ,
two million eight hundred thousand ,
The southern slates , seventeen in num
ber , comprising the two remaining
groups , show the splendid results ot tlu
enterprise und activity which lias been t
conspicuous factor in the development o
the now south. The growth in tct
years Is n fraction over thrco nnd i
quarter million , almost equalling tlu
average of the two western groups.
Tlio growth and development of the
west is practically in its infancy. "While
the eastern states Included In the northern
orn central group have pnod the llooi
tldo of progress , the great- west am
northwest , from the Mississippi to th <
Pacific , nlTord the most lavitlng Heidi
for homo seekers and investors. Pos
Bossing one-fourth of the entire populn
tlon of the country , and Increasing a
the rate of thrpo hundred thousand i
year , the vast agricultural nnd mineral
resources yet untouched , will soon b (
made to contribute to tlio genera
wealth of the country , new avenues o
employment nnd industry will bo opcncc
and limitless oppoftuintica afforded foi
millions yet to como to acquire homei
and a competence , as well us homo anc
The thousands who Imvo followec
Horace Greeley's advice , bringing little
more than a strong constltutioa and t
will to do and dare , nro today in the vai
of progress and tholr success is a permn
nont Invitation to brawn and bruin't (
forsake the jostle of the crowded ens' '
and follow the march ot empire.
It appears to bo generally understood
that tlio president will at nn curly unj
call congrc&s together In extra session
Tlio fact that there are more than thir
teen hundred bills on tlio calendars o
the two houses would scetn to sufllciontlj
justify convening congress in advance o
the constitutional date ot mooting , the
first Monday in December , but the real
cause of urgency is found in the electioi
and apportionment bills , wliich will oc
cupy iv great deal of timo.
Tlio election bill has parsed the lioust
and is In the senate , where it may b <
discussed to the end of the short sessioi
unless the sonata can crteot a change it :
the rules restricting debate. This is
likely to prove a difficult matter , for the
reason that a number of republican son
ntors have gene on record as opposed t <
such a change. They may have alterei
their minds since , but oven in that casi
a departure from tlio uniform practice
of the senate since the organization o
the government regarding debate wil
not bo easily accomplished. The clcc
tion bill probably cannot bo passed with
out a rule restricting debate , but in ani
event the contest is certain to bo pi-o
longed , and hence the importance o
using all the tlmo available before tlu
date of regular meeting.
The apportionment bill is also curtail
to consume a great deal of tlmo. I
would seem to bo a matter that might hi
very easily and quickly disposed of , bu
numerous difllcultics are likely to bo on
countered. The ratio of ropresentatioi
generally expected to bo adopted is om
hundred and seventy-five thousand
wliich would increase the membership o
the house to about throe hundred am
fifty-seven members , but the stales tha
would lose representation under this considerable
siderablo increase in the ratio , and pos
sibly some that would only retain thoii
present representation , are lilcoly t <
make a fight for a lower basis. It is i
very serious question whether the mem
bcrshin of the house should bo materially
increased , and while there are some win
will contend that there is no valid objco
tlon to dolnjr so , the largo majority arc
likely to favor the view thnt a house ol
about th rco hund red and fifty member ;
is likely to bo more ofliciont and a bcttoi
business body than ono with a miiol
larger membership.
If congress is convened by the middh
of the present month a good deal of un
finished business can bo disposed ol
before the holiday rocosa , and the deck !
cleared for the contest over the eloctiot
bill. There appears to bo a general desire
sire among the republicans for nn cxtn
session , and it is not doubted that tlu
president will accede to it.
A Now Yorl ; firms of importers has
taken an appeal to the Unltod State :
circuit court from the decision of tin
board of customs appraisers in supper
ot the law classifying worsteds a
woolens. Tlio act was pa'ssod last May
and the journals of the house record
ono hundred and thirty-eight yeas , noni
in the negative , and the presence o
seventy-five members who did not vote
There being present in the house whoi
tlio act was put on its passage two him
drcd nnd thirteen members , fprty-sovoi
more than a quorum , tlio speake
counted enough of those not voting t <
make a quorum and declared the bll
paused , The question raised by tin
importers is whether tlio law was con
Btltutionally enacted , and tills questioi
nlono will properly bo considered by the
courts. The matter for judicial docls
ion la simply whether the language o
the constitution authorizes the spoakc :
of the house to count ns present member
not voting in order to establish i
quorum. *
The constitution provides that "oncl
house may'determine the rules of it
proceedings , " and "a majority of oacl
shall constitute a quorum to do business
but a smaller number may adjourn fron
day to day , and may bo authorized t
compel the attendance of ultjont members
bors , in euoh manner and under site ]
penalties as each "house may pru
vide. " There is wide diversity of opln
ion regarding the scope of this provls
ion , though it certainly appears to war
runt the view that the power of compc
the attendance of members involves th
authority to count thorn when present I
necessary to establish a quorum. Tim-
is another provision of the constitution
however , which seems to give a dliToi
ont aspect to the matter in controversy
and that is the ono which provides tha
"tho yeas nnd nays of the mumbon-i e
either house on any question shall , n
the desire of one-fifth of those present
bo entered on the journal. " The nc
whoso validity is culled In question wa
declared passed on a yea vote number
ing loss than a majority of thohous
nnd with nmro In tlio nc-frallvc. Dooi
this copflliiV with the provision las
It appoiljiohavo boon uniformly do
ctdcd by Btal/1 courts tlmt the record o
the houso" Jityrnal ia conclusive , but tin
matter ndwibrotight before the fodcrn
courts ralttos'a wholly now question nut
ono of tho'V ry highest Importance , the
decision of'.lvniich will bo regarded will
general u 4 , very creat Interest.
speech of General Web
stcr at NctiroHkii City wns a magnllicon
one. It wjnn \ > address wurlhy of UK
man and an. honor to thocausoof trutl
and justice. *
MI-H. Stanley Declines.
Chicago Mer-OcMn.
Mrs , Henry M. Stanley declined the bono
of being Mr ) . Governor of ( JonRoand , Hour ;
M. will tell the Uiui ; of thoHciglana so.
Tito Piilr 1'h I UK to Do.
Jlufnlit Kfinus.
If the counting anil casting of negro vote ;
were , in fuel , an Impossibility , fnlrnesswouli
dcninndtbo dlsfnuichlsomcnt of tlio IIORP
nnJ tbo reduction of southern represcntatlpi
in congress and In tbo doctoral college. Ifu
tliounforcoment of foJornl law Is not nn Ini
possibility in the United States.
A Count In Hard
A'cu ) 1'urk U'orlii.
The ups and downs of Impecunious royalt ;
arc seldom bettor illustrated than In the cas
of Count SaclccnJbrf , who Is now conducto
of nn elevator In a Cincinnati hotel. In nddl
tlon to this tbo count h defending himself 1 :
a suit for ? 300 brought against him by a base
born churl who keeps a restaurant mid sell
baked beans , i
Tlio Hoot Is on the Other lies Now.
linnltlyn .SfnnttaiiM/nlYin.
Bismarck Is a protectionist for Germanj
but ho never offered an objection to n frc
market lu the United States for Gormn :
products. It was remarkable tlmt after th
Franco-German war twenty years ngo bet
nations when over the struggle strongthcnc
their lines of protection. Bismarck nn
Tillers were Agreed In holding tbat the adoj
tiou of the. protective principle WH a iioces
sity , and they carried iloKtnley bills.
SOME A- r.trtstjir2.i. , ; .
Andrew Carnoglo'a m'iscot Is a brass tele
graph lice. Ho keeps it In a glass case.
Strauss is perfecting a waltz that wll
admit of conversation while dancing It.
Bedford people say II. J. Moon , aged slxtj
one , Is the original of tliovillage blacksmlt
in Longfellow's ruinous poem.
Itusscll Sage keeps an old ono dollar bill-
tlio Arst dollar bo ever earned in a Rlass bo
in his oftico. Mr. Sago thinks a great do ;
of It.
General Josepb E. Johnston at 83 is
sprightly , soldierly looking old gentlcmai
To ttio ordinary observer ho appuanftol
twenty years yoangor than he Is.
' 1'ho country piaco of G. W. Chllds , Bry
Mnwr , is said to ? t)0 ono of the llnost In th
United States. The oiy roll for servant
alone averages about $1,000 , a month.
General Butler owns the Cralij rancl :
below Pueblo'consisting , of 100,0.10 acres. II
is also the owner of three rourths of a 000
000-acro ranch In Now Mexico ,
The new state historian of Now Ham ]
shire , A. S. Uatchcllor of Littleton , is a lav
yer and Dartmouth graduate , who has give
much tlmo to studlug historic matters.
Colonel IIorboL-t , who has boon appoints
to command the Canadian militia as succe :
sorto General Hidilletoa , is a man of thlrt ;
nine yean , and a favorite of Lord \Volsclo ;
Judge IIowcll C. Glenn of Atlanta. Ga. , :
dead. Ills old mother pronounced this cul
ogyupon him : "In all hU Ufa uonovc
gave moan impatient word , and that Is wli
I love him so dearly. "
Archbishop Eyro , of Ghsgoiv , who I
about to bj rabod by the pope to tlio Saore
college , is one of tha most popular prelate
in Grant llritaln , and hli promotion will I
hulled in Scotland by all classcj with 01
Ex-Secretary Whitney is forty-nine yoai
old. His father was collector of Bosto
under Buchnnau. Although a democrat ,
was his vote la tlio Massachusetts leglsli
ture that first oleetod Sunnier as Uuitx
States senator In 1831.
Commander Dennis W. Mullan of tl
United States navy , who commanded tl
war ship NIpalc while that vessel was i
Samoa , wa- ) presented with n gold chronomc
tor watch , chain and charm"at Annapolis las
Thursday. The gift was voted bim by tl
Mar > land legislature nt Its last session 1
recognition of his gallant services during tli
hurricane at Apia last year. The present ;
tion was made by Governor Jackson.
Artvlcoto Ilaclinlnrs ,
Agree with the girl's father inpol
tica nnd tlio mother in religion , says th
Boston Saturday Evening Gazette.
If you have a rival kuonun eye on hin
If ho ia u widower , keep two oycs o
Don't put too much sweet BtulT on pi
per. If you do you will hoar it read i
nftor years when your wife has some spt
cial purpose In inllietlny upon you tli
severest punishment , known to a inarrie
man.Go homo at n reasonable hour in tli
Don't wait until a girl hiia to thro
her whole youl into a yawn that she can
cover with both hands. A little thin
like that might cause a coolness at th
vorv beginning of the game.
If , on tlio occasion of yoifr first cal
the tflrl upon whom you have sot you
young ntfections looks like an icobor
and acts like a cold wave , take your lea v
early and stay away. Woman in lit
hour of freeze is uncertain , coy , nnd liar
to please.
In cold weather finish saying ( joe
night In the hcmao. Don't stretch It a
the way to gate , and thus In
the foundatloujfcr future asthma , bror
chills , nouralfpInland chronic catarrh t
help you to worry the girl to death afte
she has married ;
Don't llo abtHjt your financial cond
tlon. It Is very annoying- a bride wli
has pictured ilrp \ of o'aso in her nnco :
tral halls to icijr.n , too late , that you o :
poet her to askjiijbaldhoadt'd old paroi
who has been uVyJormly kind to her t
take you In outioi the cold.
KleotrlcltyWolves the Problem.
Paper manimiWlurora have for a Ion
tlmo ueen inuch'oxorclsed with the pn
blemof procuring1 at a reduced coat tli
caustic soda aiitl-.tho chloride pf llmo c
bleaching powctvr which constitute itoir
of coifBldornbtb oxnouso in pajior inlllt
It has boon hoped that thcso two.chom
cals would bo obtained directly an
economically from common salt by tli
aid of electricity , and at lengt
this hope has been roallzoc
Tlio apparatus which luia boon cl <
vised for this process is automatic , th
salt solution passing regularly , and tli
caustic soda baing drawn oil at an
btrongtli up to 10 or 12 per cent of pur
causUu soda. The chlorine , which ca
also bo iihccl direct for bleachlnir , is al
borbad by slacked llmo , and bleachin
powder la thus produced. Ily this pr <
cess , which is simply the nasElng of a
electric current through common salt , a
Increased proportion of blenching powdo
is secured aim the quality ot the cuuatl
soda Is greatly improved.
Tlio Girl Under Arrest for Incendiarism Bo
HoTcd to Ba Mentally Unsound ,
A. J 'o ro KUIIN OfT wltli n Street Oft
Cash Itox llic lUcotriu Motor
Power House A ( lay
J-Ilopcr Captured ,
LIS-COI.X , Jfeb. , Xov. 4. [ Special to Tn
I KC.J Whether or not Katlo Ilnrlim , tli
tlomostloemployed by Judge Stewart , who 1
umljr arrest for setting lira tothoJuclKo'
residence , Is mentally unbalanced , is a til
putcil question. Nevertheless there Is coi
olilcrablo method In her madness.
IjMt night slio broke Iho silence she hi
hitherto maintained with the police relntlv
to her camicction with the oaie , ami tel
Marshal Molkk that J. II. Hunt , who board
near L niul Tenth street * , wan the mnn wli
bad Induced her to set lire to JudgoStov
lift's house , and thnt ho had promlcsi
to glvo her 875 for doing si
Hunt was arrested about' inwnlnl
by Marshal Mcllclc and. Captain Garde
Ho appeared to bo greatly surprised at his ni
rest. anil protested that no did not know tli
Hiu-hn pirl. Whan confronted by his ueciisi
nt the station bo-admitted his acqunintnni
with the slrl , but stoutly proteatecl his him
conco. Kutlu positively lilantlllcd him as tl
man who bad Incited hoito the act of Iticet
dlarlstn , niul Lo was locked tip. Hunt saj
lie drives a coul wagon for Oakley , anil tin
all the acquaintance or conversation with tli
girl ho over had was when ho delivered co ;
at Mr. Stewart's ' house.
Tlio police nroworking on another clu <
however , nnd the girl's tnanni
and IIunt'H strenuous dentals ir
pressed them with the ballet thai tli
pirl was trying to shield the utility man i
Hunt's expense. The vine they were worl
IIIK upon resulted , in the arrest at 2 o'cloc
this morning of A. W. Day , manager o tl
Lincoln steam laundry.
"When the girl was put In the "sweat box
soon after her arrest she acknowledged ha
Ins frequently taken walks with a your
man , whom she referred to only as Fran'
and said thnt ho was a druggist. To Dotec
ivo Crow , who wormed the story out of hi
by representing himself ns her attorney , tl
girl told bur story. She said that she can
to Lincoln seven months ago from Leave
worth , and that prior to coining hero si
had been ruined by a young mai
Soon niter she arrived at L.1
coin she took service with two pseuilo dres
rankers on a prominent street. These wonn
bad frequent visitors , nnd among them w ;
"Frank , " who seemed to ho attracted 1
ICatle , and nftcr the "dressmakers" .had le
the city ho appears to have followed her u
At nny rate she confessed to having had li
proper relations with "Frank , " and that 1
supplied her with mean's nuii appliances i
destroying the evidences of her thrcatcm
maternity. She said that she had frequent
taken walks with the man , and that the
relations had long continued.
Day was afterwards released on ball fn
nlshedbyC. "W. Moshcr.
Ho refused to say whether or not ho kne
the girl , and Is as mum ai an oyster. Ho is
married imin , and formerly lived at Twont
first nnd S streets. Ho has been in the lau
dry business for a number of years , hoii
connected nt times with the Peerless. Crj
tal and other laundries. Ho has hitliet1
boruon good reputation.
The police refuse to divulge what ovldcn
they have ugaiust Day , but have placed t'
churgo of arson against his name on t
The managers of the Lincoln street rallwi
company have chosen the vacant lots on tl
corner of 1C and Eighth streets as the site f
the power bouse wbero electricity is to
goneratcd for the purposes of "locoinotio
The lot is 1 WxIM ) feet and the building to ,
erected is to bo 90x150 feet. Thepowi
house Is to bo built of brick. In addition
the rooms for the generation of electric !
there arc to ho other apartments to bo us <
as machine , construction und paint shop ) . ]
the power house proper are to bo foilr 1C
horse power dynamos and four engines
l-.Vhorse power each.
Plans for the building are heir
drawn and will probably bo completed 1
Wednesday next. "In such event ground w
bo broken for the structure on the Thursdi
following. It is the intention to have tl
building completed by January lit posslbl
By February 1 It is expected that the engine
hollow and dynamos will all bo ready f
uto. Tigho and Barry , the engineers , le
today for the cast to give directions coucer
Ing the machinery nnd the motor ears. The
are to ho thirty cars ordered , all of the late
and most improved patterns , and will bo fi
lilied in elegant stvie.
Ky April 1 at the latest , Lincoln -will
the best equipped in electrical locomotion
tuy city of its size in the country.
itoimio A STIIIIT : nuivEn.
Jack Hayes , n driver on the Rauid Tra
tit line , was robbed last evening by a negr
about $3 being taken. Hayes -was drlvii
north on Twelfth street , between T and 1
the only passenger on board being thobur
negro who stood on the front platform wii
the driver. Hayes stopped the car near
street to let a lady get aboard , when the c <
orcd fellow grabbed the driver's cash be
nnd ran off with It. Pursuit was made hi
In vain as the negro was fleet and seemed
know all the alloys in that part of the cii
suitable for hiding places. A description i
the thief lias been left with the police ui :
they are looking for the fellow.
Eugene Carlat of Kansas City writes
the chief of police hero concerning tl
identity of a man found In the river near tin
place. The body hud evidently been intl
water for two or tliroo weeks and was di
cayed almost beyond identification. Tli
corpse was that of n man somewhere b
twuen thirty and fifty years of ago , heigl
llvo feet four inches , and weight about on
hundred and llfty pounds. A dark colorc
suit was found on the body. On the cos
Was found the trademark of A. linrlbut ,
clothier of this city , showing that the ga :
niont had been purchased hero.
M.'sricTKi : > linn IIUSIUND.
About a year ago Mike Bailey got tired <
domestic turmoil and attempted to end h
troubles by swallowing strychnine , hut we
dragged back to the stern realities of life b
the physicians. It appears that all Is not y <
serene In the Balloy household , andthohco
of the house Is still annoyed with the Jcaloi
antics of his hotter half. Last evening M
Bailey had occasion to go up town and h
wife got the notion into her head that 1
was going out to meet another woraai
.After ho left she got out of hod , nlthouR
she has been sick for thrco weeks , an
slipped out of the iiousu without the know
edge of her daughter.
No trace of the sick woman could hod i
covered anywhere , and at 11 o'clock the al
of the police was invoked. About midulgl
the woman was found several blocks away i
the homo of n friend , on whoso doorstops sli
had fallen in sheer exhaustion. She declare
that she could not find her husband an ;
Tlln KLOI'Ml OAl'TUllCD.
Harry Hurst , who ran oil with Mr. Clark
wife nnd six children , has been arrested i
Cedar HlufN nnd the officers bore have bee
notified of the fact. In addition to the char ;
of criminal intimacy , a warrant bus hot
B worn out for the arrest of Hurst , on tl
charge of running oft with mortgaged pro1
While N. G. Franklin was In the puhll
reading room last evening , sumo thief walki
oft with his overcoat.
While Jesse Allen was attending amecthi
nt a church two miles thU sldo of Kagl
some thief stole his spanking team of howt
und brand new buggy.
At I o'clock today the lire department wi
called to 111 ! ) Li street to extinguish a blaiol
a house belonging to It. ll. Oakley , Tl
roof was damaged about t > > 0 worth. Tt
cause of the lire was a defective Hue.
And now the City of Mexico IB ma
about ltn census too. It expected tli
enumerators to IInil100,000 Inhabitant
but all they could Hml iimdo but HU7.0C
nnd ttio citizens of thoMoxIuancapUi
ave at * mail with the irovarnmunt sw th
Wow Yorkers wltli Hupurliitondori
Porter , The census taker's lot la not
huuny ono nay whot'o.
Till ! niltTIt 01' .VN
How i\ New Nnmo AVns Ail ( led to th
Tontra Group In tlio I'nolilc.
About four nnd a luilf years URO tli
people on an lalnnd In tlio southern pat
of tlio Tonpn group in the Pacific ol
forveo u terrible commotion far out n
son , says the Stui Francisco Kxamlnci
It scorned to thorn thnl tlio waters war
bollltif * and thatBiuoko wis vising fron
the surface o ( the ocean. A llttlo whll
before the waters nonf their chores hit
boon agitated in nn unaccountable mm
nor. ami big waves rolled in , althoug
thcro was not much wind stirring.
A few of the bravest auiouptho pconl
launched ono oJ their Btiilbouts nn
started lowahl tlio scone ot dklurbanci
They hnltod at n considernblo distnnc
from the center of the commotion , bi
they wore near enough to determine si
curately thouuluro ol the plionumuno
before tliom.
A now islnnil wns coming Inl
view , Ono of the volcanic von
nt tlio bottom ol the son hn
spread its molten rock and nshi
over the ocean bed until tlio growin
mass reached the surfuco , No lonjjt
Impeded by the ponderous weight <
water tno volciuili ! debris shot high Inl
the nlr with iv roar Hint was heard fc
many miles nnd was sifted ovci-thogrov
Inp innsa. ] } y fur the larger part of
foil to ono side of the crater throng
which tlio matter was finding vont.
very largo part of the dobrls was notliin
but ashes , anil tlio prevailing wind ca
fled nearly o ( it to ono Bide ot the or
lice. Tlio eruption lasted for suroi-i
days , anil when it dually ceased n no
Island Lad boon added to the Tong
group , nnd It now bears tlio luimo <
L'alcon island. '
It was the old slory , but ono that ha
soldoin had eyewitnesses to record i
says the Now York Sun. In a slmilu
manner the whole of Iceland was roarc
above the sou within n recent geologic ?
URO by matter brought from the bowc
of the earth. Hundred o ( Islands nlon
the line of volcanic action , slrutchln
far across the Pacific , came to the Hgl
in exactly thosaino way as Falcon Isliim
This latest of the volcanic islands wn
the jiroduct of a very modoratooruptioi
and wo can imagine what gigantic coi
vulslons of nuturo attended the birth <
many an island that is a hundred fol
larger than the now llttlo speck in tb
Tonga group.
Tlioso islands , wlilch were roarc
above the sea only by prodigious ar
probably long extended eruptions , ai
likely , oven in those later unys , to bo tl
Bconoof the most stupendous rolctin
activity. The grout eruption of Skapts
a century ago is bollovcd to.havoco
crotl a part of Iceland and the adjolnit
seas with a larper mass of lava than In
poured from Vesuvius and JKtna cot
blued since the burial of I'ompoii.
killed ono-fiftli of the population , d
stroycd the arable lands and frlghloiu
the fish from the adjacent waters , i
that for a long tlmo the pcop
were in danger of starvation. Tl
volcano vent that , gave birth
Little Falcon island is right in line wit
the great chain of volcanic islands i
the Malay archipelago , where most <
the stupendous eruptions of modoi
times have occurred. It was on Sir
bowsi , a litllo east of Java , that an e.
plosion occurred sixtv eight years nj.
audible for nearly 1,000 miles , and i
completely burying a whole nrovliu
that only twenty-six persons escaped ]
a population of 12,000.
In October of last year J , J. Lister vi
itcd IMcon island , then four years eli
and ho has just reported , the results i
his observations to the Royal Goograpl
ical society of London. The line gralnc
dust or ashes , greenish gray in cole
of wliich the island is composed , is voi
friable , and the waves dashing again
the now obstruction in the
way , have torn oil the edges and coi
sidorably reduced the island'a area. Tl :
largest amount of material is gatlierc
on ono side of llio crater , through whic
the debris is poured ; and there a cli
150 foot high fronts the sen. Inland tli
clifT slopes gently down until it rouclu
the level of the tongue of land , about
inilo in length and only ton to t\vol\
feet above high tldo , which forms tli
rest of the island. It is a bare , dnr
licap of ashes , which the ocean rolloi
are doing tholr best to bury out of slgl
beneath the sea. As Ulr. Lister wnlkc
over the hillside there was a distliu
odor of sulphur in the nlr , and th
distant parts of the island were see
through u thin blue haze.
The explorer found that beneath th
surfacu the mass was still very hot. A
the surface the temperature was 77 d <
grees ; two foot below the surface tli
thermometer registered 85 degrees ; nn
six foot nix inches below it reached 1C
degrees. Notwithstanding .those di
cournging conditions nature , was bogii
niiig to put forth efforts to cover the m
sightly heap with the luxuriant verdiu
of the South Sea islands. Two cocoam
trees were struggling upward , but the
did not look prosperous. Specimens (
grass and two other plants were foinu
and stranded fruits were found hero an
there , all ready to germinate if they hn
any encouragement. Tlio only I'ivin
tilings the visitor saw were a bird and
smalt moth , but ho found the burrows (
some creature.
Mrs. rtimvcll'H 1'ct Itoldn.
A remarkable expression of bird into !
ligonco has boon manifested by a rohl
at Wcstvlllo , writes a Now Haven , Conn ,
correspondent ot the Now York Time.
ISnrly in the summer of 1889 Mrs. A. It
Bunvoll , who resides near the end of th
Now Haven and Wostvillo horse cu
line , fuund the young- robin in her dooi
yard. It had fallen in Its Unit attempt
tolly and was rendered holplnssby Hi
injury. Mrs. Hurwull tenderly care
for the bird , and it gradually rccovorc
and grow stronger until It was as vigor
ous a bird as any of its kind.
It became qulto tame , seeming to dc
sird no greater freedom that the hous
afforded , nnd it learned 1o answer Hi
whistled call of members of tlio fair
ily by an imitating chirp. For nnontlr
year the bird remained with the fivmllj
but last Juno Mrs. Hum-oil decided t
liberate her pot if it wished to go. Th
bird , when taken out of doors hovorc
about for a lime and then disappeared.
On Wednesday of this week Mro. Uui
well was occupied in front of her house
when she hoard the familiar call of th
robin above lior head. She looked u
and saw her litllo bird friend on the on
of a branch , Holding out her hand , sh
gave the old call , and instantly the bit-
How down to the ground and then up I
her hand. It was borne into the house
chirping- its willingness to become
captive , and since then it has shown n
disposition to resume its liberty. It i
bollovcd that tlio bird did not know wlin
also to do and t > o How back tolls proviou
winter homo.
Mrs. Hurwcll is the wife of a cor
ductoron the Derby railroad. She r <
latmtbo story as hero told , and there i
no doubt of Its authenticity. The rottir
of the robin was witnessed by poopl
who were on a passing lioi > o car , an
scores of persons have called at the Bui
well residence to ROD the bird ,
\ Iliiroio Florida Hoy.
Clarence 1'hillpH , a hey ro idhig i
Tampa , Fin. , has been pruMMilod with
handsome medal of gold and sllvor b
Mrs , .1. t' ' . AVllliainn , for bravery In ptH
ting out in a leaky bout to the rescue (
a party of ladles in a disabled yacht , an
tfucvoodlng In getting tlio Imperiled era
Into Halo harbor. LngravuU upon tli
modal is a view of Tampa bay.
The \Vclrcl Story Told by n Now York
A well-known lawyer who has alwa.\
taken conslecrablo prldo In the class'lo
mould of his cloan-shavon face appeared
at the ooiinty court house recently wltli
uwcll-dnvolopod growth of very unbe
coming board , says the Now York Times.
Kvery friend that ho mot to
know why ho didn't get shaved , and 11-
mvlly hocorrahnl half a dozen of thoni
In a corner and told thorn the reason.
lie had never learned the art of shav
ing himself and had always patronized
ono barber. Not long ago this barbui\
dropped Into tlio habit of tolling hlia
that ho ( the lawyer ) had amostuorlcovo.
The lawyer didn't mind much what \\a (
barber thought , of his eye so long as ha
shaved him satisfactorily. Hut having
discovered that the lawyer's eye was
mesmeric , the barber wont a step further
nnd once In a while attor making a slip
with his razor would explain that it
was because ho was incsmofi/.ed BO that
ho did not know what ho was about.
Matters wont on this way for a week erse
so , the barber insisting that ho was
mesmerized every tlmo the lawyer
looked fiqnaroly nthim , and the lawyer
taking itAr granted that the mesmerism
business was a dodge of the barber's to
excuse the occasional cuts of his razor.
A different aspect was put on the case ,
however , the last tlmo the barber
shaved his lawyer customer. Loaning
ever him after ho had llnished , ho asked
it the lawyer thought a man would bo
excusable for cutting the throat of ono
who mesmerized him. The lawyer said
ho certainly would not bo excusable and
got out of the chair asquieklv as possi
ble. Ho afterward .loarnod Unit the
barber had become n perfect crank on
the subject of mesmerism and nothing
will persuade him that ho did not have
a narrow escapo. lie will probably go
to another harbor some time , but at
present his nerves are so shaken by the
occuiTpnco that ho prefers to wear mi un
becoming board to sitting down in any
barber's chair.
Save ilio Trocii.
Garden and Foros has warmly advo
cated saving the last grove of giant HO-
quoins , "tho big trees , " in Tularo
county , California , and both houses of
congress have passed unanimously a bill
setting apart the grove forever as a pub
lic park , says u writer in llarpor's
weekly. The act secures also the springs
of streams that llow through the park ,
nnd provides for the preservation of tlio
timber and natural objects , for the pro
tection of the fish and game , and for the
maintenance of the park In its natural
Garden nnd Forest now asks why a
similar reservation should not bo made
of a tract of the redwood forest in the
coast range. Tlio trees are so valuable
that they are rapidly falling under the
axe , and trees almost as interesting : uj
the big trees , and oven more beautful ,
will disappear. It hopes , also , that the
committees will report the Yosomllo
park bill , and undoubtedly in reserving
those noble tracts from destruction congress -
gross might bo stiro of universal public
The public Interest In forcsty , which
has been faithfully and forcibly fostered
by Garden and Forest , lias arisen hap
pily in time tosavo much that ought to
bn saved , but could bo saved only by a
strong expression of opinion. The great
beauty and tlio universal enjoyment of
the parks which have been 'laid out
within recent years have shown what an
immense bonollt and delight a llt
tlo forethought mnj' sccuro to our chil
dren. The reservation of Niagara , in
Now York , and the earnest struggle for
the Adirondack forest , are fruits of the
spirit which 1ms been awakened , nnd
whether the parks are vast tracts in tlio
wilderness or breathing spaces in tlio
city , the feeling which recurves them ,
and which in turn they develop and en
courage , is a source of the purest publiu
of tlio Nuii Moth.
From various parts of Bavaria coinn
alarming news of the destructive rav
ages of the nun moth , says the London
Dally News. For a couple of centuries
or more the forests on tlio continent
have been attacked by this pest at long
intervals ; but never , it would seem , with
more disastrous results than at pres
ent Tlio Forest department of the min
istry of finance reports that the plague
extends over nearly all Havaria south of
the Danube , and so great is the fertility
of tlio insect that no measures of destruc
tion are of any avail. It attacks oh lolly
the pine and lir , with which Unvarian
forests abound , but does not dospino the
beech , oak and other forest trees , and Iw
oven known tofoed'on tOirubs and garden -
don plants. It never attacks corn or
wheat , and there is ono tree it will not
touch , namely , the horse chestnut.
"Tho means of destruction are various.
Forest bonllros are one. The insects
are attracted by the lire nnd
are smothered in the smoke , but
only a comparatively small iiunibor are
killed. Children and boys nro also sent
out to destroy llio Insoc-tH. Hut the only
really ollloiont gonornl mcasuro seems
to bo the cutting down of whole forests
when much infested , Ono other method
in used by the state , but in not within
rouoh of " commnncH. A largo oloclrlo
light is placed in the forest by night.
Thin utti acts hundreds of thousands of
'nonnen' to tlio mouth of a funnel
through which a rapid exhaust current
of air is forced , sucking in the Insects
by thousands into a hole under tlio
earth , where they nro burlod. "
Harper's Ilazaar , In an editorial on wcd-
dhig gifts , bus tills to say coin-urn I UK a cus
tom which happily Is no longer countenanced
by tlio best society : ' -That ouo may Imvo as
many recurring wedding festivals ns tbcro
nro weddniK iluys recurring , no one will
deny. Hut that ono may turn any of tlmso
festivals into an excuse for \WKK\I\K \ \ \ atnl re
ceiving , an excuse fur Imposing another
domes tie tax upon friends nnd ac
quaintances , no ono now \ \ \ \ \ assort , wliat-
ovcr may have boon polite usage a generation
since. , . , Indeed , whcnver ono thinks
of tbo great niul tenderness of tlio
nmrringo relation , It NCCIUS dinicutt to i > co
how any can bo willing to vulgurUu nnd pro
fane it by such a custom ; n ttio asking and
receiving of RlflH , and wo would nxpcot its
annlvursarlctt to Iw crlobrutcd not , lu nidi )
merryiiiiikhiK , but with a sort of swrot
solemnity malciiig such things
Bubiorlbed and Ouarautoud aupltal..lV)0,000 )
I'uldlu Cup I tal TITiO.OOa
Duyi und null * BtooUBiuiu bonds ) nrgotlatoi
oorninorolal iiaporj rocolvts uml uxcuulo *
trusts ; nets n triuiifor agent and truttuoof
corporations. Ukei charge of proportjr , ool-
leutttaxo. _
Omaha Loan&Trust Co
S. E. COP. 16th nnd Douylas Stn.
I'fild In Capital I 65.W )
Subscribed ami CJimr.intccd Oupltul. . , , 100,00)
Liability of StooUlioUIuM 'JOO.OUO
6 1'er Cunt Interest 1'ulil nn Toposltn.
1 UANKJ. KANUi : , Unhlor ,
QHo ra : A. 17 , Wymun , proslflunt. J , J. Drown ,
vlce-prcfililunt , W , T , Wyinan , troumirur.
Dlructorii-A. II. Wy.nnn. J. II. Mlllurd , J. J.
Hruwn.Ouy 0 , Harton , T W. Nulr TbooiU
it. KliubUl. Uoorgo U. Luke.