Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1890, Image 1

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Nebraska Retrieved from the Withering Blight
of Constitutional Prohibition.
Strong Indications that the Majority1 Against the
Amendment Will Exceed 20OOO.
T\T"vnT\'P i rn fVP 'P TP T\T 4 rP i ATP fAT AXTT F P
Prohibition Safely Knocked Out Irrespective of
the Vote of Douglas County.
Cormell and Bryan Make a Neek-and-Neck
Race for Congress.
Richards , Boyd and Powers Making a Close
Race for the Governorship Dorsey
in the Lead in the Third.
to the very larpo amount of scratch-
/up done , both In the city and country pro-
c-lncts throuijhout the state , the count of the
ballots has been greatly delayed. The great
est Interest is centered upon the result of the
prohibitory amendment and the votes on this
proposition were counted llrst. Tbo
partial returns received ludlento that
the prohibitory amendment "as been
defeated by from 25,000 to HO.OOO , and is
safely knocked out , Irrespective of Omaha
mid .Douglas county. - '
The result of the vote -upon the heads of
tlio state ticket Is ns yet problematic. The
alliance seems to hnvostood solid Inmany sec
tions of the state and to have drawn
licnvlly from both parties. The vote for
1'owors seems to have been drawn from
lilchards and Uoyd la a i-.itlo of live to four.
In the First district ttio race is very close be
tween Council uud Hryau. In Omaha Council
ran u\vay abend of Hlchards , but did not re-
ceivc the vote anticipated , and also ran be
hind In Lancaster county , ulllioiiRh ho ro-
ceivcd moro votes there than did Hryau.
Council's friends figured that ho must
receive n majority of .lf > 00 votes in Oma-
1m and Douglas county. Returns thus far
received Indicate that he will fail short of
that number , and it will take the vote of the
southeastern counties to determine bis fate.
In the Second district McICeighan , the
< lcmooratio ulllauco candidate , has defeated
Ilnrlnn , tbo republican , by a luir majority.
lie , liowever , failed to carry bis own city of
lied Cloud , \vbero Ilarlnii was given n heavy
Dorsoy Is In tbo lead in llio Third , but
If elected It will bo by n greatly
diminished majority ns compared with
two years ago. ICom developed consid
erable strength in some of the rural counties ,
but not enough to make much of nn impres
sion. Thompson received n largo compli
mentary vote in Hall county , his homo.
The returns tire so meagre that no estimate
can bo made at this hour upon the complexion
of tbo legislature. A largo number of
alhaiH-o men have undoubtedly been elected
to the house and n number to the senate ,
Itwill probably be S o'clock befom satisfactory -
factory returns nro received upon which to
Ijiiso a relhtblo cstlmuto of thu result on
Kncli now report ' seems to Increase tbo
majority against the prohibitory amendment.
M'lio supposed prohibition strongholds have
hi many cases given majorities against tbo
llolow are given the full returns us received
by tuellKuup to330a. : ! ra :
The Stale I < ' | KHI-CH.
Liscoi.v , Nob. , Nov. ) . [ Special to Tun
UKU. ] It has been n lively election day in
Lincoln and temporarily everythlngclso was
forgotten. It has been assumed to bo n legal
holiday and all the state , county and city
ofllciab closed their unices mid gave their as
sistants a clianco to Join In the f ray. All day
long tlio various polling places were thronged
with a multitude of iwple. Excitement was
high and the discussions at times grow very
The prohibition crnnks were out to a
woman , nnd booths were erected
by them near each polling place , \vldlo a
H \varm of females button-holed every
man without tbo formality of an introduction
and attempted to Induce him to vote foi
prohibition. In case ho refused , his reasons
for so doing were demanded nnd the result
was that many too-brazen foumlcs received
bUK'gestlous to mind their own business. The
immodest onorti of tbovomcn resulted dis
astrously and many men became disgusted.
Kcturni coming in very slowly on account ol
unusual number of scratched tickets , Dcntau
but received more vote * In Lancaster c mty
h n any other candidate on any of the
TUo m ridrnet ! ) IB AQ IV CI xiuder la Lincoln
U'lecQ ' tiuodfcd uujoiltlu a
conservative estimate Lancaster will bring
the ilguro up to',000.
Despite scratching , KlclumU and Council
nro ahead of their opponents hi Lincoln.
Over llvo. thousand voto- now polled In
this city. Prohibition will bo defeated in
thu county 113- over two thousand.
WAIIOII , Nub. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
to TIM : Hii : : . ] Tlio anti-prohibitionists here
are feeling Jubilant. Homo advices from out-
'sido in the county point to prohibition.
Citr.TB , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HII : . | lioports from the county in
dicate about 1S50 majority against prohibi
tion. < u'Vrohlljs In Crete see their defeat.
Sti'on : ' ! , Neb. , Nov. 4.---Special [ Tele-
K'rain to THIS Bci : . ] The amendment is about
a stand-off. Kvcry thing is quiet.
FIIKMONT. Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
Bruin to TUB Hni : . ] Fremont goes 500
against tbo nmcnuincnt.
U.vvin Cirr , Neb , , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
Kram toTin : Uii.l : : All correct thus far In
liutlcr county. Prohibition is snowed under.
I'l.msMot'Tii , N < 3b. , Nov. 4. fSpecial Tel
egram to Tin : Hii : . | Cass county will go
1,000 , niujoritv neninst tbo amendment.
Oit.viTox , Neb. , Nov.I. . Kstiniated vote
for Rovernor : Hlehards , M ; Powers , ft' ' ) ,
Uoyd , 11 ; Palue , 4. For coiiBress ! Ilarlaii ,
ai : MeICoI'huiiOU | , : I'almer , .
Nii.inn , Nob. , Nov. 4. The Second ward
Klvcs Uorsey M. Thompson 1 ! > , ICem M ,
Hicharils HI , Boyd 21. Powers 14. All the
state ticket U nbout the same. Watts , for
state senator , t7 ! ; 1'oyntcr , IU. JlcUee , for
representative , ill ; Hurtbolomew , 18. Dovd ,
for county attorney. IW ; Williams 11,1. There
Is 10 majority against the amendment for
prohibition. Iscllnh township also gives a
, McOeo : < . ' ) , nartholomew 18 ; Boyd , for
county attorney , 'M ; Williams , 18. For pro
hibition , 14 ; against , : tt. ! The prohibition
amendment will bo about a stand-oil InAii-
UUKRI.KY CnxTcn , Neb. , Nov. 4. Lee Val
ley cast 53 votes , of which Richards received
fi votes , Hoyd tl and Powers 47. For prohi
bition , 9 ; against , 4 ! ) .
DIM-THICK , Neb. , Nov. 4. The indications
nro thn city will plvo 400 votes against the
prohibitory amendment. Conservntivo estt-
nrites from reliable sources give in tlio county
a total of a."pO against the amendment. Owing
totho length of the/ ticket the count cannot
be completed for several hours. The repub
licans are certain their cntlro county ticket Is
elected. The total vote cast in the cltv is
I ) win CITV , > 'ob. , Nov. 4. From mcagro
reports from nil over the county It Is esti
mated that Hoyd and the democratic ticket
will carry it by n plurality of about IKK ) . Tbo
majority against prohibition will probablj
rcuch WX ) . There were 48 $ votes cast in this
city , but the canvassing has not been completed
pletod yet. The majority ngainst problbltioi
in the city will bo light. The republicans will
elect 0110 of tbo two representatives , while
Si-brain , the democratic candidate , toi
.senator , bus probably carried the count }
by a small majority. The linlepomlent vote
In the cltv was very light.
Houminr : , Neb. , No.v 4.--Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : Dei : . ] The prohibitionists nru
out in full force nnd working hard and cluin
they will carry this county by SOO , but thoj
will not.
COIITMNK , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tclo
gram to Tin : JUi.J : : Highland precinct , ( Jape
county , gives Klchnrds , 117 ; Uoyd , 87 ; Powers
ors , Sit : Palno , : i ; Bryan , 127 ; Council , bit
Hoot 71 ; Chapman , 2.
Nonrn I'I.ATTE. Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Spcclu
Telegram to Tin : UIE. : | MS votes cast ; IflO
for ttio amendment. Kcturns will bo late.
Ciintr , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tolegran
to Tin : Ilii : : , | For prohibition , ' . ' 73 ; a gainst
429 ; Itlclnmls , H < n : Hoyd , ! I71 ; Powers , :
Pnnio , : n ; MeKelglmu , ; 1 ; Hurlan , 317
1'almcr , 48.
Fi-M.r.iiTov. Net ) . , Nov. -Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : Bir..l : Council Creek precinct
Nnnco county : Total vote , SI. Hovd , S
lilt-hunts , ft ; Powers , 77 ; Palno , nono. Foi
congress , Thompson , 2 ; Dorsoy , 4 ; ICom , 7S
PierciMione , For prohibition , It ) ; against
( VI , High license , M. Fullerton precinct
Total vote , 1Q : republican , 1(11 ( ; prohibition
HI ; democratic , .V.11 ; peoples. KB. This Is tbo
total voto. The tickets are all badly scratchei
and no ono can tell at this hour tbo outcome
Returns from Cicuova indicate Unit IJorsei
and Kh-hards carried that precinct.
TUKAMAII , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Hic. : ] TeUnmah precinct , Hur
county ; total vote , 418. Kichards , 'J07 ; Hoyd
KK ) ; Powers , ! H ; l nlno , 11. For congress
Dorsoy , 1(50 ( ; Item , IM ; Thompson , 81. For
prohibition , 21.r . Acalnst prohibition , 120
In the same precinct the vote of 1SS8 stood
Thayer ( rep ) , i4 ( ) ; McShano ( dem ) , 144
Dorsov ( i-on ) , 250 ; Weatberby ( dem ) , ID ! ,
Hi .Miioi.iiT , Neh , , Nov. { . [ Special Tele
griim toTiif HitE-1 The vote polled nt tb
hut city elect Ion was 275 , today 2C ( > . Kstl
mated vote today : Independent , 3 ; prohlbl
tlon , IIIvltli n small domocratio majority ii
tbo balance of the voto. Ttio prohibltloi
uinemlment ( [ iicftlon li claimed by both sides
It Is undoubtedly close.
.Sui'Limi'iivr , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
cram to Tnc lUu.J : This precinct's lota
vote is 22 $ . Kstlumto for the prohibition
CODT , N'oU , Nov. 4 , [ Special T-jlegram to
Tin : Her. . ] Dolling Springs precinct gives !
ns follows ! Dorsoy , 7 votes ; lost 17 ; Tlionip- '
son 21 , lost 1. gained o ; Kcm l.'l. Against .
prohibition ! ! 0. Forliighllcenso20.
AIS-IWOIITII. Neb. , Nov. 4.--S [ | > celal Tele-
gnim to Tun llr.rTwo : ! pojrlnctji In Drown
ounty glvo Richards'Ji7 ; Uoyd , 127 ; Pow-
rs , 100. Alnsworth precinct gives Dorsey
rcn ) , 1I2 ! ; Thomi | < on ( d m ) , Vis Hem. 118.
PIIIKMI. Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
o Tnr. BKR , ] - Friend pi-ceinct. Sallno county ,
olal vote \V \ ; Boyd , KM ; Kichards. 21. ;
'owors , 74 ; I'nliie , l > . i-'or congress , Hilrlaa
17 ; McKclgbiui. 110. Kstlmatcd for probl-
) ltlon , ( VS7 ; ngainst , I3S.
MniiHinn , Nob. , Nov. 4 [ Special Tele-
rmm to Tin : BEK. ] Medford precinct ,
'horn-is county : Total vote , M : Hoyd , 11 ;
tlchards , 211 ; Powers , IB. For coiiRt-ess ,
riiompson , 27 ; Dorsey , 14 ; ICem , IM. For
irohlbltlon , ill ; against , 15. For high
ICPIHC , 1 ; against , ! i.
KMTUII : , Nob. , Nov. 4.-ISpeclal Telcpram
o Tin : Br.K. ) - Kxctcr precinct cast 821 votus ;
clx'ing Richards ( n-p ) , i : ) ; Uoyd ( dem ) , 104 ;
ewers ( ind ) , IK ! . Ilarlan ( rep ) for congress.
! 8J ; McICelghan , UW. Prohibition Is defeated
> y a majority of 10 votes.
Mii.roiin , Neh. . Nov. 4. [ Spsclal Telegram
o Tin : Br.K. j Thu whole number of votes ,
XH , count so far a follows : Hoyd , 22 ;
tlehimls , 20 : Powers , 14. For congress
McICelghan , ! t-J ; Ilarlan , i't. For the amend-
ucnt , 2S ; against , ill ) .
NOIITII PI.\TTI : , Nub. , Nov. 4. I'Spcclul
Telegram to Tin : Dm : , j North Plutto city
gives100 majority ag.ilnit prohibition , * . Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
: ram to Tin : Dm : . ] Hoseland township :
Total vote for tbo amendment , SI ; against
amendment , S4.
RISING CITV , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HKK.I-KlsIng C'ity ' polled ItOO
votes. The prohibitory amendment carried
jv about 75 majority.
UINIV. : : . Net ) . , Nov. 4. [ Special Tclo-
; i-am to Tin : Hii : : . ] Four precinctH have
jecn heard from In Fillmore county giving
Hlehards ; )4. ) Hovd KM , Powei-s 408 , Harlan
4-J7 , McIColghan 517. For tbo amendment
421 , niniinst 27H.
Srrr.aiDH. Nob. , Nov. 4. ( Sncclal Tele
gram to Tin : Dnii.l Superior : Kichards ,
M ; Uoyd. 2U ; I'owera , ( W ; Ilarlan , 5t ! ; Me-
Keighipt , M. These are straight tickets.
Omt , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
I'm : Dun. I Ord precinct ; Best count now
for governor , Hoyd , 120 ; Powers , 120 ; Klch
nrds , 110. Congress : Thompson ( dem ) , 120 ;
Kcm ( Ind ) , 120 ; Dorsoy ( rep ) , 110.
HOLS-THIN , Nob. . Nov.I. . [ Special Telo-
pram toTiiK BKI.J Estimated vote of Cot-
loawood townshl | ) for governor : Kichards ,
25 ; Boyd , SO ; Powers. 4f. ! For congressman :
Hurlnii ( rep ) , 80 ; McKoiglinu ( dem ) , 1 > 5.
1'roliibitorv amendment , . ' 10 ; against , ! ! 0.
U-IICA , Nob. . Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tm : Hii : : . [ The vote of this place h as fol
lows : For governor Rlrhards , 129 ; Hoyd ,
100 ; Powers , -IS ; Paiuo 11. For the amend
ment It is estimated 127. For high license
amendment it Is estimated nt IK For con
gress , Hurlan , 1211 ; AloICeighan , 147.
DoMi-iiAN , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BiiK.J Kopubllcnn , ill ; demo
cratic , : I4 ; Independent , 142. Amendment
estimate about even voto.
AI.KXO.MIHIA , Neb. . Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BIK. : I The indications are that
Alexandria precinct will glvo the entire re
publican ticket a majority of 815 and the pro
hibition amendment Innii'iU to ( K ) majority.
Sfrr.moii , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to 'Tun BKII.I Superior , Nuckols
county : 148 straight lickeis counted. Hich-
urds. KJ ; Boyd,2U ; Powers. (10 ( ; Ilarlan , 58 ;
AlelCcighan , ! I5 ; for prohibition , ? ! : against. (19. (
OKHN" How , Nob. , Nor. 4. [ SpecialTel
egram to Tin ; Dm : . ] UUilno county gives a
two-third majority against prohibition. Re
turns from this county slow ; indications ore
that prohibition' has carried by a slight
AUIION , Neb. , Nov. 4 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Uii.JTho : : estimate so far as
received for Boone county indicates a defeat
of prohibition by a small majority.
SCOTIA , Nob. , Nov. 4. ( Special Telegram
to Tm : DIK. ] Scotia township will go prohi
bition. Others will go against It.
UUATIIICC , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKI : . ] About2.0UO votes In this
city. Majority against nrouibtlon estimated
ut from 400 to Cm.
Nni.iun , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BIK. : ] Only two wards have
been heard from. Kichards has Id ; Boyd ,
87 ; Powers , .T > ; Uorsey , 82 ; Thompson , 41 ;
ICem , 87. For state senator , \\atts , S8 ;
I'oyiiton , GO. McGee for representative , U2 ;
Uai'lholomow , 43. For county attorney ,
Boyd , SI ; Williams , 71. For prohibition , 7b ;
against , 82.
. IVUAKXKV , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Dii : , | The amendment is
probably defeated in this citv Mild county.
SfTTON , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tin ; DIE. : ] School creek precinct pollen
about ono thousand votes , two-thirds of
which were anti-prohibition. Sutton gives
about ono hundred anti-prohlbltlon majority.
Sheridmi precinct about forty anti-prohibi
Hnoi < ix : Bow , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK But : . ] A full vote was polled
In this urcclnct , GOO votes being cast. The
estimated vote Is : Richards , 2.r > 0 ; Boj'd. IfiO ;
Poweis , ISO ; Dorsoy. 210 ; Kom , 250 ; Thomp
son , 10'.i. '
CiiiAMi I t..vxp , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bii : : . ] Indications are that
tbo majority against prohibition In Hail
county will bo 2,000.
Ait.u'.uioK , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tm : Hii.l : : Heports indicate a
"staaul-oll" on prohibition.
NOIITII PLATTK , Neb. , Oct. ! ) ! . [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BIK. ] A largo vote was
cast and prohibition was snowed under.
Onii , Neb , , Nov. 28. [ topeclal Telegram to
Tin : Biu. : ] The vote In this city is a little
less than the estimate against the amend
Uuxxixo , Neb , . Nov. 4 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.j : : Uorsey carries this pre
cinct and probably the county bv n larco ma
jority. The amendment was defeated by two-
thirds. C
NmniASKA CITV , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special
to Tin : BBC. ] The Indications are that the
democrats have curt-led Otoo county. The
only returns nt JO o'clock are from Unndilla
precinct , which cast . ' 140 votes , SS alliance , IS.
democratic , fi7 .republican , 181 against the
amendment and IIU ) for.
Sui'Riiion , Neb. . Nov.I. . [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BII : : , f Superior cast 447 votes.
H is generally conceded that the amendment
was beaten In this city. The tickets \vcro
badly scratched. Nora precinct at a rough
estimate gives the amendment 130 , republican
. " > ' . ' , alliance 07 , democrats IK ) .
NOUFOI.K , Neb. . Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bun. ] ' The indications point to
750 or more majority against the amendment
in Norfolk.
HKXNIXOTOX. Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Tele
gram to Tun Dii.J : Boyd , 155 ; Kichards ,
111 ; state ticket tbo same. Council , 01
Brvan , 110 ; Brecht , SS ; Vest , 1)7 ) ; ( Surloy ,
77 ; Chrlstofcrsen , 100 ; Shea , 103 ; Swltz-
k-r. lK ( ) .
WAYXK. Nob. , No4. . [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BEK.J Wayne precinct , 2S-'I votes
cast. Kichards , 15(1 ( ; Hoyd , 77 ; Powers. 22 ;
I'alne , 21 ; Dorsoy , 141 ; Thompson , M ; ICem
21 ; Pierce , 17. For the prohibitory amend
inent. 100 ; against , H7.
SIIICKI.KV , Net ) . , Nov. 4. iSnccial Tele
gram to Tin : Dnu.J Dryan nollei" as I votes.
Vnrti'd returns show : Prohibition , ! 10 ;
against , 19 ; Kichards. 111 ; Hovd , 5 ; Powers ,
: < 7 : Paine , 1 : McIColuhan , : ; Hurlan , IS.
Fillmore county polled 174 votes ! Uemocratlo
ltd ; republican , ( t : prohibition. 2.
FAianrnv , Neb. . Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIU BKI : . ] Falrbury precinct polls
.W for Majors mid UW ( for Uichards. Sixteen
of these republican votes went to Powers.
The democratic tickets polled 221 ; the Inde
pendents lot ; prohibition IK" " . On the amend
ment Falrburv Is nbout a staud-otT. The pro
hibition amendment is ahead of all tickets in
the county.
OKKBUT CENTKII , Nelt , , Nov 4. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK DEI : . ! Fish Creek precinct ,
Cireoly county : Total vote , W ) . Iloyii , 1 ;
Klcharils , 12 ; Powers , U7. For congress :
Doi-sey , 12 ; ICem , 37 ; Thompson , 1. For pro
hibition , 1 ; against , US.
KAKTIXOTOX , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : DIK. : ] The alliance vote In this
county was about 400 { Doyd , about MO ;
Rlelmi-ds , about 4.W. Everything was
scratched. The alllauco vote was almost
Oiin , Neb , . N'ov. 4 , [ Special Telegram to
THE BKE.-Thort ] ) was a very small majority
agnlust thn amendment In this city.
UIUNII ISLAND , Neb. , ov. 4. [ Special
Telegram Ui Tin : DEE. ] Prohibition was de
feated by 2,000 lu this county.
NOHTU PLATIX , Nub. , Nov , J. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Dm. ] Complete vote in
ry precincts show a largo Independent vo tend
, nd small democratic ,
Orr.oiA , Nob. , Nov. ( . - [ Special Tok ? ram
oTiiiBiK.--Osceola : : ] precinct , total vote ,
: ' .i5 ; rpwcra , 2051 Hlchards 1H ! ; Hovd111 ;
Mine , Ifl ; Hnrhm , 111 : MeKolghiui , 244. For
irohlbltlon , 242 1 wnlnst , 10' ) .
Si-ni'ri.iiii , Neb. , Nov , 4. [ Sixjclal Tele
gram to Tin : Brfi.l tJrant iirccinct returns
i total vote of t\Z \ Boyd Kl. Richards lit ,
'owern 75. Paiiui-Ulorsey 14 , Thompson fill ,
Cem 78. For prjaniltlou , 41 ; against , N ) .
POXCA , Neb. , Jfov. 4. LSpcclitl Telegram
o Tin : BEK , ] Ponca city precinct I Hoyd ,
8.T ; RlchanN , 12I1 ; l > orsev , 104 ; Thompson ,
* 7 ; Kcm , 27. For prohibition , 115 ; against , 111.
[ 'he republican county ticket wasundoubtcdly
HIIOKKX Dow , Neb , , Nov. 4. [ Special Tel-
'gram ' to Titr. Br.i : ] A rough count for this
ircclnct shows : Kupublleau , 2l ; Independ
ent. 21l ! ; democi-at , US. The Independents
vili probably carry the county. Probably
ho majority for the prohibition nmcndmunt
n the county will bo MM.
O CIOI.A : , Nub. , N6v. 4. [ Special Telegram
oTin : Dii.J : : Canada precinct , Polk county :
Total vote. 274. Ktchnrds. ffl ; Hoyd , 42 ;
; 'owcrH , iil : ; Palno , fi ; MeKeighan , 175 ;
"larlan , U'J. For prohibition , 152 ; ngainst ,
Sn-Eiiioii , Neb. , .Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
jram to TUB Biife.J One hundred and sev
enty-two votes counted. Ulchnrds.i" ; Uoyd ,
"J : Powers , t J : Harlnn , 77 ; McIColghim , IC .
WAVXI : , Neb , , Nov. 4. [ Special Telo-
; ram to TIIK BIK. : ] Wuyno City : Hoyd , 77 ;
{ Ichnrds , 1WI. For prohioltlon , ICO ; Hgalnst
irohlbition , 07. For license , 25 ; against , 101) ) .
WOOD KivKit , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; llnn.1Vood Klvi-r precinct ,
[ fall county : Kichards , 112 : Boyd , (17 ( ;
i'owurs , 1)2 ) ; Palno , Majors \ , IIS ; llaor , (12 ( ;
Dcch , 1K1 ; Allen , 107 ; Sprague , (12 ( ; Mnybcrrv ,
H ! : Hill , 100 ; dialling , MVolf ; , I'll ' ; Beaten ,
( ; Wahlaulst , ( > ' > ; Hcatty , l l ; Hust
ngs , lor ; Hlgglns. 2 ; Edgcrton , (1 ( ;
Humphries , 107 ; Blgler , (12 ( ; Wright , Oo ;
tondy , 107 ; Kakostrnw , 02 ; Dealmoud , ' .H5 ;
Dorsoy , 84 ; Thompson , 7S ; KIMII , KM ; Cody ,
117 ; Gordon. 57 ; Coulter , ' ,11 ; Humphrey , 10:1 : ;
[ { ouso , loSehlotfelr : { ; , (10 ( ; Hull , 40 ; Lee , 18.
: ' \ > i prohibition , 71 ; npilnst piohlbltlon , 170 ;
for license , id : ngalnst , 105.
UitniiiAM , Neb.Nov. . -TSpeclnl Tele
gram to Tun Unn.J A meager estimate
ilnccs the vote in Stewart precinct at 210 :
Itoyd , r > 3 ; Kichards. s5 ; Powers , ! )7 ) ; Palao ,
I , For congress , MelCeiglmu , 124 ; Harlnn ,
For prohlbltloji , 120 ; against , 120.
XA , Neb. , Nov. 4. ( Special Telegram
.0 Tin : Uii : . | Two hundred ami sixty votes
iv-cre polled. Boyd , 1)2 ! ) ; Powers , 75 ; Klcb-
irds , ft ) . As far as counted , Bryan , 45 ; Cou
ncil , 12 ; Root , UO. Against tbo amendment ,
Ml ; for prohibition. ' 18.
CIIIITK , NeD. , Nov. ) . [ Special Telegram
o Tin : BcK.J Keturns from Wilbur give
Kichards , 107 : Boy'd.2Al ; Powers , 87 ; Paiao
nono. Against tho'umendment a majority of
. ' 55. Dig Blue precinct gives Uoyd a ma-
ority of S3 ; for tho' amendment , 12 ; against ,
CiinTi : , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
: oTnn DIE.I The election was quiet. A
Pull vote was polled. Tickets in general
were badly scratched. The vote us fnr as
collated gives Hlchnrds , ! I07 ; Boyd. 1)71 ) ;
Powers , H5 ; Paine , 85 ; for the amendment ,
J78 ; agnlust th'o amendment , 420 ; McICoiglmn ,
281 ; Harlan , 1117 ; Palmer- .
CIIAHT.M , , Neb , , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : DKK.I For prohibition , ill ;
tgainst , 52. ' For hlch license , 5(1against ( ; ,
12. Richards , 57 ; " .Boyd , it'J ; ' Dorsey , 75 ;
.Thompson , 18.
( IIIIMY | : UBNTEII , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bin : , ] Ml. Pleasant gives
lUclmrds , none ; Powers , ill ; Hoyd , 5. For
Lho tbo amend men t ; fi { ngalnstiiO. For con-
irress , , Dorsey , 1 ; Kom , ! ! 0 ; Thompson , 4.
AI.MA , Neb. , rf6vr4.Snecial [ Telegram to
TmBr.i : . ] KichaMs.UO ; Boyd , 27 ; Powers ,
llPttlne ! ) ; , ] ii.Hatian.8 ; < V ; McKciglian , latJ.
L-'or thoamendmenlr'lWt iigainst , 8-1.
Vmnixi v , Nob. , Nov , 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bii.J : ! For governor : Boyd , 52 ;
Richards , 51 ; Powers , 2' . ) ; "Paiuo 1 , Con-
eressmen : Bryan , ( SO1 , Comioll , 43.
PI.ATTSMOITII ; , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BKI : . ] Owing to the mixed
tickets , it is Impossible to obtain anything
like reliable Information until early in the
morning. A good estimate shows that
1,2S9 , votes were ciat ; in this cltv
with the democrats considerably ahead.
The prohibition amendment , 1,000 against nnd
fill for. Kock Bluffs precinct , the only ono
beard from , gives 200 against tbo prohibition
amendment and 50 for. .
SciiuvM'.it , Neb. , Nov.I. . [ Special Tele
gram to Tm : BF.I.-.J Kcturns come in slow.
No returns have been received on the state
ticket except Schuylor precinct. Kichards ,
211 ; Boyd , 200 ; Powers. 88 ; Paine , 7 ; Uorsoy ,
20S ; Thompson , 850 : ICem , 10S ; Pierce , 4.
Owing to tlio scratched tickets the vote on
the amendment cannot be ascertained until
lato. The indications are that everything is
STI'AHT , Neb. , tyovM. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Br.i : . ] In thij , Stuart township , 222
\"otes were prilled agahst 2113 In ISb9. Sixty-
nine nro republican ; 57 democrat ; Wlalllanco
and 4 scattering against14'J I'opublic.iu and
121 domocratio In 1 9. Kcm has a small
plurality. The prohibition amendment is de
feated by a small majority.
ITIIICA , Nei ) . . Nov.(4. ( Special Telegram to
Tan BKH.I Kichards ( rep ) , for governor , 27 ;
Boyd ( dem ) , 21 ; Powers , ( ind ) . 1M9. Con
gressional : Council , 24 ; Bryan , 27 ; Root ,
Kill ; for prohibition , about bO ; against , nbout
107.NOIITII Pi-AT-m , Neh. , Nov. 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bifc : , ] North Plntto city :
For prohibition , I.'IS ; against , IWl. For
license , ' 'ti ; ngainsti4sO. These figures nro
oflh-lal for two ward * of the city and esti
mated for ono. Tho.offlcial count will not
vary much from thcs'o Jlgures.
WAKirni. : : ( > , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Dun. | < WnkoHcld township ,
Dixou county , gives nu estimated majority
forUowey of 40 ; Kichards , 40 ; Shumway ,
55. For.prohlbltloh .
O'Nr.n.i. , Nob. , Nov. 4 , [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Dii'.J--O'Nelll : city and township
gives for tbo' amendment , SI ; against , ; iis.
Dorse y will have about 40 majority and
Richards ! U ) majority in the city.
\OIIK , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Br.i : . ] Kstlmiites received give Iich-
ards n small majority. McICelghan will
carry the county , Tbo amendment was
snowed under. Harlan's majority In the city
of York will bo 450 ; amendment the same.
H\iiTixiTox ( , Nob. , JS'ov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Bnn.Hartlngton | precinct
gives Richards 112 , . Boyd 7(1 ( , Powers 2'J , Paine
4 , Hcntpnm , Walilqutat 75 , Hill US , Cushlng
7t : , Dorsey 101) ) , Thoinnson r. , Kcm 20 , Shum
way for senator 0.1 , 'Iiolmitn 74 , Alden , repro-
Hentativc , 'M , Hall 7L . Johnson 21 , prohibi
tion , for , 77 ; ngainst , of.
Pixi : > iit : , Nob. , Novj 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HKI : . | In the precincts heard from
the state and oouiityjtkkot b about a tie.
The precincts yet to bo heard from are known
to have gone heavily ; republican. Prohibi
tion Is badly defeated ;
POXCA , Nob. . Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Dei : . ] Ponea lefeats the amendment
by li majority. J
TECUMSKII , Neb. , 'Nov. n , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : DKI : . | 1) ) . is estimated in John
son county that prohibition will carry by 401
majority. Richard * jjets a good majority nnd
Council a small plurality ,
HitiTixns , Nob. , .Nov. 4 , [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKK. ] Verona township : Tola
vote , 155 , Fo nrohlultion , M ; against , 7i. :
ilot.mir.oi : , rscb. , finv. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TU BEE. | The latest estimate
makes Phcliu county MO majority foi
Powers , McICelghan and the prohibition
amendment. Today was polled the largeat vote
over known In the county , the gain going to
Powers and MeKeighan and the amendment.
NumntiiA , Nob' . , Nov. 4. [ Special to Tnr
BKE. ] High license will carry hy about 'M
majority , conservative estimate. The ropub
llcan ticket will oirry hy about 450 majority
The town is II II oil with voters from the reser
vation , who , by reason of the president's
proclamation , are ! i.'gul voters , anil Nlobran
is the voting place ( or about UOO living there
IlKintnx , Neb.Nov. , . 4. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK DrK.1 Tu'o votes on the head of the
tickets in Hebron precinct are : Richards
IWl ; Uoyd , 140 ; Powers , 74 ; Palno , 9. Har
Ian must bo 01 ahead here , nnd Is ahead In
Delvldcro precinct. Nothing can bo ascer
tained concerning the amendment. The
tickets are badly scratched.
SewAno , Nob. . Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
to TIIE DEE.J Fivi' towns out of seventeen
icard from give Boyd a smnll nmjority nml
McICclghan and Bates for district JudRO
ibouti',401 majority. Nothing can bo nsccrI
nlned tx ardlng tlio vote on the amoiul-
nent , but the pencral Iinpi'eisloii Is
hat thn majority for nml agunmt will IM
fcry Binnll. This city polled the largest
number of stnilght republican votes It Inn
; ver polled and ioubllcans | ) are coiuldcnt of
success , although it Is generally admitted
ho Independents adhered moro closely to
l.elr ticket than was expected. The alliance
will poll a largo vote In this county ami will
'nil but little behind cither of the bid mrtlos.
itoyd has not received the unanimous mm-
icirt of the Ciormnns that ho and his friends
AI.MNeb. . , Oct. 4..Special [ Telegram to
I'm : BEI ; . ] Alma township : Kichards , vj ;
Powers , 111) ) ; llo.vO , 7 ; I'alno , ir. Tlw
micndinent eaiTled by ! K < votes in Alma
.ownshlp. Ilarlan county will glvo a
najorlly of about 15U for the amendment.
Unit Ci.oni , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : line. ] Reports arc still favor-
iblo for tbo entire republican ticket. Prohi
bition will carry In the county by a small
Oin.KiN.-i , Nob. , Nov. ! . [ Special Tolograin
: o Tin ; BKI : . The total vote is ao : ) for Or-
cans precinct. Boyd , 5J ; Richards , SI ;
i'owcrs , 5J1 ' ; Paine , III. For congress , Me-
* veighan'lUt ) ; Ilarlan , Sit.
N'EiniAsA CITV. Neb , Nov. 4 , ( Special
Telegram to Tin : BIK. : ) Ucturns from Four
Mile precinct give u total vote of 110. Hoyd ,
VI ; Hlehards , L'S ; Powers , 'il ; llryan , for
congress , (14 ( ; Council , 28 ; Root , 2v ! ; for prohi
bition , 22 , and ncalust 81. Tlio count lathe
; lty Is not near completed at 12 1 : , but
the democratic ticket Is conceded ahead
nid will give 1,000 majority against
irohlbltlon. Chairman Watson of the state
eutral committee says the county will give
J.OtX ) majority ngalnst the amendment hut
10 could not make an estimate on the
'Wrular ' and Uemocratlo state tickets.
llANTixo * , Neb. , Nov. 4. Special 'J'ole- '
tram to Tin : Bii.j : : The most oxcltliij ? gen-
n-al election held forye.irs closed tonlg lit.
ilarlan leads the republican ticket. Alight
vote was cast in this city. Fully four bun-
1ml voters were unable to cast their votes
owing to a misunderstanding as to
ho hour of closing the polls. The
aborers on the railroad and sewer
work supposed the polls would close at 7
o'clock. Tlio total Is 1,403 voles cast In the
city. Prohibition is defeated In tills city by
400 majority. Prohibition Is holding its ow'u
n the country precincts. Uoyd has probably
nrriod the First ward. The other three
wards ( 'ivoa majority for Richards and Bur
an. The count in the city Is progressing
slowly , and will not bo completed tonight.
BKNSIXOTOX , Nob. . Nov. 4. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tin : Bii.J : : Lytlo' .M. O'Brien ' < ! 7 ,
iCyner M ) , Spccht IKi , Mount CM , Bacr 1(1 ( ,
Unld win W , Overall ( i5 , McCanllo Oil , ( Sard-
icr 125 , Capek 103 , Ford 1)7 ) , SternsdorlV 12 ! > ,
tJreen I2S , Hiremnn US , Huw 1'Jii , Felkcr
litl , Bertrand 137 , bid 111 , Mationey 14i ( ,
J'lmmo 14'J ' , Wolcott W , Kosukcr 18 , Vancamp
109 , Sander 117. Against prohibition 20- . ' , for 7.
I'KKMOXT , Neb. , Nov. 4. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : BII.J ; : Kight voting places In
Uodgo county , including Fremont , give
Itichards 187 majority over Boyil. Richards
mil Dorsoy run nbout oven in the city. The
count on the amendment Is slow. Atmid-
ilght the count showed 103 lor prohibition.
i'liero will probably bo UOO prohibition votes
out of 1,400.
SUTTO.V , Neb. . Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
: oTin : HIK , | button precinct , outside of the
; ownj gives rowel's 1110 ; Hoyd,2ii ; Uichards ,
" ; McKelghan , 134 ; Ilarlan , "I ; pvobibition ,
75 : anti-prohibition , S2. School Creole pre
cinct voted heavy for MeKeighan and the independent -
dependent ticket.
Mri.i.nx , ub. , Nov. 4. ( Special Telegram
to THE Bit : : . ] -Mull < ! n iirccinct , Ilookor
county : Hielmrds , 7 ; Boyd. 13 ; Powers , 'U ;
Uorsoy , 7 ; Thompson , Hi ; ICein , til. For
prohibition , 10 ; ngainst , 25.
t < ixooi < x. Nob. , Nov. 4. ( Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bii.l : : The republican vole
lias suffered greatly both in tbo cltv of Lin
coln and Lancaster county. Thus the Second
ward , that formerly cast only 25 democratic
votes , shows the following figures : Hoyd XiO ,
Hic'bards 285 , Bryan 331. Council 273. In tbo
same ward Beaten received 428 votes.
The ticket is badly scratched and counting
very slow. Kcturns from West Lincoln , '
Yankee Hill , Grant , Wavorly and Second
and Sixtli wards give a total vote for Rich
ards of ! HX ; Hoyd , 718 ; Powers , 313 ; I'nine , 4S.
Twenty'iiino precincts are to bear from.
Boyd mid O'Hrieu ' run ahead ol the ticket in
tbo city. Courtney , the republican candi
date for county attorney , is probably de
feated by Snell , fusion. Tbo republicans
claim llvo of seven on the legislative ticket.
There is a sure majority against prohibition
which may reach 2,500 In Lancaster county.
Bryan gets 70 majority in the Second ward ,
a democratic gain of 2,000.
Nine products in Lancaster county give
Kichurds 1,458 , Hoyd 1,000 , Powers 407.
Paine 103. The First ward ( unofllcial ) , gives
Boyd 2X ( ) majority. Hoyd and Bryan have
carried the First and Second wards and
probably the Third ward. Wolfcnburgor
claims that the amendment will carry. At
republican headquarters tlio state isnlalnied
for Richards.
Suriiiioit , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Br.i : . ] Alvin precinct , total
vote , ( M ; Richards 21 , Powers 35 , Boyd B ,
McKelRhnn JIS , Harlan 20 , prohibition ma
jority HO. Hlaino precinct , total voio 142 ;
Kicliurds 24 , Boydtl. Powers 113 , McKcIplmn
112 , Hurhin-JI , prohibition majority 10.
NOIIPOI.K , Nob. , Nov. 4. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.J The tickets were badly
scratched and the counting is very Blow. An
estimate for Norfolk gives a republican vote
of iWO , democrat 4iO , independent 00 , prohibition
tion 43 ; majority against tbo prohibition
amendment about 350. Richards runs slightly
behind his ticket. Dr. Bear will have 500
majority for lieutenant governor. IJorsey
runs 10U ahead.
Nr.i.inn , Ncli. . Nov. 4. ( Special Toojram !
to TUB Uii.l Reports outside Indicate the
vote on the amendment in Antelope county n
IliUTixfiTov , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tin : Ilici : . ] Five precincts Including
Hnrtlngton and Coleridgelvo ( Rlc.hurd.s ilKi ,
Boyd lltt , Powers 112 , Uorsey 2ll ! Thompson
NOUFOI.K , Nob. , Fov , 4. [ Special Tclogriim
to Tin : Hr.i : . ) The tickets nro badly scratched
and tlio counting is very slow. An estimate
makes Norfolk's republican vote S5W , clcmo-
cratio 440 , independent 110 , and prohibition 45.
The majority against the prohibition amend
ment is about ; ) . Richards rum slightly
uehlnd his ticket. Dr. Baer will have MX )
majority for lieutenant governor. JJorsoy
runs 100 ahead.
( iCNKVA , Neb. , Nov. I ! . [ Special Telegram
to Tun Br.n.J Chalsca precinct. Fillmore
county , for prohibition 74 , aeainst (13 ( , for
high lli-euro 24 , against 113. Richards 33 ,
Boyd 2 , Powers 1W , Palno ' . ' , MeKeighan 10 ! ) ,
Harlan 77.
Ci.iV CIIXTHII , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Spoolnl Tele
gram to Tin : Iinn.1 Powora anil MeKeighan
have carried this county by ax ) majority.
The prohibition amendment will have a good
majority ,
HumvKM. , Neb , , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BiK.-Katon ! | precinct , votes
cast , lilS : First -count gives Richards 12 ,
Boyd 40 , Pow rs"80 , MeKeighan 125 , Hurlan
13 , against prohibition 1UO.
. , Nov. [ Special Telegram
toTiu : Hii-McICoiglmn : ] lift , Ilarlan 101) ) .
For governor , Powers , Boyd and Richards
are about even. For prohibition 74. against ISO.
TKfi'M iii : , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Him.l Prohibition has carried
by probably 3DO In this county.
FUANKU.V , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK UIKJ : Marlon precinct. Frank
lin countv : Richards , 4S ; Hoyd , 3 ; Powers ,
M ; Paine. : ; Harlsn , ) ; McICelghan , M ; for
prohibition , fU ; against , 20 ; for high license ,
10 ; against , U.
Cuutou. , Nob. , Gov. I. [ Special Tclecnim
to Tun llii-Boyd : ] , 2'J ' ; Klchnrds ; Buer ,
2(5 ( ; Majors. 'JO.
Bunt , Nob. , Nov. ! . Special Telegram to
TinBiE.J : Thrcu wards out of four glvo
Richards. IM ; Boyd , US ; POWON , 03 ; Dorsoy ,
IKi ; Thompson , HW ; Kcm , OS ; for prohibition
] , r > : i ; against prohibition , 150.
GKNKVI. Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Social Telegram
to Tins BKK , ] Hennott pieclnct , Fillmore
county , total vote. HJl ; Boyd none ; Richards ,
11 ; Powers , Wi ; I'alno noiio. For. congress ,
Harlan , Irt ; Mcltulghan , 127 , Forprolilljltlon ,
71) ) ; against prohibition , 01 * .
At'iioiu , Neb , , J ov , 4Sreclal ( Telograin
to Tin : BKK. ] - The vote so far In this city
gives Hlehards. 1)0 ) ; Hoyd , 53 ; Powers , 1 ;
Harlan , M ; MeKeighan , 41 ; Scovllle ( rep ) 10 ;
Ulovor ( deni ) 50 : Nugct. ' .H : Kohii , 4o ; for
proulbltlon , O'J ; against , OS. Ueturus noi In
I from the country but reports are disco , 'i-
Ing to republicans.
I i'ii.i-Miir * , Nov. 4. fSpoi'lnl Telegr.iu " -
Tin : HKK.I-The election oft quit *
In t hit cltv today. A full vote cast. l rt
bltlon Is defeated bv MM majority , Uoyd ,
reived : iii ! : votes ; Richards , 1 Til ; Powci-s. ( ' .
Thoniisou2.V. | ; Horsey , IU2 ; ICem , S4V ; \
lard , I7fu Stoves , litti ; Van HIIWHOII , ! lUl
Kcckert , Itvi ; Nol on , fiv No dellnlti' returns
turns have been received fiinn the outslilo
township * .
Lou-CITY , Neb. , Nov. l.-ISpivlul Telegram -
gram to THE Bni : . | Tlu < ticket Uvi-ry badly
scratched and It i't lmp < > < slhli < to give any
thing but an estimate before inoriilinr. which
from the republican standpoint Is : Vote of
county , l.'OO . ; Mate ticket , republican , 4IK ) ;
democrat , i00 ! ; Independent , frK ) . Tbo prohi
bition nnu'iidmcut i.-i defeated by..M ) major
ity. DoiMoy Is behind his ticket.
LINCOLN , Neb. . Nov. . " > . [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BII : : . | Kight prccints In Lancaster
county glvo Hlchards lli : > ; Boyd , 1.010 ;
Powers , 4-'U ; I'alne , If. ' . ' . The Indications
are that lilehards will isirry the county by
fiH ( ) majority. It will bo close between Cou
ncil and Dryan , with the chances In favor of
the latter. Bryan runs neck ami neck in the
city with Council. Ills friemis claim his
eloctlor " n thu district bv 2.0.U majority.
BI-\VIU : CITV , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tm : BKK. ] The full vote polled
Is probably 1,700. Powers' vote Is estimated
at sOO ; Richards' ' atlkki , HoydWH ) , McICelghan
IWO , Hut-Ian MH ) . I'l-olillillloii has a majoritv
of MM ) .
Mi COOK , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special 'Telegram
toTiti : BIK : I AlcCook cast ml votes today.
Tickets are badly scratched nnd no dellnlte
news as to results can bo givmi before
imrnlng. Kichards fell behind his ticket ,
it h estimated that McICotghan has
carried the city. The prohibitionists claim
fid votes , which will give" n nmjority against
* tlio amendment of 521 In llio city. 'The
amendment Is beaten In tire county and Me-
Kclghnn lias carried the county without
Brmvin.i , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BII : : . ] Uockford product gives
Richards J ; Boyd 20 ; and Powers III. Uoi *
sey 07 ; ICem 4S ; 'Tbompson " ; pi ; > lilhltlon fill
for ; nguiust 00. No rot'irns ' fro.n outaido
Ai.iiinv , N'eb. . Nov. 4. [ Special Tolegrain
to Tin Br.i . ' slow to
: : --County j prei'incts come
in but the alliance ticket carries by aim-go
majority all tbo wnv through.
CIINIVA : : , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tolcgrn
to Tin ; Dni--Fouc : ] precincts have boon
heard from in Fillmore county giving Itii-h-
ards ; t'.H. Hovd UV. , Powers -Ill'l , Ilarlan 427 ,
McICelghan 517 , For tlio ainumliucnt 121 ,
apiinst27l. !
Ybiiu , Neb. . Nov. I.---.Special [ Telcvr.un to
Tin : Hii.J : : Tlio city of York gives Uichards
4 ! J , Hnyil 120 , Towers 74. Pnitio 21 , Ilarlan
' .07 , McICeigaan 1S ! ) , prohibition aiiicndinont
li'W majority. Returns from tint county arc
coming In slowly. Powers and McICelghan
are In llio lead. The amendment Inn a small
Sri'i-.uioii , Neb. , Nov. I. [ Special Telo-
gratnto 'I'm : Dr.i : . | This city and precinct
( jives ri ( ) majority against prohibition.
TiciM-iiil : : , Neb. , Nov. I. ( Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hci : . ] Returns from three pro-
oincts : U'holo number , Tils ; Richards , l-.l ;
IJoycl , 140 ; I'owers , ail. For prohibition , II1J ;
apiinst , iJI. ! The Indlcatloin are now that
I'OIVOHvlll carry the county.
UAKI.I vn , Nob. , Nov. ) . - ( SpoclalTolCRram
to Tin ; HIIHoyil : : | , lUli Uichards , 170 ;
I'owors , 170 ; Doi-soy , HO ; 'Phomnson , III ;
Kein , 'JOl. Majority for prohibition . " > ( ) .
V.MXVTISE , Neb. , N'nv. -S)3L'lal | ) Tclo-
gram to Tin : IUu.J : Tablo.product , I'liercy
county ; Hicharcls'J8 ; Hoyd , HI ; I'oivovs , ;
Dorao'y , ! ! 1 ; Thompson , 11 ; ICointi. .
Cfi.inuTMiN : , Nob. , Nov. SI. ( Special Telo-
Kram to Tin : Bii : : . ] Flvo precincts of Ilitch-
coilc ; county give Klclmiils UI7 ; Iloyrt , ! K < ;
1'owors , ! ilS ; Ilarlan , afil ; McICoighan , 213 ;
for prohlDltlon 1 0 ; against liil.
Cr.\iiiso.s : , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special 'IVlc-
gram to Tun Hr.i : . ] Adam iirccinct , C'olfal
county : Total vote 103. Bovil. liS ; Riohurds ,
18 Powers L'O 1'aino ! l 120
; , ; , ; Thompson , ;
Doraoy , ! H ; ICcih , " 29 ; for amendment , 15 ;
apamst , MS.
W.Mioo.Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tolcgrnm
to Tin : jRii.l : : The laivcst vote over east
In this county was polled today. Unonicial
returns from ton out of twenty-one precincts
( ? ivo Richards hH7 ; Hoyd 77l ! ; 1'oworsKM. \ .
The vote on coiiKrossmoa Is about tbo same.
Ulchanls will have inoro votes than Hoyil.
Boyd and Bryan are runnliiK ahead of their
tlcltet. Prohibition Is probably defeated by
JOO hi tlio county.
TKtTMSKH , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tulo-
gram to Tin : Hii.J : : Flvo precincts beard
from , for prohibition , 100 ; against , 115.
GISKVA , Nob. , Nov. 5. ( Special Tolccram
to TIIK Br.i.J : Hennott precinct , Fillmore
county ! For prohibition , 73 ; niralnst , ( VI ; for
high licence , fi ; against , 7fi : Richards , ! ll ;
Boyd , none ; Powers , ! ! ! - ; Hurlan , 10 ; Mc-
ICeiflmn ( , 120.
mi.1.1:1) iiv niN soy ,
A Kapld City laa Shot \Vlille Abus
ing His Family.
ItAi'iiiCm. S.D. , Nov. 4. [ Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bui : . ] Samuel Faulkner of this
city died thU momnj. from a terrible gun
shot wound la thu groin. lie came homo at 4
a. m. full of aatl-cloctlon whisky and started
to clean out the house with a club. Frank
Faulkti'T , bis elgliteon-year-old son , took a
shotgun to scare the old man and in tbo
struggle Which followed the gun was dis
charged , inflicting a wound from which the
old man died. Faulkner was about llfty-four
years old , and a laird clrlnlicr and frcci uontly
abused bis family. Ho mailc. an antl-mortom
statement declaring that his son was Inno
cent. The boy Is nearly eraml with grief.
No arrest was made.
O.T/.I//.J , l.V XKtf OllI.K. t. V.S.
Dally lO.vnliaui i i > ritnglmorcl 1'onoliCH
Helu'ocn tliu Two Citiou.
WASIIIXUTOX , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bii.J : : An order has been Issued
malting the exchange , of through registered
pouches between Omaha and Now Orleans ,
L.U. , dally , Sundays Included , to take efl'cot
tbo 10th lust. , pouches to leave Omaluati:10 : :
p. in. , via the Council Bluffs and St. l oulK
railway postolllcc. and leave New Orleans at
7 p , in. via tllu Cairo and New Orleans rail
way poitoftlce , the poiiclifs to go forward via
the Council HlulTs anil St. . Louis , St. Louis
and Klilorado , Chicago and ( Jairo , and Cairo
ami Now Orleans railway pontonices.
Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota I'cnsloiiH.
WA.XIU'XOTON' , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Iliii : . ] I'ensions were granted today
as follows to Nebraakans- Original
Chester Barlstor , liloominston ; I'oter Clark ,
Neuniska City ; William \VolsshhciidorfT ,
Plain Vallej' . Increase Clarkson Scaddon ,
Wiico : John P. Travis , 1'onca. Rcissno
Bcnjamlii F. Klwood , Beatrice ; David O.
Wald , SuiMjrlor ; Wllll.mi H.Orcentlcld , Stcr-
IIIIK : Jacob P. Latchy , Dillcr. Original
widows , etc. Hebeeca , widow of Sanford
Harrold , Wilbor ; Anna F. , widow of John
H. Clmmborlaln , Cuminl IK. villo ; Kll/almtli
Conner , former widow of .lauies Crawford ,
Alexandria ; minor of Joseph Cwwford , Al
Iowa i Original invalid -F. D. Hardy ,
Osmjo ; A. M. Morris , Nevada ; J. U. Corn ,
Pleasantvlllo ; I. L. Johnson , I.eaudo ; J , H.
Falls , Indlanola ; L. Hsk.Itockdalo ; ( J , U.
VVI'-kot , Qnlncy ; F. Martin , Xow Albany.
Increaso-- Solomon \Vhltomack \ , Lcando ; J.
S. Kvorett. Alt , Ayr ; J. A. Anthony , ( lien-
wood ; ( i. Taylor , lledford ; I. Olds , Falrlletd ;
William Oilcan Whitman ; Henry U , Joy ,
Grand Junction ; H. ValKenberg , Laltu Mills ;
J. Marca. Wirt. KcUsub Jacob .Shannon ,
Charles City ; S. Thompson , Mount Pleas
ant. Original widows , etc. Mary S. ,
mother of Frank FalrbrotliCM. Orchard :
Ahiicath M. Kosstuun , former widow of John
CJe.isor , Victor.
South Dakota : C. Crease , Samud Fulks ,
Kapld City. Iteissuo Justice B , Coomur ,
Huron ,
_ _
The Yl'rntliiir Kornunst.
For Oiuulia uud Vicinity Fair ; slightly
For Nebraska falrj cooler ; winds bccom
Ing northwesterly.
For Iowa- Fair ; slightly warmer ; south
erlv winds.
For South Dakota Falrj cooler ; winds be-
comliig northwesterly ,
) mnhn.'s Loynl Oitizons Guard Her Intcri J
ests with Honest Ballots.
Tbo Work nud Threats of Prohibition Hlron
lings Gouo for Naught.
Au Immense Vote Recorded in Every
Polling Division.
Thu lii'lientloiiN Are Thai. Boyd Cnflff
rlcs llio County Iiy a < > oed
JlnjorllyHryau In
The election ofllcluls were weary after thJ (
unusual exertion of the day and It was some
time after the closing of the polls before they
commenced to count the ballots. 'Tho work- ,
liowever , proceeded slowly , because of thty
number of scratches , which were miulo by'
all parties.
The returns received up to the hour of
going to press Indicate that Hoyd has carried
the city by a largo majority , and that lu > ha $ '
also carried the comity. .
The prohibition amendment lias'
been defeated hy a minority
running up Into llio thousands , whllo thd
amendments relating to tbo Increase of the
number of Judges on the supreme ncui-li , ad
also their salary anil that of Judges of the
district court , mot with but llttlo opposition
Tito indlcallons aiv that Bryan has carried
the county as against Council. The returns
ire so meagre Unit It is Inipnssluln to say
which of the .senatorial and re present atiVQ
candidates have been elected.
The result In thlx city and county , partial
returns being received from tibjut twenty
H-ecliiots , is as follows :
For Governor-Lucius D. Itlcb-.trds > rcp ) ,
2W ; .lames E. Boyil ( dem ) , ' 7,020 ; John IU
Powers ( Ind ) , 2911 ; B. L. Palno ( proi , IK' . .
For Lieutenant Governor Thomas J. Maters
ors ( rep ) , 1,82S , ; Alex Hear ( dem ) , 2,15M {
\Vlllinm II. Doch ( hid ) , 105j George \ftf
Wood.bey ( proM. ) : f-
For Secretary of State John C. Allen ,
( rep ) , 1,05.1 ; l'omk.W. Spruguo ( den
Qf N. Maybcrry ( lad ) , 4'l ; Cimrlos
( pro ) , IU.
For State Treasurer John 1C. Hill ( rep ) ,
1..115 : W. II. dishing ( dom ) , lf > 'ii ' : ; .1. V ,
"Wolfo ( ind ) . IS. . ; II. W. Hardy ( pro ) , 23.
For State Auditor Thomas H Bunton.
rop. , 1,421 : K. H. Wnhlijnist , dmn , t(17S (
lolm Dcntty , ind. , 871 ; A. Fitcli. jr. , pro. , 2' , * ,
For Attorney Goncral-Ueorgo 11. llasfc
Ings , rep. , I12I ! ; John G. Higglns. dcm. ,
1,711 ; .T. W. Kdgcrton , ind. , lUl ; K. p.M | >
ton , pro. , IS.
For Commissioner Public'Lands and Hullil *
Ings Augustlu It. Heinphroy ' ( rep > , l.'iKlj
Jacob Higler ( dcm ) , 101 ; \V. F. Wright
( ind ) , 8 ! ) ; C. Olson ( pro ) , 28.
For State Superintendent of Public In
struction Alexander 1C. Goudy 'ropi , HtiOj :
C. U. Itakestraw ( dom ) , 1077 ; A. d'AlIemuna
( ind ) , bfl ; Mrs. Mary It. Morgan rproi , 2t. !
For Congressman Flwt district \Vllli am
.1. Council ( rep ) , l."SVilliiim ; .1. Ilt-ynn
( dem ) , 2109 ; Allan Root ( ind ) . lill.
For State Senators ) Wiliiam F * Hcchol
( rep ) , 1'iSS ; Ciisper K. Yost ( i-opi. 1,127 }
William F. Ourloy ( rep ) , lIOs , Warrcii
Swlt/ler ( dem ) , 1.2SS ; John C. Shea mem ) ,
llMiConro ( Chrlstopher.son ( do.-ii ) 1,141 :
J. M. Kiuey ( hid ) , Ml ; G. W. King tlnd ) ,
59 ; 13. F. Rutherford ( Ind ) , ( W ,
For State Kopresontativo- * . John W ,
Lytlo , rop. , M7 : ( Juorijo M. O'Hrieif ,
rep. , 58 ! ; James II. ICyner , rep. , fill ) ; Chris-
tiiiu Specht , rep. , ( Mi ; Uivld T. Mount ,
rop. , 010 ; Max Dolir , rep. , .ISO ; Arthur J ,
BnhUviii , rep. , 51 ; Kdwin It. Overall , rep ,
ami tin ! . , 41X1 ; Patrick AliiAnllo , rop. , 41)3 ) ;
Thomas Capek , dcm. ; 7I ; Patrick Ford ,
dcm. , (110 ( ; ( Jem-go O. Kternsdorff ,
dem. . 7SIV. ; . S. Fi-lkcr , dcm. , ( Hr.
W. A. Oardner ( dcni ) , ) ! ; James C. Hrea-
nan ( dcm ) , bOO ; j. B. n\tk0 ( domi , t-CO ;
Ucorge Bertrand ( domi , till ) ; .1 J. Drccn
( denii27 ; G. N MoDufrcolinl ( ) , ! ; HK-phcii
CnrDcnter ( Ind ) , ( ! ; , | . 1C. Mc-Combs dud ) ,
51 ; i owls .1. linn ( indIII ) ; Thomas I1. iCelsy
( Ind ) , IIS ; S. J ) . Kyncrson ( Indi.iM ! . Joseph F.
Vasku ( In d ) , 21 ; John ( . ' . Tlernoy ami ) , 2'J > | i
For County Commlssloucr-Fifth District
Albert Sander ( rep ) , I7U ; Charles L.ran
camp ( dem ) , 101 ; ChrH Rosaekor ( hid ) , IIS.
'or County Cominlssioner 'Third 1 Mttrict
Orvi.s A.Volcott \ ( .repmid Ind ) , Jldft ; ( JcorgO
Tlmmo ( dem ) , 511.
I-'or County Attorney Joseph I'row ( rep
and ind ) , 10 ; T. J. Miihonoy ( dum ) , " , < } .
'I la ; I'lli'clliiii. ,
No election ever bold In Nohrasku , or any
where clso for that matter , so complete ,
ly demanded the attention of thn entire voting
ing population as that which was held la
tills city yesterday.
Most of the factories and large business
IIOUSUH closed early for till or a p.u-t of tho.
day , all public Work was siispcmlou , city and
county ofllccs vacated and every arrange *
ment possible made to secure the presence at
the polls of every man entitled to voto. i
The early attendance ! at tbo voting places
was simply astounding to the old politicians
who had been accustomed to co only u fe\y
stragglers on hand during the curly hour.f.
In almost every precinct tlio poll windows
opened at K o'clock on at least 100 voters la
line and the morning vote was thn heaviest
ever ( tolled In the city. In ono precinct ! X )
votes had been polled at K ) o'clock and at
many voting places Jho nii'iibcr ' of
votes received at noon was giratcc
than Is usually recorded at 3 o'cloclt
or later.
During the mornir. f Mr. Rosewnter vhltcil
many of the ] K > lllng piaci-s and cautioned bis
friends to make no demonstration against tlio
prohibitioni ts , but that on tbo contrary they
bhould too that all clasi.cs were treated nlllto
and no pains Hparod to Insure n
free and fair ballot , lie advised
that whcro mi attempt was mudo to obstruct ;
the freedom of the ballot , the offenders should ,
bo promptly hut quietly urnstod and taken
to tlio iwlico station. The crowds at the polls
who had expected trouble xvlth the prohlbs *
unanimously responded to this appeal for fair f
play , anU to thu feellnt' J duon-uch of " ' ' ]