Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1890, Part Two, Image 9

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Morse Dry Goods Co.
Under weai
Monday mornlnff wo shall olTcr n
special bargain in Scotch Uruy Underwear -
wear at 7oc.
On sale to-morrow , strictly all wool ,
formerly sold for $ l.r > ( J ; our price for to
morrow only 87jc u tmrmunt.
Men's ' Camel's ' Hair no ]
Half HoseflffiiG
100 dozen pairs of our COc quality Hue
Camel's Hair Half Hose wo otter tomorrow
row at ! ! ! IJc a pair. Limit , lialf do/en
pairs to each customer.
Send for our 128 page Illus
trated Catalogue.
Collars and Cuffs.
- .
Solid Linen CollarsOjL
4pLxYi rp
Solid Linen Cuffs , l.Jl
Newest and most fnshlonnhlc shapes ,
cqunl to the host quality mtidu. _
This department is fast coining into
favor with our patrons. Wo show com
plete lines of newest goods , honestly
niritto and at reasonable prices. Wo
call your attention to our line of Hoys'
lind Children's Jersey Suits , Kilts and
Boefors. vjiioh wovillT8oll at lower '
prices" than aiiy can bo found in 'tho
"Knee Pants Monday ,
50c,75c , 89c ,
fjoudeutations Prom Debates of Messrs.
r Bosowater nnd Webster.
The Burden of Oflicial Evidence and Reports
Against Prohibition.
Growth of Auti anil Prohibition Cities nnd
States Compared.
llunitrcils ol' KoiiHons AVIiy Prohibi
tion should Not , lie ) Mil Kraft oil
on ttic Constitution of the
Slate of
The follo\\liiK points have been condensed
from the debates of Hon. E. Hosewatcr and
Hon. John Li. Webster :
Nebraska has less than 850 licensed liquor
Kansas has two drinking places to Ne
braska's ono. .
Prohibition was defeated in Michigan by u
majority of 4,000.
Tennessee voted down prohibition by a
majority of 3T , O.I.
The amount collected for liquor licenses In
Nebraska last year was $ > ! iOlXX , ) .
Heats In the city of les Molnes , la. , have
depreciated S3 per cent since 1SS5 ,
rrohlbltion would reduce thol salary ol
every school teacher In Omaha and Nebraska ,
" Hypocrisy flourishes uinler prohibition ; it
nourishes lylnp , perjury and disrespect of till
After three years of prohibition in Rhode
Island the obnoxious law was snowed under
by 18a.U majority.
Nlnety-oiio thousand three hundred am
II fty-soven majority was the defeat prohibi
tion mot in Texas.
The liquor dealers of Iowa sell on an nvcmgi
.10,000 drinks of whisky a day in direct dell
mice ot the statutes.
Inasmuch us society is composed of iuOl
viduuls , why should individual rights glvi
way to society rluhtsl
The Sloeumb law of Nebraska Is reeognlzei
by fair-minded men everywhere as the bfs
possible too of drunkenness.
The speak-easy Is the offspring of prohibi
lion , ami does its work without the suporvls
Ion of any of those powers.
In prohibition Vermont there were 10 <
per cent nibra saloons according to populu
lion than in the state of Xobraskn.
Salaries paid town and country schoo
i teachers in Nebraska average eonslderubl ;
ihuvo those paid in Iowa and Kansas.
In prohibition Maine the population In toi
years increased only J1,0H1 ( , but In 0110 yeu
tier retail liquor dealers Increased 125.
Under the Slocumb law of Nebraska an ;
Morse Dry Goods Co.
The bnrfrivln of the season. Colors :
Hod and White , Pinl : and Whitoimd
llluck and Whit" ; full i > 0 inches lon ,
nud Mulshed with pored baud. 12" ) do/.ou
nt the special price of "oo for this wool :
Wo Imvo just received our Holiday
Fans the largest assortment and most
choice collection evershowuin the west.
Our assortment comprises !
Plain and Hand-painted Gauze Puns ,
iu black , white nntt colors.
Ostrich Feather Fans , plan and hand-
painted , black and colors , ebony , ivory ,
pearl nnd tortoise shell sticks.
Black and Colored Satin Pans , plain
and Hand-painted.
Mourning Fans , Misses' ' Fans , Novelty
We invite your inspection of this
varied and beautiful collection.
Wo havea lot of Silk and Mohair
"assaincnteries , which wo have been
iclling for $1.00 , Sl.ij and $1.50 a yard ,
"his wool : wo offer choice of the lot ut
Mo a yard.
Visit our New Silk Department
This is Knottier lot of stylish trim-
mitifjs that wo'Bold' at1 SM.60 , fti.OO and
tlMM ) n yard.Vo require the space for
newer goods and shall sell them at $1.00
ii yard.
Morse Dry Goods Co.
.own or county can vote absolute prohibition
us provided by the local option clause.
In Massachusetts out of a total vote on
ho prohibition question of ! 21I ,000 there was
a majority of 0,820 against prohibition.
'Temperance ' in all things is thu foundation
of every virtue , " but tbo maxim does not in-
[ luenco the conduct of prohibitionists.
Among the 105 Incurable insuno at Hast-
iigs I.'IO nro temperate , 1(1 ( Intemperate. The
'ormer habits of the other Ii ) were unknown.
Justices m Iowa make a special business of
arresting a bottle of boor for $5 , and charg-
ng $10 to SU > for convicting a bottle of beer.
Three years ago Michigan voted again on a
jonstltutloiml prohibitory amendment as
iigainst high license. Prohibition was knocked
Ye'i'mont only incrcascel one-half of ono per
cut under prohibition rule while no high ll
ccnso state increased less than twenty per
The bootleggers of prohibition states know
no Sundays. Their vile adulterations nro re
tailed on tue Sabbath as they are on other
There are thousands of people In Iowa who
sell whisky and beer. Do tbo people of the
state pride themselves on its army of law
breakers I
Prohibition as administered In the prohibi
tion states of the union absolutely and actu
ally produce morodrunkards than the license
The greater part of $97,000 was spent in
Polk county , Iowa , In 1859 in the fnrcial at
tempt to onfuivo prohibition which does not
There are in the prohibition state of Iowa
over 4,003 places or resorts authorised to soil
intoxicating liquors under tlio laws of the
United States.
Within the past year there was an actual of licensed liquor dealers In Omaha
from 277 to'MS , or thirty-nine less than the
preceding year.
The capital of Connecticut has a popula
tion of .MI.OOO and " 50 silicons. Omaha has
moro than double her population with only
live moro saloons ,
Only two states In the union have over suf
fered n decrease iu population Maine nnd
Now Hampshire nml they are prohibition
states of long standing.
High license wont Into effect In Nebraska
in 1SS1 , and closed up many divos. irrespon
sible men could not raise the license money
und hence shut up shop.
In.Fune , ISSS , tbo fltst month of high li
cense in Philadelphia , the number of arrests
for drunkenness was 1,470 , as against 2W7 !
arrests the jnouth preceding.
The revels and carouses ot the drunkards
in Iowa arc not stopped nt midnight. That
state does not roguhito the liquor triiOlo , It
is free whisky everywhere.
The city of DCS Molnes has no money will
which to clean Its streets or repair its worn-
out pavements. It is a striking example of
a "prosperous * " prohibition city.
Nebraska had a population In 18TO of 122- ,
000 , In ls o we had U.0,000 nnd in IbOO 1I5 ,
000. During this rapid progress the prohibi
tlon states wcro at n standstill.
Vermont , another prohibition state , has not
increased her population ono name within the
last twenty years. The census gives the coli
Jlgmus la I $70 ami ISiK ) at a'J-,0JO.
Slneo adopting n prohibitory law Kansas
and Iowa have not Increased in population at
one-half the percontugo of Nebraska or Min-
Morse Dry Goods Co.
The host quality , made , width 38-In.
colors litfht , medium and dark blue ,
lljrht and dark pink , curd I mil , wiuo : uul
Unmet , stuuc , slate unit fawn , navy and
Country orders solicited. Send for 128
1 catalogue-
Flannels ,
Wo have a largo stock ot embroidered
flannels , made specially for us by the
celebrated "Kurshecdt MumifacturinR
Company , " the best goods it ) the coun
try. Our prices range from
5 Cents.
Many of our customers were unable
; o g > ot a share of the U" > bales otl'orod
.ast Mpnday. , Tomorrow we oiler 23
jules irioro'at the'samc price , 7o a roll.
Send for our Illustrated Dry Goods
Catalogue for fall and winter.
nosota , both of the latter being high license
iVccordlng to official reports the great mass
of criminals in Massachusetts come from tbo
poor , the Ill-taught and the 1-conditioned ,
and not from tlio drinking classes.
So long as the people will not look upon the
manufacture ami sale of intoxicants as a
crime according to natural laws , prohibition
will not bo respected nor enforced.
Intelligence , a higher , purer more liberal
culture , wider views and more knowledge of
the world will have a greater tendency to di
minish drunkenness tlmn will laws.
In 163-1 fourteen mr and women in Maine
were convicted of the crime of murder some
of the murders the most inexcusable and cold
blooded of any committed in the union.
Tn Maine in 188(1 ( there were licenses issued
by the government to retail dealers of liquors
l,18Ti , as against 8.VJ in Nebraska. That is
pretty good for prohibition Maine.
Not a single Now England state that has
tried prohibition has grown a bit in' popala-
lion , while every state surrounding them has
increased wonderfully in population ,
The number of saloons In Nebraska In 1SSO
was over seven hundred , and of that number
Omaha , with a population of : iOOIi , ! , has leO.
Total increase in this state in ten years , 150.
In 1870 Kansas had four times tbo popula
tion of Nebraska. A prohibitory law was
passed In 1SS2 by Kansas. Today Kan
sas has only -l.V OOO more people than Ne
There are no laws in Kansas or Iowa to
close their drinking places on Sunday or at
any specified hour of the night. They are
"wido open" at all hours of the day and
n lent.
High license reduces the unmoor of saloons
and drjUiking holes ; prohibition multiplies
them ten-fold , as the history of prohibition
in Iowa mid Kansas fully substantiates this
In states where there is a prohibitory law
they have got mo re people In the alms houses ,
proportionate to the population , than there
are in Nebraska , \vhcro a high license law is
enforced ,
In defense of the argument that saloons un
der high license produce illiteracy , Malno
1ms got as many people over sixteen years of
age that cannot write as almost any state in
the union.
The city of Cleveland has over 1,000 sa
loons and a population ot 250,000. Omaha
has a little more than half that population ,
wldlo Cleveland has seven times her number
of saloons.
What good that has been gained in Kansas
from the lois of the open saloon has been
more than overbalanced by the harm that has
resulted from the business of the bootlegger
und club rooms.
In many Iowa and Kansas towns , where
prohibitory laws are supposed to diminish
drunkenness , the sign of the beer seller and
suloonlst is seen displayed on the corner of
many private dwellings.
There was an Increase of prisoners In the
state of Malno of nearly f > 0 per cent during
the nine years of prohibition , while the pop
ulation of the stnto only Increased 10 per cent
during the same time.
Omaha lias grown 300 per cent faster In
wealth , population , railways , sewers and
pavements than the older city of Topokn ,
Kus. , and has done it without the so-called
bcneilcent aid of prohibition.
Court expenses of Lancaster county nnd
city of Lincoln , Neb. , for the year lbH ,
U0,000 , as compared \yltu Po. } county , city
Morse Dry Goods Co.
Inilli > s' I'liio Joiscy Waists , In tlarU niivv
blue , with tiu'Ke.t yeiUo baol ; mill front , till
Hl/cs ; cluk' ) il.'iO.
Children's Jerseys , BOc
Monday woRlvciclioloenf a.tdo/enCliUelri'ii't
Hue All Wool Cnsliniuru Ji'fscvs IIIIHMI , niixy ,
mid cardinal. sires 0 to li ( joins utBUj each.
well worth ti.S.M.
Ladies' Knitted Waists , $1.50 Each
Ladles' Kniti ( > d Moxk-Ju WaWs , In
und t'olui" * , suitable fui' liimsu < Ai > ar , mill ulso
eli'shahlo t wear unil"1' a wmplii ux
cold \\iiitlior. I'llou tl."pOjicli. ( :
Jackets ,
| 43o"i
enollli < eut.trlm-
IIU'll With ,1 I\\H )
if brill el , Thu
iitborbus ro\cie's
dinvn ( rout and Is
luiiiielvlth ) lirnld ,
luilh r.ii rmunts
: uo ol i-\tru jiooil
all wool Htofklurt
and tailor-uiailii
Kltbcr onltl bo ,
clieiiiint * i ) . " > U.
t'litili-o tills week
fur f I..10.
Morse Dry Ooods Co.
of DCS Molnes , prohibition state of Iowa ,
about the same population , ? 9i,000.
John Bright of England und Oovc/uor An
drew of Massachusetts 'oro both ot the opin
ion that drunkenness was ten , If not twenty ,
times greater 'twenty years ngo than now.
They were observant men of the world.
Every DCS Moines nun who visits Omaha
bowalls the loss to that city of the big dis
tillery nnd the blighted effects upon business
and general prosperity that prohibition has
entailed upon the city nna citi/.ens.
Michigan hud constitutional mid statutory
prohibition from 1853 to 1875 , when it was re
pealed. At that time ( there were 800 , saloons
in the state , and regulation the
number in 18S9 had been reduced to IT ! ) ! ) .
Nebraska has increased more rapidly under
its present liijuor llccnso system than any
other state * In the * liSlon , and 500 per cent
greater than any prohibition state that had
prohibition for n period'tjf llftceu years.
In Now Uainpshli' were-1,412 vacant
farms which their ojvn6r.s were compelled to
abandon on account of prohibition and seek
employment In tho-'inunufucturing villages
or great cities of the'we t.
In 1SSO Nebraska hpij6no ] saloon for every
125 voters , or ono Id ijbo ut seven hundred anil
fifty of the population. , In IS'.H ) we have ono
saloon to euery ' . ' 03 vbtcr3 _ , which is equal to
about ono for every 1,579 of the population.
In the language of IIou John Ij. Webster ,
with the progress of clvilr/ation has come
personal liberty , arijlwith the progress ol
civilisation have wo done away v , 1th laws
that restrained man of his personal liberty.
If Iowa nnd Kansas sliould keep their
prohibition laws In force for the next twenty
years the census of 1UJO will not show an in
crease in population over that of 1&90
Theirs will bo the history of Malno repeated
Wholesale liquor dealers claim that they
sell much moro liquor In Iowa and Kansas
now than before prohibition laws wcro passet
in those states. They sell poorer grades ni
larger profits tnan ip high license Nobraskn. *
Seventy-eight town ! ) | n 'Nebraska have pro
hihitlon under the local option provision o
our high llccnso law. , | Tn these local com
munities public Keiitlmont is adverse to the
saloons and prohibiUo'n'is ' therefore absolute
In 1870 tlio state o'f Maine had n population
of 048,000. In 1800w m the census was
counted , they still had the original 048,000
And yet the prohibition LsU urguo that prohl
bltion will not sti nu o the growth of i
The supreme e-ouvt oi the United States has
decided that no state o : n make laws agains
the importation of'int nclcants into another
stato. \ \ hat folly thetj for Nebraska to close
up her distilleries and j-rowerics by constltu
tional law.
In 1R85 a block of six stores with olMccs
above In Dos Moincs , la , , rentctt for $5,500 ,
a year und was f valued at $53,000. In
1888 the rental for the same property was
only ! ,800 and the | owaoi' > cannot get a pur
chaser for It.
T he pfoud spirited youth of this country
will not enter a saloon , but very many o
them who are blbulously Inclined will bu }
whisky nt n drug store. Tbo drug store is
the Iowa saloon ; the "registered pharmacist1
is tbo bur keeper. .
Prohibition would deprive tlm children o :
poor people of" free text books and sohoo
supplies. There couliV. ho bat ono result
these children would ho barred out am
cheated of an education which would make
good men and women of them.
The product of the manufacturing Industries
trios of the state of 1'cnusylvanla which ro
Morse Dry Goods Co.
\Vo shall olTcr' 60 piorns. desirable
hades , in 12Much silu-faeed Plushes ,
only $1.00 pur yard.
Wo plnro on sale ! > 0 pieces Colored
Velvets , 1 ! ) inuhosvido ; new and so-
cctod colors.Vo cannot ruplnco this
liiallty uiiUor 81.35.
Monday morning wo shall sell 7fi
) loces of GOO'3 SHADES , Colored
aurah Silks , suitable for sish : curtains ,
ancy work and drapes. The host value
over ollored in Omaha.
Very desirahlo this soaFon. Comes 20
inches wide , black ground and assorted
colored ll uros.
We desire to call your attention to
our largo and varied stock of French
Mousbelineplain and embroidered , also
to our extensive assortment of nhades in
Crepe do Cheno. Both of'those are
_ rently used for evening wear at the
present time.
Morse Dry Goods -Co.
pudiatcd prohibition was during the years
between IS70 nnd 18 0 , increased $3.1.000,000 ,
which was more than the agricultural pro
duct of the prohibition state of Maine.
The census statistics show that Maine und
Vermont have a higher proportion of divorces
to marriage than any oilier state , yet they
have been prohibition states for years , and it
is claimed that drinking causes domestic tin-
The saloons of Omaha will bo closed on
election day out of respect and fear of the li
cense laws of the state. In the cities of Jowa
nnd Kansas the drinking places wilt bo open
on that day , as they are on nil days of the
week unrestrained by any law.
When the high license law went into effect
in Pennsylvania in 1SSS there wcro 14,5.71 sa
loons in that stato. The enforcement of tbo
law cut this number down at ono blow to
7,7:24 : a little more than ono-balf. And there
has since been a steady reduction from year
to year.
A law forbidding tbo use not the sale--of
beer or spirits has never been nml never will
bo enacted by any stnto in the union. If
liquor can bo sent into a .state from another
state , how then will a prohibitory law Iteep a
drinking man from securing his favorite bev
erage !
Only moral education nnd training con fit
n man to BO live in this world as to resist all
the temptations of vice. Hob the youth ol
Nebraska of frco school books by enacting
prohibition and you rob them of much thai
goes toward u proper moral education anil
The stale of Pennsylvania , by repudiating
prohibition doctrines and voting down the
amendment , increased her manufacturing in
dustries in ten years to $ 'JO)0,000 ( ) ! ) more thuu
the entire amount of capital invested in man
ufacturing industries In the prohibition state
of Maine.
According to the ofllcinl report of the com
mltteo of the Massachusetts legislature ,
under the live years of the llccnso system in
that state there were ll(17l ( ! loss arrests foi
drunkenness than there were during an oqun
period of tinio under prohibition in the stuto
of prohibition ,
Prohibition would raise the tax levy ii
Omaha and Douglas county to nearly 8 pei
cent , nnd at the same time depreciate the
value of property liQ per cent to 50 per cent in
a few years. Thus would our property own
crs ho cau'ght in the vice , their fortunes
waste away to ultimate ruin.
In states where high license was enforced
states surrounding prohibition commuiiltic1
incnxuicd in manufacturing enterprises as fol
lows ; Massachusetts , 1,140 ; WisconsinMil (
New York , ( ( .KW ; Maryland , U75 ; Illinois
1,1152 ; Minnesota , l.iiu1 : ) ; Nebraska , ilUI. Al
lids within n period of ten years.
The revenue derived from 1'quor ' dealers
under the high license system for the vcni
IbSO was 750,818. Of this amount * OIH-
was collected In various towns and cities us
occupation tax , and 13,970 was collected bj
various counties for saloons located outside
of their Incorporated towns ,
The danger'of prohibition being oanctci
in Nebraska has caused a delay to the invest
mcnt of $3,050,000. The investment of thi
vast sum would furnish employment to a
vast number of people nnd enable them to
purchase and pay for a largo amount of gro
ceries , dry goods nnd clothing.
If an Omaha man must have whisky 01
Sunday ho is obliged to cross the river into
proVlbition Iowa to get it. Iowa is the para
disc of the rumseller ; no license to pay , n
low to regulate his business , Who InNe
Morse Dry Goods Co.
Special Numbers.
K'-iiii'li Ulni'k Silk Warp llcnrlolliis
tf t-oO.
I ( Much llliu-k Wool Warp Ik-nrioltii at
# 1.00.
UMm-li ItliU'k ' IIiitflMi Scree , at $ l.'J."i.
Kf.liuji llhiok lYenrli Cniiu'l's Hair , at
' '
- Ulnrk KiiiilMi Cuiners Hair at
# l.52r .
Wo iinll * jour nttontloii to these Iho
milliters being oxceptlonal Millie.
White mil ] rolore'el honlciv.
S-l I.nucli Cloths nt # l. . " > 0.
Itrinilnr price $ 2.r > 0.
10-1 Lunch Cloth-at if'- ,
Itt'iriilnr price * $ 'l
I'M l.niii'h Cloths at sB'.oO.
KIIIIP ( ! price $1.
Momie TowelsO
2o dox.ou 2Sx50 inohos , live rows of
open work and knotted fringes , worth
$1.50 , at $1.00.
Mnnday.wo will boll . " > ( ) dozen of our
( iiant , Huck Towels a iWo quality at
the very low price of (1 ( for * 1.UO.
All of ouri ) . $10 and 912 Mnrsoilles
Hod Spreads for ono week tit -iG each.
Morse Dry Goods Co.
hraska , save an irresponsible saloon man ,
would have such u situation provnilhercf
After thirty years of prohibition in Maine
there were 103 insane persons in her asylums
Tnis was In 1SSO. At that time in the Ne
braska asylums there wcro but 175.
Prohibition would bring a worse condition
of things to Omaha than Is now found in
Council BlutTs saloons everywhere running
wide * open almost wholly without legal re
Out of the f > 0 persons in the Lincoln peni
tentiary convicted of murder only 14 were in
temperate and only s were under the influ
ence of liquor at tbo time the crimes were
Ono of the chief causes of crime is the
babit of violating laws by creating artificial
ones , says Frederick Hill , a noted English
barlster. The people of Iowa and Kansas
are Just now experiencing the truth and wis
dom of the learned gdntleman s conclusions.
Whcro the prevailing sentiment of the pco-
plo is in favor of prohibition It can bo par
tially enlorced at enormous cost , as is evi
denced by some towns In Kansas uiiel Iowa ,
Where the prevailing sentiment is against it ,
it cannot be enforced at , any cost. It is
either a high-priced bauble or a , complete
The prohibition book states that three-fifth
of all tlio Idiots in the Mulno asylums were
cither drunkards or the direct descendants of
drunkards. In ISbO Maine had 1125 ! idiots.
Did prohibition then prohibit drinking ! In
New Hampshire they had 70:1 : Idiots ; in Ver
mont SOIi ; iu Iowa 2,311 , and in high llccnso
Minnesota only 7-0.
A largo number of people are ready and
willing to Invent their money In bulMingsund
other Improvements when they are satisfied
that prohihition is defeated. There are also
people in the eastern states whoso bu-inossit
is to loan money who have refused to nut a
cent into Nebraska until they are satMleit
that such is the cme.
The district nnd county court dockets in
Nebraska show fifteen cases against saloon
keepers and their bondsmen for violation ol
legal regulations which hold forth redress to
Injured paruntsof minors nnd wives of drunk
ards. Without the powerful restraining in-
iluonco of the saloonkeepers' bonds there
would bo hundreds of infractions of the law
and no possibility of redress ,
Dining ; the year 1SS9 there were , nreoullng
to tbo stale prison Inspection of Malm ; , 1(1SOS (
persons arrested for drnukeniojs. Maine
contained a population of less than seven
hundred thousand people , with a small for
eign clement In largo cities. This is an npal-
ling number of arrests for one year in a pro
hlbitlon state for street , drunkenness
In Massachusetts , where the peopie had a
futr election , and wlicro the Intelligence am
intellect of that state came forth to cast their
ballots , prohibition us n doctrlna was snowot
undor. Is it plnuslblo to tell the
people of Nebraska that nil tlio people it
Massachusctss who voted against prohlhltioi
wcro saloonkeepers , thugs and drunkards )
Prohihition in the states of this union
where it has been sought to bo enforced
either as n constitutional amendment or a
statutory law has done more to break dowi
thu commercial industry of those states thai
any other causo. The surrounding state's
where prohibition did not prevail during tin
ten years from 1870 to 18 > 0 were Increasing It
population , prosperity and manufacturing in
During the year. * between H-0 and 1S90
under tlio Influence of high license , there ha
been such an increase in population , com
inerce , products and industrles-both in
Morse Dry Goods
Hooks nnd eyes , card. ilk' .
Hook und eye baud Ilk * yiird.
l-'roiH'h horn bones I0e ilo/.mi.
Stockinet dress sluolila , lOu , 12c { nn4
5c putr.
Huno e'nshitf , per plce'o , 10 j arils , loct
Kind's bastinj * thread , " > 00 yards , 60.
Hrnss plus , asMirtod si/es , "a1 pack ,
Iltxir pins , assorted , fie box ,
L'idios * holt hexo Mipportow 2'id.
\Vhislt brooms Klo.
Titicr play/hifr cards " > c pack.
Hioyclo plnyititr cards I/H / * pa ok.
JUi-yclo plnviiiK curds , per def l.oO
( iiltodtfo pluying cards ! Wo pack.
Host inacliiiio oil ' 10 hotllo.
I'o/.youi's inotUcntcd complexion poW *
lor ! ! f > o box.
Pears' unoentcd .soup Klc n civke.
Ciitieurii M > ap I5c aouko.
OtikloyV'mvoet viulcts'Ve > ap l-2cca"kO
Oakley's Florida water ; tlc ! be > ttlo.
West i ml In hay rum olio a. bottle.
Hemsoholel ammonia , pint bottle , So ,
Tooth brushes , extra quality , loc.
Powder puffs lOc each.
At 10 Cents
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mercantile ami manufacturing- tlio.stiitf o/ /
Nebraska that It stands without a rival mid
without a peer In any other slate in the union.
With such a record us tlmttlie prohlullloiiNti
ask us to change to th ( > disastrous policy in
effect In Iowa and ICunsas.
Following the censin of isto all prohihition
states repealed their piohihitory l.'uv.i save
Maine and New Hmnpihtro , anil tho.Un ( iq
population anil the noticeable national ( Ulvcl <
opmeiitva ? , in " the next donuli' , satisfhctorj
to all save the "two status that clung to pro' *
It is a maxim of political und social economy
that , If wo would become rich no should hu
surrounded with wealthy noIgMiors. Pro
liibiting plutocrats would do well to malK
&omo estiiiKite of the annual revenues that
woulil be destroyed if the goal of thur effort
was reached.
The prUon inspector of Miitno Is forced tfl
say from personal observation and exporlcnco
that the greatest cause of crime in that stata
is the lack of peed home influence. Thai
being the ease prohibition certainly docs not
improve the morals of towns , counties o |
states , or promote good home iniliicneo.
Suld a Dos Molnes capitalist yesterday !
"Our streets are literally illthy ; wo huva
diphtheria HCiittereil over the city ; property
owners arc groaning under their load of taxa
tion ; wo huve plority of free whisky , hut no
saloons and no revenue from the hundreds ol
liquor dealer. " . Our streets need cleaning fo |
sanitary reasons. "
Kro ] > It Itiiioro tin ; 1'coplc.
f.'HIWl ItlitlUlllHlriirililriil.
Keep it before the i > "oplo that , t hero Is nc |
a state In the union \\ltli so Tow convicts in
prison as wo have In the llecnso state of Xc
Ivecp It before the people that there is nota
prohibition .stato In the union in which the
percentage ol Illiteracy is so low as in the ll
cense state of Nebraska.
Keep it befnro the people that there is not it
prohibition st'ato In tbo union with so few
liquor dealers in proportion to the population
as wo have in Nebraska.
Keep itbefoio the people that there 11 nota
prohibition state In the union that has so few
peonlu in ] uil la pro'portlou to population n.9
wo have hero In Nobr.nUa ,
Keep it before the people that there is not 1\ \
prohibition state in the union whcro the
public school facilities are so good , In proportion
tion to the population , sis horn In the licemQ
state of Ncnrasku ,
Keep it before the pcopln Unit there is not 3
prohibition state In the union with so few in *
mates in Its insuno asylums us wo have In tha
license state of Nebraska.
Keep it before the peoplu thai there is nota
prohibition state iu the union u hero tin ; moral
standard of the people Is so hixh as right hcio ;
in the license state of Nebraska ,
Keep it before the people that there * Is not a
prohihition state in the union \vhcrj the com *
merelul prospeoity has been so great for tlio
past ten years as right , bore in .Vobnislf.1.
Keep It buforo the peophi that there is not H
prohibition state In the union whew the ln "
crcaso la population in tlui pa-it ten years has
been nnything like ai great as here In the IU
i wise regulation state of Nebraska.
These are facts woi thy ut consideration In
the prohibition tontrovuiMy und should bo
carefully pondered over by every cltUcnvlio
is anxious to do thu rixlit thin ; , ' , accordliiK to
bis bust judgmunt ,
A ( Ino I'olli.'i'tloii of wateM * colorh on * > x
hihitlon nt Hoflor > V WhltuuiroV ,
Dodge bt.
Dr.Ulrnuy euros cutarrh , Bee bldi '