THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , 'NOVEMBER 20 , 1S90.--SIXTEEN PAGES , 5 Boys and Girls Books. Babys Annual Beautifully Illustrated , 75c tVldii Awiiko Measure Hook , 73o ; brlmfull Of bright MtorlcH , Illustrated Helenco Ftrloi , 7ic ! , rnronrMn ; ? tint foHouIni ; highly interesting and Instriio- tlvo IIOOKH : Poi-owl Venrnf the Look About Club , ly BInry i : , lluinfnrd. Iioltio lltiy , l > y Imint Nichols. My WomlnriMnrr , by Anne If. llenedlct. ] , onk Aliiuil Club , by Mury K. llninfnnl. Overhead , by Aimlo Muoro und lj. I ) . Nich ols. Undi'tfiKit , by Laura 1) . Nlcholfl. Kyi-H Itlght ( iibuelielois talk with boysby Ailui.i Stuvln. Up Hill and Down D.'i'o. by Luiiin I > . Nlcli- o's. p ' Niilly Mnrlow 1 Washington , by Laura I ) . " " - Nlcln . Cuts' Arabian Nights , ? .rc , by Abbic Morton Out und Alton ! , 75c , by Kato Tannatt WoodH. WOIK em Troni Sea und Shore , T5o , by I'.in nlii A. Ill-line. I'u'isv'uHlorv llnotf , 7.VJJ embossed co\ers. vro coloi nl In I. ! ami Kill. I'aus-v'rt Motbrrs , Hoys und Olrls. 7'f. I'aiisj'sj Sunday Hook , 7iu ; colored fronts- Jileco. LOTHROP'S ILLUSTRATED ANNDIAL OF PROSE AND POETRY. NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. Sl.OO Morse Dry Goods Co. FROM THE STATE CAPITAL , Senatorial Aspirant Eggloston Alleged to Be an Avowed Prohibitionist. \ A TANGLE FOR THE SUPREME JUDGES. Itoy Falls in Front of a Motor null IH Crippled for Life New State Maps Odds und LINCOLN , Nob. , Nov. 1. [ Special to TUB JJKI.J The Interest in the election of mem bers of the legislature is taking up consider able of the tlmo of the politicians , the sena tors being considered of the creator Impor tance. Many anti-amendment voters are lighting Kgglcston , tbo country nominee , because ho disobeyed tlio Instructions of the county convention which nominated him for the lower house of Ib87. Ho voted for the submission bill , as sco No. 49 , page 1,493 , , Loubo Journal. It Ls clilincd that he was elected as a member of the town board of Bennett In 1887 by a direct vote for li cense , and when nn application was presented for a saloon , ho look the matter in hand and defeated It. There are many charges against him that ho Is n prohibitionist , und the record nlmost proves It. Ills defeat seems also to bo desired by many republicans. It Is claimed that ho Is now in a combination with the amendment people of Dennett. Moore will have n walk over. CIUPI'I.KI ) mil I.IFK. V 4 A most distressing accident occurred this morning to llttlo Johnnie Olcson , the seven- year-old son of Mrs. Mnry Oloson at 914 X street , that will make him a cripple for llfo. Jn company with a number of other children Johnnie was gathering coal along the 13. & "M. and Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Val ley trucks near Fourteenth nnd Y streets. J. II. Shouso , the section foreman of the Fremont. Klkhorn & Missouri Valley , lias had considerable trouble lately keeping the children of ! the tracks us the trains vero coming In or going out , and at 10 o'clock this morning ho had to notify the little follows us usual to get out ot tlio way of an incoming train. Among these boys was Johnnlo Oloson. The lud , vrho hud a heavy sack of coal , ran to the south and west and fell in front of the KapiO transit motor Just as It was starting up. Doth his hands full on the track and all the \vbcoli of ttio motor nnd the car following passed over them , cutting off three tlngon jrom each hand anil scattering them along the track. The other lingers wuro badly crushed , the only uninjured members being the thumbs on each hand. The llttlo fcllou lioru his pain bnively , uttering his agoti ) .only in .scarcely nudlblo groans. Ho was led to his homo nt OH X street b.\ "Mr. ShousD. Three physicians were callei In and after chloroforming the boy all his mangled llngors were cut off. The mother of the lad Is a ixxir widow will foui children , the oldest of whom Is enl > fourteen years old. ANS\Ylwr.l > HIS WIFE. t This morning Atel II. Kny filed an answer to the cross petition of bis wife , I.yilla V JCay , In the pending divorce cose. Ho denies that his wife has been chaste and obedient Jlo avers tnnt ho has supported both his wife nnd the children always and is now support ing them and has supplied them with inoro than tlio ordinary common necessaries of lift' lie iillcgra that Mrs. Kay Is possessed of a violent disposition and temper ; that she has on various occasions attempted and sometimes uctimlly succeeded In Inflicting physical force Mnd violence upon his person , using sticks 'clubs. Iron rods , hot water and other instru 3..ent8 of cruelty ; that ho used no force agalus tier , nor any inoro resistance than was actuh necessary 10 release him from her grasp il Ids hair and whiskers and to defend hlir el iigalnst her blows. He declares that the property referred to In tun petition wu iktutflit by both plaintiff and defendant , each Morse Dry Goods CoJ Morse Dry Goods Co , JUVENILE "BOOKS'1 ' ? For Little Ones , IBc B VOLUME , Illustrated Lithographic Cover * . Jack Frost Series . " ISc a volume 0 VOL.UMES IN SERIES. Bofo"o Snow Time. .Tcnnlo lloborts. Mother's . ' Children. My Story. Daisy's Our Humming Bird. .Tuck Frost. Pansy's Boys and Girls IBc a volume 11 ! VOLUMKS IN SKIUES. Ghilta'oDeliglit ' FOR 1891 , SUNDAY CHAT FOR 1891 , Chit Chat for Boys and Girls 28c Ticl Bits for Our Little Ones 25c Little Folks Picture Alphabet 26e Joyful Days , Fully Illustratoil Quarto Lithojrniphic Covers. My Picture Book 25c Young People Abroad 2Se Little People in the Nursery 28e Pictures and Stories for the Play Room 25c Play Time 2Bc SEND FOR OUR 128-PAGE CATALOGUE. WE WILL CHEERFUJTY MAfL lTFnEE OF CHARGE Morse Dry Goods Co. | Morse Dry Goods Co , putting money Into ( ho purchase price of the sumo mill each contritiullni ; to the linprovo- incuts on tlio saino. Ho further nlletes ; that on Muy 23,1830 , nnd on vnrious other days thcreufler prior to June 10 , IbM ) , she violateil lior marital vow to ho true to her husbuml This was done without his knowledge or con nivance. ATixnt.n roil THE srrucMC irnons. A innndamusvas lllcd In the supreme court this inornlnfT in behalf of Clinton M. Brown and 0. E. Werpont , asking that A. .1. Mcl'cak , tlio treasurer of Furnas county , Nebraska , bo required to receive thu money tendered in pnvment of n Icoso of cortnlu school lands held by them in Furniw county. Brown nnd Plerpont bavo offered $ " > 5.10auo as rent for the six months ondiug January 1 , 1890 , but It was refused by the treasurer. The trouble is whether the liuv passed Feb ruary 24,1SS3 , conccrninc the dotormmlnKof the 'rental for school lands affects leases mndo prior to the passage of the bill. Brown and Plerpont leased the land in ques tion in September , 1SS2. nnd at that time the rental was determined by three appraisers , ono to be uppolntcd by the county clerk , another - other by the lessee and the third chosen by the other two appraisers. Aa Brown nnd Plerpont leased the land under that law they claim that It still holds good In their case und they refuse to pay the rental demanded by tlio county commissioners , who are the ap praisers under the now law. A similar case is now pemUnn in tlio supreme court , in which Bermuda Beer is the plaintiff and Governor John Jtl. Tlmyer the defendant. WtNTS HIS WANDEIIIN'O HOT. Chester Morrison , the soventccn-ycar-olJ son of J. M. Morrison , who lives In the Union colleRO colony southeast of the city , took French leave Saturday night. Ho also took a horse and saddle and was followed oil by the spanlol dog. The father is greatly con cerned over tlio safety of his boy , but us the Ind is fi feet 0 inches in height and weighs 100 pounds the police bolkivo him amply able to take care of himself provided the father Isn't particular about having the horse and saddle returned. Kisw stirs OP THE STATE. At present the secretaries of the state board of transportation are busy obeying the orders of the members of the board to get up a now map of the stnto of Nebraska. The uow maps are to bo larger than the old ones , representing thirteen miles to the Inch. The olllclal plato Is to bo compiled from the maps used in the engineering departments of the different railroads , nnd will ho ready for the publishers in n few woekR. Uy January 1 the maps are to be ready for distribution. V > IU , SINK AllTCBIAX W KI I.S. The Madrid water and improvement com- panv filed articles of Incorporation today. Madrid , In Perkins county , is to bo the head quarters of the company. The object of the corporation Is to sink nrteslnn wells nnd to look after othorlntenml impiovoments. The capital stock Is fixed at $5,000. ODDS AN'D r.XDS. The dockets for the November term of the district court have Just been completed and contain n total number of cases of ( VH , of which twelve nro criminal , ! WJO law and 301 equity. Of the lust iiamcd forty-thire are divorce cases. J. C. Crocker , the deposed guardian of Marion W. C. Smith , 1ms been given Just six days in which ho must return tuo Jf,000 ho Is holding hack , orho will DO arrested. A farmer named T. W. Wilson has got into trouble by being caught helping himself to corn from the Jlcld of a neighbor uaineu C. AVeeso. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , I3eo bldff. TIII2 BAPTIST COIjUKOK. It Will Open Next September With tlio llrlRhtcst uT I'rospcotH. Dr. A. W. Lamar of tuo First Baptist church , Ucv. Clark of the Calvary Baptist church , Kov. Foster of the Kmnnucl church , Hov. Stevenson of the Olivet church , and Hov. Jensen of the Danish Baptist church ro- tunicd yesterday from Grand Island , where they attended the twenty-third nunual cou- ycutlQii of the Baptists of Nebraska. The two Important matters discussed at the convention wcro the mission work In the stuto utid the now Baptist college at Grand Island. The church has now twenty- ulna mUsionarloi la Nebraska , supported al an expense of about $13,000. The growth of the church has been quite remarkable , hnv- Ine almost doubled In four years. The new college nt Grand Island will bo ready to open next September. Tlio building h nlrcadv under wny , and when completed the buildings und campus will bu worth ? < > lKM. ) Tills property will bo deeded to the trustees of the church free of debt. In addition to this the clti/ens of Grand Island will give 250 lots , woitli&QO each , as mi endowment fund for the colleiro. Tlio school will start out with the brightest prospects of any denominational school over opened in Nebraska. Dr. Blrnoy cures ciitnmi , Coo SWITCH ENGINES A Serious Sinnsh-Up In the Ynrils of the Union rue I Ho. There was a collision in the switch yards of the Union Pacific last evening near the In tersection of the tracks with Fourteenth street. Swith engine No. 1171 , manned by Engineer W. B. Anthony , was running back ward down grade nnd pulling n heavy train of cars after it , while another Switch engine , No. 10ii : , in charge of Engineer T. D. Arm strong , was running westward on the same track. A number of freight cars were stand ing In the yards at that place , and the tracks curve there It was dlflicult for the trainmen to boo very far down or up the track. When the two engineers saw they were upon the snmo track mid coming toward each other thev whistled down brakes nnd reversed their engines. The heavy train that was running eastward could not bo got under con trol , however , until It baa struck the other train , -which was then almost at a full stop. The weight of the trains , although moving very slowly , was sufficient to Jam the en- glnoa pretty baiily , breaking the main beams nnd caving in tuo back end of the other. Three flat cars next to the engines were totally wrecked , and the tracks were covered for several rods with dobrls. Some of the trainmen jumped , but the jwo engineers stayed at their posts of duty. No ono was injured , The Joss will amount to about $303. Dr. Blrnoy , nose and throat , Boo bldff Tlio Teachers' Association. Judge Doano's court was adjourned nt noon yesterday nnd during the afternoon the room was occupied by A. Mathews , county superin tendent of public schools , and llfty of the fall session of the Teachers' association of Douglas county. After some preliminary remarks by Mr. Mathews , the following subjects were taken . . * * * * i tw wf .Ltiw A AUinjfc * lltllO Ui X U1113U * ment , " "Government a System of Espionage or Mutual Confidence , " "Friday Afternoons. " These meetings , although of recent date , are proving very interesting nnd beneficial to the teachers , and tlio attendance becomes larger at each successive meeting. Dr. Blrnoy cures Catarrh , Bee bld < j PoNtnl Hoiito Cliniifjes. Th'o Omaha and Ogden postal route has been lengthened by the addition of the run from Cheycnso to Huntlngton , Ore. , a dis tance of ! U1 miles. The run has been covered by Omaha and Ogdcn clerks during tbo past month , but they were not graded according to their run until yesterday. A double crow makes the start from Choyeuno , but sepa rates at Green Klvorone , crow going tollunt- liigtou and the other to Ogden , Dr' Blrnoy curea catarrh , Bee blilgf. Notice to Pattern Makers. There will bo a meeting of all pattern makers at Arcanum hall , 1314 Douglas street , Thursday. 2 o'clock , for the purpose of organ- 7lng. All the pattern makers are cordially invited to attend. Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Bee bldj ; . Tlio Australian Ballot. Blanks liavo been sent out to each legisla tive candidate requesting him to pledge him self to work and vote for the passage of a bill embracing the salient features of thoAus- itrallan ballot. Morse DryiXjoods Co. : BOOK = --i Tiic Pansy for 189Q. ' $1,00 Killti-il liy 1'uns ) ' Onr Little Men ani tan $1,00 , IMIli'd by Mrs. Triiii esA. IIuinpliie.\ . How Now Eaiia u ffa ? Made41,00 , lly Mrs. I'miiei's A.'Hunuihroy. ' Wide Awake- . $1,00 Wo liuxo Ibo coiiiulete si-rU > - > AA. , Illl. , IV. , HI ) ( ho hitter bolus tliliycnr sol ! - itliii * . iind therefore tlio latest. I'rlcotl ( U Cliriste snowflatos $1,00 lly Aiiii'rlenn author * . \rtfor \ Yciini FolKs $1,00 A t > tor > of itrt und uttlitV Ihes. Gliild Love $1,00 11 } Clara Ioly ) Hates. The Poet and tlieCMlta $1,00 lly M. II. l.uihivp. Painy's ' Picture Bolc : $1,00 lly l'un y. Dollikins and tlic Miser $1,00 lly 1'r.intrs Katnn. ( Intb boiinil. Wonderland of Wort $1,00 lly O. li. Mult-mix. Me Readings $1,00 tnr'o < , 1'oenih and Pkotrhiv * from the En glish Qulxer for tfumlu } Ui-udlng. Ennyan'sPil2Pii'siProgrcw.l,00 ' ' Profusely Illustrate i by Frederick llur- nurd. SEND FOR OUR NEV FALL AND WINTER CATALOGUE. Morse Dry Goods Co. Quiet Weak Among tbo . Lodges. THE WOODMEN AND STATE JURISDICTION , Hvcnta of the Week In Secret Societies Here and Klaewhero A Ques tion of Importance to tlio Modern Woodmen. Members of the society known as the Mod ern Woodmen of America have been receiv ing copies of the following letter which is being widely circulated by Lincoln parties : Neighbors : At the onlolned niccUngof thu Modem Woodmen of America , hold at De Molnes , la. , August 12. 1MW , a resolution wa unanimously adopted by the dologatus In con volition assembled , endorsing htalo jurisdic tion and also anlliorl/Im ; tlio appointment of a committee to draft Miltnblo laws to bo pre- s'ented for adoption at the annual meeting at rliiKfleld , 111. , on November II , 1MW. ollevIiiK that the futuioxiicccss nnd ucl- fnro of our ordur demands yu-h achanjio In If oiuanl/atlciii an will K\O ! us stuto Jiirlsdlctloi ullli complete contiol of nil assessments am disbursements , and that this Is tlio only method by which the eonlldeuce oT the mem bers can ho maintained und ttsfntuiu pros perlty assiuod : Thorttfoio , Wo , the I'ommltloo appointed tc represent tlio suvonphumlred or more mem bers ot tlin Model n Woodmen of America , lo cated ut Mncolii , Nob. , do respect fully ur i upon thu sev oral camp-of the older located In Nebraska , thu following : I. To SL'iid tliplr delegates to the FiirliiKfloK. meeting , Instructed to act while them In thu oruunl/lnsiiwl perfecting of n .stuto Jurisdic tion for Nebraska , MMIS to do uwuy with tho. additional utponsu ot holding u meeting for that espeelul purpose. 2. To bend tlio saino delegates If possible who represented them nt thu Des Mollies- meeting , for the experience Rained nt that tlmo will beef of material usalstuncoln l.orfeetfng the stuti jurisdiction. 3. If an Injunction to restrain , or any otho. method bo UM > d to prcxent tlio imssliiR of sueli Itiwsaswlll inako state jurisdiction possible the dulcituto should li empowered to act Ii oritnnl/.liiK a .state Jurisdiction Independent o thu head cam ] ) , and thus enable us to protec ourselves. All that wilt bo rtulred | under tin laws of our Kt lite togl\c us legal standing , nil bo to Ilia with the auditor ot tlio stutu a comet ot our constitution until by-laws us adopted with tlio names of the olncers elect , and mini berof members In K < xl Htiiiullng. 4 , To urge upon all mumborsof the order ( hi necessity of Kcunlnz In Rood htandliu : by promptly paying all at-HCssmeiits und duos , for our Insur.uieo Is worth 10) ) cents on thu dollar , and there Is mt iloubt ot tlin jieriiia- neney und stability of tUoorder. Tlin strife and iiiiurruls now In tli i order nro but thu dying Htunrglesuf dliapblilntvd uiiibltlon and aMiilce , of which wo JIUMI no part orsliaru and which wo hope boon to Icglslutu out ot ex ist em o. " ' ! > . fcucli camp ) of tbo Modern Woodmen ot America In ftubraskii , who feel as It they could notiilTord tlin oxpennoof bending udolo- Kute to tlio .SprhiKlleld uieetlm ; , aio ie < | nested to forward under seal V ( ' their cuinps , to any ot the uiulorbUned , augl..xpres-ilon | ) In regard to statn Jni Isdlct Ion us they may ngrcu upon , or send proxies , either Mr or utjiilnst , us they deem luhlsublu , and suql/ proxies will bo used us nutnorUed ; what Isniotlul Is an uxptcssluii irotn every camp In tll 'Muto ' of Nebraska , ns all should bo Intorextpd nllKo In tlio f iitnro Biiccess ot tlio ardor. Vnurs fraternally , llAiiurS. IlorrMKi.s. % llnnuer Ulty , No. IS.3 , CllAIIIFS ( } . 1IUIITON , 1I' , Itoose , No.OiiO , J. T. ( JOIHKV ( , Kasl lilnenln , No. 010 , J. It. lUdOAIII ) , Capital Ulty No. 103. Committee. An Otnaha member of the order who has been identified with its best interests since Its establishment In this state , de nounced this cs a political move on the part of certain partkv in Lincoln who are endeav oring to create a false impression among members of the order who uru not In a posi tion to inform thcmsclrcs of the actual senti ment In tlio stato. Saul ho : "It looks llko a scheme to rush this matter of state jurisdiction through be fore the different cnmiM have had time to ex- ninlne into the matter and iiniko up their minds whether it Is a good thing or not. There U no occasion for haste , the onlei jla not going to the dogs , and wo might just us Morse Dry Goods Co Morse Dry Goods Co. Book Department. One Fully Illustrated. 3S Gents. Robinson Crusoe , Reynard the Fox. Swiss Family Robinson , Even ings al Home , Aesops Fables , Sanford - ford & Merlon's Pilgrim Progress , Gullivers Travels nnd Plcluro Land. All ono syllable books , 03c. JOY DAYS and PLflY DflYS Olive Putoh , Oeiits BOOKS of TALES - 40c Bird tales , don tales a nd cat tales SUNNY CHILDHOOD 40c ; Wlth colored frontispiece. OUr Boys' ' O'UR and Girls' ' STORY BOOK 50c Colored Frontispiece. Baby is King , colored frontispiece - - 50c AeSOpS Fables , versified by Clara Doby Bates 50c Babyland for 1890 , colored frontispiece - 50c Story Time for Young- People , colored Frontispiece 50c A BraVC StruSforle or the Orphan's . . Inheritance . 5QC > > lly John Locke. London - 50c Bunyans Floly War 50c Keblcs Christmas Year - 50c Odd Folks at Homely C. L , Matcanx. . 50c ' bovural hundred ( rations. Morse Dry Goods Co Morse Dry Goods Co. well go slowly and sen what we nro doing. The question of state Jurisdiction Involves a radical change in the methods of the order nnd every cnuip In the state should ho given mi opportunity to examine into the details of the proposed change before ratifying it. " "What method would you suggest instead of the ono mentioned in the circular letter ) " "Let the head cutnp nmito a recommenda tion favoring state jurisdiction and propose a constitution and by-lawsiiml then give every camp a chunco to consider the matter care fully before tiny decided steps nro takon. "State jurisdiction Is a good thing in ninny respects nnd works very successfully In other ordcrst. notably the A. O. U , W.but whether it would be the best thing for the Woodmen nt this time in an open question. " "How do the Omaha camps stand on the question' ! " "To the best of my knowledge none of them have taken any notion in the matter , officially , although there has been considora- able talk about it. There are over ono thou sand members of the order In the city and their votes will liavo some weight when it comes to deciding such an Important cmes- tlon. " Masonic. Ararat temple oJ Kansas City will hold a regular session on the llth inst. . at which several novices nro expected to bo present. Mecca temple of Now Yorlt hold Its first regular session for several months at Scot tish rite hall last Thursday. A largo number of candidates were initiated and u rousing time was enjoyed. Several of the novices who were to hnvo pro- 0 Mod themselves for initiation Into Tangier temple we're detained , nnd , Uioroforoanothor session will bo held in tlio near future lit which thcso and other candidates will be con ducted across the burning sands. Steps nro being taken to organi/o n temple of the Daughter ; , of Isis in this city. This Is n side degree of the Mystic Shrlno , nnd Is In tended for the wives , daughters and sisters of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. The work of this degree , like that of the Shrlno , Is Orien tal , and Is said to bo very elaborate nnd beau tiful. The Omaha temple will bo instituted about the holidays , The grand commandery of Knights Tem plar of Illinois held lt-s thirlh-foiirtli annual conclave last week In Chicago , In the asylum of Apollo cominandery. The following offi cers were installed for the ensuing year : Grand commander , Joseph K. Dyns ot Paris ; deputy grand commander. Syl vester 0. Spring , I'eoria ; grand gen eralissimo , Charles Gamble Mac , Alat- toou ; grand prelate , James Miller , Dccautur ; senior warden , Hiirvny M. Hiill , Ontcy ; grand treasurer , John If. Wltbock , Chicago ; grand recorder , Gil W. Uarnnrd , Chicago ; grand standard bearer , Henry II. Montgom ery , Carrollton. I. O. O. ! ' . Ivy Ueliokah degree ledge No. M will glvo asocial party next Friday evening at Good rich hull. Goodrich ledge No. 114 gave a very pleas ant and well attended party at its'hull on Saunders street last Friday night. This was the first of a scries of parties to bo given dur ing the coming season. Huth UclicKiih degree ledge held a social session attho temple , corner of Kouitcentii and Dodge htreCta , Thursday nignt , which was very largely attended. A very interest ing programme was presented , consisting of un overture by the P. M. band , followed bv a dramatic recitation by Miss Nottio Woods. The Apollo zither club rendered ono of its fin est selections , after which Master Charles Woods entertained the audlcnco with a reci tation. A vocal duet by Mis. Wells nnd Mr. Sanders was well received nnd was followed by a well executed violin solo by Miss Dorn , with Miss Woods as accompanist. After n tasty lui.V-hcon the floor was cleared for dancing , which was continued until mid night. a. s. c. Clan Gordon No. 03 of the Order of Scot tish Clans held itt first party of the season at Metropolitan hall , on Fourteenth nnd Dodge streotH , last Friday night. The hall was crowded with Scotch lads and lasses and u glorious tlmo was enjoyed. An Interesting programme was presented , Chief G. W. Shields presiding. Tlio songs nnd recitations were decidedly Scotch In character and were hugely enjoyed. Piper MrDougal entertained the company with a number of airs ou the bagpipes. A delicious luncheon and dancing closed the evening. SOIIH or Rt. . Shakespeare ledge gnve tlio second of Its pleasant series of soolid entertainments at Wolff's hull lost Wednesday night. A very interesting programme , consisting principally of vocal music , was presented , followed by a bounteous collation , after which dancing was thoordurof the evening. These entertain ments have become very popular and nro al ways well attended. The satno committee which made a success of the first social also had clmroO of the second. K. I . J. C. Mitchell of Mt. Shasta has boon np- pointed deputy grand chalccllor for the English lodges In the center of the 'city , nud Dr. II. R. Weber of Triangle ledge will net in the bnino capacity for the lodges In the north ern part of the city , Dr. Blrnoy , nose and throat , Boo bid- , ' . The Hamilton Klrcnr Grade. At the council meeting on Tuesday night Mr. W. J. Kennedy , chairman of the board of appraisers , presented a minority report on the assessment of damages for the proposed change of Hamilton street from Twenty- fourth street to Lowe nvcnuo Tlio other two members of the board , Henry Voss and Vincent Hurkley , rondo" their report several weeks ngo , fixing the damage at $ " > ,050. The report was referred to the grades and gind- ing committee. Mr. Kennedy considered the assessment exorbitant and accordingly filed a minority report , assessing the damage to property owners as follows ; Mrs. M. . [ . Holni . $ 400 Mrs. J. M. Dium'hoity . I.ODO II. It. llryimt . MO I , . \i. \ Cumin . ] , 'joo O..I. C'liniiii . j. oD K. Kallsh ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' " " .Farm1 * Udell. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . s'oou Joliii Dwynr , mo Oarl I'ri'sclinin to ) .Inlin U. MuMIII-in N)0 ) Mrs. K , K. i'ratt Nodnmuxu .1. \ . l.sriulns " 53 Otto \Vlck -leu .1 K. Smith 401) ) Tj..l. Kohrhniixli 70) John Morii'll HM ) A , W. nnil.I. W. I'hi-lps ; i.0fji ) .SlMtiirsof Poor ( Jliiro 10,0'JO Join1 A. Cii'lRlilon 40'j O.H. Iloxlo Nodatniiuo I' . M. Illuok too II C ) . Meyers r > no O. If , Kiitim ; mo Clara A. Aiidur- ) NndunuiKo Mis. I ) A.SIm\ait MK ) Mrs Allen llunkor WK ) K. I' . Culduell fiiio .losepli INluy Nodurmi n fcuvltt Iliirnham 311 \V. Anderson 7 fl CliurloH W. and John A. White MO Mrs. J. Wi'ldi > ii-all 4l ) Willlani Neville 1 , w .1. C , Iliinlso NodunniK Kobeit Kosenz\\cl Totfil % : ilK0 ! This report was also rnferred to the com mittee on grades and guiding , A now board of appraisers has boon ap pointed on the work , consisting of John F , Coad , Fred W. Gray nnd Louis Schroeder , Dr. Birney cures catarrh , Bee bldj- .1310X11 THK AMATiWllH. Gcht will likely twirl for Hlalr next sea son , Jellen was bit rather hard In last Sunday's game. Tlio Cranes have a new shortstop named Hough. The Musces will bo in It stronger thun ever next season. Fremont will commence next reason with an a No. t team. It Is doubtful If Missouri Valluy will liavo a team next year. Hart will glvo up pitcblng nnd play nn in field position. Tow will bo found again with th'j next year's Hlalr team. Gravoa , Missouri Valley's crack catcher , has a good offer for next HUUSUII. Molilur and Isdcuerj will bo found with the MORSE'S [ J We intend in this do * part merit , To sell good shoos , To sell fine shoes , To sell durable shoes. To sell stylish shoes. And sell them cheap , Working Womea > Yluut'lianl oarnt'il dnlliiis must lie iiinilo ( o 0 u > far us ptissllilr , \\lll suu1 from 25c to $1 a pair In purclmslnp Iliflr shors fi'uni no. SpcdalMonday _ Ladies' ' Oxfords $1.25 Worth $2. Oxfonh nrp now Aery iKiinliir | ami mm- t'orlaMcil mill at tlio jirlct1 m * cvpot'l iinmli A Specialty of udics' Shoes , all new oods. Ladies' Oxfords $3.35 I'liUjr n KI > OI ! n an ) tliop store ptrr oir r- cil fur $ I n puir. They in u st j I Wi , iliirn- liliMiinl pcrlVcl. Ladies' Shoes , $1.58. Ladies1 Shoes , $2.45. Ladies' Shoes , $3. Ladies' Shoes , $3.45. Ladies' Shoes , $4.35. Our Leader , $5. N'oer soM by n slino store for less Hum $ [ > .50. liunil tiirncil French idil but ton und Vluiuiii liiBl Krunuh kid alioos at $5. Never aold by : i alioo store In America loss than Jli.fiO. Infant's Shoes , 2 Infant's Shoes , 20c. Infant's Shoes , 33c. Infant's Shoes , 48c , Infant's Shoes , 57c. Infant's Shoes , 78c. Misses' shooM , UHc. Misses'Hhoes , $1.20. Misses' sliooB , $1.08. . Miasca'shooh , $1.78. Our boya' bhoes will bo 'open next week. Morse Dry Goods Co. Lead City , South Dakota , team next season. Lincoln has released Mohler. 1'urccll IMS shown by his work this ssnson that ho is tlio best nil round playhr in Omaha. \Villi.tms is the making of a good t wirier. Ho Is by far the speediest twlrlcr in Omaha. Howies bus caught a great gnmo for the Crnno company team In the lust bcrlos of games. ICoyoa , the Union Pacific's wondoiftil Southern league shoitstop , is not a blooming success. The Shamrocks are already orgnnl/lng. for next year and they promise to mulco all teams hustle to down them , Hlalr will have a great team next season. Thuy nro after some peed material nnd If se cured Omaha to-ims will have to look a leedlo out. ( SatowooilNebraska City's second basomau will winter bore , Ho will bo found In a good minor leuguo team next season In all likeli hood. Duller has surprised bis frlnnds by his most excellent work at thu bat and in the Held In iho closing games. Ho Is a corner und no mistake. Tlio NonparoUs say they will have a liettcr team than ever next season. They huvo tliuir eyes on a Ural baseman and un outllelder who are Immcnso. Spud Farrish Is notsatlslled with the showIng - Ing his team , the Kden Muiees , made this season. If Spud would only secure a few good players and not so many bums ho would bo nil O. 1C. The amateur season closed last Simrmy with u gumo between the Nonpareils nnd Crane company to.un , in which the Cranes were victorious. The ( Jruno company team now claim the amateur chumpionshlp of Omaha after winning this gnmo. but the tltlo belongs , many think , to the Nonpareils , as theo have defeated the Cranes two out of three garnet playi'd thin ncuion , besides de feating every other club In Omaha that as pired to championship honors. The ( Jruno'.s should tuko a back seat and acknowledge the Nonpareils amateur chii'nplnns of Omaha season of 1SOO , If they are entitled to it. Dr. Ulrney , uoso und throiit , Buo folds1. William T. Host , the famous organist of St. Ocorgo's Hall , Liverpool , Is oxpoutod to ar rive In Sail Francisco on the next steamer from Australia. Manager Marcus M , Henry has been negotiating with him for a concert tour of the United States tlio Initial concerts to bo given In the I'nclllc coast metropolis. KITorts might to bo inudo to bring Mr. Dost U > Omaha. Then inuslo levers would hear thu organ played as It bus nuvor been txtforo. Dr. lilnioy euros cu tarrh , Uoo