Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1890, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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We beg to inform oui
the remainder of their parlor fur
consists of parlor suits , rockers , c , , , „ , „ . _ . .
rugs , silk tapestries , brocatelles , etc. These goods have been received , and will be open for inspecton and sale in our large and spacious warerooms Monday morning-
November 3 , the sale to be continued until all are disposed of. Those contemplating purchasing , will clo well to call early and make their selections , as this is an oppor
tunity that may never occur again. . . , . , . , , .
SPECIAL In order to make tliis sale doubly attractive , \ve have decided , to mark down every dollars -worth of goods in our establishment. Those "wishing
bargains should be sure to call.
IF *
44 Plush Parlor Suits , regular prlco $05.00 , bargain pr'co 819.75. 21O Hoa'-'iiT ' Ftovos , rosular prlco $8.RO , ba-ffaln prlo3 $4.75. 20OO ynrds Ingrain Carrots , regu'ar price 4Oc , bargain prlco 17o.
17 P uah Parlor Sa ta , regular prio 045 , b iin prlo j $25. 04 Oak Hoati K H , Vc8reK.lur prioo 5il5 , baija'n pr.oi 89.45. 14OO yards Brnssallfl Garpo1roRiilnr prioo OOc , bargain prlc3 45c.
10 Plush Pnrl jr Suits , regular pr.o $05 , bargain prloo 842.GO. 17 Hard Goal II ators , rauunr price $20 , bargain pri o $11 6O. 27OO ymds Hemp Cnrpcr , regular price 36c , bargain prloo lOc.
20 Plush Rookn-a , rogul ir prieD $10 , bargain price 87.75. 01 Shooi Iron Heaters , rogu av price 81O , barga'n prica $5.5O. 1SOO yaida S'alr Ourpot , regular prioo 35c , bargain price IGc.
37 Plus i Ro3kors , r jgu'ar price S2O , bargain prlco 811.76. ISO Coo' < Steve ! , regal .r prloo $15 , c urija n pr 03 Q8.4O. 28OO Window Shades , regular prlco $1 , bargain ur'co 29c.
1C Plush Rookers , raaulir prloo $25 , b irtfa n pr.cra 814.75. 17 Cook Stoves , -wi h resn-volr , ragula prlo > $25 , bnrtraln price $15.6O. iOOO Comforts , i ogu'ar prlco $2 , barg-nln pr oo 85c.
10 Flu ih D vans , roju nr prlco & 15 , bargain prlco 87.75. 21O Luuui y 3 .ovf B , regular p-loo $9 , bargain prioo 85. 170O Plilowe , regular price $1.25 , bargain pi ice 4Co.
10O Lounge ? , roRtilnr pr oo $ S.5O , bargain price $4 75. 26 Bawgos , r tfulir p-ice $37.50 , b-rgain prioa $22 5O. 6fO Blnnkote , regular price $2.50 , bnrgain prlco 05c.
1O8 Bocl Loungje , ro ular prlco $13 , bargain prioo S7.50. 165 Maturing L mps , roguUf prco $3.5O , harg xi i nrico $1.76. 65 F.UIJH , roaulur pr'ce $3baigu n price * 1.4O.
O1O Eoclcra , rogulnr prlco $3 , bar/ain prlco $1.35. 04 BoolccuaoH , regular prit-o 810 , burff via pr.c ) $4.75. IOO Breakfast Tnlilos , regular prlco $4 , bargain prlco & 1.0O.
OOOOOhairo , roffu nr prloo 6Gc , bargain prloo 20c. 21 Soon a ioo , regal ir price 837.50 , baig-iiu pr co $25. 450 Cen or Tobies , i ocular prlco $3 , bnrjain price $1.4O.
17Ludio3' V/r tng Doiks.rog'iinr ' prlco 81O , bargain prlcD$4.5O. 13 Folding Ho s , regular pCB 817" . barifai i price $8.75. 7f > FfanoLnmp * , rcuul r pr co $15 , bargain prlco $7.50.
Gl Wnrdrobo = - , regularprioo $12 , ba giin p.-lco $7.25. 17 Vo d n r. B els , -'Kiilar pr c i 835 , bargain P' ice $20. 61 Chamber Sultf , rcgulai prlco 823 , bargain pr co $14 75.
10 Bureaus , rogtt apricD 812.6O , bargain prlco 8G.OO. 2OOO MaUrosaee , ro u'ar prio3 $3.5O , bnrga n prlco 81.75. 72 Onmnber SultP , regular prlco 83O , burgain prlco $18.50.
21 Sideboards , ricular prio3 * 22.6O , birgal i prlco 011.4O 25OO Sprl-ffS , rcgolnr pr co $2.5O ; bargain prlco 81.20. 61 Toilet Sote , regular prioo oo3.5O , bargain prloo § 1.85.
ISS-pngi' flUislrati'iH'iitiilittjiiP. inullftl fa'o IS'-l'iinL' ' lUnstriitcil rntaloKiii' . nmlli'il fie <
on ! iilk'ullin. | | ) ( Contiilns.lllii'.tiiilloiisof ' fiu- on applli'iil Ion. Coutuliisllliistriitliinsi t ftir- V
nltnro , oui puts , stoM'S , etc. iiltnicarjiots , vtcno" , olc ,
On ii u'on nt of tlio licsov liirtesi'O ot busi Oniiucoinit of Iliu lu'a\y Im-rousn of busi
ness In onrin.ill iiiU > r < U'iittiiiout ) : lii\o : POPULRR PRYMENT HOUSE nc".s In tiiir mull ouk'r ( It'pjuliui'iiL \\i liavo
dclliluMl to foiitlnini to K'VO ' a ilisuniiut of dui'liluil to oiillnuc Id | jl\t ) a ilKfiiinil , of 10
ID IH-I-cont diirliiK Xo\iiiiloi' ) fioiu our cutu- ptM'CL'nt ( lining ; Ni > \ ember fioiu our eut.iU uuu
lojuo ; pi loos. (313 , 615 , 61Y 619 North 16th Street'B'efrweon California , and Wcvbstei ? Sts.
Western Association Basaball Affairs and
AVhccl Notes Dnins * of
tlio AimiUMii'S The Turf and
Kin K SllHcel Inn con H
Tlio annual uicctliiK of the Western base-
bull nssociatlon , wlilch was called for Octo
ber 'i ' ! ixiul postponed to November 1 , on ac
count of the LcaKUC-llrotherhooil confcrciu-o ,
will be hold at tlio MlllnrJhotel toilny. Thcio
\vill umloulitciUy be n largo attendance and a
vury linportant nnil Interesting incotini , ' .
Atiioni ; the many momentous matters
will nriso is the plan for n division of tlio
jjute ifceiiits. During the past sea-
BOU tlio Kiiiu'lt-o | system was
in VOKUC , but It wus found
to be dccldrdly unsatisfactory to ill' ' clubs but
thatwoor three which went to the fi-ont nnd
intule inonuy. Conseijiiontly u huril kick will
l > o iniulo.iiKuiiist thu rcndoptlon of this HJS-
toin for next season , and u strenuous effort
lint fortli In favor of tlio percentage plan.
ThK latter is uniiucstlotmuly the ono tliat
will uccriio to the benolltof nil tlio clubs and
the association itseli , It is the plan that In
sures the weaker t'itles a clianco to subsist ,
and makes nil oven thing for each club , tlio
btioiiK nnd \\enkulikt' , wlillo tlio guarnn-
tco plan is nltoncther tnsuftldont nud unjust
to tlio dub.s who arose nnfortnnuto ustodiop
to thu rt'ar ill an early ( Into in the champion
ship clmso. Of courbo Kansas Ulty , which
wus probably the only team in the country to
iniiko money durini ; the last f. u.on , will
light the iK-rcenliiKO plan tooth ami too-null ,
ami It Is not unlikely hhc will ho aided and
abetted in this by both Minneapolis and Mll-
wimkco , although the latter management had
a good tastoof empty benches at their own
iinrlc during the latter part ot the season.
Vet they labor under the hallucination that
their team will prove the stroiiRcst in the
race another year , and ronsrcjui'iitly great
dniwinu card , unit tlio jioivfntUKO plan will
bo prood enough for them. The same can bo
sulil ot MlnnoiK | > lis. Hut Uinoha ,
Lincoln , St , 1'anl and Denver
ivlll most pwhahly fiivor the
col reel sy&tiMii , which Is the pera-ntago , and
if they have any sand , nma or mush in their
ri-ops , they'll carry their point. In stnigKlliiK
minor leagues tlio tiorcentugo system Is the
only one which carrieH with It the chances of
eilstonco throughout the season for nil clubs
All statements with rufcronca to next
year's circuit would only ho KUCSS vorlf. RO
thnt subject will ho but mcngroly troutetl in
Ihcsu eolnmns. The likelihood Is that the
circuit will reniidn exactly as it Is , with the
exception of the Installincntof Grand Rapids.
Mich. , in Hlonx City's place. And
this , ttio honest contusion must ho
made , looks to n man up n trcoltko jumphic :
from the frying-pan Into the tiro. Grand
liaplds will never last the season through ,
especially If tl.o guarantee njbtom alioulit
again prevail.
The assoolutlon's whole code of rules will
Vie revised and amended , particularly these
touching upon the powers of selection and
uipoiiitmont | of umpires , Last season's cx-
Ijcrlenco In this rcpinl was enough to glvo
the most ImperturbuUlo crank the horrors.
1'rovlslom for an honest , competent nnd're-
] > octahlo corps of umpires U imperative.
The election of oftlcers for the coming year
vill bo held tit the association's meetliiK this
afternoon , and whllo the prosltlcncv will ho
easily unu harmoniously disposed of , tlio tight
for the secretaryship will bo a hot nnd vigor-
Otis ono.
J. y. MiCormlck , who has been the orgunl-
zatlon's chief mnglstrate during the petit
yoiii'i positively refuses to uguln bo a candi
date. Ilo declares that ho has bad an
elegant sulllclenoy of the honors that position
'ittulU. and tlmt &lr. Knmtlmuff or uy other
man who wants It Is wclconio to It.
IIV H'H'li ' of MlnncaiwlU , and Kd O.Urai dt
if tlils city , will make the race for the tooro-
arvbhlp , and the association couldn't to
nicer thinp : tliim award the honor to Mr.
lirandt. Ho h\s boon an industrious worker
in the Interests of this body for the past three
years , has spent his time and money without
n dollar's reward , and has ever been ready to
further thu interests of the game in any man
ner within hts power. Ilo is eminently qual
ified for tno position too , n line accountant ,
well \ erscd in baseball lore , a good Judge of u
player or an umpire , active , tireless andron-
sclontlons , just the sort of a man to attend to
the affairs of this ofllce in a thorough busi
ness like way. Like Kruiithauff for the pres
idency , no man can ho found who is better
lilted for the secretaryship than Mr. Brandt.
One moro tiling this association should at
tend to nt this meeting without fail , and thnt
Is to take some action on the niattor of paying
tribute to the National league and
American association for the protection they
uro supported to reecho bv being u party to
the national aercemont. This Is and nlways
has boon a nigh-handed outrage on the west
ern association , nn association which stood
tlio past season , second In. point o ( wealth ,
strength and general Importance , to the Na
tional league only. That the Atncilcnn Is in
a position to exact any sort of a tribute from
the clubs of the Western is a fact that should
bo most galling to the suppoitera of these
clubs and they should lose no moro tlmo in
nsseitlng themselves. If ncecssaiy toabro-
paUUhia unfair tax , the Western association
should Join forces without further ceremony
with the Plnjcrs1 or any other league wlilch
will accord to them the fullest privileges and
lights that a mutual code Is supposed to
bring to all Its members.
Clarko'n FHIIIOIIH 1'iick , *
A. 3. Clarke , who probably owns ono of tlio
l > est packs of foxhounds , of a line old Vir
ginia strain , to bo found anywhere in the
ireat ? west , U having magnificent sport this
fall coursing wolves. With a party of gen
tlemen invited from this city a most exhilar
ating run w.vs made on Thursday last In tlio
well covered country southeast of the 1)1 ) tiffs ,
\ bi gray was Jumped in a dense blackberry
patch , and after nltmgnnd stubborn chase of
over four hours duration Brer Wolf was run
to eaith in a rocky ledge near Bartlctt. After
the expenditure of a vast deal of muscle and
another two hours tlino. the gr.iy was again
routed from his icfuge , but jifter a
brief lllght , was brought to bay in Sir. All-
mcr's barn yard , pulled down and killed oy
the hounds In loss than twenty minutes.
II. H. Kennedy , who was the tlrst rider In nt
the dcatlr , was awarded the brush , which In
this instance Included thoontlro pelt , An
other run Is down for Friday next In tlio
brushy dUtiict above Florence , which scorns
to bo literally infested with coyotes this full.
"VVIiat Ilio Cranks Arc Saying.
And now they say that Danny Stearns of
the lCnn > as Citys Is a sheeney. How the
Iriih do suffer I
Dave Kov > e Is still floundering hopelessly In
the Mulligatawny , but ho has hopes of bring
ing up in Lincoln next season. > Vhut David
mo.-a needs Is a inu/zle.
Jack Crooks , who is In St. Paul for the
winter , has re-signed with Columbus for
IS'.ll , .lack Itnows on which side of his bread
the oleomargarine Is thickest.
Toledo would like to break Into the Western -
orn association , and the Western association
would welcome her to the fold If it wasn't
for her Kitigniphlcul drawbacks.
Tlio crack second baseman of the Illinois
Iowa league , AITebeau , may bo found with
Onmhn next seaeon. Negotiations urn on.
Sporting I-lfo. And so is O. P. Caylor's hen.
Kansas City downed Brooklyn , the cham
pions of the league , but went under to dot
bo s club from St. Louis. That's wlmt
makes the national game so very , very funny.
Manager John S' . Damns of the champion
Spokane team say * that In the Pud tic Noitli-
west league U the foundation for one of the
best minor leagues In Ametlcn. If this mm
Barnes Is connected with the league , bow
over , tlu ) league will huvo to look a little out
His record with the Western was not of the
most aiivory character.
A gentleman who occunled n seat beliliu
ono occupied by Dave Howe , who U nou
shtvorlnc : in the cold , base bulllcally sp ak
lug , and Kd O'Hraiult , the Crazy Horse mag
iiuto of this city , said , of all the old imikl
halr-pulllM , , ' * and Kilkenny lU'hlH ho I've
witnessed , thelr'Has tin ? worst. "Within i
few miles of the capital , however , the white
wingoi dove of peace tipread liitv pinions eve
the lovely pair nnd they spent the rest of th
tluui "roasting" the baseball editor of Til
3ni : . When " \vo three meet auain" these
ducks will tumble all over each other.
Mnrtin Duke , who is at hisi home In.mei -
Illc , 0. , denies that ho h.n signed for next
cason either with thu Pittj > uurjrplnjcrs'
c < vuo club or with thq , Minneapolis club.
'Mr. Dtiok that was his maiden name1 Is
only talking for nn nd. Mr. Ilnch holds a
ontract with Martin's well known auto
graph attached and all turthor talk H Idle.
According to Secretary Koach's oulcinl
ivcrages Phalen , who itlteinptc.l to 1111
Dinnlin's light Held for a tlniotho past season ,
c.uls all the lleldeis of the association. This
s most preposterous when it is recollected
lint 1'hnlcn proved nil but n total fniluro in
joth fielding and batting , and V.MS regarded
about the biggest limn who ovei were a local
Harry Hiieli of Minneapolis nnd Ed O.
Irandt of this city will innko the race for
ho nssociatioa sccraUryship today. Itocho
sn't in it. Hacb Is a good man , but Brandt
still a better ono that is , for this onerous
losltlon. He Is enterprising nnd industri-
ins , well up in the game , and would minister
o the affairs of the orgaiii/ution in a thor
ough and Impartial way.
Charley Abbey , who made an excellent
eputation in right Hold for St. Paul the past
season , is located in Sioux City for the
winter , having secured n good position In the
oalcoof the county treasurer. Ho Is anxious
' .o play In Omaha next year , nnd it is not al
together improbable that bis wish will
jo grntltlcd , as the local manage-
nent think exceeding } ' well of this
lard working , conscientious young player.
As President .1. S , McCormick has put his
foot down nnd will under no circumstances
dlow bis name to go before the meeting
oday ns u candidate for re-election ,
[ j. C. ICranthaufE of Kansas City
will bo the unanimous selection of the dole-
gates. ] f the olllce is tendered him In this
way , thnt is without opposition , he. will ac
cept ; If not , not. Thoilclegntcs are therefore
urged to settle upon Mr. ICr.inthauff befoio
taking up the election of officers. A better
man , with broader views or sounder baseball
knowledge could not bo found In the whole
country. Mr. Krautliiiuff's name will add
untold strength to the Western association.
Gossip Among the Amateurs.
.Tcllon will not pitch next season.
Geist is in the saloon business in Iowa.
T > ; nvsou leads all Omaha mini tours In bat
ting ,
Huff of the Kvansvllls left for Texas last
Swartzhas been playing third base in good
shnio ] lately.
Mohlor and James of Nebraska C'ltysaro in
the Black Hills.
Bradford will covershoit for the Nonpar-
ells next season.
Butler , Wlffinnn nud Howies nro the llnest
utileld In the city.
Purcell got two homo runs off Flanagan In
Dcad'.vood recently. /
The Cranes nro the three time winners of
the city championship.
vustinnnd ICelm of Missouri Valley will bo
with Blair next soason.
Purcell at short and * Mahoncy nt third nro
the best team in the city.
The Camp brothers are back from Seattle
after u successful season.
Missouri Valley was not In it with the
Omariu teams this season ,
Thompson , Gatowood and I uras will prob
ably go to Kearney next sousou.
lleymcr of Missouri Valley was bit hard
nnd often toward the end of the season.
Fremont's oTiuUtlon for next season is to
huvo the champion amateur team of the state.
Gntewood , who played with Nebraska City
this season , is working for the Union Paelllc.
The Cranes ulll have new uniforms and
the best amateur team In the state next fcca-
Van Acniam lias been lot out by the Klclit-
eenth street Stars ami Tew signed hi his
Sidney and Wilson of the Nebraska Cltys
are wintering In Prcmont and Kearney re
Manager Law Icr of the Ktlon Musec Is
looking for Mnmo good amateurs to ronroscn
his house nexV season.
After u blight looking beginning the Ivlei
Musces ciuno to a very Inglorious colapsc
owing to iwor management. '
Ho t fielding team ; Linalmn , c , , Williams
p. , Bowman , 1st. , Currigan , id , , 1'uivcll ,
fahort. J. Mnhoney , 3d. , Butler , left , WIgnmn ,
center , Bradford , light.
ThoCitv Steam management showed good
iidgmont in dlshmding w m they did as
'our or live good teams were laj ing for them
with blood hi their eyes. That's what Jack
says. *
Nebraska City claim they will have the
best amateur team in the state next season.
In fact they say they will bo out of sight.
They will oo , sure , nfter u few Omnha teams
go against them.
The best battln ? and fielding teams that
could bo gotten together in the city nro as
'ollows : Host batting toim : Howies , c. ;
Tellen , p. ; Lawson , 1st ; Carrigun , 3d ; Pur
cell , s. ; Patterson , ! kl ; Butler , 1. ; Etnyre ,
c. ; Dradfoi-d , r.
There seems to bo but little question thnt
: bo Cranu company team earned the tltlo of
amateur champions of the state by their ex
cellent record for the season. It Is appended :
fr.ino coniijany B Ornno company . , . . C
" . " Illair
teams. C
( cloven Innings ) ( ten Innings. )
'r.ino company 5 Rrano company. .
Mcnius. Mlsioiul Valley 0
Jrano company ' ' ' 12 Cnino company 0
Y. M.C. A . ; . ! . -ilNobriiska City 8
Cranu company : i. > lcrnno company Ill
Con. Uoirco Co 1 lilalr 'A
Crane company . 14 Orauo company . 0
Kdon.Musue . OINonp.irt'lls . I'l
Ciano company . lO.Crano . company . 13
Missouri Valley . U Kiemont . . . , < . 'i
Criino company . 0 Ornno company . 7
Missouri Valley . 4 I'ruinont . 11
lYnne company . . . .10 Pro no company . 14
ChleiBo Whitings. . . .loUnlon | 1'aclllcs . 8
TIIIIIO company . fiJPrnno company . 8
Ubluigo Whitings. . . ViFrumont . 7
Cianc company . . . . fliPrnnu company . 12
I'rcinont . b Nonpuiolls . U
Crnno company . S
1'uoltlo Kvpicts . -
ThnOan , Kixl anil Ijluc.
Geese nnd ducks have at last put In nn np-
pearance nloiij , ' the Platte river In largo num
bers , mid the spoilsmen nro in high feather.
Myriads of Canadas , Ilutchlns and white
gecso are reported swarming on the bars at
Brady's and Willow Island , at Gothenburg ,
Cozail , Hogors , Ashland , and in fact all points
along the stream , nud for a month to conio
shooting will bo great. Thus far this fall
wild fowl have been tardy in arriving , nud
gunners were apprehensive that all predic
tions of good shooting wcro going to fall ,
notwithstanding the early ( light of blun and
green wing teal wis-iincoinmonly largo. Now ,
however , reports from all quarters linvo dis
sipated the humors' fears nnd parties nro
sallying forth dally. The favorite haunts of
tho'mnllard , the nintall , widgeon nnd blue
bill are now iVlrly rfwarmlng with birds , nnd
the commission houses mo receiving heavy
coiiblgnmcnts dally. At Whiting the shoot
ing Is line , while nUOnawa , Wauhuncy.HorhO-
shoe , Vallov on thd'Elliliorn , nnd among thd
slouuhs up the Missouri thosportlsuUooxtra-
ordlnarily good.
The shooting , flue as it Is , however , Is not
coulined to wild I fowl , us all the bnlpo
grounds are tcomlng with jacks and quail
abound In unusuali quantities In all the lands
affording cover and feoil , Good bags have
been made wlthln < > ttio last week within ten
miles ot the city , The fact that quail uro re
tailing nt ? l.-fnu dozen is ample proof of
their unusual plntttfulncss. Sportsmen , too ,
who nro partial to the line and rod , need High
no more , for tho'liMs ' and pickerel nro taking
the spoon with refreshing voracity nt nil the
Inland lakes nmt streams nnd excursions nro
ns common with anglers us with the devotees
of the uog nnd gun.
J , D. Smith of Ashlaud writes that tlio
ceeso luvo not been &o plentiful for several
seasons ,
Jack Unnintro Is shooting quail nnd phcas.-
nuts near the village of Cortland In north
eastern Ohio.
Hilly Townscnd and P. Clarke spent yes-
tenlay hi the stubbles below Hellenic , They
made a handsome bag , of coun > e.
A veritable cannonading U to bo heard
every morning from the lakes unit sloughs
above Florence.
Gus Icken and Photographer Gray made a
bag of neaily ono hundred mallard and red
head tip on the Elkhorn , Friday and Sat-
II. L , Armstrong. John Hatton nnd Mr.
Woodrow Indulged Inn several davs' outing
up in the vicinity of Hockport this wrck.
They returned yesterday with a string of
sixty ducks , seven dozen quail and a fine lot
of Wilson snipe.
.fudge Dandy killed no loss than three
n one ilny on his recent outing in the inotiii ,
tains , while Dr. Connor didn't get u bear in
three weeks.
7. . T. Sprigg and Messrs , Whitney nnd
Ulakohavo returned from a snooting trip to
Arlington. They got their full bhnroof both
ducks and quail.
Mallard shooting , morning and evening , Is
said to bo especially line at Vulloy , nnd the
: ionkors havo. literally taken possession of
things nt Ashland.
Henry Sharp and Elinor Frank put in inst
Tuesday up on the agency. They wont
ostensibly for ducks , but linOing the birds
scarce , tinned their attention to quail , which
they found In abundance.
P. Ha leer , .T , B. Dnrlinm. L. TUcndorf and
T. Connors , Union 1'aellio stockholders , wont
up to Horscshoo lake last Wednesday for n
crack at ttio wild fowl. They got back alive
last night with onoduck apiece. Pretty good
four davs work , wasn't it !
Judge Ivcs , ( Jcorgo Patterson nnd llnlph
Caylord of this city and Mr. Tlmmerman of
( Jrinncll , In. , have returned from n two
weeds' encampment up near Tekanmh. They
wcro too previous to mnlto inuchlmvooamong
the ducks , but the Jack snipe and quail had
to suffer.
Mr. George A. lioagland , ono of the most
successful and enthusiastic spoilsmen of this
vlcinliytogetlicr with another old veteran
nnd splendid shotMr. John Fieldare making
It exceedingly unpleasant for tlio ducks
nnd jacks roundabout Whiting , la. Will
Hoagland also constitutes a member of the
"Harry McCormlclr , the baseball magnate ,
Clarke Hcdiek , the banker , H. V. Cooke , ttio
shoemaker , and Charlie Sutphcn , the vehicu
lar artist , spent several days and ? r or fS in
cash at the Patrick ranch , near Fremont ,
during the past wcpk. They made the big
gest bap of mudhcns nnd Knglish sparrows
repotted so far for the season.
Dr. J. 11. Dosho was down from Bancroft
Thursday. Ho says tlio chicken have conio
in from the north to feed in great num
bers nnd exccllnt sport Is to bo
had better , In fact , than at any
tlmo during the season. A line
Illght of ducks , too , sot In Sunday evenIng -
Ing and the shooting is growing hotter daily.
Gus Icken und Carl Kaufman put in a day
or two lust week out on the Elkhorn , and in
addition to a tine bag of ducks , Mr. Icken
killed a pheasant , a mni avis In this part of
the country Indeed. Ho imd gene into a
thlckot to entertain the rabbits , when the
bird Hushed and ho shot it thinking it n stray
chicken. When ho picked it up ho iccog-
nl/od its Identity and was much elated over
the kill. Ho has had It mounted by Scow.
A Consolidated Matoli ,
The Omaha , AVlnchestor , Raymond and
GatQ , City gun clubs will combine In a grand
closing shoot , to take place on the Dtininhe
nnd Cross grounds , over the river , next Fri
day. Eiich orgnni/atlon will elect n captain ,
and these captains will "choose up'1 for their
teams from all the members present. Tlio
shoot will ho for n grand supper , to bo In
dulged In nt n future dale yet to bo decided
upon , and is held in lieu of the annual hunts
the clubs have been accustomed to take every
fall , and the Idea Is a good ono.
Shooting nt I'lukard's Today ,
There will ho a piircon shoot at PIcknrd's '
grove today under the management of Par-
mnlee and Nason , which promises some flno
sport. There wcro In the neighborhood of
six hundred birds remaining over from the
recent fair grounds tournament , and the man
agement has adopted this weans of disposing
of them , There wilt bo BOIIIO ten or a dozen
swtepstako shoots , besides a number of
team and individual races ,
" \VlilHporliifiS of the U'lierl.
Captain KmcrhOn has called a run to Cres
cent City today. Start from club house at
0tOa. : in
Cl. O. Francisco leaves tonight on a four-
months' trip through Texas , Mexico und
Miss lllnncHo Allen , ono of Omaha's lady
cyclorsravou | ch.irrilng All-I lallowu'en party
to n number of friends last Friday evening ,
Ilhodes is busy teaching his "Kaglu" the
ways and by-ways ot Omaha and biiiround-
ing country , but the jieopla rannot net over
the Idea that thu machine is miming back
wards with the limn , and the anti-frco water
individual and wonders if it is really seer
or if they are really coming on again ,
Senator Morgan is still in Portland. Ho
says ho has given up racing forever , and
wotildllkoa position with some llrbt-elass
eyclo house.
The monthly business meeting of the O.
W. C. will bo hold next Tuesday evening.
Business of Importance will bo transacted
nnd a full meeting is desired.
Mori is mid ICpunotor rode to Ilonoy Creek
last Sunday. This was Walt's first road run
on his now safety , but it behaved so nicely he
is moio in love with it than over.
( ! . A. Uathbun has returned from Montinn ,
wliero ho spout the past summer , very much
improved in health , nnd reports an excellent
season of hunting and llshing in the Uockics.
Moonlight evenings , smooth roads and cool ,
bracing ntmosphcro make a delightful com
bination for wheeling , and a number of
pleasant excursions were enjoyed last week
by both Indies and gentlemen.
Stlllmnn ( ! . WhltUker , the man who rode
the great fake i-.ico with Farmer Ashlnger at
the fair grounds In October 1SS" , under the
nusplces of H. A. Poiiroso , returned to Ung.
land on Tuesday of last week.
The O matin wheel club Is the recipient of
ten handsomely bound voluinns of Ontlng ,
presented by C. M. Woodman , n former presi
dent of the club , who Is nnwti resident of
Denver , Colo. This Is ( | tiito a valuable addi
tion to the library and will always bo appre
ciated in kind remembrance of the giver.
At last the Denver wheelmen are hnppp -
they have a bicycle track , Tlio boys out
there are lively and enthusiastic , but have
been hampered by thu lack of a suitable
place to raco. Tlio Denver cyclists' union
will , It is hoped , prove u success , so that the
grout west may bo properly isnroscntcd in
racing mat ten next season.
The "road hog" Is out again. This time ho
treated n party of cyclers , among whom were
n number of ladles , to n sample of brutal
driving and a choice selection of Third ward
profanity , all because they happened to bo
ahead of him nmt did not retreat to the gut
ter to allow his hogshlp the whole all cut. If
this . must run at large lie should nt
least bo muz/led.
The wheeling season for IhOO Is now rapid
ly drawing to a close , nnd it must bo re
corded ns one of the most enthusiastic and
eventful , so far as Omaha Is concerned ,
known for many years. The Omaha club
has thriven Jllto n cedar of Lebanon , and ap
pears to grow morn , and llourlsh with each
passing month. In this year they have in
stalled themselves In their elegant club
house , corner of Seventeenth and Chicago
streets , nnd have almost doubled their mem
bership. They have had ono biuvpssfnl In
door nnd ono outdoor iu < > et , have accumula
ted n nice fund In the treasury and nro hanpy.
The Apollo club also came Into existence this
year , nnd Is another healthy und growing or
ganisation. Pcrngo lias built up a big busi
ness , nnd his curriculum has turned out
many riders , both malq and female. Ko it
will bo seen that this pure , stiungth giv
ing iiport has had an enviable boom. The
clubs are nil busy now proparlntf for mi un
usually gay and festive winter.
The Omaha Sclmtzenverin will continue to
hold their weekly shoots at their range at
Kuscr's park throughout the winter , The
next shoot takes place Friday afternoon
Hilly Spcncor still claims to bo anxious to
meet Loon Lo/ler for a 100 or 1.1 ! ) vard sprint
for from $1 < X ) to ii ( ) n Hide. Ililly'says If the
match is made it will bo the best man for
the money , but a sprinter's word Is only
worth so much In old rags or scrap Iron ,
A. contest between .lack UavH , a local
heavy weight who attained usplcndldinputa-
tloil by his game tight with the icdonbtnhlo
Choyniskt before the California club last
spring , and u well known. St. Louis big 'uii.
yclept Allen , is the next prohnhlu attraction
before the South Omaha nthletlu club.
The sporting colter of Tin : lii.t : icturns
thanks to Ira I ) . Brougher , Mccrc-tnry of thu
American coursing club , for an invitation to
attend the llftH mutual running meeting held
nt the club's coin-so nt Great llrnd , Kim. , Oc
tober tl ! to y.'i Inclusive. Absence In tlin cast
prevented earlier acknowledgment of the
There Is strong talk of a llrst class lovkoy
club for Omaha In thu near future , and It Is
to bo hoped that the project may bo brought
to a successful hsuc. Xo city In the west
could butter support a fall nnd spring run
ning nnd trotting meet , If thoilovrrs of th <
turf would once make up their minds to con-
holidato and make the venture. St. Paul
Minneapolis and Kansas City all have llour
ishlng clubs , and thcjo cities are nil smaller
than Omaha.
Frank Parmnleo's recent victory over
Charlie Dudd m.iv lead to a match between
him and J. A. H. Jllhottof Kansas C'itj , who
Is undoubtedly the champion wing shot vl S
America. Bndd's dolcat points I'lnplmtically'
to the fact that thu genial Charlie' . , skill Is on
the wane , or Parnialeo's growing greater , ono
or tno other. Budd has defeated all the best
shots In the country in the past , mid ntono
tlmo htood pre-eminently tlio best wing. shot
in the world , but during tlio past two years - .
his defeats have outnumbered his victories , *
nnd many of them by unknown and ordinary
shots nt that. Klliott has rushed to the
front like a whlthvind , and every
crack that has met him , east or west , within
the past twelve-month has gene down with
hardly a struggle. Klliott first got on ( o hh
great form whllo attending a tournament in
this city about n year ago , when ho mndo
Parmcleo , Petty , drawer und all the local
champions take to the bush. Should ho and
PaniH'leo arrange n match it will bo ono that
will attract national attention , as the Kansas
City man is looked upon as a sort of pheno
menon by trap shots all over the country.
The writer witnessed thu $1,000 shoot be
tween IClllottnud Edgar G. Murphvof Long
Hr.iiicli , N. J. , at Hollywood , N. . ) , . on the
yoth Inst. , when the former vanquished thu
eastern crack by a suoto of ! ( t to bS live
pigeons out of 10. ) . Kllintt trul llvo birds dro
dead out of bounds , but nfter hn had virtual
ly won thi ) niatulfhnd the Dots of his fnamlt
wcro safe. If Panneleo can ba.\t htm
ho will put a bigger plnmo in hU hat than he
ovcrdrcninoiloC buloro , and it is , no odds on
Klliott if tlio race is ever shot.
Question * anil AIINWOTH.
Will you plo.iso lot mo know hovv many
games Omaha won and lost on tlio honid
grounds silica Juno 7J-C. S. Whitney ,
Ans. Won 23 , lost 10.
Will you please answer In the Sunday Brn
the fastest tlmo on recor.l roi * a running
horse ono quarter of a mlol--Tlui ! Turk ,
Nordon , Nob.
Ans.- Hello , ago and weight unknown -nt"
( Jalvoston , Tevns , .Inly It , lbi-0 , u'P'jS.
Inagamoof high llvo A mil II hn\o , M )
points , C and D 15. U and D buy Iho trump
for 'J , and make both lives and game * , A nnd
H making high , low , . .luck.Vho wins' -
Halo Perrlne , Winner , Neb.
Ans. A nud B ,
Has it been decided by the Oouli i man.
ngoiiiunt whether Frank Leonard will
imimige tlio Onuiliu tinm next scasii ( What
Is Leonard's addru-nl Was ho ever a ball
player ! -U. I , M. , Nebraska City.
Ans. Cannot state whether Lo.manl will
bo re-cngaceil or not , but It is huMI > pi-oba-
able. Lynn , Mass. Vo-s.
Will you please publish In Sun lay's BKB
that clause of the Nubrask.i game law gov
erning wild fowl shootlngl Hanmerless ,
Blair , Nob.
Aus. Un fortunatelyNchr.i.ska's game laws
embody no clause governing wild lov\l shoot-w-V
To dccldo a bet , plt-aso state in Sunday's
Issue I'alo Alto's bust tlmo. What h a "show
down" In draw poker , and < MII a bet bo wnn
on a "short" hand , that Is If 1 cull for four
cards and get but two , still m iko my hand
solid t Spoit , city.
Ans. 3 113If. When a player f dU for n
show for his inonuy. Suppodng onoplajcr
makes n bet of IO nnd his opp.ntrat has but ,
7 , ho calls for a " shov > f down , " or for the
whole of his pile , 1 f hn has th < h it hand hn
wins. It Is a misdeal and the i irJs must buV
ivdualt. < V
, \
Dr. llirnoy euros catarrh , Mco I1M- ' .
Water color hUoU'liun of Moxk-urx
at llotfloi'VliltiiinroK , 1619-
"Hnvon't you forKOttcu somntliliij , ' , Mr ! "
nsl 'd tliu liDiul ixnti'i * of a KIIOH ulu > limit'
ji.ilil bis bill and wilt leaving llin hnli'l , "Oh ,
no , " replied tlio noii-tlpMjr | ; "If I hiivt ) joti
can Ui't'H ' It , " "Muvli oblltroil' ' I nnlU-o jou
loltyour pockulbook lyln on tlio desk "
Dr. lih-noy , nose ati-J throat , 15 'j b1